Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Haksuho. Only the nameless girl in chapter four is mine.
Chapter One- Searching
A bell rang and an announcer said, “The winner is Hiei!” A roar from the crowd ran around the arena as a short man with spiky black hair stood in the ring, arms raised in triumph. His crimson eyes scanned the crowd, but no one stood out to him. A lot of good-looking girls and boys, but none speak to me or more specifically my heart. Oh, well. I’m enjoying showing off my fighting skills. He jumped out of the ring and strode into the hallway that led to the locker room. He sat on the bench, grabbed a nearby towel, and started drying his face.
He heard the door open and the deep voice of his trainer and manager, Bui. “Great performance, Hiei.”
Hiei slowly lowered the towel to look up at the tall man. “But?” he prompted.
“Your leg work needs improving. I suggest you work on that before your next appearance.”
“Of course. I’ll do that, Coach.” He flashed his winning smirk as Bui left. I’ve got another fighting exhibition in three days, but really only one day to work on my legs, not counting today. Hn, Bui’s always telling me to improve my leg performance. It’s a bit difficult to do so as I can’t work on them all the time. Besides, once I find my soulmate, I’ll most likely have no need to continue these events as much as I enjoy them.
He changed his clothes and wrapped an illusion spell around himself to avoid fans before leaving the building. He walked down the sidewalk, looking around as he did so. This wasn’t his city and enjoyed exploring it while looking for his soulmate. He had bee visiting and fighting in this city for a year, becoming a star with fighting fans. Bui had seen him at an amateur competition and took him under his wing to improve his skills. Hiei won every event, match, and competition under Bui’s coaching and had become famous. Bui had wanted to travel the country with his star, but Hiei firmly stated that he was not interested in country-wide fame. The prize money he won was sufficient. He kept some for himself, but gave the majority to various charities as well as giving Bui his training fee. His generous donations added to his fame and the girls seem to love him for it as well as a few guys.
But none of them moves my heart as would happen the moment I see my soulmate. I have a few hours before it gets dark. He moved quickly to the park to observe the people and continue his search. He felt grateful for his illusion spell as he would have been mobbed before getting a hundred feet from the fighting dome. He looked like an unassuming man, yet was attractive with firm muscles. Once he found his soulmate, he would get him or her alone and drop the spell. He roamed the area for a couple of hours before heading to a cliff that was high above the sea and quite deserted. There, he dropped the spell and began to practice his leg exercises.
He lifted his right leg straight up, balancing on his left one. His leg snapped forward in a sharp kick. He turned to deliver a side kick and then a back kick followed by a roundhouse. He then switched to his left leg and repeated the kicks. He thought his kicks were sharp and strong. An opponent he fought last week had to go to the hospital because a kick from Hiei had fractured a kneecap. But Bui insisted his legs could improve and Hiei could hardly deny that; compared to his upper body, his legs were weak.
He sat down on the cliff’s edge as the sun’s edge started to dip below the horizon. His legs dangled over the side, the heels kicking at the cliff face. The sun vanished and Hiei was soon slapping the rock instead of kicking. He pushed himself off the cliff and into the water below, a black and red swirled fishtail following him underwater.
He twitched his fins and bent his tail back and forth before swimming for home. His interest in humans was quite common among merpeople, but most chose not to interact with them unless they, like Hiei, sensed their soulmate was among the humans, which was rare. If I do find him or her, I may have to choose between my life under the sea or my life on land, if he or she insists I choose. If I choose to stay human, I will be able to participate in more marital arts events and such. Perhaps even agree to the country-wide tour Bui desires. However, that would mean never seeing my friend and my sister again unless they chose to become human temporarily to visit.
Hiei swam into the city and made a beeline for the floral shop. He pushed open the door, setting the flower bell above jingling. The sound alerted a merboy with long red hair green eyes, and a green and yellow swirled tail to come out of the back.
“Hiei!” he said happily. “I was just about to say we were closed.” The merboy swam to the door, locked it, and put up a “closed” sign.
“Hn. I knew that, Kurama.”
“So, how was your event today?” Kurama asked as they swam into a nearby breakroom.
“I won again. Bui made the usual comment about leg training.”
“Really? I would have thought breaking your opponent’s kneecap last week would have put an end to that.”
Hiei chuckled. “Bui knows I want to be strong and I can’t deny that my legs are weaker than the rest of my body.”
“I’m guessing you didn’t find your soulmate again, otherwise you would have mentioned it first.”
“Correct, but I know he or she lives on land and in that city. My only thing is if I live here in the sea or on land if I find him or her should he or she insist I choose. It’s likely that I will end up staying human with the aid of a sorcerer or sorceress.”
“Not necessarily. Surely, the two of you could stay in your respective races and love one another.”
“Maybe. It’s just I’m only human from dawn to dusk as long as I’m completely out of the water by dawn. My soulmate will be human all the time.”
“Well, you have to find your soulmate first.”
“I’m working on it, but it’s a big city. I’ll keep searching the day after tomorrow. I just want to relax at home.”
“Sounds good.” Kurama and Hiei left through the back door which the redhead locked behind them.
“Your mother trusts you to run the shop yourself now?”
“That’s right. Uh, Hiei? I…found my soulmate yesterday while you were training.”
“You did? Who is it?”
“Yukina? My sister?”
“Yes. The moment I saw her yesterday, my heart missed a beat. Everyone knows that the sign.”
“Yes. I’ll feel it when I see my soulmate but it won’t occur with my soulmate since he or she will be human.”
“Humans do have a notion called love at first sight. It sounds similar to our soul sign.”
“I hope my soulmate gets that feeling when he or she sees me. Well, good night.”
“Night, Hiei.” Kurama swam home, Yukina’s face appearing in his mind. He had known Yukina for years, hung out with her and Hiei countless times. When they reached adolescence, they were told of the need for a soulmate. Kurama got the urge and it told him that his soulmate was in the city. It wasn’t until yesterday when Yukina came into the shop for some flowers that he knew that she was the one. It was clear from the way she looked at him that her heart had skipped a beat too. The blush on her face was his second clue.
“We’re soulmates,” he had said in just above a whisper while Yukina nodded, smiling happily.
It was a wonderful moment yesterday. We’ll be seeing each other more often and in a few years, we’ll be officially mated and begin a family of our own. It won’t be that easy for Hiei as hes seeking a human soulmate. It is possible that he will permanently trade his tail for legs in order to be with the one he loves. Yukina and I will be crushed if he makes that choice, but we just want him to be happy.
Chapter Two- Shocking Discovery
“Hey! Urameshi!”
Yusuke Urameshi turned to see his friend, Kuwabara, run up to him. His friendship with Kuwabara was an unusual one. They had crossed paths one day as opponents of a fighting game at the arcade about a year before his mother died and came to live with his friend:
Yusuke grinned as he raced up another win. His opponent kept choosing characters that were bigger than the ones he chose. Yusuke proved each time that it wasn’t size that won; it was skill, something Yusuke had in real life.
The console beeped to indicate that his opponent was challenging him again. He rolled his eyes; some guys didn’t give up. I’m out of money so I can’t continue. He hit “no”, got up, and walked out of the arcade. He had cut into an alley as a shortcut home when a hand landed on his shoulder and spun him around. He found himself in front of a tall teen, an ugly sneer on his face.
“You think you can beat me and walk away?” he had demanded.
“Well, yeah as I ran out of money.”
“No one beats Kazuma Kuwabara and walks away.”
