Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Nora and the nameless demons are mine. This takes place after the series’ end.
Chapter One- Pairs
Careful, Kurama thought. Easy and…perfect. A single red drop fell into a beaker of clear liquid. A small amount of smoke puffed up and cleared to reveal the liquid was now a blood-red color. He opened a test tube that contained a single silver hair. He pulled out the hair and dropped it into the beaker. The contents hissed and frothed before stilling and the red liquid was now a lighter shade of red.
Kurama had been experimenting with formulas designed to help demons who were unhappy with their lives whether in whole or in part. Kurama used his botany and chemistry skills to create potions to help them. Some just wanted simple solutions for things like bad breath, acne, or hair loss. The demons paid him for the potions and he saw it as a side job after high school for he planned to work for his stepfather.
His business fascinates me, he thought as he added another ingredient. The money I’ll make between these two careers can help pay for Kazuma’s college expenses if he needs some.
Kurama smiled. He had known Kuwabara for years and he had changed over time. When they first met, he was a lot like Yusuke: Someone who loved to fight and did not care about grades. However when high school entrance exams loomed, his sister had had working hard to bring his grades up so that he could be admitted to the school he wanted.
It was at least halfway through their freshman year that Kuwabara was calling Kurama a lot and asking for them to hang out. He seized those opportunities since Yusuke and Hiei were in Demon World. A closer friendship developed between them, but he noticed Kuwabara staring at him a lot. When he finally asked why, Kuwabara said he liked listening to Kurama talk. He was flattered by the compliment and responded that he enjoyed talking to him.
“Do you plan to propose to Yukina after you graduate?” Kurama had asked at one point.
“Maybe. I don’t know. I mean, I love her but I also love a guy.”
“You are bi-sexual? I must say I find that surprising.”
“It was surprising to me too. It’s who I love that doesn’t surprise me.”
Kurama had a good idea who that was as it made their get-togethers clear now. “I’m the one you love.”
Kuwabara had nodded. “I thought you would figure it out. You’re a smart guy, Kurama and very good-looking.”
“You are good-looking yourself.” Kurama wasn’t lying; even though only a few months had passed, Kuwabara was becoming a handsome man, someone anyone would be lucky to date.
Kuwabara had smiled at this. “Thanks. So, perhaps we could go on a date and see if there’s any romance between us?”
“Agreed. How about the movies this weekend?”
“It’s a date, Kurama.”
It was a wonderful date, Kurama reflected as he put the mixture in a vial and labeled it. We had both chosen the same movie and Kazuma opened the door for me and let me choose a row and sit first. Since then, we have gone on countless dates and I am indeed in love with him. I came to that realization last year and informed the family. Naturally, my news was shocking and after I explained it as well as answer questions about Kazuma, Mother insisted I invite him to dinner.
Dinner had gone well. Kazuma had done everything by the book. He brought flowers for Mother, was polite to both of my parents, and was truthful with his answers. That was the point where we revealed our secret lives during our last year of junior high. The cases, the tournaments, the demons, and my own distant past. I even changed to Yoko at my mother’s request.
After that, more specific questions were asked of both of us. It was clear that they accepted our story and were eager to hear more. They had wanted more details of the cases and tournament matches. Mother didn’t like hearing about the parts where I was injured and especially where I nearly died. She knows I did all this to protect her, but still…
The presence of a demon brought him out of his thoughts and he turned to the window, conjuring a rose and holding it at his side. The demon didn’t look threatening but he didn’t lower his guard. “Can I assist you?” he asked.
“I hope so,” the demon replied in a raspy voice. He slithered into the room for he had a snake’s tail instead of legs. His forked tongue flickered in and out as he smiled at the fox.
“I’m listening. What can I do for you?”
“I love a feathered serpent demon. I have courted her from the base of a treacherous peak and she responds from her home from which she refuses to leave.”
“Yes. Feathered serpents never leave their mountain world. They also prefer their own kind.”
“That is true, but my sweet Nora loves me deeply though her people disapprove. If I had wings, I would be welcomed and Nora and I could be together.”
Kurama nodded. “Yes, giving you wings is doable. However, I will require two items. One is a feather from a feathered serpent. The other is a rare plant that is a binding agent for a range of potions, especially the transformation ones.”
The snake’s silted eyes went wide. “I have a feather Nora gave me and I know of the plant you speak of. I will bring both to you very shortly.”
“If you could bring as much of the plant as you can, I will be able to grow more.”
“I will Kurama and thank you.” The snake slithered out the window and was gone.
Kurama turned back to his chemistry table, his rose now on his desk. He began prepping what he could of the potion to give the snake wings, giving a quick look to the one he had made earlier. It was different from the one he was currently prepping and only needed the plant to be completed and bind the ingredients together. That potion is special and unique, and is rather easy to duplicate.
His thoughts again turned to his boyfriend. He realized that he never answered Kurama’s question of whether or not he would propose to Yukina. Well, I never posed the question again, so of course I did not receive an answer. Perhaps now would be a good time to ask again. He picked up the phone and dialed Kuwabara’s house.
“Hi, Kazuma.”
“Kurama! What’s up?”
“Well, a snake demon just requested me to make a potion to give him wings in order to be with a feathered serpent demon he loves. I just need a feather from said demon and a plant that serves as a binding agent for transformation potions as well as other types of potions. He has promised to deliver both very shortly. I would imagine a day, at least.”
“Love is a good reason to seek help.”
“I agree and that brings me to the reason for my call. I realized that I never got an answer to my question of if you intend to propose to Yukina. You seemed undecided when I originally asked.”
“Well as you are accepting of my sexual preference, I’m thinking of going to visit her tomorrow and propose.”
“Does she know that we are dating?”
“You may want to; whether before or after the proposal is up to you.”
