Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. This takes place during Season One and ends in Season Two, between the episodes “Rise of the Sacred Beasts part two” and “The Darkness Within.”
Chapter One- A Curious Find
It was a beautiful sunny day at Duel Academy and Alexis was taking advantage of the warm Saturday afternoon by lying on a towel on the beach in her bathing suit. She had put an umbrella up to provide some shade before putting on some sunglasses and leaning back, her arms resting under her head. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of her schoolmates and the ocean waves. Everything is so peaceful, she thought, feeling herself grow sleepy in the tranquil setting.
An excited scream snapped her wide awake. She quickly sat up and looked around. “What the heck was that for?” she asked herself. She continued to look around until she spied a cluster of girls near the water’s edge. A couple of them were pointing at the ocean and Alexis followed their fingers to see someone surfing. She huffed and laid back down. It was just her brother. Hmph, the big ladies’ man. He’s got more admirers than Zane.
She heard Atticus whoop with joy and guessed that he had gotten back to shore. She opened her eyes to see her brother heading her way with a gaggle of giggling girls behind him. He was winking at them, flashing winning smiles, and chatting them up. Alexis wondered if he felt anything for any of them and decided to ask him once they were alone.
“Hey, sis,” Atticus greeted as he signed some papers to the last two girls that followed him. They took off giggling and Atticus sat beside Alexis, grinning and began maintaining his surfboard.
“Atticus, I know the girls love you, but…do you feel anything for them?”
“I love all of them. Why would you even ask that?”
“I’m asking because I’m curious if you really love any of them. I mean, you act like you’re a rock star or something.”
“A rock star. Hmm, maybe a pop star, actually.”
“I’m serious, Atti. I don’t want people thinking you’re just leading girls on. Playing with their hearts as it is.”
“Lexi, I’m just enjoying my popularity with girls. I’m not leading them on.”
“Do you love any of them?”
Atticus thought for a moment. “Probably not,” he admitted. Atticus knew, deep down, that Alexis had a point of him being a ladies’ man, but he couldn’t help that he was attractive to them. “Lexi, I can’t help that they like me.”
“Well, the way you’re acting annoys me.”
“Don’t you have any guys you’re interested in?”
“Just one. Jaden. Thing is, he’s kind of oblivious to romance and lives just to duel. I understand that, as I love dueling like he does.”
“Oh. It’s just that I’ve noticed that you attract the attentions of a lot of guys.”
“I noticed that too, but I don’t flirt with any of them.”
“Flirt!? You think I’m flirting!?”
“No, of course not.” Truthfully, Alexis did, but she didn’t want to hurt Atticus’ feeling any more than she already had.
“Lexi, believe me, I’m not. If I was a pretty girl like you, I would be attracting just as many guys as I do with girls.”
“All right, Atti. I believe you. I’m sorry for being upset.”
“I’m sorry too for getting you upset also. I’m going to head back to our room, shower, and relax.”
“Okay. See you later.”
Atticus stood and walked away with his board tucked under an arm. He glanced back at Alexis who way lying on her back and it seemed like she was dozing. His mind drifted back to their conversation. Maybe I really have been acting like a ladies’ man. I’ve been in the Shadow Realm for months all alone. I like being around people and all the attention I get from the girls is flattering. I suppose I could turn down the charm a bit.
A glimmer at the edge of the sand flashed briefly, vanished as the tide rolled in, and then reappeared. Curious, Atticus went over and saw a kind of necklace in the sand. He pried it out and found it was a unisex necklace. It was a sturdy gold chain with a charm in the shape of the yin yang symbol with a jewel in the center the color of the sky…or was it a pink color? He held it up. The jewel seemed to be alternating between blue and pink. How curious, he thought. He put it on as he had no pockets on his wetsuit and headed for campus, failing to notice that the jewel settled on a soft pink color.
Alexis had settled back on her towel, looking as if she was asleep, but her eyes were open behind her sunglasses. She felt bad about arguing with her brother and felt that she hadn’t made herself clear on the source of her annoyance. Atticus needs to focus on his classes and his dueling, not being a ladies’ man. I get that the girls love his charms, athletic skills, and his looks, but he needs to be subtle about it, not flaunt it. Take Zane, for example. He’s aware that he’s attractive and that the girls like him, but he doesn’t show off and chat girls up. He remains focused on his dueling.
I’m the same way. I know that there are guys who think I’m cute, but I don’t flaunt it. I’m not really into dating or romance right now. I want to improve my skills as a duelist and graduate to become a pro duelist which is what Zane plans to do when he graduates this year. I just don’t get why Atticus can’t be more like Zane and me. She sighed as her eyes slid shut and she fell in a light doze.
Atticus sighed as the water ran over his hair and body before grabbing the shampoo and lathering up his hair. He wondered briefly what to do after his shower and decided he would examine his deck to see if it needed an upgrade. Maybe I can put spells and traps that have to do with stage performance; like a pop star. I rather like that idea. Hey, maybe I can get Alexis interested in that, too. We could do a duo act; singing sibling pop stars who duel. Yeah, I love that idea!
Atticus was soon rubbing himself dry and pulling on a uniform. He reached for the necklace and held it up, noticing that the jewel was entirely pink. Hmm, maybe the blue was just the reflection of the sky. Oh, well, it’s still cool. He put it on and pull his jacket on over it before leaving the bathroom, crossing to his deck, and sat down. He pulled out all his cards and set to work while wondering if he would be allowed to stay with Alexis next year or move to the boys’ dorm at that time.
An hour later, Alexis walked in to see Atticus hard at work, cards spread across the desk top. He looked up briefly to nod at Alexis before returning to his cards. Alexis gathered up a uniform and undergarments before heading for the bathroom to shower. She emerged later to see her brother putting cards away and a deck sitting on the desk.
“Finished updating, huh?” she asked.
“All done. I think it looks good.”
“I feel the same way about my deck. I added some Ritual monsters to it.”
“Yeah? Sounds interesting. I’d love to see that in action.”
“Careful, Atti. I might end up dueling you with it,” she teased.
Atticus laughed. “I wouldn’t mind that. We haven’t dueled each other since we were kids.”
“That’s true. Hey, let’s go to dinner and maybe we can talk combos, tactics, and strategies afterwards.”
“Sound like a good evening plan to me.” Atticus followed Alexis out of the room, his pendent emitting a soft glow.
Chapter Two- Shocking Realization
“Hmm, a monster that lets you retrieve a ritual spell card after you’ve played it.” Atticus examined the Ritual monster. “Very cool, Lexi.”
“Thanks.” She looked through Atticus’ deck. “You have some spells and traps that have a stage theme to them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re impressive but some seem flashy and no real use.”
“I got inspiration from you when you compared me to a rock star. I thought to make a deck centered on that idea. If I may, sis, I noticed that all the monsters in your deck are female.”
“Well, I like to prove that just because a monster or duelist is female doesn’t mean she’s weak.”
“Some people still believe that?” Atticus asked, sounding shocked.
“Some do, yes.”
“Not me, sis. I’ve seen you duel. You’re tough.”
“I know you don’t believe girls are weak. Most of my guy friends know girls can be strong duelists.” She handed back his deck and accepted her own.
Atticus put his deck away and then stifled a yawn. “I think I’ll get ready for bed. I’ve got some studying and surfing to do tomorrow.”
“Yeah. I’ve got studying too and I plan to hang out with Mindy and Jasmine.” Alexis gathered a nightgown and hairbrush before heading to the bathroom.
Atticus quickly changed into his pajamas and ran a comb through his hair before reaching back to undo the clasp of the necklace. His fingers felt all along the chain, but couldn’t find the clasp. Where is it? he thought, frantically feeling for it. I know there’s a clasp. It’s how I got it on and took it off before my shower.
“Ooo, Atti. That’s a pretty necklace,” said Alexis as she came out.
“Thanks. There’s just one problem: There was a clasp earlier today, but now I can’t find one.”
“Really?” Alexis sat next to him and searched the chain. “You’re right. It’s one solid chain. Where did you find it, anyway?”
“In the sand on my way back to our room.”
Alexis then blinked. “Did it just…glow for a moment?”
“I…think it did. I wonder why.”
Both siblings studied all morning and separated after lunch. Atticus headed out to surf, but his necklace was on Alexis’ mind and she decided to see if she could find anything about it as the glow made her think it was magical somehow. Since she had some time before meeting her friends, she headed to the library to see if she could find some answers.
She scanned the shelves and checked out books pertaining to magic or magical items. She carried them back to her dorm and quickly skimmed them before putting them in her desk drawer before going to meet her friends.
Atticus sat on the beach, surrounded by a group of admiring girls. He smiled at them, signed anything they handed him, told jokes and stories, and generally enjoyed their company. Eventually they dispersed and Atticus was left to watch the ocean and think.
I had a good long surfing run and enjoyed every second of it. I also enjoyed having the girls hang out with me, but something about it felt different today. It didn’t feel the way it did yesterday. Why would that be? Hmm, maybe I just need to hang out with the guys for a while. I’ll shower off, change clothes, and maybe duel my friends. Atticus stood, gathered his board, and set off to do just that.
Atticus moaned softly and rubbed his temples as he headed to dinner. He had just has a weird time with his pals, not that anyone was aware. He had dueled with them, his new deck working nicely but during the times when he wasn’t dueling, he found himself admiring their looks…like a girl! He was shocked at his thoughts and confused about why he thought of his friends like that. His confusion was what brought on the headache. His confusion continued to grow when he entered the cafeteria. He saw Alexis with her friends and felt a desire to sit with them instead of his guy friends. He gripped his head as his headache throbbed painfully. He took deep breaths to control and ease his pain. It worked and his head felt clearer. He got his food and sat with his friends.
Alexis watched Atticus with concern. He seemed like he was having headaches as he kept rubbing his temples every now and then. I hope he goes to the infirmary for an aspirin, she thought before she was pulled into a conversation with a classmate concerning homework. She left later, noticing that Atticus had left earlier, rubbing his head intensely. She headed for her room, intending to read one of the books on magical items but when she opened the door, she found Atticus lying on his bed on his back, his eyes closed, and his hands clutching the sides of his head.
“Atti?” she asked softly and with concern.
“Lexi,” he replied in a soft tone too. “I’m feeling confused and it’s making my head hurt.”
“Confused about what?”
“I was talking with some girls after surfing but it didn’t feel the same as yesterday. Then I went to duel with my friends and I found myself admiring their looks, like a girl would. I don’t know why and it confuses me.”
“Could it be because of your necklace?”
“Could be, but I don’t know why that would be.” He sighed, eyes still closed and looking as if he was endeavoring to sleep.
Alexis gave her brother a sympathetic look before going to her desk and taking out one of her books. She leafed through the pages, pausing to read passages every once in a while. She continued to look and heard her brother’s deep breathing. He did fall asleep. Just as well; sleep off that mysterious headache. She turned another page and the title caught her eye: Gender Items. Curious, she proceeded to read. In the past, there had been times when some civilizations created magical items to change a person’s gender as either a punishment or to teach a lesson. All lessons were temporary changes while the punishments could be temporary or permanent based on the crime.
Other civilizations created their magical items to change the gender due to population problems. In order to insure survival, sometimes a woman would voluntarily become a man and vice versa. It was this section where she found an image of Atticus’ necklace. She read the captions and passages that accompanied it and her mouth fell open. It was a necklace to change boys to girls and girls to boys. If a girl wore it, the clasp would vanish, become unbreakable, and the jewel would turn blue. Then the girl would gradually begin thinking like a boy and after she gained a boy’s mind, her voice would change and her body would change to a boy’s body at which point the necklace would slip off, ready to be used again. Worst of all, one could not change back to their original gender.
Oh my God. Atti’s gonna become a permanent girl? She stared at her sleeping brother. She stood and went over to him, shaking his shoulder. “Atti, wake up. I found some answers and I’m afraid you won’t like it.”
Atticus’ eyes fluttered open and then blinked. “You did?” He sat up and smiled. “My head feels better.”
“You better read this.” She pressed the book into his hands.
Atticus read the page, his eyes widening with each line. When he finished, the book fell from his hands onto his lap and he stared at the wall. “I’m, I’m becoming a girl?” he gasped. He blinked before grabbing at the chain and trying to yank it off.
“Atti, the chain won’t break and besides it’s too late. You’re already starting to think differently as you just told me.”
“Well,” he sighed. “I’ll have to tell our parents, friends, and of course Chancellor Sheppard and the teachers.”
Chapter Three- Announcement
Sheppard stared down at the book before looking at the pendent around Atticus’ neck as the siblings stood in his office early Monday morning before school. “So, you’ll eventually be a girl, Atticus? There’s no way to stop it?”
“That’s right,” Atticus said. “The clasp is gone and I started thinking differently yesterday.” Atticus had also realized that now that he knew what was happening, the headaches had stopped.
