Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter One- A Concerning Vision
Isis was in her customary place: the Court Tower doing her fire visons with her Millennium Necklace. The rest of the sacred court were there too. It was the end of a rather peaceful day and it looked as if the night was going to be peaceful as well. Isis prayed that tomorrow would be peaceful as it would be her birthday.
She had had her twentieth birthday a few days after Atem had taken the throne as pharaoh. The kingdom had known prosperity under the young king’s first year and there was hope that that same prosperity would continue. It was a hope that the court was determined to fulfill. Isis planned to spend her birthday like she would any other day.
Certainly her Necklace seemed to indicate peace for the immediate future. Good. The pharaoh will be pleased to hear that. Her eyes remained closed and an image of Atem appeared in her mind’s eye. Atem had been a little uncertain in his role as pharaoh when he took the throne a year ago, but now he was confident in his decisions. His first several days as ruler had been chaotic as he struggled to serve and protect the people. The sacred court supported him and his decisions and helped him become more comfortable ruling. This support gave him the wisdom to make decisions that benefitted the peopled and assured their safety. She enjoyed serving such a dedicated and handsome young man. Her admiration in recent weeks, however, had changed into affection and finally secret love. She was secretly in love with Atem.
She didn’t speak of it as such a declaration seemed inappropriate. It’s not as if she was forbidden to love someone, but to claim it to the pharaoh just did not seem right. If Atem was the one making a statement of love, that was all right since he was the ruler. I will keep my feelings for the pharaoh to myself and perhaps I will fall for someone else. Mahad, perhaps.
“See anything, Isis?” Mahad asked, as if he sensed that she had thought of him.
“No,” she answered. “It would seem that we are in a period of peace for the city.”
“That is what our goal is,” Seto said. “We are charged with keeping the darkness at bay and we are doing the job well.”
“Indeed,” Aknadin said. “When there is peace, the people are happy and when the people are happy, the pharaoh is happy.”
“Suppose this is a calm before darkness and chaos returns?” Kalim asked.
“If that is the case, then we will battle it back again,” Seto stated.
“Well said, Master Seto,” Aknadin said.
Isis heard all this with her eyes closed and was on the verge of opening them when she sensed the glow of her Item. At first there was nothing, but then the image of a black female wolf with blue eyes briefly appeared before blackness filled her vision again.
“Isis?” Aknadin prompted as the Item’s glow did not go unnoticed.
“I do not understand it,” she said as she opened her eyes to look at her fellow court members. “I saw a black female wolf with blue eyes. That is all.”
“It wasn’t doing anything?” Shada asked.
“No. Just standing in a black void.”
“It could be a threat,” Mahad said. “Normal wolves are gray with gold eyes.”
“Are you suggesting a female werewolf?” Isis asked.
“Either a magician who can shapeshift or a female werewolf more commonly called a wifewolf.”
“A wifewolf is just as bad as a werewolf, correct?” Isis asked.
“In the sense that she could turn others, yes, but she can also give birth to a werewolf or wifewolf child,” Mahad said.
“I’ve read about how a werewolf in his human form could conceive with a woman and the child could carry his or her father’s wolf gene until he or she reaches full physical maturity. Then, that person also become a werewolf or wifewolf,” said Aknadin.
“Gods,” Seto said. “And could that person pass it on through the family?”
“If he or she marries and conceives, yes. The wolf gene would continue to be passed on and every person in the family would be a werewolf or wifewolf.”
There was silence as everyone absorbed what was just shared as well as dredging up everything that was known or heard about werewolves. Isis started with known facts. Men and women could be bitten at any time and the bitten would transform at the next fall of night. One could change whenever they wanted and, as noted, could spread their condition to their children. The children could not access that part of themselves until they reached physical maturity which would be twenty-one.
A werewolf’s physical appearance depended on the person. The fur was the same color as the hair and the eye color matched the color of their human eyes. They were also bigger and more muscular than normal wolves; even the wifewolves shared this physical look.
Isis now reflected on what she had heard and knew some of these could be rumors with no proof that they were fact. Speech was possible, but not on the full moon. The full moon reduced a werewolf to a simple wolf who was more vicious than a normal wolf and feasted on human flesh during that time.
While a werewolf could change at any time, one had to change when night fell. Their human form bore signs of their werewolf condition. One sign was pointed ears and the other sign were sharp teeth. A craving for raw meat was another sign of being a werewolf.
“Being a werewolf is a terrible thing,” she said aloud.
“Indeed,” Aknadin said. “If I had been bitten, I would kill myself.”
“What kills a werewolf?” Shada asked. “I have not read or heard of weaknesses.”
“It is not easy,” Aknadin said. “Any injuries he or she sustains heals instantly. The only way to kill one is to impale the heart and brain with silver.”
“I see how that would be hard,” Seto said. “Particularly if the wolf fights back.”
“I would not fight back,” Aknadin stated. “Can I count on you all to kill me in the event I get bitten?”
“Yes, Master Aknadin,” Mahad said. “We can make both strikes at the same time so you won’t suffer.”
“I appreciate the thought.”
“Truthfully, the odds of being bitten are small as we have not seen a werewolf or wifewolf,” Isis said.
“True,” Aknadin said. “However, your vision makes it clear that we will encounter a wifewolf. It will be somewhat easy to know who to keep an eye on.”
Isis knew Aknadin was right. The wolf had black fur and blue eyes. So, we need to keep an eye on women with black hair and blue eyes…wait! I have black hair and blue eyes. Am I the wolf in my vision? No, I can’t be. I may be turning twenty-one tomorrow, but I am not a wifewolf. No way.
Chapter Two- A Birthday Surprise
Atem frowned in concern. “A wifewolf?” he repeated.
Isis, who was kneeling before him, said, “Yes, my pharaoh. The wolf in my vision was distinctly female and she had black fur and blue eyes. A normal wolf would have gray fur and gold eyes.”
“So, what do we do? Seize every woman with black hair and blue eyes?” Atem asked before shaking his head. “That does not sound right to me.”
“That shouldn’t be necessary,” Mahad said. “As you know, pointed ears are one of the signs of werewolves and wifewolves. I can have guards subtly check the ears while on patrol and ask to check them from whose who has concealed ears.”
Atem nodded. “And if you find one, bring her here so that we can question her and learn her intentions.”
“We can also use the Items if she attempts to deceive us,” Seto added.
“A nighttime patrol would be ideal as well,” Atem said. “The wifewolf must change at night. Any woman who acts suspiciously should be tailed to see why. No confrontation as she could bite the guard into a werewolf.”
Mahad bowed his head. “Good point, pharaoh. I will go to the guards and inform them of their new duty in addition to their usual ones.”
“Do it. Everyone is dismissed, except you Isis.”
Isis stayed where she was as everyone else left. She was curious and a bit anxious. Did the pharaoh suspect her of being a wifewolf? After all, she had the hair and eye color of the target woman and her ears were concealed right now.
