Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the unnamed demons are mine. This takes place after the series ended. This story contains excessive violence and sexual scenes. I ask that no one under twenty-one read this. Thank you.
Chapter One- A Mother and a Mate
When he regained consciousness, his first thought was, I’m going to kill them. It is not very honorable to stab your enemy in the back. Kurama growled angrily and then cut it short. That sounded very demon-like as was my previous thought. He heard sobbing and opened his eyes to see the inside top of a casket. He blinked in confusion. Why was he in a casket and who was crying? He closed his eyes to focus on his hearing and determined that the one crying was his mother!
Kurama’s heart sank. I’m dead. That’s the only reason for the casket and her crying. That stab must have been worse than I thought: It was fatal. But, if I am dead, then how can I still be alive? He heard his mom’s sobs fading as well as her footsteps: She had left. Kurama planted a hand on the lid and pushed it open. His eyes landed on the white pants he was wearing and trailed down to the matching shoes, creamy white skin, and silver tail as he sat up. He held up a hand to see the same skin tone and clawed fingers. He raised it to his head and felt an ear on the top of his head. He brought some hair over his shoulder: It was silver-white.
Now, I understand. He brushed the hair back. The stab wound was fatal. My human soul and body died and my demon form resurfaced. Question is, what do I do now? My original plan had been that I would return to Demon World after ten years as a human, but my mother’s illness prompted me to stay. Wait. My…mother? I still care and love her. I’ve learned compassion. I am not the same cold-hearted demon anymore.
He concentrated on resuming his human self. His plan was to go to his mother and claim the wound wasn’t deep enough to kill him. Then, he would tell the truth about himself. He opened his eyes and looked down to see his demon body. Of course. Shuichi’s soul has moved on. I was able to return to human form in the past because of Shuichi. But maybe I can use my illusion ability to carry out my plan. He summoned his energy and used it to construct the illusion of his human form. He opened his eyes and held up a hand to see no claws and a peach-like skin tone. He ran a hand down his hair and brought some around. It was mid-back long and red. Perfect. Now to see Mother and explain myself.
He went down the hall to see the bedroom door open and that Shiori had fallen asleep, tear stains still visible. He quietly cleared his throat and said, “Mother?”
Shiori’s eyes flew open and she sat up to look at her son. She blinked several times before saying in a whisper, “S-Shuichi? No, you’re dead. You’re not here, you’re dead.”
“Yes and no,” Yoko admitted. “I am your son, but I’m also a demon. My name back then was Yoko Kurama. I had lived as a fox demon thief for centuries until a little over fifteen years ago. I was injured while escaping from a theft gone wrong. I used the last of my energy to come to Earth and merged my spirit with the spirit of your unborn child.”
Shiori stared at the face of her son. He was claiming that he was a demon who had merged with her baby. It seemed impossible and unbelievable and yet Shuichi had never lied to her. “You’re serious?” she said at last.
“Yes. The stab wound was fatal and Shuichi’s soul is gone, however the body reshaped itself into my demon form. I am using my illusion ability right now?”
“Can-can I see?”
“Of course.” Yoko dropped his illusion and allowed his true self to show. Shiori gasped as he sat beside her. She slowly stretched out her hand and gently brushed back some of his bangs before sliding her hand to his cheek. She looked into gold eyes that showed the love and compassion she had always seen in her son’s eyes. He is my son and yet he’s not.
“Oh, Shuichi. I mean, Yoko Kurama. I believe you. You have the same love and compassion for me like Shuichi did.”
“I used to be cruel and cold-hearted before I became your son. You taught me how to love and be compassionate. I could never go back to how I was.”
Shiori hugged him. “Then, don’t. Be proud of the demon you’ve become. Perhaps you can teach other demons to be compassionate as well.”
I doubt it, but going home does sound nice. I could see my mate and declare to all that I am a changed demon. “You are correct. I plan to teach and I would like to start immediately. Goodbye, Mother. I love you and will visit from time to time.”
Shiori kissed his cheek. “Goodbye, Yoko. I love you too and look forward to your visits.”
Yoko walked across the landscape, enjoying the stormy skies of Demon World. He was heading for his most secret hideout. It was a vast underground network of rooms all concealed under a rock inside a fox hole cave. He had been moving quickly for three days, but slowed on this, his fourth day in Demon World. He was taking his time to truly savor the fact that he had returned. Surely, news of my return has spread and I intend to see Yomi to tell him how this happened. He smiled as he recalled the friendly terms upon which he and Yomi has parted after the Demon World Tournament.
Yoko slowed to a stop and as he thought of what to say to Yomi, a black blur plowed into him and sent both tumbling into a dense clump of bushes. Yoko looked at his attacker and laughed. “Nice to see you as well, Hiei.”
Hiei looked at his mate with red eyes that were brighter than usual. “Hn, I’ve been looking for you, Fox, ever since I heard you were sighted. I thought you were staying in Human World.”
“That had been the plan. However, I got unexpectedly and fatally stabbed. Shuichi died and his body reformed into my demon body. I was able to speak with my mother with me promising to visit now and then.
“Hiei, are you all right? You seem to be trembling.” Yoko looked at Hiei with concern.
“You picked a bad time to get stabbed.”
“Did I?” Yoko cocked an eyebrow.
“Yes. I would have been able to resist as usual.”
“Resist? Hiei, what are you talking about?”
“My mating urge is surfacing again.”
“Ah. That explains your brighter eyes. Hiei, we’re unofficially mates so what would you say to making it official?”
Hiei didn’t respond in words. Instead he seized Yoko around the neck and planted a long loving kiss on the lips. He pulled back and ran his right fingers across Yoko’s chest while his left fingers moved across the neck. His left index finger paused and Yoko gasped as he felt a brief, searing pain. “Hiei, what-?”
“Hn. I just marked you as mine. I branded a flame mark on your neck that has a black dragon coiled around it. Anyone who sees it will know you’re mine.”
“Interesting.” Personally, Yoko thought it was cool being marked like this. It was unique and left no doubt who Yoko’s mate was.
Hiei gave another kiss as his left hand ran over an ear and through the silver hair. His touches sent a longing shiver through the fox and he actually let out a whine when Hiei pulled away. “Hn, don’t worry, Yoko. We’ll couple eventually. I’ll be able to find you no matter where you are. I have duties to do, so goodbye for now.’ Hiei smiled gently as he left, his urge subsiding for the time being.
Chapter Two- Betrayal
Yoko left his hideout hours later after ascertaining its status as to livability and taking a short nape. He smiled on the way to Gandara City, re-living his encounter with Hiei. He ran two fingers across the mark, feeling the slightly raised edges. A flame mark with a black dragon coiled around it. Heh, that will definitely identify my mate. The black dragon most will associate with Hiei. Furthermore, it’s neatly hidden under my hair. No one will target either one of us if they don’t know about the mark, indicating we’re mates. Or even if they do, they will know to stay away.
Yoko strode into Gandara City a day later, noting the lack of security guards tailing him which made sense: Yomi and he had parted on good terms. He met up with two guards at the entrance to Yomi’s home and, after stating his intention to just talk, was escorted to the blind demon. A tray of tea was brought and after a few sips, Yomi spoke first. “I must say I was surprised to hear you were in Demon World and in your demon form as well. I was under the impression that you were going to suppress your Yoko identity in favor of staying with your human mother.”
