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Supernatural Revelation

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX or the werewolf information in chapter two or the chapters that follow it. That information I discovered on a fandom wiki site called Unnatural World. The address is You can Google the name of the website and hopefully, with a little bit of digging, you’ll find the information I borrowed from it, if typing the above site URL doesn’t work.

Chapter One- An Unusual Formula

Bastion scrawled another equation on the wall and re-read it to make sure it was correct. All around him, almost every available surface was covered in formulas, equations, and theories. I have memorized most of them and will need to re-paint before long. I wonder if Jaden and Sy would like to help.

He scrawled the next part of his current equation before pausing to re-check and resume his train of thought. He had met Jaden and Syrus at their practical entrance exams after winning his test duel. He had been intrigued by Jaden’s confidence in being the best duelist in the building and then finding himself liking his fellow freshman when he beat Crowler in his test duel. That was the moment when he knew he had found a friend and a challenging rival.

Throughout the first half of the year, he watched Jaden duel every chance he got and became more and more impressed with him. He had started to try to figure out the formula that was Jaden’s deck not long after Bastion defeated Chazz. Indeed, he thought he had when they dueled to decide who would be in the School Duel. Jaden ended up coming up with a new strategy to defeat him. He had started to think up a different deck to use against Jaden, but he eventually abandoned it as he theorized that Jaden would beat any deck he designed.

No matter, he thought. I am still an excellent duelist as my grades and skills will attest. His thoughts turned to Syrus. He knew at the entrance exams that he was Zane’s little brother and was surprised to see that he wasn’t as good as his brother. It was clear he loved his brother as he also had a machine deck but Syrus also had self-esteem issues. Bastion eventually learned why that was and saw Jaden try to help Syrus become a bit more confident.

That help paid off as earlier is their current second year, Syrus passed a promotion duel and became a Ra student. Bastion wasn’t surprised when Syrus chose to stay at the Slifer dorm. He was sure it was because of Jaden and a Ra freshman who was rooming with them. The freshman, Hassleberry by name, had attached himself to Jaden due to Jaden defeating him in a duel. That didn’t surprise him either as Jaden tended to befriend those he dueled.

I’m one of those who became his friend before we dueled just as Syrus was. Indeed, Syrus and I are friends and we have never dueled one another. He went to his desk and picked up a book of equations and flipped through the pages. The equations and formulas within were ones he had studied and had designed a counter for most of them. He turned to the back and saw alchemy formulas and equations. He was intrigued by them. The formulas contained ingredients mixed in a certain manner and in a precise way. This was why he loved science and math: It was logical and made sense to him.

Then, he saw a formula that made him raise an eyebrow. It claimed that when made and then consumed on a full moon, it would change one into a werewolf. What utter nonsense, he scoffed inwardly. And yet…alchemy is an ancient study and has produced many beneficial advancements to humanity. This formula may not be so preposterous. Bastion went to a blank space on a wall where he wrote the formula as the book would need to be returned to the library soon.

He closed the book and sat in his computer chair. He leaned back and reflected on the current school year. First off, Chancellor Sheppard had gone off somewhere and Doctor Crowler took over as Chancellor and hired a vice-chancellor named Bonaparte. In his opinion, the two were comical leaders and not very good leaders either. They were obsessed with boosting Duel Academy’s reputation, one that hardly needed boosting as it was known worldwide as the best dueling school around.

A rumor of a pro duelist enrolling here was what touched off this obsession of theirs. He himself had not glimpsed any pros among the freshmen and dismissed the rumor. The pro’s no show distressed Crowler and Bonaparte who began to use the famous last names of students to bolster the school’s standing. They first tried with Chazz with a duel that would return him to Obelisk, but in the aftermath of Chazz’s victory, he remained at Slifer which prompted him to build a mini apartment onto the red dorm.

Their next target had been Syrus due to his brother but that plan seemed to have failed despite Syrus passing the test. Bastion felt that their schemes to boost the school’s reputation were weak and did not make much sense. If you want to get word out about popular duelists who attend the school in order to entire others to apply, you need to put it on the Internet where others will see it. I think I will point this out to Crowler tomorrow.


Crowler had a momentary look of surprise before it changed to a look of boredom. “Of course, I know that, Bastion,” he drawled.

“Of course, Chancellor. Syrus’ promotion would be an ideal example to entire people to apply to Duel Academy. I would be willing to post such news to the Internet if you like.”

“Oh, not necessary. Bonaparte will handle our publicity.”

“What!?” Bonaparte exclaimed.

Bastion sensed an argument and excused himself and then heading to class. He paid attention in class as he usually did and at the end of classes, Bastion approached Jaden and Syrus.

“Jaden. Sy. Would you be interested in helping me paint again? It’s only three walls this time.”

“Would we? Oh, I’m in,” Jaden said with his usual easy grin.

“Same here,” Syrus added. “We could do what we did last time.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you two shortly then.” Bastion departed the room to head to his dorm and start moving some furniture out into the hall.

Jaden and Syrus showed up as Bastion was laying drop cloths. He turned after placing the last one and blinked at seeing Hassleberry there. The tall boy had a sheepish smile while Syrus was glaring at Hassleberry.

“Hope ya don’t mind me attendin’ this little party,” he said.

“Not at all. I enjoy the company.” Bastion had suspected that Hassleberry might come and it was clear that Syrus did not appreciate Hassleberry inviting himself along.

Jaden, meanwhile, looked around. “Bastion, I am still amazed at how you can memorize all these so quickly.”

“Thank you. It’s not that difficult for me and I enjoy working out new formulas, equations, and theorems.”

“Worked out a new one for my deck yet?”

“Wait. You make strategies against other decks?” Hassleberry turned to look at the walls in awe. “You came up with all of these yourself?”

“Most of them,” Bastion admitted. “I’m currently looking up ones done by others and studying them as well as memorize and see if I can devise a counter equation.” He pointed to the wall in question. “They’re over there and the one wall we won’t be painting.”

“Speaking of painting,” Jaden spoke up. “Let’s get to it.” He brandished a paint brush while the others laughed and Bastion opened a can.

Soon, all four were applying fresh coats of paint to the walls, talking, and joking. It was a relaxed atmosphere and Bastion knew the good times would keep going when they would dine in the Ra cafeteria and slept at Slifer.

Chapter Two- Speculations

“Bastion?” Syrus said softly as they laid in their dorm. “Where did you find those other formulas?”

“A book I checked out of the library. It is full of theorems I can study and possibly counter as well as equations to memorize, and formulas to examine and test. I found an intriguing alchemical formula that I wrote down.”

“Yeah?” Jaden asked. “Know what it does?”

“Yes. It claims that if one brews it and drinks it on the full moon, then he or she becomes a werewolf.”

