Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only the charm is mine. There is going to be some body swapping so the name I use refers to the soul and I wll use the person's original gender when using pronouns.
Chapter One- A Bold Request
Mahad smiled as Isis walked away. The morning court had just ended and he was about to do a patrol. He enjoyed Isis’ company and valued her friendship. Only her friendship had become love and I reciprocated those feelings. I feel I know her well, but there are aspects of her that I don’t. I, fortunately, have a way to know those parts of her which is simply talk to her. I do have another request for her. I merely need approval from her and the pharaoh. Mahad headed out to gather guards for patrol, his mind composing the request he would make to his love and the pharaoh, for it was an unusual request.
Isis walked down the corridor, her thoughts on her lover. She had only known Mahad for a little bit of time but the two of them had developed a friendship that was almost as close as the one between Mahad and the pharaoh. It was common knowledge that Mahad had watched out for Atem when he was a child but that didn’t keep them from becoming best friends. She was sure that Atem told Mahad things he told no one else and naturally Mahad would not betray the pharaoh’s confidence by speaking them to anyone else.
I love Mahad and yet I feel as if I don’t know much about him. What is he like outside of meetings and his off time? I know the professional and personal Mahad, but what is he like on patrols and teaching his students? I could ask to attend his classes and follow him on patrols. I could also be a bit more personal with him. I am a little concerned about Seto’s behavior towards me and could ask Mahad’s opinion about it.
She frowned thoughtfully. She knew even less about the younger brunette than she did about Mahad. She knew he was bright with an almost endless thirst for knowledge and a love of power. His sense of right and wrong was quite strong and made him well-suited to wield a Millennium Item. Lately, however, he seemed to be giving her discreet, admiring looks. Of course, this was just her perspective; reading too much into it. She was prone to that, seeing as she wielded the Necklace which showed her visions of possible futures that more than often came true.
Perhaps I should confront Seto with my suspicions. If he does admit feelings for me, I will have to let him down gently. No one knows that Mahad and I are in love, save for the pharaoh if Mahad confided it to him.
Mahad led the guard back to the palace, very pleased. No reaction from the Ring at all and no crime of any sort was found. It was a peaceful day and an excellent time to propose my idea. He entered the palace and found Atem on the balcony that overlooked the kingdom. He knelt behind and to the left of the young king. “My pharaoh.”
Atem turned to him with a warm smile. “Report, Mahad.”
“Patrol was quiet and uneventful. An unusually peaceful day.”
“Excellent. Well done.”
“Thank you.” He paused and Atem sensed his friend had more to say.
“What’s on your mind, my friend?”
“It is a proposal and I seek your approval and Isis’ approval as well.”
Atem was intrigued. Mahad did not normally make requests of him. A request that needed his approval and that of Isis. Mahad had confided to him of his feelings for the priestess and he encouraged him to tell her. It was during their next private time that Mahad told him that the two of them were in love. “I see,” he finally said. “What are you proposing?” Atem guessed that Mahad was going to ask for permission to marry Isis; a request he would gladly grant.
“I would like to switch bodies with Isis.”
Atem blinked. That’s not what I expected. “You want to switch bodies with her? Why?”
“I know her well but would like to know more. I thought if I were in her body, I would know her better than I do now. I have a charm that when worn and spoken with a spell, will switch two people’s souls until the counter spell is spoken in addition to wearing the charm.
“My proposal is for us to switch for a day or two and that no one will know save for you and my students as my magic will travel with me.”
“An interesting proposal and I will certainly support it if Isis agrees to it. If she does, inform me, and then perform it tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you, pharaoh. I will go find her and ask.” He rose and left to locate his love. His heart pounded at the thought of having a woman’s body briefly. It would be both an interesting and strange experience, not to mention fun in a way. I hope she goes along with it. He headed for the tower where the court occasionally gathered and where Isis did her fire visions.
He emerged at the top to see Isis in front of the fire, eyes closed, and her hands on either side of her Item. He said nothing; simply admired her form and calm poise. Gods, she’s beautiful and I love her so much.
Isis soon lowered her hands and opened her eyes. They focused on Mahad and she smiled at him. “I was aware of you the entire time,” she said.
“I suspected you did. So, no visions today?” He sat beside her.
“None. How was patrol?”
“Quiet and peaceful. It was a nice change of pace.”
“Change can be good.”
“Indeed.” He looked at her blue eyes and imagined looking at himself through her eyes.
“Mahad? Are you all right? You’re staring.” Isis then smiled when Mahad blinked and blushed slightly.
“I’m fine. I came up here to pose a question.”
“I’m listening.”
He took a deep breath. “What would you say to briefly switching bodies with me?”
She blinked. “Switch bodies?” Her lips curled up into a smile. “An interesting idea. I have occasionally fantasized about being a man.”
“Have you?”
“Yes. Mahad, I would love to swap with you. When and for how long?”
“Tomorrow morning and for a day or two. I have already approached the pharaoh with the idea and he supports it. Only he and my students will know of the change.”
“Why your students?”
“My magic will travel with me as it is tied to my soul.”
“So, you’ll use a spell to switch us?”
“A spell inscribed on a charm, actually. I’ll wear it when casting the spell and then I’ll use it when casting the counter spell. It is important that one of us wear the charm during the switch. If it’s not worn, we can’t switch back.”
“Will you wear it the entire time?”
“Technically, you will as you’ll have my body.”
Isis nodded. It made sense as everyone knew Mahad was a magician; most people wouldn’t attempt to attack or steal from someone who could use a spell.
Mahad stood. “I need to inform the pharaoh that you agree and then I have a class to teach. Isis, I would like us to switch for two days. What do you think?”
“Two days sounds good. It would give us plenty of time to be comfortable as each other as well as experience the other’s life.”
Mahad nodded as he left. Isis agreed to the swap and that it would be for two days. He knew he would fine-tune the plan with Atem before informing his students of the swap.
Atem will need to act as if nothing happened. He will need to address me as Isis and Isis as me as well as look at the proper person. Mahad smiled. The next two days would be fun.
Chapter Two- Future Wondering
“So, she agreed and you both decided on two days.”
“Yes, my pharaoh. I also wish to ask-,”
Atem held up a hand. “You want me to address the two of you with the other’s name; to act as though nothing’s different.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” Mahad said, a bit surprised.
Atem smiled at Mahad’s surprise. “Well as your students and I will be the only ones in on the switch, it makes sense to call you Isis while in her body.”
“Of course. Now, I must train my students.”
“See to it.” Atem watched Mahad leave, still amused. There were times when he knew what Mahad was thinking like the details of this plan. I’ve known Mahad for years. It is only natural that I can read him so well, but every now and then, he surprises me, like this body switch. It may end up bringing Mahad and Isis closer together. I only hope these two days go smoothly.
