Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. This is an AU of the Dark Tournament finals.
Chapter One- The Bet
Yusuke couldn’t believe his ears. His match with Toguro would be worth two points? So, whoever wins this match wins the tournament. “As for the stakes,” Sakyo continued. “I offer up my life should Toguro lose.”
“But if I win,” Toguro added. “I claim Yusuke to do with as I wish.”
“You what!?” Kuwabara yelled. “Urameshi, you can’t accept this bet!”
“It’s not up to him,” Sakyo said. “The committee is the one who decides if it’s acceptable.” He looked up at the window where the committee sat. He suspected the bet would be acceptable as Toguro would own Yusuke if he won. His prizewinning fighter had already decided on his wish long before today, so claiming Yusuke was simply an added bonus.
Sakyo’s lips curled into a smile as Koto announced, “The committee has agreed to the terms and the bet. The winner of this match wins the whole tournament!”
“That’s insane!” Kuwabara exclaimed.
“And yet Yusuke has no choice,” Kurama said. “He automatically loses if he forfeits. He must fight.”
“Besides,” Yusuke added. “Toguro needs to pay for what he did to Genkai.” He cracked his knuckles as he entered the ring.
Toguro grinned as he entered the ring and flung off his coat. This won’t take too long, he thought. I had originally become a demon as punishment for letting my students down fifty years ago, but I found I truly want to live forever and not die at the hands of someone stronger. The committee is prepared to grant my wish as I swore that Yusuke will lose.
Juri was about to start the match when high-pitched laugher sounded throughout the stadium. Everyone but Toguro looked around; he knew that laugh like everyone else, but only he knew from where. A part of the ring cracked open and Elder Toguro jumped out, left arm still re-forming. He gloated over his waiting to hear the betting was closed just so he could emerge triumphant and went on to exclaim how the brothers were going to be rich. He then asked Toguro wat weapon he was going to become. “As long as we work together, victory is within our grasp.”
Toguro stepped up beside him. “No.”
“Brother, we can win,” the elder said, stunned by the response.
“Yes, victory can be ours, but not together. This is between Yusuke and me. Now, stand on the sidelines.”
Elder Toguro did as instructed, a sour look on his face. He wanted to defeat Yusuke as well but as his brother was the captain, he had to obey his instructions. Ah and if brother claims Yusuke, perhaps I can have some fun torturing him later on.
Toguro turned his focus on Yusuke once his brother had retreated. “This fight is between you and me,” he reiterated. “And I guarantee that you will lose.”
“Let’s do this,” Yusuke said, voice full of determination.
“Begin!” Juri announced, touching off a roar of cheers from the spectators.
“I won’t waste time,” Toguro said, clenching his fists. “I’ll go to one hundred percent.” His muscles grew larger all over his body. He rarely took his full power, but as he would be losing it soon, he decided to take it one last time. His demon energy swirled about him and swept over the area, some of the weaker souls being absorbed into his body. He grinned when he saw Yusuke frozen in shock as he beheld Toguro’s full demon form. Perfect, he thought. He quickly closed the distance between them and slammed a fist into Yusuke’s stomach before the detective could react or dodge. Yusuke gasped from the impact, blood spurting from his mouth. He hit the floor, still conscious and coughing up blood. Toguro’s punch didn’t go into Yusuke’s stomach but it had still done enough damage to keep Yusuke down for at least several minutes.
“Yusuke is down,” Juri said. “One, two, three…”
“Get up, Urameshi!” Kuwabara called. “Come on, get up!”
“Seven, eight, nine, ten! It’s over! Toguro wins the match making Team Toguro the winner!”
Yusuke heaved gasps as he got to his hands and knees, stunned. He had lost! And with just one punch! Toguro had taken him out so fast! He heard cheers from all over the stadium, demons celebrating the spirit detective’s defeat. He saw Toguro’s feet before he felt a hand grab the back of his shirt lift him up so that he was face-to-face with his opponent who had powered down.
“It’s over, Yusuke,” he said, his deep voice soft. “My team’s won and as per the bet, you belong to me now. My wish for winning is waiting in the committee box and I intend to share it with you.’ He then slung Yusuke over his shoulder who was still too hurt and stunned to offer any protest or even fight back.
“Hey! Let him go,” Kuwabara said.
Toguro paused in his tracks and stared at him from behind his sunglasses. “Your friend lost the match and when he did, he became mine as per the bet. I will see to it that your lives will be spared.” He headed out of the arena and headed up to the committee box, Sakyo falling into step beside him. “Congratulations, Toguro. Nicely done,” Sakyo commented.
“How did the other bets go?” he asked.
Sakyo grinned. “I just earned even more money. My tunnel project will succeed on a grander scale than I originally conceived.”
“What…tunnel?” Yusuke gasped out.
“Nothing you need to be concerned about,” Toguro answered. “It doesn’t concern me so you shouldn’t think on it either.”
Sakyo knocked on the door and a voice said, “Come in.” The young man entered and Toguro followed, shutting the door and lying the injured detective up against a wall. He saw Yusuke put a hand to his stomach and a faint glow coming from it. He’s using the Spirit Wave to heal. Heh, he better enjoy using it for he will soon be unable to do so. He turned his attention to the committee members, one of them holding a syringe.
“Well, Toguro. You promised Yusuke’s defeat and you delivered. As one of the winners, you are granted a wish. We spent a year researching your request. We have complied a list of traits and things to know about your new lifestyle.” One member handed over a piece of paper while the other presented the syringe. Toguro put the paper in his pocket to peruse later before taking the syringe, inserting the needle into his neck, and injecting the contents.
Toguro gasped as he dropped the syringe. His heart had just stopped and his body became more human. He felt his energy vanish and his skin turned death pale while fangs grew until they were past his lower lip. He squeezed his concealed eyes as they grew sensitive to light. He slowly blinked them open and noticed the pain had faded. He smiled at his pale skin and the feel of fangs against his skin. It worked, he thought. I’ve become a vampire. I am truly immortal now.
“You are certain that I will never age or die?” he asked, a lisp developing because of his fangs.
“Absolutely certain. You will remain the age you are now and killing you is impossible. Everything you need to know about being a vampire is on that paper in your pocket.”
“Good.” He approached Yusuke who stared stunned at Toguro’s change. The vampire crouched in front of him. “I wanted to insure that I could not age and die and discovered that vampires are just that. Yes, I have no heartbeat or spirit energy but I still live. Now, it’s your turn. I will make you a vampire whose life will be in service to me as it will be my blood that turns you.” Toguro gripped Yusuke’s shoulders before sinking his fangs into the neck and feeling them shorten so his mouth could latch onto the skin. Retractable fangs when drinking, he mused. Interesting. He sucked up some blood before pulling back, fangs returning to normal. He pricked a finger and dripped the blood into the holes. He pricked finger healed almost instantly and the fang holes closed up.
Yusuke gasped as his heart stopped and his skin paled. He felt his spirit energy vanish and his fangs grow out. He felt a healing warmth spread through him as his body was brought to perfect health. The warmth and pain faded and Yusuke then knew that he was now a vampire and would serve Toguro for all of his immortal life. No! his mind screamed. I won’t serve him and I won’t live like this! I need to kill myself before I drink any blood!