Atem came down the steps and as he drew level with her, he said, “Walk with me, Isis.” She followed slightly behind and to his left as they left the throne room and out into the large open courtyard. It was another beautiful, albeit, hot day but neither were bothered by it. Isis was more interested in why Atem chose to have her accompany him on a walk.
“Isis, you do know you fit the criteria of the wifewolf search,” Atem finally said as he stopped at the lotus pond.
“I do but I lack the pointed ears of one.” She lifted one side of her cover to show a perfectly normal human ear.
“I had no doubt that you were not one, but I had to be sure.”
“I am not offended, my pharaoh.”
“Of course.” Atem trailed his fingers lightly through the water. “I also wish to say happy birthday. Twenty-one is a note-worthy number.”
“Thank you, my pharaoh.”
“Is there anything you would like for a gift?”
Isis shook her head. “Being able to serve you is enough of a gift.” She thought she saw a flash of disappointment on his face before it faded. He wanted to give me a gift and I turned it down, but I meant what I said. Serving a pharaoh is an honor and I am blessed to have this honor.
Atem then faced her and squared his shoulders. “I consider myself fortunate to have you on my court. I have gotten to know my entire count in the year since I became pharaoh. I have come to value all of you opinions and yours especially. Your visions give us warning of threats to the palace and the city. You say no gift is necessary but I have one for you nonetheless.” He cupped one of her hands in his two. “Isis, I love you.”
Isis stared down into Atem’s eyes, seeing confidence in them but also nervousness. She was touched by his confession and overjoyed that he said he loved her. I can accept his sentiments and admit my feelings.
She put her free hand on top of Atem’s hands. “My pharaoh, your love for me is the best gift I could ask for. It is flattering and I accept this gift. Furthermore, I love you too.”
“For the last several weeks. I kept it to myself as I felt it was not appropriate for a woman in my position to openly admit love for her pharaoh.”
“I’m afraid you are correct. It would not be appropriate. However, as I confessed first, it is now appropriate. I would like to announce this tomorrow morning which could lead to a long discussion.”
“You plan to announce the future of your family line. That is an important matter.”
“Yes, but there are times I wish some aspects of common life applied to royalty. This is one of those times. We love one another, simple as that. You could easily move into my chambers and we would be married. But, I must have approval over the woman I love.”
“Approval that comes from your sacred court of which I am a part.” Isis smiled. “Naturally, I approve.”
Atem also smiled. “Naturally. I suspect that Mahad would also approve. I’ve known him most of my life and have come to know him well.”
“I came to know him over the past year and I too believe he will approve.”
Atem released Isis’ hand and they resumed their walk, both content that they had released their hidden feelings and were aware that their relationship had gone to another level, one they would reveal to the rest of the court the next day. Both thought, Mahad will approve.
Mahad kept an eye on the Ring as well as the women whose hair and eye color matched the wolf in Isis’ vision. Thus far, the Ring was quiet and none of the women bore signs of a wifewolf. Well, maybe one of my men will have better luck, he thought, thinking of how he had split the guards into units and spread them out to find criminals and check certain women for the pointed ears of a wifewolf. It was this latter duty that threw the guards when Mahad told them.
“Wifewolves, Master Mahad?” one had asked.
“Yes. Isis had a vision of a female wolf with black fur and blue eyes. Clearly, that is not a normal wolf. You will look at the ears of women whose hair and eyes match the vision wolf. Werewolves and wifewolves are identified by pointed ears, sharp teeth, and a desire for raw meat. The ears are the easiest ones to see. If the ears are concealed, ask to see them. These orders come from the pharaoh. He wants these wifewolves rounded up and learn of their intentions. Now, go out there and do your duty to the pharaoh.”
Mahad stirred from his thoughts by movement near him and he looked to see Seto. He nodded to the younger man who nodded back before saying, “Quiet patrol?”
“Quiet, yes. So far, it seems there are no wifewolves in the city.”
“None of those living here are wifewolves,” Seto said. “The one Isis saw could be a visitor who intends to bite someone or become pregnant to birth a child like her.”
“That’s a possibility and one I will point out to the pharaoh when reporting to him tomorrow,” he said as the two priests headed home to a glowing sunset.
Chapter Three- A Big Shock
Isis gazed at the view as she stood on Atem’s balcony with Atem beside her. “I had no idea you had such a view,” she said softly.
“I’ve become so accustomed to it, I barely give it any notice,” Atem admitted. He took in the view, the sky aglow with the fading sunset. “Perhaps I should not take such things for granted,” he added. “The sunrises and sunsets are hardly the same twice in a row.”
“You are correct,” Isis said. She gently put a hand on Atem’s shoulder. “I believe I will head off to bed.”
Atem turned, took her hand, and kissed the back of it. “Good night, Isis.”
She smiled as her hand was released and she started for the door. The two of them had a big morning ahead of them what with Atem announcing his love for Isis and her admitting the same for him. There were bound to be questions, some concerning future plans like marriage and Isis becoming queen. I know that I can still possess the Necklace, but I wonder if I could still do my current duties in addition to the duties of a queen, whatever those might be.
Isis then came to a halt and gasped as a pulse went through her and Atem turned at hearing her gasp. He gaped as black fur sprouted over Isis’ body, her clothes fading away. Her hands and feet formed paws and she went to all four of them as her body altered to a wolf’s shape. A tail grew out behind her while her head conformed into a wolf’s head. Soon, a black wolf with blue eyes and wearing the Necklace stood where Isis had been.
Isis stared at her paws and then her body, her muzzle parting as she stared. She began to breathe hard and fast before she gave a whimper and said, “No. No, this cannot be. I’m the wolf from my vision?” She looked up at Atem before her ears folded back and she slunk into a far corner of his room where she tucked herself into a tight ball. Hitched sobs came from her throat.
Atem slowly approached her and crouched down in front of her. “Isis,” he said.
Isis flinched. “I’m sorry…my pharaoh,” she said in between sobs. “I did not…know…it was me…I saw…I wasn’t…bitten, I know that.”
“You were born then.”
Isis took deep breaths to calm herself. “I did not know my father and I never saw Mother become a wolf. Clearly, Father was a werewolf and passed his gene to me.” She flinched back as Atem reached out toward her. “Please, no. I’m…I’m a monster. I don’t want to hurt you or anyone else, but who knows when I will bite.”
“Isis, I don’t believe you’re a monster or that you’ll bite. You did not know that you’re a wifewolf. It is also clear that there are no physical signs to tell a werewolf or a wifewolf from a human.”
“Yes, no signs. My pharaoh, I’m scared about what I am and considering this revelation, we should not be together.”
“What?” he asked, surprised.
“If we were to wed, I would end up tainting your family line with my genes. Your heirs would become werewolves and wifewolves when they turn twenty-one.”
Atem saw Isis’ view of his heirs and descendants become werewolves and wifewolves if she birthed them, but would that really be a bad thing? They would grow up seeing their mother turn into a wolf every night and they would be told that they would do the same when they turned twenty-one. He imagined that they would be excited to have inherited Isis’ gene.