“It does?” Syrus said, a slight note of interest in his voice.

“It does. You interested in being one, Sy?”

“No, but I saw a book in the library on werewolves. I looked at the Table of Contents and there was a chapter on different types of werewolves.”

“Intriguing. I may choose to read that book.”

“Bastion…would you actually make and drink this formula?” asked Jaden.

“I am not certain. I will read up on werewolves and make a decision based on the facts.”

“Of course.” Jaden then yawned. “Well, night everyone.” Jaden laid back and was instantly asleep. Bastion was impressed with how easily Jaden fell asleep, considering that he slept in class. Bastion laid down, shut his eyes, and soon asleep as well. He awoke in the morning after having dreams of formulas, a full moon, and a wolf howling. One would think their dreams were signs of being a werewolf but Bastion was more level-headed than that. He had said he would look at the facts before rendering a decision and that’s what he was going to do.

When classes ended for the day, he went to the library and looked up books on werewolves. He then skimmed the table of contents until he found the book that Syrus had mentioned. He made copies of the chapter before heading back to his dorm to put it back together. Once that was done, he pulled out the papers and began to read.

The chapter did deal with different types of werewolves but not in the way he thought. It said that depending on what month one became a werewolf, a set of magic powers would be bestowed on them. The looks, powers, and personality were provided for each wolf and Bastion was impressed with what he was reading.

It’s well-known that werewolves would have enhanced senses, speed, and strength in both forms but it appears that the time of the transformation gives the person certain powers. It is January right now. If I drank the formula on this month’s full moon, I would become an ice wolf. I am impressed with what ice wolves can do. That ability to summon and freeze water and fracture ice with diamond hard claws. Some people can stop themselves from changing by consuming a good deal of hot food and drinks. Naturally, one needs to consume cold foods and drinks when wanting to change. The change from human to wolf is a slow, controlled one.

Bastion grabbed the book on formulas and flipped to the werewolf formula. It required it to be brewed one to two weeks before the full moon. I have enough time to make it. I can gather the ingredients from the students’ ingredients cupboard. He felt a thrill in his heart at becoming a werewolf and an ice one at that. He had made his decision to go ahead with it and also decided not to tell anyone about it. He would tell his friends that he was either undecided or that he chose not to do it.

He read over the ingredients again and knew he could get them easily. The only one he could not get right away was moonlight. He would need to drink the formula once the light of the full moon shined on the formula as well as drink it in the moonlight. That was understandable. Moonlight aside, he would need to gather everything tomorrow and start on it so he would have the week he needed to make it.

He was able to get the ingredients without being noticed and put them on his table along with test tubes, beakers, burners, and protective equipment. He measured out the first two ingredients and mixed them together. He set up the next part so he would be able to add it after the two days of necessary waiting.


“Did you look at the book?” Syrus asked the day after he started the formula.

“I did. The chapter you mentioned actually spoke of the type of werewolf one would become based on the month. For example, January results in ice wolves.”

“Ice wolves?” Hassleberry asked.

Bastion nodded. “They are able to summon water and freeze it with their diamond-hard claws as well as fracture ice and yet the claws are flexible enough to provide traction on icy surfaces or function as skates.”

“So, they could ice-skate whenever they’re wolves.” Jaden grinned at the image.

“It would seem so. The book also spoke of a slow, controlled change to wolf form as well as being able to stop or invoke the change voluntarily. Consumption of lots of hot food and drinks halts the change while cold ones invokes the change. I imagine a balance would allow the change to occur naturally.”

“Are you going to be an ice wolf?” Syrus said. “I mean, you told us a lot about them.”

“No, I don’t think so. I was merely curious about the types of werewolves. It was a fascinating chapter to read but I can say with confidence that I will not be a werewolf.”

“That’s cool,” Jaden said. “Could you tell us about the other types?”

“Well, February produces storm wolves. My reading says that touching one gives you an electric shock and they are faster than normal werewolves. October produces more aggressive wolves due to Halloween while December has the opposite effect due to Christmas. However, if a year has thirteen full moons and December is the blue moon month then the werewolves would be aggressive instead of docile.”

“Too bad for those born in October and December,” Syrus remarked. “No special powers.”

“So it seems,” Bastion said. “There were mentions of fur and eye color for each month. Storm wolves would have bluish-purple fur and red or purple eyes. Ice wolves would have long thick gray or white fur and gray or dark blue eyes.”

“Oh, so it’d make sense to hide somewhere so no one would see ya and attack as you could look unusual,” Hassleberry said.

“Of course, this is all speculation,” Bastion said. None of us plan to become a werewolf.”

“Yeah. Speculation,” Syrus said. “Hey, think one would have the senses and speed of a wolf while in human form?”

“I have no doubt of that,” Jaden piped up. “And maybe able to talk in wolf form. That would be cool.”

“I wouldn’t mind having extra stamina,” Bastion mused aloud. “I’d be able to study longer.”

“Uh, I’d rather not have that,” Jaden said, prompting his friends to laugh gently.

“What about a craving for meat, especially raw meat?” Hassleberry suggested.

Syrus turned slightly green. “Ugh. No way.”

Bastion turned the conversation to other possibilities while wondering what abilities he would gain as a werewolf, in addition to the ones he already knew about. Well, in a week, I will find out.

Chapter Three- The First Night

Finished, Bastion thought several days later. A vial of white liquid sat on the table, the top corked. Well, almost finished. I just need the moonlight to complete it. Bastion cleaned his equipment and carefully stored them while thinking of the past week.

It hadn’t been easy to keep what he was doing to himself, especially when any of his friends started talking about werewolves. Luckily for him, Jaden had challenging duels to occupy a good deal of his time, not to mention classes and homework. Bastion was eager to be a werewolf and it was only his patience and attention to detail that allowed him to brew this time-consuming formula exactly as it was stated. But now it was time. Time to head into the woods near the Ra dorm, stand in the moonlight, and drink it. He gathered the vial and his schoolbag, slipped out amongst milling students, and headed for the woods quickly. He sought out a nice clearing before heading east to find moonlight and add it to the formula.

He shivered a little as he looked for moonlight. Changing into a wolf in winter for the first time was a little trying but he took comfort in that ice wolves are immune to the cold as well as that he’d have a thick fur coat. He then found moonlight on a tree branch, uncorked his vial, and put it in the light.

The liquid turned a transparent white and seemed to emit a pearly glow. He found a clear patch of moonlight, headed over there, licked his lips as he lifted the vial to them, and proceeded to drink. It felt cold like ice as it went down and tasted like pure water which made sense to him.

