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Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

Chapter One- Third Year Start

Atticus hauled two cans of blue paint to a pulley system, attached them, and then watched them ascend as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. The re-painting of the Obelisk dorm was labor-intensive but it had to be done and Chazz had rallied all of Obelisk to the restoration, saying it was a matter of school pride.

He stepped back to eye the painting. It was coming along nicely. I could slip off for a little bit. I have something I want to do before school starts tomorrow. Or at least before the rally starts. He started to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Where do you think you’re going?” came Alexis’ voice.

Atticus turned with his winning smile. “There’s something I need to do before tomorrow’s rally.”

“Flirting is not as important as the re-painting.”

“I’m not off to flirt!” he snapped. “I want to find Jaden and tell him something important.”

“What is it?”

“Promise not to tell?”

“On my deck, I won’t tell.”

Atticus licked his lips and slowly exhaled. “I’m in love with Jaden.”

Alexis rolled her eyes. “You and pretty much every girl in the school.”

“Including you,” Atticus pointed out.

“What makes you think Jaden will accept your affections, much less romance?”

“I see your point, but look. This is our last year at Duel Academy. Everyone will split up for his or her own dueling career. I just need to get it out and let him know so I don’t regret it for the rest of my life.”

“All right, Atti. Go ahead and tell him. Just don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t reciprocate which is likely to happen.”

“Thanks, sis.” Atticus left Obelisk and hurried to Slifer. He knew his sister had a point about Jaden’s lack of romantic interest but surely now, at seventeen, he had given a little thought to a future that was about more than dueling. I don’t want him to give up dueling, he thought. I just want him to think of other things beside dueling and eating.

Atticus appreciated Jaden’s easygoing personality when he recovered from his coma back in Jaden’s first year. Indeed, he himself tormented Alexis as he had missed being with her. But when he wasn’t annoying her, his thoughts kept turning to Jaden.

Last year found Atticus thinking of Jaden more often than not. Granted, Jaden was missing for a time, but when he returned, Atticus still thought of him. He couldn’t deny that he was in love with Jaden and needed to tell him.


The brunette stopped and turned to see Hassleberry and Syrus, whom he had passed without realizing it. “Hey, guys. Is Jaden sleeping?” He tilted his head at the dorm.

“He’s not there,” Hassleberry said. “Truesdale and I are lookin’ for him.”

“Mind if I help?”

“Not at all,” Syrus said.

“Great. By the way, Sy, congrats.” Atticus indicated the shorter boy’s Obelisk uniform.

“Uh, thanks. I got new glasses too.”

“Oh, yes. Of course.” Atticus thought they looked exactly like what Syrus usually wears, but chose not to say so.

The trio combed the places near Slifer as they moved toward the school. It was Hassleberry who spied Jaden on the roof of the school. The brunette was sitting cross-legged on the roof and seemed to be chatting to thin air. Atticus knew better; though he didn’t possess the ability to see Duel Spirits, he knew Jaden did and this gift was another reason why he loved Jaden. He suspected that Chazz had this ability too as he had seen Chazz appearing to yell at nothing. Regardless, Atticus had to speak to Jaden. He didn’t care if a group of Duel Spirits were standing there invisible and inaudible to him, he had to tell Jaden.

He rushed inside the school and hurried up the stairs to gain the rooftop. He reached the top to find Jaden still cross-legged and looking over his shoulder at him before looking in the opposite direction and said, “Yup, you were right.”

“Who’s right and right about what?” Atticus asked as he sat beside Jaden.

“Oh, Dark Panther saw you run into the school and said you were going to come up here.”

“Ah. Okay.”

“You think I’m crazy, huh? Someone who thinks he can talk to his monsters.”

“No. I know you can talk to them. I think it’s cool and wish I could talk to mine.”


“Uh-huh. Chazz talks to his too, right?”

“Mostly, it’s the Ojamas. He’s got a love-hate relationship with them, you know?”

“I think so. He enjoys dueling with them but not crazy about them off the dueling field.”

“Yup, that seems to be the case.”

“Speaking of relationships, I want to talk about the one we have, Jaden.”

Jaden gave him a puzzled look. “I would think we’re friends.”

“We are, but over this past year, I found that I…I actually love you. Your easy acceptance of the world around you is charming to me. Your ability to talk to Duel Spirits is, as I said before, cool. I’ve been wanting to tell you all this for a while. I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same way but I figured that as this is our last year of school, I had to let you know so I don’t regret not saying anything.”

There was silence and Atticus wondered if Jaden’s monsters were gathered around them and speaking to Jaden. He suspected that they were as Jaden kept glancing all around him. He looked over his shoulders, to his left, and directly in front of him.

Finally, Jaden said, “I’m glad you told me this.”

“Yeah? I feel better having gotten it off my chest.”

“I imagine.” There was a pause and then he added, “Atticus, I love you too.”

Atticus perked up. “You do?”

“Yeah. I find you charming and you’re easygoing like me. I also feel we have a connection from both of us passing the Gravekeeper’s test.”

“Yeah. If we hadn’t, Camula’s tactic of sacrificing our friends’ souls wouldn’t have been neutralized.”

“Good point.” Jaden took one of Atticus’ hands in his own. “So, where do we go from here?”

