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Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter One- The Two Races

A snarl and a scream rent the air followed by a howl of triumph. A pale man laid on the ground, his throat torn open, and his eyes blank and unstaring. A short distance from him were two wolves, a brown one with deep blue eyes and a black one with yellow highlights and purple eyes. The brown one growled in annoyance as he laid on the ground and then proceeded to lick the wound on his foreleg. “Damn vampire,” he muttered as he licked.

“It’s not serious, is it?” his companion asked anxiously.

“No, alpha. It is almost healed.”

The alpha, Atem, sighed in relief. His pack had been battling the vampire clan for centuries with his race dying at the vampire’s claws and teeth. But the pack fought back, mostly through self-defense, and were slowly eliminating their adversaries. Now, both had precious few left in the city and Atem fretted. His race aged like humans though more slowly unlike vampires whose age froze from the day they were turned. The vampires did not have to worry about their elders dying of old age. No, they just have to worry about silver, crosses, impaled in the heart, and werewolves who are defending themselves.

The brown werewolf, Seto, got to his paws, his wound healed. “These attacks are satisfying despite injuries and reacting in self-defense, alpha,” he said as they left the scene, their exposed claws clicking on the concrete.

“Injuries I can tolerate, my pack members dying is another matter. Perhaps it is time for a recruitment.”

“If that is your decision.”

“I will consult with Uncle Aknadin first.” It was usually expected for a young alpha to consult with the oldest member. Atem’s father had been Aknadin’s older twin brother but he still sought his brother’s advice. Atem assumed leadership a year ago when his father died. Atem knew that if something happened to him, his cousin Seto would take command.

The pair arrived at their home that existed inconspicuously with the homes around it. The pack held jobs and lived alongside humans though the young members did not attend school but learned from the books in their small library. They resumed human form at the door. Seto was now a tall brunette with tanned skin. Atem was shorter with spiky tri-colored hair; black framed by magenta with yellow streaks running upward and framing his tanned face.

They entered the house and were greeted by Rebecca, their youngest member. “Welcome, home alpha, Seto.” She gave a curtsey as they passed; a form of a bow if she had been in wolf form.

“Thank you. It’s good to be home,” Atem replied. After Rebecca, Atem was the second youngest at sixteen and Seto rounded them out at age eighteen. All three had been schooled at home.

A joyous female howl sounded and Atem smiled at it. “Sounds like we’ll have new pups eventually.”

“That’s good considering Aknadin’s been urging them to get to it,” Rebecca said.

Her statement buoyed Atem’s certainty of recruitment. “I need to speak to him.” He climbed the stairs and approached the elder’s room, detecting that his scent was strong there- an indication of where he was as opposed to having been there and was no longer there. He raised a hand to knock, but an aged voice said, “Enter, alpha.”

Atem opened the door, closed it, resumed wolf form, and padded over to the gray wolf before sitting and bowing his head in respect. “Uncle.”

“Alpha, is something on your mind?”

Another howl, male this time, sounded before Atem could answer. This was a howl of pure ecstasy and, a second later, a female howl echoed it.

“I came to propose a recruitment. I believe it is time for one.”

“I agree. Our pack once numbered in the dozens, now there are only six and Isis is our only mated wolf and, as you heard, she and Mahad are engaged in conception. You and Seto are of breeding age and we should bring in at least two humans, male or female.”


“To that effect, you and Seto should infiltrate a local high school each. Use your senses to determine who could be a werewolf.”

“Blend in with the local teen population. Yes, that would make it easy to recruit.”

“Easy and quick for I’ve heard whispers that the vampires plan to recruit as well. Their numbers are equal to ours.”

“A little less, I think. Seto and I killed one tonight.”

“Hmm, that will fuel their desperation. They will likely target high school seniors. I say that is where you and Seto will recruit as well. I may ask Rebecca to recruit from her age group.”

“No need to ask. I will send her out to recruit.” Atem rose, headed to the door, took human form, and left. He met his members in the living room, both watching TV. They looked over and Seto muted the TV. “What did Father say?”

“He agrees that we should recruit. He said that you and I should infiltrate a high school each and among the seniors, Seto. He’s heard whispers that the vampires will be doing the same. We should try to turn at least one human each. I say you should try to recruit some kids, Rebecca. Uncle suggested it.”

“As you say, alpha.” Rebecca didn’t like the idea of turning kids as they would have to hide their condition from their parents and sneak out to join the pack during the full moon. Which is also the only time that werewolves and vampires can turn humans and it’s only a week away.


Marik screamed his rage and Kaiba held the phone away from his ear. “Another one dead!? That brings us down to five! We must recruit. You still attend high school, Kaiba?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Shall I go there tomorrow?”

“Yes and try to find as many as you can. Charm them if you have to.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty.” Kaiba hung up after Marik and leaned back in his chair. It had been a while since he attended school due to his company. And besides, I turned someone last month: Duke Devlin, who runs a successful game shop. Any games he designs gets brought to me for mass production and distribution. It benefits both of us. Marik clearly doesn’t want to risk his brother and sister in the recruitment in case a werewolf decides to attack them. So, it’s up to Duke and me.

A knock sounded and he turned his chair to his bedroom door. “Yes?”

The door opened and his brother came in. “Is everything okay, big brother? I thought I heard yelling.”

Kaiba smiled, his fang tips exposed. “Yes, you did. The king is furious because another vampire died. Now there are only five of us here.”

“Died? Only five?” Mokuba gasped. “I thought you were immortal.”

“Immortal, not invulnerable. We can still die. Crosses hurt, but silver, head impalement, and werewolves can kill us.”

“Why are they killing you?”

“Territory and members, plain and simple. Speaking of members, I have been ordered to turn some schoolmates.”

“Why not me? I want to be a vampire.”

“I know you do, but I told you that you have to wait until you’re at least eighteen. Remember: Your age freezes when you’re turned. I will be eighteen forever.”

“I remember.”

“Get some sleep, little brother. You have school tomorrow and so do I. I just need to make a call first.”

“Okay. Night, Seto.” Mokuba gave his brother a hug before leaving. Kaiba picked up the phone and dialed Duke’s number. When he picked up, he said, “The king has ordered me to turn humans and I’m enlisting your aid.”

“Gladly,” Duke replied. Both hung up.

Chapter Two- Sniffing Out Friends and Foes

Atem stood before Domino High, dressed in a uniform and carrying a school bag. Teenagers went past him, laughing and chattering as they entered the school. He knew his clothes helped him blend in, but he still stood out due to his hair. He sighed. Seto’s lucky; only his height differs from normal human teens. He followed the humans in; his nose inhaling deeply to catch the hint of wolf that told him of possible recruits. Once I’ve located at least one, I will befriend him or her and when the moons gets closer, I will tell him or her my secret, play up the joys of being a werewolf, explain our population shortage, and ask to let me turn him or her. Yes, that sounds perfect. He wandered the halls as students entered classrooms. Where were the seniors located? Is there no structure to the placement of students? How am I supposed to search for seniors to turn?

“Hey, Yug’! We need to get to class!” a voice called and as there was no one else around, Atem assumed he was being addressed. He turned to see a blonde boy with a friendly grin that faded to a sheepish one.

“Oops, sorry. You looked like my friend.”

“I do?”

“Yup. I guess you’re new. Name’s Joey.” He held out a hand.

He took it. “I’m Atem and I’m lost.”

“What class are you in?”

“Uh, don’t know. I’m a senior, though.”

“What’s that?” Joey asked before plucking out a card from Atem’s pocket. He looked at it. “Oh! It’s your schedule and hey! You’re in my class. Come on.”

The blonde took Atem’s hand and led him down the hall. Atem took the opportunity to sniff and a curious scent came off Joey. It smelled of wolf, but also the stench of vampire. That’s impossible. Humans only smell of human, wolf, or vampire, not two at once. What does it mean? Can Joey be turned by both races?


“Please welcome your class mate, Atem,” the teacher said.

