Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. This story is an AU of the Chapter Black Saga.
Chapter One- Strong Feelings
Yusuke was in his usual spot on those days when he went to school, namely the roof. He had been feeling a bit flat and smothered since the Dark Tournament ended. He attributed the former to the fact that things seemed peaceful and dull. The second feeling was because of Keiko.
He loved her, no doubt about it, but when it came to school matters, she was constantly on his case. He knew she had his best interests at heart as well as the fact that high scores with their class reflected nicely on her position as class president. The thing was, Yusuke didn’t care about that, no matter how hard Keiko or the teachers tried to make him care.
I wish they’d shove off and leave me the hell alone, he thought as his eyes closed. I can make a living without an education. I could be a boxer, a ramen shop owner, or just be unemployed like Mom. Yusuke drifted off to sleep, unaware that at another school, someone was thinking about him.
Kurama held a book in one hand while eating with the other. He knew his classmates were impressed with how he could multitask like that, but he wasn’t. Back when he was Yoko Kurama, he was capable of making several plans at once and never got them mixed up. However, his eyes were not taking in the words on the pages. He had someone on his mind and loathe to look as if he was daydreaming.
He turned a page, took a bite of apple, and dwelled on Yusuke. The spirit detective had been on his mind constantly since the tournament ended. It intrigued him why he thought of Yusuke so much. He smiled as a reason came to him. It is possible that I am in love with him. We formed a bond of mutual trust when I explained myself and why I wanted to use the Forlorn Hope. It grew to friendship during the Saint Beats case. That friendship, unbeknownst to me, had blossomed into love during the fight with Team Masho. The two of us were the ones to do the majority of the fights for that one.
It was after losing the third match that I felt something for Yusuke that seemed to go beyond friendship. The look of deep concern in his eyes spoke of more than friendship to me. He likely sees me as just a friend as he clearly has deep feelings for Keiko. Still, there is no reason why I cannot talk to him and let him know. I think I will try to do so after school.
Yusuke slumped in his seat as the last lesson of the day droned on. Keiko had interrupted his nap and when he snapped at her, she let fly with two smacks, leaving both cheeks red. They had hurt like hell, but the stinging quickly faded. Now, he turned his head to look out the window and what he saw made him sit up with interest. There was a red-haired boy in a pink uniform standing outside the school gate. Kurama! he thought. What’s he doing here? The bell rang and Yusuke wasted no time in bolting out of the room, down the stairs, and out the front door to head for his friend.
“Hey, Shuichi,” he called since they were in public. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you and ask if we could hang out together.” Kurama smiled slightly and Yusuke felt his spirits lift. He rarely hung out with Kuwabara lately and most people avoided him. “Sure we can hang out,” he said and the bright smile Kurama gave him made him feel warm and happy.
Damn, why do I feel this way about Kurama? Yusuke pondered as the two of them sat in a café, each with a drink in front of him. Yeah, he’s a friend, but sometimes it feels more like he’s a brother I never had. That could be why he came to see me: A brotherly kind of feeling.
“Yusuke, how have things been with you?” Kurama asked as he sipped his tea.
“Boring,” Yusuke answered, taking a swig of coffee. “I have no interest in school and lately, Keiko’s been getting on my nerves.”
“Really? I thought you liked her.”
“I did, but now I feel smothered by her. She’s still a friend, but definitely not a girlfriend.”
Kurama’s heart pounded at hearing that. I could tell him. This is the perfect opportunity. “I see.”
“So, what’s new with you, Kurama?”
Kurama beamed. “Mother’s engaged.”
Yusuke grinned. “Hey, that’s great! Tell her I say congratulations. Know anything about the guy?”
“His name is Kazuya and he is actually Mother’s boss. He is divorced with a son. They plan to marry in the fall and the father and son will move in with us.”
“Think I could get invited to the wedding?” Yusuke asked slyly.
“I’m sure I could convince Mother to invite you. She likes you.” Kurama then leaned forward. “It is not just her that likes you; so do I.”
Yusuke caught the suggestive tone in Kurama’s voice and sat up straighter. “Kurama, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“If you are surmising that I have strong feeling for you, then you are correct.”
Yusuke’s heart pounded at hearing the confession. Curiously, he wasn’t disgusted about Kurama’s words; instead he wondered why Kurama felt this and why. “How long have you felt this way?”
“I believe since our fight with Team Masho after I lost the third match.”
“Not very long then.”
“I might have been imagining it but I thought I saw a look of deep concern in your eyes that spoke of more than friendship.”
Yusuke thought back on that moment. Hindsight being what it is, Yusuke began to consider that he might have cared about Kurama in a way that went beyond friendship. “It might not have been your imagination,” he said slowly. “I think I cared a great deal for you then and particularly when I thought you died in the finals. I can’t say if I love you. I’ll need to think about it.”
“I understand. Take your time to explore your feelings and I will do the same.”
Yusuke nodded as he left the café. Well, that was quite a surprise, he thought as he laid on his bed. He had thought he was having a casual get-together with a friend and instead Kurama admits strong feelings for him. It was a bit disconcerting to hear, but again, it wasn’t off-putting or disgusting. Kurama was a handsome guy. He was also smart, calm, and a strong fighter. I don’t really know Shuichi as that part is really just the body. The qualities I just listed come from his demon life as a thief. His personality complements mine. I rely on impulse and emotion. The two of us could make a good fighting team. His strategy planning and my impulse style would throw off any opponent.
But, love? I don’t know. His traits are attractive and it’s easy to see why girls love him. I don’t need to decide right away. Kurama said to take my time and I trust him to take him at his word.
Kurama gazed out his bedroom window, his thoughts on the talk with Yusuke. The confession hadn’t gone exactly as planned but at least he had gotten to explain when and why he felt this way. He told Yusuke to take his time to determine how he really felt about Kurama and he would think on his feelings for Yusuke. He closed his eyes to focus on them. I believe we are opposites in schoolwork, temperament, and fighting styles but that suits me fine. As the saying goes, opposites attract.
“Indeed they do.”
Kurama sat up at the telepathic voice, eyes still closed. “Yoko?”
“Yusuke is a fine human, quite attractive in looks and personality. You do love him and I believe I do as well.”
Kurama was silent for a moment. “Fox mating season is approaching.”
“It is, but mates don’t have to wait for the season.”
“True, however I will let Yusuke make the next move. It is too soon to call him a boyfriend or a mate.”
