Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! This is an AU of the series finale.
Chapter One- The Charm
Yugi smiled as he got dressed for the day. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful summer day and he couldn’t wait to get started. He had a full day of fun planned with his friends as he had been since summer vacation had started, but he felt that today would be different.
Maybe today’s the day I tell Atem how I feel about him. Yugi smiled at the thought. Atem, after recovering his memories, had found a way to have his own body which he then used to give Bakura his own body. Yugi felt this was a bad idea but Ryou seemed to be keeping Bakura in line. It was nice to see Ryou standing up to his dark half.
Anyway, when Atem got his own body, moved into the house, and been adopted as a Moto, Yugi felt his friendship had become something deeper. He was attracted to Atem’s looks, even though they were similar to his won and his commanding personality was equally attractive. Yes, the pharaoh was a very desirable boy and Yugi felt Atem deserved to know that he was in love with him. He opened his door and stepped into the hall a few seconds before Atem’s door opened and he came out. “Good morning,” Yugi said, smiling.
“Morning,” Atem replied with a smile of his own. He found Yugi’s smile contagious and that was fine with him. He loved Yugi’s kind, caring personality and his growing confidence. The friendship the two of them had formed was a tight one and, to Atem, it felt deeper than that. It took him a little time to realize that he loved Yugi and knew he had to tell him. Perhaps that will be today.
“Well,” Atem continued. “It seems someone is getting taller.”
“Yeah. I may need to get new uniforms,” Yugi said as they headed down.
“A shame they’ll only be worn for one year.”
“Maybe you could use them.”
Yugi had been surprised when he found out that, despite his deep voice, Atem was younger than him, but only by two years. Atem had enrolled at Domino High School and would be starting the school year with Yugi, but in a different class and grade. That was all right with them. They could get together at lunchtime and, of course, at home. Yugi looked forward to his last year of high school. He already knew what he was going to do: He would help Grandpa out at the game shop and hopefully invent a world-famous game. Naturally, Atem liked that idea and resolved to work at the shop when he graduated.
“Morning, Grandpa,” Yugi said as they entered the living room.
“Morning, boys. Yugi, a package arrived for you.” He nodded at the flat, square parcel on the coffee table.
“For me?” Yugi opened the parcel to find a wrapped box and a letter. He opened the envelope to find it was from Ryou and Bakura who were on vacation in Egypt. He read the letter which said it was a late birthday present and they hoped he liked it, especially Bakura, which Yugi found suspicious but pushed it aside. The thief hadn’t really caused any trouble since getting his own body.
Yugi knelt next to the table, put the letter aside, and opened the box. Nestled inside was a pretty Egyptian charm on a brown cord. “Wow,” he said. “Amazing.” He lifted it out of the box and put it around his neck. It was lighter than the Puzzle was, but rested exactly where it used to lay. He smiled at the slight weight he nonetheless felt.
The smile faded as the charm started to glow white and grow in intensity, forcing everyone to shield their eyes. Yugi felt a wave of dizziness wash over him as the light started to fade and an additional weight on his chest. His body also felt wrong to him and looked down to find out why. He stared with an o-shaped mouth before giving a high-pitched scream of horror: He was a girl!
Atem blinked rapidly as the light faded and then jumped when he heard the scream. He turned to the source and his eyes widened. It was Yugi, but he was a young woman. His, no her height hadn’t changed and her hair was still spiky but seemed less stiff. Her eyes were a brighter purple with definite eyelashes and her lips were full. She had small breasts, a curved waist with hips, and shapely limbs. She was simply lovely, but the screams weren’t.
“Yugi, please stop screaming,” he pleaded.
The sound ceased but then Yugi choked in a high alto, “Atem, I’m-I’m a girl. How…why did the charm turn me into a girl?”
“I don’t know, but I doubt it was an accident.” He turned to the box and saw a folded note lying in it, concealed by the charm. He picked it up, opened it, and read it before scowling and scrunching it in a fist. “I knew it.”
“What?” Solomon asked.
“The charm was created to permanently change the wearer’s gender. Ryou had no idea of its power.”
“Permanent!?” Yugi repeated in shock. She looked down at her delicate hands and slender torso.” “Why would Bakura do this?”
“Amusement, the note said. It is the kind of sadistic torture that Bakura would do.”
Yugi pushed herself to her feet, rocking slightly on them as she regained her balance. She sighed as she took in her clothes. “Clothes shopping is definitely on my list today.”
“Indeed and Tea will be a big help.”
“I don’t know if I want them to know I’m a girl.”