His first hint that it was working was that he wasn’t cold anymore. He looked down to see his clothes sink into his skin and thick white fur began to grow out which made him feel warmer. He recalled that ice wolves experienced slow controlled changes, but chose to let the formula have control of the changes for this first time.

His ears burned and itched and he felt what he surmised was a tail growing out behind him. He reached back and felt fur brush past his hand. He then reached up and felt a pointed ear as it moved up to the top of his head. When he lowered his hand, he saw his fingers shrinking away and his nails becoming long, glittering claws. He held up the other hand to find it was already a paw, the claws going just past the paw.

Bastion swayed for a moment before he went to his paws and knees. He craned his neck to see his legs reconfigure into a canine’s back legs and his feet becoming paws. His arms stiffened into forelegs and he was soon on four legs.

He saw his nose and jaws push out into a muzzle and felt his teeth sharpen as well as new teeth growing in the gaps. His vision sharpened and he knew he now had wolf eyes. He felt his entire body grow larger than a normal wolf before he tilted his head and howled to the sky.

Bastion turned in a slow circle to see himself and learn to move with four legs and paws. He saw a muscular body covered in thick white fur. A bushy tail swiped through the air and he bared a wolf’s grin. He gave a series of barks and yips before a human laugh came out.

“I can speak,” he said softly, hearing his teeth click as he spoke but that didn’t concern him. He could talk and was fully aware of himself. Now with language and mental state settled, he turned to his senses. He headed into the forest, his eyes piercing the darkness easily. He could see with perfect clarity and it delighted him.

His ears heard subtle sounds he would never have heard as a human and his nose smelled a variety of scents and stood in one spot to filter out and identify the smells around him. He inhaled deeply and a feeling of being connected to nature filled him and he have another howl to express the joy this feeling gave him.

“This is wonderful. I love being a werewolf!” he said before sprinting deeper into the woods, the ground and bushes blurring as he ran and he was amazed at how fast he was going. His nose picked up the smell of water and he sped toward it.

He was soon sitting next to a stream and looking at his reflection. His eyes were still gray but had the intensity and look of a wolf. These eyes roved over his muzzle and up to his ears. The muzzle had an elegant look to it while his jaws had a strong look which would make it capable of crushing the neck of any prey he would care to hunt. His ears turned in one way or the other and even in different directions from each other.

He looked at his paws with their claws. In the filtered moonlight, they still glittered and he wondered if they really were hard. He spotted a rock nearby and tapped his claws on it. There was a definite clack sound and he then raked them over the rock, leaving shallow gouges in the surface while his claws remained undamaged.

“Incredible,” he said. He looked at the water and then his claws before lapping up some water. He wanted to quench his thirst before he tried to ice the stream. He focused on freezing the water before he stuck his claws in it.

A layer of ice spread from his claws and down the stream. He watched the ice spread down the water and out of sight and his tail swished at his success. It worked, he thought. Now…to fracture it. He lifted a paw and swung it down, the claws aimed at the ice. A crack sounded and the ice broke into pieces. He swiped his paws sideways and the claws sent a single line down a chunk of unbroken ice and caused it to split into smaller pieces.

Bastion practiced freezing and cracking the stream before turning to summoning the water to him before freezing it. He was pleased with how easily he was able to use his powers. He was also aware of needing to eat as his stomach growled the longer he practiced. He finally stopped practice to give in to his hunger.

He sniffed the ground and then the air. A lot of animals had been by here, most likely because this was the closest source of water on this side of the island. The scents he picked up were recognized through his instincts: Deer, monkeys, rabbits, and others that appealed to his wolf side. I think I’ll hunt a rabbit, he thought before locking onto the appropriate scent and slinking off after it.

Bastion, at first, thought it was strange for a rabbit to be out and about at night, but then reasoned that the moon provided a good dose of light for it to see. That works for me and I’ll try hunting in daylight after the full moon is over.

The scent of the rabbit grew stronger as Bastion tracked it and his hunting instincts came to the forefront. He crouched lower and his claws kneaded the ground to make his approach quieter. A breeze blew in his face and he knew that the rabbit wouldn’t smell him as the breeze carried his scent away.

Bastion licked his chops as the scent became even stronger, indicating that his prey was just ahead. He coiled his body, his back legs bunching up, prepared to leap. His ears heard the rabbit’s hopping gait as it came closer.

Then, there it was! A rare arctic rabbit! Its fur was a white as Bastion’s own, possibly owing to the season. As a result, it stood out in the dark like himself. The rabbit froze for a second but Bastion was already in motion. He lunged forward with a push of his legs. He opened his jaws wide and his claws extended. The rabbit turned to flee but Bastion got his jaws onto the neck and bit down while his claws slit the throat. The rabbit went limp as it died and Bastion released it to howl in triumph before eating his catch.

Chapter Four- Senses and Secret

Bastion awoke the next morning in the clearing where he had left his bag and casually headed back to Ra with said bag. His first night as a wolf had been a learning experience and an exciting night as well. He eagerly looked forward to his next two nights and planned to sneak some food to eat during the night. Of course, the food will be meat as I’ll be a carnivore.

The world was indeed sharper and clearer to him thanks to his enhanced senses. He tested them out throughout his school day and came away with some noteworthy observations. He found that all humans shared a scent, but he found a secondary unique scent among his friends and teachers. No one would be able to sneak up on him due to his nose.

The same thing also applied to his ears. He was able to hear someone approach from quite a distance. He had used his ears to listen in on any conversations he chose and was impressed with how clear and sharp his hearing was.

His eyesight was both good and bad for him. On one hand, he could see things further away than he used to but on the other hand, bright lights hurt his eyes and he had to squint to be able to see. Luckily, no one noticed this.

There had been some odd looks at breakfast and lunch. His meals did have bread, fruit, and vegetables, but the meat portions were larger than the others. It was fortunate that Hassleberry and Syrus ate at Slifer or they might have been suspicious.

Bastion waited until he could steal some food and used his speed to slip into the forest and deposit his dinner on the ground near the stream. The woods grew darker and then a bit lighter as the moon rose. Bastion decided to control his change this time and chose to grow his fur first. He sighed in comfort as he got warmer. Truthfully, he didn’t feel cold; as an ice wolf he was immune to the cold.

Bastion then chose to go to his four legs and paws, including his claws. His transition from two legs to four was smooth and made him feel more surefooted than when he had two legs. He flexed his paws as he chose his torso to be the next part to change. He grew in size before growing out his tail and then his eyes, muzzle, and ears followed suite. He gave a joyful howl at being a wolf again and then turned his attention to his dinner. He laid in front of it and hungrily devoured every piece he brought. Once he had finished, he went for a drink before washing his face, paws, and claws.

