Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter One- Unwanted Affection
Atem stood in front of the mirror and smiled at his reflection. He had been allowed to live again and, with some luck, have a full life. He had a body just like the one he had when he shared Yugi’s body. He was grateful for that as it let him blend in with the people, even with his unusual hair. Of course, since Yugi had the same hair, sans the extra yellow, it wasn’t unique but that was all right with him.
He turned away and headed down the stairs. Kaiba had called the other day and requested his presence this afternoon. He had a good idea why: Kaiba wanted to duel him. When Kaiba realized that Atem had been the one he dueled every time, he started referring to Atem as Pharaoh and became obsessed with dueling and defeating him. Atem found the notion to be pointless. If Kaiba thinks I won’t update my deck, then he’s really losing it.
“Goodbye, Grandpa! I’ll be back in a while,” he called as he got his boots on.
“All right, my boy. Be careful.”
Atem couldn’t help smiling. Not long after getting his body, Solomon insisted the pharaoh call him Grandpa. He had admitted that it would be strange to do so, but Solomon replied by saying that he had always thought of Atem as a grandson back when he first took up residence in Yugi’s body. He felt touched by this and agreed to address him as Grandpa.
I like my new life. No staying in the confines of the house, no people bowing to me, and no Shadow Games. On the other hand, I can’t go to school with Yugi and the others. I have no backstory, no transcripts, and no papers of any kind. He knew some teenagers would be thrilled to have no school, but Atem wanted to learn. He couldn’t depend on Yugi forever and furthermore he was an independent young man and wanted to make his own way.
But, right now, all I’ll be able to do is run the game shop. Hmm…actually that’s not a bad idea. I could offer my help and have Grandpa teach me what I need to know. He nodded to himself as he entered Kaiba Corp headquarters and entered the elevator.
When he got to the top, he headed for the office doors until a lady at a desk on his right said, “Hold on, sir. Do you have an appointment?”
“I do have an appointment. My name’s Atem and I have a meeting with Mr. Kaiba at…,” he checked his watch. “Three o’ clock.”
The woman checked her book and then picked up the phone and push a button. After a pause, she said, “Sorry Mr. Kaiba, but there’s an Atem to see you? Yes, sir.” She hung up and looked at Atem. “Mr. Kaiba will see you.”
Atem opened a door, went in, and closed it. He saw Kaiba at his desk, elbows propped on it, fingers interlaced, and his blue eye drilling into him. He nodded. “Atem. Thank you for coming.”
“You said you wanted to see me.” Atem said as he sat in the chair in front of the desk.
“Yes. I imagine you’re bored. Being alive, but no having any kind of documents to do things like drive a car or go to school.”
“It is frustrating to not being able to go to school. I’ve just decided I’d run the game shop and have Grandpa teach me how.”
“Yes, you could…or you could go to school, instead.”
Atem sat up a little straighter. “I could?”
Kaiba nodded as he stood, came around, and held up a folder. “With my technology and know-how, I have forged documents to give you the chance to truly live.”
Atem took the folder, opened it, and looked through the papers. A creditable backstory explained his reason for living in Domino City, an adoption certificate claiming him to be Solomon’s grandson, a school transcript, and other papers he needed to live in this world.
“Kaiba, you are wonderful person,” he said as he closed the folder and tilted his head to look up at Kaiba.
His purple eyes went wide with shock and disgust as Kaiba captured his lips in a loving kiss. He pushed away from the brunette. “Kaiba, what in the names of the gods was that for?”
Kaiba simply smirked and folded his arms. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m in love with you. I thought that if I made documents for you, I would have a chance to show you how I feel. Clearly, you don’t feel the same way.”
“Kaiba, if I was female, then yes I would feel the same way. As it is, I don’t love you. Thanks for the papers, though.” Atem stood and bolted out of the office, clutching the folder to his chest. In truth, he found Kaiba and two others attractive but he far preferred women. He hoped to one day meet a girl who liked him for himself and not his dueling skills. I should be able to. Thanks to Kaiba, I have a forged transcript so I can go to school…but not until the new semester. He had just taken another look at it and wondered why briefly. Kaiba thought I would accept his confession and probably had planned for us to date before I start school.
Atem sat on a park bench and opened the folder to peruse the papers more closely. Kaiba had indeed crafted a believable backstory and was determined to memorize it so that he was proficient in repeating it to his future classmates. Kaiba had given him a summer birthday for which he was grateful as he recalled his birthday being during the hottest part of the year in Ancient Egypt. He was in the process of scrutinizing the adoption certificate when a voice drawled, "Well, well. If it isn’t my favorite pharaoh.”
Atem rolled his eyes and closed the folder as the voice’s owner plopped onto the bench beside him. “Bakura.”
“So, what brings you here?” Bakura swept an arm at the park.
“I’m taking a closer look at the papers Kaiba forged for me.” He held up the folder.
“Why did he do that?”
“Two reasons. One, to make me happy and two, as a way to confess his love to me.”
“I see.” Bakura slid closer to Atem. He couldn’t let Kaiba steal Atem from him. “And did he just say he loved you?”
“No. He kissed me first.” The look of disgust on Atem’s face gave Bakura hope.
“That was a bold move.”
“It was but that’s how Kaiba acts. He does as he sees fit and he felt like kissing me.”
“I’m a lot like that too,” Bakura said before seizing Atem’s face, turning the head, and planting a deep kiss.
Atem yanked away, wiping his mouth with his jacket sleeve. “Bakura!” he exclaimed with disgust.
Bakura smirked as he folded his arm. “Kaiba’s not the only one who loves you. I do as well.”
“And I’ll tell you what I told Kaiba. If I was female, then I would love you. But I’m not, so get over me.”
“As you wish, pharaoh.” Bakura’s smirk didn’t waver as Atem left. He had no intention of ceasing his pursuit of Atem. He loved the teen too much to give up and wasn’t going to let anyone stop him from achieving his goal. He said if he was female, he would love me. Hmm…yes, I think that can be arranged. He got up and set out to prepare the plan that had come to him.
Atem walked quickly home, hardly believing it. Two of the men he was attracted to had kissed him! He had had an inkling that Kaiba and Bakura had feelings for him, but he never thought they would make the same bold move.
