Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the three nameless demons are mine.
Chapter One- Engaged
Kuwabara stared down at the beautifully decorated cupcake before giving Yukina a smile. “Yukina, my love, it’s pretty.”
“I knew you would like it,” she replied. “I thought you would appreciate an early birthday cupcake instead of a cake.”
“I do as Shizuru is insisting on a cake. She said that sixteen is a special age.”
Kuwabara shrugged. “She didn’t say.” He picked up the cupcake and took a bite. It was as perfect as Yukina. The cake was moist and the icing wasn’t too sweet. He noticed all this even though his thoughts were on another matter.
Shizuru had been growing eager as his sixteenth birthday approached but gave vague answers when he asked why she was excited. Sixteen did not seem as important as fifteen or eighteen; indeed fifteen had been significant as that was the age when one took high school entrance exams. He had gotten into the school of his choice and was working hard to achieve high grades that would help him get into the college he wanted where he would study to be a doctor or lawyer. He could hardly wait to graduate high school.
Of course, I have to get through a few birthdays first, starting with my sixteenth one tomorrow. Again, he didn’t know why his sister was enthusiastic about it but she had promised to explain it once he came back from his visit with Yukina. Speaking of Yukina…
Kuwabara put down the used cupcake liner, drank some tea, and put it down before saying, “Yukina, I understand that your kind don’t need a man for anything but that doesn’t change how I feel about you.”
“Kazuma, I have no intention of going back to the village. I am not like them. They are cold-hearted and mistrustful of anyone who are not like them. I would rather be like my mother; to meet a nice man and have children with him.” She gave Kuwabara a meaningful look.
That look was not lost on Kuwabara. “I didn’t know that other ice apparitions were like that and you are definitely not like that. You’ve also made it clear that you would like to have me as the father of your children.”
“I do. I had thought of our interactions when I returned home after the Dark Tournament and concluded that you love me. I had then begun to see myself being with you even if I have to wait years for us to be married.”
“Perhaps not as long as you think.” Kuwabara rummaged in his pants pocket. “Maybe we could marry after I’m done with high school. I still plant to go to college, of course. But, for now, we could be engaged to marry.” He produced a modest, but beautiful ring.
“Oh, Kazuma! It’s lovely.” She extended her hand and Kuwabara slid the ring onto her finger before intertwining her fingers with his own. The two of them smiled happily at each other.
Shizuru won’t mind, Kuwabara thought as he headed for home. She’s well-aware of how I feel about Yukina and being engaged with the understanding that the wedding will come much later is fine. His mind’s eye showed him in a handsome tuxedo and watching his bride coming toward him in a beautiful gown. If Urameshi comes back, I’ll ask him to be my best man. A shame we haven’t found Yukina’s brother yet. He would have walked her down the aisle.
“I’m home, sis and I’ve got great news!” he called.
“I’m in the dining room,” Shizuru answered and sounding excited once again.
He went into said room to find Shizuru in a chair with a cake in front of her with two candles in it: A one and a six. Both were lit. “Happy sweet sixteen, bro,” Shizuru said.
“Shizuru, what is so special about this birthday?” he demanded as he sat.
“Blow out the candles, tell me your good news, and then I’ll explain.”
He blew out the candles and then said, “Yukina and I are engaged. Now, we know we have to wait but being engaged is okay, right?”
“Kazuma, that’s wonderful and of course it’s okay. It’s better than okay, it’s essential that you have someone.”
“Essential? Why?”
“Kazuma,” she said slowly. “Our family has a unique heritage. We’re one of countless families across the world who have it. You see, when one turns sixteen, he or she fully becomes a werewolf or a wifewolf.”
Kuwabara stared at his sister for a moment and then laughed. “A werewolf?” he snickered. “Oh, good one sis. Nice joke.”
“It’s not a joke.”
“Oh, come on! Demons may be real but werewolves? No way.”
“Oh, they’re real. Watch.” Shizuru closed her eyes and soon a wolf with fur the color of her hair sat in the chair.
Kuwabara leaped out of his seat and backed up a little. “Oh, geez!” he exclaimed.
Shizuru opened her eyes to reveal gold wolf eyes. “Easy, baby bro. I won’t hurt you.”
“You can still talk!?”
Shizuru gave an exasperated sigh. “I’m a wifewolf. Of course I can talk, at least as long as it’s not the full moon.” She resumed human form. “This heritage is why I’ve been excited lately. I’ve been wanting to tell you so I can share in the joy of being a wolf.”
Kuwabara sat back down, convinced this was real. “Okay. So, what will happen tomorrow?”
“Your senses will sharpen one by one throughout the day. It can be a little startling but you do get used to it. You will also have a craving for meat, raw or cooked. This craving will fade the next day, but flares up around the full moon. You need to meet me in the park woods before sunset because once night falls, you will transform and stay in wolf form all night. Luckily, tomorrow’s Friday.”
“I have to spend the night as a wolf?”
“Every werewolf and wifewolf stays a wolf the night of his or her sixteenth birthday. I did and I did try to change back but I couldn’t. I’ll change tomorrow to keep you company and guide you in your wolf form.”
“Will we…hunt?”
“Not necessary, except for the full moon. That is when we’ll only speak as wolves and heed to our instincts but we are completely aware of ourselves. Plus, even though we’ll be barking and such, we will understand one another.”
“Will I be stronger and faster?”
“Yes. The strength and speed of a wolf will be added to the strength and speed you already have.” She gave an amused smile. “You never wondered why I was stronger than I looked and could beat you up so easily?”
“I didn’t. I just thought I was weak and needed to be stronger.”
“Well, you will be once you’ve changed. I look forward to us being wolves together. It’ll be fun.”
“Fun,” he repeated neutrally as he was handed a knife so he could make the first cut of the cake. He wasn’t sure that transforming into a wolf was fun but at least he wouldn’t be alone when he became a werewolf the next night.
Chapter Two- Sensory Input
Kuwabara woke and dressed the next day, not feeling any different. The only thing that was different was that he desired meat. Just as Shizuru said. I have a craving for meat which makes sense as wolves are carnivores.
He headed downstairs and sniffed the air, detecting the smell of bacon, sausages, and steak. His mouth watered at the smells as he entered the kitchen. There were plates piled with said meats and Shizuru closing up a boxed lunch. She looked over and smiled. “Happy birthday again.” She gestured to the plates. “I figured the meat craving has occurred, so help yourself. I also packed extra meat for your lunch.”
“Thanks,” he said gratefully as he loaded up his plate with the meat, poured a glass of juice, and took them to the table.
“Shizuru,” he said as his sister joined him at the table. “I don’t feel any different aside from the craving.”
“I did say it would occur throughout the day and the day has just started. Your sense of smell, hearing, and sight will improve before dark and your speed and strength will increase after you’ve changed. Just be patient.”
Patient, he thought as he headed to school. Yeah. I can do that. After all, once I change tonight, I won’t be fully human anymore. I will officially be a werewolf. I should enjoy my time as a human even as my senses sharpen. Heh, this will be an interesting day.
