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Servant of the Shadows

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Warning: Character deaths.

Chapter One- The Prediction

The six priests of Atem’s sacred court were gathered around the tower room, a fire crackling way in the center. Isis sat before the fire, eyes closed, and her hands on either side of the Millennium Necklace. Shad and Kalim stood on the side closest to where the room opened up to the outside, revealing a calm night and a star strewn sky. Seto and Aknadin were sitting opposite them, both in meditative states. Mahad observed his friends’ actions before glancing at Isis on his left. His friendship with her was a long one but not as long as his friendship with the pharaoh. However, lately he had found himself spending more time with her and even having dreams about her but not in a sexual way. I think I might be in love with her. I just have to tell her about it.

Suddenly, the Millennium Necklace glowed brightly and Isis’ eyes flew open with shock and she gasped in absolute fear. Her actions naturally drew everyone’s attention.

“Isis, what is it?” Aknadin asked.

“Darkness,” she breathed. “The kingdom shrouded in darkness and ruled by fear and evil.”

“Can you identify the source? Maybe even the enemy?” Mahad gently prodded.

“The source. The source is the Shadow Realm itself. The enemy will come from within; consumed by darkness. Our pharaoh’s reign will come to an end.”

The men exchanged looks before Seto said, “The pharaoh must be informed of this.”

“Agreed,” Kalim said. “But let him sleep for now. We should all get some sleep.”

At this, a round of stifled yawns swept the room. Smiles and chuckles were shared before the group left the tower and descended into the palace. One by one, each guardian retired to their chambers, save for Mahad and Isis the former escorting the latter to her chambers.

“This wasn’t necessary, Mahad but I do appreciate the gesture,” she said at the doorway.

“It was my pleasure. Isis, I have something to tell you. I believe I am in love with you. We have known each other for some time and I would like to spend my life with you.”

“Mahad,” she said, cheeks reddening. She was flattered by his words; enjoyed his company, felt a connection to him that was different from the others. “I think I love you too. I’m glad you told me. Let us talk of it more tomorrow.” She kissed his cheek before disappearing into her room.

Mahad smiled as he headed for his room. His confession had gone well and he and Isis would discuss it tomorrow. He felt so light-hearted that he put the earlier ominous prediction to the back of his mind. Who cared about a darkness when the woman he loved accepted his affections?

Isis smiled as she laid in bed. She never dreamed anyone would admit feelings for her, much less her dear friend Mahad. The man was so dedicated to studying magic, teaching student, and providing security for the palace, the city, and the tombs that she hadn’t considered that he would be interested in anything else. Clearly I was wrong and I look forward to talking to him. I also hope I was wrong about what I saw tonight with the Necklace. She rolled onto her side and was instantly asleep.


Atem’s brows furrowed at Isis’ report. “A darkness, you say? That is serious. Mahad, we must seek out any criminal activity no matter how small and lock them away.”

“Yes, my pharaoh. I’ll begin the patrols at once.” Mahad bowed and left the room, eager to make the kingdom safer. No darkness with extinguish the light of hope and peace we have in this kingdom.

He regarded the troops before him before saying, “We are to search the city for any criminal activity, no matter how small. There is a dark threat on the horizon and pharaoh has ordered a thorough search.”

The guards raised their spears and swore to protect the pharaoh and the city before Mahad split them into units and sending them out into the city, telling them to search every corner before leading the group assigned to searching the marketplace. His eyes scanned left and right, seeing nothing but the people going about their business. They parted before him and the guards as was to be expected.

The Millennium Ring then lit up and pointed straight ahead. Mahad looked ahead to see a figure in a dark robe and hood. His eyes glowed red from within the depths of the hood before the robe parted and a spear hurtled through the air toward the magician.

The flash of a sword flew downward and knocked the spear to the ground in front of Mahad, courtesy of the guard beside him. Mahad glared at the hooded figure before pointing at him and saying, “Seize him.” Two guards came forward, taking the man, and pinning his arms behind him while two more pointed their spears at him. “Take him to the dungeon,” Mahad ordered.

The man’s eyes were now black and as he passed Mahad, his eyes seemed to bore their way into Mahad’s brown ones and the priest felt an unexplainable chill go down his spine. Then the moment passed and he led his unit to resume their patrol.

“The patrol went well, my pharaoh,” Mahad reported some time later. “The cells are nearly full and the prisoners are secure.”

“Very good. We will judge them tomorrow before patrolling again. Again, well done.”

“Thank you.” Mahad bowed and left for the courtyard where he found Isis sitting on one side of the pool. Well, of course, he thought. We made arrangements to meet here as we headed for the Throne Room this morning.

“All went well?” Isis asked as he sat beside her.

“Oh, yes. We will be doing a fair amount of judging tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll be certain to get plenty of rest.”

“As will I. I plan to go down to the dungeons tomorrow to assess which ones need to be judged first.” Mahad frowned as he recalled his odd encounter.

“Mahad? What is it?”

“I encountered an odd man in the marketplace. He wore a black robe with a hood and his eyes were a glowing red. He then hurled a spear at me but it was intercepted by a guard’s sword. As he was being taken away, his eyes were black and they seemed to bore their way into my eyes, perhaps even my soul. I felt a chill go down my spine from the encounter.”

“Of course. I get that feeling just from listening to you describe it.” Isis shivered slightly.

“Well, he’ll be one of the first to be judged as attempting to assault a priest is just as serious a crime as attacking the pharaoh.”

“Indeed it is. I am relieved that you are unharmed, considering how I feel about you.”

“You said you think you love me last night. What about now?”

“I’ve had all morning to think about it. I admire you dedication to your duties and magic. I would consider myself lucky if you showed that same dedication to me.”

“The same dedication,” he repeated. He nodded. “Yes.” He took her hand. “Isis, I promise to always protect and love you. I would give my life to save yours just as I would for the pharaoh.”

Isis’ eyes sparkled at his words. He vowed to love and protect her. That was exactly the level of dedication she had been hoping for. Since he was still holding her hand, she put her free one on his hand. “Mahad that was just what I was hoping to hear. I am touched by your words. I love you.”

“Wonderful. What would you say to a walk around the courtyard while we talk?” he asked as they stood up.

“Sounds perfect,” she answered.

Chapter Two- The Shadows

The Millennium Ring started to glow and flare as Mahad descended the dungeon stairs the following morning. He had spent a lovely afternoon with Isis, talking about their duties, their dueling skills, their hopes and their future.

“I try not to dwell on the future,” Isis had said. “It reminds me of the burden I bear being the owner of the Necklace.”

“Of course. I, however, see a future where we no longer serve on the sacred court, are married, and raising a family.”

Isis had smiled at that. “That is a nice future and I hope it come true one day.”

And it will, he thought. We will root out this darkness she foresaw and the kingdom’s future will be bright again.

He stood at the head of the hall looking into the first of the two cells that lined the corridor. One prisoner had a hateful look that he fired at the priest while another looked fearful. Mahad surmised that he probably looked intimidating in his white robe and glowing Millennium Item. However, the evil in them were relatively minor and so would not be judged first. He proceeded down the corridor, pausing at each occupied cell to gauge their evil. He then listed each criminal, some lower on the list while others were higher. He knew one particular one that would be among the first to be judged. Indeed, his description was at the top of the list.

He was located at the end of the hall, looking infinitely smug and confident. His dark eyes stared intensely at Mahad before flaring red briefly. Again, he felt a chill go through him.

Folding his arms, Mahad informed him, “I would not be so confident if I were you.”

“Really?” the man said in a deep, gravelly voice before giving a dark bark of a laugh. “Priest, you have no idea of the depth of my confidence. It is currently beyond your comprehension.”

Mahad did not deign to rise to the slightly mocking tone in the man’s voice. Instead, he dropped his arms to his side and said, “You will be judged first. Attempting assault on a member of the sacred court is a serious offense.”

“Is it?” The man bared an evil smile. “Well, let’s up the offense to actual assault.” He reached through the bars and seized Mahad’s arm. A dark aura surrounded the man’s body before it leaped through the air and surrounded Mahad. The priest cried out as the dark arura wrapped itself around him before seeping into his body through the Ring, the Item flashing wildly. The man released him as the last of the aura entered Mahad. Mahad staggered back from the cell before fleeing up the corridor. What was that? he wondered. Have I been infected by his evil aura? If so, I should be able to defeat it. I am one of the strongest magicians in the land.

Mahad summoned some guards and handed them the list, stating the last one at the end was first. He headed up to the Throne Room to find everyone else already assembled. He took his place and waited only a few minutes before the strange man was brought in. Oddly enough, he didn’t look smug and confident; now he looked scared and confused. The priests lined up before him and Shada activated the Key. It only took him a few seconds to find what he sought. “I see the shadow of a weak monster.”

“Impossible!” one guard said. “Master Shada, I witnessed this man hurl a spear at Master Mahad. Indeed, I was the one who knocked it aside.”

“There are also plenty of witnesses to this man’s actions,” Mahad added.

While the guard and Mahad were making these statements, Aknadin used the Eye to confirm Shada’s assessment. “Shada is correct. I see a minor monster. Harmless, but it could be dangerous if left unchecked.”

Aknadin’s mild statement stunned Mahad. How could this man have attacked him if the monster inside him was harmless? He continued to ponder that during the trials, but shook it off when he hear Atem ask, “Isis, does the Necklace reveal anything to you?”

All eyes were on her as she focused on her Item. It glowed for a minute before fading. She opened her eyes, showing concern. “Darkness still shrouds the city, but now it blankets the land and the sky. The threat still exists and your reign to still fated to end, my pharaoh.”

