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Tears of a Mermaid

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. I don’t know the first names of Kuwabara’s parents so I gave them names.

Chapter One- Bought

Kuwabara tipped the meager change he had into the family coin jar, wishing he had more to put in it. His family wasn’t exactly poor, but they did scrimp and save whatever they could. The money in the jar went toward any unexpected household repairs which was why Kuwabara wished he could contribute more to the jar. If only I could get a job, but Mom and Dad say no and school frowns on students having a job unless they receive special permission.

A firm knock sounded at their door and his father, Senma Kuwabara, answered the door. A rather unpleasant-sounding voice said, “Hello. I’m Gonzo Tarukane. May I come in?”

“Uh, yes. Of course.” Senma stepped back and allowed Tarukane in who allowed himself to be led into the living room. Kuwabara couldn’t believe his eyes as Tarukane was the ugliest man he had ever seen. However, he was dressed in a colored expensive tuxedo and wore fancy rings on his fingers; even his shoes were fancy.

Tarukane settled himself in once of their armchairs as if it was a throne as Senma said, “May I get anything for you, Mr. Tarukane? A drink? Something to eat?”

“Just bring the rest of your family. I have a business proposition for you.”

“Yes, sir.” Senma left the room and returned shortly with his wife, Celina, and his daughter, Shizuru. The family sat in the other chairs and Tarukane eyed each one with a greedy look that Kuwabara didn’t like.

Tarukane then bared a smug grin. “Clearly you are not as well off as I am.”

“We manage,” Celina said a bit defensively.

“I could give you money to give you a better life. Perhaps repair or expand your home or new furniture or appliances…provided you are willing to a trade.”

“A trade?” Senma repeated.

“I would pay handsomely and monthly for one of you to live with me as the heir to my fortune.”

“One of us?” Shizuru repeated angrily. “You think you can just buy one of us?”

“I do and you will comply or I will hire assassins to kill you for refusing me.” His eyes roved over the quartet before pointing at Kuwabara. “You, young man. I will have you as my heir.”

The family exchanged resigned looks. They could not refuse Tarukane for he was rich, influential, and could hire assassins to kill them. Kuwabara rose from his seat. “All right. I’ll go with you.”

Tarukane bared that grin again. “Good. Go ahead and pack while I discuss your price with your parents.”

Kuwabara left the room and headed upstairs to put whatever possessions he wanted or needed into two worn suitcases. He heard footsteps before his door opened and Shizuru entered.

“Kazuma, you can’t do this,” she said.

“There’s no choice, Shizuru. I have to go or he’ll kill us.”

“I’d rather die together than be alive and separated.”

“Yeah, but I’d rather that everyone remain alive. I have that ability by going with Tarukane. He chose me and he’s already discussing how much money he’ll give our parents every month.”

“I don’t want you to go, baby bro.”

“I don’t want to go, either but I have to in order to keep everyone safe.”

“You will call, won’t you?”

“Of course. I’ll call tomorrow and tell you all that I saw and found out.”

“Kazuma, Mr. Tarukane is ready to leave,” Senma called.

Kuwabara shut his cases and carried them down the stairs. He shared hugs and kisses with his parents and sister before going outside to where a limo sat. The driver opened the trunk, took Kuwabara’s bags, and put them in the trunk. He then opened the back door and bowed as Kuwabara looked back at his family before getting into the backseat where Tarukane already sat and the door snapped shut behind him. He stared out the window at his family until the limo had pulled away from the house and down the road.

“Kuwabara,” Tarukane said. “Your parents mentioned that you prefer to be called by your surname. That’s fine by me as I prefer a certain distance with people.

“Now,” he said as Kuwabara looked at him. “I am known in town as a jeweler. I appraise, buy, and sell fine quality jewels. Of course, no one knows that I am also a crime lord and I expect you to tell no one, either.

“You will address me as sir when speaking to me, and will attend to the duties I assign you. I will eventually train you to be a jeweler and crime lord and you will take over both careers as well as my estate and fortune when I die.

“Your family will receive a check every month for as long as you are in my employ. Try to betray me and I will kill you and stop paying your family. Got it? You belong to me now.”

“Yes, sir,” Kuwabara said, feeling this would be a good time to speak.

Tarukane nodded in approval. “I will train you to keep good ledgers concerning my spending and profits. Once you are an expert at that, I will share some of the secrets of my success and you will learn how to appraise jewels.”

“Yes, sir.” Kuwabara saw this entire situation as good and bad. He would learn about a career without needing to go to school and his family would have money to improve their living conditions but on the other hand, he would never see them again and he was owned by a crime lord. A crime lord who planned to make him into a crime lord.

There’s no way I’ll grow up to be like him. A career as a jeweler sounds fine and the money I make can go to my family as well as other families that need it. I could help poor people by giving away my money. His eyes stared out the window again while his mind’s eye showed him this pleasing future.

Tarukane gave Kuwabara a sideways glance. His plan had worked out perfectly; to other people his visit to the Kuwabara family seemed random and nonsensical, but it wasn’t.

He knew he wanted an heir to his fortune and that buying a kid from a poor family was the perfect idea. Poor children tended to be polite and they listened to their elders. He had his servants spy on the poor families and bring him the information they had gathered. He had read through the reports and paused at the Kuwabara family and Kazuma in particular. He was almost fifteen, did almost average in school, and tended to fight in public with the result being him winning those fights. With his fighting skills, average intelligence, and respect to his elders, he would make the perfect heir, Tarukane had thought.

The limo drove far out of town and past a forest where a river led out to the sea; the sun sparkling off its surface revealed its location. The forest continued to hug the dirt road as the limo pulled up to a large and grand mansion and the forest framed it on three sides.

Tarukane exited the limo and turned to enjoy the awestruck look on Kuwabara’s face. “Welcome to your new home, Kazuma Kuwabara.”

Chapter Two- Yukina

Kuwabara’s eyes roved up and down the columns of numbers in the book before comparing them to the receipts and deposit slips gathered around him. He checked his figures and nodded in approval. Perfect as usual. Tarukane will be pleased.

Several months had passed since he came to the mansion. He was fifteen now and a bit lonely. Tarukane had forbidden him from contacting his family or leaving the mansion. He had put Kuwabara on a rigorous learning schedule in bookkeeping and jewel appraisal. He attended meetings to observe how his owner conducted his career as a crime lord. He was disgusted with what he heard, though what he heard was spoken in vague terms or in some kind of code words to which only Tarukane and his associates knew.

Kuwabara lived in luxury. He had his own bedroom and private bathroom. He had to dine with his owner and the food was of fine quality and well-prepared. Yet, despite all the luxuries, he was lonely and a little bored.

He looked up and over upon hearing footsteps and saw Tarukane enter. The crime lord leaned over to examine the book for a few minutes before a satisfied grin appeared. “Very good, Kuwabara. Accurate and up to date. You have even managed to make it easier to follow and glance at it as opposed to searching for what I want to see.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“This proves you are ready to learn of my successful secrets one of which is tied to my jewel selling in the black market. Come.” Tarukane headed out of the small office where Kuwabara did his work with the teen following behind him.

The pair moved through the house before descending into what Tarukane called the basement but to Kuwabara it felt more like a massive underground cavern but the walls were metal instead of rock and occasionally inset with doors that had keypads or hand scanners instead of knobs or handles. They came to the end of the basement that had a keypad door. Kuwabara looked over Tarukane’s shoulder to see him punch in a five-digit code: 33951. He committed this number to memory with ease due to his developed bookkeeping skills. The pad beeped and the sealed door hissed open.

