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Tail of True Love

Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender. Everyone is human or merperson. No aliens.

Chapter One- Fascinations

Wait. What’s that? He turned and swam over to where something had gleamed from the sand. His fingers dug around before extracting a shiny pearl. He headed up and once his head broke the surface, he grinned as he held up the precious treasure he had found. It’ll look a lot better once I wash it off and polish it. Maybe Mom or Shiro would like it. Keith pulled u the pouch on his waist, put the pearl in it, closed it, and resumed his search for ocean trinkets. He loved swimming in the sea and finding things like the pearl. He also liked taking pictures of sea creatures as well as helping any in trouble. He disliked seeing sea creatures in nets and traps and swore off seafood. His parents and Shiro thought it crazy when he announced swearing off from seafood but accepted it when he explained his choice.

Keith floated under the surface, watching the sea life swim by. The sea was like an entirely different world to him; it was amazing that one planet could support such an abundance of life. He gazed down into the water’s depths. He had a feeling that all sorts of fantastic life and treasures laid at the bottom, but he would never be able to hold his breath long enough to find out and the pressure of the water at the bottom would be enough to kill him. I would love to travel to the bottom, but snice I can’t I will have to be content with what I find in the shallows and any pictures I can take at the depths my camera can take. He swam up to the surface and, once there, he struck out for land.

Keith wasn’t the only one looking for treasure. A merboy of seventeen was making a beeline for a sunken ship. His tail was blue while his fins were white. He move so quickly through the water that it brushed his brown hair off his forehead.

“Lance McClain!” Get your tail back here?” yelled a voice.

Lance came to a dead stop and whirled around to see his sister, Veronica, swimming toward him with a stern look. He headed back to her with an innocent look on his face. Hi, sis,” he said.

“Don’t ‘hi, sis’ me,” she shot back. “I saw where you were headed. What is it about human and their things that fascinates you?”

“Not really sure; they just do. Maybe it’s because they’re like us only with legs instead of tails.”

Veronica’s demeanor melted. “Oh, okay,” she said. “I’m sorry I got angry. It’s just we really shouldn’t go near shipwrecks as they could collapse on us; injuring or killing us. They’re dangerous.”

“I’m aware of that but I find some interesting things in there. Plus, I’m pretty good at telling a good wreck from a bad one.”

“Well…as long as you’re careful.”


Veronica hugged him before turning and swimming away, her coral pink tail leaving bubbles in her wake.

Lance grinned as he returned to heading for the sunken ship. He loved his sister and knew she mean well, but she didn’t need to treat him like a child. He could take care of himself. He darted through a porthole and began looking for anything he didn’t already have as well as some form of money. The money was necessary for Lance had a secret that no one else knew: He had actually walked on land and mingled with humans.

It was his observations of humans going about their business that taught Lance about the names of objects and how humans acquired those items. He had found some money in wrecks and learned during one trip to land how to use it. He had spent some of it to sample some food and love what he had.

I enjoy my time as a human, but I love it when I come home to the sea. Lnace found a wooden box and opened it to find a lot of money! He quickly shut the lid and back flipped in joy before grabbing it and continuing his search. He eventually left with the money box and some beautiful jewelry, among them a gold ring with a ruby and a sapphire set into the band. He knew these pieces of jewelry could be pricey and felt lucky to find them. I’ll be cleaning them before adding them to my collection of human items. Good thing collecting human things isn’t illegal otherwise I’d be in big trouble and seeking a place to hide them.

“Hey, buddy. What’cha find?” asked one of his best friends, Hunk, as Lance swam into the kingdom’s boundaries.

Flashing a satisfied grin, Lnace answered, “I found some human jewelry and money.”

“Money?” asked his other best friend, Pidge. “Why would you want human money?”

“What if you wanted to buy something while on land?” Lance asked innocently.

Pidge sniffed. “Lance, the only reason I become human is to enjoy lying on the warm sand. Actually, that’s the only reason most of us leave the sea.”

“I don’t choose to leave the water,” Hunk said with a shrug. “I’m happy down here.”

“Yeah, but I do wonder what humans are really like,” Lance said, looking up. “I mean, do their family sizes vary like ours? Do they have jobs and if so, what kinds? I’ve surfaced to see colored lights explode in the night sky. I’d like to know what they’re called.”

“Yeah well keep wondering,” said Pidge. “It’s not as if a human’s gonna come up to you to answer your questions.”

“You’re right, of course.” Lance answered with an easy grin as he swam off with his treasures. He knew Pidge was right: A human wouldn’t answer his questions as few believed that merpeople exist. He could hardly walk up to someone and pose his questions as he would likely be viewed as an idiot. I wish I could meet a human who believed in merpeople.


Keith held out the polished pearl to his mother who took it and smiled at her son. “Keith, it’s beautiful,” Krolia said.

“I thought you’d like it.”

“Did it come from an oyster?” his father, Thace, asked gazing at the pearl cupped in his wife’s hand.

“No. It was in the sand near the deeper water. I didn’t see any oysters near it. It’s possible someone dropped it.”

“Very possible,” Thace agreed.

“Anything I could look for you, Dad?”

“Well, if you can, you could look for a conch shell.”

Keith’s eyes lit up. He had yet to find such an items and he loved the challenge to find unusual and rare treasures. “Sure, I’ll see what I can do.”


“That’s quite the request,” Shiro remarked as they sat on a café’s outside patio.

“I know, but I don’t mind. I love a challenge.”

“I know you do. Now, about that pearl you found. You said you found it in the sand.”

“Yeah, I did. Why do you ask?”

“Keith, you know I love the sea almost as much as you do. I’ve read legends that say that merpeople place pearls in the sand where people can reach them. The reason, according to legend, is the hope of meeting someone who believes in their existence.”

“Really? I believe they exist.”

“That’s why I mentioned it, but the legends make the notion of them seeking us out in that manner seem a little ridiculous. In any event, I suggest you drive out to sea tomorrow to search for Thace’s conch shell and while you do, maybe you might see a merperson.”

“You think I will?”

“I don’t know, but you seem to me to be a special guy. Your love of the sea is unquestionable as is your dedication to protecting those that live in it.”

Keith nodded. Shiro was absolutely right about his connection to the sea. I will definitely follow Shiro’s suggestion and head out to sea. I would love to meet a merperson.

Chapter Two- Meeting

The next day, Keith drove a motorboat far out to sea, donned a scuba suit and air tank, and lowered himself into the water before diving down. He took a moment to admire the seemingly boundless blue water around him before swimming off to find a likely place for shells. He didn’t go too far down, mindful of the pressure. He came upon a bed of coral that was so pretty, he fished out his camera and snapped a picture before resuming his shell search in this grove of coral. He found only seashells, some usual, some not which he added to his pouch. He looked around for another suitable search area and headed out. Unknown to Keith, he had been spotted by a merboy who followed below. He was curious as to why this human was so far from land and hoped this was someone he could befriend.

Keith sensed his air was starting to run out. Have I really been looking for hours? he wondered. He checked his readings to find that, yes he had been looking for hours and he had lost track of time. Disappointed, he started to head for the surface. He was almost there and afforded himself one last look down and what he saw made his eyes widen. It was a teenage boy with brown hair and eyes as blue as the sea but instead of legs, he had a blue fishtail with white fins! He was a merboy! The brunette froze at being spotted and the two locked eyes until Keith became aware of his air feeling stale. He quickly headed up, removed his breathing tube once above water, and took deep breaths. Once he was breathing normally, he took a breath and ducked down to see the merboy still there. He gave a friendly smile and jerked a thumb up before heading that way himself. I always knew merpeople existed, but I never thought I’d see and he’s…handsome.