“Technically, you’re a young woman and you can’t keep this a secret forever. There’s school for one thing.”
“You have a point. All right, let’s meet up with the gang and explain this.” As she and Atem left the house, she thought,
Atem sneaked looks at Yugi as they walked. He was still struck by how lovely she was. Her slender torso, shapely limbs, delicate hands, curved face, and small breasts. She won’t be mistaken for a kid anymore. That was a problem she had as a guy. Now that she’s a woman, surely she won’t have that problem anymore. I had hoped to tell her that I love her, but she will be busy adjusting to her new gender and body. I’ll wait. I have plenty of time to confess later.
Yugi was aware of the attention she was attracting- mostly from the teenage boys and a couple of girls. The admiring stares made her uncomfortable and when one boy winked at her, she felt her cheeks grow hot. Great. I’m going to act like a girl, too…and I guess I should. After all, I’m stuck like this and, for all I know, Bakura was hoping I would be embarrassed by being a woman. Well, I won’t give him that satisfaction. I will act like a girl at certain times, but still be me.
“Yugi, I’m sorry this happened to you,” Atem said after several minutes of silence.
“It’s not your fault,” she said. “You didn’t make me put this on.” She pointed at the charm around her neck.
“Why are you still wearing it?”
“A couple of reasons. One, to keep someone else from changing gender. Two, as proof of what we tell our friends is true.”
“Yes, that makes sense and now is the time to tell them.” Atem pointed at the square’s clock where their friends stood waiting. Yugi swallowed hard. The moment of truth.
Chapter Two- Clothes
“Hey, Yug! Hi, Atem!” called Joey as the Motos got closer. He blinked in confusion at the…girl next to Atem who looked familiar. Recognition hit him and he said in astonishment, “Yugi? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it is,” she answered, seeing shock on Tea and Tristan’s faces and still feeling uncomfortable about her new voice.
“How did you become a girl?” Joey asked.
“This charm,” she said, pointing at it. “It came as a package from Ryou and Bakura this morning. Ryou didn’t know that it permanently changes the wearer’s gender but clearly Bakura did. Ryou just believed it would be a late birthday gift.”
“Permanently?” Tristan repeated. “You’re stuck as a girl?”
“I prefer young woman, but yes.”
“Oh, Yugi. I’m sorry to hear that,” Tea said.
“I know and I could really use your help.”
“No problem,” she said brightly. “Obviously, you need new clothes.”
Joey and Tristan looked crestfallen. “We’re gonna spend the day shopping for clothes?”
“Uh, actually it should be just Yugi and me. There’s going to be some girl talk.”
Yugi turned red as did the guys except Atem. He went to Yugi and slid a card into her hand. She looked to see it was one of her grandpa’s credit cards. “How did you get this?”
“Grandpa slipped it to me as we were starting to leave. Clearly, he wanted you to use it.”
Yugi put it in her jacket pocket. “Thanks. I’ll see you at home.”
“Have fun Yugi.” Atem headed back to Joey and Tristan.
Fun? How can clothes shopping be fun? Yugi wondered as she and Tea set off for the shopping district. This is a necessity, nothing more. I have to learn to be a girl and Tea said we’ll be doing some girl talk, whatever that means.
“Yugi, what kind of clothes would you like?”
Yugi was tempted to say just pants and shirts, but knew she would be wearing a skirt to school. “Well, I need to get used to dresses and skirts as I’ll need to wear one for school.”
“Oh gosh, you’re right. We can also get shorts, pants, and shirts in addition to panties and bras.”
“Great and I think I’ll wear some out of the store.” Yugi followed Tea into a store and felt a bit overwhelmed by the countless clothing choices before her. She didn’t know where to start. “Where do we start?”
“Measurements. You need to get measured so we can buy the right sizes.”
“What? Tea, I never got measured before. Why now?”
“Because you’re a girl now and it’s important, especially the chest.”
Yugi blushed. “Okay, point made.” She followed Tea to the fitting room and Tea called for a woman to measure Yugi’s body. Yugi kept still as the woman moved around her with a measuring tape and clipboard. When she finished, she handed Yugi the paper and returned to the store floor. Yugi tried to tuck her shirt back in, but her breasts now made it impossible. It was tucked in before I changed so that’s why it fit. She sighed as she gave up and came out of the fitting room.
“So, where would you like to start?” Tea asked.
“With a shirt that fits,” she muttered, tugging slightly on the hem of said garment.