The two entered and the motion-sensor lights came on. Kuwabara nearly stopped dead at what he was seeing. There were monsters in cages. Some were in small ones with bars while some were in bigger spaces with bars or sturdy see-through walls. He couldn’t help staring as he followed his owner. They stopped at an enclosure that was huge and in it was a large ugly green monster.

“Say hello to Helen,” said Tarukane. “She was created with black market genetic engineering. She was meant to be used as a weapon but they made her untamable and unable to use her so I bought her as I love owning unusual creatures. We use force-fields to keep her from breaking out of her cell. I hope someday that we will be able to control her. Now come along and I’ll show you something a lot easier on the eyes.”

Kuwabara was led to a large, deep enclosure that was filled mostly with water. There was sand on the bottom with sea grass waving in the water and shells dotting the sand. There was a cave on the right side of the enclosure and a series of flat-topped rocks in the center that jutted out of the water and a large clam sat on the highest rock,

Tarukane pushed an intercom button that was installed in the glass. “Come on out, broad. I have someone for you to meet and I have come to collect.”

Kuwabara heard a soft sigh before the intercom clicked off and out of the cave came a girl with wide red eyes and aqua-colored hair followed by a white and light blue swirled fishtail that was attached to her where the legs should be. He gasped at the sight. A mermaid! Kuwabara thought.

“Yeah. A real knockout, ain’t she? Her name’s Yukina and she’s a real, living mermaid. No human creation. I had her caught when I spotted her sunning herself on the riverbank in the nearby woods. It is said merpeople can produce the most beautiful pearls in the world, as well as rare. Yukina, this is my heir Kazuma Kuwabara. Demonstrate to him how you provide me with those pearls.”

Yukina swam up to the rocks, sat before the clam with her back to them, and began to sing in the sweetest voice Kuwabara had ever heard; her voice was audible through the glass as there was no water to muffle it. The clam opened and Yukina leaned forward, still singing. Her hands reached into the clam and retracted, cupped together as if holding something. She dived down as the clam closed and swam to a drawer in the glass. She gently put what she was holding in the drawer and Tarukane opened it to reveal four shiny and gleaming pearls. Kuwabara stared. Tarukane is right. They are beautiful.

“That’ll do, broad.” Tarukane said as he carefully collected the pearls. He missed Yukina floating in front of Kuwabara and looking at him before putting a hand flat on the glass. Kuwabara lifted a hand and put it on the glass where her hand was. She smiled at him and he returned it before she darted into her cave.

“Sir, she’s lovely,” Kuwabara said as they headed back up the hall.

“Yeah, she is but I care more about the pearls. I had to have her tortured before she told me how they’re created as she refused to tell me at first. As you saw, she sings to a large clam and encourages it to produce the pearls that the black-market dubs Mermaid Pearls. I usually collect two or four pearls per visit. I only come down one or two times a month as the pearls sell for thousands when they are rarely for sale. If I put too many on the market, they’ll sell for less. That’s how you make money. Sell something rare and limited in number and people will pay through the nose to claim it.” He chuckled as the door hissed close behind him as Tarukane pushed it shut.

Kuwabara half-listened to Tarukane boast about how he got rich with his tricks. His thoughts were on Yukina. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and the fact that she was a mermaid only added to her beauty. I…think I’m in love, he thought. I have to see her again. I can’t ask Tarukane if I can see her. He might think I’m trying to take over this part of his business. I’ll have to sneak down here to see her and talk to her. I can do that. I know the code and Tarukane said he only comes down once or twice a month and surely not at night. So, it would be safe to come down at night and get to know Yukina.

Yukina peeked out of the cave and then swam up to the glass to see the humans walk away, her gaze on the young man, Kazuma, Tarukane called him. He was introduced as Tarukane’s heir but she sensed that he was not like her captor at all. Indeed, he seemed more interested in her than the pearls. She had taken the opportunity to silently communicate with him while Tarukane’s back was turned and he was occupied with gently collecting the pearls. She had put her hand on the glass and when Kuwabara responded in like, she gave him a smile which he returned.

She reflected on that moment and recalled seeing a faint blush on the teen’s cheeks. I can tell that he’s friendly and my attention on him must have been flattering to him. She sighed with a small smile. Kazuma Kuwabara. That is a nice and interesting name. I’d like to get to know him. I’m lonely even though the servants bring me food and drink. They don’t talk to me; only Tarukane talks to me and it’s only to summon me for my pearls and then dismisses me once I’m done. I also miss my family.

Yukina’s vision blurred with unshed tears and she blinked them away but not before one tear escaped and became a pearl.

Chapter Three- Night Talk

Kuwabara quietly crept into the basement. It was just past midnight and all was quiet. He had thought of nothing but visiting Yukina since he met her earlier in the day and concluded that he just had to see her again. So, he figured if he waited until everyone was asleep, he’d be able to sneak down to the basement.

He raced down to the door and put in the code. The beep of the pad and hissing of the door sounded loud to him, but no alarm sounded and no security appeared. He stepped in and the lights came on. He walked quickly past the other cages and enclosure and was soon in front of the tank’s intercom, the tank’s lights on low. He pushed the button and said, “Yukina?”

There was silence and no movement for a few minutes before the girl swam out of her cave. Her eyes, bleary at first, lit up at seeing him and she smiled brightly as she went up to the intercom and pushed the button on her side of it. “Kazuma. I was hoping to see you again and get to know you.”

“I could think of nothing but seeing you again. I…I fell for you the moment I saw you.”

Yukina’s eyes went round. “You…love me? I…saw you blush a little but I thought you were flattered by my attention to you.”

“It’s love. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and your singing is the sweetest I’ve ever heard.”

Yukina’s cheeks burned red at his comments. “I thought you were different from Tarukane and I was right.”

“I don’t like being here. I was bought to be his heir. My family isn’t really poor but we did scrimp and save in case of an unexpected household repair comes up. Then, several months ago, Tarukane showed up and offered a generous monthly check in exchange for one of us to be trained to take over his career one day. He picked up and once here, he forbids me to contact my family or leave the house.”

“You haven’t seen or spoken to them in months?” she gasped.

Kuwabara nodded. “I suspect Tarukane might have sent them a letter with the next check they got, saying to not contact me.”

“Do you have a big family?”

“No. I have a mom, a dad, and an older sister. What about your family?”

“A mother and a twin brother who looks quite different from me.”

“Is it true that all merpeople can produce pearls?”

“Yes. Even the mermen do and it’s not really hard or the way I do it. I don’t have to sing to a clam and the clam doesn’t produce the pearls.”

“Yukina, I promise to never tell Tarukane or anyone in this house how you really make your pearls and I never break a promise.”

“I believe you. All right. I make the pearls by crying.”


“Yes. My tears become the pearls. They truly are called Mermaid Pearls. Most merpeople control their tears which accounts for the pearls’ rarity among humans.”

“It’s a good thing Tarukane doesn’t know. He would likely torture you to get you to cry. I wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of you being hurt more than you already have.”

“Yes, he did torture me once. I then fabricated the process I demonstrated and he provided me with the clam. Obviously, my back is turned so he doesn’t see my tears.”

“Yukina, I will find a way to free you and return you home. That river in the forest leads to the sea, I saw it when I was brought here. I might be able to find a rolling tank to transport you from the house and to the river.”