Kuwabara was in his seat during roll call when his hearing sharpened. The teacher was muttering to himself as he gathered the day’s lesson plans, something he did every morning and no one could make out what he was saying. This morning, however, Kuwabara found that he could hear every word. What he heard wasn’t that interesting: The teacher was composing his grocery list verbally. When the teacher began their first lesson, Kuwabara felt the teacher was speaking louder than usual but knew that wasn’t the case. His ears were sensitive now but he didn’t react to the now louder sounds. I’ll get used to it, he thought as he gave his usual attention. It’ll definitely get better when I change tonight.
Kuwabara listened to the chatter of his classmates as some of them left to get lunch or were bringing out their own. Their voices were louder to his ears and yet he liked being able to hear what everyone was saying to each other. I’ll be able to hear someone come up behind me. Naturally, it won’t be someone who wants to fight. I’m done with that. I only fight in self-defense now. He brought out his lunch, curious of what Shizuru had packed.
The scent of meat hit him and he blinked. It was very strong and it seemed to be coming from his lunch box which was still closed. I can tell that the meat is a mix of cooked and uncooked and I haven’t even looked yet. Well, my sense of smell just got sharper. It wasn’t like this this morning. A sharp nose would be useful in hunting during the full moon. Shizuru said hunting is not necessary except for the full moon. His eyes got a faraway look as he imagined speaking as a wolf and heeding to his instincts during that time. He snapped out of his fantasy and opened his box to enjoy lunch.
The sounds around him were still loud but he was comfortable with it. The smells were another matter. He wasn’t too happy with all the scents he was picking up but he didn’t see what he could do about it except not taking deep breaths. He could smell the scented gels and deodorants of his classmates as well as their somewhat unwashed bodies, and the lingering scents of food from lunch. It will be a relief when I get used to this sense. Speaking of which, my sight will be getting sharper too. I got a good idea when as there isn’t much of the day left: After school.
Kuwabara’s suspicion was correct; as he stepped outside, he blinked rapidly before his eyes started to water. He shaded his eyes from the sunlight and narrowed his eyes so he could still see. Okay, this is actually painful. The other two weren’t like this. He navigated his way home by shading his eyes and narrowing them while also marveling at how much further he could see now.
“Shizuru!” he called at a lower volume as he entered the house. His call was answered by Shizuru stepping into the hall.
“How was school today?” she asked in a tone that wasn’t of one asking about a normal day.
“Everything’s louder, clearer, and brighter, especially brighter.”
“Your eyesight sharpened last, huh?” Kuwabara nodded. “Wolves have night vision so our eyes are a bit sensitive to bright light like the sun.”
“Ah, okay. My hearing sharpened first during roll call. I could hear everything around me perfectly. It was a little too loud but I adjusted to it.
“Lunch was when my sense of smell kicked in. I could tell that you packed cooked and uncooked meat even though the lid was closed and I could smell the scented deodorant and gels of my classmates as well as other things. The sharper sight happened as I left school.”
“So, your hearing and nose are under control now?”
“Not completely but better than when they first came up.”
“That will all change tonight.”
“Yeah. I get that. I admit that I’m not as excited as you. I’m actually a bit nervous.”
“I understand that. I was also nervous and a bit scared when I was told I was a wifewolf.” She smiled at the memory. “I, at first, thought I had to have a mate as the word wife was in the word until I learned that wifewolf was the term for a female werewolf.”
“Will it hurt?”
“I’m afraid so but maybe not so much as you’ve fought demons who inflicted terrible injuries and then there’s all the pounding you’ve taken from Yusuke and me.”
“Kurama also beat on me when training for the Dark Tournament. I asked him to toughen me up.”
Shizuru nodded. “All of those fights and training should lessen the pain. It hurt terribly for me, but I took comfort in knowing that it only hurts the first time.”
“Shizuru, if my having someone was essential, how come you don’t have someone?”
“The desire for a mate is a werewolf trait. The males want to continue the family line and they will aggressively seek out an unattached female. Your engagement nullified that.”
Kuwabara nodded, pleased that he would not be looking for a mate as he had become engaged to Yukina, but still…
“You sure my desire for a mate would recognize Yukina as my fiancée?” he asked as he followed Shizuru who had gone into the kitchen. ‘I mean, she’s not a wifewolf.”
“I’m sure,” she said as she grabbed a basket and started putting meat in it. “You are still half-human and your wolf half will recognize her as your significant other. You’ll see when you next visit her.”
“Okay. Uh, are we going to need that much food?” he asked seeing the basket was almost packed full.
“Oh, yes. The change to a wolf and back to human burns a lot of energy and calories. You will be ravenous after your change and so will I. We’ll also be hungry during the night and we’ll be camping by a stream so we’ll have a source of water.” Shizuru hefted the basket and headed for the door. “Come on, Kazuma.”
Kuwabara slowly exhaled before following his sister.
Chapter Three- Birthday Change
Kuwabara watched Shizuru lay out the food in an isolated spot in the park woods. He looked around and sniffed the air. The place smelled of wolf and he came to the unpleasant suspicion that Shizuru had marked the area, most likely on a full moon.
Shizuru looked over at her brother with a smile at seeing him sniffing around and had a feeling of what he was smelling. “Yes, I did claim this area,” she admitted.
“Shizuru, that’s gross!”
“It was on a full moon and it was instinct,” she said defensively. “It’s hard to fight instinct during the cycle.”
“Yeah, but still!”
“I do bury my waste on other nights. Try using a toilet when you have paws and can’t change back.”
“Okay, okay. I get it.” Kuwabara looked away by directing his gaze to the sky. He saw the sky flare before fading to black. It’s night, he thought.
He grimaced as a brief bolt of pain went through him. He then cried out as he could feel his torso contorting into that of a canine, his ribs twisting and growing as well. He groaned as he fell to his knees and he put his hands on the ground. He felt pain in his back and realized that it was his spine. I can’t stand up now. Well, I am becoming a wolf so of course I can’t stand up.
Shizuru took wolf form and listened in sympathy as Kuwabara groaned as he shifted forms. She knew what he was going through having been there herself. It’ll be over, baby bro. Just hang in there. Her ears folded back as Kuwabara gave a loud scream that transformed into a howl.
Kuwabara felt his nose and mouth stretching out into a muzzle, his teeth sharpening and new ones appearing in the gaps. He screamed at this and the scream morphed into a howl of pain. He tried to gasp at this but a whine came out as a burning raced over his body. He looked down and saw orange fur growing on his hands which were shrinking and forming into paws. He crossed his eyes to see fur on his muzzle too. My fur just grew in.
He then whined loudly as he felt his legs crunch and pop into hind quarters and his feet forming into paws. A yelp sounded as pain erupted in his tailbone and the remainder of his head. An actual groan sounded as his muscles increased, giving him a body that was larger than a normal wolf. He panted from the lingering pain before saying, “That was awful. Turning into a wolf is worse than any fight I’ve had.”
“Looks like I was wrong about the pain, but now your future changes won’t hurt.”
“Yeah.” He craned his neck before slowly turning in a circle to see himself and get used to four legs. “Hey, I look good. A little strange with my fur color, but good.”
“I would have to agree.” Shizuru gave a wolf’s grin when a loud growling was heard and Kuwabara dipped his head at the sound. “I said you would be hungry. So, let’s eat.”