Chapter Two- Admittance
Yusuke would have preferred to just skip school and continue to dwell on Kurama, but when his mother told him she was going to call the school to check that he was there, he had no choice but to go. Oh, well. I can still think about Kurama at school. It’s not like I care to learn. This day, the teachers seemed to decide to pick on Yusuke. They were practically forcing him to learn, not giving him a chance to think about the redhead. He was highly irritated by lunchtime and escaped to the roof. He sighed as he closed his eyes and tilted his face to the sun. Ah, much better. Kurama’s face appeared in his mind’s eye and a smile came to his lips.
Who would have thought that I would be thinking of Kurama twenty-four hours from yesterday? I certainly didn’t. You know, Kurama actually has three sides to him: Shuichi, Kurama, and Yoko. Shuichi is your typical human teenager, Kurama is the calm fighter I know so well, and Yoko is the demon who was an expert thief. I have to admit, Kurama is the opposite of what I am while Yoko is a little like me and a little like Kurama. Hmm, I wouldn’t mind dating both of them as both are exciting in their own way. Yusuke nodded to himself. I think I am in love with Kurama and possibly Yoko too.
The spirit detective almost fell off the stairway roof at Keiko’s sharp loud voice. He opened his eyes and glared down at the girl. “What?” he snapped.
“This isn’t naptime!”
“I wasn’t sleeping, I was thinking!”
“Really? Well, that’s a first.”
“Keiko, you’re my friend, but lately you’ve been on my case with school. Frankly, I’ve had enough.”
“I care about your future, Yusuke. Besides, you’re kind of my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” Yusuke jumped down. “Keiko, I’m not interested in being your boyfriend.”
Keiko recoiled and then scowled. “It’s another girl, isn’t it? Botan, maybe?”
“What? Not, it’s not another girl! I just don’t want a girlfriend.” He stormed off the roof, leaving a stunned Keiko behind. In a way, he felt bad about yelling at her, but with the morning he had been having, he needed to let off some frustration somehow. I feel like skipping out early and meeting Kurama at his school which gets out a little earlier than mine which how he showed up at my school. Yeah, I’ll do that: Wait for him.
Kurama jotted down notes during the day’s last lesson. He had thought long and hard about Yusuke at lunch and chatted with Yoko about it, too. It was clear, mating season notwithstanding that Yoko found Yusuke desirable. He too found the boy attractive and wondered when to broach the subject with Yusuke again.
“I do not think you will have long to wait,” Yoko said softly. “Look out the window.”
Kurama slowly turned his head on the pretense of rotating his neck and saw Yusuke outside the gate. Clearly, he skipped out early.
The bell signaled the end of class and Kurama methodically and carefully put his things in his bag. He could sense Yoko impatiently shifting around in his mind, but he would not be rushed. At last, his bag was packed as he picked it up, and left the room.
His schoolmates flowed all around him, but seemed to veer away from one side of the gate. He had a pretty good idea why and he was proven correct as his path cleared and Yusuke was directly ahead of him. Naturally. Most people avoid Yusuke unless they wish to fight him and lose.
“Yusuke,” he said. “I did not expect to see you.”
“I thought I would surprise you,” Yusuke answered. “Plus, I really wanted to talk to you.”
“That is good to hear as I wish to speak to you as well.” The two boys walked away from the school. Kurama wondered what Yusuke wanted to tell him and hoped it was good news. He further hoped it had something to do with his confession yesterday.
Yusuke’s eyes darted around to look for a good place to talk while glancing sideways at Kurama. God, he really is handsome, he thought. At last, Yusuke found a deserted alley that surprisingly, led to another alley that was practically hidden. He led Kurama into it and then turned to face his crush.
“I thought about you last night and at lunch today,” Yusuke said. “We have a couple of things in common such as no siblings and no father. But we’re opposites in other ways. “I’m attracted to those opposites as well as you yourself. Kurama, I love you.”
Kurama smiled as took Yusuke’s hands in his own. “I am happy to hear that. I, too, thought about you last night and at lunch. I had come to the conclusion last night that I do love you and that is not all. It turns out that Yoko also loves you.”
Yusuke blinked and smiled. “Really? I had thought about Yoko at lunch and I believe I love him as well.”
Kurama smiled and then flickered as Yoko took control. He pulled the boy closer and gazed down at him with bright gold eyes. “I am pleased that you love me as well. Kurama failed to mention that mating season for fox demons is approaching. It is partly why I find you desirable but it is a small part. I truly do love you.”
Yusuke smiled up at him. “I had believed that I possibly loved you but now I definitely love you. I’m not sure if I want to be a mate, at least not right now.”
“Do not worry, Yusuke,” Yoho said in a voice tinged with amusement. “The mating season will not occur for a little while. We will have time to truly know one another and you and Kurama will have time together too.” Yoko flickered back to Kurama.
“So,” the redhead said. “You do not wish to be a mate, but would you be interested in being a boyfriend?”
Yusuke nodded with his usual grin. “Definitely. I want to be your boyfriend.”
“And I want to be yours.” Kurama gave a quick kiss on the cheek and Yusuke returned the gesture. “So, why did you leave school early?”
“Everyone was picking on me, making me learn. They should have been satisfied that I showed up. Plus, Keiko was on my case again.”
“That would be a rough day. What was Keiko annoyed about?”
“I took a nap at lunch yesterday. Today, I had my eyes closed to think about you and Yoko and she thought I was sleeping. I told you I was thinking and I was tired of her constantly harassing me. She said she cared about my future and thought I was kind of her boyfriend. I told her I wasn’t interested in being her boyfriend and made it clear that I didn’t want a girlfriend when she thought I was seeing another girl.”
“It is nice that she cares about you, however you can take care of yourself.”
“You got that right.”
“Have you thought of your future, though?”
“I figured I could be a boxer or open a ramen stand or just be unemployed like Mom. What about you?”
“I may work for my future stepfather, like Mother does.”
“Really?” Yusuke raised an eyebrow. “I thought you’d do something with plants.”
“Such as?”
“Like a florist or raising all kinds of plants. You’d be real good at it.”
Kurama smiled. “I have no doubt of that, but I would like to learn something new and separate from my demon power and ability.”