A final wave of a sea of hands and wands brought the spell to full bloom and Mahad nodded in approval as a rain of flower fell over them. “Well done. All that practice paid off.” He gathered a few flowers, intending to give them to Isis later before vanishing the rest. He saw the smiles on his students’ face and felt satisfaction. It was clear that they were eager to use magic the way he did and he let them learn new spells almost every lesson. Every now and then though one student would suggest a spell that was a bit advanced for them and Mahad would gently tell them so before teaching a spell they could learn and practice. He enjoyed their enthusiasm and their talent made him proud.
“Please stay. I have an announcement that you and Mana need to hear,” he called over the voices of the students.
“Is everything okay, Master Mahad?” one boy asked.
“Oh, yes. Everything is excellent.” He saw Mana enter and blink at the class still gathered. “Am I early, Master?”
“No, Mana. I just have something to tell all of you. Isis and I are going to have a little fun for the next two days. I have a charm I’ll wear and, with the magic in it that I will chant, we will switch bodies.”
There was stunned silence before one student said, “So, Priestess Isis will teach us?”
“No. My magic will travel with me which is why I’m telling you this. Also, this switch is between you and the pharaoh. No one else knows about this and should not know.”
“So, will we call you Mistress while you’re switched?” Mana asked.
“That’s right.” Mahad let none of his disconcertment show. I keep forgetting that I’m not just switching bodies, I’m switching gender too. “Now that you’re aware everyone but Mana are dismissed. I will see you tomorrow.” Slowly the room emptied until only master and top student were left.
“Master, you’re switching bodies for fun? That’s it?”
“Partly.” He paused for a few moments. “Mana, can you keep a secret?”
“Of course, Master. I swear I won’t tell.”
He smiled at her. “Isis and I are in love. I have wondered about being in her body and when I asked her, she admitted that she had imagined being a man.”
Mana’s eyes went wide. “You’re in love and both of you have wondered about being the opposite gender? Wow.”
“Yes, but remember: Not a word to anyone.”
“Yes, Master.”
“All right. Now, to your lesson.”
Isis sat across from Kalim and Shada, studying the scrolls of their kingdom’s civilization and Egypt in general as well as scrolls of their personal interest. Isis found their history fascinating and imagine how it must have been to live back then: Struggling to survive in harsh climates, to make shelter, have enough food and so on and so on. Truthfully, it’s no different now. We still struggle, only it is against different difficulties. So, it follows that those in a distant future will struggle against their own difficulties. She allowed herself to wonder what one of those futures would be like.
She looked up to see both men looking at her with concern. “Yes?” she asked.
“You looked deep in thought. Is everything all right?” Shada asked.
She gave them a reassuring smile. “Yes, everything is fine. I was just thinking of how far humanity has come since our ancestors settled here. I also wonder what the people of the future will encounter; no doubt wonders we can’t even dream about.”
Kalim and Shada exchanged looks as Isis smiled in a dreamy way. It was known that Isis often pondered the future in a way that was disconcerting to others. Most attributed it to the fact that she owned the Millennium Necklace which revealed future events to the owner. The notion of the future was disconcerting to most people and Kalim and Shada were no different. They listened to Isis but did not participate in her wonderings.
“It is impressive how far we’ve come since our ancestors,” Shada finally said. “I hope we improve our citizens’ lives by rooting out evil so that they can live happy, peaceful lives.”
“We all hope for that,” Kalim told him.
Isis returned to her readings as did the others. Her expression was thoughtful but inwardly she was sad. Very few people thought of the future like she did. She liked to imagine the distant future even though the Necklace only showed the immediate future. She stood, returned the scrolls she had selected, and left the library, heading in the direction of the Training Hall thinking she would watch Mana’s lesson.
Mana waved her wand and a cushion of air lifted her and Mahad several inches into the air. They hovered there until she lowered them to the ground. Mana had a proud smile and Mahad nodded in approval. “Very good, Mana. You did well.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“We’ll leave your lesson here and pick up tomorrow,” Mahad said, spying Isis outside the hall and he sensed a kind of sadness about her. Mana headed off and Mahad approached her lover. “Isis, what is troubling you?” he asked as they headed down the corridor.
“It is nothing of much concern,” she said. “It is just I had another remainder that very few think of the distant future the way I do and I know it disturbs others when I speak of it.”
“Isis,” he said and then produced the flowers he had gathered earlier. “I too sometimes think of the distant future, particularly when I teach my students.”
Isis smiled as she accepted the flowers. “You are one of the few people who understands.”
“And I will understand more so when we switch tomorrow. I will be in possession of your Item and you will have mine.”
“Will they still work when we switch?”
“I believe so. You will lead the guard for the next two days and I will assume your duties in addition to teaching my students.”
“My duties are not much. I have my fire visions and studying scrolls.”
“Hmm, I study scrolls as well and practice my magic when I have the time.”
“Yes and you still will.”
“Correct.” He smiled as he took her hand. The next two days would indeed be interesting, starting tomorrow morning when he put on the charm and cast the spell that would them in the other’s body. I can hardly wait. “Isis, we should tell the other about our routine and duties so that we can pass for each other.”
“An excellent idea.” Isis and Mahad entered an empty room, sat down, and began to tell the other about their daily routine and duties in more detail.
Chapter Three- Spell Cast
Mahad slipped the charm over his head and it rested above the Ring. It was gold with a diamond in the center with a half-circle of bronze around it as well as a half-circle of silver. The two half-circles looked as if they were swirling around each other and the stone. It was a lovely piece of jewelry and it was why he was wearing it to insure its protection from robbers as well as its needing to be worn in order to use its magic.
A knock sounded before Isis eased into the room looking excited. The two of them had discussed every aspect of their daily lives but not in great detail. They agreed to swap rooms in addition to bodies and duties.
Isis hugged Mahad, giving her a good view of the charm. “It’s lovely,” she said, running a finger over it.
“It is,” he agreed. He took hold of her hand and gently lowered it before putting his free hand on the charm. He slowly exhaled: It was time to cast the spell and be in Isis’ body for two days. He closed his eyes and began to chant. He felt the magic swirl around them and a wave of lightheadedness and dizziness washed over him. Both feelings passed and he became aware that his hand was being held instead of doing the holding. He also felt a weight on his chest and his clothes seemed to be adhering closely to him. He opened his eyes to see his body in front of him, one hand on the charm and the other holding his hand or rather Isis’ hand. He smiled. I’m in Isis’ body! “Isis, you can let go now, he said, Isis’ voice issuing from his mouth.
Isis opened her eyes and lowered her arms before looking at him and then at herself. “Oh, wow,” she said softly in Mahad’s voice.