Lance watched the human start to head for the surface when he paused and looked down. Lance froze when the human saw him. He saw the eyes widen as they locked with his eyes. Then the human quickly surfaced and Lance stayed where he was, unsure of what to do. Do I leave or stay? I think I’ll stay unless he pulls a weapon. Then, in that case, I’ll flee. He focused on the surface as the human ducked down, flashed a friendly smile, and pointed up before doing so himself.

Oh, he wants to talk! Lance thought, grinning. Wonderful! I have a few questions to ask and maybe I’ll get them by getting to know him. Lance swam up and surfaced to see the human was a teenager like him with black hair in a mullet style and deep violet eyes. Lance felt like he had been beached; the boy was breathtakingly beautiful. Now I really want to know him. “H-hi,” the human said. “I’m Keith Kogane. How long were you following me?”

“I’m Lance McClain. Why would you think I was following you?”

“Well, I would think that merpeople would prefer to stay at the bottom of the ocean.”

“We usually do, but some of us- Hey, wait a minute! Shouldn’t you be trying to catch me or deny that I exist? I mean, isn’t that what humans do?” Lance’s excitement at having his questions answered had momentarily drive out of his mind the dangers of revealing himself to humans.

Keith sighed sadly and looked away. “Yes, most would. But I love the sea and want to protect those that live in it. I’ve always believed merpeople exist and had hoped to meet one.”

Lance felt bad about the accusing tone in his voice. He moved closer and put a hand on Keith’s shoulder. “Look, I’m sorry about being defensive. I’ve always wanted to know a human who knew we existed.”

Keith looked at him. “You have?”

“Yeah. I’m curious about humans. My race can take human form but most do it to sunbathe. I take it to mingle with humans, observe what they do, and wonder why they do what they do.”

“Wow. You can be human? That’s amazing. So, you watch us?”

“Yeah, but I can’t ask questions as people would think I’m stupid.”

“They certainly would. I’d be happy to answer your questions.”

“I’d like that, but first tell me about yourself.”

Keith suddenly felt a bit shy. He just met Lance and the merboy wanted to get personal. But, if I tell him, he may return the favor. “Well, I’m eighteen, an only child, and live with my parents. I don’t have many friends but I do have an older one named Shiro. He also loves the sea and believes you exist.”

“Oh. I’m seventeen and have a large family. I’m pretty friendly and have two close friends Hunk and Katie who prefers the name Pidge. I like collecting human objects from sunken ships or that drop from people and ships as they pass overhead.”

“Wow. I like collecting ocean treasures like pearls. Actually, that’s why I’m out here. I’m looking for a conch shell for my dad.”

Lance’s eyes lit up. “A conch shell? Stay here.” Lance ducked down and swam straight down past where humans could go and into a small cave in a rock face to where shells poked out of the walls in few and random spots. He gently tugged on them until one came free. Holding it securely, he headed up and once he broke the surface, he held up the shell. “Here you go. Conch shells are hard to find and too far down for humans, but I know a spot for conch shells.”

Keith’s eyes widened and a grin appeared. “It’s beautiful. Thanks, Lance.” He accepted the shell and put it in the pouch.

“No problem. Hey, Keith. Could you answer some of my questions now?”

“Sure. What do you want to know?”

“I’ve seen colored lights in the night sky on occasion. What are they?”

“They’re called fireworks. They’re pretty and used on special events like holidays.”

“They’re also loud.”

Keith laughed. “Yeah, they are.”

“I know humans wear clothes and so do I when I visit, but why?”

Keith blushed. “It has to do with modesty. We feel it’s indecent to walk around naked. Also some clothing protects us from the elements, like coats when it gets cold.”

Lance shivered slightly. “I wouldn’t bother visiting if it’s cold even though I have money to buy a coat.”

“You found money?”

Lance nodded. “In a shipwreck. I also found jewelry recently and plan to clean it up.”

“Does anyone know what you’re doing? Collecting, I mean.”

“Yeah, others know. It’s not illegal to collect such things thought it is frowned upon to mix with humans in case we’re followed back to the shoreline so we can change back.”

“How do you change?”

“I crawl out of the water in order to be human. To change back, I have to be in the water. It takes several minutes for my tail to reappear, giving me time to get to deeper water so I can duck down without exposing my tail.”

Keith smiled. “I envy you. You can travel between two worlds.”

“I enjoy seeing your world, though I’d like to stay overnight or even a few days.”

“You could now. Shiro and I believe merpeople exist and I’m sure Shiro would let you stay at his place. I would let you stay with me, if Mom and Dad would let me.”

“Do they believe?”

Keith shook his head. “I don’t think so. They accept my love of the sea and aversion to eating seafood, but that’s it.”

“I would love to have an extended trip to land. If Shiro says yes, both of you meet me in a boat right here at high noon the day after tomorrow.”

“I’m sure he’ll say yes. See you later.” Lance ducked down and Keith struck out for his boat after mentally noting the location.

Chapter Three- Crush and Love

“You actually met a merman?” Shiro said excitedly on the phone.

“Yeah. His name’s Lance and he’s fascinated by humans. He collects things that fall into the water and all merpeople can take human form but Lance is the only one who actually walks among us.”

“Wow. He sounds interesting.”

“Yeah,” Keith agreed with a sigh. “And rather handsome, too.”

“Keith! Are you possibly falling for him?”

“I…could be. Anyway, Lance mentioned he dreams of staying on land longer than one day, but can’t as he wouldn’t have a place to say. I told him he could as we believe in merpeople.”

“Yes. I see where you’re going. I’d be happy to have Lance stay with me.”

“I knew you’d say yes. Lance will be where we met at noon the day after tomorrow.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you at the docks at ten that day.”

“Great. See you then.” Keith hung up and laid back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling that was painted a robin’s egg blue. His carpet was a deep blue and the walls were painted to match it. Decals of sea creatures dotted the walls. Keith loved his room as it made him feel as if he was either underwater or on the surface of the ocean. He closed his eyes and an image of Lance appeared in his mind. I think I am in love with Lance. We both have a love of the other’s home and can answer the other’s questions and present gifts to each other. I look forward to having Lance stay for an extended visit.


Lance hummed to himself as he polished a necklace, removing algae and barnacles from it. He smiled as he recalled Pidge remarking that a human wasn’t going to come up to him and answer his questions.

Well, surprise. Someone did answer my questions. Keith Kogane. That’s such a cool name and it suits him. Lance paused in his cleaning and gazed dreamily into the water. The human was friendly, warm, caring, and very curious about the sea. His curiosity was matched only by Lance’s curiosity toward humans. He pictured Keith’s black hair and mesmerizing purple eyes and he sighed softly. I think I’m in love. Problem is that I can’t tell anyone. Well, I can tell Keith. Oh, I hope his friend says yes. I would love to go on a date with Keith.

“Little brother! Hello, anyone home?”

Lance jerked back to reality to see Veronica in his doorway. “Sorry, sis. I was daydreaming.”

“Oh? What about?”

Lance lowered his eyes to the necklace in his hands. He started working on it again, trying to fight the blush that threatened to come as he could already feel the heat in his cheeks.

“Ooo, Lance, you’re blushing. Do we have a crush?” she teased. “Well, come on, who is it?” she added when Lance didn’t answer.

Lance’s fins twitched as he looked up at her. “Do you promise not to tell?”

“I solemnly promise not to breathe a word,” she said which Lance knew she only said when she intended to take the secret to the grave.

“I think I’m in love with a guy.”

“Really? What’s his name?”

“Keith Kogane.”

Veronica frowned. “I don’t know that name and as the apprentice shaman I know practically everyone.”

“Yeah well Keith doesn’t live around here. You see…he’s human.”

Veronica’s jaw dropped. “Human?”

“You promised not to tell,” he reminded her.