Atem kept his face impassive, but inwardly he was worried. Isis was predicting his death, he was sure of it. “All right. Mahad, run another patrol. Seto, see to the storage of the new tablets. Everyone else, study spells and strengthen your dueling skills. Dismissed.”

The court left to obey Atem’s orders and Isis saw mild frustration cross Mahad’s face. “What’s the matter?” she asked.

“It was my attacker. I cannot believe his monster was so minor considering his crime. I also had another strange encounter with him this morning. He touched my arm and looked as if he was transferring a dark arura to me.”

“Are you saying he infected your with darkness?” she asked, sounding afraid.

“If he did, then my magic must have defeated it for I feel no different.”

“That’s a relief. I would hate to think you were the threat.”

“Me too.” He lightly kissed her lips before leaving for patrol.


Mahad stretched as he got ready for bed and stifled a yawn. He had run several patrols, studied spells, and meditated on strengthening his dueling prowess. He was exhausted and decided to sleep. There were going to be more trials tomorrow before more patrols and studying. Mahad got into bed and was asleep almost instantly, not even bothering to remove the Ring.

He was in a black, shifting void that reminded him of the times when he dueled in the Shadow Realm or the shadow of a monster being extracted from evil-doers. He turned around to see nothing but more blackness. “Okay, so I appear to be in the Shadow Realm,” he said to himself.

“That is correct, Priest,” a chorus of voices echoed around him.

“Why am I here?” he demanded.

“We desire a magically strong person and you are perfect. In order to bring you here, we needed to flow into your Item, so we took over the human and had him attack you. When you came down to the cell this morning, we had the man touch you so we could enter your body via the Ring.”

“Enter my body? Then, I was infected with darkness.”

“You have, but it is not active. Eventually, you will be infected when it awakens. We will exist inside you and fill your heart and mind with darkness and shadows and your soul will turn evil.”

“You will not succeed. I am strong enough to fight the evil power of the Ring and I will fight you. I will not become evil or serve you.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. We have the perfect way to bring you to our way of thinking. We hereby lay a curse on you that you will eventually consider a gift.”

Mahad suddenly found himself wrapped in shadow coils from chest to ankles. He saw a band of shadows coming toward his throat and wrap around his neck like a collar. There was a flash and the coils disappeared. “It is done,” the shadows announced. “You are now cursed and will be influenced to be evil and dark.” The Shadow Realm vacated Mahad’s sleep and the priest slept on, dreaming of Isis and a bright future for the kingdom.

He awoke the next morning and he immediately thought of his visit from the Realm. He hopped out of bed and ran to the mirror. He examined his eyes and they looked normal. His gaze traveled down to see a glint of gold at the collarbone. He looked to see a gold band around his neck and in the center of it was a moonstone. He fingered the band and found it was one solid band, no knots to untie and no clasp to be found. I can hide it under the jewelry I traditionally wear. I don’t know if I am truly cursed and if so, I will fight it and if not, I will seek help from the others.

Chapter Three- Influence

This cannot be happening, he thought as he headed for the Throne Room. The shadows have invaded my body and have placed an unbreakable gold band with a moonstone on me. They claim they have placed a curse on me and I suspect the band holds the curse that will activate and spread to me at some point. But, what kind of curse and when will it happen?

Mahad agonized over this turn of events though his agony was on the inside. He thought of Isis’ words when describing the visions she received. She had spoken of darkness, a threat coming from within, and the pharaoh’s reign coming to an end. A threat from within. We assumed the threat was among the citizens, but what if the threat is in the palace and what if I’m the threat? The problem is that I don’t know what kind of threat I am and I doubt the Shadows will tell me in order to insure I don’t take precautions to guard myself or others from it.


The magician priest immediately snapped to attention at Atem’s voice. He knelt. “Yes, my pharaoh?”

“There will be no patrols today. I want you to instruct your students. If this darkness is a magical threat, we will need all the magicians we have to combat it.”

“Yes, my pharaoh.”

Atem nodded before saying, “Dismissed.”

The court dispersed and Isis watched Mahad as he left to gather the students and instruct them. He had gathered lots of criminals over two days and they’ve judged them all, but she knew that the man who attacked him weighed on his mind. He had been working hard to protect the city and the pharaoh. He fears he’s infected with darkness, but feels no different. He certainly doesn’t look or act different. His magic most likely did defeat it.


Mahad regarded his students before him before saying, “The pharaoh has ordered for me to instruct you to help protect the city and the people. He wants our magical defenses to be strong enough to repel any magical attack.”

The students exchanged nervous looks before Mana piped up, “We will do our best, Master Mahad.”

Mahad smiled. “That’s the spirit, Mana. Let us begin by reviewing the basic protection spells before building on them with advanced ones.” The students stood, eager to learn new stronger protections spells.

An hour later, the students were chanting a new advanced spell, having spent time pronouncing the words as well as the order to the words. Mahad strode among them, either listening to them or gently correcting one or two of them. He felt a wave of high protection wash over him and knew his students had succeeded.

“All right, enough,” he said and the spell faded. “Well done, everyone. Take the rest of the day to practice the spell and tomorrow we will study more protection spells, perhaps ones that require the power of nature.”

“Master Mahad,” said one. “Can we learn a full moon protection spell next time?”

“I was thinking of using the sand and the sun for protection. Dismissed.” He watched the students leave and felt relieved at quelling the question. He hadn’t realized until now that he had no intention of teaching a full moon protection spell. The idea of teaching it sent his heart thumping painfully. Why would that be?

It’s best to utilize the sand and the sun for protection as threats tend to attack in daylight. However, if the darkness chooses to strike at night, utilizing the fire from the torches would be a good idea. Wait…if the attacks were to occur on a full moon night, a spell t use that light as protection should be taught.

A laugh in his mind sounded followed by the voice of the shadows. “We wouldn’t dream of striking during the full moon and besides we won’t be attacking the city; you will.”

“I told you before, I will not submit to you. I am dedicated to protecting everyone from danger.”

Again that laugh. “Believe us. You will do our bidding. The curse will see to that, but we will try to influence you to act dark before that happens.”

“No, you will not. I will use my powers to resist you.” He cast a mental spell to seal the shadows to a distant part of his mind. He couldn’t dispel them from his body as they had entered him through his Item. I will need to study, practice, and cast a spell to expel the shadows and their influence from my body and my Item.

The shadows willingly allowed themselves to be sealed. It was all a part of the plan. They could have blasted their power through Mahad’s mind to make him dark and evil, but a sudden change in behavior would have looked suspicious. Instead, they needed to be subtle. One example was the resistance to teaching full moon protection. They couldn’t have their servant teach such a spell and planted the idea of darkness preferring to strike under the cover of dark nights.

We can be patient. Let him think he can resist us. We will make our moves while he sleeps. His defenses will be down at that time and that is when we will begin to influence him to think dark thoughts while making sure he believes he came to these ideas on his own. Then, the curse will strengthen those thoughts and he will eventually revel in his dark, evil nature.

Mahad studied and meditated without further commentary from the shadows the rest of the day. It was with the fall of night that the court agreed to a duel scrimmage in three days. He retired to his chambers, removed the Ring and his other jewelry except the band, of course. He stared at it in the mirror. It was firmly attached around his neck and looked a lot like a dog’s collar. There were no places in which to get a finger hold in order to attempt to break it. He ran his fingers over it, feeling the smooth solid gold. Perhaps I should use a heat spell to melt it off. Yes, that could work. And if not, perhaps the freeze spell. He placed his fingers on either side of the collar and murmured the heat spell. He felt his fingers grow warm as they heated up and did not cease his spell until his fingers were in danger of melting themselves. He waited for his fingers to cool before feeling the collar; no sign of melted gold was felt and a look in the mirror showed it was completely undamaged. Frowning, he moved on to the freeze spell, but got the some results. There has to be a way to remove it. There has to be. He went to bed and fell asleep amidst other spells that might remove the shadow charm.

The shadows sensed Mahad falling asleep and his defenses coming down. They flowed forward to seek an appropriate place to begin influencing. They eventually chose to target his dueling skills. They found that Mahad tended to have his monsters and spells assist his friends instead of helping himself. That will not do. He needs to be more aggressive and selfish. They came across a memory of Seto’s dueling style and liked what they discovered. Yes, perfect. We can manipulate Mahad to consider Seto’s style and by the scrimmage he will duel like Seto only more vicious and aggressive.

Mahad went through the next day, unaware that he was being influenced. He ran a quick patrol before holding a spells class. The students had indeed practiced since yesterday and were eager to learn to harness nature to act as protection. Their eagerness made him happy and just as eager to teach them. Training lasted longer today, but rather than tire out both students and teacher, they proceeded to continue to learn and teach, respectively.

At one point, Mahad checked on his mental sealing spell. It was still in place and strong despite the shadows pushing against it. He smirked. They will never break my spell. They will stay locked away and I will never become a threat.

Mahad ended class and turned his attention to the scrimmage. He reviewed his monsters, spells, and strategies and came to the conclusion that maybe he should be a little more aggressive, like Seto. His style is harsher than my own, but if we hope to defend the city, we can’t go easy on each other.

Chapter Four- Power

The day of the scrimmage had arrived. Atem and Siamun presided over the duel as the six priests broke into two teams. Seto, Aknadin, and Kalim on one while Mahad, Isis, and Shada made up the others. Siamun stepped forward. “The rules are simple. Each priest is allowed one monster either their own or from a tablet. Everyone is also allowed one spell. The duel is over when one team is out of monsters. Begin!”

“Diaha!” they chorused.

