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Unexpected Changes

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter One- Noticed

Seto smiled briefly as he felt Isis’ hand gently and subtly brush against his own as they waited for Atem to enter for the daily court meeting. No one noticed the gesture or Seto’s smile; at least Seto thinks no one noticed. For a moment, it looked as if Mahad noticed and smiled just as briefly as Seto had. Does he know that Isis and I are in love? If so, he is keeping quiet about it as Isis and I would prefer that our relationship be kept private.

Seto was attracted to Isis almost from the day he first came to the palace. He had gotten to know her as much as the rest of the court. His interest in her grew but he kept his sentiments to himself as he had seen how Isis and Mahad interacted and concluded that they were a couple. It kind of hurt to see them together but he buried the hurt and busied himself with his duties and his acquisition of knowledge. It was when he was doing the latter a few weeks ago when Isis had entered the archives.

He had nodded to her upon seeing her presence. “Isis.”

She had smiled in response. “Seto.” She had selected a scroll and took a seat across from him. The two read in silence for a time before Seto sensed he was being watched. He had looked up to see Isis looking at him with her gentle blue eyes.

“Isis?” he had prompted.

“Seto, I know you are interested in me. I did notice your subtle looks.”

“Yes, I am interested,” he had admitted.

“Why did you not tell me?” Isis had asked.

“For what purpose? To me, it seems that you and Mahad are together.”

“Mahad?” Isis had gently laughed. “He is a dear friend, but nothing more than that. It is you I am attracted to.”

Seto had stared at her before he reached over and took one of her hands that had been resting on the table. “Isis, I love you and would like us to be a couple.”

“I would like that too and that we should keep this private. No one needs to know.”

“Private. Yes, that’s perfect.”

Thus, Isis and Seto shared loving looks and gestures when alone while being professional and displaying a casual friendship that was common among the Sacred Court when in public. No one seemed to notice that Isis and Seto were more than friends, but now Seto suspected that Mahad was aware.

Atem then entered and Seto put his suspicions about Mahad and his thoughts of Isis aside to focus on being one of the pharaoh’s priests. He gave his report on the stone tablets of the extracted shadow monsters but he was inwardly disappointed that no new tablets had been added since his last report. He shouldn’t feel that way as they were charged with insuring peace in the kingdom. That peace would provide him more time to read, however, his amount of reading material was dwindling and Seto would need to find other ways to fill his days.

“My pharaoh,” Mahad said. “The security of the tombs is being challenged.”

“Explain. Challenged how?”

“I believe we have an expert tomb robber. Traps are triggered but there is no sign of an injured or dead person. There are also traps that are not tripped and yet there is treasure missing.”

Troubled expressions were shared among the court. Their architects were masters in their trap building skills. How was a tomb robber getting past such clever traps? Clearly, they were dealing with a dangerous individual.

“What do you suggest, Mahad?”

“I want to take a squad out to some unspoiled tombs and try to catch the criminal.”

Atem nodded. “Yes, a good idea. I also want another member of the court to accompany you.”

Seto, seeing this as a way to occupy his time, knelt, and said, “I volunteer to go, my pharaoh.”

“Very well, Seto. Make your preparations, Mahad, and then inform me when you are about to leave.”

“Yes, my pharaoh.”

“Court dismissed.”

The Sacred Court all bowed and dispersed to attend to their individual pursuits with Mahad preparing for his mission. Seto casually followed Isis out and asked, “Will you be consulting your Item?”

“I will be. I feel I may have a vision of the future. I only hope it is not a dark one.”

“If I may, it seems to me that dark futures are the nature of your Item.”

“More often than not.” She nodded. “But I do have visions that are happy on occasion.”

Seto nodded and lapsed into a thoughtful silence as they climbed up to the Court Tower where Isis did her visions. The Items were created to root out evil and bring peace to the land. They certainly did do the first part of their purpose but the second one would take time. Yet, Seto found the Necklace to be different from the others. It gave Isis vague visions that, most of the time, predicted dark things to come. How did that fit into the concept of bringing peace? Seto dwelled on this as they sat before the fire and Isis went into her meditative state. Maybe, its role is to see the approaching threat and warn others so that they are prepared. That would make sense and that is essentially what Isis does with her Item. She sees a threat, vague as it is, and reports it to the pharaoh.

Isis stirred from her meditation and she opened her eyes. “See anything?” he asked.

Isis shook her head slightly. “No, but I will keep trying. There will be a vision today, I can sense it.”

Seto heard someone approach and looked to see Mahad. He stood and said, “If you say there will be one, then it must be so.” He gave her a nod and then left with Mahad.

“I noticed that you and Isis have been spending quite a bit of time together,” Mahad remarked as they headed for the front gate.

“Yes. We find the other’s company charming,” Seto said.

Mahad hid a smile. He was fully aware that Seto and Isis were a couple, though they did an excellent job of hiding it from everyone. But Mahad had known Isis for a long time and could read her easily. Her subtle gestures and looks avoided the notice of everyone except him. Those subtle hints made it clear to him that Seto and Isis wanted to keep their relationship a secret for now.

But they should confide in at least one person and I would be the logical choice. “Seto,” he said softly. “I know you and Isis are in love.”

“Heh, I thought you did. I saw that brief smile you had this morning.”

“I assure you, I will not speak of it to anyone.”

“That is how Isis and I would prefer it. Mahad, why are you admitting to knowing of our relationship?”

