Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! This is a sequel to Extra Warmth. If you haven’t read that, I suggest you do now otherwise some parts of this won’t make sense.
Part One
Ryou handed the cashier the money and while she was busy, he chanced a quick look back at his boyfriend, Bakura, who had just smoothly swiped a handheld video game system from the shelf and into his jacket’s inside pocket. He turned back to receive his change, receipt, and bags before leaving the store. He exited to see Bakura leaning against the wall with a smug expression.
“I don’t know about this,” Ryou said as they headed down the sidewalk. “Helping you steal, I mean.”
“But you do it so well,” Bakura pointed out. “You distract the cashier so that I can swipe the item I desire.” He reached into his jacket and admired the system’s box once he pulled it out. “Hmm, we’ll need some games to play on this.”
“And they’re real expensive and most likely locked in a case.”
Bakura’s eyes sparkled. “Well-protected, huh? Oh, I love a challenge!”
“Bakura, this is the first time I help you so how do you know I do well as a distraction?”
“Correction: This is your first time voluntarily helping me. You’ve been unknowingly helping me ever since I gained my own body.”
Ryou sighed. “You are lucky I love you otherwise I would be angry that you used me…again.”
Bakura laughed as he put his stolen treasure in one of Ryou’s bags and Ryou smiled at seeing Bakura happy. It had been a few weeks since the two of them had confessed and the conversation they had before falling asleep had been chasing itself in Ryou’s head since then. He had to admit that, in a way, he was a thief as he had stolen Bakura’s heart. I have lived a good life, being a kind innocent person. I have never committed a crime in my life until now. Accomplice to theft. That is the crime I’ve committed and yet it feels good and thrilling that we got away with it. Now we have a system that costs hundreds and we didn’t pay a thing for it.
Bakura saw Ryou’s smile and it sent his heart soaring. He loved his sweet angel’s smile and that their love was the reason for it. He had been surprised but happy when Ryou volunteered to help him steal something. He knew Ryou had no experience in stealing, but he made a good distraction as he had used Ryou like that in the past. Ryou hadn’t protested about his part and the theft had gone perfectly.
Once we’ve gotten this system working, we’ll discuss which games we want, find out which stores sell them, and what kind of security they have. I personally would like to rob a high-security store, but I know stealing from a low security store would be easier. However, I’m a thief and I love the challenge of stealing from top-grade security systems.
I do wonder why Ryou was willing to help me steal. Is it because we’re boyfriends now? Could be. I think I’ll ask him later on.
“Well, the system’s operational. Finally,” Bakura said. “There was a good number of questions to answer.”
“Some systems are like that,” Ryou said, head bent over the creation of a new tabletop game. He had the rules written down and was working on the building designs. He bit his lip. The designs were wonderful and elaborate, just the way he liked them, but the materials he wanted to use were low and he didn’t have the money to buy them right now. I guess I’ll have to put this on hold for now…unless I steal the things I need. Ryou’s eyes glittered at the thought and a small smirk appeared. Yes, I could do that. Once I know how. Lucky for me, I have an expert living with me.
“Ryou, what kind of games would you like?” Bakura asked, having written the genres he liked and planned to research online the system he had to see what games were available.
“RPG ones mostly, maybe some kind of theft play,” he answered, the second one spoken softly, but Bakura heard it.
“A theft game?” Bakura turned to look at Ryou who kept his eyes on his building blueprints. “Why would you want a game like that? It seems more like something I would want.”
“Well,” Ryou said slowly, eyes still downward. “I’ve been thinking ever since you said I was a thief for stealing your heart and I don’t have enough money for my game supplies…”
“Really, Ryou? You’re considering being an actual thief?”
Ryou looked up. “I have been. That’s why I volunteered to help you today.”
“I was wondering why you offered to help: It’s because of what I said. Ryou, it takes time to be as good as me and it also requires to have a darkness in your soul or heart. I hate to say it, but you don’t have any darkness in you.”
Ryou seemed crestfallen. “Oh,” he said in a small voice. He returned to his blueprints. “Well, it was a thought.”
Bakura felt bad at crushing Ryou’s interest in thievery but being a criminal meant having darkness in your soul or heart or in both. Ryou may have a spark of darkness in his heart, but his soul lacked it. It would be fun for both of us to be thieves since we both look alike. I sometimes worried about Ryou being arrested for my thefts but if we both steal I wouldn’t have to worry about that as I would guide him to be an expert. But, how to grow that spark in Ryou?