I’ve made it clear that any romantic relationship isn’t possible and I will need to state it to the third one I find attractive and I know he will completely understand: Yugi. He smiled to himself. Yes, Yugi would understand that there would be no romance between them.
Chapter Two- Preferences
Atem entered the house and went to the doorway that led to the game shop where Solomon was working. “Hi, Grandpa.”
“Hi. So, what did Kaiba want?”
“He forged some papers for me.” He handed over the folder and Solomon looked through the papers.
“Well, that was nice of him, although you can’t start school yet.”
“I do need a bag and uniforms, but Kaiba had an ulterior motive for calling me there.”
“What was it?”
“He…kissed me and said he loved me.”
While the look on his face expressed his disgust despite it happening a while ago, Solomon heard the soft and wistful tone in his voice. “Sounds like you’re equally taken by him.”
Atem sighed. “I prefer women but I find myself attracted to three guys. Kaiba is one and after leaving his office, I was in the park looking over the papers when the second guy I like showed up: Bakura.”
“I told him what happened with Kaiba and he also kissed me and said he loved me. I told him what I told Kaiba. I said that if I was female then I would love him too. But I’m not so he needs to get over me.”
“Would you like to be female?”
“Perhaps, but the procedure is expensive and I’m happy with who I am.”
“You said you’re attracted to three guys. Who’s the third?”
A door opened and Yugi called, “Atem, Grandpa, I’m home!” before Atem could answer.
He sighed. “And there’s number three.”
Yugi appeared in the doorway, Atem having moved to the counter during the conversation. He gave both a hug as Solomon asked, “How was school today?”
“Fine, but Kaiba was absent.” Yugi shrugged. “He didn’t really miss much.”
“No, I suppose he didn’t.” He gave Atem a quick understanding look before adding, “He did make forged papers for Atem so he can go to school next semester.”
“He did? Wow! That was nice of him.” The two teens headed back into the house.
“It was,” Atem agreed. “But he also had a second reason for me to meet him.”
“What was it?”
“To kiss me and say he loved me.”
“And what did you say?” Yugi asked curiously as they headed upstairs.
“I said if I was female, I would return those sentiments and then I left. I ended up saying the same thing to Bakura at the part when he copied Kaiba’s move.”
“You’re real popular, huh?”
“So it seems. I’m certainly attracted to them, but I prefer women. Yugi? You know I’m attracted to you as well, right?”
“Yeah and I love you like Kaiba and Bakura do. I know there can’t be romance between us, but I just want to let you know.”
“I understand and I’m fine with hugs. I mean, that’s what some families do.”
“Some do and I enjoy hugs, even with friends. Even though we’re like brothers, you’re my friend first.”
“I feel the same way.” They shared another friendly hug before leaving for their own rooms. Atem sat at his desk, pulled out his deck, and shuffled it absentmindedly, his mind dwelling on this afternoon.
Honestly, he liked Kaiba, Bakura, and Yugi a lot, he just didn’t know who he liked the most. He knew he was being unreasonable and stubborn. It was unusual for two guys to love one another, but it was somewhat acceptable. But for a guy to date three at once? That was highly unusual and usually didn’t work out as the three boyfriends would end up fighting over him.
Yes, I’m attracted but my sexual preference is toward women. I’m comfortable with that concept. He shook his head a little. His feelings were pulling him in two directions. He liked three guys who were in love with him, but his upbringing as a prince and then a pharaoh made him prefer women to marry in order to carry out his family line.
I need to get over my refusal to accept love from another man. If I feel attraction, I should not be afraid to explore it. I know Kaiba, Bakura, and Yugi quite well so a date with any one of them wouldn’t be uncomfortable. I could start with Yugi, and then Kaiba, and finally Bakura. I will state that I’m stepping out of my comfort zone in terms of relationships and willing to give this kind of love a try.
He heard the phone ring but ignored it until a few minutes later when Solomon called, “Atem, it’s for you.”
Curious, he left the room, went downstairs, and picked up the receiver. “Hello?”
“Pharaoh,” came Bakura’s voice. “I want to make it up to you for my actions today.”
“You calling and apology is enough.”
“No, no. I truly want to make it up to you. How about tea at my place tomorrow at two?”
“All right. Tomorrow at two. See you then.” He hung up with a feeling of satisfaction. He’d be able to tell Bakura the revelations he was coming to in regards to dating. You know, I could date men and women. That may be quite unusual, but it could work for me.
Atem knocked on Yugi’s door hours later. It was almost bedtime but Atem needed to talk to Yugi. “Come in,” Yugi called. He entered and saw Yugi sitting on his bed already in his pajamas like Atem was. It amused Atem how they both still wore the same kind of clothes even though they were separate people now; both were wearing pajamas with stars on them. In his opinion, the set made Yugi really cute.
“What’s up?” Yugi asked as Atem took the chair.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this afternoon and thinking that I’m being unreasonable about my sexual preferences.”
“You prefer women. There’s nothing wrong or unreasonable about that.”
“Yes, but I’m thinking of giving you, Kaiba, and Bakura the chance to date me. I’m attracted to all three of you a lot and I should be willing to give this type of relationship a try.”
“Atem, that’s real nice and I’ll take the chance to go out with you.”
Atem smiled. “I was hoping to go out with you first. I’m thinking of going with Kaiba second and Bakura third.”
“You’ll need to tell them that you’ve reconsidered your position.”
“Yes. Bakura invited me to tea tomorrow afternoon to make up for his actions today. So, I can tell him then. Uh, Yugi? I would still want to date girls, though.”
“So…you could be bi-sexual? Someone who likes both guys and girls?”
Atem appeared thoughtful before saying, “I could be. Is that unusual?”
“Yes, but not unheard of. If you want to keep it secret, I promise not to tell anyone.”
“I appreciate that. I will have to tell Bakura and Kaiba about being bi-sexual as I will be dating them as well.”
“Of course.” Atem left and Yugi beamed. Atem had clearly thought long and hard about dating a guy even though he still liked girls. I’ll take it nice and easy when we do go out. Atem will probably feel a little uncomfortable about it so I won’t push him into anything.