“In the event something should happen to either of you and I happen to be on the scene, I can alert the other. Also, I can be someone to confide to as no one else knows you’re in love.”

“I cannot speak for Isis, but I personally find having someone knowing our secret to be comforting.”

“I am sure Isis would feel the same way. I have known her for a long time.”

“I’m aware of that,” Seto said as they headed out to the tombs.

Chapter Two- The Trap

There was silence as the group followed Mahad to the untouched tombs that the magician suspected would be the robber’s next targets. The tombs were situated in a half-circle with only one way in and out. There were four tombs and six guards which was precisely what Mahad had planned on. He pointed to two and said, “You two station yourselves at the entrance to the area. The rest of you will protect one tomb each.”

“Yes, Master Mahad.” The guards split up to their posts.

“Seto, I do not wish to make my men nervous,” Mahad said as they dismounted and tied their horses to a pair of rocks. “But, it’s possible our crafty criminal is Bakura.”

Seto frowned. “I say it is quite possible. Our trap builders are the best in the land; to get past their traps is an insult to them and it is up to us to apprehend the one responsible.”

“Master Mahad!” called one of the tomb guards. Both priests turned to see footprints appearing out of thin air before Mahad’s Ring glowed brilliantly and pointed at the prints.

“Show yourself,” Mahad ordered.

There was silence and then a mocking voice said, “Now, why would I want to do that?”

That voice told everyone there who they were dealing with. “So, I was correct,” Mahad said. “You are responsible for the sprung and unsprang traps, Bakura.”

“Oh, I’m responsible all right. You plan on stopping me?”

“You know we are,” Seto said. “So, stop playing games, Bakura and show yourself.”

“Fine, priest. I’ll give you a fair chance to catch me.” Bakura materialized before them with a smug smirk before he laughed and took off out of the area and Seto didn’t hesitate to pursue him, ignoring Mahad’s call for him to stop.

Seto raced after the fleeing thief who continued to laugh. He was distantly aware that he could be heading into a trap, but he was not going to pass up a chance to nab Bakura. I will do whatever is necessary to bring him to justice, he thought.


Isis opened her eyes once again, frustration in their depths. Once again, no visions had come. Her certainty that she would have a vision had not flagged. She sensed she would have one, even if it took all day.

Perhaps, the vision pertains to a single person; one I know personally. She closed her eyes again and focused on Atem before probing her Item. When no vision came, she focused on Mahad and still nothing. She turned her thoughts to Seto and allowed her thoughts to dwell on him as she wondered how the search for their expert tomb robber was doing.

She felt her Item glow before a barrage of images appeared before her. She saw Bakura, a small circular chamber with Seto in it, and then Seto screaming in pain and then in fury. Isis’ eyes flew open and she gave a small gasp from all that she had seen. “Seto,” she said softly. “I pray this vision is of the distant future otherwise it is occurring now or it will very soon.”


Seto chased Bakura to a cliff face and saw him slide into a narrow crevice. He didn’t hesitate to follow him. He wiggled through the passage and heard Bakura pant a little ways ahead. He set off after the rapid footsteps. I’ll get you, Bakura. You will be judged and sentenced for your crimes.

The corridor Seto found himself in seemed to be one long path with no side passages or hidden cracks. He continued down the passage and stopped to see a small, circular chamber before him. It was just big enough for two or three people particularly if two stood in the center while the third walked along the perimeter or stood in the entryway. This didn’t interest Seto; he was more concerned that as this chamber was a dead end, it meant he had lost Bakura. Maybe there was a hidden passage I did not notice. If that is the case, I will just…

Suddenly, Seto felt himself being shoved into the chamber from behind. He stumbled before righting himself and turning to see Bakura, who had that smug smile again. “So, there was a hidden spot,” he said.

“Very hidden,” Bakura said. “You went right past it and into my trap.”

“That may be, but I am certain that Mahad and the guards will be here soon. You would be advised to leave if you wish to remain free.”

“I’ll have plenty of time to deal with you and escape.” His smile grew before speaking a word.

The entire chamber, save for the perimeter and the entryway, lit up with a white light that flowed up Seto and he gasped as feeling warmth spreading through his body. He wanted to run, but not because of the light. It was fear and a little curiosity of what was about to happen that kept him from moving. That curiosity evaporated when the warmth became hotter to the point where it was painful. He screamed at the heat and the pain racing through him. It felt as if his body was stretching, contracting, and obviously burning. He heard his screams go up in pitch which he found odd considering he had already been screaming at his loudest and highest volume and pitch. The light and heat ended and Seto panted from it, his body aching from the forces exerted on it.

“Oh, very nice Seto,” Bakura commented. “Very nice indeed.”

Seto straightened, still breathing hard. “What are you talking about?” he demanded before a hand went to his throat upon hearing the higher voice. His fingers also felt a smoother throat and softer skin before lifting that hand to his eyes. The hand was a bit smaller, the fingers were thinner, and nails topped the fingers. He looked down at himself and screamed in that same high pitch. He was a woman!

Her robes at the chest was somewhat torn due to her breasts while the rest of the garment was loose, tight, or ill-fitting. Her body shape couldn’t be determined by the robes and she had no mirror to see her face which glared at Bakura.

“Mark my words, Bakura,” she said. “You will pay dearly for this!”

“Really? And here I thought maybe we could be a couple.”

“A couple!? Are you insane? I would never be with someone who would change my gender, much less a thief like you!”

