Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the tiger demon and Sharnana are mine.
Chapter One- Infected
Kuwabara grumbled to himself as he trudged across the forest landscape, seemingly alone. Why was he always the bait? He would think of past missions where he had been bait, but he didn’t have to be. The other three would have been just as suitable and yet, they didn’t volunteer for the task; it was always him. But this time, it had be me. Koenma made that clear:
“Me!? Why does it have to be me- again!?” Kuwabara had demanded.
“I’m sorry, but the demon has a taste for human flesh and you are the only pure human on the team. Besides, the others will be keeping track of you from hiding. Once you draw him out, your team mates will emerge and all four of you will apprehend him if you can, kill him if you cannot. Oh and one more thing. The demon is a tiger. They are quite aggressive out of all the cat demons and also avoid the claws and teeth as they are the most dangerous parts of him.”
Well, duh, Kuwabara thought as he roamed the tiger’s forest home. The claws and teeth of any animal or demon are the most dangerous parts. No need to tell us that.
The rustling of bushes and grass made him nervous but he wasn’t scared. He was capable of fending off demons and, if he got into trouble, he knew that Yusuke and Kurama would help him out. Hiei would also pitch in, but only to strengthen himself, not because they were friends. Hiei hates me and I, frankly, hate him. But unlike him, I would help him if he was in trouble.
He heard more rustling but this time, he also heard growling he associated with big cats on the hunt. Then a deep, rumbling voice sounded around him. “What’s this? A lone human. I sense strong spirit energy from you. That will make your flesh quite delectable.”
“Dream on. You’re not eating me,” Kuwabara shot back.
“Oh, is that what you think? You may be an able fighter, but I am a tiger demon. I am far faster and more aggressive than any human could hope to be. I will pin you down and have taken a bit of your flesh before you even realize that you are down.”
Kuwabara sensed movement behind him, waited a few moments, and then leaped aside as the demon leaped forward and landed where he had been. The demon was taller, at least two feet more than him. His arms and legs had large muscles and were orange with black stripes. His hands and feet sported long sharp claws and were white-fleshed. He wore only a loincloth which exposed a back covered in orange and black and a long tiger’s tail. The back of the head was orange and black and had a pair of tiger ears on the top. He turned and Kuwabara saw a white face with a human mouth full of sharp teeth. He had black strips all over his cheeks, a black nose, whiskers, and gold cat eyes. “How could you have dodged me?” he snarled. “That’s impossible!”
Kuwabara summoned his sword. “Heh, I am not just any human.”
“Clearly.” The demon stepped sideways into a thicket of trees and vanished from sight. “I shall have to employ other techniques to deal with you.”
Not likely. I had to fight in darkness once and I’m stronger now than I was back then. Plus, I’m not alone. His teammates were now visible to him and their eyes darted about to sight their opponent.
“Where is he?” Yusuke growled in annoyance from his hiding spot.
“He’s above you, Kuwabara!” Kurama shouted.
Kuwabara lunged to one side as a smaller version of their target landed. The teen blinked at it. A decoy. It’s only two feet tall, has no demon energy, and no real independent movement. Clever. So, where…?
The next few moments were a blur for Kuwabara. All he knew was he had been grabbed and he screamed in pain as he felt teeth sink into his left shoulder. He then heard the tiger scream in pain before he was released. He sank to his knees, eyes closed and gripping his injury while his teammates battled the demon. There was a truncated scream from the tiger and then silence.
“Kuwabara, let me take a look,” came Kurama’s voice. He removed his hand and opened his eyes to see Kurama tear the cloth from the shoulder and examine it.
“No flesh missing, just torn from his teeth. I should have herbs and plants to heal it and wrap it to keep it from getting infected.” The redhead pulled seeds from his hair and set about repairing the damage.
“Kurama, he bit me and Koenma said to avoid the claws and teeth,” Kuwabara said, wincing a little at the herb’s sting.
“Yes. We will need to question him on that.”
Koenma stared at Kuwabara’s wrapped shoulder and then at his face with a look of fear and sorrow. “I take it that this is bad?” Kurama asked.
“Oh, yes. It’s bad. Tiger demons crave humans so they do not try to eat demons. If a human escapes, but is scratched or bitten, they will eventually become a tiger demon as well.”
Kuwabara felt as if the blood had drained from his face. “I’ll become a tiger demon?” he choked.
“I’m afraid so. There’s no antidote. The saliva’s already in your blood and it will change your body.”
“Will I be exactly like the one who bit me?”
“Yes,” Koenma said in a resigned tone. “Though there may be small differences in the body’s appearance, every human infected will act as all tiger demons do. The odds of escaping are rare and none had strong energy like you do. You may either overcome the flesh-eating tendency or become the most dangerous, vicious tiger to live.”
Kuwabara didn’t like the sound of the second possibility, naturally. But I might be a tiger demon who doesn’t eat humans.
“I will do more research and send whatever I find along with Botan.”
“Appreciate it. Thanks.” Kuwabara and Kurama left the office and met up with Yusuke and Hiei at the gate. Kuwabara kept walking even as Yusuke asked, “What’d Koenma say?” Kuwabara was still in shock at what he had heard and couldn’t bear to answer. If only I had kept moving after the decoy ploy, this wouldn’t have happened.
“We have learned why we were to be cautious about the claws and teeth or rather why Kuwabara had to be careful,” Kurama spoke up.
“Yeah? Why?” Yusuke asked.
“If a human escapes with a scratch or bite, then he or she will eventually become a tiger demon.”
Yusuke blinked at Kurama and then at Kuwabara’s back. “You’re gonna be a demon?”
“Yeah,” he choked. “Just like the one we fought, though I may look a little different.”
“There is the possibility that Kuwabara will become aggressive and vicious like tigers are, but there is a chance that he will be a benign tiger demon due to his strong energy.”
“If that happens, that means I won’t eat humans, right?” Kuwabara asked hopefully.
“I am quite sure that is correct.”
“What does his energy have to do with being a demon?” Yusuke asked.
“Humans until now had very weak energy and succumbed to the tiger’s nature and change quickly. It’s possible that Kuwabara’s energy may help him be able to resist the nature and slow the change.”