“Oh, Kazuma. That would be wonderful, but won’t you get in trouble for helping me? You said you can’t leave the house.”

“Yes, but I know it would be worth it if you’re free.” He couldn’t bring himself to tell her that Tarukane would kill him and cut off the checks to his family. Yes; dying to free her would be worth it. I do love her, but we can’t be together as I’m human and she’s a mermaid. Yukina then yawned and Kuwabara did the same. Both laughed at this and Yukina said, “We should get some sleep. I’m sure you have work to do in the morning.”

“I do have some duties I have to do after breakfast and then there’s an afternoon meeting I have to attend and observe. I will come down and see you another time.”

“I look forward to that.” She watched Kuwabara walk away before swimming back to her cave and lay down on some of the grass she had pulled out of the enclosure’s sandy bottom so she could make a bed. She hadn’t expected a late night visit, but was glad for it, nonetheless. She had learned a little about Kuwabara: His family and why he was here. She also learned that he never broke a promise once he had made it. That is what prompted me to tell him how my pearls are really made. It’s clear to me that he really loves me and cares about my well-being. I really like him and if he frees me, I could offer to free him as well.

She traced her lips with a finger. She didn’t tell Kuwabara, but if a merperson kissed a human when both were in the water, the human would also become a merperson. The only thing is that such a change was irreversible and she wasn’t sure Kuwabara would accept her offer even though it would get him out of his current situation. I won’t force it on him, despite how I feel about him and the fact that we could be together as merpeople. Yukina’s eyes slid shut and she drifted back to sleep, dreaming of swimming in the wide open sea with Kuwabara as a merman.

Kuwabara headed quietly back upstairs, his mind on the conversation he had with Yukina. She hadn’t said how she ended up in that tank so he guessed that she had indeed been sunning herself on the riverbank.

I told her how I never break a promise and she then revealed the real way the pearls are made. It is not as impressive as the act she puts on for Tarukane but the pearls’ name fit more this way.

I got to tell her that I love her and she accepted it. She hadn’t said she loves me, but she did blush when I told her what I think of her. Perhaps my actions in freeing her will cause her to love me.

Kuwabara nodded to himself as he entered his bedroom and got back into bed. I’ll need to locate a tank with wheels and has enough room for water and Yukina as well as able to wheel it through doors. Luckily, the basement is a ramp instead of stairs.

The next part would be to do the plan when Tarukane’s not home, of course. I’ll move Yukina through a side door that’s not well-guarded and leads into the forest. Once we reach the river, Yukina can either leap out of the tank and into the river or I could assist her into the river. Once she’s free, I’ll go on the run to avoid being killed. I know that I’ll end up dead but maybe I’ll find a way to survive.

Kuwabara kept running the plan through his head. It would take time to find the right tank, plan the perfect escape route, and learn when Tarukane will be away. He sighed as he closed his eyes, and a thought occurred to him: His love for Yukina.

I shouldn’t have told her that. I plan to set her free and we’ll likely never see each other again as she’ll live under the sea and I will be avoiding Tarukane’s attempts to find and kill me.

Chapter Four- A Threat and a Promise

Kuwabara put the eyepiece to his eye and focused it on one of Yukina’s pearls that Tarukane held nestled in soft velvet. Tarukane, also wearing an eyepiece, said, “It’s important to make sure there are no cracks, imperfections, chips, or fingerprints in the jewels. Of course, once we determined that the first three don’t exist, we pull on some gloves, polish the jewel to remove the prints and then return it to the case to protect it.” Tarukane turned the pearl and Kuwabara saw only prints. I get the feeling that the pearls don’t suffer any damage when they form.

Tarukane, as he turned the pearl again, said, “Oh, that broad treats these gems with care when she takes them from that clam. Perfect, just perfect.” He set the cloth down, swapped pearls, pulled on gloves, took the first pearl in a cloth, and began to polish it. “Check that pearl for any damage.”

“Yes, sir.” He lifted the velvet and examined the pearl. His fingers gently ran over the surface to feel for any damage, but all felt smooth. He turned the pearl but he wasn’t really looking at it; his thoughts were on freeing Yukina. He knew asking Tarukane to let her go was pointless. Her pearls provided him with thousands of dollars for each one and he wasn’t going to let go of such a gold mine.

Yeah. Tarukane cares more about money than someone’s freedom. Money is all he cares about. He said as much yesterday.

Tarukane examined the pearl before putting it in the box. His polishing was exceptional as usual. He looked at Kuwabara to see that his heir did not seem to be really looking at the pearl. Now, Tarukane was not a stupid man despite his obsession with money. He knew Kuwabara found Yukina lovely; the boy had said as much the day before. He needs to focus on his duties instead of that mermaid and I think I know how.

He tapped Kuwabara’s knee to get his attention. “I wouldn’t spend my time thinking about that broad. Mermaids can be sneaky, devious creatures. She’ll take advantage of your kindness and exploit it to get you to free her. She’ll escape and leave you to suffer most unpleasantly for it. She could plant some kind of longing for her that becomes so overwhelming that you’ll kill yourself to escape that terrible feeling.”

Kuwabara highly doubted that Yukina would do that. He sensed that what he saw and heard last night was the real Yukina. She sincerely cared about his well-being. She wanted to be free, but not if it meant that Kuwabara would get in trouble for it. Of course, she doesn’t know that I’ll be killed if I help her escape as leaving the house is not allowed and that’s what I would be doing in setting her free. She also trusts me to not reveal the truth about her pearls.

“Hey! Are you listening to me!?” Tarukane shouted. “Don’t get taken in by her innocent act! Mermaids are not to be trusted! Understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Kuwabara replied, even though he disagreed. “You’re right.”

“Good. Now, let’s get back to work. I have some emeralds we need to look at too.” Tarukane watched Kuwabara carefully and saw that he was focused on appraising the jewels, but Yukina was probably still on his mind. Seems he’s fallen hard for her. I can’t say if she feels the same for him. It’s possible she sees Kuwabara as someone to talk to as well as someone who could help her escape. Speaking of which, I think I will speak it her to see what she thinks of him and then warn her that if she convinces him to free her, he will die. Heh, she’ll forget about escaping if I tell her that.

Yukina was eating her lunch when the hall lights came on. She froze, unsure of what to do: Continue with lunch or go into her cave? Before she could decide, Tarukane’s voice called out, “Stay where you are, broad. I want a word.”

Yukina obeyed, curious as her captor never came down to just talk. She left her lunch on the tray as she faced the glass wall. Tarukane had a neutral expression as he regarded Yukina. “So,” he finally said. “You’ve made quite the impression on Kuwabara. He seems to be thinking about you a lot; for a brief encounter, that is quite the accomplishment. It’s also possible he could be in love with you.”

“Oh?” she asked, pretending this was news to her.

“Yeah, but I convinced him that such a thing is foolish. After all, he’s a human and you’re a mermaid. Romance between you two is pointless, not to mention worthless. Listen, he is to follow in my footsteps to be a jeweler and crime lord and you are to provide me with pearls for the rest of your life. Don’t try to convince him to set you free, if that is what you were hoping. If you do, I will kill him.” He grinned when she paled and gave a small gasp. “Yes. You wouldn’t like that, would you? So, give up any hope of leaving here.” He laughed as he walked away, leaving a stunned Yukina behind.

Yukina slipped under the water, too sick to eat anything. Tarukane suspects Kazuma of loving me which tells me that he’s unaware of our talk last night. I had hoped that Kazuma would help me get home, but now I can’t have him do that. He’ll be killed if he tries. She swam into her cave and freely cried, her hope of freedom now permanently gone and despair washed over her.