The werewolf alpha shifted uneasily as the students stared at him. He saw their eyes were focused on his hair and he knew why: There was a boy who had his hair sans the upward yellow streaks and purple eyes that were wider, giving him an appearance that made him look younger than eighteen. That has to be the Yugi Joey mistook me for and I clearly see why.

“Let’s see,” the teacher said. “Yes, there’s an empty seat next to Yugi.” The teacher pointed and Atem went to the desk and, as he sat, Yugi gave him a shy rather sweet smile and Atem gave a small smile and a nod.

Oh, wow! This guy could almost pass for my twin! Yugi thought. I wonder if he’d like to be friends. He seems nice. He saw Joey looking at Atem with that eager look of befriending someone new before shooting a poisonous look at Kaiba who sat behind Yugi. It was strange: Kaiba was rarely in class and yet, Joey hated him for no reason other than saying that Kaiba gave him the creeps.


Atem had to admit, it was actually nice to be in a room with teens almost his age and actually learning with them. The feeling was akin to being in a pack. But he didn’t let his feelings distract him from his mission. From his seat, he subtly sniffed the people around him. He started with Joey and corrected his original assessment: Joey smelled human which was not surprising but he still carried the scents of wolf and vampire. He got a shock when he found Yugi to have the same combination! Whoa, what are the odds of two humans having the same combination in the same school? We must have them in our pack. He inhaled deeply and he caught a very strong vampire smell. It came from behind and to the left of him and he slowly turned his head to follow the scent and found that it came from Kaiba! The man gave no indication of knowing Atem was a werewolf.

Atem faced forward with a smirk. Well of course he wouldn’t. Vampires depend more on their hearing and ability to sense auras that tell them who would be well-suited to be turned. Of course, they must wait for the full moon to actually turn someone as my race must also wait for the moon to bite.

Kaiba’s eyes swept the room, his aura ability activated. He saw the normal auras of humans far from him, but nearby was a different story. The auras of Tea and Tristan hinted of vampire black light. He smirked. Ah, they will be turned, but I will need to charm them into letting me bite them. His eyes drifted to Yugi and Joey and was stunned by the multicolored auras coming from both of them! Multicolored? What does that mean? Atem’s aura was human and Kaiba dismissed him from his mind before focusing again on Yugi and Joey. I will need to ask Marik about multicolored auras.


“Alpha! I found one!” Rebecca gushed when Atem came home. “His name’s Leon and he hates his home life and wishes to run away. We could definitely turn him and he could live here.”

Atem smiled at her. “Good for you. Be sure to be friends so you can lure him to be bitten.”

“Yes, alpha,” Rebecca said as Atem headed up to Aknadin’s room. The elderly man smiled as his nephew came in. “Rebecca told me of her find,” Aknadin said. “Seto found none. What of you, alpha?”

“I believe I found two but uncle, what does it mean if someone smells of human, wolf, and vampire?”

“All three? My alpha, someone with that combination means they can become a werewolf or a vampire. You must befriend them and turn them before a vampire does.”

“Yes. I will need to stay in school as there is a vampire in the class. I smelled him.”

Aknadin nodded. “Yes. Stay in school until they are turned one way or the other. Hopefully, they will be werewolves and become the mates of you and Seto.”

Considering Joey’s apathy for Kaiba, he will be a werewolf, no doubt. Yugi is hard to say. He is quite kind and friendly.


“How is the search going?”

“Quite well. I have found two likely recruits and two possibles.”

“Possibles? Kaiba, one is either human or vampire. There is no middle ground.”

“Yes, sire. But I saw two humans with multicolored auras.”

“Multicolored, you say? Hmm, interesting.”

“What does it mean?”

“It means they have the rare ability to become a vampire or a werewolf. Either way, they are turned, they become efficient killers or fierce protectors. A valuable asset. You must turn them when the time comes.”

“As you command.” Both hung up and Kaiba stared out the window and into the night. So, I found two rare humans and it is vital that they become vampires. They would be able to watch over Mokuba and the king as well. The problem is that Wheeler is one of them, but I can charm him as I will do to his friends. Yugi won’t be a problem as he is friendly and trusting of practically everyone. He doesn’t seem suited to be a vampire, but that doesn’t matter. Once he is bitten, the vampire’s nature will take hold and he’ll be as capable of killing as the rest of us.

The phone rang and he picked up. “Kaiba.”

“It’s me,” came Duke’s voice. “I found two likely candidates and one of them is Yugi’s grandpa.”

“We don’t usually turn elderly people but the king wants as many turned as possible. Good work.” Kaiba hung up and left the room. Night had already fallen and it was time to feed. His skin had paled to dead white and his fangs lengthened slightly as his full vampire form surfaced as it usually does at night.

Chapter Three- Befriending

“Hi, Atem!” Yugi said as the alpha sat down the next morning.

“Hi, Yugi.” Atem flashed a true smile. He felt more confident now that he knew the way to his class and around school. He liked school but knew that once the moon was over, he need not come back. Indeed, he had already given a note to the office written by Aknadin of a move to a different city. The pack wasn’t really leaving; it was a way to get Atem out of the system once the moon was over. Hopefully, I will have three new werewolves in my pack by then.

“Morning, Yug’. Hey, Atem,” Joey said as he came in.

“Hi, Joey,” they chorused and then laughed at their simultaneous greeting.

Joey laughed as well. “Man, you two are already thinking alike. You sure you weren’t separated at birth or somethin’?”

“Pretty sure,” Yugi answered.

“Positive,” Atem added.

“Hi, everyone,” Tea said as she and Tristan came in.

“Hi,” Yugi said. “Hey, how about we all hang out after school today? You too, Atem.”

“Sure.” Atem knew this was a chance to get to know Yugi and Joey as well as sniff out other recruits. He couldn’t pass it up. As he leaned over to get his books, he wrinkled his nose as the stench of vampire hit him. He sat up and saw Kaiba enter, his eyes locked on Yugi and Joey.

He knows. He too senses Yugi and Joey are special. He won’t have them. My pack will bite them first. Especially Joey as he hates Kaiba. But, wait! I remember reading that vampires can charm humans to get their way with them. He could charm them into becoming vampires. He growled softly. He could resist the charm as he was a werewolf but his new friends had no defenses and he could hardly warn Kaiba off as the tall vampire could attack him upon being told that Atem was the alpha. A vampire/werewolf fight in the school risked exposing both races and their safety. But surely, he wouldn’t attack me here. His charm ability worries me though and all I can do is befriend Yugi and Joey so that they will choose me over Kaiba when the moon comes.


Atem kept from wrinkling his nose as they walked through the city. Tea and Tristan smelled faintly of vampire and that saddened and worried him. This foursome was destined to be split up unless Yugi and Joey choose vampire in order to stay together. Why would one choose to be a vampire? They must take vampire form every night and drink blood. They could raid a blood bank but they attack humans instead. In my opinion, being a werewolf is much better and it makes sense as I was born one. We can choose to be human or wolf whenever we like except for the full moon. We’re stuck in wolf form at night and absolutely crave raw meat. We still talk, though. Our hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell are enhanced. Both races are stronger and faster, but my kind heal quickly while vampires must consume blood to heal injuries.


“Hmm? I’m sorry?” He blinked when he realized he had been lost in thought and didn’t hear Tea talking to him.

“I was wondering if you could tell us about yourself.”

“Yes, well. I live with my uncle, my cousin, and some close family friends. My father died last year and my mother passed away when I was little. In fact, we’re going to be moving this weekend.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. About your parents and moving, I mean,” Yugi said. “I’m kind of the same way. Both of my parents are dead and I live with my grandpa. We’re not moving, though as my grandpa runs a game shop I hope to run one day.”

Atem perked up. “A game shop?” he asked with interest.

“Yeah. You like games?”

“I love them.” It was true: He played games all the time with Seto and Rebecca and on occasion with the other three members.

“Ya play Duel Monsters?” Joey asked.

Atem smiled. “That’s my favorite.”