Kuwabara turned to the pile and he felt hunger pains this time. The smell of the meat made his mouth water as he went over and seized a rump roast before laying down and tearing hungrily into it. He saw Shizuru grab two steaks before returning to his food. This is good, he thought. It’s raw, but it appeals to the wolf that I am. He ate the roast and then grabbed a T-bone steak. Shizuru was right: I’m ravenous. He ate the steak and was gnawing on the bone when Shizuru said, “Feel better?”
“Much better. You were right. I felt like I was starving, even though I really wasn’t.”
“Of course I was right. I’ve been a wifewolf for years. Now that we’ve eaten, I can provide you with more info on our heritage.” She sat up.
“More?” Kuwabara repeated as he also sat up.
“Yes. I only spoke of the senses, the meat craving, the full moon nights, the strength and speed, and the need for a mate. There’s still the weaknesses and advantages.”
“Yeah, that would be important to know. What are we weak to?”
“Silver bullets, although we can touch and wear other forms of silver.”
“That is strange.”
“I know, but that’s how it is. A lot of people believe that any silver kills us or hurts us. This misconception protects us from most people but not from werewolf hunters.”
“Werewolf hunters?”
“They are the ones who carry the bullets that can kill us. However, they can’t recognize us in human form so they use our other weakness to expose us.”
“What is it?”
“Wolfsbane. It dulls our senses, makes us ill, and forces us into wolf form. It is only by getting away from it will our senses sharpen again but we will remain in wolf form until the next sunrise and we stay ill until we consume some raw meat.”
“In what way are we ill?”
“It varies with each person. We can also die by a broken neck, beheading, and a ripped open throat.
“Now, let’s talk of the advantages. Minor injuries like bruises, abrasions, and shallow cuts heal within a minute. Deeper cuts require a lick to heal it-,”
“A lick?”
“Our saliva, wolf or human, has a healing effect. Now, a broken bone requires raw meat to heal. Also, we can heal the cuts, bruises, burns, and abrasions of other animals, humans, or demons with our healing saliva.”
“Yeah, but that’s not going to happen as people fear us.”
“True, but surely Yukina would understand.”
“What? You think I should tell her?”
“Yes. You’ll eventually marry and live together. Your constant leaves on the full moon will make her suspicious and wonder if you’re cheating on her.”
“But what if she fears me and breaks off the engagement? I wouldn’t be able to bear it.” He whined at the thought.
“If she really loves you, she won’t fear you or break the engagement.”
“You have a point.” Kuwabara knew Shizuru spoke the truth but he still didn’t think anyone would see his heritage the way he did. Werewolves were feared for a number of reasons. Two top ones were the eating of humans and turning human into werewolves.
“Shizuru?” he asked as she got up and stretched. “Just curious. When can a human be bitten?”
“Only on the full moon. They won’t transform until the next month’s full moon.” She struck a pose. “Let’s run and play, baby bro. You should know how fast you are now and how your body moves.”
He got to his paws and stretched. He could feel energy flowing through him and wanted to expend it. He trotted toward Shizuru before lunging at her. Laughter rang through the air as they played and raced each other.
Chapter Four- Sharing
Kuwabara felt something wet go across his cheek. He ran a hand over the cheek to wipe it. He also felt sun on his back and knew it was daytime. He felt warmth and wetness across his cheek and Shizuru saying, “Time to wake up.”
“It’s Saturday,” he mumbled. “I don’t have to wake up.”
“You’re talking so you’re awake. I’m going to start a fire to cook some of our meat for breakfast.”
“I saw a sausage string last night. That sounds good.”
“Okay. I’ll take care of that and you can wash up by the stream.”
“All right.” He heard Shizuru walk away and slowly opened his eyes. Sunlight lit the wintry area and he shivered a little in the cold air. He got to his feet and headed to the stream which, due to its constant movement and that the temperature wasn’t below freezing, was not frozen. He cupped water into his hands and splashed it on his face. The cold water woke him up completely and he stayed crouched as he reflected on last night.
There was no doubt that the transformation was the worst part. Thankfully, such pain would not occur again in his future changes. Dinner had been wonderful and he found that he had a liking for raw meat now and knew he would desire it every once in a while.
The racing and playing had been fun. He was impressed with his faster speed and how much stronger he was. He had enjoyed wrestling with his sister and wasn’t concerned with any cuts either one of them sustained as the shallow ones healed themselves and their saliva healed the deep ones.
He had been taught a lot about werewolves from the night before and up to last night. The sharpening of his senses had been rough when they first started and Kuwabara waited for his body to adjust to them. His speed and strength didn’t come until he had changed. And with the change also came the perks and disadvantages of being a werewolf. I need to avoid werewolf hunters, silver bullets, and Wolfsbane in addition to a broken neck, beheading, and a torn throat.
My advantages are nice. Minor injuries heal in a minute. Deeper ones heal by licking it and I can lick the injuries of animals, humans, and demons and heal them.
But, despite what Shizuru said, I will never tell anyone I’m a werewolf. No one would understand that it’s not a bad thing or a curse. I was born this way and it wasn’t until I turned sixteen that it unlocked. Luckily, there are no physical signs, like pointed ears. He sniffed the air, caught the smell of cooking sausages, and headed back to their campsite.
Now that his senses were under his complete control, the world wasn’t as intense as it was the day before. He found that he could turn the sharp aspect on or off when he wanted. He had his sharp hearing on but the smell off as he relaxed at an outdoor café later that Saturday afternoon. He listened to the conversations of his fellow customers and felt amused at some of them; for example, he heard two girls gossiping about the guys in their class. I wonder what school they go to as I haven’t seen them around my school. Maybe they go to Kurama’s school.
“Happy belated birthday,” a voice said and Kuwabara looked back to see Kurama.
“Thanks,” he said as his friend sat. “Kurama, I’ve got great news. Yukina and I are engaged.”
A brief look of surprise crossed Kurama’s face before he gave a small smile. “That is terrific news. I assume the wedding will be at a future date.”
“Yeah. After graduation at the earliest. You’ll be invited, of course.”
“Of course. I have a birthday present but now I believe it to be…inappropriate.”
“How come?”
“I was planning to give you a seed from a Wolfsbane plant.”
Kuwabara paled at Kurama’s words. “Uh, yeah, it’s inappropriate. I’m allergic to Wolfsbane.”
“Allergic,” Kurama said. He leaned a little closer to Kuwabara and lowered his voice. “It is because you are a werewolf, correct?”
Kuwabara forced a laugh and also lowered his voice. “Werewolf? Kurama-,”
“Do not deny it. I can smell the scent of wolf on you.”
Kuwabara sighed. “I can’t fool your nose. Yeah, I’m a werewolf. It happened yesterday.”
“On your sixteenth birthday. You were born a werewolf.”
Kuwabara looked at Kurama in surprise. “How did you know that?”
“I have an interest in the supernatural that I hide from my family and classmates.” He fixed Kuwabara with a look of interest. “Did it hurt when you transformed? My research says it does, but I would like to hear you tell me.”
“Yeah, it hurt,” Kuwabara admitted. “Worse than all the fights I’ve ever had.”
“That is interesting considering each of your fights got progressively worse.”
“I imagine your fur is the same color as your hair.”
“Right but my eyes are gold. I’m also bigger than a normal wolf.”
“Your sister is a wifewolf, yes? This heritage is passed to all children, according to my research.”