“That is no longer possible. I foolishly let my guard down and I was fatally stabbed in the back. I remembered feeling pain in my back and then I woke up in a casket and my human mother crying. I quickly realized that the human soul of Shuichi died from the stabbing and the body became my demon one. Mother knows the truth and hopes for future visits. I came to you to tell this and my desire to let Demon World know that I will no longer steal or kill. I am a more compassionate demon now.”
“Indeed? So, no chance that my old partner will resurface?”
“None whatsoever. I’ve had time to think of what to do with my life since returning and I believe earning my living as a botanist makes perfect sense.”
“Of course. I daresay that some demons may come to you for herbal remedies that you could charge. I would be willing to supply a greenhouse and materials to jumpstart your career.”
“That is most generous, Yomi.” Yoko mixed a little milk to his tea and took a few sips.
“I could do no less for an old friend.” Yomi smiled and to Yoko it seemed too cold and cruel to be a genuine, happy smile. Yoko then gasped and his cup slipped from his hand. His body suddenly went numb and he couldn’t feel anything. His eyes landed on the container of milk which was the only thing he had different from Yomi. Yomi usually puts a little milk in his tea as well, but not this time which means some kind of paralyzing drug was put in it prior to the tray being brought out. Yomi, you traitor. Yoko collapsed to the floor, unconscious.
Yoko groggily returned to consciousness and the rumble of hundreds of voices reached his ears. A prick near his main artery brought him to full wakefulness. He snapped his head around to see Youda, Yomi’s advisor, backing away with a sadistic grin and an empty syringe which worried him a little; he doubted the contents were intended to wake him up, so what was it designed to do? He looked around to take stock of his surroundings and not worry too much about the syringe.
He was securely bound to a chair in what appeared to be a courtroom. Hundreds of demons filled the benches in front of him. Youda sat behind a table between the stand his chair was on and the benches. He saw an empty table across from Youda’s table and an empty juror’s box on the other side of Youda’s table. A judge’s platform stood beside him and sitting there was Yomi. The regal demon banged a gavel. “Order!” he called and a silence fell over the room. “The trial of Yoko Kurama will now begin!”
Trial? Yoko inwardly scoffed. Yeah, right. This will be more like a kangaroo court.
“Youda, read the charges,” Yomi ordered.
“Yes, Your Honor,” Youda said as he stood. He cleared his throat and intoned, “Yoko Kurama, you are accused of theft, murder, and rape.”
Yoko growled and his tail swished angrily. “I object to those charges.”
“Do you?” Youda countered. “You deny you committed these crimes?”
“I do not deny that I stole and murdered. I dispute the rape charge. Every sexual encounter I engaged in was consensual.”
“Not according to these statements.” Youda held up a sheaf of papers. “These are the accusations of at least a hundred demons, male and female, who claim you took advantage of them.” Boos and hisses sounded through the room as well as catcalls and jeers.
“I never took advantage of anyone,” Yoko stated firmly, his voice rising above the sounds the spectators.
Yomi banged for order and received it. “Yoko Kurama, you have been known to be a convincing liar, so you’ll understand why no one here believes anything you say.”
“Yes, of course,” Yoko said bitterly. “Very well. Do what you wish.”
Yomi smiled in satisfaction. “Yoko Kurama, you are guilty of theft, murder, and rape. Your punishment will be two-fold: You will be imprisoned in one of my detentions cells and your victims or their relatives will take their revenge on you and by victims, I refer to the rape victims. Youda, if you will.” He nodded at his aide.
Yoko watched Youda approach with what was clearly a shock prod. His instinct prompted him to struggle to escape the prod; it did no good, he was bound too securely. Youda activated the prod and it buzzed loudly as he applied it to the base of Yoko’s spine. The electricity danced up his spine and over his body. Yoko couldn’t help screaming in pain before passing out from the intensity.
Yomi tilted his head, his ears focused on the unconscious demon beside him. The deep, even breathing told him that Yoko was indeed out. He then addressed the room. “I know I said that the rape victims or their relatives will take their revenge on Yoko and I stand by that. However, if anyone else wants some fun with the fox, they are welcome to- for a price. So, who’s interested in paying for that opportunity?” His smile grew as he detected the sounds of demons lining up to pay him. Oh, Yoko. Your life is about to become a living hell.
Yoko’s head throbbed as he came around. He also felt weak and deduced that there were energy wards nearby meaning he couldn’t use his energy to effect an escape. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a cell, which he had expected to see upon opening his eyes. It was furnished with a simple cot, a sink, a toilet, and a mirror. He also saw shackles on the wall. There were five and placed so that one could pin Yoko’s arms, legs, and tail in a spread-eagle fashion so that he couldn’t fight back. He sighed at the sight of the shackles. Clearly some of my willing partners will want to humiliate me by restraining me on the wall.
Yoko was lying on his right side and propped himself up on his right arm. He looked down with the intention of getting up but that decision was put on hold as he stared at his chest. His muscular chest was a little less muscular but still impressive and hanging from it was a pair of female breasts! Part of them were exposed while the rest were concealed by the tunic.
Yoko stood up to find that he was now a she. She was still muscular but less so and still impressive. Her neck, arms, and legs were slender and graceful. Her figure was hour-glass, her face curved, and her facial features delicate. Her claws were longer and sharper and her tail was fuller and bushier.
Yoko felt sick to her stomach as she took in her new body. No one will take me seriously like this. She felt a flush creep into her face and a sense of humiliation washed over her. But that latter feeling would be nothing compared to stranger demons forcing themselves on her. Of course, they will want to make sure I do not end up pregnant during all those rapes. A sudden thought occurred to her and she put her fingers to the back of her neck. She sighed in relief. Oh, thank goodness. Hiei’s mark is still there. I was worried that my new body somehow affected it. Clearly such is not the case and in hindsight, it wouldn’t have been affected by a change in form.
An intercom on the inside of the door crackled to life. “Good morning, Yoko,” came Yomi’s voice. “What do you think of your cosmetic change?”
She pushed the button. “It sickens me, Yomi,” she answered in a soprano voice. She put a hand to her throat upon hearing it. It was an attractive voice, she would admit but it sickened her even more.
“Well then, this will make you feel worse: There is no way to undo the change. You will remain as you are now and you will service many demons. Of course, we will be sure to administer a birth control pill to you to insure you don’t end up pregnant.”
“Of course,” she said to herself as the intercom clicked off.
Chapter Three- The First Assault
Yoko leaned against the sink to examine her reflection in the mirror. Her face was as pretty as she had thought. She traced a long claw gently over her full lips and up to a soft cheek. She tried to picture that same face cut and bruised but was having difficulty doing so. She raised her eyes to her ears and hair. Her ears were still long but had a delicate and elegant look to them now. Her hair’s length had grown a little and ended a bit past the base of her tail; it was also silkier than before. She held up her hands to eye her claws’ length before turning them over so that she was looking at the backs. The length and points made her slender fingers look longer. They sure look dangerous, she thought as she flexed them. I may be able to exact some sort of revenge with them. All in all, I’m just as attractive as a female as I was as a male, maybe more so.
Yoko was curled up fast asleep on her cot when she heard the sound of her cell’s glass partition sliding closed. She blinked as her eyes opened to see a tall hulking demon with bulging muscles toss a white bathrobe at the foot of her cot. “Yomi requests you wear that between you sexual encounters,” he rumbled in a deep voice.
Yoko wanted to argue, but reasoned that if she refused, her current attire would be ripped off her and she was rather fond of her outfit. Furthermore, the robe would be easier to remove not to mention put on.
“Now, strip, fox. I’m your first ‘customer’.”