Chapter Two- Seeking Death
Yusuke shakily got to his feet as Toguro turned back to the committee. “I insist that the rest of Team Urameshi remain alive.”
“What?” one of them said. “The guest team always dies when they lose.”
“Not this time,” Toguro said.
“We’re the tournament committee!” a second one said. “We decide who lives or dies!”
“Are you?” Toguro felt angry and thirsty. Who did these humans think they were to defy a vampire like him? He was impossible to kill, they should be listening to him. With a snarl, Toguro seized one of the men, sank his fangs into him, and sucked him dry. He released his victim and looked at the others. “Unless you wish to join your comrade, you will adhere to my request.”
“Of course, Toguro,” one said, voice trembling.
“Team Urameshi will live,” the other added.
“That’s better,” he said. He put a hand on Yusuke’s shoulder and steered the younger vampire out of the room, Sakyo behind them.
“So, where will the two of you go?” Sakyo asked, though he had a pretty good idea of the answer.
Toguro pulled out the paper, skimmed it, and said, “We will leave the island. Apparently, only human blood will sustain us. So we will settle in a large city; plenty of victims.”
Yusuke jerked away from Toguro and faced him. “I will not attack anyone,” he said, a lisp of his own developing.
“We must drink human blood, animal blood won’t do.” Toguro shook the paper he still held. “It says so right here. All our traits, abilities, and a side effect.”
“Side effect?” Yusuke repeated.
“If we don’t drink every day, we would experience a blood frenzy. In other words, you would lose control and attack blindly. So if you want to avoid that, you will attack. It does say that only a little blood every day is needed, so you won’t have to kill if that is what concerns you.”
“It did,” Yusuke admitted. “But I refuse to live like this. I’d rather die than be a vampire.”
“That would be an impressive feat as we have no weaknesses and are impossible to kill.”
“I don’t believe that. Anyone can die.”
“You’ll find out how wrong you are soon enough.” He looked past Yusuke to see his brother approach and then stop suddenly, mouth agape.
“Brother?” he gasped. “What has happened to you?”
“I am a vampire as is Yusuke. We are immortal, will never age, and can’t die something that Yusuke doesn’t believe.”
“Does he?” There was such glee in his voice that Yusuke turned just as the elder stabbed a sword into his stomach that had formed from the demon’s right limb. The sword was yanked back but no guts or blood spilled out; as soon as the sword was removed, the wound instantly healed.
Elder Toguro grinned and cackled. “Oh, brother we could have fun with Yusuke, you and I. He can’t die and that means we could slice him and he’d heal instantly.”
“We could, but only if I choose to or he proves difficult. As my blood turned him, he will now serve me. In a sense, his life to bound to mine. Now, we have a boat to board. We drink only human blood and must settle in a city.” Toguro put a hand back on Yusuke’s shoulder and led the way to the docks.
Yusuke put a hand to his stomach as he was being led. There was a definite hold in his shirt, but there was no wound on his body. He had felt the sword go into his stomach, felt the pain of it as well as when it was pulled out yet the injury healed instantly. Toguro was right: We can’t die, can’t be killed. I will forever as a teenager and serving Toguro. Yusuke couldn’t see a way out of his predicament. His spirit energy was gone so he couldn’t use any of his attacks not that any of them would be effective against Toguro now. If I heal quickly, so does he. We’re both the same kind of vampire.
Yusuke reluctantly sank his fangs into a human’s neck and drank a little before pulling back and healing the mark before leaving the unconscious human behind. He hadn’t wanted to, but as he hadn’t had nay blood and didn’t want to suffer a blood frenzy, he slipped off to feed. Furthermore, Toguro had told him to feed and he couldn’t ignore an order from his sire. Now, he stood at the prow of the ship, trying to come to terms with his new life. He was a vampire who would never age, couldn’t die, drank blood, and was in service to the one who turned him.
Well, living forever and being impossible to hurt and kill are cool. Drinking blood and serving Toguro I could do without. He closed his eyes and sensed no heartbeat which he had expected; what he didn’t expect was the fact that he was not breathing! His eyes flew open. I’m not breathing, but I’m still awake, alive, and thinking. Whoa. Vampires don’t have to breathe. That’s shocking. I can breathe if I want to but I have to consciously think about not breathing. At least, I think that’s how it goes.
“Urameshi! There you are!” came Kuwabara’s voice. His friend’s voice sent sudden hope through Yusuke. Maybe there was a way to die.
“You okay, Urameshi? You look pale. You’re not seasick, are you?”
“No. I’m not,” he answered, his lisp noticeable.
“How come you’re talking funny?”
Yusuke sighed as he turned to face Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei. Kuwabara gasped while the demons stepped back. “I’m a vampire now. Toguro’s wish for winning was to never age and be impossible to kill and the committee made him a vampire. He then turned me and said because of that, I will serve him forever.”
“Serve him?” Kuwabara repeated.
“I don’t want to. I’d rather die.” He looked at his teammates determinedly. “I believe there is a way. I already know a stab to the stomach won’t work.” Yusuke saw Hiei move before anyone else; he chalked it up to his vampire senses. The fire demon whipped out his sword and slashed it at Yusuke’s throat. The blade left a deep cut, but once the blade finished its strike, the cut healed instantly.
“Hn. Kneel detective. Perhaps a beheading will do it.”
Yusuke immediately folded to his knees, eager to die. He heard the sword hiss through the air and the edge touch his skin but then heard the sound of a sword snapping followed by Hiei cursing. “Why didn’t it work?” Yusuke asked as he stood. “You did cut my throat.”
“Perhaps the back is more protected than the front,” Kurama suggested.
Hiei faced Yusuke in the front and clenched his fists, fire engulfing them. He launched a series of punches so that Yusuke’s whole body was on fire. Yusuke cried out in pain, waiting to feel the life leave his body. Instead, the fire died out leaving him burnt and then his burnt skin returned to its pale state.
“Kurama,” Yusuke said, an idea occurring to him. “Your death plant. That should do it.”
“I cannot. I will not kill a friend.”
“Please. I don’t want to live like this. This may be the only way.”
Kurama stared into Yusuke’s brown eyes that were silently pleading. He understood Yusuke’s desperation to escape this horrible fate. He knew suicide was wrong, even if death was preferable. “Wouldn’t not drinking blood result in death?”
Yusuke shook his head. “I must drink at least a little every day otherwise I’ll go into a blood frenzy and blindly attack. That may mean I’ll attack and kill several people in one day.”
“I see. Very well, Yusuke. I will do it.” Kurama flicked his hair and a seed was in his hand. He went up to Yusuke and pushed the seed into his chest. Yusuke eagerly waited for the seed to take root in his body so Kurama could feed it with his energy and cause it to bloom. He had seen this technique work once and hoped the see would flower and kill him, unlike when Kurama planted it into himself.
“I believe it is ready,” Kurama said. His sad green eyes looked into Yusuke’s. “Here goes.” Kurama focused his energy on the seed and willed it to bloom and kill his friend.
Chapter Three- Lifestyle
Kurama willed the seed to bloom and burst through Yusuke’s body, thus killing him. A hint of stem appeared from where the seed had been inserted and Yusuke watched happily. I’m going to die! Ha, take that Toguro! His grin faded when the seed emerged and fell to the ground.
“What the hell!?” he exclaimed. “Why didn’t it work?”
