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Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only the sea turtle, Dottie, and Rob are mine.
Chapter One- Mahad and Atem
The ocean’s currents grew warmer with the advent of the summer season. It was sensed by the merpeople living there that the Summer Solstice was still a ways off and their crops were also indicators of summer’s arrival. Merman magician Mahad paid no mind to the hints of summer around him; he was involved in a deep conversation with his fellow magician and priest, Seto which was quickly becoming a disagreement.
“I’m sorry, Seto. I just don’t believe humans are a danger to us,” he said as his deep purple tail moved him away from the library where they had been studying spells and the laws that governed the kingdom.
“Hmph, only because they don’t believe we exist anymore and that’s as it should be.”
“Seto is correct,” Aknadin added, coming up behind the pair. “As long as we are considered myth and legend, we can live in peace.”
Mahad said nothing as he swam for home. It seems my long held opinion remains my own. I’ve been fascinated by humans since I was sixteen. I’ve spent years around sunken ships, examining them, and trying to figure out the objects on them. I even stored some in a hidden chamber in my home. Yet, despite my treasures, I feel it is not enough. I want something more; I just don’t know what. He looked up, the surface invisible from his depth and yet sunlight filtered down from above. His eyes widened as a thought struck him. The surface! Six years of collecting and exploring and not once did I think of visiting the surface. Of course, surfacing is technically not allowed so if I want to go up there, I must do so carefully and I think sneaking up there at night would be ideal.
Mahad slowly and cautiously swam out of the city until there was no chance of being spotted before heading up. He passed other sea creatures and exchanged hellos with those who greeted him, but none questioned his business. He paused when he was close to the surface. His heart pounded at what he was about to do and his fins quivered slightly. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out before moving up. His head rose out of the water as did his upper body. He shivered slightly, reasoning the lack of water running over his skin was the reason for the shiver.
He stared at the calm peaceful scene and smiled. This is lovely. The tranquility of the night, the glow of the moon on the water. The surface at night is wonderful and I honestly don’t see why we’re not allowed the surface. He moved across the surface, curious about how far he was from the shore. It was almost dawn when he saw a distant shoreline and a building that was on the edge of the shore. Indeed, it looked as if part of it was submerged in the water. The building intrigued Mahad, but his curiosity would have to wait for another time. Dawn was coming and he could be visible. He ducked down, went to a sandy slope and made a complicated mark in it before heading home, making more markers along the way.
Atem took a deep breath of the salty air as he headed off to work. He loved living in a beach city. It rarely got bitterly cold, a reasonable amount of rainy days, and lots of sun. It’s a wonderful place to live and for someone who loved the sea and caring for injured sea life, like Atem, it was the best place in the world.
His love of the sea and its creatures was why he applied as an intern at the Oceanic Rescue and Research Center. He displayed an extensive knowledge of sea life that impressed his boss, Mr. Ishtar. Atem frowned slightly as he approached the center. His boss was a gruff, unfriendly, and strict man, but cared deeply for the sea and its inhabitants. His boss was the only thing about his job that wasn’t nice, but Atem did what was expected of him.
Well, I’m only working during the summer. Grandpa won’t let me work during the school year. However, I will have access to the center’s research files in case I have a biology or science report on sea life.
“Oh, Atem! You’re early,” Mr. Ishtar said as the teen entered. “Excellent. I have some supplies in the storage room that need to be handed out. Take care of that, then report to me by Recovery Pool One.”
“Yes, sir,” Atem said before heading for the storage room.
Mr. Ishtar watched his intern head off to do his job. In truth, the boy was bright enough to do more than supply runs and merely watching him attend to injured wild life, but Mr. Ishtar trusted himself more when it came to interacting with his patients. When looking over applications for summer interns, Atem’s file had caught his eye: Almost sixteen; high marks in science, particularly biology; a generally good kid all around. The interview went well and Atem’s polite respectful responses coupled with his knowledge of sea life led him to hiring the teen on the spot.
He knows more about the sea than the other interns I hired and I have high standards for my applicants. Perhaps, I can assign him different tasks. Have him assist me in treating the animals, retrieving files or medicine I need. Yes, that will do for now.
Mr. Ishtar was beside the pool holding a medicine bag when Atem came jogging up the path. “Good, you’re here. I’ve decided, given your knowledge, that you can assist me in tending to those who are recovering.” He handed over the bag. “You will hand me whatever I need and pay attention to what I do.”
“Yes, sir.” Atem followed Ishtar down the steps to the pool below where a sea turtle lay next to the water, a bandage wrapped around a front flipper. He paid strict attention as Ishtar unwrapped the bandage to reveal a rash. Ishtar gently examined it.
“There’s an ointment I need in the bag,” he said, holding out a hand.
Atem opened the bag and dug through it before extracting the bottle and handing it over.
The older man dabbed it on the rash and the turtle made a sound that seemed to be of pain. “I know it stings,” Ishtar crooned to it. “But it will help you feel better. Fresh bandages, Atem.” The teen handed them over and watched as his boss applied them to the flipper and secured it with a butterfly clip. He then led his young assistant up the steps. “Now, I’ll show you where our files are stored on the computer and we’ll update the status of our turtle patient.”
Atem beamed at the idea of seeing patient files, missing a pair of brown eyes peering over the edge of a tide pool that emptied into the sea.
Chapter Two- Love
Mahad started at the building whose edge was submerged in the water. He had dwelled on this building all day and night before deciding to visit it this morning. He swam closer and saw an opening leading in. He went into the tunnel and cautiously peered out of it to see that the water split into streams that led upward and straight ahead. Maybe I’ll be able to see more of this place from up there. He ducked under and swam up the middle stream and found himself in a circular pond of water. He surfaced and cautiously peered over the edge to see the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
He saw two humans in the near distance. One was a man older than him and the other appeared to be a teenage boy. Mahad couldn’t take his eyes off the boy. His spiky, tri-colored hair was unusual, but he liked it and his skin was as tanned as Mahad’s own. I wonder who he is; I want to meet him. Although now I think of it, I believe I’ve seen his hairstyle somewhere before. He watched the pair disappear into a building and he allowed himself to sink to the bottom of the pool. I think I just fell head over fins in love. I don’t know anything about him, but I’m in love nonetheless. I’m breaking a few less-known laws here. I’ve surfaced, entered a human building, and now fallen for a human. He left the pool and the stream and was about to go through the tunnel when a gruff voice called, “Who’s there?” Mahad froze where he was underwater for a moment before he quickly darted into the tunnel and out into open water. Oh, that was close. He almost saw me and something tells me not to let that happen; that he’s bad news.