Chapter Three- Reconsidered
“Thanks for coming,” Bakura said graciously as he let Atem in.
“I admit, you wishing to make it up to me for yesterday’s action intrigues me. I also have something to tell you. I did some deep thinking last night and wish to share them with you.”
“Really?” Bakura led them to the living room and gestured to a chair. “Have a seat and I’ll get the tea.” He headed to the kitchen and poured some tea into two cups before putting some sugar in his cup and then he removed a small vial from his pocket. He poured it into Atem’s cup and stirred it, smiling. He had worked hard yesterday to create a gender formula. It would take overnight to work and he was certain that Atem would be surprised and thrilled when he awoke the next morning. I think I’ll ask him for his reactions as a hypothetical question if the conversation allows it.
“Here we are,” he announced as he put down a tray bearing the cups, teapot, condiments, napkins, and cupcakes. “Sugar or cream for your tea?”
“None, thank you.” He accepted the spiked tea. He took a sip before putting it down.
“So, you did some deep thinking. Were they about me, by any chance?”
“In a way. Kaiba and Yugi too. I am flattered that all three of you love me and I’ll admit I feel attracted to all of you. My preferences for women was part of my upbringing as a royal and also because I’m male. I’m aware that while it is unusual for two guys to date each other in this ear, it is not unheard of. I’m comfortable with the idea of dating women but considering how I feel, it would be unreasonable for me to deny it or the feelings of you, Kaiba, and Yugi.” He took another sip.
“Are you saying you would be willing to love me?”
“I’m willing to accept my attraction to you and the others and to date each of you in turn. I also would like to date girls. This would seem to make me bi-sexual.”
“That’s fascinating. Would you still be bi-sexual if you were female? Would that change anything?”
Atem appeared thoughtful. “If I was a girl, I would likely date only guys as I would feel awkward in going out with girls.”
“How would you feel if you became a girl?”
Atem lapsed into silence, draining his cup as he did so. “If I became a girl,” he finally said. “I would be surprised, but happy?”
“Would you act like one?”
“Only when indulging in things like shopping and shaving I would imagine. I would not let a change in gender dictate my thoughts, actions, or personality. I would simply be female in body only.”
“And your air or command is one of the things I love about you as well as your confidence. I wouldn’t want to see you lose either one,” Bakura commented, thrilled with Atem’s reply. And he drank the entire cup as well. He’ll be female in the morning. He picked up the teapot. “More tea?”
Atem accepted another cup. “What kind of tea is this? It’s very good.”
“Chamomile with a hint of rosemary. I find it more pleasant than the traditional green tea.”
“Green tea is good for one’s health. Grandpa told me that.”
“I’m not disputing that. I have nothing against green tea, I just prefer this.” He held up his cup.
“I can see your point.” The two continued to chat about a range of topics and, at the end, Atem felt a friendship was being formed and certainly a romance could come from it. One thing at a time, he told himself as he left and headed for Kaiba Corp. Friendship first, then a possible romance. So…I’ve told Yugi and Bakura my findings. Now, it’s Kaiba’s turn.
Kaiba leaned back in his chair and interlaced his fingers. “So, you’ve had a change of heart?” he asked, reading the gentler look in Atem’s eyes. He then smirked. “I had hoped you would reconsider my confession.”
“Actually, after talking a little with Yugi, I gave the matter a good deal of thought. You see, Yugi and Bakura also love me. Bakura also kissed me after you did and I made it clear to him and Yugi that I feel attraction but not love. However, I began to re-think my position. I would still prefer to date girls, but I can’t deny my feelings for you and the others. I would be willing to date all three of you to see if there’s any chemistry.”
Kaiba raised an eyebrow. “So, you’re bi-sexual then? Is that what you’re saying?”
“It is. Is that a turn-off for you?”
“Not at all, but tell me. Would you still be bi-sexual if you were female?”
“I don’t think so,” he answered after some more thought than he gave the reply at Bakura’s. “I believe I would feel uncomfortable dating a girl while being a girl.”
“Two girls dating each other is more unusual than two guys dating.”
“Yes and one guy dating three guys at once is highly unusual as there’s the risk of them fighting each other over their boyfriend.”
“Not with me. As long as we were dating, it doesn’t matter to me if you’re dating others. I may be the possessive type but I can be reasonable.”
“I think Bakura would be the one to worry about. I get the feeling that he’s possessive but not willing to share.”
“He better or he’ll lose you.”
“He did seem willing to share while we had tea earlier today.”
“Tea? Bakura?”
Atem shrugged. “It was his way of apologizing for the kiss yesterday. We did talk for a time and I feel a friendship is being formed which could bring about romance.”
Kaiba nodded. “It’s usually best to know someone as a friend first before even thinking of a possible romance. I wouldn’t say we’re friends but we have known each other for years. I consider that a basis for love.”
Atem nodded. “That would apply to Bakura as well. He’s a rival like you but loves me as much. Indeed, both of you are a lot alike in this matter.”
Yes, they certainly are, even though Kaiba denies it, Atem thought as he walked home. Both are very confident in their decisions and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. I can understand the confidence and determination but there are things I wouldn’t do to achieve my goals. I wouldn’t steal, lie, cheat, or treat others as inferior. That is not who I am or how I was raised and my family and other friends are the same way.
“I’m glad it worked out with them,” Yugi said that night when Atem recounted the events.
“So am I. I was concerned that both would fight each other and you over me. I dislike the ideas of others fighting over me as opposed to fighting for me.”
“I can appreciate people fighting for me as long as it is something where I can use that help. I can stand up for myself at times.”
“Of course you can. I don’t have to worry about you fighting Bakura or Kaiba over me, right?”
“I won’t physically fight but I will fight for my right to date you. So…tomorrow’s Saturday. Perhaps we could go out and get your school bag and uniforms?”
Atem smiled at the suggestion in Yugi’s voice. “It’s a date, Yugi,” he said before leaving the room. He missed the air punch Yugi gave. I did it! I asked him out and he said it’s a date!