Tea felt amused by Yugi’s frustration with the ill-fitting garment but suppressed it. “We can start there.” She led the way to the tops and Yugi stared at the different types: T-shirts, blouses, tank tops, and halter tops to name a few. A rainbow of colors also faced her. She knew she wanted a black shirt similar to what she was wearing now. She flipped through the sleeveless shirts and then the short-sleeved ones, checking the tags with the paper of her measurements. Her eyes landed on a black short-sleeve one, but she also saw blue and white. She found all three colors in her size and picked them up. She caught Tea’s eye and saw the slightly disappointed look in them. “Tea?” she questioned.
“You shouldn’t avoid other colors. Remember, you are a girl for good.”
“I know, but choosing these colors will help in my transition.”
“Oh,” Tea said softly. “Yes. I’m sorry. I guess I just want you to adjust quickly.”
“It’ll take time. I just became a girl this morning.”
“You’re right. So, let’s get some jeans.”
“Shorts, too?”
“Yeah, but you’ll wear the jeans out.”
“Is it because I haven’t shaved?”
Tea was caught a little off-guard by Yugi’s question. “It is. I’m surprised you know about that.”
Yugi rolled her eyes. “I figured there was no difference between girl legs and boy legs and that it’s not attractive for girls to show hairy legs.”
Wow. Yugi knows more about girls than most guys do, Tea thought as she and Yugi selected jeans, shorts, panties, and bras. Yugi selected which she wanted to wear and once she paid for them, headed into the fitting room. She shed her old clothes and stared at her naked body, which she had avoided during the measuring.
I am pretty, she thought, tilting her head. No wonder I was attracting attention. Her eyes trailed down her body, admiring the shape of it. She knew that if she was still a boy and not in love with Atem, she’d be attracted to herself. She smiled slightly in amusement as she proceeded to get dressed.
Tea stood outside the fitting room, waiting either for Yugi to ask for help or to come out. I wonder if she’s looking at herself. Probably; if I became a boy I would certainly take a look at myself. The door opened to show Yugi still wearing her boots with a pair of blue jeans tucked into them. A short-sleeve black shirt cloaked her upper body with the ends tucked into the jeans. Her breasts were supported with a bra and her jacket was left open which showed the charm still around her neck. “You look nice,” Tea said as they left.
“It feels a lot better than my old clothes which makes sense. The bra feels weird, though.” She whispered bra, feeling it wouldn’t be right to say it at normal volume.
Tea nodded. “Yeah, that’ll take some adjustment. Your boot seem to fit, though.”
“Actually, they’re a little roomy. I could use new shoes.”
“Okay. To the shoe store, then.”
Meanwhile, the guys were sitting outside having lunch and discussing Yugi’s transition.
“Bakura sent it, thinking it would be amusing to have Yugi as a girl?” Joey asked, anger lacing his voice.
“That’s what the note he sent said.” Atem sipped his drink. “I swear Bakura will get an earful from me when he gets back.”
“Which will be when?” Tristan asked.
“About a week, I think.”
“Poor Yugi. I can’t imagine being a girl and having to deal with it.”
“None of us can, Joey. However, I think she’s dealing with it admirable. I’m sure Tea will help her with any questions she may have,” Atem said.
“Well, I have to say that she is cute as a girl,” Tristan said.
Atem nodded. He had thought the same thing at least twice already. He loved Yugi before and her change to a girl hadn’t diminished his love for her; if anything it grew stronger. I’d like to tell her, but this is not the right time. I will wait until after she’s comfortable being a girl. Yes, that would be the perfect time.
Chapter Three- New Experiences
Yugi slid her foot into a boot and moved her toes around a bit. She pulled it off, put it back, and reached for a different size. She had insisted to Tea that she didn’t need help in picking out shoes. Tea had nodded and amused herself by trying on shoes herself.
Yugi put on her new boot and stood to see how it felt. She found that she liked shoe shopping. It was a satisfying feeling, one she hadn’t felt before. Must be a girl thing. One that I like and won’t fight. Really, I shouldn’t fight any girl things. After all, I can’t be a boy again. She sat, pulled off the boot, put it in its box, and kept it. She went to the sneakers and looked them over. She saw ones she liked and others she didn’t. She tried on a few pairs, chose one, and moved on to a different type of footwear. She picked up a flat and turned it over, looking at it from every different angle. She ran a finger over the small raised heel on the bottom.
She glanced back at Tea who had come up behind her. “I was just wondering why some shoes have different heels.”
“Some women want to be taller than they are.”
“They risk breaking their ankles or neck if they’re too high.”
“Yes and that’s why others choose smaller ones like the one you’re holding.”
She looked at it. “We don’t wear flats like this to school, right?”
