Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! This is an AU of the series finale.
Part One
The boat cut neatly through the water as it continued its westerly direction. The wind parted before the prow before going up to wash over the deck and any person standing on it. Only one man stood there, his brown hair being ruffled by the air. His blue eyes stared straight ahead into the night, but he had other matters on his mind: His rivals, Yugi and Atem.
A tiny smirk crossed his face. Who would have thought that he’d find a rival in the short boy? He had sought to defeat the old man’s deck a second time while in the hands of someone who seemed to understand the basics and could possibly last long enough to suffer a crushing defeat. He had been a little thrown off when Atem had taken over to duel and defeat him.
Since then, he had sworn to defeat Yugi and reclaim his dueling glory. Back then, he saw Yugi and Atem as one and the same: A boy who was friendly and kind off the field but was confident and dueled expertly on the field. He was convinced that he could win with absolute power and time and again he suffered defeat and Yugi no, Atem, would claim that his friends and the heart of the cards were what helped him win.
Kaiba didn’t believe in any of those things and certainly not the notion that he and Yugi had dueled in Ancient Egypt. In truth, he did believe that he and his rival were reincarnations as it explained why they kept dueling each other, but such a thing needed to be kept to himself lest his company rivals learned of this and claimed that Kaiba was insane.
I would share in that opinion if not for the events of Battle City and this recent adventure. The repeated images of the past that I had dismissed but turned out to be true. The trip to the past and seeing my past self and Atem as pharaoh served to convince me that everything I had been told was true.
An image of Atem in his current form floated before him. The spirit of an Egyptian pharaoh who existed in the Millennium Puzzle and only had a physical form if he borrowed Yugi’s body. His life cut short when he sealed himself and an evil being inside the Puzzle and wiped his memory clean in the process. A very heroic and noble thing to do. Kaiba doubted he would have done the same.
Kaiba focused on the eyes of Atem’s image and he felt his heart beat faster as he did so. This surprised him for he rarely expressed emotion and only felt and expressed intense ones. Shock, anger, ruthlessness, yes those he showed easily. The emotions that he considered to be weak, he kept locked away save for one: Love for Mokuba. His heart always beat harder when showing love for his brother; for his heart to beat like this now, it had to mean that he was…in love with Atem!?
Is it possible? Have I fallen for the spirit of a pharaoh? No, I should not. Such a relationship is ridiculous. And yet…I cannot seem to help it. He heard footsteps approach, turned, and nearly froze. Atem had just come around the corner and did indeed seemed to be frozen in surprise.
Atem sighed and shook his head as he left his cabin. The Ceremonial Duel was tomorrow and he couldn’t sleep. Tomorrow would reveal whether he would move on to the afterlife or be condemned to remain in the Puzzle, to stay in the modern world. He would like to stay with Yugi but the hard truth was that he should have died a very long time ago and if he didn’t move on, Yugi may never learn to be on his own.
Yugi must learn to count on himself. I must lose in order to be free of the Puzzle. That doesn’t mean I can go easy on him as he won’t go easy on me. We respect each other too much not to give anything but our best.
Atem recalled all the duels Yugi and he fought over the years and believed that no duel ever ignited such passion or fervor than his duels with Seto Kaiba.
Kaiba was a true rival, always pushing them to be their best and with each defeat, Kaiba would improve his deck and strategies which would lead Yugi and him to develop new strategies to counter them. Their rivalry was an intense one with a deep mutual respect for the other’s skills as duelists.
Kaiba’s stubbornness to accept that he had a past life in Egypt or that Atem had been a pharaoh had been his most aggravating trait and yet he admired that trait as well. And yet, despite Kaiba’s refusal of magic, Atem found himself liking Kaiba in a way that felt like it was more than friendship. His breath caught at the thought and he paused at the top of the stairs that had brought him to the deck. Gods, am I actually…in love with Kaiba? If so, I must dismiss the idea. I must move on to my eternal rest and a romantic relationship would make that difficult. He rounded the corner of the control room and froze at the sight of Kaiba standing there and having turned at hearing the pharaoh approach.
