Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the nameless demons are mine. This is a sequel to ‘A New Year’s Start.’ If you haven’t read it, I ask you to do so now.
Chapter One- Unfulfilled
Kurama looked at his reflection and ran a hand down his hair, his bright green eyes assessing it. It was long and a deep red that he was quite proud of; it was a contrast to the silver he had had as Yoko. The length was something he had planned to have as it was a great place to store his seeds, but it also caused some confusion as it made him look like a girl from behind.
He shrugged as he turned from the mirror. Nothing that can be done about that except cutting it, but I’ve grown attached to it, no pun intended. Besides, I think Hiei likes it long; of course that could be wishful thinking. Kurama smiled a little. He had developed a crush on the fire demon that came out at a New Year’s Eve party two months ago. Hiei had likewise admitted similar feelings at the same party. He re-lived that moment and the subsequent resolutions. Hiei had resolved to spend more time in Human World and he has kept to that…unlike me.
Kurama had made a resolution to tell his family the truth about himself and he hadn’t done it yet. Here it was, March, and he hadn’t said a word. He felt a bit ashamed as some of his friends were keeping their resolutions. Kuwabara was definitely fighting less, something Hiei doubted he could keep.
Yukina’s resolved to keep looking for her brother, Yusuke’s resolved to marry Keiko, and Shizuru’s resolved to smoke less. I feel as if I am the only one who’s stuck in limbo. I cannot bring myself to tell the truth and I cannot go backward as my past is why I want to move forward. Kurama sat at his desk, brooding over his situation until the scent of ash reached his nose and he looked over at the window with a smile. “Hello, Hiei.”
Hiei nodded. “Hi, Fox. You seemed lost in thought.”
“Just thinking about the resolutions we all made on New Year’s Day and how I have yet to follow through on mine.”
“You don’t have to do it. Just decide to break it and try again next year.”
“Perhaps, but the year’s still young. Lots of opportunities to keep my resolution which, to me, is a solemn promise and I rarely break a promise.”
Hiei was silent. He understood that keeping a promise is what made someone trustworthy and honorable, two things that he was. He valued honor highly and could keep a promise. He had promised never to tell Yukina about their connection to each other as the price for his Jagan. He had been freed of his promise but he continued to honor the agreement. The promise plus his own personal reasons were why he kept silent about telling Yukina. Except I made a personal resolution that I still haven’t done. Hn, I’m a coward.
“Fox, I made a personal resolution that I haven’t done yet and it’s likely because I’m…afraid.”
“You? Afraid?” Kurama’s lips curled up into a smile. “You resolved to tell Yukina the truth.”
Hiei gave a grunt and nodded. “I know there’s time to do it before the year ends.”
“That’s correct. Some resolutions take a while to be done. Shizuru resolved to some less and that likely will last all year and could lead to her quitting.”
“I likely know this, but why does smoking seem hard to stop?”
“There is a substance called nicotine that is addictive and it is the common culprit that hooks people into the habit.”
Hiei nodded, bringing the conversation back to the previous subject. “So, I still have time to tell her.”
“You do and I have time as well.” He ran a hand down his hair again and a contemplative expression crossed his face and intrigued Hiei.
“Fox? Kurama?”
Kurama gave a little jerk and focused on Hiei. “I was wondering if I should cut my hair. I am often mistaken for a girl from the back.”
“Cut it?” Hiei gave Kurama a stern look. “If you do that, I’ll kill you.”
Kurama smiled again. “You like it long. Very well, I will not cut it.”
“Good.” Hiei went up to Kurama and pressed his body up against the redhead. He wrapped his arms around Kurama’s back and he felt Kurama do the same. He felt safe and warm in his mate’s embrace and all his concerns and conflicting emotions melted away. The hug was a gesture Hiei like as much as fighting and killing. I may get hugs from Yukina if I tell her and she accepts me.
“Kurama, I will tell her and soon.”
“How soon do you think that will be?”
“In a couple of days.”
“I see and perhaps when you return here, I will tell the family.”
“No perhaps. You will wait until I come back. I’m part of the life you want to reveal and I want to be there.”
Kurama nodded. “Yes, of course. I will wait for you to return.”
“Good.” He pulled Kurama down and gave him a kiss. It was warm and deep and Kurama pulled Hiei closer as he deepened the kiss.
Kurama couldn’t help smiling as Hiei left. The fire demon visited him every few days, upholding the resolution he had made before everyone at the party. Hiei also spent time at either Genkai’s or a tree in the park. He loved having his boyfriend and mate living nearby and wondered if his parents would allow Hiei houseroom once their relationship was revealed. That would be nice and I’m sure Hiei would appreciate it…provided the confession goes well.
Shiori was thoughtful as she and her husband, Kazuya, got ready for bed. Her thoughts were on her sons, especially her actual son. She had been feeling for the last few years that Shuichi was more than he was, like he wasn’t fully human. She wasn’t sure why she felt that way. Shuichi was a kind, sweet, and thoughtful boy who was becoming a nice young man. She knew she wasn’t feeling useless in terms of being a mother. Yes, it seemed her raising of Shuichi was done, but she did have Kokoda to help Kazuya raise.
“Shiori?” Kazuya asked from the bed.
She mentally shook herself as she focused on him. “I’m sorry, dear. I was thinking about Shuichi. I’ve been feeling that there’s something different about him; like he’s more than human.”
“He is a smart, polite boy and you did a wonderful job raising him.”
“But I feel like there’s more there than I know.”
Kazuya regarded his wife. She knew she had raised her son well and yet she felt that some part of his upbringing wasn’t due to her; that Shuichi was more than he appeared. “So, what do you want to do?”
“Confront him. Tell him how I feel and ask him to be honest.”
“All right. But wait a little first. Sort out your feelings before you approach him.”
Shiori nodded as she got into bed. She had a lot of emotions tumbling around in her head along with a suspicion that she hadn’t voiced to Kazuya. It’s possible that Shuichi is a demon. There have been benign ones visiting our world and Shuichi could be one of them.
Chapter Two- Siblings
Hiei paused at the entrance of the compound. There were demons tending to the compound. They did their best to look human, but he knew better. They were also peaceful demons, ones who merely wanted to explore Human World and maybe interact with some humans while others wanted a quieter life than they would get in Demon World. He moved across the area, a couple of demons looking up, nodding to him, and going back to work.
“Mr. Hiei. Hi,” Yukina said when he opened a door and she had looked up.
Hiei tilted his head at the demons outside as he entered and closed the door. “When did they show up?”
“About two days ago. They wanted to help with the gardens and keep bad demons away. Some are actually portal guards who can tell who is good and who is evil.”
“I see.” So they showed up when Kurama and I talked about our resolutions and true to my word, I am here to make good on my resolution and fulfill Yukina’s too.