“I told you,” came Toguro’s voice as he came up behind the human and demons. “We are impossible to kill. Our bodies will resist every attempt to destroy or injure it. We cannot be killed- ever. You and I will live forever.” The tall vampire walked away, chuckling darkly.
Yusuke fell to his knees. His body would thwart any attempts to damage or destroy it. My body’s become a prison for my soul. I’ll never die. He bowed his head to digest this latest piece of information.
“We are sorry this condition was inflicted on you,” Kurama said softly.
“You gonna be okay, Urameshi?” Kuwabara asked.
“I don’t know,” Yusuke choked. “I’m a vampire who can’t die and has no weaknesses.”
“None!?” Kuwabara gasped.
“Hn, some would consider that to be positive. Invulnerable to practically everything,” Hiei commented. “Though not the eternal servitude part.”
“You guys did your best. I’ll try to manage.” Yusuke stayed where he was and heard his friends walk away. His thoughts strayed to Hiei’s last words. Eternal servitude. What kind of things will Toguro ask of me? Bring his victims to him? Order me to kill? Be Elder Toguro’s punching bag? There’s no limit to what he could have me do and I would have to obey.
“Yusuke, preceded me off the boat and bow when I pass you,” Toguro ordered.
The teen vampire nodded in response. They waited until everyone else had left before disembarking. Yusuke went first and once on solid ground, he positioned himself on one side of the gangplank. Toguro appeared, straight and tall and strolled casually down the plan, his brother behind him. Yusuke bowed as Toguro reached him. He really didn’t want to bow, but there had been such iron in the order that he felt like his will was bending to Toguro’s desires. Yusuke straightened and followed the brothers. He had no idea where they were going to stay, but was aware that they were in his home city. There were definitely plenty of people here; Yusuke reluctantly acknowledged that he alone could feed forever as he wouldn’t kill anyone.
“Sakyo has quickly secured a grand place for us to live,” Toguro said as they walked. “We will have access to plenty of humans without even leaving the building.” The glee in his voice was faint, but still evident. The trek led to a tall apartment building that had a penthouse at the top. Toguro pointed to it. “That is our home.”
Yusuke gaped as he followed the pair inside. We’re going to live in a penthouse? Well, I guess that would be grand and with access to blood. Wait…we live on human blood but do we have to attack humans? If not, there is a blood bank we could raid. The trio rode the elevator to the top. The doors open to reveal a fancy door with a potted plant beside it. Toguro reached into the dirt to extract a set of key and passed a key to the others before unlocking the front door and going in. Elder Toguro went next and Yusuke entered, closing the door and gaping at the setup.
It was enormous with lots of comfortable couches, sofas, and chairs. A modest kitchen sat off to one side of the plush living room that opened up to a balcony. Doors lined the walls of the living room. Toguro opened one to reveal a grand bathroom. A marble counter housed a sink with a toilet next to it. A shower stall and a bathtub were available and two small closets looked like they held towels. “Yusuke, freshen up and then we’ll talk.’ The other brother placed a pile of clothes on the counter and both left, closing the door behind them.
Yusuke emerged a short time later dressed in all black that enhanced his pale skin. He took an armchair in the living room that faced a couch where the brothers sat. There was a large wall unit that housed a large flat screen TV with a VCR and a DVD player. Video tapes and DVD’s sat on shelves on either side. A cabinet of liquor bottles separated the living room from the kitchen.
“Now, then,” Toguro also in black, began. “I will re-state what I said on the island and the ship. We are immortal now, can’t die, and won’t age. Our bodies thwart any attempt to destroy or injure it. We are immune to the so-called weaknesses one ready in books or sees in movies. Our eyes are sensitive to light but very briefly. We must drink only human blood.”
“Yeah, about that. Do we have to attack?”
“Oh, yes. Blood banks will not suffice.” He grinned at Yusuke’s disappointed look. “I’m sure you noticed earlier that our fangs retract enough for us to drink and can heal the bite marks.”
“Yeah, I noticed.” Yusuke then noticed that Toguro’s body was still lean and powerful-looking. And he’ll look like that for eternity. I will, too, he thought, subtly looking at his body.
Toguro caught the subtle look as he said, “Yes, as we can’t age or die, our bodies will remain as they were when we changed. My brother is why there’s a kitchen as we can only have blood.”
“I’m guessing the committee picked the best traits for your wish,” Yusuke said.
“They did and I further requested that blood be the only substance I require as well as enslaving any I turn. That brings me to your role.” Toguro stood and loomed over Yusuke. “Henceforth, you will address me as Master and you will do anything I say instantly. Furthermore, you will sleep in a coffin in my bedroom. Is that clear?”
Once again the firm tone in his voice bent Yusuke’s will. “Yes, Master,” he replied immediately.
“Now any comments or questions about vampires?”
“We don’t have to breathe, right? I noticed that on the ship.”
“Correct. Breathing is not necessary but it is an involuntary reflex. We must consciously think about not breathing.”
“Do we have any super senses?”
“Ah, I’m glad you asked. Yes, our hearing, eyesight, noses, and strength are better than before. We can also run faster and of course heal instantly as you already know.” He glanced out the glass wall leading to the balcony to see the sun almost gone. “Even though, we have already had blood today, we will do so again once it is dark. Starting tonight, we will hunt at night only. Though we do not require sleep, it would be best to rest and we will do so during the day. Yusuke, once it is dark, you will go out and feed.”
“Yes, Master.” Yusuke felt disgusted at calling Toguro his master, but he had been ordered and he had no choice but to obey. He watched the sky and once it was dark, he rose and left the penthouse.
“Brother, do you think it…wise to let Yusuke roam alone this time?” Elder Toguro asked cautiously. “What if he chooses to run and hide after feeding?”
“If he does, I will hunt him down and make him regret it.”
“Yes, of course.” Elder Toguro was choosing his words with care as his brother could decide to drink his blood, a thing that could kill him. Neither knew if demon blood would satisfy him and Elder Toguro had no desire to find out as he suspected his brother wouldn’t drink just a little. My brother and I discarded our humanity fifty years ago and we no longer care if humans live or die. That is what prevents Yusuke from killing: His lingering humanity.
Yusuke healed the bit, laid the unconscious man gently on the ground, licked his fangs, and said regretfully, “I’m sorry, but I was ordered.” He turned from his victim, hating what he became, hating Toguro for doing this to him. I need to get away from him. He told me to feed, but he didn’t order me to come back. Yusuke grinned at the realization. I can find a place to hide and drink during the day as Toguro plans to drink at night. Yes and between drinks, I will find a way to die. Yusuke swiftly left the scene of his attack to seek a hiding place and begin to contemplate how to die.
Chapter Four- Escape
Toguro drank contently as he drained his victim of his blood. He released the corpse and removed the marks. He smiled. That was satisfying. I looked forward to an eternity of drinking blood and killing all who try to kill me. Each attempt will be amusing as I can’t die; just as Yusuke can’t die. I had intended to turn him and make him my slave. I think I will return home and compose a list of things I will order Yusuke to do. Perhaps my brother would like to suggest some things too. Toguro left the scene of his kill and returned home. He entered and found the place dark. His eyes easily pierced the darkness as he moved toward the door that lead to his brother’s room. He tilted his head and heard deep, even breathing. He’s asleep. Just as well; he’s a living being and needs rest.