“Well, yes, I figured that but I thought I try.” He looked Seto up and down. “You make a pretty woman and no doubt other men would think so too.”

Seto didn’t doubt it either but didn’t dwell on it. She had no interest in men despite her change. She still loved Isis and was certain that Isis would still love her. Mahad can reverse this, I have every confidence that he can, but first I have a thief to arrest.

She took a step forward. “Bakura, you are under arrest.”

“I don’t think so,” Bakura declared before turning and fleeing.

“Come back here!” she shouted and attempted to follow only to step on her robes’ hem and almost fell. She hitched up her robes and gave chase, checking the walls for cracks or concealed corridors as she ran. She found the hidden alcove where Bakura had hidden when she had passed him the first time.

She reached the entrance and had an easier time getting through it. She looked around and saw no one. A look at the ground showed too many prints to determine which ones were Bakura’s and where he had gone. She gave a scream of fury before falling to her knees.

I lost him! He got away! She scowled at this. She had been tricked! Bakura lured her away from the others and used a magical chamber to change her gender. Mahad can fix this, though. I know he can.

Chapter Three- Looks and Glances


The now brunette priestess did not respond or react to Mahad’s call. She was still stunned by her change and Bakura’s escape, the latter more than the former. Mahad’s presence gave her comfort in that she would be a man again soon.

“Seto, are you all right? Where’s Bakura?” Mahad asked, putting his hands on her shoulders, apparently oblivious that he was a she, but not for much longer.

“He got away,” Seto choked, aware that she was going to surprise him.

Mahad backed away at hearing the feminine voice. “Seto?” he asked cautiously. The figure was wearing Seto’s blue and white robes and blue hat, but the figure was a woman.

“Yes. Bakura shoved me into a magical chamber, spoke a word, and I became a woman.”

“A chamber. Could you lead me to it?”

“Of course.” Seto rose and was once again struck by the fact that she was a little shorter; if she had to guess she would say she was Isis’ height. She led Mahad to the narrow pass and down the corridor to the chamber where she stayed at the entrance while Mahad examined the walls. She noticed him looking back at her a few times and it reminded her of Bakura’s comments concerning her looks.

Mahad couldn’t help looking at Seto as he examined the walls. She was very different from before. He couldn’t be sure of body shape but what he could see was quite nice. Her hair had escaped her hat and fell past her shoulders and ended at mid-back. Her eyes were wider and a soft deep blue. The nose was slender, her lips were full, and her face was gently curved. She’s lovely. Any man would be lucky to have her. But, she’s not a real woman and Isis loves her. He turned his attention fully to the walls, searching for a counter word. He gave the entire area two thorough searches before facing Seto.

“It would seem that Bakura had planned to lure one or both of us here for the purpose of changing our genders. I double-checked the walls and could not find a counter. I’m sorry, Seto.”

“No,” she said in soft horror. “No, Mahad. There must be a counter, if not here, perhaps in the palace archives.”

“That’s certainly a possibility and one I will entertain once we have returned and reported to the pharaoh.” They headed back up the corridor and he added, “While I look through the archives, I suggest you confide in Isis on anything concerning women. She will most likely loan some robes to you. You appear to be her height.”

“Proper fitting robes would be appreciated,” she said neutrally, not giving away the sour look on her face. She had no intention in indulging in any female behavior! She wasn’t going to spend the rest of her life in this body.

The guards were sympathetic to Seto’s situation and Seto tore the bottom of her robes to conceal her breasts further as the top had torn a bit more due to the narrow pass as she had slid in and out of it. She felt as if the guards were admiring her, but when she looked at them, they were facing forward, so she concluded that she had been imagining it.

Their report to Atem had been a little uncomfortable to Seto as she saw the pharaoh was looking at her the way Mahad had and it irritated her. Once Mahad had found a counter, she would be normal again, so these stares were unnecessary.

Seto followed Mahad out of the throne room and met up with Isis who was indeed eye-level with her. Isis showed no surprise at seeing her beloved female and Seto smiled a little. “You had a vision of my future,” she said.

She nodded as she took one of Seto’s hands and led her to the court’s quarters and into her room. “It came long after you had left, so I had no way of warning you.”

“Isis, even if I had known, I doubt I could have avoided it. I wanted to bring Bakura to justice and blindly chased him. Mahad did not find a counter word in the chamber but will look for one in our archives.”

“And if he does not find one, I will still love you,” Isis said. “You are still the person I love. Your appearance does not change who you are on the inside.”

Seto smiled at this. “I’m glad to hear that you still love me.” She pulled Isis as close as she could, feeling their chests pressing together. They separated and Seto looked away, rubbing her arms to overcome the awkwardness of the moment.

Isis just smiled in understanding as she headed to where she kept her robes and shoes. She put a set of each on the bed and said, “I’ll leave you to get dressed.”

Seto began to remove her robes and then lifted up the borrowed robes and held them up to herself. They ended at the same place they did on Isis and tried on a shoe to find it fit better than her own shoes. She turned to the mirror so she could see what everyone else did.

She nearly gasped. I am pretty, she thought. Her hair hung halfway down her back and now framed her face since her hat was off. She had the elegant body of a woman with all the right curves. She could hardly believe that the woman in the mirror was her. She turned from it and slid on the robes, cinching it around the waist and finding it adhered to the shape of her body. She added the headpiece and shoes before opening the door to reveal Isis.