“I see what you’re saying,” he said carefully. “But if they saw you change every night, they would view that as normal and they would not dread becoming wolves themselves when their time comes. I would think they would be excited.”
Isis tilted her head. “Yes,” she said. “It is known that children are impressionable at a young age. They would have time to accept their changes that would come. My pharaoh, are you still wanting me as your lover?”
“I do. It doesn’t matter to me that you’re a wifewolf. I know you enough to know that you would never harm anyone.”
“I still love you too, but no one will approve of me now.”
“I could conceal this until I have their approval.”
“I’ll continue to transform every night and sometimes I do my fire vision at night in front to the court. Hiding this will not last long.”
“True, but hopefully it will stay hidden until after tomorrow night.”
“Tomorrow…oh. The full moon’s tomorrow.”
“Right. We need to know if the rumors and stories are true.” Atem reached out again and this time he managed to cup her chin and scratch it. He heard her sigh in contentment. He smiled gently. “Your fur is soft,” he said.
“I’ll take your word for it.”
“Isis, you should stay here tonight. If you are spotted, you might be imprisoned. Your Item would also give you away.”
Isis put a paw to her Item before lowering it. “You are right. I’ll stay here.”
“Good. Would you like to sleep on the bed?”
“No, thank you. I feel comfortable right here.”
“All right. Good night, Isis.” He kissed the side of her muzzle and she gently licked his hand. He stood and headed for bed. He glanced back to find that with her head down and her eyes closed, she was impossible to see as her fur blended in with the darkness.
He laid down in bed and stared up at the ceiling. It had been a shock to see Isis transform into a wolf and his heart broke at Isis’ reaction to the change. He didn’t blame her; if he had suddenly changed into a werewolf, he would be alarmed too, given everything he had heard and knew about them.
It is clear that she was born with the wifewolf gene. She never knew her father and she said her mother never changed. She is aware of herself and can talk, but how will she be tomorrow night? The stories say one cannot talk, they become more vicious, and desire human flesh. I find that last part hard to believe. Werewolves and wifewolves are still half-human so why eat humans aside from thinking like a simple wolf? Well, that’s it, isn’t it? Animals don’t have morals, they only satisfy their immediate needs. Atem reflected on tomorrow night and decided that Isis would stay with him again and he would provide raw meat and water for her. He hoped the meat would satisfy the desire for flesh, if she felt such a desire.
Unknown to Atem, Isis was not asleep. She was afraid of what the court would say and do when they learned the truth. She also feared how she would be the following night. Would all the stories and rumors be true? Right now, the idea of eating human flesh was repulsive, but suppose she felt differently about it tomorrow? She could be a simple wolf and heed to the impulses and instincts of her wolf mind. The only way to know is to wait for tomorrow.
Chapter Four- Approval
Atem awoke to sunlight on his face. He shaded his eyes as they opened and he sat up, working out the kinks in his body. He looked over to where he had left Isis to see her get to her feet and stretch her arms. She lowered them before facing Atem, her eyes reflecting fear and anxiety. Atem got out of bed, went to her, and gave her a reassuring hug before the two headed for the door.
“Isis, I want you to stay with me again tonight. I’ll provide you with food and water.”
“Are you sure about that? What if I become a simple wolf and try to attack you?”
“I’ll use some silver to keep you away. I’ve heard that silver works as a deterrent as well as a way to kill.”
“I hadn’t heard of that. In fact, I didn’t know about weaknesses or ways to kill one until the night I had the vision.”
“Killing one is difficult as one must use silver on the heart and the brain. Any other injuries heal instantly.”
“Yes. Master Aknadin spoke of all that too.” Isis preceded Atem into the throne room as tradition dictated. She took her place and saw curious looks on the men’s’ faces but she said nothing as Atem entered a few minutes later with a pleased smile on his face. Only Isis knew the reason for that smile: It was her.
“Mahad, any criminals or wifewolves found?” he asked once he was seated.
“No, my pharaoh though Master Seto suggested the wifewolf could be a visitor who intends to bite someone or become pregnant.”
“That’s certainly a possibility. Have the guards keep an eye on any visiting women with black hair and blue eyes.” Atem honestly didn’t think such a search was necessary as he was convinced that Isis’ vision was about her, but he would be remiss as a ruler if he did not do what he could to protect the people.
“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad returned to his spot.
Atem turned his attention to Isis. “Isis, does the Necklace reveal anything about this wifewolf?”
Isis closed her eyes and put her hands on either side of her Item. She invoked its power and sensed it glowing. At first, there was nothing, but then an image flashed before her: It was her in wolf form standing in her usual spot with the court in their spots. It looked like a normal court scene. Everything will work out, she thought. That is what I draw from this.
She opened her eyes. “The wifewolf did not appear in my vision. I saw an image of us similar to what we have now.”
“Another happy scene,” Atem said. “That is good. Perhaps, our concerns of a wifewolf were groundless, but insuring the peoples’ protection is necessary anyway.”
“Indeed, pharaoh,” Aknadin said.
Atem then stood with that same smile he had when he first walked in. “I have wonderful news. I am in love. I told the woman of my feelings yesterday and she confessed feelings for me as well.”
“That is wonderful,” Mahad said. “My pharaoh, who is the fortunate woman?”
Atem beamed as he said, “Isis.”
All five men looked at Isis with mild surprise. “You told the pharaoh you loved him?” Seto asked.
“Yes,” she admitted. “I had secretly loved the pharaoh for weeks, but did not say anything as it would have been appropriate.”
“It certainly would have been,” Aknadin said sternly. “I am not certain I approve.”
“Why not, Master Aknadin?” Mahad asked. “They love one another. The pharaoh spoke first. I see no problem and I give my approval.”
“Master Mahad is correct,” Seto said. “Isis is a fine woman and I believe she would make an equally fine queen when the two wed. The pharaoh could not have chosen better. I approve.”
Good, Atem thought. Mahad approved as I knew he would and Seto agrees with Mahad’s assessment. He also stated that Isis is a fine choice. Naturally, Isis approves as she is the one being approved. That is half of my court. Now I just need the other three.
Shada didn’t have anything against Atem and Isis being in love; he was more concerned of what would become of the sacred court. Isis could still own the Necklace but would she still be allowed to perform her duties as a priestess in addition to the duties of a queen when she married Atem? “My pharaoh,” he said. “What of the sacred court? Will we need to seek a replacement?”
“In the future, perhaps we will,” Atem said. “I am not saying that Isis and I will wed immediately. We need more time to truly know one another. It is also possible that we will not need a replacement.”
Shada nodded. “Yes, my pharaoh, I understand. Then, I give approval of Isis being your future wife.”
Kalim had seen the affection in Atem and Isis’ eyes when the former had announced who he loved. Of course, everyone else had noticed too. He also had no issue of Isis being his future queen; indeed he thought she would make a good queen. She was honest, fair, and kind. She would support Atem in his decisions and, in time, give him an heir to the throne.