Sheppard looked down at the book again. “It says here that the time it takes to change depends on the person.”
“Great. I guess I’m in for a rough time.”
“So, it would seem. I will let the students and staff know about this. I will leave it to you to tell your parents.”
They nodded and as they left the office, Alexis asked, “Are you feeling any different now?”
“Same as yesterday so far, but the day’s just started.”
“When do we tell Mom and Dad?”
“I think lunchtime would be good.”
Atticus went to class and found himself admiring the guys around him of which there were a lot. He allowed himself to do so, as he now understood where he thought this way. The biggest surprise was when he looked at his friend, Zane, before lunch and thought he was the best-looking guy of all the ones he saw. Whoa. Am I getting a crush on Zane? I really am thinking like a girl when it comes to looking at guys. I’m becoming boy-crazy. Man, this is getting weird.
“Atticus? What is it?” Alexis asked as they headed to the video phones. Her brother was rubbing his forehead.
“I think I’ve got a crush on Zane. I never noticed before how cute he was.”
“Well, he is cute, I’ll grant you that. Just don’t tell him yet. Wait until Sheppard announces your change.”
“Yeah. Let’s get this call over with.” He dialed the number and after a few rings, the image of their mother appeared. She had Alexis’ hair color and Atticus’ dark eyes.
“Alexis! Atticus! How nice of you to call! How’s school?”
“School’s fine,” Atticus answered. “Uh, Mom? I’ve got something to tell you.”
“What is it, honey?”
“I found this on the beach yesterday.” He held up the charm. “I put it on and learned last night that it’s magical. I’m, I’m…going to become a girl.”
Mrs. Rhodes blinked and then looked stern. “Atticus Rhodes, is this a joke?”
“No joke, Mom,” Alexis piped in. “The necklace’s picture and what it does was in a library book I checked out. He can’t take it off as the clasp has vanished and the chain is magically enforced to be unbreakable. He’s already starting to think differently. Eventually, he’ll be a girl and there’s no way to reverse it or stop it.”
Mrs. Rhodes looked stunned. “So, I’ll have two daughters, then?”
“Yes. I’m sorry, Mom. I should have left it where I saw it.”
“Atticus, dear. If you hadn’t picked it up, someone else might have. Would it have affected a girl?”
“Yes. It affects whoever wears it. A girl would become a boy and a boy would become a girl.”
“I see. Well, I better let you go so you can get back to class.”
“Yeah. Thanks for understanding, Mom.”
“Of course and don’t worry about your father. I’ll tell him.”
“Thanks again, Mom. Bye.” Atticus hung up and sighed in relief. “Well, that went well.”
“Yeah, it did. But, it might take her and Dad awhile to really adjust to having two daughters.”
“It’ll take a while to adjust to being a girl. I don’t really want to think like one, no offense sis.”
“None taken. I know you don’t want to think like a girl as that probably feels weird right now. But you will think like a girl. You’re already starting by checking out the guys. You even have a crush on one.”
“I know. I appreciate your help in helping me understand these new thoughts going through my head. So… checking guys out is normal for girls?”
“Girls that are boy-crazy and seeing as you were girl-crazy, it’s natural that it’s switching to boys.”
Atticus was silent for a moment. “Mindy and Jasmine are boy-crazy, right?”
“Yeah, they are. You might enjoy talking to them about boys once Sheppard tells the school.”
It was the last class of the day when Crowler announced that Sheppard had an important announcement to make after classes were over. “Atticus Rhodes,” he said. “The Chancellor want to see you before the announcement.”
“Yes, Doctor,” he answered, certain that he was the announcement. Oh, man. Something tells me this is going to be embarrassing.
As the bell rang to end classes, Atticus headed for Sheppard’s office and actually met him and Alexis outside it. “Follow me, you two. I should warn you, Atticus,” he said as they walked. “People might treat you differently during your transition and perhaps shortly after it, too.”
Atticus nodded. “That makes sense.” It did occur to Atticus that he would be viewed differently. The boys would feel awkward around him as he thought more like a girl and the girls would feel uncomfortable as he still looked and sounded like a guy. But once my mind’s changed, my voice and body will change and I’ll be a complete girl. I wonder if my friends will still be my friends after I change.
The trio stepped through the back door of the auditorium and were on the platform facing the rest of the school. Silence fell as Sheppard stepped up to the mic. “I received some surprising news this morning and it is imperative that you know about it. No doubt some of you have noticed the necklace that Atticus is wearing. Well, the necklace is a magical item. The one who wears it will permanently change into the opposite gender. It’s impossible to remove the necklace and Atticus has already started thinking differently.”
Students exchanged looks and started murmuring to one another. Some of them were staring at Atticus who looked down and felt his face grow hot. I was right: This is embarrassing. But at least I won’t keep getting weird looks every time I say something girly. Plus, I won’t feel embarrassed whenever I express feelings or whatever I’m thinking.
Alexis saw students exchanging stunned or shocked looks, the latter being shared by Jaden and Syrus while the former was on Zane’s face. She looked at Atticus who had looked down and she saw a blush spread across the cheek she could see. He’s embarrassed, she thought. She felt sympathetic over his situation which made sense as she was his sister. She slipped her hand into his and gave it a comforting squeeze. She felt him respond in turn and the blush faded. That’s it, Atti. Everything will work out.
Atticus was trying to get a hold of his embarrassment but wasn’t having much success. Oh, great. I’m becoming more emotional now. My brain is seriously being rewired to behave like a girl. He was distracted from his altered thoughts by the feel of a hand sliding into his and squeezing it.
Lexi, he thought, squeezing it back and feeling the heat leaving his face. It’ll be all right. When I’m a girl, everything will be all right. He lifted his head and left the room, still holding his sister’s hand and feeling his emotions subsiding for the time being.
Chapter Four- Gender Views
“Hey, Alexis!”
Both siblings turned to see Mindy and Jasmine approaching. Atticus released Alexis’ hand and said, “I’ll see you later, sis.” He walked away, leaving Alexis with her friends. “Uh, hi girls,” she said.
“Is it really true?” Jasmine asked. “Atticus is becoming a girl?” Her eyes looked at the brunette who left.
“It’s true. He’s already gone from being girl-crazy to boy-crazy.”
“Really?” Jasmine asked. “That’s all?”
“He found the necklace Saturday afternoon and his interest to boys instead of girls surfaced Sunday afternoon. I learned of the necklace’s power last night.”
“Oh. So, it’s just starting.”
“I think he’s expressing more emotions. He was embarrassed just now and it took my squeezing his hand to get him to stop blushing.”
“He was blushing? Oh, that’s cute,” Mindy commented with a squeal.
“How can we help?” Jasmine asked.
“Talk with him and answer any questions he might have. After all, he’s going to be one of us.”
Atticus strolled along the docks and soon found himself at the spot where Zane liked to go to think. He stood there, staring at the water. He reflected on his blushing and embarrassment and decided that he was indeed becoming more emotional. Well, emotional reactions are normal for girls and less so for guys. This is getting scary and strange; thinking like a girl before physically becoming one, that is. But, I can’t fight the changes going on in my head. The more feminine my mind becomes, the less the fighting will be as I will consider my female thoughts and actions to be normal.
The brunette turned to see his best friend approach and stand beside him. “Oh, hi Zane.”
There was silence for a couple of minutes before Zane spoke again. “I’m sorry you’re going through this.”
“Believe me, it was a surprise when I found out last night.”
“Sheppard said you’re already thinking differently. What did he mean by that?”
“Actually, Lexi and I didn’t specify to him how I was thinking. My interest in girls has switched to boys. I, I’ve also developed a crush.” Atticus blushed again, unable to help it.
Zane stared at Atticus’ red cheeks. He’s getting more emotional than what’s normal for him. “A crush?” he repeated. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
Atticus blushed harder and focused on the water. “It’s…it’s you, Zane. I, I think you’re cute.”
“Atticus…I’m flattered but I don’t like…Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Huh?” Atticus looked up, all blush gone.
“I was going to say that I don’t like guys, but then I remembered that you’ll be a girl soon. I’m not sure how I feel toward you right now. Perhaps, we can discuss it after you complete your change.”
Atticus nodded. “Agreed.” He knew his feelings for Zane would only get stronger as his transition progressed.
Both boys left together to head for dinner. As Atticus entered the cafeteria, he wondered if he should sit with the boys or the girls. He got his dinner and looked around. He caught the eyes of his friends and was about to join them when he stopped. They were looking at him with suspicion and…betrayal? Do they think I did this on purpose? I didn’t know this would happen when I first put it on. He felt confused and hurt by the looks in their eyes and toyed with going over and setting them straight.
“Hey, Atticus! Over here!”
Atticus looked in the direction of the voice to see Mindy standing and waving an arm. Pleased that someone wanted him to sit with them, he headed toward Mindy who was sitting with Jasmine, Alexis, and other Obelisk girls some of whom he recognized. There were some smiles as he sat and he responded in turn.
“Doing okay, Atticus?” one girl asked.
“I’m…not sure. I’m a little confused and hurt about why my friends,” he tilted his head toward them. “are acting like I did this on purpose. I just thought it was a cool piece of jewelry.”
“It is pretty,” Mindy said, admiring it up close for the first time. “Maybe they don’t really know how to feel about the whole thing and are covering it up by being cold to you.”
“Yeah, maybe. So, how do you girls feel about this?”
“Well, it is a little weird,” another girl admitted. “I mean, you’re still a guy but you’re starting to think like a girl. Of course, we’ll get used to it and eventually, you’ll be a girl.”
Atticus nodded. “You’re right.” There was silence as they ate some of their dinner before Atticus said to some girls his age, “Any of you notice Josh from today’s Traps class?”
“Oh, yeah,” one answered. “He has the best smile.” She sighed dreamily. “But Lionel’s hair was really nice, especially today.”
“I agree,” Atticus said. “You like him?”
“I do.” She blushed. “I’d like to invite him to the roof to talk or maybe the docks, but I don’t know.”
“You should do that. Lionel’s a little bit of a shy guy.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that. Uh, thanks Atticus. I’ll ask him tomorrow. So, have you developed a crush on a guy yet?”
Now it was Atticus’ turn to blush. “I, I have. I actually admitted it before dinner. He’s not sure how he feels about me and wants to discuss it after I’ve changed.”
“Makes sense. Who do you have a crush on?”
“Uh, Zane.”
“Really?” Jasmine asked in surprise. “Your best friend?”
“Yeah. I noticed how cute he was before lunch today.”
“Oh, I think you two would make a cute couple.”
“A summer romance would be so beautiful,” Mindy sighed.
“It would, wouldn’t it?” Atticus began imagining a summer of romantic dates, watching his boyfriend duel on the pro circuit, and exploring the depths of their feelings for each other.
Well, Zane knows that I think he’s cute. I can hardly wait to find out what he’ll think of me once I’m a girl.
Zane had watched Atticus as the brunette got his dinner. He saw him look at guys he had befriended since returning and he looked at them too. The looks in their eyes seemed cold to Zane and Atticus clearly noticed. Mindy called him over and as he went to sit with the girls, Zane went to sit with Atticus’ guy friends. They seemed honored by his presence until he said, “Aren’t you being a bit cold to Atticus?”
“He’s going to have new friends,” one of them said.
“He’s just changing gender. You can still be friends.”
“He’s already thinking like a girl.”
“Not completely,” Zane pointed out. “He told me that his interest in girls has switched to boys and he’s a bit more emotional than normal, but that’s it.”
The guys exchanged looks before their eyes lowered to their laps or their plates. Zane sensed they knew he was right. He looked over at Atticus who seemed to be chatting animatedly with the girls. He seems comfortable with them. The creators of the necklace knew what they were doing; changing the mind first helps the person fit in with the opposite gender instead of trying to understand after the physical change. I do wonder what part of Atticus’ mind will change next.
Chapter Five- Shopping
The silence in the room was broken by the occasional page turn or the scratching of pen on paper. Alexis and Atticus were both studying for tests on Friday in addition to doing homework. It was Wednesday night and Alexis had watched Atticus’ personality alter as his mind continued to change. He had become interested in his looks and arranging his hair. Indeed, these were the most disconcerting aspects she’d seen so far. Most likely because everything else before had not been visual indications. I’m still waiting for him to start gossiping and wanting to go shopping. Honestly, it would be fun for the two of us to shop together. I wonder how much longer it’ll be before his voice changes and his body does the same.
Atticus ran his finger down his notes and nodded to himself. He would have no problem with his tests Friday. He closed his book and notebook before gazing into thin air. He absently brushed back some hair. He had woken up Tuesday morning and fussed with his hair as well as critically examining his face. His obsession was rather girly and he knew it was another part of his mind that had changed. He had brushed his bangs off his face and thought he looked better that way. Indeed, Alexis had told him as much when she saw the new style, but he knew his interest in his hair and looks was disconcerting to her.