He padded off into the forest, intending to know every path and convenient hiding places if he needed them. He also thought of tomorrow’s dinner. The hunt last night had been thrilling and filled his belly nicely. Tonight’s dinner, while filling, involved split second timing to gather the meat and make it into the woods before moonrise.

There is an option that is between the two. I could go fishing tomorrow night. I will need to check the stream before I go to sleep.

Bastion felt good as he left the woods the next morning. He had scouted a small part of the water and found that there were fish in the stream. That will be my dinner tonight. After that, I can stockpile meat in a mini fridge of my own for the next full moon or whenever I want to change.

Bastion spent his school day doing his classes and work while working on his eyesight so he didn’t squint when indoors. His eyesight was the only drawback of being a werewolf; his craving for meat was a bit embarrassing but not bad. He also knew that hiding it would not be easy. He wasn’t ashamed of his condition but he liked being alone; a lone wolf as it were.

“Bastion!” Syrus called as classes ended.

He turned to see Syrus, Jaden, and Hassleberry who all looked real excited. “What’s up, fellows?” he asked.

“We were wondering if you’d like to hang out with us tonight. I mean, it’s Friday and all.”

“Sounds lovely, but I’m rather busy. Homework and studying some equations. Sorry, maybe another time.”

“Sure, another time. Well, see you later.” The trio left and Bastion breathed a soft sigh of relief. He hadn’t lied outright. He did have homework, but he was going to be a wolf again and he didn’t feel like admitting it to his friends. He liked being alone on those full moon nights. If he had told them the truth, they would probably feel hurt that he lied to them and would most likely want to be bitten to become wolves too. Being bitten on the full would be easier than brewing the formula, the book that contains it was returned the day I started step two of the process.


“Bastion studies too much,” Jaden said as they headed to their dorm.

“Maybe, but his studies are important to him,” Syrus said.

“I get that,” Hassleberry said. “But he has all weekend to do his homework.”

“Exactly my point,” Jaden said. “He could do it tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Syrus said slowly. “Then again, by doing it now, you would then have uninterrupted free time.”

“Good point, private,” Hassleberry said. “But we’ve got something important tonight that can’t wait. We can do our homework in the morning.”

Bastion spared a glance at the Obelisk dorm as he left school. Chazz had been acting weird shortly before Jaden’s return, wearing white with light blue accents, and going on about some Society of Light. At first, everyone ignored him as he was just all talk. But then, he started dueling everyone in Obelisk and beating them handily, too! Those he beat ended up joining the Society. He even beat Alexis and she was one of the strongest duelists in his year! It was clear that Chazz had some new, strong cards as he had watched the duel Alexis had lost.

There’s something funny about that Society, he thought as he continued on to Ra. Both of my instincts, human and wolf, tell me that group is big trouble and I would be best served to stay away from them as well as turn down any duels from them.

Bastion turned his thoughts away from the Society and to his last full moon on the month. He decided to choose how his change was going to go again. Once the moon had risen, Bastion focused on his muzzle and watched in amusement as it stretched out from his face. He ran a hand over it and felt the soft thick fur on it. He then focused on his ears and raised a hand to feel the point of one before it moved to the top as a wolf’s ear. He grew out his fur coat and then his body into its larger wolf body.

Bastion then crumpled to the ground and chuckled before saying, “Legs first and then the body. My human legs can’t support my wolf body’s weight and size.” He changed his legs, arms, feet, and hands into legs, paws, and claws, and then grew his tail and changed his eyes which finished his change.

He got to his legs and stretched them and his body out before howling to the night. He then amused himself by making only canine sounds. His stomach gurgling brought this to a halt and he took off for the stream to fish up his dinner. It took several attempts before he caught enough fish to satisfy him.

He laid on his stomach, pinned a fish with his paws, and began to eat. Not bad, he thought as he ate. But I think I prefer the meat from the cafeteria and the land prey. As he licked his claws, he wondered if he would be able to use his powers in human form. That would be something worth testing in the morning.

Chapter Five- Paranoia

Bastion thought of his powers when he awoke in the morning. He sat before the stream, closed his eyes, and focused on a sphere of water to come to him. He heard the sound of water shifting around and he opened his eyes to see exactly what he had envisioned. He stretched out a finger to freeze the sphere. He saw his nail glitter and when it had touched the sphere, it turned into an ice ball that he caught in his other hand.

He beamed at his success. I can use my powers while human. I’d be able to create ice to use in drinks or any other use I can think of. A shame no one will know of it. Bastion made his way out of the woods, lost in thought. He was a werewolf with ice abilities and no one knew about it. He wasn’t lonely, no, but he would like to show what he could do. Of course, that meant he would have to tell someone he was a werewolf, an ice wolf to be precise. He glanced in the direction of the red dorm and thought of telling Jaden and the others now that the full moon was over. He would apologize for lying, take wolf form, and use his powers in human form. He nodded to himself as he entered Ra. Yes, I will tell them…after I do my homework and then there’s this tricky equation I want to work on…

Bastion busied himself with schoolwork and personal projects over the next several days. He was unconsciously delaying telling his friends the truth. Anytime he thought of telling them, he would think of something to do before telling them. He did acquire his mini fridge and allowed it to warm up before he snuck some meat into it. He had already decided that he would only eat it if he was unable to find prey when he wanted to hunt as a wolf. He also refrained from hunting too much as he didn’t need people to be concerned about wild animals. Nonetheless, there was a rumor of a ghost wolf roaming the island.

He thought it curious as it were Slifers who were spreading the rumor. I have not hunted near the Slifer dorm. I have stayed near my own dorm. It’s possible that there’s a rare albino wolf on the island and if so, I will avoid that section of the woods so that wolf does not feel threatened by my presence.

Bastion used his senses as he had been but doing so with the intention of increasing their sensitivity save for his eyes but he did increase its acuity. His senses as a wolf were impressive as well as in human form but he wanted the latter to be better so he could hear and smell people should someone choose to spy on him. He supposed it was his wolf paranoia, but he felt as if someone was already watching him. Whenever he felt this, he would turn around, only to see no one. This behavior did not go unnoticed.

“Bastion? You okay?” Syrus asked as the group left school two weeks after the full moon.

Bastion had just looked behind himself again, but still saw no one. He also couldn’t smell anyone that he couldn’t see. “Hmm?” he asked before saying, “Oh. Yes. I am fine.”

“Really?” Hassleberry asked. “You keep lookin’ around as if expecting an ambush.”

“An ambush? Not exactly. I just keep feeling as if someone is spying on me.”

Jaden looked back. “I don’t see anyone.”

“I’m aware of that, but I keep getting that feeling,” Bastion said.

“Are you feeling this way all the time?” Syrus asked.

“No, only at school and near the white dorm.”