“We could hang out together and find other common ground and things we like about each other.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Jaden, I want to also let you know that I will never stop loving you, no matter what.”

Jaden felt touched by Atticus’ vow and chose to give one of his own. “And I promise that no one and nothing will ever come between us. Absolutely no one and nothing.”

Chapter Two- Seeing Spirits

“He loves you too?” Alexis repeated at dinner that night. “That’s great. I’m happy for you.”

“Do I detect some disappointment in your voice, sis?”

“A little,” she admitted. “And I won’t be the only one once people hear about you two.”

Atticus didn’t bother insisting that no one else would know. The whole school would know eventually that Atticus Rhodes and Jaden Yuki were a couple. The girl admirers they both had would be disappointed and perhaps upset, but they would get over it. I promised to never stop loving Jaden, no matter what and Jaden assured me that no one and nothing will come between us. Our vows makes it clear that we’re committed to one another.

“So, what did you and Atticus talk about?” Syrus asked Jaden as they had dinner.

“The adventures we’ve had since the end of our first year at school, especially last year.”

“You were M.I.A. for a time last year,” Hassleberry pointed out.

“Uh, sure.” Jaden didn’t know what M.I.A. meant and didn’t really care. “Anyway, Atticus had been on my mind when I wasn’t thinking of dueling, eating, or fighting evil forces trying to take over the world.”

“On your mind?” Hassleberry said. “What does that mean?”

Syrus, however, had an idea what Jaden meant. “Ja…are you in love with Atticus?” he asked softly.

“No, he’s not,” Hassleberry interjected. “That’s crazy, Sy.”

“It’s true, though,” Jaden said. “I do love Atticus and told him so after he said he loves me.”

“Ja, that’s wonderful. I’m happy for you. So, does this mean that Atticus won’t be chasing girls anymore?”

“I believe so.” And I look forward to spending more time with him. Jaden began thinking about those times, not hearing anything about tomorrow’s rally.

Atticus and Jaden met on the school roof the next day and, while Jaden saw Winged Kuriboh, the two were alone. “Alexis knows about us. I was leaving the re-painting to find you when she confronted me about leaving. I made her promise to tell no one.”

“Sy guessed that I’m in love with you. He and Hassleberry are the only ones at Slifer who know.”

“Yes, but it’ll get out, you know. Eventually, the whole school will know about us. Most secrets don’t remain secret forever.”

“Yeah, but we can try.”

“We can and will.” Atticus watched Jaden look away from him and behind him and Atticus smiled in amusement. “We have company?”

“Just Kuriboh.” Jaden looked behind him again. “And Red-Eyes Black Dragon.”

“Red-Eyes? You don’t have that monster in your deck.”

“No, but you do, right?”

“Well, I do have that deck on me right now.” He looked back, expecting to see empty air and gaped at the ghostly form of his favorite monster. “I…see it,” he said in soft awe.

“You see it?” Jaden repeated.

“Yeah…and Kuriboh too.”

Jaden then grinned hugely. “Oh, cool! You can see spirits now!”

“Yes, but how?”

“Love,” came another voice and Atticus saw Neos materialize behind Jaden. “The moment the two of you vowed to love each other and held hands, Jaden shared his gift with you, albeit, unintentionally.”

It was Atticus’ turn to grin. “Oh, wow. That’s really cool.” He stood and stretched. “We should get going. The rally, you know.”

“Right. The rally. Go ahead, I’ll catch up.” Once Atticus had left, Jaden looked at Neos. “So Atticus can see spirits because of love?”

“Love is a powerful force. It helps good triumph over evil and light to extinguish darkness. Also, Atticus is a special man. I sense it, but I am not clear why or how.”

Jaden nodded as Neos faded away. So now that he can see spirits, he’ll be able to talk to them. Yeah, people may think he’s crazy like they think I am, but we think it’s good that we have another thing in common.

The sight of Kuriboh floating over to a heating until and cooing rapidly caught his attention. “What is it, pal?” He looked over and saw a red orb. “What is that?” he asked before a spirit that looked like a purple cat appeared, the red orb he had seen was on the end of its tail. It pranced over to them and swatted playfully at Kuriboh until a person Jaden had never seen before showed up to rein it in.


Atticus twisted in his seat to see if Jaden had showed up, but so far, he was absent. Where is he? Atticus wondered. He noticed that Syrus and Hassleberry weren’t present and hoped they were getting Jaden to come to the rally.

“Atti? You okay?”

He turned to Alexis who was beside him. “Yeah, Lexi. I’m just hoping Jaden doesn’t miss the rally.”

“Weren’t you just with him?”

“I was and as I said we needed to get going, he told me to go ahead and that he’ll catch up.”

“Why would he say that?”

“Maybe he wanted to confirm something Neos said.”


“Oh, right. When Ja and I vowed to love each other yesterday and held hands, he unintentionally shared his gift of seeing spirits with me.” He grinned at the memory. “Sis, it is so cool to actually see them, to hear them.”

“You can see Duel Spirits now?”

“Sure can. I’ve got that deck when I was Night Shroud on me right now and Red-Eyes showed up behind me.” Atticus looked back at the doorway to see Jaden, Syrus, and Hassleberry come in and take their seats along with other students before Sheppard opened the rally with freshman Blair giving the school pledge. When she turned to go back to her seat, she gave a wink to Jaden.