“Yeah, I’ll tell her. Night, Kurama. I love you.”
“Good night, Kazuma. I love you too.” Both hung up.
Chapter Two- Eavesdropping
Kuwabara headed up the stairs the next day, his heart pounding and his mouth feeling dry. He was very nervous about his talk with Yukina. He knew what he was going to say and in what order. He would tell her about him and Kurama dating, but assure her that she was still important to him. Then, he would propose to her.
I hope she says yes and is understanding about me being bi-sexual. I can’t imagine her being any other way. Yes, I haven’t come out and admitted to loving her. I had thought my flirting would do the trick, but it apparently didn’t. This time, I will straight out tell her I love her.
He gained the top at last and hurried to where the gang used to gather when they met here. He saw the door slightly ajar and, as he reached the push it open, he heard Keiko and Yukina’s voices. He lowered his arm when he heard his name mentioned.
“I wonder if Kazuma will come by,” said Yukina.
“I’m sure he will,” Keiko said. “He likes you.”
“I like him too. He’s a dear, sweet friend.”
“Friend?” Keiko laughed gently. “Yukina, the guy’s in love with you! You can’t tell me you didn’t notice.” There was a long silence and then Keiko said softly, “Oh.”
“So, all those comments and attention he gave me was because he loves me. Oh, Keiko. I’m afraid I don’t return those sentiments. He’s a dear friend like you. My people can reproduce on our own.”
“Yes, but you can do it with a man. I mean, that is how you have a twin brother.”
“Yes. Now, I like humans and don’t intend to return to my village but I don’t see myself falling for a human. If Kazuma was a demon then things between us would be different.”
Kuwabara backed away as the girls lapsed into silence. No tears fell as he turned and left the compound. She didn’t love him! Hell, she didn’t realize he loved her! He felt like his heart was breaking and that certainly showed in his face as he traveled back to the city. He kept a stone face as he headed for Kurama’s house. He needed the comfort of his boyfriend, his fox.
“Kazuma! How nice to see you,” Shiori greeted when she opened the door. “Shuichi’s upstairs.”
“Thanks, uh, Shiori.” Kuwabara removed his shoes and headed up. Kurama’s parents insisted on Kuwabara calling them by their names. He acceded to their wishes though it felt weird to do so. He knocked on the door, entered when told to, and saw Kurama at his chemistry table, grinding something.
While Kuwabara was heading back from the compound, Kurama was prepping ingredients for other potions when he sensed a presence. He looked up to see the snake slide into his room. He had a satchel across a shoulder and a pleased expression on his face.
“I brought what you asked for and more besides,” he hissed. He slithered over and presented the satchel. Kurama took it and saw the feather on top. It was a lovely shade of white with a pearly sheen.
He gathered the feather and some of the plant, mixed them together and tipped it into the potion he had made yesterday. There was a white puff of smoke and then Kurama corked it and presented it to the snake. “Drink all of it and you will have your wings.”
“Thank you Kurama. How much do you want?”
“You have paid enough. The plant you have provided is invaluable.” The snake nodded before slithering out the window while Kurama grinded more of the plant and added it to the potion he had made before the snake had made his request. He then planted some of the plant before busying himself with prepping other ingredients. He was grinding some mint when he heard a knock and sensed Kuwabara’s energy as well as his scent. “Enter,” he said, eyes still on the mortar. Once he had stored the powdered mint, he turned to see a look of depression on Kuwabara’s face. “Kazuma! What’s wrong? Did Yukina turn down your proposal?”
“I didn’t see or talk to her,” he replied, crossing to the desk and sitting in the chair. “She was talking to Keiko and I overheard them talking about me. Yukina hadn’t realized that my flirting was a form of love which we already knew. She only sees me as a dear friend. I left after hearing that. I have no chance of her loving me; not unless I was a demon. She had said if I was, things between us would be different.”
“Kazuma, I am sorry to hear that.” He came over and leaned over to hug him. “I usually do not approve of eavesdropping, but now you know how to act around Yukina when you see her next time.”
“Yeah. I’ll act like I do when I’m around Keiko. She may not…love me, but she’s still a friend.” He choked a little at admitting Yukina’s lack of love for him.
“That is true and keep in mind that I still love you and always will.”
Kuwabara stood, took Kurama in his arms, and gave him a kiss which Kurama savored before deepening. It would be clear to any observer how deep and strong their love for each other had become since their first date.
“So, did your snake client come by today?” Kuwabara asked when they parted.
“He did and provided me with the feather and a lot of the plant. I completed his potion and added the plant to a potion that only need it to be completed.”
“What does it do?”
“Give someone the ability to understand the language of fixes, wolves, dogs, and their canine relatives as well as speak it.”
“Would anyone want such a potion?”
“Maybe. I imagine a demon would seek it if they desire it. There is an unfortunate side effect.”
“What side effect?”
“The drinker would speak the canine language exclusively and forever.”
Kuwabara winced. “No offense Kurama, but I don’t think anyone would pay for that.”
“I wouldn’t say that, human,” a mild voice said and both looked to see a demon with leathery brown skin and four arms. He smiled at the pair with sharp teeth as he eased into the room.
“You would be interested in the potion, despite the side effect?” Kurama asked neutrally.
“I would. You see, I use blood hounds to track fugitive demons who has a price on their heads.”
“You are a bounty hunter.”
“I am and I have times where my dogs don’t appear to listen or understand me. If I knew what they were saying, it would lead to a smoother relationship.” He produced a bag of money. “I would pay well.”
Kurama appeared to consider the matter before holding out the bottle. “I accept that bag as payment enough.” He took the money and handed over the bottle.
“How long will it take for it to work?” the bounty hunter asked.
“It takes effect soon after you drink all of it.”