“Mine too and Yug’s also.”

“I see.” Atem was already planning how to get these two to his house on the full moon: Invite them to play Duel Monsters and have a sleepover. “So, tell me about yourselves.” He nodded to Joey, Tea, and Tristan.


“A Duel Monsters play date and sleepover.” Seto nodded. “An excellent ruse.”

“It doesn’t have to be a ruse. We really could play. Plenty of time to duel and still tell them the truth.”

Rebecca nodded. “I could do the same for Leon.”

“Yes, do that.” Atem turned back to Seto and then his eyes widened as he looked at his cousin, an action that caught his attention. “Alpha?”

“I never gave it serious thought,” he said in a stunned whisper. “I was so focused on getting to know Yugi and Joey and ignore the vampire, but you look very much like that vampire.”

“What? A vampire lookalike?” Seto growled in annoyance.

“Pretty much. He doesn’t have your tanned skin but he’s tall, has brown hair, and blue eyes.”

“I don’t believe this. A vampire who looks like me. What else do you know about him?”

“Not much. I know Joey hates him and his last name is Kaiba.”

“Kaiba?” Rebecca repeated. “As in Seto Kaiba, the president of Kaiba Corp, the world’s biggest gaming company?”

“Could be, but how did you learn all that?”

“’Cause Leon’s brother is president of a gaming company that competes with Kaiba Corp. Leon often talks about it and how his brother has no time for him and the house staff practically ignores him to help the brother run the company.”

“Poor kid,” Seto said. “He wouldn’t be ignored here. He would be loved and be happy here.”

“I told him a little about my home life and he seemed a bit jealous and wished he had that kind of life.”

“And he will. The full moon is coming and he will be a pack brother,” Atem said. As will Joey and Yugi. I will make sure they join us, he added silently.


Duke turned on his vampire charm as well as his natural one as he smiled at the blonde girl. “And here’s your change, Mai,” he said with a wink. “And maybe you could do me the honor of a date this Friday night?”

“Of course, Duke. Meet me at six in front of your shop?” She winked back.

“My pleasure.” He smiled as Mai left. The sun wouldn’t set until about seven; enough time to tell Mai the truth and charm her into letting him bite her if she refused to voluntarily be turned.

“Hmph, flirting with customers again, Duke?” came a slightly mocking voice.

“Ah, Kaiba. No, not at all. Just insuring we have at least one vampire this month. It was too easy.”

“Good. Once she’s turned, turn Yugi’s grandpa as well. I will be charming Yugi and his friends into being vampires.”

Duke nodded. “Six vampires. The king will be pleased.”

“Quite pleased. We will outnumber the werewolves almost two to one and make them pay for slaying our brothers and sisters.”

“Yeah.” Duke exposed his fang tips. “I would love to get back at them. Too bad we don’t know where they live. We’d be able to kill them in one place.”

Kaiba had to agree. The werewolves blended into human society as well as the vampires did, until night fell. The vampires couldn’t conceal themselves as well as the werewolves did at night. They could work night jobs except for the full moon when they were stuck in wolf form. Kaiba was a bit jealous of that but he preferred to have two legs all the time and preferred to be a vampire. We are the superior race and after the full moon we will be able to prove it.

Chapter Four- Found Out

Atem looked around subtly in class on Wednesday. Kaiba was absent and he smiled a little. Perfect. He could deliver his invite without worrying that the vampire would overhear. He waited until school ended before saying, “Yugi, Joey. Hold on a minute.”

“What’s up, Atem?” Joey asked.

“I want to invite you two to my place Friday night to play Duel Monsters and have a sleepover before my family moves. My cousin likes to play and perhaps we could do some tag team duels.”

“Really? Sounds like fun,” Yugi said. “I’m in.”

“Me too,” Joey added.

“Great. Then, we’ll leave from here and to my house.” Atem was pleased as Yugi and Joey left. They had agreed to play with him and once he and his pack explained everything, they would induct three new members.

“Careful, alpha,” Seto cautioned when Atem reported the acceptance of the invitations. “The race to turn them isn’t won or over yet. The vampire could still charm them to join their race.”

Atem nodded. He knew that could happen but hoped that it wouldn’t; to him Yugi and Joey would be better werewolves than vampires. Of course, since he was a werewolf, it made sense he would think that way.


“Kaiba, why are you not in school?” Ishizu asked calmly as Kaiba typed away.

“I do have a company to run. A company that is the reason why I was turned. Besides, my plan to turn four classmates is not in jeopardy. I sense no danger to it.”

“Only because werewolves emit a human aura when in human form and thus can elude us. A werewolf could be in your class and you wouldn’t know it. However, the werewolf could sniff you out thanks to their enhanced sense of smell.”

Kaiba frowned. He hadn’t known that werewolves could emit a human aura in human form. That fact, however, did not concern him. “That is interesting but I’m not concerned. I can just charm them to meet with me and join us.”

“Our charm ability is not foolproof, Kaiba. Werewolves can resist it and some humans can as well. However, it is good to use it when possible. This Friday is one such time. Marik wants many turned this time.”

“If all goes as planned, he will have six new vampires before the full moon ends.”

Ishizu blinked in surprise. “Six? That is impressive. My brother will be very pleased. He will want to meet them the night after the moon is over and I think you home office will be the perfect spot.”

“Very well. My home office.” Kaiba stared thoughtfully into space as Ishizu left. Despite what he said, the idea of a werewolf in his class was a concern. They would be able to determine that Yugi and Joey were special and would likely want them for their pack. I need to find out who the werewolf is and warn him or her to keep his or her claws off our classmates. Hmm, I’ll go to class tomorrow and watch everyone. My smell will be repugnant to a werewolf and he or she will likely wrinkle the nose at it. That’s how I’ll find him or her.


Kaiba arrived a little early and gave Tea and Tristan a nod which they returned with courtesy but with mistrust. He understood that; he never got along with them. That will soon change. They will be vampires and then we’ll get along. Yugi and Joey arrived and Kaaba greeted them the same way. Yugi smiled at him, but Joey gave him a death glare. That response greatly amused him as that look would cease to exist after the weekend. Atem then came in but Kaiba didn’t greet him. He was watching him carefully. Kaiba had thought long and hard last night of possible suspects and figured the new kid might be the one. Atem greeted Yugi and Joey warmly and they spoke of their play date and sleepover tomorrow night.

Tomorrow? No, they can’t. I have plans for them tomorrow. Kaiba glared at Atem’s back as the boy sat. Then, Kaiba saw it: Atem’s nose wrinkled slightly as he leaned over to retrieve his supplies. Ah-ha! Atem’s a werewolf! I will warn him to leave Wheeler and Yugi alone. Kaiba continued to keep an eye on Atem throughout the day and saw the nose wrinkle a couple more times. It didn’t last more than a second, not noticed by humans, but Kaiba saw it clearly.

When the bell rang at the end of the day and classmates were leaving, Kaiba said, “Atem can I have a word with you?”

“All right.” He turned to Kaiba who stood tall and exuded a confidence that cowed most people and hoped it worked on a werewolf. “What do you want to talk about?”

Kaiba stepped closer and loomed over Atem. “I’m warning you. Keep away from Yugi and Wheeler, werewolf.”

Atem didn’t bat an eye. “What gave it away?”

“Your nose. I saw it wrinkle every time you leaned over today. I knew my smell would repulse werewolves and with the full moon being tomorrow, I needed to know if there were any in this class.”

“Very clever. I know you sense Yugi and Joey are special which is why you’re warning me.”

“That’s right and if you don’t heed my warning, you will regret it.”

Atem scowled. “Don’t threaten me, vampire. You will regret it if you do.”

“Fine,” Kaiba sneered. “Then stay away from me and I’ll do the same.”

“Gladly.” Atem stalked away and Kaiba watched. He wasn’t scared of my show of confidence. Either werewolves are immune to it or he’s a confident one himself. He didn’t hesitate to tell me what was on his mind. I’d be better off keeping my distance from him as much as I can. I will focus on my plan instead.