“Uh, yeah. That’s right.” Tea had forgotten again that Yugi would be wearing a girl’s uniform when school started.
Yugi nodded but put the flats with her sneakers and boots. “Perhaps I can wear them on a date,” she said as if talking to herself.
“A date?” Tea asked, a little amused.
Yugi blushed and looked away. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud! She had been imagining being out on a date with Atem. The two of them going to the movies, having dinner or lunch together, maybe even just enjoying each other’s company.
“Yugi, you have a crush on someone?”
Yugi kept her back to Tea as she gathered up the shoe boxes. “Actually,” she said. “I’m in love with Atem.”
“I have for some time. I just haven’t told him yet.” She turned around. “And please don’t say anything? Promise?”
“I promise not to say a word.”
Yugi smiled. “Great. So, let’s check out and maybe get something to eat.”
“Sure.” Tea followed Yugi to the front with a smile. So, she loves Atem and before today, too. I hope she tells him. They would make a cute couple.
Yugi signed the receipt and the woman handed her the bag. “Thank you, miss,” she said.
Yugi smiled back. “Thank you, too.” That’s the second time I’ve been called miss, the first time in the clothing store. No one’s treating me like a kid, I’m being treated like the young woman I am. I usually have people thinking I’m in elementary school just because I’m short and look younger than I am, but now I look a little older and I think my breasts helped with that. After all, little girls don’t have breasts.
“So, how does being a girl feel?” Tea asked as they sat at an outdoor table.
“Not bad. Still getting used to my body, though.”
“Of course.”
“I will be giving Bakura a talking to when I see him again.”
“When will that be?”
“Could be as long as a week. They could come home early, though.”
“I’m guessing you won’t be giving him a taste of his own medicine.” Tea nodded at the charm.
Yugi’s hand flew to it. “That’s right. I’m holding on to it and will be hiding it to make sure no one else changes gender.”
“Good idea. I’m glad you find being a girl not bad.”
“Well, I’m not being mistaken for a little girl. It feels great not having to correct anyone like I used to.”
“But you were maturing, Yugi. You were just a late bloomer. You still might be.”
“I know that, Tea, but it still feels nice to address as a woman instead of a kid.” She saw Tea nod and then said, “So, where are we going next?”
“Well, we need to pick up some essentials like razors and shaving cream.”
Yugi’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I definitely want to get those.”
Tea smiled. “I thought you would.”
Yugi’s eyes scanned the shelf of cream. Which scent do I want? She noticed Tea also looking and guessed she was either low or out herself. The brunette selected a peach scent with moisturizer and added to the cart that already held two packs of disposable razors.
“Is shaving the only way to remove the hair?” she asked as she put a raspberry moisturizer in the cart.
“No, but if done right, it’s painless and easy.”
“’If done right?’ What do you mean?”
“You have to use light smooth strokes up the legs. Press a little too hard and you’ll end nicking the skin.”
Yugi winced. “That would hurt.”
“It sure does, but it beats waxing. That’s putting liquid wax on the hair, applying a special paper to it solidly, and then you yank that paper off and it’ll rip the hair out.”
“Ouch,” Yugi said. “Shaving does sound easier.”
“It is once you get familiar with it. Okay, next is deodorant. You can’t use what you used to use.” Again, Yugi was faced with choices. She decided to use a solid as she was familiar with it and decided on powder fresh.
“Tea, could we…look at makeup?”
Tea blinked. “You want to look at makeup?”
“Why not? A little gloss or nail polish couldn’t hurt, right?”
“Right. Okay, pads first then makeup.”
“Uh, pads?”
“Yeah; for when you get your…period.” Tea whispered the last word.
“Oh. Yeah.” That’s one bad thing about being a girl. I can’t avoid that so it’s best to be ready for it.
Tea selected two packs, one for light and regular days and one for heavy days along with medicine for cramps before heading for the cosmetics. There, Yugi selected pale pink lip gloss, a basic makeup kit, and blue nail polish while Tea added cotton balls, nails polish remover, and makeup removal wipes.
“Well, I think that’s everything at least for now,” Tea said as they walked home.
“Thanks for your help, Tea. I really appreciated it.”
“You’re welcome and if you have any questions, feel free to call.”
“I will.” Yugi set off for home, a bit laden down with her bags. I needed a lot of things all at once, so of course it’s a lot. Next time won’t be as bad. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get to like shopping. Yugi smiled as she opened the front door.
Chapter Four- Adapting
“Grandpa, I’m home,” she called.