“I guess I can understand that,” Yusuke said as they left the two alleys. It was interesting that Kurama wanted to learn something new but at the same time, he shouldn’t have been surprised. Kurama lived to acquire knowledge and to learn about business certainly qualified. Knowledge is power. Perhaps I should follow his example and learn something new as well. But, what?
Chapter Three- Confiding
The mutual confession had occurred Tuesday afternoon and it had left Yusuke with a warm feeling and a determination to do something new. He pondered that as he sat in school. He projected the air of paying attention, but his mind was awhirl with new possibilities that appealed to him. When lunch came around, he quickly ate and then went to the library to browse the subjects that had come to him this morning as well as any new ideas. He knew his abrupt change in behavior was attracting attention, but he didn’t care. I’ll be researching and slacking off alternatively and eventually everyone will get used to it. His eyes scanned the books and one bore the title “Botany.” Curious, he plucked the book from the shelf and leafed through it.
Oh, it’s about raising plants; the very job I suggested to Kurama. He continued to skim through the book, finding it interesting. He checked it out and hurried back to class. I think I found my new thing to learn; in fact, it might become a hobby.
Yusuke was leaving school at the end of the day, the book tucked under an arm when he heard Keiko call out to him. He turned and gave her a friendly smile. “Hey, Keiko.”
“You feeling all right, Yusuke? I mean, you were in the library and that’s not like you.”
“I’m great. I suddenly wanted to try a new hobby and checked out a book on it.” He nodded at it.
Keiko looked at it. “Botany? You’re interested in plants now?”
“Well, I’ve seen Kurama do amazing things with plants and decided to learn more about them.”
“Oh, that’s it.”
“Yup and who knows? Maybe this is what my job will be.”
“Really? Wow, Yusuke, what got into you? You seem happier; happier than when you’re fighting.”
Yusuke hesitated. His relationship with Kurama had just started and he wasn’t sure he wanted anyone to know. On the other hand, Keiko knew Kurama’s secret life that most humans didn’t know. “I…fell in love yesterday afternoon. That’s what got into me.”
“Love? Then, it is another girl. You lied to me!”
“I didn’t! I’m in love with Kurama.”
Keiko blinked. “Kurama? You’re in love with a guy? A demon?”
“Yeah, I am. He’s had strong feelings for me about halfway through the tournament and admitted it to me on Monday. I thought it over and realized that I do love him.”
“Oh, Yusuke…” Keiko didn’t know what to say. She was glad he was happy, but the idea of him in love with another guy was strange and weird. But, I think he likes anything strange and weird.
“You think it’s weird, don’t you?” Yusuke asked neutrally.
“Yes,” she admitted. “But if it makes you happy, I won’t complain or stand in the way.”
Yusuke smiled again. “It does make me happy and I’m glad you understand.”
“Of course, I’ll understand. We’re still friends.”
Yusuke nodded in agreement as they split up to go home. Keiko took the news well enough. She thinks it’s weird that Kurama and I are in love, but she supports it as she’s happy when her friends are happy. I don’t know if Kurama has anyone to tell, except maybe Hiei.
Kurama studied his notes for an upcoming test; not an easy thing to do when you have a fox demon inside you that kept thinking of Yusuke as said boy would suddenly pop up in his mind while he studied. He sighed. “Yoko, could you maybe focus on something else?”
“I cannot. I desire to spend more time with him.”
“I understand that, but your incessant thoughts of him are distracting me from my studies.”
“My apologies.” Kurama felt Yoko settle down and reasoned that he might have decided to take a nap. He went back to his notes, aware that he had company outside his window. He finished studying, put them away, and went to the window, opening it. “Hello, Hiei. I am surprised to see you and thought you would seek solitude.”
“Hn, I can but that doesn’t mean I have to,” Hiei grunted.
Kurama smiled as he let Hiei in. He knew the fire demon well enough to know that he considered Kurama a friend and Yusuke as well.
“Now who’s thinking of our boyfriend?” Yoko teased.
“I was thinking of him in relation to Hiei.”
“Of course. I was just teasing.”
Kurama turned his attention back to Hiei whose eyes held concern that he usually only reserved for his sister.
“I am fine, Hiei. Yoko and I have recently fallen in love with the same person and Yoko is having trouble thinking of anything else.” Kurama spoke the last part of the sentence with mild irritation.
Hiei smirked. “The mating season is coming. Naturally, Yoko can’t think of anything else. So, who is it and how are you going to share her?”
“It’s a he and it’s Yusuke, so sharing is not a problem.”
Hiei cocked an eyebrow. “Yusuke? Both of you love the detective. Does he know about this?”
“He does and he loves both of us as well. It all came out yesterday.”
Hiei shook his head. “I guess I don’t understand how you can be attracted to one another.”
“We have opposite personalities in some respects, yes. The humans have a saying that opposites attract. It’s more of a scientific notion, but it also applies to friendship and love.”
“So a studious fox and a delinquent could fall in love.”
“Could and have. I believe Yoko and Yusuke see a little of himself in the other.”
“Does your mother know about this?”
“She does not. I should tell her about Yusuke and myself, at the very least.”
“You’ll have to explain him and she’ll insist on meeting him.”
“Actually, I will not have to. I invited him to the hospital a few days after stealing the Artifacts.”
“What?” Hiei asked, stunned.
“I wanted him to understand why I wanted to use the Forlorn Hope. So, Mother and Yusuke have met but now that he’s my boyfriend, she will likely want to see him again.”
“You confided in him the reason you stole that mirror at the time when he was our enemy?”
“I did not see him as an enemy; merely someone doing his job. The fact that I did not fight him may have factored into my being released on good behavior.”
“When do you plan to see him again?”
“I believe this weekend. We can explore our hopes, dreams, and feeling of our relationship. Yusuke and me first and then Yusuke and Yoko.”
“Don’t think Yusuke will be up for talking. He seems like a typical human male.”
“He seems that way but I have a knack for getting others to talk.”
Hiei grunted again as he settled on the window sill and Kurama sat in bed, reading. He kept an eye on Kurama though his reflection in the glass. He never thought of Kurama as gay, but such was clearly the case. He wondered what the three of them would discuss when Kurama proposed their weekend together.
Chapter Four- Weekend Date
“A weekend date? The three of us?”
“That is the idea. You and I will spend time together and then you and Yoko will do the same.”
Yusuke couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “Oh, you two are on. When and where?”
“What do you say where we had our drinks at about eleven?”
“Great. See you then.”