The hunter uncorked it and downed the potion. He licked his lips, opened his mouth, and barked a few times. He grinned in delight before leaving.
“Wow,” Kuwabara said. “That’s impressive, Kurama.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you think I could make potions too? I mean, could you teach me?”
Chapter Three- Teaching
Kurama blinked. “You want to learn to mix potions?”
Kuwabara shuffled a foot. “Well, after telling me about the snake demon and seeing how happy the bounty hunter is, learning how to make potions sounds real interesting. Plus, I plan on being a doctor and wouldn’t chemistry be part of that?”
“A small part, yes, but biology would be a major part. However, I would be happy to teach you. I could start by having you pass me ingredients and I would explain about the ingredient as I add it to the potion.”
“How about telling me the properties of some of the herbs right now?” Kuwabara suggested.
“All right.” Kurama held up the bag of powdered mint and told him what he knew about it before telling him about cinnamon. He saw Kuwabara paying attention but only talked of the two herbs, not wanting to overwhelm him.
Thus began a weekly schedule for Kurama and Kuwabara. The tall teen would show up Friday afternoon, spend the night, and resume his learning Saturday until late afternoon. Kurama was a patient mentor, telling Kuwabara about the herbs and ingredients starting Friday night and continuing after breakfast on Saturday. He would quiz Kuwabara on Friday about the previous week’s lesson and he answered easily which pleased Kurama.
During these lessons, Kurama would tend to the blinding plants and mixing potions, the latter tying neatly into the lesson. Demons occasionally turned up, requesting help which resulted in potions being made as the lesson of the day.
Kuwabara did visit Yukina and acted exactly as Kurama suggested. He gave no indication that he heard her conversation with Keiko though he did drop the comments he used to give her. Yukina, however, did notice the lack of comments and wondered why they stopped.
“Kazuma?” she asked after Kuwabara had had six weeks’ worth of lessons. “I’ve noticed your romantic talk is absent and I wonder why.”
“Well, I stopped because I realized that you weren’t responding to it and considering you don’t need a man to have your children and I respect that. Besides, I’ve been dating someone else for a year now.”
“You have? Who is she?”
“It’s not a she. I’m dating Kurama.”
“Kurama? So, you’re bi-sexual?”
“Yeah, I am. I realized this halfway through my freshman year of high school.”
“Will you two marry after graduation this year?”
“I don’t know. I still plan to go to college and be a doctor. A wedding is expensive.”
“Yes,” Kurama said when Kuwabara related this conversation a few days later. “Mother will insist on a wedding thought I would prefer a simple mating ceremony.”
“Mating ceremony?”
“It is normally a private ceremony. The two demons would interlace fingers, vow to love one another forever, and allow their energies to mingle which tells others that he or she is mated.”
“I see. Can a mating ceremony be done between a human and a demon?”
Kurama smiled. “You have access to your energy as I do so, yes, we could have a mating ceremony and in private as is tradition.”
“That would be nice but let’s wait until we graduate.”
“That is acceptable. I propose we do it the night we graduate as a type of celebration.”
“Great!” Kuwabara beamed at the idea of being mated. I might be the first human to be mated through a Mating Ceremony.
The leaves of the tree near the window rustled and both saw a bat demon peering through the leaves at them. His skin was gray, he had pointed ears, and black bat wings but otherwise looked human with black hair and blue eyes. He leaped onto the sill and smiled a mouth full of sharp teeth.
“Another human and demon pair. Excellent,” he said, teeth clicking.
Another? Kurama thought. “Am I correct in assuming that you love a human as well?”
“That’s right. I’ve been seeing you for about six months and while we love each other, we can’t go out in public. I was in Demon World recently looking for a way to give me human form when I heard about you and your potions. I’ll understand if what I’m about to say is impossible but I have to know for sure.”
“And what are you seeking?”
“If there is a way I could take a human form but be able to take my demon form if I need to protect my girlfriend or myself.”
Kurama blinked. “That is a complex request. I can make potions to make you temporarily human but it will take time to produce what your desire.”
“I could get whatever it is you need,” he said eagerly as Kurama approached.
“I just need some blood, hair, and skin samples from you.”
“All right.” The bat stayed still as Kurama collected the samples and then left after told to return in a week for a progress report.
“Can you help him?” Kuwabara asked as Kurama examined some of the blood through a microscope.
“I may be able to,” he replied. “What he wants is to be like me. I have human form because I merged with the unborn baby. I have, during our relationship, took an interest in my unique biology. I have examined my own blood and was fascinated by what I discovered.”
“And that is what?”
“There is an anomaly in my blood that allows me to change between human and demon. If I can isolate it and introduce it into the bat’s blood, I should be able to produce a potion to achieve the desired results and as a permanent one.”
“How long will that take?”
“I do not know. But, I can gather the other ingredients that are used in all potions.”
“Can I help with that?”
“Of course.” Kurama looked up as Kuwabara gathered the bottles and jars and put them nearby. Kazuma has learned so much in just a few weeks. He is genuinely interested in learning what each ingredient does and how they react with one another. He had Kuwabara assist him in creating the basis potion from which all the mixtures began. It made Kurama feel good to have many bottles of basis potion. He stretched after corking and labelling the last one. “I think we should call it a night.”
“Yeah. I think you’re right,” Kuwabara replied. He enfolded Kurama in an embrace and gave a quick kiss. “See you in the morning.”
“Good night, Kazuma.” Kuwabara left and Kurama was about to change clothes when he saw a strand of Kuwabara’s hair on his shirt. He plucked it off and saw it had a follicle. He smiled at this stroke of luck as he stored it in a tube. He wasn’t sure why he kept it. Perhaps, if I succeed in creating the potion for the bat demon, I may be able to reverse engineer it to make one for Kazuma.