“Yes, she is and I’m glad as she was a big help in guiding me and answering my questions.”
“What did she tell you?”
Kuwabara saw genuine interest in Kurama’s eyes and knew he could share everything with his friend. I can do more than just talk with him. He’s a fox and I’m a wolf, two species that are related. We could spend some time together in our respective forms.
“She started by telling me about my senses sharpening through my birthday,” he said after a couple of seconds. “She said I would crave meat which has faded now, but will flare up on the next full moon. I had to spend the whole night as a wolf.
“On the full moon, I’ll only speak as a wolf and heed to wolf impulses as well as able to bite someone into a werewolf.
“She said that I would be stronger and faster once I had changed. Of course she shared our strengths and weaknesses.”
Kurama listened intently as Kuwabara talked. His research did not contain all of what his friend was telling him. An example was how one gradually become a werewolf or wifewolf on their birthday. He was surprised to learn that the strength and speed occurred after one took wolf from while the senses occurred throughout the day. “Fascinating,” he said once Kuwabara finished speaking. “You will tell Yukina of course since you are engaged.”
“I guess so. I’m just concerned about how she’ll react.”
“You love each other; that is clear. She will accept you being a werewolf. She will likely see your heritage as something that makes you very special.”
“Yeah. Special,” he said, but deep down, he wasn’t so sure.
Chapter Five- Yusuke and Hiei
Kurama walked on the sidewalk, his conversation with Kuwabara on his mind. He had truly wanted to give Kuwabara a Wolfsbane seed for his birthday, but the moment he sat down, the smell of wolf reached him as well as the source. When I spoke casually of his being a werewolf, I knew he would deny it, which is why I reminded him of my own sense of smell.
Kurama dwelled on Kuwabara’s senses, realizing that Kuwabara hadn’t detected his presence by scent or hearing his approach until he had spoken. Is it possible to turn those senses off while in human form? If so, that would be another thing to note in my file on werewolves as well as the gradual way a born werewolf become a full werewolf and their advantages and when they occur.
I detected a tone of uncertainty concerning Yukina. I believe that he will not tell her and while I know this to be a bad choice, I will not tell her either. She has a right to know and it should be Kuwabara who tells her.
Kurama then flared his nose and came to a stop, hardly believing what he smelled. There was the enticing smell of ramen coming from a food truck nearby and under that was the scent of his friend, Yusuke. That cannot be, he thought. He had said that he would return in three years. It has only been a year and a half if you figure from Yusuke’s birthday.
Kurama turned to see that it was Yusuke and he was waving from the ramen truck! He headed over with a pleasant smile. “Yusuke, I did not expect to see you so soon.”
“Well, I didn’t win the tournament and I just missed everyone so much that I came back early.”
“So, where’s the owner of this truck?”
“You’re looking at him. My mom gave me a start-up loan for a ramen business. The truck doesn’t run, but I have a permit to keep it here.”
Kurama sniffed again. “Smells like you have a flair for cooking.”
“Can I get you anything?”
“Thank you, Yusuke. I’ll have a basic ramen bowl.”
Yusuke smiled as he rang up Kurama’s order and Kurama paid him before he got to work. He was a little disappointed that Kurama chose a simple bowl but he reasoned that Kurama had never had his cooking so it was best to start simple and basic. Within minutes, there was a steaming bowl of ramen in front of Kurama. He used his chopsticks to snag some noodles, blow on them, and put them in his mouth.
Kurama’s eyes widened; it was basic ramen but it tasted different and Yusuke clearly added his own blend of spices to the broth to give it a little kick that was pleasant. He swallowed and said, “Delicious. You added your own touch to the broth.”
“I did. Basic ramen is so simple and can be boring. I chose to experiment with different spices and in different amounts until I found a mix most customers love and I wrote it down.”
Kurama ate some more of his bowl and when he paused, Yusuke asked, “How’s everyone been? Does Keiko have a…boyfriend?”
“Keiko is still single. I believe she is willing to wait for you. I plan to work for my stepfather when I graduate. Kuwabara is engaged to Yukina and could marry after high school. He still plans to go to college.”
“He’s engaged?” Yusuke grinned. “Well, about time he got around to asking her. Think he’ll invite me?”
“I see no reason why he wouldn’t. He may want you as his best man.”
“Yeah, he may and of course I’ll accept. It’s a good thing Hiei stayed in Demon World. He wouldn’t like Yukina being engaged to Kuwabara.”
“Very fortunate,” Kurama agreed and for half a second, he considered telling Yusuke that Kuwabara was a werewolf but then dismissed it. Kuwabara wants to keep it a secret and, as a friend, I should honor his decision.
“You know,” Yusuke said slowly. “We could tell Kuwabara about Hiei being Yukina’s brother and then he could tell her. Odds are Hiei won’t come back so it’s safe to tell.”
“Kuwabara should know since he’s engaged,” Kurama agreed. “But Hiei may show up to visit Yukina or me.”
Kurama gave a shrug. “He considers me a close friend and he told me he would come by now and again.” What Kurama wasn’t saying was that he had a bit of a crush on the fire demon and knew that by springtime that crush would transform into true affection. And spring starts in three weeks, he thought. That is the time when a fox would seek out a mate, but not to actually mate; just to have someone to spend the rest of his or her life with.
“Enjoy your afternoon out?” Shizuru asked as they sat down to dinner.
“Oh, yeah. It was great as I can now turn my senses off. I did turn the hearing on. It’s cool to hear every word people are saying.” His face shone at the memory.
“I enjoy the sharper hearing too, but I like the sharper nose as well. We can control the sensitivity of our senses in human form.”
“You didn’t tell me that.”
“I know, but there are a lot of things about our heritage that are not shared in one or two days. Remember, there are countless families that are werewolves and wifewolves. It takes time for them to share their abilities and secrets with other families.”
“Too bad there’s not a werewolf newsletter where we could share all our information with each other at once.”
Shizuru pointed her fork at him. “Nice idea, but that would take time to implement.”
“Yeah. Anyway, I met up with Kurama and he figured out that I’m a werewolf based on my smell.”
“Foxes have sharp senses like wolves do. I thought he would sniff you out the next time you got together.”
“He has a secret interest in the supernatural and has done a little research on werewolves. He was real interested in what I knew.”
“And what did you tell him?”
“First, I confirmed his research of my change being painful and that all children carry the heritage. I told him about my birthday with the senses, meat craving, and being a wolf all night. I spoke of the full moon and what effects it has.”
“Kazuma, that’s something I’ve been wondering about. Why did you ask when a human could be bitten?”
Kuwabara blinked. “Why? I was curious. I mean, horror movies depict someone being bitten on the full moon and then transforming on next month’s full moon. I just wanted to know if that was true.”
“Oh. I was concerned that you intended to bite someone as a kind of payback.”
Kuwabara recoiled. “Payback? No way. I don’t do that sort of thing anymore. I fought in junior high out of payback, but that’s behind me.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. So, when do you plan to see Yukina?”
“I don’t know. I have a few tests coming up,” he lied. He didn’t want to tell Yukina. He just plain didn’t.
Chapter Six- Telling
Kuwabara threw himself into his schoolwork over the following week, using it as an excuse to not visit Yukina. Both his sister and Kurama believed he had to tell Yukina the truth but he was afraid that she would fear him and break off the engagement. He didn’t want that to happen as he loved her so much.