“Until then.” Kurama hung up with a satisfied smile. He had successfully asked Yusuke out. He had had no doubt that his boyfriends would jump at the chance to go out with him. He started thinking of where they would go and what he would say. He sensed Yoko doing the same and great excitement from the silver fox which was surprising as Yoko was usually calm and collected. It could be an early mating flare-up. Such things do happen.
Yusuke punched the air after hanging up. He had a double date! I’ll probably spend Saturday with Kurama and Sunday with Yoko. Yusuke was excited about both but particularly with Yoko as he had spent little time with the fox and wondered what they would do. We can hardly wander around town as a six foot silver fox would attract attention. I’ll just have to wait to find out.
“Two dates?” Keiko repeated the next day, Friday. “You’re going out both days?”
“Uh, kind of.” Yusuke had been so excited, he forgot that he only told Keiko of loving Kurama.
“Kind of? Yusuke, either you are or you aren’t. There’s no middle ground in dating.”
Yusuke exhaled slowly. “Keiko,” he said softly. “I also love Yoko. You know, the fox demon.”
Keiko’s eyes went wide. “You’re dating two guys?”
Yusuke nodded. “That’s how I’m having two dates, one for each one.”
“Yusuke, that’s unbelievable. You’re in love with two guys who are sharing the same body.”
“I don’t know what else to say, Keiko. I love both and will be going on a date with them one at a time, starting with Kurama tomorrow.”
Keiko sighed as she rose, dusted off her skirt, and headed for the rooftop stairs. “Well, enjoy your dates.” Her steps faded and Yusuke pulled out the book on botany. He found the book a fascinating read and planned to copy some of the pages after school. I’d like to put some of this stuff into practice. Maybe Kurama could loan me some rose seeds. I’ll ask on our date.
Yusuke left school later with some copied pages tucked into the book. He looked forward to tomorrow so much he wondered how he was going to be able to sleep tonight. He gave no thought to his schoolmates staring at him. He knew he had been acting strange all week, having not gotten into trouble aside from cutting school early on Tuesday. He had been surprised he hadn’t gotten a detention or a lecture for it. I’m sure as hell not gonna knock it, though.
“Hey, Urameshi!”
Yusuke turned to see Kuwabara with his pals behind him. “Yo, Kuwabara.”
“Hadn’t seen you around town this week.”
“Been busy, but I’ll be making up for that this weekend.”
“Oh, yeah? Arcade?”
“Maybe. Haven’t really decided.”
Kuwabara took in Yusuke’s calm expression and then gave a sly grin. “Got a date with Keiko tomorrow?”
“No, just hanging out with our redheaded friend.”
“Ah. Okay, have fun then.” Kuwabara and his friends left.
“Oh, we sure will,” Yusuke murmured to himself before continuing on home.
The next morning, Kurama awoke, dressed, and left home after telling Shiori that he was going to spend time with his friend, Yusuke. He decided he would wait until after his date to tell Shiori the truth about his relationship; he wanted to see how well it went. He stood outside the café, waiting for his boyfriend. His wait wasn’t long before he saw Yusuke come jogging up to him with a grin that made his heart beat faster. Gosh, he is cute that way, went through his mind as he returned the gesture. He took Yusuke’s hand once he was closer and they headed inside for an early lunch.
“So, anything new with you, Yusuke?”
“Yeah. I confided to Keiko of loving you and Yoko and of the dates. She finds it weird but she just wants me to be happy as she’s happy when her friends are.”
“I too confided to Hiei and he doesn’t understand how we could have gotten together.”
Yusuke shrugged. “That’s his problem. I’m more interested in what we’re going to do today.”
“I am open to any suggestion. I want to truly get to know you.”
“Would the arcade sound good? You’ll definitely get to know me there.”
“That does sound good. You may not believe it, but I have played a few games myself.”
“No kidding?”
“It is true. I like playing Goblin City.”
“You too? I love that game.”
Kurama smiled at that. “Then, what say we head over there and perhaps team up against the Goblin King?”
“You’re on. Oh, by the way,” he said as they left the café and headed for the arcade. “I’ve picked up a new hobby and been reading about it.”
“Oh? What hobby is that?”
“Really?” Kurama sensed Yoko listening with interest but did not question the fox. The two had agreed beforehand that neither one would butt in on the other’s date.
“Yeah. I think of what I’ve seen you do with plants and decided to read up on them as well as do some practical stuff like raise some flowers.”
Kurama heard the slightly suggestive tone in the teen’s voice, gave his hair a little toss, and held out a hand where some seeds sat. “Would a few rose seeds be a good start?”
“A perfect start.” He pocketed the seeds and the pair entered the arcade and headed for the Goblin City game. It transpired that Yusuke and Kurama were a perfect team. Yusuke had remarkable instinct in the fighting and sport games while Kurama had an affinity for the strategy, puzzle, and trivia games. As a result, they won the game on their first try and then chose to play it a second time, racking up another victory. After that, they would challenge one another to a game in the spirit of friendly competition. Yusuke proved difficult to beat in basketball toss and a punching bag game while Kurama would show a knack for the racing car game and trivia game show games. The real competition came in rounds of skee-ball and air hockey. Both had different approaches to the games. While Yusuke tended to rely on power to win, Kurama took a strategic approach. Yusuke’s approach was good for skee-ball, but it wasn’t good for air hockey where Kurama’s strategy was a good fit.
Kurama was surprised to find the day almost over when they left the arcade. He had enjoyed being with Yusuke at the arcade and as they passed near Kurama’s home, he said, “Yoko will meet you in those woods at ten tomorrow.” He pointed to the back of the house.
“Sounds good,” Yusuke said. He gave a kiss good night and headed home.
Chapter Five- Weekend Date, Part Two
“How was your time with Yusuke, Shuichi?” Shiori asked at dinner that night.
“A lot of fun, Mother.”
“That’s good. He seems like a nice young man. He certainly was quiet when I met him almost a year ago.”
A year ago? I’ve known him for almost a year? Well, perhaps our love for one another isn’t as sudden as I thought. He put his fork down and folded his hands on his lap. “Mother, I have something to tell you. Yusuke and I are actually seeing each other. He’s recently become my boyfriend.”
Shiori blinked, caught off guard by her son’s bold admission. In all actuality, she didn’t know Yusuke all that well; their first and only meeting was brief and they didn’t share actual words. Her impression of him was a quiet, respectful young man. She saw the small happy smile on his face. He makes Shuichi happy and that is what every mother wants for her child, however…
“If he makes you happy Shuichi, that’s all right with me, but I will want to meet him.”