Bakura pondered that question as he researched for the games Ryou and he desired. He doubted the Internet would provide suggestions to that question. Nonetheless, he typed ‘evil’ and ‘darkness’ as two separate entries in the search boxes before scanning the results that came up. The results for evil were disappointing so he closed down that window and focused on the other search. He located a page on ways to become dark and he clicked on it as it showed promise.
At first, it spoke of spiritual darkness before speaking of how murder rips the soul apart. Then it moved on to acts of cannibalism, theft, and drinking blood. Bakura rolled his eyes. I know those are dark matters, but I’m looking for way to grow one’s darkness once it has been acquired. He sat up when he saw a title saying, “Magical Ways to Become Darker.” Intrigued, he leaned closer. Maybe a magical means is the solution. His eyes read the section, writing the suggestions listed there. He studied the pictures that accompanied some. He then froze and his eyes widened at the next subheading: The Millennium Items.
He thumped the side of his head as Ryou was in the bathroom. Of course. The Items were forged from darkness and can unlock a person’s darkness. Since I no longer reside in the Ring, it could turn Ryou dark. Actually, some of my darkness possibly still exists in the Ring and could infect him if he puts it on which I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t as it could make him dark which is what he wants. Bakura shut down the Internet and turned off the computer before going to his room and kneeling beside the bed. He reached under and pulled out a case with a built-in combination lock. He put in the four numbers and it clicked open. He opened the case and there, nestled in a foam padding, was the Ring. He lifted it out, closed the case, and slid it back under the bed before heading back to Ryou’s room, the Item behind his back.
He found Ryou dressed in his pajamas; Bakura was already dressed for bed. He smiled at the thief. “Want to sleep together tonight?” he asked, hopefully.
“Definitely. But before we do, I want to apologize for saying that you have no darkness in you. I believe there’s at least a spark of it in your heart. I was researching for a way to grow it.”
“Apology accepted. So, you think there’s a spark of darkness in my heart? Is there a way to grow it?”
“Oh, yes. I found a way to unlock it and turn you dark.”
Ryou’s face lit up at hearing this. “You did? What is it? What would I have to do?”
“It’s not too hard. All you have to do is wear…this.” Bakura pulled out the Ring and held it up.
Ryou stared at it. “Of course,” he said softly. “I put it on and my dark side will be unlocked.”
“Yes and I believe some of my darkness still exists in it and will likely enter your body. You will become the thief that you imagined.”
Part Two
Ryou’s mind was racing. He had imagined being a great thief like Bakura for weeks and if he put on the Ring, that dream would be reality. He licked his lips as he came closer, took the Ring, and put it around his neck.
The Ring glowed and Ryou felt something flow into his soul and the spark in his heart grew larger and it spread out to merge with the unknown force in his soul. His eyes darkened slightly and an evil smirk came to his face. Bakura also smirked. Looks like it worked. “How do you feel, Ryou?”
“I feel dark and evil,” Ryou replied, darkness tinging his voice. “I sense I will be a great thief like you and can’t wait to see if that is so.”
“Excellent.” He leaned down and captured Ryou’s lips in a deep, greedy kiss that Ryou responded to in the same manner. Bakura enjoyed this kind of love and looked forward to living with his now dark boyfriend and seeing how good a thief Ryou would be. They parted and exchanged dark and loving grins as they climbed into bed, snuggling up to each other and fell asleep.
Ryou strolled down the sidewalk with Bakura the next day, still wearing the Ring and reveling in the darkness in him. He felt free now that his dark side had awakened. He was ready to see what kind of thief he was now. I think Bakura was right: A part of his own darkens was in the Ring and entered my body. I now possess part of my boyfriend inside me and it feels wonderful.
“So, where are we headed?” Bakura asked.
“I want to collect my supplies,” Ryou answered. “I know one store that has no security whatsoever. It will be the perfect test to gauge my new ability.”
Bakura nodded. He knew that store too. He had cased it before and saw no cameras, no mirrors, and no security guards. The owners were lax about security, despite having plenty of customers. Yes, it is the perfect test for Ryou.