Solomon entered the hall and paused at seeing the bags. He put on a mock stern face as he said, “What did you do, young lady? Buy the whole store?”
Yugi laughed as she pulled out the card and handed it over which Solomon took with a smile. “Only a few clothes and essentials.”
“Speaking of clothes, I spoke with the school concerning your records. The gender’s been changed but they need to know what size uniform to send.”
“Oh. Here.” She reached into her clothes bag and brought out the measurement sheet.
“Oh, perfect.” He took the sheet and nodded. “Yes, this will answer their questions and then some.”
“I’ll, uh, put everything away and grab a shower.” Yugi took the bags upstairs, a little weirded out by Solomon’s ogling of her body’s numbers.
She got to her room and was removing her old clothes when Atem knocked. “Can I come in?”
“Sure.” She turned back to her closet as Atem sat on the bed. His eyes moved up and down her back and he felt happy that her hair hadn’t changed, though it looked softer.
“Did you have fun?” he finally asked.
“Kind of,” she answered. “I found I like shoe shopping.”
“Oh?” Atem’s lips curled up in amusement. “Buy a lot of shoes?”
“No. Just three. I found boots in my size.” She pointed to the pair now sitting on the closet floor. “I also got sneakers and a pair of flats.” She pulled out the boxes and showed the contents.
“Did you buy a dress to go with those?” He nodded at the flats.
“Not yet. Later I probably will.”
“It sounds like you like being a woman.”
“It’s not bad.” Yugi turned away from the closet and smiled. “I like that no one talks to me like I’m a kid. I was called miss a couple of times and it felt good.”
“I suspected that would happen. You should know, I will be speaking to Bakura about this.”
Yugi actually giggled. “I was thinking of doing the same thing.”
Atem joined in on Yugi’s laughter. “We clearly still think alike. All right, we’ll both talk to him.”
“Good. Well, I’m going to take a shower.”
“Go ahead. We’ll talk later.” Atem left and Yugi wasted no time in hiding the charm and taking her essentials into the bathroom along with clean panties and a nightgown she had bought with her other clothes. She closed the door, fished out the cream and read the directions. My legs have to be wet first. Makes sense. All right. She got out a razor and set it and the can on the tub’s edge before completely stripping. She looked at her bare legs and saw black hairs on them. Yeah, those will have to go. I wonder how often I have to shave. Well, I’ll eventually find out. She filled the tub with some water before sitting in it. She hit on the idea of using the cream’s cap to wet her legs before spraying cream into her hand and spreading it over her legs. She carefully removed the razor’s cover and slowly exhaled before moving the razor as Tea had instructed.
It wasn’t perfect for her first time. She grimaced when she nicked the back of her left ankle and the front of the right calf. While the tub drained, she stepped out, gently dabbed the nicks and put band aids on them before taking her shower. It wasn’t until she was drying off that she felt her smooth legs.
Oh, that feels weird, but good too. She got dressed and giggled as her gown brushed over her legs. She exited and saw Atem look up as she passed. “You took a while,” he stated.
“I was shaving,” she explained.
Atem looked at her gown which ended just past her knees. “You’re hurt,” he said when he saw the band aid.
“Yeah, I nicked myself a couple of times. But I like how they feel even though it feels weird too.”
“I can only imagine. So, you and Tea going to join the rest of us tomorrow?”
“Definitely.” Yugi continued to her room and Atem smiled. It’s only been one day but Yugi seems used to being a girl. It’s clear that she is not going to give Bakura the satisfaction of her being embarrassed by being female. I know I would do the same thing.,p>
Yugi ran a hand up her hair. It was a little damp still, but it definitely felt softer and little more flexible. I like this. If Bakura thought I would be embarrassed and hide, he seriously misjudged me. Atem was right: I can’t avoid the public and the school already knows I’ve undergone a gender change. I will not hide. The city will know and adjust to the fact that Yugi Moto is a woman now. Grandpa and my friends know and soon the city will know. I will need to get a new ID card and that will spread the word that I’m female now. An amused smiled graced her lips. She still had her title as the top duelist in the world. The thing is, is that I’m now the Queen of Games while Atem is the king. We both share the top spot as we always have but now as queen and king.
Hmm, maybe I should tell Atem how I feel tomorrow while we’re out. Once we’re alone, I’ll tell him. Yugi ran a brush through her hair and tilted her head as she looked in the mirror. Maybe I’ll put some lip gloss on tomorrow. I want to experiment with some makeup and the gloss would be a good test.
“It’s good that you helped her out, Tea.”
“I was happy to do it. She did surprise me with her knowledge of shaving, though.”