Ishtar squinted into the tide pools and then into the channel that led to the sea. He thought he had seen someone swimming around this area. He had called out, but no one appeared or answered. I wonder…I was sure I saw someone and not something. Is it possible I saw a…mermaid? Ishtar’s eyes glittered. If I did, maybe I can capture it, study it, and keep it here in the research part of the center. Plus, I won’t share it with anyone.
Atem left the center for the day, fingering the flash drive in his shorts pocket. Ishtar had gone to check the pools to see if they cleaned as well as the other interns and while he was gone, Atem copied the files of sea life to his drive. He couldn’t wait to look them over and add them to his knowledge and file collection. He climbed the stairs to the porch and turned to see the ocean far enough away for him to get a fast run and leap into the depths of the water. He had done so on many occasions. He smiled as he went inside. “I’m home, Grandpa!” he called.
Solomon came to the front door and hugged him. “How was work, today?”
“Great. Mr. Ishtar wants me to help him with tending to animals and retrieving files and medicine he needs instead of supply runs.”
“That’s wonderful news.” He hugged his grandson again. “I’m happy for you and Yugi…would have been happy for you too.”
Atem hugged Solomon back. “I miss him, Grandpa.”
“I do too. That horrible day. That storm came up so fast and Yugi couldn’t get back to shore.”
Atem blinked back tears. Yugi loved the sea as much as he did, but drowned shortly before his sixteenth birthday, a little more than two years ago. Atem own sixteenth birthday was coming up in July and it would be the second birthday without his big brother.
Solomon watched Atem upstairs a few minutes later. As much as it hurt to lose Yugi in that drowning incident, he didn’t keep Atem from his love of the sea and the teen exercised caution around water, never swimming if looking rainy or stormy. Atem working at the center was a step toward Atem being a marine biologist. I just hope I don’t lose Atem too. I wouldn’t be able to bear it.
Atem examined the center’s files before copying them to his collection. He scanned his collection before clicking on a file labeled “Mythical Sea Creatures.” He loved reading this particular file. There wasn’t much on each subject on the file but he liked looking at it anyway.
I would love to meet any of these creatures; to study them, note their habits and diets, and in one case, maybe speak to them. The one case Atem was thinking of was the mermaid. This was the one myth that interested him greatly. One question that he had was, was it just mermaids or were there mermen too? Atem liked to think there were for it they existed, well it explained how they reproduced. That brings up another couple of questions: How do they conceive and how does the mermaid give birth? Or is it the merman that carries and gives birth, like seahorses do? Oh, I wish I could meet a mermaid and ask her these questions.
Mahad stared at the pages in front of him but wasn’t taking in a word. His thoughts were on his human crush. I wonder where he lives. If it’s near the ocean, I’d be able to talk to him- on the surface of course. I’ll keep an eye out for him and when I see him, that’s when I’ll make my move. He closed the book, returned it to the shelf, and left the temple, lost in thought.
The magician turned to see Seto approaching. “Yes?” he asked.
You seemed distracted today. Why is that?”
Mahad was bursting to tell all, but knew he had to conceal some of the truth. “I’m in love, Seto.”
Seto grinned. “I see. Who’s the lucky mermaid or merman?”
“Merman and that’s the problem. I caught a fleeting glimpse of him but he was gone before I could call out to him. I plan to search for him and tell him how I feel and get his name.”
Seto nodded. “I wish you luck. Being in love is a wonderful thing.”
A yellow and green blur swam by overhead and Seto’s hat was gone. The blue-tailed merman turned to the blur. “Joey! Give that back!”
Joey grinned. “Come and get it!” he taunted before taking off with Seto behind him. “Oh, you’ll pay!” he shouted.
Mahad laughed. He knew Seto loved Joey and vice versa and he looked forward to meeting the one he loved.
Seto sped after his boyfriend who was laughing his head off. The brunette couldn’t suppress the grin on his face; he displayed the deportment of a priest, but dropped it when he was with Joey. He closed the gap before seizing a wrist and swinging Joey around and into his arms. He kissed the blonde who put Seto’s hat back on the priest’s head.
“If anyone else did what you did,” Seto said softly as they parted. “They would have been arrested or I would have turned him or her into a sea snail for at least a day.”
“Yeah, I lucky. Although, I wouldn’t mind being turned into a dolphin for a day.”
“You’re already playful like a dolphin. Speaking of lucky, a mystery merman has caught Mahad’s affection.”
“Really? Here I thought Mahad would never fall in love.”
“Well, he has now and intends to find him, learn his name, and declare his love.”
Chapter Three- Meeting
Atem left mid-morning the next day, looking forward to his day off. He put his towel on the porch, spread sunscreen on, kicked off his sandals, and ran toward the water. When his feet hit the tide rolling in, he leaped into the air, sailed through it, and dived into the deep water. He surfaced with a grin. A perfect dive, he thought. He struck out for a series of rocks nearby and for the side facing the sea and hidden from the shore. He clambered onto a flat rock where he could recline back against the rock face. He laid there, gazing at the ocean that was calm with small waves and the surface glittering with reflected sunlight. A dolphin leaped out of the water, doing a somersault before disappearing. Another figure leaped out of the water and Atem sat up, heart pounding. That wasn’t a dolphin. Dolphins don’t have purple tails. So, what was that?
A head broke the surface and Atem watched as a man with tanned skin came closer. His brown hair ended at his shoulders and his brown eyes were as warm and friendly as his smile as he looked at him. “Hi,” the man said, rising slightly and extending a hand. “My name’s Mahad. I saw you the other day and instantly fell in love. I’m sorry if I’m being sudden about this.”
“No, not at all,” Atem replied, feeling a bit breathless at the sight of this handsome man. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Atem.”
“Atem,” Mahad repeated. “That’s a nice name.” He rested his arms on a flat rock next to Atem’s seat.
“Wouldn’t you like to sit?” Atem offered.
“I would,” Mahad said slowly. “But, I’d like to get to know you first.”
“Well, I’ll be sixteen next month. I live with my grandpa in that house back there.” He jerked a thumb behind him. “I did have an older brother but he drowned two years ago.”
“He drowned? And your grandpa lets you swim out here alone?”
“I love the sea and Grandpa know he can’t keep me from it. I am careful, though. I don’t swim when it’s raining or storming. That’s how my brother, Yugi, died: He went swimming and a storm suddenly blew up and he…couldn’t get back to shore.” Atem’s voice broke with grief at the last five words. He put a hand over his eyes.