Mahad immediately summoned his magician while Isis summoned her Spiria and Shada called Two-Headed Jackal. Seto summoned his Duos, Kalim called Mystic Horseman, and Aknadin called Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress. Mahad’s eyes glittered with anticipation. He had spent time recalling Seto’s past duels and knew the young man favored power to destroy his opponent. It was a tactic Mahad had never approved of- until now. He now saw that his style was too soft and needed to be more aggressive. After two days, he had devised a plan and was ready to put it into action, if Seto did what he anticipated.

He attacked and defended with his usual style, making Seto’s team exhaust their one spell use. Isis’ monster kept their team safe with its Rainbow Barrier as Mahad was the only one who hadn’t used his spell yet. He was waiting for Seto to use his monster’s ability, the crux of his plan.

“Duos, attack!” Seto exclaimed, pointing at Kalim and Aknadin’s monsters. The monster slashed at both which tripled its power. His teammates glared at him in annoyance and even Atem wore a look of disapproval. Mahad, however, was thrilled. This was exactly what he had been waiting for!

“I activate my spell to copy Duos’ ability and add it to my magician,” he announced, eliciting gasps from everyone in the room. Illusion Magician swung its staff at Spiria and Two-Headed Jackal, blasted them, and absorbed their power. Now, his monster was stronger than Duos, Mahad ordered an attack and brutally obliterated Duos which gave his team the win. Mahad grinned triumphantly, uncaring of the others’ reactions. That worked perfectly. Now I know how Seto feels when he wins. The feeling of power is…intoxicating and I would give anything to feel it again.

Seto gaped at Mahad. Yes, the Illusion Magician was marginally stronger than Duos when at normal power levels, but Seto’s aggressive style often won him the victory. He never dreamed Mahad would imitate his strategy to beat him. He destroyed his teammates’ monsters just like I did, however his magician’s attack seemed more brutal then what Duos would do.

“Scrimmage over,” Siamun said into the stunned silence. Mahad, upon hearing that, turned, and left the room. Isis paused before following after him.

“Mahad!” she called, making him pause and once she had caught up, he started walking again. “Mahad, why did you do that? You never turned on your teammates before and you’ve never been so aggressive in dueling.”

“With the threat of darkness still out there and the pharaoh’s life in danger, we can’t afford to be weak. The threat will not hesitate to attack and show mercy. We must respond the same way.”

Isis blinked at the firm answer from Mahad. It did make sense, but the style of Mahad’s dueling was so aggressive and brutal, it was so unlike him. “That is true,” she said finally. “But, you needn’t be that brutal. That’s not like you, Mahad.”

“Generally, it’s not but the way I dueled today is my new style. I rather like it.”

“Well, all right. A new dueling style may be necessary.”

“Of course it is.”


The shadows observed the duel and the conversation with Isis. They were pleased that Mahad did not realize that he had been influenced. It was a good start, but his behavior needed to change further. They had looked through Mahad’s memories and impression of Seto and were impressed by the young man’s attitude. He was obsessed with power and willing to do anything to achieve his ends. Yes, that’s how Mahad should be, only more extreme. We will need to act a bit more quickly this time: The full moon will soon be here.

Mahad awoke the morning after the duel and laid there for a time. His thoughts dwelled on Seto while he slept and were still on his mind now. He didn’t feel love or anything for the Rod owner; more like analyzing his fellow priest’s personality. It was obvious that he was as dedicated to serving and protecting the pharaoh and his love of power was well-known. He long understood the dedication as he had it. The love of power was a trait he now understood. He had felt a thrill from it and he realized that with power came control. The more power one has, the more control one has in any situation. I want to have more power and I will do anything to get and I mean anything. Maybe Seto knows how to do it.


Seto looked up front the scroll he was studying as Mahad sat and posed his question. “You want to discuss power? What kind of power?”

“The kind you clearly enjoy. How you obtained it and keep it.”

Seto slid the scroll to one side and a self-satisfied smirk came to his face. “Ah. I believe I obtained it by having a thirst for knowledge as anyone knows that there is great power in knowledge. That’s what led me to becoming a priest and owner of the Rod.” He put a hand behind him to finger his Item. “The power in the Items are incredible and I often feel a powerful sensation whenever I use it.”

Mahad nodded. He never really thought about the ability of his Item often. He utilizes it, certainly, but never felt a sensation of power when using it. Possibly because he was well aware of the Shadow Magic within, which he sensed was evil.

“Keeping the power once you’ve obtained it is not too hard,” Seto continued. “You simply keep using it, study to learn more, and not be afraid to seek out more ways to obtain power. I daresay, you do that with your magic, yes?”

“You’re correct. I had gotten a taste of power yesterday during our duel and I desired to learn more about it.”

Seto nodded. “I thought that was the reason. I hope I satisfied your curiosity.”

“You have. I’ve learned a lot and as you said, knowledge is power.” Mahad left the library, his mind whirling with all that was discussed. Seto obtained his power by studying and acquiring knowledge. By doing so, he became a priest and was given the Rod and revels in the power it has. In order to keep the power you possess, you simply have to keep using it and be willing to gain more power whenever possible. Seto is correct that I do seek more power with my magic and I believe I will do so now.

Mahad immediately began leafing through the spell books in his chambers, seeing spells that interested him. The only problem was that he wasn’t strong enough to perform them! He clenched his fists in annoyance at his limitation. I’m the most powerful magician in the land, but it appears I’m not strong enough. A gleam caught his eye and he looked down at the Ring. He licked his lips as he recalled the sensation of power Seto got from his own Item. Would I experience the same if I explore my Item’s magic? He closed his eyes as he put his hands on either side of his Item. It glowed and his eyes snapped open as waves of magic power flowed through his mind and body. He failed to notice that the magic from his Item had a dark outline as the power he had received distracted him.

Incredible. I can feel my magic increasing in strength. It is rumored that the Millennium Items will grant their owners one wish and I think the Ring did just that: It sensed my desire to be stronger and has bestowed its power on me.

He eagerly returned to his books and found he would now be able to perform the spells he desired. I’m stronger, but I want more. Not just magical power, but physical and mental power, too. I know where to look for it; I just have to work up the courage to do it.

Chapter Five- The Curse

Mahad studied his books for days, taking time to do patrols, teach, and sleep. He reveled in what he had learned and could do, but kept his new abilities to himself. No one had to know that he was getting stronger. But, it might be noticeable in my new level of confidence, he thought as he prepared for the day after four days of studying. All this power and knowledge I’ve acquired is giving me a confidence that rivals Seto’s, but a bit higher than that. He smirked slightly as he left his room for the Throne Room.

Isis shook her head in dismay. “I still see nothing but darkness, despair, and death.”

The priests and Atem exchanged stunned looks. All their efforts and Isis’ prediction hadn’t changed. Was it impossible to change this future? Atem shook off this feeling as he said, “Mahad, step up the patrols again. Arrest any criminals you find.”

“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad headed off to gather the guards once court was dismissed. He thought of the criminals he had sensed recently and the majority of them were minor. The serious offenders were the real threat. If I find one on my own, he will not be arrested. Serious criminals will only returned to crime even after a Millennium Trial. I have another solution.


The man fell to his knees, his body trembling before the man with the glowing Item. “Please, my Lord, have mercy,” he begged.

“Mercy?” Mahad repeated, his eyes showing contempt as did his voice. “I have detected a great evil in you that no trial will fully expel. Imprisonment is not an option as you will return to crime when released. Therefore, I will use another solution.” He stretched out a hand and put a finger on the man’s forehead before silently casting a spell.

There was a flash and the man was gone; in his place was a rat. The rat ran off and Mahad softly laughed. It worked as I knew it would. I will root out the serious criminals and transform them into harmless creatures. They will have no memory of being human and will act as the animal they become. He laughed a little louder, unaware of a dark tone entering it. He felt his sealing spell weakening but instead of easily strengthening it, he lifted it and allowed the shadows to flow forth and speak to him.

“Changing people into animals? A bit extreme, isn’t it?” they asked.

“Not at all. They will never change their evil ways and that would threaten the safety of the city and the pharaoh. I’ve been given great power to protect and I will use it.”

“We have no qualms about that. It makes perfect sense.” They paused for a moment. “You recall that you are cursed?”

“Yes.” Mahad touched the band under his jewelry that concealed it. “Will you reveal what it is?”

“No, but we will tell you that it will activate tonight. It will run for three nights, these full moon nights. Furthermore, you will be physically powerful.”

This caught Mahad’s interest. “I will?”

“Oh, yes.”

Mahad sensed the connection being closed, but didn’t care. He wondered what kind of curse he had that would make him physically powerful. He was interested to find out more and thought maybe he could research it after patrol as the shadows had hinted that it would only occur during the full moon. I wonder who else deserves to be changed. Mahad left the alley and let his Ring lead him to his next victim.

Mahad had changed two more people into fish before patrol ended. He glanced back at the city as the gates closed. He sensed there were more dangerous criminals out there that he hadn’t found. Perhaps I can use my curse to root them out tonight. Nodding, Mahad headed inside to give a report and then do some research. Atem seemed pleased that the criminals arrested were minor offenses, but concerned that the serious ones were still free.

“We will find them, my pharaoh. Rest assured,” Mahad said.

“I have every confidence that you will succeed,” Atem said. “Now, how are your students doing?”

“They are doing wonderfully. They study and practice hard, eager to help protect everyone.”

“Good, good. Carry on.”

Mahad bowed and left to begin his research. He grabbed everything about curses and the full moon. He hoped to discover a connection and find out what would happen tonight. It didn’t quite happen. He was looking over the first scroll of curses and was fascinated by the ones he read. Some were minor ones that were more like pranks. Others were moderate with no lasting side effects. Mahad read on and on, astonished that he hadn’t looked at them before. He left the library, deep in thought before he looked outside and saw the sun was setting! He quickly went to his room, removed his headdress and jewelry save for the band before pulling on a robe and hood and headed for the gate. He ordered the gate open and headed into the gradually darkening city.