For a time, the two of them just stood there until Kaiba broke the silence. “Couldn’t sleep either, huh?”
“Correct. It is a big day tomorrow and sleep would be difficult.” But hopefully, I’ll be able to rest in peace. Atem walked up to the railing and leaned on it, staring at the horizon. He was unaware of Kaiba staring at him, trying to think of something to say.
Finally, he said, “I could still be your opponent in this duel.”
Atem shook his head. “Thank you, but no. Yugi will be my opponent.”
“How do you expect to duel Yugi when you share his body?”
“I am certain the chamber we will duel in will solve that problem.” Atem looked at Kaiba with an amused smile. “I am glad that you have finally accepted the truth that you’ve been denying for a long time.”
Kaiba shook his head. “It’s hard to think that all this time, I was dueling two people at the same time. Plus, I can’t really deny what I saw: You and Yugi standing there together; two separate people.”
“My journey with Yugi, everything I learned and experienced has been leading me to this point. One way or another, it ends tomorrow.”
“So, tonight would be the time to reflect on any regrets you have, any opportunities you can’t let slip past.”
“It would. The regrets of the past have been resolved to a satisfactory conclusion. My only regret is having to leave and everyone I met.”
“Yugi…no, Atem. I have an opportunity I can’t pass up or I will regret it for the rest of my life.”
“Oh? What is that?”
Kaiba moved closer to Atem so he was beside him. He put a hand on the hand that Atem had rested on the rail. He looked down into those deep purple eyes. “I have thought about every encounter and duel we’ve had over the years and found that when I look at you, my heart beats the way it does when I show love for Mokuba. It is possible, more than likely, that I love you.”
Atem felt surprised and flattered. Never in his dreams would Kaiba confess love for him. It just didn’t seem possible. But this is no dream. It is real.
“Kaiba. I, too, have recalled our duels in the past this night. Of all of my opponents, I consider you my only true rival. Yugi and I wouldn’t be the duelists we are now if you hadn’t challenged us to be our best. You have many traits I admire and I found myself liking you in a way that goes beyond friendship. I love you too.”
A tiny warm smiled crept onto Kaiba’s face upon hearing Atem’s confession. He took Atem’s hand in a firm hold. “I’m happy to hear that.”
Atem moved so that he was up against Kaiba’s body. “I really shouldn’t. A relationship like this would make it difficult for me to move on.”
“It would be selfish of me to insist you stay. You need to move on but I will never stop loving you. I will have my R and D team look into developing technology that will allow me to visit you in the afterlife.”
“Is that possible?”
“At this point, no. But, it will happen. I have the money and the motivation to make it so.”
Atem laughed. “I have no doubt of that. I will eagerly await that day for I will never forget anyone here or your love for me.”
“Good.” Kaiba pulled Atem tighter and then leaned down to capture Atem’s lips in a loving kiss. It didn’t bother him that he was actually kissing Yugi’s lips because, to him, it was Atem in control right now. He opened his eyes as he pulled back and saw gold and silver sparkles shining and winking around them. Atem also noticed them and he said, “They seem almost magical.”
Kaiba wanted to inwardly scoff at the notion but found himself saying, “Come on, Atem. Magic isn’t real.”
It does, but I’m not going to argue. “That’s part of why I love you: Your sensible side. Never believing everything you see.”
Part Two
Kaiba couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Yugi and Atem had split into two people and were dueling with all their soul. As much as Atem wanted to rest and as much as Yugi didn’t want him to leave, their dueling was bordering on the epic. Considering what is on the line, it actually is epic, Kaiba realized. The duel continued and ended in a spectacular way with Yugi the clear winner. Yugi went to his knees upon his victory, head bowed and Kaiba saw his shoulders shaking with what were no doubt sobs. He knew how Yugi felt, but he also knew that Atem had to leave. He had friends and family that had been waiting for him for thousands of years.