Chapter Four- Female
Atem awoke the next morning excited about his date with Yugi but also a tightness in his top. It was very uncomfortable and he wondered if he had a sudden growth spurt. Such things do happen but they were rare and he considered himself to be done with growing. He rolled out of bed and gingerly stretched, feeling his top threatening to burst open. He shook his head as his fingers fumbled with the buttons. He then looked down, stared at the reason for the tight top, and gave a gasp in a slightly higher voice. He…had…breasts! A pair of medium-sized breasts protruded from his chest. It looked strange and yet it felt right. The strange feeling faded as his eyes trailed down to see that his whole body had changed. Gods, I’m a girl! He or rather she, went to the mirror to stare at her face before a small smirk appeared. It wasn’t hard to figure out how this happened or who was responsible. Bakura spiked my tea with a gender formula. That would explain the lead-in questions of how I’d feel if I was female. And now that I am, I really need to shop for clothes and essentials.
Atem turned from the mirror and over to the closet. She selected the smallest pants she had and the largest shirt she had. She grabbed some socks and underwear before quickly getting dressed. She frowned slightly as she got out a belt. Her pants were slipping a little and everything else didn’t fit right. I definitely need clothes.
A knock sounded followed by Yugi’s voice. “Atem? You ready? Grandpa’s got breakfast ready.”
“I’m coming,” she answered, deepening her voice. She heard Yugi walk away before opening her door. She slowly headed downstairs, knowing she was going to give her family a shock. It’ll be all right, she thought. Grandpa knows I’m not against being female and Yugi may figure that Bakura did this. I’m not mad that he tricked me. I told him I would be surprised but happy and I am definitely happy.
She entered the kitchen where the others were and her approach made Solomon turn. He stared open-mouthed before saying, “Oh, my.” His comment made Yugi turn and his mouth dropped too.
“Atem?” Yugi gasped.
“It’s me. I’m sure Bakura spiked my tea yesterday. It would explain his question of how I would feel if I was female.”
Her casual tone and slight smile on her face told both of them that she was happy with her change. Yugi couldn’t help staring as Atem got her breakfast. He could tell her body was lovely, despite the ill-fitting clothes. Her limbs were slender, her torso had a curved waist and a pair of hips. Her breasts looked firm and proportionate to her height and were still moving a little despite the tucked-in shirt. Her hair hadn’t changed, it was still spiky and standing up. Atem turned away from the counter and Yugi gazed at her face. Her eyes were a little wider with longer eyelashes, but the eye color hadn’t changed. Her nose, forehead, and lips were feminine and her throat was smooth.
Yugi then blushed when Atem gave him an amused smile. “I’m that pretty, huh?”
“Yes,” Yugi blurted out, blushing harder. Solomon chuckled at his grandson’s admission and red face. He didn’t blame him; he found Atem to be a lovely young lady as well.
“You’ll definitely need a new wardrobe and essentials in addition to a school bag and uniforms,” Solomon said. “I’d be willing to drive you around as that’ll be a lot of bags. I’ll stay in the car so you can have your date.”
“How could you know about that?” Atem asked. “Yugi asked me out just before bed last night.”
“I told him before I went to check on you this morning.”
“Ah.” The three Motos sat down at the table, eating and talking of where to go first. “I’d like pants that fit,” Atem stated.
“And undergarments as well I would think,” Solomon added. Atem nodded in agreement.
Atem gently ran her fingers over a cotton dress before lifting it off the rack, turning to Yugi, and held the dress up against herself. “What do you think?”
Yugi tilted his head before straightening it and giving it a nod. “It really brings out your eyes.”
Atem checked the size, found she had grabbed the right one, and put it in the cart with the pants and shirts she had already picked out. Atem, once measurements had been taken, was enjoying herself as she knew she would. She wasn’t restricted to pants and shorts anymore. She could wear dresses and skirts now. She chose another dress, two skirts, and three blouses before moving on to panties and bras. Yugi elected to wait on the edge of this department while Atem went through it. She found Yugi’s embarrassment charming and understandable. She would have stayed away from this area too if she was still male; with that in mind, she quickly made her selections and returned to Yugi.
“What next?” Yugi asked as he pushed the cart with Atem beside him.
“Shoes,” she answered. “I need boots, flats, and uniform shoes.” They entered the area. Yugi also tried on boots and sneakers while Atem tried on and selected the footwear she liked. After the shoes came the essentials. The pads were the only item that Yugi felt uncomfortable over but he did select deodorant for himself. Atem got her bag and uniforms in addition to a purse, wallet, and a little makeup.
“Yugi, I’m going to change clothes,” she said once everything was paid.
“That’s a good idea,” Yugi said, helping her put an outfit in one bag with the deodorant and Atem took them to a changing room where she stripped and stared at her body in the mirror. Gods, I really do look pretty. She turned to the side to see her profile and front again to really look at her face. It was so different that she was glad her eye color hadn’t changed. Kaiba is going to be surprised when he sees me as those forged papers will need changes. And Bakura. He will want to see me to know if I really am pleased. Atem smiled as she turned to put on her new clothes, the bra being a little tricky. She emerged wearing a female version of her old clothes which were in the bag.
Yugi nodded in approval when Atem came over. “Much better.”
“Definitely better.” She accepted the purse Yugi held out and found the wallet and lip gloss in it.
“Grandpa already took everything home so we could really go out.”
“I did say I would date you first. So, what should we do?”
“Nothing special. I was thinking lunch and a walk in the park.”
“Sounds good.” The pair went to a simple café and had a light lunch. They didn’t talk much; just enjoyed one another’s company.
“Atem,” Yugi said as they headed to the park. “How does it feel to be a girl?”
Atem mused over that. “It feels a little strange,” she admitted. “I have a smaller body shape, new parts to get used to, and a new voice.” She then smiled. “But I’m not complaining. My body also feels right and I’m sure I will become comfortable with it.”
“How do you think Kaiba and Bakura will react?” Yugi asked as they entered the part and kept walking.
“I imagine that Kaiba will be surprised and I honestly look forward to his reaction. As for Bakura…well he’s the one who put the formula in the tea so obviously he will want to see the end result.”
“Of course. So, do you plan to see Kaiba tomorrow?”