“What brings you here?” she asked as Hiei sat.
“My resolution and that I like being with you.”
Yukina gave a bright smile that warmed his heart. “I like being with you too and I’m glad that you’re holding up with your resolution. Kazuma is doing well with his too.”
“Yes, Kurama mentioned it.”
“When was that?”
“Two days ago. Kurama was concerned as he hadn’t fulfilled his resolution and while we talked about when to do it, I came to the realization that a private resolution I had made that night had not been fulfilled either.”
“So this private resolution is partly why you’re here?” Please, let it be what I think it is, she silently pleaded.
“Yes and I ask you to hear me out before you say anything.” He saw the puzzled look on her face before she nodded. “Yukina...I’m your brother. I had reason for not telling you. Some are, I suppose, selfish ones. I had thought you wouldn’t be happy having a criminal for a brother. The main reason I didn’t tell you was because I couldn’t. When I got my Jagan, the surgeon’s price was that I could not reveal our connection. I had told him my life story because he would only operate on someone who’s lived a life that holds his interest and clearly mine did. I fought him a few years ago and, thought it was tie, he released me from my promise. I could have told you then, but I was afraid to, which may sound surprising, especially to me.” Hiei lapsed into silence and waited for Yukina to speak, his eyes fixed on hers.
“I had thought so,” she said at last. “I had my suspicions but I wanted to hear you say it.” Her eyes closed as she smiled. “I want you to know that I understand that you could not tell me and yes, the other reason is a bit selfish. But…Hiei, we’re twins, family. I could never hate you or turn away from you.” She opened her eyes, stood, went over to Hiei, knelt, and gave him a hug. She expected him to tense up or freeze at the gesture, but instead he hugged her back. “We have so much to share,” she said once they had released each other.
“Indeed. Who should go first?”
“You, brother. My life’s a bit boring.”
Hiei smirked. “And yet I’ll want to hear it. I was told Mother committed suicide years after I was exiled.”
Yukina nodded, seeing what he was hinting at. “Tell me from after your exile to where you got your Jagan and I’ll tell you about Mother.”
“Shuichi?” Shiori said as she stood at his bedroom door.
Kurama turned from his desk. “Yes, Mother?” It was the day after Hiei told Yukina the truth. He had called Kurama this morning to tell him that all had gone well and he would see him tomorrow. The thought brought him comfort and he was glad the confession had gone well. Now I just need to carry out my resolution.
Shiori was silent as she looked at him. He seemed so normal, nothing unusual. And yet, I can’t shake the feeling that he isn’t normal. She saw him tilt his head, his eyes confused by the silence.
“Shuichi, you know you can tell me anything, dear.”
“Of course, Mother.”
She took a deep breath. “Then, why do I feel as if you are keeping something from me?”
Kurama’s mind raced to come up with an answer. Shiori had a reason to feel the way she did even though she wasn’t really aware of that reason. “Why would you feel that way?” he finally asked.
“I’m not sure. It’s a feeling I’ve been having for the last few years.” She smiled wryly. “I also have an odd suspicion that you are a demon or at least part demon.”
Kurama did not react to Shiori’s words. She was putting forward the air of someone who was suggesting something that was silly. But, Kurama knew that she was absolutely right. He wanted to confess right then and there but had promised Hiei that he would wait for him to return as he wanted to be there when Kurama was ready.
“Mother, I want to respond to that, but not at this moment,” he said slowly and carefully. “I am waiting for a close friend to arrive tomorrow. When he does, then I will address your concerns to not only you but the rest of the family.”
Kurama’s response intrigued Shiori. He sounded as if he was ready to tell all, but he was awaiting the arrival of a close friend before he said anything. This friend must be a part of what he wants to say. “Is this friend special, Shuichi?”
“Very special.”
Shiori nodded. “When you are ready, let me know and we’ll gather in the living room.”
“Agreed.” Shiori left and Kurama leaned back in his chair, relieved and nervous. His mother, though suspicious, still trusted and loved him. But would she still once he told the family who and what he was?
Hiei will be here tomorrow and I will speak with him about this family meeting. He may be what I need to go through with this. I find his presence calming.
Mother said she had been feeling this way for years. That would be about the time when I started getting involved with Yusuke and being his friend and teammate. I had thought nothing about my encounter with Hiei the year before we robbed the Spirit King’s vault so I focused on Mother as she was ill; had been for some time by then.
Yes, my getting involved in fighting demons may have triggered something in me that caught Mother’s attention, though my appearance did not alter. It’s either that or a mother’s intuition.
Shiori smiled a little. Her talk with Shuichi had gone well. He hadn’t revealed anything but he wasn’t denying or dismissing her claims. Instead, he said that when his special friend arrived, he would be ready to talk.
Shuichi said his friend was male as he had said ‘he.’ Hmm…could this special friend be his…boyfriend? Shiori’s smiled grew and turned soft. Her son was in love. She had hoped he would date and marry even though he studied excessively; so much so that she had just about given up on Shuichi living with someone. I won’t have any grandchildren from Shuichi if he has a boyfriend, but at least he won’t be alone. That’s fine with me. I just want him to be happy.
She heard the front door open and she hurried to greet her husband and tell him about eh conversation she had with Shuichi and that he would be ready to talk to the family once his special friend arrived. No matter what Shuichi tells us, I will keep an open mind. After all, he’s still my son.
Chapter Three- Knowing
Kurama paced his room the next day, which was Saturday. He was anxious for Hiei to arrive but he was also nervous about telling the truth to everyone. Suppose he frightened them or his mother rejected him? Yes, she had seemed supportive yesterday, but she didn’t know the truth then. But soon she will know.
He turned in his pacing to see Hiei perched on the sill, an eyebrow cocked. “Kurama?” he asked as he has never known the redhead to pace.
“Hiei,” he said, relieved. “Mother spoke to me yesterday and I said that once you had arrived, I would tell the family everything. She already suspects that I could be a demon or at least part demon.”
“Hn. So, the time has come. No wonder you were pacing. Is everyone home?” Hiei eased into the room.
Kurama nodded. “Yes. So, let us get this done.” He left the room with Hiei right behind him.
Kurama found his mother in the living room, doing some needlework. “Mother?” he said as he stood in the doorway. Shiori looked over at him with a hopeful look. “My friend is here and I’m ready to talk.”
Shiori rose and patted his shoulder reassuringly as she left to gather the others. “Hiei, could you stand in a corner until the right time?”
Hiei didn’t understand or question Kurama’s request. Instead, he took up a position in a shadowy corner of the room where he could view the entire room easily. Kurama entered and stood before the couch and armchairs and faced the entrance to await his family.