Ryou entered the store and felt as if he was seeing it for the first time. In a way, I am, he thought. I’m seeing it through the eyes of a thief. The thought sent a thrill of excitement through him. He was a thief now, albeit, an amateur one. He casually went down the aisles, adding the supplies he wanted to the basket. He was pleased that no one was giving him a second look as he frequented the store often. When he was satisfied with his selections, he slipped them into a reusable bag, waited until the owners were concealed by customers, and then quickly left the store. He slowed once he had put enough distance between himself and the store.
Ryou spun around to see Bakura approach, a self-satisfied grin on his face. “I watched you the whole time, subtly of course. I figured I let you go solo on this as you know what you wanted.”
Ryou grinned back. “It was exciting and a bit risky. It was also too easy.”
“Every thief has to start somewhere. You did well for your first time.” They continued to walk down the sidewalk.
“It was amazing. I felt like I was seeing the store for the first time. I then realized that I was, in a way.”
“Yes, you were. You are officially a thief, dear Ryou.”
Ryou beamed at hearing that. He really was a thief now. Together, Bakura and I will be a real thieving team. It will be glorious.
Bakura took in Ryou’s response to his statement and felt great at telling him he did well. He had watched him subtly so as to not draw attention to Ryou’s activity. The boy acted like a normal customer. He didn’t glance around in a suspicious manner, didn’t put everything he touched in the basket, and didn’t rush hurriedly from the store. It’s exactly what I would do in a place with such low security. “You know you will have to buy some supplies so no one suspects you of stealing.”
“Of course,” Ryou answered. “Best to act normal and steal infrequently to avoid any suspicion.”
“Shall we head home and celebrate your success?”
“I think so. I have buildings to create now that I have the supplies.” Ryou felt good about acquiring what he needed for free. It was more satisfying to take what he needed and not pay for it. He knew he had to be careful not to get caught as he was of age and could go to jail for shoplifting. Bakura wasn’t of age, despite his deeper voice. He could steal and not worry about jail time, but he’s an expert and no one’s caught him yet. His skill level is to what I am aspiring. I want to be an expert like him.
Ryou spent the next several days creating for his games, planning the video game heist with Bakura, and spending time with his friends. He gave the Ring back to Bakura the day after his theft and kept his dark nature hidden from his friends. He was able to act like innocent Ryou and keep the darkness out of his voice. He did subtly swipe small items he desired while out with his friends, once he had determined the security measures in place. He did pay here and there to throw off suspicion though his innocent looks certainly helped in that regard.
Then, two weeks after his first theft, Ryou was in the game shop with his friends and saw Solomon putting up a display for games for the system Bakura stole. “Mr. Moto, which games do you plan to sell?” he asked casually.
“Hmm? Oh.” He plucked a sheet off the counter and handed it to him. “Have a look.”
Ryou scanned it with a thief’s eye. He spotted a couple of the games Bakura and he wanted and knew that stealing them from the game shop would be easy and hard. Easy as there was no security system and hard as the shop didn’t attract a lot of customers.
“Are these popular?” he asked innocently, handing back the paper.
“Oh, yes,” Solomon said. “I hope to draw video gamers in and while they are here to buy the games, they may just buy other games as well.”
Ryou nodded. It made sense to get in on the video game scene. If one expected to survive in their chosen profession, they need to cater to the consumers’ interest and the latest and greatest products. He may even stock the systems and if he gets a lot of people, I may be able to steal the games Bakura and I want.
Bakura nodded as Ryou reported what he learned. “Yes, stealing from the old man will be easy and hard. Let us wait for the games he’s selling to see how it affects his business and we’ll focus on the other titles. We’ll need to case the stores to see what’s available and how they’re protected. Honestly, I’m surprised how easy it was to swipe the system we have.”
“Yes and I would like to acquire another one later on,” Ryou said. “If Yugi’s grandpa decided to sell the systems, that’s sure to grow his business.”
“Oh, I’m sure that Yugi will think of that and suggest it as he plans to run the shop after his grandpa.”
Ryou knew that and it reminded him of his plans: To create tabletop games…which he could give to Solomon to sell in his shop! He quickly went to his workshop, puzzling Bakura. “Ryou?”