“Kuwabara, huh? Obviously you don’t know who you’re dealing with so I’ll tell you. I’m Yusuke Urameshi, the worst punk around.”
“So, you’re Urameshi. I heard about ya. You don’t look so tough.” Kuwabara had swung a fist around, Yusuke had deftly dodged it. He had delivered a solid punch into Kuwabara’s stomach and then a roundhouse punch to the face which knocked Kuwabara cold. Yusuke had walked away, smirking.
Since that first encounter, they had had a series of confrontations. But when they saw each other at a fight event, they realized that they actually had something in common: They both liked to fight and watch fights. They had bonded at the fight and been friends ever since.
“So, you lookin’ forward to today’s exhibition?” Kuwabara asked.
“Definitely. I never miss watching Hiei fight. He’s awesome.”
“Yeah, he is.”
Hiei stretched as he stood outside the fighting arena, the roar of the crowd in his ears and his mind on his soulmate. He had wandered around the city yesterday and nothing happened. He had related this disappointment to Kurama who told him not to give up. He lifted a leg and snapped out a kick. Yes, that is much better than three days ago. He took a deep breath and his urge surfaced, telling him that his soulmate was near; in the building as a matter of fact. His eyes scanned the crowd quickly, but his heart hadn’t missed a beat. Guess I missed him or her. He turned his attention to the arena as the lights dimmed and the arena lights came on as an announcer stepped into the light and pulled down the microphone. His search could wait, he needed to focus on his fighting particularly his leg movements. He had focused his training yesterday exclusively on his legs. He was ready to kick as hard as he could.
Yusuke watched Hiei as he fought the four fighters that were scheduled to appear. He blocked punches while delivering some of his own. He leg-swept his opponents and on the last one, he delivered a hard kick that sent an audible “snap” around the stadium and the man crumpled to the floor. The audience gasped and then erupted into cheers, claps, and whistles. Some people started chanting his name and it caught on. Hiei left the room to chants of his name and Yusuke’s admiring eyes on him. He knows his stuff. I wonder if he’d be willing to give me some tips.
Hiei showered off his body sweat and dried off before getting dressed. He liked being able to get wet without having to revert to his merman form. He wondered if Bui was waiting outside the locker room as Hiei had told him he was going to shower. He stepped out of the locker room to see his manger leaning against the wall opposite the door. He smiled at his star. “You improved greatly in three days. You actually broke that man’s leg. Whatever you did to strengthen your legs, keep at it. You’ve got a difficult match next week.”
“Will do.” Hiei headed for the back exit, casting his illusion spell once out of Bui’s sight.
Yusuke shifted on his feet as he waited by the back exit. He suspected that Hiei would leave that way as no one ever saw him leave through the front door. Once he comes out, I’ll introduce myself, compliment his technique, and ask for tips. The door opened and normal-sized guy with firm muscles came out and started down the alley and out onto the sidewalk without even noticing Yusuke. Yusuke looked at the door and headed in to look for Hiei. He carefully looked all over the place, but no Hiei.
Hiei approached the cliffs, disappointed that he still hadn’t found his soulmate. I will come back tomorrow and resume my search. I have several days to look before my match. Surely, I’ll succeed by then. He came to an abrupt halt as the silhouette of a figure was sighted. I better find another place to change. He turned and quickly walked away, unaware that the figure had turned and recognized him as he had dropped his illusion when he arrived at the cliffs.
Oh my gosh, there he is! Yusuke gaped after the rapidly departing figure. His mouth was dry and his throat seemed to have closed up. He proceeded to trail after Hiei, trying to screw up his courage to call out to his hero whose hair seemed to glint in the glowing sunset.
Hiei quickly headed for the far cliff edge, the sun almost gone. Faster, faster, he thought to himself. He was almost to the edge when his legs collapsed and he fell onto his bare stomach. Shit, he cursed. Now I have to crawl over the edge. He pulled himself across the ground with his hands, dragging his tail behind him. He reached the edge, rolled onto his side, and pushed his tail over the side before sliding off after it and into the sea, fins first.
Yusuke had come within hailing distance and was about to call out when Hiei fell to the ground. Yusuke came to a dead stop as he saw Hiei’s legs merge into a black and red fishtail! His mouth fell open as the now bare-chested Hiei dragged himself to the edge and disappeared over the side. Whoa! Hiei’s a…merman!? And a rather handsome one at that. I…I think I’m head over heels in love. I always thought Hiei was good-looking, but with that tail, it makes him look even better.
Now I think of it, I never saw or heard of Hiei until a year ago, Yusuke thought as he walked home. I think Hiei’s true nature is merman. I wonder if he’ll come to town tomorrow. If he does, I’ll approach him, tell him I know he’s a merman, and that I fell in love the moment I saw his tail.
Chapter Three- Desire
“I’m becoming disillusioned about ever finding my soulmate,” Hiei told Kurama the next day at the redhead’s home garden. “I mean, the city’s so big.”
“But you said you sensed his or her presence at the exhibition yesterday,” Kurama pointed out.
“I did, but I was unable to focus on a particular face.”
“I have a suggestion. Arrive early on your match day. Use your illusion spell and position yourself where you can see faces. It’s likely your soulmate is a fan who comes to all your fights.”
“Yes. Brilliant, Kurama. I’ll do that. Until then, I’ll keep searching and take time to look at faces if I sense that presence I sensed yesterday.”
Kurama nodded and then his face lit up when Yukina called, “Kurama?”
“Coming! Yukina wants to talk over shakes,” he explained before swimming away, leaving Hiei feeling annoyed and lonely.
I want my soulmate. Why does it have to be so difficult for me? Kurama had it so easy; it was my own sister, someone he’s known for years. My soulmate’s essentially a stranger. I will know that we are meant to be together and I will be able to get to know my intended. I will have to be honest with him or her which means revealing my true self. Then, will come the question: Can I satay as I am or should I become human permanently? I guess that depends on what my soulmate thinks.
Yusuke drummed his fingers on the table as he looked around. No sign of Hiei, just like yesterday. He had moved around the city the day after seeing Hiei’s tail in hope of pretty much running into him, but no such luck. So, he changed his tactic by staying in one spot. Thus far, no Hiei.
Maybe he only shows up on days when he fights. If that’s the case, then I could go scuba diving to find him underwater. But, what if he lives so far down that no human technology could reach? Oh, man. I want to see him and tell him I love him. I don’t want to wait for next week, but it seems I may have to.
“Urameshi, you okay?” came Kuwabara’s voice from across the table.
Yusuke jerked himself back to reality. “Yeah, I’m just…lovesick.”
“Lovesick?” Kuwabara looked horrified. “That’s a serious illness.”
“I know. I also know who I’m lovesick over, but I can’t find him. I don’t know what to do.”
“Him? You’re in love with a guy?”
“Yeah. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I want to find him, but that could take a miracle.”
“Yeah,” Kuwabara agreed. “A miracle…or magic.”
“Magic?” Yusuke scoffed. “Oh, come on. Magic’s not real.”
Or is it? After all, I saw Hiei’s legs become a tail. If that’s not magic, then I don’t know what is.
“Don’t be so sure. Stories say of a sorcerer living in a nearby seaside cave. The guy can do anything. The stories also say that he charges for his services and uses contracts with people.”
“What does he charge?”
“I don’t know. Rumors say that Toguro makes unusual requests so he doesn’t accept money.”
“No idea what that could be?”
“None. But no one can deny that everyone who went to see him ended up satisfied.”