Yusuke clapped the back of Kuwabara’s right shoulder. “Yeah, he can fight it. I know he can.”
“Hn,” Hiei grunted. “I seriously doubt it. Once he starts acquiring the abilities, he’ll give in like all the other humans.”
Kuwabara gave Hiei a glare over his shoulder. The fire demon has always underestimated him and what he could do. He had proven himself to be an extraordinary human and in possession of unusual skills. His Dimension Sword almost made him a psychic like Genkai. Wait! Genkai! Maybe she can help. After all, she’s fought all kinds of demons. I’ll ask her if she can stop my change.
Chapter Two- Preparation
Genkai sipped her tea as she studied the teen before her, desperation in his eyes. Yukina sat next to him, a grave expression on her face.
“Frankly,” Genkai finally said. “I have never seen a human become a demon in this fashion. I believe no talisman or ward can stop your transformation. The only advice I can offer is to not let it change your personality. Just because your body and race changes, doesn’t mean the rest of you has to change too.”
Kuwabara nodded. “Yeah, I already planned to follow that advice. I will have to leave school once the changes are too noticeable and I’ll have to tell Shizuru once I get home.”
Yukina smiled up at him and put a hand on his hand. “I bet you’ll be a handsome tiger.”
Kuwabara perked up at this comment. “I appreciate that, Yukina. Thanks. Koenma said he’d send Botan to me with any information he can find on tiger demons.”
“That may take some time as he failed to tell you why to avoid the claws and teeth,” Genkai said.
She’s right, he thought as he rode back into the city. He didn’t tell us why; he just said to avoid them. Damn. He doesn’t give a specific reason and because of that, I’m becoming a demon. A strong desire to tear the prince from limb to limb came to his mind and he quickly banished it. The thought was too violent and besides, it wouldn’t change a thing. He would still become a tiger and not know a thing about the demon he would become.
Kuwabara arrived home and when he announced his presence, his cat came up to him, purring and head butting his leg. He smiled as he crouched and started petting her. She wasn’t afraid of him or hated him- yet. Who knew how she would react once he began changing. He recalled what he remembered of his opponent and wondered if he really would look a little different. I remember that every tiger has a unique stripe pattern that makes it easy to recognize kin and who their enemy tigers are.
Shizuru was watching TV when Kuwabara came in carrying Eikichi. “Hi, sis,” he said, sitting down, the cat settling on the couch arm.
“Kazuma, I’ve told you to stop fighting and focus on your studies,” she replied, seeing his wound.
“I know that, but I don’t think that’s an option anymore.” He quickly put his arms up in a defensive block as Shizuru swung a fist at him. He took the hit, but it didn’t hurt like it used to. The tiger’s saliva must have made me tougher. That’s cool.
“There’s more to life than fighting, Kazuma,” she snapped.
“I know, but on this recent mission, we were facing a tiger demon and I was needed to draw him out as they eat humans. We were told to avoid the claws and teeth, but not why. Well, he bit me and we end up finding out that a human bitten or scratched eventually becomes a tiger demon.”
Shizuru blinked rapidly. “You’re becoming a demon?”
Kuwabara nodded. “There’s no way to stop it. I’ll eventually be a demon. There’s a chance that I’ll be a good tiger instead of one that’s aggressive, vicious, and prefers human flesh for food.”
“A chance?”
“Yeah…and maybe you can help me! You could help me keep my personality from wanting to change.”
Shizuru nodded. “Of course. I don’t want you to be an evil demon.”
Kuwabara felt his temper rise from her comment and pushed it down. There was no reason for him to be angry at her words for some demons are evil…aren’t they? Maybe, to us humans, what they do is viewed as evil but to them, it is natural for them. Perhaps I could talk to Kurama about demons in general. It would help to know more about the race I’m going to join.
Kurama tapped a capped pen gently on a piece of blank paper as he looked at it. He was done with homework and was now thinking about Kuwabara. It was clear to him that he was the one who was going to help the teen with his transition. Therefore, he was trying to think of what he felt Kuwabara needed to know, but he was unsure where to start.
I could start with stating that not all demons are bad. Tell him about demons that are content to stay in Demon World and live peaceful lives. I do not know any personally but I am sure there are peaceful ones. Kurama wrote this down and a couple more points before pausing. He wished he knew more about tiger demons so he could relay it to Kuwabara.
The phone rang and two minutes later there was a knock. “Shuichi? It’s for you, dear.”
Kurama got up, went down, and picked up the receiver. “Hello?”
“Hey, Kurama.”
“Kuwabara. Is there a problem?”
“No. I just feel I need to know more about demons and that you would be the best one to ask.”
Kurama smiled slightly. “I had suspected I would be the one you would ask. I would be happy to help.”
“Thanks. Could you come over after school tomorrow?”
“Of course I can. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, same here.” The two hung up and Kurama went back upstairs, letting Shiori know of his after school plans by claiming a tutoring session. He couldn’t really tell the truth of his plans. Now that he would be meeting his friend after school tomorrow, it was imperative to think about demons and the ones he had encountered in his past when he had been Yoko Kurama.
A small smile appeared. Yes. I will start with fox demons. I know a great deal about them as I am a fox demon. He pulled his paper toward him, uncapped his pen, and began to write.
“Kuwabara was bitten by a tiger and now he’s becoming one?” Keiko gasped.
Yusuke nodded as he tossed some vegetables in a skillet. “That’s right. There’s no cure for it and Kurama said that since Kuwabara’s spirit energy is stronger than a normal person, he may not be evil like tiger demons usually are.”
“May not? So, he may be like other tigers?”
“He could, but I’ll help make sure he doesn’t end up that way.”
“Yusuke, what do you know about tiger demons?”
“Beyond being able to infect people? Nothing. But Koenma’s looking into that and will give Botan the information to give to Kuwabara.” Yusuke added the noodles.
Keiko inhaled the smell of the food and felt her mouth water. Yusuke’s got a flair for cooking. Who’d have thought?
Hiei sulked in his tree. He would have preferred to be in Demon World but Kurama asked him to stay in Human World for the time being. He had a good idea why: Because of Kuwabara. The human was gradually becoming a vicious tiger demon. He knew Kuwabara would go that way. The desire to be mean, aggressive, and brutal is too strong for a human to resist. He honestly thought Kuwabara would be better off being an evil demon.
