Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Joey rolled over and squinted at the clock on the bedside table. It was three in the morning and he inwardly moaned. He was feeling restless and he knew why: He was days away from being married and he was keeping a big secret from his fiancée. Joey Wheeler was a werewolf.
It had been shortly after the separation of his family. He had befriended a boy in his class who seemed to be, fittingly enough, a lone wolf. He had only been in the area for five weeks but it was long enough to befriend Joey and give him the bite to make him a werewolf. That had been the boy’s mission: To turn someone.
Joey learned soon after that he had to change the next three nights in an actual wolf’s body. After that, he could change when he wanted. The full moon had an unusual effect on all werewolves. Joey would think as a wolf and would have wolf ears, a tail, and walk on all fours.
His first three nights after the bite found Joey in the body of a wolf pup as he was a kid at the time. He had slept in the park those nights with the first one being the last full moon of the month.
Joey had learned a lot about being a werewolf over the years. He had gotten stronger, faster, and had sharper senses that he could turn on and off. He found that he was allergic to silver and would grow weak and ill in the presence of Wolfsbane. He also had to be careful with his emotions; most specifically, anger. A loss of temper could cause his ears to become pointed or a tail to sprout. Once, his teeth had turned sharp. Luckily, no one saw that.
He had hidden his condition from his friends and felt proud over his success. But now, he was about to live with another and his behavior was sure to be noted and commented on. I should tell him before the wedding, but would he believe me? I know he is dismissive of magic, the supernatural, and having a past life, but he also loves me. So, if he doesn’t believe me, I can prove it. I’ll tell him tomorrow. I just hope he still loves me. Joey closed his eyes and fell asleep next to his fiancée Seto Kaiba, his decision easing his anxiety.
Sunlight fell on Joey’s face and he squinted at the light as his eyes cracked open. Once his eyes had adjusted to the light, they focused on Kaiba who smiled at him. “Morning, Seto,” he said.
Kaiba kissed his nose. “Morning, Joey,” he replied. Joey simply loved it when Kaiba greeted him like that in the morning. It was hard to believe that the two of them would fall in love, much less be engaged. They had had a bitter rivalry for a long time but during the Grand Championship, Joey had re-thought his feelings toward Kaiba. He realized that he actually respected the brunette. It was during the Memory World adventure that he realized that he loved Kaiba.
He had gotten the change to confess to Kaiba on the boat ride to the Ceremonial Duel. His being a werewolf had given him the courage to tell Kaiba and not care what Kaiba said. So, he had been surprised when Kaiba said he loved him too. The two got engaged a year later.
Shortly after the engagement, Kaiba insisted Joey move in with him. He was only too happy to do so. Kaiba and Joey weren’t the only ones to get engaged: Yugi and Atem, who had gotten a second chance at life and his own body, were also engaged, but won’t marry until after Kaiba and Joey got married. They had gotten invited to the wedding and in return, they promised to send Kaiba and Joey invitations to their wedding once they had settled on a date.
“So, what are you up to today?” Joey asked as they got out of bed.
“Just confirming our honeymoon plans. I want to spend the day with you.”
Kaiba nodded. “I have things I want to share with you before the wedding. I’ve debated on this for some time and feel I should tell you as you deserve to know.”
Joey laughed. “We sometimes think too much alike, Seto. I have something to tell you too. The thing is, I don’t know if you’ll believe me.”
“Joey, I always try to believe you.”
“I know but I’m also afraid that you won’t love me anymore.”
Kaiba took Joey’s arms in his hands. “Why wouldn’t I love you anymore?”
Joey looked into Kaiba’s eyes. “Seto…I’m a werewolf.”
Kaiba blinked. “You are?”
“Yeah and I can prove it.” Joey backed away and began to change. Gold fur bloomed all over his body, his hair turning to fur. His muscles enlarged on his torso and limbs before going to all four, his hands and feet becoming paws, the claw concealed within. A long full tail grew out behind him while his nose and jaws formed a muzzle and his ears gained points and moved to the top. His eyes remained brown but had a wolf’s intensity.
Kaiba stared for a moment before saying, “Born or bitten?”
“Bitten when I was seven. I learned a lot over the years. I learned to control my strength, speed, and senses. I had real trouble controlling my temper, especially anger. One time when I got angry, all my teeth turned sharp. I was lucky no one saw that.
“The full moon is totally different from what they show in movies and stories. I walk on all fours with wolf ears and a tail. I also-,”
“Think like a wolf,” Kaiba cut in. “You can also bite others into a werewolf on the full moon, day or night.”
“Yeah. How do you know that?”
Kaiba smiled. “Because I’m a werewolf too.”
Kaiba nodded and began to change. He was soon a muscular brown wolf with blue eyes. Joey’s tail swished. “Oh, Seto. You look good as a wolf.”
“You do too, Joey. I was bitten later than you. It was my stepfather who bit me and I was an adult wolf the next three nights. I resented the hell out of Gozaburo for doing this to me and I kept sprouting a tail and claws every time my anger flared up.
“Mokuba knows I’m a werewolf and doesn’t want me to bite him. A good thing as I would have to talk him out of it if he had asked.
“Joey, once we marry, we will be able to spend our full moons together instead of apart as our wolf minds will see one another as mates.”
“Spend them together? You mean that big backyard out there with the electric fence?”
“Exactly. That electricity is more than enough to contain a pack of werewolves.”
Joey managed a wolf’s grin. “Sounds perfect. There’ll also be plenty of food and water, of course.”
Kaiba nodded. “Big juicy raw steaks and a small pond of water.”
Joey licked his chops. “I love raw steak.”
Kaiba nuzzled Joey’s cheek. “I’m glad you told me about being a werewolf.”
“Well, I felt I wouldn’t be able to hide it from you.”
“Speaking of hiding, you should tell Mokuba.”
“I’ll do that now.” Joey left the room as a wolf, happy that Kaiba still loved him. Of course Seto being a werewolf too helps. I know Mokuba will accept my being a werewolf since his brother is one. I’ll be sure to talk to him outside his door before going through the dog door. I had thought it was strange to see dog doors at key points of the house, but now it all makes sense. Joey managed another wolf’s grin. His life was definitely looking up now.