“Sounds like a good reputation despite the unusual request charge.”
“You gonna go see him?”
Yusuke nodded. “Oh, yeah. Tomorrow morning.” I want to finish today’s wait and if I don’t meet Hiei, then I’ll ask Toguro for help.
“Hope Toguro can help you.”
“Thanks, pal.”
Hiei roamed around the park that day, looking at faces despite feeling no sense of his urge. He moved on to the fighting stadium and checked there, too in case his intended liked all fighting events. Nothing there, either so he took to roaming the mall. Eventually, he returned to the cliffs. He sat there, thinking of where to search next. I think I‘ll devote an entire day to downtown. But, not tomorrow. I want to spend time with Yukina and I have errands I need to do. He sighed as the sun vanished and his tail returned. He pushed himself off the cliff and hit the water fins first.
“Hiei, you don’t have to search every day, do you?” Yukina asked when her brother swam in about an hour later.
“If I want to find my soulmate, then yes.”
“Kurama told me about his idea and it makes a lot of sense. So, couldn’t you just stay in the sea?”
Hiei looked into his sister’s pleading crimson eyes. She’s right about Kurama’s idea and I did agree to try it. Plus, I am a merman and I need to spend more time in the sea than on land.
Unaware of what he was thinking, Yukina added, “I don’t want you to stop fighting. I know how much you love participating in those events.”
“I do love it. All right, Yukina. I’ll spend more time as the merman I am.”
She hugged her brother. “Thank you.” She kissed his cheek. “Good night.” She turned and swam off to her room, her light blue and white tail leaving bubbles behind her.
“Good night,” he said softly.
The next morning, the twins left the house and headed for the shopping center. The tall shops and the merpeople swimming around the area as well as going in and out of the shops filled him with a sense of comfort and peace. This was his home. He belonged here. He talked to Yukina as they entered the grocery store to buy food. They spoke about the pleasant conditions of the water, the color and health of the wild sea plants and coral, and the specifics of Hiei’s upcoming match.
“Bui said it’s going to be a difficult match. I don’t believe it will be that hard. Bui is an unusually tall man while I’m a short man. He believes my height makes winning hard and that’s why he encourages me to train.”
“He seems to care about you being able to win.”
“He’s my manager. My wins and losses reflect on him. If I lose, my fans will start deserting me, sponsors will withdraw from wanting to support me and that means Bui loses money. A manager doesn’t want to keep a client who can’t win.”
“But you haven’t lost yet.”
“I haven’t. It’s impressive that I keep winning and I’ve been Bui’s client for a year. I know at some point I’ll retire from the competition scene.”
“When will that be?” she asked as they put their purchases on the counter to checkout.
“Ideally in about a year, maybe two. I should have my soulmate by then and will want to spend time getting to know him or her.”
“Of course.” Yukina gathered some bags as Hiei paid the cashier and picked up the remaining bags before leaving the store with his sister. They returned home, put away the groceries, and then headed out again. Yukina felt glad that she had convinced Hiei to stay home until his scheduled match. She had no problem with humans; she was just as fascinated as all the other merpeople, she just never took human form like her brother. Maybe I should, at least once. “Hiei, could I come watch your next fight?”
Hiei spun around and blinked rapidly. “Really? I’d like that.” He hugged her; between his sister and finding his soulmate, he was really looking forward to next week.
Chapter Four- The Bargain
Yusuke carefully stepped on the slippery rocks as he inched against the wall to the cave in the wall. It was a day later than he had intended for he wanted to locate it first. It was a good thing too as the approach wasn’t easy. The cave was deep and had a flat expanse of rock in front of it that faced the ocean. He imagined that Toguro spent time there meditating or maybe this was where customers would line up. Speaking of customers, what will Toguro charge for helping me? Hope it’s not too expensive or something I don’t have.
He reached the flat rock to hear what sounded like rustling paper. A beautiful young woman came out with a beaming smile and attached to her back was a pair of butterfly wings, perfectly proportionate to her body! He gaped at the wings, but the woman smiled at his shock. “Toguro granted my dream. Aren’t they beautiful?” she said. “I gave him most of my hair for them and I have to retrieve a special flower in order to keep my wings. I’ve got to go, I only have a week to keep my wings.” She took to the air and Yusuke saw a too perfect cut in her shoulder-length hair.
Yusuke licked his lips as he looked at the cave. He actually gave a girl wings, cut her hair, gives her week with them unless she gets a flower to keep them. I hope she succeeds and based on what I’ve heard about Toguro, she’ll succeed and be a butterfly girl forever. Heh, if he can give a girl wings, surely he can help me.
“Come in, Yusuke,” a deep voice called from within. “Yes, I know your name. I know the name of all my clients the moment they touch my porch.”
Yusuke exhaled slowly and entered the cave that was lit with lanterns that hung ever few feet along the walls. He wondered exactly how deep the cave was as he rounded a bend and came to an abrupt stop. A huge cavernous room was laid out before him. It was lavishly decorated with carpets, vases, bookcases, books, a laptop, chairs, cushions, and cabinets. A medium-sized cauldron sat in the back along with another cabinet. A long red velvet carpet started at the bend in the rock and led up to the center where a gold ornately-carved throne sat and on the throne sat a man.
He was tall for a man, but not as tall as Hiei’s manager. He was lean but insanely muscular. He had piercing eyes, and wore sweeping robes of royal blue. He rose and spread his arms wide.
“Welcome, Yusuke. I am Toguro the sorcerer. I assume you came seeking my help.”
“Uh, yeah.” Yusuke came closer and kneeled on a pillow near the foot of the throne. “I’m in love with a merman. I want to find him and tell him how I feel.”
“I see. Does he know you?”
“No, but I know a few things about him and want to really get to know him.”
Toguro sat and stroked his chin. “You love him and want to find him. You could use scuba gear for that.”
Yusuke nodded. “I thought of that, but suppose he lives on the bottom. The air in the tank may not last that long or could fail.”
“Yes,” Toguro said slowly. “A valid point. All right, I will help you and it’s quite simple: I can turn you into a merman.”
Yusuke’s eyes widened. “I could become a merman?”
“Temporarily, yes. The spell will last two weeks.” Toguro paused. “How much do you love him?”
“Deeply. It was love at first sight. Why do you ask?”
“Well, this particular spell has very particular specifics. You see, if your merman say he loves you, you’ll remain a merman complete with all their abilities. If he doesn’t, you’ll be human again and must serve me forever.”
“I see. I either satay a merman or be your slave.”
“Yes.” Toguro pulled out a piece of paper, a pen, and a wand from the robes’ inner pocket. He tapped the paper with the wand and the form of a contract appeared on it. “It’s all spelled out right here. The only thing is-,”
“I accept the deal,” Yusuke interrupted, grabbing the pen and signing the contract, eager to receive his tail and find Hiei.
Toguro stared at the signed contract. “I should have produced this after discussing my price.” He shrugged. “Oh, well.”
“Is it expensive?” Yusuke asked nervously.
Toguro pulled out a stoppered vial and uncorked it. “Not exactly. You didn’t wait to discuss my fee before signing. By doing so, you have given me the freedom to choose and take whatever I desire for payment and what I want is…your voice.”
“My…voice?” Yusuke repeated, confused.
“Yes. It’s the perfect price. I could use a servant and by rendering you speechless, you will be unable to tell the merman your love for him. Furthermore, I will keep your voice with me forever, whether you’re a merman or a slave.”