“Come on, Isis, we’re needed in the Throne Room,” Mahad reminded her. He went to the door and looked around to see the corridor empty. He left the room and headed down the corridor. The fact that he did so alone did not concern him. He and Isis did not enter the Throne Room together so today would be no different. He paused outside the room to truly admire his form. He enjoyed the feel of the robes against his body as well as the shape of his body. He found that his balance wasn’t off because of his breasts and reasoned it was because Isis had long compensated for them, so he was able to walk without staggering. He then walked in as Isis would.
Isis held up her hands and examined the wider, masculine fingers and the larger hand size. She used them to feel his flat chest and smiled a little. I’m a man as I sometimes imagined. Yes, it is Mahad’s body but I’m in control of it right now. She walked out of the room and headed down the corridor, enjoying the loose feeling of a priest’s robes as opposed to a priestess’. I will definitely enjoy these next two days. She reached the Throne Room doors and went inside for her first meeting as Mahad.
She entered and was about to take her usual place, but stopped briefly when she saw herself already in place. Oh, right. I take Mahad’s spot. She stood in her new place and awaited Atem, knowing that he would call on her to do Mahad’s duties and thankfully, she knew how to respond having watched Mahad do it countless times.
Mahad stood in Isis’ spot, feeling oddly comfortable in her body. He was closer to the pharaoh’s seat and, of course, a clear shot of Isis who was in his spot. He looked quickly at her with her brown eyes and she nodded slightly at him.
He sensed another’s eyes on him and looked out of the corner of his eye to see Seto looking sidelong at him. He didn’t seem to realize that Mahad had noticed his look. Mahad was confused. Why is he looking at me? Did Isis neglect to mention something? If so, we did agree not to go into great detail about our respective days; merely the routines we would do. He was on the verge of confronting Seto when Atem entered the room and he pushed the odd incident aside to focus his attention on the coming meeting.
Atem headed to his seat, his eyes looking at Mahad and then Isis, body-wise. He saw an additional piece of jewelry around Mahad’s neck and surmised that they had already switched. So, it begins. He sat and Siamun opened court. He looked at Mahad’s body and knew that Isis was in it. “Mahad, after court, run a patrol and then report to me.”
Isis knelt. “Yes, my pharaoh,” she said and Atem showed no surprise at hearing her speak with Mahad’s voice. They only switched bodies. So it follows that the movement and voice stays with the original body. He turned his gaze to Isis’ body. “Isis, has the Necklace revealed anything lately?”
Mahad knelt. “No, my pharaoh. I do plan to check later today.”
“Very good. Seto, the tablets remain unchanged?”
“Yes, my pharaoh; as no criminals have been judged there are no new tablets.” He looked at Isis. “Perhaps that will change.”
Isis looked blandly at Seto but saw Mahad bristle slightly. Seto had a habit of making veiled jabs at Mahad, whether it was security or his students’ magic skills. Mahad never showed how much those comments angered him; only in Isis’ company did he express his feeling. She knew that Mahad did his duties to the best of his abilities and also knew that she would do the same.
“Court adjourned,” Atem announced and his purple eyes focused on Isis’ blue ones. Everyone else left and once along, added, “What is it like Mahad? Being a woman, I mean?”
“Comfortable actually,” he replied. “The robe’s a bit restrictive but I like it.”
“Perhaps after you switch back, we could surprise the rest of the court with the news.”
Mahad giggled. “I can’t wait to see Seto’s expression when he learns he was aiming his comments at Isis instead of me.”
Atem smiled slightly as Mahad left. He rarely saw Mahad relax or laugh and he was glad to witness it. He’s enjoying this switch so far. I wonder if Isis is enjoying it as well.
Isis led the guard through the city, seeking any acts of evil. She had been told by Mahad the day before how he handled patrols and this helped her handle it in his place. Her only concern was the Ring. She wasn’t so sure the Item would work for her. The Items choose who will wield them and the Necklace chose me while the Ring chose Mahad. I may have his body, but that doesn’t mean that-
Suddenly, the Ring came to life and Isis grunted slightly from the evil presence she sensed through the Ring. She looked down to see the left points aimed off to the left. She turned in that direction and all the points aimed straight ahead. She led a few guards as she followed the direction of her Item.
The Ring brought her to a dark alley and, crouched in the darkness, was a man who had the look of the guilty and the Ring glowed as it sensed the man’s evil. She folded her arms as she gave him the stern look Mahad often wore. She didn’t need to say anything as the guards seized the man and carried him off to the palace dungeon. She rejoined the remaining guards and led them through the rest of patrol. Another man was found and seized and, as he was led away, Isis felt proud of how well patrol went. A quiet, peaceful patrol was preferable but Seto would prefer judging criminals. Well, Seto, you’ll get your wish: Two men to judge either later today or tomorrow morning, most likely the latter.
The Ring came to blazing life. She gasped at the intense feeling of evil as she turned to see the points aimed at the desert. She was about to call for some men to follow her when the Item ceased glowing and the points hung limp.
Hmm, the criminal headed away from here. How fortunate for him. If he’s wise, he’ll stay away from here. The Ring would sense his presence instantly if he enters the city. I’ll inform Mahad if I don’t catch him after tomorrow. Isis headed through the palace gates, pleased that the Ring worked.
Chapter Four- Troubling Vision
Atem saw Isis enter and she knelt before him. “I heard that two men were caught,” he said.
“Yes, my pharaoh. It was a productive run.”
He smiled at her. “I asked Mahad earlier how he felt being a woman so I would like to hear how you feel being a man.”
“So far, it is partly what I had imagined. It is too soon to say whether it is all I imagined. It is different and I do like it, though it’s strange speaking with Mahad’s voice.”
“Isis, do you still consider yourself a woman right now?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. My body is male, but my soul is still female.”
He nodded. “I suspected as much and why I refer to Mahad as he and him despite the body. You may go, Isis.”
Isis bowed her head before she rose and left the room. She paused to think of what Mahad was doing. He might be practicing his magic or studying scrolls. She headed in the direction of the archives and was passing the bedchambers when Mahad emerged from her room. He startled slightly and smiled. “Isis. Patrol went well?”
“It did. Mahad, the Ring worked. It detected two criminals.”
“I knew it would.”
“I was concerned it wouldn’t. I mean, I thought it worked because of your soul.”
“The Items work with a person’s purity of soul. A person with a corrupt soul would either have their body burned away or have access to the Item’s dark side. So, I believe I should go do a fire vision now.”
“Then, I suppose I will study the scrolls. Mahad, I think I will do the ones I usually do.”
“Yes, that makes sense.” Mahad hesitated a moment before stretching up and kissing Isis’ cheek before moving on. He nodded to himself. Isis kisses my cheek when we’re alone and on duty and since I have her body, I need to act as she does.
