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Savage Heart

Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron, Defender of the Universe. Only William and the nameless escapees are mine. This is an AU of the series around the time Romelle was pushed into the Pit of Skulls. In this case, Romelle is not pushed into the Pit. Chapter One- Freedom

Sven scrunched up the pillow and blanket that laid over a layer of skulls and nodded as he stepped back to take in the effect. That should fool them long enough for me to escape and hide. He darted into the corner near the cell door’s hinges and waited for the next round of guards to go by, his heart pounding.

Once the guards were gone, he darted to the opposite corner that was concealed by piled skulls and slowly exhaled to calm himself. He needed to be calm in order to carry out the next phase of the plan. I cannot allow my emotions to control me. It could lead me down a dark path from which I cannot return. Sven calmed himself before focusing. His clothes melted into his skin before his black hair turned into fur and spread down to his feet. The muscles on his limbs and torso grew in size and the nails on his fingers and toes grew out into long, wicked-looking claws. His hands and feet shrank to form paws and he teetered for a moment as his legs formed hindquarters before he went to all fours as his arms became legs too. A full bushy tail grew from his tailbone while his nose and jaws formed a muzzle of sharp teeth. His ears became pointed and moved to the top of his head while his eyes turned gold. He felt the power of the wolf flow through him before shaking himself out and jumping into a hole the skulls hid from view. Sven was now a wolf and tonight, he would finish the tunnel and escape.

Sven had been born a werewolf, like the rest of his family. The thing was, the wolf side was a dark, evil creature and his ancestors would surrender to those feelings. Some of them fought back against those feelings, but that was rare. Only by keeping calm and focusing on good intentions could the dark side be kept at bay.

It had been easy in the beginning as he was innocent and happy as a baby and a child. His changes came easily as he felt no evil or dark desires. That changed when he entered adolescence. The hormones and peer pressure frustrated him and made him angry. His first change as a teenager unleashed the wolf’s darkness and evil. It alarmed him so much that he instantly changed back and learned of how to keep calmly when changing. His mother and sisters were calm wolves while his father was a dark wolf. He had observed his father whenever the latter changed and Sven saw a vicious creature who murdered wildlife and humans alike and even bit some humans into werewolves.

His actions scared me, he thought as his claws dug away at the dirt and roots that were in his way. He made it clear that he wanted me to be just like him, but my first adolescent change had been scary and I couldn’t see myself being a murderer and cursing other to be vicious monsters. My refusal naturally angered him and he might have killed me if Mother hadn’t stepped in; despite being a dark wolf, he still loved Mother and, when he was calm, he loved the rest of us as well.

I refrained from changing forms when I entered Galaxy Garrison and studied to be a space explorer. The program was rigorous and, at times, frustrating but I did it. No one outside of my family knows I’m a werewolf and, to escape, I must call on that part of me. He stuck his claws into the next patch of dirt and it crumbled easily…a little too easily. He craned his neck to see the tunnel behind him sloping downward.

I’m almost out. He dug at the ground above him and dirt poured in due to the hole he had dug. He pawed it aside and smelled fresh air and heard the sound of an alarm and running feet. “Block the space ports so the prisoner doesn’t escape the planet,” said one robot.

They noticed my absence as I knew would eventually happen. Soon only the alarm was heard and Sven climbed out, shaking the dirt from his body. He looked around, saw no one, and ran across the desolate landscape, heading for the Pit of Skulls. He had heard rumors from other prisoners of a network of tunnels, passages, and caves beneath the pit that was shielded from sensors and that the Doom residents were unaware of. It was the perfect hiding place…if it existed.

It has to exist, he thought. The pit came into view and he stopped at the edge before slowly descending into it. Once at the bottom, he began to gently push along the walls, hoping to find a hidden opening. He pushed along every inch of the perimeter until his paw went through a section of a wall. “What?” he said before testing it again. His paw went through the skulls again. A hologram, he thought as he passed through the disguised opening. He now stood in a tunnel. His eyes easily saw through the darkness as he walked. He saw other tunnels branching off from it, but kept going straight to see where this one led.

It soon sloped up in the form of stairs. He went up the roughly cut, uneven stairs until he saw thin lines of light ahead. He changed back to human, put his hands against the backlit stone, and pushed gently.

The stone opened like a trap door Sven peered out to see a deserted prison block. The cells had no doors and the corridor had a neglected look. A hidden exit, he thought as he climbed out and set the door down. It blended perfectly with the floor; only a chip in the stone where one could open the door. Sven did so and descended into the tunnel again before closing the door. He changed again and explored the other tunnels.

Some had hidden crevices in the walls in their respective tunnels. Some led to dead ends, others branched off, and others still had hidden hologram tunnels. Sven found one such hologram that opened up into a cavern that was quite comfortable. There were pillows and blankets that had clearly been stolen from the prisons and a table in the center with unlit lamps or torches hanging along the walls. Sven took human form again, lit the lamps, and then laid back on a pillow and blanket, staring up at the ceiling and feeling jubilant. He had escaped and found a secret base!

I’m free or as free as I can be until I can steal a ship and evade my pursuers, so this will do. I will have to, regrettably, hunt for food and find water to drink. As he lay there, he felt pity for the people still being held prisoner. They deserved to be as free as he was and maybe more so. If they could board a warship and hijack it, they could return to their loved ones. Of course, for that to happen, they need to be set free. I am in an ideal position to set them free. I discovered the secret entrance into the dungeon and where this cavern is. I could become my wolf self, scare off the guards, and lead the people to safety. They may be afraid of a talking wolf but who says I have to talk? I can communicate with gestures and, if necessary, hide around a corner and talk. Tell them to follow the wolf. Once they’re here, we can either work out an escape off the planet or free other prisoners. I’ll need to start small. Free a few people first and they could aid me in freeing others. Perhaps with enough people, we could commandeer a ship and escape Doom.

A smile crossed Sven’s face as he imagined freeing the prisoners and heading up a team of freedom fighters to sabotage Doom’s plans to attack defenseless planets or to destroy Voltron. He rolled his eyes as this latter thought crossed his mind. Even though he had been in a hospital and then the dungeons, he had heard of Lotor’s plans to defeat Voltron, most of which sounded ridiculous.