“Kazuma, you need to tell her,” Shizuru said a week after his birthday. “The full moon is this coming week and I can’t have you distracted by both your delay of the truth and your wolf impulses.”
“Why? What would happen?”
“I would likely end up with an aggressive werewolf brother. Our playing last week won’t be like that if you’re aggressive.”
Kuwabara flinched at her sharp tone. “It would be bad, huh?”
“Yes. Very. Bad,” she said slowly and deliberately.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go see her tomorrow since it’s Saturday.”
“Good and if you don’t, I’ll drag you up there Sunday and make sure she knows.”
“I’ll tell her! I promise.”
Shizuru nodded as she resumed eating dinner. She knew that when her brother made a promise, he would stick to it.
Kuwabara was nervous as he prepared to leave the next morning. He still didn’t want to tell her but he had promised he would and he never broke a promise. She might break the engagement when I tell her and she definitely would end it if I hide it and she finds out by accident or intention. Given these two possibilities, I’ll tell her myself.
He went down the stairs and called, “I’m leaving now, sis!” He pulled open the door and gasped at the figure at his front door, his fist raised to knock. “Urameshi!?”
“Kuwabara! I missed everyone and decided to come back early.”
“Everyone?” he asked as he stepped out and closed the door. “Even me?”
“Even you.” They started walking before Yusuke said, “So…where ya headed?”
“I’m going to see Yukina. I haven’t seen her in a week.”
“Yeah? I saw Kurama last week and he said the two of you are engaged. Congratulations, pal.”
“Thanks. I was thinking of having you as my best man.”
“Hey, you got it. I was hoping you’d ask.”
“I wish Yukina’s brother could walk her down the aisle, though.”
“I doubt he’d like to do that.”
“How would you know? You never met him and for that matter, I haven’t met him.”
“Actually, we have met him and know him as well as one can know him.”
“Well, who is it?”
Yusuke looked around and up before saying, “Hiei.”
Kuwabara gaped at Yusuke, his mouth opening and closing several times before saying, “Hiei?” in a strangled voice. “He’s her…? Oh, man I don’t believe it.”
“Oh, it’s true. Their personalities may be different, but they share the same height and eye color.”
Kuwabara knew Yusuke had a point. Hiei, a fire demon, displayed a cold and distant personality that was like the ice apparitions Yukina had lived with while Yukina, an ice apparition, had a warm and fiery personality like a fire demon while being a friendly, caring girl. He had also noticed their similar heights and matching eye colors but had considered it a coincidence.
“How could I have missed it?” he demanded of himself.
“It is kind of hard to miss,” Yusuke said. “And you were never a fan of Hiei.”
“But you made the connection.”
“Actually, there was a part of the video you missed when you ran out of the room. Koenma revealed the connection and stressed that because of it, the case was delicate.”
“The video? You knew that long? Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“A couple of reasons. One, I didn’t want to spoil your enthusiasm for the mission and two, Hiei threatened to kill me if I told Yukina. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you until now.” Yusuke put his hands together in front of his face in apology.
If this situation had occurred a year ago, Kuwabara would have punched him for not telling him about Hiei, but he had learned to think with his head instead of his fists. “Urameshi,” he said. “I’m not mad that you didn’t tell me. You’re right that I wouldn’t have been so determined to rescue Yukina if I had known Hiei was her brother. My only question is why didn’t Hiei tell her?”
“The only reason Hiei gave was he didn’t think she would be happy having a criminal for a brother. I’m sure there’s another reason, a more sensible one but I can’t imagine what that is.”
“Me, either. So, what are you up to, Urameshi?”
“Well, I’m running a ramen food truck. Mom gave me a start-up loan and I’ve already paid her off. I hope to help Keiko run her parents’ restaurant one day. Right now, I’m saving up for our wedding when I turn eighteen. I promised we would get married by then.”
“Ramen food truck, huh? I take it that it’s paying off?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m now more known for my business than my punk reputation. It’s a good feeling.”
“I know how that is. I’m not fighting as much and I’m attracting admirers and friends.”
“Do they know you’re engaged?”
“No, but they do know I’m seeing someone. That doesn’t stop them from admiring me.”
“So, it seems both of us have improved our reputations and in less than two years. Not bad.”
“Yeah. Uh, Urameshi? I’d like to see Yukina alone.” They had reached the station.
“Not a problem. I have to head back to my truck to get ready for the lunch crowd. You gonna tell Yukina about Hiei?”
“I will. That’s why you told me, right?” Yusuke nodded. “Then that’s what I’ll do.”
Minutes later, Kuwabara was riding to the station located at the foot of the mountains, his mind racing with the two things he had to tell Yukina and wondering which one he should start one. Actually, if I mention Urameshi being back, that would lead into Hiei. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.
Once that’s done, we could discuss the wedding and honeymoon; depending on how that goes, I’ll then confess to being a werewolf. I’ll make it clear that I am not a monster or dangerous. I’ll change to a wolf is she asks to see, which she likely will.
Kuwabara then began to mentally compose a confession he could use as a guide. He would tell her that Shizuru is a wifewolf and about his senses and abilities. He felt pride in what he could do as a werewolf but at the same time, he didn’t want others to know about it. But, if Yukina and I are going to be married, she has a right to know.
Chapter Seven- Admitting
Kurama sniffed before turning to his window to see a black figure crouched on the bare branches of the nearby tree. He headed over and opened the window with a friendly smile. “Hiei. I did not expect to see you for at least another week.”
“And I did not want to see you losing control of yourself due to your mating desire,” Hiei countered. “I admit that I don’t know how this desire works as I never fell for anyone before.”
Kurama smiled as he leaned down and gave Hiei a deep kiss. When he had pulled back, he said softly, “Hiei, I ask for you to be my mate.”
Hiei fingered one of Kurama’s forelocks before saying, “I will.”
Kurama gave his head a toss and he flickered into Yoko. He gently unwound Hiei’s scarf, pushed aside the coat on the left side, and then sank his fangs into Hiei’s neck, using his energy to make a permanent mating mark. Hiei gave a quick gasp at the bite and when Yoko had withdrawn and became Kurama again, Hiei felt his neck to find a raised mark. “Is that it?” he asked.
“Yes,” Kurama said. “One fox marks the other and all demons will know you have a fox mate and who it is.”
“Hn. Interesting.” He pushed the coat up and put his scarf back on. “Well, I will go see Yukina now.”
“Perhaps you should do that tomorrow,” Kurama suggested gently.
Hiei, who had been at the window, looked back. “Why?”
“Kuwabara is with Yukina right now. Yusuke told me about it.”
“That oaf is still visiting her?”
“He has no reason not to and besides…they recently got engaged.”
“Engaged?” Hiei said slowly with a dangerous tone in his voice.
“Yes and it’ll be after high school graduation at the earliest.” He saw Hiei scowl. “They make each other happy and isn’t Yukina’s happiness what you want?”
“Yes, but being engaged to Kuwabara?”
“He is not the same person you recall. He is more studious and does not fight as much. Also, I spoke to Yukina a few weeks ago and she told me that she wanted to be like your mother: Meeting a nice man and having a family. She hinted that she hoped Kuwabara would propose eventually.”