The trio entered several minutes later and took the couch and armchair when Kurama smiled and gestured at the furniture. He closed his eyes and slowly exhaled before opening his eyes again. “All right. Mother, you voiced the suspicion that I may be a demon or part demon. You were correct with the latter. I am half-human and half-demon.” He saw the alarmed looks on Kazuya and Kokoda’s faces, but pressed on, knowing further explanation would lay their fears to rest.
“My name was Yoko Kurama. I lived for centuries as a spirit fox until I gained he powers of a demon. I spent a thousand years as a cold-hearted ruthless thief, stealing from other demons and eventually I ventured into Spirit World, the place where the dead are judged. Sixteen years ago, one of my thefts went awry and I was badly injured by a strong pursuer. I used the last of my energy to escape to this world and I joined with the baby you were carrying, Mother.
“My intention, a selfish one when I think back on it, was to recover my energy and powers over a period of ten years and then vanish without a trace. What I had not anticipated was the love and kindness you had given me. You took a cold-hearted demon and changed him into the person I am today. I am grateful for that.
“As you know, you fell ill and I chose not to leave you and instead care for you as best I could. I feared I would lose you and I could not bear the very thought of it.
“A year before you recovered, I encountered my first demon since coming to what is called Human World. He was looking for another demon who had gone missing and he attacked me, believing I was the one responsible for her abduction. We ended up working together to find the real troublemaker but he had not taken the girl my friend came to find.”
“This demon,” Shiori cut in. “Would that be your special friend?”
“Yes.” He waved Hiei to come forward and the fire demon obliged, coming to stand beside Kurama. “Mother, Father, Kokoda. This is Hiei…my boyfriend.’ Kurama then launched into the theft of the Artifacts of Darkness, befriending Yusuke and Kuwabara, and assisting Yusuke as an unofficial Spirit Detective. He then, with Hiei’s additions, outlined the situation that had arisen on Demon World a few years back and the end result of the tournament’s conclusion. There was silence after Kurama had finished speaking.
Shiori rose from the couch, went to Kurama, and hugged him. “I still love you. I’m proud of you for telling us everything.”
“I felt it was time to tell are there are peaceful demons who are wanting to explore Human World and maybe even make contact with humans.”
“Peaceful,” she repeated before looking at Hiei. “I assume you’re one of them?”
“Yes and no. I have killed but mostly in self-defense. I have not harmed a human and I never will.”
“When did you and Shuichi get together?” Kazuya finally asked.
“Just before New Year’s Day,” Hiei said. “We admitted our feeling ten seconds to midnight and kissed at midnight. I actually have loved Kurama for some time before then. I just thought he didn’t feel the same way. I learned differently and returned his sentiments when he confessed first.”
“What about the girl you were looking for?” Shiori asked.
Hiei hesitated, but a nod from Kurama prompted him to answer. “The girl was actually my twin sister. We were separated at birth but I learned of her existence from the best friend of my mother who died not long after I had been taken from her.”
“Did you ever find your sister?”
“Yes. The thing was I could not tell her I was her brother as I was bound by a promise. However, it broke not long ago and I told her two days ago. We talked for quite some time.” Hiei’s normally stoic face glowed with the memory.
Shiori’s brows knit together in confusion. “Hiei, why were you and your sister separated at birth? Why would your mother allow that?”
“She had no choice.” Hiei sighed in resignation. “Look, my mother was an ice apparition, an all-female race. They can have daughters all on their own. My guess is my mother met a fire demon around the time she was due to have a daughter and conceived with him. Boys are not allowed among ice apparitions and I was tossed off a cliff to die. Clearly, I survived. I had landed in a river and was found and raised by a group of bandits until they grew wary of my killing ways. I then had to make my own way from there.
“I had a desire to find the place of my birth and sought the services of a surgeon for a Jagan implant.” He undid his headband to reveal the eye. “He agreed to the procedure after I told him my life story and the price he required was the promise I mentioned. I later fought him a couple of years ago and I was released from my vow. My sister, Yukina, was found as the prisoner of a human crime lord. Ice apparitions can produce beautiful rare jewels which was why she was imprisoned. Her rescue became one of Yusuke’s cases.”
“Where is she now?”
“In a mountain compound in the nearby mountains where peaceful demons tend to the grounds.”
Kurama looked at Hiei with slight surprise. “You did not mention that.”
“I didn’t consider it necessary. I thought letting you know that my confession to Yukina had gone well was enough.”
“You are correct. It was enough.” Kurama enfolded Hiei in a hug and the humans shared gentle smiles. It was clear that Hiei and Kurama were deeply in love. Shiori had no qualms about her son being a demon or loving one and it was clear that her husband and stepson had no issues about it, either. We will be one big happy family, Shiori thought, deciding to offer Hiei houseroom, which he accepted.
Chapter Four- Decision Made
“You really do not want me to cut my hair?” Kurama asked Hiei two days after telling the family. The redhead ran a hand down his long locks.
“I really don’t. I like it the way it is.” Hiei gazed at it, admiring it.
“It is just that the length makes me look like a girl from the back.”
“That’s true, but your clothes make it clear that you’re a boy.”
“Girls do wear pants too.”
Hiei nodded and then said, “Your body shape is clearly male.”
“You are correct. My body’s shape is male. I think I’ll go up to the compound and interact with these peaceful demons you saw.”
Kurama shrugged. “I just do. I guess I need strangers to confirm my gender. I sometimes wonder if I am turning female in thought only. I could be feeling female.”
“Or just overthinking it,” Hiei cut in. “Kurama, you are male. You are not thinking like a girl and, if you were, I would still love you.”
Kurama smiled. “You’re right. I’m overthinking it. But I will visit the peaceful demons and ask their hopes in visiting Human World.” Kurama left Hiei’s room and headed for the front door.
Hiei shook his head slightly. Kurama’s obsession with his hair length was torturing him, making him think that he was becoming female, at least in thought. He needs to get over that. Maybe he should cut it; not a lot maybe a trim. A small cut may help him out of his preoccupation. I’ll suggest it when he comes back.
Kurama inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled as he approached the top of the stairs and the compound laid out before him. His confusion of himself melted away and his certainty of his gender identity strengthened. He was male, his hair length did not change that.
The demons around the area were either sweeping the porches, raking the dirt of flowerless garden beds, or tending to the plants in other garden beds. He sensed other demons in the direction of the woods and wondered if there were demons keeping the dangerous beasts and demons who lived there in line. He began to approach some demons, assured them that he meant no harm, and asked them about their business in Human World. They spoke of wanting to live without having to fight every day, of preferring this world’s beauty over Demon World, and of wanting to create peace and cooperation between humans and demons. It was all positive and very peaceful. I made the right choice in coming here. Hmm, perhaps I’ll go see Yukina.
