Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the nameless demons and Hotaru are mine. This takes place after the series finale.
Chapter One- The Takeover
Screams pierced the air as blood erupted skyward, both of which excited and thrilled him. No one could control him or tell him what to do. He was free to do whatever he desired. No soft feelings, no moral conscience, nothing but pure uninhibited freedom…
Yoko snapped awake and his dream faded. He growled in annoyance. It was all just a dream. I am not free. I merged with the soul of an unborn human baby in order to recover, but the human, Shuichi, tamed me and I felt sympathy and compassion for his mother and the human race in general. I had hoped that I would be allowed to take control of this body permanently during the Demon World Tournament, but Shuichi’s love for his mother gave him the strength to lock me deep in the dark part of his mind.
That damn boy! I thought we could be equal partners sharing this body, but he betrayed me! Yoko dwelled on his dream and the joyful feelings he had experienced in it increased a hundred fold. I want to experience that for real. I’m ready to resume my life of thievery, perhaps engage in torture, rape, and murder. Yes. I will engage in murder. I’ll kill Shuichi’s soul and gain control of the body which I will fashion into my demon body. But first I must build my spiritual strength in order to overwhelm my victim’s spirit and kill his soul. Yoko smiled a cold, cruel smile as he closed his eyes and fell asleep again, a faint glow outlined his form briefly before fading.
Yoko spent the following week observing Shuichi’s routine while he built strength so that he could determine the best time to strike. It took him almost no time to figure out that while Shuichi slept would be the perfect time. There will be no resistance while the human sleeps. Good as if I tried to take over at any other time, Shuichi would most likely make a lot of noise and attract the attentions of the others.
Yoko watched Shuichi study charts related to his stepfather’s, Kazuya, company. The boy was interested in the business and was close to completing his bachelor’s in business. The spirit fox rolled his eyes. Soon, he’ll be gone and all his work will be for nothing. He closed his eyes and sensed that his spiritual strength was at least halfway to his ideal goal. Good. Just a little while longer. A tap on the window caught Shuichi’s attention and the redhead swiveled around so that he and Yoko saw a short fire demon on the outside tree branch.
“Hiei!” Shuichi exclaimed in surprise and delight. He went to the window and let his friend in. “I thought you would be staying in Demon World.”
“I was checking on Yukina.”
“Yes. Of course.” Shuichi returned to his studies, aware of Hiei’s gaze following him. Yoko, however, was plotting. He desired to torture and rape some demons and found Hiei to be a challenging target. The fire demon was fast which meant Yoko had to be cunning and clever to snare him. Lucky for me, I am cunning and clever. I’ll put that plan on hold as I haven’t yet killed my host.
Hiei settled himself on the windowsill and watched Kurama study some papers in front of him. It seemed like old times for Hiei; he came for a visit and Kurama studying for some kind of test. But that had been years ago so what was Kurama looking at? “What are you looking at?” he asked as if just wanting to break the silence.
“Charts relating to my stepfather’s company,” he replied not taking his eyes off the papers.
Hiei tilted his head slightly. “Are you all right, Fox?”
Kurama turned to look at Hiei. “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“Perhaps it’s just the years apart but something about you seems…off.”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Kurama replied, sounding amused. “I have noticed that Yoko’s been quiet, though.”
“Well, you did decide to drop your demon identity in favor of your human one as well as your identity of Kurama.”
In Shuichi’s mind, Yoko’s eyes narrowed and snarl appeared on his lips. So, that’s what happened. He locks me up in his mind to deny my existence. He’d rather live as a weak human and a protector of humans. I will not tolerate that! Yoko took his fox form, curled up, and went to sleep, gathering more spiritual strength as he slept. He also dreamed of holding Hiei captive and raping the fire demon.
Yoko panted slightly in anticipation as he watched Shuichi settle into bed. The time had come. He had gathered more than enough strength to succeed in his plan. He had kept quiet and continued to observe Shuichi’s actions. The human didn’t have any idea of Yoko’s intentions which was the fox’s plan.
Yoko had spent the last week separating his memories from the human’s, but keeping a few of Shuichi’s for himself. He was also separating his soul from Shuichi; he had no intention of harming any part of himself when he attacked. It was now two weeks since Hiei’s visit and Yoko was making his final preparations. He wanted to wait until Shuichi was deep asleep before acting. He spent the time running through all of his hideouts, trying to decide which one he would live in; he intended to live in comfort like the thief king he had been and would soon be again.
Now’s the time, Yoko thought hours later. Shuichi was deep asleep, unaware that the fox was awake. A rose whip cracked through his mind, ripping apart his memories while Yoko’s soul brutally slaughtered Shuichi’s before devouring it in order to ensure that he could not come back.
Now that the human’s soul and memories were no more, Yoko took full control of the body which began to change. The body grew to a six foot frame, the skin’s tone going creamy white. The red hair turned silver and grew to the waist. A pair of white fox ears appeared on his head while a tail grew out of the base of his spine and the clothes became a white tunic with matching pants and shoes. The eyes opened to show green fading to gold as Yoko sat up and admired his sharp claws before looking down at his demon form, a triumphant smile on his face.
“Yoko has returned,” he said softly in his own voice. He quietly got off the bed, growling slightly at the squeaky springs. He swiftly went to the window, opened it, and jumped out it. He stole away into the night and into a portal back to Demon World.
Chapter Two- Home Again
Yoko emerged from the portal and took stock of his surroundings; one never knew where one would come out at when using the portals. His eyes scanned the landscape before they lit up in recognition. He was in luck: His most comfortable fortress was not far, at least a day or two running at full speed. I haven’t had a run like that in years, he thought wistfully before taking off so fast that he was nothing more than a sliver blur. He wondered what state his home would be in and if any demons had taken up residence.
There probably are demons living there which means they will die. Yoko continued to speed his way to his home, his demon energy alerted nearby demons who kept their distance. They sensed that it was strong, but couldn’t identify the owner as he was moving so fast.
Yoko dwelled on many topics as he traveled. His first order of business would be to reclaim his home and assess what was there and what he required. He recalled what had been there: A host of booby traps at all points of entry, countless secret passages known only to him, a lavish throne room, two large torture chambers, a fancy comfortable bed chamber, a few large treasure vaults, and other smaller rooms most of which were chambers for his bandit followers.
The traps are most likely still functioning, some passages might be sealed, and the vaults, throne room, and my bed chamber have probably been stripped of their valuables. I look forward to killing the current occupants, maybe torture a couple for information.