Jaden looked away, thought he did blush a little. Blair clearly still had a crush on him after all this time but he never fell for her as he loved dueling more than people and besides, he was too old for her. I hope she gives her attention to someone else as I’m taken now. His eyes sought out Atticus sitting amongst his fellow Obelisks dorm mates as well as Alexis. He smiled slightly when Atticus locked eyes with him. He turned his attention back to Sheppard as he continued the rally.

Atticus listened to Sheppard as he announced guest duelist from the four branches of Duel Academy. Atticus found three of them intriguing especially the one with the crocodile. The fourth came in late with his introduction. As he came down the steps, he paused at Jaden, and greeted him warmly before apologizing for not giving his name earlier.

Earlier? Atticus thought as Jesse mounted the stage. Did he show up after I left? I hope Jaden doesn’t love him more than me, though I really shouldn’t be concerned about that. After all, we vowed to love each other no matter what.

Chapter Three- The Chamber

Atticus bit his lip as he, along with the others, watched Jaden and Jesse share card combos of their respective decks. The two were so much alike and they seemed to be connecting in a way that was remarkable. The others eventually left but Atticus remained where he was watching the two boys talking. He saw Kuriboh and Jesse’s spirit monster Ruby playing with each other until Kuriboh looked at him, cooed, and floated over to him which caught Jaden’s attention. “Hey, Atticus,” he said.

“Hi, Jaden. Hi, Jesse,” Atticus said as he came over and sat.

“Jesse, this is Atticus Rhodes. My boyfriend.”

“Pleasure to meet ya,” Jesse said, holding out a hand.

Atticus took the hand. “Same here,” he said, relieved that Jaden had called him his boyfriend, despite the fact they were supposed to keep it a secret. He also saw that Jesse was no threat to his relationship with Jaden; the boy was simply too likeable to not like him.

“Jaden says you can see spirits, too,” Jesse continued.

“It’s a recent development. I have to say that it’s cool to be able to see and speak to them.”

“Sure is. So, which monsters in your deck do you talk to?”

“Well, I know Red-Eyes Black Dragon but I haven’t sensed any others.”

“Red-Eyes, huh? That’s a mighty strong monster.”

“Jaden, I admit I was a bit worried,” Atticus said as they headed toward Slifer. “I thought you liked Jesse more than me.”

“What?” Jaden said, surprised. “Atti, that’s crazy. I said nothing and no one would come between us and I mean it. Jesse is just a new friend who can see spirits too.”

“I sensed he shared that gift during the exhibition match. A shame we couldn’t see that Rainbow Dragon.”

“Yeah, sounds like one sweet monster.”

“Well,” Atticus said as they reached the red dorm. “See you tomorrow, Ja.” He gave the younger boy a kiss on the cheek before heading for Obelisk. Yeah, I was being ridiculous that Jaden would dump me for Jesse. We’re still in love and that Jesse is actually a pretty cool guy.

Jaden smiled happily as he watched Atticus walk away. The two of them were a good match. He turned and decided to take a walk in the forest. He was soon striding through it toward the abandoned dorm. He knew the dorm was forbidden but as long as no one saw him and reported him to Sheppard, he would be all right. Besides, I don’t plan to go in it, just stand there and admire it while thinking of the times when I did go in it.

Jaden soon found himself standing before the dorm, admiring how it looked in the light of the full moon; it looked majestic and magical, just like the inside. The images of the Millennium Items on the wall and the chamber in the basement. That chamber is the reason why I’m not going in. No creepy Shadow Realm monster for me. No way.

Jaden walked over to the left side of the dorm, moving carefully as the ground seemed crumbly. He was curious about what lay beyond the dorm beside more woods. He hopped lightly across the ground but as he jumped over a patch of broken ground and landed past it, the ground gave way and he tumbled down a shaft of earth and landed on his rear on a stone ground.

“Ow!” he said as he stood, rubbing his rump. He looked up at the hole and then the sides. The dirt was soft in places but hard in other places. It’ll be hard going getting out of this hole. But, wait. Maybe there’s a way out down here. He looked around to see that the walls down here were stone and clearly man-made which made another exit plausible. He stayed where he was as he turned in a circle to seek out the exit. I can hardly see a thing, though. I could use some light. A shaft of light then stabbed down from above and he looked up to see the full moon. Yeah, that’s better, he thought.

The bottom of the shaft suddenly became easier to see and Jaden blinked at the visual acuity. Then he gasped as a burning warmth swept over him. He folded to his knees and doubled over, groaning as he felt parts of himself contracting or stretching. He lifted his head and opened his eyes to see his nose and mouth pushing out into a snout. He felt pain in his back and knees until he stood on his hands and the balls of his feet. The scary part was he couldn’t feel his toes or fingers. He looked at his hands and gasped. His hands were paws and covered in fur the same color as his hair!

What is happening to me? Jaden wondered. He groaned again as his muscles throbbed and another wave of burning washed over him before it ended. He panted from the residue pain, vaguely aware of his tongue hanging out. Slowly, he exhaled and then craned his neck to see that he had four legs and a muscled body covered in brown fur. I look like a dog…or a wolf. He looked ahead of him and he could make out words written on a few sections of the stone. He stumbled over to it and his eyes roved over the words, their meaning making his mouth drop: He was a werewolf now!