“Excuse me, miss,” came a voice and Kurama felt a stab of annoyance at the address as he turned to the voice. The owner, a demon, took on a look of chagrin. “Oh, uh, sorry, Kurama. I…thought you were a girl.”
The redhead sighed, his annoyance evaporating. “It is all right. I get that quite often.” The demon scurried off and Kurama headed inside the house, really thinking of speaking with Yukina. He believed that Hiei told Yukina about their relationship and he felt he needed some sisterly advice about his frustration. Since Hiei could be my husband one day, Yukina would be a sister to me.
Kurama.” Yukina smiled as her friend came in. “I was hoping to see you. Hiei said you were a couple. I like the idea of having two brothers.” Her warm smile and greeting made Kurama happy and welcomed.
“I always wanted a sibling and my wish was granted when Mother remarried,” he replied as he sat. “I would love to have a sister as well. I feel I need a woman to talk to.”
Yukina was alert, picking up on Kurama’s cues. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing much. I am just frustrated and tired of being mistaken for a girl when people approach me from behind.”
Yukina tilted her head. “One would think the general shape of your body would tell people you’re a boy.”
“My hair is what is causing the confusion. I like the length and can store my seeds in it and Hiei prefers it long as well.” He sighed. “This issue with my hair would not exist if I was a girl.”
“Would you be happy that way?” Yukina asked. “Being a girl is a little harder than being a boy, at least I think so.”
“It is a little harder, yes, but I probably would be happy as a girl. I know Hiei would still love me. But, I would have to speak to the family; that is if it was possible for me to change gender.”
“It is possible,” a voice spoke up. “Especially for you, Kurama.”
Kurama stood and turned to see a demon who looked human save for his pit-less black eyes and two back-curving horns. “What do you mean, especially for me?”
“I have a recipe for a gender potion that is mostly made from plants. It does require the blood and a hair strand of the drinker, though.”
“Would there be an antidote for this potion?”
“Yes, but if not taken in a month after consuming the gender one, then it won’t work. The drinker would remain in his or her new gender.”
Kurama went to a desk in the corner, pulled out a pad of paper and a pen, and handed them to the demon. “If you could write both recipes and their instructions down, I will discuss it with my family and boyfriend about changing my gender.”
“I would be happy to.” The demon accepted the pad and pen and wrote down the recipes, labelling them for good measure.
Shiori and Kazuya both blinked at Kurama. “You would like to be a girl, Shuichi?” Shiori asked.
“I believe so. It was given a potion recipe to do this and an antidote should I choose to reverse the change as long as it is done before a month passes after taking the gender potion.”
Shiori regarded her son. He had always had delicate features and his long hair had only added to that. He had a way to become a girl as well as a way to reverse it in a month if he chose to be a boy again. “Shuichi, if you think you’ll be happier as a girl, I will support you.” She looked at Kazuya who also nodded.
“Thank you. I need to speak to Hiei about my decision before I brew the potion.” Kurama headed up to Hiei’s room to see the fire demon facing the door, red eyes closed and Jagan open and glowing. The Jagan ceased glowing and Hiei opened his eyes and simply looked at Kurama with understanding and love.
“You eavesdropped on the talk below.” There was no anger, just a matter of fact tone.
“Yes and I agree with your mother: If this will make you happy, I’ll support you as well.”
“You know there’s an antidote should I find that I do not like being a girl.”
“But if you wish to reverse it the antidote must be taken within a month of drinking the potion.”
Kurama nodded. “A limited period and the one that will likely expire should I dislike being a girl after more than a month.”
Hiei smirked. “Yes, it will take more than a month to change your mind. So, if you become a girl, you’ll learn to love it.”
Kurama nodded. “That I can do. All right. Tomorrow, I will brew and drink the potion.”
Chapter Five- Shopping
Kurama crushed the next ingredient into a fine powder which he tipped into the pot and stirred it precisely three times. He knew from experiences in the past that potions had to be brewed carefully, lest it went terribly wrong. Hiei was nearby eyeing the contents of the pot. “Fox,” he said softly. “Can you trust the one who gave you this recipe and will it only affect your human form?”
“The one who gave this to me is one of the peaceful demons in the mountains. I trust him as we have had no past encounters. Furthermore, I believe it would affect only my human form if I don’t add my demon blood and hair to the potion. I will split the blood and hair amounts evenly to insure the correct amounts and achieve the desired results.”
Hiei nodded as the next step proceeded. He marveled at the precise process and how he wouldn’t have the patience to brew a potion. Kurama had the temperament to do it. Hn, has to be the former thief in him. He watched as the mixture went from white to blue as Kurama stirred in the last ingredient that had been laid out on the counter.
“Now for the last ones,” the redhead said. He cut a strand of hair before cutting his skin and collecting a little bit of blood. He healed the mark, cleaned the knife, then changed to Yoko and repeated the procedure before resuming human form. He stirred the two bloods in the pot and then the hairs. The potion hissed and issued steam as it went from blue to pink. Kurama smiled. “It’s finished and it looks exactly like the instructions describe.” He poured it into a tall cup and began to clean up. He was a little nervous at taking the potion; once he consumed it, there was no going back. I will go through with this. I believe I will be happier as a girl and I will soon find out if that is so. Mother will be taking me shopping for clothes, shoes, and essentials. I will embrace everything about being female and enjoy every moment. Once everything was thoroughly cleaned, he carried the cup to the living room where the family waited and Hiei followed him.
Kurama entered and his family’s eyes went to the pink liquid in the clear cup. “I put my human and demon blood and hair in the potion so it will affect both forms.”
“That makes sense, Shuichi,” Shiori said. She smiled at him and it gave him the will to lift the cup to his lips and drained its contents.
At first, nothing happened but then his head throbbed and his stomach burned. The cup slipped from his hand as he wrapped both arms around his stomach, Hiei catching the cup as it fell. He folded to his knees, gasping at the feel of his body altering itself. His shirt strained as he saw a pair of breasts growing out of his chest. He felt his clothes either tighten or loosen as his body changed. He could almost feel parts of him shift, change, or vanish. He gave another gasp as the pain abruptly ended and he heard an alto tone emerge. Kurama panted a little and knew that he was now a girl.
Hiei admired his new girlfriend. He could easily tell the difference. The hair hadn’t changed but the shoulders were slimmer and the shape of the body was smaller. He went around to the front, put his fingers under the chin, and tilted Kurama’s face up. He nearly gasped at the beautiful face he saw. Her green eyes were brighter and her eyebrows were thinner and delicate-looking. Her nose was slender and a pale pink tint showed on her cheeks. Her lips were full and suited her. “Kurama, you are beautiful,” he said softly.
Her lips curled up into a smile and a blush covered her cheeks. “Thank you, Hiei,” she replied and then rose to her feet, swaying a little to regain her balance. Who would have thought I would have to regain my balance? Perhaps my center is off due to my breasts. That would make sense as I just got them instead of adjusting to their growth over a period of years.