Two days later, Yoko arrived at his home. He focused his senses on it while he skulked, hidden in a grove of trees. He sensed four demons inside, their energy far weaker than his own. That strongly indicated that the traps were indeed functioning. He stepped out of hiding and silently approached a secret passage obscured by bushes; this passage was his favorite as it led directly to his throne room, the entrance concealed behind a pivoting wall which in turn was concealed behind a tapestry. It was like the tapestry was gone, but his speed and sudden appearance would give him the edge should he find any of the intruders in the throne room.
He parted the bushes to reveal the long passage. He entered and started down it, dropping lamp weeds on either side as he walked. He soon reached the end and pushed on a stone on the right on the wall and the wall in front of him opened on its pivot. He saw the back of a tapestry ahead which surprised him as he left the passage which slid shut behind him. He got over his surprise and stood still behind the tapestry, his ears straining to hear anything in the room. There was dead silence; not even the shifting of a weapon or deep breathing of a sleeping demon.
Yoko conjured his rose whip as he cautiously peered around one side. The room was empty. He stepped out and looked around. The room was bare save for the tapestry and his lavish throne. The rich carpets and vases that decorated it were gone. I wonder when it happened. Probably soon after the rumor that I was killed. Well, I will simply steal some new carpets and vases. I may even recover what I lost when I set out to rob again.
He crept out of the room and down a corridor, using his nose and sixth sense to determine the intruders’ exact locations. He went down another corridor and felt pleased when he saw the condition it was in; it seemed only the valuables were taken. It is possible some of it will be returned when news of my return reaches them. Some may beg for my forgiveness, only they will receive none.
“Halt, intruder!” The shout brought Yoko to a dead stop. His ears heard the approach of his opponent.
“All right, hand over your valuables and I might let you leave unharmed.”
“I have no valuable that would interest you, however you have somethings of mine.” He turned to fix the demon with a cold stare.
He gasped before falling to his knees and prostrating himself on the floor. “Yoko Kurama! You have returned! Forgive us for invading your home!”
“No. I do not forgive.”
“My Lord, rumors say you have learned compassion. I beg you, have mercy!”
The demon’s begging and pleading disgusted him. This was not how a demon should act. He does not deserve to live, though I do like being called a lord. He crouched in front of the kneeling demon, the rose whip still in his hand. “I may allow you to live if you tell me the locations of your other associates.”
“Yes, my Lord!” he gasped. “There are three others and they are all in the torture chamber on the floor below us.”
“Indeed.” Yoko was intrigued about the location. Were they lying in wait for their companion to bring a prisoner to torture? Or were they barricading themselves there, depending on the torture tools there to protect them? If it’s the latter, that is cowardice. One should be willing to face their opponent.
Yoko smiled at the demon as he stood and brought the other to his feet. “You made the correct decision in informing me of the others’ whereabouts.”
“Thank you, my Lord! Thank you for letting me live! I- mph!” That last part was the result of a rose whip wrapped around his mouth.
Yoko looked at him with a flat cold stare that radiated contempt. “I said I may let you live, I did not say I would.” He yanked on the whip and it sliced the head in half, the corpse falling backwards onto the floor. Yoko had already started walking away once he had yanked his weapon free, not looking back at the violence he had committed; he was looking forward to murdering the remaining intruders. I may torture two of them to death. It would be my dream come true.
He stealthily stalked down to the floor below and toward the chamber. He put a hand on the knob and felt it turn under his grip. Ah, they’re expecting someone to torture. Heh, they’ll be the ones tortured. He pushed open the door and stood there in the doorway in silence. The demons stared at him in shock and disbelief. “Yo-Yoko Kurama!” one of them squeaked in fear.
Yoko stepped in and a wall of thorns filled the doorway, preventing any escape. He swung his whip and it cracked across the stomach of the nearest one, causing his guts to spill out. Yoko cracked it again and it cut the injured demon into two vertical pieces that fell to the floor. The remaining two looked at Yoko, then their dead companion, and back at Yoko before falling to their knees, whimpering and begging for their lives. The silver fox rolled his eyes as he seized them and strapped each to a table. They struggled against the cuffs and straps as they pleaded to be set free.
“Stop your groveling, it’s disgusting,” Yoko sneered. “Now, you will provide me with information without hesitation. Failure to do so will result in painful consequences. Actually, you will suffer as I see fit.”
“No, please,” one of them begged.
“I said stop groveling,” Yoko snarled, backhanding him and leaving four long deep scratches across the face. The demon gasped and grunted at the pain, the sound being music to Yoko’s ears and he desired to hear more sounds of pain. Time for the torture to begin. He turned to the tools lining the walls while pondering what questions he wanted to ask and what answers would satisfy him.
Chapter Three- Once a Thief…
A scream rent the air; a long drawn-out painful one that brought a sadistic smile to the fox’s face and his eyes glittered with delight. However, his voice was cold and flat. “I can tell when you are lying. Who else knows about this place?” He pressed the edge of a blade against a thigh and waited.
The demon, whom Yoko found through torture to be the leader, swallowed, and said, “Twelve, my Lord. Just twelve, I swear!”
“Better,” Yoko replied as he removed the blade and turned to the other. “Now, where are the rest of my treasures? I know the Throne Room was stripped save for the throne and a tapestry.” He put the blade’s edge to a thigh.
“The others took them to our secret hideout,” he stammered.
“Where?” He pressed the blade meaningfully, a small bit of blood welling up.
“About a day west of here. It’s concealed in a grove of trees and several bushes.”
“I see. Would you be willing to guide me there?”
The demon looked away from Yoko with an expression of defiance. “No. Kill me if you wish, I will not betray my leader.”
“Very well.” Yoko swiftly drew the knife across the throat, blood pouring out and a look of pain frozen on his face. He tuned to the leader. “Well, perhaps you will guide me. I may spare your life if you cooperate. Consider this: You stole from me and it would be appropriate if they were returned to me.”
The leader lowered his eyes. “You’re correct, my Lord. I will guide you and return your items to you.”
“Good.” Yoko released the cuffs and kept a firm grip on his captive as he led them out of the fortress through a passage that came out near the front gate.
One day later, Yoko was being led through a thick grove of trees; he had the leader wrapped in his whip and had made it clear that if he tried to trick him or attempt to escape, he would be killed instantly. Yoko planned to kill the leader once the entrance was revealed, anyway. Heh, it is so easy to manipulate fools. They actually believe I will let them survive. They do not realize that I have no compassion and no mercy. I do as I please.