“I don’t know. I mean, yes but he may not be working tomorrow as it is Sunday.”
“Well, you could go there and check.”
“Yes and if he’s there, I’ll surprise him and mention the papers. After that, I’ll drop in on Bakura.”
And if I’m lucky, I’ll have two dates when I get home.
Chapter Five- Asked Out
Atem slowly exhaled as she saw that Kaiba Corp was open. She smoothed down her sapphire blue dress before entering. She had spent last night learning to shave and only nicked herself a few times in places that weren’t noticeable. She found shaving to be time-consuming but the end result was worth it. It had felt strange when her new pajama pants brushed against her bare legs, but she told herself that it was a new sensation and that she would get used to it.
Atem crossed the lobby and rode the elevator, wondering how she would get past the secretary. When the doors opened, she saw an empty desk. Perfect. She went up to the doors and knocked. “Enter,” came Kaiba’s voice. She opened the door and came in to see Kaiba looking up as she closed the door. His head tilted with the air that he thought she looked familiar. Then his eyes went wide and his mouth dropped.
Atem giggled at his reaction. “Surprise.”
“Atem!? How…? When…?”
“Bakura spiked my tea with a gender formula. It apparently took overnight to work because I went to sleep as a guy and woke up yesterday like this.”
Kaiba regained his composure. “I take it there’s no cure?”
“There may be but I don’t want one. I like being female. Admit it, Kaiba. You like me this way, too.”
“Yes. I do. I will need to draw up some new papers, though.”
“I thought as much.” Atem watched Kaiba get up and come over to her. She saw his eyes taking in her face and body before a small smile appeared.
“Oh, you are just lovely,” he said. He then took a hand. “I’m not very busy the next two days starting Tuesday. Would you like to have dinner with me Tuesday night?”
“Kaiba. I’d love to.”
“Then, I’ll pick you up at six.” He gave her hand a squeeze before returning to his desk. Atem headed back to the door and glanced back to see a big smile on the brunette’s face before she left.
I did it! Atem cheered as she left Kaiba Corp. Kaiba asked me out! I think I know what to wear too. She smiled to herself as she headed to her next destination. She knew Bakura would not be surprised by her gender, but certainly by her looks. She had no doubt that Bakura would ask her out too. This directed her thoughts to yesterday.
Her date with Yugi was friendly and innocent, even the kiss on the lips. They had sat down and talked at one point in the park but she wasn’t feeling any chemistry. Well, I did just become a girl that day. I need time to become accustomed to my body and gender. I’ll give Yugi another chance for a date.
The door opened and Bakura blinked before a grin appeared. “Aren’t you a cute girl?” he quipped as he let Atem in.
“It didn’t take me long to figure out how I changed and it was certainly a surprise when I woke up yesterday.”
Bakura’s eyes widened. “Gods, even your voice is cute.”
Atem smiled in amusement. “You probably already figured out that I like being female.”
“I did and that’s good as it is irreversible. So, you are clearly embracing the female life. I mean, you’re wearing a dress.”
Atem rolled her eyes. “Of course I am. When I go to school, I’ll be wearing a skirt so I have to adjust to that, not fight it.”
“Oh, I would fight it. Actually…I did once.”
Atem blinked. “You did? When was that?”
“It was one of Ryou’s old schools. His first day, one of the teachers thought he was a girl and was telling him to change uniforms. Ryou was trying to insist he was a boy and you know how quiet and shy he is so of course the teacher wasn’t listening. I then took over and my voice and attitude convinced him I was a boy.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t send him to the Shadow Realm.”
“I wasn’t strong enough then. Ryou wasn’t aware of my existence at that point, either.”
“I know about that last part. Yugi didn’t know I existed at first.”
“Speaking of Yugi, how did he and your grandpa take it?”
“Well, I had spoken to Grandpa about my encounters with Kaiba and you, particularly the female statement, so he wasn’t entirely surprised. Yugi, however, was just stunned. He couldn’t stop staring.”
“Have you shown Kaiba?”
“Before I came here. He didn’t recognize me for a moment but then he did and he was shocked. I had also went to tell him that he’ll have to re-do the papers.”
“Did he…ask you out?”
“Yes. We’re having dinner Tuesday night.”
“I see. Well, how about dinner with me Friday night?”
“Sure. You’ve got a date, Bakura.”
“Wonderful. Oh, wait here a moment.” Bakura entered his room and came out with a long rectangular box. “I got this after our tea. No, I didn’t steal it,” he said, seeing the suspicious look in Atem’s eyes. “I really did buy it.”
Atem accepted the box and opened it to see a beautiful gold locket. She was almost speechless. “Bakura, it’s beautiful.”
“You are worth it.” Bakura picked it up and put it around her neck when she turned around. She faced him again and Bakura smiled. “Perfect fit.”
It is a perfect fit, she thought as she walked home, admiring the locket. Bakura might just be nicer than I had thought. He’s attentive, easy to talk to, and he truly loves me as this locket will attest. I doubt Yugi will be surprised when I tell him I have two dates.
“So, Atem’s a girl now?” Joey asked Yugi while they, along with Tristan and Tea, had lunch at Yugi’s favorite restaurant.
Yugi nodded with a kind of dreamy smile. “Yeah and she’s pretty.”
“And she’s okay with it?”
“Yeah. She has no intention of undoing it, if it can.”
“It can’t. Bakura told me.”
The gang turned to see Atem there with the confident look they were used to seeing on her male face.
“Hi,” Yugi said, amused by the looks on his friends’ faces. He slid over and patted the spot. “Was Kaiba working?” he asked as Atem sat.
“He was. He was shocked when he recognized me. I explained what happened, pointed out that the papers needed to be changed, and then he asked me to dinner Tuesday night.”
“That’s great,” Yugi said.
“Did he give you that?” Tea asked, pointing at the locket.
“No, it’s from Bakura. I went to see him after Kaiba. Naturally, he wasn’t surprised but said I was cute. I told him about my visit with Kaiba and he asked me out to dinner Friday night. He presented me with the locket after I accepted his invitation.”
“You’ve got two dates?” Joey gasped.
Atem shrugged casually. “I like them both. It makes sense to date them.