Jaden listened but offered no comments. He had an idea of who was spying on Bastion and why. Satorius, Aster’s manager. He had recently dueled Hassleberry to get him to join the Society; even though he lost, Hassleberry didn’t join owning to a dino bone in his leg which gave him dino DNA. It was an interesting explanation and Satorius hadn’t shown up at Slifer since.

Satorius enrolled as a new student the day after beating Hassleberry and he now resided at the white dorm. Jaden was certain that Satorius was setting his sights on Bastion to duel and brainwash. He knew he should warn Bastion against dueling Satorius, but had no solid reason as to why he shouldn’t. Nonetheless, he said, “Bastion, I know this will sound strange coming from me, but I wouldn’t duel the new student, Satorius.”

“Not to worry. I have no intention of dueling anyone connected to that society.”

“Oh, good. I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”

“I share that feeling and I also feel that group is big trouble and have resolved to stay away from anyone associated with it.”

“Good. I don’t want to lose another friend to them.”

“Speaking of friends, is all of Obelisk in the society?” Bastion asked.

“No. Atticus, Mindy, and Jasmine didn’t and are staying at Chazz’s place. I’m sure they’d let you stay with them, too.”

“I’m sure they would, but there’s no reason to move in with them.”

“What if Satorius targets Ra students to join the society?” Hassleberry asked. “He tried to get me, after all. I recall him muttering something about me and a strength card.”

“A strength card?” Bastion repeated. “I know tarot card reading has a card referred to as The Strength. Perhaps that is why he targeted you.”

“Could be,” Hassleberry said. “It would make sense.”

Makes perfect sense, Bastion thought as he left for Ra. But Hassleberry also has a point. Satorius may stop using tarot cards to pick his target and just go after all the students. He could send Chazz to my dorm and duel everyone here to join him. But he won’t get me. If anyone tried to track me down to duel, I will transform and hide in the woods until the coast is clear.

“I hope Bastion knows what he’s doing,” Syrus said, glancing back at the yellow dorm.

“Of course he does,” Jaden said. “Bastion’s a smart guy.” Jaden wanted to add that he was a strong duelist, but so was Alexis and Chazz beat her easily. Bastion’s made it clear that he won’t duel anyone who’s been brainwashed and I know he’ll keep his word. I just worry that he’ll end up forced into a duel. He has a duelist’s pride like everyone here and no one insults a duelist’s pride and gets away with it. However, in this case, it would be best to let such insults slide because the fate of mankind is depending on me and those who stand with me.


Satorius sat before his tarot cards, all of them face-down. He flipped the bottom two to reveal Jaden and Aster’s cards: The Fool and the Prince, respectively. Jaden had won every duel he had arranged to defeat him. Aster beat him once, but a re-match reversed that. I could have Aster duel him again, but I sense he does not trust me anymore. I may need to turn someone close to Jaden and have him duel Jaden and beat him. He flipped over a random card and an eyebrow rose.

“The Professor?” he murmured. “One who is clever but not one of the teachers? I don’t know who that person is but perhaps Chazz or Alexis have the answer.” Satorius interlaced his fingers and stared at the card he had flipped over. Who was the one the cards were guiding him to? Most duelists played with passion so for one to duel with his intellect was most unusual… and may be just the one to defeat Jaden and bring his plan closer to fruition.

Chapter Six- Secrets Shared

“A clever student, Master Satorius?” Chazz asked blankly.

“Yes, Chazz. The cards have revealed to me that I require a student who is smart and close to Jaden.”

“Oh. Well, the only one who comes to mind is Bastion Misawa. He’s a second-year Ra and gets the top grades in all our classes. He builds different decks based on theories and equations.”

“You don’t say? He sounds like he’ll be a challenge.”

“Yes, but Jaden beat him once.”

“It was close, I take it?”

“Yes, Master Satorius.”

“In that case, once Bastion has seen the light, he will be able to defeat Jaden with cards prefect for a smart man like him.”

Chazz scowled once Satorius left. He wanted to be the one to beat Jaden! It was he Satorius chose to introduce the society to the school. He had converted most of Obelisk to the society and he felt it was destiny for him to bring Jaden into the light. Satorius did not need anyone else.

Chazz then took a calming breath. Master Satorius had said that all will see the light, so it doesn’t matter who duels who. Perhaps Bastion will be the one to bring all of Ra to the society.

Satorius walked down to the yellow dorm where he would ask for Bastion. He would convince the young man to duel him and once he had converted Bastion to his side, he would task him with defeating Jaden as well as the Ra dorm. He paused in his thoughts and steps as he saw a Ra student heading for the docks. Perhaps he is the one I seek and if not, then I will continue my search at Ra. Satorius calmly followed the student who kept glancing around as if he knew he was being followed.

Bastion arrived at the docks and breathed in the salty, chilled air. He had gotten that feeling of being watched again and he gave a low annoyed growl. He wished the stalker would show himself and make his intentions known. He looked down at the water, stretched out a hand, and amused himself with shaping the water, his slightly longer nails glittering as he used his power.

“Hey, Bastion!”

Bastion looked up and saw Jaden approaching and ceased his power, the water he had been shaping below the edge of the dock slipping back into the ocean. “Jaden. What brings you here?”

“I normally come down here for the view. How about you?”

“The same as well as the salty air. It’s refreshing.”

“Yeah.” Jaden took a deep breath and slowly let it out with a soft sigh.

“Bastion Misawa?” spoke a new voice and Bastion saw Jaden stiffen before he turned to see Satorius. “What do you want with Bastion?” he asked.

Satorius smiled at the question, knowing this had to be the one he sought. “I would like to duel you. I’ve heard about your dueling style and would like to test myself against it.”

“I’m sorry, but I decline your challenge.” Bastion turned away.

“I see. You are afraid to duel me.”

Bastion turned back around, bristling. “I am not afraid. I merely see dueling you as a waste of my time.”

Satorius seized Bastion’s arm and glared at him. “I insist we duel,” he said forcefully trying to impose his will on Bastion though he wasn’t looking at the taller man.

“Leave my friend alone!” Jaden demanded.

Satorius was about to reply when a wave of water rose up, veered around Bastion, and drenched Satorius. The tall man sputtered and released Bastion who discreetly froze the water on the man’s clothes and hair. Satorius gasped at the ice on his clothes and rushed off for his boat to regroup.

Bastion watched him go with satisfaction before he heard Jaden gasp in astonishment. “Bastion. Your nails!” He looked down to see them still glittering. He shut his power off, but it was too little too late as Jaden had noticed.

“You drank the formula,” Jaden whispered. “You’re an ice wolf.”

“Yes,” Bastion admitted as he looked away. “I apologize for not telling you and the others. I imagine you’re hurt that I lied and concealed this from you. I could turn all three of you in two weeks if you wish.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary.”