“It is here, my Lord.” The leader pointed to a dense clump of bushes. Yoko parted them to reveal a deep cave behind them.
“Excellent. Now for your reward for your cooperation.” He pulled the whip tighter and it cut the demon in half. He looped the whip loosely around his hand before pushing aside the bushes and entering the cave, his next several moves already made.
He heard voices and the sounds of a type of pack animal as he moved deeper into the hideout. Brackets with lit torches were placed at regular intervals along both walls, providing a healthy dose of light. Yoko scoffed at this form of primitive lighting; his own home had electric lights, provided by an electricity station in Gandara City from which he was stealing power from. It was a fortunate thing that Yomi did not know about his fortress, for he suspected his old partner would have torn it down.
Yoko heard the voicer louder now as he approached a bend in the rock face. He deliberately crunched some pebbles underfoot to grab the bandits’ attentions. It worked perfectly, for one called, “Leader, is that you?”
Yoko chuckled. “I am afraid I am not your leader,” he said as he came into view. His appearance brought the usual gasps of his name and the bandits throwing themselves on the ground. Their reactions bored Yoko as gratifying as it was to be feared and respected. “I was informed by your leader that you stole my possessions from my home that is a day’s travel from here. I have come to reclaim them. Might I count on your assistance in transporting and returning them to their proper places? I require a ‘Yes, my Lord’ or ‘No, my Lord.’”
“Yes, my Lord!” came the unanimous reply.
“Excellent. Then, load them up and let us be on our way.”
Yoko watched the bandits carry his belongings into the fortress via the secret passages. He easily recalled everything he owned in the fortress and was pleased to see that it was all there. He watched the last of it be carried inside as he conjured his whip and murdered each bandit as they left the tunnels. He tossed their bodies into the wagons that brought his treasures home before sending the pack animals on their way with their gruesome cargo.
He entered his home and was soon snuggled in his enormous bed, secure behind his booby-trapped fortress. It has been a very satisfying four days, he thought. I have reclaimed my home and my possessions as well as murdered sixteen demons. My next order of business is making sure that all of Demon World knows I have returned. After that, I will work on how to lure Hiei to me. But first, a good long sleep is in order. Yoko sighed as he surrendered to slumber.
Yoko’s eyes gleamed as he lifted up a large blue diamond and admired it before putting it in a sack. He smirked down at his victim who was bound in vines. “I will not kill you. When you are found and freed, you will be sure to tell them what happened. I want it known that Yoko Kurama has returned.” The victim nodded vigorously as the silver fox left with his newest acquisition.
That went beautifully, he thought as he put the diamond in a place of honor in one of his treasure vaults. My victim is well-known and respected. Once he tells his followers who robbed him, the story will spread and soon everyone will know that I am back and those with valuables will start setting up traps and hiring guards. I welcome this. I cannot hone my skills if I don’t face any challenges to items I desire.
Now, on to the matter of Hiei. Yoko munched on some food as he pondered his target. He felt no affection for Hiei; his obsession with him was to own him and break him not to mention humiliate him. Hiei’s speed made snaring him nearly impossible, but he knew the fire demon’s greatest weakness: His sister, Yukina.
Yoko smirked. Yes that is it. I will kidnap Yukina in order to bring Hiei to me. But before I do that, I will gather some plants and mix up some powders and potions to paralyze or put someone to sleep. I may even mix up some poisons to kill in an elegant fashion. Yoko gathered up a bag full of empty vials and bags before venturing out to gather the plants he needed and intending to breed some so he would have easy access to them in the future.
Yoko spent the next several days either in his lab or out stealing and murdering. News of his theft of the diamond had spread and his next target had been a little better protected, but not good enough to stop Yoko from making off with his newest prizes. He was able to slaughter the guards with ease as he broke into the place and swiped several beautiful pieces of jewelry and a prized pet.
His lab work was coming along nicely. He had potted several species before mixing up some paralyzing drugs, a few sleeping draughts, some poison bombs, and even some body-altering mixes. He was soon ready to kidnap Yukina and was soon securing his home before venturing out into Demon World to seek a portal that would take him to Human World and to Genkai’s mountain compound where his target lived.
Yoko emerged from the portal and recognized the area: It was the same spot where, years ago, Yusuke had departed for Demon World to see his dying ancestral father. Excellent. I should be able to quickly snatch her and return to Demon World before anyone realizes what happened, especially since it is night. He sped down the hill and into the garden in a matter of seconds. He concealed his energy as he focused on determining where the compound’s occupants were. He found the energy of the old woman nearby, but not Yukina. He crept around the perimeter, searching for her presence. He located her on the other side of the building and stood outside her room. His ears picked up deep even breathing that told him that she was asleep. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small vial of sleeping draught that he had made into a gaseous form before slowly opening the door and entering to crouch over her sleeping form.
Yukina stirred and her ruby red eyes blinked open and focused on the silver fox. “Oh!” she exclaimed before Yoko opened the vial and held it under her nose. The effect was immediate. She swayed slightly as her eyes slid closed and she fell back onto her pillow, fast asleep. Yoko stored the empty vial, stood, leaned down, and scooped her up into his arms before quickly departing the scene, and back to Demon World.
He gazed at the unconscious girl as he headed home. She was lovely, he couldn’t deny that, but she was just bait to lure his true target. However, that does not mean I cannot treat her as I see fit. Hmm. I think I’ll torture her. I should be able to get a few Hiruseki stones out of her. He entered through the front gate passage that came out in the corridor that contained one of the treasure vaults, his lab, some spare rooms, and one torture chamber. It was here where Yoko secured Yukina before leaving to get some sleep himself.
Chapter Four- The Torture
Yukina moaned softly as she came to as well as a throbbing headache. She smelled something under her nose and her headache subsided. Her eyes flickered open to see that she was in a room that looked like a torture room. She further realized that she was bound to a table. Oh no, she thought. No, please, not again.
“Ah, you are awake,” came a cool, flat voice. “Good, very good.” Her captor stepped up beside the table.
“Kurama?” she said in confusion. She remembered seeing him in her room, but thought it had been a dream; clearly it hadn’t.
“I prefer Yoko Kurama or simply Yoko.”
“Why did you bring me here?”
“I did it for a few reasons. One is simply because I could. Another is I took you as bait for Hiei for he is protective of you. Finally, I decided to torture you.”
Yukina paled. “Torture? But, but I thought you were nice.”