But, would he even want one? He hasn’t asked to be a demon or be like me like my client does. However, he did say that Yukina may love him as a demon. He treats her as a close friend, but I feel that he still loves her deep inside. Either way, I will make one for Kazuma and I know which demon he’d like to be.
Chapter Four- Return
“You discovered that this anomaly can be used?” Kuwabara asked.
“Yes. I introduced it into a little of the bat’s blood and it was taken in and added to its own. I can make a potion for him to be like me.”
“You mean like red hair and green eyes?”
Kurama chuckled. “No, his genes will influence the potion in that regard, but I’m guessing his hair and eye color won’t change when he takes human form. I imagine the opposite would happen if a human could take a demon form. His or her hair and eye color would alter based on the demon type they become.”
“Interesting.” Kuwabara watched as Kurama began to gather other ingredients and he listened to the descriptions but his mind was racing in a different but similar vein. Kurama imagined a human taking demon form. If he succeeds in creating a potion so a demon can look human, then he may be able to create one so a human could look like a demon or be like Kurama. His heart raced at this thought. If he had a demon form, Yukina would love him! He still loved her deep down inside despite her not feeling the same way about him. His eyes roved over the table and saw a test tube containing a strand of hair: His hair! I guess a strand came off and landed somewhere where Kurama found it and stored it. Could Kurama be thinking of making the potion to make me like him, exactly like him? Kuwabara’s mind reeled at the thought of being a fox demon.
“The potion’s coming along nicely,” Kurama said, breaking into Kuwabara’s thoughts. “I may have it finished by the time my client arrives for that progress report.”
“Sounds great. Uh, Kurama? Could you make the reverse for me?”
Kurama looked at him with a small smile. “I had thought about it last night but wasn’t sure as you hadn’t asked.”
“Well, I noticed that you have a piece of my hair there,” he nodded at the tube. “Then you spoke of a human having a demon form and I thought if I did…”
“Yukina would love you then,” Kurama said when Kuwabara trailed off and didn’t continue. “If it works, I will work on one for you. I assume you would like to be a fox.”
“I would. If this one works, will we know immediately like that dog barking one?”
“Maybe. Some potions work instantly while others work over a period of time. I once gave a demon a potion to cure his hair loss. It took months of modest application for him to achieve the amount of hair he wanted.”
“Has there been any demons you couldn’t help?”
“A few, but they are rare. They’re disappointed, but they understand.”
Kuwabara watched Kurama work a little more before saying, “Would you need blood and skin from me for my potion?”
“No. I think just hair and blood when the time comes and if it works.” Kurama was fairly certain the demon’s potion would work, but not 100% sure. He was sure that it would take effect immediately as that would determine its effectiveness. A fail would result in nothing happening.
Kurama eventually put the potion aside and the two guys working on grinding, chopping, slicing, and cutting roots and herbs before storing them. “I appreciated your help today.”
“I was glad to do it. So, I’ll see you Friday.” Kuwabara gave a quick kiss on the lips.
“Friday, but we can talk before then,” Kurama agreed. He smiled dreamily as his boyfriend left. He straightened up his table before he sensed he wasn’t alone. He looked up to see a familiar pair of eyes and a pleased smile appeared.
“Hiei, what a surprise,” he said as said demon came in. “Did you just arrive?”
“No. I came a few hours ago and spied on you and Kuwabara for the last two hours.”
“Then, you saw the kiss.”
“Hn. Are you two dating now?”
“Actually, we’ve been together for a little over a year and we plan to have a mating ceremony the night we graduate.”
“Mating ceremony. That’s serious, Fox and usually it’s for demons only.”
“Kazuma likes the idea.” And, with some luck, Kazuma will be part demon before graduation, he added silently.
“Hn. Your choice, Kurama. So, I heard you are selling potions to demons who ask for your help.”
“Correct. It will be a side business while I work for my stepfather. I plan to put the potion money toward any college expenses Kazuma may need. Hiei, have you visited Yukina yet?”
“No, not yet. Why?”
“Well, Kazuma has stopped pursuing her but still loves her deeply.”
“Did he stop because he loves you now?”
“He…overheard Yukina and Keiko talking several weeks back. Keiko told her about Kazuma’s love for her to which she was oblivious and she told Keiko that if Kazuma was a demon, they may have gotten together.”
“I see,” Hiei said flatly but inwardly he was elated. He always felt that Kuwabara was not good enough for his sister and hoped she would fall for a demon. His first choice was Kurama, but now that wouldn’t happen as the redhead was with Kuwabara. No matter. I know some demons I work with who would treat her right, but that would require my revealing my connection to her which I tend to keep to myself. So, I guess Yukina will have to remain single the rest of her life.
“Hiei, I think you should tell Yukina the truth.”
“Fox, we’ve been over this. I will never tell her.”
“All right. Then we will not discuss it again.” Kurama had hoped Hiei had had a change of heart in the almost three years since they last spoke of the subject, but clearly he hadn’t.
Yukina deserves to know her brother. Hiei refuses to tell her so I will take matters into my own hands. I cannot tell her as Hiei would kill me, but I can tell Kazuma and he could tell her as his humanity protects him from Hiei’s death threat. It will be a shock to Kazuma when I tell him that Yukina and Hiei are siblings, but hopefully he takes it well enough.
“You should know,” Hiei spoke up. “That Yusuke’s back too.”
“A little earlier than we had anticipated but I do not think Keiko will mind.”
“He told me that she is the reason for his early return.”
“Has he made any plans on how he is going to make a living?”
“I expect that he is going to work in his girlfriend’s restaurant.”
“Of course; with no high school education, he cannot go to college.”
“Does Kuwabara still plan to be a doctor?”
“He does. He truly does want to help others.”
“What does your family think of you dating a guy?”
“They approve and we told them everything about our adventures in junior high and my past in Demon World. I even changed to Yoko when Mother asked to see.”