Once Botan tells him about tigers and, more importantly, their powers, he will likely want to be a tiger as soon as possible.
It turns out that I know the first sign of the change: Feelings of violence and a shorter temper. Those show up fairly quickly regardless of the human’s spirit energy levels. Hiei smirked. Kuwabara has probably already experienced both, however brief they were. He will continue to experience violent feelings and shorter temper as he continues to change.
Chapter Three- Information
Kuwabara awoke the next day, feeling mean and ill-tempered. He didn’t squash these feeling until he was wide-awake. He pushed them aside; he was sure they were connected to his change and buried them. He was not a mean person and his temper, while short at times, was normally a longer fuse than what he was feeling on this morning.
He was able to recapture his normal behavior as he walked to school, though his skin felt a bit itchy. It only felt that way occasionally and didn’t draw any attention. He was anxious to speak to Kurama and tell him about his feeling this morning. It felt like a long day and when school ended for the day, he was one of the first to leave and he rushed home to wait for Kurama whom Shizuru knew was coming as Kuwabara had told her at dinner last night.
He was pacing the living room when Kurama was let in by Shizuru. His pacing seemed rather tiger-like to Kurama and it further drove home the change coming over Kuwabara. The tall teen turned in his pacing and stopped when he saw Kurama. He smiled. “Hey, Kurama.”
“How are you doing today?” he asked as they sat.
“Okay, except for a few things. I woke up this morning feeling mean and really short-tempered and my arms have been feeling itchy all day.” He scratched at one arm to demonstrate this point.
“The itching could be the thin coat of fur getting ready to grow.”
“But the tiger’s skin was orange. He wasn’t furry.”
“Some grow fur and others don’t. I have seen both types of tigers. It is the only thing I know about tigers.”
“That’s fine. I just want to know about demons in general.”
“A good place to start. Well, you already know that demons are different sizes and are varied in strengths, speeds, weaknesses, and appearances. Some are flesh eaters and some aren’t. Some are mean while others are peaceful.”
“I don’t think I’ve met a peaceful one except for Yukina and you.”
“Yes, well. You would have to spend years in Demon World to encounter peaceful demons.”
“Will I need to live there once I’ve finished changing?”
“Not necessarily, but you may feel like going there.”
“Maybe. What else can you tell me?”
“Well, I can tell you about some other demon types I’ve encounter. Like fox demons, for example.”
“I know you’ve got a sharp nose.”
“Most animal demons do. You will have that too as well as sharp hearing. Fox demons are known for being cunning and intelligent. The personality depends on the fox’s upbringing and their ambition. My ambition to be a lord led me to being a thief.”
“Oh, so what a demon desires to be could lead them to do what is needed to achieve it in addition to how they were raised.”
“Yes and that is what makes a demon good or bad.”
Kuwabara nodded as he listened to Kurama describe other demons he had encountered in his past. He noticed that while Kurama told him of both bad and good demons, the redhead told more of the latter. He didn’t mind; it made him feel better about his inevitable change.
Kurama felt the conversation was going well. He spoke more of good demons and the peaceful lives they lead in Demon World. He made it clear that their upbringing preached living away from humans and leaving them be. He was also careful to let Kuwabara know that he could stay in Human World instead of relocating to Demon World. The problem is that his appearance would require him to remain indoors, at least during the day.
“Hello!” sang a voice from the room’s entrance and both looked to see Botan with a small notebook in one hand.
“Hey, Botan,” Kuwabara said, feeling hopeful. “Did Koenma find out anything?”
“Oh, yes. A fair amount.” She opened the notebook. “First off is the change that is running through you. The few humans who were infected succumbed to the change fairly quickly; mere hours really. Your energy is stronger and therefore you change will take a little longer. Also, the ones before you surrendered to the tiger’s nature and vicious feelings as they changed.”
“If they’re like the ones who bit or scratched them, how do you know they were human?”
“They still remember being human before but made it clear that they’re happy being tigers.”
“Okay. So, I’m going to change more slowly because of my energy.”
“Yes, but it will occur in less than a month, maybe two weeks even.”
“Two weeks? That’s still fast to me.”
“Compared to the few hours the others had, two weeks is still slow,” Kurama spoke up.
“Right,” Botan said. “Now, Koenma also found the abilities and powers tiger demons have.”
“I imagine creating decoys is one power,” Kuwabara said. “That’s what he used to distract me so he could bite me.”
“It is and only a strong tiger can do that. Let me start with the abilities. Naturally, they’re faster, stronger, have sharper senses, and are generally taller than humans. They are able to conceal themselves in the shadows which is why they prefer living in forest and jungle environments in Demon World.”
Kuwabara took that in, impressed with what he would have physically. I could walk outside at night and use the darkness to conceal myself. “And the powers?” he prompted.
“One is casting illusions either on oneself or on other. This one developed because of their ability to conceal themselves in the shadows.”
I like that. I could still go to school. “What else can they do?”
“Well, obviously they can infect humans but that’s by accident. Let’s see…” She flipped a page. “Ah. It says they can control other cats, demon or not. So, that means your cat won’t be scared of you.”
“So, tigers really are king of the jungle?”
“I guess you could say that.” She looked down at the page and closed the book. “Well, that’s it. That’s all Koenma could find.”
Kuwabara felt a little let down. “That’s all?”
“Yes and just as well. You’ll be busy enough adjusting to your body and abilities as it is.”
“Yeah. You’ve got a point.” Kuwabara scratched at his arm as it itched. “Thanks.”
“Not a problem.” Botan smiled as she put the book away and left the house. Her smile faded and her brows knit in worry. She had lied to Kuwabara. She didn’t tell him everything Koenma had found out. The prince had found everything he could about tigers and it hadn’t been easy as tigers were elusive to find and finding demons who fought them was equally difficult as tigers tended to rip their opponents apart. The things she revealed were nothing to worry about; Kuwabara would have discovered them eventually.
The last thing she had written down was a horrifying fact that she felt necessary to conceal from her friend for she felt that if she told him about it, he would surrender to the tiger’s vicious nature immediately: The eating of human flesh couldn’t be fought-at all.