“Of course, Mother. Whenever you like.”
Yusuke raced for Kurama’s house, eager for his date with Yoko and wondered what the fox had planned. He approached the woods to see Yoko at the trees’ edge with a couple of large backpacks and a gentle smile. The teen grinned back as he went over and put his arms around Yoko’s waist while Yoko leaned down and gave a deep loving kiss, arms around the neck.
“I have been wanting to do that for days,” Yoko whispered when they parted.
“And I’ve been looking forward to our date since Kurama asked me out. So, what are we doing?”
“Well, as schools are closed tomorrow, I thought we could go camping in Demon World. I heard you say you have developed an interest in botany. I would be happy to introduce you to some demon specimens.”
“Sounds like fun, but you do know that the demons there will want to kill me.” He hoisted a backpack onto his back.
“I expect only the strong but foolish ones will attack.” Yoko took the other bag.
“Good point.” Yusuke honestly hoped to fight some demons during the trip and also wondered what Demon World looked like. I get the feeling that whatever I picture will be wrong.
Yusuke looked up reflexively as he saw lightning flash and thunder boom. No dark clouds in the sky- a red sky. He looked at the barren rocky landscape before him and spying forests in the far distance. This is where Yoko and Hiei came from? It looks so unwelcoming and yet looks like a good place to train and grow strong.
“What do you think of my home world?”
“Seems to suit demons.”
“Correct. There are varied environments here just like in Human World and each type of demon has his or her preferred place to call home.”
“What’s home to you?”
Yoko flashed a fanged smile. “What else? A fox hole, but one suited for a fox demon. Actually, it is in the forest behind us.”
Yusuke turned to see a large lush forest and Yoko heading into it. He hurried after the silver fox, along paths of thick trees, full bushes, and narrow almost invisible paths. He turned a bend in a bush and saw Yoko pushing some branches aside to reveal a hole in the ground. He gestured to it with his head. “After you, Yusuke.” The detective leaped into it and felt himself slide down an earthy slope and came to a stop on his back. He scrambled to his feet, stood to one side of the slope, and looked around, stunned.
He had come out in a lavishly decorated entrance hall. A long plush carpet extended from the slope and down a very long hall to a set of wooden double doors. Vases and other treasures sat on rocky pedestals against the earthy walls and pictures hung on the walls by sturdy roots.
Yoko came down the slope, saw Yusuke’s slack-jawed look, and gently pushed his chin up. “I take it that you like what you see?”
“I expected it to be exactly like fox holes back home, but this is something else!”
“I am pleased to hear that. Let me show you where we will sleep.”
“Yes. You are my boyfriend and in Demon World, lovers sleep together even if they are not mates.”
Yusuke nodded as he followed the fox. It makes sense to keep your beloved close; to make sure no one takes him or her and it tells others that the person has already been taken. And I belong to the most feared thief in Demon World and speaking of him, I wonder how large his bed is…or is it a nest? The double doors were thrown open and Yusuke entered an equally lavish room with an enormous canopy bed that could easily accommodate half a dozen adult demons and have room left over for a group of four to six baby demons. A desk littered with scraps of ancient parchment sat up against the wall near the bed. A door on the other wall several feet from the bed’s foot was open to show a fancy bathroom and everything in both rooms was dusty and dirty. Clearly, this is Yoko’s idea of camping.
“If we’re staying here, then what’s in our bags?” he asked as he set his down.
“Food, mostly, as well as some human essentials, toiletries, and a few items to clean up our home.” Yoko set his bag down and pulled out a duster, a cloth, and furniture polish in addition to bathroom cleaners.
It took several hours to clean the bedroom and bathroom as well as put away the food, essentials, and toiletries. Yoko then led Yusuke back to the surface and to a lush area where an array of plants was laid out before them. “I thought I start with medicinal herbs that can be found on both worlds. This flower here, is Chamomile. It can be used as a sedative for anxiety and relaxation.”
“It also heals wounds, right? I read that it does that.”
“It does indeed. It can also reduce swelling and over here is the plant Echinacea which can also heal wounds.” Yoko used his claws to cut away some of the plant and put it in a sandwich bag. Yoko kept pointing out herbs, occasionally adding cuttings in separate bags. Yusuke impressed Yoko every so often with the knowledge he had gained from the book. This show of information made it clear to Yoko that Yusuke was serious about learning about plants. Perhaps he will be able to use plants the way Kurama and I do in battle. He certainly can adapt techniques to match his style.
“Yoko, I was wondering about that plant you used in the tournament against Karasu.”
“You mean the Ojigi? Yes, that is a dangerous one as you well know. It is extremely dangerous when grown with demon energy. Are you implying that you wish to use this plant yourself?”
Yusuke blinked and smiled. “It’s like you read my mind.”
“It will take time. Most non-fox demons never learn control of an element of nature. However, your spirit energy is quite strong and you grasp new techniques quickly so perhaps it will not take too long.”
“Great.” So far, this camping date was going wonderfully. They had a hidden home for a camping site, Yoko had shown him some herbs for healing, and he agreed to teach Yusuke how to summon plants, especially the Ojigi.
The rustling and his senses alerting him to the presence of demons brought Yusuke to full alertness. He stood to face one direction and Yoko did the same, having been brought to awareness at the exact same time. Gradually, demons appeared from all around them and Yusuke smiled grimly in anticipation of a fight. For several long moments, there was silence and no movement. Then, with several battle cries, the demons all charged. After that, all that was seen were the blasts of spirt energy and rose whip lashes that splattered the ground with blood and body parts.
Chapter Six- The Flower
Yusuke sat at a cozy little table in the kitchen with Yoko the next morning. A simple breakfast full of energy-rich food sat on their respective plates. Yusuke listened raptly as Yoko continued his life story which had begun at dinner last night. He was learning a lot about his beloved fox, Yoko and Kurama both. His almost fifteen years of life seemed meager compared to his boyfriend’s 1,000 years and said as much.
“That may be, but you have seen and done much as spirit detective,” Yoko pointed out. “When you boil down my tales, what is left is just countless thefts in which I escape each time.”
“You’re saying your life was boring.”