The Necklace owner nodded in approval. “That looks much better,” she said.

“It feels better too,” Seto added. “Isis, do you attract attention from other men?” she asked as they set off down the corridor, Seto in the lead.

“On occasion,” she said. “I see the glances, the lingering looks, and the open admiration. I’m flattered but I don’t encourage it.”

“I don’t feel flattered. I find it uncomfortable. I know Bakura, Mahad, and the pharaoh were staring and I think the guards we took to the tombs were looking too.”

Isis drew alongside Seto and put an arm around her shoulders. “I understand. You haven’t been a woman very long and already you’ve caught the attentions of at least three men. Just don’t encourage it.”

“Right. Isis, when I left with Mahad, he admitted to knowing we love each other. I told him that I suspected he did and he caught your subtle gestures.”

“I also thought he knew; he knows me so well.”

“He gave his word that he will not tell anyone else. He also offered to be someone we can confide in.”

“That’s good.” Isis noticed that they were crossing to where the monsters extracted from criminals were stored. She further saw the guards giving once-overs or double takes at Seto. Clearly, word of the incident had spread and people were openly staring, mostly men. She had no doubt that Seto had noticed but she ignored the stares. I do hope Mahad finds a counter. If he doesn’t, I will do everything I can to help Seto adjust to being a woman.

Seto grimaced slightly. Her robes now felt restrictive and she disliked how they hugged her body which she seriously disliked. Bakura is a sadistic person. He discovers a gender switch chamber and decides to lure someone to it. He ends up luring me there and decides to see if I would be his lover after I had changed. That is just sick.

She saw the looks the guards were giving her as she and Isis passed by and it greatly annoyed her. She endeavored to ignore them while she’d rather confront them and tell them to stop staring. I won’t do that yet. I’ll play it Isis’ way as she has more experience with the admiration of men. Her experience will be useful as I wait for a counter spell.

The pair entered the storage building and Isis watched as Seto did her duty of taking inventory as well as making sure none of the tablets were damaged. It was a very important duty as Seto had told her; if a monster got free, it would seek out a human who had no monster and it would take up residence in that person and make them commit acts of evil. Isis shuddered to think of an innocent soul turning to crime because of an escaped shadow monster. Fortunately for everyone, Seto takes her duty seriously and she does it well.

Chapter Four- Counter Search

Mahad, after running patrols and teaching his students, retired to the archives. He knew Seto was anxious to be cured, but even she had to admit that the duties and affairs of the kingdom come first. I would go about my duties as a woman, just as Seto is doing now. He had spied both women heading to the tablet storage building earlier and saw that both were aware of the looks Seto was garnering, but they ignored them. Mahad knew Isis ignored the admiration she got on occasion but was surprised that Seto was doing the same. One would think that Seto would confront them and tell them off. That’s what she would usually do. But, then again this situation is unusual.

Mahad smiled softly as he scoured the archives for gender switching. Seto was a lovely woman, more so than Isis, in his opinion. It would be nice if she stayed as she is. She may come to regard Isis as just a friend and if and when that happens, I could present myself as a possible lover. Mahad then shook his head. He wouldn’t dare try to come between Seto and Isis if they still loved each other. He knew he wouldn’t like it if he loved Isis, she loved him, he became a woman, and then some man tried to come between them simply because he found Mahad attractive.

He found several scrolls on the subject he sought, lit a fire, and sat down to study them. He soon found himself actually reading them, finding gender switching to be a fascinating subject. He did keep in mind why he was looking at them in the first place as he read. He did find spells that could temporarily and permanently change one’s gender, but no spells to undo the permanent ones, naturally, and there were no spells to reverse the effects of a chamber that changes gender. Once one changes gender through a chamber, there is no way to undo it.

Seto is not going to like this, he thought as he put the scrolls away. And I don’t look forward to giving her the bad news. He left the archives and asked around for Seto’s whereabouts, certain that she was no longer looking over the tablets. He was told that she had gone to the Court Tower with Isis. He nodded his thanks and headed for the tower, thinking of how to phrase his words.

“What did you see in your vision of me?” Seto asked as they sat in the tower, Seto doing so awkwardly due to the robes.

“I saw Bakura, a circular chamber with you in it, and then you screaming first in pain and then in fury.”

“Male or female?” she asked curiously.

“You were male when in pain but female in fury. That is why I was not surprised when you returned as a woman.”

Seto nodded. Whenever Isis got visions, the outcome was involved in it so that when the outcome occurred, she was not surprised. The way the outcome happens may be the only part that surprised her. “Is it possible for you to see if I will be male again?” she asked.

“It’s possible,” Isis said slowly. “But the Necklace does not often reveal such things.”

“Please try.”

“Of course I’ll try.” Isis settled into her usual position, closed her eyes, placed her hands on either side of her Item, and probed it for a vision of Seto in the future, focusing on a male Seto as she did this. Her Item glowed softly, but only blackness was seen.

She opened her eyes, looked at Seto, and shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I saw nothing.”

“You did say that such questions are not the province of your Item.”

“Some questions can be answered without needing to see the future,” a new voice said and both looked to see Mahad climbing the stairs.

Seto quickly got to her feet and approached the magician who now stood in the room. “You found an answer?” she asked hopefully.

“I did. I will admit that gender switching is a fascinating subject and I couldn’t help actually reading the scrolls as I searched.”