Chapter Four- Developing Hints
Kuwabara’s progress to a demon began to show in hints over the next three days. His nails had become long and claw-like and black stripes appeared on his arms which still itched but more than it did before. These hints looked weird and strange to Kuwabara but it also excited him. He wasn’t afraid of becoming a demon now that he knew that he could do illusions to disguise himself. But first I need my spirit energy to become demon energy so I can use it. He found that Eikichi definitely wasn’t afraid of him; in fact she seemed to revere him and followed him all over the house which she never did before. It amused him to see her follow him as if he was an alpha cat instead of her owner. She senses the tiger I’m becoming. It’s kind of cool that I can control any cat. I can make them do anything I want. However, I don’t know why I would want to do that. I don’t have any reason for it.
He wasn’t the only one who noticed Eikichi’s behavior. His sister did too but she wasn’t amused like he was; instead she found it strange and said so at dinner three days after the talk with Kurama.
Kuwabara shrugged as he put Eikichi’s food down and sat at the table. “I can’t control that yet. The closer I get to being a demon, it’s likely I will be able to control it.”
“You’re right. You can’t control your demon powers right now but later on you will.”
“I sure will.” He rubbed his arms as they itched. He gave a growl of annoyance as he started to scratch. “Oh, man. This is annoying.” He pushed back his sleeves and gasped as did Shizuru. Orange fur had appeared with black stripes across it. Kuwabara gently ran a hand over it and soft fur was felt beneath his fingers. “Wow. It’s soft.” This makes my change even more real to me. He pushed the sleeves down and returned to his meal. He gave Shizuru a reassuring smile and she returned it as dinner passed in silence.
Kuwabara stared at his body in his bedroom mirror as he was getting ready for bed. He seemed a bit more muscular than before and his arms were covered in orange and black fur from shoulder to wrist. He eyed his hair critically. It seemed as if it had lengthened and was changing color to match the fur on his arms. He ran a hand over it and it even felt furry. I’ll have to make sure no one touches my hair. He turned around and looked back to see that his back had stripes now and his legs looked just as muscular as they did before getting bitten. Thank goodness tomorrow’s Friday. I’ll stay home all weekend and just do homework and study.
Kuwabara got through school the next day, but sensed his spirit energy changing to demon energy. This thrilled him as it meant he could use his powers and he had all weekend to practice instead of studying since the material in question wouldn’t be tested until later.
His first test was to try to use illusions. He focused on making himself look like he did before and, after several attempts, he succeeded. He was pleased with himself and learned that his illusions would last until he chose to drop it. He practiced using his power on various items in his room and found that while they looked like another object, they felt like their original appearance. Makes sense. Illusions only mask the appearance of the person or thing. Speaking of appearances, I should be a full demon by next weekend. He felt a shiver of excitement at the thought. I’ll be a good, peaceful demon. I will continue my education and apply for college to be a doctor. Maybe ask Yukina to be my wife or would that be mate? Yeah, wife. I’ll be a demon who will live like a human. He grinned at the thought as he went to sleep.
“Kazuma?” Shizuru gasped as her brother came down, looking completely human.
He smiled. “It’s just an illusion, sis. My energy changed yesterday.”
“Incredible. That’s really good.”
“It is, but you can still feel the difference as illusions only conceal the surface. I may keep my illusion up as it’ll only fade when I choose to drop it.”
“Really? Kazuma, you’re not ashamed of your change, are you?”
“Of course not. I just think it would be more convenient to keep it going then dropping it and putting it on again.”
Shizuru had to admit that he had a point. “You have a point and your energy must be strong if you can maintain the illusion.”
“I think you’re right.” Kuwabara felt proud of himself as he sat down to eat. He looked down to see Eikichi by his chair. He patted his lap, using his influence to get her to jump up. She settled on his lap and purred as his concealed nails scratched her jaw. He smiled at her. You know, I think I will use my control over cats. I can make bad cats act good and good cats act bad. He passed the rest of breakfast, picturing himself in control of every cat in the city.
“Kuwabara?” Yusuke gasped as his friend walked into the Yukimura restaurant the next day, Sunday.
“Yeah, it’s me.” He went to the counter, leaned over, and whispered, “My energy changed Friday. I’m using my illusion power. Cool, huh?”
“Very cool,” Yusuke agreed. “Also very good. If I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t think you were bitten. How long does it last?”
“As long as I want. I plan to keep it going since it would be a pain to drop it and raise it again.”
“Yes, but if you drop it after having it on, you may surprise yourself with how much your actual self has changed,” Keiko said in a whisper.
“You have a point there. Perhaps, I will drop it before sleeping.” He sat at a table after placing an order and thought about his illusion. In truth, he liked looking human and surprising himself actually sounded like fun. I’ll give it another day or two before I drop it.
Hiei raised an eyebrow. “You want me to do what?”
“Keep a close eye on Kuwabara,” Botan repeated. “He’ll be close to finishing his change soon and he’ll likely be fighting his new demon instincts. I think it would be a good idea if you helped him do that.”
Hiei rolled his eyes. “Why would I want to do that?”
“Because, deep down, you’re really a nice guy.”
Hiei shook his head slightly as Botan left. He would keep an eye on Kuwabara, but not for helping him fight his instincts, but to embrace them. Demons, especially animal ones, can’t fight their instincts or nature. Kuwabara is becoming a tiger demon. Tiger demons are vicious demons, every one of them. The oaf will be no different. He will try to remain the same, though his body will not. I will put him on the path he is trying to avoid. Hiei blinked and focused on an object in front of him. It was a small notebook. Curious, he went over, picked it up, and opened it. The first page was covered in Botan’s handwriting and Hiei saw it concerned tiger demons and what they could do.
Interesting. They can use illusions and control cats, demon or not. Once he gains demon energy, he will likely test these powers. In fact, he will probably use the illusion to disguise himself so that he can walk among humans without worrying about exposing whatever demon part he already has. Wait. What’s this? Hiei read the last part of the notes, eyes widening and a smirk appeared.