Yoko stood, turned from him, and began removing her shoes, then her pants, and finally her tunic. She looked over her shoulder to see him looking her over hungrily. “My, even female you’re attractive.”
“I do not recall having sex with you,” she said.
Even her voice is attractive, he thought before saying, “We didn’t, but you engaged in sex with my niece. She didn’t want to face you again, so I volunteered to help her get her revenge.” He seized the six foot tall fox and shackled all five limbs to the wall. He stood there for a moment, drinking in her exposed form before removing his clothes. He stepped closer and ran a finger between her breasts and down her stomach. She gasped at the finger running down her stomach; that was clearly a sensitive spot; one she didn’t have before. Clearly as a female, it is now.
“Oh, yes. I imagine that tickled a little,” the male said. He ran a finger around a breast before seizing it and squeezing as hard as he could. Yoko pressed her lips together to avoid crying out. The male growled at her silence then grabbed the other one and squeezed both hard. Yoko then cried out at the pressure applied to her chest.
“That’s better,” he said. “I intend to make you regret bedding my niece. I spent decades dreaming of what I would do to you if I had the chance. One possibility was taking you as a girl and making you pregnant with my child. Now, I simply want to abuse you and I will.”
His leering face ignited a desire to get away from him. She started to strain against her restraints. She pushed her wrists and ankles against the metal and wrenched them around. She had to break free!
“Hey! Stop that!” He swung a meaty hand around and struck her hard on her left cheek. She gasped from the pain and the suddenness of the slap as her head snapped around. He grinned at her reaction before striking her other cheek, eliciting the same reaction.
“I like this,” he said. “You are helpless and powerless to stop me from doing as I please.” He tilted her head up so that he could look her in the face. He jerked away when she attempted to bite him. Her teeth clicked together as she missed.
“What was that about me being helpless and powerless?” she quipped.
“You bitch!” he snapped before bringing up his knees and striking her in the privates. She screamed and he kneaded her again and again. She cried out each time and then gave an ear-splitting one as he shoved his shaft into her hole as hard as he could. He pumped in and out, delighting in the pained cries coming from the fox’s throat. His delight was such that he fired into Yoko whose eyes widened at the feel of it entering her. The demon stepped back, panting before pulling on his clothes, pulling a pill out of his pants, and forcing it down Yoko’s throat. The fox swallowed it early, not wanting to be pregnant with his child. “Well, this was satisfying. I think I’ll pay Yomi to add me to the list again.” He strode to the door and as it rose to let him out, he punched a button to open the shackles. Yoko collapsed to the floor, sore and a little humiliated. She crawled to her cot and slipped on the robe before climbing up and curling up in the cot.
“So, how was it?” Yomi asked. “I made sure the camera was off to give you privacy.”
“She’s certainly spirited and fiery, but I like that in a girl. She seemed determined to fight back so I taught her a couple of lessons before treating her as I saw fit. It was enjoyable as I abused her. I want to be added to the list again.” He slid some money across the table.
“Consider it done. Youda, add his name to the bottom.”
“I thank you.” The demon bowed and left, leaving Yomi to his thoughts.
I expected Yoko to fight and resist. She’s strong-willed so I knew the first demon needed to be physically strong. It’s also important to have demons with sadistic streaks to go first in order to break Yoko’s spirit and make her compliant with the others that will come later.
“Lord Yomi, shall I send the next demon in?” Youda asked.
“No. Let her rest for now and think of possibly giving into her new lot in life. In fact, I think I will have a talk with her.”
Yoko was just stirring when she heard footsteps approaching. She sat up and stood facing the door, the hem of her robe reaching to her lower legs. She saw Yomi approach the glass, a smirk on his face. “I heard you first encounter was spirited on your part and satisfying on the other’s part.”
“Yomi, if your intention was to humiliate or embarrass me, being raped will not achieve either result.”
“You are correct…for now. However, I do have demons who paid me for the purpose of either mocking you or having pure sex with you.”
“That’s…sick.” Yoko couldn’t believe her old partner would let this happen. Then again, maybe I can believe it as it is occurring.
“Believe what you want. I want to break you as revenge for your decision to live as a human and then resolving to stop thieving. I decided that if you were determined to start anew, then I would choose your new place for you.”
“I thought we had parted on good terms.”
“We had, but I had time to think. Now I want you to suffer. You will have one or two visitors a day and their intentions will be random. You may have a heckler and a partner, or two partners, and so on.” His smile grew. “A shame you’re not officially mated. At some point, your desire for your mate would flare-up and I would enjoy watching you be aggressive with one of your scheduled partners.”
Yomi walked away, leaving a horrified Yoko behind. She put a hand to rest on the part of her hair that hid the mark. She had been officially mated three days ago and neither of them knew that Yoko would be imprisoned and female before a mating flare-up will eventually happen. Thing is, I don’t know when or how often fire demons get an urge. Foxes get them at least once a week until the female is pregnant. Two male mates can have flare-ups and be aggressive without worrying about having a family. Now, that I’m female, I will continue to have flare-ups until I’m pregnant and I will be rather aggressive with my mate to achieve that. And speaking of mates, will Hiei still want to be mates now that I’m female? I still love him, but he may not if and when he sees me.
Chapter Four- Horror
Yoko stared into Hiei’s eyes with hope in her own. “Hiei, I didn’t do this on purpose,” she said with a pleading tone.
“I fell for you as a male. I’m not attracted or interested in girls as I was banished by my mother’s people. I don’t care if you did this on purpose or not, we’re through, Yoko.” He yanked her down and put a finger on the back of her neck. “I’m removing the mark and will find a different mate.”
Yoko felt a burning sensation briefly before being released. She fell face-down and lifted her head to see Hiei walk away into the darkness. “Hiei, no,” she said, feeling as if her heart would break.
Yoko’s gold eyes snapped open and she sat up, gasping and breathing hard. She looked around and put a hand to her neck. The mark was still there. She exhaled slowly before falling back against the pillow. “It was just a nightmare,” she murmured to herself. “We’re still mates and hopefully we’ll still be after he sees me.”
“Well, well. If it isn’t the King of Thieves,” said a mocking voice.
Yoko sat up to see a regally-dressed demon that she remembered stealing from a long time ago. Clearly, he’s one of the hecklers Yomi mentioned. Well, I won’t let the hecklers get to me. As the humans say, sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
“Actually, you would be the Queen of Thieves now, wouldn’t you? Not to mention, an attractive one.”
Yoko kept her gaze level as she said, “I would have to agree. However, I intend to give up being a thief.”
“I doubt it. Once a thief, always a thief. Oh, I would love for you to try to rob me again. I have a better security system and if I caught you, I would enjoy watching my torturer abuse you.”
“Well, you will have to imagine that as it’s likely that I will be spending the rest of my life here.” She gestured around her cell.
The heckler smiled thinly. “You must be horrified at being trapped in a female body for the rest of your life. I know I certainly would be.”
“On the contrary, it does not matter to me what my gender is as it does not change who I am. I am still Yoko Kurama and a fox demon.”
The demon scowled as he stormed away while Yoko smirked. Ah that was fun. He will likely complain to Yomi who will no doubt send someone to abuse and sexually assault me. That might be tomorrow, but most likely be later today. I will be certain to remain in an unperturbed frame of mind when that encounter comes. She remained where she was as a small slot in the partition opened and a food tray was pushed in. She got up once the slot was closed and went to the tray to have breakfast.