“Oh, Atem. I’m so sorry,” Mahad consoled, putting a hand on his knee while thinking, I know a merman named Yugi who’s eighteen. Interesting that a human and a merman would have the same name, plus Yugi has the same hairstyle that Atem does. Very curious.
Atem wiped his eyes before saying, “What about you, Mahad? I know nothing about you.”
“Well, I’m twenty-two and I’m a magician as well as a priest along with two others. I live by myself as my family is gone. Plus, I’m…well.” He hoisted himself up to reveal half of his tail.
Atem’s eyes widened and he gasped in delight. “You’re a merman,” he said, happiness and joy evident. At Mahad’s surprised expression, he added, “I’ve been hoping to meet a mermaid or merman. I just didn’t think I’d…fall for one.” Atem’s cheeks burned red at those words.
Mahad perched himself next to Atem. “I’ve been fascinated by humans since I was sixteen. I’ve explored shipwrecks and examined what I find on them. I’ve even hidden some items in my home. It was just lately that I had been feeling that exploring ships and collecting items wasn’t enough. Technically, merpeople aren’t allowed to surface, particularly anyone under eighteen. But, I did a couple of nights ago and it was wonderful. I ventured across the surface and spotted a building with water entrances. I went in the other day and saw you.”
“Oh, that’s the Oceanic Rescue and Research Center. I got hired there as a summer intern. I want to be a marine biologist.”
“So, you help injured sea life?”
“Well my boss, Mr. Ishtar, does the actual tending. I’m just passing the supplies to him, but I also pull up files he wants or I stock up supply cabinets.”
“Your…boss.” Mahad’s voice was flat.
“Mahad?” Atem asked curiously.
“He almost saw me that day and I’ve got a gut feeling that he’s bad news. Of course, that’s just a gut feeling like I said.”
“I know he’s unfriendly and strict, but he genuinely cares about the sea creatures he looks after.”
“Then it seems I misjudged him, which runs contrary to my opinion. I don’t believe humans are a danger to us.”
“Is that why you chose to surface?”
“Partly. The other part was to find what I’m looking for to feel like my interest in human is complete.”
“Did you find it?”
“Yes. It was you.”
“Yes, of course. So, where do we go from here?”
“We could meet here from time to time and talk about whatever we want. I could slip into the center to see you while you work.”
“I’d like that.”
“We could have a lot of fun together on the Summer Solstice.”
Mahad nodded. “On the first day of summer, all merpeople eighteen and above can surface, crawl onto land, and become human at dawn until dawn the next day. It’s a person’s choice and the only day where surfacing is acceptable.”
“Oh, I would love it if you came onto land! I would be happy to show you around and answer any questions you have. I’ll be sure to ask for that day off.”
Mahad smiled at Atem’s excitement at the idea. “It’ll be my first time on legs so it’ll take some time to get used to them. Of course, I’ll be close to you home so if you want to assist me then…”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Yug’? You in there?” Joey called as he peered into the bedroom of his best friend. He saw him staring out the window, the fins of his yellow tail fluttered slightly. He turned to look at Joey with purple eyes that lacked his usual joy. “Hey, Joey,” he said dully.
Oh, boy, he’s depressed again. He swam over. “What’s wrong, pal?”
Yugi flung himself into Joey’s chest and sobbed. “I miss Grandpa and Atem so much. I wish I could see them again.”
“Is that all? I think we can arrange that.”
Yugi pulled back and looked up with watery eyes. “What? I thought we weren’t allowed to surface, though you broke that and met me.”
“True. But on the Summer Solstice, merpeople eighteen and older can become human at dawn and stay that way until dawn the next day as long as you’re on land by dawn.”
Yugi’s tears dried up and joy was creeping back into his eyes. “Really? I can be human again for one day?”
“Just the one until the next Summer Solstice.”
“But, that’s fine. It hurt to let my family think I died.”
“Yeah. It was lucky I asked Seto to demonstrate the storm spell the day you completed The Call.”
“I barely made it into the water before my legs became a tail.”
“So, you’ll be human on the Summer Solstice and tell your family everything?”
“Absolutely. I can’t wait.”
Chapter Four- Solstice
Mahad swam as fast as he could through the water, heading for the shore near Atem’s home. He had been seeing the teen for the last two weeks, though their meeting were sparse due to Atem’s work schedule and Mahad’s studies. But, every single one was loving and informative and Atem reported that he had the Summer Solstice off. Mahad looked forward to his time with Atem as well as his first time being human. I had no reason to be human, but now I do and I may continue to do so.
He was getting close to the shallows when he saw a merboy with a yellow tail and spiky-hair. He recognized him immediately. “Yugi? What are you doing?”
Yugi whirled around, startled. “Mahad! Well, I was going to spend today on land. It’s been so long.”
Mahad blinked. “So long? Yugi, you’re eighteen so this’ll be your first time on legs just as it will be mine. Have you been surfacing illegally?”
“Uh, no.” Yugi sighed. “Mahad, I used to be human until two years ago.”
Mahad’s eyes widened. “You got The Call.”
Yugi nodded. “Yeah. I didn’t recognize it at first. I just thought it strange when I could understand sea creatures talking and when I started talking to them.”
“That is the first sign. How did you find out what was happening?”
“Joey. We met before that and when I told him about the first sign, he immediately knew what it meant.”
“He broke the law. However, if he hadn’t, you might have ended up being on display with humans gawking at you.”
“Until Grandpa and Atem manage to sneak me out.”
“Did you say Atem?”
“I did. He’s my younger brother.”
Mahad was dazed at this revelation. He fell for Atem, not realizing Yugi was the brother Atem thought he lost. He stared at Yugi, truly noticing his resemblance to Atem.
“Mahad? Do you know Atem? Were you surfacing, too?”
He sighed. “I have been surfacing. I’m fascinated with humans and when I saw Atem, I fell head over fins in love. He also loves me.”
“Mahad, that’s great.” Yugi looked up. “We better get going or we’ll miss the sunrise.” He took off toward the shallow and Mahad followed. He was relieved that the priest wasn’t going to punish Joey for surfacing as it helped keep their race safe.
Yugi surfaced and crawled onto land, his eyes fixed on the nearby house. It hadn’t changed in two years and he felt a pang at how devastated his family must have felt when he hadn’t come back. He looked at his tail tucked beside him. I didn’t have any choice. I was changing and no one under eighteen is allowed to surface. Well, technically no one’s allowed, but apparently Mahad has. The surfacing rule isn’t monitored closely as very few are interested in the world above the waves.