“No! Don’t take my voice! I’ll give you anything else. Please, don’t take-,”
“Silence!” Toguro commanded, pointing his wand at Yusuke’s throat.
Yusuke’s mouth continued to move, but no sound came out. A hand flew to his throat: Something was moving up his throat and into his mouth. It was trying to exit and he opened his mouth to see a stream of pulsing red light come out, flow across the room, and into the vial in Toguro’s hand where it coalesced into a solid pulsing red sphere. Toguro stoppered it and rose to put it in a cabinet before turning to his cauldron and lighting a fire under it.
Yusuke continued trying to talk, but nothing came out which convinced him that the sphere that came out of him was indeed his voice. He looked at the cabinet where the vial sat. I could grab my voice and run, but I made a deal and signed it. I have to honor that agreement. Besides, I love Hiei and want to be with him. This could be the only way.
Toguro was pouring and tossing ingredients into the cauldron; clearly it was a potion he was brewing. It has to be the potion that’ll make me a merman. He continued to watch as the sorcerer stirred the mixture and waved his wand over it, murmuring words he couldn’t hear. A copious amount of white steam rose before Toguro ladled some of the potion into a goblet before plucking what looked like a scale out of the cabinet beside the cauldron and crushed it into the goblet and chanted over it. There was a brief flash and Toguro approached him.
He pushed the cup into his hands. “Drink all of this and your legs will become a tail.”
Yusuke lifted the goblet to his lips and his nose caught the scent of ocean breeze coming from the potion. He swallowed the potion, feeling it burning as it went down and was peppery against his tongue. He swallowed the last drop, handed back the cup, and waited for it to take effect. He gave a voiceless gasp as he felt his legs collapse. He fell onto his side and heard cloth tear and craned his neck to see that the middle of his pants had ripped and a black and green swirled fishtail came out of it. His legs were nowhere to be seen. My legs became a tail just as Toguro said would happen! Wow, it is so cool-looking!
Toguro leaned down, scooped up the newly-turned merboy, and carried him outside where he deposited him in the water, saying, “I’ll await your return in two weeks, slave.”
Yusuke sank beneath the surface and down to the bottom. He sat on the sandy floor, his tail sticking straight out in front of him, the fins floating upwards. He leaned forward and tore his pants away and then removed his shirt. I don’t plan to be Toguro’s slave so I don’t need to keep my clothes. I’m a merman now and once Hiei says he loves me, I’ll be one for good. I’ll even be able to be human like Hiei. Surely, that’s a merperson ability.
Chapter Five- New World
Yusuke pushed himself onto his stomach and focused on getting his tail to move. I know how to swim with legs, so a tail should be easy. He pushed his tail down and his body rose off the floor. Another push resulted in forward motion. He moved it a little faster and he moved forward some more.
I’m getting it. He used his hands to push himself to a vertical position and then moved his tail back and forth to rise up through the water. He learned forward and flicked his tail, getting him to move into the open water. Yes! he cheered. I did it! I’m swimming with a tail! This is…amazing. He looked around him as he swam. The ocean was an entirely different world. The plants were vibrant, colorful, healthy-looking, and wavered in the current. The fish and other sea life swam as smoothly as birds did flying through the air. He himself swam faster than he did with legs and could only attribute it to having fins instead of feet.
Yusuke began to practice using his tail to zigzag, backflip, somersault, and change directions. He was pleased with himself as he succeeded each maneuver. He swam along, followed the rise of a hill, and stopped at the top, staring in shock.
A large city was spread out on the floor below him! There were buildings that were clearly houses and others that were shops. He could make out figures moving among the buildings and he just knew they were merpeople. His heart pounded. Is this where Hiei lives? Or does he live in another city? He licked his lips as he slowly entered the city. He saw swirled tails around him and no one gave him a second look. He actually blended in with the citizens. Awesome. I never get this back home. My reputation for picking fights earns me dirty looks. But here, no one’s doing that. I could get used it this.
He checked out the stores and saw how items were purchased. He was also looking to see if Hiei was around. He soon came upon a small flower shop and saw a redhead behind the counter talking to a mermaid and a merman. His eyes widened at the merman: It was Hiei! I found him and fast, too! Excitement flooded through him as he entered the shop.
“You’re going to go with Hiei and watch his fight?” Kurama smiled. “Sounds like fun. Have a good time, love.”
“Would you like to join us?” Yukina asked.
“Thank you, but no. I think this trip should be just the two of you. You could show her around, Hiei.”
Hiei nodded. “Yes, I’ll do that. We’ll show up long before the match and explore the city. I have to use an illusion spell to avoid being mobbed by fans.”
Yukina giggled at the image. “Of course and we have to be at the stadium early to look for your soulmate.”
The flower bell jingled and all three turned to the newcomer. “Welcome,” Kurama said. “How may I help you?”
The merboy didn’t answer; he was staring at Hiei who felt his heart miss a beat. “It’s you,” he said in a whisper, moving closer to Yusuke. “You’re my soulmate. I’m Hiei. What’s your name?”
The boy’s mouth moved, but nothing came out. The look of joy he had been wearing dropped as he put a hand to his throat, tapped it, and shook his head.
He can’t speak. That doesn’t matter to me. We’re meant to be together anyway. “That’s okay,” he said. “I don’t care if you can’t speak. I think I’ll call you Soulmate for now. Sound good to you?”
Yusuke nodded. He felt as if he was in a dream. He was face-to-face with his crush and Hiei seemed to love him already. He hasn’t said the words, but there’s still time for him to do so. I really need to get used to living in the sea first.
“Do you live around here?” Hiei asked. “I’ve never seen you before.”
Yusuke shook his head. I wish I could tell him, somehow. He looked up at the price board for a moment, but didn’t understand a word. So much for that idea. But wait. Hiei’s been coming to land for a year. Maybe I could write and explain it all to him.
“Soulmate, let me introduce you to my twin sister Yukina and her soulmate and my best friend, Kurama.” Hiei gestured to each as he said their names.
Yusuke flashed a smile at them. Wow. Hiei has a sister and she’s the soulmate of his best friend. I do wonder…what does it mean to be a soulmate? I think it means two people that are together, like engaged. If so, Hiei was rather quick in declaring me his soulmate, not that I mind as I love him.
“Hiei, since Soulmate’s new to our city, maybe he could stay with us,” Yukina said.
“I like that.” He looked at Yusuke. “Is that okay with you?” He received a nod. “Good. See you later, Kurama. We need to get Soulmate settled in.”
“Bye, Hiei.” Kurama kissed Yukina on the cheek. “See you later, dear. Nice meeting you, Soulmate.” The trio left the shop and Kurama leaned on the counter. So, Hiei’s certainty that his soulmate was human was incorrect. Maybe he was visiting the human city at the same time Hiei was and they kept missing each other. It is curious that Soulmate can’t speak. Darn, I could have provided him with seaweed paper and a squid pen to write to us. Well, maybe Hiei will provide them.
Yusuke followed the twins to the housing district looking around as he did so. He was glad Yukina suggested he live with them. If Hiei says he loves me, I’ll be living here permanently. I wonder if gestures will work on conveying my feelings. But, that can wait. This is my first day as a merman. I need to get adjusted to living like one.
Hiei felt happier than he had while searching for his soulmate. He had now found him and felt he had a special merman. He doesn’t talk, but that’s part of what makes him special. Anyone can have a soulmate who talks, but I value uniqueness. Plus, his tail complements mine. “Well, here we are,” he announced as they swam into a comfortable single story home. “The kitchen’s through that door, we have our bedrooms and guest rooms down the hall, and this is our living room.” Hiei led the way to a room that had chairs, a couch, a sofa, and tables with books and what looked like papers to Yusuke. He was on the point of gesturing for a pen when his stomach growled. He blushed at the sound and looked down.