He moved quickly to the outskirts and slipped into a deserted side street and dropped the robe. He was in an ideal place for the moon’s light to shine on him. He watched the sunset fade and looked opposite to see the edge of the moon beginning to rise. He blinked as the dark alley was clearly visible and the moon wasn’t shining in the alley yet. I have night vision! Incredible. He looked down and his mouth dropped. His nails had grown out and resembled sharp claws! What is happening to me? Am I becoming an animal under the curse? If so, that would explain the physical power as some animals are stronger than humans.

He watched in fascination as his hands shaped themselves into paws, his nails hardening into actual razor-sharp claws that were still exposed. He gasped in surprise as his clothes and shoes faded away; only the band remained, the moonstone glowing brightly. He gave a grunt and looked down to see that his feet were now paws with extended claws. His eyes trailed up from his pawed feet to see his leg muscles bulging and growing larger, much, much larger than what any animal would have. The muscles in his body and arms also bulged and grew larger. He knew he probably looked strange: A very muscular naked man with paws for hands and feet.

A surging sensation ripped through him as black fur started to grow all over his limbs, body, and head. It was so black that Mahad knew he could hide in the shadows and no one would ever see him. He felt his spine curve, forcing him to all fours. He felt something push out of the base of his spine and craned his head to see a bushy black tail swinging side to side. He faced forward and he saw his jaws and nose elongating into a muzzle and his teeth turning sharp. He felt his ears move upwards and guessed they were pointed now. His eyes turned red and glowing and he felt darkness and shadows fill his heart. He howled to the night and Mahad, in the second before his human mind was shoved aside, now knew what the curse was: He had become a werewolf!

The wolf stalked out of hiding, sniffing the air. He was hungry and desired to eat. He smelled potential prey and headed toward it. His eyes swept side to side as his nose guided him. The scent grew stronger and he realized that there wasn’t just one prey; there were several! He licked his chops at the idea of a feast.

He reached the edge of the marketplace and he saw the humans milling about. Humans, his mind snarled. He hated humans and so wanted to kill them. And so I will, he decided. He howled again before charging into the crowd. Screams reached his ears and he growled as he lashed out, his claws catching a child in the throat. He fell with a gurgle before dying. The wolf smelled the scent of death and it sent him into a killing frenzy. He growled and snarled as he chased down humans with his muscular legs, slashed out with his claws, tore throats out with his teeth, and enjoyed the chaos and terror he caused. He eventually dragged a corpse away and feasted on it in peace before slipping away into the darkness to sleep; not even the gold band and moonstone around his neck like a collar could be seen in the shadows.

Chapter Six- Higher Brutality

Mahad blinked at the sun on his face as he uncurled himself. He looked around in confusion: He was not where he last recalled. Uh, what happened last night? I remember turning into a wolf, but after howling, it’s all a blank. However, I feel a sense of darkness still in my heart. He got to his feet, seeing he was wearing his clothes and shoes again. He walked out of the alley and froze at what he saw. There were corpses littering the area! There were also guards who were either taking care of the bodies or talking to the people. His presence caught the guards’ attentions and one came up to him and knelt. “Master Mahad,” he said, not mentioning the fact that the magician wasn’t wearing his headdress.

“What has happened here?” he asked, stunned at the devastation.

“Citizens claim a muscular black wolf attacked last night and killed all these people. A couple of them claim it dragged a body off and it’s likely the wolf ate it. We’ll look for the remains.”

“Do it. I will report this tragedy to the pharaoh.” The guard rose and bowed as Mahad headed for the palace, passing the bodies as he did so. He felt horrified by what he saw: Claw marks had ripped skin from the bodies, some had their throats torn apart, and others had been mauled to death. He knew without a doubt that it had been his claws and teeth that did these horrors. I turned into a vicious killer werewolf and the shadows did this to me. I am the threat Isis predicted!

“Impressive, isn’t it?” the shadows purred. “You were an efficient killer.”

“You saw everything? I don’t remember a thing.”

“That’s part of the curse. You thought as a wolf with a grudge against humanity. That is why you attacked and since you were in wolf form, your human side was suppressed, and thus you have no memory of what you did.”

“That’s awful, terrible.”

“Is it? You desire power in all its forms. As a werewolf, you have the physical power you wanted.”

Shadows swirled in Mahad’s eyes before dissipating and descending on his mind. “You’re right. I saw the muscles I had as I changed. I liked what I saw and I want to see it again.”

“And so you will, at least two more times before the moon wanes.”


Atem gaped at Mahad’s words. “A wolf attack? I have never heard of one before.”

“Neither have I, but there are witnesses to the event.”

Atem shook his head in dismay. Several of his subjects were killed and one reportedly eaten. This was far worse than criminals moving among the populace for the latter didn’t resort to murder for most part. It seems Isis’ prediction is finally coming true. “Mahad, see to the assigning of guards to protect the people. Day and night patrols.”

Mahad knelt. “Yes, my pharaoh.” He rose and once out of sight, he frowned. While the day shift wasn’t a concern, the night one was. He couldn’t stay in the palace; he had to get away from the city also. He may not be in control when transformed, but he could control where he changed. He gathered the guards and split them into day and night shifts before splitting them into small groups to make sure everyone can get some rest. Once that was settled, the current day shift continued their duty while the other went to sleep or prepared for their new shifts.

He had just entered the palace when Isis ran up to him and into his arms. “Mahad, I heard about the wolf. This is terrible.”

“Believe me, I’m still having trouble dealing with the news. I have already stepped up security.”

“Of course. We cannot allow people to die. The wolf must be driven off or, if necessary, killed.”

“Naturally,” he replied but inside he was stunned by Isis’ words. Then again, no one knows that I’m the wolf. Isis may understand if I tell her and make it clear that I am not in control.

“She won’t understand. No one will understand. But, if you don’t believe us, then go ahead and tell her.”

“I’ll ask hypothetically.”

“Isis,” he said slowly. “Suppose this wolf is actually a cursed human. Someone who had never killed before and had no control when transformed. What then?”

“Well, that would be awful and of course wouldn’t confess for fear of punishment. I expect that if they suspect they’re cursed that they will take precautions to prevent killing again. If not, then killing them will be necessary. We cannot let a cursed human run around and kill as they please.”

“Well, hopefully it’s just a wolf.”

“See?” the shadows said. “She doesn’t understand.”

Mahad supposed the shadows had a point. No one would understand that he was a werewolf. But I didn’t know what I would become last night. Now I know and I will do what I can to protect the people from my bloodthirsty tendencies.

Mahad guided the first unit of the night shift into the city and stationing them where the greatest concentration of people lived and at the marketplace where the attack had occurred. Once they were in place, Mahad slipped into an alley and quickly headed out into the desert. He continued to move, desperate to put lots of distance between himself and the city. Perhaps, if I can’t see it, I won’t be tempted to attack.

The desert sands glowed with the fading sunset. The eastern sky was already dark, but no moon yet. He watched the night sky take over, day becoming night. The moon began to rise and as its light fell on Mahad, he felt the darkness in his heart spread to consume the organ before sweeping through his body. It would be so easy to give into the darkness; it is so strong. He felt and saw his change occur faster than before, most likely because his body had adjusted to the curse. Once again, he had the mind of a wolf who was ready to hunt, kill, eat, and cause terror. He looked around growled. No humans. How was he supposed to expend his vicious feelings if there were no humans? His nose inhaled the air and he caught a human scent that was his, but he didn’t know it was his. All he knew was he smelled a human and he would follow it to kill it and maybe others.

He raced across the sand, consuming distance quickly with his larger muscles. He soon arrived at the gate of the city and the myriad of human scents was almost overwhelming. He gave a howl of delight before racing into the city and toward where he smelled the most humans. Once again, screams erupted and his killing frenzy was triggered. He saw a human frozen in fear and knew she would die first. He charged toward her and suddenly there was another target in front of him and he had a spear in his hands. He slunk toward the spear-wielding human, eyes locked on his target. He growled softly before lunging to the left, his jaws seizing the wooden handled and wrenching it from the human. He tossed it aside before knocking the human down and killing him.

He saw more humans with spears charging toward him. He snarled at the armed people. This is more trouble than it was worth. Best to retreat, he thought. He started to run for the gates. The humans ran after him, yelling. He passed by one human, saw a flash of metal, and then pain in his side. He yelped and then dark feral anger burned through him.

He whirled around, snarling angrily. His eyes glowed brighter, the fur on his spine standing up. He lunged forward, chomping down on a leg, and ripping it off. The human screamed as he fell to the ground. The wolf leaped onto him and ripped him to pieces. The thrill of the kill sent him to a higher level of brutality. He was soon a whirlwind of destruction as he murdered the remaining guards there before murdering some more people and then eating from each of the guards.

He licked his chops as he swallowed the last of a kidney. He gazed at the death and terror he had caused and his tail swished happily. He had had a wonderful night and looked forward to next time, but for now he needed to sleep and slipped into the darkest shadows to avoid detection.

Chapter Seven- Dark Surrender

Mahad was horrified when he found himself in an alley. Somehow I found my way back. I probably smelled my human scent and followed it. Gods, why didn’t I think of that possibility? He emerged from his hiding spot to see a scene of utter horror. The guards he had led last night had been mutilated; ripped to pieces! It was far worse than the previous night. I don’t believe this. I killed my own men!

“Technically, they’re not your men,” said the shadows. “They are humans, you are a werewolf. Two entirely different species.”