Atem calmly left the school but inwardly, he was worried. Kaiba had figured out he was a werewolf. Curse my strong sense of smell. If I didn’t smell his stench, I wouldn’t have reacted the way I did and Kaiba would never have known. I will need to tread cautiously tomorrow and pray things go well.

“You seemed worried, alpha,” Aknadin said when Atem came into the living room.

He sat down on the couch. “The vampire, Kaiba, figured out my true nature. He warned me to leave Yugi and Joey alone. He knows they’re special. He also threatened me until I told him he would regret threatening me if he didn’t retract the threat.”

“Vampires can detect who can be turned by auras and clearly Yugi and Joey have special auras. Be careful, alpha. We can’t lose you.”

“Not to worry. We’ve agreed to keep our distance from one another and after tomorrow I won’t need to go back.”


“You found a werewolf in your class.” Marik said. “Issue warnings and threats, I expect?”

“I did, but he didn’t back down. He’s quite confident.”

“Yes, confident people and wolves aren’t intimidated by our superior status. I suggest you stay away from him.”

“I intend to. I have more important things to do than tangle with a werewolf.”

“Good.” Marik hung up and smiled in satisfaction. Ishizu had brought him the news of six new vampires to be added to his kingdom and he was very pleased. He would be able to send them to other high schools and turn other seniors or to other places to turn others. The old man Duke discovered may find other recruits among his customers.

With a wide age range, my number of subjects will grow by leaps and bounds. Eventually, my vampires will outnumber the werewolves and eliminate them. We will control this city and all will obey us. The humans will either be food or a vampire waiting to be turned. Marik laughed manically, the sound echoing around the room.

Chapter Five- Charmed

Yugi stared at the invitation he had opened, asking him to come to the roof during lunch. He put it in his pocket and saw Joey, Tea, and Tristan with identical invites. Huh, I wonder who sent them. Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

Kaiba watched with a smirk as his targets found the invitations he had put in their desks. He would charm them at lunch and get them to agree to meet him shortly before sunset. He would make Yugi and Wheeler break their meeting with Atem, guaranteeing that they would become vampires.


Atem brought up his lunch as others did the same or left to buy lunch, Joey, Yugi, and Kaiba among them. Atem sighed silently in relief. With tonight being the full moon, his raw meat craving had surfaced and he had packed raw hamburger in his lunch along with other food groups since he was human too. He knew the meat would earn him weird looks and he was grateful that no one was nearby to see his lunch. Atem dug into his meat and savored it.

“So, where’s the guy who sent the imitations?” Joey asked as they stood on the roof, their empty lunch trays nearby. It was just the four of them with no sign of a fifth person. Yugi shifted a little. He was anxious to go back to class so that he and Joey could go to Atem’s for their play date and sleepover.

“Ah, good. You’re all here,” came a voice behind them. They all turned to see Kaiba.

“You sent the invitations?” Joey asked.

“I did. I called you up here to invite you to an exclusive celebration tonight in front of Duke Devlin’s game shop.”

“Exclusive? Just the four of us?” Yugi asked.

“That’s right.”

“I’m sorry,” Yugi said apologetically. “Joey and I already have plans tonight.”

Kaiba summoned up his charm power and fixed all four with it. “It is in your best interest to attend. You will just have to cancel your other plan.”

They blinked rapidly and Yugi said slowly, “I guess Atem will understand.”

“Of course he will,” Kaiba assured him, turning the charm off. His ability would only last a few hours and knew he would have to use it again when ready to turn.


Atem quickly packed his bag, eager to get home and turn his new pack brothers. He picked up the bag and turned to Yugi and Joey. “Ready?”

“Uh, Atem. I’m sorry but Joey and I just made other plans. It’s important that we go. We could play another time, okay?”

“Other plans?” Atem repeated, feeling hurt. “But Yugi, I’m…”

“We have to be there,” Yugi insisted before leaving with Joey.

Atem watched them go before snarling in anger and thudding a fist on his desk. Damn that Kaiba! He charmed them! They’re going to be vampires! They’ll be compelled to attack us just because we’re rivals for territory and members. My pack only attacks in self-defense and to protect our pack members. With a sad whine, Atem left the school, severely disappointed.

He entered his home and was nearly bowled over by a boy with wine-colored hair that was worn in a low ponytail. “Atem, I’m Leon. Rebecca just told me you’re werewolves and that I have the wolf scent and that I’ll become a werewolf tonight!”

“Yes. That’s right.” Atem’s lack of enthusiasm caught everyone’s attention.

“Alpha? What’s wrong?” Seto asked.

“Kaiba,” Atem growled. “He did exactly as you said he might, Seto. He charmed Yugi and Joey and convinced them to break tonight’s plan. We’ve lost them and it’s my fault.”

“No, alpha,” Isis said. “It’s not your fault.”

“It is. If I hadn’t reacted to Kaiba’s smell, we would be turning three instead of one.”

“Alpha, Isis is right. It’s not your fault. Chances are that he would have charmed them anyway as they are very special,” Seto said.

“That’s true, but it doesn’t make me feel better.”

Aknadin took in the scene and then said, “Seto, you will turn Leon and then leave his instruction to me. Alpha, you are free to do as you wish.”

Seto looked at Aknadin. “Me, Father?”

“Yes. Technically, you are the beta until the alpha finds a mate. Turning new members is also your duty. Our alpha is too upset to perform his duty tonight.”

“Do it, Seto. I’m going for a walk.” Atem turned and went out the door. There was silence that was broken by Leon.

“So, who are Yugi and Joey?”


Yugi shifted on his feet, feeling anxious and guilty. He was anxious about this exclusive celebration, but he also felt guilty about breaking his plan with Atem. His lookalike had such a stunned and hurt look in his eyes that it sent a hurtful stab to his heart. Just thinking of it made Yugi remember something that made him feel worse: Atem was moving and today was his last day at school. Yugi didn’t feel like partying anymore.

“Guys, I’m heading home,” he said.

“How come?” Tristan asked.

“I’m…not feeling well,” he lied. “I’ll see you later.”

“Catch ya later!” Joey called as Yugi headed down the sidewalk as the sun vanished. He really didn’t feel good and knew what would help: He could find Atem’s home or run into him in public. He would tell him he was sorry about hurting him and he’d be happy to duel and spend the night. But first, I need to get my bag that I left at home and tell Grandpa where I’m going.


Joey watched Yugi walk away. He had a feeling that Yugi wasn’t ill. More likely, he was feeling guilty because he felt the same way. He felt bad at breaking their date with Atem but the idea of being invited somewhere by Kaiba couldn’t be missed. His friends and he never got along with Kaiba and this private party may be the start of a friendship. Why would Yugi want to miss out on that?

“Ah, you’re here,” came Kaiba’s voice from their right. “If you would come into the alley to the right, we can get started.”

The trio turned and stepped into the alley. They didn’t see Kaiba but heard him when he said, “Where’s Yugi?”

“He wasn’t feeling well and went home,” Tea said.

“I see.” Kaiba inwardly fumed. He needed to turn Yugi and Wheeler tonight or run the risk of a werewolf biting them. Hopefully, he doesn’t meet one on the way home. Duke is already turning Mister Moto so he can turn Yugi when he gets home. Kaiba nodded. If Yugi got home unscathed, Solomon would turn Yugi. Perfect.

“Hey, Kaiba. What kind of party is this?” Joey demanded.

“A private one that was just for you four, now the three of you. I am part of a special club and once a month, the members can induct a person. I never had suggested anyone for four months and now I decided to do so and was told that I could invite four since I hadn’t for four months.”

“We’re going to join a club?” Tristan said. “Cool. So, what do we have to do?”

Kaiba fixed his charm on all three of them and they went stiff and staring blankly ahead. “Just stay still and I will do the rest,” he ordered. He stepped out of the darkness and started toward Tristan.