Throughout Tuesday and Wednesday, Atticus toyed with different hairstyle ideas and was acquiring knowledge about female aspects such as periods. He was fascinated by the knowledge he was receiving and could hardly wait to demonstrate what he knew or put it into practice. I know quite a bit and I have a fair idea of why I’m receiving this information this way: Girls don’t like to discuss such things in public and I quite understand that. I feel another part of my mind changing right now and I want to act on it soon.
“Could we…go shopping Saturday?”
“What kind of shopping?”
“You know, clothes, hair accessories, things like that.”
Alexis turned to look at him, interest in her eyes. “Sure, we can. That’ll be fun.”
Atticus smiled. “That’s just what I was thinking.”
Alexis returned to her homework. Her brother had expressed a desire to shop, a trait she had been waiting for. If he’s wanting to shop, he might be close to completing his change. If he isn’t, we can still pick out clothes, like a nightgown. Since we don’t know what his new body will be like, we can’t buy any bras, socks, or shoes, but we can determine what colors and designs he would like.
Atticus looked forward to his shopping trip over the next two days. He sensed that his mind was nearly all female; only one or two parts were left. He continued to check out the guys and discuss them with Mindy and Jasmine, who were more than happy to do so. His crush on Zane had gotten stronger as he had known it would; he was already thinking of Zane as his boyfriend.
Zane found himself watching Atticus carefully. His friends was now acting like a girl which made him believe that Atticus’ mind had almost completely changed. He also found himself attracted to Atticus for his feminine actions were charming and made it easier to think of Atticus as female. I just might feel love for him when I see his new form for the first time.
Atticus awoke Saturday morning, excited to go shopping. He got dressed, styled his hair, and headed down to breakfast. He sat with the girls that were also there and spent his breakfast simply talking, joking, and laughing with them. It was clear that they were comfortable with Atticus’ change in thinking and acting. His state of mind was familiar and relatable and made talking with him easy.
Alexis came down a little later to see her brother in easy conversation with a classmate. She heard the word “question” and surmised they were discussing one of yesterday’s tests. She grabbed a croissant and some juice and proceeded to eat quickly, just as eager to get to shopping as Atticus was.
“So, where do you want to start?” Alexis asked as they entered the girls’ department.
“Uh, shoes. I want to check out the shoes.”
Okay, that’s definitely a girl thing, Alexis thought as they headed for the shoes section.
Atticus eagerly looked at the different types and style of shoes. He couldn’t believe how many different shoes there were. Guys didn’t have that many; only sneaker, formal shoes, and boots. Here there were those same types of shoes along with flats, pumps, and heels. There were also different colors and Atticus examined them. He wasn’t sure what size he was going to wear but he could get an idea of which ones he liked. He was aware that ankle boots were going to be part of his new uniform, but that didn’t stop him from putting a couple of pairs of pantyhose in a basket. Alexis looked at them and then at her brother.
He shrugged. “I saw a couple of flats I like and could wear them over the summer.”
“Oh, right. That makes sense and I just remembered that you’ll need a girl’s uniform before too long.”
They headed over to the night clothes and Atticus looked over the choices before settling on a pink gown and pale blue pajamas. He knew pink didn’t look good on him right now, but later on it would. They moved on to underwear where they looked when it became apparent that they would have to wait for him to change. Their next stop was at hair accessories where Atticus picked up ties, clips, and scrunchies.
Atticus the led the way to the makeup and spent time looking over the eyeshadow, blush, lipstick, and especially the nail polish. His nails had grown out a little since he started thinking differently and looked forward to seeing them grow out more. He picked up a bottle of purple plum and looked a little closer at it.
“Atti, I don’t wear much makeup,” Alexis said. “Do you plan to?”
“Maybe not,” he admitted. “Perhaps a little lip gloss, a light coat of blush, and nail polish.”
Alexis smiled at Atticus’ change of mind; another female trait. “I wouldn’t mind choosing some nail polish myself. I do suggest pale pink lip gloss and light color blush. Maybe we can do each other’s nails after you change.”
“Sounds good to me.” Atticus and Alexis discussed blush and nail colors before adding their selections to the basket. They stopped at the hygiene section to buy razors, shaving cream, shampoo, and deodorant. They finally took their purchases to the register, and then back to their room to put them away.
“Have you heard who will be participating in the Graduation Match?” Alexis asked.
“No, but I know I’m not. Chancellor Sheppard told me I’ll have to repeat my second year when the new school year starts. I think Zane might duel in the Graduation Match. He is the top duelist and his grades are really good.”
“I believe you’re right and it’ll be up to him to choose his opponent. Knowing Zane, he’ll want to choose someone who’ll give him a challenge.”
“Any idea who that could be?”
“Well, it could be Jaden.”
“Yeah? That would be interesting. “I’ve never seen those two duel each other before, but I know Jaden’s good.”
“They did once at the beginning of the year.”
“Really? Oh, I wish I had seen that.”
“It didn’t last long, but Jaden did his best against Zane. He has improved his skills since then, so if he’s chosen, the duel will last longer and could be exciting.”
“You like Jaden. I remember you saying that last week.”
Alexis blushed slightly. “Yeah. You know if Jaden and Zane duel, you and I will be cheering rivals.”
Atticus grinned. “We would be. I hope Jaden does duel Zane. No one can deny that after Zane, he’s the top duelist.” I’ll definitely be a girl by that time. I might even be Zane’s girlfriend.
Chapter Six- Phase Two Begins
Monday arrived and Atticus’ mind was completely female. He felt excited at the realization. He was one step closer to being a girl. His voice hadn’t changed one bit, but he wasn’t too concerned about that and was more focused on his classes on dueling schoolmates.
His friendship with his guy friends had gotten colder while the one with the girls was comfortable and warmer than when he had been girl-crazy. He figured his guy friends would thaw toward once he changed completely. I have no doubt about that. They might try to flirt with me, but I’ll be interested in Zane’s actions. Hmm, the idea of guys flirting with me sounds amusing, but I suspect it’ll get annoying at times.
The cold looks from his friends seemed positively frozen as he got lunch. He wore a look of complete hurt and felt like crying about it. He blinked the tears away as he sat down. He listened to the gossip with half an ear as he ate and kept looking across the way at his friends.
“Atticus? You okay?” a girl asked.
He put down his juice. “Not really. I wish my friends over there weren’t so cold to me.”
“They’ll come around. They can’t give you the cold shoulder forever.”
“You have a point.” He smiled at her. “Thanks, Lauren.” Atticus suddenly blinked: His voice had just gone up.
Lauren’s mouth dropped. “Wow, Atticus. Your voice sounds so…beautiful.”
“It did, didn’t it?” he asked and blinked as his voice had returned to normal.
“It did. Just imagine how it will be when you become an adult woman.”
“Yeah, but let’s focus on the immediate future at this point.”
My voice has started to change, he thought as afternoon classes began. It’ll likely go up and down as it tried to go up and stay there. I’ll likely be embarrassed at its ups and downs and will get surprised looks as I talk, at least at first. You know, I might even be amused by their reactions.
He was sitting in Crowler’s Spells class, listening to him lecture about Field Spells and the different strategies one could use them for. “Atticus Rhodes, please choose a field spell and describe its effects.”
Atticus stood. “Gaia Power,” he answered. “It affects the entire field and all Earth attribute monster gain 500 attack points, however they lose 400 defense points.” His voice rose and fell as he answered. There was dead silence as Atticus sat, well aware of why the room was quiet and felt his cheeks grow hot for a moment. The silence was broken when Crowler called on another student.
Zane looked at Atticus who sat below him. He seemed completely unconcerned about the fact that his voice had gone up and down just now. Something tells me that it changed earlier today, at least once, which explains why he’s not embarrassed and if he is, then I cannot see it from where I’m sitting. Zane smiled slightly as he recalled the sounds he had heard. His female voice sounds lovely and I look forward to seeing his complete change.
“Chancellor, could you send some female uniforms to me?”
“Of course I can. But I thought the body would change last?”
“It will. My mind’s all female and my voice is starting to change. It went up a couple of times today.”
“Ah. I’ll send those uniforms up as soon as possible.”
“Thanks, Chancellor.” Atticus left the office, feeling good that he thought about asking for the uniforms. He wasn’t sure when he would officially change gender, but he wanted to make sure he had the right uniform when he needed it.
Sheppard sent Atticus’ request through before bringing up said boy’s student profile. He had re-activated it when Jaden and Alexis had found him while he believed he was the Shadow Rider called Night Shroud. He clicked on the sex line and changed male to female before deleting the profile picture. He would need Atticus to provide a picture of his female form when he changed. He said his voice is starting to change. I wonder who’s witnessed that and how they reacted to hearing it.
Atticus was quiet through dinner and nodded when asked if he was all right. He was re-living the day from lunch to his trip to Sheppard’s office. He enjoyed the points when he spoke with a higher voice and looked forward to when he would speak with the higher tone permanently. It wasn’t hard to request the uniforms as he would need them. He knew he would have to wear male socks and shoes in order to buy new socks and shoes for his uniform. He was still quiet as he and Alexis returned to their room. He wondered how long his voice would rise and fall before staying female. It’ll be weird to see a guy thinking and sounding female just as it’ll be weird being that guy. You know, now that I’m changing gender, I won’t have to move out of this room. I can keep rooming with my sister.
“Atti, you okay?” Alexis asked as she brushed her hair. “You’ve been rather quiet tonight.”
“I’m fine, Lexi,” he answered in a high voice. “I was thinking about today,” he continued in his normal voice.
Alexis gasped, the brush falling from her hand to the dresser top as she turned to face him. “Your voice is changing! You sounded beautiful.”
Atticus grinned slightly. “Lauren said the same thing at lunch. My Spells class heard the change too and the silence afterwards was funny. I also asked Chancellor Sheppard to send me female uniforms.”
Alexis listened to her brother speak female and then male, noting that the female voice was speaking more than the male- barely. That’s how it’s going to be. Atticus will be my sister soon. I think he’s now excited at becoming a girl considering he had been resistant to it when we first learned of it. Hmm, he said his voice changed in Spells class. That’s a class he has with Zane. I wonder what he thought of Atti’s female voice.
Alexis hung around the outside of the cafeteria the next morning, waiting for Zane to come out. She had a good idea of how she was going to say her words. The older boy soon exited the cafeteria. “Zane, can we talk?” she asked.
“Of course.” They left the blue campus and headed for the school. “What did you want to talk about?”
“I heard about what happened in your Spells class yesterday.”
“Yes. It was a bit of a shock and a surprise.”
“I heard it last night. It sounded beautiful to me.”
“I too found it lovely. I am interested to see how Atticus will look as a girl.”
“I think everyone is. I only hope that his friends accept him again when that happens.”
“Yes. It seems my words had no impact on them.”
The pair lapsed into silence, Alexis’ thoughts on Atticus, Zane, and Jaden. It was clear that girls loved her brother and he made it clear that he was aware of it. But then he found the necklace. The moment he put it on, the jewel turned pink, and began to influence his thoughts. He was now a boy-crazy guy with a female mind, a changing voice, and a crush on Zane that she was sure was becoming love.
Zane had been as happy as she was when Atticus came back. The two of them started Duel Academy at the same time and became best friends. Both found that the two of them had younger siblings who were the same age. The two were also excellent duelists. Zane admitted interest in seeing Atticus’ female form and Alexis was sure that Zane would fall for it as he kept tabs on Atticus as of late.
Chapter Seven- Complete
Atticus happily hummed to himself as he headed to dinner Friday night. He listened to his voice as he hummed. He had woken up yesterday morning to his female voice and it didn’t go down the entire day, leading him to conclude that his voice change was complete. All that’s left is my body. According to the book, that will be instantons. That’s good as a gradual change would be too weird.
“Uh, Atticus?” Mindy asked a little later as dessert was being brought around. “When will you finish changing?”
“Good question. I really can’t say. The book says it’s different for each person.”
“Oh. You still got a crush on Zane?”
“I’d say it’s a little more than that. Why?” he asked, noticing the look of concern on her face.
“Well, I say Alexis leave with Zane Tuesday morning. It’s possible she likes him too.”
Atticus shook his head. “She doesn’t. She likes someone else.”
“Really? Who?”
“Sorry, she swore me to secrecy,” he lied. He knew Alexis well enough that she would want to tell Jaden herself. Besides, my mind tells me girls tend to keep secrets about crushes until they’re ready to confess. My mind wasn’t all female when I admitted to having a crush on Zane.
“You’re right,” Alexis said in their room as they prepared for bed. “I want to tell Jaden myself without anyone else knowing about it. The thing is, Jaden’s a bit oblivious in matters of love.”
“Really? What makes you say that?”