“But, I killed again and after I tried to prevent it.”

“Mahad, you can’t deny the werewolf’s desire for terror, death, and taste for human flesh. No matter what precautions you take, the wolf will satisfy its desires.”

“There is one thing I can do that will succeed: I will confess to the pharaoh and insist I be killed.”

“No!” the shadows howled. “You mustn’t!”

“Sorry, but I will. I should have done so yesterday.”

“Mahad, if you try to tell, we will use the band to permanently turn you into a wolf, unable to talk or do magic.”

Mahad had been heading for the palace gates when the threat brought him up short. “What? No magic!?”

“That’s right. Yes, we desired a magically strong person, but we do have other options. Perhaps Seto, or the pharaoh, or maybe your dear Isis.”

“No! Leave them alone!”

“Then swear you won’t tell and they will be spared.”

Mahad sighed. “I swear I will never tell anyone.”

“Good. You know, you seemed to fear no magic than no speech.”

“I assume I can’t speak as a wolf except for wolf sounds.”

“Well, yes. But we would have taken away the wolf sounds and left you mute.”



Atem’s face darkened as Mahad finished his report. “First the citizens and now the guards along with more citizens. This is unacceptable! Mahad, tell the guards to kill the wolf by any means necessary. This ends tonight!”

“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad bit his lip once out of sight. Atem was determined to protect the city and he was sure to be in danger tonight: Serious danger.

“Use your position as captain to misdirect your troops so that you will be safe.”

Misdirect. Yes, I could do that. If I send most of them to the desert t search for the wolf, I’ll be safe from serious danger. Thing is, lying does not come naturally or easily to me. But, in the meantime, I want to explore my Item’s magic some more.

Mahad retired to his room, put on his Item, closed his eyes, and put his hands on both sides of it. He missed the dark aura rising from it and was unaware of it wrapping around his head before sinking into it, filling his mind with dark, evil thoughts. He opened his eyes that were full of shadows before fading away. A smug smirk came to his face and he felt confident and smarter than the people around him. He was also now more powerful than before, magically speaking. I will be able to misdirect the guards and if my words will not do the job, then I will use my magic to convince them.


The guard who saved Mahad from the spear, blinked at the magician’s statements. “You want us to search the desert for the wolf?”

“Yes. The pharaoh has ordered it. I believe the wolf lives somewhere out there as it only terrorizes us at night. If you start searching around sunset, you might encounter it and if you do, stop it. The pharaoh has given us the authority to use any means necessary, which includes killing it.”

“Yes, Master Mahad.”

“Good.” He split the guards, putting most of them on desert patrol as well as the more-experienced guards. He put the highest-ranking one in this group in charge and instructed him to insure that everyone got some sleep. The guard swore he would and that they would kill the wolf if they found it. “That what we all want,” Mahad said. “Good luck.” The same smug smirk appeared once the guards’ backs were turned. That had been too easy. They trust me which is as it should be. That trust will be their undoing.

Mahad watched as the city guards went on patrol before slipping out of sight. This would be his last night as a wolf and though he wouldn’t remember it, he already knew that there would be death and terror. He enjoyed seeing the aftermath despite feeling awful about the destruction. Can’t do anything about that. The wolf desires death, terror, and human flesh. Perhaps it’s best to think that way even when in human form. Mahad took a calming breath and let it out slowly as he took his wolf form and mind once more.

The shadows were pleased as their servant terrorized the city to his heart’s content. He didn’t limit himself to the marketplace or the densely populated areas. He even stalked victims in their homes. He was making it known that no place was safe from his claws and teeth. This is wonderful! they cheered. The wolf in him is a terrible wonder to behold. Best of all, Mahad is considering giving in to thinking like the wolf when human. If he sticks to that decision and indulges in the dark thoughts in his head, he will gladly do what we want.

Mahad awoke the next day not feeling the least bit confused or apprehensive. He actually felt pleased at the death he saw on the way back to the palace. The despair, the sorrow, and the slightly accusing looks. Hmm, I wonder if they will petition the pharaoh to do something about the wolf than what he’s already tried. But that will take time as they have t mourn the dead. And I plan to behave vicious and aggressive like a wolf despite my human appearance.

That’s right, Mahad, the shadows purred. Accept your curse, see the behavior as necessary and the curse as the gift we promised. Do not care what others might think. You are so much better than they are.


Atem propped up his head in his hand, his purple eyes fixed ahead, unfocused. Yet another night of terror, despite the patrols. Was this not an ordinary wolf? That’s possible, even likely. Not one animal has been harmed; all the dead are human. Stories tell of people who turn into vicious killer wolves even though they do not remember killing anyone. The stories also say that these attacks occur on the full moon. I will have another day and night shift today and if no attacks occur, then that will be positive proof that our wolf is actually a werewolf. If that’s the case, how do we find out who it is and how do we stop them? I need to do some research. He stood up, catching Siamun and the guards’ attentions.

“My pharaoh?” Siamun inquired.

“I’m going to do some reading in the library. I will return later.”

“Yes, my pharaoh.”


Hmm, it appears if we have a werewolf, it would be a newly-turned one as we didn’t have any attacks on the last cycle. It’s most likely a criminal, seeing as a decent person would have killed themselves after the first night when learning they killed.

Speaking of kill, werewolves are hard to kill as they are supernaturally fast and a glancing hit will heal fast. A fatal hit must strike the heart or the brain. Slicing off the head will work too. Of course, it’s easier if you can identify the werewolf in its human form. Hmm, the fast heal would help identify the werewolf, but I can hardly have the prisoners injured to test that. Another possible sign is short temper as well as aggressive behavior which would be difficult to detect with criminals as they tend to be short-tempered and aggressive anyway. Still, the fact that deaths have occurred may make finding the werewolf easier as murder is the ultimate evil act and Mahad’s Ring would react strongly to that.


Mahad led a midday patrol and felt restless in doing so. The Millennium Ring had not been detecting evil lately, most likely because he was becoming evil and thus the Ring would not work like it used to. That’s fine. I like being evil and dark. I’ve been a fool, fighting for light. Darkness and evil can never be destroyed; only temporarily defeated. I now see the truth and I now pledge my loyalty to the darkness and I will faithfully serve the shadows forever.

Chapter Eight- Acceptance

“A few criminals have been found, but no deaths, my pharaoh.”

Atem nodded. “This confirms a theory I developed yesterday.” He saw his court hanging on his every word. “I believe these attacks were done by…a werewolf.”

“A werewolf, my pharaoh?” Aknadin asked. “May I ask why you believe this is so?”

“We had no attacks like this on the last cycle leading me to conclude the person is newly-turned. Also, all the attacks occurred during the full moon. My research points to werewolves only attacking humans and our only deaths were humans. I believe our werewolf is a criminal for a good person would have either killed themselves or turned themselves in after learning of deaths after the first or second night.”

“My pharaoh, how will we find him?” Seto asked.

“There are signs, but two are linked to criminals. Those two are short temper and aggressiveness. The definitive sign is healing quickly. Any injury will be gone in seconds or minutes depending on the severity. Inflicting an injury is difficult as werewolves are exceptionally fast.”

“Shall we test the criminals we have in the cells?” Seto asked.

“No. They will simply be judged. If we found our werewolf, the trial should reveal that. Mahad, have the first one brought up.”

Mahad bowed and left the room. He thought of what Atem had revealed. Werewolves heal fast. That’s interesting. He looked down at his Item, particularly the points. Holding the Ring in his right hand, he slashed a point across his left palm. He hissed in pain as it cut his skin, blood welling up. He carefully licked off the blood and watched as his wound healed itself in seconds, leaving smooth skin behind. Incredible and the pharaoh also said werewolves are fast, short-tempered, and aggressive. I will have to stay calm and patient to avoid attracting attention. The last thing I need is for the pharaoh or anyone else suspecting I’m the werewolf.

“You shouldn’t have to conceal it,” the shadows said, “You should be proud of what you are and if anyone threatens your life or lifestyle, you can just kill them.”

More shadows swirled in his eyes as he replied slowly, “Yes. I will just kill any threats.”

Mahad brought up the first prisoner, feeling confident and certain of his condition. He was proud of being a werewolf and disdainful that no one understood the gift he had been given. Yes, he had been horrified the first two nights he killed, but felt pleased on the last night. Yes, at first he considered it a curse, but reassurances from the shadows and the evil power of his Ring realigned his thinking. His curse was actually a gift. He was grateful that the shadows chose him to influence and guide.

The judging didn’t take long and soon Mahad was out leading a small group of guards he hadn’t killed. “Spread out. Take any criminals you find to the dungeons.” The guards spread out in pairs, but Mahad went solo. There was no problem he couldn’t handle as his magic was very powerful. He could reduce an opponent to dust if he chose and not think twice about it.

He rounded a bend and came face to face with a man bearing a smug grin and a knife. He pointed his weapon at Mahad. “I suggest you hand over your valuable if you know what’s good for you.”

“And I suggest you surrender,” Mahad answered.

The man growled as he shoved Mahad against a wall and put the edge of the knife to the priest’s throat. “Looks like you’re the one who will surrender. Now, hand over your valuables!” Mahad’s eyes flared red as he shoved the knife aside and then slashed his hand across his assailant’s throat. Blood poured down the man’s front and the man dropped his weapon as his hands flew to his cut throat, feeling the blood flowing out and down. He sank to his knees, fell forward, and died.

Mahad stared coldly at the dead man with shadow-filled eyes and a thrill at killing someone while human. He glanced at his right hand and then did a double take before holding up both hands. He had the razor-sharp claws of a wolf on his fingers with the tips of the right claws tinged with blood!