Yoko laughed. “The one you knew was a merge of two souls, mine and the human Shuichi. Shuichi taught me compassion yes, but during the Demon World Tournament, he decided to lock me away in his mind. I do not do well with being restrained. So, weeks ago, I murdered the human and used the body to resume my demon form and my previous life. I do as I wish and I have no compassion or mercy to get in the way.”
“Why would Mr. Hiei be protective of me?”
“Oh, that is simple. He is your twin brother.”
“My-my brother?”
“Correct. He got his Jagan as a way of watching over you. I believe he is unaware that you are in danger right now. I intend to rectify that.” Yoko produced a knife, pushed up a sleeve of her kimono, and slowly drew the edge down the bare arm.
Yukina gasped and cried out in pain, but no tears came. That was fine with Yoko; he had just started torturing and was content to hurt her however long it took for her to cry. He continued to methodically cut and bruise her, her screams were a delight to hear.
He did stop for an hour in order to eat and feed Yukina. He couldn’t have her wasting away. Once lunch was done, he let Yukina sleep as he took a short nap himself; being a torturer was as trying as it was for the victim. Yoko jerked awake from his nap to dwell on his capture of Hiei. The fire demon could be caught if one was clever enough, which Yoko certainly was. Maybe I should plant paralyzing and sleeping bombs to ensnare him. He got up and left the camber to set up the bombs in a gaseous state at strategic points where Hiei would likely try and enter. Yoko returned to the torture chamber, ready to return to torturing Yukina. He was stunned to see Yukina’s skin free of cuts. The bruises were still there, but the cutes had healed! He regarded her and came to the conclusion that her training in healing was responsible for the absence of cuts. Intriguing and yet, this is good. I can begin anew and maybe I’ll succeed in making her cry. Yoko lined up his torture devices and had just finished lying the last one down when he heard a groan. He turned to see Yukina awake. She looked so delicate and fragile; so unlike her brother. As he stared at her, an image of Hiei appeared in her place. Oh, he was going to enjoy breaking and humiliating his former friend.
“Well, my dear, shall we begin again?” he asked in a polite fashion, only his eyes betrayed the fact that he looked forward to torturing her again and more brutally than before. He parted her kimono to expose her upper body before running a claw between her breasts and down her stomach. He left no mark; he merely wanted to see her reaction. Yukina gasped and shivered at the touch which made Yoko grin: He hoped Hiei responded in a similar fashion. He brought his hand to Yukina’s chin and slashed, leaving three vertical cuts, blood welling up and dripping off her chin. She didn’t respond to the sudden attack.
She’s starting to cut off her emotions. I rather expected that she would resort to that. I had better act fast before she severs all connection. Fortunately, I know her weaknesses just as I know Hiei’s. He swept from the room to get the very thing he need to get her to cry.
Yukina moaned softly once the door closed. The scratches on her chin hurt terribly but she mastered the urge to cry out. She had learned years ago to shut down her emotions and not acknowledge any pain inflicted on her. She knew why people would hurt her: They wanted the Hiruseki stones that formed from her tears. And that’s what Yoko wants aside from luring Hiei. Well, I won’t cry and Hiei will not be so easy to catch. The door opened and her tormentor entered holding a covered cage in one hand. She felt her heart sink. He didn’t, he wouldn’t.
Yoko whipped the cover off with a flourish to reveal a gorgeous large red bird. A plumage of red and blue feathers flowed from the top of its head and down its back. It had a long thin gray beak and above it a pair of beady black eyes regarded the pair. Red feathers with an occasional blue one covered its body and wings. It had a long beautiful tail that matched its plumage. A pair of blue feet with gold talons gripped its perch.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Yoko said conversationally. “I found it on one of my heists and decided to take it, thinking it would come in handy.” Yoko put the cage down and seized a scalpel with a sadistic grin.
“No, please don’t hurt it,” Yukina pleaded.
“So, you consent to my demand? Will you cry? I just want a few stones, that’s all.”
Yukina hesitated to answer and Yoko ruthlessly plunged the scalpel into a wing and ripped upward. The bird let out a pained shriek.
“No!” Yukina screamed. “Please, don’t!”
Yoko didn’t stop; the bird’s cry of pain thrilled him and he wanted to hear more, to torture it before finally killing it. He sliced through the other wing, then took off a foot, slid the scalpel up the chest, and finally into the throat. The bird gave a truncated squawk as it died. Several clatters made the fox look over.
A dozen Hiruseki jewels lay on the floor and the table; more were appearing as tears coursed down Yukina’s cheeks. “You…monster,” she choked.
Yoko knelt to collect the gems from the floor before standing to gather the ones on the table. He smiled as the large number of jewels he now held. “Now, that did not have to be so difficult. I’ll leave you here to think about cooperating with my desires.” Yoko left the room, leaving the dead bird with the ice apparition.
Chapter Five- Captured
Hiei’s eyes narrowed as he studied the fortress before him. He had heard for weeks, rumors that Yoko Kurama had returned and was active again. There were stories of wealthy and well-known demons being robbed and scores of guards being slaughtered with ease. He wasn’t too concerned; killing and stealing was the norm in Demon World, some were just better at it than others and Yoko was one of the best.
His kidnapping of Yukina was another matter. He wasn’t sure of Yoko’s motives for the kidnapping, but he had a couple of ideas. One was to acquire some Hiruseki stones which mean he was torturing her. Another possibility was that Yukina was being used as bait to lure him in.
He hopes to do what few have done: Capture me and hold me captive. Heh, not going to happen. I will rescue Yukina and make the fox regret kidnapping her. It is curious that he would revert to his previous life when he had been content to live as a human, but that doesn’t change what he’s done. He eyed the structure again. He was sure there were traps at the front door, so that was out. It was obvious that Yoko had secret passages into his home, but Hiei did not know where. That leaves one way in: Up. Hiei sped forward and leaped straight up onto the battlements and turned to one of the towers that had a door that led to a staircase heading down. Hiei surveyed every foot as he headed for the door: His way was clear. His trip down the stairs was also uneventful- until he reached to bottom.
There was a wire that was clearly a trap and nearly invisible. He wasn’t sure what traps Yoko had planted, but there was no way he would be caught. He smirked. I’ll trigger his trap, but my speed will keep me ahead of whatever he set up. He took a couple of deep breaths to steady himself before triggering the wire trap and speeding down the corridor.