Tea nodded. “Makes sense to me. These dates will likely help you find out who you like more.”
“That’s the general idea. Uh, Yugi? I’m willing to give you another chance at an actual date. I feel yesterday was unfair to both of us.”
“Thanks. I felt it was unfair too.” Yugi ignored his friends’ confused expressions, save for Tea, as he put a hand on Atem’s. He felt great that he had another chance to date his crush.
Chapter Six- First Date
Atem applied the gloss and nodded in approval. It was Tuesday night and Kaiba was on his way to pick her up. On Sunday, when the gang had finished lunch, Tea insisted on treating Atem to another shopping trip. “I think you need more dresses if you’re dating,” she had said.
Atem didn’t argue as she did enjoy shopping. Tea led her to a different store and found skirts and blouses that she really liked as well as dresses. She was wearing one of them now: A green off-the-shoulder one that complemented her eyes. She left the locket off, reasoning that only Bakura and Yugi should see it. She scooped up her purse and headed downstairs.
“Whoa, that’s a nice dress,” Yugi commented when he saw it. “Thanks. I just hope Kaiba likes it, too.” “Kaiba? Not calling him Seto yet?” “Of course not. It’s only our first date.” She sat on the couch, fiddling with her purse strap a little. Yugi smiled slightly at this. Atem had spent three days adjusting to being female and embracing all that came with it. Now, she was about to have her first real date and she was nervous. He put a hand on her shoulder and she looked up. “It’ll be fine. You know Kaiba, there’s no reason to be nervous. If anything, Kaiba should be nervous.”
Atem laughed. “Kaiba? Nervous? I don’t think so. But you are right. I know him, it’s just that we never dated before.”
“Oh. Right.” Yugi felt bad. He had meant to calm Atem and all he did was send her back to being nervous.
Atem read Yugi’s expression and put a hand on the one still on her shoulder. “I appreciate your comfort, Yugi. It will be fine.” The doorbell rang then and Atem stood, giving Yugi a kiss on the cheek as she left and missing the dreamy smile on the boy’s face.
Kaiba blinked and then smiled as he offered his arm to her. “You are very pretty tonight,” he said.
“Thank you,” she answered as she accepted the arm. “Although,” she added as they headed to the limo. “I detected a bit of surprise in your eyes.”
“I guess I’m not used to seeing you as a girl.” He opened the door.
She nodded as she got in. “As this is my body, I’ve grown used to it as have Yugi and Grandpa.”
“That makes sense,” Kaiba said as he got in. Atem noticed that he was wearing a classic suit: Black slacks, a white shirt, and a black jacket. The only color was his tie that matched his eyes. Gods, he looks great in that suit.
“Kaiba, I like your suit, especially the tie.”
“What? This old suit?” At first, Kaiba looked at it with a bored expression before a brief grin flitted across his face. “I realized that I didn’t have a traditional suit and I wanted to give you a traditional, if old-fashioned, date.”
“So far, you have. You offered your arm and opened the door for me.”
“Oh, there’s more. For one thing, we’re going to a fancy restaurant.”
Atem felt very flattered. Kaiba was determined to make their first date romantic and unforgettable. Who knew Kaiba had such class? He learned the skills to run a business, so perhaps his boardroom skills are being applied here. Either way, he’s being quite the gentleman and I love it.
Kaiba felt this date was off to a good start. He had treated Atem like a lady and he intended to keep doing so. Atem seems to appreciate it. This may seem foolish, but I want to beat Yugi and Bakura in winning Atem’s love. I’d like to be her only boyfriend, but it’s likely that I’ll keep sharing her. Anyway, this date will prove how much I love her.
Atem inwardly gulped at the prices. She had thought she had prepared herself for the expensive experience but it would seem she was wrong. She had no doubt that everything was of the best quality and she felt a bit overwhelmed by it. She ran her fingers along the edge of her menu. How can I choose when everything’s so expensive?
Kaiba, having made his choice, watched her. He couldn’t see her face, but the way she moved her fingers seem to indicate indecision. “Having trouble deciding?” he asked.
She lowered her menu. “You could say that.” She waved her hand at the menu. “Everything is expensive and I don’t know what to choose.”
Kaiba smiled gently. “I see. I apologize for not considering that. Atem, just choose what you want, don’t worry about the price.”
Atem returned to her menu, feeling a little better that she didn’t have to worry about price. That didn’t stop her from looking for the cheapest item she liked. She told Kaiba her choice so he could place it with the waiter when he came to take their orders.
“I assume you told Mokuba about tonight?” Atem asked once the waiter had left.
“I have. He was just as surprised as I was when I told him you were a girl and happy for me when I said I had a date with you.” Kaiba sipped his water before saying, “Have you seen Bakura since your change?”
“Right after you asked me out. He also was taken by my looks. He admitted that the formula is irreversible.” She gave a shrug. “I obviously don’t mind. I told him about my visit with you and admitted to the date when he asked if you had asked me.”
“I assuming he asked you out at that point?”
Atem nodded. “Dinner Friday night.”
“And Yugi?”
“He had asked me the night before I changed. It was supposed to be just getting a school bag and uniforms. Obviously it became more than that. After shopping, we had lunch and a walk in the park. It was a bit uncomfortable and I’m giving him another chance as my change was unexpected and wasn’t fair to either of us.”
Kaiba nodded. “Of course. You had just become a girl and were adjusting to it just as Yugi was adjusting to you being a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend.”
Atem was just amazed by how understanding Kaiba was being. Then again, he did say he didn’t care if I dated others as long as we’re dating. The rest of dinner passed in the same romantic fashion it had started in and soon they were riding back to Atem’s house.
“Atem, I have something for you. I know you’ll appreciate it.” Kaiba reached down and came up with a large square box. Curious, she accepted the box and lifted off the lid. Inside was what looked like a hand sander. “Look on the bottom,” Kaiba said.
She did so and saw razor heads like those on a man’s electric razor. It then clicked what she was holding. “An electric razor for shaving my legs.”
“It’s rechargeable,” Kaiba said, pointing inside the box at a cord and AC adapter. “And I’ve included instructions on how to use it and care for it as well as a replacement head. This came from my R and D team as I’ve been thinking of starting a health and beauty aid division. Break into a new market, you know.”