Hiei also looked away, but Yukina just smiled. “It is close to lunch. I’ll go make some.” She swam off for the kitchen. She continued to smile as she moved around the room. Soulmate seemed so nice and polite, not to mention handsome. Hiei’s fortunate to find him. Maybe Hiei sensed Soulmate on land and assumed his other half was human. Turns out he was a merman. My question is how come he’s mute? Was he born that way? Or maybe someone took it from him and if so, why? Well, hopefully we’ll learn more about him.
Yukina entered the living room with a couple of trays bearing food and drink and they kneeled around a coffee table to eat. They ate and drank in silence for a time. Yukina cleared her throat. “Soulmate, maybe you can try to tell us about yourself? Do you have a family?”
Yusuke shook his head. His mom died two years ago and he had been staying with Kuwabara’s family. He’s going to be wondering where I am in a couple of days and there’s no way I can tell him; not unless he goes swimming in the ocean and I pop up to see him.
“No family? That’s awful,” Yukina commented.
“Indeed,” Hiei agreed. “You’ll stay with us permanently.”
Yusuke smiled in a grateful manner. He had hoped he be able to live with Hiei and Yukina. They were both so nice which was a bit of a surprise to him, at least with Hiei. He has no problem breaking peoples’ bones, but outside the stadium, he’s a nice guy.
Chapter Six- Blending In
Yusuke swam through the shopping center five days later. He was still adjusting to life under the sea; the food was different naturally but he was getting accustomed to it, his swimming was excellent, and the citizens greeted him warmly and were friendly to him. Kurama, Yukina, and Hiei had separately spoken to other people about him and his lack of voice left him speaking with gestures which gave the impression that he was a nice, polite young merman. Actually, I can be nice. I just end up getting charged at and my first impulse is to fight. All in all, I like living here and I hope Hiei says the words I need to hear so that I can stay here.
He swam into a small coffee shop and the owner called, “Hello, Soulmate. What can I get for you?” Yusuke scanned the board, able to read it thanks to intense teaching from the twins. He pointed to one item and then used his hands to indicate the size. The owner rang up the purchase and Yusuke handed over the money. He received his drink and settled in a corner to drink and reflect on the last few days.
He was trying not to come across as a total newbie to the merpeoples’ world. It was a bit embarrassing to admit not being able to read or write in their language. He had written in his language, but it turned out that Hiei didn’t read his language. Hiei had admitted that anytime he wanted something to eat or drink, he had his manager go get it. Yusuke had been disappointed but resolved to learn the merpeople language, feeling lucky he understood the spoken language. I understand them and Hiei clearly understands humans when they talk. It’s only the written language that’s different.
Hiei had shown him around town the following day and Yusuke had played his wide-eyed wonder off as coming from a village. He was introduced to lots of shop owners with his dubbed name and had received sympathy when told he couldn’t talk. Yusuke had accepted their condolences and let Hiei lead him to places he either needed to know or thought he would like. The coffee shop was one example of the latter. He finished his drink and left the shop to wander aimlessly around. He had no idea what he was going to do for fun. Obviously electronics didn’t work down here so there was no arcade. There was a dance club, but what else did teenagers do for fun?
The sound of roaring, cheering, and jeering reached his ears and turned toward it to see a crowd of merpeople gathering in a ring. There were two others in the center. Curious, he went over and found a gap in the crowd where he could clearly see what was occurring in the middle. His eyes widened in excitement: It was a fight. It wasn’t a beat down, it was more like what he pays to see when Hiei makes an appearance.
The two combatants were dealing blows and blocks at one another and on occasion using their tails. Yusuke’s eyes followed their moves and loved what he was seeing. Both opponents were more muscular than he was, but he knew one shouldn’t judge his opponent based on muscle mass. He wasn’t muscular like Kuwabara, but had enough strength to knock him out.
The smaller of the two finally conceded defeat and was allowed to leave. The bigger one laughed in triumph. “So, who else wants to challenge me? Chu’s ready for anyone.” His gaze swept over the crowd to see if anyone came forward.
Yusuke bravely swam into the center, eager to test himself, and floated there with his usual expression of showing he was ready to fight. Chu laughed again. “So, the mute wants to have a go. All right, then. Give me your best shot.” Yusuke’s eyes roved over Chu’s position, his mind running through possible strategies. He might wait to see how I’ll respond or to see how hard I’ll punch. I’ll need to be careful as I’ve never fought underwater and the water may soften my punches.
He swam around Chu, examining his opponent. Chu watched him curiously. Hmm, he acts as through he’s been in fights before. He’s a curious mute for sure. Chu then gasped as he felt a tail slap against the back of his own. He whirled around to see a smirk on Yusuke’s face. “You little punk,” he growled, realizing he had been tricked into thinking Yusuke was no threat. He swung a large fist, aiming for Yusuke’s face. He deftly dodged it and drove a fist into Chu’s stomach as hard as he could. Chu doubled over and Yusuke used his tail and slammed it into Chu’s back. The purple and blue-tailed merman whirled around and threw a punch that partly tagged Yusuke’s tail. He silently gasped and grabbed at the punched part as the crowd gasped while he watched Chu coming in for another punch. He grinned to himself; he wasn’t really hurt, he was feinting. He had seen Hiei do it a couple of times.
Chu threw his punch but Yusuke quickly swam out of range, got behind Chu, and swiftly put him in a full nelson hold. A startled gasp came from the crowd as Chu struggled to get loose. “All right. I give up,” Chu conceded.
Yusuke released him and Chu turned to him with a friendly grin. “That was a great move, Soulmate. Maybe you can teach me that some time.” He held up a hand and Yusuke gripped in, grinning. The crowd and Chu dispersed until only Yusuke was left- or so he had thought. He saw Hiei as the crowd thinned. The black and red-tailed merman had an amused smile on his face as he swam up to his intended.
“I had no idea you knew how to fight. That was impressive. I’m going to be in a match fight tomorrow on land. Yukina’s coming to watch and I was wondering if you’d like to come too.”
Yusuke felt his heart sink. He would love to watch the match but until he became a permanent merman, he couldn’t take human form. He smiled as he shook his head. He pointed at Hiei, the empty space beside him, and then up toward the surface. “Are you saying it should be just Yukina and me on this trip?” Yusuke blinked in surprise and nodded. Hiei smirked. “I had invited Kurama the day we met, but he declined saying it should be just the two of us.
“Actually, now that I think about it,” he continued as they swam around. “That hold you used is one I was taught and used in a match. Were you watching that match?”
Yusuke nodded; he remembered that match well. “You clearly practiced it because that was flawless. You should know that on one’s beaten Chu before. It was rather sporting of him to befriend you instead of vowing revenge.”
Yusuke grinned at Hiei’s comments. He had just made another friends by fighting him. I have a knack for befriending fighters. That is just amazing. He then became aware that Hiei had led him into a jewelry store. He followed him to a case holding an assortment of beautiful rings. Some were plan gold bands, others plain silver, gold and silver rings decked with small shells, and finally gold and silver rings bearing pearls of different sizes and colors. He gave Hiei a puzzled look.
“I want to buy you a ring to cement our relationship. Any one you like.”