“She didn’t react to the taunts like that demon thought and she even tossed some aggravation his way,” Yomi told Youda. “Honestly, I didn’t she would react to taunts. Oh, well. Youda, contact the next so-called rape victim. He’ll likely start breaking Yoko’s spirit.”
Yoko laid on her cot an hour after lunch, staring at the ceiling. She was contemplating asking for books to read, perhaps even papers and a pen to keep her from continuing to be bored. Yomi will come to see me at some point or even speak through the intercom. I will make my request either way, though I do not know if he will accommodate me. Heavy footsteps were heard heading her way and she sat up to see a demon outside her cell, looking like he meant business. Yoko got up and approached the partition, outfit in hand. Her plan was to bolt the moment she had enough opening. Her energy would grow as she got away from the wards and once strong enough, she would use them to escape and flee to her underground hideout that was known only to her.
The glass started to rise and then stopped at her knee’s level. She blinked and then stared in amazement as the other demon shrank until he was small enough to enter through the opening. Once he was through, the door closed and he grew back to his eight foot height. He grinned at the stunned fox. “Surprise,” he said, taking her clothes and tossing them onto the cot. “Yomi figured you would attempt to escape and had me contacted to start breaking you.”
“You can try,” she replied, removing the robe with another plan running through her mind. If she could distract him with her body, she might be able to launch an attack. She would attempt to knock him unconscious and if failing that, she would reluctantly slash open his throat with her claws. I try to get away from my bloody past, but it seems I cannot. She sauntered up to the demon and smiled seductively even though she felt disgusted by her actions.
The male cocked an eyebrow at her actions. “What is this?” he asked.
“There’s really no need to break me. I have had time to think, you see. I realized that it would be in my best interest to engage in whatever my partners want and to enjoy every moment of it. Restraining me will not be necessary as I will be as eager to engage in sex as you are.” She leaned against the male’s muscular chest and teasingly ran her tail up and down one leg.
The male hummed at the feel of the tail running along his leg. “I see. Well then. I’ll be certain to tell Yomi that you’ve reconsidered your position. Perhaps, he’ll let me take you home with me and you can pleasure me and eventually give me a family.” He tilted her head up to gaze at her lovely face.
Suddenly, she lunged toward his throat, claws outstretched, but the demon reached out and gripped both hands with one of his own. He growled at her. “I knew it. It was another escape plan. You are a tricky one, but I am also a tricky demon. I pretended to go along with your words, suspecting all along that it was a ploy.” He lifted her off her feet, carried her to the shackles and bound her arms before doing the same to her legs and tail. “Now,” he said, stripping his clothes. “I need to make you less dangerous.” He pulled a clipper out a pants pocket, approached her, and clipped off the claws on her fingers. “That’s better,” he said, admiring his handiwork.
“You do realize that they will grow back.”
“Of course, but that will be days, maybe weeks. In the meantime, I and other demons won’t have to worry about getting scratched.” He gripped her chin and gave her a rough crushing kiss, thrusting his tongue past her lips and into her mouth. He pulled back and she gasped in disgust. He laughed at this. “Admit it: You enjoyed that.”
“You are deluded. That was disgusting,” she retorted.
“You’ll change your mind. I have hours to make you beg for my affections.”
“I doubt that.”
“Oh, do you?” He sniffed at her and then gave a huge grin. “Hmm, I can smell your pheromones. You’ve been mated recently, but haven’t coupled yet. Well, Yomi thought you didn’t have a mate, but it turns out you do. Arousing you will be easier than I thought. It won’t take hours, for one thing.” He stroked her cheeks with the back of his fingers and then along her jawline. He then began to kiss her jawline, trailing them down to her neck and throat. He kissed the neck again before licking at it.
Yoko’s eyes widened at the feel of his tongue across her skin. It felt so good and she unconsciously gave a murmur of contentment. She then moaned in pleasure when his tongue moved to her collarbone and his lips suckled the wet skin. Oh, God! she realized with horror. My body is being aroused by his ministrations! I’m also feeling my desire for my mate starting to flare up. I mustn’t act on them with these demons raping me! It’s hard to fight, but I must resist!
“Oh, yes,” the demon sighed as he ran his hands over her breasts. “Who knew you would be such an attractive female? Your body is perfect.” He pushed down on the breasts, eliciting gasps from the silver fox. He rubbed and pressed in on her hips before leaning down and licking at her navel. She moaned loudly and with clear relish. He moved lower and his eyes lit up with excitement: Her nether region was wet and he plunged his tongue in, drinking her nectar and nibbling her folds. Yoko moaned at the feeling and felt her desire truly firing up. It wanted her to attack her rapist with lusty aggression, to become pregnant with a kit to raise. She yelled when she felt the demon slide his manhood into her. He slid in and out slowly and gently at first, which made Yoko’s desire shoot up higher, but before long he was thrusting roughly and with reckless glee. “Argh!” he yelled as he fired into her. Yoko gave a scream of ecstasy, feeling disgusted with her body’s instincts.
Her rapist backed up, panting and smiling. “I told you I would arouse you. Your eyes’ emotions betray you. I see lust and desire in them,” he said as he got dressed. “Of course, you being mated helped.” He dug into a pocket, removed a pill, and popped it into her mouth where it was immediately swallowed. “I will be wanting another go-around.”
“I have a question,” she said hoarsely. “In the event that I escape, does everyone waiting on the list get their money back?”
“No. Yomi made it clear that there are no refunds. Besides, it’s pointless to ask. You’ll never escape.” He strolled to the door that opened fully. He hit the shackle release button and Yoko collapsed in a heap as the door came down. She felt violated and ashamed of how her mating desires triggered her body’s sexual desire. She hung her head and a couple of tears escaped.
Chapter Five- Terror
“So, she is mated.” Yomi laughed. “Well, that’s perfect. The more she’s raped, the more likely it is that she’ll surrender to her urges and she’ll feel awful about betraying her mate and it’ll ultimately break her.”
The demon grinned. “Her pheromones were coming through clear and strong when I first started messing with her. I got her aroused as I went on. There was lust and desire in her eyes and while I did get responses from her, I didn’t get any passion from her.”
“Makes sense. She’ll only be truly passionate with her mate.”
“Forgive me, Yomi but I saw no mating mark on her. Her scent told me she has a mate.”
Yomi tilted his head thoughtfully as his mind’s eye conjured up an image of male Yoko. “The mark may be on her back or neck. Her hair would easily conceal it. It indicates to me that she has a unique and sophisticated mate who may consider a biting mark to be…vulgar.”
“You are likely correct. May I leave?”
“Certainly. You’ve paid to be added to the list again and Youda has done so.” Yomi listened as his customer left before saying, “Youda, how is that list doing?”
“Quite well. My only wonder is how long Yoko will last.”
“Hopefully long enough for everyone to have at least one chance with her. Select someone who will mock her and be brutal with her as he rapes her.”
“Yes, sir.”
Hiei drummed his fingers restlessly on his thigh. He wanted his mate; his restlessness was a sign of an approaching flare-up. His eyes darted to the door and he longed to run out it and track down Yoko which wouldn’t take long; his Jagan would tune into the mark.
The fire demon snapped his attention to Mukuro who was looking at him with a knowing smile. “Hiei, you are trembling slightly. Am I correct in thinking that you have a mate and desire him or her right now?”
Hiei didn’t bother to deny it. “Yes. I want him right now.”
Mukuro swept an arm to the door. “Then go find him and take care of your desire.”