Mahad crawled up beside him before the sun came up. Yugi felt warmth and a tingling go through him. He watched as his tail became a pair of legs and the clothes he had been wearing when he changed cloaked his body. He looked at Mahad who was wearing a pair of jeans and a purple shirt. He was staring at his legs with interest. He looked at Yugi who smiled before getting to his feet. His legs trembled and wobbled as he struggled to regain his balance. His legs finally stabilized and he turned to help Mahad.
The priest watched Yugi re-learn to walk before the boy turned and offered his hands. Mahad took them and allowed himself to be pulled onto his feet. Yugi quickly seized Mahad’s arms to help keep him upright as his legs and knees trembled to support him. Once he was standing, Yugi’s hands slid down to grasp Mahad’s own again and pull to get him to start walking. He put his first foot forward, swayed slightly, and then brought his other foot forward. He kept moving and Yugi eventually released his hold and watched Mahad move slowly but confidently. Mahad, for his part, could hardly believe it: He had legs and was walking on them! It was something he had only dreamed of doing. I really should have done this years ago.
“Mahad!” called a deep voice that Yugi hadn’t heard in years. Mahad smiled at Atem before moving aside to give Yugi his first look at his brother in two years.
Atem’s mouth fell open as he stared. “Yugi!?” he gasped, hardly able to believe his eyes. “Yugi, is that really you?”
“It is, Atem. I didn’t really die. I’m one of a select group of humans who change into merpeople shortly before the sixteenth birthday.”
“So, you’re a merman now?”
“I am. The day I went swimming, my legs were getting ready to become a tail. I felt bad I didn’t tell you and I couldn’t come up to see you until now.”
Atem’s eyes filled with tears before he ran to Yugi and embraced him. Yugi did the same. “I’ve missed you so much,” Atem cried.
“I’ve missed you and Grandpa, too,” Yugi sobbed. “Is Grandpa awake?”
“Yes. He’ll be just as happy to see you.” He released Yugi, wiped away his tears, and smiled at Mahad. “I hadn’t planned to introduce you to Grandpa, but now I think I will.”
“I would love to meet him. I can help Yugi fill in the gaps of his change.”
“Grandpa,” Atem called as the trio entered. “You won’t believe who’s here.”
Grandpa entered the hall and came to a dead stop when Atem stepped aside. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he said in a strangled whisper, “Yu…gi?”
“Hi, Grandpa,” Yugi said, tears flowing anew as he ran into Solomon’s arms.
“Yugi!” he exclaimed, hugging him tightly, tears streaming down his cheeks. “My dear boy! Where have you been? Why did you let Atem and me think you were dead?” His joy was quickly turning to anger.
“Grandpa, I can explain!” Yugi said, alarmed by the anger but understanding it, too.
“And so you will.” Grandpa took him firmly by the shoulders and steered him to the living room and onto the couch. Mahad sat next to Yugi and Atem sat on Yugi’s other side while Solomon stood in the front facing them. He looked curiously at Mahad. “Who are you?” he asked without anger.
“I’m Mahad, a friend to Yugi and…Atem’s boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” He looked at his younger grandson. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
“We’ve been seeing each other for two weeks but only occasionally,” Atem answered.
Solomon nodded before turning back to Yugi. “All right, Yugi. Explain.”
“Okay. Two years ago, I met my best friend, Joey. We just hit it off and he admitted to me that he’s a…merman. He showed me his tail.”
“A…merman? Really?”
Yugi nodded. “Not long after that, I discovered that I could talk to and understand sea creatures. I told Joey and he said it was a sign.”
“A sign?”
“The first of three,” Mahad added. “It is called The Call. The other signs are drinking a lot of water and finally developing scales on the legs which eventually becomes a tail once they are completely covered in scales.”
“How do you know that?” Solomon asked. “Wait. Are you a merman too?”
“I am. I’m also a priest and a magician. A fellow priest was asked by Joey to demonstrate a storm spell. It was later that day that Joey introduced Yugi. I had no idea until today that he had been human. Clearly the storm spell was to cover Yugi’s change.”
“I couldn’t tell you because, well, merpeople are concerned with safety. I’m also not allowed to surface until I was eighteen. Joey actually told me about being able to be human on the Summer Solstice.”
“Just one day?” Solomon asked, crestfallen.
“Yeah, until next year. But, I can come up to visit now that I’m eighteen.”
Chapter Five- Being Human
“He seems to have taken it well,” Mahad said as he and Atem strolled along the boardwalk. He kept looking around at places and items he had never seen before.
“I’m glad he accepted it though Yugi standing there alive certainly helped,” Atem agreed, amused by Mahad’s interest in everything he saw. This is a dream come true for him. Naturally, I will answer any questions he has.
“Atem, is it possible to see the center even though you’re off?”
“Yes. Everyone’s allowed to come, but the place where I work is off-limits. Only employees are allowed there.”
“That’s fine as I can see that part anytime I want. I’m interested in the inside and anywhere I can’t get to by water.”
Atem led the way to the center and to the visitor’s area. Mahad was amazed at how the building’s interior was laid out as well as the fish swimming in their tanks. He went up to one and Atem heard him talk to the fish. He heard Mahad speak English and saw the fishes’ mouths move, but heard nothing. That’s a merperson trait; talking to sea creatures. Clearly, being in human form does not keep him from being able to do that.
“What did they say?” Atem asked as they walked further into the center.
“They said they’re happy here and would prefer to remain here.”
“I’m sure that’s not a problem.”
“Yugi, tell me about your new life. What’s it like having a tail? Where are you living? Actually, do merpeople have houses?” Yugi chuckled at Grandpa’s questions. “It’s cool having a tail which is yellow. Joey had to help me learn to move it after I got it. He’s also having me stay in his house.”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
“Oh no. He’s in love with the priest who conjured the storm. Joey was the only one who knew I had gotten The Call and figured that if a storm was to come up when I got to the water, it could look like I drowned. Grandpa, I’m really sorry I hurt you and Atem, letting you think I died.”
“You were protecting the merpeople, I understand that. Plus, you did say you couldn’t come up until you turned eighteen. I forgive you and now you can visit anytime. Hey, how about we have a beach party, just the four of us?”
Yugi smiled brightly. “Yeah, I like that.”
“Great. So, how about we go into town and buy some food?”
“Yeah! Let’s go, Grandpa!” Yugi leaped to his feet and dashed for the door, Solomon chuckling as he followed. He had missed Yugi’s joy of living. And I’ll never miss it again as he can come visit us whenever he wants.