“She did nick herself.”
“That does happen, even to experienced shavers.”
“It seems like you spent a lot of time for just clothes, shoes, razors, and cream.”
“Well, shoe shopping can take time, but we bought a little more than that. We looked at makeup before calling it a day.”
“Makeup? Did Yugi buy makeup?”
“Just a little. Some lip gloss, a basic kit, and one bottle of nails polish. Plus, she suggested looking at it.”
“All right. It is clear that she is handling her change quite well.”
“I’ll say. If I didn’t know better, I would think Yugi has always been a girl.”
“Yes and maybe tomorrow will be the day.”
“The day? The day for what?”
Atem shifted on his feet, realizing that he had spoken out loud. It was a leftover thing from when he was sharing Yugi’s body. The two sometimes talked out loud whenever they were alone and sometimes they used telepathy. I need to think my thoughts rather than speak them.
“Tea, don’t tell anyone but I’ve loved Yugi for a long while and I had planned to tell her today but I chose to wait until she had adjusted.”
“You love her? I promise not to tell, but you should. Wait until you’re alone and then tell her.”
“Of course. Good night.” He hung up and stared thoughtfully into space. Tea had seemed excited about him loving Yugi…perhaps too excited. Is it possible that Yugi loves me and told Tea with the promise to not say anything? She probably did as it would explain Tea’s insistence that I tell Yugi how I feel tomorrow.
His thoughts turned to his talk with Tea. Yugi seems to be rather accepting of her change. I’m not sure if I would accept as quickly. For one thing, she plans to wear dresses outside of school. I would fight that notion as well as makeup. I wonder…will she wear any of it tomorrow?
Chapter Five- Relationship
Yugi grimaced as she adjusted her bra. She had similar problems yesterday but was determined not to ask for help. She had to learn to put it on herself. I’m an independent woman. I can do things myself. She got it straightened out and pulled on her white shirt. She shook her head to straighten her hair and then grabbed the gloss. She faced the mirror and applied a light coat. She checked the result in the mirror and smiled. Nice. I better keep it with me so I can reapply it throughout the day. She put it in her front pocket and her wallet in a back pocket before heading downstairs.
“Morning, Grandpa,” she said as she entered the kitchen.
“Morning, Yugi. Ready to really spend time with your friends?”
“Uh-huh.” Yugi busied herself with breakfast, unaware of her grandpa watching her. He still wasn’t used to her voice or looks though she clearly was. Or is she? She could be covering up her true feelings. After all, she only changed twenty-four hours ago. One does not accept such a life-altering event so easily.
“Yugi, surely you are at least a little upset about being a girl, yes?”
“What makes you say that? I can’t change back so I am adapting.”
Her nonchalant tone didn’t sound convincing to him. “Yugi,” he said sternly. He saw her shoulders slump and then shake. She turned to show her bright eyes shining with unshed tears. A couple of them escaped before she threw herself into Solomon’s arms and cried.
“I’m trying to be strong,” she said, her voice muffled because her mouth was pressed against his shoulder. “But, I’m mad at Bakura and it’s not fair that he thought it would be amusing if I was a girl. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction that it bothers and upsets me.” She took deep breaths to calm her breathing.
Solomon held her and rubbed her back, satisfied that she letting it all out. “You are strong, Yugi. It’s all right to show emotions now and then now that you’re a woman. I guess you’re not going to get back at Bakura.”
“No. Revenge is pointless. I can show him that his intentions backfired, though.”
Solomon chuckled as Yugi pulled back with a smile. “That’s my granddaughter. Just be yourself and let yourself act like a girl.”
“Right and I’m going to have a new ID made while I’m out today.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” came Atem’s voice as he entered the room.
Yugi looked at him and quickly went back to fixing breakfaster, her face feeling hot. Oh, man. I never noticed before how…hot Atem looks in leather pants and how close his shirt adheres to his chest. I really need to tell him that I love him.
Atem spotted a little red on Yugi’s cheeks as she turned around. He knew it wasn’t makeup and it confirmed his suspicions: Yugi did love him and he needed to tell her the same. I think on the way to get her new card would be the perfect time.
Breakfast passed and Atem waited for Yugi to come out of the bathroom, understanding that she was putting on lip gloss. She may want to buy a small mirror in order to reapply it without needing a restroom. She soon emerged and Atem noticed no difference save for a shimmer on her lips.
“Did you choose a clear gloss?” he asked as they stepped outside.
“No, it’s pale pink. Hard to tell, huh?”