Yes, this will compel Kuwabara to surrender to his tiger nature. The overwhelming desire for human flesh. It’s likely that Botan did not share this in order to keep Kuwabara from giving in. Hn, if that’s the case, telling Kuwabara that will anger him and he’ll listen to me. I will visit him in a couple of days and reveal what I learned as well as give him the book.
Chapter Five- Manipulation
“Are you okay?” a girl asked Kuwabara in school Tuesday afternoon. The half-human had been ill-tempered and moody, try as he might to not feel that way. He knew his demon nature was surfacing again and he found it hard to suppress it.
“I’m fine,” he said, flashing a smile. “Just didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Oh. Well, maybe you’ll sleep better tonight.”
“I hope so.” The girl left and the smile vanished. His feelings about being around humans had taken a sudden and dramatic turn since last night. He found them weak, pathetic, and most horrifying of all, delicious. He desired to eat them! No! I won’t eat humans! I told myself I would be a tiger demon who doesn’t eat humans. And yet…I feel a strong desire to do it. I should be able to fight it. Maybe if I drop my illusion, I’ll feel better as I haven’t dropped it in days.
So, when he got home, he went upstairs and dropped the illusion. He exhaled and turned when he saw something orange before gasping for he was before his mirror. My change has increased since I last looked. He was incredibly muscular and seemed to have grown two feet taller. His hair was fur and spread about his head like a fur cap. Orange and black covered it except the parts on the sides of his neck: They were white. His face was as white as the one who bit him as were his hands which sported long claws as opposed to just looking claw-like. He looked down to see that, unlike his attacker, his feet were paws that had broken open his shoes and had sharp claws on them as well.
It’s almost done, he thought in awe of what he saw. He smelled a demon approaching and faced the window as Hiei alighted on the sill. He looked Kuwabara up and down before giving a small nod. “Yes, I was right. You look better as a demon.”
“I’m not done yet,” he pointed out.
“True, but it won’t be much longer. It seems it’s only your facial features, ears, and tail that’s left.”
Kuwabara folded his arms. “What do you want, Hiei?”
“Hn, make no mistake, I didn’t choose to come here, at least not at first. I was told to help you resist your demon instincts.”
“That I’d like to see as I’ve been finding them hard to ignore.” He sat on the bed.
“I’m afraid resisting them is impossible. No animal demon can fight them forever. You said they’re hard to ignore. Tell me about that.”
“I feel different about humans. I see them as weak and pathetic. I also feel a desire to eat them.” He gave a small shudder. “I thought if I dropped my illusion, I’d feel differently, but I don’t. I’ve also been moody and ill-tempered today.”
Good, Hiei thought. I just have to keep pushing him in that direction. “For someone who’s almost a demon, it’s a start as far as feelings, but tigers feel a lot more that that as we saw almost two weeks ago.”
“He was mean, vicious, and clever. I appreciate the clever part but not the other two.”
“And why not?” Hiei snapped. “If you ask me, the others are trying to influence you to be the most pathetic tiger that ever lived.”
“They’re helping me become a peaceful demon who doesn’t eat humans.”
“Ah, but they may have an ulterior motive for doing so.”
“Ulterior motive? What other reason would they have besides helping me stay me?”
“They may fear the demon you could be and seek to prevent that by lying to you.”
Kuwabara’s eyes sparked with fury at that and a low cat growl sounded. “They fear me and lie to keep me weak. What right to they have to do that to me?”
“No right at all. You should be allowed to be whom you are and how you want to be. So, who do you want to be?”
“I want to be someone who is strong and who can do anything I want.”
“Then do that. Really, no one is stopping you.”
“But, you said our friends are trying to stop me.” Kuwabara felt confused, not knowing whether Hiei was encouraging him or lying to him like the others.
“Oh, they are and they want me to do the same. I, however, know that’s wrong. One can’t deny his true nature, even one who is changing his race. You said you want to be strong and you know the others don’t want that. You also said you want to be able to do anything you want and I fully understand that.”
“You seem to be the only one who gets me.”
“I was viewed as weak at times in my life and I trained my powers to improve and fought to prove I’m no weakling.”
“Yes…I don’t want to be seen as weak, either.”
“No one wants to be seen that way. I want you to be the best demon you can be.”
“But how can I when everyone else is insisting I stay the way I’ve always been?” The teen sounded confused and angry and that pleased Hiei. He wants to listen to me. His thought process is turning more demon. Good.
“I would ignore what everyone else says and listen to my heart because that has never led me wrong.”
Kuwabara closed his eyes and let out his breath slowly. He focused on his heart and noted that it wasn’t beating. I have a demon heart now. He pushed that aside and focused on what was in his heart now. He sensed a feeling of savagery and a desire to be strong, powerful, and vicious. I want to be like the one who bit me. My friends fear these feelings and want to stop me from following them. I will not let them stop me!
He opened his eyes and focused on Hiei who had waited patiently. “I want to be the tiger demon I should be. My heart tells me to be strong, powerful, and vicious. I will not let anyone stop me from being that way.”
Hiei nodded. “I said that it’s impossible for animal demons to resist their instincts or their nature.”
“You did and you are right. I am almost completely a demon and I’d like to go to Demon World once I’ve finished changing.”
“I would be willing to help you with that as I am ready to head back myself.”
“I just find it hard to believe that Urameshi and Kurama would want to keep me from being a strong demon.”
“Well, maybe this will convince you.”
Kuwabara saw Hiei toss something at him. He caught it and saw it was a notebook: The one Botan had last week with information about his demon type. He looked at Hiei. “How did you get this?”
“When Botan asked me to keep an eye on you two days ago, this fell out and I picked it up. I’ve already read through it and it told me that they want to stop you from being the demon you’re supposed to be.”
Kuwabara opened the book and began to read. It was as Botan had told him, only expanded. There were examples of his powers and senses and he like what he saw. He turned a page and his eyes flicked to what Botan hadn’t told him. He gave another low growl. So, fighting the urge to eat human flesh is a losing battle. She didn’t tell me; most likely because she’s trying to keep me tame. Well, I won’t fight it. Tiger demons eat humans and I am becoming a tiger demon. When I finish changing, I will ask Hiei for passage to Demon World where I will spend the rest of my life and be the vicious demon I should be.