“My pharaoh,” he said. “It is clear to everyone here that you make each other happy. I further believe that Isis would make a good queen. She has the qualities one would want in a queen. I would be proud to serve both of you. I approve.”
“Aknadin?” Atem prompted. “You’ve heard the others. Has your opinion changed?”
“I…am having trouble with the fact that Isis had loved you in secret for weeks.”
“I came to love her earlier than that,” Atem pointed out. “I had gotten to know all of you in my first years as pharaoh and value your views as well as how to run a kingdom. The continuation of my family line is of the utmost importance and I must have the approval of my sacred court of the woman I would have as my wife.”
Aknadin felt surprise at Atem admitting to having feelings for Isis long before she loved him. His statement did make the situation clearer to him. I cannot deny his choice of wife when he’s loved her for some time. “I see,” he said. “Well then I also approve. Congratulations, my pharaoh. Isis.”
“It was a long discussion as I had anticipated,” Atem said as Isis and he sat out in the courtyard.
“Yes, but everyone has approved,” Isis said. “My pharaoh, the vision I had today showed a typical court scene only I was in wolf form. I don’t know if it is an immediate future I saw or one that will take some time.”
“I hope it is an immediate future, but if it isn’t and your lineage is exposed, rest assured I will defend you.”
I don’t doubt that.” Isis smiled as Atem took a hand and kissed the back of it. She was content with her love life and knew that, with Atem, she could face tonight.
Chapter Five- Full Moon Night One
Isis felt her mouth water at the meat Atem placed on the floor next to a wide, deep bowl of water. She had refrained from eating any meat all day. She instead consumed fruit, bread, and cheese since she knew her wolf form was a carnivore. Only meat would satisfy her.
“I’m a little scared,” she admitted.
“I would be too,” he said. “It’s your first full moon and we don’t know what will happen.”
“The meat does smell and look good, though.”
He looked at her with mild confusion. “Smell? I’m not really picking up any scent.”
Isis put a hand to her mouth briefly. “I must have shaper senses now. I don’t recall having them yesterday or today, though.”
“Well, yesterday, you were upset when you changed so it makes sense that you wouldn’t notice those senses and perhaps it takes time for them to become sharper.”
“I’m also concerned about your safety.”
“Of course; which is why I have this.” He held out a silver ankh and Isis immediately backed away, wincing a little. “And it clearly works,” he added as he lowered it. “Sorry about that.”
“It is fine, my pharaoh. Your safety is my concern.”
“Did you feel pain?”
“A kind of tightness in my chest and an urge to get away from it.”
“Interesting.” Atem tossed the ankh out to the balcony where it glinted in the dying light of the sunset. The sky faded from bands of colors to black that was a softer black due to the moon.
Isis didn’t feel the pulse from last night. Instead she felt like howling but didn’t as it would have attracted unwanted attention. She settled for a whine as she shifted into her wolf form. She blinked and silently marveled at how brighter and clearer everything was with her wolf eyes. She turned to face Atem and she could smell his concern.
“Isis? Do you recognize me, understand me?”
I do, she thought and tried to say so but only barks emerged. A leg went to her muzzle before lowering it and trying again. Once more, there were only barks. She padded over to Atem to nuzzle and lick his hand.
Atem crouched down and as he stroked her head, he could see self-awareness in her eyes. She’s aware, but she can’t talk. Well, that’s one part that’s true. The full moon leaves her with only a wolf’s voice. “It must be frustrating to only speak as a wolf and not have me understand a word,” he said and Isis nodded at his words. “Still,” he continued. “You are aware of yourself and that’s what’s important.”
The sound of growling was heard and Isis dipped her head while Atem chuckled. “Go ahead and eat and you will join me in bed.”
Isis’ tail wagged as she went to her food and water. I can’t speak, but I am not a simple wolf. I don’t feel vicious or desire human flesh. Silver is a deterrent; I felt a tightness inside me and I wanted to get away from the silver to ease that feeling. She laid down in front of her dinner, pulled one piece toward her, held it in place, and began to eat. Her teeth cut the meat easily and the juice and blood touched her tongue. Oh, this is delicious, she thought as she continued to devour the piece and then start on the second one. She paused for some water before finishing the other one.
Atem couldn’t help watching Isis as she ate. She seemed to love the meat as she chewed and finished the first one before staring on the second. She paused for water before finishing the second one. She was hungry, he thought. Clearly, changing forms burns energy.
Isis sat up, licking her chops before washing her paws. When she had done that, she leaped onto Atem’s bed, and then cocked her head at Atem who was not in bed yet. She softly barked in a questioning manner.
He smiled a little before climbing into bed. “Did you enjoy your dinner?” he asked and Isis nodded, her tail swishing. Atem laid down on his side and pulled Isis closer to him. He heard her whine a little in what he thought was pleasure as he fell asleep.
Isis laid awake as she was being snuggled. She should feel sleepy as she had been awake all day, but she didn’t. It might be the food or my body. Wolves tend to be nocturnal creatures and I am a wolf right now. She softly exhaled and felt her body relax into that familiar feeling of slumber. It could be because of Atem’s body up against my own. It’s very pleasant and comforting. Her eyes gazed at the young man whose face was relaxed and calm. He was content and happy, a state that she wanted to continue and she vowed to protect Atem by whatever means were necessary. Her eyes slid shut and she surrendered to sleep.
The feel of cloth and skin against his own stirred Atem from sleep and he slowly opened his eyes to see sunshine through his balcony and glinting off the ankh that was still where he had left it last night. The ankh had been his way of determining if silver really was able to keep a werewolf or wifewolf away from him. I have no intention of keeping Isis away from me. I love her and her being a wifewolf does not matter to me. I know her to be the kind, loving woman she is. She is aware of herself when in wolf form during the full moon and is calm and docile as well.
He heard a hum behind him before Isis’ voice said softly, “Good morning, my pharaoh.” He rolled over and smiled at her as he put his arms around her neck. “Good morning. Well, last night wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“No, but I disliked being unable to truly speak.”
“I can imagine. I had to frame my questions into yes or no questions.”
“Perhaps, I could learn to write somehow.”
“I think holding the instrument in your teeth might work.”
“We can try that tonight,” she suggested as they got up and smoothed down their clothes and hair.
“Sounds good to me. Isis, did you feel any wolf impulses at all?”
“I did feel an urge to howl and a stronger sense to protect you before I fell asleep.”
“It is known that wolves are protective of their pack and mates are protective of each other and any little ones they may have. It is natural that you would want to protect me, not just as priestess and pharaoh, but as mates.”
“So…we are mates now?”
“Yes. I may be human but you are a wifewolf and I like the idea of being mates. You already have the protective nature of a wolf mate and I have already promised to defend you if someone threatens you.”
“I would like for us to be mates.”
“Then, it shall be so.” Atem pulled Isis down into a kiss before they left the room.