“Oh. Well…if he makes her happy, I can’t really stop them.”
“If you start over in your familiarity with Kuwabara that may result in the two of you having a deeper respect for the other.”
Hiei knew that Kurama had chosen his words with care for Hiei and Kuwabara had never been friends but were familiar with each other as teammates. Now that his sister was engaged to his teammate, this did seem to be the time to get to know Kuwabara; to start over.
“You have a point,” he said. “I will speak to him of starting over. I’ll have to tell him I’m Yukina’s brother as he’ll want a reason for this talk.”
Kurama nodded as Hiei left. Yusuke had also told Kurama about telling Kuwabara about Yukina and Hiei being related and Kuwabara’s reaction. He further said that Kuwabara had just planned to visit Yukina, but now he had a reason to visit. Only I know that Kuwabara had a reason already. He is going to tell Yukina that he’s a werewolf. He will have to tell Hiei as he will eventually be family.
“Yusuke’s back?” Yukina said, her eyes sparkling happily at this news.
Kuwabara nodded. “I was leaving to see you and he was at the door, ready to knock. We talked as we walked to the station. He congratulated me on our engagement and I asked him to be my best man. He accepted like I thought he would.”
“That’s great. Maybe Shizuru could be my maid of honor.”
“I’m sure she’d like that.”
“And maybe Kurama could walk me down the aisle.”
“How about your brother? I just found out about him.”
“You did? Oh, Kazuma.” She gave him a hug. “Who is he?”
Yukina blinked and then smiled. “I suspected he was. All the times he visited me before he left for Demon World and he is my height and his eye color matches mine. But, would he really come to our wedding? I know he doesn’t like you.”
“Yes, but he cares about you. I would be willing to start over with him as we’ll be in-laws. So, have you thought of the wedding day and honeymoon?”
“I’ve thought about it and I think our wedding night would be romantic if it’s a full moon night.”
“It would,” Kuwabara said slowly. “But I think a non-full moon wedding night would be better.”
“You really think so?”
He nodded. “I found out why Shizuru was excited about my birthday. After I let here, she was waiting with a cake and a surprise. She revealed that on my sixteenth birthday, I would officially become a…werewolf.”
“A what?”
“A werewolf. There are lots of families in the world that are werewolves and all the children in those families carry that trait. Shizuru’s a wifewolf, a female werewolf and she’s been wanting to tell me for years. I’m guessing telling me before I was sixteen is not allowed. Could be tradition which seems stupid to me.
“I have the strength, speed, and senses of a wolf and I can turn the senses on and off while I’m human. I can turn into a wolf when I want and still able to talk. I learned that minor wounds heal quickly and that my saliva can heal deeper wounds and heal the injuries of other animals, humans, and demons.”
“Wait. You can heal the injuries of others? Like this?” She pushed back her sleeve to expose her burn.
“Yeah, like that and it works even when I’m human. Would you like me to do it?”
“Yes, and as a wolf, please. I want to see what you look like.”
“All right.” Kuwabara shifted into wolf form and, as Yukina stared, he ran his tongue over the burn. The ice apparition looked at her arm and watched in amazement as her burn faded away. “Amazing,” she said.
“Yeah, it is,” Kuwabara said. “I was told that on the full moon, I’ll only speak as a wolf and heed to wolf impulses. This is why a full moon wedding night is not a good idea.”
“Of course. We can plan our wedding and honeymoon around it.”
“So…you’re okay with me being a werewolf?”
“Kazuma, I love you. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re a werewolf, a human, or whatever. It’s your personality I’m attracted to.” She reached out and stroked his head.
He sighed. “I should have known that you wouldn’t fear me or see me as a monster.”
“You’re no monster, Kazuma. This part of you makes you special.” She smiled in amusement as her stroking lulled Kuwabara to sleep.
Chapter Eight- Attack
Yukina took the opportunity to really look at her fiancée. He was larger than a normal wolf and his fur matched his hair save for his chin, chest, and underside; they were white. His ears were quite pointed and his muzzle was long with sharp teeth.
She paused at this. Those teeth could turn someone into a werewolf or wifewolf if they bite on the full moon; Kuwabara hadn’t said as much, but it was pretty much a given. I wonder if that also applies to demons. Not that I would want to be bitten, I’m just wondering. However, his healing abilities are cool. She looked at her left arm. For years, she had sported a burn mark where a fire talisman had touched her; even her healing powers couldn’t get rid of it, but with Kuwabara’s saliva, it was now gone.
He said he has the speed, senses, and strength of a wolf even when human. He told me he could be a wolf when he wants and still talk and can heal wounds. I have no doubt of that as the proof is right in front of me: My healed arm and Kazuma sleeping in wolf form. She rose and went in to write a note for Kuwabara which she left next to him before heading to her personal garden to tend the flowers there. Kuwabara did not stir once. His worry about my reaction must have kept him from sleeping peacefully. He is so sweet, she thought as she entered her garden.
She smiled and hummed softly as she removed weeds, pruned the plants, added fertilizer, and watered them before sitting back on her heels to admire her work. She enjoyed gardening and made sure to tend the gardens every day to ensure that the flowers and plants flourished.
She then rose to head for the main garden. Kurama had delivered a few potted flowers last week and she had cared for them. Now they were ready to be put in the garden. She had already set aside a place for them and had prepped the area so that the transfer would be smooth and easy.
She had just dug the last hole for the flowers when she heard low chortling and sensed demon energy approaching her. She looked up and over to see three hulking demons. They were similar to one another in that they each had two horns and four eyes but different skin colors.
“You Yukina, the ice apparition?” a blue-skinned one asked in a low voice.
“I am,” she said, keeping the tremble out of her voice.
The three of them exchanged gleeful looks that made her nervous. “We heard stories,” a yellow-skinned one said. “That ice apparitions are capable of producing Hiruseki stones that sell for a very good price.”
“Yes,” the third one with green skin said. “So, how about a deal? You give us some of those stones, we sell them, and give you a portion of the profits as thanks.”
Yukina’s face hardened. They clearly don’t know how the stones are made and I’m not about to tell them. “My stones are not for sale,” she stated. “If that is the only reason you’re here then go back home.”
“We thought you’d say that,” the blue one said. “So, we’ll take you with us and still get rich off your stones.” He reached for her but stopped short when his hand met up with a barrier.
“Leave me alone,” Yukina ordered.
The yellow one laughed derisively. “Oh, the little girl knows how to put up a barrier. Too bad it won’t do you any good.”
The blue one drew back an arm, his claws glowing with energy. He swung his arm and the barrier shattered when his claws came into contact with it. She gave a cry of alarm as she fell backwards due to the force of the shatter. The three demons laughed but it was cut off by the sound of snarling anger.
Kuwabara opened his eyes and blinked before yawning. He got to his paws and shook himself before seeing he was alone and a note in Yukina’s handwriting caught his attention. He read the note that said Yukina was in the garden, he was welcome to join her, and if he could stay in wolf form. I don’t see why not, he thought. I’ll be a wolf for three nights this coming week and speaking of Yukina, Shizuru was right. My wolf half sees her as my mate.