He would be forced to change on the full moon but otherwise he could change whenever he wanted. Anger or fear could trigger a change until the feeling that caused it had passed. He was in complete control of himself and fully aware while in wolf form. His new condition would show on his human form in the form of pointed ears. His senses, speed, and strength would be enhanced in human and wolf form.

This chamber and full moon is what changed me into a werewolf. Well, this isn’t so bad. Actually, it’s kind of cool. He looked back at the hole and then his legs and paws. He flexed his paws to see sharp claws.

“If I am stronger, maybe I can simply jump and climb out,” he said. He walked to the hole, crouched, and leaped with a thrust of his legs. His forelegs stretched up with his claws unsheathed. He sailed up the shaft and his claws latched onto the hole’s edge and his back ones anchoring into the hard dirt wall. He used his strength and claws to climb out of the hole and speed away from the unstable ground.

He stopped once he was near his dorm. He then paced as he thought of what to do. He couldn’t resume human form until morning so he could sleep outside as he couldn’t open a door with paws. Or I could just knock and have Sy or Hassleberry open it. Yeah, that makes more sense. He nodded to himself before heading for the dorm and spent time climbing the stairs. He reached the top and felt lucky that tonight was the last full moon until next month. I can practice stair climbing in the meantime.

He went over to the door and used the back of his paw to knock. His ears heard footsteps and the doorknob turn. The door opened to reveal Hassleberry who stared at Jaden before he exclaimed, “Sam Hill!” and shut the door.

He heard Syrus and Hassleberry’s voices before calling, “Hassleberry, it’s me.”

“Jaden?” called Syrus. “Where’s the wolf? Hassleberry said he saw a wolf.”

“He did because I am the wolf. I fell into a chamber near the abandoned dorm and it, combined with the full moon, changed me into a werewolf.”

“Werewolf?” Syrus squeaked, fear lacing his voice.

Chapter Four- Shunned

“Yes, a werewolf.” Jaden’s tail swished in irritation. “Mind letting me in or am I going to have to sleep out here all night?” There was silence before the door opened and Jaden walked in.

Both of his roommates were eyeing him with fear with Syrus in his bed already and Hassleberry climbing into his own. “Oh, come on,” he said, shutting the door with a back paw. “I’m not going to bite.”

“But that’s usually how one becomes a werewolf,” Syrus said. “Being bitten by a werewolf on a full moon.”

“True, but trust me, I won’t bite.” Jaden crossed to the small mirror mounted on the wall and reared up, planting his paws on the wall. A brown wolf with gold eyes and a long muzzle was reflected there. However his eyes, while having the intensity of a wolf, had human awareness and intelligence in their depths. I can see why they would be afraid, but I’m still me.

“I’m kind of cute,” he said as he went back to all fours.

“You said a chamber and the full moon changed you?” Hassleberry asked.

“Yeah. There were also words carved into the stone walls of the chamber. It told me all about being a werewolf. I’ll be forced to change on the full moon or if I became angry or scared. I can changed when I want otherwise. I’ll have the enhanced senses, speed, and strength whether human or wolf. I’ll also have pointed ears while human. Obviously, I am aware and in control of myself.” He faced his friends and still saw fear and apprehension in their eyes. He sighed. “Look, I know this is a bit much so let’s get some sleep and talk in the morning.” He climbed into bed and curled up before falling asleep.

Syrus and Hassleberry woke early and quietly dressed before regarding the sleeping wolf. He had shifted positions in the night and was now on his side, his face toward them. Neither one said anything as the sun rose and Jaden changed to human, fully clothed and still asleep. Syrus could make out the pointed tip of an ear through Jaden’s hair before the two Ra students left the room.

“Jaden seems to like being a werewolf,” Syrus said. “I mean, he didn’t seem upset or anything.”

“You’re right. Personally, I would see it as a curse. Forced the change three times a month? No thanks.”

Jaden entered the cafeteria at his usual time to find his friends eating at a different table. He wasn’t too concerned as he got his food, albeit, with some extra fish. Wolves are carnivores so since I’m part wolf it makes sense that I would crave meat. Jaden had checked his ears when he woke up and liked how they looked: Kind of like Dark Panther’s ears but a little longer. I wonder if Sy and Hassleberry noticed earlier. I’ll ask on the way to school.

Jaden never got the chance to ask as his friends left the cafeteria without him and headed to school, leaving him to walk alone. He was feeling a little confused and abandoned. Did they really think he would bite them into werewolves? I wouldn’t do that. I’m a sweet wolf, a nice one.

He saw Alexis as he reached the school and called, “Hi, Alexis!” Alexis glanced back and then hurried away. Jaden blinked. Did she already know? If so, it wasn’t hard to figure out how. Sy and Hassleberry aren’t wasting any time, telling people about me. If Alexis’ reaction is any indication, the school’s likely to be afraid of me and turn on me.

His suspicions were confirmed as he got to his first class. The Slifers had all bunched up together so Jaden sat with no one next to him, below him, or above him either. The same scenario played out in his other morning classes. When lunch rolled around, Jaden sat on the roof, not hungry and depressed over how he was now viewed.