Chapter Six- The Threat
Isis invoked her Item and sensed the glow again. She saw the scene she had seen previously and drew comfort from it. My being a wifewolf will be accepted. She was about to open her eyes and announce what she saw when a barrage of images flashed through her mind. She saw wolves with different colored fur and Atem as well as herself in wolf form. Her eyes flew open and the concern and alarm in them was noticed by everyone.
“Isis, what did you see?” Aknadin asked.
“Danger,” she breathed. “I saw danger as well as the pharaoh and myself.”
“It must be something that threatens your happiness,” Seto stated.
“Yes,” Atem said. “A moment like this should be celebrated as well as announced to the people. They deserve to know that their pharaoh is in love and will wed at a future date.”
“When will the announcement take place?” Mahad asked.
“I will make it the morning after the celebration,” Atem stated. “Now, let us end court for the-,”
The sound of rapid footsteps cut Atem off and all heads turned to see a guard enter, hurry forward, kneel at the stairs, and bow his head, a scroll held out. “My pharaoh. I was asked to deliver this to you.”
Atem stepped down to take the scroll, returned to his seat, and opened the scroll as Mahad dismissed the guard. Atem’s eyes moved over the hieroglyphs and his face darkened with each one. When he had finished, he said, “Mahad, you need to tighten security around the city and the palace, especially.”
“Yes, my pharaoh. May I ask why?”
Atem held up the scroll. “A threat has been sent and it is directed at me, though it hinted that innocent people could be at risk. The sender did not provide his name but he intends to attack with a pack of werewolves. He promises to have me bitten unless I hand over control of the kingdom to him. I believe he thinks that having me as a werewolf will cause the city to turn on me.”
“Despicable,” Seto said. “We cannot allow that madman to succeed in his plans.”
“We can arm the guards with spears that have silver heads.” Mahad said.
“As long as they use them to deter the werewolves, not kill them.”
There was a stunned silence before Mahad said, “Not…kill them?”
“That’s right. I will not permit any killing, no matter what creature attacks.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” Mahad said.
“Make sure to devise some kind of system to keep them out. Maybe plant some spears upside down to discourage digging,” Atem added.
“Brilliant idea, my pharaoh,” Mahad said. “I will see to the defenses immediately.” He left the room to craft the special spears and lay out the plan to the guards.
“Pharaoh,” Seto said. “Mahad may need assistance in preparing the spears. I volunteer to do that.”
“All of us should help,” Shada added.
Atem nodded. “Everyone, except Isis, go assist Mahad. Isis, I have a different role for you in beating back this threat.”
The men left the room and Atem and Isis left soon after, the former seeking privacy. He found an empty storage room and once inside, he said, “Isis, how did you appear in this vision?”
“As a wolf, my pharaoh.”
“I had thought so which makes my idea all the more important. Isis, I want you as my last line of defense should someone get past the silver.”
“You…want me to change in front of the others?”
“You had a vision of yourself standing with the court as a wolf. It made it clear that the court will accept your heritage. That is a vision I would very much like to see.”
“I know that I can change any time I’d like but would that include the days of the full moon?”
“I don’t see why not. It’s really just another normal nightly change. Give it a try.”
Isis pictured her wolf form and an instant later, she was on all four paws. She blinked as did Atem. “That was quick like last night,” she commented.
“Quicker I would think,” Atem said. “This is good. Wolves are fast, but werewolves and wifewolves are faster than that.”
“Yes. A quick change would be to our advantage.” Isis changed back.
“It would, but I admit that having silver to protect me makes me feel bad as it would be hard on you.”
“I will endure it as your safety is paramount.” Isis gave him a reassuring smile though inwardly she felt less so. The threat of Atem being bitten if he refused to step down as pharaoh was a real possibility; even with the protection of silver, all it took was one clever and fast werewolf to get past the security and into the throne room. And that’s where I would come in. I would take my wolf form and battle back my opponent. Yes, this means revealing my secret to the court, but if it keeps Atem safe, I’ll do it.
Atem drew comfort from Isis’ smile, but didn’t feel confident with the security measures. Silver was the primary means of defense but the person who issued the threat would have surely found a way to get around it. Using a pack would help him get past the guards. His pack would engage the guards, allowing him to slip by and proceed to the palace.
Planting some spear heads upside down would deter any underground attempts, so they have to come at us aboveground. If the leader does make it to the throne room, Isis will beat him back. However, there is a chance that I will be bitten, that I’ll become a werewolf. Isis and I will assure the court and anyone else that, aside from the nightly changes, being a werewolf won’t change me at all.
“My pharaoh,” Isis then said. “What if all of our precautions fail and you end up bitten?”
“I had considered that possibility. I know that it won’t change me aside from transforming every night. If I get bitten, we will assure those present that I am still me.”
Isis nodded. “Yes, you would. I am still me despite being a wifewolf.”
“Speaking of which, what will you do tonight?”
“I know you would want me to sleep with you, however I will sleep in my own room tonight and insure I have food and water.”
“Sounds like a plan and I completely understand,” he said.
Chapter Seven- The Attack
Bakura stood several yards from the city gates. He could see several glints along the inside of the gates and smirked. Silver. They’ve employed the obvious weakness of a werewolf. Bakura glanced back to see five werewolves milling about, some shifting restlessly on their paws. They’re restless but we need to wait for my scout to return.
“Boss!” came the voice of his scout and second-in-command and he faced him as he knelt before Bakura. “Boss, digging our way in is no good. There are spears planted upside down.”
“I see. All right, I had thought they would do that. Well, if they want a face-to-face confrontation, then that’s what they’ll get.” He turned to the werewolves. “Now is the time to attack. Engage the guards so that I can slip past and head for the palace. You are free to kill or turn the guards.”
The pack howled at hearing Bakura’s declaration to attack. They raced toward the city, the scout having transformed and in the lead. Bakura ran after them, slowing as he approached the gates. He saw the guards jabbing and stabbing with the spears but the injuries healed instantly. The werewolves either disarmed the guards, killed them, or bit them. Bakura slipped past along the perimeter of the fight, noting that only three were bitten. Three more werewolves with the pharaoh to be one too as I don’t expect him to step down. Hmm….I think I’ll bite a couple of guards myself. Bakura slid into an alley, became a wolf, and slunk to the gate, sticking to the alleys as the guards retreated toward the palace, including the bitten ones with his pack herding them to the gates; exactly as Bakura had planned.
Isis inwardly winced. Each of her fellow court members had a silver-headed spear and their proximity was painful. She couldn’t ask them to take them away as they didn’t know she was a wifewolf and also the spears were there to protect Atem from a werewolf attack. Even though it hurts, if it keeps the pharaoh safe, I will endure it.
Seto, who was beside her, glanced over at her before saying, “Isis, are you ill? You seem a little pale.”
“I am fine,” she lied. Seto held the spear in his right hand which was close to her. Its nearness was unbearable and it took all her discipline to make her stay put.
