Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Part One
Kurama stared into his bathroom mirror, turning his head from side to side and then standing in profile. His face was soft angles, his neck graceful, and his green eyes were the same shade as leaves. In short, his face was male with a delicate look to it that he liked. I would like it better if I was a girl. My hair is long enough for me to be mistaken for a girl from the back. He ran a hand down his long red hair.
He left the bathroom and headed for his room to dress for the day. He had been feeling different about his gender for a couple of years, but kept it to himself as he knew no one would understand. He had softer skin and facial features than a man should have but the rest of him was the envy of the girls at school.
His gender issue also extended to his preferences. He felt nothing like love or interest toward girls, but he felt attracted to guys. He had been lucky to form close friendships with like-minded guys. One such guy was Hiei. He too had no interest in girls, but had a body that most guys would kill to have and girls would swoon over. He found Kurama a lovely guy and he found Hiei very attractive. They kept their relationship secret and shared private hugs and kisses, but neither one confessed deep love for the other. It was fine for Kurama; he was exploring the idea of dating guys and found he rather liked going out with boys.
Now, it was summertime on the day Kurama had been critically checking his reflection. He donned a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, slipped on some sandals, and picked up a swim bag before leaving the house to grab a bus ride to the beach.
Thirty minutes later, Kurama disembarked off the bus and walked across the sand to a grove of rocks. There was an almost invisible gap through which Kurama slipped through and was on a small enclosed cove where he spread his towel, changed clothes to a pair of swim trunks, and hung a waterproof camera around his neck before dashing for the water and diving in.
Kurama loved the sea and enjoyed taking underwater pictures so much that he was considering earning a degree in marine biology after graduating high school. He was also very good in holding his breath and thus was able to get pictures of rare or unique species of fish or coral that impressed the members of the science club.
An extremely rare fish came by and Kurama quickly snapped a picture. He recognized it from one of his books on rare sea life and knew he didn’t already have a picture of it. He turned in a circle to enjoy the look of the open water when a large deep green fishtail caught his eye. It was followed by a large navy blue fishtail.
He turned, looked down, and almost drowned in shock: There were two people nearby, a boy and a girl but instead of legs, they had fishtails! The boy had the green tail while the girl had the blue one. He managed to snap a picture before heading up quickly. His head broke the surface and he gasped, gulping air as he headed back to shore. He collapsed on his towel once on land, eyes wide with what he had witnessed.
I’ve seen lots of rare sea life, but never…merpeople. Kurama sat up and hit the preview button on his camera to examine the picture. Their tails seemed a little longer than legs would be. The girl had brown hair in a tomboy cut and wore a bra made from seashells. The boy…
Oh my. He’s so handsome. Kurama gazed at the image. He had black hair that floated about his head. He couldn’t see much more than that due to the angle. Nonetheless, Kurama felt as if he was in love. He had never seen anyone so graceful and good-looking like that.
I have to meet him, talk with him. It’s possible he’s not into guys; the girl could be his girlfriend. But, I want to meet him anyway.
“Yusuke, I think a human saw us!” the mermaid exclaimed, panic lacing her voice.
“I know and I think he had a camera,” Yusuke replied with extreme concern.
“What are we going to do?”
“I’m going to try to get that camera away from him and destroy it,” Yusuke answered.
“Be careful, Yusuke.”
“I will, Keiko.” Yusuke headed for the surface, slowly rising above the surface and looking around for the human. He figured the bright red hair would be easy to spot. He didn’t see it at the beach and ducked down to swim a little way further down the shore and popped up near a secluded cove to see the redhead and alone.
Yusuke’s mouth dropped. The human was gorgeous! His long red hair framed a delicate face and slender neck that seemed odd for a male and yet it suited him. Yusuke felt as if he had fallen head over fins in love. He had like Keiko, yes, but she wasn’t a serious girlfriend and accepted that Yusuke like girls and guys. She also was aware that he could fall for someone else; but neither one thought he would fall for a human.
He moved forward toward the shore; he no longer cared about getting the camera, he wanted to meet the human. Perhaps, strike up a friendship. His movement caught the redhead’s attention and looked up to see Yusuke coming. His mouth dropped and his cheeks burned red. His reaction made Yusuke’s cheeks grow hot as he said, “Hi, I’m Yusuke.”