He headed for his room and flipped on the light. An enormous bed dominated most of the room. A wardrobe and vanity dresser stood against the wall on his left side and on the floor opposite the bedroom door and beside the bed was a classic wooden coffin. A desk and chair sat against the wall beside the door.
Toguro approached the vanity mirror and looked into it. A pale man with long fangs and wearing black pants, a tight black tank top, and sunglasses was reflected there. His lips curled up; his reflection was just as it was on the ship sans the clothes. He like how the black made his skin look. He turned from it and headed to the desk. He sat, pulled out paper and pen, and began to write a slave list for Yusuke. Right at the top were orders of bringing his victim to him, dispose of the body, and killing his victim instead of letting the human live. If I order him to kill often enough, he may eventually love being a vampire and will thank me for bestowing this gift on him.
Toguro amused himself by reading and watching TV the rest of the night. When the sun rose, however, he was no longer amused: He was incensed. It should not take long to drink a little blood. Yusuke doesn’t have to be picky over whom he fed. It’s likely he decided to roam, test his senses and abilities. It is more likely that he’s run away, just as my brother thought might happen. I said I would find him and make him regret trying to escape me and I will. He opened his door and a second later so did his brother’s door. Elder Toguro yawned and stretched. “Good morning, brother. Getting ready to sleep?”
“No. Yusuke did not return. It seems you were correct that he would run and hide. I am going to find him and he will suffer for his attempt.” Toguro stormed out the door, not caring if anyone saw his fangs; people would probably think they were imaging things. Yusuke, you will pay for trying to defy me.
Yusuke yawned as he leaned back on his arms which ewer folded under his head. He had roamed all night to find a place to hide and possibly live. He had considered going to his friends but thought that Toguro might think to start his search with them. Then again, he might think that I might come up with that thought and will look elsewhere. Yusuke ventured toward Kurama’s home, amazed by his deduction of Toguro’s actions. He found a small cavern in the woods behind the redhead’s house and decided that would be his new home. He closed his eyes, deciding to feed at night after all; much easier to attack when it was dark. He inhaled and slowly let it out as he drifted off to sleep.
Where are you, Yusuke? Toguro wondered as he moved through the city. His faster speed allowed him to search large areas quickly. He wasn’t bothering to look around carefully; instead he was using his nose. Vampires, according to the paper he had received, exuded a scent that was only detectable by other vampires. This scent trail would last for twenty-four hours, but it made Toguro confident that he would find his slave before the trail faded.
He clenched his fists as he sniffed the air. He desired to abuse the boy for fleeing and knew he didn’t have to be careful about the beating as he couldn’t kill Yusuke. He had followed the trail from the building’s front door, down the sidewalk, and into an alley before going back to the sidewalk. When he had reached an intersection, he inhaled deeply and found the scent was freshest across the crosswalk and down that sidewalk.
He must have roamed most of the night, looking for a place to hide, he thought as he followed the trail. I’ll find him, though. The scent’s getting stronger. He quickened his pace at this realization. He soon arrived at a house that had a wooded area in the back and that was where the trail led. He moved silently into the woods, breathing deeply. He headed for a small cavern where the scent was so strong it had to come from Yusuke himself. He peered in to see the teen fast asleep. The chest didn’t move; if he hadn’t known Yusuke was a vampire, he would have mistaken him for dead.
Yusuke suddenly jerked awake as if sensing Toguro’s presence. He slowly sat up to see his sire’s scowling face. Toguro seized the shirt and hauled Yusuke out of hiding. He put Yusuke’s face to his own as he hissed, “That was unwise of you to try and escape. You are my slave for eternity. It seems you need to be taught some respect for your master.” Toguro proceeded to take a shortcut back home.
“How did you find me?” Yusuke gasped as he dangled in the tall man’s grip.
Toguro smirked. “I didn’t tell you, but vampires leave a scent trail that only other vampires can smell. I simply sniffed out your scent.”
Yusuke inwardly cursed. He had tried to escape, but apparently he left a scent trail that led Toguro right to him. A sense of despair washed over him. He was truly at Toguro’s command. Whatever he said, he had to listen.
Toguro stepped into an alley and smoothly snatched a woman. He dropped his slave, muffled the woman’s mouth, and immobilized her with his other hand. “Yusuke, drink but only a little. I will have the rest.”
Recognizing an order, he said, “Yes, Master.” He sank his fangs into her neck and drank until Toguro said, “Enough.” Yusuke withdrew and Toguro drank the rest of her blood, healing the double puncture marks before steering Yusuke into the apartment and up to the penthouse.
Elder Toguro looked over at the door as it opened and he bared a sadistic grin as he turned off the TV. “You found him, brother,” he said before cackling. “Oh, Yusuke, you are so going to regret running away.”
“It wasn’t too difficult finding him,” Toguro said flatly. He pointed to his room. “Go to your coffin until you are called.”
“Yes, Master,” he mumbled before shuffling into the room. He climbed into it, grabbed the loose lid, and put it on top.
“He seems very compliant,” Elder Toguro commented.
“He now realizes that he can’t get away. He left a scent trail vampires exude and only another vampire can detect it. Both of us have had our blood for the day, so we can focus on torturing Yusuke so that he learns respect for my authority and so that he learns his place.”
“We, brother?”
“Of course. Surely, you didn’t think I would keep the fun all to myself. I urge you to suggest whatever comes to your mind as Yusuke cannot die and heals instantly.”
Yusuke stared at the inside of his coffin lid, his eyesight allowing him to see it easily. He silently cursed. He should have known escaping Toguro wouldn’t be that easy. His master didn’t require sleep and would have found him eventually even without the scent trail.
I’d like to test my abilities and senses. I’ll ask for permission tomorrow night. I wonder when I’ll be allowed out. Judging from what Toguro’s brother had said, I’ll probably be tortured and while I’ll heal, it’ll no doubt be slow and painful. He shuddered. He had a feeling that it was going to be a very long night. He further suspected that the torture and abuse would last all night which was why they both had blood earlier.
“Yusuke, come,” Toguro called a few hours later.
Yusuke instantly awoke from his nap, exited his coffin and the room to see a clear space in the middle of the room and both brother waiting for him. He went up to Toguro, looked up, and said, “Yes, Master?” He waited for Toguro to speak and reveal his specific fate.
Chapter Five- Abuse
“You are going to suffer,” Toguro finally said. “My brother will go first before going to bed and then I will take over.” He went to an armchair and sat, one leg over the other, elbows on the chair arms and fingers laced together. “Oh and the entire floor is soundproof, so go ahead and scream as loud as you want.”
“I’ll make sure you do,” Elder Toguro said. His fingers stretched and then flexed in preparation. They then shot out and wrapped themselves around Yusuke’s throat. The teen’s reaction was reflex. He gripped the fingers as they wrapped tighter and found he couldn’t budge them even with his enhanced strength. He then came to a revelation.
“You know I don’t have to breathe,” he said.