Chapter Six- Choice

Kaiba slowly approached Tristan, milking the drama for what it was worth. He enjoyed turning people as he didn’t get to do it very often. He had gotten lucky to detect a vampire aura off Duke last month. Now, he would have three to turn and his classmates to boot. He planted his hands on Tristan’s shoulders, bit down on the neck, and sucked a little blood. Tristan’s eyes went wide as the charm wore off due to the bite. He gave a tiny gasp as his heart stopped and he died. Kaiba laid him on the ground and turned to see Joey sprinting out of the alley. “Wheeler! Get back here!” he yelled. He quickly turned Tea and laid her down before dashing after Joey.

Joey blinked as he came out of the charm’s power and looked over to see a pale-skinned Kaiba seize Tristan and bite his neck! Oh, man! Kaiba’s a vampire! He’s…he’s probably planning to make us vampires. Well, not me! I’m out of here. He turned and sprinted out of the alley and heard Kaiba yelling, “Wheeler! Get back here!” He ignored the brunette and ran as fast as he could.

I need to lose him. Perhaps use the alleys. He glanced back, didn’t see Kaiba, and slipped into an alley. He ran down the alley that ran behind buildings before squeezing into a narrow one that was practically hidden. He dashed halfway along it when he collided with something and landed on his rear. He heard breathing and a familiar voice said, “Joey?”

“K-Kaiba?” Joey stuttered. He waited for the vampire to loom out of the darkness and bite him.

“Kaiba?” the voice repeated, sounding insulted. “I am not that vampire even though we have the same first name.”

“So, your name’s…?” Joey began when the voice said, “Shush.” Joey heard deep inhales from his companion before he whispered, “He’s going past us, Kaiba I mean.”

“How can you tell? Can you smell him?” Joey whispered, figuring it best to use that volume level for a while.

“Yes, I can smell him. You are special, Joey. Not many humans can throw off a vampire’s charm ability.”

“How do you know my name?”

Seto chuckled. “I know it because Atem is my cousin. He often spoke of you and Yugi at home. He likes you two and was happy you were friends.”

“You two live with his uncle, right?”

“Yes. My father, close family friends, Atem, and me.” He paused. “Joey, I need to tell you something about myself and those I live with.”

“What?” Joey heard clicking before finding himself nose-to-snout with a blue-eyed brown wolf. “Oh, geez,” he said as he scuttled backwards. “You’re a…a…”

“A werewolf, born and bred. Everyone in my home is a werewolf. Naturally, the vampires are our enemies but we only fight in self-defense and protecting a pack member. Both races can only turn humans on the full moon and only those who can be turned. Not every human can be turned.”

“So Kaiba sensed I could be a vampire?” Joey asked, depressed.

“He did. However, I said you were special. Atem caught a scent on you that smelled of human, wolf, and vampire. That is rare as humans usually have one or two scents, not all three. This means you have a choice. You can be a vampire in service to the vampire king or you can be a werewolf, be my mate, and live.”

“Isn’t there a third option?”

“Yes. You can die. If you manage to avoid being turned either way this month, you may end up killed for your blood. Somehow, I doubt you’ll avoid getting turned.”

“Werewolves don’t eat humans, do they?”

“No. We crave raw meat during the full moon and can’t be human until morning unlike the rest of the time when we change whenever we want.”

“You said I would be your mate. Why?”

“That is part of why we were looking for members. Our numbers are low, only seven of us and of our two females, only one is old enough to have pups. As Atem is the alpha and I am the beta, our mates would carry our pups and gender wouldn’t matter. I also think you’re an attractive human and you’ll probably be an attractive werewolf. I won’t force it on you. It’s your choice.”

Joey looked away to stare at a wall. He was a special human who could be either vampire or a werewolf and he was being sought by both. If Atem hadn’t joined my class, Yug and I would have ended up as vampires. I don’t like the idea of killing someone to survive. I think Seto’s right: I won’t be able to avoid being turned into a vampire unless…

He turned to face Seto and pushed up his sleeve. “All right. I’ll be a werewolf and your mate.”

Seto’s tail swished. “I’m happy to hear that.”

“It’s better than the alternatives,” Joey said before gasping in pain as Seto had bitten him and released.

Seto stepped back and watched Joey shift into a blonde wolf. The change to wolf is quick and painless. Seto knew this as he had turned Leon before deciding to go for a walk himself. He had hoped to run into his alpha and again convince him that losing Yugi and Joey wasn’t his fault. To that effect, he roamed the alleys to see if he was there and to avoid the vampires. That brought him to this alley and this moment in time: He bit Joey and their pack now had eight members.

Joey gave a howl and then turned in a slow circle before looking at his extended claws. “Wow. I look cool.” He sniffed the air and his eyes crossed. “Ugh. What’s that smell? It’s awful,” he whispered.

Seto sniffed. “It’s Kaiba. Hush now.”

Joey stood quiet and his ears perked up as he heard Kaiba muttering, though it sounded as if he was right beside them. “Damn, Wheeler. He won’t escape me again. I just hope he doesn’t meet a werewolf and get bitten.” His voice faded away and his smell did as well.

Joey chuckled. “Well, his hope is in vain. I did get bitten and I don’t regret it one bit.”

“Of course you don’t.” Seto nuzzled Joey’s cheek with his nose.

Joey gave a low growl of pleasure at the gesture before saying, “Seto, could you tell me everything about werewolves? Even the parts you already mentioned?”

“I’d be happy to.” Seto sat and Joey did the same. “Okay. We can change between human and wolf whenever we want except for the full moon. We stay wolves at night and we crave raw meat during the entire cycle. All of our senses are enhanced whether human or wolf and our speed and strength is greater, too.

“We can die by anything that can kill a human, save for fatal diseases. A silver bullet can kill us but curiously we can touch other forms of silver, unlike vampires. We also have a weakness to Wolfsbane. It robs us of our enhanced senses, speed, and strength and once away from it, it takes a day or night to recover. We age like humans, though a little slower once we mature. We can have pups regardless of gender if one of the wolves is the alpha or beta. Birth occurs in six to eight weeks and usually one or two pups.”

“Who else are wolves?”

“Well, obviously my father, Aknadin and Atem, who is the alpha and as I’m his cousin, I’m the beta. Then there’s Isis who is mated to Mahad and finally the pups Rebecca and Leon.”

“You turned two kids?”

“Yes, we can turn kids but prefer older ones who can get jobs and live with the pack easily. Rebecca was an orphan and Leon has wished to leave his life behind. I turned Leon earlier tonight.”

“Can I meet them?”

“Of course. They will want to meet you, too. Come on.” Seto got up and left the alley to head home with his new mate and pack brother following him.

Chapter Seven- Turned

Yugi entered his home and headed upstairs, barely sparing a glance at his grandpa. He put a pillow into his overnight bag before heading down and to Solomon. “Grandpa, Atem invited me to a slumber party tonight,” he lied happily. “I should be home by tomorrow afternoon.”

“I don’t think you’ll be going,” he said.

“Huh? Why not?” Yugi was confused. His grandpa usually allowed him to spend the night at a friend’s house and Atem was a friend; Yugi mentioned him back on Monday.

“You are going to have a busy weekend. You will have to tell him you’re busy.” Solomon stood up from the couch and faced Yugi who was at the front door.

Yugi gaped at Solomon’s pale skin and was concerned. “Grandpa, are you all right? You look pale.”

“I am fine, Yugi. I feel better than I have in decades. I have been given a gift that I have been told to give you.” Solomon smiled, revealing his longer incisors.

“What gift?” he asked, inching closer to the door.

“I have become a vampire tonight and I was told to turn you.”

“Vampire!? No, I don’t want to be a vampire.”

“You don’t have a choice. You will join me in serving the vampire king.”

“No!” Yugi wrenched open the door and sprinted outside, still clutching his bag. He heard his grandpa call him, but he ignored it and ran.