“So, they know everything? Even your little side business here?”
“Yes, they know about it and that I am careful with the ingredients and when mixing the potions.”
Chapter Five- Brother Revealed
“Kazuma, there’s something I need to tell you concerning Yukina.”
“I know who her brother is but I cannot tell her as the brother has threatened to kill me if I do. However, as you are human, you can tell without fear of death.”
“Well, that’s harsh to threaten you with death. Kurama? Is Hiei the brother?”
“Yes,” Kurama replied on the phone, surprised Kuwabara had guessed right.
“I thought about it on and off for years since hearing Hiei had a sister. I recall the awkward times when the subject of Yukina and her search came up. I also remember how tense and angry Hiei was during those times.”
“I was hoping you would take the revelation well and you exceeded my expectations.”
“Well, I am smarter now than I was then. I think I’ll tell her the news tomorrow.”
“Do not be surprised if she says she already figured it out.”
“I won’t. Oh, did you hear that Urameshi’s back?”
“Yes. Hiei came to see me last night. He’s aware of our relationship and he told me of Yusuke’s return.”
“Well Hiei stay or return to Demon World?”
“I imagine he will stay for a little before leaving.”
“Heh, well if he visits Yukina after I do, she’ll insist he stay. I know she will.”
“We should hang up. We both have school tomorrow.”
“Yeah, we do. Bye, Kurama. I love you.”
“I love you too.” They hung up and Kurama went to sleep, knowing Kuwabara would call after his visit.
Kuwabara worked on his homework as he rode to the mountains the next day. He was determined to graduate this year and put his best effort into his studies. He had to admit that it felt good to get good grades and wished he had discovered this years ago. Oh, well. I know it now and I will keep earning good grades when I get to college. The train to the mountains came to a stop and Kuwabara put his things away. It was time to tell Yukina about Hiei and hope all goes well.
“Kazuma! Hi,” Yukina called out as he entered the compound. She was standing a few feet away, spreading food for the birds. His heart ached at this sweet scene. She is so lovely and sweet. I still love her but she wouldn’t love me unless I was a demon. Man, I hope I can.
“Would you like some tea?” she asked as he came closer.
“No, not today. I could help you feed the birds and we could talk.”
She smiled at him. “I’d like that.”
For several long minutes there was silence as they fed the birds and Kuwabara was thinking which angle to use to discuss Hiei. Finally, he said, “Have you seen Hiei lately?”
“No, not since he left for Demon World almost three years ago.” She then gasped and looked up at him. “Are you saying he’s here?”
“Yeah. Kurama saw him Saturday night. I hope he visits you.”
“You do? I thought you didn’t like him.”
“I don’t exactly hate him, but we’re not exactly best buds, either. I just respect him as a fighter.
“I also found out about your brother.”
“You did?” Yukina’s eyes shone with hope. “Then, he’s alive? He’s not dead?”
“Definitely not dead.” He licked his lips and took a deep breath. “Yukina…Hiei’s your brother.”
Yukina stared at him before tilting her head, closing her eyes, and smiling. “I suspected he was when he left. He had given me advice and I hinted that it was the kind a girl would get from her brother. I also noticed that his eye color matches my own.
“Kazuma, how long have you known this?”
“Just last night. Kurama told me as Hiei threatened to kill him and Yusuke if they told. But since I’m human, he can’t keep me from telling and I felt you deserve to know.”
Yukina opened her eyes and embraced him. “Thank you, Kazuma for confirming what I’ve suspected for some time.”
He returned the hug. “You’re welcome.”
“So, she had suspicions earlier,” Kurama said on the phone that night.
“Uh-huh. She did ask me why he never told her and I admitted that I don’t know. I think she’ll ask him when he comes around.”
“Hiei never told me either. The only reason he gave was that he was a criminal and that she would not be happy to have a felon for a brother.”
“That’s a weak excuse. She would love him no matter what he’s done.”
“Agreed. Brothers and sisters love each other despite who they are and what they have done. You and I both know that.”
“I do. Well, I just thought I’d call and tell you how it went. I’ll see you Friday.” Kuwabara hung up and thought about Friday. That bat demon’s potion should be ready by then. If it works, Kurama will mix one for me. I…think I should tell Shizuru so it won’t be a shock if she bursts in on me while I’m in demon form. He got up and headed over to his sister’s door. He knocked. “Shizuru? Can we talk?”
“Sure, bro. Come in.”
He entered the slightly smoky room and saw Shizuru put out her cigarette for which he was grateful. He sat in the chair. “You remember I told you I’m bi-sexual and dating Kurama?”
“Of course I do.”
“Kurama also mixes potions to help demons if he can. Last weekend, a bat demon came by and asked for a potion to make him like Kurama. Someone who can take human and demon form. I asked that, if it works, he could make one for me.”
“You want to be human and demon? Why?”
“I overheard Yukina and Keiko several weeks ago and Yukina said if I was a demon, she would love me. I thought I tell you so that if I do change, it won’t be a surprise.”
“What kind of demon and are you doing this for Yukina?”
“It’s not just for Yukina. Kurama too and I chose fox demon.”
“Fox demon.” Shizuru recalled the Dark Tournament finals when she had first seen Yoko Kurama and what he could do. “Will you control plants too?”
“I don’t know. I might or it could be something else or nothing at all.”
“Your energy could change.”
“It could. Aside from energy and looks, I’ll still be me.”
Shizuru nodded. She knew her brother was right in that he would still act the way he had always been. She wondered what his fox look would be like and if he would gain powers when his energy changed. She had no doubt that Kuwabara would end up with demon energy instead of spirit energy.
He said he’s doing this for Yukina and Kurama. I don’t doubt that it would be for Kurama, but Yukina? Would she love him if he became a demon? And that’s the point: All these questions hinge on whether or not the bat demon’s potion works.