The older boy looked up from his table with an evil glint in his eyes. “I just realized something,” he said, the dark tone in his voice becoming more noticeable. “My plans for the future fits perfectly with the present. I could have Yugi’s grandpa sell my games in his shop and while he’s doing inventory on the pieces, I may steal a few things from him.”
Bakura smiled slowly before laughing. “Oh, that’s good, really good.” He approached and sat at the table opposite Ryou. He watched his thief partner work on his current project, carefully crafting the little details he was proud of. His dark side hasn’t diminished his attention to detail; if anything it’s increased it. “Anything I can do to help?”
“Sure.” Ryou handed him some materials and a blueprint. “I could use some help.”
Part Three
Solomon’s eyes went wide at the setup as Bakura and Ryou carefully unpacked and put the game on the Moto’s dining room table. “Oho, Ryou! This is beautiful and the details!” He picked up one of the buildings carefully and examined it. “You’ve got a real talent for this. I would be happy to put you in contact with someone to sponsor you.” He put the piece back down.
“That would be helpful,” Ryou said. Now that Solomon had mentioned it, maybe he could sell his games to Kaiba. Yes, Kaiba was more interested in technology to advance games, but perhaps Bakura and he could persuade Kaiba to have a classic games department. Since my games are original and unique, Kaiba might just jump at the chance to see something no one else has.
Ryou put the last piece in place before turning to Bakura as Solomon left and gave him a smirk that Bakura returned. “Thanks for helping,” he said darkly.
“Not a problem. I enjoyed it.” He put his arms around Ryou’s waist before leaning forward and kissing him.
There was a loud gasp and Joey’s voice saying, “Oh my God!” The two darks separated to see their friends staring with a mix of reactions. Joey showed disgust, Tea and Tristan seemed stunned, Atem’s face was blank, and Yugi’s held understanding and happiness. He had suspected that Ryou harbored secret feelings for Bakura; a feeling he had for Atem and confessed to. He was happy Ryou finally told Bakura.
He led the gang down the stairs and said, “How long have you been together?”
“A few weeks,” Ryou admitted, his voice back to his innocent tone and his cheeks burned red.
“I was about to tell him I love him, but Ryou beat me to it.” Bakura bared an evil grin at Ryou. “It’s the first time I don’t mind being beaten to something first.”
“I don’t get it,” Joey said, shaking his head. “Why Bakura, Ryou?”
“He completes me,” Ryou replied. “I wondered why at first but then realized that we possess something the other lacks. Bakura has no innocence but I do and I have no darkness but Bakura does.”
Yugi nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. It’s like with Atem and me. We have similar qualities but I have some qualities that Atem doesn’t and vice versa.” He smiled at the pharaoh behind him before saying, “Now, how about we start the game?” He hurried over to the board to admire the artwork and eager to learn a new game.
“Bakura,” Ryou said a few hours later as they carried the game home. “I was thinking of presenting our game to Kaiba. He might be interested.”
“I don’t know. He strikes me as the technology type.”
“He strikes me that way too but we may be able to convince him to sponsor us, especially if we guarantee him exclusive rights. I’m sure he would love the idea of producing something no other company could; maybe even begin a classic games division.”
“Hmm. Let’s drop the boxes off at home and then we can see Kaiba.”
“I’ll bring the papers of the game as well as ones I’m currently developing.”
Bakura nodded and thought, And I’ll wear the Ring to insure that Kaiba agrees to our idea.
Kaiba eyed the papers of the completed game and then the blueprints of the other game ideas before shifting his gaze to the white-haired boys. “These are impressive,” he said at last. “But why show these to me?”
“I was thinking that we could work together in selling them to the public,” Ryou said. “We would split the money evenly and I would deal only with you. Think, Kaiba: Only Kaiba Corp would have access to the source and could revive the interest in classic games.”
Kaiba had to admit that Ryou provided some interesting points, however…”I deal in technology when it comes to games, Ryou. I don’t see classic tabletop games making a comeback.”
Bakura then leaned across the desk, silently activating the Ring. “You should re-think your decision, Kaiba. If you revive tabletop games, people are sure to try it out and if they like it, they may desire new and unique varieties. Ryou and I would provide that for your company.”
