Disclaimer: I don't own Aladdin
Mozenrath was laying on his bed and used his magic to float another tome over to the bed. He grinned. It felt so good to use his magic again. He proceeded to float the tome he just finished over to the bookcase, when there was a knock at his door.
Jasmine walked in and watched as the book floated over to the bookcase. She grinned as she approached the bed. "I am meeting a friend later today in the marketplace. She is a sand witch."
"A sand witch? I didn't think there were any left. I would like to meet her."
Jasmine smiled. "I will be meeting her after I do a little shopping. Do you want to come with me now or meet up with me a little later?"
Mozenrath looked thoughtful for a second. "I'll meet up with you later."
Mozenrath exited the palace and descended the many stairs. Jasmine said to meet her in the marketplace, but he failed to realize how big the marketplace actually was. He did realize that the only way to find Jasmine was to walk down the main aisle and look down each side aisle as he passed it. It would take awhile unless Jasmine was in one of the first few. Unfortunately, he had no luck in finding the princess, and he had even less luck trying to avoid people. There was a boy older than him for sure, and he was on the main aisle in the sorcerer's path.
Mozenrath narrowed his eyes in the older boy's direction. 'Another street rat.' Mozenrath proceeded to attempt to pass by the older boy, but apparently this was not meant to happen.
"Hey, you're not from around here, are you?"
Mozenrath refrained from rolling his eyes. "Obviously. Who are you?"
"I'm Wahid. Who are you?"
"I am Mozenrath, lord of-"
"There you are!" a familiar voice interrupted from above them.
"Aladdin!" both boys chorused.
Aladdin jumped off Carpet and looked from one boy to the other. "Wahid, Mozenrath, are you two friends?"
"I wouldn't jump to conclusions. We are barely acquaintances," Mozenrath answered.
"How did you two meet?" Aladdin asked.
"We just bumped into each other," Wahid answered.
"I'm supposed to meet Jasmine here in the marketplace." "I know. She sent me to find you. I saw Jasmine over that way. I can give you a lift if you'd like," Aladdin offered.
"No thanks." Mozenrath walked off in the direction his adoptive father pointed.
He slowly walked, and suddenly, there was a vibration against his chest. He pulled out from under his clothes a little crystal on a cord. It was a portable crystal that alerted him of magic, similar to the crystal he used in his kingdom. He cupped the crystal, and it glowed, rolled and pointed to his right. He looked in that direction and saw a woman, who had to be the sand witch he was told about because she was using a little magic to create a sand castle before destroying it and building a different one. It also seemed like she was waiting for someone. Suddenly, she looked up and directly at him. He tucked away the crystal and decided to approach the woman.
The woman ceased manipulating the sand. "Hello. Are you lost?"
"No. I'm meeting someone like you are."
The woman gave a small smile. "Was it that obvious?"
"Mozenrath! Sadira! I'm sorry to keep you waiting," Jasmine called out.
Sadira smiled. "We weren't waiting all that long."
"I wanted the two of you to meet. Sadira, this is my adopted son, Mozenrath."
"Oh, Jasmine, he's so cute. When did you adopt him? Where does he come from? He's so pale." Sadira looked over her friend's son.
Jasmine laughed at Sadira's antics. "I adopted him not two days before my father announced to the city about there being a new prince, but he is actually the ruler of a distant land, The Land of the Black Sand. His skin tone is a result of living in his kingdom."
"I've heard of The Land of the Black Sand. It was written in one of my scrolls that the ruler could manipulate the sand of his kingdom, so that's you?" Sadira addressed the young wizard. "I learned to manipulate sand, even though I am not that good."
"So you are the sand witch mom told me about."
Jasmine hid her joy at him calling her mom and said, "I didn't think you would meet up before I introduced you two, but I should have expected it."
"Aladdin actually pointed me in the right direction, and my crystal alerted me to Sadira's presence."
"What crystal?" Sadira and Jasmine chorused.
Mozenrath pulled out his crystal from under his shirt. "It's a variation of the crystal I used in my kingdom. This one vibrates when magic other than my own is nearby, and then glows and points if the source is nearby."
All three watched as the crystal vibrated, glowed blue, and pointed at Sadira. "That's awesome. You made that? That's an advanced bit of magic. You're pretty powerful!"
"Thank you."
"If it's alright with Jasmine, you could come to my place and we could do some sand magic."
"When were you thinking of doing this?" Jasmine asked Sadira.
"That is fine with me. When it's time to come home, I will send Carpet to come get him." Jasmine watched as her son walked off with one of her friends. It didn't make her feel uneasy. It felt just right.