Atticus had kept an eye on his boyfriend throughout the morning. The news that Jaden was a werewolf now spread like fire via the PDA’s and the brunette Slifer found himself shunned. Atticus heard some students say that Jaden was now a freak and a monster and they feared what their top duelist was capable of now. Their words angered Atticus and it was clear that Jaden hadn’t heard any of this but he did seem depressed. Atticus’ heart went out to his boyfriend. He needed some comfort and Atticus was just the person for the job.

He suspected Jaden was on the roof and headed up there with a large box lunch they could share. He popped his head out of the stairs and saw Jaden sitting near the edge and seemed unaware he had company. Atticus didn’t see any spirits around as he headed over to Jaden. “Hey, Ja,” he said lightly as he sat.

Jaden looked over. “Atti,” he said flatly as he edged away.

Atticus slid over too. “Ja, don’t shy away from me. We’re boyfriends after all.”

“Haven’t you heard? I’m a werewolf.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard. But I don’t care.”

“You’re…not afraid of me?”

“Why would I be? It’s clear to me that this hasn’t changed you.”

“A few things have changed, though. I crave meat and I have pointed ears.” Jaden brushed some hair back to expose one briefly.

“Point made, but I’m guessing your personality hasn’t changed.”

“Pretty much, but no one else sees that. They’re afraid of me as if I’ll change and bite them.” Jaden huffed a little. “If I did want to, I would have to wait until the full moon.”

“So, you can change whenever you want?”

“I can and also whenever I feel scared or angry. I also have sharper senses, faster speed, and I’m stronger as a wolf and a human.”

“Any chance I could see your wolf form now?”

“Of course. I should warn you, it’ll be instant.”

Atticus braced himself as the brown eyes he had been looking at became gold wolf eyes. Atticus then stood and looked Jaden over from different angles. “’Very nice,” he said as he sat again. “Syrus and Hassleberry saw this, right?”

“Yeah, but it scared them. Everyone else is afraid of me and they won’t listen to me if I try to say that I’m harmless.” Jaden bowed his head and gave a whine.

“Maybe if we talk to Sheppard, you’ll be able to tell the school that you’re harmless.”

“You think so?”

“We can try.” Atticus laughed as Jaden licked his hand. “All right, Ja. So you hungry? I brought a box lunch.”

“Starving.” Jaden changed back to human as Atticus opened the box. He had just grabbed a set of chopsticks when he froze, his nose flaring. “We’re about to have company,” he said.

Atticus craned his neck, ready to defend Jaden from anyone who would mock him. A shock of blue hair appeared and he relaxed a bit: It was Jesse. The foreign student came fully into view with his usual grin in place.

“Hey, Ja. Hear you’re a werewolf.”

“Just since last night.”

Jesse gave a shrug. “Doesn’t bother me. I think it’s cool.”

Jaden grinned at this as Jesse joined them and Atticus offered him some chopsticks so he could share in their lunch. And after class, Atti and I will see Sheppard.

Chapter Five- Emotional Change

Sheppard leaned back and pressed his fingers together. “Frankly, my boy, I see no reason to fear you. If you were a danger, you would have done so quite easily, I imagine.”

“I have no intention of biting anyone, though I might change out of fear or anger.”

“Two emotions I don’t see from you at all. The actions of your school mates could change that.”

“The school’s reaction is why we came here,” Atticus said. “Jesse and I seem to be the only ones who are not afraid of Jaden. An assembly tomorrow morning could clear that up.”

“Yes, that would do it. I’ll send a message to all PDA’s tonight during dinner.”

Jaden smiled in relief as Atticus said, “Thanks, Chancellor.” The two left the office before Atticus added, “Jaden, do you want to spend the night with me?”

“I’d love to but I’ll be okay. I’ll try to convince Sy and Hassleberry that I’m not dangerous, a monster, or a freak.”

“Oh. You heard all that, huh?”

“Hard not to with my ears.”

Atticus laughed. “Well, if you change your mind about tonight, send a message, and I’ll meet you at the blue campus entrance.”

“Sure. Night.” Jaden closed his eyes as Atticus leaned down and kissed his lips. Jaden then headed back to Slifer, determined to talk some sense into his friends. This is crazy. I haven’t been a werewolf for twenty-four hours yet and already the whole school’s against me. Damn, I had to go and be curious and end up being different than I already am. Still, the type of werewolf that I am is not bad. He marched up the stairs and into his room to find his roommates there. He closed the door and stood against it. “I said we would talk in the morning. Instead you tell everyone what happened and stayed away from me. Guys…I’m hurt over this treatment and I don’t deserve it. If one of you became a werewolf, I wouldn’t turn from you or abandon you. I’d be right there beside you and be supportive.”

“We just don’t want to be bitten,” Syrus said.

Jaden rubbed his nose. “Sy, I get that. I don’t intend to bite anyone and that would only be on the full moon. I’m really the same Jaden you two have known. I just a furry side that come out now and then.” There was a long silence and then Jaden went to his bed, pulled out an overnight bag, and began packing. Seems I can’t convince them. Fine, then.

“Sarge, what are ya doin’?” asked Hassleberry, sounding confused.

“Spending the night with one of the only two people who don’t fear me or see me as a freak or monster. I’ll message him to meet me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ja, you don’t have to leave,” Syrus said. “We’re sorry we hurt you. Real sorry.”

Jaden turned to Syrus with unshed tears. “Really?” he asked, his voice trembling.