“No?” Bastion looked over to see Jaden lift a hand and reveal nails that were slightly long and glittering. “You drank it too.”

“On the last full moon night. So did Sy and Hassleberry. That’s why we asked you to join us that night.” Jaden’s nails stopped glittering.

“What have you three learned already?” Bastion asked as they walked away from the docks.

“We learned how to move on four legs, how to use our senses and our powers. It was funny when Hassleberry tried to ice the lake. He gave a yelp of surprise when the ice spread from his claws to the water.”

Bastion smiled at the image. “I learned all that on my first night. I discovered that I could control how I change to my wolf form and amused myself with shaping the water and speaking only as a wolf. I also hunted on the first and third nights.”

“We hunted on our first and only night together. I’ve taken to running in the woods since then and occasionally hunting.”

“Ah. I had heard rumors of a ghost wolf near your dorm. Am I correct in saying you have white fur?”

“I do but Sy and Hassleberry have gray fur. Syrus has gray eyes while Hassleberry and I have deep blue eyes.”

“I have white fur and gray eyes. Fascinating that the four of us cover all the possible combinations of fur and eye colors for ice wolves.”

“I guess so. Bastion, clearly we can use our powers while we’re human.”

“I figured you knew that as you showed your glittering nails.”

“Not really. I found out how to change parts of myself without going to full wolf.”

“Hmm. I have not done that myself. That could be interesting.”

“Hey, how about all four of us meet in the woods near my dorm? We could share what we learned,” Jaden said.

“I would like that. I’ll see you after dinner tonight.” He nodded to Jaden as the two left for their respective dorms. Bastion felt none of the earlier paranoia and surmised that the one watching him had been Satorius. He wanted to duel me, most likely to defeat me and make me join his society. He probably would have me try to beat Jaden. But, why? Why is it important for Jaden to lose? Perhaps I should ask Jaden and see if he knows why.

Bastion then smiled slightly. He had brewed a formula to become a werewolf and kept it secret. Jaden and his roommates had also made the formula and became wolves too. They checked out the book with the formula once I had returned it. That would give them enough time to brew it and take it on the last full moon night. They must have wanted to be werewolves real bad to be able to brew such a precise formula. I look forward to being with them tonight.

Chapter Seven- Experiences

“Bastion’s already an ice wolf?” Syrus murmured at dinner so only the three of them heard him.

“Yeah. Two days more than we’ve been,” Jade replied in the same low tone. “And we’re getting together after dinner tonight.”

“Sounds good,” Hassleberry said. “Maybe he can help with our senses because they’re driving me crazy still after two weeks.”

“Really?” Jaden asked. “I’m not having trouble with them.”

“Me either,” Syrus said. “Though I’m not too crazy about the meat craving.” He gestured at the extra fish on all of their trays.”

“Doesn’t bother me,” Hassleberry said with a shrug.

Jaden found this interesting to hear. He had no trouble with his senses or meat craving. Could it be because I take wolf form more? Sy and Hassleberry only changed that one night and both are having issues while I don’t.


Bastion stepped into the darkness of the woods, his eyes piercing it easily. He sniffed out his friends’ scents and tracked them to a clearing where a half moon provided some light. He saw that Hassleberry was squinting and wondered if he still hadn’t adjusted to the sharper senses. He put that pondering aside as he said, “Jaden mentioned being able to partially shift and I am interested in doing that.”

“Swell and maybe you can help me with my senses,” Hassleberry said. “Especially my eyes.”

Bastion pondered over this before saying, “I had some difficulty with my eyesight not long after the full moon ended but it improved with time and taking wolf form on occasion.”

“Oh,” Syrus said in a tone of realization. “I sometimes sleep in wolf form. That may be why I don’t have trouble with my senses.”

Jaden looked at Syrus. “Really, Sy? I didn’t know that.”

“I waited until you were asleep and pulled the covers over me. I do have a problem with the meat craving.”

“Considering that you did not like the thought of raw meat cravings, that’s not a surprise. I could provide you with raw meat to ease your feelings about it,” Bastion offered.

“Or I could get it since I am a Ra Yellow despite living at Slifer.”

“You could do that too. Perhaps you and I could eat in wolf form. It will likely make you more comfortable in consuming it.”

Syrus nodded. “Yeah, it might.”

Bastion smiled. “Excellent. Now, let us proceed to partial shifting. Should not be too different from the controlled changes we can do.”

The quartet then worked on shifting one part, undoing it, and then shifting another part. Some of the results were either funny or creepy. They paused in the middle of it and Bastion seized the opportunity to question Jaden about Satorius’ interest in him.

“Jaden?” Bastion asked through clicking teeth as he had a muzzle as well as forepaws and claws. “Why is Satorius obsessed with you?”

Jaden’s wolf eyes looked thoughtful while his tail tapped the ground. “I really did go into space,” he said at last. “Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin told me that an evil force is here on Earth and threatens all of humanity. I was told that I’m the only one who can stop it.”

“And your Neo-Spacian cards will help you in that mission. That’s a big responsibility. I surmise that evil force is Satorius.”

“I think he was possessed by that force,” Jaden said. “He’s pretty much behind all the duels I’ve faced lately. That tells me that he is the one I have to stop.”

“Now, it makes sense. If he or someone on his behalf defeats you, then his plan will occur. The question is, what is his plan for humanity?”

“No idea, but I bet that society has something to do with it,” Jaden said.

“You are likely correct. I recall Chazz claiming he had ‘seen the light’ and everyone in that group look more like mind-controlled dupes than enlightened people.” Bastion inhaled and smelled a deer which made his stomach growl and everyone looked at him before gentle laughter sounded. Bastion chuckled as he proceeded to full wolf form. “All of that shifting burned a lot of energy. Anyone else want to join me? That deer may put up a fight.”

“I’ll come,” Hassleberry said as he went to full wolf too.

“Jaden said you’ve hunted only once,” Bastion said as he tracked the deer.

“Yeah and I should think about doin’ it more often. It’ll help my eyesight as you pointed out.”

“I don’t see why you don’t change more. You drank the formula to become a werewolf. You should embrace your wolf side. Jaden, Syrus, and I do.”

“Ya have a point. Why be a werewolf if you only take it during the full moon? Next time, Sarge goes on a trek, I’ll accompany him.”

“Good.” Bastion then crouched and his claws kneaded the ground. Hassleberry adopted the same pose, his nose picking up the deer’s scent and his hunting instincts surfaced just like they did on his first and only hunt. When the kill had been done and they were eating, Hassleberry had been a bit put off by how much like a wolf he had been when tracking and stalking that he balked at changing save for the full moon. But now, he could see that he had been wrong to do that. I’m a werewolf and should embrace my wolf side. There’s nothing wrong with acting like a wolf while in wolf form.