He delicately licked off the blood even though he was shocked. How did I grow claws? Am I stuck with them?

“Your aggressive wolf behavior caused your claws to appear. You are not stuck with them; they’ll retract in a few minutes.”

His shock faded as he continued to lick his claws clean. “Interesting. It appears I severed the man’s jugular.”

“You did indeed. You are not upset that you killed him?”

“Why should I? I’ve killed countless people as a wolf even though I don’t remember doing it.”

“Correct and anytime you feel vicious or aggressive, a wolf feature will appear and disappear after a few minutes.” Mahad watched as his claws retracted into normal human fingernails. “I have something to confess to you. I am loyal to the darkness within me and I swear to faithfully serve you forever.”

“We accept your vow and are rewarding you for it. You can now take wolf form outside the full moon. You will be able to use human speech and perform magic in wolf form. You can change whenever you desire, but you must take it when we order it.”

“I understand and will follow your every instruction.”

“Excellent. There are two guards coming. Mahad, transform and kill them.”

“As you wish.” Mahad instantly changed, pleased with the quick change. He was amazed that he was in control of his body while aware of his orders guiding his actions. He crouched down to wait for his victims. They rounded the corner and froze at the sight of the wolf. Mahad didn’t hesitate; he lunged at them and tore out their throats; one with his claws and the other with his teeth. He growled and then laughed softly in satisfaction. He then ripped open the bodies to feast on them, desiring to eat while in control of himself. His ears were alert for the sounds of other approaching guards while he ate.

He left the scene once his hunger had faded and ran to another part of the city. Once hidden in the shadows, he looked over his wolf body for the first time. He was completely covered in black fur that blended in with the shadows. He craned his neck to see an enlarged body and legs due to his very large muscles that bulged under the skin. He was impressed with what he saw and was happy to be able to change as he or the shadows wanted.

He resumed human form and casually came out of hiding and the alley. He was still casual while searching for suspicious people when two guards ran up to him, stricken looks on their faces. He knew why they looked this way, but affected an alarmed expression at their faces. “What is it?” he asked.

“Master Mahad, three people dead. Two are guards and they’ve apparently been eaten. It’s our wolf, sir.”

“Correction: It’s a werewolf. The pharaoh has declared it so and the signs we have witnessed point in that direction. It is imperative we arrest any criminals or suspicious people as they may be our werewolf.”

The guards exchanged stunned looks at this revelation before resuming their patrol with fresh determination.

Mahad happily growled softly, a little surprised that he could make wolf sounds while human. Well, I was just granted the ability to freely changed and retain human speech and ability to use magic in wolf form. So, making wolf sounds as a human makes sense. He turned toward the palace. He had dungeons to inspect for criminals and a report for Atem. He knew Atem wouldn’t be happy to hear that the wolf had just launched three daytime attacks.

Chapter Nine- Plotting Murder

Atem pounded his fist on the armrests in anger. “How is that possible? Werewolves cannot take wolf form outside the full moon and definitely not in daylight.”

Mahad shook his head. “I don’t understand it, either. But the scene and the evidence matches the previous attacks. It is the same attacker.”

Atem sighed, his initial anger fading. “We must stop these attacks even if I have to join the search or die killing it. It has to stop.”

“My pharaoh, you must not risk yourself.”

“I will if that’s what it takes. It’s possible the werewolf’s real target is me only it can’t focus on me as it acts on its desire to kill indiscriminately.”

“Shall I teach the students spells to ensnare the werewolf?”

“Do it. You and your students may be the only ones to save the city.”

Mahad nodded as he left to research his condition before gathering the students. I need to know what will stop me so I can give misinformation to my students. I cannot let others know how to stop me.

Ten minutes later, Mahad stroked his chin as his eyes moved across the scroll. Hmm, fatal hits to the heart and brain and an allergy to silver. He smirked. I can certainly convince my students of different defenses. I will hide this scroll so no one will find out that I was lying. He took it to his room and hid it among his personal scrolls. He then left to gather his students for a lesson.

“Ensnare werewolves, Master?” one student repeated.

“That’s right. We seem to have one that can transform whenever it wants and we cannot let it continue. I had just researched werewolves and learned that the only way to kill it is to slice its stomach open.” He saw squeamish looks among a few of his students. He smiled gently. “You needn’t worry about that. As long as we trap it, our job is done. Amazingly, trapping it will be simple: It has an allergy to gold.”

“Gold?” another student repeated.

“Yes. If we pool our magical energy, we may be able to manipulate some gold into an effective trap.”

“A golden dome, Master,” Mana suggested.

Mahad nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, that could work and if we can shape it into a stake and rope, it may give the guards the opportunity to deliver the killing strike.”

“What about something to muzzle it and hold its paws down?”

Mahad shook his head. “If they are to disembowel it, it needs to be able to rear up.”

“But Master-,”

Mahad whirled around to face the student, unaware of his teeth turning sharp. “Are you questioning my decisions?” he asked sharply, almost growling.

“No, Master!” he cried in alarm.

“I would hope not,” he said, his tongue brushing against his teeth. Alarmed, he turned around and said, “Go to the library and study spells on gold. Be ready to practice when I next call for you.”

“Yes, Master,” was the immediate reply as well as the sound of feet retreating. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He had exhibited his short temper and, as a result, his teeth had turned sharp. He still felt angry about his student’s protest and swept up to his room. Once the door was closed, he shifted forms and proceeded to pace the room, reveling in his body’s smooth quick movements. He loved being able to move quickly, enjoyed rending and tearing with his teeth and claws, and smelling the fear when people saw him. He listened to his claws clicking against the floor and like how it sounded.

I can convince anyone who saw my teeth that they had been seeing things. If anyone questions it, I’ll kill them.

“Death seems to be your go-to solution,” the shadows commented as Mahad resumed human form.

“I dislike being questioned. I answer to no one but the pharaoh and you.”

“Yes, of course. Tell us: How would you like to answer to only us?”

“I would like that. What do I have to do?”

“Simple: Kill the pharaoh and the rest of the sacred court. They are determined to stop you to the point that they are willing to kill. Think; once they are dead, you can take the throne. You, Mahad, a pharaoh of darkness.”

“Pharaoh of Darkness,” Mahad said, his mind’s eye showing him sitting on the throne in the clothes of a king and wearing a crown. “Yes, I like it. I will become pharaoh.”


Mahad spent the next few days plotting how to kill Atem and the others. He had to plan it carefully. Killing the pharaoh is difficult as he is usually around people save for when he heads to bed. Yes, I could ambush him in the corridors or his bed chamber. The others won’t be as hard, especially Isis. There’s no question that I will take wolf form to kill them all.

Mahad’s thoughts on the murders took time as he had other duties to focus on. He led the guards on patrol, joined the court on judging criminals, and taught his students. The shadows spoke to him throughout these duties, encouraging him to plan the murders and constantly showing him as pharaoh. The images were enticing and Mahad looked forward to when the time would come to kill.

Mahad found the patrols and teaching to be bothersome, particularly the latter. He didn’t mind patrols much as he would change to wolf at the shadows’ command. He would kill at least one person which angered Atem when told of the death. The pharaoh would step up security and insisted that no one patrol alone, not even Mahad despite his magic.

It was this latest security measure that angered the priest. He tried to keep a lid on his temper and, for most part, succeeded. He couldn’t afford to have a wolf feature appear, particularly one he couldn’t play off as imagination, which he did when his teeth had sharpened. His students accepted that they had been seeing things and put their minds on practicing gold spells.

Unknown to Mahad, his top student was the only one who didn’t buy Mahad claiming it was the students’ imaginations. She did see the sharp teeth; they were there! She had never known Mahad to lie and yet he just did. She doubted the pressure of patrols, teaching and wolf attacks prompted him to lie. There had to be some other reason.

She decided to go see him after a tough lesson. Mahad had been hard on them, saying the pharaoh wanted their trap spell ready to go in two days. His harsh attitude was disconcerting to her and the others but they worked hard until Mahad was satisfied with their progress. It was getting dark when she approached Mahad’s room. The door was slightly ajar and she could see Mahad through the opening. She opened her mouth to call his name when Mahad shifted into a black wolf with red eyes. A hand flew to her mouth, eyes wide with shock.

Master Mahad is the werewolf!? He’s the one who killed all those people!? How could he!? I have to tell the pharaoh! She turned and started down the hall when she felt sleepy and collapsed to the floor.

Chapter Ten- Scapegoat

Mahad felt angry and dark as he retired to his room. He left his door open slightly, thinking of taking a run around the training hall. He shifted forms and reared up to see his reflection. His eyes weren’t glowing but instead of brown or gold, they were red and the only jewelry he had was the band which now served as a conduit for his magic instead of a cursed object. He bared a wolf’s grin at how he looked when his nose twitched. He smelled a human near his door!

He growled and snapped out the sleep spell. He heard a body crumple to the floor. He went to the door and pushed it open to see Mana’s sleeping body. Why was she outside my door? he wondered.

“She’s suspicious of you. She knows your secret now and she was probably on the way to tell the pharaoh. You must silence her!”

“I will. I’ll use her to lift Atem’s security measures.”

“What are you planning?” The shadows sounded intrigued.

“I’ll tell you.” Mahad took human form and scooped up his student. “I’ll place her in the dungeon for now. At dawn, I will put her back to sleep, bring her into the city, and change her into a wolf. She will act like I do during the full moon but because she’s not a werewolf, the guards will be able to kill her easily.”

“Ah. A scapegoat.”

“Precisely. When she’s killed, she won’t take human form as I would as it’s my magic that changes her.” He opened a cell, put Mana in it, and locked her in before returning to his room. He now saw no reason to take wolf form as Mana’s death will lift the patrolling pair Atem had ordered. I will wait one or two days after Mana’s death before I proceed to my takeover plan.