Yusuke looked at the cases. His gaze was drawn to the pearl adorned ones and knew he wanted one of those. He immediately dismissed the ridiculously large pearls and looked at the others. He felt drawn to two rings: One was a gold band with a still large shiny white pearl, the other was a silver band with a large black pearl. His eyes moved between the two and he bit his lip. He couldn’t decide!
“Soulmate?” Hiei asked when he saw his expression. He followed his shifting gaze and saw the problem: There were two rings he liked. He smiled as he grabbed the owner’s attention. “I’d like to buy those two rings,” he said, pointing at them.
Yusuke looked at Hiei in surprise as Hiei paid for the rings before taking them, putting the silver one on Yusuke’s left finger and the gold one on the right. He smiled at Hiei and hugged him. Hiei returned the gesture. “You’re welcome.”
Chapter Seven- Fears
Yusuke awoke the next day to find a note from Hiei saying that he and Yukina had left to change to humans at dawn. He pondered that for a moment. Dawn? Well, I did see Hiei change back after sunset, so it seems one can only be human during the day, probably by being completely out of the water by dawn. So, I’ll be on my own today. Not a problem. Wait. Big problem. Hiei still hasn’t said, ‘I love you.’ If he doesn’t soon, I’ll be human again and Toguro’s slave. Yusuke felt so distressed by this prospect that he swam out of the house and wandered out into the open water. He swam quickly, admiring his surroundings and blinking back tears as he thought of never seeing it again. He eventually sank into a field of wild sea flowers and stared at the ground. I don’t want to be a slave. I love my tail and living down here, and I especially love Hiei. I will gesture my feelings to him when he comes back tonight. If I do, he might say it back. I hope so; I want to stay a merman.
Yusuke looked up to see Kurama nearby, a basket on his arm. He smiled down at him. “May I join you?” he asked and settled down once he got a nod.
“This is a beautiful spot,” he began, cutting a few flowers from the ground and putting them in the basket. “I like to come here to enjoy the view of the ocean, gather a few flowers for the shop, and ponder about things.” He watched Yusuke’s face, trying to interpret the expressions, but found it hard to do. “I wish you could speak. I imagine it’s difficult to be unable to articulate your thoughts. I would like to know your real name. The name Hiei gave you is more of a term.”
Yusuke tilted his head in a questioning way and Kurama obliged to answer it. “Every merperson has a connection to the one he or she will eventually marry. This connection begins when adolescence is reached. One sometimes senses their soulmate when he or she is nearby. That’s part of the reason Hiei goes to land: To find his soulmate. He told me he felt that his other half was human. It is now clear that you were human at the same time he was and kept missing each other.”
He wasn’t wrong. I was human. Yusuke shook his head empathically, pointed up, and then his tail before drawing a finger down it to indicate two length-wise pieces, and then pointed at himself. He saw the look of frustration in Kurama’s eyes and dropped his gaze to the flowers. This wouldn’t do; trying to tell someone he was really human with gestures was impossible. But, at least now I know what soulmate means. Hiei and I are meant to be together and eventually marry.
“Soulmate, did Hiei buy that ring?” Kurama asked, pointing at his left finger where the silver and black ring sat. Yusuke nodded and held up his right hand to show the other ring.
“Oh, two! I guess you couldn’t decide and I can see why. You know, black pearls are rare, but the while pearl is rare for its size. You clearly have good taste and Hiei cares deeply for you to buy both.”
Yusuke gazed at both rings. He hadn’t know he had chosen rare pearls; he simply liked them. He remembered his heart pounding when Hiei slipped the first ring on his left finger. Humans put rings on the left finger as a sign of being engaged. Hiei bought them to cement our relationship. He does love me, but I have to hear him say it. I have only about a week left to the spell.
Yusuke spent the remainder of the day with Kurama, listening to him talk about his family, the flower ship, and his relationship with Yukina. He also took a lesson on writing so that he would eventually be able to write notes, letters, and other forms of writing. He worked hard on forming the lines, strokes, and dots that comprised the basic alphabet and Kurama said he would be happy to teach basic phrases and let Hiei and Yukina know about the lessons too.
“I could teach you to write, for example, ‘I love you.’ Would that be all right?” He got a nod and a bright grin. “Okay. Until then, practice the alphabet.”
Yusuke nodded and left Kurama’s house as electric eel lamps came to life, signaling that night had come. The twins will be home soon. I’ll get a quick supper and practice until they get home and then I’ll tell Hiei how I feel. Yusuke’s plan didn’t quite happen. He got his supper, but as he lay on the bed, imagining his confession, he ended up falling asleep. He soon fell into a nightmare. He was perched on Toguro’s cave porch, his tail in the water. He was watching the sun rise and as it did so, he felt a burning sensation. He watched in horror as his tail split into legs and his clothes had returned.
“You failed, Yusuke, as I knew you would,” came Toguro’s voice from behind.
Yusuke stood and turned to see Toguro’s wand in his face. “As you recall, you will never speak again.” He cleared his throat and intoned, “From now on, you will serve me faithfully and without hesitation. Your will now belongs to me.” There was a brief flash and Yusuke could feel his free will leave his body and enter Toguro’s body. I will serve you, Master. Your wish is my command, he thought.
“Hiei, that was an exciting match,” Yukina commented as they swam.
“Yes and it wasn’t as difficult as Bui was making it out to be. So, how did you like your first day as a human?”
“It was wonderful. I see why you like spending time there. Of course, being unable to change back makes it easy to hang around and explore it.”
Hiei nodded. “I think I’ll invite Soulmate to the next one in five days.”
“You think he’ll accept? I mean, you said he fights good, but maybe he likes doing the fighting instead of watching.”
“He likes watching them, too. He used a hold on Chu that Bui taught me and he nodded when I asked if he saw me use it. I’m sure he’ll accept the invitation.” The twins swam into their lightly lit home and headed for their rooms. Yukina went into her room and Hiei was passing Yusuke’s room when he stopped and stared at his soulmate. He was clutching his pillow, his face creased with misery, and tears were leaking out of his eyes. His body was also trembling and Hiei couldn’t bear to see him that way. He swam over and gently shook the shoulder. “Soulmate, wake up. Wake up.”
Yusuke jerked awake and sat up with a voiceless gasp. His breathing was fast and hard as he looked around wildly and down at his tail. His breathing slowed and his body relaxed as he looked at Hiei. Then, to Hiei’s shock, Yusuke put his face in his hands and his body began to shake.
“Soulmate, it’s all right. Everything’s fine, it was just a nightmare.”
Yusuke looked up, tears shining in his eyes while a few streaked his cheeks. He shook his head as more tears fell.
“It was just a dream. Look, there’s no chance it’ll happen. Will it?” Hiei was surprised when Yusuke nodded sadly. He fears his nightmare will happen. “Soulmate, listen to me. Whatever happened to you in that nightmare, I will not let it hurt you.”
Yusuke wiped away his tears and he mouthed, “Really?”
Hiei lip-read the word and said, “Really. You’re my soulmate and I love you.”
Yusuke felt a tingle go through him at those words. He looked into Hiei’s eyes and his heart skipped a beat. He said it! He said it! I’m now a merman for life! I can take human form now! His face lit up and his easy grin came back.
Hiei smiled at the happy face before him. “That’s better. I have another trip to land in five days. I’d like it if you would come.” He got a nod and he gave a loving kiss on Yusuke’s lips. “Good. Well, good night Soulmate.”