Mahad shook Mr. Ishtar’s hand with a smile. Atem introduced Mahad to his boss as a close friend from out of town. The priest remembered his gut feeling that he had pushed away, but it came back in full force as he shook the man’s hand. He is bad news. I just can’t put my finger on why I think that.
“What do you think of the place?” Ishtar asked.
“It’s very impressive. We have a center back home, but not as big. I love visiting it often. Actually, Atem and I met there.”
“I’m not surprised. Atem knows more about the sea than all the other interns here.” He looked over at Atem who seemed to be looking at some tropical fish. He dropped his voice to a whisper, “Tell me Mahad: Do you believe that mythical sea creatures exist?”
“Such as?”
Ishtar shrugged. “Just in general. I personally would like to meet one and ask questions.”
“I think that’s the dream of every marine biologist. I too would like it if they exist.” Mahad felt mild panic. Maybe he did see me or at least my tail. I’ll need to be more careful when visiting Atem here.
Night had fallen and the quartet were gathered around a camp fire. The warm flickering flames fascinated Mahad which made sense as fire can’t exit underwater. “We use electric eels and phosphorous moss to light our homes and other buildings,” he said when asked how they see underwater. “Of course, the sun provides light as well.”
“Interesting. So, do you like the food?”
“Wonderful. Our food comprises of seaweed, other sea plants, and some sea creatures.”
“I had almost forgotten how good hot dogs are,” Yugi said.
“Feel free to come up anytime, Yugi. I’d be happy to make anything you like.”
“Thanks, Grandpa. Sounds great.”
Mahad sipped his juice. He had had a great day on land. He would remember this day forever and knew he would look forward to each Summer Solstice eagerly. Atem had explained everything I questioned and my knowledge about humans has increased greatly. He laid back on the sand and gazed up at the stars. Yugi laid beside him and Atem laid on Mahad’s other side.
“Yugi,” Atem said. “Do you see what I see?” He raised an arm and moved a finger across the sky.
“Gemini!” Yugi said happily.
“Gemini?” Mahad repeated.
“Yugi’s birth sign and constellation, which is a group of stars that form a picture. Gemini can be seen from late May to late June. Tonight is the last night.”
“What’s your birth sign?”
“Leo. It won’t be seen until late July. My sixteenth birthday is July twenty-sixth.”
“Perhaps I’ll come up and wish you a happy birthday then.”
“That would be great.”
“Then I will and maybe Yugi, too?” He glanced over at him.
Yugi nodded. “Of course, I will.” He yawned and Mahad followed. “Boy, what a day this has been.” Yugi’s eyes slid shut and was soon asleep.
The cry of seagulls woke Yugi from his sound sleep. He sat up to find it was morning and he had his tail again, the tide washing over it. He looked to see Mahad also with his tail. He blinked and a sweet smile came to his face. Mahad was on his side, his tail tucked up, and the water brushing his fins. Atem was up against Mahad’s back, his arms wrapped around one of Mahad’s arms and his legs tucked up. Aww, they’re adorable like that. They are a perfect match. It was clear from how Mahad talked of him before dawn yesterday.
Atem’s eyes blinked open and focused on Mahad’s bare back and where his arms were. He quickly released his hold and sat up to see Yugi looking at him with a knowing smile causing the younger teen to blush. Mahad began to stir as did Solomon.
“Well, it’s time for us to go,” Mahad said. He managed to roll himself over to face Atem. “I’ll see you in a few days. I have some intense studying to do.”
“I understand.”
Mahad glanced over to see Yugi and Solomon engaged in goodbyes and plans. He leaned forward and gave Atem a loving kiss; their first kiss. They parted and he said, “I love you, Atem.”
“And I love you, too.” Atem watched Mahad crawl toward the water before getting up and heading for Yugi and gave his brother a hug. “Bye, Yugi. See you later.”
“Bye, Atem.” Yugi followed Mahad into the water and dived down to his underwater home.
Chapter Six- The First Sign
“So, Yug. How’d it go?”
“It was wonderful. Grandpa was upset that I let them think I was dead until I explained why. Oh, did you know Mahad’s in love?”
“Yeah. Seto mentioned it two weeks ago. Why do you ask? Do you know who it is?”
“Yeah. It’s Atem.”
“Atem? Your brother? Seto said it was a merman.”
“No, it’s my brother. I think he didn’t want it to get out that he loves a human.”
“So you and Mahad were human yesterday.”
“Hmm-mmm. It was a great day. Grandpa said I can visit anytime. I plan to show up on Atem’s birthday and give him birthday wishes.”
“I’ll go with ya. I’d love to meet your family.”
“Sure. They’d like to meet you too. Grandpa would probably like to thank you for taking me into your home.”
“You’re my best bud. Of course I would have you stay with me.”
Atem scrubbed a tank at the center a week and a half later. Ishtar had set him to helping him clean tanks and the outdoor pools, saying he trusted no one else to do a thorough job. He felt proud that Ishtar trusted him so much. The fish were each in a bag of water that sat on a rolling cart nearby while Atem stood on a step stool and scrubbed the tank to a clean gleam. He filled it with fresh water before returning each fish to it. He put the last one back and it said, “Thanks, Atem.”
“You’re welcome,” he replied without thinking. He had gone several steps before it sank in what had just happened. He gasped, returned to the tank, and said, “Did you just thank me?”
“I did. I didn’t expect you to reply.” The fish…grinned. “This is cool. We understand each other.”
“Uh, yeah. I’ll see you later.” Atem walked away, eyes wide and his breathing coming in fast and hard. Oh, man. I just talked to a fish! It’s the first sign. I’m getting The Call just like Yugi! Whoa, Atem. It might not be that. It could be a coincidence. Yeah, that’s it. But, if it is The Call, it wouldn’t be so bad becoming a merman; I just wouldn’t be able to become human again for three years as I’ll be eighteen after the Solstice of that year, but I could visit Grandpa.
Atem swam out to the rocks after work that day and reclined against it. He watched the sun shine on the water and occasional dolphin surfacing. A pair of dolphins were diving toward him and he slipped into the water, hoping they might play with him. They got closer and rolled onto their backs, clearly wanting belly rubs. He obliged them, enjoying the rubbery skin and the clicking sighs of the pair. They rolled back over and Atem rubbed their snouts. They clicked again in pleasure and Atem smiled. So, it was a coincidence earlier.
Then one said in a female voice, “That feels good. Thanks, human.”
“My name’s Atem,” he answered before a hand flew to his mouth. It happened again!
“Atem,” the dolphin repeated. “I’m Dottie and this is my mate, Rob.”