Atem put the device back into the box and closed it. “You’re right. I do appreciate it. This seems to be a painless way to shave.”
“That’s the idea. Let me know how it does as that’s a prototype.”
“And a very nice looking one.” The limo pulled up to the house and both teens got out, Kaiba escorting her to the door. “I had a real good time,” she said.
“So did I,” Kaiba admitted. He gently brushed a few bangs to one side before leaning down and giving her the second kiss in a week. The difference this time was that Atem didn’t push away. The perfect end to a romantic date, Kaiba thought.
Chapter Seven- Second Date
“How did it go?” Yugi asked when Atem came upstairs.
“It was romantic. Kaiba wanted to treat me to an old-fashioned date. He wore a classic suit, offered me his arm, opened doors for me, helped me sit down, and ordered for me.”
“Wow. That is old-fashioned. You liked that?”
“It fit with the fancy restaurant we went to.”
“Sounds like Kaiba’s trying to set a high standard or trying to impress you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I love all three of you and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”
“Mmm. What’s that?” Yugi pointed to the box Atem held.
“A gift from Kaiba. A prototype device.” Atem set it on her bed, opened it, pulled out the device, and showed Yugi, giving him an overall look.
“It looks like an oversized electric razor,” he commented.
“It is a razor; one to shave legs.”
Yugi’s eye widened. “Oh, wow! That’s real thoughtful of him.”
“I promised to let him know how it works. Of course, I need to read the instructions first and let it charge up.”
“Kaiba did kiss you, right?”
“He did. Naturally, it was better than the first.”
“Of course. Atem? Would you like to have lunch and a movie with me on Sunday?”
“Sounds perfect. What time?”
“I was thinking we have a long lunch around noon and catch a two o’ clock movie.”
“It’s a date.” Atem gave Yugi a kiss on the lips before taking her razor to the bathroom to charge it before reading the instructions. Yugi smiled as he went to his room. We’ve got a date Sunday! Plenty of time to buy a gift as well. Maybe Grandpa has some ideas.
“Did she like the razor?” Mokuba asked.
“Oh, yes. She recognized it as a razor when she saw the heads. I asked her to tell me about it once she’s used it.
“Mokuba, everything went perfectly. I treated her like a lady and she seemed to enjoy it. I used every old-fashioned tactic and it made it a romantic first date.”
“I think you missed one.”
“Giving her a flower, specifically a rose.”
Kaiba nearly face-palmed at that but quickly rallied before he could. “I think the razor was a better gift than a flower. I’ll leave that to her other boyfriends.”
“She’s got dates with them too?”
“She’s having dinner with Bakura on Friday. Yugi? I don’t know. They were supposed to have a date for a school bag and uniforms but that was the day she became a girl so the date was awkward. She’s giving him a second chance since the first one wasn’t fair to them.”
“Makes sense, but wouldn’t that look like she loves Yugi more than you and Bakura?”
“As long as Atem and I continue to date, I don’t care if she loves Yugi or Bakura more than me. Besides, I think she knows how much I love her just from this date alone.”
Bakura adjusted his tie and tried unsuccessfully to smooth down his hair while Ryou watched in mild amusement. “Bakura, are you nervous?”
Bakura gave a shaky laugh. “I suppose I am. This is our first date. No doubt Kaiba’s already treated her to a fancy dinner. I’ve got to impress her as much.”
Ryou shook his head. “Bakura, if she loves you, it won’t matter where you go for your date.”
“I won’t let Kaiba steal her from me,” he muttered as if Ryou hadn’t spoken.
Ryou rolled his eyes. Bakura clearly wasn’t going to listen to him. He knew the thief was the possessive type, not inclined to share with others. He wanted to be Atem’s only boyfriend. I got the feeling that Atem would be happy to keep dating all three. I’m sure she’ll tell Bakura that should it come up.
“Well, I’m off,” Bakura said, breaking into Ryou’s thoughts.
“Have fun,” Ryou said.
Atem felt a little confused. Bakura had seemed happy when he picked he up, liked that she was wearing the locket and a new dress. But once they were seated and had selected and ordered their food, Bakura became distant and sullen. Did I do something wrong or is there something else that’s bothering him?
“Bakura, is something wrong? Would you like to talk about it?”
Bakura blinked before saying, “I was just wondering how your date with Kaiba went. I imagine it was fancy.”
“It was and it wasn’t really my style. I appreciate that you and Kaiba want the date to be romantic, but don’t try so hard.”
“I want you to love me instead of Kaiba.”
“Bakura, I love all three of you and I will continue to do so. I don’t love one more than the others. The day you asked me out, I saw a side of you I never did before.”
“You did?”
“You were attentive and easy to talk to. I knew you truly loved me when you gave me the locket.” She touched the heart and smiled at it.
Bakura beamed at Atem’s words. He had toned down his obnoxious attitude, had a real conversation with Atem, and she was receptive to it. So, this is how one has a relationship: By being honest and open. “Atem, I am curious. What do you see in Kaiba that draws you to him?”
Atem pondered over that as their dinner arrived and during her eating. She swallowed a bite before saying, “I think I’m drawn to Kaiba’s looks and charm. He’s cold to anyone he doesn’t love so only Mokuba and I see that side of him.”
“So, he can be a softie but only two of you see that.”
Atem gave a nod. “I feel fortunate to know both sides of him and look forward to more of that in the future.”
“And me? Do you see the same thing with me?”
“Absolutely, though I could do without the side of you I knew before my change.”
“So, I just have to get rid of that part. I could do that.”
“Actually, there is a part I want you to keep.”
“What part is that?”
“Your dueling part. Don’t give that up.”
Bakura grinned. “Oh, I definitely don’t want to stop dueling.”
“I feel the same way and I’m sure Kaiba and Yugi feel that way too.”
“Speaking of Yugi, Ryou was told by Yugi that you have another date with him on Sunday.”
“Yes. It’s to make up for last weekend’s date. My change was unexpected and resulted in an awkward date.”
Bakura winced. “Sorry about that. I didn’t know.”