“Yes, except your lips are shimmering. It makes you prettier.” Atem felt his cheeks burn for a moment when he realized what he said.
Yugi also blushed at the comment. God, I had no idea how sweet he can be. It almost makes me grateful Bakura sent that charm. I’m seeing a side of Atem I’ve never seen before.
“Yugi, I was thinking of you buying a small mirror so you can reapply the gloss whenever you need to.”
“I think you’re right and maybe a small purse to carry it, the gloss, and my wallet.”
They found their friends at an outdoor table and, as they came over, Yugi saw Joey and Tristan staring at her and she felt irritated by it. It was one thing when strangers looked at her, but these were her friends. She gave them a stern look. “Guys, quit staring. I’m still me.”
Both boys tore their gazes away and Joey muttered. “Sorry, Yug’. It’s just your clothes fit better and you’re cute, too.”
“Oh,” Yugi said in a small voice. “Sorry about that then.”
“It’s fine,” Tristan said as Yugi and Atem sat. “We’ll treat you no different than usual. So, what’s the plan today?”
“Well, there’s a couple of thing I’d like to buy,” Yugi said.
“We forgot something?” Tea asked.
“We did, but it wasn’t something exactly essential. Actually, Atem brought about me buying a small mirror for when I reapply the gloss and I was thinking about a small purse.”
“Oh, a compact and a purse. Okay, that won’t take long.” Her last statement was directed at Joey and Tristan who seemed unhappy about shopping.
It turned out that the store they went to caught the guys’ interest as well. While Tea and Yugi selected a compact, a purse, and a ladies’ wallet, Joey also got a new wallet, and Atem got some new wrist cuffs.
“That was sort of fun,” Joey said as he transferred his stuff to the new wallet.
Yugi nodded happily as she moved her stuff to the new wallet and then into the purse. She felt good at having everything she needed in one place. And I called miss again. “So, who’s up for the arcade?”
“That was a great day,” Yugi said as she and Atem headed to city hall to get her new card.
“Yes, once the shopping was done, everything was perfectly normal,” Atem commented. Their time in the arcade had been normal. Hardly a thought was spared in reminding everyone that Yugi was female. Yugi herself gave her gender no thought as she played with her usual luck, skill, and enthusiasm.
“It was normal except for that guy trying to hit on me. Fortunately Joey and Tristan got him to back off,” Yugi said, sounding slightly annoyed.
Atem chuckled, though deep down, he had also been upset at that guy hitting on her. “Can you really blame him? You are pretty.”
“True, but I’m not looking for a boyfriend because I already have someone in mind. Someone I’ve known for quite a while.”
“Oh?” Atem said, trying and failing to sound casual. “Anyone I know?”
Yugi giggled. He knows. “It’s you. But you already knew that, right?”
“You’re right. I saw you blush this morning and that told me that you were interested in me.”
“More than that. I…love you. I have since shortly before you got your memories back.”
“I see and I have loved you for a little longer than that.”
“Wow,” she said softly. “We loved each other for a while.”
Atem smiled at her. “We have and I would love to be your boyfriend.”
“And I’d like to be your girlfriend.”
“Good. Then, we’re a couple.” Atem leaned over and brought his lips onto Yugi’s, knowing he would smear her gloss but that was all right. He pulled back and was amused by the dreamy smile on Yugi’s face.
“That was great,” she sighed.
“And there’ll be more in the future. Promise.”
Yugi fixed her gloss while Atem wiped whatever was on his lips before they entered city hall. Soon Yugi would fill out the paperwork for her card and have a picture with it to confirm to all that she was female.
Chapter Six- Kaiba and Bakura
“Yugi is a girl now!?” Kaiba exclaimed a few days later when he pulled up Yugi’s duel profile in order to devise a new strategy that would guarantee him victory. Instead, he now stared at the personal information, particularly the “f” next to the sex field.
“When did she become a girl and why would she do this?”
“It happened a few days ago,” Mokuba said, shifting in his seat. “She said she was tricked into becoming a girl. It wasn’t an intentional change.” Mokuba knew exactly how it happened but knew his brother would dismiss the fact that magic was involved. Yugi did say it was a trick and Mokuba seized onto that as an explanation.
“A trick. No way out of it?”
“None, Seto.”
“Fine. That doesn’t change my intention to duel and defeat her.”
“Why Yugi and not Atem? I mean, Yugi is technically the Queen of Games now and she shares the top spot with Atem.”
“I believe Yugi is the stronger duelist and that’s why I chose her over Atem.”