“Yes, but seeing you react like you have to was fun.” He then lifted Yusuke off the floor and slammed him against the ceiling. The impact caused stars to explode behind his eyes and he futilely gasped from it. He was then slammed into the floor and then the ceiling again. He was slammed into the floor again before being released. Yusuke shook off the slamming, the bruises on his neck and throat from the restrictions of the fingers faded away. He got to his feet before he jerked as he felt himself being hit from behind. A moment later, five fingers emerged from the center of his chest. They retracted and the holes closed up before the fingers came back out as they hadn’t exited his back. Over and over again, Elder Toguro pierced Yusuke’s body, allowing the injuries to heal before striking again. Soon, Yusuke had been pierced over a hundred times. The teen knew that if he had been human, he would have died long before the piercing stopped. Hell, even if he was a vampire that didn’t heal, he would have bled to death.
Elder Toguro laughed as he licked the blood off his fingers. “Oh, that was fun but I am far from done.” He then reached out, each finger knife-sharp and they slashed across Yusuke’s throat. No blood spurted out as the heart no longer beat and the cuts healed instantly. He then stabbed deep into Yusuke’s stomach and out the other side. Yusuke finally screamed as he could feel the sharp fingers actually stab through his intestines. The fingers retracted and Yusuke gasped in pain from the damage done and feeling it heal. They had just healed when he got a deep slash across his chest and then another one, forming an “X” before they healed. Elder Toguro slashed, sliced, and cut Yusuke’s body at will, delighting in the screams and seeing the damage heal over and over again. This is so much better than simply killing someone! He can’t die! I can attack him as I please! He cackled in joy and delight.
Toguro watched the butchering with pleasure. Yusuke’s screams were a delight to hear. His brother didn’t pull any punches in his torturing of his victim. This should get Yusuke to recognize my power over him. My own plans should really teach him his place.
Yusuke gasped and screamed, wishing he could die. The elder didn’t seem to tire from his torturing; if anything he seemed to derive energy from Yusuke’s screams. He likes a vampire himself; one that feeds on the screams of his victims. The torture and screaming seemed to go on for hours and when the elder decided he was done, Yusuke was stunned to see that it had gone on for hours. Yusuke was on his hands and knees, panting from his sore throat and the torture.
“Well, brother, I’ll leave him to you for the rest of the night.”
“Sleep well, brother.” Toguro merely looked at his slave as the bedroom door closed. For a time there was silence but Yusuke’s panting and nothing aside from Toguro regarding Yusuke’s smooth pale skin. The shirt was shredded and the pants were full of holes. He will need new clothes, but that can wait until tomorrow night. “My brother had a lot of fun with you,” he said at last. “Are you beginning to acknowledge my authority over you?”
“Yes, Master,” Yusuke replied hoarsely.
“Good.” He stood, went to Yusuke, lifted him up, and carried him to their room. He put Yusuke on his feet and said, “Strip, Yusuke. I intend to truly teach you who’s in charge here.”
“Strip?” Yusuke repeated, having an inkling of Toguro’s intentions.
“Yes. Strip. Now.”
“Yes, Master.” Yusuke removed his clothes and stood naked before Toguro. The tall vampire looked Yusuke up and down before grinning. “Oh, yes. Your body is perfect. I insist you be naked while in our home. Now onto the bed and on your back.”
Yusuke reluctantly complied while Toguro removed his clothes and his glasses. He climbed on top of Yusuke, looking down at the younger vampire’s disgusted face. The look annoyed Toguro and he delivered a slap to the face so hard, he broke the nose. Blood spurted out of the nostrils before the nose healed. Toguro leaned down and delicately licked the blood off the upper lip before kissing the boy despite the long fangs they had.
Yusuke’s eyes widened at the kisses Toguro was giving. They were actually gentle and pleasurable but a little awkward with their fangs. Toguro pulled away and he saw the look of surprise and desire in the young vampire’s eyes. “Like that, Yusuke?”
“Yes, Master. I liked it, a lot.”
“Well, if you behave and allow me to abuse and rape you, I’ll give you more of that.”
“Yes, Master. I’ll behave.”
“Excellent.” Toguro then began to punch, lacerate, scratch, and anything else he could think of to various parts of Yusuke’s body. Yusuke obediently cried out at the pain and Toguro grinned at Yusuke’s reactions. He pushed the boy’s legs apart and fondled his shaft with his tongue and nibbled it with his fangs. Yusuke moaned when the tongue touched his manhood and then gasped when the fangs nibbled it. Even though Yusuke didn’t want to be raped, Toguro was arousing him and it felt good.
He then gasped painfully when Toguro began to thrust hard and roughly into him. The sadistic grin told Yusuke that he was enjoying this part of the rape immensely. He began to pump faster, thrusting hard with each insertion. He began to yell in pain as the pumping became harder and rougher. He also felt Toguro gripping his legs painfully. They’re gonna have bruises briefly before they heal, he thought. Toguro thrust into Yusuke one more time before he fired into the boy who gave a scream of ecstasy.
Toguro, however, wasn’t done. Normally, one would be spent after hitting their climax but as he was a vampire, he didn’t tire and the blood he had gotten from Yusuke gave him more energy. His eyes moved up and down to choose what to do next. He then grinned. I have fangs for more than just being a vampire and attacking for blood. He lifted one of Yusuke’s arms and ran his fangs along it, leaving twin scratches across it, eliciting a scream. The marks, of course, healed but Toguro opened up the skin again. He went to the other arm and did it twice more. He put Yusuke’s legs together and gripped them tight making Yusuke groan loudly.
I want a real scream of pain and I know how to get it. He grabbed one leg and quickly snapped it in three places. Yusuke screamed louder than he had all night. Toguro laughed and watched as the bones knit back together and the leg was repaired. Toguro then broke all four limbs in the same way and got the same high-pitched screams. Yusuke panted as the bones healed while Toguro grinned down at him.
“You kept your word to behave. I trust you know your place now. You are to obey me, understand?”
“Yes, Master. I’ll obey.” Yusuke’s voice was flat and the fire in his eyes had been extinguished. It was clear to Toguro that the boy’s spirit was broken.
“Good. Then, I’ll reward you.” He captured Yusuke’s lips in a deep kiss before kissing and nibbling the neck with his fangs. The moans he drew from Yusuke were just as sweet as the screams had been. He ran his tongue across the neck before kissing those spots, making Yusuke moan even louder. Hmm, this is pleasant, Toguro thought. We will be doing this again. He climbed off his slave and laid beside him quiet for a moment.
“Yusuke, go to your coffin and sleep until dusk.”
“Yes, Master.” Still naked, he climbed into his coffin, covered it, and was instantly asleep. Toguro too fell asleep naked as the sun peeked over the horizon.
Chapter Six- Sense and Keiko
Toguro awoke and knew that sunset was ten minutes away, as evidenced by the clock on his nightstand. He got up, stretched, and put on his clothes. He pulled out fresh clothes for Yusuke, put them on the bed, and then approached the coffin. He knew the boy would sleep until dusk as ordered so he could lift the lid without waking him. He pulled the lid off to drink in Yusuke’s sleeping form. He had his arms crossed over his chest, hands on opposite shoulders, and his chest rising and falling slightly. I had a thoroughly enjoyable night, Yusuke. I will enjoy it more next time as you are totally obedient now. He replaced the lid and exited his room to see an empty room and a note from his brother on the TV screen:
Sakyo has completed the tunnel! I will be gone for a while to explore Demon World.