“Indeed. In hindsight, it did get boring, eventually. I now would prefer to have a career that isn’t criminal, a loving mate, and maybe even a family one day.”
“Well, you have me. One out of three so far.”
Yoko blinked rapidly. “Are you saying you would like to be my mate now?”
“Yeah, I would. I feel I’ve gotten to know you from your stories and our time together yesterday.”
Yoko smiled as he put his clawed hands on top of Yusuke’s. “Then you, Yusuke Urameshi, are now my mate.” He leaned over the table and captured Yusuke’s lips in another loving kiss.
An hour later, the two mates emerged from their home to look for seeds that Yoko could use in battle or for Yusuke to practice on. The pair separated to cover more ground. Yoko wasn’t worried about Yusuke’s safety; the boy was an able fighter and quite prideful as well. He was not the type to call or ask for help. I have nothing to worry about; he will be fine.
Yusuke dropped some seeds into a bag and labeled it. He recognized it from his library book and was pleased with his memory. Maybe I should join a gardening club when I get home. I might learn a lot more from a club than I would from a book. He tucked away the bag and stood up to survey the area. All was quiet and peaceful; no demons nearby. I guess news of our fight had spread and no one wants to take us on. His eyes raked the ground for more plant seeds to gather as well as a unique flower to present to Yoko as a token of affection. It seemed appropriate to give a plant user a flower as a gift.
Yusuke moved deeper into the forest, gathering more seeds along the way. He had seen different types of flowers but they didn’t seem right to him. His search was starting to wear him down and he was thinking of heading back. I could gather those flowers I saw into a bouquet; that could work. A glimmer caught his eye and he turned toward it.
There, in a small pool of sunlight, was a single flower. He went over to it and crouched to see it better. It was a deep red color, its petals almost resembling a rose’s pattern. It’s pretty, he thought. Perfect for my fox. He carefully removed the flower, roots and all, thinking Yoko may want to re-pot it. He held the flower up as he stood in the sun, admiring it. The sun caught on the petals, sending rainbow lights into his eyes and making them glow briefly. Wait. Something tells me I’m not supposed to give it as a gift. I’m supposed to eat it; all of it. Yusuke licked his lips before bring the flower to it and he began to chew on it. A delicious taste like honey greeted his tongue and he ate the entire plant eagerly. He swallowed and licked his lips again. That was delicious. I had no idea that a flower could taste so-
Yusuke then gasped as a burning sensation spread from his stomach to his entire body. He felt intense burning at the base of his spine, his fingers, and his ears. He gasped again as the burning grew in intensity before abruptly stopping.
He panted from the residue pain before exhaling slowly. Man, what was that? Geez, if I had known eating it would cause burning, I wouldn’t have eaten it. But, it was so good. He headed back toward his home, choosing to not give Yoko a bouquet, deciding the seeds he gathered would be enough of a gift.
Yoko’s head shot up and he stood from the foliage near his home. He smelled a fox demon approaching as well as his mate, both from the same direction. He doubted Yusuke was running from the demon, but he wondered if his mate had been knocked out and was being used as a hostage in order to kill Yoko. If that is the case, then the fox is sadly mistaken. Yoko conjured a rose and held it at his side, ready to transform it instantly.
The scents grew stronger and a black fox appeared. He wasn’t much taller than Yusuke and didn’t appear threatening. Indeed, he had a grin on his face upon seeing him. Still cautious, Yoko said, “Hello. Who are you?”
The fox blinked brown eyes and a look of confusion crossed his face. “Yoko, you okay?” he asked in a very familiar voice.
“Yusuke!?” he gasped, the rose falling to the ground.
“Yeah. Why did you act like you didn’t recognize me?”
He hasn’t realized that he has changed. “Yusuke, did anything happen on your search?”
“I ate a strange flower. It looked almost like a rose and I had a desire to eat it.”
Yoko swallowed hard and he sensed Kurama recoil in shock. “That was a rare flower called Foxes’ Desire. When eaten by a fox, the urge to find a mate becomes overwhelming. If a mated one eats it, his or her love for his or her mate increases and if a non-fox eats it, they become a fox demon.”
Yusuke stared at Yoko, digesting what he had heard. He swallowed. “Wait. You mean I’m a fox, like you?” He looked down to see clawed hands and used them to reach up and feel a pair of soft furry ears. He ran a hand down to find his hair now ended just past his shoulders. He craned his neck to see a black tail behind him. He looked back at Yoko. “How are my eyes?”
“Still brown.”
Yusuke felt his heart beat two times quickly as he looked at his mate before going over, grabbing Yoko’s tunic, and pulled his down into a deep almost hungry kiss. He felt Yoko hum into his mouth, a content sound. He parted and said, “I think my love for both of you just got stronger.”
“That is a side effect of the flower,” Yoko admitted. He smiled down at Yusuke. He found him attractive as a fox. Makes sense as I am a fox, but how does he feel about his change?
Yusuke looked at his claws again. “I guess I can’t go to school anymore, huh?”
“I imagine that would not disappoint you much, however you can go as you can cast an illusion around yourself.”
“Cast an illusion? How would I do that?”
“It is an ability fox demons can do. Watch.” Yoko focused and a female demon that was vastly different from a fox appeared.
“Whoa!” Yusuke gasped.
Yoko reappeared. “Once an illusion is cast, it only requires focus to drop it. Also, food is necessary to replenish your strength after the illusion is dropped.”
Yusuke nodded and then frowned. “My heart’s not beating.”
“Well, as you are a demon now, your heart will not beat in the way a human heart does.”
Yusuke moaned softly and fingered an ear. “Guess I have a lot to learn about being a demon.”
“You do. I must say, though, you look good as a fox demon.”
“Yes. Look in a mirror when you get the chance.”
“I’ll do that. Now, let me show you the seeds I found.”
“And I will show you what I found. Then, we will split them between us and afterwards, we will go home.” Yoko and Yusuke retreated to their home to do just that.
Chapter Seven- Ability Practice
Yusuke stared into the bathroom mirror at the brown-eyed black fox that looked back. Yoko was right: I do look good like this. A shame that no one else will see this form. He checked that he was alone before leaving the bathroom. He delighted in his sharper senses and knew he was going to love being a demon. He knew his boyfriend and mate liked it.