He reached the tower and expertly lit the brazier before kneeling before it. He closed his eyes and gradually entered a calm, meditative state. He had observed Isis on numerous occasions when she engaged in her visons and knew that it wasn’t a quick thing or productive every time. There were often times when she wouldn’t see anything even if she engaged in her visions several times a day. There had been rare times when she saw nothing and then saw a vision mere minutes later. He wondered if he would have one of those instances himself.
He put his hands on either side of the Necklace and asked it to show him a vision of the future. He waited for a response since, as noted, it is not a quick response if one came at all. Mahad had no idea how long he waited before concluding that there would be no vision at least for right now. He opened his eyes, slightly disappointed, and simply stared into the flames.
He heard light footsteps and looked over to see Seto come into view. “Seto,” he said. “Well, this is a nice surprise.”
Seto blinked. “I told you yesterday that I would visit you up here today.”
He did? Why didn’t Isis tell me? “Oh, yes. Of course,” he said. “My apologies. I have a lot on my mind today.”
“I have no doubt of that.” Seto sat beside him and, for a time, there was silence. “Have you had any visions today?” Seto asked.
“Not yet, but the day’s still young. I may try again later. So, do you have something on your mind or do you simply desire my company?”
“Your company, although I wouldn’t mind some conversation.”
Mahad nodded. The two sat in silence for several minutes before he said, “Mahad told me that two criminals were found today.”
“Excellent. That means two trials in the morning.”
“Indeed. That pleases you.”
“Of course. The more evildoers we root out, the safer the kingdom will be.”
Mahad sat silently, contemplating the flames and he saw that same look Seto had given him that morning. What is with that look? Now would be a good time to ask. He was about to ask when the Necklace came to life and his eyes widened as the jumble of images that flashed before him. They didn’t make sense to him and yet somehow he knew it concerned him and Isis.
“Isis?” Seto asked in concern for Mahad had jerked back from the vision. “What did you see?”
“Trouble,” he breathed. “Terrible trouble. I must warn Mahad.” He got up and rushed out of the tower, leaving Seto to silently curse the Necklace’s lousy timing.
And I was going to tell her that I love her, too. Seto, while studying one day, found himself alone with Isis. The two chatted as friends do and, when she left, Seto admired her body, admitting to himself that she was a lovely woman. Subsequent times when they were alone, Seto would compose a mental confession and then tried to work up the nerve to tell her. He snuck quick sidelong looks at her while mustering up his courage. He had a feeling that she had caught him looking at her this morning and resolved to confess love to her today. I’ll have to try again later. Seto sighed and left the tower.
Mahad rushed as best as he could in his restrictive robes, looking for Isis, first in the archives and then her room. He went up to a guard and asked, “Have you seen Mahad?”
“Master Mahad is in the courtyard,” he replied.
“Thank you.” He headed off, the images of his vision becoming a little clearer, but still vague. Gods, is this what Isis deals with when she gets a vision? How irritating. I have greater respect for her vision. She only receives vague impressions and that’s why she speaks in a vague manner about them and can’t be clearer.
He entered the courtyard to see Isis, her back to him. “Isis,” he called and she turned, a startled look on her face. “Mahad. I should have…oh, right. I don’t have the Necklace so I couldn’t have sensed you coming.”
“The Necklace is precisely why I needed to see you. I now understand why you are not more specific with your predictions. They are vague to start with.”
Isis stared at him. “You had a vision and it involves me.”
“It involves me as well but mostly you. All I could get was some kind of terrible trouble.” A frustrated looked crossed her face. “I’m sorry I can’t-,”
“Be more specific,” Isis cut in making Mahad laugh. “I must say, Mahad, switching bodies was a great idea. I too have come to appreciate what you go through when the Ring detects evil. The evil presence can be intense at times.”
“Indeed. Not all of your predictions come true, correct?”
“Correct and hopefully yours doesn’t come to pass.”
“Isis, I think you forgot to mention your meeting with Seto.”
Isis looked sheepish. “You’re right. What happened?”
“Not much. We just sat there and talked a little.” He looked up at the sky and gasped. “Oh, gods. It’s almost time for class! I need to go.”
Isis hugged him before the magician headed for the Training Hall. She allowed an amused smile to cross her face. It hadn’t even been one day but already it had been a pleasant one. I look forward to the rest of the day as well as tomorrow.
Chapter Five- Magic Class
Mahad entered the Training Hall, took his usual spot, and draped his arms behind his back, awaiting his students. His wait was not long. They filed into the Hall and most stopped short upon seeing who they thought was Isis.
“Come along. We have a lot to cover today,” he said.
“Mistress Mahad?” one asked. “It really is you?”
“Yes. I was serious when I said Isis and I would switch bodies.”
His students took their places, some looking sheepish at not thinking Mahad would change bodies. Those looks passed as Mahad started class, demonstrating the spell they would study and practice. Mahad gave them a brief history of the spell and the incantations and pronunciation before letting them practice casting it. Only a couple managed it and Mahad told the others that they would practice more tomorrow and suggested some extra practice today and before tomorrow’s lesson.
“Mistress, what’s it like being Priestess Isis?” a student asked.
“Very different but in a good way. I have gained a new understanding for her Item.” He put a couple of fingers to said Item. “I never understood why her predictions were so vague until I had one myself today. It was vague and confusing at first but then it became simply vague.”
“Why vague?”
“I do not know. Perhaps that is the nature of the Necklace or it could be that the future is ever-changing and is not so easily predicted.”
His students gave him looks of awe and reverence. It gave him a warm feeling that his students trusted him and hung on his every word. I want to be worthy of their trust and that is why I’m always honest with them, he thoughts as they left the Hall. It is different being in Isis’ body, but I like it despite the adhesion of the robes. But then again, the robes are flattering on her and accents her body’s shape which I admire every now and then. I am lucky to be loved by her.
“Mistress Mahad?”
Mahad blinked and focused on Mana entering the Hall. “Yes, it’s me, Mana. Let us start by reviewing yesterday’s lesson and then move on to a new spell.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Oh, yes. That’s my Mistress all right. If it was really Isis, she wouldn’t teach me a new spell. Mana performed yesterday’s spell again and then listened to Mahad lecture about the new spell. Mahad demonstrated the spell and it further convinced her that this was Mahad, not Isis. Mana then attempted the spell; she succeeded but it was a feeble attempt.
“It is all right,” Mahad consoled, seeing the frustration on his student’s face. “Most students don’t even succeed like you did. We will work more on it tomorrow.”
Mana perked up at his words. “Okay. Mistress? Do you like being female?”
“I do, but I can’t wait to be back in my own body.”
“I can understand that.”
“Yes and after today, I’ll have one more day before switching back. Of course, Isis and I could always switch again. I have no doubt that she’s been having fun being male.”
“Only the pharaoh and your students know, right?”