Syrus rushed over and hugged him. “Yeah. We were just thinking about what you said.”

“So…you’re not afraid of me anymore?” Jaden asked, tears vanishing.

“Not at all,” Hassleberry said. At Jaden’s quizzical look, he added, “Well, maybe the whole changing when angry part.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t get angry that much, though everything I went through since last night would be enough to anger me.”

“How long would you be changed from anger?” Hassleberry asked.

“Until the feeling has passed but I’m sure I could stay a wolf long after the feeling’s ended.”

“You don’t act like a wolf, do you?” Syrus questioned.

“What do you mean?”

“Hunting for food, attacking someone, wolf sounds, you know, things like that.”

“I do have a craving for meat and I do make wolf sounds but only in wolf form. I mean, howling in wolf form is to be expected.”

“You said there are two people who aren’t afraid,” Hassleberry said. “Who are they?”

“Jesse and Atticus.”

“Were you going to stay with Atticus?” Syrus asked.

“Yeah, I was. He told me if I was, I should message him and he would meet me at the entrance to Obelisk.”

“Why would he offer to let you sleep over, Ja?”

Jaden’s mind raced to come up with a reasonable explanation but none occurred, save for the truth. Well, I should tell the truth or rather re-state it.

“He’s my boyfriend, remember Sy? It makes sense that he would offer.”

“Oh, yeah. Right. Are we the only ones who know about you and Atticus dating?”

“Alexis knows and so does Jesse, but that’s it.

“Hey! Let’s head to dinner. I’m starving.”

Hassleberry and Syrus shared grins as they followed their friend out. That sounded like the Jaden they knew. It had been a shock to see Jaden enter the room last night in the form of a wolf and for him to share everything he had learned right then and there. Syrus had thought of everything he had ready or seen about werewolves and feared that Jaden would act like those werewolves and want to live like a wolf and bite others into werewolves. But I was wrong. Jaden’s not like that at all. Yes, he craves meat and will make sounds in wolf form, but that’s it. Jaden is still Jaden.

The message from Sheppard was delivered as promised. Jaden told his friends about the meeting from this afternoon and Atticus suggesting the assembly to which Sheppard agreed. Both said the assembly was the best way to tell the whole school that Jaden being a werewolf was not a bad thing.

The trio had left the cafeteria and was about to head back to their room when someone called, “Hey, dweebs!” They turned to see Chazz approaching. “What’s up, Chazz?” Jaden greeted warmly.

“You obviously and your new condition. It’s one thing to hear and see spirits like me, but to add being a werewolf is another thing.”


“Yes. A werewolf is a dangerous monster. A freak who is half-wolf and half-human.”

“I’m not a monster or a freak.”

“You are a freak Jaden. You have been your whole life.” Chazz laughed at this.

Chazz’s taunts brought Jaden’s anger to full bloom. He gave a wolf’s growl as he changed to wolf form. He snarled at Chazz who ceased laughing and backed up before racing for his room. Jaden stayed where he was as he growled and snarled his anger out at the whole unfairness of his situation.

Slowly, his anger faded and his growls and snarls stopped. He inhaled and slowly let it out. “Ja?” Syrus asked cautiously, his voice shaking a little.

“I’m fine, Sy,” he replied soothingly. “I admit, it felt good to let all that anger out.”

“Maybe you should change more often to let it out a little at a time instead of all at once,” Hassleberry said.

“Yeah. I think I will.” Jaden changed back and followed his friends and he bit his lip. His change to anger had actually reduced him to an actual angry wolf. His growls and snarls were the only sounds he could make. But, of course, I won’t tell anyone about that.

Chapter Six- The Assembly

Well, maybe one, he thought the next day as he told Atticus about it before the assembly.

“Anger is a common emotion for predators, especially wolves. Fear is not associated with wolves. Usually prey animals and humans experience fear. I do agree with Hassleberry. You should change more often. Don’t be afraid to be the werewolf you are.”

“Perhaps, I’ll do that tonight.”

“Sounds good. Ja? Perhaps we should tell the school about us. I mean, if someone is harassing you for being a werewolf and I defend you, some people may wonder why. Also is we’re spotted holding hands or being too friendly…”

“Atti, why do I get the feeling that you’ve been thinking hard about this?”

“Because I have, especially last night after the messages were sent out.”

“Oh. Well, okay. We’ll tell the school about us too.” The pair went into the door leading to the auditorium stage. They mounted the steps where Sheppard, Crowler, and Bonaparte stood. Jaden saw looks of unease on the latter two’s faces but a curious one on Sheppard. It took Jaden no time to realize that Sheppard was looking at Atticus. He’ll find out why Atti is up here instead with the others soon enough.

The rest of the school gathered, most looking at Jaden until Sheppard started the assembly. “I’m sure most of you wondered about today’s assembly. The purpose is to dispel any rumors or misconceptions concerning Jaden.” He nodded at Jaden and gestured for him to talk.

Jaden accepted the mic and faced the crowd. “First things first: The story that I’m a werewolf. That is true. I fell into an underground chamber during the last full moon night recently and that combination is what transformed me. I have heard what most of you said about me and I assure you that I’m not a monster or a freak.”

“Oh, yeah?” Chazz called out. “What about last night?”