“There was a third-year Obelisk that thought of me as his girlfriend. Maybe you know him: Harrington.”
“Oh, yeah. I know him. Kind of cute.”
“I thought you might. Anyway, he saw Jaden casually talking to me ‘cause at the time Chazz was missing. Harrington became jealous and challenged him to a duel, saying the winner would become my fiancée.”
“I’m guessing Jaden won.”
“He did, but he didn’t know what fiancée meant.”
Atticus face-palmed. “Oh, boy.”
Alexis giggled at his reaction. “I know. I told him it meant friend, at least at that time. I found his naiveté charming, actually. Plus, he’s a good friend.”
“I’ve noticed and I bet I’ll really notice over the next two years.” He stood and headed for the bathroom with the intention of brushing his teeth when a bolt of pain went through his whole body. He gasped, sank to his knees, and wrapped his arms around his stomach.
“Atti!” Alexis cried in alarm.
Atticus gasped again and bowed his head. He saw his dark hair fall over a shoulder; it had gotten a little longer and was continuing to grow! It’s happening. My body is changing!
His eyes looked down further to see breasts growing and a tingle ran down his body from scalp to the toes before it and the pain ended. Atticus Rhodes was now a girl.
Alexis went to Atticus’ side and knelt down. “Atti, you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine Lexi.”
Atticus pushed herself up and swayed slightly as her center of balance readjusted itself. She was soon stable and noticed that she hadn’t lost any height, however she needed to change her pajamas as the top was straining against her chest. Alexis noticed this and said nothing as Atticus grabbed her new pajamas and went into the bathroom.
She removed her clothes and looked into the mirror to see herself properly. Her face was soft and curved with delicate eyebrows and full lips. Her neck was slender and bare as the necklace had fallen off when her body completed its change. Her slightly wider eyes trailed down to her full firm breasts that were a bit bigger than her sister’s. Her arms and fingers were slender and slimmer and her legs were slender as well and bare as she had shaved last night. Her stomach was flat, her waist was curved, her hips were firm, and her feet were smaller. Her dark brown hair had grown to her waist. She smiled as she put on her pajamas pleased that they fit, brushed her teeth and hair before tying back the latter. I look great. I only hope Zane thinks so, too.
Atticus came out, put her old pajamas in a nearby crate and proceeded to put her old clothes in it. Her new uniforms had arrived in that crate Wednesday and she had wasted no time in putting them away. She straightened up and faced Alexis. “Well, what do you think?” she asked, arms straight out and turned in a slow circle.
Alexis studied her before a grin came to her face. “You’re beautiful. Zane is lucky you’re interested in him. We will definitely have to go shopping tomorrow to really shop for clothes.”
“Sounds great. I can hardly wait.” Atticus stifled a yawn.
Alexis smiled as she stepped up to her sister and gave her a hug. “Sleep tight, Atti.”
“Thanks, sis.” Atticus climbed into bed as Alexis went to brush her teeth. She attempted to get comfortable with her new body parts. She eventually succeeded and snuggled into her pillow and covers and falling asleep.
“Whoa! Atticus, is that you?” Lauren gasped the next morning when a tall brunette girl sat beside her.
“It’s me,” she answered, amused by the looks of the girls around her.
“You look wonderful,” Jasmine commented.
“Yeah and the guys are taking notice,” Mindy chimed in.
Atticus blinked at her statement before looking around herself. Mindy’s right. I’m attracting a lot of looks, Zane included. She looked down at her plate, blushing.
Alexis smiled at Atticus being a true girl after thinking and speaking like one for two weeks. She saw Atticus attracting a lot of admiring looks from some boys, especially the ones that snubbed her after Sheppard made the announcement. She kept an eye on the room while Atticus ate and chatted with their friends. There were lots of stares directed at her sister and she noticed that Zane kept looking up at the brunette throughout breakfast. She was torn from her observations by Atticus saying, “I’ll see you girls later. Alexis and I have some shopping to do.”
“Have fun,” Lauren said.
“Oh, we will.” Atticus stood and Alexis was about to follow when she saw Zane stand up. He might want to talk to Atticus alone. She sat back down and said, “I’ll be a few minutes more, Atti. Go ahead and wait for me.”
“Uh, okay sis.” She left the room and stepped to one side before pulling out her lip gloss and re-applying it. She put it away and turned to find Zane in front of her. “Oh! Zane, you startled me.”
“I’m sorry. I wanted to talk to you. You remember we agreed to discuss our feelings after you changed.”
“I remember. My feelings for you got stronger since then. I’m actually in love with you, Zane.” Her cheeks reddened.
“I couldn’t stop looking at you this morning. You are so beautiful and I am definitely interested in dating you and being a couple.”
Atticus’ heart began to beat faster and she felt her cheeks grow hotter. “You would?”
“Yes. Meet me at my favorite spot after dinner tonight, okay?” Zane planted a quick kiss on her cheek before walking away, failing to notice Atticus’ bright red cheeks and happy smile.
Chapter Eight- Budding Romances
“He asked to see you after dinner?” Alexis asked. “Atticus, that’s wonderful!”
“He also kissed me,” Atticus added, touching the cheek. She removed a shoe before reaching for a flat she saw last week and liked. She put it on and stood to get a feel for it. It was not as roomy as her old shoe which was male, but it was comfortable. Alexis knelt down to feel the outside and the toe area. “Seriously? He kissed you, just like that?”
“Wow, he really does like you.”
“You think so?” Atticus sat and removed the flat.
“Definitely. Hmm, I think you need a smaller size.” She looked at the flat’s bottom. “You need a size eight.”
“Eight!?” She looked at her feet. They were smaller than her male feet which had been average for her size. “You think I have feet that big?”
“Don’t be silly. I’d say you have seven and a half feet. It’s best to buy shoes at least half a size bigger to give your toes some room. The flat you tried on was an eight and a half.”
“Oh, of course.” She picked up a size eight blue flat and put it in the cart before looking at other size eights. She added the blue uniform ankle boots and a pair of white flats. “Okay, now what about socks?”
Two hours later, both sisters returned to their room, laden with bags and boxes. Atticus, in addition to the shoes and socks, bought panties, bras, more nightclothes, a swimsuit, and a surfing wetsuit. She put her purchases away and saw she had plenty of time to surf. “Alexis, I’m thinking of heading to the beach to surf. You wanna go to the beach?”
“No thanks. I’ve got some homework I need to finish.”
“Okay.” Atticus went into the bathroom and came out in her new wetsuit and her hair tied back in a low ponytail. She retrieved her board, grabbed a towel, and left saying, “See you later, sis.”
Alexis peeked out the window and once Atticus was out of sight, she left the dorm and headed in the direction of Slifer. Her talk with Atticus about her relationship with Zane made her want to tell Jaden how she felt about him. She climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Jaden. “Hey, Ja,” she said. “Can we take a walk somewhere and talk?”
“Uh, okay. Sure.” He closed the door behind him and followed Alexis down the stairs who led the way to the small beach near the dorm. There was silence for a time until Jaden broke it. “How’s Atticus? Last I heard, his voice is more female than male.”
“Actually, he’s now a she. Her body changed last night. We just finished shopping for clothes and shoes.”
“Already? It’s only been two weeks since she found the necklace.”
“True and she definitely caught Zane’s attention this morning. He’s asked her to see him privately after dinner tonight.”
“Wow. So, he likes her?”
“It seems that way. Jaden, I have something to tell you.”
“You remember the conditions of the duel you had with Harrington?”
“Yeah. I became your fiancée. But, you know, I think you weren’t being honest with me about what fiancée is.”
“You do? Well, you’re right. A fiancée is what a couple call one another when they’re engaged to be married.”
“Married!? But, we’re too young to get married!”
“I know that. However, I came to realize that I like you, Jaden. I would like for us to date, maybe be girlfriend and boyfriend.”
Jaden stared at Alexis, feeling a flush creeping up the back of his neck. He had always thought of Alexis as pretty and a great duelist. He had assumed that she was interested in Zane, but he had clearly been wrong. Zane was nothing more than a friend to her and Zane was developing an interest in Atticus who was now a girl and had developed love for the Obelisk blue boy.
“I’d like that, Alexis. I’d like to date you and perhaps be a couple later on.”
Alexis smiled and pulled Jaden into a loving hug. “Great. Meet me on the school roof tomorrow after lunch and we’ll talk.” She gave a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving, aware that the conversation was similar to the one Zane and Atticus had, including a kiss and a future meeting.
Atticus wobbled slightly as she rose to her feet. Her body was messing with her normally sure-footed balance, especially her breasts. Of course, that was to be expected and part of the reason why she had wanted to surf. She slowly slid her feet across the board so that she stood sideways on it. She put one arm in front of her and the other behind her. She bent her knees and moved her hips back and forth and soon she was surfing with her usual confidence. She smiled as her old instincts adapted to her new body. She rode up a wave and as she reached the top, she let out a joyous yell as she slid across the top and rode it in to the beach.
There was a small group waiting for her as she came ashore and began clapping and cheering before heading to her. It was then that she realized they were all guys, a few were her old friends. They began to compliment her on her surfing. “I’ve surfed before,” she pointed out. A few of them appeared embarrassed and shuffled off. Only her friends remained, a couple of them seeing to be looking her up and down, admiring her.
“Atticus,” said one of the non-admiring guys. “We’re sorry for how we acted. We felt betrayed that you were changing genders even though you hadn’t meant to do it and couldn’t stop it.”
“You’re beautiful,” one of the admirers spoke up.
“Uh, thanks, but please don’t look at me like that. I accept your apology and hope we can be friends again.”
“Of course, we’re friends again. So,” the first guy said as they started across the sand. “What’s it like being a girl?”
“I could put the necklace on you so you can find out for yourself,” she teased.
“Uh, no thanks.”
Atticus giggled as the others laughed. “Honestly, I’m no different from the other girls and I still enjoy all the things I did before except for being ladies’ man. It’s actually nice being a girl, really.”
“Your surfing is as good as ever, maybe a bit better.”
“Thanks. Listen, I want to shower and change before dinner.”
“Of course. Maybe you could sit with us?”
“I’d like that.” She smiled before heading for the girls’ dorm, feeling lighthearted. She had her guy friends back and life was getting back on track.
Hours later, Atticus stood at Zane’s favorite spot with said boy beside her, holding her hand as they gazed at the water. Thus far, they had simply stood there admiring the view and enjoying each other’s company.
“Atticus, what are you going to do with the necklace?” Zane asked.
“I’m thinking of tossing it into the volcano so no one else falls under its power.”
“That’s a good idea, but it’s not necessarily a bad item. After all, it brought us together.”
“Yes, it did.” She smiled as Zane released her hand, put an arm around her waist, and pulled her closer to him.
“Atticus, once I graduate I’ll be pro dueling. How would you like to spend the summer with me? You and Syrus will have front row seats to my duels.”
“I’d love to.”
“Good.” Zane turned her head and kissed her on the lips. Atticus deepened the kiss and knew that she and Zane were officially a couple.
Chapter Nine- Summertime
Mrs. Rhodes looked Atticus up and down before pulling her into a warm embrace. “We never lost hope that you would come back,” she said softly. “We just didn’t think you would end up as a girl, but you are a lovely young lady.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Atticus replied. She looked over her mother’s shoulder to look at her father who came over, pulled her out of her mother’s arms, pulled toward him, and hugged her too.
“We were so happy when Alexis said she found you. I was shocked when your mother told me you were becoming a girl and that there was no way to stop it. You are just as pretty as your sister.”
“It means a lot to me that you’re both okay with this,” she said, stepping out of her father’s arms. “And I’ve also missed both of you.”
Mrs. Rhodes put an arm over her shoulders. “Honey, I want to take you and Alexis shopping. You need more than school uniforms to wear.” She nodded at the shirt and skirt Atticus had on.
“You’re right, Mom.” She allowed herself to be led out of the house with an amused Alexis following. Atticus saw her expression and surmised she was enjoying the attention Atticus was getting over her gender, though Atticus had become accustomed to her looks as did the school. She gave Alexis a mock stern look. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Oh, yes,” she answered a bit too cheerfully.
Atticus smiled slightly at their joking as she got into the car. She had been nervous about how her parents would receive her when she and Alexis came home for the summer. She had neglected to call them after she finished changing. When she confessed to Alexis of this fact, Alexis assured her it was fine, that it was better to surprise them and she was right.
“So, do either of you have a boyfriend?” Mrs. Rhodes asked as she drove.
“Yes,” Atticus said.
“Possibly,” Alexis added.
“Who is he, Atticus?”
“Zane Truesdale.”
“Zane? He’s your best friend, if I recall correctly.”
“Yes. He’s invited me to spend the summer with him and his little brother as well as watch him duel.”
Mrs. Rhodes nodded. “Alexis dear, who is this possible boyfriend?”