The best way to beat Voltron is to get rid of all five pilots. It’s that simple. But getting rid of them is not as simple as they have all had combat training, even Princess Allura. Even so, I will sabotage Lotor’s plans and maybe some prisoners will want to help.

His thoughts turned again to freeing his fellow prisoners. He needed to explore the tunnels more thoroughly before freeing anyone. He needed to know where the best hiding spots were in case they were chased through the tunnels. I could change to a wolf and chase off the soldiers. I won’t attack them, merely frighten them. I must remember that if I were to attack or kill, I might turn evil and I don’t intend to be evil.

Chapter Two- Resistance Formed

Sven’s boots echoed as he explored his new home. He had discovered that the entire network had either dead-end tunnels or ones that led to another place on the planet and useful ones, too. One such place was a warehouse of foodstuffs and water. Sven, upon discovering it, had wasted no time in nicking as much as he dared. He hauled it back to what he called the War Room and lined it up along one wall. He also found a narrow tunnel that led to a floor vent in the Throne Room. It was concealed behind a statue of Zarkon but it gave Sven enough space to view Zarkon and whoever he was speaking to. The narrowness of the tunnel meant Sven couldn’t take wolf form, but that was fine with him. He had used it enough the night he escaped and he would be using it to free others.

I’m almost ready to rescue some people. The ones closest to the exit would be best. They would be the ones who’ll be part of my resistance and help free others, if they choose to. I just need to find out where this tunnel leads and then tonight I will act. He reached the end and gently pushed against the rocky surface. It slowly opened like a door and he looked in cautiously to see weapons, uniforms, and dungeon keys!

I’m in the armory! He stepped into the room with a triumphant smile. He could nab a little of each and be able to free the people easily. He went to lift some blasters only to find them locked to the wall with an electronic lock. He would need a special key to get them and he was sure the guards held them. I’ll hide here and wait for the shift change to ambush a guard and steal his key. He slipped back into the hidden door and closed it except for a crack so he could watch for guards.

He waited for hours until he heard footsteps. He saw robots enter and one went to the locked weapons. He lifted his palm to the lock and a scanner extended. He ran it over the lock, a beep was heard, and the lock opened. The robot took a blaster and locked the rest of them up. The guards left and Sven stepped out to grab uniforms and keys. Okay, so no weapons until we can get them off the guards we overpower. He slipped back into the passage and down the tunnel as the door slid silently shut behind him.

Sven placed a set of keys in front of him before taking wolf form. Once he had changed, he seized the keys in his mouth and head butted the door open. He emerged into the deserted corridor and lifted his nose to figure out which way to go. He smelled the scents of living beings straight ahead and headed toward it.

The scents intensified and stirred thoughts of hunting, killing and feasting within him. He paused and tapped the calm center inside him. He was a docile, peaceful wolf, not a dark one. His vicious feelings were suppressed and he continued toward the scents.

He peered around a corner and saw the sources of the scents: A couple of cells with five people in each one and five living guards. Five. I can easily scare them off and while I chase them, I’ll drop the keys near one of the cells. I’m able to double back to this corner and speak to the people. He nodded to himself before stalking around the corner, his claws clicking on the stones. His eyes locked onto the guards who backed up in surprise. Sven growled and snarled at them. They raised their weapons and started shooting.

Sven dodged the blasts with his wolf’s natural grace and then lunged toward a guard and slashed at the blaster with his claws. Bits of the weapon fell off it while other parts hung to it by wire and metal, but it was clear that it would not work anymore. Sven turned to wreck the other guns in a flurry of movement that stunned the guards as their weapons were useless.

Sven growled again and the guards ran as Sven had hoped. He tossed the keys in his mouth to the door of a cell before racing after the guards. He again felt the thrill of the chose but couldn’t suppress it as he was caught up in the moment. He chased them to a corner and the fear rolling off them excited him. The realization brought him back to his sense. I only needed to chase them away from the prisoners. I’ve accomplished that. He turned to leave and his ears heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

He whirled around and his paw lashed out. The sword fell to the floor with a clatter and an agonized scream sounded as the guard grabbed at his wrist, blood fountaining from it as his hand had been severed by Sven’s razor-sharp claws. The scream was music to his ears and he felt a thrill at causing it. He faced the other four who seemed unwilling to draw their swords. He turned away and raced off for the corridor that would bring him back to his point of origin. His mind re-lived his act of violence and his wolf side relished it. He wanted more violence, more screams.

Sven came to a dead stop and gasped in shock. No! I must not feel that way! I am not a dark wolf! I acted in self-defense. That is all. I came to chase them off so the people could unlock their cells and escape. He went back into motion and to the corner near the cells. He peered around the edge and saw no one in the corridor. He put his nose in the air and sniffed for his fellow escapees.

He found them and followed it in the direction of the trap door that he had left open. He got to the spot to find the door closed. He simply resumed human form, opened the door, and went down, closing the opening behind him. He went down the steps and a few yards down the tunnel before he met up with the ten people he freed. He put his hands up. “Do not be afraid. You are safe here. My name is Sven and I escaped weeks ago. I discovered this secret network of tunnels and passages the night I escaped and I have explored it extensively. I seek to free others and either help them return home or hope they will join me in fighting Zarkon.”

“We saw a wolf earlier,” one man said. “It tossed a set of keys toward us before chasing the guards.”

“The wolf is my partner and comes when I call on him. He has likely returned to his home by now. So, let me show you the place where we can live safely.” He led the group thought the tunnels confidently and one said, “You’re sure we’re safe?”

“Oh, yes. I did say that I escaped weeks ago and have lived here. There are tunnels that leads to a warehouse and the armory. I have stolen foodstuffs, water, uniforms, and dungeon keys and no one has noticed.” He heard murmurs of clear amazement and approval. He felt pleased that they now knew that they could live safely without detection and that food and water was available and apparently easily attainable.

He passed through the holographic wall and stood to one side as the others entered. They stared open-mouthed at their surroundings as they moved forward to look around, the man who had asked assurances of safety stood next to Sven and said, “This is amazing. Sven, count me in on fighting Zarkon.”

“Great. What is your name?”

“William. Will, for short.”