Jaden fired a stern gaze on Chazz; an unusual look to see on the usually easygoing Slifer. “That is a drawback of the type of werewolf I am. If I feel too much anger or fear, I end up changing and can’t change back until those feelings have passed. I was frustrated and upset by everyone turning on me and your taunting pushed me too far. I should point out that I didn’t attack you. I was just angry.”

“That’s right,” Atticus spoke up. “You were all afraid of him for no real reason. He’s not going to turn or hurt anyone. I found him depressed on the roof at lunch yesterday. I told him that I wasn’t afraid. I do want to say that I will defend Jaden if anyone harasses him for being a werewolf. He did not ask for this to happen. I say I’ll defend him because…he’s my boyfriend.”

There were scattered gasps and shocked looks were exchanged between the students. Atticus continued, “I had feelings for him during most of last year and told him the day before the rally. He admitted feeling the same way toward me after I confessed.”

Students murmured to one another over this news as Sheppard was handed the mic. The news that Atticus and Jaden were a couple was a bit of a surprise and yet, in hindsight, it explained why Atticus had been with Jaden at their meeting yesterday aside from not fearing Jaden’s condition. “All right. Settle down. Now, there will be no harassing of Jaden or Atticus. Jaden has stated that he is not a monster or freak. He will not attack or bite anyone as Atticus has said. I too believe Jaden is harmless. I ask that you treat Jaden and Atticus like you did before all this happened. Everyone, please head to class.” The assembly broke up and Jaden and Atticus joined the throng of students heading to class.

“That wasn’t so bad,” Atticus commented.

“We’ll see,” Jaden said. “Most people will listen to Sheppard and not bother us, but there will be some who will.”

“Like Chazz?”

“Yeah.” Jaden then smiled. “I don’t think that will be a problem anyone. I was upset because everyone was excluding me and being afraid of me.”

“Yeah. Anger and fear aren’t really you. You’re warm, friendly, and easygoing. Three traits that I love about you.”

“Your easygoing personality and acceptance of the unusual are what I love about you.” Jaden grinned at the smile on Atticus’ face and he felt warm at being the reason for that smile.

Alexis caught sight of Jaden and Atticus talking and smiling with one another and she smiled at this. She, like everyone else, had been afraid of Jaden when told he was a werewolf and was a bit appalled when Atticus later admitted to having lunch with him. Atticus had scolded her for turning on a friend just because he gained a new condition. He pointed out that being a werewolf hadn’t changed Jaden beyond a craving for meat and having pointed ears. This morning’s assembly had convinced her that Atticus had been right.

Jaden smiled as he left the cafeteria with his best friends. Dinner had been better than usual. The dorm had been presented with steaks instead of fish. Syrus admitted to requesting the steaks from Ra and felt Jaden deserved a better meat choice than fish after everything he had gone through.

Jaden had laughed at this. “Sy, fish is fine. Wolves eat fish mostly if they can’t find something else.”

“Yeah, but you don’t need to hunt,” he had countered.

Jaden couldn’t argue with that and didn’t as he passed the stairs which caught the others’ attention. “Ja?” Syrus asked.

“I’m going for a walk, guys, maybe a run.”

“As a wolf?” Hassleberry asked.

“Yeah. It’s like you said: I should change more often and Atti said I shouldn’t be afraid to be the werewolf that I am.”

“Okay, Sarge. Have fun and tell us about it later.”

“Will do.” Jaden then changed and sprinted off into the woods. He slowed as he entered the darkness until his eyes had adjusted. He sniffed the air, his nose flaring to take in the scents and identify them. Sy says I don’t need to hunt, but it couldn’t hurt to sniff out prey in case I need to. He breathed deeply and his instincts helped him to identify deer, rabbits, and squirrels; animals that appealed to him. Satisfied, he began walking.

He found his claws unconsciously kneading the ground as he moved and surmised it was hunting instinct but wasn’t sure why. I should read up on wolves. That way I’ll understand why I do what I do.

Jaden increased his pace and soon he was running flat-out. He couldn’t help panting from the feel of the ground and the wind. This is great! Jaden thought as he ran, the forest a blur to him. He came upon the lake and lapped up some water before laying down to play with his hearing.

His ears stood erect as he closed his eyes. He clearly heard the waterfall as it thundered into the lake and the sound of the water from the falls joining with the lake water. He turned his ears one way and then the other, picking up sounds he wouldn’t have heard before his change. He was impressed with the clarity and distance of his ears both human and wolf.

I love being a werewolf despite the full moon change, he thought as he headed home. I still won’t bite even if someone asks. I can tell others what I discover and I’ll start with Sy and Hassleberry. Tomorrow, I’ll tell Atticus. I know he’ll want to know. Jaden barked as he played with wolf sounds all the way home.

Chapter Seven- The Year Rolls On

Jaden changed back to human before entering the room. He found his friends still up, their eyes filled with eagerness. “Well?” Hassleberry prompted. “How was it?”

Jaden beamed. “Great! The sights, sounds, and smells were clear and sharp. It’s kind of hard to describe.” He began to change clothes while he talked. “I found that my claws would knead the dirt without me thinking about it. The forest was a blur as I ran as fast as I could.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” Syrus said. “I’m not sure I would.”

“I disagree. You probably would like it. But, I promised myself I wouldn’t bite anyone even if they asked. Besides, my bite only works on the full moon.”