The sound of footsteps brought Mana to her feet ad up to the door. She had awakened to find herself in the dungeons and wondered why she was in a cell. She had called out when she first woke up, but no one came. She eventually sat quietly and lightly dozed. Now, she was going to be freed and learn who had put her down here. Afterwards, she would go to Atem and tell him what she saw last night.

Mahad came into view and she backed up to the far wall when he came to the door. He looked at her coldly and with no pity. “You saw me change,” he stated flatly.

She nodded. “How did you become a werewolf? How could you kill people?”

“The shadows possessed a man in order to enter my body so I can serve them as I am a magically strong person. They placed a band on me to curse me as a werewolf.” He exposed the band. “I had no control of myself during the full moon and had felt guilt during the first two nights. The morning after the third night, however, I felt pleased with the deaths I caused.”

“No,” she whispered in horror.

“Yes,” he countered. “I have given in to the darkness within me and have sworn to serve the shadows. They have rewarded me by allowing me to change whenever I want. I am in control outside the full moon and I enjoy killing. You learning my secret is unfortunate but it’ll help in my ultimate plan: I will kill the pharaoh and the sacred court and become a pharaoh of darkness!”

“No!” Mana screamed.

Mahad barked a laugh before casting the sleep spell. Mana fell asleep as Mahad opened the door, scooped her up, and carried her out into the city. He selected a deserted spot that nonetheless would be searched. He laid her face-down, touched her head, and silently cast his spell. There was a flash and a muscular black wolf laid in Mana’s place. He held his hand over the head and poured a small amount of darkness and shadows into her mind so that she would feel compelled to kill if she woke up. He left her there and returned to the palace. He wondered if she would be killed before or after she had killed.

He entered the Throne Room to join the priests and await Atem’s arrival. The pharaoh entered with Siamun behind him. Once he was seated, Atem said, “Mahad, how are patrols going?”

Mahad knelt. “They are searching in pairs as ordered. The dawn unit is on duty and will switch off when the sun is at mid-point. It is hopeful that no deaths will occur-,”

The doors burst open, cutting off Mahad’s report. Everyone turned to see two guards dragging a bound figure. “My pharaoh,” said one guard excitedly. “We have captured and killed the werewolf.” He stepped aside to reveal a bound black wolf with a spear in the area of the heart. A second spear was buried in the head.

Atem was flabbergasted. “How did you do it? Werewolves are very fast.”

“It was…it was asleep, my pharaoh.”

Atem nodded. “Well done. Please burn the body to insure our troubles are over.”

“Yes, my pharaoh.” The guards hauled the corpse out of the room.

Atem returned to business. “Well, now that the wolf is gone, patrol pairs will not be necessary. Security can return to normal.”

“My pharaoh, security must not be relaxed,” Isis spoke up. “Darkness and death still hangs over us.”

Atem had never felt so frustrated in his life. He kept fighting to battle back the darkness but it continued to hover over the land. Well, at least the werewolf is dead.

Mahad smirked as he withdrew into a meditative state in his Spirit Temple. He had succeeded in keeping his secret. Yes, he had to sacrifice Mana to keep it so, but honestly it was her own fault. If she hadn’t been suspicious, she would still be alive. Her death, however, served a purpose. Atem relaxed his security measures despite Isis’ warning. He suspected Atem’s frustration at trying to defeat the darkness is what prompted his decision. The darkness and shadows he had placed in Mana’s mind returned to him as her body was being burned. He was fortunate that he was in his temple when that happened as the returned power caused his body to be outlined in darkness and his eyes were nothing but shadow-filled orbs. He reveled in the surge he felt. He felt himself becoming darker and more evil from it.

“You are as dark as a human can be.”

“I can’t go any further?” Mahad was disappointed. He desired to become darker.

“In your current form, yes. You’ve hit your limit. However, your darkness tells us that you’re surrendered to it.”

“I have and I’ve surrendered to the werewolf gift. I’ve come to appreciate both.”

“That is good. Then we shall reward you further. We bestow upon you immortality. You will remain the age you are now and your body will be eternally healthy. Furthermore, your werewolf weaknesses no longer affect you.”

“I’m immortal now? I’ll never die?”

“As long as you continue to serve us even after you become pharaoh.”

“Yes. I will always serve you. I am grateful that you chose me.”

“As you should be, Mahad. Now head into the city, transform, and do as you please. Remember, you can’t die.”

“As you command.” Mahad came out of his meditation, left his temple to a clear, starry night, left the palace grounds, and once in a dark alley became the black werewolf again. He stood there for a time, letting his mind shift into a wolf mind that he controlled but also heeded to its instincts.

He inhaled and enjoyed the sharp sense of smell he had. His ears turned this way and that, taking in sounds he wouldn’t have heard in human form. He flexed his clawed paws, kneading the sand beneath them. His eyes saw the night as if it was daylight and his eyes’ acuity was sharper and clearer than his human eyes. My senses are superior in this form and I love it! I’m stronger, faster, vicious, and immortal. Yes, I’m immortal as a human, too but my senses are dull as a human. He shook his head as his mind urged him to hunt for food and then kill for fun. He saw no reason not to indulge. He took off through the dark and seized a child for his dinner. Once he had eaten, he then killed the child’s family before attacking others. The screams of people echoed through the night, a dark crazy laugh mingling with them.

Chapter Eleven- Court Murders

Mahad grinned with sadistic amusement when he woke up in his bed the next morning and in human form. He had had a thoroughly enjoyable night. He could still hear the screams of terror as he rampaged through the city.

“The pharaoh won’t be happy to hear about what you did.”

“I don’t care. His feelings on the matter don’t matter to me anymore.”

“My, my. Are you saying you’re ready to kill him sooner than you planned?”

“I am. I plan to kill him as he heads for bed. It’s the only time when he’s alone. So, after the court meeting, I will begin killing the others.”

“We will enjoy each and every one of them.”

“I hope to provide you with much amusement.”

Atem was unhappy, just as the shadows had said and Mahad didn’t care, just as he had said. Mahad swore to re-instate the higher security measures and that he would try to determine the source of these attacks. His assurances pleased Atem and the young pharaoh turned to other business. Mahad felt restless and shifted slightly. He felt awkward, clumsy, and weak; not at all how he felt last night and as the other priests left, Mahad brought up the rear, not sure who would die first. It didn’t really matter as they would all die, but his feelings distracted him. He heard the shadows say, “We sense strong emotions within you. Tell us.”

“I feel inferior in my current form. I no longer wish to be human. I would prefer to remain a wolf who talks and can perform magic.” Mahad had stopped in the hall, the others already out of sight and earshot.

“Is that all? We can help with that. Mahad, you shall forever be a talking, magical immortal wolf who will still observe the full moon side effect. Your humanity is no more.”

Mahad gasped as he felt his humanity and all emotions associated with that state leave him. He dropped to his hands and knees as he transformed into a wolf for good. He gave a soft growl, savoring the power and strength that flowed through him as well as his heart turning as black and savage as a bloodthirsty wolf’s could be. He padded into his room to discard his Item before he was ready to kill. It doesn’t matter who dies first; I will kill them all.

He inhaled and the scent of Aknadin reached him. A feral grin came to him. He’s nearby. He sniffed again and his instincts fed him information of the scent. He’s meditating. Excellent. He won’t be able to react fast enough to stop me. He continued to follow the scent, moving slowly to minimize the clicking of his claws. He came upon the old man deep in a meditative state. He suppressed the urge to growl; it would only alert his prey to his presence. Instead, he took a couple of steps before leaping into the air. He sailed forward, knocked Aknadin onto his back, and began to savage him. Aknadin screamed as claws ripped his skin and teeth tore skin away. Blood gushed out and Mahad snarled in pleasure. Aknadin’s scream ended as he died.

Mahad left the scene, despite his growling stomach. He desired human flesh, but Aknadin was too old for his tastes. He far preferred younger skin and organs; they were fresher and he deserved the best. He sniffed again, searching for the others. His nose picked up Shada and tracked it down the hall, the scent growing stronger as if Shada was heading his way. Aknadin’s screams must have caught his attention. The sound of footsteps came closer and Mahad crouched, ready to run and pounce as soon as Shada appeared. The Key holder came running into view and stopped abruptly at the sight of the wolf. Mahad ran forward and leaped. Shada put up an arm to protect himself as Mahad plowed into him. He sank his teeth into the arm and used his supernatural strength to rip it off. Shada gave a piercing scream as he lost his limb and his screams excited Mahad, triggering his killing frenzy.

He seized a leg and tore it off to make Shada fall onto his back. He tore off the other limbs in a flurry of motion before seizing the throat and ripping it away, ending Shada’s life. He laughed, aware that it was tinged with darkness and loving the sound of it. He ripped open Shada’s stomach and feasted on the organs there. His ears and nose were alert for intruders as he ate. He swallowed several mouthfuls of skin before he was ready to continue his murders, only he thought of them as hunts instead of murders now.

His murder of Kalim was quick and silent as he had cast a silence spell. Yes, he enjoyed the screams of his victims, but he wanted to kill Seto and Isis in isolated and separate locations. He sniffed as he left Kalim’s ripped and torn body behind, trying to find the two remaining priests.

He caught Seto’s scent and tracked it to his room. He stalked inside to see Seto looking calm and composed. “I suspected someone in the palace was the werewolf as everyone in it was safe. I didn’t tell the pharaoh my suspicions until I was sure of who it was.” His eyes narrowed and the Rod glowed briefly. “I see now. It all makes sense; I should have seen it earlier. Mahad, I urge you to stop all this. You are a priest, not a murderer.”

