Disclaimer: I don't own Aladdin
All was quiet in the Land of the Black Sand; nothing was disturbed...except for the sand around the front doors of the Citadel. Paw prints appeared as if made by an unseen pacing feline. Suddenly, the paw prints ceased appearing, and a sudden wind blew sand around, covering the paw prints and making it appear as if nothing was there to begin with.
On Morbia, paw prints appeared in Mirage's throne room followed by a blue winged feline. "Mirage!"
"Lord Chaos, what a delightful surprise." The catlike enchantress noticed Chaos's slightly put out expression. "What do you need?"
"It's about your son." Mirage bristled slightly, but Chaos continued. "I went to his kingdom, but he was not there."
"My son has disgraced me and has been punished. If you wish to see him, he is in Agrabah at the palace."
Chaos's eyes almost sparkled at the news. "In Agrabah? With Aladdin? How...intriguing."
As Chaos disappeared, Mirage sniffed, "Intriguing indeed."
In Agrabah, Mozenrath was sitting on his bed, reading one of his thick tomes. Xerxes was resting across his Master's shoulders. Xerxes was learning to stay within his master's reach. When they lived in The Land of the Black Sand, it was unwise to stay within the sorcerer's reach, but since his master was reduced to a child, Xerxes had found out that laying across Mozenrath's shoulders was almost comforting for both of them. Xerxes was enjoying his master's new attitude towards him. It was almost loving.
"Read anything interesting, kitten?"
Mozenrath's head jerked up, and his gaze fell upon a blue winged feline who it appeared was trying to read upside down. "Lord Chaos!"
Chaos grinned. "Hello, kitten. This is one of the last places I would've thought you'd be and especially looking like this."
"My mother is to blame for my condition as well as landing me here, which has turned out fortunate for me."
Suddenly, the door to the child sorcerer's room flew open, revealing Aladdin and Jasmine, both had heard Mozenrath's exclamation and ran to see what was going on.
"Aladdin, Jasmine, told you I'd be back," the feline purred.
"Chaos," Aladdin acknowledged.
Mozenrath looked from his guardians to Chaos and back again. "You've met before?"
"Yes," Jasmine admitted.
"We had some fun, didn't we? Too bad you weren't there, kitten. It would've been even better!"
"Why are you calling Mozenrath 'kitten?' He doesn't like it," Jasmine pointed out.
"If I may, Lord Chaos?" Mozenrath spoke up. After receiving a nod, he continued, "He has always called me 'kitten,' even when I was eighteen. Besides, he is Chaos; what I like or dislike is irrelevant."
"Quite correct, kitten. Since you are here with Aladdin, I am going to enjoy myself."
Mozenrath stood up and said, "As you wish, my lord."
"This is going to be fun!" Chaos purred. "But first, a little modification is in order."
All of a sudden, Mozenrath was engulfed in a cloud of smoke. Jasmine rushed over. "Mozenrath, are you all right?"
The smoke cleared a moment later, and Jasmine stared in shock. Standing where her adopted son had been was an eighteen-year-old Mozenrath, whom seemed a little lost. His eyes then landed on Chaos, and gracefully he knelt down on one knee, bowing his head. "Lord Chaos, while I appreciate your surprises, this one is quite unwelcome. With all due respect, I was pleased with my previous situation."
"At least you can use your magic now," Jasmine said with tears in her eyes.
Mozenrath stood up and hugged Jasmine. "I would gladly wait the one year to use my magic if I could go back to being your son."
Chaos watched the scene in interest, his tail swishing. "I had no idea about your strong feelings. How about a compromise?"
The smoke engulfed Mozenrath again, but this time it reverted the wizard back to his child self, but was wearing a smaller version of his blue and gold ensemble (sans turban and neck piece). The smile on his face was matched by the one on the princess's face. Mozenrath looked himself over and was slightly confused. "My lord, what was the compromise?"
"I always liked you, kitten. I did you the favor of aging you a year." Chaos saw the sparkle in the wizard's eyes. "You can use magic again."
Mozenrath was overjoyed at being able to use his magic again. 'So many choices at what to do.' He mulled over his choices while stroking his familiar.
"Now, back to my fun." The blue winged feline circled Aladdin, then Jasmine, and finally Mozenrath. "I've got it!"
Blue smoke covered Aladdin, and once it had dissipated, it was revealed that his age had been reduced. He was the same age as his adopted son. Jasmine stared at her intended in shock. The same words echoed in her mind. 'It's just a joke. It's just a joke. It's just a joke.'
She didn't have much time to react as blue smoke engulfed her next. It was her turn she guessed. She was right. She was now the same age as her intended and her son.
Mozenrath stared in shock at his adoptive parents. He wasn't angry at Chaos for what he did. He was just having fun. He knew it wasn't permanent, so he looked closely at his parents. They were still recognizable as who they were. They were just shorter, smaller, younger. At least their clothes shrunk with them. The child sorcerer smiled at his parents.
"Well, that was fun but this should be even better." Chaos grinned and smoke covered all three. The smoke dissipated and revealed two six-year-old girls and one six-year-old boy. The children stared at each other in shock. Aladdin and Mozenrath were now girls, and Jasmine was a boy.
All of a sudden, Chaos started changing the trio's ages and genders on a whim. First, Aladdin was female and eighteen, then Jasmine was back to normal, and Mozenrath was turned eighteen. Mozenrath turned a critical eye on his adoptive father (mother?). She definitely made an attractive woman. He stole a glance at Jasmine, who looked out of sorts. He walked over and gave her a quick hug.
Next, Aladdin was male and he and Jasmine were six-year-olds. Now, it was Mozenrath's turn to look out of sorts. His parents were younger than he was. It was surreal, and he didn't like it.
Next, Aladdin was back to normal, Jasmine was still a six-year-old girl, but then Mozenrath was a six-year-old boy. Aladdin looked at his intended. Jasmine was definitely cute, and Aladdin couldn't help but give her a hug; one that Mozenrath copied.
Then, all three were children and female, and then they were still children but male. One single thought was running through their minds. 'Please let this be over with! Please let this be over with!'
However, Chaos wasn't quite done yet. All three were teenagers and still male next, and after that, they were still teenagers but female now. The trio of teenagers suppressed a groan, wondering when it would end.
Lastly, Aladdin was male and eighteen, Jasmine was female and eighteen, and Mozenrath was male and six-years-old. The trio collectively breathed a sigh of relief, hoping it was over.
"That was just the best!" Chaos was flying around the room lazily. "Sadly, I must be going, but maybe I will be by later on, especially if you get boring!" The blue winged feline disappeared.
Mozenrath sat down on his bed. "Lord Chaos's visits are always tiring. Thankfully, he doesn't visit that often."
Aladdin and Jasmine joined their son, sitting on his bed as well. The princess sighed. "One visit from Chaos is enough for one lifetime."