Sven took in Will’s slender, wiry frame before saying, “I found a narrow passage that connects to a flor vent in the Throne Room. It’s behind a statue of Zarkon, but gives a view of Zarkon and whoever he is speaking to. Would you be interested in spying on Zarkon in this manner?”


Sven nodded. “Have some food and get a good night’s sleep. I’ll show you the tunnel afterwards.”

Will nodded and headed off to the crates of food and water and Sven smiled. Despite his self-defense attack and the people finding the door on their own, his first rescue attempt went well.

Chapter Three- Massacre

Will leaned over the table as he and Sven examined time tables of departing ships and guard routes. The escape of ten people at once and the injured guard prompted changes in security in the dungeons and the landing port. They had a few women among their group who wished to return home. Thus the two of them were looking over their info to execute a plan to hijack a ship to send them home.

“We have a few options,” Will said. “We could sneak the women on board an empty ship in the crates we have.” He gestured to three foodstuffs crates that were empty. “With some of us disguised as guards.” He nodded at the folded uniforms.

Sven nodded and tapped a spot on the guard security time table. “And doing so in the dead of night would be best; less security.”

“Is it possible to call on your partner and have him watch over us as we smuggle the women out?”

“Maybe. He could keep an eye out for guards.” Truthfully, Sven doubted he would need to take wolf form for this mission. It had been almost two weeks since the escape and Sven had had dreams of his attack on the guard or dreams of being the werewolf his father had wanted him to be. These dreams scared him and strengthened his resolve to be calm when changing and to be in tight control of his emotions while as a wolf. He hadn’t changed since that night; he felt that a part of himself he hated had been unleashed and he now needed to restrain it again. I must control it and limit my use of it.

“Sven, one of the men would like to take the women home. He is an able pilot and desires to return home himself.”

“Fine. He will act in the supervision of the loading of the ship. The rest of us will watch out for trouble.”

Will nodded. “When do we act?”

Sven consulted their notes. “Tomorrow night. Night watch will be light. I also suggest we go through the warehouse tunnel so as to not arouse suspicion.”

“Makes sense.”


Sven slowly lifted up the door in the warehouse floor and looked around while listening for voices. All was silent. He slid the door aside and climbed up, dressed in a guard’s uniform. The rest of the group emerged in uniforms save for the women who climbed into the crates. Only four were leaving and Sven knew that he and the others would need to free other prisoners to join their resistance. Granted, most may not be eager to join and would rather leave but once all the prisoners were free, he would also leave. He just wasn’t sure if he would return to Earth or Arus. If he chose Earth, Galaxy Garrison may reprimand him for abandoning his team after his escape. If he returned to Arus, he would likely receive a warm welcome and he would assure Allura that she could keep flying Blue Lion. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. When I escape I will head for Arus. The knowledge I gained of the tunnels would be invaluable.

Sven came out of his thoughts and strode to the warehouse doors. He slowly opened them and peered around. No one in sight. Perfect. He gestured to the group and they headed out, six hauling the crates while he and the pilot kept an eye out for trouble. Their trek to the landing port was slow going as they had to move carefully to avoid guard notice.

The landing port came into view with only three guards there. Sven squared his shoulders and marched into the port, attracting the guards’ attention. They leveled their guns at him, but he said harshly, “Put those down! We have cargo to send off on a secret mission for Zarkon!”

The guards holstered their weapons and one opened the cargo hold of a ship. They loaded the hidden women on board while the pilot climbed into the cockpit. Soon, the ship lifted off and hurtled away into the sky, heading for space and the rest of the group left the port, sharing triumphant smiles. Their plan had worked!

“Halt, you imposters!” a voice shouted. Sven looked back to see a group of real guards heading toward them! “Run!” he shouted and the group scattered for the secret entrances. Sven ran for cover, knowing what he had to do. His group needed time to hide and he could give them that time by becoming a wolf and engaging the guards. I won’t attack, not really. I will pretend to attack and that may make them flee. Sven went behind a boulder, shifted to wolf, and leaped out from behind his hiding place, growling and snarling at the squad of guards. They hesitated for several moments before opening fire.

Sven leaped and dodged the blasts as he mock nipped at their heels. His non-attack method seemed to annoy and anger his targets as they started to strafe the area with firepower. Sven was finding it a little hard to avoid the blasts and knew it was only a matter of time before he was hit and, at that moment, self-preservation kicked in. The fur on his spine bristled, a low angry growl sounded in his throat, and he bared his teeth with the intention of using them. He zipped between the blasts as he tapped his supernatural speed and charged at the guards who were living beings. He leaped up at them, claws extended and teeth exposed.

The feel of flesh tearing was wonderful and the screams were thrilling. It sent a desire for more through him and he chose to indulge this feeling. He ripped and tore at his enemies, howling in joyful frenzy. His claws slashed at skin, shredding it off the arms or faces. His teeth latched onto throats and ripped them off in brutal fashion. Sven was in full fury mode and he absolutely reveled in it as the guards fell before his ferocious assault.

It took some time before Sven snapped out of his killer wolf mode. He looked around and was horrified at what he saw. The guards’ bodies were a shredded, bloody mess. Skin was either missing or hanging off their arms or faces. Muscles were exposed in the torn arms while parts of skulls showed. Blood was spattered on the bodies and the ground. Bones had been snapped, throats torn apart, and stomachs ripped open. It had been a complete massacre!

No! No, no, no! Sven felt sick as he stared at the remains. I can’t believe I did this! I felt my self-preservation instincts kick in and when I actually went on the attack, I think my wolf side took over. There was joy as I slaughtered these men. I killed them in true dark wolf fashion. A sob caught in his throat as he sped away from his murders and found a puddle. He looked into it to see blood on his muzzle and a look down showed blood on his claws. He shifted to human and began to clean off the blood. He looked down to check that his face and hands were clean when the image blurred and then rippled as tears fell from his eyes. The injuries he had inflicted flashed through his mind and wondered if he would ever get over it, though he seriously doubted it.

“Sven!” a jubilant Will called as the distraught man entered. “We did it! We got those people off the planet and escaped the guards!” He then saw Sven’s look. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I…saw my partner slaughter the guards,” Sven said, voice shaking. “I’ve never seen him act like that.”