Hiei sprinted out the door and opened his Jagan once outside to focus on his unique mark. He knew only Yoko bore this mark and felt proud over it. He felt the traditional bite mark wasn’t good for his fox; it would mar his good looks so he opted for an elaborate burn mark on the neck that was concealed by the hair. He had claimed that he’d be able to find Yoko no matter where he was. Well, now he needed to find him. He focused on the mark and found it in the direction of Gandara City.
He went to see Yomi. Heh, figures. He took off for the blind demon’s home where he would focus on the mark again to get a more exact location of his mate’s whereabouts. Yoko is probably desiring me as much as I desire him. I know foxes get weekly mating flare-ups and he must be getting one right now.
Yoko awoke the morning after her aroused sex after another nightmare of Hiei leaving her and hearing her cell opening. She quickly came fully awake and focused on another physically imposing demon. He was looking her up and down and grinning in an amused fashion. She narrowed her eyes as she sat up. “What is so amusing?”
“You,” the demon said. “You used to be this big, bad, vicious demon and now you’re a soft, weak female.”
“Hardly,” she answered, standing up. “I’m still the same Yoko Kurama in here.” She tapped her chest.
“Not from what Yomi showed me. He left the security camera on during your last encounter.” He pointed to the camera in the far corner, the light off this time.
Yoko paled at his words. “It was recording?”
“That’s right. He even told me the conversation between him and the demon concerning your instincts. I like the idea of raping a demon who’s feeling sexual.” He pulled the robe’s belt loose and it fell to the floor. He stripped off his clothes and the pushed off Yoko’s robe, gripping her arms, and looking at her naked and slightly bruised body. He used one hand to lightly brush one of the darker bruises on the arm. Yoko winced slightly. “That hurt, huh? Good, because I intend to be brutal with you while I rape you.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her to her knees before he pulled her legs out from under her, resulting in her lying on the floor.
“Not going to restrain me?” she questioned.
“Nah, it’ll interfere with my treatment of you.” He straddled her waist, reached forward, and grabbed her arms with one hand and held them above her head. He pushed his chest on top of hers and thrust his tongue into her mouth. He ran it over the contours of her mouth and tongue before using it to drag her tongue into his mouth and guiding it over the interior of his mouth before releasing it. He then began running his tongue along her face, jawline, and neck. He kissed and suckled the wet skin of the neck, knowing from the recording that she reacted sexually to it. Yoko moaned the whole time, feeling her desire igniting again.
Her moans became screams as her tormentor started punching her body: Arms, legs, stomach; he hit hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to break bones. He then squeezed her breasts and her scream excited him and spurred him to a higher level of brutality. He squeezed the limbs he had punched as hard as he could. He actually punctured the skin a few times causing his victims to gasp. She then growled in an aroused manner and her eyes were alight with lust and desire again.
“Oh, I’m ready to move on yet,” he said sadistically.
“I’m honestly done with being abused. I’d rather be having sex,” she snarled.
“My, someone’s more emotional in her new gender. Is it possible that you’re thinking like a girl now?”
“I do not think so. My body and instincts may be female, but my mind will not follow suite.”
The demon shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter to me. Yomi may hope for that outcome, but I don’t care. I only want to abuse you and make you suffer. Fortunately, I’m an expert at both.” He flexed his right hand and drew two of his claws down her left cheek slowly, drawing blood and causing air to hiss between the fox’s teeth. He moved them to the other cheek and drew them down in one quick, deep movement, getting Yoko to cry out.
“Oh, yeah,” the demon snickered. “I love torture and abuse.” He proceeded to scratch Yoko on her limbs causing agonized cries from his victim. Yoko’s body was soon a mass of cuts, bruises, and sore spots where the punches had struck. She moaned softly, feeling her spirit weakening, half-hoping to die. She gave a hoarse scream as she felt her privates being fondled before her tormentor’s shaft entered her. He took his time with his pumping and thrusting, drawing exquisite torment from the fox. He finally climaxed and fired into her.
He panted as he eased off her, retrieved the birth control pill, and pried open Yoko’s mouth to pop it in. She swallowed it without comment and painfully pulled on the robe and belted it as the demon got dressed. When he finished, he crouched by the silver fox, and gave a hard punch to her temple, hitting a pressure point and knocking her out cold. She fell on her side, her back to the door. He brushed aside the hair to look for a mark and saw something on the neck. He leaned in closer: It was a flame shape with a black dragon coiled around it.
A black dragon? He inhaled sharply as it hit him. Oh, no! That’s Hiei’s attack! Hiei is Yoko’s mate! I need to tell Yomi! He turned to tell the guards to open the door only to find it already open and a short black-haired demon stood there, his sword already drawn and down at his side.
Chapter Six- Rescue
Hiei stood at the edge of Gandara City, gazing at the sprawling metropolis for a moment before focusing his Jagan on the mark. He traced it to the basement of Yomi’s home and then he grasped his eye and winced. Yoko was in pain; he sensed it through the Jagan. He pulled out his headband and covered his eye before speeding into the city, sword drawn. His fox had been hurt and there was going to be hell to pay! He swiftly blew past the guards at the front door; actually his Jagan put them to sleep. He sped down the stairs and spied two guards outside a glass doored cell that had wards on either side of the door frame. His sword was a blur as he flashed it across their throats. They fell and he punched the door open button. As the door rose, he spied two figures inside. One was a tall demon standing crouched over a silver-haired one wearing a white robe. He’s the one who hurt him. I’ll kill him!
The demon turned to see Hiei in the door and, to the fire demon’s surprise, fainted dead away. He scowled as he sheathed his sword, gathered Yoko’s clothes in a cloth he tied around his neck before scooping up his mate and fleeing Gandara City. He ran to Yoko’s secret underground lair; he had tested the mark days ago and it showed the fox resting in his lair. He slid both through the sliding tunnel and came out in the Entrance Hall. He went to Yoko’s bedroom, laid the fox on the bed, place the bundle on the floor, and took off for the bathroom to get a bowl of water and a rag. He shook his head slightly. How can Yoko get running water underground? My mate is simply amazing.
He returned to the bedroom to find Yoko awake and facing away from him. His body was trembling though from what, Hiei wasn’t sure. “Fox,” he said in a gentle tone that no one but Yukina had heard. “I brought some water and a cloth. Turn around and take off the robe so I can clean you up.” To his surprise, Yoko shook his head. “Yoko, I can tell you’re in too much pain to tend to your injuries yourself. Also, I’m your mate and mates take care of each other.” He made out a barely audible sob and his concern grew. What did that demon do to him?
“What’s the matter with you?” he demanded, getting a little annoyed with Yoko’s odd behavior.
Yoko turned his head to look back at him and Hiei caught sight of a scratched and bruised feminine face before it turned away. Hiei was stunned by what he saw. Yoko is female! That may explain why he, I mean she, refused to turn around. She’s embarrassed to be seen like this. “Talk to me, Yoko. Tell me what happened.”
“Yomi tricked me into believing he would assist me in a botany career,” she began in a voice that was soft, sad, and yet attractive to Hiei. “He had a drug in the milk I put in my tea that knocked me out. I awoke to find myself on trial for my past crimes. They twisted my consensual sex into rape and found me guilty of that as well as theft and murder. I was sentenced to imprisonment and being raped. A syringe and a shock prod is what I believe changed my gender which I was told is irreversible.”
“Are you…possibly pregnant?” Hiei asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.
“No. Every encounter ended with a birth control pill.” She paused before adding, “Go ahead, Hiei.” She moved her hair over her shoulder to expose the mark.
