Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Yusuke launched himself at Hiei, his fists moving so quickly a normal person wouldn’t have been able to keep track of them. But Hiei wasn’t normal; to him, they were coming quickly though not quick enough. He dodged the lightning fast fists and moved in to lash out with a series of kicks. Hiei moved with inhuman speed and, by all accounts, he should have landed at least two, but Yusuke avoided them all.
Hiei couldn’t help grinning at the detective’s movements. He had been in the forest surrounding the mountain compound, bored to death. He came to Human World because staying in Demon World meant patrolling endlessly and he needed more than the required breaks to relax. He had thought of visiting Kurama, but the redhead was neck-deep in reports budgets, and other matters and could not stop to chat. So, he returned to the compound and, as he sat in a tree, he was visited by the idea of telling Yukina the truth. He knew he could, but he was certain that she would be better off believing he was dead.
“Hey, Hiei,” a voice had called that he recognized at Yusuke. He had looked down at the part-demon. He had nodded. “Yusuke,” he said neutrally.
“Why are you in Human World?”
“To get away from patrol but I’m so bored I may go back.”
“If you’re bored, how about sparring with me?”
Hiei had grinned at that and leaped down. “You’re on.”
Hiei swung a roundhouse kick that Yusuke dodged but got nailed in the cheek by a fast follow-up roundhouse punch. Yusuke slid backwards from the force of it and grinned at being struck. Hiei charged toward him and then started zipping around Yusuke in a circle.
Yusuke relaxed and closed his eyes to determine Hiei’s true position. While his eyes were closed and he relaxed, his thoughts dwelled on the fire demon. He had detected hints of Hiei’s energy while he wandered around town and decided to head up to the mountains in hope of seeing him. As he headed that way, he knew why he felt nervous and his stomach suddenly squirmed at the thought of seeing Hiei: Despite liking Keiko a lot, he had developed strong feelings for Hiei. We have a bit in common, really. We both love a good fight and especially against a strong opponent which would push us to learn new strategies. We also love to train to grown stronger.
His looks are very attractive to me. His eyes are intense and quite focused on whatever they’re looking at. They go great with his hair which looks like a flame in its hairstyle, particularly when unleashing a fire move. The blue highlights and white starburst give it a unique and cool look. His Jagan is amazing with it purple color and helps him in the use of his fire move among other abilities. I want to tell him I love him and maybe ask to be his mate.
Hiei continued to zip around Yusuke, noticing that he was relaxed and his eyes were closed. He’s trying to figure out where I’m at so that he can defend himself against my attack. Hn, he’s a clever fighter and I respect that. But he has other qualities that draws me to him. His attitude and his burying of emotions are a match for my own. He enjoys training to and fighting like I do. Yes, his fighting spirit is attractive to me as it is like my own.
I also like his looks. His brown eyes reveal his emotions even if they don’t show in his face or voice. His hair is normally slicked back, but when it isn’t, it hangs around his face, framing it. Hn, I prefer it that way. He inwardly sighed. I can’t deny it: I am in love with Yusuke Urameshi. I need to tell him. I know he’s with that human girl, but I can’t keep it to myself any longer.
Hiei returned to his spar with Yusuke. He chose to come at his partner at an angle. He lunged in from behind and to the right of Yusuke. The teen opened his eyes, swung his body to the left and Hiei sailed past. Yusuke brought his leg up and around and struck Hiei in the back, sending the fire demon face-down on his stomach. He quickly sprang to his feet and turned to face Yusuke, hands poised in front of him. Yusuke copied the pose and the two circled one another, both looking for an opening in the other’s defense. He admired Yusuke’s form. He moved confidently and smoothly. He was ready to either move or counter Hiei’s attack. Oh, he is just perfect. If I can pin him down, that’s when I’ll tell him.
Yusuke’s eyes darted to Hiei’s left and right to find an opening; he focused on that to avoid thinking about what he really wanted to do: Rush at Hiei and confess his love for him. Thing is, if I rush at him, he’ll knock me down and scold me for the maneuver. Long minutes crawled by as they circled one another. Yusuke inwardly screamed. He couldn’t take it anymore! With a battle cry, he charged at Hiei, raising his fists to launch them in a flurry of punches.
He didn’t get a chance to throw a single one. Hiei deftly dodged to one side, throwing Yusuke off balance and then used a leg to sweep him off his feet. Yusuke rolled onto his back and froze at seeing the tip of Hiei’s sword at his throat.
“Hey, no weapons in hand sparring!” Yusuke scolded. “Especially since I don’t have one.”
“Hn, I knew that. I used it to call a break as I have something to say.” He sheathed his sword as he gazed down at Yusuke. “I admire your techniques and skills in fighting. Your movements are smooth and sure. Your fighting spirit is a match for my own. All that and your looks are attractive to me. What I am saying is that I love you, Yusuke Urameshi.” Hiei then leaned down and gave Yusuke a kiss that spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings.
Yusuke’s eyes went wide for a moment before closing in pleasure. Oh God. Who knew Hiei was such a good kisser? Best yet, he loves me! This is going perfectly. Once he releases, I’m going to tell him.
Hiei pulled back at last. “I couldn’t keep quiet about it anymore. I know you have feelings for that human girl but like I said, I had to tell you.” He saw the grin on Yusuke’s face and grunted. “You find this amusing and think I’m being foolish, don’t you? Fine, if that’s what you think. Then, I’ll just head back to-,”
Yusuke pulled Hiei down and pressed his lips to Hiei’s. Yusuke released and said, “Yeah, I like Keiko, but I love you a lot more, Hiei and for the same reasons you love me. I would love to be your mate.” He drew a finger down Hiei’s shirt.
“You…would?” Hiei’s mouth suddenly felt dry.
“Yeah. I would.”
Hiei licked his lips. “Yusuke, please be my mate.”
“Of course I will.”
“Good.” Hiei flashed his trademark grin. “So, shall we return to our sparring?”
“Definitely.” Hiei got up and Yusuke popped to his feet. They stood a couple of feet apart before they simultaneously launched punches at each other, their energy sparking and crackling around them. The speed of their punches increased and both grinned at the increased speed. The rapidity of their fists wasn’t the only thing that got faster. Their general speed, their kicks, and reaction time went up. They were even attacking in synch. Eventually, they wore down and panted with their hands on their knees.
“Wow. I’ve never…moved that fast…before,” Yusuke gasped.
“Neither have I. We were…even moving in synch,” Hiei panted.
“I noticed. But, why? We never did that before.”
“I’ve heard legends that say that when two people of similar temperaments become mates, that which they have in common becomes enhanced in some manner. That must be it. It would explain the speed and being in synch with each other.”
Yusuke smiled. “That does make sense and sounds really cool. We can move together and even faster than before. Oh, we’ll be harder to beat now.”
“Indeed, my detective.”
“I’m not a detective anymore.”
“Officially, yes. But you are my detective and we did meet when you held that title.”
“I did. Well, if you’re going to use a nickname for me, I should be allowed to do the same.”
“Agreed. Kurama used one that I liked, but didn’t want him using it again as I thought that only my mate or someone very close to me should say it.”
“What is it?”
Yusuke smiled at that. “That is nice and it suits you.”
“Hn, thanks my detective,” Hiei said as they embraced.
“You’re welcome, firefly,” Yusuke said as they kissed again.