“Right and the pharaoh said that the morning we switch back will be the day we surprise the court. I look forward to seeing the look on Seto’s face when he realizes he had been talking to me during my fire vision session.”
“Wait. You used the Necklace?” Mana stared at the Item.
“I did. Isis and I have to act like the other; that’s part of the reason for the switch in addition to simply having the other’s body.”
“Did you see anything?”
“Yes, but it was vague and I don’t quite understand it. This vision gives me understanding of how it goes with Isis. I sometimes had wondered why her predictions were so vague and not specific. Now I know why.”
“Has Priestess Isis used your Item yet?”
“She has. She found two criminals this morning using it. She had expressed doubt yesterday if we would be able to use the other’s Item. Clearly, we can.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Mistress.”
“Thank you, Mana. Now, we’ll continue practicing the new spell tomorrow.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Mana left the Hall and Mahad followed soon after. He went to the archives and grabbed two spell scrolls before sitting to study the spells and maybe practice whatever ones he found interesting. He unrolled the first one and soon became absorbed in his reading. He loved learning spells himself and knew what he could and could not do. The spells had a similar criteria: Spells that he would or would not do. An example of the latter was a spell to make someone think as an animal. An example of the former happened to catch Mahad’s attention as he opened the second scroll.
A spell to temporarily change one’s gender! Wow! I wish I had found this spell back when I first became interested in having Isis’ body. I’ll wait until we switch back before I use this spell. However, I will share my discovery with Isis.
He looked up in surprise at Isis’ appearance. He had just thought of her and she showed up as if she knew he was thinking of her. “Isis, I was just thinking of you.”
She raised an eyebrow in true Mahad fashion. “Oh?”
“Yes. Look at what I found.” He slid the scroll to her.
She looked at the spell that Mahad pointed out to her. “A gender spell? You could change your gender temporarily? Mahad, that’s wonderful.”
“I know. I won’t use it until after the switch, obviously.”
“Of course. You’ll need to tell the pharaoh and the court before you use it.”
“Speaking of the court, the pharaoh said that when we switch back, we tell them what we did.”
Isis smiled and then laughed. “Oh, that would surprise them greatly, especially Seto.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
Isis and Mahad continued to compare notes of their day and what tomorrow may bring. Their talk continued until it was time to rest and they retired to the other’s room. Their first day as each other was over and both looked forward to their second and final day in each other’s bodies.
Chapter Six- Day Two
Isis rose the next morning and, for a moment, wondered why she was in Mahad’s bed. A glance down at her hands brought it back. Right. Today is my second day in Mahad’s body. Tomorrow morning, he’ll use the charm and the counter spell to switch us back. She put a hand on the charm before getting out of bed to get ready for the day. They had two Millennium Trials to do before proceeding to normal court matters.
She stepped out and gathered some guards. “Men, bring up the criminals we found and bring them to the Throne Room.”
“Yes, Master Mahad,” they said and left. She beamed at this: She got more respect as a man than as a woman. She recalled Mahad’s discovery and thought that she’d like to be a man for a little bit after the switch was over.
She entered the Throne Room and took her current place. A couple other member entered and then Atem entered. He took his seat and looked at Isis. “Are the prisoners being brought up?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. They should be here shortly.” She had just finished speaking before her Ring glowed like it did yesterday. The doors opened and the bound criminals were ushered inside. She lined up with the others, though her Item had done its job yesterday. A trial cannot be done without all seven present.
Shada started off the trial and found a minor monster in the first man. His extraction and subsequent sealing was quick and simple. The second man turned out to have a slightly stronger monster which required a bit more effort to extract and seal. Once the men, their souls clean, were released the court returned to their places and Seto gave Isis a look that seem to challenge her to find more criminals today. She thought of the strong criminal she had sensed; the one who had fled into the desert.
But, that’s not on today’s agenda and Seto knows it. I’m to take the guards out to various tombs and insure that they are still secure. Good thing Mahad discussed it with me last night.
Mahad watched from a window as Isis and a unit of guards headed out into the desert. He had instructed her on tomb duty last night, knowing she would have to check them this morning. She’ll return at the time when my classes are scheduled. I had set it as such, not knowing we would switch places. Hmm, I think I will do another fire vision.
He headed up and was soon seated before the fire entering a calm state. He focused on the Necklace asking for more about the trouble it showed him yesterday: There was no response. He turned his focus to the immediate future and an image of Seto approaching his positon appeared. He smiled to himself as he opened his eyes. And that is how Isis knows who’s coming.
He looked over at the entrance as Seto reached it. “Hello, Seto. I sensed you coming.”
Seto smiled at him as he sat beside him. “I usually don’t surprise you, yesterday being the exception.”
“Yes, you’re right.” He smiled at him.
Now, Seto thought. Before another vision comes. “Isis, there’s something I wanted to tell you yesterday.”
Mahad tilted his head. “Yes, Seto?”
“Ever since that first time we studied alone, I admired you and I find you a lovely woman.”
“I’m flattered, Seto.”
“That’s not all.” Seto took one of Mahad’s hands. “Isis, I love you.”
Mahad stared at Seto. He’s in love with Isis? That would explain that look yesterday. The thing is, Isis loves me and I’ll have to disappoint him.
“Oh, Seto,” he said gently and with a touch of sadness. “I’m sorry but I love Mahad and he loves me. I do value your friendship, though.”
Seto felt disappointed upon hearing that Mahad loved Isis and vice versa but kept the feeling buried and off his face. “I understand and I’m glad you still want to be friends, but I will still love you.” He gently kissed the hand he still held.
“Of course. I understand.” Seto nodded as he rose and left the Tower. Mahad shook his head slightly. All this time, he had been in love with Isis; if he had confessed back then, Isis and he would be a couple instead of Isis and me. Mahad rose and left the Tower to do some studying and practice his magic. Maybe I’ll also strengthen my monster. When our souls switched, our respective monsters switched as well.
Isis nodded in approval. This tomb is secure. Honestly, this is easier than Mahad led me to believe. I enjoy this tomb checking though I suspect not so much for Mahad as he can do magic. She checked another tomb and her heart pounded: The traps had been sprung!
She entered with two other guards, checking the traps and the treasure. What they found was confusing: The traps were indeed set off but nothing had been taken.
“That makes no sense,” Isis said as they exited. “It’s as if the robber is mocking us.”
“It seems so, Master Mahad,” a guard said.
Isis then grunted and staggered back as the Ring blazed to life, all points aimed toward the wide open desert. The strong criminal! she thought. She recovered and charged in the direction her Item indicated. The guards raced behind her, not questioning it as it was obvious why she was running.
She ran straight ahead and then cut a left as the pointers changed direction. She felt excited as the Ring glowed brighter…and then it went dead. She stopped and turned in a slow circle: Nothing. I lost him! Isis thought in irritation.