Shiori approached them, her eyes moving over Kurama’s form. “Shuichi, I believe I have some clothes you can borrow until you have your own.”
“I would appreciate that, Mother,” she said as she followed her upstairs. She smiled again, liking the sound of her voice. She knew the novelty would wear off but for a time there would be new experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It will take more than a month before the novelty ends.
“Shuichi,” Shiori said as she went through her closet. “I required time from school for you and for schoolwork to keep you caught up.”
Kurama nodded. She didn’t need to ask why: Changing gender is usually not an overnight or instant thing. “How long will I be out?”
“Three weeks, maybe four. Your principal knows that you’re going in for gender surgery but no one else knows for right now. Eventually, the staff will be told. I imagine you would like to surprise your classmates.”
“I would.” Kurama accepted the clothes Shiori passed her before the older woman laid out undergarments and deodorant before leaving Kurama alone to dress in private.
Kurama stripped off her clothes and looked at her body in the mirror. She was quite attractive. Her face had altered to where she almost didn’t recognize it. I wonder. She closed her eyes and shifted to her demon form. She opened her eyes and gave a soft gaps, her voice now a soprano. She was still six feet tall, but her body was shapelier than her human one. Her ears had a delicate look to them and her tail was a little fuller but not as bushy. Her eyes were a brighter gold and her face had also altered with delicate or feminine features. She examined her hands and claws before running them over her face and hair. “The potion does nice work. I almost do not recognize myself.” She changed back to human and proceeded to dress, noting that Hiei would want to see her demon form later on.
She emerged in a pantsuit with stockings and flats. She carried her folded clothes to her room and then headed downstairs to find her mother waiting along with Hiei. The fire demon had a bit of impatience in his eyes. “Took you long enough,” he quipped.
“I wanted to see my demon form,” she answered.
“Of course,” he said. “I’ll want to see it too.”
“I know.” She kissed his cheek before leaving with Shiori, missing the soft smile on Hiei’s face.
“I figured you wouldn’t have any problems getting dressed,” Shiori asked as they got in the car.
“None at all. I may need smaller bras, though.”
“Not much smaller, I think. How are the shoes?”
“A bit roomy in the toes.”
Shiori nodded as she drove. “Well, that answers those questions so taking your measurements won’t be necessary.”
“Good. I feel that would be awkward and embarrassing.”
Shiori chuckled as they pulled over near a clothes store. “You know, I might buy some clothes for myself as well.”
Kurama felt excitement well up inside her as they entered the store. She focused on this feeling and found it was connected to their outing. I’m excited to be shopping. That makes sense as most females love shopping.
“I think beige is a good color on you.” Shiori looked at the suit Kurama wore.
“I would have to concur,” she said as they walked to the women’s department. She saw a rack of dresses and gravitated toward it. She felt no disgust or horror as she looked at them. The colors and patterns interested her and she knew she wanted a couple of nice dresses for dates and casual days.
It took a couple of times for her to find her sizes, but once she did she began to browse the clothes and undergarments, choosing those that appealed to her as well as some practical pieces.
After that, they went to the shoes to find sneakers, flats, and modest heels. They found shoes for school too and all half a size smaller than her borrowed shoes. “Shuichi, how about you put together an outfit and I’ll pay for everything before getting the essentials,” Shiori suggested.
“Yes, Mother.” Kurama picked out her choices and, after removing the price tags, she took them to a changing room.
Chapter Six- Discussions
Kurama came out of the dressing room wearing a pair of denim jeans, white socks, and white sneakers with pink and purple accents, a white bra, and a royal purple shirt, her mother’s clothes neatly folded. Her new clothes felt stiff but she had expected that. She found her mother nearby and she smiled at her daughter.
“Perfect fit,” she commented. “That shade of purple complements your hair and eyes nicely.”
“That is precisely what I thought,” she admitted.
The cart was empty of clothes making it clear that they were in the car’s trunk. Kurama didn’t ask what essentials she needed as she was a smart girl and old enough to know. I need pads, razors, shaving gel, and deodorant.
“Hmm,” Shiori said as she stopped at the makeup department after getting the essentials. “I am low on lipstick,” she said, more to herself. While Shiori looked at the lipstick, Kurama’s eyes drifted to the nail polish. She knew that she couldn’t wear makeup, nail polish, or earrings at school, but outside of school was another matter. She looked at her nails which had grown out a little and then at the bottles. So many brands and shades. It is hard to choose. She plucked a clear bottle up. Practical, but a little boring.
She looked over to see Shiori looking at her with an indulging smile. She smiled back, feeling a bit shy. “I was just looking,” she said, aware that she was still holding the clear polish.
“It’s all right, dear. You can pick a few bottles and maybe a little lip gloss?”
Kurama looked at the bottle in her hand before putting it in the cart and turning back to choose other colors while Shiori picked up cotton rounds and polish remover. Kurama added pale pink lip gloss before they went to get Kurama a compact, purse, and wallet.
“That was fun, Mother,” Kurama said as they sat down for lunch.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was afraid you wouldn’t.”
“Well, as I am a girl, I should embrace everything about being one. So far, I am happier than I was when I was male.”
“Wait at least a week or two and then we’ll talk about it.”
Kazuya stared as the women walked in. “Did you girls buy out the whole store?”
Shiori laughed. “No, dear. Shuichi did need regular clothes in addition to her uniforms and essentials. I did buy a little for myself too.”
“Is Hiei here, Father?” Kurama asked as she collected bags from Shiori.
“No, sweetheart. He said he was going to visit his sister.”
Kurama nodded as she went up to take her old clothes out and put the new ones away. Then, she decided to try shaving.
“Kurama’s a girl now,” Yukina said.
“Yes. Yukina, she is beautiful.” Hiei’s face softened. “Her face looks so different and yet I know it’s her.”
“Do you love her more now that she’s a girl?”
Hiei looked thoughtful for a moment. “No. I love her the same as I did before.”
Yes, my love for her hasn’t changed, he thought as he left. No matter what she does or how she acts, she is still the Kurama I know and love. Hiei entered the house through the front door; when Shiori offered him to live with them, he was given a key and asked to use the door when coming and going. Hiei saw no reason to argue about it. He entered, announced his presence, and then bounded up to Kurama’s room, knocking on the door.
“Come in,” she replied and Hiei did so. He blinked at what he saw. Kurama sat on the bed, wearing a long man’s shirt that concealed her body to her upper thighs. Her legs hung over the edge looking smooth and bare…no, no they weren’t. There were bandages on both legs and a couple of them had obvious signs of blood. He was across the room in a flash, examining the injuries. “What happened, Fox?”