Yusuke smiled as Hiei left and he laid back, falling asleep almost instantly. He was now a permanent merman- who would be unable to speak for the rest of his life. There’s got to be a way to convince Toguro to give back my voice. I want to be able to talk to Hiei.
Chapter Eight- True Name
Yusuke followed Hiei to the place where Hiei changes forms five days later. He could still hardly believe that he wouldn’t be leaving Hiei ever. Well, the spell ends in three days so I could surface at dawn after the third day and wait to see if I get legs. But then again, I’ll know for sure soon. All merpeople can be human during the day and if I am a merman, I’ll be human when I leave the water.
He smiled as he led the way to his place to change with his soulmate following. It had been an interesting five days. Soulmate’s demeanor was much sunnier and upbeat than before. Kurama mentioned teaching him the alphabet while the twins were away. Hiei was more than happy to teach Soulmate to write while thinking it odd that he couldn’t read or write. Maybe he suffered a blow to the head that made him forget how to read and write. Well, he seems to be picking up on it nonetheless.
Hiei surfaced near a sloping ramp and pulled himself up the ramp, his hands gripping the small rocks in the path. Yusuke followed his lead and together they laid there watching the sky begin to lighten. Yusuke stared at his tail as it glowed and split into legs wearing the pants and shoes he had ripped when he first changed. He also found himself wearing the same yellow sleeveless shirt he had discarded. He bent his legs and pushed himself up on them, standing comfortably on his feet. The fact that he was doing so, convinced him that he was a merman now and not really human. He looked at Hiei who had been watching him.
Hiei jerked his head up the path and, as they walked up it, he said, “You seems to be average size for a teenager. You’re lucky to have normal length legs while I have short ones. I’m not complaining, though. People tend to underestimate me based on my height. Hold on.” He stopped short of reaching the top. “I have to use an illusion spell so I don’t have to run from fans.”
Yusuke grinned at the image and then his mouth dropped as Hiei’s appearance changed to the man he had seen the day he decided to meet Hiei at the back entrance. That was Hiei and I let him walk away? Oh, man. He fooled me and of course I didn’t know Hiei could use an illusion spell. They emerged onto the city’s boat dock and from there, they moved onto the sidewalk. Yusuke looked around and felt like he had come home. He was back in his hometown and felt safe and secure. Thing is, technically this isn’t my home anymore. My home is now the sea and I’m with the one I love.
“So, we have a few hours before my match. Any idea what we can do?” Hiei asked to which Yusuke shrugged. “Well, I like walking around the park. There’s a spot where I can train in private. I’d like to see how you fight with legs. I remember how hard your tail hit Chu.”
Two hours later, Yusuke and Hiei left the park, both feeling great about their training. Hiei was impressed with Yusuke’s leg moves and said as much, making the teen beam at the praise. Hiei was thinking about attempting to get something to eat when a voice calling, “Urameshi!” caused Soulmate to come to a stop and turn around. Hiei also turned and saw a tall teen coming toward them with a relieved, yet annoyed smile.
“Where the hell have you been!? Almost two weeks you’ve been gone and my family fearing you’re dead!”
“Urameshi?” Hiei repeated. Is that his name? I think I prefer Soulmate.
“Well, what do you have to say for yourself, Yusuke Urameshi!?” the teen raged.
Oh, so it’s Yusuke. That’s a nice name, but how does this human know my soulmate if he can’t speak, much less his name? Hiei thought. He stepped between Yusuke and the teen. “If you’re going to yell, perhaps we could discuss this somewhere private?”
“All right.” He led the mermen to an empty building and when he turned, he saw the stranger had changed. “Oh my gosh!” he exclaimed, awe-struck. “It’s you! Hiei! Oh, gosh. I’m a big fan of yours. Name’s Kuwabara.”
“I see,” Hiei answered a bit coldly to which Kuwabara seemed oblivious as he turned back to his friend. “Well, Urameshi? Explain.”
“He can’t,” Hiei said. “He has no voice.”
“No voice?” Kuwabara repeated. Yusuke nodded and attempted to talk to prove it. “Oh, sorry Urameshi. How did it happen? Hold on, I’ve got paper and a pen.” He pulled out a memo pad and a pen and handed them over.
“Okay, I’m missing something. How do you two know each other?”
“We’ve been friends for years,” Kuwabara answered before watching Yusuke write.
“Years.” But Soul- I mean, Yusuke looks to be fourteen and would only have started becoming human at thirteen when the soulmate urge started surfacing. So, if they‘ve been friends for years…
“Yusuke, are you really a human?” Hiei asked, getting Yusuke to pause in his writing and nod.
“Really a human?” Kuwabara repeated. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Hiei sighed. “I’ll tell you, but you can’t tell anyone else. I’m actually a merman and Yusuke’s been with me for almost two weeks.”
“A merman? Urameshi’s been with you?” Kuwabara thought back to the conversation he had with his friend where Yusuke had confessed to being lovesick. “Oh, man. Urameshi, you were in love with Hiei and that’s why you wanted to see Toguro.”
Yusuke nodded as he handed over the pad. “What’s it say?” Hiei asked, eager to get the truth at last.
“It says Urameshi made a deal with Toguro who’s a sorcerer. He gave Urameshi a potion to turn him into a merman for two weeks. If you, Hiei, told Urameshi you loved him, he would remain a merman with all the abilities of one. If not, he would be human again and Toguro’s slave.
“Urameshi signed an agreement before discussing the price and because he did, he gave Toguro the freedom to pick the payment and he took Urameshi’s voice in the hope that Urameshi would fail and be his slave. Toguro told him that whether he became a merman or his slave, he would never get his voice back.”
“Ah. Now, it’s all clear. It explains a lot. So, this sorcerer has your voice and intends to keep it. Well, we’ll go to him and persuade him to return it.”
“I don’t know,” Kuwabara said. “He’s a sorcerer and can do anything.”
“Perhaps we can make a trade.”
“Yeah, that could work.”
“It’ll have to wait until after the match, though.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s right. Are you gonna watch, Urameshi?”
“He is. I’ve got a ticket for him in my locker. He’ll see you at the front doors.” Hiei cast his illusion and led Yusuke out of the building.
“Well Yusuke, hopefully you’ll have your voice back in a few more hours. Is there a sea accessible route we can use from his place?”
Yusuke nodded. Hiei smiled. “Oh, he’s going to be surprised when we turn up. He’ll know I said I love you and that you won’t be his slave…wait. That was the nightmare, wasn’t it? You feared you would be his slave?” Yusuke nodded again. “I see. I would probably have nightmares about that too. It won’t happen, though. I said the magic words, you’re a merman for good, and we’re soulmates. Now, let’s get your ticket so you can sit with your friend.” He led Yusuke into the back and into the locker room.
Kuwabara shifted slightly as he stood in the lobby. He looked forward to being with his friend again, but it felt weird, too. I know why I feel this way: Urameshi’s not really human anymore. He traded his legs for a tail and can only be human during the day as I’ve never seen Hiei do a night event. He looked up to see Yusuke walk in the front doors, a big grin on his face. Everything about him seemed so normal and yet Kuwabara knew it wasn’t. Perhaps something of his thoughts showed on his face because Yusuke tilted his head in a questioning manner.
“Sorry, Urameshi,” he said in a whisper. “I see you and you look the same, but you’re not.”
Yusuke mimed wanting the memo pad and pen and Kuwabara handed it over. “What are you talking about? I’m still the same Yusuke, just with a tail and currently no voice. We can still hang out. You know, arcade, watch fights, and especially swimming.”