Ah. So, it will be just Yusuke and me. Wonderful. I want to rape Yusuke as well as be pleasurable, the latter more than the former. His moans are sufficient to arouse me and my ministrations arouse him as well. Rape really won’t be necessary as Yusuke has sworn to obey me.
Yusuke’s eyes flew open and he lifted the lid. It was a new night and he needed blood. He saw an empty room and new clothes on the bed. He dressed quickly, wondering if he was alone; somehow he doubted it. He opened the door and sure enough, there was Toguro.
“Good evening, Yusuke. My brother will be away for a while. You recall asking about a tunnel?” Yusuke nodded. “Sakyo had plans to open a tunnel between Human World and Demon World with all the money he made off the tournament.”
“So, it’s finished, Master?”
“Indeed. Sakyo has agreed that no demons will invade this city, save for my brother. Our supply of human blood will be safe.”
“We could kill any demons who do invade, Master.”
“You’re correct. They cannot kill us and we won’t tire. Now, go out and feed. Come back by sunrise.”
“Yes, Master. I promise I’ll return.” Yusuke left the apartment building and struck out down the sidewalk. He was free to roam the night, to do as he wished. Yes, he was still Toguro’s slave but as he had decided to obey his master, he was trusted to be on his own and come back as he promised.
He found a victim in the park, drank a little, and left the unconscious man in the bushes. Now that he had fed, he could turn his attention to his senses and abilities. He already knew his eyesight was impressive and that his hearing was sharp enough to hear his heart’s non-existent beating, but he needed to know what he could hear. He settled in the shadows of a grove of trees with humans milling around nearby and in the distance. He closed his eyes and focused on his hearing. He could hear the nearby humans’ voices easily and clearly, could hear their conversations. He could also hear the distant humans’ voices but not as clearly. He then heard the beats of many hearts around him as well as them breathing.
Wow, he thought as he opened his eyes. I can hear over great distances and even hear heartbeats and people breathing. I’m not sure why I need to hear either, as it’s easy to grab someone to drink from and that brings me to an ability: Increased strength. I can immobilize someone with one hand leaving the other one free to muffle their mouths as I attack.
Yusuke thought on his sense of smell and concluded that the only real use was tracking a vampire’s scent trail like Toguro had done. I suppose it would be entertaining to detect smells a long way off and track people by smell, but that’s it. Hmm, I still need to know how fast I am.
“Yusuke?” came a voice from behind him that startled the teen vampire out of his thoughts. He popped to his feet and whirled around to see his girlfriend, Keiko. She seemed stunned at his appearance for a moment before coming closer. “Kuwabara told me you became a vampire but it’s still shocking to see you like this.”
“Believe me, I didn’t choose to be a vampire. Did Kuwabara tell you anything else?”
“He said you’re serving Toguro and you can’t be killed.”
“It’s all true. I’m Toguro’s slave as he’s the one who turned me. I wanted to die after being turned, but nothing my teammates did worked.”
“Why don’t you run away? Hide somewhere?”
“I tried, Keiko. It turns out that vampires leave a scent trail other vampires can smell. Toguro found where I was hiding and tortured me last night for running away.”
Keiko gasped and tried to spot any injuries, but saw none. Yusuke noticed her roving eyes and smiled sadly. “I heal quickly Keiko which is why I can’t be killed. It seems Toguro picked the best traits of all vampires when he wished to never age or die. I have no weaknesses aside from drinking blood.”
“Kill anyone, Yusuke?” Keiko angrily snapped suddenly.
“What? No! I only drink a little and leave the person alive. I still have my humanity unlike Toguro who lost his a long time ago.”
“Oh, so Toguro killed those people the police found. Sorry, Yusuke.”
“It’s okay. I can see why you would accuse me.”
Keiko came up to him and hugged him. He put his arms around her and could smell her hair as well as hear her heartbeat. He really liked her but it didn’t seem right for them to be together. He would remain a teenager while she would age and die. I could turn her into a vampire, he thought a second before his mind screamed, Are you crazy!? You turn her and she would become your slave. Plus, she would hate you for turning her. He felt Keiko step back and he allowed her out of his arms.
“Do you think I could hang out with you?” she asked.
“I don’t see why not. Toguro trusts me to be by myself and that I’ll return home.”
“Which is where?”
Yusuke shuffled a foot and looked down. “I hate to admit it, but it’s a penthouse.”
“A penthouse!? Whoa, those are fancy and expensive.”
“I was told Sakyo provided it. However, I sleep in a coffin.”
“Not very comfortable and won’t you suffocate in it?”
Yusuke shook his head. “I don’t actually have to breathe so no risk of that and it’s not like I have a choice. Toguro ordered me to sleep in it.”
“Yusuke, I wish I could help you. I hate seeing you like this and what that monster is making you do.”
“I know you want to help, but there’s nothing you can do. I can’t be cured and I have to serve Toguro forever.”
Keiko stepped forward again and gave another hug. “Just take care of yourself. I don’t want you to get tortured again.”
“I promise to be careful. I’ll try to keep in touch with you.”
Keiko smiled as she stepped back, turned, and walked away. She had been horrified when Kuwabara told her Yusuke was a vampire and couldn’t be killed while on the way home from the tournament. He explained that Toguro wished to never age or die and became a vampire. Keiko knew Yusuke belonged to Toguro as per the bet and he was turned which insured his servitude to the older vampire.
Yusuke hasn’t really changed, personality-wise. Yes, he has pale skin, long fangs, and obeys Toguro, but he’s still my friend and he still wants to hang out with me and be friends. We can’t be a couple as he won’t age, but we can be friends for life.
Yusuke ran several laps around the park, the path beneath him nothing more than a blur. He grinned; he was moving so fast it was astonishing and he wasn’t winded one bit. I could give Hiei a run for his money. He continued to run as he headed for downtown where he would be able to find discarded materials on which he could really test his strength. He leaped up once in an alley and, to his surprise, cleared the store wall and landed on the roof. Whoa, what a jump. You know, being a vampire just got a lot cooler. Perhaps, I should thank Master for turning me. Actually, I know I will.
Chapter Seven- Bonded
Toguro looked up as heard a key in the door as the sun started to rise. Yusuke entered, his eyes sparkling happily for some reason Toguro couldn’t even begin to guess. He shut and locked the door before approaching Toguro, and going to one knew. “Master,” he said.
“Yes?” Toguro raised an eyebrow.
“Thank you for turning me, Master. I like being a vampire now.”
He smiled. “I’m pleased that you have reconsidered your view of your eternal life. Now, sleep until dusk and when you wake, you will feed and then bring me my victim.”
“Yes, Master.” Yusuke went to their room, stripped off his clothes, and got into the coffin, closing it. Toguro preferred Yusuke to be naked and that was why he took them off. He still didn’t like being in service to Toguro, but had accepted that this was his eternal role in life and would rather follow orders than be tortured for disobeying.