Atem laid in the darkness of his favorite alley that had isolated, hidden smaller alleys where he could avoid vampire notice. His eyes stared blankly at his nose, hating Kaiba and still blaming himself for losing Yugi and Joey. The vampires would outnumber them and be able to hunt them down and eliminate them. We could move, he thought. Pack up the house and drive away to another city. Yes, that would probably be best. It is my duty as alpha to see to the peace and safety of my pack. There may be future pack members elsewhere. Let the vampires have this city, we’ll find a new place to live.

His nose twitched and his head shot up as the combined smell of human, wolf, and vampire reached him. Another human with a combined scent? He stood and backed up to view the human without being spotted. The scent grew stronger and the owner paused in front of him, panting. His jaw dropped: It was Yugi! He hasn’t been turned. There’s still a chance! Atem thought happily. “Yugi,” he said.

The teen turned to the alley. “Atem?”

The alpha smelled fear coming off Yugi and knew he needed to hide Yugi so he felt calmer. He stood and turned to the alley. “Follow my voice and quickly.” Atem started down the passage, aware of his claws clicking. He heard Yugi’s footsteps following him. He kept talking so Yugi could follow. “Why were you running? I doubt it was for your health.”

“I’m running from Grandpa.”

Atem took a left turn. “From you grandpa? Why?”

Yugi turned left. He…he’s a vampire now.” He waited for Atem to scoff at his statement. Instead, his friend said, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“You believe me?”

“I do.” He looked up to see the moonlight spilling into the narrow right alley he was leading them to. “Turn right and I’ll show you why I believe you.” He went into the alley and, as the moonlight fell on him, he heard Yugi gasp in surprise.

“A…tem?” he asked faintly.

The alpha turned and Yugi looked into purple eyes that looked very familiar. “Yes. It’s me. This is why I believe you. I’m a werewolf. My pack lives peacefully alongside humans and are also attacked by vampires.”

Your pack?”

“Yes. I’m the alpha and my cousin is the beta. We both enrolled at separate high schools to find seniors who smelled of human and wolf and befriend them in hope of welcoming them to the pack which has only six, well, seven now.”

“And you caught that smell on me?”

“Not just you. Joey has it too and it was actually a combination of human, wolf, and vampire. This means you could be werewolf or vampire.”

“I don’t want to be a vampire. Grandpa said he was told to turn me.”

“I see. There is a way to avoid that: You could be a werewolf so that vampires won’t keep trying to turn you.”

“I could and maybe my friends too?”

“Not all of them, just Joey. Sadly, Tea and Tristan have a vampire scent. Plus, it’s probably too late for Joey. You see…Kaiba’s a vampire and vampires can charm people into doing what they desire. Both races can only turn during the full moon.”

“You mean that private celebration was a trick to turn us?”

“I’m sure of it. Joey is probably a vampire now. I’m concerned that with your friends and family as vampires, the odds of you becoming one are high.”

“Unless I’m a werewolf,” Yugi put in before pushing up his sleeve. “Go ahead and bite me.”

“Yugi…would you also be my mate?”

“You mean like a boyfriend?” Yugi smiled. “Sure, I’ll be your mate too.”

“Wonderful.” Atem latched onto Yugi’s arm and bit down before releasing. Yugi gasped slightly at the pain before shifting into a wolf with magenta-tipped black fur. Yugi couldn’t help howling as his change ended. His tail swished as he looked himself over. “Oh, wow. This is so much better than being a vampire.”

“I always thought so.” Atem nuzzled Yugi’s cheek with his nose. “Let me show you to our home and you can meet the pack.”

“Okay.” Yugi seized his bag in his teeth and followed his alpha out of the alley, his eyes easily piercing the darkness now. “Can I really stay at your home?”

“Of course. You’re my mate and pack brother. You can still go to school, just be careful not to give away that you’re a werewolf. I foolishly did that by wrinkling my nose upon smelling Kaiba’s vampire stench.”

“That might be hard as I’ll be surrounded by three or four vampires.”

“Yes, but they won’t confront you in front of humans. Our existence and safety should be kept secret and vampires feel the same about their safety, even though I fail to see how they can exist safely when they drain humans to live.”

Yugi thought of Atem and his lunches over the week and said, “We eat just like humans, right?”

“Correct; during the full moon we get a craving for raw meat, though.”

“I can handle that.” Yugi came to a stop because Atem did and a terrible smell wafted up to his nose. “What’s that?” he asked softly. “It’s terrible.”

“Vampires. More than one. I think they’re looking for you. You and Joey are special as, no matter which race you joined, you would be a valuable asset to that race.”

“Valuable how?”

“For vampires, you would be an efficient killer but for werewolves you will be a fierce protector.”

“A protector, huh? Makes sense.” Atem started moving again and Yugi followed, glad that he chose to be bitten into a werewolf.

Chapter Eight- Pack Life

Yugi followed Atem to a house that looked no different from those around it. It was clear to him that this was how the pack avoided notice: By blending in. It was a clever, logical move. Atem padded up to the front door, reared up, and pushed down on the handle. The door opened and Atem allowed Yugi in first before following and closing the door with a back paw. “I’m home and I have a new pack brother,” he called.

Yugi blinked as several wolves came into the hall. There was a gray one, a black one, a wine-colored one, two brown ones, and two blonde ones. They all seemed friendly and Yugi felt a bit shy at being stared at by them.

Atem nuzzled him before saying, “This is my mate, Yugi.”

“Yug’!?” came a voice Atem recognized instantly and then noticed that there was one wolf more than when he left.

“Joey?” he called before a blonde wolf stepped forward. Atem managed a smile. “It is you. But, how?”

“He threw off Kaiba’s charm ability, ran, and met up with me,” Seto said coming up beside Joey. “I explained how avoiding vampires would be hard, especially when three of them were classmates. He chose to let me turn him and be my mate.”

“What about you, Yugi?” Joey asked.

“Grandpa’s a vampire and was told to turn me. I ran and met Atem. He explained the same avoidance problem, believing you were a vampire. I didn’t want to be a vampire so I chose to be a werewolf.”

“And we are happy to have you,” Aknadin said. “I am Aknadin, Seto’s father and Atem’s uncle. These are Isis, Mahad, Rebecca, and Leon.” He aimed a paw at each as he said each name.

Rebecca came closer looking back and forth between Yugi and Atem. “You look a little like our alpha. It’s uncanny.”

“Wait until morning,” Atem said before stretching and yawning. “Well, it’s been a long day and I need some rest.” He caught about five other yawns and chuckled. “Let us all get some sleep. Yugi, you’ll sleep with me.”

“And you’ll sleep with me,” Seto said to Joey.

Atem led the pack upstairs, happy with the recruitment. Their number had risen to nine. As far as he knew, the vampires had risen to eight. I think we’ll keep pressing the recruitment, considering that we have Yugi and Joey to assist us as well as Leon. Seto and I can stake out teen hangouts while Isis and Mahad sniff around their workplaces.


Yugi opened his eyes, blinking a few times, and looking around a little confused. Where was he and why was he in a bed with Atem? He looked at his sleeping lookalike for a moment before it came back. Oh, yeah. I’m a werewolf now and Atem’s my alpha and mate. He turned his gaze to his lap. There was no doubt in his mind that he would stay with the pack until the full moon was over. But, that means sneaking home to get my schoolbag. Maybe Joey can distract Grandpa in the shop so I can get my bag and then we’ll go get his bag. His ears heard Atem’s deep breathing change and looked over to see Atem awake and smiling at him. Yugi returned it as Atem sat up and gave Yugi their first kiss.

“Wow. That was unexpected,” Yugi commented.

“Well, now that I have a mate, I’m expected to have an heir or two at some point. I am willing to wait until you graduate.”

“Wait. I would be the pregnant one?”

“Yes. I am the alpha, as you are now, but I am the dominant one.”

“Oh. Well, I’m happy that you want to wait until graduation.”

Atem’s eyes glinted mischievously. “I think a private celebration will be my graduation gift to you.”