“His name’s Jaden Yuki. He’s in my year and he’s really nice. He was with me when I found Atti.”
“Ah. I hope to meet him one day.”
“I’ll try to arrange that,” Alexis promised as they pulled into the parking lot of a clothes store.
Zane stared in surprise as Atticus came out of the house with a suitcase. She was wearing a deep green summer dress and a pair of beige sandals. She had also applied a light coat of blush and eyeshadow as well as green nail polish that matched her dress. He glanced at Syrus and saw he was just as surprised. His limo driver put Atticus’ luggage in the trunk before opening the back door. She climbed in and sat beside her boyfriend, enjoying both boys’ reactions. She merely shrugged. “Mom said I need different clothes than the school uniforms.”’
“Yes, of course,” Zane answered. “You look very pretty. I think green is your color.”
“You’re wearing makeup,” Syrus said, still looking surprised.
Atticus nodded. “Mom showed me how. It’s not too much, is it?” She looked anxious.
“No,” Zane answered. “It’s just perfect.” Zane wanted to give Atticus a kiss, but didn’t want to make his brother uncomfortable so he settled for putting a hand on top of hers feeling the smooth polish under his fingertips.
Syrus watched the silent exchange with a soft smile. Zane had had his mind on his dueling career and his girlfriend. He had been happy when Zane said Atticus was his girlfriend and that she had accepted his invitation to stay with them over the summer and attend the duels alongside him.
Syrus looked forward to going back to Duel Academy at the end of the summer. He would be starting his second year as would Jaden, Alexis, Chazz, Bastion, and Atticus, who would be repeating her second year as she had disappeared during it. He was determined to prove himself as a duelist and not just be known as Zane’s little brother.
Zane, Syrus, and Atticus left the stadium amidst the screams of fans and signs saying things from, “Zane’s #1” to “I love you, Zane!” to “Call me!” The trio climbed into the limo and as the car pulled away. Zane had a satisfied smirk while Syrus and Atticus shared grins. Zane had won, but not without some effort, but that was what made it exciting.
“Hope you two are hungry,” Zane said. “There’s a private dinner waiting for us in a nice restaurant.”
“Starving,” Syrus said.
“I am a little hungry,” Atticus admitted. She knew she wouldn’t be eating too much; the tendency to watch her weight had been one of the final parts of her mind that had changed before her voice followed suit. But surely, Zane knows that or at least suspects it.
“All this was provided by your sponsor, your manager?” Syrus gasped at the sight of the elaborately prepared food laid out on the table.
“That’s right. He’s made it clear that he’ll provide for anything I desire. Being a winning pro has its advantages.”
“I’ll say,” Atticus said as they sat and she began putting salad on her plate. “I wouldn’t mind this kind of treatment myself.”
Zane smiled. “Now, there’s an idea.”
“I could just see the two of us occasionally participating in pro tag team duels.”
“Pro tag teams? They have those?”
“Absolutely. Maybe Sy and I could be a team if that’s what you want, little brother.”
“I’ll think about it.”
A ringing sound came from Zane’s pocket. He pulled out a cell phone, looking at the number, and got up. “It’s my manager. I’ll be right back.” He walked away, the phone to his ear.
“Sy, I’ve got the feeling you don’t want to be a pro duelist.”
“Not really. I get stage fright.”
Atticus blinked as this surprising admission. “Dueling on the pro circuit is no different than dueling in school, except for the manager thing.”
“You’re right. It’s just my self-esteem.”
“Yeah. No offense, but you do need to work on that.”
“That’s what Ja says too.”
“And he has a point.”
“That’s why I made a promise to myself to prove my worth as a duelist when the new school year starts. If I work hard, maybe I can get promoted to Ra.”
“That’s a heck of a promise.”
“And I would like to see that happen.” Zane spoke up suddenly as he sat down.
“Everything okay?” Atticus asked.
“It’s excellent. I was told that I’m scheduled for another duel the day after tomorrow.”
“So, we’ve got a free day tomorrow,” Syrus said. “Maybe we could do something together.”
“How about updating decks and coming up with combos and strategies?” Atticus suggested.
Zane nodded. “I would be willing to purchase new cards if either of you want.”
“Maybe,” Atticus said as they left the restaurant to retire at the place where Zane was living now.
Chapter Ten- Year Two
The summer past in a blur of duels, dates, and spending time as a trio when Zane was available. Atticus made sure to call her family over the summer to let them know she was okay and was having fun. She called on the last day to say that Zane was going to have a helicopter take her and Syrus to school the next day.
Syrus and Atticus disembarked from the helicopter and as they left the field, they heard, “Sy! Atticus!” They turned to see Jaden running up to them. He clasped one of Syrus’ hands and gave Atticus a hug. “How was your summer? Hope you’re ready for the new year.”
Atticus giggled at Jaden’s enthusiasm. “I missed your upbeat attitude, Jaden. Our summer was great. Zane was made to be a pro duelist.”
“You have any dates?” Jaden asked in a teasing tone.
Atticus nodded almost shyly; her female thoughts and actions had grown stronger over the summer and she enjoyed being closer to her new gender. “Yes. They were…romantic.”
“Great. Alexis is already here and our room is exactly like we left it, Sy, only it’s just you and me.”
“That’s fine, Ja. Hey, maybe we’ll get a freshman roommate tomorrow when the new students arrive.”
“Maybe. Oh, I almost forgot! Chancellor Sheppard’s not around and Crowler’s taking charge.”
“Crowler!?” Atticus exclaimed. “He’s our chancellor now!?”
“Looks that way and he’s got a vice-chancellor too.”
Atticus opened the door of her room to see Alexis sitting on her bed, her deck spread across it. She looked up and smiled. “Atti!” she said, hopping off the bed and going to her sister, giving her a big hug which she returned. “I missed you too, Lexi.”
“Have you heard about Crowler?” Alexis asked as Atticus closed the door and put her suitcase on the bed.
“Yeah. Syrus and I met Jaden as we left the landing field.”
“How’s Zane doing?”
“Great. Pro-dueling suits him. He hinted that the two of us could be a pro tag team in addition to single dueling.”
“Oh, wow. Is that what you want to do when you graduate?”
“I think so. It sounds cool.”
“Speaking of pros, check this out.” Alexis flipped open a dueling magazine and tapped a pro profile. Atticus took the magazine and looked at the picture.
“Aster Phoenix,” she murmured. Her eyes scanned the profile, widening at the last line. “He’s entering this year’s freshmen class!” she gasped. “But, but he’s the top pro duelist in the world. Why is he attending the Academy?”
“I don’t know, but you can bet Crowler will be thrilled to have a famous duelist attending here. He may think it’ll made him famous.”
Atticus scoffed, “Then he’s deluded. Some new chancellor.”
Both sisters watched all the freshmen disembark the next day, but none matched Aster’s picture. They left for the welcome banquet at Obelisk and discussed what they saw at the docks once in their room.
“Maybe Aster changed his mind,” Alexis suggested.
“He could have. Did you see that boy with the bulging muscles?”
“Yeah. I also noticed he was wearing khaki pants that kind of brought thoughts of the army to my mind.”
“Maybe a family member is part of the army. Anyway, he definitely looks like someone who’s not intimidated.”
“I agree and he’s apparently in Slifer or Ra as I didn’t see him at the banquet.”
Classes began the next day and Atticus threw herself into her work, determined to pass this time and advance to third-year with her sister and their friends. It was three days later when she decided to see Jaden and Syrus. She saw them in class, but had been so busy with her work that she didn’t really spend time with them. She climbed the stairs, went to the door, and knocked. “Jaden? Syrus?” she called.
The door opened and she took a step back. The muscular boy stood there, wearing a Ra jacket with the sleeves ripped off. A bandana with a dinosaur look to it capped his black short dreadlocks. His olive green eyes lit up at the sight of her and a grin came to his face.
“Hi,” he said, sticking out a hand. “Name’s Tyranno Hassleberry, but I go by my surname.”
“Uh, Atticus Rhodes,” she said, taking his hand. “Is Jaden or Syrus around?” Hassleberry nodded and, as Atticus passed by, she noticed he was looking her up and down.
“Hi, Atticus,” Syrus greeted.
“Hi. I see you made a new friend.” She nodded to Hassleberry.
“And roommate,” Jaden added.
Atticus blinked. “Roommate? A bit unusual isn’t it?”
“I like Jaden. He’s cool and I could learn a lot from him,” Hassleberry protested.
“I know that. I’ve known Jaden and Syrus for months.”
“Great. I’d like us to be friends, too. Perhaps, maybe-,”
Atticus put up a hand. “Hassleberry, I accept your friendship, but I already have a boyfriend. Sorry.”
“Oh. Well, okay. We’ll just be friends.” The look in Hassleberry’s eyes told Atticus that he liked be friends with a pretty girl like herself. Just wait until he meets my sister, she thought.
Atticus smiled at him in a friendly manner as she left the room. She looked over at the far side of the dorm at the large addition attached to it. She knew that was Chazz’s new place; he had previously won a duel to promote him to Obelisk, but Crowler changed the promotion and kept Chazz at Slifer. Chazz then chose to have a lavish place of his own built at the Slifer dorm. I know he was looking forward to returning to Obelisk and then Crowler just had to change that. Poor Chazz.
Atticus rang the office bell and heard, “Enter.” The doors opened and she stepped in. “You wished to see me, Chancellor?”
“Yes, Atticus. Please come and have a seat.” Crowler gestured to a chair that normally wasn’t there. Atticus nodded as she came closer and sat.
Crowler took a moment to look over Atticus’ face and upper body, trying to see the boy he had known. It was in vain; the necklace had done a thorough job of transforming Atticus into the young woman before him. Atticus tilted her head in confusion at the silence. “Chancellor?” she prompted.
Crowler cleared his throat. “Ah, yes. I heard rumors last year that you had become Zane’s girlfriend.”
“That’s correct.”
“It must be frustrating for you to still be here while he’s out in the real world, dueling.”
“I don’t find it frustrating,” Atticus said, a bit surprised. “I’ll eventually be out there, dueling as well.”
“Of course, my dear. But, tell me: What would you say to fame and fortune without needing to graduate?”
“What do you mean?”
“I would be willing to advertise you and Alexis as dueling pop star sisters.”
Atticus blinked. “You want us to sing while we duel?”
“Yes, that’s exactly the idea. Plus, matching outfits for the both of you. What do you think?”
Atticus resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the ridiculous idea she just heard. “I respectfully decline the offer. It is tempting, but I would prefer to continue my studies and become a pro duelist. I’m certain that Alexis feels the same way. Plus, I’m a terrible singer. Thanks anyway, Chancellor.” Atticus rose and left the office, shaking her head. I had that same crazy idea back when I was a guy and I actually liked the idea. Now, I found it out of the question. And I really am a terrible singer.
Chapter Eleven- Publicity Stunts
“Dueling pop stars?” Alexis repeated, disgusted.
“That’s right. Crowler’s lost it. Using our last name and dueling skills to further his career.”
“Well, we won’t let him. We won’t let him use us.”
“Right. The only question is who the next target will be…wait.” Atticus’ eyes got a faraway look.
“Atticus?” Alexis prompted.
“Syrus,” she said. “He’ll want to capitalize on his last name.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re right. But, what could he be planning?”
“My guess is the same thing he did with Chazz, only Sy would be promoted to Ra.”
Alexis nodded, went to her closet, and pulled out a duffel bag before putting her belongings in it. Atticus was confused by her sister’s actions. “Sis?”
“I’m moving out. Most of our friends live at Slifer and besides Crowler might try to persuade us again. Actually, he already is trying.” Alexis reached into her closet and pulled out a flashy red dress.
“Oh, man.” Atticus was disgusted beyond words.
“You might want to check your closet.”
Atticus ran to it and flung open the doors. There, hanging among her uniforms, was an identical red dress! She gasped before grabbing her bag. “I’m moving out too,” she declared.
Atticus gaped at the place that was Chazz’s room. Room? More like an apartment, she thought. “Really? Lexi and I can crash here?”
“Of course. You lovely ladies are welcome here.”
Atticus resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Chazz, you remember I’m taken, right?”
“So, why did you two leave Obelisk?” Jaden asked.
Both sisters looked at each other and Atticus nodded. “Show them, sis.” Alexis reached into her bag and pulled out the dress, holding it up against her body. “Crowler wants to turn us into dueling pop star sisters,” Atticus explained. “He would want us to wear matching dresses and sing while we duel. We’re not going to let him use us to further his career and speaking of which, he may target you next, Sy.”
“Me?” Syrus said. “Why?”
“Because you’re related to Zane.”
“Almost on cue, the door opened and Bastion came in. His eyes landed on Syrus. “Oh, there you are, Syrus.”