Atem glanced sideways at Isis. He knew the silver was painful to her but he had only seen what brief exposure had done. Now, he was seeing what prolonged exposure did. Isis did seem a little pale and the closeness of Seto’s spear was likely making her nervous. No doubt the tightness in her chest is very painful.
Snarls, howls, and cries of alarm suddenly rent the air and the five men moved closer to the sounds and Isis felt the pain in her chest ease a little as she slowly moved closer to the throne’s steps. Two guards stumbled and fell into the room, weaponless and each sporting a bite mark to the arm.
Mahad gasped at the marks. Two of his men had been bitten and would transform into werewolves tonight which was a full moon! Six wolves stalked into the room and headed toward the court. A seventh one came in and stood at the entrance, watching his pack surround the spear-wielding court members.
Seto tried to stab one from one side while Mahad came from the opposite side, but another wolf lashed out with razor-sharp claws and sliced the spear shafts in half before knocking the head halves out of range.
“No!” Atem cried as he came down the steps, his heart pounding at seeing his court disarmed and surrounded. Isis blocked Atem from getting closer to the wolves.
“Oh, don’t worry,” said the seventh wolf as he padded toward Isis and Atem. “They won’t be bitten, unlike the five guards that were bitten.”
“Bakura!?” Atem gasped, recognizing the voice.
“Very good, pharaoh,” Bakura drawled. “I was bitten on the last full moon cycle. My sire left me to learn what I could and could not do on my own. I then bit my band of thieves, finding I could bite whenever I want.” Bakura flashed a wolf’s grin. “So, am I correct in saying that you will not step down as pharaoh?”
“That’s right. I would never surrender the throne to someone like you.”
“Someone like me? Well, since you refuse to step down, I will bite you and you will be like me.”
“No. You will not,” Isis said, stepping in front of Atem. “My job is to stop you.”
Bakura laughed. “You? A mere woman?”
“I am not a mere woman.” Isis willed the change and she growled once she had changed. She heard gasps from the court but she kept her focus on Bakura who had stepped back.
“You’re…like me?”
“Not quite but that doesn’t matter. You’re not getting to the pharaoh.” Isis charged at Bakura, plowing into him and the two rolled across the floor, biting and slashing.
They separated with no sign of their injuries. Isis’ fur on her spine stood on end as she growled angrily. She felt a kind of thrill well up inside her at being a protective wolf. Bakura moved to her left and she matched it. He took two steps to the right and she matched it again. “Leave and take your pack with you,” she ordered.
“Not until I’ve fulfilled the threat I sent,” he snapped. He then charged at Isis and head-butted her in the chest. She landed on her side but popped to her feet quickly, only it wasn’t fast enough, despite it looking fast to the humans. Bakura acted once he had knocked Isis aside. He sped toward Atem and lunged, his teeth finding their target. Atem cried out as the teeth sank into his arm.
“No!” Isis howled. She snarled as she ran toward Bakura who had backed away with satisfaction. He turned and ran for the entrance calling, “We’re done here!” The pack ran after Bakura and Isis was about to follow when Atem called, “Isis, stop!”
She halted, changed back to human, and rushed to Atem before going to one knee. “I’m sorry, my pharaoh. I failed you.”
“You tried and did the best that you could,” he whispered as he knelt before her. “We both knew this was a possibility. Now that it has happened, I will need your assistance tonight as will the five others who were bitten.”
“I will also have some explaining to do,” she said as she glanced back at the court and the injured guards.
Atem also looked at them before standing and heading over to them. He could see that they were focusing on the bite mark on his arm and he knew they were aware of its significance.
“Mahad. Seto. Find the other three bitten guards and bring them here. Everything will be explained then.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” The two of them left the room. Atem headed back to the throne, pulling Isis up the steps so that she stood beside him. He sat and gestured for the others to come closer and then they waited for Mahad, Seto, and the guards.
Chapter Eight- Preparation
Atem took in his court and the guards as he gathered his thoughts. The guards looked at their injuries as well as Atem’s with fear while the court stared at Isis with suspicion and perhaps a bit of betrayal too. “I know this seems bad,” he began.
“Pharaoh,” Aknadin said as he came forward and knelt. “This is bad. You, the guards, and Isis were bitten.”
“I was not bitten,” Isis cut in. “My father was a werewolf. I am not a monster and I’m completely aware of myself every night. I can only speak as a wolf during the full moon and I do not desire human flesh.”
“Why didn’t you tell us three days ago?” Seto asked.
“I never knew my father and Mother never spoke of him. It’s likely she knew I carried it but hoped it wouldn’t surface.”
“Mistress,” one guard said. “Are you saying that tonight we’ll speak as wolves but be aware of ourselves?”
“That is correct. Tomorrow night, we’ll change again but can talk.”
“Then, being born or bitten is not the terrible thing we thought it was. It is how it is used that makes it good or bad,” Mahad said.
“Correct,” Atem said. “Mahad, if you could check the people to insure none of them were harmed.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” He left the room.
“Pharaoh,” Aknadin said. “We were supposed to celebrate you and Isis being together.”
“Yes, but we can do that tomorrow. I also propose that the seven of us,” he gestured to the guards, Isis, and himself. “Spend the night where the spirit temples are located and have enough food and water for the night.”
“Yes,” Aknadin said. “I would be willing to provide the food and water.”
“Granted. Furthermore, there will be no need for additional guards with us. Five is more than enough even if they’re werewolves.” Atem gave a gentle smile to the guards who all knelt before him.
Atem dismissed everyone, telling Isis and the guards to get some sleep. He wanted to sleep too but he needed to wait for Mahad’s report on the people. He hoped no one else had been bitten even though he knew that it wasn’t bad being bitten into a werewolf.
I will have the sharper senses that Isis has as well as the speed and strength of a wolf. I will walk on four legs and only speak as a wolf, the latter for only tonight until the next full moon comes. I know I can still speak wolf, but I will speak as human as well. I honestly look forward to my transformation tonight.
“My pharaoh,” came Mahad’s voice and Atem focused on the man kneeling before him.
“Report,” he said.
“No one else was harmed by Bakura or his pack.”
“Good. I…will need to inform them of the attack. I cannot hide this from them. Aknadin has volunteered to provide food and water to Isis, the guards, and me and we will be in the spirit temple yard and only the bitten guards will be needed for protection.”
“As you wish. Pharaoh, you did not seem surprised when Isis changed. That says to me that you already knew.”
“Yes. I had intended to tell the court yesterday but Bakura’s threat changed that. I had planned to tell the people of Isis’ heritage once I have her permission. I knew that Isis was a wifewolf when she changed on her birthday.”
“I thought as much seeing as she didn’t know before that night.”
“I wanted to wait until I knew how Isis would be on the full moon.”
Mahad then paled a little. “Isis was ill today. All the silver in the room must have been very painful to her.”
“Yes and no doubt to Bakura and his pack. The guards and I will gain this weakness tonight.”
“Given that, I will see to the removal of all silver in the palace and later on, the city as well.”