Yugi caught on to the stressed word and knew what Atem was thinking. “That’s sweet. Atem, I want to stay here for the remainder of the cycle but I need my schoolbag. I was thinking Joey could distract Grandpa so I could get it.”

Atem nodded. “Good plan. I don’t want any of my pack going alone. That is a general rule, particularly around the full moon. I kind of broke that last night, but considering the outcome, I think uncle will let it slide.”

The pair went down and into the kitchen. Yugi found some raw sausages in the fridge and he felt a craving rise in him. He licked his lips before pulling them out. He looked at Atem and shyly held them up. The alpha smiled and nodded. “Yes, and some toast would be great with them.”

Yugi licked his lips clean of blood and sighed contently. The raw meat had been juicy and delicious which made sense as he was a werewolf and raw meat cravings during the full moon was normal.

Joey and Seto entered, the latter hunting up some breakfast. Yugi was struck by the brunette’s resemblance to Kaiba except for the tanned skin. He could tell Joey was still adjusting to the fact that he was mated to someone who looked like the man he hated.

“Hmm, we may need to buy some more meat,” Seto said, his voice even similar to Kaiba. “After all, our desire for meat is not limited to the moon; only the craving is.”

“Joey and I could do that,” Yugi volunteered. “I need to get my bag for school.”

Seto nodded. “You wish to stay here for the remainder of the moon. Wise choice. You may want to consider that as well, Joey.”

Joey nodded. “Yeah, I think I will.”


“You really want to stay with the pack, Yug?”

“I think it’s best, Joey. I know Grandpa can’t tell I’ve been bitten but all it takes is one night to reveal that I’m not a vampire. I will probably spend the full moons with the pack to be safe.”

“So, this is what our lives have become: A matter of safety.”

“Atem told me that the vampires have a way to tell who can be turned into a vampire and Kaiba knows we’re special. I’m sure we don’t have that anymore, whatever that was.”

“And we’ll be able to smell vampires now. I did last night.”

Me too. Well, don’t let it get to you, Joey.” Yugi stopped at his front door.

“Will do.” Joey went to peek in the shop window and looked at Yugi to give a thumbs-up: Solomon was working. He entered the shop and kept from recoiling at the vampire stench that hit him. He flashed a smile. “Hey, Gramps.”

“Joey! I haven’t seen you here for a while.”

He acts like the same grandpa I’ve known. But my nose tells me he’s not. “Well, I’ve had a lot of homework and not much spending money, but I’ve saved up by stayin’ home.” Joey continued to make small talk as he browsed, one subject being when Yugi would come home. He subtly sniffed for Yugi’s wolf scent and when he caught it, he knew he could leave. He bought some booster packs for Duel Monsters and bid Solomon goodbye. He met up with Yugi a little further down the sidewalk.

He was asking if you were coming home soon and I told him I had no idea what he was talkin’ about. He said you told him about sleeping over at Atem’s and that you’d be back this afternoon.”

“I did say that, but I won’t go back until after school Monday. If Grandpa learns I’m a werewolf before then, who knows what he’ll do.”

Joey lowered his gaze. He felt bad for Yugi. His home was no longer as safe as it used to be. His grandpa had become an enemy, though the vampire didn’t know that yet. He thought of Tea and Tristan and wondered if he could still be friends with them. Well, when we see them, we’ll find out, he thought as they reached his apartment and he went in to pack a bag and grab his school bag.

Chapter Nine- Severed Ties

Joey swallowed back his saliva at the sight of the meat before him. They all look so good, how will we be able to choose? He glanced over at Yugi who also stared at the meat, some non-meat items already in the cart. “I wish we had asked for preferences before we left,” Joey muttered.

“Actually, Atem gave me a list,” Yugi said. “I had asked about what to get and he wrote it down.”

“Good going, Yugi,” Joey said as the boy pulled out the list.

“Thanks. Atem said I’m starting to step into my role as the second alpha.”

“Second alpha?”

“Uh-huh. Since I’m mated to the alpha that makes me a second alpha. If something happens to him, I’ll be the leader.” Yugi selected some steaks and put them in the cart. He didn’t see Atem dying anytime soon. His mate was cautious and knew how to avoid vampire encounters as well as fight if he had to. He put some hamburgers in the cart while Joey put in some sausages and pork loins.

The pair left the store and agreed to get some lunch. They chose to eat at a table a little ways from the others, owing to their grocery bags. Yugi breathed in deeply, smelling human scents all around him and Joey’s wolf scent across from him. His sense of smell was incredible and would alert him to approaching vampires better than his sight would in daylight. They can look human in daylight, but their smell gives them away. The thought had just crossed his mind when he smelled vampires. Joey did too and said, “We’ve got trouble, Yug’.”

“Keep calm and don’t react,” he replied, his leadership role coming into play.

“Calm, right. The thing is, they’re heading our way and it’s our friends.”

“Stay calm. Maybe we can still be friends. Not let this ancient hostility separate us.”

“Yeah. Maybe vampires and werewolves can be friends.”

“Hey Joey, Yugi,” came Tea’s voice from behind Yugi.

“Hey, Tea,” Joey answered. He gestured at the empty chairs. “Have a seat, you two.”

Tea took the seat as did Tristan and she smiled at them. Kaiba had given her and Tristan the task of turning Yugi and Joey tonight as Solomon had reported Yugi running away from him. Tea felt that he had been too open with Yugi about his being a vampire and his orders. She turned on her aura ability and gauged her friends’ auras. They showed human auras. That can’t be right. Kaiba said they were multicolored, not brown.

“Tea, something wrong?” Yugi asked.

“No, nothing,” she answered. She gave Tristan a subtle look and saw by his look that Joey’s aura was human, too.

Their silent looks made Yugi and Joey exchange looks. Their friends were somehow checking their suitability to be turned. Yugi held Joey’s gaze as he tilted his head one way and then the other. Joey blinked in confusion and Yugi knew he couldn’t tell him straight out that he was going to tell them the truth.

“Tea, you were checking my suitability to be turned, weren’t you?” Yugi whispered so only the four of them could hear.

Tea followed his lead. “Yes,” she whispered. “Kaiba told us about you and Joey’s multicolored auras but now they’re the human brown.”

“Vampires can see auras?” Yugi asked, certain that this was about Atem had been referring to last night.

“Yes. It’s how we find those who can be turned. Yugi, how did you and Joey’s auras change color?”

“It changed because we’re not fully human anymore.”

Tristan’s eyes widened. “You’re werewolves, aren’t you?”

Yugi nodded and Joey added, “Yeah, we are.”

Tea’s eyes held anger and sadness. “We were supposed to turn you and now we’re enemies.”

“Does it really have to be that way?” Yugi pleaded. “Couldn’t we still be friends? I’m sure that misconceptions are what’s keeping this ancient hate going.”

Tristan fired a look at him. “It’s not misconception. It’s territory and members. The king wants to rule this city and eliminate your kind from the world.”

“If you attack us, we will defend ourselves,” Joey said. “We just want to live in peace.”

“I suppose we could still be friends,” Tea said and Yugi felt hope bloom in him at hearing that.

“No, Tea,” Tristan said. He stabbed a finger at Yugi and then Joey. “Kaiba warned us about how devious werewolves can be. This is no doubt a trick: Pretend to still want to be friends and then kill us in some alley.”

“No,” Yugi said. “I would never do that. I would only defend myself. I may be a werewolf but I’m still the same Yugi you’ve always known.”

Tea looked like she wanted to believe him, but Tristan had a look of hate on his face. “Yugi, if you hadn’t run from your grandpa and had become one of us, we would be friends,” he said.

“But, we can be friends. I just didn’t want to be a vampire.”

Tristan rose from the table. “Then, we’re enemies. Don’t bother talking to me at school.” He stalked away and Tea also left.

Joey gave a low growl. “That Kaiba. He sure fed them a lot of baloney about werewolves. He turned them against us.”

“Yeah, but we learned how vampires find others to turn. It’s different from us. We use our noses to find our kind. Come on, Joey. Let’s get the groceries home. We don’t want the meat to spoil.”