“I-I’m Kurama,” was the stuttered reply. His cheeks were still red, something that told the merboy that Kurama might be attracted to him as well.
“I’m guessing you want my camera,” Kurama said, holding up the device. “Destroy the evidence of your existence.”
“That is why I came up to find you. However, I didn’t realize how lovely you are. Now, I just want to know you.”
“I wanted to meet you again. I liked the image of you on my camera. I guessed you were handsome from the angle of the shot and it appears I was right to think so.”
Yusuke grinned slightly. “It sounds like we’re attracted to each other. Actually, I’m head over fins in love.” He blushed as he said this.
“Oh. So that mermaid isn’t your girlfriend?”
“Not a serious one. She know I could end up falling for another girl or guy.”
“So you like both. I’m interested in guys only.”
“Ah, I see. You know, Kurama, I’d be interested in seeing you again.”
“How about tomorrow at high noon right here?”
Yusuke’s grin widened. “It’s a date.”
“Great and about the picture. I can delete it.”
“If you want. I’d rather you keep it but not show anyone.”
“You have my word. I won’t show anyone.”
“All right. Well, see you tomorrow.” Yusuke dived down while Kurama packed up to head home.
Part Two
You didn’t get the camera!?” Keiko scolded.
Yusuke flinched. “No, I didn’t, but Kurama promised not to show the picture.”
“You trust him to keep his word?”
“I do. Keiko…I’m in love with him.”
The brunette’s mouth dropped. “You’re in love with him? But, you don’t really know him.”
“I know he’s only interested in guys and we agreed to meet tomorrow at this enclosed cove. I’ll know a lot more about him then.”
Keiko took in Yusuke’s expression. It seemed almost aglow at the thought of meeting his crush. She knew then that her relationship with Yusuke was over. I knew it wouldn’t last forever and there’s nothing against loving a human as our race tended to keep to ourselves. Plus, the differences between our races, big and small, makes a relationship hard to maintain, but if anyone can make it work, it’s Yusuke.
She gave him a hug. “I’m happy for you, Yusuke. Enjoy your date.”
Yusuke hugged back. “Thanks, Keiko. I mean it.”
Kurama lay in bed that night, thinking about Yusuke and their date tomorrow. He didn’t really know much about Yusuke except that he likes girl and guys, that he was in love with Kurama and that Kurama was attracted to him. I’m not just attracted; like Yusuke I’m head over heels in love. Love at first sight; that’s what it is for both of us. I look forward to knowing more about him. Kurama rolled over and fell asleep.
“Kurama, honey. Can we talk for a moment?” Shiori asked the next day.
“Sure, Mother.” Kurama entered the living room and sat beside her.
“We’re going to have visitors tonight. So, don’t stay out too long.”
“I promise.” Kurama kissed Shiori and was out the door. Shiori leaned back, frowning thoughtfully. Her son, while a good student, concerned her. He spent all his time alone and hadn’t said anything about a girlfriend. Well, tonight will fix that.
Kurama squeezed through the narrow gap and saw that he was there first. He seated himself near the shallows and gazed at the view. The ocean was just as beautiful on the surface as it was under the surface. A figure diving through the water appeared, heading toward him. Black hair and a green tail told him it was Yusuke. God, he’s graceful, diving like that.
Yusuke surfaced and swam into the shallows, a big smile on his face. “Hi, Kurama. It’s great to see you again.”
“Same here, Yusuke.” His eyes looked over Yusuke’s tail before saying, “What’s it like being a merman?”
“Uh, well, what do you want to know? I mean I suppose swimming fast and breathing underwater is cool, but I do it all the time so I don’t think about it.”
“Do you have school? Do you live in a village or a kingdom? What do you eat?”
“Oh! Yeah, we have school, but once one’s fourteen, that’s it for formal education and more real world learning. We live in villages all over the world. Food is seaweed, some fish, and other small sea life. As you can probably guess, all of it is raw.
“Now, tell me about being human. Anything at all.”
“Well, school is mandatory until age eighteen. Then, one can choose whether to go to college to get a chance at a high-paying job. I live in a city which is bigger than a village. Food is varied as is the methods of eating it.”
“This college you mentioned, are you planning to go there?”
“Oh, yes. I want to earn a degree in marine biology.”
“I’m guessing that has something to do with the ocean.”