“Nothing serious. I decided to shave my legs and I cut myself.”
“Really?” He pointed at the two most serious ones. “Those look serious.”
“I just pressed too hard.” She grimaced. “They hurt as bad as a paper cut.”
“I guess you’re going to wait a little before healing them.”
“I was about to heal when you knocked.” Kurama ripped one off, put a finger to the cut, and it glowed softly. Hiei was quiet as Kurama pulled off the bandages and healed the cuts. She left the two stained ones and then reached for her jeans, Hiei averting his eyes.
“How was your shopping trip?” he finally asked.
“It was fun. I love shopping. I have so many choices, styles, and colors from which to choose. I even got nail polish and lip gloss.” She nodded at her desk where said items sat. “Mother said I still need outerwear like jackets and coats.” Her eyes sparkled at the thought. She looked at Hiei and dipped her head. “It is strange to you to hear me talk like this, correct?”
“A little, but it doesn’t bother me. I know that you’ll do girl things and act like a girl, but that’s fine. You are a girl now and I still love you.”
Kurama cupped Hiei’s chin. “I still love you, too,” she said before giving him a kiss. Hiei wrapped his arms around her neck and his fingers threaded through her hair as they continued to kiss. They paused for a moment and Hiei whispered, “”Could I see your demon form?”
“Of course.” Hiei backed away as Kurama stood and switched to Yoko, the clothes altering to accommodate her female form. Her tunic had two straps, the waistline smaller to fit, and the shoes were smaller.
Hiei’s eyes went up and down, taking it all in and he smirked. “You’re gorgeous this way,” he said.
“I felt the same way when I first looked.” Yoko ran her fingers along her jawline. “I barely recognize my face, it has altered so much.”
“Of course it did. You’re female, Yoko and a very attractive one. Your face can’t stay the same if the rest of your body changes.”
“Yes, you are correct. So,” Yoko said as her fingers ran down her hair. “You find me very attractive this way?”
Yoko’s full lips flicked up at the comment. “That is pleasing to hear. You and I could have a family of strong demons later on when Shuichi’s education is done.”
“Speaking of that, what will her classmates think when she goes to school tomorrow?”
“Actually, she’s not going back for a few weeks. Shiori told her principal about Shuichi having gender surgery. Such a procedure is not an overnight or instant change and requires time for the surgery and recovery.”
Hiei nodded. “Yes. I too needed time to recover from my Jagan implant.”
“I would think so. The school will provide work so Shuichi can be kept up on her work.”
“Then, that means I have you all to myself.”
Yoko changed back to Kurama. “I do plan to tell Yusuke and Kuwabara about this. They deserve to know.”
“I’m sure Yukina would like to see you too. So, let’s arrange a meeting at Genkai’s in a few days.”
Chapter Seven- Surprises
Kurama let Hiei deliver the message to Yusuke and Kuwabara as they wouldn’t recognize her voice and besides, she wanted her change to be a surprise. Hiei did not say anything beyond, “Kurama wants us at Genkai’s in two days.”
Kurama busied herself in her schoolwork and what she was going to wear to the meeting. She decided on a dress with pantyhose and flats. She showered the day after shaving and once dry, she painted her nails a color to match her dress. Hiei watched as she did this and they talked while the polish dried.
“Hn, seems a lot of trouble just to paint the nails,” he said.
“Yes, but the end result is worth the trouble,” she pointed out. “Hmm, should I wear my hair up or down?”
Hiei stood before her with a raised eyebrow. “Aren’t you being a bit too concerned with your appearance?”
“Perhaps, but I would like an answer to my question.”
Hiei sighed before going behind her and pulling his girlfriends’ hair back and up, using a ribbon to tie it. He stepped back to take in the effect. He had pulled Kurama’s hair into a high ponytail with her forelocks draped in front of her shoulders. He looked it over. “It’s…different, but nice. I could get used to it if it’s worn up often.”
“Might I suggest a bun?” Kurama asked. “There are other ties and clips Mother gave me.” She tilted her head to a box on her vanity.
Hiei retrieved the box, let Kurama’s hair down, and began to style the red hair with the brush, gathering it into an elegant bun. He stood to the side to get a profile look and was almost speechless by the effect. “You look great with a bun.” He brought a hand mirror to Kurama.
She turned her head and smiled at the result. “I would have to agree. You do good work.” Hiei smirked before taking it down. “I would suggest leaving your hair down for the meeting. You should look somewhat recognizable.”
Kurama and Hiei traveled up to Genkai’s on the agreed day. She was a bit nervous but it was understandable. She suspected she would encounter surprise and a demand for an explanation. She had rehearsed what she would say and make it clear that this was what she had wanted.
The demons were still around and the grounds looked wonderful. As they strolled to the porch, the demon who gave her the recipe spied them and his mouth dropped before he recovered and approached the pair.
“Kurama, you are a lovely girl. I almost didn’t recognize you.”
“Thank you. I am quite pleased with the result and I like being a girl.”
“I am glad I was able to be of help.” He gestured to the house. “Your friends are waiting for you.”
“Thank you again.” Kurama and Hiei headed off, the former glancing at the latter whose forehead glowed. “Hiei?”
“Hn. His motive was pure. He only wanted to help you.”
“I was certain of that when I began to change.”
Hiei opened the door and saw Yusuke, Kuwabara, Yukina, and Genkai gathered. He watched Yukina as Kurama entered and the ice apparition’s eyes widened and a bright smile appeared. It was clear that she liked Kurama’s new look. The boys looked at her blankly while Genkai had a small smile.
“Where’s Kurama?” Yusuke asked Hiei as the two demons sat.
“Right here.” Hiei tilted his head at the redhead who wore a deep green dress with pantyhose and green nail polish. Her hair fell down her back in its usual style.
Kuwabara gaped at her in shock. “Kurama!?” he gasped. “How did you become a girl?”
“It was a potion I brewed, the recipe I acquired from a peaceful demon who wished to help.”
“Why the hell would you become a girl?” Yusuke asked, still stunned by the revelation.
“I was tired of being mistaken for a girl from the back. I suppose you could say I was having a sort of gender crisis. I discussed it with my family and Hiei made I made and drank the potion.”
“Gender crisis?” Yusuke repeated. “What, you thought you were a girl despite looking like a guy?”
“No. It was more like I felt that the frustrations I felt about being mistaken for a girl would vanish by becoming a girl.”
“Have they?” Yukina asked.
“Thus far, it would seem they have. I enjoy the experiences and emotions I have encountered. I find that I love shopping and trying new hairstyles.”
“Wouldn’t it be weird if you changed to Yoko?” Yusuke asked. “You know, being female and then becoming male?”
“It would if I hadn’t added my demon blood and hair to the potion in addition to the human blood and hair.”