Chapter Six- Two Potions
Kurama stirred Kuwabara’s hair and blood into a bubbling mixture that contained the anomaly from his blood, a silver hair from his demon form, and the binding agent plant. Kuwabara stood nearby, watching the process. It was Friday and Kurama was anxious for his client to arrive in order to see if the potion really worked.
“He should be here soon,” Kuwabara said as Kurama turned off the Bunsen burner.
“He will but your potion needs to cool before you drink it. Have you spoken to Yukina since Monday?”
“Yeah and she said Hiei hadn’t come by yet. She’s afraid that he left and I’m starting to think he did.”
“No, he’s around. We spoke last night.”
“Good. When he shows up, she’ll confront him with the truth.”
“Yes, the truth is preferable especially among family and lovers.”
“Indeed it is,” said a voice at the window. Both looked to see the bat demon at the sill. He eased into the room with an eager expression. “So, Kurama. What’s the report on my request’s progress?”
“Better than I anticipated. I had a theory of how to create the potion and used a little of your blood sample to confirm it. So, I worked all week on it and I am pleased to say that it is complete.”
“Complete?” the demon repeated.
Kurama held up the bottle. “Yes. Once you drink this, you will change to your human form and remain in it until morning as your body needs to fully absorb the effect of changing when you desire.”
“And how much do you want for it?” The demon’s eyes looked longingly at the bottle.
Before Kurama could say anything, Kuwabara said, “No charge. Love is too special to put a price on it.”
“My boyfriend speaks truly,” Kurama said as he came forward and handed over the bottle.
The demon eagerly took it, opened it, lifted it in a toast, and drank it down. The effect happened as he handed Kurama the bottle. He gasped as his skin became a light tan, his claws and wings vanished, and his sharp teeth became human teeth and his ears became rounded. A hand flew to his chest as his heart began to beat like a human one. His energy, however, remained the same. He lowered his hand and stared at it, flexing the fingers. “Amazing,” he breathed. “I have human form and a human heartbeat.”
“I take it you are pleased?” Kurama said.
“Pleased? I am grateful and thrilled. Now, we can go on proper dates and even wed one day. Thank you.” The demon went to the window and carefully climbed down the tree.
Kuwabara grinned brightly. “It worked.”
“Yes. Kazuma, your change will be a bit more painful as you will go from human to demon instead of the other way.”
“I understand.” He accepted the beaker of potion and proceeded to drink. He felt it settle in his stomach before he felt it race through his body and he gasped as his body felt like it was on fire. He panted as he felt parts of him itch or stretch and he sensed his energy change and strengthen before the pain faded and ended. He breathed fast and hard as he recovered from his change.
“Kazuma,” Kurama said in soft awe. “You are a handsome fox.”
Kuwabara lifted his head and straightened before going to Kurama’s mirror. A six-foot fox with creamy white skin was reflected there. His eyes were the brown eyes of an Earth fox and complemented the waist-length crimson hair he had. A pair of long ears a darker shade than his hair sat on his head. He turned to see a matching tail and his fingers sported long, sharp claws. “Wow,” he said softly. “You’re right and it’s so different.”
“Your energy is also stronger,” Kurama added, feeling his heart beat faster as he gazed at Kuwabara. He was glad he had made the potion and looked forward in guiding his boyfriend in his abilities and learn if he had gained a power or powers.
“Stronger?” he repeated. “Why would it get stronger?”
“It could be a side effect of a human taking a demon form or it could be because I used a strand of my hair so you could become a fox.”
Kuwabara scratched behind an ear as it itched and then gently fingered it with a small smile. He knew the novelty would wear off but right now it was amazing and he loved how he looked. He could hardly wait to show Yukina and Shizuru. But I have to. I can’t be human again until tomorrow morning.
“Kazuma, I would like to learn what power or powers you may have gained.”
“Sure. Where do you want to start?”
Kurama plucked a rose seed from his hair and focused. A small shoot broke through the seed before he put it in Kuwabara’s hand. “See if you can bring it to full bloom.”
Kuwabara stared at the seed, willing it to become a full rose. He sensed a spark of energy snap into his palm before a small flare of fire consumed the seed, burning it to ash. “Oh, man. I’m sorry,” he said as he tilted the ash into a can Kurama held out.
“Do not apologize. It helped identify your power. You are not a plant user. You are a fire fox.”
“That may explain the burning I felt shortly after I drank the potion.”
“Burning? Yes, that maybe another side effect. The feeling of the potion could be different to each human who would become a fox demon.”
“Don’t know anyone else who would want to be a demon.”
“True. I may be able to modify it so a demon could drink it to change into a fox demon permanently.”
“Yeah. There could be demons who would wish to be a different type of demon.”
“Indeed. The potion’s base is the same for any potion so all that is needed is the demon’s blood and hair or skin combined with my demon hair and the binding agent.”
“Did you tell your family of my asking to be like you?”
“I did and said that the potion may work. They will want to see you as you are in the morning before you resume human form. I am correct in assuming that you will want to see Yukina tomorrow, yes?”
“You’re right. I hope she accepts me now.”
“She should; as I said before, you are handsome.” Kurama came up to him and ran his fingers over some of the hair. “The same color as my own,” he said as the hair slid out of his fingers.
“A result of using your hair?”
“No. I think it was the potion combined with your genes and DNA.”
“I’m not complaining. It’s beautiful.”
“Indeed.” He smiled a little as Kuwabara yawned, fangs briefly showing before the mouth was covered. “I think we need to sleep. It has been a long day and you need to let the potion fully absorb into you.”
“You’re right.” Kuwabara leaned down to kiss Kurama and he felt an ear being felt before pulling back and leaving the room. He was now human and demon and looked forward to showing Yukina and her admitting that they could be together.