“Master Mahad?” one guard asked.
“He clearly got out of range. Let’s head back.” She led the way back, knowing she would let Mahad know about this in the morning. She was unaware of someone eyeing the charm she wore and was planning to steal it.
Bakura watched Mahad and the guards walk past him, unaware of his presence. He had fled when the Ring detected his presence before he called on his monster and became invisible. His invisibility was so great that it shielded him from the Ring’s power. It pleased him that he wasn’t detected and he had smirked when Mahad slowly turned to find him. When Mahad turned his way, his eyes widened at the charm around his neck. It was a beautiful round gold charm with a large diamond in the center and enclosed in a swirl circle that was half bronze and half silver.
Oh, that is beautiful and surely valuable. I must have it. My monster’s power will allow me to enter the palace and into Mahad’s room to swipe the charm whether he’s wearing it or not. Bakura grinned as he imagined making off with such a fabulous treasure. I will follow them and hopefully right into the palace. I will wait until Mahad is alone and then I will make my move. I will need to be quick as Mahad will try to use a spell to stop me. That is what would make it a great theft: Stealing from a magician and avoiding his spells.
He used his monster’s wings and tail to follow the group silently through the desert. He saw Mahad glance back every once in a while as if hoping to spot him though it was in vain.
He was guided through the city, spotting potential victims to rob after seizing the charm. Speaking of which, I wonder what kind of magic it possesses. It must be magical if a magician owns it. Once I have it, I will look it over to learn what it does and then I will use it to wreak havoc on the royal court and the citizens. Bakura didn’t laugh as that would give him away but he did smile at the chaos he might cause with his new magical item.
Chapter Seven- Stolen
Isis reported the damage to Atem and then rushed off to the Training Hall, hoping to catch Mahad before classes started. She was in luck as she found him alone with his monster before him. She stopped in the entrance and watched as he murmured spells and as his monster’s strength grew stronger from the practice. She could practically taste the magic in the air as Mahad practiced.
Finally, he ceased his murmurs and his monster returned to his soul. He turned to her with that smile that told her that he had sensed her approach. “Isis,” he said. “I had hoped to speak to you before my classes.”
“I also wanted to speak with you.”
Mahad saw the serious expression he knew all too well since it was his body. “What happened?”
“One of the tombs was broken into. The strange thing is that while the traps were sprung, no treasure was taken.”
“That is strange. It is as if the one responsible was mocking us.”
“That was my conclusion as well. Now, what did you want to say?”
“Oh. Yes. Isis, Seto loves you. I had caught an admiring look out of the corner of my eye yesterday morning and today he came to the tower and confessed his feelings. I gently let him down. He is happy we’re still friends, but his love for you remains.”
“Ah. That explains his too friendly gestures toward me.”
“You had suspicions and failed to tell me?”
“I had nothing solid as proof and I did not know he would confess while we’re switched.”
“All right. Fair enough.” He saw students starting to file in and he exchanged nods with Isis before the latter left to do some scroll studying. Mahad stood before his students as they gathered. “We will resume where we left off yesterday.”
Isis once again found herself in the company of Shada and Kalim. She nodded to them in greeting and they returned it. She selected one of her usual scrolls and settled down to read it. She hadn’t gotten far when she became aware that Shada and Kalim were giving her odd looks. She looked back at them, eyebrow cocked. “Yes?” she asked.
“Mahad, why are you reading this?” Shada asked, tapping the scroll.
Isis thought fast. “Uh…Isis recommended it and I decided to take a look.”
Both priests nodded before returning to their studies and Isis inwardly sighed. She had forgotten that she needed to look at spell scrolls as she had Mahad’s body. Well, I won’t have to worry about that anymore. It is almost dark and I will soon go to sleep. Tomorrow morning, I will be in my own body and our switch will be revealed to the court. It will be amusing to see the court’s reactions.
Mahad ended his lesson with Mana with a feeling of satisfaction. His two days of lessons as a woman were done and he would be himself this time tomorrow. He knew exactly what he would do tomorrow. There would be a patrol run for criminal activity, then he would examine the damaged tomb, he would train his students, and finally study spell scrolls until bedtime. Yes, that will be a perfect day. He was approaching the archives when Isis exited it. The two shared smiles as Isis fell into step beside Mahad. “How did classes go?” she asked.
“Quite well. My students are doing very well in their casting abilities.”
Isis nodded. “Mahad, I unconsciously selected one of my usual scrolls and Shada and Kalim both noticed.”
“What did you say?”
“That I or rather you recommended it and I chose to look at it.”
Mahad nodded. He would have said a similar thing if their roles were reversed. “I would definitely have said that if I was asked that question.”
“I sometimes had times where I forgot I have your body.”
“I too have had those moments. However, I have enjoyed being a woman.”
“And I have enjoyed being a man. I wouldn’t mind you casting that gender spell on me every now and then.”
“Considering that you’ve said you have often imagined being a man, I certainly wouldn’t object to turning you into a man. Of course, we would have to tell the pharaoh about the spell and when I would use it.”
“I would still need to study it and then test it on myself before using it on anyone else.”
Isis nodded. Mahad often used himself to test transformation spells like this one. I look forward to when he’s succeeded in the spell and agrees to use it on me. She stopped at Mahad’s room and kissed his cheek good night and eased into the room while Mahad went to Isis’ room.
Bakura resisted the urge to growl in annoyance. That damn priest, he thought. He seems to be surrounded by people all the time: Guards, students, and other priests, especially the woman. He had dropped his monster’s power once he had secured himself somewhere safe where he wouldn’t be seen. I will just have to wait until most of the palace is asleep. Yes, that would be best. Hmm, maybe I’ll steal the Ring as well. Bakura then shook his head. No, I’ll just take the charm. If I try to take too much, I’ll likely run into trouble. Once I determine the charm’s power, then I’ll focus on the Items.
Bakura kept an eye on the palace windows he could see from his hiding place, waiting for all if not most, of the windows to go dark or dim. Once he did, he called on his monster and its power which had been replenished in the time Bakura had waited to strike. He crept past the guards as he entered the palace and strode pas the ones in the corridors. He had spent a little time earlier on in learning where the priests and priestess slept so he didn’t waste his monster’s power looking for those rooms now. That was how he knew of Mahad being surrounded by people. He now needed to look for which one belonged to Mahad.
His first stop was at Seto’s room. He stuck his head in and, upon seeing the blue hat, determined this wasn’t the right room. He moved on to the next one and found it was not the one, either. His third try yielded his target. He silently moved across the room to see Mahad fast asleep, both charm and Ring around his neck. He licked his lips as he reached for the charm.
Suddenly, Mahad’s eyes snapped open and Bakura drew back despite being invisible. Mahad’s eyes darted around. “Who’s there?” he demanded. He still doesn’t sense my presence, Bakura though. At least not in the usual way; his sixth sense clearly tells him someone’s here.