“That would be most appreciated. See to it at once.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad left and Atem retired to his room, informing a guard to awaken him at sunset. He laid in his bed and closed his eyes, feeling exhaustion sweeping over him. Maybe the bite has something in it that tires the victim. He sighed as he fell asleep.
Isis yawned as she stood and stretched. She felt refreshed and recovered from her exposure to all that silver. A glance out her window showed a late afternoon; not quite sunset. Perhaps Atem and I can talk before dark. She exited her room and started for the throne room when she met up with Mahad who seemed a little surprised that she was awake.
“I just needed a little nap,” she said. “I was wanting to talk to the pharaoh.”
“He’s still asleep and so are the guards.”
“They are? Why would that be?”
“Maybe because they were bitten. Their bodies could be preparing for their change tonight.”
“That makes sense. Mahad? Are you angry that I did not tell you or the court about my being a wifewolf?”
Mahad was silent for a moment. “A little, yes,” he finally said. “When you changed, I saw a side of you I never saw before. It was a little scary to see you attack the way you did.”
“That was my role. I was to beat back the attacker. The pharaoh wanted me as his last line of defense. It did feel good to protect him as I did.”
“Speaking of feeling, I regret making you ill with the silver. Rest assured, there will be no silver in the palace anymore.”
“I appreciate that and I do not resent you or the court for the silver. You did not know and it was for the pharaoh’s protection.”
“A protection that ultimately failed,” he said with a sigh. “I dislike failing to keep the pharaoh safe.”
“As do I,” Isis said. “I do wonder if the silver had dulled my senses as well as weaken me and slowed my speed and reaction.”
“Slowed your speed?” he repeated in disbelief. “Isis, you were quick to recover from Bakura’s attack before he bit the pharaoh.”
“I would agree,” came Atem’s voice and both turned and kneeled as Atem approached. “You were fast and I look forward to seeing how fast I will be.”
“How do you feel, my pharaoh?” Isis asked as she and Mahad rose and followed Atem as he passed.
“I feel fine. I was a little surprised by how tired I was. I suspect the bite caused it.”
“I would agree,” Mahad said. “I believe it helped prepare your body for tonight.”
Atem nodded as he stepped outside. He wondered if he would feel something that would make him gasp like Isis had done on her first night or if he would whine as he changed. Well, I will soon find out as will the guards, he thought as all seven of them gathered and Aknadin laid out food and water before leaving.
Chapter Nine- Learning Experience
“Pharaoh, where is your Puzzle?” Isis asked, noticing its absence.
“I gave it to Mahad for safekeeping. Tomorrow, when I can change when I want, he will shorten the cord so it won’t drag on the ground.”
Isis nodded and stood in one spot while the guards paced restlessly. Atem also stood still as the sky’s colors faded and vanished. Night had fallen.
Atem gasped as he felt a pulse and an urge to howl. He heard Isis howl and he followed suite. His change was quick and he was soon on four paws as were the others. He easily turned to see his body. It was larger than a normal wolf which was to be expected. His fur was very unique. It was black with magenta highlights along his body and tail while yellow highlights were on his paws. He bared a wolf’s grin and barked in a laughing manner at his looks.
“My pharaoh, you look amazing,” came a female voice. He turned to that voice to see Isis.
“Isis? You’re talking?” he barked.
“So are you,” she pointed out.
“But, it sounds like barking and other sounds.”
“It sounds like that to me too. I hear myself barking and making other sounds even though I know what I’m saying.”
“Pharaoh, can you hear my words?” came another voice and Atem turned to see a light black wolf, his forelegs stretched out and his head bowed.
“Yes, I can. Interesting. It seems when there are two or more werewolves or wifewolves together, we can talk to each other, though we hear ourselves speaking wolf.”
“So, I was speaking words the other night but I didn’t know that as I was the only wolf in the room.”
“What do we do now?” another guard asked.
“We eat,” Atem said. “I, for one, am hungry.” He led the way to where the meat and water had been placed. He was allowed first choice and once he had chosen, the others grabbed a piece and soon they were all eating as a group. Atem licked his chops as he ate. I now understand how Isis felt the other night. This is delicious. Of course, that could be my wolf half influencing my opinion, not that I mind. After all, I’ll change into a wolf every night for life. A thought occurred to him and he paused in his eating to give Isis a grin.
She noticed his grin and cocked her head. “My pharaoh?” she prompted.
“You don’t have to worry about my heirs being affected by your genes now that I have them as well.”
Isis barked a laugh. “You are correct and they would see us becoming wolves as normal and their inheriting that trait as normal.”
“Pharaoh,” a third guard said. “You and Mistress Isis are a couple, yes?”
“Actually, we’re mates but yes. At some future date, Isis will be your queen.”
The guards howled with joy and Isis grinned. They were happy for her and Atem and with them being wolves like them, it meant that they would retain their roles as guards. They would be ideal as guardians of the future prince or princess of the kingdom.
Atem then got up and stretched his legs. He felt energized from his meal and wanted to expend it. “Who would like to play?”
“Play, pharaoh?” one guard repeated, sounding confused.
“Yes. Race each other and play fight.”
“Play fight?” that same guard asked.
Atem’s tail gave a hard swish in slight annoyance. “We heal quickly,” he reminded him. “Any scratches or bites won’t last long. Also, think of it as a form of training.”
“Training. Yes, we do need to train as wolves.”
Atem shook his head as the guards launched into mock fights. I had no idea it would take some doing to get them to play.”
“They’re adults who are a little older than me,” Isis said. “Protecting the people and you is pretty much all they think about. I, however, would very much like to race you and you did express a desire to test your speed.”
“I did. So, let’s do it.” Atem struck a pose and Isis copied it. “Ready, set,…go!” The tri-colored wolf took off with Isis not far behind him. Her slightly longer legs gave her longer strides but Atem used his smaller size to his advantage as it made him lighter and thus speedier. Isis lengthened her strides and caught up to Atem who looked over at her with a glint in his purple eyes before he leaped toward her. The two of them tumbled over one another, growling playfully and laughing in barks and yips. None of them noticed that they were being observed.
Mahad had heard a howl and then a second one before choosing to look in on the pharaoh, Isis, and the guards. He stood in the shadows and several feet back. He saw Isis and could easily tell which one was Atem. He listened to the barks and it sounded as if they were having a conversation. Is it possible that they have a language of their own under all those sounds? That would be interesting and I can find out by asking the guards in the morning. He watched as the group ate before the guards engaged in play fighting while Atem and Isis first raced each other and then wrestled with one another. Barks, yips, and light-hearted growls followed Mahad as he headed inside.
Actual words woke Isis and she uncurled herself to see Mahad conversing with the werewolf guards while others entered to begin day shift. She saw movement nearby and saw Atem sit up and get to his feet. She got up as well and said, “Last night was quite the learning experience for all of us.”
“It was,” he agreed. “It’s clear that being a werewolf or wifewolf is not a terrible thing.”
“That is what my men said,” Mahad said as he came over. “They revealed that even though all of you were barking, yipping, and growling, you were actually talking.”