“Oh,” Will said softly. “Well, it is a wild wolf, isn’t it?”


“The guards were likely shooting at him, right? So, self-preservation probably kicked in and he ended up killing all of them.”

“Yes, but the manner in which he did it was just brutal.”

“Well, let’s not worry about it. Let’s get some sleep.”

Sven nodded at he settled down with the others. Disturbing as the aftermath had been, at least no one else had witnessed the attack…or so he thought.

Chapter Four- Trap

A wicked smile played on the lips of Prince Lotor. He had just replayed the brutal attack on the guards. While it was terrible that the guards were killed, the manner in which they died was beautiful to witness. That wolf was swift and merciless. The perfect killer. It showed up when the rebels were being pursued, meaning it belongs to one of them or feels protective towards one of them.

This must be the same wolf who helped those prisoners escape two weeks ago and severed a hand off a guard. His smile grew as an idea came to him. I’ll set up a trap for that wolf. I’ll increase security in the dungeons which should make the wolf aggressive, especially if its life is threatened. I’ll recommend the increased security to Father, but not why.

William crawled through the tunnel to the vent in the Throne Room, his thoughts on Sven. Their unofficial leader seemed distracted and concerned. It had spread to the others what Sven had witnessed and therefore his concerned expression was easy to figure out. It’s like I said: It’s a wild animal and attacks to protect itself. Yet, Sven acts as if it’s his fault it happened. Why would he feel that way? It’s not as if he ordered it to attack. Perhaps I will learn something that will cheer him up or at least distract him from dwelling on the attack. Will reached the end and he shifted so he could see Zarkon on his throne and Lotor kneeling at the bottom of the stairs.

“We have yet to find the escapees and now we have guards being brutally killed,” Zarkon grumbled. “This is not acceptable.”

“Yes, Father,” Lotor said. “And I suggest increasing dungeon security. We have prisoners who would be of great value to the escapees and they must not be freed.”

“Agreed. Increase security immediately.”

“Yes, Father.” Lotor left with a satisfied smile and Will shifted around to leave the tunnel and inform the others.

“Increased security?” Sven asked. “So, there are prisoners who would be of great help to us. We will need to scout out the dungeon and see what the security is like now.”

“I can do that and I’ll take a couple of other men with me. I suggest you get some rest. You don’t look so good.”

Sven rubbed an eye. “You have a point. Scout out the dungeon in about an hour and then report what you found out.” Will nodded and Sven headed over to his mass of blankets and his pillow. The slaughter had torn across his slumber and left him staring at the ceiling, afraid to sleep and be plagued by terrifying images again. However, he knew he could not fight sleep forever. He sighed softly as he drifted off to sleep.

An hour later with Sven deeply asleep, Will and two others dressed in uniforms, entered the dungeon and began to look for the extra guards and the location of the prisoners. The former yielded nothing while the latter was successful. Will was confused, though. Zarkon had ordered the increased security immediately and that had been an hour ago. Perhaps Lotor is setting up a guard list or something. The trio returned to their hideout and found Sven still in his deep sleep. Will left him to it; Sven needed his rest in order to be at his best. He went to the table to examine their notes while the others either slept or explored the tunnels.

Sven was in a dense forest, his feet were bare and yet he made no sound. The smells of the forest filled his nose and he heard every little sound with his sharp ears. The peace of the place made him relaxed and at home. He kept walking and he soon found himself at the edge of a large campsite with people milling around. The sight of them sent a strong desire to kill them through him. He gave a low growl before he transformed and leaped upon the people who screamed as he slashed and howled in joy. He saw the life fade from their eyes as he brutally ended their lives and reveled in the destruction.

Sven sat up with a gasp and looked around. He was in the War Room in his bed with others around. All was normal and yet he felt different. He wanted to act like he did in that dream. He wanted to rend and tear, to enjoy the screams as he killed, and to revel in the deaths he would cause. No! I must not act on those feelings and yet I can feel the darkness growing within me.


The werewolf focused on Will who sat down beside him. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” Sven lied. “I slept well. Your report.”

“Security is unchanged from last time but there are two large cells full of prisoners, a couple of them could definitely be of use.”

“Hmm, perhaps security will be tighter come nightfall, I have no doubt of that as we tend to strike at night. Let us wait until morning before freeing those prisoners.”

“Brilliant. Mixing up our tactics is a great idea.”

“Inform the others. We will strike in the morning. I’m going for a walk.” Sven stood and left the room. He thought of the plan he came up with and knew it made sense. He was also feeling his darkness getting stronger and he worked to suppress it. He took the tunnel to the armory to snatch a uniform and set of keys before dashing off for the dungeon tunnel. I will see the security myself and, if I can, I will free the prisoners and lead them to safety.

He peered over the edge of the door and saw it deserted as usual. He climbed up and put the door down. He crept down the corridor, checking around corners for guards, but finding none. He frowned. I thought security would be tighter. Where are the guards and the prisoners, for that matter? He continued to look for a moment before he shifted to wolf and breathed deeply. The scents of people reached it and he raced after it. He grew excited as the scent grew stronger and he imagined setting the people free and disarming the guards so that they could have weapons with which they could fight back.

He ran past empty cell after empty cell and he felt worried. Had the prisoners been relocated…or executed? If it was the former, he would find them, but if it was the latter, he would punish the ones killing them. Sven didn’t bother to squash the feeling or replace it with a more lenient punishment. His dark side was hard to fight; each time he suppressed it, it would resurface stronger than before. It’s so hard to fight. It would probably be better to just give in like my father had always told me. But I will free other prisoners as my last good act. Then, I will leave for a forest planet and live out my life as a dark wolf. He ran faster, his claws clicking loudly. The scents carried him down the passage and into an underground arena where a large group of guards stood, armed with swords. The sound of a door shutting behind him made him turn to it. A trap! he thought, snarling angrily.

One guard yelled a battle cry that the others echoed before they all charged at Sven. A haze of fury at being tricked descended on Sven and he turned and charged toward the guards, tapping his speed and strength as he started to take his anger out on the guards. As he hacked and slashed, a part of his mind assessed the situation. Someone else had set the trap as the guards would not face death on purpose.