“I know you’re here,” the priest continued. “Show yourself.”
I will; if only to mock him. Bakura wavered into view and he smirked at his target. “As you wish, priest.”
Mahad stood up with shock. “Bakura!”
The thief moved quickly. His hand snaked forward, snatched the charm, and snapped it off Mahad’s neck before laughing, fading out of sight, and took off, his footsteps heard before fading. I did it! I stole the charm! I can’t believe how easy that was. He didn’t even try to block me with a spell.
Isis felt panic. Bakura stole the charm! Without it, Mahad and I can’t switch back. We’re trapped like this until we get it back. Isis wanted to head out after Bakura but knew it was foolish to do so alone. The only way to succeed is for the Sacred Court to work together and that means revealing the switch as we originally planned, but out of necessity not for amusement.
Chapter Eight- Switch Revealed
Mahad awoke and stretched as he got up. Today, I return to my body. Isis should be here soon. As if on cue, Isis came in and one look told Mahad that something was wrong. She had a worried expression and bags under her eyes, indicating that she did not sleep much. “Mahad,” she said.
“Isis, what’s wrong? Where’s the charm?”
“It’s gone. Bakura stole it last night.”
“What? Bakura!? We must get it back, otherwise we’re stuck.” Mahad headed out with Isis behind him.
The pair entered the Throne Room and anxiously took their places. The time it took for Atem to arrive felt like a long time to them, but it took no longer than usual. He sat and smiled at who he believed was Isis, but she did not return it. Once court was open, Atem said, “I have a surprise for most of you but first, Isis is something wrong?”
Mahad knelt. “I am afraid so, my pharaoh. The charm was stolen last night.”
Atem gasped at this. So, they’re still switched. “Who stole it?”
“Bakura,” Isis spoke up. “He moved so fast I couldn’t stop him.”
The rest of the court knew what charm the others spoke about as they had seen Mahad wearing it for two days. “Why didn’t you use a spell?” Seto asked, almost sneering.
Isis looked at him. “Because I am not Mahad. I’m Isis.”
Seto blinked rapidly. “Isis? What? How?”
“The charm Bakura stole. Mahad used it and a spell to switch our bodies two days ago. We were supposed to switch back this morning before court, but without the charm, we cannot.”
“We must get it back so we can change back and before Bakura discovers its power,” Mahad said.
The court nodded; if Bakura knew what he had, he would use it to assume another’s body and no one would know it. “My pharaoh,” Mahad continued. “I ask you to remain here. Bakura would no doubt switch with you if he had discovered its power.”
Atem nodded. “Fair point, but all of you be careful.”
The court nodded and Seto drew alongside Mahad as they headed out. “So, I was speaking to you these last two days, Mahad.”
“You were and honestly, I had hoped to see a shocked look on your face upon realizing you were talking to me the whole time. A shame it did not happen.”
“And challenging the woman I love, thinking it was you.”
“That was the basic idea: To do the other’s duties while being the opposite gender. The pharaoh and my students were the only ones who knew.”
“Of course your students knew. You still have your magic.”
Mahad nodded as they mounted their horses and rode out into the desert where Isis began to utilize the Ring as Bakura was likely not concealing himself anymore. The questions on everyone’s mind were: Why would Bakura steal the charm instead of their Items and has he discovered the charm’s power yet?
Bakura examined the charm, turning it over in his hands. It was truly a lovely piece of work, but it didn’t seem to be much more than that. His fingers ran over the edges and felt the ridges of hieroglyphs. He brought the item closer and he saw symbols etched around the edge. He turned the charm as he read the words, excitement welling up inside him.
It is magical, he thought. The hieroglyphs are a spell that, when spoken while the charm is being worn, will switch people’s bodies! Oh, this is perfect! I could sneak into the palace and use the charm and spell to switch bodies with the pharaoh! Then, I would destroy it so we remain switched as the charm is needed to undo it. Bakura wanted to use his new item right away but reasoned that the palace was probably on high alert after his break-in and he would need to wait before striking. But while I wait, I think I’ll test this charm once I have mastered the spell.
Isis kept an eye on the Ring as the group rode on. She felt ashamed that she allowed herself to be robbed. Yes, she had said Bakura had moved too fast to stop him, but she still felt that she should have done something to prevent the theft. I have a man’s body, so I should be behaving like one. She saw someone ride up beside her and looked to see Seto who was looking at her with an expression of disbelief.
“Seto?” she prompted.
He shook his head. “It’s just unbelievable. I didn’t know all this time.”
“We only switched bodies. Naturally, I sound like Mahad.”
“Speaking of him, I admitted feeling of love to him yesterday but it was meant for you.”
“I know. Mahad told me all about the situation.”
“So, you two are in love?”
“We are. I was told that you would still love me.”
“That’s right. Isis, who suggested the switch and why did you agree?”
“Mahad suggested it, but he asked for my permission. I agreed because I sometimes fantasized what it would be like to be a man. Funny enough, Mahad was interested in being a woman.”
“And? What do you think?”
“I do enjoy being a man but…I sure didn’t act like one last night. I should have been able to stop him.” The Ring glowed and Isis turned her horse in the direction it indicated.
“Isis, you are a woman in a man’s body. You don’t need to act like a man. Although, you did a good job in acting like Mahad.”
“Well thank you, Seto.” The Ring glowed brighter and she followed its directions. She felt hopeful at the bright glow. If it continued to brighten, she would eventually sense the evil of the one the Ring found.
Seto’s right: It’s Mahad’s body, but my soul is female. It is not necessary for me to act like a man thought I did well at acting like Mahad. Of course, his telling me how to carry out his duties did help. I know that if I get the chance to help retrieve the charm in more than what I’m doing now, I’ll take it.
Mahad watched as Seto and Isis talked and he felt a brief stab of jealousy but pushed it away. Isis loved him and wasn’t about to dump him. She would still love me, even if in the unlikely event that we don’t retrieve the charm.
His mouth then parted slightly and his fingers went to it. My prediction! It has come to pass. The stealing of the charm is indeed terrible trouble for her and me. Well, most of Isis’ visions do come true so it makes sense that mine would come true as well. Now, it’s a matter of reversing the prediction’s event. And we will.
The Ring then blazed to life and Isis pulled her horse to a stop as she put a hand to her chest. The others grouped around her. “Isis?” Aknadin asked.
“Uh, I’m fine,” she answered. “This is good, though.” She touched the blazing Item. “This is the same evil I sensed yesterday morning while checking tombs. This must be Bakura’s evil.”
“A criminal of his caliber would have a strong evil aura,” Seto noted. “Lead on, Isis.”