“Dottie, this human can talk to us,” said Rob in shock. “I mean, he understand us and we understand him.”
“Yeah. Cool, huh? See you around, Atem.” Dottie and Rob dived down and Atem swam home as fast as he could.
“Grandpa,” he called as he entered. He found Solomon in the living room. He looked up and saw Atem’s concerned face.
“Atem? What’s the matter?” Solomon got up and went to his grandson.
“Grandpa, I think I’m getting The Call. I spoke to a fish at work and just now I spoke to two dolphins.”
“You did?”
Atem nodded. “It’s like Yugi and Mahad said. It’s the first sign.” He turned to the window that looked out to the shore. I wish Mahad was here so that I could tell him. He stared out the window and blinked when he saw a purple-tailed merman appear in the shallows. “Mahad!” he exclaimed before rushing out to meet him.
“Sorry I’m later than planned. I was having trouble mastering a difficult spell.” He took one look at his boyfriend’s concerned expression and asked, “Atem, what’s wrong?”
“Mahad, I just experienced the first sign of The Call today,” Atem said as he kneeled in the sand.
Mahad gasped. “You too? You’ll be a merman too?”
“It looks that way. How soon will that happen?”
“Hard to say. How many weeks until your birthday?”
Atem did some quick calculations. “A little over three weeks.”
“Then you might grow a tail in two weeks.”
“I kind of like the idea of being a merman, but I like being human too.”
“I understand that, but once one gets The Call, there’s no way to stop it. Look into your heart, Atem. What does it tell you?”
Atem closed his eyes and focused on it for several minutes before opening them. “I love the sea and would love to live in it.”
Solomon watched Atem and Mahad from the window. It had been a joy and relief when Yugi showed up alive. He had been shocked when told about The Call and that Yugi was one of those few people who received it. He knew that he couldn’t have stopped it as Yugi had kept it secret. Now, Atem had gotten the first sign of The Call and he acknowledged that he would lose his other grandson to the sea.
“Atem’s getting The Call too?” Yugi gasped.
“Yes. It started today. He told me he’s spoken to a fish and two dolphins already. I told him it’s likely that it’ll be complete in two weeks.”
“He was probably feeling conflicted,” Yugi said. “I certainly was. I liked the idea of living in the sea, but I liked being human and I wanted to stay with my family.”
“Yes, he said pretty much that. I told him that The Call cannot be stopped once it starts and to listen to his heart and he said that he loves the sea and would love to live in it.”
Yugi nodded. “That’s how I felt. I didn’t want to leave my family but I loved the idea of living in the sea.”
Chapter Seven- The Second Sign
Atem went to work the next day, his concern over his new ability buried within. He couldn’t stop himself from hearing the fish talking to each other as he passed the tanks to the outside. He stepped out into the pool area and Ishtar called out to him. “Atem, check our turtle patient’s vitals and note it so we can update the file.” He passed the teen a bag, a clipboard, and a pen. “I’ll be in the Control Room when you finish updating the file.”
“Yes, sir.” Atem descended into the recovery pool and to the turtle who was swimming in the water. It spotted Atem and swam toward him and onto the pavement. He smiled at the turtle. “Well, I guess that flipper is doing a lot better. You’ll probably be returned to the sea soon.”
“I hope so,” the turtle said in a young male voice. “I miss my friends.”
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t,” Atem replied, checking the turtle’s breathing and making a note. He was well aware he was talking to the turtle as if it was the most natural thing in the world and that for merpeople it was. I am heading in that direction, so talking to sea life is natural for me too.
“I hear things you don’t. When you’re not here in the pool area, I hear your boss talking to himself or to me thinking I don’t understand what he’s saying.”
“What have you heard?” Atem asked, checking the pulse.
“He’s obsessed with capturing mythical creatures to study and hold captive.”
Atem checked his eyes. “Most mythical creatures are too big for the pools here.”
“True, but not for a merperson.”
“I know that as I’ve met two and fell in love with one.”
“Is that why we can talk to each other; because you fell for a merperson?”
“No. It’s because of The Call.”
“Oh! The Call, yes. How far along are you?”
“I got the first sign yesterday. Mahad guesses I’ll grow a tail in two weeks.”
“Mahad? As in Priest Mahad the magician?”
“The same. He’s the one I fell for.”
“Be careful, Atem,” the turtle said as Atem packed up the bag. “If your boss finds out you’re changing, he may try to capture you.”
“I will. Thanks.” He left the pool, surprised by the information he learned. So, Mr. Ishtar wants to hold a merperson captive. Well, the channel leading to the sea is always open and has no door just like the tide pools Mahad occasionally uses. Plus, he’s a magician and not easy to catch. As for me, he doesn’t know I’m changing. The turtle is the only one here who know I’m getting The Call. And when I develop scales, I’ll call and quit before saying goodbye to Grandpa and heading out to the rocks to wait for my tail.
Ishtar watched his intern leave the recovery pool and stroked my chin. Atem had appeared to be talking to the turtle as if having an actual conversation with it. He rewound the tape, turned the sound on, and put on a set of headphones before hitting play. He listened to Atem’s words and his mouth dropped. He’s in love with Mahad who’s a merman and he’s changing into a merman? He grinned in a satisfied manner. If I can lure him here in two weeks, I’ll be able to trap him and once he has a tail, I’ll be able to study him and have actual data on merpeople. Naturally, I’ll keep him here at the center which will be his new home. He shut off the recording and began plotting how to lure Atem. He’ll likely call to quit as he enters the last stage of his change. I’ll accept his resignation, but fabricate an excuse to bring him here. Some kind of emergency near the research pools. Once in there, I’ll put down the barred door so he won’t be able to swim away and out to sea.
A week passed since the first sign and Atem began the second sign: Drinking a lot of water. He carried a few bottles of water with him at all times and if he ran out, he was able to refill them at the sink when going to the bathroom. His increased thirst was a bit disconcerting to Mahad and said as much.
“I understand, but I can’t help it,” Atem pointed out. “I just didn’t think I would be drinking this much.”
“Perhaps this is preparing your body as merpeople are constantly hydrated even when out of the water.”
“I noticed that and it makes sense to me,” Atem agreed before draining a bottle.
“That does make sense,” Yugi said when Mahad reported Atem’s progress. “I think I was drinking as much. Now that I think back on it, I’m surprised no one commented on it as school was still in session at the time. So, I guess he’ll start developing scales soon.”
“Soon and about a day or two after it starts, that’s when the legs will be completely covered and an hour later, they’ll become a tail. I looked up The Call when Atem told me he got the first sign,” he said when Yugi looked at him surprised.