Syrus smiled as Jaden climbed into bed. His friend was definitely comfortable being a werewolf. He was a harmless, sweet wolf who wouldn’t harm anyone. He’s promised not to bite anyone ever and I know he’ll keep that promise.

“Of course you won’t bite,” Atticus said the next day. “That’s the kind of wolf you are. So, how was your run?’

“Incredible. My sharp senses are sweet and I love using them. I plan to read up on wolves as my claws had kneaded the ground automatically without my thinking of it.”

“Yeah. When wolves hunt, kneading the ground helps them remain silent in their stalking.”

“That makes sense. I’m not sure if I’ll hunt but it’s good to understand why I do what I did last night.”

Jaden experienced a day much like yesterday. His schoolmates treated him as if he had never become a werewolf. It was a feeling that he appreciated. The foreign duelists had different opinions among them. Jesse didn’t care he was a werewolf; thought it was cool. Jim was just as friendly as Jesse was in terms of him being a werewolf. Adrian seemed indifferent about it and Jaden couldn’t get any sense from him. Axel was another matter. He was a guy of few words and a rather intimidating yet neutral expression. Jaden got the sense that Axel was a serious guy and not intimidated one bit. It was a sense that made Jaden feel both submissive and aggressive but didn’t let either one show. I’ll let myself experience wolf behavior but not act on them. Axel may seem intimidating, but it’s nothing to worry about.

Axel silently observed Jaden throughout the day. The boy acted the way he did before the rumor of him being a werewolf had spread. He understood that it was an accident that resulted in the condition and yet he felt envy. Wolves were the ultimate survivors. Despite his already excellent survival skills, he couldn’t compete with wolves. I could search for the chamber that caused the transformation on my own…or I could ask Jaden to lead me to it. Yes, that is what I’ll do.

“Jaden,” Axel said as he caught up with him after classes were over.

“Hey, Axel,” Jaden said, turning around with an easy grin. “What’s up?”

“Walk with me.” Axel set off with Jaden behind him, curious about Axel’s interest in his company.

“You spoke of an underground chamber that changed you,” said Axel as they walked to the woods’ edge.

“Yeah, I did.”

“You recall where it is?”


“Good.” He put a hand on Jaden’s shoulder and moved him so that he was in front of Axel. “Then, lead me there.”


“Show me the chamber.”


“I was trained in survival skills. While others would judge my skills perfect, I continue to train and hone those skills. I see wolves as the ultimate survivors.”

Jaden caught on to what he was saying. “You want to be a werewolf too.”

“Yes. I will be the best possible survivor. I will be able to live anywhere I choose.”

“Look, I get that. The thing is that it’s near a dorm that’s abandoned and no one’s allowed in that dorm.”

“Then, why were you near forbidden territory?”

“I’m allowed near it, just not inside. Furthermore, the ground on one side is broken and uneven. I only wanted to see what lay beyond the dorm; to see if there’s more than just woods.”

“Fine. Now, let’s proceed.”

“Axel, I’m not leading you there and it won’t work right now.”

“I know that but at least I’ll be able to find it again next month.” He then gave Jaden a shove. “Get going.”


Axel turned Jaden around and grabbed him by the shirt. “If you won’t show me willingly, then I will convince you by force.” He yanked out a knife and held the edge to Jaden’s throat.

Jaden whimpered at the threat and felt fear bubble up to the surface. He saw his muzzle push out and soon Axel was holding him by the chest fur and skin, the knife still by the throat. Axel smirked. “Seems I’ve triggered your change. Fear, am I correct?”

“Please,” Jaden whined. “Let me go.”

“Only if you show me the chamber.”

Jaden felt the knife press just a hair harder and came to the conclusion that Axel would find the chamber with or without his help. But, with self-preservation kicking in, he really only had one choice. “All right,” he sighed. “I’ll show you the chamber.”

Axel put the knife away and let go of Jaden, letting him stand on all fours. “Good.”

“Leave him alone!” a voice demanded and Jaden looked past Axel to see Atticus striding toward them.

“Atti!” he cried, his fear evaporating as he sped past Axel and went to his boyfriend’s side. He nuzzled a hand and he felt Atticus’ hand stroke his head.

“What’s going on here?” asked Atticus, stroking Jaden, and glaring at Axel. Axel didn’t answer; instead, he pulled out a flashlight, switched it on, and headed off into the forest.

“Jaden, what happened?” Atticus repeated as they walked back toward campus.

“Axel’s big on survivor skills and sees being a werewolf as a way to be a top survivor. He wanted me to lead him to the chamber and…threatened me to get me to cooperate.”

“I gathered that much. He want to be a werewolf too, huh?”

“Yeah. I think he’s a bit jealous of me. Atti, I have no doubt that he’ll find it himself and he’ll be a werewolf too.”

“If so, then why have you show him?”

“So, he won’t have to waste time looking for it, only he’ll have to now.”

“I said I would defend you and we should tell Sheppard about this.”

“Nah, it’s fine. I don’t think he’ll bother me again.” They reached Slifer and stood by the stairs.

“All right. I’ll let it go.” He crouched down and kissed Jaden’s snout. “Good night, Ja.”

“Night, Atti.” Jaden licked the cheek, went upstairs, changed to human, and went inside, at peace with the world.

The End