Hiei was heading for the halfway point when clouds of yellow and purple gas hissed into the hallway ahead of him. His eyes widened as he plunged into the gases before he could stop himself. He felt himself being unable to move and sleepy as he collapsed onto the floor. He saw white shoes approaching him before his vision went black
Yoko smirked from behind his breathing mask. He knew Hiei prided himself on his speed and counted on it to give him the element of surprise and control of a situation. So, Yoko thought along those lines. He thought if he set a delayed wire trap, Hiei would run into the gas before he could stop himself and even if he did stop, the bombs behind him would go off and fill the entire hall, leaving him nowhere to escape. He admired the fire demon before scooping him up and heading for his bedroom to prep his captive for his own personal hell.
Hiei felt movement and sensation returning to his body as he awoke. He opened his eyes to see the blood-red canopy of an enormous bed above him. Indeed, he felt the softness of a mattress beneath him. He attempted to sit up only to find that his arms and legs were bound to the bed in a spread-eagle position. The next thing he noticed was that he was naked; even the bandages on his arms were gone. Oh, shit, he thought in horror. He plans to rape me. That’s why he kidnapped Yukina and tortured her: He knew my Jagan would sense her pain and where she was.
The door opened and Yoko strode in, regarding Hiei with a combination of arrogance, pride, and amusement. He had a syringe in one hand as he sat next to his captive. Hiei saw dark lust in the fox’s eyes that was awful to see. “Where’s Yukina?” he demanded. “I know she’s still here.”
“She has decided to accede to whatever I wish.”
“You lie!”
“You’ve been out for hours and she has had time to think. She eventually agreed when I told her of your capture.”
Hiei was silent with rage. Yoko had broken his sister’s spirit and unless he escaped, the same thing might happen to him. He pulled at his bonds, his muscles straining against them. Yoko watched impassively as Hiei struggled and cursed for long minutes until he was exhausted.
“Now, if you are done, I would like to begin my fun,” Yoko said, putting the syringe aside and removing his clothes.
Hiei shot a death glare. The demon he knew years ago was gone and this dark fox took his place. He had murdered, stole, kidnapped, and tortured so far. Now, he intended to add rape to his list of crimes. His glare softened somewhat when he took a good look at Yoko’s body. His eyes roved over the muscular chest, the strong arms, and the impressive manhood. Hell, I wouldn’t mind having sex with Yoko- if he was still the same demon I knew. But he’s not and he intends to make this painful.
Yoko saw the admiration in Hiei’s eyes and felt he deserved that admiration. I am rather desirable, but I am not looking for a mate. I would like a kit to raise to be a thief and someone to care for it until it is old enough to teach. He put that idea to the back of his mind as he leaned over Hiei and planted a crushing ruthless kiss on his lips. He practically stole Hiei’s breath as he kissed hungrily. He pulled back and had to jerk away as Hiei lunged his head forward in an attempt to bite a part of Yoko’s face.
Yoko’s hand swung around and cracked it across Hiei’s cheek. “You fool,” he growled. “I am the master of this rape. I am the one who inflicts the pain.”
“Dream on, Fox,” Hiei shot back. “I will fight back every chance I get. You will not break me or humiliate me. I will not give you that satisfaction.”
“Oh, you think so? I believe I have the perfect way to humiliate you. It may even horrify you which will certainly amuse me.” Yoko seized the syringe and jabbed it into Hiei’s neck, removing it once empty, and stood aside, watching.
Hiei gasped as his eyes widened and he tilted his head back. His blood felt like it was turning to ice, but then he realized that it was only cooling slightly which still hurt. He brought his head forward and saw something that horrified him: His muscles were shrinking and he was growing breasts! He saw his waist curve and gain hips. He couldn’t see what was going on past that, but it wasn’t necessary: He knew that he was changing gender. Yoko was right: This is humiliating and horrifying. No one will recognize me or take me seriously like this. He saw his hair lying next to him spiky and a lot longer before the pain of the changed faded.
Yoko watched in amusement as Hiei transformed into a lovely girl. The look of horror on his face as he grew breasts was satisfying. I think Hiei may be the one to give me my kit. That would be the ultimate humiliation for him. I mean, her.
He climbed onto Hiei, straddling her waist as he looked into wide softer red eye the burned with anger. “I must say, you look better this way.” He ran his fingers along Hiei’s sides, feeling the soft smooth skin beneath them.
“You bastard,” Hiei spoke in a high-pitched voice, like Yukina’s but a little higher.
Yoko slapped the cheek again. “You are certainly spirited; breaking you will be a challenge, but I love a challenge.”
“It’ll be a challenge for me to escape and reverse this change.”
Yoko smirked. “Yes, it would but you won’t be doing either, my dear. You are firmly secured and no one will be able to change you back. You are female for the rest of your life and I will have my way with you as I wish. I may even impregnate you with my kit who will be a thief like me.”
Hiei’s wide eyes grew larger. “Carry your child? No, I refuse.”
“I said I may, I did not say I will impregnate you. It depends on how good I feel while raping you.”
“I do have a question. I felt like my blood was cooling slightly. Why is that?”
“Oh, that was probably your ice side activating as your body changed. You can still use your fire attacks and I suspect you can now produce Hiruseki stones like your sister.”
Swell, Hiei thought. I’m still a fire demon, but I’m also an ice apparition now. Yoko will no doubt try to get me to cry as well. Heh, he can try, but I won’t give in. He may have his way with my body, but I won’t break.
Chapter Six- First Time Rape
Yoko smiled down at the fire/ice demon beneath him. He never dreamed Hiei would look so pretty and he looked forward to exploring her body more before being rough with her. Breaking her is going to take some time, but I have plenty of time to break her. He reached down and ran his finger through her hair; it was silky like his own and he couldn’t resist running his hand over it a few more times. His hand slide over to caress a cheek and move down to her chin. He tilted the head up by the chin and gave her another hard rough kiss. He pulled away and lightly a claw between her breasts and down to her stomach. Hiei gasped and shivered at the touch, just as Yukina had. This pleased Yoko greatly; he had hoped for this reaction. His tail swished across Hiei’s legs and tickled her privates which made her squirm.
“Your body is just lovely. I am going to enjoy raping you each and every time.” Yoko kissed Hiei again and ran his hands over the breasts before squeezing them.
Hiei gasped loudly at the action. A violated feeling washed over her. I haven’t been a girl for even ten minutes and he’s already starting to mistreat me. The bastard couldn’t give me some time to adjust to my body. Yes, Hiei had given up on becoming male again. Yoko had been honest with her thus far and she was sure the fox had planned to change her as well as rape her from the start.