“Go ahead what?”
“Remove the mark. You do not love me anymore, correct?”
“Don’t love you!?” Hiei exclaimed. “Where in Demon World did you get an idea like that?”
Yoko looked over her shoulder and Hiei was again struck by her female face. “I had nightmares that you left me because I’m female now and that you don’t like girls.” A tear slid down an injured cheek.
“Yoko…no. I would never leave you for that. I don’t care if you’re male or female; it’s you yourself that I’m attracted to.”
Yoko fully turned around. “R-really?”
“Yes.” He brushed back her hair. “Now, how about letting me tend to you?”
She nodded. “All right.” She reached into her hair with some effort and removed a leaf that she rubbed into pieces and tipped into the water before removing the robe. “I added an herb to aid in the relief,” she explained upon seeing Hiei’s raised eyebrow.
He nodded as he dipped the cloth into the water, wrung it out, and gently ran it across the left cheek. Yoko winced at the stinging she felt but did nothing more. Hiei moved to the other cheek, noting that the scratches there were deeper. He returned the cloth to the bowl and his eyes looked up and down at the injuries and felt sick at what he saw. She went through hell and a simple bowl and cloth isn’t enough. She needs a bath with healing herbs, soap, and shampoo.
“Hiei?” Yoko asked when the fire demon stood and picked up the bowl.
“I’m going to draw you a bath,” he answered. “You have more injuries than a bowl can handle. Plus, I would love the scrub you down.” He gave her a sly smile and left, missing the flush that came to Yoko’s face.
I never dreamed Hiei could be so sweet, but then we did not interact after admitting interest to one another after the tournament. She gingerly lifted her arm and brushed the mark with her fingers. A surge of love washed over her: Her urge had returned now that her relationship with Hiei was assured. I want to couple with him, but after the bath.
Hiei ran a hand under the water and when it was warm, he plugged the tub and began to rummage around to see what was available. He found bottles of herbs and added two of them to the water along with a couple handfuls of dried rose petals. The aroma of the petals conjured up Yoko’s face in his mind and his mating urge, which had been pushed aside during the rescue, had returned in full force. I want to be sexual with her, but that can wait until after the bath.
He heard footsteps and turned to see Yoko staggering into the room. He rushed forward to help her into the tub and turn off the faucet. The female fox hissed as the water flowed across and over her injuries but she sighed in relief as she laid in the tub. “I needed this more than I realized,” she said softly.
“Hn.” Hiei drew a stool over to the tub before grabbing a cup and shampoo. He dipped the cup into the water and poured it down her hair. He wet her hair good and then lathered it with shampoo before rinsing it out and repeating it a second time. Once that was done, Hiei wet a cloth and lathered it with soap which he used to clean the ears before pushing the hair aside to clean the back.
Yoko savored the feel of Hiei scrubbing her hair clean and then her ears and back before moving on to the rest of her body. She had spent days being abused and raped and no opportunity to clean herself. This bath with its healing herbs and petals was a welcome change.
“Fox, would you like to tell me about your home? What kind of rooms do you have?”
“A great deal. I have a treasure room, a torture chamber with a lab attached to it. There is also some dungeons, a study, a living area, a kitchen with a pantry, and a few spare rooms.”
“That’s quite a complex lair. All those rooms.”
“It took years to complete. I’m thinking about renovating a few. Make the torture chamber into a place to raise plants, for example. The attached lab would be a great place to mix up some herbal remedies.”
“Hmm,” Hiei murmured as he got a big, fluffy towel and drained the tub. Yoko stood and carefully stepped out of the tub and into the towel which Hiei wrapped around her before guiding her back to her room and proceeding to rub her down. She was still bruised and scratched, but at least they didn’t hurt anymore. She sighed at the feel of the towel rubbing up and down her body. She felt her urge tingle and knew she couldn’t put it off anymore.
Chapter Seven- Coupling
Hiei heard Yoko sigh as he dried her. She enjoyed being pampered and he enjoyed doing the pampering. He removed the towel and ran a hand through her slightly damp hair, noticing it was silkier than before and then both hands gently rubbed her hips. Her skin was softer now and he noticed that the tail was bushier. He heard a hum and Yoko saying in a husky voice, “Mm, Hiei.”
The fox whirled around, seized Hiei, and carried him to the bed. He laid on the mattress and looked up into gold eyes that were softer and brighter and saw her body trembling. She’s gotten her urge too, just as I suspected. He grinned up at her. “I see we both want to get physical.”
“You too, huh?” Yoko said. “I’ve been feeling it for a couple of days. I can’t fight it anymore.”
“Me neither, so let’s not.” He pulled Yoko toward him and gave her the same long loving kiss as before. He reached up and traced the edge of an ear.
Yoko laid beside Hiei and her tail brushed his pants lovingly. Hiei took the hint and pulled off his clothes before climbing carefully onto his mate. “Hiei,” she said. “You do realize that I’ll keep getting urges until I’m pregnant.”
“Hn, of course I do. I think I’m ready to be a father.”
“I hadn’t planned on it, but I believe I’m ready to be a mother.” She ran the back of her fingers across Hiei’s headband. She trailed them down his cheek and then ran them along his jawline. Hiei leaned down to kiss her forehead and he felt her kissing his neck and throat. He let her explore his body to her content; after being raped by strangers it seemed only right that she went first in their first coupling.
Yoko ran her fingers over Hiei’s arms, feeling the firm muscles there. She moved to the chest running circles on it. Hiei hadn’t moved after pulling back from kissing her forehead but a glance at his eyes made her suspect that he wanted her to explore his body as recompense for the rapes she had endured. He is such a gentleman. I think Yukina and I are the only ones to see this side of him. However, I want to be pleasured and now seems like the time to let him know. She lifted her tail and ran it between Hiei’s legs.
Hiei’s eyes widened as something furry brushed between his legs, the tip touching his privates. He looked down to see a silver tail stroking the insides of his legs. He looked at Yoko’s face to see a charming smile and eyes alight with desire. Somehow, Hiei could read her expression. She wants to be pleasured. Hn, I can do that. He reached down to gently stroke one of her breasts. He stroked the top and then both sides. He moved to the other breast and stroked it the same way. Yoko responded with a hum and a soft moan of pleasure.
Her reaction made Hiei grin as he ran his hands along the sides of her body, feeling the hourglass shape. Amazing. When I was carrying her here, I wasn’t aware I was carrying a female. I was oblivious to her face and body shape, but not anymore. She is absolutely stunning. His hands moved up to her bare stomach and she shivered at his touch. He looked at her in concern. “Did that hurt?”
“No, it’s just a sensitive spot, that’s all.”
“Ah.” He felt his erection grow hard and knew he was ready, but was Yoko? He pushed himself down to look between her legs. She was ready; her privates were damp. He slid up a little as he inserted his shaft into the fox and started to pump slowly, lovingly, and gently. He had no desire to be rough with his fox; obviously she had had more than enough of that.
He gradually increased the speed of his pumping with Yoko gasping and moaning in delight. Oh, this is wonderful! she thought. So much better than the others which makes sense. This is my mate after all. She felt Hiei insert more fully than before and felt her threshold break. She yelled, “Hiei!” She heard Hiei yell her name and felt him fire into her before he rolled off her, panting and smiling in satisfaction. They looked at each other exhausted but exhilarated with love shining in their eyes.
“That was…wonderful,” Yoko panted. “It is…how sex…should be.”