She nodded as she flicked the reins and steered her horse in the direction the pointers indicated. She was eager and anxious to find Bakura and the charm. As much as she enjoyed being a man, she would very much like to have her own body again. I’m sure Mahad feels the same way. Once we switch back, I will insist that he destroy it. I believe it’s necessary in order to prevent Bakura from seeking it again. The Ring brought her to the entrance of a cave and all six dismounted before following Isis inside to find and confront Bakura.
Chapter Nine- Body and Gender
Bakura mouthed the words and then murmured them, feeling confident in his pronunciation. Now that I’ve mastered the words, I’m ready to test it. I’ll go out invisible to find a pair of test subjects. Then, I’ll reappear, touch their chests, chant the spell, and see what happens. Hopefully, they’ll end up in the other’s body. I won’t undo it. They’ll stay in the other’s body. Bakura laughed as pictured the potential victims trapped as each other. A blaze of gold light came from the passage that led to where he was currently and he turned to see the Sacred Court, Mahad in the forefront, his Item glowing and pointing at him.
Damn, they found me. But, wait. If I switch bodies with Mahad, I’ll possess his magic and can escape. Yes, that’ll work.
Mahad strode toward him, the others behind him. “Bakura, return the charm and we’ll leave you in peace.”
“You want it? Then, you’ll have it.” Bakura put it on, having repaired the strap, put a hand on it, seized Mahad’s hand, and chanted the spell.
Isis felt dizzy and lightheaded as her soul left her body and landed in Bakura’s body. “No!” she exclaimed in Bakura’s voice as she stared at Mahad’s body which had a smirk that soon vanished.
“What? Where’s your magic?” he asked.
Isis tried on a Bakura-like smirk as she went to Mahad and headed over the charm. “I don’t have magic because I’m Isis. Mahad and I switched bodies now three days ago. Mahad still has his magic as it’s tied to his soul.”
“And I will use it and the charm to return Isis to her body and then reclaim my body.” Mahad took Isis’ hand, and put a hand on the charm now around his neck, and spoke the counter spell. Their souls swapped places and Isis smiled at Mahad, happy to be herself again.
“Give Bakura the charm and keep hold of him,” Mahad instructed her with Bakura’s voice. “Seto, if you will stand behind me. You will take Bakura into custody once we switch back.”
“Of course.” Seto took his place as Isis put the charm around Bakura’s neck and the pinned his arms back.
Bakura struggled to get loose and thought he was taller than Isis, she had no trouble keeping his arms immobile. She was clearly stronger than she looked. He saw Mahad come closer, put his hand on the charm and one on himself, and chanted the counter spell. Bakura felt the sensation from before when he first used the spell and when it passed, he found himself looking at Mahad and his arms bound behind him. “Hey! You said you would leave me in peace,” he said to Isis who was now beside Mahad.
“That was before you switched places with me,” Isis countered. “Now, you will be imprisoned and later on, judged.”
“Furthermore,” Mahad added. “You won’t get your hands on this charm again.” He held the item in his hand, spoke two words, and the charm melted courtesy of a heat spell.
As the group headed out with their prisoner, Isis sidled up to the magician. “You did what I was going to suggest you do with the charm.”
“When it got stolen, that’s when I realized that it was a dangerous thing to keep around. Bakura proved it when he switched bodies with you.”
Isis nodded and then last night’s events flitted into her mind as they got outside. She gasped and was about to warn Seto when he grunted and Bakura laughed. Everyone turned to see Seto on the ground and Bakura turning invisible.
“Fools,” he sneered, heard but not seen. “You will never catch or hold me for long. One day, I will triumph!” He laughed again and it faded as he escaped into the desert.
“Seto, are you all right?” Aknadin asked as he went to the young man’s side.
“I’m fine. He just surprised me with his push.” Seto stood up.
“He assaulted you!” Aknadin growled. “When he is judged, it will be a glorious day.”
“It will,” Mahad agreed. “We will add assault on a member of the Sacred Court to his list of crimes.” There were nods as they mounted their horses and headed home.
Atem looked eagerly at his court as they entered. He didn’t see Bakura but he knew the young thief was clever and cunning. It would take an equally cunning plan to catch him. However, the smiles on Mahad and Isis’ faces were enough to tell him that their primary goal had been fulfilled. “You’ve switched back.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” Mahad answered. “And I destroyed the charm so that no one will steal it again.”
Atem nodded. “Good, but it would have been interesting to not be pharaoh for a day.” His eyes got a faraway and wistful look as his fantasy would remain just that: A fantasy.
The court exchanged looks at this statement and Mahad said, “I could look for a spell for that, one that does not require a charm or an outside object.”
Atem focused on him. “That would be nice, but don’t start on that right away.”
“As you wish. I am currently learning a spell to temporarily change one’s gender. A gift for Isis.” He gave her a tender look, deciding to let all know that they were in love with his look.
Aknadin, Shada, and Kalim shared knowing looks; despite the couple’s best efforts, they had suspected they were in love. Truthfully, they made a good match.
Mahad looked into the mirror and smiled. Perfect. The image of a brown-eyed brunette woman smiled back. He had spent weeks studying this spell in between his duties, determined to master it and surprise his beloved. Atem had given his permission weeks ago for both of them to be the opposite gender for a time once Mahad got the spell down.
Now that I have, I will be a woman for a little while. She turned and left her room. She once again wore a priestess’ robes and was reminded of how they hugged her body. That’s okay. I’ll get used to it again. Honestly, I like this spell. It simply changed my male state to female. I still have my eye and hair color and my height. Isis is going to be surprised and she will love this spell as well.
She reached Isis’ room and knocked. “Come in,” she heard and did so. Isis turned with a smiled which became a dropped-jaw expression and Mahad smiled in amusement. “Surprise,” she said a mature woman’s voice.
“Mahad!?” Isis gasped. “Wow, you’re beautiful. So, that means the spell works.”
“Oh, yes. I tested it and the counter spell last night and both worked perfectly.”
“Great. So, that means I’ll be a man today.”
“Today and for a few days after.” She waved a hand to change Isis’ robe before casting the gender spell.
Isis felt a warmth spread through her body before it faded and knew she was now male. He opened his eyes and looked up at an admiring Mahad. “Isis, you’re very attractive.”
Isis went to his mirror to see a black-haired man that had his height. His hair was much shorter and his chest was flat and nicely muscled. “I would have to agree,” he answered in a mature man’s voice.
Mahad smiled happily at Isis’ voice. “Now, remember,” she said as they left. “We’re supposed to act like our new gender.”
“I remember.” Isis could hardly forget that stipulation and looked forward to really acting like a man now that his body was truly his own. They stopped outside the Throne Room and he said, “So, as the man of this relationship, I should do this.” He took Mahad in his arms and pulled her down into a romantic kiss which Mahad, as a woman, savored and happily accepted.