Atem approached Yugi and helped him to his feet. He spoke of how much Yugi had grown personality-wise. Yugi was more confident, able to stand up for himself and fight for what was right. “What you all need to keep in mind,” he said, facing the room. “Is that I will never forget you and that I will always be with you in your hearts.” His eyes took in the people before him, his gaze lingering on Kaiba. His face was dry of tears as he looked at the brunette.
Kaiba gazed back also dry of face. His blue eyes told Atem that this wasn’t goodbye forever, that he would find a way to the afterlife so they could spend time together.
Atem turned away and announced himself to the gate. As the eye above the doorway glowed, Atem could feel his body fading to spirit form and then, suddenly he snapped back to a physical form. He looked at himself and then at the eye that had stopped glowing. What’s going on?
A rumbling behind him made him turn around. The Millennium Tablet with the Items was descending into the ground and a stone tablet with hieroglyphs slide into place over it. Atem stepped down, approached the slab, and crouched down to read it, Yugi joining the gang who stood silent and confused.
Atem’s eyes roved over the symbols. Most of it was what was common knowledge to everyone there: The Shadow Games, his sacrifice, and his destiny to defeat the ancient evil by regaining his memories and using the Egyptian Gods. His eyes moved down to the conditions of the Ceremonial Duel. Yugi won. Why can I not move on? He read the last few lines and understanding came to him.
He turned to the others with a small smile. “It would seem that I will be sticking around. The slab states that if I was to give and receive love, I would be granted a second chance at life.”
Everyone exchanged surprised and intrigued looks…except Kaiba who was merely surprised.
“It’s got to be one of us,” Tea said, sweeping an arm to indicate everyone there. “I mean, it happened either last night or just recently.”
“Yugi!” Joey exclaimed. “It’s gotta be!”
Yugi shook his head. “I don’t think so. I mean, I love Atem but in a brotherly way. It think the stone means romantic love.”
“I believe you’re correct,” Atem said. “Romantic love which occurred last night.”
“Well, come on. Who is it?” Joey asked.
“Heh, me Mutt,” Kaiba answered.
Joey was about to snap about the dog comment when the rest of Kaiba’s words sunk in. “Huh? What? You and Atem?”
“Yes,” Atem said. “Neither of us could sleep. I came up and found Kaiba already there. We started talking and he said it.”
“He said it back not long after,” Kaiba said. Perhaps the kiss was magical after all.
Yugi was stunned. His closest friend and his rival were in love. It was a bizarre concept and yet the proof of it was there in the gentle looks they were giving each other. They make each other happy and Kaiba certainly needs happiness in his life. He came forward and gave Atem a hug. “If it makes you happy, I won’t stand in the way,” he said softly. “Like you said, I am ready to stand on my own.”
Atem returned the hug. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”
“I insist you live with me,” Kaiba said as they left the chamber to return to the boat, the pair trailing behind the others.
“Makes sense.” Atem glanced back at the structure, feeling a guilty pang. His family and friends were waiting for him and instead he would be starting a new life with Kaiba.
Kaiba noticed his boyfriend looking back and he did the same. “You wanted to see them again.” When Atem nodded, he added, “I can still have that machine built, maybe even two of them.”
“Really, Kaiba?” Atem looked at him.
“Yes, on two conditions.”
“What conditions?”
“First, call me Seto like my brother does.”
“All right.”
“Two, we have a duel when we get home.”
Atem laughed. He should have guessed that a duel was one of the conditions and a duel with no life-or-death circumstances attached to it sounded wonderful. “You’ve got a duel…Seto.”
“Good. So,” he put an arm across Atem’s shoulders and steered him to where his cabin was located. “Now, that you remember your past, perhaps you could tell me about it?”
Atem smiled as they went inside. “I’d be happy to.”