Kuwabara read it over. “Yeah, you’re right. We can still hang out. I’ll tell my family that you’re living with your soul mate. Now, let’s watch the fight.” He pulled Yusuke into the stadium and to their seats.
Chapter Nine- Recovery
Hiei followed Yusuke along the slippery rocks to a cave set into the wall. He saw a flat expanse of rock in front of the cave that, in turn, faced the ocean. Perfect, he thought. Once our business is concluded and the sun sets, we’ll be able to leave easily. Speaking of business, my instincts of my soulmate being human were right.
The moment both reached the porch, Toguro’s voice issued from within. “Yusuke? The two weeks are not up yet. You brought a friend. Welcome, Hiei. Please come in.”
“No,” Hiei called. “Come out here and bring Yusuke’s voice with you.”
“Very well.” Several minutes passed before Toguro appeared, a vial in one hand. His eyes appraised Hiei and when he looked at Yusuke, his eyes blinked in surprise. “You’re human again. How is this possible?”
“I’ll tell you,” Hiei said. “I’m the merman he fell in love with. Even though, he can’t speak, I fell for him too and told him that I love him. Merpeople have the ability to take human form from dawn to dusk. Yusuke’s friend told me about the deal once Yusuke wrote about it. I insist you return his voice.”
“We made an agreement,” Toguro stated. “He was eager to see you and be with you. I agreed to help him and I was allowed to choose my price.” He gazed at the vial. “I was hoping to have Yusuke as my silent and obedient servant. I did say I wouldn’t return the voice whether he became a merman or my slave. He will never speak again.”
“Would you be willing to trade for it?”
“Trade?” Toguro scoffed. “What would a merman have that would interest me?” A gleam near Yusuke drew the sorcerer’s attention. “Wait, what’s that?” He moved toward the gleam to find it came from a gold ring on Yusuke’s finger that sported a large, shiny pearl. Greed and desire shone in his eyes as he stared at it. “I have never seen such a large pearl.”
Hiei and Yusuke exchanged quick identical looks before Hiei said innocently, “You haven’t?”
“No.” He lifted up Yusuke’s hand to examine it closer. “Hmm. I would be willing to trade his voice for this ring.”
“I would agree to that,” Hiei said. He looked at his beloved. “What about you?” Yusuke nodded. “All right, Toguro. It’s a trade. Return the voice and Yusuke will hand over the ring.”
“Agreed.” Toguro uncorked the vial, pulled out his wand, tapped the vial, and pointed his wand at Yusuke’s throat. “Return.” The sphere became the light stream, flowed out of the vial, and into Yusuke’s open mouth. He felt the stream flow to his throat and form into a sphere. He coughed as it settled, swallowed, looked at Hiei, and said, “Hiei?” He smiled at being able to talk again as he removed the gold ring and put it in Toguro’s outstretched hand.
Toguro admired his new treasure and as he turned to leave, said, “You can stay on my porch so you can change in peace.” He disappeared into the cave’s depths.
Yusuke turned to Hiei and was about to speak when the latter put a hand over it, shook his head, and tilted it to the cave. Yusuke’s brown eyes widened and he closed his mouth when Hiei uncovered it. Hiei has a point. Toguro may have a way to listen in, hoping to find something to turn to his advantage. Instead, the two of them went to the edge and sat down with their legs in the water, and watched the setting sun.
The sun vanished and Yusuke watched as his clothes faded away and his legs merged back into his black and green tail. He pushed himself into the water and once Hiei had joined him and they were swimming, he knew it was safe to talk.
“Hiei, Kurama said soulmate is actually a term and he explained when it starts, but not much else.”
“It’s something that only merpeople experience. No one can object if two mermaids get together or if two mermen do. This is because when the destined soulmates lay eyes on each other, their hearts miss or skips a beat. Mine did the day we met in the shop.”
“Oh! The night you said you loved me! I looked at you after you said that and my heart skipped a beat.”
Hiei smirked. “The moment I said those words, you became a real merman and experienced the effects of the soulmate ability. It became clear when you took human form today. Apparently, Toguro didn’t know that I was to be your soulmate.”
“Hiei, Soulmate. Welcome back. How was your trip?”
“It was wonderful. I found out Soulmate’s real name is Yusuke and that he was actually human.”
“Oh!” Yukina exclaimed. “So your instincts were correct. How did you find out?”
“My best friend,” Yusuke answered.
Yukina gasped. “You can talk!”
Yusuke nodded. “My mom raised me until two years ago and then I moved in with my friend, Kuwabara. Anyway, I caught sight of Hiei with his tail and fell in love. I turned to a sorcerer who agreed to help me. He gave me a potion to make me a merman for two weeks. If Hiei said he loved me by then, I would stay a merman. If not, I would be human and the sorcerer’s slave. He took my voice as payment, thinking I would fail without it and he intended to keep it forever.”
“He didn’t account for our soulmate ability,” Hiei jumped in. “I learned of the deal when Yusuke wrote about it and Kuwabara read it. We went to the sorcerer to insist on returning the voice. He refused and I suggested a trade. We ended up trading one of Yusuke’s rings.” Yusuke held up his bare right hand.
Yukina shrugged. “Well, that’s not really a loss, is it?”
“Not at all. Yusuke has his voice, he’s a merman now, and we’ll eventually marry.”
Yusuke spent the next day visiting his favorite places and enjoying the looks on peoples’ faces when he spoke. He would then admit to being human, his deal with Toguro, succeeding in keeping his tail, and getting his voice back.
“Yusuke, that’s some story,” Chu said when he found his friend. “I’m glad you can talk and will be stayin’ with us.”
Yusuke nodded. “Me too. The alternative wasn’t a pleasant one.”
“So, his name’s Yusuke and he used to be human,” Kurama said slowly, making sure he had heard everything right. “He fell in love instantly and decided to become one of us. It turns out he was your soulmate and you had to say, ‘I love you’ in order for him to stay. You traded one of his rings for his voice.”
Hiei nodded. “Yes, he’s one of use now and he plans to still spend time with his friend. He’s currently surprising everyone with his ability to talk.” He smirked while Kurama chuckled.
Epilogue Yusuke was out in the open water a week later doing underwater tricks, feeling happier than he had ever felt in his life. He was so full of energy and joy that he had to get rid of it. He wrote a note with his newfound writing skill and then headed out, starting with swimming as fast as he could. He got out into the open and he raced some dolphins he encountered. He was able to outrace them easily and he laughed happily. I am just enjoying this. I love being a merman! He watched some dolphins leap out of the water and decided to do the same. He sped upward, leaped into the air, and dived down with a splash, his fins flicking water aside as they vanished below the surface.
“Hey! Watch what you’re doing!” a voice on the surface exclaimed with a laugh.
Yusuke popped up to see his friend bobbing on the surface. “Sorry, Kuwabara. Didn’t see you there.”
“I believe that. How did you get your voice back? Hiei managed to persuade him?”
“Actually, we traded this gold ring I was wearing that had a large white pearl on it.”
“You were wearing a ring?”
“Actually, I had two.” He held up his left one to show the ring. “So, how’s your family doing?”
“Well, they miss you, but they understand that you’re with the one you love and that you’re happy. By the way, I love your tail’s colors. They suit you.”
“Thanks. Oh, Hiei has a match in two days. Wanna hang out that day?”
“Great. See you then.” Yusuke ducked down and swam home doing corkscrews the whole way. Life is just perfect, he thought. It just can’t get any better than this.