“Of course.” He reached over and fired up his energy to heal the bruises on her face. She closed her eyes, enjoying his warm healing touch; enjoyed it so much that she fell into a contented sleep. Hiei smiled as he lightly kissed her forehead. “Sleep well, Fox,” he said as he too fell asleep.
Yoko opened her eyes to see the last demon who raped her leaning over her with a sadistic leer. She glanced around to see she was back in her cell. “I’m back, Fox,” he growled. “I persuaded Yomi to let me go again before anyone else.”
“No,” she breathed in terror.
He laughed. “Oh, yes and I plan to be worse than before.” He began to punch Yoko all over her body. She yelled and screamed as she felt bones actually break. She begged and pleaded for him to stop but he simply sneered, smacked her across the face, and continued punching. He eventually stopped and pulled out a knife that he put to her throat. “I said I would do worse and I say killing you is worse. Goodbye, Queen of Thieves.” He drew the knife across her throat.
Hiei awoke suddenly, but wasn’t sure why until he heard a whine. He rolled over to see Yoko trembling in her sleep. Her hand was clenching her pillow, tears fell down her cheeks, and she was whimpering and whining. She was clearly having a terrifying nightmare and Hiei couldn’t bear to see her like that. He put a hand on her shoulder and shook her. “Yoko,” he called. “Yoko, wake up.”
Her eyes snapped open and she sat up with a gasp. She breathed fast and hard, eyes wide and terrified. She glanced around frantically and when her eyes landed on Hiei, she exhaled with relief.
Hiei moved closer and took her in his arms. He stroked her hair and spoke soothingly, “It’s all right. You’re safe. It was just a bad dream.” He felt Yoko trembling and clutching onto him.
“I thought I was back in that cell,” she moaned in a trembling voice. “The last demon I encountered was there. He was punching me so hard, my bones actually broke and then he slit my throat and called me Queen of Thieves.”
“I don’t think he’ll go near you again. I think he saw the mark and when he saw me, he fainted.”
Yoko chuckled at the thought, her voice steady now. “If he tells Yomi what he saw, it’s likely no one will bother either of us.”
Hiei frowned. Clearly her time in that cell had affected her mind. She believed she was weak and powerless. She’s not who she used to be, she lost her self-confidence. “Even if they did bother us, we can fight them off.”
“I suppose,” she said slowly.
“No suppose,” he said firmly. “We can. We’re two strong demons.”
“I’m tired of killing, Hiei.”
He blinked in shock. “When did that happen?”
“I’ve felt that way when I first approached Yomi after returning.”
“Ah. Now I feel bad. I thought those rapes affected your mind.”
“I think they did. I’m not the demon I was, mentally and physically. I do not really know the first thing about being female. Hiei, I believe I need to see Mother.”
Chapter Eight- Home Again
Two shadowy figures moved quickly in the darkness to the front door of what had been Yoko’s home when she had been Shuichi. She was nervous about how her mother was going to react when she saw Yoko was female and had another demon in tow. She will be surprised, no doubt, but she will understand once I explain. She exhaled slowly before ringing the bell. She saw a curtain in a nearby window twitch before the door opened.
“Yoko! I didn’t expect to see you so…soon.” She blinked and then her eyes narrowed. “Wait. You’re not Yoko.”
“I am, Mother.” As Shiori waved them in and closed the door, Yoko continued, “I had been speaking with an old friend about how I had changed when I was drugged, put on trial for my past, and changed into a female. My former friend then let other demons…rape me.” Her voice dropped to an ashamed tone as did her eyes and her shoulders slumped.
Shiori took in her daughter’s defeated-looking form and her gaze went to Hiei. “Who are you?”
“I’m Yoko’s mate, Hiei. I was unaware of what she was going through until a couple of days ago. I got her out of there and to a secret hideout of hers. She wanted to see you as she doesn’t really know how to be female and those raped affected her greatly.”
“Of course they would.” Shiori took Yoko’s hands and led her to the living room and to the couch. “Now,” she said as Yoko and she sat. “I don’t need to hear details of what happened, but you need to push past it. I know it won’t be easy and if you want to talk, I’m here to listen. You and Hiei are welcome to stay as long as it’ll take to recover.”
“Thank you,” Yoko said softly. “Mother, what do I need to know about being a girl? I really don’t know how to adjust.”
Shiori was silent for a moment. “I don’t know exactly. I mean, what do human girls and demon girls have in common?”
“The same internal systems,” Hiei said quietly. “Otherwise, I believe male and female demons are no different.”
Shiori nodded her thanks to Hiei before guiding Yoko upstairs and to the bathroom. “Your mate seems wise,” she said as she dug through the cabinets.”
“He’s also being supportive as I struggle to cope with my ordeal and different gender. Mother, it is likely that you will be a grandmother soon.”
Shiori stood and whirled around, eyes wide. “You’re pregnant?”
“Not yet. I get mating urges once a week that will persist until I am expecting. From there, it will be six to eight weeks since I am a fox.”
“Six to eight weeks,” she repeated. She leaned down into the cabinets again before surfacing with a box. “You will need pads during the times when you’re not pregnant. I’d be happy to supply you as you need them.”
“Why do I need them?”
“Well, human women have periods that aid in fertility and since Hiei said female demons have similar systems…”
Yoko hugged her. “Thank you,” she said, accepting the box.
“You’re welcome and your room is as it was when Shuichi died if you wish to use it.”
“That sounds nice. I think I will.”
She broke the hug and Shiori gave her a kiss. “It’s getting late and I think we should all get some rest.”
“Of course. Good night, Mother.” Yoko walked to her old bedroom to find the door ajar. Her nose told her that Hiei was already in there. She entered and sure enough, there he was, sitting cross-legged on the bed on the side close to the wall. Her room did indeed look exactly as she left it and it gave her a steady, reassuring feeling; she had experienced terrible things that it was nice to see something familiar and comforting.
“Come here, Fox,” Hiei said, patting the mattress.
She complied, lying on her side and facing Hiei who was now lying on his side as well. The feel of the pillow and the covers as well as her human scent in them made her feel secure and the presence of Hiei added to that. She smiled as Hiei put a hand on her cheek before he moved closer and gave her a kiss. She trailed a finger along his jaw and then to the back of his neck under his scarf. She summoned her energy and focused it. She heard Hiei gasp and knew she succeeded. She removed her finger and Hiei removed his scarf to feel his neck.
“A mark?” he asked, feeling the raised edges.
Yoko nodded. “A silver fox with a rose whip circling it.”
Hiei smiled slightly. “It’s kind of the reverse of mine.” I like it; very unique.”
“Of course.” Yoko closed her eyes and snuggled into her pillow and covers before falling into a content and dreamless sleep.
A pleasant, sweet scent tickled her nose and woke her from her sleep. Her eyes opened and blinked at the sunlight that filtered into her room. She had her back to the wall thought she remembered falling asleep on her other side. Obviously, I rolled over in my sleep. She slid out of bed without disturbing Hiei and quietly left the room. She headed downstairs, drawn by the scent that she recognized as cinnamon. She walked into the dining room to find her mother sitting there with two glasses of juice and a plate of warm cinnamon rolls.
“Good morning. I thought the rolls would wake you.”
“They always did and they still do,” Yoko answered, sitting across from Shiori and taking a roll. They ate and drank in silence, enjoying each other’s company for a few minutes until Shiori spoke.
“Yoko, I was thinking last night and realized that we do need to talk about what happened. It’s really best to do so; a step toward recovery.”