“Mahad. The answer,” Isis rebuked gently, seeing the impatient look on Seto’s face.

“Yes. The answer. I’m sorry, Seto. There’s no counter.”

“You mean no spells?”

“There are spells for temporarily or permanently changing one’s gender. These are meant for those already in their original gender. The temporary ones have a counter while naturally the permanent ones have no counter. Those changed by a chamber cannot regain their original gender as such places are intended for a permanent change.”

Seto felt the world spin around her at these words. No counter! She was stuck as a woman forever! She staggered back and sank to her knees before bowing her head and her eyes stinging with tears.

“Seto,” Mahad began.

“Get out,” she said tightly and with low anger. “Now.”

She heard his footsteps and waited until they faded before the tears truly flowed. Her breath hitched and sobs came from her throat. She felt Isis’ arm go across her shoulders before she turned and buried her face in Isis’ shoulder as she poured all her misery and sorrow into her tears.

She then pulled back and wiped her face dry. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t why I cried. That was…unprofessional and undignified.”

“It’s all right,” Isis said. “It’s fine to be more emotional; as women, it’s acceptable to show more emotion, even crying.”

“But I am still the same person I’ve been on the inside. I do not want to indulge in female behavior.”

“You hate being a woman,” Isis said matter-of-factly.

“I do, no offense Isis.”

“None taken. I would probably feel the same way if I was stuck as a man.”

“Being a man is not a bad thing.”

“Perhaps not as I would have had you to show me the good points.”

“Yes…Isis, you could show me the good things about being a woman.”

“I would be happy to. When would you like to start?”

“Right now.”

Mahad hurried down the steps, a bit frightened by Seto’s reaction to the news that she was stuck as a woman. Seto was usually not the most emotional of people but he was a little surprised by the low anger he had heard in her voice.

Then again, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. I would be upset if I became a woman permanently. I do need to tell the pharaoh that Seto cannot be a man again. Mahad regained his composure as he marched into the throne room and knelt before Atem. “My pharaoh, I searched the archives for a counter spell for Seto, but none exist. I have already informed her of this.”

Atem nodded. “I imagine she was not happy about that.”

“Unhappy is an understatement, my pharaoh. She was quite upset.”

“I understand that. I would feel the same way if I was a woman for good.”

“Perhaps, she will turn to Isis for help in being a woman.”

“I’m sure she will. She is still a sensible person and will do what is necessary to achieve her goals.”

“Of course, my pharaoh.” Mahad gave a bow before leaving the room, leaving Atem to his thoughts.

It had been a surprise when Mahad and Seto came back from their attempt to catch the expert tomb robber with the latter as a woman. They revealed that Bakura was responsible for the triggered and not triggered traps. Seto spoke of chasing him, of the chamber, being transformed, and Bakura escaping.

Atem had listened while admiring the pretty woman Seto had become. He knew she would be wearing priestess robes from now on and they would no doubt add to her beauty.

I think I would like to have her as my wife. I doubt the court would object to my choice and Seto might be flattered to be my wife and queen.

Chapter Five- The First Confession

Seto smoothed down her hair and robes before stepping out of her room to face the day. She had listened to Isis as she told her the good things of being female. She wasn’t sure if the things were good and they certainly didn’t make her feel better. She still hated what had happened and felt the only thing that would make her feel better was if she got even with Bakura.

Isis had given her a disapproving frown when she expressed this yesterday. “Seto, having Bakura as a woman will not change your situation.”

“No, but it would make me feel better knowing he was sharing my difficulties,” she had said.

“Bakura will not allow himself to be caught as he may think that you will want him female.”

So, Seto had slept on that thought and woke up to find that, while getting revenge on Bakura was a pleasing notion, it was not the deportment of a priest or priestess. I will not entertain the idea of getting even again. It is not proper for one of my training.

She walked through the halls, seeing the admiring looks of the guards. She fired stern looks at them and it wiped those looks off their faces. That brought great satisfaction to her. Ignoring their looks is not an option as it doesn’t work for me. She paused outside the throne room and exhaled slowly. This would be the first time that the rest of the court would see her new form. She was aware that she looked and sounded different, but she was determined to proceed as normally as possible. She walked in with her head up and back straight. She moved past everyone, took her place beside Isis, and looked levelly in front and beside her. All three were astonished and clearly curious as to how it happened.

Atem entered the room and the court responded as usual. The pharaoh sat as the court rose and his eyes roved over the court with his gaze lingering on Seto. I was correct. Those robes add to her beauty. “As you can see,” he said, pulling himself from his thoughts. “Seto is a woman now. Would you like to tell how it happened, Seto?”

Seto shook her head, unable to speak of the incident. “No, my pharaoh. You may, if you wish.”

Atem nodded. “Mahad and Seto learned that Bakura was responsible for the traps being set off or untouched. He tricked Seto into chasing him into a magical chamber that changes one permanently into the opposite gender. Mahad had looked for a counter spell, but he did not find one.” He looked at Seto. “I am sorry that you cannot be male again.”

“I accept your condolences, my pharaoh. I will manage.”

The rest of the meeting proceeded and Atem kept an eye on his members. It was clear to him that Seto hated being a woman as her clenched fists indicated, though her face was impassive, giving it a passing resemblance to her male face. It will take time for her to not hate her body and learn to like it. I like it and it seems I am not the only one. His eyes flicked to Mahad who kept looking at Seto with clear admiration; at least it was clear to Atem.