“Oh,” Yusuke said softly. “Of course. Could we see?”
“Of course.” Kurama stood and took her demon form. She opened her gold eyes and felt amused by the astonished looks of the guys.
“Whoa. You’re beautiful,” Yusuke gasped.
“I agree,” Yukina piped up.
She resumed her human form and, as she sat, gave Hiei a meaningful look. Their relationship was only known to Yukina and her family. It was time to tell the others; no doubt they would tell Keiko and Shizuru later on.
“There’s something else.” Kurama smiled in amusement. “I will admit that I am amazed I have kept it secret for this long. At the New Year’s Eve party, I confessed love to Hiei and he reciprocated those feelings. Since then, we have been a couple.”
“Wow,” Kuwabara said. “We had no idea you were dating.”
“Not dating,” Hiei said. “I consider us mates though Kurama uses the terms boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Wait,” Yusuke said. “Are you saying you haven’t had even one date yet?”
“That’s right. I understand that dates cost money and I don’t have money.”
“I could pay,” Kurama said. “I would not mind. Yes, usually the boy pays but there is no reason why it cannot go the other way. Some couples even split the cost.”
“If we go on a date, what would we do?” Hiei asked.
Kurama smiled. “I was thinking dinner and a walk in the park.”
“Dinner and a walk.” Hiei nodded. “Yes. That sounds nice. When should we go out?”
“Does this coming weekend sound good?”
“Yes, this weekend. Now, do you know that Kurama’s told her family everything before she changed gender?”
Kuwabara and Yusuke shook their heads and Kurama and Hiei told them how Kurama had told her family the truth about herself and Hiei admitted his part in Kurama’s life while the fire demon wondered about the weekend’s coming date.
Chapter Eight- First Date
“A date?” Shiori smiled at her daughter. “That’s wonderful. Where’s he taking you?”
“Uh, well, I am more in control of the date as demons don’t usually date. They jump right to the concept of mates. I suggested dinner and a walk in the park. He agreed to it and I offered to pay since he has no money. But as for where we’re going for dinner, I’m leaving that up to him.”
“Oh, Shuichi, that’s sweet of you.” She kissed her forehead. “Would you like some help in selecting a dress?”
“Sure, Mother.” The two women went upstairs to plan Kurama’s outfit.
Meanwhile, Hiei sought Kazuya’s advice. He knew almost nothing about dates. He knew humans kissed during the date or at the end or both. He also knew that the guy usually pays for the date and holding hands came in somewhere in all that.
“Where will we have dinner?” he asked as he paced his room, Kazuya sitting on the bed. “I don’t want anything expensive.”
“Do you know what she likes?” Kazuya asked.
“Not really. We usually don’t eat when we talk.”
“Well, Shuichi may be wanting a romantic dinner. A traditional choice is Italian food: Spaghetti, fettucine, things like that. I took her mother to such a restaurant while dating her.”
“Yes,” Hiei said, looking at him. “Sounds perfect. What else could I do?”
“Girls like flowers. Some guys bring flowers for his date’s mother as a gesture to win points with the parents. You don’t have to worry about that. A single flower for Shuichi, a rose traditionally, would be best.”
Hiei laughed. “Have you forgotten? Kurama specializes in plants, especially roses.”
“Okay, then. No flowers. Let’s move on to things during the date. Guys usually offer their arm to the girl or their jacket if she’s cold, opening doors for them, and generally treating her nicely.”
Hiei nodded. “That I can do with no problem.”
The days leading up to the date flew by for Hiei but moved slowly for Kurama. She spent time getting herself ready for the date while experiencing the new facets of being female. She got better at shaving her legs but asked Shiori if there were better ways.
“Shaving is the best way, dear. You could wax your legs but preparation is long and the procedure itself is quite painful. It involves putting the wax on your legs, applying a special paper to the wax, and then ripping it off which would yank the hair out.”
Kurama flinched. “I see.”
Shiori smiled. “One day, someone may invent a quick and painless way to shave. Just be patient.”
“Patience I have in abundance.” Kurama went to bed the night before the date with newly cleaned hair and shaved legs, looking forward to being on a date with Hiei.
Hiei fussed with the new suit Kazuya insisted on buying for him. He couldn’t see why he couldn’t just wear his usual clothes but Shiori convinced him that Kurama would like to see him wearing something different. So, he was wearing a casual but dressy suit with shoes instead of boots. He left his sword in his room, tucked away out of sight before going downstairs to wait for Kurama.
He only waited ten minutes before he heard footsteps on the stairs and turned to them to see Kurama come down them. She had her hair pulled up into a bun and a light coat of makeup on her face. She wore a simple, but dressy black dress, pantyhose, and black flats. A small beige purse hung on one shoulder. She smiled at his open-mouthed look. “Hiei?” she prompted.
“You look very pretty,” he finally said, offering his arm.
“Thank you.” She accepted his arm and called, “Mother, we are leaving now.”
“Have a good time,” Shiori called back as they stepped out into the night.
“So, where are we going?” Kurama said as they walked. “You said you had selected a place but wanted to keep it a surprise.”
“Your stepfather spoke of a restaurant he took your mother to when they were dating and it sounded perfect to me.”
“Ah, yes. Mother spoke of that date to me the following night after it. It was quite romantic for her.”
“I hope it feels that way for you.” Hiei saw the happy look on Kurama’s face and it gave him a warm feeling. Kurama is quite lovely as a girl. She made the right choice in changing gender and I don’t want her to take the antidote.
Hiei and Kurama arrived at the restaurant and were soon seated at a table with menus. Kurama selected her choice and set it down to look around while Hiei was still looking at his menu. “This is a nice place.”
“I wanted to take you somewhere nice but not expensive.”
“Hiei, I would have been fine if our date had been a picnic in the part wearing casual clothes. I love you and you love me. That is really all I need.”
“Yes, but our relationship is a little different now. You’re a girl and I want to make you happy.”
“I am happy. Yes, my gender changed the relationship a little but that is all that is different. I am still the same Kurama you have known. I will just act like a girl at times thanks to my body and its hormones.”
Hiei smirked as they placed their orders. “I was happy when your family accepted the truth about yourself and our relationship. It makes it easier to talk to them. It prompted me to speak more openly about myself than I usually would.”
“Yes, my family has that effect on people. I only wish I had told them the truth sooner.”
“Yes. So, you’ve been a girl for about a week. You still like it?”
“Oh, yes. I do not see myself taking the antidote and I do not intend to do so. I like how I am now and will remain this way.”
“I also like you this way and wouldn’t want you to change back.”
Kurama smiled. “When Mother and I were shopping, I was addressed by some of the clerks as Miss. It had a nice sound to it.”
“I’m sure it did.” Hiei paused as their food was brought. “When will you return to school?”