Kuwabara crept down to the basement that night. The smug look on Tarukane’s face alarmed him but he didn’t let it show. He wondered about that look and suspected Tarukane may have spoken to Yukina. He put in the code, the door opened, and he raced down to the tank, pushing the intercom button once there. “Yukina? Hello?”

The mermaid appeared and swam to the intercom. “Kazuma, you shouldn’t have come here. You’ll get into terrible trouble.”

“I’m allowed to come down to talk. I just can’t leave the house or contact my family.”

“And yet you come down at night to see me. That tells me that Tarukane wouldn’t approve of this.”

“He probably wouldn’t. Look, I came down because I thought that he may have talked to you earlier.”

“He did. He doesn’t know that we spoke last night and believes that you fell for me the first time we met.”

“Well, he’s right about the love at first sight thing.”

“He made it clear that you are to follow in his footsteps and that I am to provide pearls for the rest of my life.”

“Being an honest jeweler would be a nice career but you won’t be here for the rest of your life. You will see your family again. What are their names, by the way?”

“Oh, uh, Mother’s name is Hina and my brother’s is Hiei. But, Kazuma, you can’t free me. Tarukane said he’d kill you if you did. Please don’t try. I don’t want to be responsible for your death.”

“So, that’s what he told you. No wonder he looked so smug. Yukina, the day he bought me, he said that if I tried to betray him by contacting my family or leaving the house, he would kill me and cut off the money to my family. Until I met you, I had no good reason to disobey him. But now I do. No one should be held prisoner by another and forced to do their bidding. I promise that you will be free or I’ll die trying.”

“Please, don’t promise that,” she pleaded. “I…I love you.”

Kuwabara softly smiled. “I’m glad to hear that and I can die happy, knowing you love me.”

“Kazuma, wait here.” She darted into the cave, came out, and swam to the drawer where she deposited several pearls. “I shed these earlier after Tarukane’s visit. I want you to have them.”

“Thank you,” he said as he gathered them and left. And Tarukane’s away tomorrow. He told me so at dinner. Tomorrow’s the day when the escape plan goes into motion.

Chapter Five- Escape in Motion

“Hey, Sakashita!” Kuwabara called out the next morning.

“Yes, young sir?” Tarukane’s top servant said with a bow.

“You’re in charge of feeding Yukina and the others, right?”

“I’m in charge of who brings the food, yes.”

“I’d like to know how that’s done and especially with Yukina.”

“Of course, young sir but might I inquire as to why?”

“If I’m to take over for my mentor, I should know how different parts of this household are run.”

“Yes, sir. As it so happens, I am about to deliver her breakfast as most of the servants have the day off and most of the guards are either off or with our boss. If you will follow me.” Sakashita went to the kitchen with Kuwabara whose mind was racing. Most of the servants and guards are off or with Tarukane. This is perfect. Once I know how Yukina’s meals ware delivered, I’ll offer to bring her lunch and instead bring the rolling tank and wheel her out of here. I’ve spent months in this house and I’m familiar with the side entrances and exits. I’ll wheel her out toward the forest and along the river until we reach the sea. She’s going home today!

Sakashita gathered up the tray and headed for the basement with Kuwabara behind him. He took a right to the last door before the sealed door Kuwabara uses. He punched in a code the teen memorized as the pad beeped and the door opened, sans any hissing.

They entered and to the right was a solid wall while the left revealed the back of two enclosures: Helen’s and Yukina’s. Sakashita went down to the furthest one, boarded an automated lift that stopped at a large panel, and slid it aside to deposit the tray, and slid it closed. He descended the lift and walked away with Kuwabara saying, “That is how it’s done. Very simple, really.”

“It is. So, could I bring her lunch?”

“If you wish. Personally, I have other duties I would rather do than feed the boss’ pets and slaves, you not included.”

“Of course. Then, I will bring Yukina’s lunch to her.” Kuwabara was elated. The tank would fit into that back room, but not the lift. That wasn’t a problem; he could hold Yukina on the way down. Her tray slot is big enough for her to slide through. Once back upstairs, Kuwabara set about filling the tank that he had placed on the first floor in an obscure bathroom. The filling of it took most of the morning and when he was done, he donned the clothes he had worn the day he left home and stashed a pouch with the pearls in the inside pocket of his jacket. Now I wait for lunchtime.

Yukina sat in her cave, having already eaten breakfast. She had gotten a look of who had brought the tray and she had pressed her ear to the wall and heard Kuwabara’s voice in addition to the one who fed her. Why was Kazuma watching how I get food? There’s no reason for it…unless he’s going to rescue me!

Her heart pounded at the thought; after over a year of captivity, was she really going to be free? She hardly dared for it but she hoped now. I also hope that Kazuma doesn’t get caught and killed.

Kuwabara put the tray on the bathroom counter and wheeled the tank out of the room. The tank had wheels on the bottom and a push handle affixed to one side of the tank. He carefully moved the tank down the basement ramp and up to the door to the back. He entered the code, opened the door, and wheeled the tank down to Yukina’s tank. He boarded the lift and slid back the slot. “Yukina!” he called. “Yukina!”

The mermaid’s head appeared and moved to the rocks where she pulled herself up. “Hi, Kazuma.”

He stuck an arm in and said, “Come on. I’m taking you home. Tarukane is not home and there’s very few guards and servants around.”

She took his hand and he helped pull her out and he held her in his arms as the lift descended. He threw her into the tank as the lift drew level with it. Yukina floated in the tank, her fins twitching rapidly with excitement at an escape plan she had only dreamed of. She kept quiet as she was wheeled up the hall, through a door, and up the basement ramp.

She looked around as Kuwabara slowly and carefully moved her through the house. She hadn’t seen much of the house as she had been rushed into a tank like this one before being moved to the enclosure that had been her home and prison. She was in awe at the lavish surroundings and expensive items behind gleaming cases. Tarukane was indeed rich but his desire for more was appalling. He caught her for her pearls though he did not know how she truly produced them. And he’ll never know.

Kuwabara eased the tank through the house, heading for a side door that faced the forest where the river was located. Thanks to the lack of servants and guards, he met up with no one to impede him in his movements. He was soon opening the door in question and easing both of them outside.

The smell of fresh air wafted up Kuwabara’s nose and he looked around as he pushed the tank into the forest. It was a lush, beautiful place; more so than the house he had been forbidden to leave. Just being outside is enough to be killed, but in order to free Yukina, I had to come outside.

“Kazuma,” Yukina said when she surfaced at the tank’s edge. “What will you do if I successfully escape?”

“I’ll go on the run. I have your pearls that I can sell if I need money. I’ll keep running until I disappear completely or I’m caught.”

“I’ll pray that you’re never caught.”

“Speaking of which, how long were you held prisoner?”

“A little over a year. I was sunning myself on a bank of this river. I had heard a noise and looked to see Tarukane leering at me. I had slipped back into the water and then a net fell over me. I felt an electric shock and lost consciousness. When I came to, I was in a tank like this one. I think a week or so later I was moved to the enclosure where I lived ever since.

“Kazuma, I told my family’s names, but you didn’t tell me yours.”

“You’re right. Well, my father’s name is Senma, my mom’s is Celina, and my sister’s is Shizuru. The house is within walking distance of a pier that overlooks the sea. There’s a full dock of ships further down the shore.”