He stretched his legs, went down the stairs, and headed toward the garden. Maybe I can help dig some holes if she’s planting, he thought. He sniffed for Yukina’s scent and found it, along with three unfamiliar demon scents. Curious, he quickened his pace and turned the corner in time to hear Yukina cry out and the demons laughing. Kuwabara bared his teeth and a low growl sounded before he snarled in anger. They dare hurt my Yukina? They’ll pay!
The demons turned as Kuwabara charged and leaped, his claws and teeth latching onto the arm of a yellow-skinned demon. He yelled in pain and flailed his arm to dislodge the werewolf but Kuwabara hung on.
“Get it off! Get it off!” he howled to his companions. The green one rushed over to help but Kuwabara absent himself and the two demons collided with a satisfying thud and staggered back rubbing their heads as they had hit rather hard.
He softly snickered at the collision and then yelped as the blue one swung an arm at him. He felt pain in his left foreleg as he was sent flying to land on his side behind Yukina. He heard her cry his name and then rush to his side.
Kuwabara licked his leg to heal the wound, got up, and then collapsed. He suddenly felt weak and ill. He sniffed and found his nose wasn’t working the way it was earlier. He inhaled deeply and a repulsive smell reached him. He craned his neck and saw a few potted Wolfsbane plants nearby! My weakness! I can’t protect Yukina because I’m ill and weak. He whined in distress and the sound broke Yukina’s heart and her anger flared at the laugh of the blue demon.
She flung out an arm and an icy blast of energy erupted from her hand and struck the demons. The blue one, being the closest, was the first to be frozen; encased in a block of ice but still alive. The other two avoided the full freeze but were immobilized as their legs were frozen.
She said in a voice as hard and cold as her nature, “If I release you, will you never come back? Realize that I could have killed you instead of letting you live. Well?” The two demons nodded and Yukina released all three who beat a quick retreat in case Yukina changed her mind.
Yukina exhaled now that the threat was gone and her bravado no longer needed. “You were brave, my love,” Kuwabara said softly.
He whined again and Yukina turned back to him. “Kazuma, what’s wrong?” She put a hand to a cheek and pulled it back. “You’re really warm, even for a wolf.”
“It’s the Wolfsbane. It’s one of my weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses?” she gasped. “You didn’t mention them.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“What can I do?”
“My senses are dull right now, but once I’m away from the Wolfsbane, they’ll sharpen again. I can’t be human again until sunrise and once I eat some raw meat, I won’t be ill anymore.”
Yukina immediately moved the Wolfsbane far away and when she returned, Kuwabara was on his paws and heading for the front steps, staggering as he did so. She rushed to his side and aided him in getting inside and to a room.
“Thank you. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you,” he said.
“You were wonderful, Kazuma. You being hurt gave me the courage to fight back.” She kissed his forehead. “I’ll be back with your meat and some water.” She smiled and left.
Chapter Nine- Bound Promise
The late afternoon’s shadows were lengthening into nighttime ones when Hiei arrived at the compound. He reasoned that Kuwabara had already left so a nighttime visit with Yukina seemed perfect to him. It took him no time to track down Yukina’s energy and as he approached her location, he heard her say, “I hope this will do, Kazuma.”
“Any kind will do,” came Kuwabara’s voice that sounded weak to the fire demon.
There was silence until Kuwabara spoke again, this time sounding stronger. “We have company. He’s just outside the door and don’t you dare run away, Hiei.”
Hiei silently bristled at this. He was no coward; practically everyone knew that. He pushed open the door and stepped in before freezing. Yukina was kneeling in front of a large orange and white wolf. A bowl of water and an empty plate sat between them. There was no sign of Kuwabara and yet his energy was strong in the room and there was no other door out of the room. He focused on the energy and tracked it to find that the source was coming from the wolf!
The wolf bared a grin and its tail gave a swish. “I see you figured it out,” came Kuwabara’s voice.
“How? When?” Hiei demanded.
“I was born a werewolf but I didn’t know until my sixteenth birthday a couple of weeks ago which is when it unlocks.”
So, he’s not fully human now. He’s a werewolf which can be a good and bad thing. On one hand, this makes him a better fiancée since he’s not completely human, but on the other hand, he could be a threat on the full moon. Out loud, he said, “I thought you had already left.”
“That had been the plan but I got exposed to Wolfsbane and now I can’t be human until morning.”
“Wolfsbane keeps you in wolf form?”
“In addition to dulling my senses and making me ill. My senses are sharp again now that I’m away from the plant and eating raw meat makes me feel better.”
“You said weaknesses earlier,” Yukina said. “What else are there?”
“Just silver bullets, although I guess you could add werewolf hunters as they are the ones who possess those bullets.” His gold eyes narrowed at Hiei. “Don’t even think of trying to shoot me with silver.”
“And why would I even think of doing that?” Hiei scoffed.
“Because I know your deepest secret and I told Yukina earlier today.”
Hiei stiffened at this. No! How…? Someone told! I bet it was Yusuke. “Yusuke told you. I’ll kill him.”
“I had the right to know,” Kuwabara snapped. “I’m engaged to Yukina who deserves to know.”
“Yes, I know about the engagement. Kurama told me when I visited him earlier today.”
“Kurama.” Kuwabara nodded and then sniffed for he smelled fox in the room. It was faint but still detectable. He also sensed Yoko’s energy. “Hiei, why am I smelling fox and sensing Yoko’s energy on you?”
“Because fox demon mate claiming season will be starting in a week and…I’ve had feelings for Kurama over the past year. I felt it best to show up before next week as Kurama could lose control of his claiming urge. Now, he won’t.”
Hiei nodded in thanks and then realized that Yukina had been quiet and staring at him. “Yukina?” he prompted.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked with no anger.
“Yeah. Why? I’m not buying the excuse you gave Urameshi before.”
“I was bound by a promise,” Hiei said after some silence. “I wanted a Jagan implant to locate the village and my mother’s stone which I had recently lost. The surgeon would only operate on someone who could stand pain and led a life that interested him.” He fingered his headband. “Obviously, my life did. Now, I didn’t know your name Yukina, but I did know I had a sister. In exchange for the operation, I could not reveal my relation to you if we met. Then, six months after I returned to Demon World, I was drawn into a fight with the surgeon who said that if I win, he would release me from my promise. The fight was a draw, but he released me anyway.” He sighed. “I didn’t want to tell you because if an enemy knew I had a sister, they would use you as bait or a hostage.”
Yukina nodded. “I understand that but I don’t have to worry about that. You would protect me and so would Kazuma.” She gave the werewolf a loving look.
Kuwabara rose to his paws and slowly approached Hiei. “Look, Hiei. I think we got off on the wrong foot when we met. I think I was also being immature toward you which I know now is no excuse. I would like for us to start over since we will be in-laws eventually.” He held out a paw.
Hiei stared at it and Kuwabara was about to lower it when Hiei took it in his hand. “Kurama had said that you are not the same person I first met and I see that he was correct. You have grown up; you were immature back then, I agree with you. Kurama claiming me as his mate is making me see love in a different way. You make her happy which is what I want for her. She could not have chosen better and I would like to have you as my brother-in-law.” He released the paw.
Yukina clapped her hands once. “Now that you’re not enemies-,”
“He was never my enemy,” Kuwabara protested.
“I simply considered him a fool and a moron. He was just an acquaintance,” Hiei added.