As far as Atem knew, Seto was unattached. Her studies and steady gain of power were all she cared about. The concept of romance clearly did not interest her. But that was when she was a man. Her female hormones may drive her to love someone. I will let Mahad try first and then I will make a move if it seems that Mahad did not win her heart.


Seto trailed her fingers idly along the shelves in the archives. She desired something to read, but was at a loss as to what to choose. She wasn’t in the mood to attend to the list of topics she considered necessary to her title or to her quest for power or knowledge. Her eyes roved the shelves and they alighted on the shelf that held the gender switch scrolls. She regarded them for a moment and recalled Mahad saying he found it a fascinating subject before she removed them to read them herself. After all, who else is more suited to read about gender switching than one whose gender was changed? She took them to a table, lit the braziers, sat down, and began to read.

Mahad returned from patrol, reported that all was well, asked around for Seto’s location. He was directed to the archives and entered to see her poring over a scroll, a few in front of the one she was reading, and a couple to her left. She looked up as his entrance wasn’t completely silent. “Mahad,” she said neutrally.

“Seto. You do not seem to be quite as angry with me like you were yesterday.”

“I…apologize for my reaction. It is not your fault that there is no counter spell. Permanent is permanent.”

Mahad sat beside her. “It sounds like you are accepting your new gender.”

“I changed yesterday, Mahad. It will take time to adjust. I honestly still hate it. I keep hoping that this is all a dream.”

“It’s not a dream, I’m afraid.” He looked down at the scroll in front of Seto and saw an opportunity to change the direction of the topic. “You’re reading the gender switch scrolls.”

“You said it was a fascinating subject and I decided to see for myself. You were correct: It is a fascinating subject.”

“I’m glad you think so. I would be happy to share other topics I find interesting.”

“I do need other topics to read as my current list of required scrolls to study is dwindling,” she mused aloud.

Mahad then selected a couple of scrolls himself and sat across from Seto who had returned to her reading. Mahad opened a scroll and tried to focus on it but he kept looking up and admiring his reading companion. Gods, she is just so pretty. I am secretly glad that she will stay a woman. She hates it, but she’ll adjust and I could help her by being her lover. That may be what will realign her thinking.

Seto then looked up, her blue eyes locking onto his brown ones. “Mahad? Are you all right? You seem to be…staring at me.”

Mahad briefly dropped his eyes before looking up again. “I’m sorry. I just can’t get over how lovely you are.”

“I am more than aware of how others view me,” she commented dryly.

Mahad smiled as he reached out and placed a hand on top of hers. He thought he felt a jolt go through his fingers as they wrapped around Seto’s fingers.

Seto pulled her hand out from under his. “Mahad, what are you doing?” she demanded.

“I…really like you…and it would seem I forgot that you and Isis are still in love.”

“That’s right. We are.” Seto’s tone then softened from the sharp one she had just used. “I do appreciate you telling me how you feel. There’s a possibility I may change my sexual preference in the future but then again I may not.”

Mahad seized onto the ‘may’ in Seto’s explanation. He still had a change to be Seto’s beloved and silently told himself to not give up. Her female hormones may change her preferences in terms of gender. She was still in love with Isis and Isis still loved Seto. Time could change their feelings for each other and give Mahad his chance. Yes, he had magic and another magician wouldn’t hesitate to use a spell to make Seto fall for him, but Mahad wouldn’t do that. He wanted Seto to love him of her own free will, not by a spell.

Mahad and Seto returned to their scrolls, the latter discreetly looking at the former. He was a handsome man and an honorable person. He would not force himself on her and accepted that he had little to no chance of getting together with her.

Mahad grew up in a life of dedication, truth, and honor. Those has shaped him to be a man who honors one’s wishes and would not betray one’s trust either. He is a good friend and that is all it will be.

Chapter Six- Hormones

Seto gave her full attention to Atem, trying to ignore how attractive some of her fellow priests looked to her, but Atem was also good-looking; very much so in her opinion. She inwardly moaned. Her hormones were making her look at men differently, but not in a romantic way, thank the gods.

She found it hard to not look at Mahad or even Shada and even harder to not look at Atem. I am sure Isis has had experience in how she perceives the court and the pharaoh. I will need to speak to her after the meeting.

Isis could tell that something was going on with Seto, even if the others could not. She saw that Seto seemed to be trying not to look at the others, but it did not seem to be working, particularly if one of them was addressing her. She would glance at Mahad, Shada, or the pharaoh and then look away with a quick blush that lasted only a moment.

Are her hormones acting on her? If so, she will want my help in understanding them. The rest of the meeting passed and Isis looked at Seto before tilting her head to the door to indicate for her to follow. Once out of the room, Isis said, “I noticed you were having some difficulties earlier.”

“I think it’s my hormones,” she moaned. “I look at a man and find myself…judging their looks.”

Isis gently laughed. “Women are just as capable of looking at men the way men look at us.”

“But I love you. I shouldn’t be looking at another person.”

“I know, but your hormones are new to you and your body is releasing them in a type of catch-up mode. A girl a little younger than our pharaoh’s current age would have already experienced them and compensated for them.”

“That doesn’t make it easier for me though I understand now.”

There was silence for a little as they walked until Isis pulled Seto into an empty room. “Would you like to talk about the ones you looked at? Gossip as women call it.”

Seto smiled at this idea. “Love to. I actually was looking at Mahad yesterday while we were reading. He is…quite handsome.”