Chapter Seven- Yukina
“Hiei!” Yukina called happily as the fire demon approached her. She was thrilled to see him so she could confront him about why he never told her he was her brother. It had been almost a week since learning the truth as today was Saturday. She had gotten a call that morning from Kazuma that he was going to come up to see her and talk. She had hoped Hiei would come before Kazuma so she would have news for him.
Hiei took a seat beside Yukina on the wraparound porch and simply enjoyed the beauty around them and each other’s company in silence for a time before Yukina said, “Kazuma found my brother.”
“Has he?” Hiei asked neutrally.
“Yes.” She looked at him levelly. “He said you’re my brother. Don’t deny it,” she said as Hiei opened his mouth, clearly about to say he wasn’t. “I had my own suspicions when you left for Demon World years ago.”
“You had suspicions. Why did you not say anything then?”
“I wanted to hear you say it.”
Hiei was silent for a moment. “You know that I’ve killed and I’ve stolen as well. I thought you wouldn’t be happy to have someone like me for a brother. I was also bound by a promise to never tell you. I was released from it a little over a year ago.”
“Why would you agree to such a promise?”
“That was the price for my Jagan implant. I got it to find our mother’s stone I had lost as well as the village. When I learned about you, I used my Jagan to try to find you and later to watch over you.” He frowned a little. “How did Kuwabara find out?”
“He said Kurama told him and that you threatened Kurama and Yusuke with death if they told me. It’s not nice or right to threaten our friends.”
“It’s not and honestly, I wouldn’t have acted on the threat and especially not now.” The two siblings sat in silence until mid-afternoon when Hiei announced that he needed to talk to Kurama about other matters, assuring her he wasn’t going to kill the fox.
“All right. Kazuma should be here soon, anyway.”
Kuwabara sped up the stairs, pleased with his new speed. Kurama’s family had complimented him on his demon form and he had accepted them happily before excusing himself, saying he was going to surprise his friend, Yukina. I hope she becomes more than a friend when I leave. Kurama shares my hope. He smiled, lucky that Kurama was so understanding of his preferences and not possessive of Kuwabara.
He slowed his approach as he got to the top. He didn’t want to tip off that he was different before he said anything. He headed to the compound gate with his normal speed and saw Yukina sitting on the porch, a tray with a teapot and two cups beside her. She had that same friendly smile that he loved and he returned it as he sat on the tray’s other side. “Hey, Yukina.”
“Hi, Kazuma,” she replied, her smile positively beaming as she poured the tea and passed him a cup.
“You seem really happy today.” He took a sip as a thought occurred to him. “Was Hiei here today?”
Yukina nodded. “I told him about you tell me. He was going to deny it but I told him not to.”
“Did he explain why he never told you?”
“He gave two reasons. One seemed silly but the other one made sense.”
“He first said he thought I wouldn’t be happy having a criminal for a brother.”
“That is silly. It doesn’t matter what one’s done, they’re still family.”
“Absolutely. His second reason was when he asked for his Jagan, he was told the price was to never tell me we were siblings.”
“Really? Why would he agree to that?”
“I know he did it so he could watch over me and make sure I was safe.”
Kuwabara nodded. “I understand that. He was real brave to go through that. Kurama said that kind of surgery is extremely painful.” He fidgeted a little as he finished his tea. “Yukina,” he said as he put the cup down. “I have a confession to make as well as a surprise.”
“What is it?”
“I…overheard you and Keiko talking about me several weeks ago. I didn’t mean to, really!”
“Of course you didn’t and it does explain why you stopped the romance comments.”
Kuwabara felt relieved that Yukina wasn’t angry with him and continued. “I do still love you deeply despite the fact that I’m human. You know that Kurama makes potions for demons who want help?”
“Yes. Hiei mentioned it earlier today. It’ so nice of him to help others.”
“He recently helped a demon who loves a human. He made a potion so the demon could be like Kurama; able to have a human form and a demon form.”
“Kurama also made a similar one for me and I took it last night.”
“You have a demon form now?”
Kuwabara nodded and he flickered into his other form. Yukina’s eyes went wide as she moved the tray aside and came closer to finger his red hair. “Kazuma, you’re beautiful, but why did you take it?”
“I did it for Kurama and for you. I knew if I could be a demon than we could be together.”
Yukina gave a sad smile. “Oh, Kazuma. You didn’t hear the rest of my talk with Keiko. She thought as you did that if you became a demon, things would be different then. I corrected her by saying that if you had been a demon from the beginning, then things between us would be different.”
“From the beginning?” he repeated. “So, that means that you still don’t love me?”
“I’m sorry, Kazuma. You may have a demon form, but inside you are still human.”
“Of course I’m still human, but I am a demon too. I have the abilities of one, my heart’s not beating right now, and I have powers too.”
“I don’t doubt that, but you’re not all demon.”
Kuwabara felt angry and frustrated. He drank the potion to have a demon form alongside his human one, thinking Yukina would then love him. It turned out she preferred a full demon as opposed to the hybrid he had become. I had no idea she was a bigot. She won’t accept me or love me for what I am now. He looked away from her to control his emotions, unaware of his energy glowing a light red around him.
“Kazuma, your energy. It’s strong, stronger than before.” He felt her hand on his arm briefly before it pulled back and she exclaimed, “Ouch!”
He looked over, his energy fading away, to see her palm was red as if it had been burned! “How…? You only touched me.”
“I know, but it felt like your skin was on fire.”
“I think I need to talk to Kurama about this. We’ll talk another time and I’m sorry about burning you.” He lightly kissed her palm before he sped down the steps, changing forms as he did so. He had suspicions that his fire was connected to his emotions. He had been angry at Yukina and she had gotten burned as a result. I need to run that by Kurama and, if I’m right, then I will need to control my anger.