“Okay. I’d like to welcome him to the sea on that day,” Yugi said. “I’ll wait near the house.”
“I don’t see why not,” Mahad said. “I’ll wait by the rocks where we officially met in case he changes at the center and manages to make his way over there.”
Yugi nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” Yugi hoped he would be the first to see Atem’s tail and guide him in using it. I wonder what color it will be. I can hardly wait; in a few days the first few scales will appear and the color will be revealed. Thing is, when the merging begins, it’ll hurt; mine certainly did.
Yugi surfaced by the house shortly after dawn three days later. He knew the living room window had an excellent view of the shore and sure enough, an hour later, Atem came out, a bottle of water in each hand.
“Still drinking a lot, huh?” Yugi asked as Atem sat cross-legged.
“Like a fish,” he quipped and then laughed when Yugi swept his tail and sent water splashing into his face. “Actually, I’ve been drinking a little less since yesterday.”
“It could be that your body’s soaked up a lot of water so you don’t need to drink as much.”
“Okay, I’ve accepted that merpeople keep hydrated but technically I’m still human. I’m just able to talk with sea creatures which is actually cool. I had a long conversation with a recovering sea turtle the day after I got the first sign.”
“I think I met that turtle two days ago. He said he warned you about your boss possibly wanting to catch a merperson.”
“Yeah, he did warn me. But, Mr. Ishtar’s been his usual self toward me.” Atem took a long drink. “I feel like my legs are soaking up most of the water.”
“Seeing as they’ll be a tail soon that makes sense.”
“Yugi, did you come to check on my progress? If so, are you and Mahad taking turns?”
“No, we’re not taking turns. I admit it though, I did come to check on you. I also wanted to tell you that I’ll be waiting here the day you’ll be changing while Mahad will be by the rocks if you change at the center and manage to get over there.” Yugi tilted his head at the formation. He looked back to see Atem stretch out his legs from his cross-legged position. His eyes widened and he smiled. “I see some scales,” he said.
“What?” Atem looked down. Each leg had a tiny patch of royal purple scales on his lower legs. A few more scales appeared as he watched. “Guess I’m wearing jeans to work.”
“Royal purple,” Yugi said. “Oh, you’ll have a beautiful tail and speaking of which, the merging of the legs will hurt.”
“I suspected that. Well, I think I’ll show Grandpa. He’s been dying to know the color of my scales.”
“He’s not the only one. Mahad and Joey want to know too.” Yugi left as Atem headed inside. I’ll have a tail in a day or two.
Chapter Eight- Final Stage
“Mr. Ishtar, I’m afraid I have to quit today,” Atem said, staring at his scale-covered legs. Yugi had returned later in the day that Atem’s scales first appeared to tell him that he’ll have an hour after his legs are completely covered before he grew his tail.
“But why, my boy?”
“Grandpa’s transferring me to another school in another city and I’ll be staying with relatives.”
“Understood, but maybe you could come by one more time? I got an emergency before you called and I could really use your help.”
“Well…okay. I’ll be right there.” He hung up and pulled on some jeans and a shirt before heading out the door.
Ishtar hung up and grinned as he went out to stand in the center area of the research pools. He was close to the Control Room and nearby was a research pool with two dolphins he had lured in early that morning. The pool led out to the sea and could be sealed off with an underwater barred door. The open and close buttons were set into the wall by the stairs. Of course once Atem opens the door to release the dolphins, I’ll deactivate the pool buttons and close the door from the Control Room. I don’t want Atem to be able to crawl over to the buttons and open the door.
He saw Atem running toward him, looking concerned and anxious. “Mr. Ishtar, what’s the emergency?” he asked.
“I’ve got a partial file on it back in the Control Room. Wait here, I’ll get it.” Ishtar ran off.
Atem shifted on his feet. His leg muscles were sore and not from running. He was less than five minutes from changing. The sound of splashing from a nearby research pool caught his attention as well as a familiar voice calling, “Help!” He headed over to see two dolphins in the pool below.
“Atem!” called one dolphin.
“Dottie? Rob?” He descended to the pool’s level. “What are you doing here?”
“No idea,” Rob said. “A man lured us here with food.”
“This is a research pool. I don’t think Ishtar needs more studies on dolphins. I’ll let you out.” He went over to the stairs and pushed the open button. As the door rose, Dottie said, “Thanks, see you later.”
“You’ll see me sooner than that. I got The Call and I’ll be growing a tail any minute now.” He winced slightly as his legs throbbed.
“Oh! Then we’ll wait outside for you.”
“I appreciate-,” Atem began when a searing pain shot through his legs. He collapsed to the floor and he used his arms to pull himself toward the water. He groaned as he swung his legs into the water and sat on the edge. He gasped and moaned as his legs began to merge. When Yugi said it would hurt, he wasn’t kidding! This is agonizing!
He fell onto his back and he tossed his upper body from side to side groaning painfully. The pain gradually faded and Atem laid there breathing hard until he felt something rise up out of the water and slap down under it. That had to be his new tail! He sat up and stared at the pool: A long royal purple tail was where his legs had been! It’s done, he thought, his heart swelling with joy at the sight of it. I’m now a merman! He pushed himself into the water and moved across the surface with his arms before ducking down to go through the opening only to find the way barred. “What the-?” Atem said, speaking his first underwater words.
“Atem! The door came down a couple of minutes ago,” Dottie said.
“And I can’t reach the button to open it. Dottie, you and Rob need to bring Mahad. He might know a spell to free me.”
“On our way,” she said and she and her mate swam off.
Atem used his arms to surface; for some reason he couldn’t use his tail that well. Maybe that’s why Yugi and Mahad were waiting for me: To help me use my tail. He exposed only his upper body, aware that his shirt had vanished when he finished changing, and looked up to see Mr. Ishtar looking at him with a smug expression. “Sir, I think the door’s malfunctioning.”
“Oh, it’s working just fine,” he said. His expression grew as he eyed the water. “I heard you talking to the turtle two weeks ago and was surprised to learn that you were becoming a merman. I knew then that I had to lure you here and hold you captive.”
“You can’t do that,” Atem shot back angrily. “I have rights, same as you.”
“Not anymore,” Ishtar laughed. “You’re a merman now and everyone knows merpeople don’t exist. Now, I intend to study you and learn about your new race, maybe even find a way to grow a tail of my own that I can trade for legs as I wish.”
“If you grow a tail, you won’t be able to be human again. I certainly can’t.” Atem had no intention of telling Ishtar about the Summer Solstice change as that would only increase his desire for a tail.