Chapter Six- Change Complete
Hiei smirked as he relaxed in the park that night. His plan had gone perfectly. He had convinced Kuwabara to accept the demon he is supposed to be and that notebook certainly helped. He wants to live in Demon World once he is completely a demon and I will assist him in doing so. It won’t be much longer now. The desire to eat humans will break his resistance if it hasn’t already. I will soon be home and have a vicious tiger demon in tow. I will leave Kuwabara to follow his desires and instincts and perhaps we’ll see each other again over the centuries as Kuwabara will have a longer lifespan as a demon.
Kuwabara growled and resisted the urge to shred the notebook with his claws. I was a fool to think I could fight my new nature and instincts. I will move to Demon World where I belong and while I wait for that time, I will continue to use my illusion and act as if I am fighting to stay a pathetic weakling. He looked at the notebook and elected to keep it. He then put it in a bag as well as other essentials he deemed that he would need for his life in Demon World. He heard his sister call him to dinner and headed out of the room.
Shizuru gasped and started when Kuwabara showed up. “Oh! Kazuma, you dropped the illusion. You’re finally a demon.”
“Not quite yet. The one we fought had tiger ears, a tail, and stripes on the cheeks as well as other facial features.”
“Oh,” she said as they sat. “Well, it can’t be much longer, huh?”
“Yeah; not much longer.” He looked at Shizuru and felt a desire to kill and eat her. He inwardly recoiled. I won’t resist eating humans, but I can’t eat my own sister! He focused on his plate and began to eat, though he didn’t really enjoy it.
“You okay, baby bro?”
“Yeah. I just rather have something else.”
“Meat, raw or uncooked.”
“What!?” Shizuru looked sick.
Kuwabara shrugged. “I’m becoming a tiger, a carnivore. It just feels right to eat meat in that way.”
“Well, I guess I could take that ground beef in the fridge and at least warm it up.”
“Yeah, sounds great.” A pink tongue flicked out across his lips once Shizuru had left. He highly desired meat and also flesh but would settle for meat. The beef he would soon get would be raw and warm. He swallowed his saliva as said meat was presented, still raw and bloody. He ate it happily and in a civilized manner despite his desire to eat it with his bare hands. I won’t eat like a barbarian. I’ll eat like a civilized demon.
“His change is almost done?” Botan asked Hiei.
“That’s right. He was about to surrender to his instincts when I dropped by yesterday and I talked him out of it.”
“Good job. I knew you’d be the one to do it.” Botan flew off and Hiei smirked.
Fool. She knows it’s practically impossible for animal demons to deny their nature and instincts. Kuwabara will be a strong, vicious tiger demon and we will travel to Demon World together.
Kuwabara awoke Thursday morning, applied his illusion, and went to school. He attended his classes and paid attention, but he no longer cared about his education. He was close to being a demon and leaving Human World. The idea of starting a new life was exciting to him and he couldn’t wait to get started on it.
I need to plan it out. I can’t just up and leave immediately. I think I will go to school tomorrow, but not go home. I’ll hang out in the park to wait for my final changes if they haven’t occurred by then. I will find Hiei who I know likes to be in the park and we can leave for Demon World. He felt something brush a cheek and he reached through his illusion to feel a thin thing tickling it. He followed it to the side of his nose and encountered other thin things along the way. I have whiskers, he thought in excitement. I’m getting the facial features.
Kuwabara rushed home after school, eager to see his whiskers. He stood before his mirror, dropped the illusion, and gasped. His change was done! His eyes were gold cat eyes and the pupils were slits giving him an intense cruel look that suited him. His open mouth showed that all his teeth were sharp, his nose was large and black like a tiger’s, and whiskers had sprouted on either side and drew attention to the three horizontal stripes on each cheek. A pair of tiger ears sat atop his head and a long tiger’s tail swished behind him.
I look very impressive. Hmm, I wonder if I can move on all fours in addition to two legs. Kuwabara crouched down and put his hands on the floor before pushing his weight forward. He soon found himself standing on his hands and paws. He bared a sharp-teethed grin. I’d be able to chase down prey in this position and by prey, I mean humans. He rose onto two legs and then went to his closet to find some clothes to fit his eight foot height. He settled on a pair of black pants that ended above the knees, exposing his fur-covered lower legs and a sleeveless deep navy blue shirt, showing off his furry muscled arms.
His nose flared as he caught a scent. He turned to it and saw Hiei at the window. His red eyes moved up and down Kuwabara’s form and he nodded. “You look quite impressive and your clothes add to that.”
“Thanks. I had planned to find you after school tomorrow so we could leave.”
“Don’t look for me. I’ll meet you right here.”
“Works for me.” Hiei nodded again and left as Kuwabara turned back to his mirror to take in his entire full demon form. He was covered from head to paws in orange and black fur with large muscles under the skin and fur. His hands and face were white-fleshed, the former sporting sharp claws and the latter bearing stripes on his cheeks. His eyes were gold and he had the nose, whiskers, and sharp teeth of a tiger. A pair of tiger ears topped his head and the fur under the head fur and around the sides were white.
His lower legs were bent into the shape of a big cat which had brought his heels up and she stood comfortably on paws that had exposed claws. It was his legs’ shape that allowed him to move on two legs or all four limbs. His tail was long, the end touching the ground and the tip flipping side to side.
He closed his eyes to focus on his senses. His nose flared as he took in the smells of the house and from outside his open window. He was amazed at how clear and strong the smells were and how he was able to sort them out. His ears stood erect and they turned in different directions in order to hear around him. The sounds he picked up were also sharp and clear. The breeze coming through the window ruffled his fur and he savored the feeling.
He turned his attention to his energy and found that it was quite strong; stronger than his spirit energy had been. He looked forward to using it for more than illusions. My sire used it to create decoys and while his energy was strong, mine is even stronger. I may be able to create several decoys at once which may scare others as they wouldn’t know where I am. He opened his eyes and they had an unfocused look as he imagined himself terrorizing weaker demons and being feared in certain quarters of Demon World.
I’m feeling mean and want to be vicious. I’m not going to resist these feelings as I am a full demon now and soon I will be on my way to Demon World where I will establish a reputation as a tough and ruthless tiger demon. He growled in satisfaction.