Kaiba’s eyes went blank as Bakura used the Ring to influence his mind while he talked. His eyes came back into focus and Bakura stood straight. The brunette looked down at the papers again and then at Ryou. “All right. I’ll do it. Let me copy the papers of the completed one and you’ll be free to leave.” He rose from his desk and left the office.
Ryou looked at the doors and then Bakura. “You used the Ring to convince him, didn’t you?”
Bakura nodded. “Kaiba is a stubborn man and I figured we would need an edge on our side.”
“I’m not complaining,” Ryou said. “Remember: I’m dark like you. I will do whatever is necessary to achieve our goals.”
“I remember and I like having you dark. You are more confident and not afraid to speak your mind.”
Ryou gave a loving smirk. He too enjoyed being dark and could not go back to how he was. And I can’t go back. My dark side has been unleashed and bottling it is impossible.
Kaiba put the papers on the copier and thought of Ryou as he made the copies. The young man seemed different now; more confident and certain of himself. I never thought Ryou could be less shy and quiet. Perhaps, Bakura is rubbing off on him. That is possible. Yugi was quiet and shy but thanks to Atem, he has grown confident. Kaiba finished the copies and headed back to his office. He could have had someone else copy the papers for him, but felt it better for him to do it in order to show Ryou he was interested in a partnership with him. Plus, Kaiba couldn’t be sure an employee wouldn’t try to steal the papers to enrich himself. I trust myself when dealing with new partners.
Ryou held the papers, smiling, as Bakura and he left Kaiba Corp. When Kaiba returned, he gave the originals back and scheduled for them to meet with him another day to discuss, draw up, and sign a contract to cement their partnership. It was clear that Bakura’s influence was still strong and between the two of them, the world could be theirs if they really focused on it. But, Ryou was just happy with being successful at his games and being an expert thief like his boyfriend.
He dwelled on his finances. By stealing his supplies more, he saved more money to devote to other expenses like utility bills. I could save more if we steal food, particularly if we do so while we are shopping.
“What are you thinking, Ryou?” Bakura asked softly.
“I’m thinking of other things we could steal, like food for example.”
Bakura’s eyes glittered evilly. “Yes. We need food to live and it’s silly to have to pay for it.”
“My thoughts exactly. So let’s write up a grocery list and figure out which ones to steal.”
Hours later, Ryou and Bakura were in the stores, checking for security measures while tucking items into their pockets and jackets. They paid for items that were too big or bulky to hide on them. They left the store and, once at home, both laughed in dark triumph. Ryou chortled as they removed their stolen food and put them away. “Oh, it is easy to steal and very satisfying.”
“I’ve always told you that and you never understood,” Bakura said as he put cans away.
“True, but now I understand.”
The darker shade of Ryou’s eyes filled Bakura with immense satisfaction. He had offered the Ring to Ryou to turn him dark and Ryou accepted it. He was now dark like Bakura and loved being so. I wonder what heights we could reach together. I myself see us getting married and running a successful career while indulging in our dark impulses and theft plans. Speaking of plans, our theft of our video games still needs to happen. It could be a matter of days or weeks, but we’ll successfully steal them.
Part Four
Ryou gazed at the tiny crowded shop two weeks later with a dark smirk. Bakura and he had gone around town, subtly spreading the word of the Kame Game Shop selling video games for the latest system and here, on the first day of the shop selling its newest merchandise, the place was packed. Perfect; just as we planned. The duo decided to split up in order to accomplish their plan. Ryou was to steal from the game shop the games they wanted and whatever else Ryou desired while Bakura went to other stores to steal the other games they wanted.
Ryou eased his way inside, his fingers itching to swipe something. He smiled happily at the busy state of the shop while his eyes roved over the video games. The ones he wanted were there and when he looked at the counter, he saw the systems sitting on the shelves behind Solomon and Yugi. He fought his way to the counter and smiled brightly at them. “Hi! My, it sure is busy,” he commented.
“More than I anticipated,” Solomon admitted. “I could use a breather.”
“Perhaps I could be of assistance,” Ryou offered.
“Could you? I really just need a break from the register.”
“Sure. I could do that.” Ryou stepped behind the counter and in between ringing up customers, he admired the systems behind him with all its different colors. He had a good idea which one he wanted and patiently waited for his chance.