Atticus’ prediction was absolutely correct. Crowler set up a duel between Syrus and a third-year Obelisk named Missy. The way the girl went on about Zane angered Atticus. He loves me and he will never be interested in another girl or stop loving me. Come on, Sy. Shut her up for good. Syrus defeated Missy in very good style and he secured his promotion, yet continued to live at Slifer. Atticus wondered briefly why until she saw the interaction between him and Hassleberry. Ah, they’re arguing about who Jaden’s best friend is. It’s kind of ridiculous, but of course I’m on Syrus’ side. He’s been Jaden’s friend and roommate for a little over a year.
A couple of days later, Atticus was seated in the auditorium with the rest of the school, preparing to watch Zane duel Aster Phoenix. The excitement in the room was clear and students smiled and nodded at her and Syrus. She locked eyes with the new Ra student and he beamed at her at being supported. She smiled back before focusing on the screen as the duel began. Jaden had confessed to dueling Aster on the day the freshmen arrived, though he didn’t know it at the time. He further said he beat Aster who had used a starter deck. I wonder what his real deck is like.
The duel was fast, furious, and stunning. Aster used Elemental Heroes, just like Jaden and he defeated Zane in a shocking manner. An interview followed the duel where Aster hinted at a copycat duelist and that he seeks a re-match. He spoke Jaden’s name as an alias that was so close to Jaden’s name that the whole room knew who Aster was talking about.
“I didn’t copy him,” Jaden protested as they gathered in his dorm room. “I didn’t even know who I was dueling.”
“Of course you didn’t copy him,” Atticus said. “It’s just a coincidence. Besides, there’s no rule saying that two duelist can’t have similar decks.”
“Key word: Similar,” Bastion added. “The fusion monsters we saw are not part of Jaden’s deck. I personally look forward to this duel. It should be quite the show.”
Bastion’s statements turned out to be correct. Aster started off with Elemental Heroes, but he soon revealed a new kind of heroes called the Destiny Heroes. Their special effects were stunning to witness, but even more stunning was when Jaden lost! Atticus couldn’t believe it. She had seen Jaden duel plenty of times before and the guy never lost. His loss to Aster had been put aside as Jaden had collapsed after losing. Atticus and the others immediately rushed Jaden to the infirmary.
“What!?” Syrus gasped, holding Jaden’s deck and looking at his friend who lay in a bed. “You can’t see your cards?”
Hassleberry looked at the cards over Syrus’ shoulder. “They seem fine to me,” he commented.
“They’re not,” Jaden insisted sounding sad and depressed. “I don’t know why, but I can’t see them.”
Miss Fontaine was at a loss to explain Jaden’s problem as he was physically fine. She then insisted they leave so she could tend to him. They did so, Syrus leaving the deck behind. They chatted quietly about Jaden’s strange problem and as they started to leave the school, they heard Crowler call, “Atticus! Alexis! A moment of your time?”
The Rhodes sisters exchanged looks that they knew what Crowler was going to say. Their friends had stopped but Alexis waved them on. “We’ll be right there. This won’t take long.” They faced Crowler as the others left.
“I was wondering if either of you have re-considered my offer,” he said.
“You mean the dueling pop star idea?” Atticus said. “Sorry. The answer is still no.”
“We plan to be duelists, not singers,” Alexis added. “We will not be singers, period.” Alexis turned on her heel and marched off with Atticus behind her.
Chapter Twelve- Light and Darkness
“Jaden!” Atticus called as she searched a part of the forest. Jaden had been released from the infirmary and had returned to his room…until a few hours ago. He had left without a trace and the group spread out across campus and the woods to search for him. She continued to call, asking him to answer her. She searched for hours before returning to her new room to rest. She hoped someone found him as she fell asleep.
She headed into the cafeteria the next morning to see no Jaden and something else strange and a bit weird. Chazz was dressed all in white and was preaching about seeing the light and that he had joined something called The Society of Light. His uplifted tone of voice was disconcerting to hear and she was visited by an urge to beat him upside the head. She looked at her friends and could tell that they felt the same way. I think I should keep my distance from Chazz, at least until he’s back to normal.
It wasn’t hard to stay away from Chazz as the boy suddenly made himself scarce. No one knew where he went and no one asked when he re-appeared. When Chazz was around, he would listen to everyone’s worries and then claim The Society of Light would solve their problems. Atticus ignored Chazz as another worry came up on her list: Zane’s descending popularity. Ever since his loss to Aster, he hadn’t won a single duel. Syrus was likewise concerned about this. The two of them would sit and stare into space, their thoughts on their brother and boyfriend, respectively.
“This is awful,” Syrus said after a day of silence and staring. He was holding a duel magazine and looking at an article of Zane that had an impressive picture of Zane with his ace monster behind him. Atticus felt her heart beat faster as she gazed at his picture.
“What happened to him?” Syrus asked, not really expecting an answer.
The magazine vanished from his hands and both looked up to see Alexis rolling up the book. “Don’t believe this garbage,” she said. “Zane is just going through a rough stretch. He’ll get through it. He’ll win tonight’s match.”
Atticus felt bolstered by her sister’s words, but sank back into depression when Zane lost yet again. She couldn’t understand it. Zane had been the top student in his class; he had been so strong? Was the real world tougher than any of them had thought? Based on Aster’s victory over Jaden, it seemed the answer was yes. The way Aster dueled; it seemed harsh, angry, and unforgiving. Is that what it takes to be a pro duelist? Atticus shook her head. No, that’s not true. Pros can be easygoing and respect their opponents. Chancellor Sheppard always preached respect for one’s opponent. Zane took that sentiment to heart. He inspired others to follow that belief as well. Zane will get through this sting of losses. I know he will.
Zane left the cage, having secured another win. His blue eyes were darker than before and his desire to humiliate his opponent grew stronger. His new manager, Mr. Shroud, was pleased with Zane’s new aggressive style and Zane loved the new him. Mr. Shroud was right. Everything about the old me needed to be tossed aside if I want to be a winner. Victory is the only thing that matters. As this thought passed through his mind, images of Syrus and Atticus popped into his head. His little brother and his girlfriend. Could he really toss aside the two people who mean the world to him?
I can’t. I love them too much to do that to them. I want to protect them and I will do that by crushing anyone who gets in my way!
“And yet another win for Zane Truesdale! I’m telling you, Zane’s dueling like a man possessed. Could it be his new black threads? Either way, Zane is back on top.”
Atticus felt the blood drain from her face as she sat in front of the TV in Chazz’s room along with Alexis, Mindy, Jasmine, Bastion, Hassleberry, and Syrus. She stared in shock at the image of her boyfriend. He looked cruel and intimidating; not someone she’d want to be alone with. She caught sight of Syrus’ face; he seemed stunned and looked about ready to cry. I understand that. I feel like crying myself. He caught her looking at him and he nodded slightly. She knew they were thinking the same thing: Whoever that was, it wasn’t the Zane they knew.
During Jaden’s absence, Crowler and Bonaparte were devising ways to demolish the red dorm, but Atticus and the others kept thwarting their attempts. So, it had been no surprise to find a sign with a duel challenge to save the red dorm. Alexis offered to duel which would take place at midnight. Everyone else chose to go to support Alexis.
They arrived outside the school at the appointed time and learned that Alexis’ opponent was Aster! Atticus was incensed: This guy defeated Zane and Jaden and now Crowler and Bonaparte wanted to add her sister to the list! The way Aster duels, we might just lose the red dorm for sure this time. Alexis, however, wasn’t backing down. The group went inside and the duel was about to begin when, to everyone’s shock, Jaden appeared!
He claimed he had been to outer space and acquired a few new cards. Everyone was skeptical about Jaden’s claims, but Alexis was more than willing to let Jaden duel in her place. The duel backed up Jaden’s story and more importantly, he defeated Aster! It was a happy outcome because it meant the red dorm was saved yet again.
Atticus spent the next day at the beach with Mindy and Jasmine. The girls chatted as they enjoyed the sun and the view of the ocean. Atticus pushed her sad feelings about Zane to the back of her mind during the time with the girls. They were passing Obelisk Blue when all three came to a dead stop: The dorm was all white!
“Girls, get Alexis,” Atticus said before taking off toward the dorm. She opened the front doors to see Chazz single-handedly defeat a group of Obelisk Blue students. She gasped at the event and Chazz turned to her with a satisfied smirk. “Chazz, what is going on? Why is the dorm white?”
“I’ve made them see the light,” he answered. A large group of people gathered behind Chazz, all wearing white like him. Chazz moved toward her, still smirking. “How about you, Atticus? Join the Society of Light.”
“No way. Forget it.” She turned to see students between her and the doors. She steeled herself and began to push her way through the crowd. She felt herself being buffeted by people as she pushed her way to the doors. She got outside and as she turned to be sure she wasn’t being followed, a piece of wood nailed her in the temple and she hit the ground.
She heard Alexis call her name and sensed that she hadn’t been out long. “Careful, Lexi. The dorm’s gone nuts. They’re with him now.” She pushed herself up to sitting as she looked at the front doors. There, in front of the doors, were the students and some of them supported Chazz on a plank with a throne on it. Chazz let it slip that the Society was led by Aster’s manager, Satorius.
“They’re crazy,” Jaden remarked.
“The only crazy ones are you dweebs,” Chazz shot back. “Duel me and I’ll help you see the light.”
Jaden was about to accept when Alexis stood up. “Hold on, Jaden. I may not live here anymore but I’m still an Obelisk.”
“You want to duel him?” Mindy gasped. “But, he’s insane.”
“Then he shouldn’t be too hard to beat,” Alexis reasoned.
The duel took place in the school’s arena and Chazz’s strategy of letting Alexis see his hand, which seemed crazy at first, soon became a brilliant move once Atticus pointed it out. “Alexis is distracted from her own cards and is trying to anticipate Chazz’s moves.” Atticus then called out, “Alexis, focus on your own cards. Don’t worry about Chazz’s cards. He’s trying to make you second-guess yourself.”
Her words jolted Alexis and she looked over with a smile. “Thanks, Atti,” she said and Atticus gave a thumbs-up. Unfortunately, her advice came too late and Alexis lost the duel. Her friends rushed toward the platform.
“Sissy!” Atticus exclaimed.
“Alexis, you okay?” Jaden asked. “Look, you did your best,” he continued as Alexis stirred. “You shouldn’t be ashamed that you lost.”
“You don’t understand,” Alexis said, her voice light and happy. “I’m glad I lost. You were right, Chazz. Thank you for showing me the light.”
“Lexi, no,” Atticus whispered. Her injured temple throbbed and it, combined with her sadness over Zane and the shock of her sister joining Chazz, caused her to faint. The last thing she heard were her friends crying out her name in alarm.
Chapter Thirteen- Defeating the Light
Atticus was aware that she was lying in a bed and wondered if she was in the infirmary. It would make sense considering she was hurt. She slowly opened her eyes to see the ceiling of her room at Slifer. She blinked at the sight. Okay, I’m in my room instead…and all alone. Bastion’s at Ra; Jaden, Syrus, and Hassleberry share a room; and Chazz and Alexis are at Obelisk.
She heard the door open and Mindy saying, “Atticus, you’re awake. Jasmine, she’s awake!”
Atticus sat up as Jasmine appeared in the doorway before both girls came over to her. “You okay?” Jasmine asked.
“No,” she softly, looking down at her lap. “My boyfriend’s gone cruel and my sister’s in that society.”
Mindy leaned down and hugged her. “Yeah, you’re not okay. But, you still have us and the rest of our friends. Jasmine and I are staying here with you. It’s not safe at Obelisk.”
Atticus put a hand on her arm. “Thanks. I didn’t like the idea of being in this place alone.”
“Hey, this could be the new Obelisk,” Jasmine said. “I mean, it is kind of fancy and all three of us are Obelisks.”
Atticus thought Jasmine had a point about the place. She grinned as another thought occurred to her. “Don’t expect the food to be at Obelisk standard, though you could go to Ra’s cafeteria if you like.”
“We’ll deal with it. If you can, so will we.”
Atticus got out of bed and, as all three went into the living area, the door opened and the rest of the gang came in. Hassleberry grinned at Atticus. “Glad to see you’re up and about.”
“Yes. We were concerned,” Bastion added.
Atticus sank onto the couch as everyone else gathered on the couch or floor. “I never dreamed Chazz would be so strong. He defeated an entire dorm.”
“The only ones he didn’t get are us,” Jasmine said.
“Yeah,” Mindy said. “So…who’s up for dinner?”
Atticus didn’t answer, just stared at the floor and listened to footsteps going out the door. She became aware that she wasn’t alone: Syrus and Jaden were still on either side of her and both looked sad too. Oh, right. Alexis is Jaden’s girlfriend.
“Jaden, I’m sorry about Alexis.”
“Hey, I’m sorry too,” Jaden said. “This is really hard for all of us.”