Toguro yawned as he entered his room. Yusuke’s coffin was closed, his clothes neatly folded beside it. He grinned at this. His slave was naked again. He laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling where a few sunbeams crawled across it. He was starting to feel differently about his slave. He had intended to turn the boy and rape him, which went perfectly. He had expected to discipline Yusuke to teach him his place and to obey him. He succeeded with that, too. His eyes flicked to the coffin. I would love to be pleasurable with him again, perhaps even make actual love as we are still sexually functional. He doesn’t know it, but I can make him act like the vampire I am: One who sees humans as prey to suck dry, not spare. All I have to do is share blood with him. I will insist on being pleasured and during that I will suck some of his blood and he will suck some of mine. His remaining humanity will vanish the following night and he will drain his victim. Yes, he will be a true vampire and sharing our blood will bond us as mates as well as insuring that he will be forever obedient and loyal. Toguro drifted off to sleep, a smile on his lips.
Yusuke opened the door and pulled an unconscious woman into the room. He closed the door, carried the woman to Toguro, put her down, and knelt on one knee. “Your victim, Master.”
“Very good. Once I’m done, you will dispose of the corpse and return. I desire to be pleasurable with you.”
“Yes, Master.” He stood nearby as Toguro drank his victim dry. His fangs pricking her neck woke her and her eyes remained open as she died. Her blank stare was locked on Yusuke who felt awful that he had brought her to her death. But I had been ordered and my place is to obey. When Toguro rose and headed for their room, Yusuke carried the corpse out and dumped it in a dumpster, healed the marks, and went back to the penthouse. He had already fed and was ready to please his master.
He entered the bedroom, saw Toguro in bed naked, and immediately stripped. Toguro beckoned imperiously and Yusuke complied, climbing onto the bed. Toguro, on his side, pulled Yusuke toward him and planted a kiss on the lips. Yusuke melted at the kiss by a combination of being ordered and truly enjoying it. Toguro’s earlier hint of having pleasure was the boy’s order. He parted and said, “I am starting to feel differently about you, Yusuke. I would prefer to please you and be pleased by you, perhaps actually make love.”
“Yes, Master. Whatever you want.”
“Excellent.” Toguro pushed his fangs into Yusuke’s neck and started to suck some blood, the latter only gasping at the prick. He pulled out and the holes closed up. “Now, suck my blood, Yusuke. We will be bonded as mates by sharing blood.”
“Yes, Master.” He pushed his fangs into Toguro’s neck and began to drink. It wasn’t as satisfying as human blood, but he drank anyway. He felt something happening to him as he pulled back. He looked into Toguro’s eyes and then he understood. His loyalty and obedience was now total. He would obey without question or hesitation.
“You are now both my loyal servant and loving mate, Yusuke.” Toguro rolled Yusuke onto his back and got on top of him. He leaned down to lick the boy’s pale neck and plant a trail of kisses along it. The moans that resulted from those moves made Toguro smile and suckled the wet skin. Yusuke moaned even louder. “Oh, Master,” he breathed.
“Yusuke,” he said softly as his fingers caressed the smooth firm chest beneath him. He found this lovemaking very nice and knew it could get intense if he so desired. And I do, he thought. He began to rub circles on the chest, eliciting soft moans. He continued to rub and hear Yusuke moan as he progressed to the legs. He saw the hard erection and lowered his head to run his tongue over it and gently nibble it with his fangs. Yusuke gasped at the feel of the fangs and then begged Toguro to thrust into him. He happily complied and the screams were music to his ears. He yelled in response as he pumped fast and hard. He reached his climax and the release was sweet and left both vampires satisfied. Toguro moved beside Yusuke and pulled the boy close so that the younger vampire’s back was against his chest. “You will no longer sleep in a coffin,” he whispered in his ear. “We are mates and will share a bed.”
“Yes, Master,” Yusuke murmured, feeling happy and safe in his mate’s arms. He didn’t know why Toguro felt more loving toward him and he didn’t really care. All he wanted was to be treated well and loved. He knew the former required total obedience and he would give it. The latter would result from obeying Toguro or when the older vampire felt sexual. He smiled; his relationship with Toguro had changed and for the better. We will be together forever and I will serve him happily.
Toguro enjoyed the feel of Yusuke against his chest. He was already planning tomorrow night. Yusuke would drain his victim, they will discuss his feelings on it, and then he will insist that Yusuke make love to him instead of him making love. He will become the vampire he was meant to be. Together, we will feast on the city. No one will be spared and when we have killed everyone here, we will move on to feed elsewhere and fight with any demons we encounter. Our lives will be ones full of blood and love.
The room gradually darkened as a new night began. Yusuke opened his eyes and saw Toguro gazing gently at him. “Good evening, Master,” he said; even though they were mates, Toguro was his master, first and foremost.
“Hello, Yusuke. What do you think about the two of us feeding together? It will be our first outing as mates.”
“I would love that, Master.” Yusuke hopped out of bed and dressed quickly. He looked forward to feeding with his master and mate. He still couldn’t believe how quickly things between them had changed. They were still master and servant but they were also more than that.
Toguro got dressed and guided Yusuke out of their home, a hand on the small of his back. He guided his mage to the elevator, and out the front door. The pair strolled down the sidewalk, enjoying the clear starry night. Toguro’s eyes swept the crowds, looking for a good place to feed while Yusuke savored Toguro’s hand on his back.
Toguro then seized Yusuke’s hand and yanked him between two stories, their walls forming an alley. “I just spotted two humans coming our way very soon,” he explained, his voice so low that only Yusuke would hear him. Yusuke focused his hearing and heard two sets of footsteps coming closer and the sound of two heartbeats was also heard. He licked his lips in anticipation.
The humans came into view to show that they were young women. Toguro and Yusuke seized them, muffled their screams, and sank their fangs into them. Toguro drank automatically, his eyes fixed on his mate’s actions. The woman in his grip was sinking to her knees, eyes fluttering closed. He focused on the woman’s heart and heard the heart slowing to a stop. He has done it. Yusuke has killed as I planned. His humanity is gone.
Yusuke released the corpse and stared cold and unfeeling at it. It didn’t bother or horrify him that he had killed. He needed blood to live, she had what he needed, and he knew that she wouldn’t give it up willingly so he had to take it by force and not just some of it; he wanted all of it. It makes sense. I’m a vampire and humans are my prey. He flashed a contented smiled at Toguro who returned it.
“Draining them is better than sparing them, isn’t it, Yusuke?”
“Yes, Master. Much better. I should have given in from the start. Vampires drink blood and we hunt for it.”
“That’s right. We are the hunters and humans are the prey. That is the natural order. Now, let’s return home and make love again only this time you will be on top.”
Chapter Eight- True Vampire
“And what is this?”
Toguro and Yusuke sat up from their horizontal kissing session to see an astonished Elder Toguro in the doorway. Toguro stood, naked. “Welcome home, brother. Enjoy yourself?”
“Oh, immensely. It seems you’ve been enjoying yourself as well in the few weeks I’ve been gone.”
“I have. Yusuke now kills his prey and by sharing blood with one another, we have become mates. However, I am still his master and he obeys without hesitation.”
Elder Toguro looked at the pale boy who did have a sinister air about him. He, too, was naked but felt no shame in being so. I get the feeling they’ve been walking around the apartment unclothed. Hmm, I could get into that myself. “Well, then I’ll let you tow continue with what you were doing.” He left the room and slipped into his own. It was strange to see his brother treat Yusuke nicely but then again he just got back and the two of them had been together like this for weeks. Well, at least Yusuke’s humanity is no more.