Isis nodded. “I didn’t know I could talk in that way the previous two nights. All I heard were wolf sounds. It was only with others could I hear words despite the barking.”
“They also remarked on how quickly their injuries healed. They admitted that they had forgotten about it until you told them, pharaoh.”
“The advantages can be overshadowed by the disadvantages,” Atem said. “Most people would see turning into a wolf every night as s serious disadvantage.
“Speaking of people, I need to speak to them of Isis and I being in love as well as Bakura’s attack. I will make it clear that being a werewolf has not affected me, aside from changing every night.”
“I can have the guards spread the word to the people of your announcements.”
“Go ahead and tell them that it will be tomorrow. After that, we will work on the Puzzle’s cord.” Atem then changed into a wolf again and padded inside.
“He seems comfortable as a wolf,” Mahad commented once he had gotten over the surprise of Atem changing so soon.
“He certainly does,” Isis said. “And I should be comfortable about it as well as I was born one.” She too became a wolf and headed inside.
Chapter Ten- Announcements
The court did double takes as Atem entered the room with Isis following behind him. Atem leaped into his seat, turned, and sat as Isis took her place. He took in his court, minus Mahad, and said, “I need the cord of my Puzzle shortened and that is why I have changed to a wolf. Isis, why did you change?”
“You seemed comfortable as a wolf. I reasoned that I need to be comfortable also as I was born a wifewolf. Furthermore, this was one of my visions: Standing with the court in wolf form.”
Atem nodded at this before moving on. “I will be addressing my subjects tomorrow to announce Isis and I being in love and Bakura’s attack, including the aftermath. I will make it clear that aside from nightly changes and other advantages, I am still the same pharaoh I’ve always been.”
Mahad entered the room, went up to Atem, and knelt. “The word is being spread, my pharaoh.”
“Thank you, Mahad.”
Mahad then removed the Puzzle from an inside pocket of his cape, ascended the steps, and put it around Atem’s neck. The Puzzle laid on the throne’s seat on its side. Mahad ran his fingers along the cord, murmuring a spell. The cord gradually grew shorter until the Item hung a little below Atem’s chest. Atem resumed human form to reveal the Puzzle was at chest level now. “Well done, Mahad,” he praised. As the magician took his place, Atem addressed Isis. “Does the Necklace reveal anything new?”
Isis closed her eyes and probed her Item. It glowed briefly before fading. She opened her eyes and shook her head. “I see nothing but the peace we had enjoyed before the attack.”
“Good, good. That hints that my announcement will go well. I certainly hope so.”
“As do we, pharaoh,” Shada said and the others nodded.
That night, after eating and drinking, Atem insisted that Isis sleep with him again. “Everyone in the palace knows about the two of us. Furthermore, we are mates and mates do almost everything together.”
“You have a point, my pharaoh.” Isis jumped into bed where Atem had been sitting. The two of them nosed one another’s cheeks before lying down, facing the other. “I really do hope that your speech tomorrow goes well.”
“Of course. Isis, would it be all right if I reveal your heritage to the citizens?”
“Of course it’s all right. I thought that you would have to if you plan to go into detail concerning Bakura’s attack.”
“I had thought of mentioning the defenses that ultimately failed. Oh and the guards said I can speak of them being bitten.”
“I was thinking they would make good guardians to our future son or daughter.”
“Yes, that’s perfect. They would be able to protect him or her if we cannot.”
Isis hummed sleepily. “Yes and it would make him or her comfortable with becoming a wolf when he or she turns twenty-one.”
Atem watched Isis close her eyes and exhale in a way that indicated that she was drifting off to slumber. He looked down at one of his paws and flexed it, exposing his claws. He was still in awe of being a werewolf, which made sense as this was his second night. Clearly this is not such a bad thing, though a lack of hands at night and a desire for raw meat could be seen as inconvenient or boring at times. I will not mention either of those things to my subjects as they are not really relevant to my announcement, unlike Isis and the guards who have given me permission to say that they are wolves. I really hope my subjects accept it all. Atem closed his eyes and was asleep.
The murmuring of the crowd tapered off as Atem and the court appeared on the balcony. The people automatically kneeled before their pharaoh before he told them to rise. They did so and waited for him to speak.
“I have two announcements to make. The first is that I am in love. I have gotten to know her over the past year and knew that she was the one. My people, one day Priestess Isis will be your queen.” Atem turned slightly and extended an arm to indicate to Isis that she was to stand beside him. She did so and the crowd roared its approval.
Atem raised his arms and silence fell. “No doubt you saw the pack of werewolves two days ago. I am relieved that none of you were harmed. The leader of that pack, Bakura, had sent a scroll to me three days ago. He demanded that I step down as pharaoh or he would bite me into a werewolf.” There was a collective gasp and he kept speaking.
“I had defenses mounted to repel the attack. One was spears with silver heads. This failed and five guards were bitten. My last line of defense was Isis. A few days ago, she turned twenty-one and discovered that she had been born a wifewolf. I had intended for her to beat back the one who intended to attack. She fought well but I did get bitten. The five guards and I are now werewolves.
“I have spent one full moon night as a wolf and found that I do not eat human flesh, but do speak as a wolf. Any injuries I sustain heal instantly but I can die by being struck in the head and heart by silver. To that effect, Mahad will be removing all silver from the city as he has already done with the palace.
“I have learned that it is not bad being a werewolf. Naturally, my offspring will carry this trait as will those who descend from him or her. I want you to understand that despite what I am now, I am still the same pharaoh you’ve known this past year.” He then stood and waited for their reaction. Would they accept him or reject him? He had done the best he could in making it clear that being a werewolf hadn’t really changed him.
“Pharaoh! Pharaoh!” came the cheer of the crowd; over and over they chanted his title and it was clear that they still supported him. He beamed as he turned and headed in with the others following.
Atem took his seat and said, “I will wait to tell the city what I am about to say to you. Now, we know that animals take mates when they become adults. Since Isis and I are half-wolf, we think of ourselves as mates, at least at night.”
“You may think of yourselves as anything you wish,” Aknadin said. “You are the pharaoh, the supreme ruler.”
Atem’s brow furrowed as he digested that sentiment. “It would be nice to refer to Isis as my mate and for her to call me her mate,” he said a little wistfully.
“Perhaps we could in front of the palace’s residents,” Isis said softly. “Everyone here knows about us and referring to each other as mates would not throw them. Only to the people do we call one another by title and name.”
“And more in private than in front of others,” Atem added. “That’s perfect.”
Isis saw the nods of the others and felt proud that her suggestion had been accepted. Atem then moved on to normal matters which included Mahad and the non-werewolf guards to remove any silver in the city. He then asked Isis if there were any visions.
She probed her Item and replied, “I see a happy future for the kingdom despite those who seek to disrupt it.”
“Excellent,” Atem said as his eyes gave her an addition to the comments and that was, “my mate.” I look forward to when we can say those words out loud.