Bakura casually walked around the store, looking at a few things and adding a couple to his basket. He purposely walked to the entertainment section and browsed while noting the security measures. Hmm, no guards, cameras, or mirrors, but the games are locked up. He examined the lock, pretending to be looking at the price tags. He pulled out a bobby pin and proceeded to subtly jimmy the lock. He heard a click and he slowly and carefully opened the door and plucked the games they wanted out. He closed the door and used another pin to put the lock back in place. He tested the door: Locked and looking like nothing happened to it. He smiled as he strolled off to a secluded spot to hide his treasures on his person. Thank the gods for jackets, especially ones with inside pockets. As he headed out with the two items he did purchase, his thoughts turned to his partner. It’ll take Ryou a little time to take what he wants, particularly if he follows his plan of helping Yugi and the old man with customers.
Ryou smiled as he handed the customer his change and the bag. He exhaled and saw no one left. He looked at Yugi who was also worn out. “Wow, busy day eh, Yugi?”
“I’ll say. Thanks for the help.”
“No problem.”
Solomon then walked in from the house, beaming from the sales. “We made big numbers today, Yugi! I can hardly wait to count it.”
“Sounds promising,” Ryou said. “Mr. Moto, may I get a drink before I go?”
“Absolutely. Help yourself and thanks for your help.”
Ryou nodded as he headed into the house to get some water. His eyes raked the inventory boxes stacked nearby and he dug quietly through them to find the games he sought. He took them, one system, and some Duel Monsters boosters before getting his water, calling good bye, and leaving through the front door. He waited until he was a good distance away before laughing manically. The plan worked perfectly! His victims never suspected a thing. Now Bakura and I have two games, two systems, and maybe some new cards for our decks.
Bakura looked up as the door opened and Ryou sauntered in, looking quite pleased with himself. “The plan worked,” Bakura stated.
Ryou pulled out the stolen goods and put them on the coffee table. “It went perfectly. The fools didn’t suspect a thing.”
Bakura picked up the game he had wanted and smiled at it. “Oh, good job Ryou. They may realize a few things are missing, but they won’t suspect you. They’ll probably chalk it up to inventory mistake.”
“Naturally.” Ryou opened his new game system and began the setup process. He had come a long way in these past several weeks. He had started out as Bakura’s distraction and that same day expressed a desire to be a thief as he had already stolen Bakura’s heart. Bakura researched it that night and realized the Ring could unleash Ryou’s dark side. He presented the Item to Ryou, who eagerly put it on. His dark side awoke and influenced him to be the thief he wanted to be and became. Bakura and I will be a thieving duo for the rest of our lives. Ryou, the Prince of Thieves. Yeah, it has a nice sound to it.
“Oh, Ryou. Kaiba called. He wants to see you concerning where you would like to have your game shipped.”
“Tomorrow at two. I told him I’d pass the message on and that you’ll be there.”
“I certainly well be. Bakura, do you think I could borrow the Ring, just for tomorrow?”
“Of course. It belongs to both of us. Hmm. I think I’ll give you the combination code so you can use it whenever you want.”
“Thanks, Bakura.”
Ryou sat across the desk from Kaiba, the Ring hidden under his shirt. He listened to Kaiba explain how to market his game. He agreed to Kaiba’s suggestion of a press conference to announce the game with Ryou there to explain about it and answer any media questions concerning it. Ryou wasn’t surprised that he wasn’t nervous about speaking in public; he chalked it up to being dark and very self-confident. I can’t go back to being a shy, quiet, gentle guy. That guy is gone. I am the Prince of Thieves.
“I like the publicity you plan to give my game, Kaiba.”
“Of course you do. Now, I’d like to know where to ship the game.”
“Well, locally, I’d like to have Yugi’s shop and Duke’s place.”
Kaiba nodded. “I would also like to sell them at Kaibaland.”
“Of course.”
“So you’ll start locally?”
“And at Kaibaland. If it’s successful in these spots, then we’ll go national and maybe even globally.” Ryou’s face glowed at the possibility.
“Of course, we could use the Ring to influence people to buy our games.”
“Yes,” Ryou said with an evil smile. “With the Ring, we could do anything.”
“That’s right: Anything. Now, what do you say to some stealing to celebrate?”
“Let’s do it.” Ryou led the way out, the hidden Ring making him darker to match his boyfriend and partner.