She sighed in defeat. “Fine. So, how did you meet?”

“He was diving in something that helps him breathe underwater. He happened to look down on his way to the surface and spotted me. We locked eyes before he went up. He soon ducked back down and gestured for me to come up and talk.

“Turns out he loves the sea and likes to protect those that live in it. He also said he’s always believed in our existence.”

“He has? Lance, you found a very special person.”

“Don’t I know it. He has another friend who believes in us and I’m going to stay with him for a few days, staring the day after tomorrow if he says yes.”

“You’re going to walk among the humans?”

“Yeah. I’m curious about their world and I’ll have two guides to show me around,” he lied.

Veronica sighed again before giving Lance a hug. “Just be careful and tell this Keith how you feel about him.”

“I will and hopefully we’ll go on a date during my time there.” Lance returned to his polishing as Veronica left. He returned the gleaming piece to the box and his eyes fell on the ring with the sapphire and ruby in it. He plucked it out and examined it. It looked like a man’s ring as the band was wide. He rubbed his cloth over it to bring it to a shine. He smiled at it. Hmm, I might give this to Keith if he loves me back.


Veronica shook her head as she swam away from Lance’s room. Her brother met and fell for a human. She wasn’t exactly in love with the idea of Lance loving a human much less mingling with them. It wasn’t illegal to be around humans, but it could be risky. All it took was for a suspicious human to follow a merperson and see them changed to threaten their safety. Those that choose to change to sunbathe gather on a secluded island that was unknown to the human race and lay on the warm sand.

Our safety is our number one priority with happiness following close behind it. Lance risked that safety by following a human, but he got lucky as Keith has always believed we existed. He has never persuaded others to believe otherwise humans would be swarming all over the ocean to capture us.

It is clear to me that Keith makes Lance happy and I will not attempt to keep them apart. As an apprentice shaman, my responsibilities are preparing me to perform marriages, officiate births and deaths, offer up prayers, and do rituals. I will soon be taking a written test on my responsibilities and actually perform a couple of them to prove that I am ready to be the kingdom’s shaman. I can hardly wait.


Shiro stood at the docks near the boat that Keith and he both owned. He was excited to meet Lance who apparently had stolen Keith’s heart and have this merman room with him for a little while. He intended to speak to Lance to determine how he felt about Keith for he saw Keith as a kind of brother.

I want to make sure that he won’t get hurt. After all, merpeople are like humans in terms of feeling and instincts such as self-preservation. Lance could be stringing us along in order to see our city for longer than a day and if we were to ask for a favor, he could deny us.

He came out of his thoughts when he saw Keith jogging up to him, a big smile on his face. “Hi, Shiro. I’m so glad you agreed to let Lance stay with you.”

“Sure. I just hope he treats you right if he loves you back. I’m speaking as a good friend who’s concerned about you and doesn’t want you to be hurt.”

“I know. I appreciate that and I hope he loves me back. I think I’ll ask him out to dinner one night and tell him.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Shiro unhooked the boat as Keith got in. He jumped in himself and soon Keith was driving them across the water toward the spot where Keith and Lance met. Keith knew the next few days were going to be anything but boring as Lance was bound to have lots of questions.

Chapter Four- Extended Trip Begins

Lance shouldered a bag as he left home and headed for where he met his new friend and possible lover. His bag contained a couple sets of clothes, all his money, and the gold ring he hoped to give to Keith. If his friend said no, I’ll visit the city anyway and maybe I’ll run into Keith there. He swam to the spot and looked up to see a boat parked on the surface and a human appeared at the side: Keith! Lance grinned as he headed up. I guess he said yes. He broke the surface and smiled up at Keith as he came closer and saw another human with black and white hair and a slash across his nose. That must be Shiro.

Keith smiled as Lance came closer and held up a bag for him to take. He did so and helped Lance up into the boat. For a couple of minutes, Lance was laid out on the deck like a fish before his tail split into legs. Keith and Shiro turned their backs to give Lance privacy to dress.

Lance was amused by their desire to give him privacy, but he understood thanks to Keith’s explanation the other day. He got to his feet, grabbed his bag, and pulled on socks, jeans, shoes, a shirt, and a jacket before saying, “Okay, I’m dressed.”

The humans turned back and the older one came over, hand outstretched. “Hi, I’m Shiro. Keith’s told me a little about you and I like the idea of having you stay with me.”

Lance took the hand. “I’m happy to meet another human who believes we exist. Thanks for letting me stay with you.” He turned to Keith and smiled at him, once again struck by Keith’s looks. Oh, yeah. Definitely in love with him. I have to tell him, but not here. Later; I have a few days to spend on land.

Keith couldn’t help but return Lance’s smile. The merman looked amazing in his clothes, even though they were wet. I am definitely in love with Lance. I will be asking him out, but not today. I have plenty of time for that. He headed for the driver’s seat and turned the boat on. Lance settled in the seat beside him while Shiro sat on the deck behind the seats.

Lance watched Keith’s hands as they steered the boat and also at how the boat moved across the water. It moved far faster than he swam underwater, but he loved it. The wind blowing in his face and through his hair was just divine. “This is so cool!” he yelled and he barely heard the laughs of the humans as the boat sped toward the docks.

“Wow. I’ve never ridden in a boat before,” Lance said as they climbed out.

“Stick with us, Lance. We’ll introduce you to a range of new experiences,” Shiro told him.

“Sounds good. So, where to?” he asked, hitching up his bag.

“My place so you can drop off your bag.”

“Great. I haven’t seen a human’s home or at least the inside of one.”

“I imagine it’s not too different from your homes.”


Lance stood in the doorway of the guest room. “You’re right. It’s not too different from the guest rooms back home.” He went to the bed, put the bag there, and pulled out a wallet he had once found, and put it in his back jeans pocket like he had seen men do. He put his clothes in the closet so they could dry, adding, “But we don’t have closets.”

“Of course not. So,” Shiro said as he went over to the desk chair, pulled it closer to the bed, sat down, and gestured to the bed. “Have a seat, Lance. I want to talk to you while Keith’s at home getting his wallet.”

“What about?” Lance sat.

“About you. I hope you’re not taking advantage of our belief of your race’s existence just to get an extended stay on land.”

“What!? No! I just mentioned I dreamed about it and Keith said I could. If you had said no, I would have come to land anyway and stay the usual one day. I…would have hoped to run into Keith,” he mumbled, feeling his face grow hot.

Shiro stared at Lance. “You okay? You’re…blushing.”

Lance blushed harder. “Shiro, can you keep a secret?”

“Yes. I never betray a friend’s trust.”

Lance smiled. “I’m glad you consider me a friend. Okay. I’m in love with Keith. I mean, deeply. I want to tell him, maybe on a date or something.”

“Really?” Shiro’s face was neutral, but inside he was elated and amused. Keith and Lance loved each other and were hoping to tell the other on a type of date.

“Really. I even have a ring to give him if he loves me back.” He went to his bag, pulled it out, and showed him.

“Oh, that’s lovely,” Shiro breathed. “So, it’s a token of affection or does it have a special meaning to merpeople?”

“Actually, it does. A ring signifies that they’re married and just need a shaman to make it official.”

“Aren’t you a little young to get married?”

Lance shook his head. “Not really. Merpeople could wed at sixteen, sometimes fifteen. Some never marry at all, and others are betrothed at an early age to marry later.”

“If Keith agrees to be your husband, how would you convince the shaman to make it official?”

“Oh, that will be easy. The current one is retiring real soon and my sister who is the apprentice will take a test to become the new shaman before my visit is over. I told her about loving Keith so she would have no problem officially wedding us.”

“You told her?”

“I did, but only because she gave her word that she’ll keep it secret.”