Yoko continued to squeeze Hiei’s breasts as well as her arms. His knees dug into her sides and his hands pressed on her stomach. She gasped and grunted at the pressure he was applying, but nothing more than that and it irritated Yoko. He wanted to hear screams and he knew what he had to do to get them.
The silver fox growled before roughly thrusting his manhood into her hole. He thrusted in and out roughly and was rewarded with screams from Hiei with each hard insertion. Yoko pulled out and thrusted one more time as hard as he could. Hiei screamed even louder and Yoko saw a tear fall from her right eye. The sight of it appeased his anger. He hopped off his victim and went over to where he saw the tear fall. A beautiful bright red jewel lay on the mattress. Yoko picked it up and held it up to the light while Hiei moaned softly. It glittered and gleamed and almost took Yoko’s breath away. It is more beautiful than Yukina’s stones, not to mention rare and unique just like the one who shed it. This is going in my most secure vault. Yoko put it on the bedside table, dressed, covered up Hiei, scooped it up, and left the room. Hiei panted from Yoko’s rough thrusting and winced slightly at the parts of her that was throbbing. But her sore body was nothing compared to the embarrassing face that she had cried. Yes, it was only one tear, but she prided herself on not crying; as a guy she wouldn’t have shed Hiruseki stones…or would she have? I’ll never know as I’m stuck like this.
Yukina watched Yoko leave the fortress with a satisfied smirk on his face. He had released her from the torture chamber, but she was still his prisoner. She had access to every room except the treasure vaults, the lab, and his Throne Room. He hasn’t forbidden his bedroom and I know Hiei’s there as Yoko told me so when he released me. She began to search for the bedroom and searched one floor before going to the next one down. She saw double doors that looked as if they led to a master bedroom. That must be it. She went up to the doors, pulled open one door, and entered. She saw a dark-haired girl asleep on the bed, a sheet pulled up under her chin, her arms above her head and bound to the mattress. Yukina blinked in confusion: She had thought she and Hiei were Yoko’s only prisoners, so who was this? She slowly approached and saw a white headband around her forehead, giving her feminine face a passing resemblance to Hiei’s face. Yukina’s eyes widened as she backed away. A hand flew to her mouth. Oh my gosh! Yoko turned Hiei female!? What a sick thing to do! A moan from the bed drew her from her thoughts as the bound girl opened her eyes and turned her head to look at Yukina with identical red eyes. Yukina took a few steps forward. “Hiei? Is that really you?”
“Yes, it is,” she replied in her slightly higher voice. She noticed that Yukina didn’t address her as Mister or even Miss and suspected it was because Yoko told her the truth. “And yes, I am your twin. I thought you wouldn’t be happy having a criminal for a sibling. But, I was fooling myself. Deep down, I knew I was being selfish by not telling you. I’m sorry.”
Yukina smiled gently as she came up beside the bed. “You’re forgiven. All I wanted was to know my twin and here’s my chance, only are you my brother or sister now?”
“Sister. Yoko admitted that there’s no way to undo the change.” She winced slightly. “A bruise throbbed,” she explained, nodding up at her arm.
Yukina looked over and her mouth parted slightly. Finger-shaped bruises marred the skin, even on the parts that had the Black Dragon tattoo on it. She stretched her hands up to hover over them and she focused her healing power.
Hiei watched her sister focus on healing the bruises and her eyes dropped to Yukina’s now exposed arms and she felt a sickening feeling in her stomach: There were dark, ugly marks on her as well. “Yukina, you should heal your own marks. Yoko will just bruise me again and may hurt you if he finds my bruises gone.”
“But Hiei-,”
“Please. I insist.”
Yukina lowered her hands with a reluctant sigh. “You’re right, but I did lessen the pain, though.”
“I can tell; it doesn’t hurt as bad.”
“I don’t understand why he did all of this to you.”
“I don’t know what drove him to target me, but his motives are likely to break me and humiliate me. I think it’s my strong will and spirit that drew his attention and sees this as a way to break them. He even admitted that if he feels good enough, he’ll humiliate me further by making me…pregnant.”
“No,” Yukina whispered in horror.
“I’m trying to be strong, but he’s rough and hard; not at all the demon I knew and fought alongside years ago.”
“You can do it. I’ve seen you endure worse with no emotion.”
“You’re right. I can do it.” Hiei felt her confidence return as Yukina left. All she had to do was cut herself off from her emotions and she would be able to endure anything Yoko threw at her. Do your worst, Fox, she thought. You won’t break me.
Yoko shook his bag upside down and a shower of coins and jewels joined those already on the floor. His theft, while profitable, had been disappointing. The security measures were weak and no one pursued him as he left with his loot. It frustrated him and he needed to vent it. Fortunately, I know the perfect way to do so. He exited the vault, setting his traps as he did so. He went down one floor and entered his room to find Hiei covered and awake. She looked blandly at him as he entered.
He shed his clothes, removed the sheet, and climbed onto her. “Hell, my dear,” he said, lightly running a claw along her chin. “I hope this time will be better than last time.” He spied the bruises on the arms and derived pleasure at the sight of them. He ran his fingers over them and pressed firmly, but no reaction. He frowned slightly. Why is she not reacting? They have to be painful. Hmm, perhaps Yukina was in here and took away the pain; Hiei most likely stopped her from healing the marks completely. Very wise on her part. He pressed harder on the marks and he heard a hiss but nothing else. He moved on to the breasts, pressing, squeezing, and pinching: Still nothing. He proceeded to thrusting, but Hiei did nothing but stare at the canopy and inhale sharply at the insertions. Yoko growled as he fired into her before he pulled out and slapped her face and body ruthlessly. “What the hell is the matter with you?” he snarled in her face. He looked deep into her eyes and saw that they looked blank and empty.
He jerked back and looked annoyed. “You’re cutting off your emotions!”
“Of course,” Hiei finally said softly, but proudly. “I am Yukina’s sister after all.”
“You will regret your choice, bitch!” Yoko snapped, donning a robe and stalking from the room.
“I won’t break,” she said flatly, burying her emotions further.
Chapter Seven- Yoko’s Revenge
Yoko smirked as he admired the small pile of pills he had spent hours creating. He would break Hiei’s emotionless walls. His plan couldn’t fail. He gathered the pills in a pouch and left the lab to find Yukina.
Hiei had withdrawn into herself. She descended into a realm of calm and bliss. She had succeeded in resisting Yoko’s attempts t make her verbally react to his actions. It angered him and vowed that she would regret her resistance. She continued to build her walls. She would not give in to the fox. She would rather die.