“Correct.” Kurama paused for a moment. “Yusuke, there’s something about me I think you should know. For two years now, I’ve been wanting to be a girl. My face just seems more feminine, at least to me it does.”
Yusuke blinked in the confusion. “Do you think that’s why you like guys? ‘Cause you feel more female than male?”
“I do think that’s part of it.”
“What do your parents think?”
“My father’s dead and Mother doesn’t know. You’re the first one I’ve told.”
Yusuke felt flattered that Kurama trusted him enough to tell him this deep secret. We just met and he’s told me something no one else knows.
“Yusuke, what’s your family like?”
“It’s just my mom and me, just like you.”
Kurama and Yusuke talked easily about anything they could think of until Kurama stood. “I need to go. Mother said we’re having visitors tonight and I promised to be home before they arrive.”
“Oh, sure. I understand. Maybe we could meet again tomorrow?”
“I’d love that. How about I row out to sea and you show me some sights?”
“Sounds like fun to me. I’ll see you around noon again.” Yusuke rolled back into deeper water and dived down while Kurama watched before leaving, smiling.
Kurama came downstairs dressed in trousers and a button-down shirt tucked into them. His loose hair had been brushed and tied into a low ponytail. Shiori gazed lovingly at him. “You look so handsome and grown-up,” she said softly.
Kurama was confused. He had arrived home and Shiori insisted he shower and dress nicely for their company. The entire thing made him think this visit was more than a casual together. He had just sat on the sofa when the doorbell rang.
“Stay there, dear. I’ll get it.” Shiori left the room and returned several minutes later with two people: Genkai and her great-granddaughter, Yukina, who smiled shyly at Kurama, her cheeks turning pink as she sat beside him. She was wearing a black skirt that ended at her knees and a pale pink blouse tucked into it. She had on pantyhose and pale pink flats. Her aqua-colored hair was twisted up into an elegant bun.
Genkai and Shiori stood in front of them, looking pleased at the two of them sitting together before Genkai cleared her throat. “Shiori brought it to my attention that you are unattached, Kurama.”
Kurama nodded. “Yes, that’s correct. My studies keep me occupied.”
“As it happen, Yukina is also unattached.” Genkai came closer and reached into her pants pocket. “It is therefore decided that the two of you should be a couple.” Genkai pulled out a necklace with a gold ring on it that she put around Kurama’s neck while Shiori put one around Yukina’s neck.
Yukina looked at Kurama with a beaming smile. He smiled back, but inside he felt sick. His mother was attempting to fix him up with a girl since naturally because he didn’t tell her he liked guys.
“I think the two of you should go on a dinner date tomorrow night so you can get to know each other,” Shiori suggested.
Kurama managed another smile. “I like that idea.”
Part Three
Not good, not good, not good, Kurama thought repeatedly as he rowed out to sea the next day, tears stinging his eyes. He was effectively engaged to someone he didn’t love and couldn’t tell any of them why he was against the idea.
He stopped rowing once he was miles from shore; indeed all he saw around him was open sea. The serene scene calmed him, but his expression was still troubled when Yusuke surfaced beside him. “Kurama?” he inquired.
“Oh. Hi, Yusuke.” Kurama blinked away the tears.
“What’s wrong?” Yusuke asked, hoisting himself onto the boat’s rim, his tail still in the water.
“Mother is fixing me up with the great-granddaughter of an old family friend.” He held up the chain to show the ring.
“You’re engaged!?” he gasped.
“Not exactly, but I think that’s what she’s hoping for. It’s not that Yukina a bad person. She’s a lovely girl, but I don’t feel anything but friendship toward her.” Kurama turned his gaze to the water. “I’ve been contemplating about drowning myself rather than date someone I don’t love.”
“Drown yourself!? Kurama, there’s no need to do that!”
“No need?”
“No. There’s something I didn’t tell you yesterday. Merpeople can change humans into merpeople.”
Kurama gaped at him. “You could turn me into a merman?”
“Keiko could if she were to kiss you ‘cause that’s how it’s done. If I was to kiss you, you would become a mermaid, not a merman.”
Kurama stared at Yusuke for a moment before a slow smile came to his face. “That would be a dream come true. You know I want to be female and becoming a mermaid would get me out of Mother’s plans.”