“Suppose your sister wasn’t the apprentice and the current shaman wasn’t retiring, what then?”

“We would still be married, but I would probably stay human more often than merman and probably wed Keith in a human ceremony to make it legal.”

“Humans don’t necessarily have to have a wedding. Some simply fill out a marriage license and certificate and leave it at that.”

Lance perked up at that. “Yeah, we could do that.”

Shiro shook his head. “His parents will insist on a ceremony. You can do a small private one with just family and me present.”

Lance nodded. “Yeah, okay. Veronica will officially wed us and then we’ll hold a private human ceremony.”

“That’s assuming Keith will agree to being wedded.”

“True and I’m not ready to ask.”

They heard a doorbell ring and both left the room. Shiro opened the door to reveal Keith on the other side. Shiro and Lance joined him, the former locking the door behind them. They set off down the sidewalk and Shiro asked. “Lance, what would you like to see?”

“A clothing store, I think it’s called? I’ve never been in one for obvious reasons.”

Both men nodded in understanding as they led the way to one. Lance was discreetly looking around as they walked. The city was smaller as cities went and it was definitely smaller than the kingdom where he lived. Yes, despite that, he found the city a more exciting place than home was. Well, of course I do, he thought. I’m essentially a tourist, someone who doesn’t live here.

Keith glanced over at Lance whenever the brunette was looking around. He just couldn’t stop looking at him. His fascination with humans was charming and made him charming overall. I want to know more about him. Of course I will have to tell him more about myself. Once I know more about him, I will ask him out to dinner where I will confess that I love him. I only hope he returns my feelings.

Chapter Five- Matchmaking

Lance roamed around the store, checking the clothes, even the women’s clothes much to Shiro and Keith’s embarrassment. Lance examined the men’s clothes more closely. He found he liked the blue clothes, especially a pair of fluffy bedroom slippers. He purchased them after Shiro assured him that he would store them at his place as fluffy and water don’t mix. He even purchased a pair of blue pajamas to go with them.

“Gosh. Thanks for the offer, Shiro,” Lance said as they left the store.

“It’s no problem,” Shiro replied with a smile. He found himself warming up to Lance. His open attitude convinced Shiro that Lance truly loved Keith and would treat him right. Keith found a very special merman. I do hope Keith accepts the ring, making them married according to merpeople society. His sister knows about Lance’s love for Keith and would be happy to make it official.

“So, where next, Lance?” Keith asked.

“Somewhere further in the city. I usually stay in the section close to the water.”

“I understand that. How about an electronics store? I know one you’ve probably never been to.”

“Sounds great and maybe dinner somewhere after that?”

Shiro checked his watch. “Yeah, dinner afterwards.”

Perfect, both Keith and Lance thought. I’ll be able to ask more about him.

Lance once again roamed, looking at anything that caught his fancy. The electric gadgets he looked at, he was familiar with even thought he had never used or owned them as he didn’t have the money to buy them and they wouldn’t work underwater anyway. He knew there were cameras that worked underwater but only to certain depths. Lance shook his head in amazement as they left. “It’s impressive what come up with. A shame most don’t work underwater.”

“Right now,” Shiro pointed out. “But technology evolves quickly these days. They may end up inventing technology that does work underwater.”

Lance perked up at that. “I look forward to that time.”

“Me too,” Keith put in. “Now, how about dinner?”

The trio settled in a sandwich place Lance had never been to and he looked around. It was different from the ones he frequented on his other visits, so cozy and friendly. He took a bite of his sandwich and once he swallowed, said, “This is delicious.”

“I figured you would like a sandwich shop as there isn’t one near the edge of the city,” Shiro said. “Tell you what: I’ll drive us to the far side one day and we’ll spend a day there.”

“Sounds like fun,” Lance said.

“That’s the idea. I know there’s a dance club for teens and adults over there and perhaps we could go there too.”

“Dance club? They have a group for dancing?” Lance asked, confused.

Keith and Shiro laughed gently. “No, no,” Shiro said. “Dance club is a term to describe a place where people go to dance, relax, and enjoy being somewhere with other people who like to dance.”

“Oh. Well, I would like to see that place.”

“And we will. So, Lance. Tell us more about yourself,” Shiro requested.

“I’ll start at the beginning. I’m seventeen and have a large family. One of my older sisters is an apprentice shaman who assists the current one who will be retiring in a couple of days and my sister, Veronica, will take a test to prove she’s ready to take over in performing marriages and other duties.

“Keith, I told her about meeting you. She wasn’t happy until I told her about your love of the sea. She said you’re a special guy.”

Keith blushed. “Tell her I say thanks. So, if she passes the test, she becomes the shaman.”

“Yup and the entire kingdom is made aware in a big announcement and changing of responsibility ceremony though the passing of the shaman scepter is a private moment.”

“Keith told me you collect human things. I believe that considering the bag, clothes, and wallet I’ve seen.”

Lance nodded. “Yeah I do and it’s not illegal so I don’t have to hide it. We don’t hate humans, but we are unsure about them. As far as I know, I’m the only one who mingles. I’m not sure why I’m fascinate by humans, I just am.” Lance shrugged.

“Nothing wrong with that,” Keith said. “I have the same thing about the sea. I don’t know why I love it, but I do. Although, I suppose the beauty of it could be the reason.”

“Sure could be. I love watching people go about their day and that I can walk among them and no one gives me a second look.”

“Well, with cities, no one’s familiar with everybody and some move out of the city while others move in. It’s easy to blend in with an ever-changing population.”

Lance nodded thoughtfully. “That makes sense and something that’s different from the sea. The populace doesn’t really change and the shaman knows everyone in the kingdom.”

“Makes it hard for someone to blend in,” Keith remarked.

“It does, but hardly anyone leaves the place where they grew up.” Lance wiped his mouth and said, “Keith, tell me more about yourself. I know your age, family size, and your love of the sea, but that’s it.”

Keith smiled shyly. “I like to dance and study a variety of marital arts. I own a sword and a knife and are well-versed in using them.”

“I sometimes train Keith with his weapons and fighting skills. He is very diligent in his training, sometimes too diligent as he would either forget to eat or insist on training even though he’s ill,” Shiro put in.

“Wow, that’s what I call dedicated,” Lance said.

“Yes. He’s very good at fighting but he usually feels he could improve.”

“I could get better,” Keith insisted, proving Shiro’s point. “But I can be friendly and caring on occasion.”

Oh, wow, Lance thought. He seems even better to me than before. That settles it. I’ll ask him out, tell him how I feel, and wait for his response. If he loves me back, I’ll show the ring, explain its significance, and ask if he’ll be my husband. I so hope he says yes.

Keith occasionally glanced at Lance as dinner progressed. The merman had such a curiosity about humans that was attractive to him and listening to him describe his life under the sea made him love the sea even more. It must be wonderful to live in the sea; to be able to swim to various depths without worrying about pressure or running out of air. I’ve learned even more about Lance ad I find I love him more than before. That’s it. I’m going to ask him to dinner the day we go to the city’s far side and tell him how I feel.

Shiro snuck looks with Lance or Keith through dinner and give a wink. Both boys had confided to him their love for each other but weren’t aware of that. They love one another and Lance would like for them to be married. Hmm, I know there’s a romantic restaurant near the dance club. I think I’ll announce that we’ll be going to the far side of the city tomorrow and hopefully one of them will ask the other out.

“Boys,” he said as dinner ended. “I’ve decided that we’ll go to the other side of town tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at one, Keith.”

Keith nodded as they headed out and then stopped Lance for a moment. “I’d like to talk to you alone. I know a nice restaurant near the dance club. What do you say to having dinner with me?”