The door opened and Hiei looked to see Yoko enter with Yukina behind him. He held a pouch in on hand which he placed on the table before turning to the black-haired girl. “Clever of you to bury your emotions, but that plan ends here.” He went to Yukina and pinned her arms back with one hand while the other held a knife, the point aimed at her heart.
“No!” Hiei screamed in alarm. “Leave her alone!”
Yoko grinned at Hiei’s outburst. He knew threatening to kill Yukina would get Hiei’s attention. He had no qualms about murdering the girl, but if he did then he would have no threat to get Hiei to submit. “So, does this mean you’ll give me what I want?”
“Don’t do it, Hiei,” Yukina pleaded even as Yoko put the point on her skin.
“Yes,” Hiei said. “I’ll give you what you want.”
“Good. Then, I’ll put her somewhere secure and come back for some fun.” He carted Yukina out of the room and into a dungeon cell, setting the knife up so that if Hiei broke her word, he would be able to remotely manipulate the weapon. He switched on a security camera before returning to his room.
“Now, I expect more cooperation this time,” he said, dropping the robe.
“Anything to protect Yukina.”
“Yeas, that’s good to hear,” Yoko said, opening the bag. “However, I desire you to be more agreeable and loving though I feel nothing for you.”
“I assume you came up with a solution,” Hiei said neutrally.
“Correct.” He turned to her, a small round pale pink pill between his thumb and forefinger. “I just need you to swallow this. The effect is immediate and will last twelve hours.”
“Very potent,” Hiei noted.
“Oh, yes quite potent. You will agree to whatever I suggest and you will love me.” He saw disgust in her eyes. “Do not resist me. I still hold your sister’s life in my hands.”
Hiei sighed before opening her mouth when Yoko leaned over her. He popped the pill in, closed her mouth, and manipulated her jaw and throat in order to make sure it went down. Hiei swallowed it almost entirely on her own. She closed her eyes as she felt it travel down into her stomach.
She opened her eyes to look into gold eyes above her. Her gaze traveled down to take in Yoko’s naked body. Oh, he’s gorgeous, she thought. I think I’m in love. No, I don’t just think; I am in love with him.
“Hiei, how do you feel?”
“I feel great. I love you, Yoko.”
“Excellent. So, will you allow me to rape you?”
“Absolutely. Give it to me hard and fast.”
“Oh, I intend to.” Yoko bared a sadistic grin which Hiei returned as the fox gripped her arms and started to apply pressure. Hiei yelled out in pain, but her eyes were alight with a desire for more. Yoko was thrilled as he slapped Hiei’s cheeks; his pill worked better than he thought. He had thought that Hiei would struggle against the pill’s effects before it overcame her mind. But, she fell to its effects immediately.
Yoko pushed his lips onto Hiei’s while his claws easily sliced the bonds holding her arms. He felt her arms wrap around his neck and press their lips together harder. Yoko parted his lips to tap his tongue against her lips. She instantly complied and Yoko explored her mouth extensively with Hiei moaning with joy.
Yoko withdrew to see red eyes bright with love. Good; as long as I keep her under the pill’s effects, she will allow me to treat her as I see fit and her love for me will grow. I estimate it will take five more pills for her to love me on her own and that will allow me to rape her with impunity. Yoko ran his fingers over Hiei’s breasts, pressing and squeezing while Hiei growled in pleasure. Her growls became screams when Yoko began thrusting into her.
“Yoko!” she screamed in ecstasy when the fox fired into her.
Yoko didn’t respond in turn; he was busy bruising and lightly scratching her legs before binding her arms again while Hiei drifted off to sleep.
Hiei awoke to find her arms bound again. I don’t remember my arms being restrained again, but I remember everything before that. I can’t believe I told Yoko that I love him. I know the pill made me say that because I could never love someone like him willingly.
The door opened and Yoko entered, wheeling a cart bearing what was clearly breakfast. “Good morning,” Yoko said, sounding cheerful. “I made breakfast for all three of us. Yukina has hers and this is ours. I trust you won’t try to escape if I free your arms and legs, correct?”
“You’re right. Yukina’s life is important to me.”
“Of course,” Yoko agreed as he slicked the bonds. Hiei wondered how Yoko could cut it so easily when it resisted her best efforts. She sat up and glanced sidelong at the table to see the bag of pills gone. She was suspicious of the food handed to her; the pill could be concealed within waiting to put her under its influence again.
Not that it matters if it is. I gave Yoko my word to give him what he wants in order to save Yukina’s life. She bit into her food, but felt no different when she finished. She passed her dish and glass to Yoko and once he put them on the cart, he turned back to her with a pill in his hand. She took it, popped it in her mouth, swallowed, and felt her love for him surge forth stronger than before.
She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a tender kiss. She released and gazed at him happily. “I love you. I want you to rape me and I would love to carry your child.”
“Then, lay back and I will give you more pain. Perhaps, I will impregnate you as you are willing to be so.”
Hiei laid down and vocally reacted to Yoko’s ministrations which gave the fox a thrill that prompted him to treat her harder than the previous times.
“More!” Hiei yelled when Yoko gripped her legs so hard his claw tips punctuated the thighs.
Yoko chuckled darkly as he complied. His desire to hurt her had become her desire, too. It could also be her love for me. She wants me to be happy and if inflicting pain on her makes me happy, then she is all for it. She will the perfect compliant female.
Hiei savored the pain that wracked her body. It was almost unbearable, but if it pleased Yoko the she would endure it. She hoped he would be just as brutal when he started thrusting. She wanted intense pain for that moment. Of course, she also wanted to be pregnant. She wanted to have a beautiful kit that would become a thief like its father, The King of Thieves.
She gave a high-pitched scream when she felt an abrupt and hard thrust. She looked up to see Yoko with his attractive sadistic grin and he was thrusting with ruthless and reckless abandon. He practically shoved his manhood all the way into her and she cried out with joy. “Harder!” she pleaded.
“Here it comes,” he answered as he thrusted as hard as he could and fired into her once again. She screamed his name and Yoko laughed in triumph at Hiei’s lustful desire. Yoko panted from his efforts as Hiei passed out again. He tied her arms and curled up to sleep. Soon, Hiei will be pregnant and completely in love with me. Once she is, I’ll release Yukina.