Chapter Eight- End of an Era
“You told Kuwabara and he told Yukina,” Hiei groused as he sat on Kurama’s window sill.
“Yes. She deserves to know at last and I could not tell her, however Kazuma could as he was human.”
“Hn.” Hiei gave a smirk. “It must have been a shock for him when you told him.”
“Actually, he figured it out before I said it. He thought on and off about the Dark Tournament part where Yukina came in and, in particular, your reaction whenever she was mentioned and how antisocial you were when she was around.”
“I wouldn’t say antisocial.”
“Oh?” Kurama raised an eyebrow.
Hiei rolled his eyes. “All right, I am but only because I’ve always been alone and I’m not looking for pity. I liked being alone.”
“Well, that is over now. You have a sister who knows you’re her brother and she will want to see you more often.”
“I could do that. There are years we could share with each other. I would like to hear about her life before she got kidnapped.”
“Why did you not while you were there?”
“Well, I wanted to confront you about telling Kuwabara and Yukina said he was coming.”
“Ah,” Kurama said. He doesn’t know that Kazuma is human and demon now. He cannot kill Kazuma for telling as he had been human when he told Yukina. He probably should know, but I will consult with Kazuma about it before I tell. Kurama was about to embark on another topic when he smelled fox and wood smoke; a smell he had identified off his boyfriend when they kissed last night. Shortly after smelling him, Kazuma walked in saying, “Kurama, I- oh, hey Hiei.”
The fire demon’s eyes narrowed at the energy that was slightly leaking off the taller boy. “Demon energy? Why am I sensing demon energy from you?”
“Because I’m human and demon now.”
“Hn. You may want to work on concealing it.”
“Yeah. I’ll do that.”
“Kazuma, what were you about to say?”
“Yukina doesn’t love me still. She said I missed the rest of her talk with Keiko. She said that if I had been a full demon when she was rescued, then we could have been together. I felt angry and frustrated upon hearing all this. I wasn’t aware of my energy glowing and when Yukina briefly touched my arm, her palm got burned.”
“What!?” Hiei hissed. “You hurt her?”
The accusatory tone in Hiei’s voice riled Kuwabara up. His energy glowed again a little redder than before as he glared at Hiei. “I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Kazuma, calm down!” Kurama exclaimed, slightly alarmed at what he was seeing. Once Kuwabara had calmed down, Kurama continued. “It is clear that your power is connected to your emotions, anger especially. You will need to get control over your anger and your power.”
“I had thought there was a connection between my power and my emotions. Thanks for confirming that. I clearly need to control both.”
“Let’s start with concealing the energy. You will need to change for that.”
Hiei blinked as Kuwabara’s skin paled and waist-length red hair appeared along with fox ears and a tail. A fox. Makes sense as Kurama is a fox. Hn, Kuwabara makes a good-looking demon and he’s a fire one like me. He watched as Kurama coached him to control his energy more so than he used to do when he was human.
“Good, good,” Kurama said as the leaking energy was pulled in and concealed. “Now, about the emotions…”
“Unconscious control will come in time,” Hiei spoke up. “He just needs to consciously control it for a few months.”
“Months? I was thinking years,” Kuwabara admitted, opening his eyes which had been closed during the energy control.
“It would be for those not trained in harnessing their energy. Those with fire abilities need to train harder than those who only need a few weeks. I would be willing to provide a few pointers.”
“Uh, thanks Hiei. I tried to use my power before I knew what it was on a seed and I turned it to ash.”
Hiei actually chuckled. “Oh, a few pointers is all you need. Your power is strong for a beginner. Also, you’re a good-looking fox.”
“Shizuru, I’m back,” he called as he came in and went to the kitchen where he had heard pots clattering around. He found Shizuru shifting pots and pans around until she pulled out a wok. “Hi, baby bro. How’s Operation Demon coming along?”
“Operation Demon? Funny sis, real funny.”
“Really, though. How’s it going?”
“Better than Kurama thought. He finished both of them last night.”
“Did they work?”
“Oh, yeah. Perfectly. Look.” He changed forms and he saw admiration in Shizuru’s eyes even as she gaped at him.
“Kazuma,” she said in awe.
“I know. I look good, huh?”
Shizuru came closer and reached out a hand to run her fingers through his hair and then up to feel an ear before looking into his brown eyes. “I admit you look good and I’m also a little jealous. Not that I want to be a demon, no offense.”
“None taken.”
“So, what demon aspects do you have?”
“Well, the form of course and no heartbeat plus demon energy.”
“You plan to be in demon form in the house?”
“Yeah, if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is.” Shizuru went to the fridge and got out the ingredients for dinner. Kuwabara gathered a couple of knives and soon the sounds of chopping and sizzling filled the air. “Did you see Yukina today?”
“I did and it didn’t work out. It turns out I missed the rest of the conversation. Yukina would have loved me if I had been born a full demon. I was a bit angry when I heard that and I accidentally burned her palm when she touched my arm.”
“Burned…? How…?”
“I’m a fire fox, sis.” He held up a hand palm up, concentrated, and a brief tongue of flame appeared. “I’m going to practice using it and Hiei offered to give me some pointers.”
“That’s all great Kazuma and I’m sorry Yukina still doesn’t love you.”
Kuwabara gave a dismissive wave of his hand as he went back to chopping. “It’s okay. We are still friends and I’ll still visit her. I’ll probably be human though, unless she asks.”
Shizuru nodded as she returned to the stove. Her brother was now human and demon, the latter a fire fox. Yukina was now just a friend and all of Kuwabara’s love was for Kurama, who was just like him. He belongs to two worlds now and will learn and discover the powers and abilities of his new demon nature. I will share in his joy as he tells me all he learns.