Lance grinned. “I’d like that, Keith. I’ll look forward to it.” Lance turned and his grin grew. Keith had asked him out an in about twenty-four hours he’ll confess his feelings, wait for Keith’s response, and hopefully be married.

Chapter Six- Surprises

“He asked me out to dinner tomorrow night!” Lance exclaimed happily as Shiro and he entered the former’s home.

“Wonderful, Lance. I want to help you ask him the question and that’s why I said we got to the far side tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Shiro. I can’t wait to tell him how I feel. Hey, do you mind if I shower?”

“Of course not. Go ahead.” Once Lance was in his room, Shiro went to the living room and dialed Keith’s number. He was delighted when Keith answered.

“Hi, Shiro. I asked Lance to dinner. I am so glad you decided to have our day out tomorrow.”

“You’re welcome. I figured if I did that, you’d likely ask him out.”

“I’m real nervous, though.”

“Of course. Admitting feelings to someone you love is nerve-wracking.”

“No kidding. I’m going to take a shower to relax.”

“You and Lance both. Good night, Keith.” Shiro hung up and smiled. The two boys seemed to think a lot alike, both taking showers and planning to confess to the other. I better take a shower too. Sea spray can be rough on one’s hair. A thump from the bathroom caught his attention and he hurried upstairs.

Lance set down his nightclothes, towel, and slippers on the counter before undressing. He looked forward to bathing as a human. He had long figured out the function of bathrooms and the toilet in addition to the sink. He climbed into the tub, set the shampoo and soap on the edge, and turned the shower head on. He stood there in the water, enjoying the warm water on his skin. He used his hands to guide the water through his hair and turned to wet his body so he could use the soap.

His legs suddenly felt weak and Lance fell backwards, landing in the tub with a loud thump. He looked at his legs and gasped. They were gone and his tail was in their place, his fins lying over the tub’s edge! He stared at it. How did I get my tail back? Is it because I got wet? No, I’ve washed my hands before and nothing happened. Maybe getting my legs wet causes them to change.

A pounding on the door sounded and he heard Shiro call, “Lance, you okay?”

“Yeah, but I need some help. The door’s not locked.”

The door opened and Shiro started to enter, but froze when he saw Lance in the tub with his tail and the shower head on. He ran to the tub and turned the head off. “Lance, how did you become a merman again?”

“I think it happens when my legs get wet. I’ve never showered before so I didn’t know this would happen.”

“Well, I guess you’re taking a bath instead,” Shiro said as he turned on the faucet to fill the tub.

“Thanks. I’ll call when I’m out of the bathroom.” Shiro left and Lance turned the faucet off once there was enough water. He began lathering up his skin and hair. Geez, I didn’t know this would happen and it makes sense. I only stay human for several hours before going home. Well, this is something to keep in mind. He rinsed himself off and lathered his hair again before rinsing it. He then started draining the tub before shifting himself around to pull himself out and onto the floor. He reached up and snagged his towel to start drying off; as he ran the towel down his tail, it split into legs again. He stood, finished drying off, and left the room wearing the pajamas and the slippers. “I’m out, Shiro!” he called, bringing the older man out of his room. Lance put the towel in the hamper and his clothes in the bag before lying back on the bed, his thoughts on Keith and his own family.

They’ll be shocked when they find out I’m seeing a human and maybe even married to him. There’s nothing against merpeople and humans marrying one another, mostly because it’s never happened before. I know Veronica will officially wed us once she’s over the shock that I asked him to be my husband, if he accepts. Hmm, I wonder if Keith’s mentioned me to his parents yet.


Keith vigorously rubbed his hair dry as he stepped out of the bathroom. He made to head for his room, but paused. He hadn’t mentioned either the trip or Lance and knew that they had a right to know their son was in love with another boy. I just won’t mention he’s a merman. He squared his shoulders and headed for his parents’ bedroom. He found them awake, his mother watching TV while his father was reading a book. He spied the conch shell sitting on the top shelf of his bedside table. “Mom? Dad? I’ve got some things to tell you.”

Both looked at him and Krolia muted the TV. “Sit down, honey.” She patted the bed. He sat down and she added, “We’ve got something to tell you too, but you go first.”

“Well, Shiro’s picking me up tomorrow afternoon to go to the far side of town along with a friend.”

“A friend?” Thace blinked. “Which one?”

“A new one. His name’s Lance and actually…I’m in love with him. I just haven’t’ told him yet.”

Both parents blinked rapidly. “Are you sure?” Krolia asked gently.

“I’m sure. I know a lot about him and I would love to date him. I just wanted to let you know.”

“We appreciate that, Keith. It is a bit strange to hear you’re in love with another boy, but we will eventually become accustomed to it. You three have fun tomorrow. Now about our news.” She smiled as she put a hand on Thace’s. “We’re going to have a baby.”

Keith gasped and then beamed. “That’s great! I’m going to be a brother!” He hugged both of his parents. “I can’t wait to tell Shiro and Lance!”


Shiro stared at Keith the next day. He rarely saw Keith look so happy. “Keith?” he asked, perplexed.

“Mom’s pregnant!” he announced as he got in the backseat next to Lance. “They told me last night.”

“Keith, that’s wonderful,” Shiro said with a smile as he pulled out of the driveway.

“Yeah, tell them I say congrats,” Lance added. “Though you’ll probably have to tell them about me.”

“I already did last night before being told about the baby. They seemed happy I have another friend as I don’t have many.”

Lance nodded. “I remember you telling me about that.” Lance kept the grin on his face, but inside he felt let down. He loved Keith, but it seemed the raven-haired teen didn’t love him. He sees me as a friend, nothing more. Well, I guess I can live with that and who knows? Maybe Keith will eventually love me.

Keith nodded at Lance’s grin and also felt his heart beat faster. He really loved Lance and was dying to tell him and that he admitted to his parents that he loved him. I’ll tell him at dinner, he thought. That’s only several hours away. I just have to hang on until then. Keith stared out the window, composing his confession in his head.


Veronica refrained from biting her lip as she waited for the shaman to come out and tell her the test results. The practical tests went perfectly and she had felt reasonably good about the written portion, but now she wasn’t too sure. Suppose she got too many questions wrong or not answered all the parts of the multi-part questions, or…

The door opened and she turned to see the shaman swim out. Old with a vast white beard, he nonetheless radiated supreme authority. He held a gold scepter with a vast white pearl on the top. The pearl was the source of the magic in the rituals that were performed. He stopped and smiled at her. “My dear,” he said. “You have served me for many years and learned the rituals, traditions, and laws that a shaman must follow. Now, that time has passed. You aced your test. You are the new shaman.” He held out the scepter, lying it horizontally in both hands.

Veronica reached out and took it, the pearl emitting a soft glow to indicate a change in ownership. Tears shined in her eyes. She was the shaman and could hardly wait for Lance to come home so she could tell him the good news.

Chapter Seven- The Dinner Date

“So, when does the club open?” Lance asked as Shiro drove past it. The place looked closed.

“After dark,” Keith replied. “We’ll go after dinner.” Keith silently added, If Lance loves me back, going dancing will be the perfect way to celebrate.

“So until then, where will we go?” Lance asked.

“The mall,” Shiro answered.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a place where lots of stores are located. It’s like the stores we went to yesterday but they’re all in one big building.”

“Sounds interesting.”


Lance’s jaw dropped as they entered the mall. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It’s like an indoor marketplace, he thought as they walked. There were clothing stores, toy stores, electronic stores, and many others. He didn’t know where to start browsing. Shiro and Keith seemed to sense this for they started showing Lance their favorite stores. Keith led him to a book store where the two of them pored over books on the ocean and aquatic life. Shiro showed him his favorite music store where they browsed through the different genres.

“This is great,” Lance said. “I love the mall.”