“I would say another two weeks. By then, the teachers will be made aware of the reason for my absence. It will be made clear that the students be unaware so that I can surprise them or at least my classmates who will, without a doubt, spread it to the rest of the school.”
“I imagine the girls will be disappointed while the boys may show interest in you.”
“If they do, I will say that I have a boyfriend. They may not ask about you, but the girls likely will.”
“Hn, some humans can be so nosy sometimes.”
“Yes, but girls like to gossip and I believe I will gossip as well. It sounds like fun.” She could hardly wait to go back to school. Her first day back was sure to be fun as would her first week back.
Chapter Nine- The Big Reveal
The principal looked Kurama up and down, finding it hard to believe that the young lady before him had been the clever and popular young man he had known for almost two years. “Well, Shuichi, I must say it was a surprise when your mother informed me of your decision to be a girl.” He smiled. “The surgeon knew what he, she…?”
“What he was doing. You are a lovely young lady. You’ll be able to ease back into your schoolwork, thanks to the work you did during your recovery.”
“Yes, sir. It is good to be back.” Kurama turned and left the office, her uniform not stiff due to having it washed beforehand. It was softer shade of color than her old uniforms, but like her middle school uniforms, it clashed with her hair.
She entered her classroom and was noticed by her teacher. He too looked at her before saying, “Welcome back, Shuichi.”
“Thank you.” She took her seat, aware of students looking curiously at her. She knew she looked like a new student and yet the teacher did not introduce her.
Kaito decided to be the first to welcome her before pointing out to the teacher that he had given her Shuichi’s seat. “Hello,” he said once he was beside her. “I’m Yue Kaito and I’m happy to make your acquaintance.” He held out a hand.
The girl’s green eyes shone with amusement and she giggled. “Kaito, it is me. Shuichi.” Kurama giggled harder as Kaito’s mouth fell open and his eyes went wide.
“S-S-Shuichi?” he sputtered. “How…how…?”
She leaned closer and said softly, “Between you and me, I drank a gender potion on purpose, but to everyone else I had gender surgery.”
Kaito gave her a smile. “Well, you are certainly pretty and all the boys will be lining up to go out with you.”
“Not if you help spread the word that I am unavailable. I am seeing Hiei.”
The room wide shock of Shuichi’s change came when the teacher called her name and she replied. Kurama saw double takes and outright astonished stares and reveled in the sensation her change had caused. When lunch came around, Kurama found herself surrounded by some classmates who asked how she became a girl, why she did it, and if she likes it. Kurama gave the public responses to the how and why and gave the honest answer to the last question.
“I am quite happy being a girl. I enjoy the same things I did before the surgery as well as the things most girls like.”
“Then would you like to go shopping with us after school?” one girl asked.
Kurama nodded with a bright smile. “Sure. I love shopping.”
The group around her desk melted away and Kurama was left to dwell on the previous two weeks. Keiko and Shizuru found out through the guys and Shizuru dropped by to quiz her on being female. Kurama assured her that she knew what to expect and that she looked forward to experiencing them. She got better at shaving, but did nick herself once or twice. When she got her first period, it was a jumble of emotions for her.
It startled her when she went to the bathroom and saw blood spots on her panties. She had been at home at the time so she finished her business, went to her room to grab a new pair of panties and a pad, and then returned to the bathroom. She pulled off the soiled one, put on the new pair with the pad attached, and rinsed off the blood off her panties. She ran into a heavy day the next day and Hiei had run in, saying he smelled her blood and asked where she was hurt.
Kurama had laughed and then said, “I am not injured, Hiei. I am menstruating. My period today is a heavy flow.” Hiei had turned red at his girlfriend’s blatant explanation and left quickly. Her emotions took a downward spiral later on that day and she felt irritable and wanting to be alone. She felt bad when she awoke the next day and reflected on her behavior. She knew why she had felt that way and also knew that there was no excuse for it. She apologized to everyone and Shiori had told her that emotional flare-ups and mood changes were normal and that apologies were appreciated. She had been relieved when her period ended…at least for now.
When school ended, Kurama left with a few of her classmates to go shopping as she said she would. She was aware of the stares as they left and she knew why: News of her change had raced through the school. She heard whispers of her looks and why she chose to be a girl. Kurama knew that they would become used to her gender and not think twice about it. But until then, I am going to enjoy all the attention.
She spent the afternoon chatting with the girls and shopping with them. She gave her opinion when the others modeled clothes and received a few in return when she tried some on. She had a good time and knew she would gladly hang out with them again. She split up with them and waved, saying, “See you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Shuichi,” one answered before the redheaded demon headed home. She glowed as she walked; she had had a wonderful day at school and looked forward to tomorrow.
Her thoughts came to a stop as she smelled a demon. It wasn’t Hiei; she knew his scent all too well. This one smelled of death and rotten meat. A flesh-eater, she surmised. She sniffed the air, following the smell into a deserted street and then a narrow isolated alley. She came to the alley’s dead end and frowned. He is here. I can smell him. Her lips flicked up. He’s above me. Clever. She heard a heavy thud behind her and heavy breathing before a rasping voice said, “Hello, beautiful. A shame you’ll be my dinner. You would be a lovely companion.”
“I have no doubt of that, however, I will be neither your dinner nor a companion.” Kurama turned and looked up at a hulking figure with sharp claws and teeth. The demon looked at her and a rumbling laugh came out. “Threatened by a human girl,” he snickered. “Your race is getting too confident when facing my kind ever since we started coming here.”
“You, a flesh-eater, are not allowed to come here and I am not a human.” Kurama flicked her hair, red turning silver, and her body became her fox self. Her gold eyes looked at her opponent calmly but with cunning and a lack of mercy as well.
“Y-Yoko!?” the demon gasped. “I had heard whispers that you became female but I didn’t believe it.”
“As you can see, you heard correctly. However, that does not mean that I am weaker.”
“We’ll see about that!” the demon roared as he lunged at the silver fox.
Yoko unhurriedly put a hand in her hair and, in a split second, a snap and crack was heard and the demon laid before Yoko in two equal pieces and her rose whip was coiled at her feet. “Fool,” she said to the dead demon. “Female demons are just as deadly as male demons.”
“Hn, of course they are,” came Hiei’s voice from behind the corpse. “Yoko, your mother asked me to find you as it’s getting late.”
Yoko switched back to Kurama. “My apologies. I was shopping with some girls and then got distracted by this demon.”
“Shopping. Doesn’t look like you bought anything.” Kurama came alongside Hiei and they started home.
“I did not see anything I liked. Maybe another time.”
“Maybe.” Hiei was amused by Kurama’s girly interests. She’s been this way for three weeks and it still amuses me. “Hn, I love you, Fox,” he said at the front door.
“I love you too,” Kurama said as they shared a kiss.