Once again, screams rang out and he laughed as he inflicted terrible injuries before ending the lives of the guards. The blood spurting from them drove him into a frenzy and his claws and teeth were a blur as he gave himself over to his savage werewolf side. He heard death rattles one after another and it thrilled him.

His attack was not without injury to himself. Cuts of various sizes and depths was over his legs, body, and muzzle. He panted and whined as he crumpled to the floor and his eyes slid shut as he laid unconscious among his many victims.

Chapter Five- Surrender

Sven groaned as his eyes cracked open. They then flew open and he leaped to his paws when he saw he was in a cell. The floor was made of stone so digging wasn’t an option. Sven lunged at the bars, mouth agape. He seized a bar but then cried out and leaped back due to an electric shock. He shook himself out and snarled at the offending bars.

“You’re awake,” a voice said and the sound of footsteps was also heard. Sven watched warily as Lotor came into view. The prince smiled evilly. “Your attack last night was a delight to watch; better than the one before it.”

You set that trap?” Sven growled.

Lotor took a step back in surprise. “You can talk!?”

Sven laughed. “Of course I can,” he said before shifting back to human.

“Sven,” Lotor said. “Former pilot of Blue Lion.”

“Ah, you heard of me. Interesting as I was taken out of action before you came on the scene.”

“Hagger told me about it as she was quite proud of herself. But she failed to say that you are a wolf.”

“Werewolf and I’ve suppressed it until I escaped weeks ago. I try to keep calm and have good intentions when I change. Otherwise…well, you saw.”

“A werewolf. This is better than I had planned. I had thought of training you to obey me as I had thought you were just a wolf. But now, I can influence you to be the killer I’ve seen you to be.”

“That won’t be necessary. Any time I fought my dark wolf side, it fought back stronger each time. I finally gave in last night but I had wanted to free more prisoners first.”

“Well, I can’t have that. I want total obedience from you. Give that to me and I will treat you well.”

Sven was silent for a moment. “Treated well?” he said slowly. “How? In what way?”

“You’ll sleep in better conditions than a cell, for starters. I think you would be a better opponent for prisoners than a robeast. You haven’t eaten those you’ve killed, have you?” Sven shook his head. “Well, you will be expected to if you decide to serve me. If you don’t, then I’ll kill you.” Lotor waited for Sven’s answer. He personally wanted Sven for a pet and partner. The werewolf was an efficient killer. His movements were sure and smooth; no hesitation and very little fear. Of course, if he refuses my offer, I’ll kill him immediately.

Sven looked down as he considered the offer. Lotor wanted him for his vicious wolf side. Training him to kill wasn’t necessary and if Lotor gave commands he didn’t mind following, it seemed like a nice life, one his dark wolf side liked- a lot. Sven looked up and was about to reply when shouts and gunfire filled the corridor.

Both men’s heads looked in that direction and Lotor said, “What is that?”

“That would be the men I freed several days ago. I had made plans to free more prisoners this morning.”

“You mean, those prisoners who were actually guards in disguise? It was part of the trap. Your freeing of those ten prisoners was reported and I suspected that you would do it again though I thought you either belonged to one of them or was protective of one.”

“I told them it was a wild wolf I had befriended and had become my partner.”

“Well, we’ll round them up.”

“Not if they use the secret door which they will.”

“Secret door?”

“There’s a trap door in the deserted dungeon corridor. It’s part of a network of tunnels, passages, and caverns that are undetectable to your sensors. I could guide you as I know every hidden place down there.”

Lotor deactivated the bars and opened the cell before putting a manacle around Sven’s neck with a chain attached. “You’ll guide us as a wolf and you’ll kill if I order you to do so.”

Sven instantly changed and led the prince up the corridors and into the deserted one where several guards stood, looking confused. They turned at their approach and one came forward and bowed.

“Prince Lotor, we chased the rebels here, but they have vanished.”

“That’s because there’s a trap door leading to an underground base our sensors can’t detect. Since the wolf here knows the area, he will lead me and three of you to the rebels.” Lotor watched as Sven pawed at a stone that was indistinguishable from the rest of the floor except for a small chip missing. He crouched down, put a finger in the chip, and lifted the stone, revealing the stairs. “Genius,” he remarked as the group descended. Sven led them through the tunnel, nose flaring to see if any were hiding nearby. There were none. He kept leading the group but couldn’t go too far because of the chain. He soon arrived at the War Room entrance and demonstrated the hologram by passing a paw through it before going in all the way. The others followed and saw six men who froze at seeing Lotor, the guards, and the wolf.

Lotor dropped the chain, pointed at the men, and said, “Kill them, boy.”

Sven growled before launching forward. The men ran from him and he growled happily. Even though he had known these men for a little over two weeks, he had surrendered to his dark wolf side. Now, they were just prey, targets to kill. They weren’t armed, so the slaughter took a relatively brief period of time though he toyed with them before he killed them. His last target was Will. He stalked toward him, teeth bared and a thought struck him. Could he bite others into werewolves whenever he wanted? His father did, so it followed that he could too.

He leaped upon Will and bit down on the shoulder. Will cried out as Sven jumped off and turned to Will who got to his feet with anger burning in his eyes. His eyes then widened and he howled as he shifted into a brown wolf. He stared at his paws and body and then at the black wolf. “You’re a werewolf?” Will asked in shock.

“Yes, I am,” Sven answered before lunging at Will and killing him, surprise and shock still on his face and in his eyes as he had recognized Sven’s voice. Sven calmly washed his paws and muzzle before returning to Lotor who was silently counting the bodies while the guards collected the food, water, spare uniforms, and keys. “There are only six. Where are the other four?” he demanded.

“We smuggled three women onto a ship and one man flew the ship.”

“Very well. I see you can turn others at any time.”

“I knew my father could so I reasoned that I could but I wasn’t sure how soon they would change. It seems to be soon after the bite.” His tail wagged. “The surprise and shock on his face was amusing.”

Lotor smirked at him. “That would be something if you turned the condemned prisoners before killing them.”

“I suppose it would.” He then bent his front legs and closed his eyes. “Prince Lotor, I pledge my loyalty to you. I will obey your every command.”

“Excellent. I will present you to my father once we are back in the castle. I will not say you’re a werewolf, at least not right now. You will only speak as a wolf except when you are alone or with just me. You will also call me Master.”