“Hey, Lance. Want to check out the pet store?” Keith asked, nodding his head in the direction of the store.

“Sure.” They entered the store and Lance gazed around. There were countless animals and supplies for them here that Lance was amazed at how this space was able to hold them all. “Humans actually keep snakes as pets?” he gasped as he stared at a cage that contained a large snake.

“Some do,” Shiro answered. “Most people have dogs, cats, birds, or fish as pets.”

“Fish?” Lance repeated.

“Not ones from the sea,” Keith assured him. “Freshwater fish.”

“Oh, good.” Lance looked around until he found the fish tanks and went over to them. He went up close to the largest tank and began to murmur to them in fish speak, stunning Keith and Shiro.

“What?” he said when he turned back to them after several minutes and seeing their expressions. “I’m a merman. Being half-fish makes me capable of speaking to fish and other sea creatures.” He saw Keith’s eyes lit up and also saw a bit of envy. I guess I can understand that. He’d probably love to talk to sea creatures.

Keith and Shiro continued to show Lance around, the former feeling himself loving Lance more with every new thing he learned about the merman. I wonder what else Lance can do.

Hours later, they left the mall to head to dinner. Shiro let Keith and Lnace off first so they could sit together, just the two of them. He parked the car, went in, and managed to sit at a table alone near Keith and Lance’s table. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he could see what was going on.

“Lance, please tell me about merpeople. Do you live in a city, a village? Do you have a money system? What do you do for fun?”

Lance laughed. “Whoa, easy. Okay. I actually live in a kingdom that is governed by a governor and the shaman. The governor enforces the rules of the sea king and the shaman performs ceremonies, and even magical rituals. We use dead clams and sand dollars to buy things. We have one big central marketplace. I enjoy exploring sunken ships and the open waters. We swim races, read, talk, and of course become human to sunbathe. Speaking of bathing, I found out last night that if my legs get wet, they become a tail after several minutes. Apparently it doesn’t matter if it’s seawater or freshwater.”

“It all sounds amazing. It must be cool to be a merperson.”

“I suppose so but I love being able to be human. Your world is awesome with so many amazing wonders. I wish I could live here, but my family would miss me.”

“You said you have a large family. Would they be okay with you befriending humans?”

“I think some would once I explain that you and Shiro have always believed we existed.”

“And if you fell in love with one? What then?”

“Well, if they didn’t accept that, then I probably would move to land to be with the one I love.”

“I see.” Keith shifted uneasily. Is he possibly in love with me?

“Keith? You okay?” Lance asked, noticing the shifting.

Keith took a drink of soda. “Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “Lance, I know we haven’t known each other very long but I feel like I know everything about you. I…I love you. I have the moment I saw you.”

Lance’s eyes went wide before a big grin appeared. “You love me? Oh, Keith. I love you, too. I also fell for you when I saw you on the surface.”

Keith smiled. “Great. Lance, I confided to Shiro how I felt about you and asked him not to tell. I told my parents last night that I love you.”

“You told Shiro?” Lance laughed before adding, “I told him too and also asked him not to tell and I told Veronica before I left to meet you and Shiro. She also promised not to tell.”

Keith also laughed. “We both confided in Shiro. You trust him like I do.”

“Yeah, I do.” Lance slipped a hand into a pocket and pulled out the ring, but kept it under the table. “Keith, among my people, a couple is considered married when one wears a ring, but a wedding by the shaman re-confirms it. So, Keith. Will you be my husband?” He presented the ring.


Shiro watched as silence reigned between the two boys until they were halfway through their food. He breathed a sigh of relief. I was afraid they were both losing their nerve. He saw Keith’s lips moving fast and suspected he was asking questions, most likely about merpeople. He is so curious about the sea, more than I am really. He saw Lance laugh before talking, no doubt answering. They do seem made for each other. I hope one of them confesses soon.

He saw Keith shift uneasily. Is he close to making the first move? He watched Keith take a drink before speaking. He watched the lips and saw them form the words, I love you. Shiro refrained from punching the air. Keith had confessed! He knew Lance would confess too but the moment of truth would be when Lance proposed. Would Keith accept or reject?

He saw Lance pull out the ring but keep it under the table. He saw Lance talk again and then reveal the ring. He leaned forward slightly in anticipation of Keith’s answer.


Keith stared at the ring and then at Lance’s face before looking at the ring again. He wants us to be husbands? I never expected him to propose or that merpeople marry so easily. Either way, I have only one answer.

Keith looked up at Lance again and smiled. “Yes, Lance. I’ll be your husband.” He held out his left hand.

Lance beamed as he slid the ring onto Keith’s finger and interlaced fingers. “I’m happy you said yes. I understand if you want a wedding to make it legal among humans. I would prefer it be a private one, just family and friends.”

“My parents would insist on a wedding. Naturally, they’ll want to meet you once I show them the ring. I’ll be using the human term engaged as being married already may shock them.”

“True. Now, let’s celebrate by dancing.” Lance pulled Keith away from the table and headed up front to pay with a happy Shiro behind them. His best friend was married and he was happy that he had played a part in bringing about a new chapter in Keith’s life.

Chapter Eight- Family Meeting

Krolia and Thace stared at the ring on Keith’s finger. “Engaged?” Krolia repeated.

Keith nodded, beaming. “Last night. I told him how I felt, he said he loved me, and then proposed.”

“We’re happy for you, Keith,” Thace said. “We insist we meet him, though. Get to know our future son-in-law.”

Keith nodded again. “Of course. I told Lance that and he’s offered to come tonight for dinner.”

Krolia also nodded. “That’s perfect.”


Veronica gaped at Lance from the shallows. “Married?” she repeated.

“Yeah,” Lance said from the dry sand. “He confessed love to me, I told him I loved him, and then I asked him to be my husband.”

“Lance, I don’t know if I can officiated you in a ceremony.”

“Sure you can. Right here or Keith and I can stand in a boat.”

Veronica looked sheepish. “Yeah, you’re right. That will work. I guess I was just wondering how the two of you will make this work, what with both of you living with family and living in different worlds.”

“That’s something we’ll have to talk about, perhaps after dinner. I’m meeting Keith’s parents tonight. Oh and sis? Go ahead and tell the family about Keith and our marriage. I shouldn’t keep this from them anymore.”

“I would say so as you are married now.” Lance smiled as he headed back into the city while Veronica headed back to the sea. Lance felt lucky that he could talk to sea life as that was how he was able to speak to Veronica. Yup, a couple of sea turtles on the beach and I’m talking to my sis. He was thrilled when she said she was the shaman and that was when he told her he was married.

Married. He sighed happily. I’m married to the most wonderful human in the world. We will need to talk about how we’re going to make this work as I can’t stay on land forever. My family would miss me.


Keith fussed with his tie, annoyed that his parents insisted he be dressed up for dinner. Lance is the one who’s supposed to be making the good impression, not me. I do wonder if Lance has a suit. Probably not; he didn’t think about meeting my parents when he proposed. He finally straightened his tie and was coming down the stairs when the bell rang.

“Keith, dear, answer it,” Krolia called.

“Okay, Mom.” He opened the door to see Lance in a suit and holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand. His mouth fell open as he let his husband in. “Lance?”

“Shiro took me shopping for a suit. Said it would make a good impression on your parents. The flowers are for your mom.”

“Shiro was right about the suit and Mom will love the flowers.” He led Lance into the living room where Thace and Krolia were waiting.

Lance came forward with a shy, nervous smile. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Kogane,” he said as he gave Krolia the flowers and then shook Thace’s hand. Both adults smiled warmly and Lance felt some nervousness fade. The residue nervous feelings were from the fact that he was going to tell them the entire truth. Technically they’re already my in-laws and they should know their son-in-law’s a merman. Of course, Keith doesn’t know that and I need to tell him about it.