He padded over to his bed and knelt on the mattress to look at the pots sitting on the windowsill next to his bed. There were three of them. One had a rose seed, a second held a chamomile, and the last had lavender. He picked up a watering can and watered the three to the precise amounts Yoko had recommended. There, he thought. Keep following Yoko’s instructions and I’ll have three healthy plants. He gently ran a clawed finger over the moist soil of the rose seed and saw a trickle of energy enter the dirt. He scrambled back as the beginnings of a rose bush appeared.
Whoa! What the hell? He looked at the plant and then at his hand. I saw a little of my energy enter it and now it’s a small bush. He grinned at the bush. It seems I have the same element as Kurama and Yoko. Cool.
“Yoko, I am not too pleased.”
“You refer to where Yusuke and I had our date. I can understand why you are not pleased. We could have stayed in the woods behind the house. I apologize. I was very excited to be with him and wanted to show him where we once lived.”
“Apology accepted. I do like Yusuke’s new look, though.”
“I do as well. I wonder what element of nature he received.”
“It may take a little time before Yusuke discovers it as he will need to focus on his illusion ability.”
“Agreed. He has school tomorrow and so do you.”
Yusuke opened his eyes and saw his human appearance. Perfect and it’ll stay until I choose to drop it. He gathered up his bag and lunch before heading off to school, reflecting on how last Tuesday, he had dwelled on loving Kurama and Yoko and then admitting it later on that afternoon. Now, I’m a demon and officially Yoko’s mate. I think I’ll tell Keiko if she asks how my dates went.
He tilted his head to the sun as he sat on the roof of the stairway to the roof at lunchtime. He had just eaten his lunch and the sun was so warm on his face. Keiko hadn’t talked to him yet but he suspected she would soon enough. His ears heard footsteps below him ten minutes later and opened his eyes before sitting up to face the roof as Keiko came up. She automatically looked up and surprise flickered across her face at seeing him awake. “Hey, Keiko.”
She smiled. “Hi, Yusuke. No nap today?” There was no scolding, just good-natured teasing. It was a refreshing change to Yusuke.
“Nope. Too much energy to sleep.”
“Oh. Actually, I was wondering how your dates went.”
“Great. First, Kurama and I spent all day at the arcade. I never knew that he enjoyed the arcade in almost the same way I do.”
The smile on Yusuke’s face told Keiko that he was very happy dating Kurama. Seems they were meant to be together. “And your date with Yoko?”
“Oh, that was something else. He took me camping in Demon World, a place where demons live. We stayed in his home, he taught me about healing herbs, we gathered seeds, we fought some demons, and…I became a demon.”
Keiko’s eyes widened and she took a step back. “You’re a demon? How?”
“I ate a rare flower called Foxes’ Desire. It’s meant to be eaten by only fox demons. If anyone else eats it, they become fox demons.”
Keiko thought of seeing Yoko in the tournament and added, “You don’t look like a fox.”
“That’s because I’m using the illusion ability all foxes have.” Yusuke dropped it and Keiko gasped.
“Oh, Yusuke. You look cool.”
“Thanks.” Yusuke cast the illusion again. “I can keep the illusion as long as I like.”
“And can you do the things Yoko can?”
“I’m sure I can. I was told every fox has control of an element of nature. I guess the flower discovered my interest in plants and seized on to it. I actually got a rose seed to become a small bush just by putting a little of my energy into it and I didn’t do it on purpose.”
“That is impressive, but Yusuke isn’t there a way to reverse it?”
“Afraid not. I asked Yoko and he said the flower is to insure that foxes find a mate and besides, a flower that rare doesn’t have a counter for it.”
“So, the detective’s a fox now. Hn, I always felt he was one of us.”
“Did you? What made you think that?”
“He does things no human could do. His body seems to endure more punishment than what a human can take.”
Kurama thought back to all of Yusuke’s fights and concluded that Hiei was right. “You are correct. Most humans cannot endure what Yusuke has. It is possible that he had at least a little demon blood in him. It would explain a lot.”
“It would.” Hiei sniffed the air subtly. “Fox, I think your mating scent is growing stronger.”
“I suspected as much. Yusuke became Yoko’s mate before eating the flower.”
“And you?”
“Still my boyfriend. That is enough for me.”
“Has your mother set up a time to meet him?”
“Not yet, but it cannot be much longer as we became a couple a week ago.”
Hiei smirked. “Only a week? It feels a lot longer.”
“True, but we’ve known one another for a year.” Silence reigned as Kurama returned to his studies, though the redhead was having trouble concentrating as his thoughts and Yoko’s were on Yusuke. Lucky for Kurama, he had already looked the material over and allowed his thoughts to wander and chat with Yoko.
“I do wonder when Mother will want to see Yusuke again.”
“I wonder how they will meet. Will it be the typical dinner invite or something different?”
“I think dinner would make Yusuke uncomfortable. I will try to angle for afternoon tea.”
“That could work. I suggest you bring up the subject so that you can control the circumstances.”
“Agreed.” Kurama managed to finally focus on his work.
Yusuke had his ears hidden under a handkerchief that kept his hair back and his tail was tucked into his pants as he tended to his plants. His mother was home and he didn’t feel like using his illusion to hide the fact that he wasn’t human. He gently brushed the small rosebush he had repotted and added some of his energy. Some of the buds burst into bloom and the sweet smell of roses almost filled the air; enough for him to detect it, but not his mother. Yusuke smiled at the smell and images of his boyfriend and mate appeared in his mind.
“So you can control plants, too.”
Yusuke almost jumped at the sudden voice. He turned to see Hiei standing there. “Hiei,” he said before looking over to see his mother asleep.
“I put her to sleep so I could see your demon form.” Hiei pushed the handkerchief off to expose the ears and Yusuke pulled out his tail. Hiei looked him up and down before nodding. “Kurama was right: You look better this way.”
“I think so too and I like being a demon.”
“You should know that Kurama is going to set up the meeting between you and his mother in a way that will be comfortable for you.” Hiei smirked before leaving and Yusuke concealed his ears and tail again.
Chapter Eight- Surprises
“Afternoon tea tomorrow?” Yusuke repeated over the phone.
“Yes. I brought up the subject at dinner last night and set it for tea as I believe dinner would make you uncomfortable.”
“It would. Wow, Hiei was right when he mentioned it yesterday.”
“I did not tell him my intention. He may have read my mind while Yoko and I spoke.”
“He probably did and speaking of Hiei, did he tell you about my power?”
“No. What is it?”
“The same as you and Yoko. I accidentally made the rose seed into a small bush the other day.”