Mokuba doubted that Yugi was stronger than Atem; to him they seemed equal. There has to be another reason. Maybe Seto chose Yugi because Atem technically doesn’t belong in this century or maybe he thinks Yugi might be weaker now that she’s a girl, which wouldn’t make sense. Girls can duel as well as guys. We both know that. Mokuba’s thoughts turned to another matter. Bakura and Ryou should be home soon. Yugi said that she and Atem would be giving Bakura a talking-to.
“Bakura, why didn’t you tell me what that charm did before we mailed it?” Ryou moaned as they exited the airport.
“If I had, you would have thrown in away or held on to it so you could destroy it,” Bakura shot back. “I’d rather the pharaoh be a woman but he’d have been suspicious of the package. So, that left Yugi.”
“Why Yugi and why not do it at all?”
“I chose Yugi because it will amuse me to see her act like a girl. That’s why I did it: Amusement.”
“You’re sure Yugi put it on?”
“I am. Yugi’s a trusting person, not as suspicious as other people. She’s definitely a woman now.”
“She’s going to kill you.” The two boys hailed a cab and got in.
“I’m not concerned.” Bakura leaned back in the seat with a smirk.
The doorbell rang and Yugi padded to it barefoot and wearing a summer dress. “I got it,” she called. She opened the door and saw Ryou and Bakura, the former apologetic, the latter smug.
“Oh, Yugi, I’m sorry,” Ryou said as they were invited in. “I had no idea that charm was magical.”
“I know you had nothing to do with this, but really I’m okay.”
Bakura looked Yugi up and down and smirked as Atem came in. “Well, don’t you make a cute girl? I especially like your voice.”
Yugi returned the smirk with a smile. “Thanks, Bakura.”
The thief’s mouth dropped and his eyes went wide at Yugi’s words. Atem cover his mouth to smother a laugh. “Thanks?” he repeated. “I thought you’d be mad. Both of you.”
“If you had been here when I first changed, you would have gotten your wish but I’ve had time to adjust to being a woman and it’s not so bad.”
“What?” Bakura said faintly.
“You heard her,” Atem said tightly. “She adjusted so your hope of deriving amusement from her discomfort will not happen. I, however, am mad that you would dare to mess with someone’s gender. If I knew where the charm was, I would put it on you and see how you like it.”
“’If you knew where it was?’ What, you don’t know?”
“I hid it once I was alone,” Yugi said. “I don’t want anyone else to change gender because if I didn’t hide it, I believe both you and Atem would end up girls due to revenge and retaliation.”
Bakura frowned. “You’re right. I would have sought a way to get even if I was a girl.”
“If Yugi hadn’t reminded me that you would get back at me that is exactly what would have happened.”
“It did bring out the fact that we loved each other before I changed.” Yugi smiled at Atem.
“So, you’re a couple now,” said Bakura to Atem. “Plan to marry and have a family?”
“Perhaps, eventually which would have happened anyway if Yugi was still a boy.”
“Hmm, Yugi,” Ryou said. “Is it possible to get that charm back?”
“Possibly. But, why?”
“I may want to be a woman as well,” he answered before glancing at Bakura who seemed stunned.
“Ryou, why would you even think of doing that?”
“Well…because I love you and would like us to have a family.”
Bakura blinked. “You love me? But, I drive you crazy.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you.”
“Ryou, I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, let’s head home and discuss it.” Ryou pushed Bakura toward the door and glanced back. “We’ll see you two later, maybe some friendly duels with the gang.”
“Sure. Later, guys.” Once the door had closed, Yugi laughed and Atem joined in. “That went better than I thought it would.”
“Indeed. His reaction was priceless.”
“I do hope he and Ryou do get together.”
“I think they will.” Atem drew Yugi close and kissed her. She savored the kiss and reluctantly broke it when the phone rang. She picked it up. “Hello?”
“Yugi?” came a familiar voice.
“Hi, Kaiba.”
“So, that’s what you sound like now.”
“It is. So, why are you calling? I doubt it was to confirm my gender.”
“Correct. I want a duel with you in two days at the Kaiba dome at noon.”
“I see. All right. I’ll be there.”
“Good. Oh and you can bring your friends, if you want to.”
“I will. Bye.” Yugi hung up.
“What did Kaiba want?”
“He wants to duel me in two days.”
“Is the gang invited?”
“Yes.” She smiled. “I think I’ll wear that blue dress I recently bought. It matches my nail polish.”
Atem laughed gently. Yugi had grown comfortable in acting like a woman and didn’t hesitate to do so. Kaiba will be in for a surprise, he thought as Yugi headed up to prepare for her first match with Kaiba as a woman.