Bastion then snarled as he burst out of their hiding place. He followed the white wolf who was speeding after a frightened deer. Hassleberry picked up his speed and came up to one side of the deer while Bastion showed up on the other side. “Now, Hassleberry. Kill her.”

Hassleberry launched himself into the air and onto the deer’s back. She cried out in fear and reared up in an attempt to dislodge her attacker. It was in vain as Hassleberry had the strength of a wolf and a human to aid him in hanging on. He lunged down and latched his jaws on the deer’s neck and saw Bastion grab onto the throat. Both bit down at the same time, the deer collapsed to the ground, and both wolves leaped clear before Bastion howled in triumph and Hassleberry echoed the sound.

“That was better than last time,” Hassleberry said as they started tearing open the corpse.

“I’m pleased to hear that,” Bastion said. “And our howls will have Jaden and Sy of our success and they’ll be heading our way.”

“We need help with this. A bit too much deer for two wolves.”

“But perfect for four.”

“I’ll say!” came Jaden’s voice as he and Syrus came running into the area.

“Help yourself,” Bastion said as he used his paws to slide his portion over so his friends could eat. He chewed on the deer and found it as satisfying as that hare he had killed on his first night. His eyes roamed over to Jaden and he thought of Satorius, his plans, Jaden’s role in stopping him, and the Society of Light.

I’ve got a feeling that Satorius hasn’t given up on adding me to his little club. And I will never join.

Chapter Eight- Matters Building

“Hi, Bastion. Want to duel?” asked a fellow Ra the next day.

“Uh, no thanks. “I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Bastion replied, noting the white clothes on the student as he headed upstairs to his room. It would seem I was correct. Satorius still wants me on his side and he’s focusing on my fellow Ra students. Now that I think of it, the dorm smells empty. I may be the only one living here right now. A sense of loneliness swept through him and he gave a sad whine. He was alone and, while he had been content to be a lone wolf, his time with Jaden and the others last night had given him a sense of family; a pack to use wolf terms.

Maybe that’s his plan. He wants me to feel lonely so I’ll duel someone and lose in order to not feel lonely. Well, that won’t work. I have friends and a pack I can be with and with them, I’m never alone.

He stayed in his room until dinnertime and ventured down to the cafeteria. The staff was still there and they confirmed that he was the only one at Ra. He asked for a juicy steak cooked partly done with a potato side dish and a vegetable. His order was processed and soon he sat with his steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn. A glass of juice sat close by it. He ate every last bite and complimented the staff when he returned his dishes. They smiled as he left and, once he was out of sight, he changed to wolf form and used his nose to double check that he was alone. It took a little time, but eventually he had checked every inch of the dorm and found it empty save for him and the cafeteria staff. He returned to his room, took human form, and sent a message to his pack about the empty dorm. He assured them that he was fine being along and to not worry about him. After that, he washed up, changed clothes, and went to bed.

Classes were strange with a sea of white uniforms with a mass of red and three spots of yellow. Bastion stayed close to the Slifers and his fellow Ras who hadn’t been converted. A second look around showed a few blues that hadn’t joined the society and wasn’t surprised that one of them was Atticus. He had witnessed his sister’s loss and conversion to the society and, as a result, avoided dueling anyone in that group. Next to Atticus were Mindy and Jasmine, two of Alexis’ closest friends. He leaned in to Jaden and asked, “Where are Atticus, Mindy, and Jasmine staying again?”

“Chazz’s room oat Slifer,” was the answer.

“Ah, yes. I remember. That is a nice place. They would be welcome at Ra if they want to; in fact if anyone at Slifer wants different food, the Ra cafeteria is open.”

Jaden perked up at this. “Really? That’s great. I’ll pass on your messages.”

The cafeteria had more students than last night and the staff looked happy at serving a group. There weren’t a lot but it was enough to keep the chefs busy and the students thanked Bastion for his generous offer. He simply shrugged and said, “It is the least I could do.”

When the Slifers had left, Bastion elected to take a walk around the yellow campus. He walked around the dorm and then into the woods. It was a nice, albeit, cold night with a clear sky and the gradual full moon in the sky. Not much longer, he thought as he looked at it. Another week or so and I will transform again as will Jaden, Syrus, and Hassleberry. We will become ice wolves again and unable to be human until morning. But that is all right. It is the nature of the werewolf and I love being a werewolf.

“Well, well. Bastion. We meet again,” came Satorius’ voice and Bastion turned to his left to see the hated man. “You must be lonely with no one else living at your dorm.”

“You are mistaken. I feel none of the loneliness that you believe I am experiencing. I am privy to what you are attempting: The end of humanity.”

“You are the one who is mistaken,” Satorius said. “Humanity will live and worship the Light of Destruction with this body as a vessel.”

“No,” he said softly as images of thousands of people like his classmates flashed through his mind.

“Yes and since you are aware of my plan,” his eyes started to glow white. “I will simply use my power to make you one of my worshippers.”

Bastion looked away before he turned around, eyes still shut. “You cannot resist the light, Bastion.”

“I disagree.” Bastion transformed and whirled around, his eyes now open. He growled at Satorius who seemed stunned at suddenly facing a wolf instead of a person and his eyes ceased glowing.

“What is this?” he demanded as he took a step back.

“I wager you never encountered a werewolf before,” Bastion said, scenting fear from the man.

“Werewolf,” he muttered. “The cards did not speak of a werewolf. My powers of persuasion do not work on beasts and you are half-beast.”

“Yes and with my ability to spread my condition, your plan will eventually fail.”

“We’ll see about that. You can be killed and once the world worships the Light, I will reveal your secret and you will be hunted down and killed.” With that, Satorius stalked away.

Bastion sped off for home, changed back to human, headed to his room, and called Jaden on his PDA. “Hey Bastion,” Jaden said when he answered. “What’s up?”

“I just had another encounter with Satorius and learned something advantageous. Beasts are not affected by the power of the Light of Destruction and that includes werewolves.”

“So…I could lose and be okay?” Jaden asked.

“Well, yes, but you losing is practically an impossibility.”

Jaden laughed. “Right. Well, I would like to beat him before the full moon.”

“That would be preferable. It would be nice to have the dorm filled with its students.”

“Yeah, but on the other hand, you don’t have to sneak around when you want to change or have to change.”

“That reminds me. Satorius threatened to expose my secret once the entire world is in his control so that people can find and kill me.”

“Kill you!? What kills a werewolf?”

“A silver bullet, of course as well as impalement to the heart with any silver object.”