“He certainly is.”

“Isis, he momentarily forgot we love each other. He held my hand at one point before I asked what he was doing. That made him remember.”

Isis smiled in amusement. “He was flirting with you. It was subtle and nonverbal, but it was flirting.”

Seto then blushed. “He’s attracted is what you are saying.”

“I am. Now, I thought I saw you looking at Shada.”

“You did and I was. I can’t really explain why. I think it’s just how he looked in robes. It also could be that I’m attracted to young, bald men.”

Isis laughed again while Seto grinned in amusement. “It could be both of those things,” Isis said.

“Yes, but he couldn’t compare to the pharaoh. He is really good-looking.”

“No doubt about that. I agree with you.”

Seto’s grin faded to a soft smile. “I feel better speaking openly about how those three made me feel.”

“And if the other two flirt or tell you they’re attracted to you? What will you say?”

“I would say that I’m flattered but I don’t reciprocate their sentiments.”

“Would you really feel flattered?”

“Yes. I would.”

Mahad gave a bow. “Patrol was peaceful once again. No evil detected, my pharaoh.”

“That is excellent news, Mahad.” He paused before saying, “Have you spoken to Seto recently?”

“Yesterday in the archives. I…made it known to her that I find her very lovely. I had put my hand on hers but she pulled it away and said she considers me a friend, nothing more. I believe she is still adjusting to her change and still not liking it.”

“She needs to as there is no way to undo it. Have her report to me. I want a report on the tablets.”

“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad left and Atem waited, his mind racing. Seto only saw Mahad as a friend. This was good news for him. He could make his interest to her clear when she came to report on the tablets. I find her quite lovely myself and I will tell her while helping her accept her body and gender and one way to help is telling her how I would like her to be my wife.

Seto entered the throne room later as calm and poised as usual. She approached, knelt, and said, “You sent for me, my pharaoh?”

“Yes. I want a report on the tablets.”

“They are all accounted for and undamaged.”

“Perfect. No one could do your duty better than you.”

Seto bowed her head, feeling her cheeks grow hot at the comment and she briefly wondered if the comment was a subtle flirt. “Thank you, my pharaoh.” She kept her head down to rein in her embarrassment, but she was aware of Atem coming down to her. She felt her head being tilted up so that she was looking into his purple eyes.

“Mahad told me that you still hate your body and gender.”

“I wouldn’t say hate, more of a strong dislike. It is also more of the hormones and less emotional control that makes it hard to be comfortable as a woman.”

“I know you are still the same person on the inside but you need to also be the woman you are now. There is no way to undo it.”

“I know I can’t be a man again and Isis has been helping me to understand sensations and experiences that are new to me.”

“That is good to hear and I believe I may have a way to help you as well.”

“What is it, my pharaoh?”

Atem smiled at the eager tone in Seto’s voice. “You could become my wife and queen.”

Seto stared, stunned. “What?” she whispered.

“I think you are beautiful and I would like you for my wife. You would learn what a wife does as well as the duties of a queen. I am sure that both roles would give you the insight of what is needed to be a woman.”

Seto’s mind whirled at the offer. The pharaoh was attracted to her, so much so that he was asking her to wed him and rule at his side. The idea of being in a position of greater power than she currently had was enticing, but she knew she could not accept.

She rose to her feet and bowed. “My pharaoh, I am flattered that you told me how you feel and your offer is enticing, but I cannot accept. I find you very good-looking, but that is all. I feel no attraction. I am sorry.”

“I see. So, romance remains a foreign concept for you.”

“Not at all, my pharaoh. I understand romance quite well.”

“But not for Mahad or me. It’s not Bakura, is it?”

“What!?” Seto straightened and looked at Atem in shock. “Absolutely not, my pharaoh!”

Atem laughed. “I wasn’t serious. It is ludicrous to love the one who changed your life like this.”

“Indeed. If I see him again, I would arrest him for theft and assault on a member of the Sacred Court.”

“I suggest making sure you are not alone should the opportunity arise.”

“He wanted you for his wife?” Isis asked as they sat in the Tower, alone.

“He did and I declined. I said I find him good-looking, but there is no attraction. I assured him that I do understand romance but nothing more than that.”

“Seto, given the circumstances, perhaps we should tell the pharaoh and the court about us; in the event Shada decides to confess to you. I’ve seen how he looks at you.”

“You’re right. Tomorrow at the meeting, we will reveal our relationship.”

Chapter Seven- The Last Admission

“Isis, has the Necklace revealed any visions recently?”

“Aside from the one about Seto, no my pharaoh. I do wish to announce some happy news, though.”

Atem leaned forward slightly. “Oh?” he asked, clearly interested.

Seto watched Isis for the signal she would give. The two of them had discussed when to break the news, a special signal to be used, and what would be said by the one who went last. Seto was glad Isis went last as she was sure her nerve would fail her if she had gone last instead.

“My pharaoh, I am in love with another member of your court. We had kept it secret as we preferred it to be private. However, circumstances have risen to where keeping it secret and private is no longer an option.”

“This is wonderful news. Who is the lucky man?” Atem asked.

“Well,” she said as she waggled two fingers on her right hand that was down at her side: The special signal. Seto started forward as Isis continued, “She’s not a man anymore.”

“Seto?” Atem asked before recalling their conversation and a small smile appeared. “This is what you meant about romance and why you declined my offer. You were already in love with Isis.”