“Yes, Master.” Sven stood straight as Lotor took the chain.

“Good.” Lotor led the way back to the dungeon with Sven beside him. The prince was pleased. He learned that Sven was a werewolf who had become dark and vicious by his wolf half. He had sworn to follow Lotor’s every command without question. I will suggest using Sven instead of a robeast against condemned prisoners. I will order Sven to eat some of the prisoners. I did tell him that he would be expected to do so. I will make sure that he unlocks every aspect of an evil werewolf.

Chapter Six- Arena Slaughter

Zarkon stood and looked down at Lotor and Sven with disdain. “You think I am impressed with some dumb beast?”

Sven, who was kneeling beside his master, looked up and growled at Zarkon’s insult.

“Father, I have been training him for weeks. He obeys my every command and I tested him this morning. He managed to track down the escaped prisoners and I ordered him to kill them.”

“They’re dead? All of them?”

Lotor lowered his head. “No, Father. Four escaped. I questioned one of the men who answered when threatened by my pet. I got a surprise when the man hesitated to answer a question. My pet bit him to get him an answer; instead he turned into a wolf, too. He would have attacked me if my wolf didn’t kill him.”

“He can turn others into wolves?” Zarkon asked, sounding intrigued.

“It would seem so. If you wish to see him in action…”

“Of course I do. I’ll use robots first and, if I like what I see…I want him unleashed on a few condemned prisoners. Bring him to the arena in one hour.”

“Yes, Father.” Lotor led Sven away and once alone, asked, “Are you ready to show what you can do?”

“Yes, Master. I feel I become darker and more brutal with each attack.”

“Good. Very good. I expect you to listen to what Father says to me as I have said that you obey my every command.”

“And I will do so, Master.”

An hour later, Lotor brought Sven to the arena, a leather collar having replaced the manacle and chain. He was left alone to face the doors. He knew he would face robots and intended to tear them apart to impress Zarkon who would then allow him to kill some prisoners. He licked his chops at the thought of sinking his teeth and claws into actual flesh and tasting their blood. I do hope I will be allowed to eat some of the bodies. It will bring my evil to full bloom. I can sense it.

The arena doors creaked open and Sven slowly stalked out, his muzzle pulled back to bare his sharp teeth. Six robot guards stood in the arena, armed with swords and looking like they meant business. He heard the cheers of an audience and up in the royal box were Hagger, Zarkon, and Lotor. He eyed the guards as Zarkon called, “Robots, attack!”

“Kill them, boy!” Lotor ordered.

Sven charged toward the robots before leaping over their swords and lashing out with his claws, howling as a battle cry. He felt his claws slice into the heads and chests of the robots as he sailed past and it thrilled him. He landed gracefully and ducked the swing of a sword before he lunged and ripped off a leg. The robot screamed as he fell and Sven leaped on him, his claws and teeth a blur as he savaged the robot.

He continued to dodge the sword swings while dishing out devastating and brutal damage. Soon, he stood in the midst of dead robots and he howled in joy at the destruction he caused. He heard Zarkon laugh and clap his hands.

“Lotor, he is quick and efficient. I like it. Take him back to the corridor and prep him for the prisoners. I want to see a couple of wolf fights and him eating some people.”

“Yes, Father.” Lotor descended to the arena, took Sven by the collar, and led him away. “Excellent work. Father liked your attacks and will soon have the prisoners brought out. He wants you to turn two and fight them. He also expects you to eat those you don’t turn.”

Sven panted from his kill high before saying, “Yes, Master.”

Lotor patted the shoulder blades before returning to the royal box. He looked forward to seeing Sven be an absolute terror in this fight. He’s still on a high from his last attack and that will give him more adrenaline for this round. The doors opened and Sven charged out, the fur on his spine on end ad looking to cause serious damage.

His opposition were two men and two women, the former armed with spears. The men will be turned and I’ll eat women. The turned men will provide more of a challenge than women would while female flesh would be tender as opposed to male flesh. At least, I believe it to be so.

“Attack!” Lotor’s voice rang out and Sven charged as did the men, spears held out in front of them and determined to survive. Sven wanted to laugh. No one survived once he decided to kill them. Instead, he snarled as he ducked the spear heads and slicked through the wood, separating the head from the shaft. He then leaped onto one man, knocking him onto his back. The man held the staff vertically in both hands to keep Sven away from his throat, but Sven’s head whipped around and bit the arm. The scream of pain was music to him and he savored it before he jumped off, ran at the other man, and delivered a bite to the leg. He then quickly and brutally killed the women. It was as he savaged the second woman that he heard anger-filled howls.

He turned to see two bristling wolves, one blonde and one red. Both had their heads shaved earlier so it had been impossible to tell their hair color beforehand. The red one seemed angrier as he stalked toward Sven, his body low to the ground. “You…monster!” he growled before lunging toward the werewolf. It was an impressive burst of speed for a newly-bitten, but to Sven, it was still slow. He could put him down in an instant along with his companion, but he suspected that Zarkon wanted a drawn out fight. Fine with me. I do like toying with my victims before I kill them.

Sven slid his paws so that when the red wolf hit him, he didn’t move an inch. Sven made as if to go for the throat, but pulled back to avoid deadly claws. The red one laughed. “You’re going to regret turning me into a wolf.”

“Don’t be so sure,” Sven said, grateful no one could hear them. He heard claws behind him and then silence in which Sven ducked, causing the blond one to miss him and his claws struck the red one’s throat instead of Sven’s neck. The force of the claws’ thrust effectively ripped the throat open and he collapsed to the ground, dying. The blond one growled at his miss, whirled around, and launched himself at Sven who met the charge.

The two werewolves growled, snarled, clawed, and snapped at each other amidst the yells and cheers of the crowd. They rolled over the ground as they grappled with each other. Sven soon found himself on his back and the blond wolf leaping toward him. He coiled his back legs and when the wolf was close, he thrusted out and sent the wolf flying. He popped to his paws, charged the blond one and savaged him once he had landed. He died with a stunned expression. Sven looked to see the other one had died during the fight. He howled in triumph before going to the women, his stomach gurgling with hunger. He had never eaten his kills before and wondered what it was like.