Chapter Eight- Nine Months Later
Hiei sighed softly as she awoke from her nap, her hand fanned protectively over her swollen belly. It had been nearly nine months since she fell in love with Yoko and became pregnant with his kit. Yes, Yoko was cold and distant with her not to mention abusive, but she didn’t mind. She still loved him and was patient with him; it’s stressful to maintain his title of Thief King and protect his unborn heir from the demons who threatened it and by extension, her as well.
She supported him by allowing him to abuse her and providing him with Hiruseki stones whenever he demanded it which he either kept or sold. Yoko had released Yukina from her cell after Hiei took the sixth pill that put her completely under Yoko’s desires and control. When Hiei became pregnant, Yoko allowed Yukina to leave the fortress, telling her that Hiei loved him and was now carrying his kit. She had been horrified when she heard that, but did nothing except return to Human World.
I hope she visits one day to see her niece or nephew. Hiei slowly sat up and got out of bed, one hand under her stomach and the other rubbing the small of her back. She was in constant pain since the last couple of months but she endured as her pain made Yoko happy. She shook her head slightly as she left the room that was hers. Once she had gotten pregnant, Yoko moved her to a room of her own. It was amazing that she fell for a ruthless, sadistic, heartless demon for he clearly didn’t love her, yet here she was deeply in love with him and having his baby. I must be crazy, but if I am, I don’t care. I have everything I could want: A mate, a comfortable secure home, enough food and water, and soon a child to raise.
Yoko looked up from his breakfast as his pregnant fire/ice demon entered. Their relationship was certainly a strange one. She considered him her mate while he felt nothing for her. He liked to abuse her whether he was stressed or not and she clearly enjoyed the abuse. The pregnancy caused problems for her and he liked watching her suffer from them. Yes, her side of the relationship was love, support, and tolerance while his side was abuse, cold, and heartless. He cared only for his title of Thief King and his unborn kit. The kit was the reason why Yoko had to be judicious of where he struck Hiei so he didn’t hurt his heir.
Hiei made her breakfast and sat down, giving Yoko a warm smile that he didn’t return before eating. She was halfway done when Yoko got up. “I have to go,” he announced. “I have a meeting with Yomi. He has rare items that he wishes to surrender to me.”
“Understood.” She watched the silver fox leave the room and she continued to eat, her mind drifting to the list of names she had started writing a month ago. She knew Yoko didn’t care if the baby was a boy or girl; she would prefer a girl however, but she would love the child no matter the gender.
She retired to the nursery that was situated next to her bedroom and sat at the desk to work on her name list. She wrote down a few more girl names she liked before going back over it and scratching out names she now didn’t like.
A knock on the door froze her in her seat, her heart pounding in fear. Even though, she still had her fire attacks, she had refrained from using them when she entered her second trimester. She looked around frantically to find a suitable weapon until she heard Yukina’s voice. “Hiei, are you in there?”
She sighed in relief. “Yes, I’m here. Come in.”
Yukina came in and smiled at her sister before going over and giving her a side hug. “Oh, Hiei. You look beautiful,” she commented putting a hand on the stomach.
“I feel heavy,” she corrected but stood to return the hug.
“Of course, but you look wonderful pregnant.”
“I have to agree with you. It’s been amazing to watch it grow. I think our mother felt the same way.”
“Maybe.” She saw Hiei’s eyes suddenly widen. “Hiei?”
“The baby’s coming,” she panted as she sank to the floor.
“Hiei, where’s Yoko?”
“He’s out.” She groaned and moaned at a contraction. “I have to deliver on my own. I honestly knew I would deliver alone. Yoko always said I would.”
“But you’re not alone. I’m here. I’ll help. What do we need?”
“Thanks, Yukina. I set up a set of items over there.” She nodded to a corner of the room. “I made sure to have a set in here and the bedroom as I usually spend most of my time between the two.”
“Good planning,” Yukina said as she gathered the cushions, towels, knife, and bowl. She put the cushions behind Hiei to prop her up and spread the towels between Hiei’s legs. She left briefly with the bowl and returned with it, full of water. She lifted up Hiei’s maternity gown and removed the panties, all set to receive the child.
Hiei grunted, pushed, and panted as she followed Yukina’s instructions. She also felt her sister using her power to dull the pain for which she was grateful; it was hard enough to push without needing the labor pains.
Yukina patiently guided Hiei through the process. She pushed, exhaled, groaned, and repeated the cycle. Hiei then gasped. “I feel it coming,” she said.
Yukina looked down to see a fuzz of black hair and pair of black fox ears! Well, Yoko got his wish for the baby to be a fox. Honestly, the baby could have ended up like its mother. She heard her sister grunt as she pushed and the head fully emerged. She stroke the sides of the nose to expel the fluid as Hiei continued to push. “Keep going, you’re doing fine,” she said soothingly.
Hiei panted as she pushed again and again. She knew giving birth was painful, but wasn’t aware of how hard pushing the baby out would be. She sensed it coming out, felt it sliding along the birth canal. She gave a hard push and as she gasped, Yukina said, “I’ve got a shoulder! One more hard push should do it.”
Hiei complied and as she felt the baby sliding out the rest of the way, a tear slid down her cheek and turned into a red-black stone. The baby cried and Hiei fell back against the cushions, gasping and panting form the effort of birth and absolutely exhausted.
Yukina gazed at the child as she saw to cleaning it, cutting the cord, and diapering it which was a bit challenging due to the black tail. She felt tears well up, but blinked them away as she approached Hiei. “Oh, Hiei. It’s a boy and he’s beautiful.” She kneeled down and held him out.
Hiei took her son and held him tightly as she gazed at him. He had her hair but the eyes, ears, and tail of his father. She then gave a yelp as a weak fiery energy briefly flared around the kit. He’s a fire youko, she thought.
“He’s fire like you and a fox like Yoko,” Yukina commented as she gathered the stone and pulled a cord from inside her kimono.
“I love him,” she said as she snuggled him. She plucked a white blanket off the floor and wrapped him in it as Yukina put the new necklace on the newborn.
“What are you going to call him?” Yukina asked.
Before Hiei could respond, a cool voice said, “Naming him is my business. I intended to name the child myself, boy or girl.”
Both looked to see Yoko in the doorway, his eyes focused on the kit. “His name will be Hotaru, meaning firefly. Seems appropriate and I hope it will be a name demons will speak with fear and respect.”
“Yes, of course,” Hiei agreed. Personally, she hoped Hotaru grew to have a warm heart while becoming an accomplished thief. And he will. I’ll make sure of that.