“Perhaps, I could contact them and let them know that you escaped and are on the run. I could provide them with a pearl to sell and give more if they need it.”

“I would appreciate that. My family are the only ones who go to that pier. I just know they would like you and not tell anyone about you. My family is big on honor and keeping promises.”

Yukina nodded as the tank was moved alongside the river. Kuwabara had provided her with information about his family and she intended to use it. I will be able to tell them that Kazuma is free. It’s the least I can do.

Chapter Six- The Kiss

A breeze sprang up and Yukina breathed deeply for she smelled sea salt on the air. The point where river and sea met was just up ahead. “We’re almost there,” she said with excitement.

“Yeah, you’ll soon be home,” Kuwabara said before a burst of light dazzled his eyes. He shaded his eyes and saw a wide, open expanse of water, the sunlight shining off the surface.

“Home,” Yukina breathed.

Kuwabara pushed the tank to the joint point and held out his arms so Yukina could pull herself out and into his arms. He marveled at how soft Yukina’s skin and tail were; he hadn’t really noticed before as he had been more concerned with getting her into the tank and out of the house. He held her close as he carried her to the edge.

“Hold it right there, traitor,” came Tarukane’s voice and Kuwabara froze before turning around to see the crime lord and a few security men. “Kuwabara, I’m willing to forgive your lapse in judgement if you return Yukina to her enclosure.” He pointed in the direction of the house.

Kuwabara glared at Tarukane. “No one deserves to be imprisoned. It’s wrong. I promised Yukina I get her home and I intend to fulfill it.” He quickly spun around, got to the joint point, and said, “Welcome home.” He threw Yukina into the air and she neatly dived into the water below.

“No!” Tarukane screamed as Kuwabara turned and saw security charging him. His fighting skills came to the forefront and, despite not fighting for months, his punches were still strong and hard. He knocked people down, a bit surprised they didn’t have guns. One would think Tarukane would want me immediately killed instead of giving me a chance to… Kuwabara’s thoughts came to a stop when a guard scored a hit to the back of the head, rendering Kuwabara unconscious.

Yukina swam forward a little before circling around and surfacing behind a rock. She peered around it to see Kuwabara fighting the security men with a skill she had never seen before. He would throw a single punch and the man would fall. She watched the display spellbound while hoping he could fight his way out and escape. She saw a man come up behind Kuwabara and before she could shout a warning, he drove a blow to the back of Kuwabara’s head and knocked him unconscious.

Tarukane stood over Kuwabara with a scowl. “I suspected that you had fallen for that broad and would want to free her so I pretended to be on a trip to see if you would do it. I didn’t really expect you to take Yukina back to the house. Well, you left the house which you were not allowed to do. Since you disobeyed me, your life is over. Men, push him into the water. He can join his mermaid friend while he drowns!” Tarukane laughed as the unconscious teen was dumped into the water.

Yukina gasped softly and once the men were gone, she dived down and swam to where Kuwabara was floating down through the water. She went up to him and supported him, her mind racing. Kuwabara was unconscious and underwater, the latter a real concern. I can save him, but would he want it? I could carry him to the surface but if Tarukane sees him alive, he’ll make sure he dies. However, if I kiss him, he’ll live and Tarukane will never know. With that, Yukina kissed him.

Yukina pulled back and watched Kuwabara’s legs draw together and rip out of the middle of his pants as a white and sapphire blue swirled tail. She swam back up to him and guided him down to a bed of soft seagrass before she set out in removing his clothes. She ripped off the pants and slipped his jacked and shirt off. She felt a lump inside the jacket and pulled out a pouch that held the pearls she gave him and recalled that he had planned to sell them for the money he would need to live while on the run. Perhaps we can give them to his family, instead. A groan drew her attention to the new merman.

Kuwabara groaned as he came to and felt pain on the back of his head. Attacking from behind. Not honorable. Wait. Why am I still alive? I disobeyed Tarukane so I should be dead.


He slowly blinked open his eyes and focused on Yukina who looked concerned and relieved. “Yukina? I thought I was going to die.”

“Tarukane had his men push you into the sea.”

“So, you saved me. But, if he sees me, he will kill me.”

“He doesn’t have to know you’re alive.” Yukina then saw Kuwabara look around at their surroundings with confusion and alarm.

“Wait. I’m underwater and I’m breathing. How is that…?” He then looked down and gaped at his tail. “What the-? I’m a merman!?”

“I didn’t tell you but if a merperson kisses a human when both are in the water, the human become a merperson. I…didn’t want you to drown and Tarukane already thinks you’re dead which he wouldn’t if I brought you to the surface and he sees you. Are you angry with me?”

Kuwabara looked at his tail and managed to flick the fins before looking at Yukina with a gentle expression. “I’m not angry. You did the only thing that would keep me alive. I’m guessing I can’t be human again, right?”

Yukina nodded. “Yes, you can’t go back.”

Kuwabara stared up at the surface, thinking. Tarukane will call his parents to say he was dead, if he hadn’t already. The idea of his family mourning his death brought tears to his eyes before a tear fell from each eye, slid down his cheeks, and off his face where they became pearls.

“Careful, Kazuma,” Yukina warned as she gathered them.

“Huh?” he said.

“You’re a merman now. Your tears change into pearls just like mine do.” She held out her hand to reveal two Mermaid Pearls.

Kuwabara stared at them. “Oh, man. I forgot. I was thinking of how my family would feel when Tarukane tells them I’m dead.” He accepted the pearls and looked at them before adding, “I’ll have to learn to control my tears.”

“I sense that you don’t really cry very much.”

“Yeah, I don’t.” Kuwabara put the pearls in the pouch that lay nearby before he pushed himself up so that he was floating. He gave his tail a flick and he rose up through the water. He tilted his body forward, flicked the tail, and did a few in-place somersaults. He brought himself to a stop and swayed a little. “Whoa,” he said, making Yukina giggle.

“Try this,” she said. She leaned forward which brought her tail to a horizontal position. She gave it a kick and she moved forward toward the open waters. She turned and gestured with her hand. “Come on.”

Kuwabara mimicked her movements and he swam toward her, a smile appearing at his forward motion. “Good,” she said before taking his hand. “My home and the town are this way.” She tilted her head in the general direction.

“It is? My family’s town is in the same general direction.”

“Really?” Yukina smiled. “We could visit the pier every now and then.”

“Sounds good to me. Are there any empty houses in town?” he asked as they swam off.

“Yes, but you don’t need to worry about that. You’ll stay with my family. We love each other, after all. I just know they’ll love you.”

“I would like to meet them,” Kuwabara said, smiling. He was free of Tarukane, was with the one he loved, and would meet her family.

Chapter Seven- Second Family

Kuwabara stared at the town nearby while Yukina dug around in the sand. “This is more like a small city,” he said.

“I suppose you’re right,” she admitted. She rose from the floor with a few sand dollars in her hand. “Our kind use seashells and sand dollars as money. I thought we could get a snack and a drink before heading home.”

“I am a little hungry,” admitted Kuwabara. “Both of us didn’t eat lunch.” His stomach gurgled at this.

“True,” Yukina said before her stomach growled. They looked at each other and laughed before she said, “I know a snack stand I love going to and I hope you like it.”

“Lead the way,” he said, curious to see what merpeople ate and drank. He followed Yukina while looking around. There were houses and stores as well as some stalls. The merpeople all had tails that were swirled with white being the uniform color. All around him was a rainbow of secondary colors and in varying shades as well; Yukina and his own tail were an example of the latter.