Mahad smiled as he stored the meat. “You two did a wonderful job with these. Excellent choices.”

Yugi nodded solemnly and Mahad smelled sadness hanging around the boy. He turned to see both boys looking sad. He had an idea of why they looked this way for he had seen it on Isis’ face when a friend of hers turned on her when she saw Isis change to a wolf. The rejection had cut her deep and she had resented choosing to be bitten, but that was years ago and she was truly happy being a werewolf, especially since the two of them had recently mated. “What has happened?”

“Tea and Tristan found out we’re werewolves and don’t want to be friends anymore,” Yugi said with a sad whine.

“Ah, yes. Their aura ability, but how could they tell?”

“Joey and my auras were multicolored before we were bitten. It probably worked the way our scents did.”

Mahad nodded. “It likely did.”

Joey growled. “Kaiba fed them a pack of lies about our race and they believed him.”

Mahad sighed. “Yes. I know what that’s like. I experienced that myself when I was sixteen. I had befriended two men and we had hit it off. I did smell human and vampire on them. I knew they would become vampires but I was sure we could stay friends. Well, that fateful night happened and it wasn’t until the following night that they saw me change. They had admitted to wanting to drain me and that’s why they followed.”

“Why not still drain you?” Joey asked.

“Don’t know. Maybe only human blood will suffice. They severed ties with me, claiming we’re enemies and that I had lied about being a werewolf.”

“You had it keep it a secret,” Yugi protested.

“Correct. I convinced Atem’s father to move the pack and we came here.” He smiled at them. “Don’t worry. We won’t leave at least not yet. The alpha wants you to finish school.”

“And when we do, I want to live here full-time,” Joey said. “My dad’s not the greatest parent.”

“We would be happy to have you live here. You as well, alpha.” Mahad smiled at Yugi who felt warm at being addressed as alpha, but knew he had to go back and face Grandpa.

Chapter Ten- Homecoming

“Yugi and Wheeler are werewolves?” Kaiba repeated on the phone.

“Yeah. Their auras changed and they admitted it,” Tristan said.

“Damn!” Kaiba hissed. “The king will be furious.”

“You still got four.”

“Yes. Nine is good for starters. We will need to stop looking as you and the others need to be schooled in our ways.”

“Of course. Tonight in front of Kaiba Corp, right?”

“Yes and Monday night, you and the others will gather in my home office to meet the king.”

“Understood.” Tristan hung up and frowned. He had wanted Joey to be a vampire but he had run off. He remembered Kaiba biting him and his heart stopping before blacking out. He came to several minutes later to see a pale-skinned Kaiba, fuming. That was when he found out about Joey’s escape and that Kaiba was a vampire who had just turned him and Tea into vampires. Kaiba had been informative about the aura ability, needing blood every night, and taking vampire form every night. He added about the full moon being the only time to turn others. Tristan felt no horror at being turned as he was meant to be a vampire. I am immortal now and will never age. Why would Joey run from that? He ran and a wolf bit him. He seems happy about it, but I don’t see what would be so good about being a devious, vicious wolf. Perhaps the wolf’s nature took hold of him and made him think being a werewolf is a wonderful thing.


“Hey, Yugi. Says here that once one is bitten, the nature of the race will take hold. Huh, that means when we got bit, the wolf’s nature took root in us,” Joey said, holding a book. The two were in the pack’s library, reading up on their race and the vampire race.

“And the vampire one took hold of our friends and Grandpa. I’m going to take some precautions on Monday.”

“What precautions?”

“A silver cross around my neck. Crosses are painful to vampires, but silver can kill them.”

“Aren’t we allergic to silver, too?”

“Only when in bullet form, oddly enough.”

“Man, I hope Grandpa doesn’t try to kill you.”

“Hence the silver cross.”


Tristan put a hand to his chest and glared at Joey who walked by- or more specifically at the gold cross around his neck. Damn. They found out about our weakness to crosses. He watched Yugi enter with a silver cross. He silently cursed them for wearing crosses. Too bad I don’t have any Wolfsbane, I would be able to weaken them. He saw Yugi tuck the cross out of sight and looked at him with sad, almost puppy-dog eyes. He looked away. No way was he going to fall for some werewolf trick!

Yugi whimpered softly as he headed home. Tristan and Tea refused to look or talk to them. I guess Kaiba kept working on them over the weekend. Will Grandpa be like that? He licked his lips as he reached the front door, schoolbag and overnight bag in hand. He slowly exhaled and opened the door. “Grandpa, I’m home.”

“Yugi Moto, where have you been?” Solomon scolded as he came into the hall. “You said you would be home Saturday afternoon.”

“I’m sorry. I was at Atem’s and I was having such a good time I didn’t want to leave.”

“Well, call next time you do that.” Solomon then clutched his chest and his eyes moved up and down his grandson. “Yugi, are you wearing a cross?”

Yugi nodded. “For protection.”

“The full moon is over. No one can turn another for a month. You’re safe.”

“I don’t know that for sure.”

“I’m your grandpa, Yugi. I would never hurt you.”

“Turning me into a vampire doesn’t qualify as hurting me?” he asked quietly.

“The pain is minimal. I can still turn you next month.”

“I’m sorry, Grandpa. It’s too late. When I fled from you, I met a werewolf and he offered to turn me. I accepted.”

“You’re a werewolf?”

Yugi nodded. “I could choose which to be. The werewolf told me he could smell it on me. I knew I didn’t want to be a vampire and the chances of that happening were high so I let him turn me.”

“I see. I didn’t think being a vampire would be so repulsive to you. It doesn’t matter to me what you are, we’re still family.” He held out his arms.

Yugi threw off the cross and ran into Solomon’s embrace. His vampire scent assaulted his nose but he didn’t care: Grandpa still loved him. “Grandpa, could we compare notes tonight?”

“Of course, but after I have fed and met the vampire king.”



“He still loves you.” Atem sighed in relief over the phone. “That’s good. I would hate to have to keep our pups away from their great-grandfather.”

“Me too. We’re going to compare notes when he gets back. I won’t mention any name except Joey’s.”

“Good call. You truly are a leader.” Yugi beamed as they hung up. He would never get tired of hearing that.

“Yugi?” came Solomon’s voice from downstairs.

Yugi sped down the stairs in the time it took the vampire to blink a few times. “That was fast,” he commented.

Yugi laughed as they went to the living room and sat. “Both races are faster and stronger, Grandpa.”

Solomon sighed. “I do have much to learn. The king was right.”

“What’s he like?”

“Firm and strict, but truly cares about his subjects. He wants us to be proficient in being vampires by the next full moon.”

“How many were turned this month?”

“Four, including me.”

So, both groups are equal. Atem said there were only five vampires. He also said we’re going to keep recruiting.

“Yugi, have you met your leader?”

“Yeah, on Friday. He’s called the alpha and when I was introduced, he named me his mate right on the spot.”

“Mate? You mean I’ll be a great-grandfather?”

“Eventually. He wants Joey and me to graduate first.”

Solomon sensed Yugi was deliberately keeping the names of the werewolves’ secret and he respected that. He had chosen to do the same with his clan. He knows Kaiba, Tea, and Tristan but no more than that. “You are aware of your weaknesses, yes?”

“Yes and I know yours, obviously.”

“And I know yours as well. It will be hard to see you age while I will not.”

“Actually, once I’ve matured, my aging will slow but yeah, I see what you’re saying.”

“Do you think I could see your wolf form?”

“I don’t see why not.” Yugi stood and instantly changed.

Solomon reached out and ran his fingers over Yugi’s head and down to the chin. Yugi whined happily. The elderly vampire smiled. “Well, no one would rob us if they saw you.”

“I agree and when I was bitten, I became a protector.” Yugi was happy as he took human form again and then bid good night to Solomon. Both had lives to live: School and work. Yugi knew his grandpa wouldn’t hurt him and the two could live together peacefully, the first of their kinds to do so.

The End