Yusuke roamed the city two weeks after Elder Toguro returned. He gave no thought to the people he passed. He regarded them simply as prey that would sooner or later die by his fangs or Toguro’s. He was aware that he hadn’t contacted Keiko at all, but that didn’t’ concern him. His only concerns were drinking blood and his relationship with his master and mate. His loyalty was as strong as ever and he couldn’t imagine a life where he didn’t serve him. He also couldn’t imagine life where he didn’t drink blood.
He licked his lips at the thought. He was thirsty; he had been so caught up in his thoughts, he hadn’t stopped to drink. Well, that’s easily fixed. Plenty of prey around. He stole into an alley and hid in the shadows until a lone human appeared. The sound of staggering footsteps and the strong scent of alcohol reached him. Oh! A drunk! he thought excitedly. Toguro had fed off drunks before and saw the alcohol in the blood didn’t affect him at all so Yusuke looked forward to killing his first drunk.
The figure of a swaying woman came into view and Yusuke didn’t hesitate. He snatched her by the arm, hauled her into the alley, immobilized her, bit her neck, and sucked her dry. He detected the taste of the alcohol in her blood, but didn’t feel its effects. He released her and, as she fell, his eyes focused on her face. He gasped and stepped back: It was his mother!
I killed Mom! For a brief moment, Yusuke felt sick at what he had done and then it passed. He sniffed. So what? All the humans in this city will eventually die. I don’t need friends or family. I just want blood and Master.
Toguro sniffed the air; he smelled alcohol and it was heading for the apartment floor. He looked up as Yusuke entered and understanding came to him. He smirked at his mate. “Fed on your first drunk, did you?”
“Yes, Master. How did you know?”
“I could smell the alcohol on the air. Your prey must have been quite drunk.”
“She was. It was my mom.”
Toguro raised an eyebrow at the flat tone in Yusuke’s voice. “It doesn’t bother you that you killed your mother?”
“Not at all. All the humans here will die eventually.”
“That’s right. They all will.”
Yusuke nodded as he settled on the couch with Elder Toguro to watch TV. Toguro suspected Yusuke did feel bad about killing his mother at first, but their shared blood quickly squashed that. I suspect he would feel no regret if he killed his friends. That I would like to witness. &&&&
“Urameshi’s mom is dead?” Kuwabara gasped.
Botan nodded miserably. “Just tonight. It was a vampire attack. No blood in her body.”
“But the police don’t think that.”
“That’s because the bite marks were removed but Atsuko told me it was a vampire.”
Kuwabara growled. “That Toguro. He kills Urameshi’s mom and he can’t raise a finger against him.”
“We need to get him away from Toguro, somehow.”
“Yeah. Maybe I’ll run into him one night soon.”
Botan nodded as she flew off. Kuwabara stared off into space, thinking of how to get his friend away from Toguro. It won’t be easy. He’s been serving that monster for weeks, probably brainwashed into thinking Toguro’s treatment of him is normal. He groaned and decided to get some sleep. Perhaps, an idea would come to him in the morning. He did just that and slept until he heard a knock and Shizuru say, “Kazuma, phone! It’s Keiko!”
Kuwabara padded over to his phone, stifled a yawn as he picked up the phone, and said, “Hey, Keiko. What’s up?”
“Have you heard about Yusuke’s mom?”
“Yeah. Toguro’s gone too far.”
“I’m going out tonight and hope to find Yusuke. I found him in park weeks ago.”
“Weeks ago? Why didn’t you take him home with you?”
“He told me vampires leave a scent trail other vampires can follow. He tried to run away once and Toguro found him.”
“Oh, man. He really can’t get away. Keiko, I’m gonna help you find him.”
“Uh, well thanks. Meet me in the park after sunset.”
“Got it. See you then Keiko.” Kuwabara hung up and thought, It’ll be all right, Urameshi. Perhaps we can hide you in Spirit World. I won’t let Toguro control you any longer.
Toguro gave a low moan as Yusuke ran his tongue across his master’s neck, suckling the skin in between. This was not Yusuke’s first time pleasing Toguro; that had been when he first drained a victim. The experience had been tentative at first, but encouragement from Toguro eased it. He was now confident and sure of what Toguro liked. Yusuke lightly trailed his fingers along the pale skin and the moans of content were delightful to hear. “Oh, Yusuke,” he said in soft delight. The teen vampire leaned down and captured his lips, parting them in order to thrust his tongue into Toguro’s mouth. Their tongues dueled and caressed each other before Yusuke pulled back slightly, his tongue running along the fangs.
“Mm, oh you are very good, my boy. But now, it is time to feed.”
Yusuke looked up to see the room was darker with night. He hopped off Toguro and seized his clothes that were on the floor. “Which direction will we go tonight, Master?”
“The park. I would enjoy a walk with you after we feed. Perhaps even a little sparring.”
“Sounds good. We haven’t fought since the tournament.” The two vampires left their home and strolled to the park. The night was cloudy and cool, but neither really felt it. There were plenty of humans wandering the park and Yusuke wondered which one would die tonight. The two mates veered off to a sparsely populated area of the park to enjoy being alone before feeding for the night.
“Yusuke!” came a familiar voice that made Yusuke freeze before turning around as did Toguro.
“Keiko! Kuwabara!” he exclaimed, a bit pleased to see them.
“Can we talk, Yusuke? Alone?” Keiko asked, glancing at Toguro.
“Whatever you have to say to Yusuke, you can say in front of me. We have no secrets from each other,” Toguro said, putting a hand on Yusuke’s shoulder.
“Let Urameshi go!” Kuwabara demanded.
“You know I won’t do that and I don’t think he wants to leave.”
Yusuke shook his head. “I don’t want to leave. Things between us are better now.”
“Better?” Kuwabara repeated.
“Yes,” Toguro said, approaching the tall teen casually. “We have bonded as mates but I am still his master.”
“Mates? Yusuke, is that true?” Keiko asked, going up to him.
“It’s true. He’s my master and mate. He’s helped me realize how to be a true vampire.”
“True vampire? What does that-?”
Yusuke lunged at Keiko before she could finish her question. He seized her shoulders and sank his fangs into her neck. She screamed in pain.
“Keiko!” Kuwabara cried. He started forward, but Toguro blocked his path. He grabbed the human, sank his fangs into his neck and sucked him dry. Kuwabara’s scream was as loud as Keiko’s but no one heard them as the area was secluded and deserted.
Both vampires released their victims and the younger one stared down at Keiko’s body with no regret or remorse. She was going to die in the end. Foolish of her to look for me; she made herself my victim for tonight.
“Foolish humans,” Toguro scoffed. “They knew we were vampires and yet they chose to approach us.”
“My thoughts exactly, Master.”
“Now that we have fed, I say we spar. Right here.”
Yusuke nodded as he struck a pose. He waited for Toguro to make the first move. Toguro, however, didn’t move from his fighting pose. “You make the first move this time, Yusuke.”
Yusuke blinked rapidly in surprise, but recovered and charged, moving fast as only a vampire could. He threw a fist forward toward the stomach, but Toguro dodged it and gently hit him in the back. Yusuke landed face-down but rolled over, seized a leg, and shoved up. Toguro fell backwards and Yusuke landed on top of him. The two rolled on the ground, wrestling with each other before popping to their feet and charging again. They sparred with each other until sunrise before returning home and falling asleep in each other’s arms.