Yukina’s presence did not go unnoticed as she had been missing for over a year. Others called out to her in joy and some asked where she had been. She answered their questions and they expressed horror and sympathy at her difficulties and gratitude to Kuwabara for freeing her while risking his life to do so. They also hoped he came to like living in the sea.

“Everyone is so friendly,” he commented as they floated at a table with drinks and food.

“We are generally a relaxed, friendly race,” Yukina said. “But we can get angry, sad, and vengeful to name a few. We’re like humans just with tails instead of legs.”

Kuwabara took a bite of his food and while it tasted a little strange, he found he liked it. He looked around again and liked how everything was and he felt at home here. Only less than a day and I already feel comfortable being a merman.

“Yukina!” a deep voice cried out before a merman with spiky black hair and a white and red swirled tail rushed forward and took Yukina in a hug, tears falling and becoming pearls.

“Hiei!” Yukina exclaimed in joy as she hugged back. “I missed you and Mother so much.”

“I had heard from some passing mermaids that you had returned and I knew you would come to this place since it’s your favorite.” Hiei separated from Yukina and turned to regard Kuwabara. “So, you’re the one who brought her home and was human. But why are you a merman now?”

“Perhaps we could explain it at home?” Yukina suggested. “I’d like to see Mother and introduce her to Kazuma.”

“Yes. Mother would love to see you again.” Hiei swam off with Yukina and Kuwabara following him. He led them to a house that looked like the others save for the flower beds on either side of the front door. They went in and Hiei called, “Mother, Yukina is here. She’s back.”

An older mermaid swam in and stopped as she stared at her daughter before coming forward and hugging her. “My baby girl,” she said in a choked voice. “I thought you were dead for the last few months and now you’re here alive and well.”

Kuwabara silently watched the touching scene and struck by how similar Yukina and her mother looked alike, save for Yukina’s eyes.

Hina then looked past Yukina and at him. Yukina also looked back and then swam over to him. “Mother, this is Kazuma Kuwabara. He risked his life to bring me home. Kazuma, this is my mother, Hina.”

Kuwabara came forward with his hand out to shake but instead Hina hugged him. “Thank you for bringing her back,” she said softly.

“It was the right thing to do,” he said.

“How did you meet?” Hina asked as they settled in chairs around a table.

“A man named Tarukane wanted an heir to his fortune and bought me from my family and paying them once a month. He forbade me to contact them or to leave the house. He made it clear that if I disobeyed, he would kill me and stop paying my family. It’s not that we’re really poor, we just try to save for unexpected repairs or emergencies.

“Several months later, he took me to a secret part of his basement to show off a monster he had bought as well as Yukina. He believed the pearls Yukina made came from singing to a giant clam. Yukina and I silently made contact at that point and then I came down to see her that night. I…admitted falling for her the moment I first saw her.”

“I ended up falling for him too about a day later,” Yukina jumped in. “I learned of the death threat over him and yet he promised to free me. He said that when he makes a promise, he keeps it.”

“Then, earlier today, I wheeled her down to where the river and the sea meet,” Kuwabara continued. “I was about to carry her over to that spot when Tarukane ambushed us. He tricked me into thinking he was away to see if I would free Yukina. I threw Yukina into the air and she dived into the water. When that happened, Tarukane set his guards on me. I fought them until one hit me from behind and I lost consciousness.”

“Attacking from behind,” Hiei scoffed. “Not an honorable way to fight.”

“Exactly,” Kuwabara said, finding himself warming up to Hiei.

“I hid behind a rock and watched the fight,” Yukina jumped in. “When Kazuma was knocked out, Tarukane told his men to push Kazuma into the water to drown.”

“Obviously you kissed him,” said Hina. “That’s the only way a human becomes a merperson.”

“Yes and now my family won’t be paid and Tarukane’s probably already told them I’m dead.”

“I’m sorry about that, Kazuma,” Hina said. “But it must stay that way. Humans are not supposed to know we exist.”

“But his family values honor and keeping promises,” Yukina pointed out. “There is a pier only they go to and Kazuma could speak to them there. I’m sure they won’t talk about us to others, especially since Kazuma’s safety would be in danger if they did.”

“They won’t tell. They love me,” Kuwabara said.

Hina looked thoughtful as she considered the situation. Humans were dangerous to their peace and safety. They tended to fear what they didn’t know and with creatures they considered myth, they would want to capture one to study and likely dissect. Yukina’s captivity also pointed to another reason why humans would capture them: Their tears. Humans tend to be greedy when it comes to money. They often feel that they can never have enough.

However, humans with an honor code and that they keep promises they make are rare and it would be best to know such people. Plus, they are Kazuma’s family and I consider Kazuma family as he loves Yukina and she loves him.

She smiled at Kuwabara and Yukina. “As long as you’re careful, you can see them.”

Kuwabara perked up. “Thank you, Hina and we will be careful. I promise.”

“I believe you and you can call me Mother. You and Yukina love each other and that makes you family.

“Now, who would like to help me make dinner?”

“I would,” all three of her children said and Hina gently laughed as all four went to the kitchen. Her daughter had come home and brought a lover who had been human until she kissed him. And he will let his family know he’s alive.

Chapter Eight- Shizuru

Kuwabara worked hard to adapt to life in the sea. He found it to be free, easy, and simple. The sea provided one with all the essentials: Air to breathe, a form of payment, and ingredients for food and drink. He could learn a trade, but teenagers were allowed to roam and have fun. He loved being able to go where he wanted and when he wanted as long as it was in water. That was the only drawback but at least he was free.

His sea family was wonderful and supportive of his transition. Hiei turned out to be inquisitive about the human world and would bombard Kuwabara with questions. Yukina would join Kuwabara in his exploration of the town and the sea where he collected shells and sand dollars. Hina was as loving and caring as any mother would and answered any questions about the sea.

The townspeople were also supportive as he learned about his new lifestyle. They praised him for freeing Yukina at the risk of his own life. They also hoped he did not resent Yukina for kissing him. “I don’t,” he had said. “If I had stayed on land, I would have ended up dead. This way, I’m alive and Tarukane believes I’m dead.”

“What of your family?” one merman had asked.

“I will see them and let them know I’m alive. They won’t tell anyone about us. I know they won’t.”

“Mother,” Kuwabara said at dinner a week after becoming a merman. “I’d like to see if any of my family is at the pier. I’d like to go tomorrow.”

“Of course, dear. Perhaps even camp out until one comes.”

“I’ll go with you,” Yukina offered. “Actually, I should go.”

“And I would like the company,” Kuwabara said as his tail brushed Yukina’s under the table: A sign of affection with merpeople.

Yukina and Kuwabara packed food, pillows, blankets, drinks, a tent and lamps the next morning, hugged Hina and Hiei, and then headed out into open waters that existed past the town. Kuwabara surfaced to get his bearings before swimming confidently in the direction of his hometown.

“Kazuma, how high is the pier?” Yukina asked as they swam, Kuwabara surfacing to check their direction every now and again.

“Enough to dangle one’s legs into the water. There are a couple of rocks in the water to give us a lift onto the pier as well as being lifted up by anyone on the pier.”

It was sunset when the pair reached the pier and chose to set up camp in the deeper waters. They shared an intimate dinner, Yukina sang a couple of songs, and then they retired to the tent for the night.

Kuwabara dug in the sand a few feet from the pier, looking for shells and sand dollars. He put any he found into the pouch that had held the pearls Yukina had given him which were at home while the pouch was tied around his waist.

