Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. This takes place after the series finale.
Snow fell quickly and laid upon the grounds of the mountain compound where she lived. She sighed softly. She loved snow and the scene almost reminded her of her village. The village that cast her twin brother out simply because he was male and a fire demon. Her red eyes sparked with fury at the thought. Her brother had done nothing to them and, rather than let their mother raise both of them, they chose to throw her twin off the island.
I admitted to Mr. Hiei that I had come to look upon my people as cold-hearted people who don’t deserve to live. However, I don’t have the strength of will to kill them myself.
She looked down into the cup in her hands and she gasped softly. Her reflection in the tea showed a girl with intense angry red eyes. She had never seen herself look like that and could only chalk it up to her thoughts about her brother.
She tore her thoughts away from her brother and instead thought of her friends. Yusuke was due to return from Demon World, Kurama and Kazuma were about to graduate from high school as was Keiko, and Hiei would remain in Demon World. She felt really sad about Hiei staying in Demon World, but didn’t know why. Every time she looked at him, she felt like he was familiar to her long before they met when he helped rescue her from Tarukane. The fire demon had always been willing to listen to her and give advice when asked. I would like to talk to him now. I kind of miss him.
She heard snow crunching and looked over to see a dark figure walking in her direction. It was a short figure and male as well. Her heart pounded as the figure drew closer. It’s Mr. Hiei! But, why is he here?
Hiei walked slowly through the snow, two Hiruseki necklaces around his neck. He would have preferred to stay in Demon World but the constant prodding from Mukuro for him to visit Yukina finally got to him and he agreed to see her, if only to get Mukuro to shut up about it. As he headed toward the house, he found he actually wanted to talk to Yukina; not necessarily to tell her the truth but just to see her. She was his twin sister, after all.
He spied a square of yellow light on the freshly fallen snow and, after using his Jagan, found his sister in the room alone. He quickly put his necklace under his shirt before removing the other and putting it in his pocket. I’m just here to talk and visit so Mukuro will stop pestering me; nothing more. He approached the lit room, deliberately crunching the snow so he didn’t surprise her with his sudden appearance. It paid off as she looked over upon hearing the crunching and the smile that came to her face gave Hiei a warm feeling inside as well as intense love.
“Mr. Hiei. Hi. What brings you here? I thought you were staying in Demon World.”
“That is still my intention, however I can visit whomever and whenever I choose.”
Yukina then realized that the tea in her hands was cold. “Oh, I could make some fresh tea. Would you like some, Mr. Hiei?”
“I would, actually. Thank you.”
Yukina smiled brightly as she left. She loved serving her guests and Hiei, in particular. I really missed him. I’d like to think it’s because he’s living in Demon World, but I keep feeling that there’s another reason.
Hiei stared outside at the snow. Despite being cast out, he had always loved the snow. He could only chalk it up to his ice heritage. He recalled his feelings about the ice apparitions when he set eyes on them for the first time in years. He had gotten his Jagan for the purpose of finding the village and his stone, the former so he could fulfill his life’s purpose: Kill every ice apparition. However, upon arrival, he found a race of women and girls who feared him and it gave him the impression that they were already dead in spirit and he found that he no longer desired to kill them. He continued to wonder to this day why he did not kill them when he had killed other demons for years. The only possible explanation was because they were his people and he wanted to prove that he wasn’t entirely violent and cruel.
“Mr. Hiei?”
The fire demon looked over to see that Yukina had returned and had set down a tray with a teapot and two cups. “It’s interesting that we have the same tea preference, she said as she poured. “Plain. No sugar or any other condiments.”
“Tea is better when in its pure form,” Hiei said as he accepted his cup.
“You’re right.” Yukina sipped her tea before adding. “I missed you, Mr. Hiei. I’m not sure why, I just do.” She smiled. “You have always been so nice to me, like a brother. Speaking of which, have you found him yet?”
“You still believe he’s alive?”
“I do. I had hoped you would meet him at the tournament three years ago, but maybe he was eliminated before you could.”
Hiei looked at her happy face and felt guilt at keeping his silence. He had his reasons for not telling her, one being that he promised not to tell as the price for his Jagan. He had been released from that promise, but he had kept his silence. I would like to tell her, but suppose I am not what she imagined her brother to be like? “If I did find him,” he said slowly. “What would you imagine him to be like?”
“Well, I’ve always imagined him as a strong fighter, hard to beat. I’d like him to be nice to me and not afraid to tell me anything. Of course, I would hope he would get his revenge on our people.”
“You do know that if he’s a strong fighter that means he’s a murderer, a criminal even.”
“I do, but that is the way in Demon World, isn’t it? Most are thieves, murderers, and criminals.”
“You are correct.” Most of what Yukina had just said fit him perfectly and he now knew that he could tell her anything and she would most likely understand. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out her necklace. He passed it to her and then pulled his own out from under his shirt. “I’m your brother, Yukina,” he said, not looking at her. “I had my reasons for not telling you. The one who gave me the Jagan said that the price for it was to never tell you we were related. He has released me from that promise three years ago.” He looked up to see Yukina’s face shining with love.
“Now I know why I missed you so much,” she said in a whisper. “It’s because you’re my brother.”
“So, you are not angry that I didn’t tell you years ago?”
“Of course not. You were forced to keep quiet about it and I understand that. What I want to know is why haven’t you gotten your revenge?”
“I did go to the village years ago to do just that. I found our people to be cold and a seemingly unfeeling group. I knew I would feel no satisfaction from their deaths and…I guess I wanted to prove that I don’t kill just because I can.”
“I see. That’s why they’re still alive.”
“In their own limited way, yes. If I had killed them, I would never had known I had a twin sister.”
“You didn’t know?”
“Not until Rui told me after leading me to Mother’s tomb. She told me you had disappeared some time ago and no one had heard from you. I knew then that I had to find you.”
“Oh, Hiei. You are just the kind of brother I dreamed. You love me, want to protect me.”
“I do. I had felt a bit guilty about not telling you when I had no reason to keep it from you.”
“I’m glad you finally told me. Maybe you’ll visit me more often?”
“I promise.”
There was a brief silence before Yukina said, “It looks like it’s snowing harder.”
“It seems so. I like snow.”
“Me too.” Both siblings sat in silence, watching the snow as it fell to the ground.