Yoko bit her lip. The idea of re-living it was painful, but knew her mother was right. “The fact that my old partner tricked me should have been expected so I kind of mad at myself that I didn’t see it coming.”
“Could you have?”
Yoko thought carefully about the encounter. “No, I suppose not,” she said at last. “The trial was more of a kangaroo court. I was not truly given a chance to defend myself and I didn’t bother to try as everyone there would think I was lying.”
“You told me you were a thief. Is that what you were being tried for?”
“Yes as well as murder and rape. I admitted to theft and murder, but each sexual encounter was consensual. False statements were presented to counter my claim.”
“But the gender change? Were all your partners female?”
“No, not all. I remember Yomi telling me that he wanted me to suffer for choosing to start a new life. He deliberately chose demons to mock or rape me. The last one was truly horrific. He’s the one responsible for most of the cuts and bruises. He knocked me out after I swallowed the birth control pill I receive after every encounter. My next memory was waking up in my home. I knew then that Hiei got me out. He said my tormentor likely saw the mating mark and deduced that it was Hiei’s as he fainted when he saw Hiei.”
“What mating mark?”
Yoko turned and moved her hair aside. “The day I left for Yomi’s, Hiei met up with me before I set out. He had heard about my return and went looking for me. We were mates unofficially but when I suggested making it official, he was more than willing. He’s a fire demon and his greatest attack takes the shape of a black dragon.”
“Yes and also unique. Most demons choose to bite their mates, making a permanent scar. Hiei likes to be different.”
Shiori nodded. “Okay,” she said as Yoko faced her and brushed her hair back. “Yoko, I want to help you get past your ordeal. The first thing to remember is that rapes are used to make the victim fell like less of a man or woman. Believe me when I say you are not less of a woman or weak.”
“I am not supposed to be a woman,” Yoko protested.
“Yes, you’re right. But you are now. Am I right in assuming it is permanent?”
“But you’re still the fox I fell in love with,” came Hiei’s voice as he entered the room. He came around to Yoko and held her in a loving, comforting embrace. Yoko melted into his hold and Shiori smiled at the scene. The situation was an odd one for her. It had taken her a little time to adjust to the truth about her son and she knew it would take a while to adjust to the fact that her demon son was now a daughter and mated to a fire demon. And Yoko promised that I’ll be a grandmother once she’s pregnant.
Chapter Nine- Recovery
Yoko foraged through the forest near her home, searching for a rare plant to raise in her greenhouse. She had spent a week with her mother being coaxed to express her feelings about the rapes as well as describing the encounters. She did so reluctantly and with each one, Shiori helped her work through it. Each talk ended with Shiori re-enforcing the fact that Yoko was not less of a woman or demon by being raped.
Yoko felt a little better about herself and was ready to go back to Demon World and start her new life. Hiei went with her too and continued Shiori’s re-enforcement tactic, sometimes replacing it with sex, particularly when Yoko had a flare-up. He was pleased that Yoko was becoming sure of herself again. It had taken weeks for her to regain her self-confidence. She didn’t hesitate to attack anyone who rushed her. Her movements were as quick and precise as before and soon only foolhardy demons thought to strike. She did have relapses in the form of nightmares and she woke up trembling and ashamed each time. Hiei could always tell when one of these nightmares occurred and would hold her until she had fallen asleep again.
A tiny cluster of blue-green petals caught her eye and she carefully cut it away from the ground. She put it in a bag and then a pouch with a satisfied smile. Excellent. I’ll be able to grow more of it easily. Her ear turned as she detected footsteps. Her nose twitched at the scents of demons that were coming up behind her. She turned to see four tall muscular males in front of her.
“Looky here, boys. It’s the former Queen of Thieves,” one of them jeered. Yoko merely stared back expressionlessly.
A second one looked her up and down. “Oh, she is pretty; more so than Yomi described.”
“Yeah,” a third one chimed in. “But he said she’s mated to Hiei.”
The first one quickly looked around. “Well, I don’t see him. So, he’s not around to protect you, is he?” He directed the question to Yoko.
“I do not need protection. I can defend myself,” she stated firmly.
All four laughed loudly. “Not from the video we saw,” the third one chortled. “You were helpless to stop your rapist.”
“That was then and this is now.” She then smirked. “I suggest you leave. My mate is on his way.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes.” Yoko sensed Hiei’s location via the mark she had modeled after the one she bore; just as Hiei could track Yoko’s location, she could track Hiei’s whereabouts.
“I think we’ll take our chances. Just think, boys: If we deliver Yoko to Yomi, he might reward us handsomely,” said the first.
“I’ll settle for raping her,” the fourth finally said before charging forward.
There were two loud cracks and the demon hit the ground, dead. The other three stared at their deceased comrade and then up at Yoko who stood at the ready, her rose whip out and cocked. “I repeat,” she said in a deadly tone. “Leave. Now.”
With infuriated roars, the three demons charged her. She spun in a circle, her whip whistling through the air. She heard thumps and when she stopped spinning, she saw the dismembered remains of her attackers. “Fools,” she sniffed disdainfully. “I warned them.”
A loud crashing sounded behind her and she turned to see Mukuro’s mobile fortress nearby. She spied two figures on top of it briefly before they vanished only to reappear in the forest and heading her way. She transformed her whip back into a rose and tucked it beside her ear.
Hiei strode forward, eyeing the mutilated corpses nearby. “Hn, I see more fools chose to attack.”
“Indeed. I warned them to leave as I sensed you coming. They chose to ignore it. It also seems Yomi wants me captured.”
“He won’t succeed,” Hiei stated. “Both of us are strong and will protect one another.”
“Actually, I’m protecting three. You, myself, and our little one.” She put a hand to her stomach.
Hiei staggered back a little. “What? You’re pregnant?”
Yoko couldn’t help giggling at her mate’s reaction and even Mukuro seemed amused. “Hiei, you knew my urges would pass once conception was achieved. You have been away a week and a half and I have not felt any desire to be sexual with you. Based on that, I am confident that I’m pregnant.”
“My congratulations,” Mukuro said at last. “Hiei, I relieve you of your duties to tend to Yoko’s needs.” She then approached the silver fox and held up a bag of money. “I came for the herbal medicine I requested and brought the payment as I promised.”
Yoko nodded. “Wait here. I will go get them.” She left the woods and slipped into her hidden home. She went to her greenhouse room to deposit her pouch and then into her lab to retrieve a case before emerging and returning to the woods. She approached Mukuro and opened the case to reveal the contents before closing it.
“Everything’s in order,” the cybernetic woman said as she traded her bag for the case. “Always good doing business with you, Yoko. Again, congratulations on your pregnancy.” She left the forest and soon the fortress left the area.
“So, why were you out here?” Hiei asked as they headed for home.
“I was looking for a rare plant so that I can cultivate it in my greenhouse. I found it.”
“I guess that means you’ll be spending a lot of time in your greenhouse then.”
“And my lab. My herbal medicines may be in demand before I know it. Mukuro promised to let select demons know of my business and she’s more trustworthy than Yomi is.”
“That’s all well and good, but you will need to take it easy as your pregnancy progresses.”
“Agreed.” She then scooped up Hiei, gave him a passionate kiss, and added, “I, for one, want to snuggle with you and perhaps take a nap.”
“A nap sounds good,” Hiei agreed as Yoko slid down the tunnel with her mate on her lap. Soon, both were asleep, their hands over Yoko’s stomach, protecting their future.