He sat down, leaned over, and tore a hunk of skin from the body. His teeth sliced through it effortlessly and he licked his chops before seizing another chunk, tail wagging. This is good. I now understand why Father feasted on people.

“Lotor,” Zarkon said as they watched the wolf eat. “Your pet is an excellent fighter and killer. He put on a good show. I enjoyed it and so did our subjects. It seemed as if was talking earlier, though.”

“Those he bites can talk because he can too. I find Sven to be the perfect pet.”

“Sven?” Zarkon repeated as he watched the black wolf. That was the name of one of the space explorers. Heh, what an interesting twist. Instead of fighting us, he now serves us.

Chapter Seven- The Perfect Plan

“I told Father your name and that you can talk,” Lotor confessed as the pair head to Lotor’s room.

“So, he might suspect that I’m a werewolf.”

“Perhaps. He is pleased with your performance, though. I noticed that you seemed to enjoy eating the women.”

Sven chuckled. “I was curious at what it would taste like. I have seen Father eat humans before and now I understand why. It was delicious.”

“Your father was a werewolf too?”

“My entire family actually. We were born werewolves. Most of us surrender to the dark wolf within while others remain calm wolves.”

“How exactly does that work? Are you especially dangerous on the full moon?”

Sven shook his head. “The full moon has no special hold; only a love for the moon and an urge to howl at it.”

“The two you bit today were angry after they changed.”

“I believe it was from the bite and my murder of the women. If they had lived, they would likely have become dark wolves like me.”

“The fact that they were already criminals likely added to that.”

Sven nodded as they paused outside Lotor’s room. “Yes. A pure soul would not change immediately and would fight the dark desires and thoughts that would appear in their heads.” The doors opened and Sven entered after Lotor and then froze. The large plush bed clearly belonged to Lotor and next to it was low bed that was big enough for Sven to sleep as a human or a wolf. He padded over to it and looked at Lotor. “Is this mine, Master?”

“It is. Why don’t you try it out? After your fights and eating, you must be tired.”

Sven smothered a yawn. “Yes, Master. I am.” He shifted to human and laid on the bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Lotor looked at him for a moment before leaving to share what he had learned with Zarkon.

“So, it is Sven of the Voltron Force.”

“Yes. He said he was born a werewolf and it is a side that is dark and evil that can be suppressed by being calm and having good intentions when changing.”

“Clearly he gave in.”

“I believe threatening his life unleashed his dark side. He pledged loyalty to me after killing those he helped free. He obeys me with no hesitation and I have him call me Master.”

“Obviously he obeys you. That was clear from his actions in the arena.”

“I ask that Sven replace the robeast that prisoners usually face. It would keep Sven dark and he won’t start to reconsider his decision to serve me.”

“Agreed. A recently conquered planet has its population getting ready to be transported here. However, we can’t receive them with the Voltron Force out there. We must keep them from freeing the planet.”

“Yes, Father.” Lotor left the room and strode down the hall, lost in thought. It’s obvious that Voltron must be stopped, but how to do it? He entered his room, sat on his throne, put an elbow on the armrest, and propped his cheek on his fist, his eyes staring ahead blankly. Half-formed plots and schemes floated through his head but none seemed likely to succeed.


Lotor blinked and looked over to see Sven who was still human, awake, and looking concerned. “Father said that you will replace the robeast to face prisoners.”

Sven bared an evil smile. “Ah, perfect. I enjoyed it today.”

“We have quietly conquered another planet but can’t transport the people without Voltron hearing about it. We need to stop Voltron, but how to do it?”

Both were silent as they thought of the problem for a time until Sven said, “I may have a plan, Master.”

“Tell me.”

“I contact them to ask for their help to get me off Doom. When they leave their lions, I will become a wolf and bite them and while they are distracted by the bite, they will be knocked out and bound.”

“No harm must come to Allura,” Lotor interjected.

“Yes, Master. After biting the others, I will become human again and hold her. I assume you wish to marry her?”

“I do, but she’s refused in the past.”

“Oh, I think she will this time if I threaten to kill the others.”

Lotor appeared to think the idea over before a smile appeared. “I like that. It will be convincing if you make the connection cut short so it appears that you are in serious trouble.” He frowned thoughtfully. “Do you hope to form a pack with your former friends?”

“No, Master. I imagine they will not succumb to the dark side of the werewolf.”

“One might: Keith. He seems just as fond of Allura as I am. Forcing Allura to marry me would anger him.”

“Regardless, I intend to be a lone wolf who serves you. The Voltron Force, minus Allura, will die.”

Lotor stood. “Stay here while I present the plan to Father.”

“Yes, Master.” Lotor left and Sven grinned a wicked grin. The plan he had created was perfect. His former team had no idea what happened to him after being transported to the hospital. The way he had been forgotten like that angered him and he desired revenge. This plan would do just that. He would avenge himself on those who forgot him and help his master conquer Arus and marry Allura.

Zarkon will approve of the plan. I’m sure of that and my revenge will begin. Lotor remained knelt on the floor after laying out the plan and waited. He saw no flaws in the plan and merely needed the king to realize this and give approval.

“It is a good plan Lotor, but will Sven actually go along with it?”

“I believe so as it was his idea. He is still loyal and obedient. He seemed rather eager to attack the Voltron Force and bring my dream of marrying Allura into reality.”

“You are sure Sven will do it? What if this is a trick to destroy us?”

“If he tries to destroy us, he will die.”

Zarkon nodded. “Yes. If he betrays us, he will not live to see it succeed. You may leave and coordinate with Sven to begin the plan. Once Voltron is no more, we will have the transport leave the new planet and bring our slaves to us.”

“And my marriage to Allura?”

“It will be done once they have been caught. I will perform the ceremony myself.”

Lotor smiled as he left. It was all coming together. The Voltron Force would be bitten and caught except for Allura who would become his wife. He had no doubt that the plan would work. Sven would not betray them. He is a loyal, obedient, and evil werewolf. He loves what he has become and will not let anyone change him back to good.

Chapter Eight-Betrayal

“Castle of Lions. This is Sven, contacting the Castle of Lions,” the werewolf said, speaking with a sense of urgency.

“Sven!” Keith exclaimed as Coran activated the view screen to show an agitated Sven. “Sven, I see you’re better.”