“And I would really be able to show you the sights and we would be able to be together all the time,” Yusuke added, excitement entering his voice.
Kurama smile grew as he started stripping off his clothes, leaving Yusuke stunned at his boyfriend’s naked body. “I’m ready for my kiss,” he said, shaking the merboy out of his stunned state.
“You’re sure? I can find Keiko to kiss you.”
“No, Yusuke. I want your kiss to make me a mermaid. I’ll still be Kurama, just a female version of myself.”
“Well…okay.” Yusuke slid along the rim bringing himself closer to Kurama who had closed his eyes. He leaned forward toward the redhead’s lips. His mouth hovered nearby for a few moments before giving a loving kiss.
Kurama savored the feel of Yusuke’s moist salty lips against his own as well as a tingle running through him. Yusuke pulled back and Kurama opened his eyes with a dreamy smile. “That was-,” he began but stopped when he heard his voice. It was higher and definitely feminine. It’s working, he thought. I have a girl’s voice now so that means my body should be changing real soon.
He saw his body turn slender, the waist curving, and hips appearing. His arms also turned slender and his fingers were slimmer and delicate. He used them to feel his face, finding the angles were curves now. He watched as he grew a pair of breasts, a pink gold-trimmed seashell bra covering them. He, or rather she now, felt her hair lengthen, going past her waist.
She gasped as she felt the bones in her legs collapse and melt away. Her boneless limbs came together as if magnetically drawn to one another. She watched in amazement as they fused together and pink scales grew all over it. Her feet went boneless, the toes fused together, and they flattened into a pair of fins attached to her now long, large pink fishtail. A brilliant smile came to her face. Awesome! I’m a mermaid!
Yusuke watched in silence as Kurama changed. The immediate change of her voice made his doubt of kissing her vanish. She sounds lovely. I can only imagine how she’ll look. Kurama quickly changed into a human girl before her legs and feet became a tail and fins. Yusuke felt almost breathless: Kurama had become a stunningly beautiful mermaid. He pushed himself into the water and put his hands on the side. “I’m going to tip the boat,” he warned before pushing it, causing Kurama to splash into the water.
Kurama floated down through the water before flipping the lower part of her new tail and stopping her descent. She moved it up and down and she started to rise to where Yusuke floated just below the surface. “That was easier than I thought,” she said, relishing in her voice’s sound and that she was breathing underwater.
“I figured since you swam so well with legs, a tail wasn’t going to be a problem. By the way,” he pointed at her neck. “You forgot to take that off.”
Kurama smiled as she reached up and unclasped the chain. Yusuke’s right. My dating Yukina is null and void now. She removed the ring from the chain, took Yusuke’s left hand, and slipped the ring on. “Perfect fit,” she commented.
Yusuke examined his hand. “What-?”
“Remember I said it was a symbol of Yukina and I being a couple? Well, not it can be a symbol of us dating.”
Yusuke looked at the ring again and nodded as he looked up. “Yeah, it is a symbol.”
“Yusuke!” called a voice and both turned to see a mermaid that Kurama recognized as the one she had seen with Yusuke.
Keiko came to a stop in front of them and cocked her head. She had thought Yusuke was having a date with Kurama, so who was this young lady? Had Yusuke already fallen for someone else?
The mermaid came forward, hand outstretched. “Your name’s Keiko, right? I’m Kurama.”
Keiko automatically took the hand. “Uh, yeah. I’m Keiko.” She looked Kurama up and down before it dawned on her and she looked at her friend. “You kissed her, didn’t you Yusuke?”
“I offered to have you do it, but Kurama insisted I do it, even though I told her what would happen.”
“Okay, I’m confused.”
“I can explain,” Kurama said. “I’ve desired to be a girl for two years and last night, Mother was wanting to fix me up with a family friend’s great-granddaughter. I had considered coming out here to drown myself until Yusuke suggested the kiss.”
“Oh! Now, I see. Well, you are pretty. I love the length of your hair.”
Kurama ran a hand down it, finding it ended at the seat of her tail. I love it too, but I love the fact that I’m female like I’ve always dreamed.
“Hey, Kurama. We’ve still got a date. Let me show you your new home and introduce you to my mom. I’m sure she’ll let you stay with us.”
“Wonderful,” Kurama said.
“Have a good time,” Keiko said as the couple swam off.