“Yes,” she admitted. “We agreed last night that we can’t keep it a secret anymore and I feel that it would be nice to have it out in the open so I won’t have other men confessing love or attraction to me.”

“I have to say, this is a nice surprise,” Atem said.

“It is not a surprise for me,” Mahad said. “I had noticed their subtle looks and gestures for a time before Seto changed. I gave my word to tell no one. When I took hold of her hand the other day, she did pull away but then asked what I was doing instead of saying I was just a friend.”

“I forgive your bending of the truth,” Atem said. “You swore to tell no one and everyone here knows you keep your word.”

“Seto,” Shada said and she turned to him. “I am also attracted to you. I know I am just a court member to you but I wanted to let you know.”

“I appreciate that and I also thought you were handsome, most likely the way you look in your robes.” Seto felt amusement when Shada’s face turned red at her comment.

“Seto, would you like to assist me in a patrol?” Mahad asked. “I’m getting ready to do one now.”

“I would like to.” She faced Atem and bowed. “If you will permit it, my pharaoh.”

“Of course, you can Seto. Let the people see you as you are now.”

“My thoughts exactly, my pharaoh.” She gave Isis a kiss on the cheek before following Mahad to prepare for patrol.

The people, at first, paid her no specific attention, but eventually word got around that Master Seto was a woman and soon people were coming up to her to ask how it happened or to complement her on her beauty. She basked in the attention and was amused at how people reacted to her voice. She felt no shame or embarrassment at being a woman and she was shown the same respect she always had.

This was a good idea, she thought as she led a small unit around the section near the kingdom’s boundaries. The story of how I changed will spread and none will look twice at me. I admit, I do like it when the people call me Mistress or Priestess Seto. It has a nice sound to it.

She split the unit into pairs and sent them off to patrol while she slipped into an alley and removed her headpiece to cool off a little. She closed her eyes and softly sighed. She felt at peace, somewhat, with being female. Yes, it had been forced but she had adapted for most part and understood her body’s impulses, desires, and hormones. Her relationship with Isis was known to the palace and the city accepted her change.

The feel of a hand going through her hair made her eyes snap open and she pulled away from the hand before turning to see Bakura with that same smug smile. “Still lovely as before, priestess. In fact, I would say more so with the appropriate robes.”

“You fool,” she replied. “Now, you will be arrested.” She drew in a breath to call for the guards when Bakura rushed her and put a hand over her mouth.

“Too slow, Seto,” he said as he put his free hand into his coat and pulled out a long strip of cloth that he tied over her mouth. He grabbed her arms, pinned them behind her back and tied them before pushing her to the ground on her back. Seto was shocked by how quickly Bakura had moved. He had silenced her and tied her up before she could even put up a struggle.

Bakura leered down at her as he stripped off his skirt and straddled her waist. “I had hoped you would be my beloved but sadly that was not to be. So, I will just have to fulfill my ultimate dream in a different way.” He saw Seto’s eyes widen in realization. “Yes, priestess. You will carry my child and once it is born, I will take it away and raise it to be a thief like me.”

Seto thrashed under Bakura as he was starting to part the bottom of her robes. “Oh, come now,” he said in irritation. “Having children is part of being a woman. And you won’t have to raise it. I’ll do that for you.” He parted the robes some more and stared. “Oh, yes. You are a fine woman. You are not ready for my manhood and I am not ready, either. So, I think I will start at the top and arouse you. That should do the trick.”

Seto struggled as Bakura’s hands went to the top of her robes. She would not let this happen! She tossed her head from side to side and felt the gag loosen. She continued to toss her head, ignoring the things Bakura was doing. The gag finally slipped and she gave a loud scream as well as the word help.

“Shut up!” Bakura hissed as he went to replace the gag.

Seto lunged forward and bit Bakura’s hand. He yelled in pain and she released him to scream again.

“Mistress Seto!” a guard exclaimed as he and his partner entered the alley. One seized Bakura while the other freed Seto from her bonds.

“Take him away,” she ordered, her voice a little hoarse from screaming.

“Yes, Mistress.” The guards secured Bakura and took him away as Seto stood, removed the gag, and adjusted her robes. She had just put the headpiece back on when Mahad rushed onto the scene.

“Seto! I saw the guards with Bakura and they said he was about to rape you!”

“That’s right. He wanted me to carry his child and he would kidnap it once it was born and raise it to be a thief.”

“That is despicable,” Mahad growled. “Rest assured, Seto, he will be punished most severely. Attempted assault on one of us is almost as serious as assault on the pharaoh.”

Seto smirked. “I told him he was going to be arrested. He should have heeded my words.”

“I am relieved you are unharmed,” Isis said as they strolled around the courtyard, holding hands.

“So am I. He had some nerve to attempt that with guards around. His reign of terror is over now and the land can sleep soundly tonight.”

“Did you really bite him?” Isis asked. “I thought I heard him muttering something that sounded like ‘bit’ and ‘stupid priestess.’”

Seto laughed. “Yes, I did bite him. He was going to replace the gag that had gotten loose and I wasn’t going to allow that.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have allowed it either.” Isis released Seto’s hand to put both arms around Seto’s waist. She looked straight into her blue eyes with a smile. “I love you, Seto.”

“I love you, too,” Seto said as she put her arms around Isis’ back and drew her into a kiss, their chests pressing together didn’t bother either one. Seto was now truly at peace.

The End