“Well, now that you’re friendlier with each other…Hiei, would you walk me down the aisle at the wedding?”
“Walk you where?” he asked, confused.
“In a human wedding, the father of the bride walks her to the altar where the groom waits. If the father isn’t available, then the mother would do it or another family member.”
“And since both parents are either unavailable or dead, the honor would fall to me,” Hiei said. He gave Yukina a true smile. “I would be happy to walk you down the aisle.”
Yukina gave a joyful laugh as she hugged Hiei who had stiffened from the contact. She then giggled at realizing this. “You better get used to hugs. You’ll get more in the future.”
Hiei looked over at Kuwabara as he was released. “Who else is involved in this wedding?”
“Well, we were thinking Shizuru would be Yukina’s maid of honor and Urameshi would be my best man. Those two roles are usually filled by the best friends of the bride and groom but family can fill them too.”
“And since Shizuru will be family, I like having her as my maid of honor,” Yukina said. She paused and then asked, “Kazuma, does Yusuke know you’re a werewolf?”
“Uh, well…no. I was more focused on telling you.”
“He should know,” Hiei said. “Tell him…or I will and I may tell him in a way you won’t like.”
Kuwabara swallowed hard. He had no idea of how Hiei could tell Yusuke, but he didn’t want to find out. I’ll tell him tomorrow.
Chapter Ten- More Telling
Kuwabara stood on the sidewalk near the café where Kurama and he had talked a little over a week ago. It had taken him very little time to get to the station from the compound due to his speed. He liked being faster and his senses were cool as well.
Now he was looking to tracking Yusuke. He had dropped by Yusuke’s house to find that he had already left for work. He had no idea where the food truck was and decided to re-trace Kurama and his steps. So, I headed toward home and Kurama… He flared his nose and picked up the faint smell of fox. He started down the sidewalk, following the scent. He soon smelled cooking ramen and looked around. His gaze landed on a food truck and he could see Yusuke bustling around in it. He grinned in triumph as he headed over.
There was a line and Kuwabara joined it. He read the menu that was posted on either side of the order window. He selected a spicy one and waited until it was his turn. “One spicy ramen,” he said.
Yusuke turned to him with a grin. “Hey, Kuwabara. Spicy ramen, huh? You got it.”
Kuwabara paid and as Yusuke worked, he asked, “Can we talk, Urameshi?”
“Sure. I’ll be closing up in two hours for a lunch break. I was thinking of eating at Keiko’s. She was thrilled when I showed up earlier this week. She’s also pleased that I’m working.”
“Two hours. I’ll be waiting outside the restaurant.” He received his bowl and the tang of spices hit his nose. Wow. Urameshi can cook. Who knew? He carefully sipped the broth as he walked away. His tongue tingled with the spicy taste and his licked his lips in appreciation. He can really cook.
“Yusuke,” Keiko said with a smile two hours later as her fiancée walked in. “Oh. Kuwabara, hi.”
“Hey, Keiko,” Kuwabara said as he led Yusuke to a corner table. The two sat in silence, the taller boy gathering his thoughts and waiting for Keiko as he felt she needed to know for she was going to be invited to the wedding too.
She soon arrived with Yusuke’s favorite dish and two glasses of water. “Kuwabara, Shizuru told me you proposed to Yukina and that she accepted. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. Uh, please stay Keiko. I need to talk to you and Urameshi both.”
“Sure. I’m on break anyway.” She sat beside Yusuke.
“Okay. You know I had my birthday recently. Well, Shizuru revealed that everyone in my family when they turn sixteen officially becomes a werewolf or wifewolf.”
Yusuke gave a snort of laughter. “A werewolf? Oh, come on!”
Keiko, however, saw the serious look on Kuwabara’s face. “Is this a bad thing?” she asked.
“Oh, no. It’s good and bad, actually. My senses are sharper, I’m faster and stronger, and can change into a wolf when I want. I had to change the night of my birthday as that’s what happens and I will change the next three nights. I’ll only speak as a wolf but I will be self-aware.”
“The next three nights,” Keiko said. “The full moon.”
Kuwabara nodded. “I’m starting to feel the flare-up of my desire for meat, a side effect of the moon.”
“Any signs during the moon?” Yusuke asked, now believing his friend. “You know, pointed ears or something?”
“Nope. None of that.”
“But surely there are weaknesses, right?” Keiko asked.
“Yes. Silver bullets and Wolfsbane. I got exposed to Wolfsbane yesterday.”
“What happened?”
“My senses were dulled, I became weak and ill, and stuck in wolf form until this morning. My senses recovered once away from the Wolfsbane and eating raw meat took care of being weak and ill.”
“Ill in what way?”
“Well, according to Yukina, I felt warm for a wolf. So, it seems I run a fever.”
“Yukina knows?” Yusuke said. “Is that why you wanted to go alone?”
“Yeah. Shizuru said if I didn’t tell her before the full moon, my delay of telling the truth and my wolf impulses would distract me and make me an aggressive wolf and that would be very bad.”
“You can bite someone into a werewolf on the full moon, right?” Yusuke asked. “I mean, that is what werewolves are known for.”
“Yeah, I can but I don’t intend to. If I were to bring another werewolf or wifewolf into the world, it’ll be as a father.” He paused for a moment. “I’m telling you two because our other friends know. Kurama smelled wolf on me, I told Yukina, and Hiei found out when he came to see Yukina last night.”
“Speaking of Yukina, did you tell her what I told you?” Yusuke asked.
“I did and Hiei wasn’t happy when I admitted to him that I know and told Yukina. He figured you told me.”
“Told you what?” Keiko asked.
Kuwabara shot Yusuke a scolding look before saying, “Hiei is Yukina’s brother.” Yusuke then explained why he had kept quiet about it.
Keiko glared at Yusuke. “You knew and didn’t bother to tell me!”
“Hiei was threatening to kill me if I spoke about it. I told Kuwabara because I didn’t think Hiei would come back and I felt he and Yukina deserved to know.”
“Shizuru should know,” said Kuwabara. “She is family.”
“Actually, she knew from the tape, too,” Yusuke said.
“Tape?” Keiko asked. “What tape?”
“The one I tried to hide from you before I told you what it was.”
“Oh! That tape.”
“So, everyone is our group knows about us,” Shizuru said at dinner that night.
“Well, Urameshi’s my friend and he’s going to marry Keiko at some point so she would need to know. Kurama knew through my smell, Yukina’s my fiancée so she had to know, and since Hiei’s her brother, I had to tell him. By the way, why didn’t you tell me he was her brother? You’re human; you could have told me.”
“I could have but Botan seemed so alarmed when Yukina mentioned why she was at the tournament that I suspected that no one was to speaking of it. I’m sorry, bro.”
“Seems like Hiei was threatening people with death if they told. Ah, well, it’s out now. Yukina told me she suspected it before I confirmed it. Oh, and Yukina would like you to be her maid of honor.”
“I accept. Yusuke’s your best man, right?” She got a nod as Kuwabara’s mouth was full of meat. She took a bite of her own and thought.
Tomorrow is the full moon. We will go back to our special spot where we will transform, talk as wolves, hunt, and play. Kazuma won’t be aggressive as he’s told all our friends. He’ll be a normal self-aware wolf and we will have a lot of fun.