“This is real bad for Atticus,” Syrus said, voice trembling slightly. “She’s lost a boyfriend and a sister.”
Syrus’ words brought actual tears to her eyes before a few actually slid down her cheeks. I can’t believe it. My first tears since I changed. She brushed them away, a bit embarrassed about them. “I’m sorry,” she apologized.
“It’s fine,” Syrus said, looking up at her and she saw his eyes swimming with unshed tears. “I mean, you’re a girl and you lost a part of your…family.” Tears streaked Syrus’ cheeks.
“Oh, Sy,” she said. She put an arm across his shoulders and pulled him closer. He responded by burying his face in her shoulder. Her fingers tightened around his left arm slightly while her free hand stroked his hair. She looked over at Jaden who was dry of face and his eyes were full of sympathy and determination.
“We’ll get Alexis back,” Jaden promised. “Maybe if I beat her in a duel, it’ll bring her back to her senses.”
“That could work,” Atticus said. “But, she’s strong and you’re still getting used to your space cards.”
“Oh, yeah. I still need to practice with them.”
The next morning, Atticus left the dorm and marched over to Obelisk. She was going to demand to talk to Alexis and try to bring her back to her sense through words. She pushed open the doors to see her guy friends there.
One of them smirked. “You want to duel?”
“No. I want to talk to Alexis,” she told him. “Now.”
“And why would she want to talk to a freak like you?”
Atticus recoiled. “What?”
“You heard. You’re a freak. You used to be a guy like us, but then you found that necklace and became a girl in two weeks.”
“You didn’t think I was a freak after I completely changed.”
“That was before we saw the light. Now, we see the truth. You are a girl who should sit with girls and not with guys even though you were a guy.”
Their words were hurtful but she didn’t cry or get angry though the latter part was difficult to control. “I see,” she said calmly. “Look, I just want to talk to my sister. Either direct me to her room or get her for me.”
“She’s not here. She went for a walk with The Chazz before school.”
“All right, then.” She turned and as she went out the door, she heard, “Yeah. Get lost, freak.” Atticus deigned to answer; instead she returned to her room, retrieved her bag, and headed for school to wait for Alexis to show up. That society is really bad news. You would think with the name they have, that the members would be friendly; what I just experienced was anything but. Besides, I’m not a freak. I am completely female; it’s only my soul that hasn’t changed.
They said she went for a walk with Chazz. I know he’s in love with her so he’s likely filling her head with the society’s views and beliefs. I need to talk to her soon before no amount of talking will make any difference and she starts viewing me as a freak, too.
Students started approaching the entrance and Atticus began scanning faces. She nodded to those who greeted her warmly, but kept searching. She finally spotted her, hand in hand with Chazz. She made a beeline for them and stood in their path. “Alexis, can I talk to you, privately? Please?”
“I suppose,” she answered sounding a bit cold. She followed Atticus off to one side of the sidewalk. “All right. What do you want to talk about?”
“The duel yesterday.”
Alexis’ look of indifference melted away to be replaced with the same happy expression she wore after the duel. “Oh, Atti, my life was so confusing and uncertain. But now that I’ve joined the Society of Light, everything makes more sense. Join us, Atti and everything will make sense to you, too.”
Atticus was stunned by what she was hearing. “Alexis, are you hearing yourself? Chazz has brainwashed you. This isn’t you. I want you back to how you used to be. Jaden wants you back.”
Alexis jerked slightly and her happy expression faded to concern. “Ja…den?” she said.
“Yes, Jaden. Your boyfriend. He wants you back as much as I do. We love you, sis.”
Alexis gasped and her hands flew to her forehead. She moaned softly and then began to breathe heavily. Slowly, her breathing became normal as she lifted her head and looked up at her. “Atti?” she asked.
“What…happened? Where are we?”
“We’re in front of the school. You dueled Chazz yesterday and lost. You remember that?”
“Yeah, but after I lost…I don’t remember anything until now.” She looked down and gasped in disgust at her outfit. “Oh no! I joined that society, didn’t I?”
“That’s how they get people. Chazz beat everyone in Obelisk and they joined. The only ones they didn’t get are Mindy, Jasmine, and me.”
“Do you think I have time to change my clothes?”
Atticus checked her watch. “I believe so.”
“Great.” She hugged Atticus. “Thanks for bringing me back.”
“Of course. We’re family.” She smiled as her sister dashed off toward Slifer. She was still smiling when her friends showed up.
“Atticus?” Syrus asked. “Why are you smiling?”
“I got Alexis back. I told her Jaden and I wanted her back and that we love her. I think the power of the society either wasn’t very strong on her yet or can’t stand up to the strength of our love and friendship for her.”
“Could be both,” Jaden suggested. “Where is she now?”
“Changing her clothes. She’ll be back soon.” She thought back on what she said to get through to Alexis. I wonder…Will the same tactic work on Zane? Hard to say. He’s been acting “dark” for weeks. And I have no real way to see him face-to-face. But, if I get the chance, I’ll take it without hesitation. I want the Zane I knew back- for me and for Syrus.
Chapter Fourteen- The GX Tournament
Life at the Academy had gone back to how it was before Alexis joined the Society. Everyone was glad to have her back. Jaden even kissed her! Alexis took up her room at Slifer again and agreed that the place where they resided could be the new Obelisk Blue.
“I admit the food’s not great, but it’s not terrible, either,” she said as the four girls sat in the living room. “We could ask the Head of the Ra dorm to cook for us though,” she added.
“As long as no one has to duel him for it,” Atticus said. “Although it was interesting to watch.”
Alexis smiled while Mindy and Jasmine looked confused. “I don’t think Hassleberry would agree with you.”
“Something tells me we should have come down here a long time ago, like when you girls did.”
“Things are never dull at Slifer,” Alexis agreed.
Her statement held up when they witnessed Hassleberry duel Satorius and even though he lost, the dino duelist didn’t join the Society. He explained how, years ago, a dinosaur bone he had discovered on a dig was used to replace a broken bone in a leg on that same dig. So that explains his affinity for dinosaur cards, Atticus thought. Hassleberry’s resistance brought about a shocking surprise the next day: Satorius enrolled in Duel Academy and was placed in Obelisk!
Atticus wondered why Satorius was at the school; what he was after. She did notice that he seemed determined to have Jaden lose a duel and sent others to defeat him, only it didn’t work. I don’t understand, she thought. Why is defeating Jaden so important? Her curiosity about Satorius’ plans were put on hold by another concern that had been pushed to the back of her mind: Zane.
His new style was as aggressive as ever and it saddened her as it did for Syrus. It prompted both of them to sit at Zane’s favorite spot together. Neither one spoke, but Atticus kept hearing the voice of the announcer saying, “And yet another win for Zane Truesdale!” in her mind and she felt tears gather in her eyes but blinked them away. She stared at the water wondering why and how Zane got like this. She felt helpless to help him. She had tried to call him, but someone called Mr. Shroud answered and said that Zane had no time for reporters.
“I’m not a reporter. I’m his girlfriend,” she had protested. “Just let me talk to him.”
“I’m sorry young lady, but as his manager I say he doesn’t need you and anyone else to interfere with his dueling.” Shroud had hung up before she could say another word. His words had also chased themselves in her head and she came to a conclusion.
“That creep,” she growled, catching Syrus’ attention.
“I tried to call Zane, but his new manager answered and denied my request to talk to Zane. He said Zane didn’t need me or anyone else interfering with his dueling. He hung up before I could respond. I think he’s responsible for Zane’s change in dueling style.”
Syrus nodded. “I think you’re right.” He stood and she followed. “I didn’t want to watch Zane’s duel tonight, but now I do to look for the manager’s influence.”
“Sounds like a good idea. I’ll do that too.”
“Besides,” Syrus added. “Jaden mentioned there might be beef jerky.”
Atticus face-palmed. Once upon a time, she would have jumped at the chance to have beef jerky, but when she became female in mind, her liking for said food vanished. Small price to pay, she thought as she followed Syrus. I like being a girl, all things considered.
Atticus’s mouth dropped as the duel concluded, now wishing she hadn’t watched. Zane’s aggressive style had turned destructive! His opponent actually had to be taken to the hospital! Worse yet, Zane didn’t seem to care! Have Sy and I truly lost the Zane we knew? I swear if I get my hands on that Shroud, I’ll make him regret being Zane’s manager! Shroud…Night Shroud. His surname is the same as my Shadow Rider alias. And both were bad news. Oh, Zane. I wish I could help you.
Two days later, the school was gathered in the auditorium for Sheppard had returned and had an important announcement. Some students wondered if Crowler would be fired. Atticus doubted that; he’d probably just go back to being a regular teacher.
Sheppard started off by mentioning the white dorm but said these changes weren’t going to stop him from running the school and the important event he was organizing on the island and which explained his absence: The GX Tournament!
“I’ve invited pro duelists from around the world to compete against one another as well as against you, my students. I want to prove that students are just as capable of dueling pros. The rules are simple: Each one of you will receive a GX medallion. You must accept the first challenge you get and you must duel at least once a day. The winner gets the loser’s medallion. The winner of the tournament will receive the grand prize.”
Pro duelists? Atticus thought. Will Zane be one of them? She noticed Syrus looking up at her and saw that the same question reflected in his face. He knows how badly I want to talk to him and surely he’ll let me have my chance. “Wow, this tournament’s gonna be sweet!” Jaden exclaimed once everyone was in the hall. “I wonder who I’m gonna duel first?”
“I think I know who I’m gonna duel first,” said Hassleberry, giving Syrus a sly look.
“You think so?” Atticus said. “Who won that duel between you and Syrus? Hmm?”
“I could have won. I just came to realize the depth of loyalty he had for Jaden.”
“So, based on that, you let him win?” Alexis spoke up.
“I wouldn’t say that exactly.”
“You wouldn’t?” Atticus pressed.
“Hey, no fair. Two girls teaming up on one guy.”
Jaden, Syrus, and Alexis laughed while Atticus grinned at Hassleberry who said, “Okay. I’m missing the joke.”
“Honestly, I should have told you when we met, but I hardly think about it now.” She leaned in closer. “About a year ago, I was actually a guy.”
“What? No way,” Hassleberry said in shock. “How in the Sam Hill did you become a girl?”
“I’d be happy to tell you.”
The tournament kicked off the next day and Atticus claimed her first victory as did Hassleberry and Syrus. Jaden, however, was at the port waiting for the pros to arrive. Atticus thought that was a good idea, but if they lived across the world, then surely they wouldn’t all arrive on the same boat, not to mention the same way.
Atticus won her next duel the following day and spied a few pros pass by during her duel. I wonder if I should challenge a pro for my next duel. Then again, I should save that for Zane.
Atticus was modifying her deck the day of her third win when she heard the front door open and heard a familiar voice say, “The Chazz is back, ladies.” She got up from her desk to see Chazz in the living room, dressed in his black clothes and wearing his trademark smirk.
“Welcome back, Chazz. I guess Jaden beat you, huh?”
“No, it was a tie, but at least I’m no longer in that dorky club.”
“You remember anything from your time in it?” Atticus asked, curious if prolonged stay made any difference in memories.
“No, not a thing.”
“Really? Lexi said the same thing.”
“Alexis!? She was in the Society too!?”
“You really don’t remember. You dueled her, beat her, and she joined the Society. I talked her back to her senses the next day.”
“I can’t believe it. My sweet Alexis was in the Society.”
“Chazz, Alexis isn’t yours. She’s been with Jaden for almost a year.”
“What!? Alexis with that Slacker?”
“Get over it. I now regret encouraging you to pursue her.” Atticus had noticed Chazz’s infatuation with her sister and coached him to win her heart; of course that was before she found the necklace.
Chazz fumed while Atticus wondered when Zane would show up. That is, if he was invited.
Chapter Fifteen- Duel with Evil
“You asked to see me, Chancellor?”
“Yes, Atticus. Please come in.”
Sheppard took a moment to look at Atticus as she came closer. He remembered seeing a pretty brunette girl walk into school with Alexis one Monday morning and deduced that it was Atticus. She had seemed a little unsteady on her boots and moved a bit awkwardly. Now, she moved confidently and gracefully and was comfortable as a girl.
“I understand you’re dating Zane.” He got a nod. “That may help. I believe you’re the only one who can help him.”
“Then, he is here.”
“Yes and there’s some things I need to tell you. First, Zane is heir to what is called The Cyber Legacy and is why he has such a strong bond with the Cyber End Dragon. Recently, he got his hands on a forbidden deck that is the dark side of the Cyber Legacy called the Underworld Deck. It is my belief that he is now under the influence of an evil force. You are certainly no stranger to dark forces.”
“I believe his manager is the one responsible for Zane’s…behavior.”
“Be that as it may, it is imperative that you get through to him before the evil of the Underworld Deck corrupts him forever.”