“I see. You may want to practice on controlling how much energy goes into you plants and attacks lest it gets out of control and attracts attention.”
“Yeah. I’ll do that. I’ll see you and your mom tomorrow.”
“Of course. I love you, Yusuke.”
“I love you and Yoko too.” The black fox hung up and smiled in satisfaction. He would have tea with Kurama’s mom and wondered what they would talk about. He didn’t know much about her and figured he could ask about herself. She’ll ask about me and I’ll answer anything except the precise details of my relationship with Kurama. After all, she doesn’t know her son is also a demon.
Shiori whipped her head around and squinted into the shadows and the trees overhead. She could have sworn she was being watched. She had had that feeling a few weeks back; indeed she had thought she had had a fleeting glimpse of something with red eyes. She never told anyone that she had a knack for seeing things that others couldn’t; mostly otherworldly creatures. This knack had gotten stronger as her son grew older and wondered why that was. Is Shuichi in danger and likely to be kidnapped because of me?
“Hello, Mother. I called Yusuke and he is happy to…Mother?” Kurama looked at Shiori’s preoccupied expression as she entered the house. “Mother, are you all right?”
Shiori looked down at her son’s green eyes and felt as if someone else besides Shuichi was looking at her. Has he been…possessed? I need to know and, if so, convince the spirit to leave Shuichi’s body. “I am fine, dear, but we need to talk.”
“All right.” Kurama followed Shiori, concerned about her behavior. Why was she acting so strange?
“Shuichi, dear. I have a secret,” she began as they sat. “I have this knack for seeing strange creatures. Otherworldly ones.”
“You mean like ghosts?”
Shiori smiled slightly. “No, not ghosts. I mean actual flesh and blood creatures. A few weeks back I felt like I was being watched and caught a brief glimpse of a shadow with red eyes.”
Kurama felt his breath catch. That was about the time Roto’s brother was tracking her! She actually glimpsed him?
Shiori leaned forward and stared into his eyes. “Shuichi, I am getting that sense I get when I’m near such creatures when I looked at you today. Tell me: Who has possessed you?”
“She suspects,” Yoko said. “Tell her.”
“It is more of a merger than a possession,” he said at last. “I was a fox demon called Yoko Kurama until fifteen years ago. I had gotten badly injured and came to Earth where I merged with your unborn son. I spent most of my life as your son Shuichi and Kurama who fights to keep you and the world safe from dangerous demons. Recently, my identity as the fox, Yoko, has re-awakened and exists alongside Shuichi and me.”
Shiori leaned back. “So, you’re human and demon? I had…no idea. All this time.”
“This does not change anything between us, does it Mother?”
“Of course not, Shuichi. This is who you’ve been all your life. You have never hurt me and I know you never will. So, does Yusuke know all this?”
“He does and he also loves Yoko and the feeling is mutual. I know that sounds strange but we can make it work and we did this past weekend.”
“Yes. I had my date with him Saturday. Sunday and Monday, Yoko took Yusuke camping in a world where demons reside. Yusuke has a talent for fighting demons like I do, so he can protect himself.
“He came across a flower called Foxes’ Desire while in Demon World. It is meant to be eaten by fox demons and gives unmated ones an urge to find a mate while mated loves feel stronger love for their mate. Non-fox demons who eat it become a fox demon. This is what happened to Yusuke.”
Shiori gasped. “He’s a demon now?”
“Yes. Of course, I still love him as does Yoko. Yusuke is only different in body and abilities, one of which is the illusion ability. He can appear human as long as he likes.”
“Well, I will insist that he not use it in the house.”
Yusuke rang the bell at four the next afternoon, a half dozen roses in one hand. He heard the door unlock and Kurama was on the other side. He let his boyfriend in and once the door closed, the two shared a kiss. “Yusuke, Mother revealed to me that she can sense demons and thought I was possessed so I admitted the truth about myself and you as well. Your illusion will not be necessary in the house.”
“Oh.” Yusuke dropped the illusion and became his fox self again. “Well, this will make it easier,” he said as they entered the living room where the tea would take place.
“It will,” Shiori said, seated on the love seat. She got up and approached with a friendly smile. “It is nice to see you again, Yusuke.”
“Same here, Mrs. Minamino,” he replied, presenting the roses to her which she accepted.
“I would prefer either Shiori or Mom. After all, mated animals and demons are already family, yes?”
“Yes,” Kurama jumped in. “Mother considers Yoko family and since you are his mate, you are family too,” he added to Yusuke.
Yusuke couldn’t help smiling at that. He like the idea of being part of Kurama’s family and told Shiori as much.
“That’s good because you already are,” she said, putting the flowers in a vase and giving Yusuke a hug. “By the way,” she added as they parted. “Those roses seem especially fresh and smell fresh too.”
“That’s because I can control plants and I have a rose bush of my own.”
“I can use plants as well, Mother,” Kurama said. “I believe that gave Yusuke an interest in raising plants before he became a fox.”
“Oh, I see.” The trio settled in the love seat and armchair and Shiori passed out the tea. “Do you plan to have a career with plants?”
“I do,” Yusuke said. “I’m thinking of being a florist.”
“I would rather work for my future stepfather,” Kurama said, inwardly amused at Yusuke’s answer as the fox had thought Kurama could be a florist.
“Oh, my,” Shiori said. “I will need to explain my ability as well as you two.”
“Of course. I suggest breaking it down in parts, Mother. First tell him about your gift and give him time to digest it before adding to it.”
Shiori nodded. “Yes, that makes perfect sense and I had considered doing just that.”
“I hope it goes well,” Yusuke said.
“I’m sure it will,” Shiori said.
Yusuke hummed as Yoko scratched an ear and swished his tail across a leg. The mates were in the woods in the back and both were beginning to feel the start of the coming mating season. Yusuke ran a claw along the edge of a silver ear and Yoko growled softly in pleasure.
“Will the mating season be intense?” Yusuke whispered.
“Oh, yes. It will be very intense and passionate, but I like it that way.”
“I think I will too.”
The two began to kiss lovingly for several minutes before Yoko pulled back. “You and Kurama have school tomorrow and you need rest.”
Yusuke nodded, cast his illusion, and said, “Night, Yoko. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Yoko watched his mate walk off before becoming Kurama and heading inside for bed. He fell asleep with a happy content smile as did his boyfriend.