Thace looked Lance up and down. He was dressed in a smart suit and his hair was neatly combed. He had greeted Krolia and him politely, had presented Krolia with flowers, and had shaken his hand. He found himself liking the brunette and could see why Keith agreed to be his fiancée.

“Let’s sit and have some dinner and you can tell us about yourself,” Thace said.

“Okay, Mr. Kogane,” Lance said. He snagged Keith’s arm as the adults headed out. “Keith, I’m going to tell them the truth about me. Veronica’s already told my family about you and us being married.”

“Tell the truth? Why?”

“Well, technically they’re already family and they deserve to know the truth.”

Keith sighed. “You’re right. They should know.”

The four sat at the table, passed around the food, and ate in silence for a little while. Lance, however, was trying to figure out how to tell the truth. I think I’ll let the questions lead me and hopefully I’ll be able to tell the truth.

“Lance, tell us about your family,” Krolia said.

He smiled. “Oh, my family is quite large and we live together in one large house. I‘ve older and younger siblings. One of my older sisters has a very important job where I live.”

“What kind of job?” Thace asked.

“She performs wedding ceremonies, funerals, traditional blessings and prayers, things like that.”

“That is important,” Thace remarked.

Keith smiled slightly. He knew his dad had certain standards and wanted to be sure Keith would be taken care of; with Lance’s sister having an important job, it certainly helped boost Lance’s worth in his eyes.

“Speaking of wedding ceremonies, what kind of wedding were you and Keith wanting?” Krolia asked.

“We were thinking a private ceremony, just family and Shiro.”

“I believe we can do that. I look forward to meeting your family,” Thace replied.

“I…don’t know if they will want to attend,” Lance said slowly.

“Why not? Do they not approve?”

Lance slowly exhaled. “I have…a confession to make. I am not really human.”

“What?” Krolia asked, confused.

“I’m…a merman. Keith and I met a few days ago when he was looking for a conch shell. I told him that I am fascinated by humans and their world. My kind can obviously take human form, but most choose to do so on a secluded island to sunbathe. Keith and I seem made for each other as we love the other’s world and want to know more about them.”

There was silence before Thace said, “You’re a…merman? That’s not possible. Merpeople don’t exist.”

“We do exist and I can prove it.” He stood and moved away from the table. “Keith, I will need a towel and some water.” His husband rushed to get them as Lance added, “I found that when water touches my bare legs, they become my tail until I dry it.” He turned around and removed his pants and underwear, glancing back quickly to see Krolia averting her eyes. Keith returned with a towel and a glass of water that he gave Lance, also averting his gaze. Lance splashed the water on his legs and waited. His legs wobbled as they became a tail and he fell with an “Ouch!” as he hit the floor. I should have sat down; it wouldn’t have hurt then, he inwardly scolded. He looked up to see Krolia and Thace staring at him with open mouths. His fins flicked slightly and Krolia gave a small gasp.

“I trust you believe me now?” Lance asked as Keith handed over the towel and Lnace dried his tail, regaining his legs.


“So…what do you think?” Keith asked after Lance had left.

Both adults exchanged looks before Thace said, “It is clear that the two of you care a great deal for each other, but he won’t be able to provide for you or for you to provide for both of you.”

“I don’t care about that. I can go to college to earn a degree and get a job to support myself. I’m sure Lance can get a job once he’s old enough.”

“We accept your love for one another and having Lance as part of the family, but…”

“There won’t be a wedding,” Keith finished and his parents nodded.

“Okay. That’s fine,” Keith said calmly. Keith was a little disappointed but knew they could still get a marriage license and have Veronica make their marriage official.

Chapter Nine- Official Union

“So, no wedding,” Lance said as they stood in front of a woman in City Hall, getting their marriage license.

“Right. They like you and all, accept you as family, but…” He trailed off as he signed the license and passed Lance the pen. He too signed it and the woman went to copy it and scan it into the computer.

“But?” Lance prompted as they left with the original copy of the license.

“They worry about me being provided for, as if I can’t support myself.”

Lance made a dismissive noise. “I know you can take care of yourself. I usually don’t have to worry about how to support myself as the sea provides one with food everywhere one goes. It provides materials we make into items.”

“Sounds perfect. No worrying about making enough money to live, able to travel between land and sea, just a simple life.”

“I suppose so. I never thought about it that way.” He shifted his bag on his shoulder. He was returning home to find out what his family thinks of him being married to a human. I hope they’re a bit more understanding. As they approached the shoreline, they saw Shiro waiting by the rock that concealed it from view; he had planned to see Lance off as well. He looked up as they approached and he looked as if his greatest wish in the world had come true.

“Lance,” he said. “There’s a group of merpeople in the water. One said they’re your family.”

Lance gasped at the statement and took off with Keith and Shiro right behind him. He rounded the bend and came to a stop, gaping at the almost a dozen merpeople in the water, Veronica in the forefront with an older mermaid beside her.

“Mama,” Lance said as he came close to the edge. “What are you all doing here?”

“Veronica told us you got married and we wanted to see your beloved.” Her eyes went to Keith who smiled shyly and hopefully at her. The second emotion surprised her. Why is he appearing hopeful? Do his parents not approve? She pushed those thoughts aside for the moment before saying, “Hello, Keith. You seem like a nice boy and I sense the love of the sea Veronica mentioned from you. Yes, I can see why Lance fell for you. I am proud to welcome you to our family.” She held out her arms and Keith leaned down to accept the hug.

“Thank you,” he said as they broke the hug. “My parents accept our love and marriage, but will not hold a wedding.”

“Well, that’s just silly,” Mrs. McClain said.

“I…also told them I’m a merman and I proved it,” Lance admitted. “I thought they had a right to know as they’re technically family already.”

“Of course, hijo,” his mom said. “Is it possible you being a merman is why they won’t have a wedding?”

“It’s possibly part of the reason,” Lance conceded. He looked at Keith who had waded into the water to meet the rest of the family. “Having a wedding isn’t necessary as we married the night Keith accepted and we made it legal for humans by getting a marriage license just this morning.”

“They may not hold a wedding,” Veronica spoke up. “but I can still make the marriage between you and Keith official as the shaman.”

Lance smiled. “I’d like that. Keith! Veronica’s ready to make our union official!”

Keith grinned as he headed back to Lance, the rest of the family moving closer and Shiro stood behind the boys. The two teens stood side-by-side before Veronica who raised her scepter and moved it back and forth between them, eyes closed. She murmured words Keith didn’t understand before saying, “As the shaman, I officially declare Lance McClain and Keith Kogane married and bonded for life.” There were claps and cheers as Lance and Keith shared a kiss.

“I should head home,” Lance said as they parted. “My family will want to celebrate with a party and pick out my own wedding ring as it is traditional.”

Keith’s face fell. “I wish I could go with you. It sounds like a lot of fun.”

“With my family, I’m sure it will be.”

Veronica looked at her scepter and then at Keith. “There is a way to join the party,” she said. “It is rare for one of us to fall in love and wed a human, especially one that loves the sea the way you and Shiro do. There is a ritual spell to change a human to a merperson complete with all our abilities including the ability to become human. This spell only works on those who love the sea deeply.”

Keith perked up. “I could be a merman?”

“Yes. You and Shiro both, if he wishes. I think I speak for the family when I say we would love to have you join us for the party.” She looked back and the others nodded.

Keith looked back at Shiro who seemed as excited as he felt. He looked at Veronica and said, “Give us a few minutes.” He and Shiro went to the rock bend, stripped, and neatly folded their clothes out of sight. They then walked back to the water to see Lance had already changed and was being congratulated by his family. Veronica and Mrs. McClain had moved into deeper water and the two humans swam out to them and floated before her, treading water.