Bastion saw Jaden wince on his screen. “Not good.”

“Agreed, but our claws are as hard as diamonds and very few substances can break diamonds.”

“True. So, we may be able to deflect silver with our claws.” Bastion nodded at this and both hung up.


“My followers,” Satorius called in the white dorm. “Our peaceful mission is being threatened by a werewolf and I know his identity: Your classmate, Bastion Misawa.” He paused to let this news sink in. “Yes. Bastion would rather have this world descend into chaos and darkness. But once we have introduced the society to the rest of Earth, his threat will be diminished and he will be killed.”

The crowd hailed him and repeated his name several times to his pleasure. His wicked smile was not seen for what it was. He was certain that Bastion’s days were numbered. Once Jaden loses and joins me, I will move forward in subjugating the entire world to the Light. After that, I will put a bounty on Bastion. I will require his head as proof that’s he’s dead. Only silver will kill him as other bullets and blades will bounce off him or break upon contact with his body. If Bastion confesses his secret to Jaden and my threat to him, then Jaden will come to me to save his friend.

Chapter Nine- Admission

“No!” Satorius cried out as his life points hit zero. He glared at his opponent. “This cannot be! Fate assured me that I would be the victor!”

“If I had lost and be on your side, yeah,” Jaden said. “But even if I lost, I would only keep coming back until I won. Your powers have no effect on me.”

“How…come?” Satorius managed to say as he felt himself starting to be expelled from the body he had possessed for some time.

Jaden let his muzzle stretch out before saying, “I’m a werewolf, like Bastion.”

Satorius screamed as the evil force fled his body and returned to space while the body fell unconscious. Jaden’s muzzle returned to its human nose and mouth as he rushed to his opponent’s side.

“Is he okay?” Aster asked as he came to the other side. He had been present during the duel, wanting to see his manager free of that alien force.

“Yeah, I think so,” Jaden said as Aster cradled Satorius’ upper body.

“Thanks for saving him, Jaden.”

“No one deserves to be possessed like that. If I have the power to save someone, I will.”

There was a brief silence before Aster said, “So…you’re a werewolf. When did that happen?”

“The full moon last month. Sy, Hassleberry, and I brewed a formula and drank it. I didn’t realize that I was making myself immune to the power that force used on others when I took it.”

“I overheard Satorius muttering about Bastion being one and that beasts cannot be influenced.”

“That’s all true.”

A soft groan made both boys look down to see Satorius awake and bleary-eyed. Jaden couldn’t help but notice that Satorius now looked gentler and not so crazed. He focused on Aster and said weakly, “Aster?” When he got a nod, he turned his gaze to Jaden. “You freed me,” he said softly.

Jaden couldn’t help flashing a grin. “I don’t think that force will be coming back seeing as I can stop it with no problem.”

Satorius’ face held a look of regret. “I told most of your school about Bastion. With any luck, they will have forgotten anything they heard or did under that force’s influence.”

Bastion was happy when he entered the cafeteria for breakfast and saw his fellow dorm mates there in their yellow uniforms and talking happily to one another. Jaden did it. Humanity is safe and I won’t be hunted. He went to the line and got a plate of eggs, bacon, and sausages, the latter two heaped on his plate. He sat down and began to eat while thinking of the coming full moon. Three days until then and it would seem my meat craving has spiked. An interesting thing to note and test next month to see if the desire for meat increases with the coming full moon. The sound of two trays being placed on the table drew him out of his thoughts and he looked up to see two second years sit across from him. He recognized one as the one who wanted to duel him after being converted to the society. “Good morning,” he said before eating some bacon.

His classmates stared at the amount of meat he had and he wondered if they were going to make some kind of comment about his condition or its side effect of meat.

One finally said, “It’s true, isn’t it? You’re a werewolf?”

“Yes,” Bastion stated firmly. “I am; to be precise, I am an ice werewolf. I am self-aware and in control of myself when the moon is full. I can change when I want and even shift partially. I can shape water and freeze it into ice.”

“So, you won’t bite anyone?” the other asked.

“Not unless someone requests it. There is nothing to fear from me. I am still the same Bastion you’ve known all this time.”

Bastion heard students whispering to each other and that they were talking about him being a wolf. He wasn’t bothered by their whispers or the students knowing his secret. He was not ashamed about it; on the contrary he was proud of it.

“I guess Satorius was wrong,” Jaden said as the pack left school at the end of the day. “He had said that those under the light’s influence could forget everything they heard or did during that time.”

Could, Jaden. It didn’t mean they would,” Bastion pointed out. “It is fine, though. None of their whispers expressed fear or hate. Indeed, they sounded curious.”

“Well, that’s good,” Syrus said. “Did you tell anyone about being a werewolf?”

“I told two second years who had approached me and asked if I really am a werewolf. I admitted it and what I can do. I made it clear that I am still the same person they’ve known.”

“Of course and we’re still the same guys we’ve been.”

“Managing our careers around the full moon will be challenging,” Bastion said out of the blue.

“True,” Syrus said. “But I’ll take the challenge if it means dueling Zane and making him the way he used to be.”

“Yeah. I’ll do that too,” Jaden said.

“What about biting him into a werewolf?” Hassleberry asked.

Syrus shook his head. “He would still be the dark, cruel duelist he is right now. Remember? Our personalities haven’t changed from being werewolves, though we do act like wolves while in wolf form.”

“We can do canine noises in human form,” Bastion pointed out. “I did when I found my dorm empty save for me and the cafeteria staff. I whined.”

“Well, it won’t be empty like that again,” Jaden said and then added, “How about we gather at the woods near your dorm on the full moon, Bastion?”

“I would like that and I will provide our dinner for all three nights.”

“We could hunt,” Hassleberry pointed out.

“Yes, but you don’t know the area. I propose I provide dinner for the first night.” The others nodded.


Bastion led the way to his favorite place, the one with the stream, three days later. He put down a package of deli paper and opened it to reveal four thick raw steaks. He saw the looks of appreciated in their eyes before Bastion looked up to see the brilliant fiery sky change to a velvety black. Bastion chose to let his change happen on its own. In a matter of minutes, all four were wolves and they howled to each other and the night before heading to the steaks to refuel the energy they had lost to their change.

Bastion led the group on a tour of the area, pointing out spots where they could hide, if necessary. Of course, Bastion did not feel that hiding places were needed. The news of him being a werewolf had spread to the entire school save for the teachers.

That will need to be attended to, he thought. But not right now. I will ask Doctor Crowler for a faculty meeting after the full moon is over.

Bastion gave a yelp of surprise as Syrus tackled him and the two tumbled and wrestled with each other with Jaden and Hassleberry joining in. There were howls and laughter as the four played under the light of the full moon.

The End