“Kazuma? Does your sister have brown hair and a sorrowful-looking face?” Yukina asked, looking at the pier.

Kuwabara looked back and up and his face lit up. “It’s Shizuru,” he said happily as he got up and slowly rose up under the pier as did Yukina. He heard a muffled sob and then his sister speak in a choked voice, “Oh, Kazuma. I miss you so much. I keep hoping that heaven is your kind of paradise.”

“Heaven?” Yukina repeated in a whisper.

“A place in the sky where most people believe human souls go when they die,” he whispered back. He had learned during the first week that merpeople turn to sea foam when they die. It was a concept that stunned and scared him but he knew he would get used to it.

Shizuru then sighed. “Honestly, I don’t think you’re dead, baby bro. You’re a good swimmer. I really think Tarukane threw you out and threatened our lives if you came back to us.”

Kuwabara couldn’t take it anymore. He swam out from under the pier and turned. “Shizuru,” he called.


“Yeah, it’s me. Down here.”

Shizuru stepped up to the edge, knelt down, and gaped at Kuwabara. “Kazuma!” she cried. “You’re alive! I knew it!” She held out her hands. “Come on, I’ll help you up.”

“Uh, sis? There’s something I have to show you.” He leaned back and lifted up his tail and fins.

“Wha-?” she gasped. “You’re a…a…merman?”

“That’s right.” He moved closer and seized Shizuru’s hands that were still out. This touch made her grip tighten as she pulled him onto the pier. He sat on the edge with his tail half in the water. He smiled in amusement at Shizuru’s stare. “I can explain,” he said. “Several months after I left, I was shown one of Tarukane’s business secrets. A little over a year ago, he had caught a mermaid named Yukina. He told me merpeople can produce rare pearls that sell for a lot of money. He had Yukina demonstrate by singing to a clam with her back to us. The clam opened and she took something from it which turned out to be pearls. As Tarukane collected them, Yukina and I silently communicated.

“I went down that night and we talked. She revealed that her tears become pearls and that all merpeople have this trait. I also fell for her the moment I saw her.

“I set out to free her and in doing so, I left the house which was forbidden. A river in the nearby forest leads to the sea and that’s where I took her via a rolling tank. Tarukane ambushed me where river and sea meet and gave me a chance to live if I put Yukina back in her prison. Obviously, I didn’t and set her free. The guards that were there charged me and I fought them until one behind me knocked me out.”

“But how are you a merman?”

“I’m responsible for that,” Yukina spoke up as she appeared at the pier’s edge. “When Kazuma was knocked out, Tarukane had his men push him into the water to drown. However, if a human is in the water and kissed by a merperson, they become a merperson too and it can’t be reversed.”

“It can’t?” Shizuru repeated faintly.

“Yeah, but it’s perfect,” said Kuwabara. “Tarukane thinks I drowned. If Yukina had saved me by bringing me back to land, chances are Tarukane would see me and really kill me.”

“So, you’re fine then? I mean, what’s it like? Do you have a place to live?”

“It’s cool being a merman. Yukina led me to her town and I’m staying with her mother and brother. Yukina loves me like I love her and her mother considers me part of the family.”

Shizuru heard the happiness in his voice and was glad that he was happy and not resenting Yukina for her actions. It’s like he said; if he had stayed human and was seen, he would be dead. This way, he stays alive while Tarukane thinks he’s dead. “Were you adjusting to your new life this whole time?”

Kuwabara nodded. “The food and drink were strange at first, but now I like them. Hina answered any questions I had and asked me to call her Mother. The brother, Hiei, is curious about human life and asked me about it. I’m sure he’s got more questions.”

Shizuru then rose. “I’ll tell Mom and Dad you’re alive and how, but they’ll want to see you.”

“Tomorrow. Bring them tomorrow. We’ll be here.”

Chapter Nine- Reunited

“Shizuru, this better not be a cruel joke,” Senma warned as they headed to the pier the next day.

“It’s not a joke. Kazuma is a merman and loves Yukina, who’s a mermaid,” Shizuru protested. She approached the edge of the pier and looked down at the water. The surface rippled before Kuwabara and Yukina surfaced. Shizuru assisted her brother up to the pier and he sat as he looked up at his parents. “Mom. Dad,” he said, a bit choked at seeing them after months of non-communication.

Senma and Celina rushed over, knelt, and embraced their son. The adults cried while saying his name and Kuwabara couldn’t prevent himself from shedding a couple of tears. Shizuru stared as the tears left Kuwabara’s face and turned into the most beautiful pearls she had ever seen. She stooped and picked them up, turning them over in her palm. “Beautiful,” she breathed softly, catching her family’s attention.

“What is?” Celina asked.

Shizuru crouched and showed the pearls. Her parents stared at them. “They are beautiful,” Celina said. “But, where did they come from?”

“Mom, I told you that the tears of merpeople turn into pearls. Kazuma just shed them.”

Senma and Celina looked at their son to see dried tearstains on his cheeks which he rubbed away. “Sorry,” he said. “I’m just so happy to see you again.”

“We missed you so much,” Celina said.

“I can visit,” he said. “It takes a full day to get here from my new home.”

“A whole day? That close?” Senma asked.

“Well, that could be as we swim,” he admitted.

“Shizuru said you have a girlfriend,” Celina said.

“I’m here,” a voice spoke up and both parents crawled to the edge and looked down at Yukina. Celina held out her hands and Yukina took then and allowed herself to be lifted onto the pier. Celina continued to hold her hands as she said, “Thank you for saving our son. We understand that he can’t be human again, but as long as he’s alive, that’s all that matters.”

“I loved him too much to let him die and being a merperson seemed the ideal solution.”

Senma nodded. “So, you were caught for your pearls?”

“Yes. I understand that they sell for a lot. You could sell the ones Shizuru’s holding.”

“Are you sure?” Celina asked. “They’re rare, aren’t they?”

“Rare if one does not have access to the source,” Kuwabara admitted. “We would be willing to give you at least one a month.”

“And we would like to see you at least once a month, too,” Senma said. “Say, one of the full moon days.”

“One of the full moon days would be acceptable,” Yukina said.

“Wonderful,” Senma said. “We would like to see you too, Yukina.”

“Perhaps Mother and Hiei would like to meet you,” Yukina suggested.

“That would be nice,” Shizuru said. “We’re grateful that Kazuma has a place to live.”

“Speaking of which,” Senma said. “What is your town like? How does it operate?”

“It’s more like a small city,” Kuwabara said. “It has stores and vendor stalls and we use shells and sand dollars as money.”

“We learned to harness the electricity of electric eels to provide light for us to see,” Yukina said.

“So, you just swim to get where you’re going?” Senma asked. “No other mode of transportation?”

“We do utilize dolphins to pull chariots if we choose to go on vacation and I’ve heard that some cities have giant seahorses to ride.”

“Is there a royal family?” asked Celina.

Yukina gently laughed. “Oh, no. Each town and city is overseen by a governor and an elected council. They set down reasonable laws and settle any disputes that arise. There’s no law against human contact as most of our kind tend to stay underwater.”

“And we promise to not speak of your existence,” Senma said. He gave both a hug as did Shizuru while Celina gave each a kiss before they left the pier and Kuwabara and Yukina slipped back into the water.

“Mother, they’re so nice and accepting,” Yukina gushed as they sat in the living room. “They’re grateful that I save Kazuma and that he has a home with us.” She paused and added, “Considering they thought he was dead, of course they’re grateful.”