“It’s all right. Yugi had asked that night before bed. Besides, you know I was surprised but happy when I woke up.”
“Ryou didn’t say what you and Yugi will do.”
“A long lunch and a movie. A rather casual date, but I look forward to it.”
“Perhaps our next date could simply be a dueling playdate.”
“I’d like that.”
Chapter Eight- Third Date and Future Plans
The razor buzzed as Atem moved it over her legs. She had used the disposable razor a couple of times since Tuesday and today, Sunday, was her first try with the new razor. She read the instructions that said the hair couldn’t be too long or it wouldn’t work. So, she let it grow to a quarter of an inch before trying it out. She moved it exactly as the instructions said and when done, she turned it off and ran a hand down one leg. A smile graced her lips at the now familiar feel of a smooth leg. It worked perfectly. She removed the tray where the hair had collected and dumped its contents into the trash. I’ll have to use it more often, but as it’s painless, I don’t mind.
She returned to her room to put on a casual blouse and skirt for her date. She admired the outfit and then fingered her earlobes. In Egypt, she had worn clip on earrings despite her gender; now that she was female, clip-ons would make sense. Maybe Tea would like to help me pick some out. I’ll be sure to call and ask her.
She came downstairs to find Yugi waiting by the front door. “I heard buzzing in the bathroom,” he said. “Was that the razor?”
“Yes and it works perfectly.” She grabbed her purse from a hook on the wall.
“Atem, wait. I’ve got something for you too.” He pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket.
Atem took it, opened it, and her eyes widened. Nestled inside was a pair of gold clip-on earrings! They weren’t fancy, just simple balls but that made them perfect for casual and fancy attire. “Yugi, they’re perfect,” she said softly.
“I asked Grandpa for gift ideas but none sounded good so I asked Tea and she suggested earrings.” He watched as Atem used the small hall mirror to put the earrings on and he smiled at how they looked on her. “Maybe you should get your ears pierced,” he commented as they left.
“I think the school would frown on that. I may pierce them after graduation.”
“Oh, right! I forgot you’ll be attending school when the new semester starts.”
“And when Kaiba produces the new papers.” They stepped outside and started down the sidewalk.
“Of course. Uh, I hope you don’t mind a casual date.”
“Not at all. It’s a refreshing change after two fancy ones.”
“Bakura actually wants you to love him the most?”
“Well, more than Kaiba really. I think he felt that Kaiba set a standard he couldn’t match and I made it clear that I love all three of you equally.”
“So, you’ll keep dating all of us.”
“That’s the idea. Naturally, I won’t marry all three of you but hopefully I’ll know who I wish to spend my life with when the time comes.”
Yugi and Atem fell into easy conversation as they enjoyed the lunch, one topic being what movie they would see. He wasn’t surprised when Atem didn’t vote for a girly or romance movie. Her taste in entertainment didn’t change just as she said it wouldn’t. She may look, sound, and dress like a girl, but her personality remained unchanged, though she did enjoy shopping.
They emerged from the theater two hours later, laughing and quoting lines they like to each other. Yugi liked how easy it was to talk to Atem now just as it had been before her change. He knew he would enjoy her presence more once she started attending school and his friends would grow used to her being female. Their first encounter left them stunned at her appearance and voice.
“Yugi, you know some classmates might take me for your twin sister,” Atem pointed out.
“They might,” he agreed. “But you are a bit taller and have more yellow in your hair than I do.”
“I’m a little taller now, but you could still grow.”
“Yeah? In that case, don’t throw out your old clothes. I might grow into them.”
Atem laughed and Yugi smiled. He like hearing her laugh. In fact, he liked everything about her gender. It had already been a week and though he had gotten used to her gender, he kept finding something else he liked about her.
“I don’t think pink is my color.”
“What makes you say that?” Yugi asked, a bit surprised by this out of the blue comment and how female it sounded.
Atem frowned thoughtfully as she pondered the question before she shrugged and suggested, “Woman’s intuition?” This prompted both of them to exchange grins before dissolving into giggles.
Atem got control of herself and wiped tears out of her eyes. “Really, though. I don’t think I look good in pink and yet I’ll be wearing pink to school.”
“Honestly, I don’t think any girl looks good in that shade of pink.”
“No kidding,” commented a voice which made the couple turn to see Tea. Her eyes flicked to Atem before she smiled. “I like your earrings.”
Atem smiled back. “Thanks. Yugi’s got good and sensible taste. They go with anything.”
“Very true. So…is Yugi the one you’re going to date exclusively?”
Both blushed before Atem said, “No. I’ll date Bakura and Kaiba too.”
Atem nodded. “Bakura and Kaiba are possessive ones and Kaiba doesn’t care if I date others as long as I date him as well. Bakura would rather be my only boyfriend until I told him that he’s going to have to share. He was afraid Kaiba was going to win me over with his money and fancy places.”
“But he didn’t,” Tea said.
“No. I did have a good time, though. Did Yugi tell you what Kaiba gave me at the end?”
“A kiss?”
“Well, yes but before that.”
“No. What?”
“A rechargeable razor for shaving my legs.”
“Oh, wow! Where did he get it?”
“He said his R and D team made it. He’s thinking of trying to break into the Health and Beauty aid department. The razor I have is the prototype.”
“And how is it?”
“What do you think?” Atem nodded at her legs.
Tea crouched down and looked a little before nodding. “Very nice.”
“Could be a little quieter but I’m pleased with it.”
“I can see why. I can’t wait until Kaiba releases it to the public. I would definitely buy one."
“So, you love the razor. I’ll see if it can be quieter,” Kaiba said over the phone.
“If not, it’s fine. Now, about the papers…”
“They’re in the mail. You’ll have them before the week is over.”
“Great. Kaiba-,”
“Seto, Atem.”
“Seto. I haven’t set it for certain but Bakura spoke of a dueling date.”
“A dueling date? What about all four of us at once? Tag teams until the three of us have you as a partner.”
“Sounds like fun. Let’s talk later to set it up.”
“Later then. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Atem smiled before heading up to tell Yugi about the future duel date. I look forward to dueling my three boyfriends as well as continuing to date them.