Chapter Seven- Cats
Kuwabara applied a partial illusion before heading to dinner. He concealed only his facial changes and the tail so it only looked as if he had gained the ears today.
Shizuru found the ears cute and couldn’t resist scratching behind them. Kuwabara savored it; so much so that he began to purr. The sound surprised both for a moment before sharing smiles. “I’m making cat sounds,” Kuwabara said, affecting a surprised tone. “I hadn’t done so before.”
“So, you’re getting closer?”
“Yes. But I don’t plan to let it change me on the inside. I still plan to prepare for a good job and study hard for it.”
“Have you decided yet?” she asked as she put a warm, bloody, and slightly cooked steak in front of him.
“I’m thinking about a doctor. Yukina’s healing ability is an inspiration.”
“A doctor.” She nodded as she sat down. “I like that.”
Kuwabara cut into his meal and inwardly smirked at his acting job. He had no intention of going to college and getting a job. He intended to terrorize weaker demons and hunt down any humans who inadvertently wander into Demon World. He recalled Koenma’s words about what kind of tiger he could be and realized that the second possibility was occurring. I’ll be the most vicious tiger who lived and, as a demon, I’ll live longer than a human would.
Shizuru felt a little sick, watching her brother eat so she averted her eyes to her plate. Kazuma’s become impressive as an almost demon. The only things missing are the tail and the facial features. Once he has those, the transition will be done and we’ll see if he has truly overcome the demon instincts and tendencies.
Kuwabara left for school the next day as he had planned. He had written a note for Shizuru last night, asking her not to look for him or send his friends after him. He put the note on the desk where he knew Shizuru would see it. He sat in his classes but barely paid attention. He was anxious for school to end and was tempted to skip out after lunch, but reined it in. I haven’t skipped out before and I won’t do it now; it would look suspicious.
At long last, school ended and Kuwabara left at his usual pace until he had passed the gates. Then, he tapped his demon speed and took off for home. He reached the front door, not at all winded, but faked heavy breathing as he entered. “I’m home,” he panted before taking deep breaths to pretend to recover from a long run that normally winded him. He eagerly went upstairs and into his room to see Hiei on the sill. He tossed his schoolbag on the floor, dropped his illusion, and seized his duffel bag. “I’m ready,” he announced.
Hiei slid into the room. “Then, let’s get going.” He waved a hand that glowed with energy and a portal opened in mid-air. Kuwabara leaped into it and Hiei followed, the entrance closing behind him.
Kuwabara’s ears folded back as a loud crack of thunder sounded. The sound faded and he looked around to see that they were in yet another forest. His nose flared as he tried to smell for other tigers. His eyes adjusted to the semidarkness as he tried to sight other tigers and he tried to sense the energy of other demons in general.
“I sense other demons, but no tigers save for me,” he finally said.
“Hn, this could be your home and your territory,” Hiei commented.
Kuwabara bared his sharp teeth in a grin. “I like that. Of course, I will have to prove myself worthy of this territory.”
“Indeed you do,” came a growling voice. From the darkness to his right came a group of cat demons. Kuwabara saw at least two dozens of them and they were varied: Leopards, lions, jaguars, panthers, cheetahs, and domestic cats. Some were on two legs while others stalked on four limbs. All were shorter than him but he knew that didn’t make them less deadly.
The one who had spoken, a seven and a half foot tall lioness, said, “We own this forest in a castle as a pride with me as the lady. I will not permit an arrogant tiger to barge into our territory and take over.”
Kuwabara growled angrily at the condescending remark and looked forward to providing proof that he was as vicious as tigers could be. I don’t want to kill them, at least not all of them.
The lioness pointed at Kuwabara and one of the four-legged cats, a leopard, charged forward and leaped, claws extended and aiming for his throat. The charge and leap were fast and most demons would be hard-pressed to avoid the attack, but Kuwabara had training from being an unofficial spirit detective and his new demon instincts. Thus, he was able to avoid the charge. The leopard landed and the moment he did, Kuwabara seized the tail, spun him above his head, and hurled him into the crowd of cats, knocking several down. Kuwabara snarled as he launched himself at the pride of cats and was soon a blur of orange, black, claws, and teeth. Hiei could almost not keep track of where Kuwabara was as the tiger unleashed his cruel side.
Soon Kuwabara stood panting with twenty-three injured cats around him and he faced the lioness with his teeth bared and a deep growl in his throat. He flexed his hands, prepared to attack and injure. He felt a euphoria at being quick and vicious in his attacks and wanted more. The lioness stared at her injured comrades and up at the tiger. She had heard that tigers were the most vicious of all cat demons but the ones she had seen and fought made her believe they were just an arrogant, weak breed of cat. Now, she stood before a tiger who had just taken down twenty-three of her best warriors. He had not killed them, but she could tell that he easily could have killed them.
She went to one knee and bowed her head. “Tiger, what is your name?”
“It’s Kazuma Kuwabara,” he replied, his voice having deepened during the fight and it perfectly suited his tall height.
“I am Sharnana. I acknowledge that you are a vicious cat; indeed the most vicious tiger I have ever encountered but merciful in that you did not kill my warriors though you could have.”
“That’s right. I have no qualms about killing anyone. I can still kill them and you as well.”
“That won’t be necessary.” Sharnana rose and looked up. “Most tigers rule a castle or some kind of building as the lord and all within serve him or her. Our home has no tiger demon. We would be honored to have you as our lord. Lord Kazuma.”
Lord, he thought. I could be a lord and I see no reason not to be. “Very well. I will be your lord.”
The injured cats shifted around him into kneeling positions and all murmured, “Lord Kazuma.” He looked down at them and felt pleased at their show of respect.
“Allow me to show you to your home, my lord,” Sharnana said.
“Granted.” He looked to where Hiei was as his new subjects began to head into the darkness. He gestured in a way that suggested that Hiei follow him. He saw the Jagan flare and then Hiei’s voice in his head. “Do you really think I would be welcome in a castle of cat demons?”
“I think so. You have been a good friend and helpful in my transition. I would have you as an advisor and no one will object as I am the lord now.”