Atticus inhaled sharply at this pronouncement. “How long has he had this deck?”
“Not too long which is why it’s best to separate him from that deck as soon as possible.”
“I’ll take care of it, Chancellor,” she promised. She left the office and headed for Slifer, a plan already in mind. Sheppard had mentioned her being familiar with darkness and had an idea of what Sheppard probably had in mind. She went to her closet, opened it, and opened a drawer at the bottom. When her body had changed, she had gotten rid of her old clothes- except for one outfit: Her Night Shroud outfit. She wasn’t sure why she had kept it, but now she was glad she did. The shoes were the only part of the outfit that was gone, but that was fine; her uniform boots would work. Also in the coat’s pocket was the deck she had used as Night Shroud. I’m not quite sure if wearing the clothes and using the deck are necessary, but this may be my only chance to return Zane to normal. She put the outfit in her bag along with her duel disk, hoisted it onto a shoulder and left for a cliff that provided an excellent view of Zane’s favorite spot.
No one was there, but she wasn’t worried. She was certain that he would show up. Zane always liked to seek out spots that were fairly deserted so he could think in peace and enjoy the view of the ocean. Atticus closed her eyes as a warm breeze sprang up and washed over her face and lifted her hair up a little. She sighed quietly as she enjoyed the breeze and the smell of sea water for several minutes before opening her eyes. She blinked as she focused on the dock and felt her breath catch. There he was! While she was enjoying the breeze and the smell, he had shown up and was staring at the ocean, arms folded. She stood there, admitting that he did look handsome in black as he did in blue and white. She continued to stare and slowly Zane looked up at her. There was no expression on his face, but she rather expected that. She simply pointed at him, herself, and the volcano in the distance behind her. Zane nodded, turned, and walked away to head for the mainland. Atticus headed for the volcano so that she could change clothes and await Zane’s arrival.
She grimaced as she pulled at the bodysuit. It just doesn’t fit right, which makes perfect sense. Besides that, wearing them and dueling Zane is starting to seem like a bad idea. Maybe I have time to switch clothes again.
“All right. You drag me out here in the middle of nowhere. So, now what?” Zane’s voice spoke up behind her and made her realize that she now had no choice but to go through with it.
She turned to her boyfriend. “How quickly we forget. This is where Jaden dueled Night Shroud. Speaking of which,” she fixed Zane with a stern look. “Considering your manager’s name that should have told you he was bad news.”
“I disagree. It is because of him that I was reborn.”
“Reborn?” Atticus repeated.
“Yes, but since I’ve reached the top, I fired him.”
“I see. Anyway, I realize the only way to rescue you from the darkness is to go there.” She reached insider the coat and pulled out the deck that, together, seemed to emit a black aura. “I’ll use this deck to enter the darkness, then we’ll escape together. At least, I hope so.”
Zane smirked. “‘Enter the darkness’? Sounds like there’s still some Night Shroud left in you.”
Atticus inserted the deck into her duel disk and activated it. “Night Shroud will always be a part of me,” she admitted. “But now, I’m in control.”
“What are you suggesting? That I’m not in control? I couldn’t disagree with you more.” Zane inserted his deck and activated his disk. “But you’re about to see that for yourself.”
“Zane, do you feel nothing for Syrus or me?” she asked desperately, hoping she hadn’t really and truly lost him.
Zane’s face softened briefly. “Of course I care about both of you. I got where I am to protect you two. I vowed to crush anyone who stands in my way of doing so!” His face hardened. “And it seems that the remainder of Night Shroud in you is one such opponent. I will expel that force from you.”
“And I promise to extinguish the evil force influencing you,” she shot back.
“Game on,” they chorused.
“I’ll go first.” Atticus drew a card. “I play Red-Eyes Black Chick.” Her monster appeared. “Next, I’ll sacrifice it for the Red-Eyes Black Dragon.” Her favorite monster appeared in the chick’s place. “Then I play the Spell Card Inferno Fire Blast to inflict 2400 points of damage to your life points.” Red-Eyes fired its signature attack and Zane’s life points dropped to 1600. “I play one card face-down and let you go.”
Zane smiled slightly. “You just managed to pull off a pretty powerful combination there. It makes you think. Could you have done that by yourself? I mean, without Night Shroud’s help?”
His taunt angered her. Her Zane would never have spoken to her like that; he would have complimented her. Oh, that brainwashing and evil force is so going down! “Like I said, he’s gone and I won’t be controlled.” She glanced down tow see a dark aura leaking off the cards on her disk. She frowned. That’s ominous, she thought.
“Something wrong?” Zane sneered, noticing her expression. “Just wait. I summon Cyberdark Horn.”
The monster appeared and Atticus’ eyes widened. I’ve never seen that monster before. It must be part of the Underworld deck Sheppard mentioned.
“My monster’s special ability allows it to take any level four or below dragon from either of our graveyards and drain its attack points. So I’ll be taking your Red-Eyes Black Chick.” Her monster left her graveyard and Horn attached itself to it. Its 800 attack points doubled to 1600. “Next I’ll add the spell Megamorph to double its original attack.” The attack points rose to 2400.
“Now it’s equal to my dragon,” Atticus said.
“There’s something else you should know. Cyberdark Horn can sacrifice you Chick so it won’t be destroyed in battle. Cyberdark Horn attack Red-Eyes with dark sphere.” The dragon launched its attack that sped toward her monster.
Chapter Sixteen- The Darkness Within
“I reveal my trap,” Atticus declared. “Negate Attack.” The attack hit a shield and dissipated.
“I play this face-down. Looks like you’re safe for now.” His voice took on a taunting tone again. “Still in control, Atticus or are the shadows starting to take over your mind?”
Atticus scowled. “See for yourself,” she snapped. She drew a card and a familiar sounding voice sounded in her head: Night Shroud.
“You can’t hide from me, Atticus. You and I are one and the same. Embrace the darkness.”
She shook her head to focus on the duel. “Time to bring my A-game. Later, pal,” she said to Red-Eyes. “I summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon.” As her dragon vanished, she heard Night Shroud remark, “A wise choice. It was only a matter of time.” She saw the dark aura from her cards starting to circle her body. Okay, now I’m worried, but I can’t focus on that.
“Since Red-Eyes is in my graveyard, my Darkness Dragon gains 300 more attack points. Cyberdark Horn is going down. Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon attack with Inferno Darkfire!” Her monster attacked and when it cleared, Zane’s monsters was still there, but the Black Chick was gone. Of course I knew that, but I did take 300 points off Zane’s life points, bringing it to 1300.
“Cyberdark Horn is unharmed,” Zane said.
“I know. But now that my Black Chick is in my graveyard, my dragon’s attack climbs to 3,000. Next, I play the spell Super Rejuvenation. I draw a card for every dragon that was sacrificed.” She drew a card and heard Night Shroud laugh; she just didn’t know why.
“I assume you’re finished. I switch Cyberdark Horn to defense mode and I summon Cyberdark Edge. My new monster is also allowed to go grave robbing. So, I’ll be taking your Red-Eyes Black Chick again.”
She watched as her monster was once again taken, dropping her dragon’s attack by 300 and Edge’s attack rose to 1600. Zane continued, “Cyberdark Edge has another effect. By cutting its attack in half, it can attack you directly.” Atticus’ eyes widened as Edge attacked and dropped her points to 3200. “I play one card face-down and end my turn.”
“You’ll pay for that! Mark my words.” Atticus saw a dark aura outlining her body as she drew. “I activate Dragonheart. I can’t summon a monster this turn, but by sending three dragons from my deck to the graveyard, my Darkness Dragon’s attack increases by a thousand. Plus, since three dragon are in the graveyard, my dragon gains nine hundred more attack points.”
As her dragon’s attack rose to 4600, the darkness around her and the deck surged through her body and attempted to take over. She cried out in pain and she saw alarm flash across Zane’s face. “Help me,” she pleaded. “The shadows are too strong. They’re taking over.”
But this may be the only way to save Zane, she thought. If his mind is clouded by darkness, I may be able to break through to him if I’m in the shadows. Well, there’s only one way to find out. “Darkness Dragon, attack Cyberdark Edge. Inferno Darkfire.” As her dragon attacked, she saw Jaden, Hassleberry, and Syrus appear on the sidelines. She saw the Black Chick destroyed, but that didn’t change one important fact.
“Even though your Cyberdark Edge wasn’t destroyed, you still lose 3,000 life points,” she said.
“You might want to check your math,” Zane countered, triggering a card. “Cause I play this and toss out most of my deck.”
“You, what?” Atticus whispered, stunned.
“It’s called Power Wall. I can activate it when a monster threatens my life points. Then, for each card I scrap, Power Wall decreased the damage by one hundred points. And since I discarded thirty cards, I get to keep the 3,000 points you tried to take away.”
Atticus was still stunned by what Zane had done. She also felt Night Shroud trying to take over. She pushed him aside as she said, “But, but you treated your cards like trash. Why, Zane? In the old days, you respected the cards in your deck. I guess I can’t get through to you at all.”
She felt herself being pushed aside and restrained as Night Shroud took over and said, “Not without my help. Atticus has left the building. But not to worry, Night Shroud is here.” Night Shroud’s mask had appeared and though it covered the eyes, everyone saw the fingers fly to the slightly parted mouth and then the throat. “What have you done, Atticus?” she muttered to herself. She looked down at her female body and ran a hand down her long hair. “What the-? I’m a woman now?” she gasped.
Zane felt amused at Night Shroud’s shock. He, I mean she apparently wasn’t aware that Atticus was female until now. Funny; one would think she’d know before taking over. “Atticus found a magical necklace not too long after you were defeated. He put it on and over a two week period first started thinking like a girl, then sounding like one, and finally being one in body. There is no way to reverse it. You have two options: Either leave Atticus’ body for good or continue this duel. So, what’s your choice?”
Night Shroud scowled before holding up a card. “I play Dragon’s Gunfire to destroy a monster with eight hundred defense points or less and I choose Cyberdark Edge. I end my turn. With only three cards left in your deck, there’s not much you can do.” Hmph, it doesn’t matter what gender Atticus is; I can adapt just as she did. We are the same so it makes sense that I would end up female since Atticus is too. Hmm, I could get to like being a girl.
She was brought out of her thoughts by Zane saying, “You’d be surprised, Night Shroud. I reveal my face-down card, Call of the Haunted to bring Cyberdark Edge back from the graveyard. I summon Cyberdark Keel. Next, I play Polymerization to combine Cyberdark Horn, Cyberdark Edge, and Cyberdark Keel to form Cyberdark Dragon. Next, my dragon will take a monster from your graveyard and drain its attack points. So, hand over your Red-Eyes Black Dragon.”
Night Shroud watched as her dragon was equipped to Zane’s monster and its attack rose to 3400 while her monster had 3600 despite losing 300 points. She smirked. “All that and my dragon’s still stronger.”
“There’s one more thing you should know. Cyberdark Dragon gains one hundred points for each card in my graveyard.”
“What?” Night Shroud gasped, having watched the duel the entire time. “But there are thirty-seven cards in your graveyard. That means your monster has 7100 points.”
“Correct. Cyberdark Dragon, attack Darkness Dragon and end this duel.” Cyberdark Dragon attacked and as Darkness Dragon dissolved, Zane added. “It’s over, Night Shroud. Get out of Atticus’ body and don’t come back!”
Atticus felt Night Shroud being expelled from her body and she dropped to one knee as she took control again and became aware of Jaden and Hassleberry beside her. “Atticus?” Jaden asked almost cautiously.
She looked at him and smiled slightly. “I’m fine. Night Shroud’s gone for good.” She got to her feet and headed toward Zane. “Good duel. Guess these three medals are yours.” She started to reach into her coat.
“I don’t want those worthless trinkets,” Zane sneered. “All I care about is victory.”
“That’s a lie,” she retorted as she reached Zane and took his arms in each of her hands. “You care about Syrus and me. I loved the guy you were and I want that guy back.” She threw her arms around his neck and gave him the deepest most passionate kiss she ever gave. She felt Zane wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer. She parted, but Zane brought their lips together again.
He’s kissing me, she thought as her fingers ran over his hair. Does this mean I got through to him? Zane pulled back and Atticus saw the love and compassion she used to see in his eyes and face. “Zane?” she asked softly, hoping.
“Atticus, you were right. One doesn’t have to forget respect and compassion to be a winner. As long as I have you and Syrus, I’ll always be a winner.” He held out an arm toward Syrus who ran to them and embraced Zane.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” Syrus said.
“Me too, little brother. Atticus, a few things. First, give Sheppard the Underworld deck. Second, change your clothes. Three, I’ll take those medals after all.”
Atticus laughed as she exchanged her medals for the deck. She didn’t care that she was out of the tournament. She had her boyfriend back to his old self and all was right with her world.