“I am, but I am in trouble. The planet where I was hospitalized was attack by Doom and I was caught and returned to Doom. I managed to escape my cell and have been looking for a way off the planet. The port is too well-guarded and guards patrol the castle’s corridors. I was able to get to a comm station but I can’t talk too much longer.”

“Hold tight, Sven. We’ll come for you,” Keith said.

Sven looked over his shoulder as if checking for trouble. “Someone’s coming. I have to go. Please hur-,” The connection shut off abruptly and Sven turned to Lotor. “They’re coming, Master.”

“Excellent. Then, let us head outside and wait for them.” He led the way out of the castle and they, with guards, camped out in a concealed cave with an expanse of flat land before them. “It won’t take them long to arrive,” Lotor said as much to Sven as to himself.

The roar of five engines sounded overheard as well as them landing about an hour after the transmission had ended. Sven peered out to see five lions surrounding the area. He felt a brief pant at the sight of Blue Lion but squashed it. He saw all five emerge from their lions and they looked around as if searching for him. Their sensors must have given them my general location, but not the precise one. “Over here,” he whispered. “Come here. I just learned of a transport ship that will be arriving. We need a plan.”

“We’re coming,” Keith said and the force headed toward where they heard Sven’s voice. They came to a halt when a black wolf emerged, growling and baring his teeth. “No one move,” Keith said calmly. “And no one make a move for their weapon. Maybe it will go past us.” Keith kept an eye on the wolf as he slowly slunk past them and looked as if he was going to go on his way. He then cried out as the wolf lunged and bit his leg. He heard Pidge, Hunk, and Lance also cry out before a blow from behind knocked him out.

Sven released his hold on Hunk before resuming human form to hold Allura while the guards knocked the men out. Allura struggled against Sven’s grip while looking at him with hate. “You’re…not…Sven,” she said as she fought.

“Oh, but I am. You see, I was born a werewolf but I did not use it as that part of me is an evil, dark side. I used it to escape and free some prisoners, but once I started killing in that form and in self-defense, the darkness in me grew and I couldn’t fight it. Now I am evil and I serve Lotor…your future husband.” He nodded at the prince who had guards binding the others.

“No! Never!” she cried.

“You will or I will kill the others. Believe me, I will do it.” He bared an evil grin. “I would enjoy it if they changed if I must threaten their lives.”

“What?” Allura asked faintly.

Sven laughed. “I’m a werewolf, remember princess? I bit them so the werewolf gene is now in them. Of course with them being pure souls, they will resist the urge to surrender to the dark wolf within.” Sven then hauled Allura toward the castle with Lotor in the lead and the guards with their prisoners bringing up the rear.

Zarkon was very pleased when the entourage arrived in his throne room. His eyes flared at the sight of the force coming to as well as the bites on their legs. Lotor stood before him with Allura who was held by Sven. “Well done, Lotor. Everything went according to plan, I see.”

“Yes, Father. I owe much of the success to Sven.” He gestured for a guard to hold Allura before adding, “Sven, watch the prisoners.”

“Yes, Master.” He took wolf form and stood near them while watching the impromptu wedding.

“I will make this quick,” Zarkon said. “Do you Prince Lotor take Allura for your wife?”

“I do.”

“Do you Princess Allura take Lotor for your husband?”

“Don’t do it, Allura!” Lance called.

Sven growled as he put his claws to Lance’s throat. “Silence!” he snapped before looking at Allura. “Say it, princess or I kill him.”

Allura lowered her eyes. “I do,” she whispered in defeat.

“Then I, King Zarkon of Doom, pronounce you husband and wife.” Lotor took Allura in his arms and gently kissed her.

“No!” Keith exclaimed, the last letter becoming a howl. His eyes locked on Sven and anger shot through him. He tricked us! That traitor! A growl emerged as Keith’s eyes turned gold. His growls grew louder as he shifted into a wolf, his ropes snapping apart. He charged toward Sven who met the charge. The two collided and fought one another amidst laughs and cries for Keith to stop.

“You betrayed us!” Keith snarled.

“And none of you bothered to check up on me while I was in the hospital!” Sven retorted. “I had to make use of a part of me I had suppressed for years! You know what? I love it! I am evil and brutal and I will prove it by killing all of you!”

“No!” Allura cried. “Sven, stop! Don’t do this!”

“Too late, princess. I’ve been this way for weeks. Perhaps, in time, you will understand.” Sven gave a snarl as he launched himself at Keith. The two went down again, claws slashing and jaws snapping. Keith, angry as he was, could not compete with Sven’s assault.

The only way out is to kill him but if I do, I may become a dark werewolf too. Wait. If I can knock him out, I can free the others and we can rescue Allura and head for the lions. Keith had no doubt that he could change back as he had seen Sven do it.

Sven, however, saw the look in Keith’s eyes that hinted at an escape plan and was determined to make sure it failed. He moved in closer and faster than Keith had seen and he slashed his claws across the commander’s throat. Shock was the last expression on his face as he died.

There was a loud laugh from Zarkon and Sven’s tail swished at this. Yes, Lotor was his master, but pleasing the king was also a good thing.

“Murderer!” Lance yelled, glaring at Sven.

“Yes, I am. I thought I had made that clear.” His claws flashed out and Lance, Pidge, and hunk fell without another sound. He licked his claws clean before bowing before Zarkon. “Permission to eat the bodies, your Majesty?”

“Granted. I say you earned it.” He looked at the married couple. “Lotor, why don’t you and Allura retire to your chambers? See if you can persuade her that she will be happy here. If she refuses to be persuaded by you, perhaps Hagger can do it in the morning. Sven will sleep in my chambers tonight to give you two time together.”

“Thank you, Father.” Lotor led his wife away who seemed stunned at the brutal manner in which her friends were killed. I think her stubborn spirit has been broken by their deaths, Lotor thought. Good, it will make her easier to persuade.

Zarkon watched as Sven ate his kills with relish. Hmm, perhaps the threat of being bitten will get Allura to be happy to have Lotor as her husband. Tomorrow, I will have the lions dismantled and then I will be the supreme ruler of the universe.< He laughed in triumph while Sven howled in joy.

The End