Hina gently laughed before saying, “It clearly didn’t take long to meet them.”

“Well, it took a day to get there and it wasn’t until mid-afternoon the next day to meet Shizuru. She spoke of Kazuma being in heaven which he explained to me.”

“What is heaven?” Hiei asked.

“A place in the sky where human souls go when they die…as long as they’re good in their life,” Kuwabara said.

“Hn. I’m guessing that greedy human won’t go there.”

“No. His soul will go to hell, an underground scalding pit of torture where bad souls will burn for eternity.”

“Gosh, living as a human seems difficult considering where your soul could end up,” Hina said.

“Not really,” Kuwabara said. “Most people don’t give death much thought as they go through life. It’s accepted that if you don’t hurt others or do things that are wrong, you’ll go to heaven while doing the opposite will get you sent to hell.”

“Okay, tell me this,” Hiei said. “How can humans keep track of time?”

“A clock,” Kuwabara said. “It’s usually a round object with the numbers one to twelve along the circle’s perimeter and nine dashes in between each number. A battery moved two hands that point at the numbers.”

“Battery?” Hiei repeated.

“A power source that keeps electronic devices working without a plug. Batteries and electronics won’t work underwater, though.”

“Of course not,” Hiei said. “Humans don’t usually invent things to work underwater as they can’t breathe underwater unless they use an air tank.”

“True enough,” Kuwabara said. “But humans tend to improve things all the time. One day, they might invent batteries and electronic items that’ll work underwater.”

“I hope I live to see that,” Hiei said.

“Maybe we will,” Hina said. “But, for now, we have a human family we can visit once a month.”

Kuwabara smiled as he laid in bed. His family now knew he was alive and he could provide them with a source of income. You know, I could indeed be a jeweler. There are jewelry sellers here in town and I can learn from them. No doubt they would be patient and friendly. Kuwabara fell asleep, dreaming of his future under the sea; a future that was free and peaceful.

Chapter Ten- Three Weeks Later

Kuwabara ran his fingers over the obsidian piece and felt no imperfections. He held it close to his eyes to see if he could spot any cracks or chips. He then smiled at his fellow customer. “It’s perfect and certainly worth the price this merman is asking.”

The elderly mermaid smiled back. “Thank you Kuwabara.” She handed over the money, accepted her purchase, and left the store.

The proprietor gave Kuwabara a relieved smile. “She’s always a difficult customer. She always questions about the quality of my jewelry, whether it’s worth the price.”

“It was my pleasure. I had gotten training in examining jewels and had thoughts about being a jeweler.”

“You still have time before you’ll need a trade, but I would be happy to teach you the finer points of my trade if you are still interested when the time comes.”

“I would like that. I need to go. My family is getting ready for a camping trip.”

“Oh! Sounds like fun. Have a good time.” The owner waved as Kuwabara swam out of the shop.

Kuwabara felt a little bad about lying or rather not being completely truthful. His family was going on a trip; one to see his parents and sister as it was going to be the days of the full moon. The camping part was if they had to sleep overnight. Hina and Hiei were eager to meet Kuwabara’s family and reassure them that their son was like another son and brother.

Kuwabara was eager also as he was curious if they had sold at least one of the pearls. He wasn’t sure how much one was worth on a regular market; he hoped it cost almost as much as the black market ones did.

He arrived at home to help pack for the trip before hoisting his pack onto his back, seizing the packed tent bag, and then leading the way to the pier, following the markers he had made the week before.

Kuwabara admired his surroundings even though he had grown accustomed to them. The vibrant plants that danced in the currents and their colors dazzled his eyes. The fish and other sea life swam as gracefully as birds flew across the sky. He couldn’t help smiling as he swam. He lived in an amazing world that humans could only dream about and yet not even their dreams could come close to the beauty and splendor that he encountered every day. I am grateful that Yukina kissed me. I get to live in a lovely world; one free of the complications of the human world. I never realized how hard it was to be human until I became a merman.

It was dark when they reached the pier and they lit their lamps before setting up the tents. They then sat by the lamplight and ate some food Hina had prepared earlier that day. The four ate and talked, the latter continuing after eating and was punctuated with jokes, laughter, and singing.

Kuwabara and his family swam about the area, taking in the view and digging in the sand for anything of interest the next day. He knew that some human items might turn up as humans did occasionally throw things in the sea, sometimes by accident, other times on purpose.

“Kazuma,” Hiei called as he swam toward him with something glinting in his hand. “I think I found one of those clocks you spoke about.” He held out his hand and Kuwabara saw a man’s watch.

“Actually, it’s called a watch. It is a smaller type of clock as most clocks are too big for humans to carry around. The strap there is to be attached to the wrist so one can check the time wherever they go.”

“Clever. A shame it doesn’t work.”

“I believe we have company,” Hina said as she swam over. She pointed to the pier and Kuwabara looked over at it.

“Those are my parents and sister,” he said as he went over and rose up to the surface with the others following suite. “Hi Mom, Dad, Shizuru,” he said as he hoisted himself up and sat on the edge.

Celina and Senma hugged him. “Thank you for the pearls,” Celina said. “We were able to update some of our appliances and we’re making plans to remodel the bathroom.”

“So, both sold well?”

“Quite well. We didn’t realize how much we would receive for them.”

“Will you need any more?”

“No, no,” Senma said. “We’re fine.” He smiled at Yukina who had joined them. “It’s good to see you again. Oh and you brought others,” he said as he spied Hina and Hiei. “I’m guessing they’re your mother and brother.”

Hina swam closer and extended a hand. “I’m Hina and this is my son, Hiei.”

Senma took the hand. “We appreciate that you took our son into your home.”

“It made perfect sense to do so. He loves Yukina and she loves him. He also didn’t know anyone else at the time. I was more than happy to take him in and consider him a member of the family.”

“Naturally, that’s changed,” Celina said.

Kuwabara nodded. “I interact with the others and they speak happily with me. They were eager to help me adapt and feel at home in the town and the sea. They use my surname while my family uses my first name.”

“Which is no different from how it was done on land,” Shizuru commented.

“True,” Kuwabara admitted.

Shizuru turned her attention to the last merperson. “So, you’re Hiei. Kazuma said that you’re curious about humans and our things.”

Hiei nodded. “I just found a watch.” He held up the item.

“A man’s watch,” Shizuru noted. “The strap’s wide, indicating it’s meant for a man.”

“Interesting. Would the same thing apply to rings?”

“Yeah, it would.”

“I learned about how you communicate with other people and your different modes of travel. I find it fascinating with how inventive humans are.”

“I sure Kazuma can answer your questions and, if not, maybe I can or Mom or Dad might be able to.”

“I’d like that and understand if some questions can’t be answered.”

The group talked, joked, and laughed for most of the day. Celina had rushed home around lunchtime and returned with food and drink.

When the sun was starting to set, the humans bid the merpeople goodbye and looked forward to seeing them next month. They returned the sentiments and dived down to head back to their campsite.

“Kazuma, your mother is a wonderful cook,” Hina said as they turned on the lamps and got out their dinner. “I hope to sample more and maybe trade cooking tips or recipes.”

“I’m sure she would like that.”

“I look forward to talking with Shizuru again,” Hiei said.

Kuwabara inwardly beamed. His two families have met and liked one another. They’ll get to know one another with each monthly meeting and we’ll be one happy family.

The End