Mahad barked a dark laugh. “You don’t understand, Seto. I am neither now. I have abandoned my humanity in favor of my current form. I am a wolf now and I kill for food and self-preservation. You know I will kill you so just give in to that.”

“No,” he said, gripping the Rod tighter.

Mahad sniffed at Seto’s refusal before the moonstone on his band flashed as a spell was channeled through it. When the flash ended, a brown dog was in Seto’s place. Mahad growled and the dog automatically became submissive as Seto now thought and acted like a dog. Mahad leaped upon Seto and the tore him apart, the yelps being music to his ears.

Four down, one to go, he thought as he left the body behind. He put his nose to the floor and then the air as he searched for the priestess. He smelled guards and hid from them; he still needed guards despite his power and immortality. They can bring me food as they patrol. I strictly eat only humans. He padded through the palace, avoiding guards as he tracked his chosen quarry. His head jerked up and his nose quivered. Isis was nearby! He turned his head from left to right; the scent came from the right. He turned in that direction and saw the courtyard ahead. He smirked. How appropriate. Our love started there and will end there as well. He headed into the courtyard and smelled Isis’ scent coming from around a nearby bend. He felt excitement course through him: One more murder and only the pharaoh would be left. He came around the bend…and barely avoided a spear thrust. He leaped to one side and spun around, legs bent to jump.

Isis stood before him, a spear at the ready. He guessed her Necklace told her of the attack, but how much did she know? He relaxed his pose and looked at her. “Isis, it’s me,” he said.

She gasped, the spear falling from her hands. “Mahad? How?”

“You recall the man who touched me? The dark aura was actually the shadows of the Shadow Realm. I am under their control through the unbreakable charm around my neck. They forced me to kill and lie. After today’s meeting, they took my humanity from me, leaving me trapped as a wolf and controlled me to kill the rest of the sacred court. My love for you broke their control.” He looked down.

“Oh, Mahad,” Isis said softly as she came closer and dropped to her knees. She lifted his head to see unshed tears in his red eyes. “Don’t you worry. The pharaoh and I will find a way to remove the band and the shadows from you. We will also work to recover your humanity.” She threw her arms around his neck.

“Thank you,” he said as she pulled back. He then lunged forward, grabbed her throat, and ripped it away. Her hand flew to her throat as blood poured out. “Mahad, why?” she whispered as she fell forward.

“Fool,” he snarled. “I don’t feel any emotions but power and anger. I live to be vicious and a killer. I will rule a land blanketed in shadows once Atem is gone!” He laughed to the open skies as Isis died.

Chapter Twelve- Dark Kingdom

Atem felt apprehensive as the day wore on. He hadn’t seen any of his sacred court since the meeting that morning. He would have, at least, seen Mahad who would report about patrol, but nothing. This isn’t like him. He is dedicated to protecting the city.

“My pharaoh, perhaps you should retire for the day,” Siamun suggested.

Atem sighed. “Very well.” He turned to one of the guards. “I want all guards to report here before patrol in the morning. Spread the word.”

“Yes, my pharaoh,” the guard answered as Atem left his throne and the room, alone.

Atem had the feeling of being watched as he headed for his chambers. He thought he heard something a few times, but when he looked around, there was nothing. He turned down to the corridor to his chambers and froze. Outside his room at the end of the hall was a black wolf with red eyes and wearing a gold collar with a moonstone in the center. The wolf slowly approached, but stopped halfway up. Atem was wary; a black wolf that had somehow gotten past security was clearly a clever creature.

Then, it spoke. “My pharaoh, help me.” He recognized the voice instantly.

“Mahad?” he gasped as he swiftly approached and knelt down. “What happened to you?”

“I wanted to tell you, but the Shadow Realm have been controlling me all this time. I’m the werewolf who…killed.” Mahad dipped his head and whimpered sadly.

“The shadows forced you to kill?”

“I couldn’t stop them. I tried to resist, but they kept getting stronger. They took my humanity this morning, trapping me like this.”

Atem stared at Mahad, taking in his muscular form. This must have happened after the meeting for he was human earlier. His eyes focused on the collar. That must be how they’re controlling him. Maybe I can remove it. His fingers ran along the band, but felt no clasp or finger holds. It was solid and firmly attached.

Mahad knew what Atem was trying to do. “My pharaoh, I’ve tried that. I couldn’t remove it, not even with a spell.”

“I believe it. The shadows did a good job.” He settled back on one knee.

“Indeed.” Then, without warning, Mahad lunged forward, latched onto Atem’s throat, and tore it apart. The life faded from his eyes as he hit the floor and died. Mahad removed Atem’s crown and pushed it onto his head. “All hail Mahad, pharaoh of darkness,” he said as he turned and headed for his new bed chambers. He curled up in the bed and as he fell asleep, the shadows said, “Sleep tight, Pharaoh Mahad.”

Mahad awoke early the next day and, at first, was confused by his surroundings. Then, the weight on his head brought it all back. Ah, yes. I am the pharaoh now. Time to begin my eternal reign of darkness. He jumped down, stretched, and shook himself out before readjusting his crown, leaving the room, and walking up the corridor, stepping on Atem’s body as he did so. I will have people cleaning up the messes.

He strolled into the Throne Room, head held high. He saw Siamun beside the throne and inwardly swore. He hadn’t thought about the advisor. No matter. I can deal with him. Perhaps, he’ll serve me. He ascended the steps and jumped onto the throne. He looked over at Siamun who seemed frozen with fear; indeed Mahad could smell the fear coming off him. “Hello, Siamun,” he greeted.

“Mahad!?” he gasped.

“That’s pharaoh now,” he corrected. “Listen. This land will be ruled by darkness with me as pharaoh. The previous pharaoh and the court are dead and unless you want to join them, you will support and advise me. Believe me, I won’t hesitate to kill you,” he growled.

Siamun gulped before kneeling. “I pledge my services to you, my pharaoh.”

“Good.” He faced the doors to see the entire army assembling. “What is this?” he demanded of Siamun.

“The previous pharaoh wanted to speak to the guards before patrol,” Siamun answered immediately.

Mahad grinned. “Did he? Excellent.” He sat up straighter as he faced the men. “Good morning. Last night, Pharaoh Atem died and I have assumed the throne.”

His right-hand guard man knelt before asking, “The pharaoh is dead?”

“That’s right. I know because I killed him.”

There was a collective gasp before another guard called. “You murdered our beloved pharaoh and usurped the throne!?”

“I did and now you serve me.” He pointed a paw at his second-in-command. “You are now captain of the guards.” The new captain, still kneeling, bowed his head in acceptance.

“We will never serve you!” a guard shouted and the others roared in agreement.

Mahad’s eyes glowed and he growled at the insubordination. He waved a paw and the moonstone glowed. A flash occurred and the captain found a pack of gray wolves behind him. He yelped in fear as he backed away from them.

“Relax, captain. Say hello to your new army. I have placed an obedience spell on them and they can only make wolf sounds as punishment for insubordination.”

“They now obey you, my pharaoh?” the captain asked.

“You as well, captain. They are your pack as well as mine.”

The captain faced the wolves who looked shocked at what Mahad had said and done. One of them apparently broke the obedience spell and growled at the captain as he advanced. The captain hit him on the head with the flat of his spear. “Mind your place!” he snapped. “Be grateful the pharaoh didn’t kill you.”

Mahad pointed a paw at the wolf and cast a stronger obedience spell on him. The wolf stiffened and then resumed his place. “That’s better,” he commented.

The captain turned to Mahad and knelt again. “My pharaoh, how will I control them even though they are spelled to obey?”

Mahad ran his chin over a paw. “Hmm, you raise a valid point. Therefore, I grant you the ability to become a wolf should they get out of hand.” He touched a paw to the stone and the captain glowed black briefly. “Now, announce my ascension and bring a citizen here. Anyone will do but if you can, find someone young who opposes my rule.”

“Yes, my pharaoh. Move out!” He led the pack out of the room.

“Siamun, assign some servants to dispose of the corpses in the palace and clean up the blood. I also want you to bring me their Millennium Items.”

“Yes, my pharaoh. Might I ask why you ordered for a citizen to be brought in?”

Mahad bared his sharp teeth in a grin. “I’m hungry. I developed a taste for human flesh and I decided that that will be the only thing I’ll eat.”

Siamun gulped before scurrying off to organize the clean-up and retrieve the Items. Mahad laughed once the room was empty.

“Well done, pharaoh. Changing the guards into a pack of obedient wolves. Brilliant.”

“Thank you. They can’t talk but the captain will as he alone pledged loyalty when I promoted him. The criminals of my kingdom will be those who oppose my rule or disobey the laws I will implement. They will serve as my meals.”

“So you will allow murderers, robbers, and other types to run free?”

“Absolutely. This is a kingdom of darkness, after all.”

“Of course and we insist you cast a blanket of shadows across the sky.”

“As you command.” Mahad looked up as two wolves entered with a young woman who glared at Mahad, who descended the throne and steps.

One wolf pushed the woman to her knees and didn’t flinch as Mahad killed the human. “Resume your duties,” he ordered. They obeyed and Mahad began breakfast, decided to fulfill his orders afterwards. At long last, he finished and padded over to the balcony that overlooked the city. He closed his eyes and chanted a spell, the moonstone glowing brighter than ever. He opened his eyes to see the skies overhead darken as shadows flowed across it, blocking out the sun and making it seem as if an eternal night had come. He nodded approvingly. Perfect. A blanket of shadows for a dark kingdom ruled by a dark immortal wolf pharaoh. He howled in triumph.

The End