“Well, I’ll be the judge of that.” Ishtar climbed into the water and glided toward Atem who glided back, worried.
“What do you intend to do?” he asked.
“Isn’t it obvious? I want one of your scales for study. I’m prepared to take it by force.”
Atem slid his hands down his tail, looking for loose scales; there were none. Well, of course there isn’t, he chided himself. I just got this tail. Ishtar moved closer and Atem dived down, his tail drenching Ishtar as it rose out of the water and slapped down.
Ishtar gasped as the water washed over him. He climbed out and glared at the smooth surface. “I will get a scale, you freak. I’ll be back.” He left to find a scuba suit and some gear.
Atem moaned at Ishtar’s words. He’s determined to get a scale. He also called me a freak. He glanced at his tail which laid beside him at the bottom of the pool. He felt anger shoot through him. I’m not a freak. I’m a merman and I will not let him have a scale or study me. Mahad will come and free me. While I wait for him, I think I’ll work on getting my tail to move so that I’ll be able to swim out of here.
He pushed himself up into the water and concentrated on moving his fins. He sent the command to them and they twitched and flicked, sending him forward a little. He flicked them again and he moved again. He raised his lower tail and it fell. He made it go up and down. He was soon swimming slowly in a circle and back and forth across the length of the pool. A smile appeared and he laughed in delight. He moved his tail faster as he swam up, burst through the surface, and dived back under. Yes! I can move my tail and it’s incredible! Movement near the surface caught his attention and his heart sank.
Mr. Ishtar was pulling on a scuba suit complete with flippers and an oxygen tank. A pair of tongs hung from a belt around the waist part of the suit. He surfaced to speak to him. “Sir, I don’t have any loose scales or I would have given you one.”
“I figured there wouldn’t be any loose ones, not with a new tail. But, I will get one anyway.”
Atem gulped as Ishtar picked up his mask and breathing tube and began a systems check on the tank. He ducked down and swam about in agitation. He’s willing to hurt me to get his scale! Oh, Mahad, where are you?
Chapter Nine- Rescue
Mahad swam around the rocks, surfacing now and then to look for Atem as well as Yugi, thinking he may have met up his brother first. He bit his lip. Where is he? It’s been over ten minutes.
“Mahad!” called an alarmed voice. He looked see Yugi coming toward him. “Have you seen Atem?”
“No and I’m worried.”
“Me too. I think he’s at the center. Grandpa just told me Atem went there for an emergency.”
Mahad bit his lip again. He just knew Atem had already changed and he was worried that his boyfriend was in trouble. He drew himself up. “If he’s at the center, then let’s go there. If he’s caught in a pool without access to the channel, I know a spell to flood the pool and give him an escape route.”
The magician turned to see two dolphins heading toward him. “What is it?” he asked, concerned over their alarm.
“Atem needs your help. He’s trapped at the center,” one of them said, a female.
“He’s trapped!? Show us where he is!” Mahad demanded.
“Follow us.” The dolphins turned and swam off with the two mermen behind them. The swim to the center wasn’t long and the dolphins led them to a barred door. Mahad looked in to see a royal purple-tailed merman with spiky hair swimming around in agitation. He got his tail working. That’s great. “Atem!” he called.
Atem looked and swam to the door. “Mahad! Yugi!” he answered in relief. “Hurry, please. Mr. Ishtar intends to forcibly remove a scale.” He looked back and up in concern.
“No, he won’t,” Mahad said. He chanted a spell and both teens watched in amazement as Mahad’s muscles grew larger. He took hold of two bars and pushed them aside so that there was enough space for Atem to get through. He backed away and chanted the counter spell to reverse the spell.
Atem started forward when he felt something grab his fins. He looked back to see Ishtar holding them in one hand and reaching for his tongs with the other. He flapped his tail and he felt his fins slide out of Ishtar’s hand. He slipped out the door and into the open water.
“Atem!” Yugi cried, embracing his brother.
Atem hugged him back and looked at Mahad who was running his hands along his tail before a scale came away easily. The priest looked into the door and stuck his hand into it. “You want a scale?’ he said in annoyance. “Here then, but be warned: If you use it to grow a tail, you won’t be human again.”
He turned to the boys and came over to hug Atem once Yugi had released him. “I’m so relieved you’re all right. I was so worried.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here with my change so close. I should have said no to coming.”
“You love the sea and wanted to help any injured creature. I fully understand that.” He held Atem out at arm’s length and looked him up and down. “Purple looks good on you. It almost matches mine.” He nodded at his slightly darker tail.
“I’m going to Grandpa and tell him Atem’s safe,” Yugi said before swimming off.
“And I’m going to take you to your new home and introduce you to a couple of mermen.”
Solomon sighed in relief. “I’m glad he’s okay. His boss wanted to hold him captive?”
Yugi nodded. “He also wanted a scale from him. Mahad gave him one of his as a new tail won’t have any loose scales. I wonder what he plans to do with it.”
“Well, that’s nothing for you to worry about, at least not yet. Now, swim along and help your brother adjust.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later and let you know how he’s doing.” Yugi returned to the deep water and headed home.
Joey took Atem’s hand and shook it. “Nice to meet ya at last. Yug’s mentioned you, but didn’t say you looked a lot alike.”
Atem smiled. “Well we are brothers and it’s nice that Yugi had a friend to rely on.”
“Hey, we’re friends now too. I’d offer you to stay with me, but I believe Mahad’s already offered.”
“Not exactly, but it’s pretty much a given,” Mahad said.
“Hey, Yugi,” the blonde said as his friend came up to them. “So, everything cool with your grandpa?”
Yugi nodded and looked behind Joey as another merman came up to their group. “Hi, Seto.”
Seto nodded to him and looked at Atem. “So, this is your boyfriend, Mahad?” He smiled. “He is good-looking.”
Atem swam up and extended his hand, which Seto shook. “I’m Atem. I’m also Yugi’s brother.”
“I suspected that. You look alike enough to be related.” He turned to Joey with a mischievous smile. “I have a surprise for you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes. I worked on it for a couple of days.” He put a hand on Joey’s shoulder and chanted a single word. There was a flash and a dolphin floated where Joey had been. Joey looked at himself and said, “Seto!”
“You said you wouldn’t mind being a dolphin and I thought I’d give you the opportunity. It’ll wear off at dawn. Just remember to surface so you can breathe.”
“Dawn, huh? Well, in that case, who wants to race?” Joey took off with a dolphin’s laugh with Yugi and Atem right behind him, laughing as well.