Veronica held the scepter straight up again, chanting words Keith didn’t understand again. The pearl on the scepter glowed white. “As shaman, I grant you the tails and abilities of mermen.” She tapped the pearl to Shiro’s chest and then to Keith.

Keith felt a tingle go through his body and his legs feeling boneless. He sank under the surface to see that his legs had become a red tail and his feet were a pair of black fins. Shiro came down and looked at his all black tail. He grinned at Keith who grinned back.

Lance swam over to Keith, took his hands, and spun the two of them in a circle laughing. “Keith, you look great as a merman! Your tail complements mine.”

Keith couldn’t help laughing too. He had fantasized and dreamed of living in the sea and now it was happening. He was breathing underwater, he had a tail instead of legs, and best of all, he had a husband to show him around and explore the waters with.


Keith stared around the marketplace as he followed Lance and the McClain women as they headed for the jewelry stall to pick out Lance’s ring. The market was a large opne area of countless stalls with mermen or mermaids selling various wares. It looked similar to home with obvious differences.

“So Keith. What do you think so far?” Lance asked.

“It’s a dream come true,” he answered. “I’m seeing a part of the ocean that had been impossible and I’m breathing underwater. Plus, your family is so nice. I wish I could live here forever."

“You could. Isn’t eighteen the age when most humans move out?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then, do it. You could move your stuff to Shiro’s home and come live with me and my family.”

Keith’s heart pounded. Would Shiro let Keith do that? What would his parents say about him moving out? Well, they can’t object as I’m technically an adult and can make my own decisions on how to live my life.

“Lance,” called Rachel. “Check out this ring. It’s so cute.”

“Cute!?” Lance repeated. “Sis, I’m not looking for cute.” The two mermen came over and Keith had to agree: It was too cutesy to suite Lance.

“Of course you’re not,” said Lisa, his sister-in-law. “I think this one would be better or perhaps this one.” She pointed at two rings. One had a band shaped from a cream-colored seashell and had a sprinkling of different colored pebbles decorating it. The other was a band also shaped from a seashell but blue and cream-colored. Lance spied small gemstones winking within the band. The vendor must have found those while human on the secluded island as those stones aren’t found in the sea. He looked at Keith. “What do you think?”

“I like that one. It seems to suit you.” He pointed at the second one.

“I have to agree,” Mrs. McClain purchased the ring while Keith slid it onto Lance’s finger and both of them admired it.

Chapter Ten- Living Arrangement

Shiro assisted the men with setting up the party. He saw a variety of dishes and looked forward to sampling some. He fell into easy conversation with Mr. McClain and Luis, Lance’s brother who was married to Lisa. They asked about himself and Keith some more.

“Lance has found a special person,” Luis commented. “Their marriage will be interesting as they live in different worlds.”

“I’m sure they will make it work,” Shiro said while wondering himself how it would work.

“We’re back,” called Mrs. McClain just as the last of the food and decorations were set out. “Come see Lance’s ring.” The family came over to see, but Keith steered Shiro away from the crowd.

“Shiro, Lance had an idea but I want to ask you before I do it. What would you think of me moving my stuff to your place and me spending most of my time here?”

Shiro was surprised. “Well, as you’re eighteen, you are allowed to do what you want. I would like to have you stay with me when you visit land.”

“So, you don’t mind?”

“Of course I don’t. It’s clear that you’re happy down here and your husband lives here. It’s only natural for married couple to live together.”

Keith hugged him. “Thanks, Shiro. I mean it.”

“You’re welcome, Keith. We’ll stay here overnight and tomorrow we’ll head home, tell your parents, and start prepping your stuff to pack it up.”

Keith smiled as he broke the hug and swam over next to Lance who was now piling a plate with food with Shiro watching him. He felt Keith was meant to be a merman. He enjoyed seeing a part of the ocean he normally wouldn’t see and his tail seemed so natural on him.

My tail also looks natural on me and as much as I love it, I can’t stay in the sea. I have a job that I will resume after tomorrow as I had only requested a few days off. However, I can visit whenever I want. He thought about how different his life would be now that he was also a merman. He knew he would have to be careful to avoid getting his legs wet in public and that he would be taking baths instead of showers from now on. It would be hard to keep his tail a secret but considering what it allowed him to do, he was willing to do what he had to in order to keep it under wraps.


Keith laid in bed with Lance, re-living the party. He had had so many questions about living in the sea and the family had been more than happy to answer them, especially when told that he had decided to spend most of his time with them. Their replies served to confirm his decision to remain in the sea. He had been astounded at the size of Lance’s bed until he was told that it was big to prepare for the day when or if one found his or her other half.

Lance rolled over and put his arms around Keith, smiling at him. “I’m so happy I met you and married you. I’m also happy that you and Shiro are staying overnight.”

“Shiro more than me. I told him about your suggestion and he agreed to the idea of moving into his house and living in the sea most of the time.”

Lance’s eyes lit up at the remainder and a beaming smile appeared. “Yeah, that’s great. We’ll be together almost all the time.”

Keith was about to reply when he heard a beautiful and haunting song. “What’s that?” he asked.

“Whale song,” Lance answered. “Lovely, isn’t it?”

“It sounds like actual singing.”

Lance laughed at the awed tone in his husband’s voice. “Keith, you’re a merman now. You can communicate with the sea life.”

Keith chuckled. “Yes, of course.” He sighed softly as the whale song lulled him to sleep. He had chosen to live as a merman and he was with his true love. His life now felt complete.


“You’re moving out?” Thace repeated.

Keith nodded. “Please understand I still love you, but Lance and I are married now and it’s natural for married couples to live together, right? So, Shiro offered to have Lance and me stay with him until we can get our own place.”

“Lance is willing to live on land with you than with his family?” Krolia asked.

“He’ll visit his family and they may visit us. I promise to visit, too. After all, I’ll be a brother in several months.”

“Of course, dear.” Krolia stood and took her son in an embrace. Thace embraced both at once.

“I hate lying to them,” Keith admitted to Shiro as he entered his room where the older man was already putting books in an already assembled cardboard box. Keith grabbed a box and stared putting it together.

“I know, but the truth would be a little hard to understand and take. Plus, they may feel that their refusal of a wedding is what motivated you to live in the sea.”

“But you know it’s not.” Keith assembled another box.

“I do.” Shiro sealed the box and wrote “books” on it. He took some bubble wrap and tissue paper before lining the box and wrapping Keith’s knickknacks carefully. The two of them worked in silence, making boxes, filling them, sealing, and marking. When they stopped for the day to load Shiro’s car and take it to his home, half of the room had been packed. They put the boxes in the room and Keith hugged Shiro.

“I need to get going. Lance is waiting.”

“Of course. I’ll meet you at your house tomorrow with a moving truck to bring the rest of your stuff here.”

“Great.” Keith snatched up a bag and headed for the shoreline. He watched the sea creatures as he stripped, listening to them talk. It was, naturally, still shocking to hear them talking in words he understood. I know I won’t give it a second thought as time goes on, but right now it is simply amazing. Keith stowed his bag safely before running toward the water. Keith was in deeper water by the time his legs became a tail. He ducked down and relished being able to breathe underwater. He flicked his tail and started heading for his new home. He couldn’t resist trying some acrobatic tricks on the way. He felt weightless in the water and also at home. I think I was meant to be a merman. This just feels right.

“Hey, Keith! Nice back flip,” Lance commented as his husband executed said trick at the front door. “Come on in, dinner’s ready.”

Keith smiled as he and Lance swam inside, holding hands. He looked forward to another delicious meal and being surrounded by warm friendly in-laws. Oh, yes. I am definitely home.

The End