Hiei smirked. “An advisor. That is a tempting offer and a better option than endlessly patrolling Demon World. I accept.” Hiei cut the connection as he followed Kuwabara into the darkness and to a new home.
Chapter Eight- Lord Kazuma
Kuwabara wasn’t sure what kind of castle he now owned, but he knew it would be better than living in a cave or out in the forest itself. The trees thinned out and Kuwabara and Hiei found themselves before an enormous and handsome castle. It contained a dry moat with a drawbridge that was currently down and the doorway entrance was guarded by two domestic cats in armor and holding spears. The path between the trees and the bridge was lined with his escorts and Sharnana closest to the bridge. As he and Hiei headed for the bridge, the cats would go to one knee and bow their heads. He saw Sharnana’s eyes dart to Hiei as she knelt and bowed her head. He turned to face the kneeling cats. “In case you do not know, this is my companion, Hiei. I have come to appreciate his advice and have made him my advisor.”
“Master Hiei,” the cats murmured.
He turned back to Sharnana and said, “Lead on.”
“Yes, my lord.” She took the lead, the others following behind Kuwabara and then dispersing once in the castle’s walls and the bridge being raised.
“This is quite the place,” he commented as they crossed the courtyard and entered a corridor.
“Thank you, my lord. There are almost fifty of us, you and Master Hiei making fifty. Twenty-three of them are your warrior army while the others serve as guards, housekeepers, cooks, and servants. May I ask what my role will be?”
Kuwabara’s eyes roved over the lioness’ back, tracing her curves and muscular body. “You are still the lady of my castle. You will rule beside me and guide me as I have never ruled before.”
“I thank you, my lord. I will be a worthy co-ruler.”
“I have no doubt of that.” He grinned at how deep his voice had gotten as he had fought the warriors and he liked it. He also liked that he had a home and was considered a lord because tigers ruled castles or wherever they chose to make their dwelling. The other cat demons fell into line behind a tiger and treated them with reverence. He chose to have Sharnana as his co-ruler as she had been the one in charge until now. As he followed her, they passed the other inhabitants and they would kneel and bow their heads as they passed. Oh, yes. I will love being in charge and treated with respect. Anyone who doesn’t will pay with their lives and I will gladly execute them myself.
Sharnana had taken them through several corridors that had branched off from the main one and was pointing out the rooms of interest, one being a training hall. His ears heard pleadings as they passed a flight of stairs heading down. “What’s down there? A torture chamber?” he asked, a note of relish in his tone.
“Part of it is. It is actually the dungeon, my lord. You see, we come across a human every now and then in our territory and we hold them prisoner and keep them alive. Our intention was to eventually sell them into slavery. I take it that they will be food now?”
“Correct. I eat humans and will be wanting one for dinner soon.”
“As you wish, my lord.” Kuwabara’s eyes glittered upon hearing that. He hadn’t eaten a human yet and looked forward to his first one tonight.
Hiei followed beside Kuwabara silently as he had nothing to say, content to look around and listen to Kuwabara. The tiger was definitely acting the way he should. His voice had deepened from his cruel attack, he accepted being the lord of the castle, he seemed to like being respected, and he just expressed a desire to eat humans. I am his advisor and I think I will write about tiger demons as I will be working for one and will have an understanding of them. I look forward to Kuwabara, or rather Lord Kazuma, becoming more like a demon as time goes on.
Sharnana flung open a set of double doors to reveal a room that seemed to be the throne room and ballroom combined. “This is where we will greet guests and hold grand celebrations. One such celebration will be your installation as lord. It will take place tomorrow night and everyone in the castle will attend.”
“I look forward to that.” Kuwabara strolled down the room and up to the throne before turning and sitting, his tail going through the opening between the back and the seat. Hiei took a spot on the right while Sharnana knelt before him. “Shall I have your dinner prepared, my lord?”
“Yes. See to it.”
“As you wish.”
Once she was gone, Hiei finally spoke. “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“Oh, yes. I had no idea that tigers live like lords.”
“Neither did I. It is something to note for I plan to write a paper on tiger demons as I work alongside you.”
“A paper on my kind. I like the sound of that.”
“I noticed that your voice deepened. It suits your height and your looks.”
“I noticed it too and can only guess it has something to do with my fight earlier.”
“I suspect the same thing. Do you want me to call you by title?”
“No. Perhaps if the moment calls for it. That would be fine.”
“That is acceptable and perhaps you could call me Master Hiei when necessary.”
“I intend to.”
“I may be wrong, but you seemed taken by Sharnana.”
“I may be. She’s strong and her body’s not bad either. She also knows the castle’s layout and the routine that’s already been established. I may keep it or make some changes.”
“You’ve already made one change: The humans in the dungeon. You changed their fate; instead of being slaves, they’re now food.”
“That’s right. I look forward to eating my first human.”
He’s definitely behaving like a tiger demon, Hiei thought. Heh, if Kurama or Yusuke do decide to come looking for him, they’ll be shocked by how much of a demon he’s become. The eating of humans will be an especially nasty surprise.
The smell of cooked food reached both of their noses and a few minutes later, two male panthers entered, one carrying a covered dish and the other carrying a tray bearing a bowl, utensils, glasses, and a pitcher. The panthers went to a table, placed the dishes there, added a chair, and then bowed to Kuwabara and Hiei before leaving.
Curious about the tray, Kuwabara went over to the table with Hiei behind him. Steam issued from the bowl whose contents he determined to be soup that he deduced was for Hiei. He looked in the pitcher and it appeared to be water. He poured a glass, grabbed a set of utensils, and sat before the covered dish. He lifted the lid and his mouth watered at his meal. It was assorted organs, meat, and flesh. He speared some flesh, licked his lips, and put it in his mouth.
His teeth cut effortlessly into the flesh which he found to be tender and delicious. He sampled the organs and meat to find them equally good but the flesh was the best part. He proceeded to devour his dinner with Hiei sipping his soup. He gave Hiei a look at one point that seemed to say, “Don’t worry about me. I have completely embraced my tiger tendencies and instincts. I will live as the lord of this castle and heed to the desires I feel. I will be the most vicious tiger demon this world has ever seen.” Hiei smirked and nodded at him. The two of them would live happily here and be treated with great respect.