Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Vesta, Ted, Sandy, and Emma are mine.
Chapter One- Switched
Koenma frowned as he watched Kuwabara and Hiei shooting death glares at each other. The intensity was so great, he suspected that anyone who stepped between them would be incinerated. He saw Kurama step up beside them to calm them down at which point he shut off the screen. He knew Kurama would keep his teammates from attacking or killing each other. He sat back and rubbed his temples. Pairing humans and demons to fight rogue demons is a good idea, no denying it. But, it’s better if the teammates get along. Yusuke and Kurama work well together and with their other allies, however Kuwabara and Hiei can’t seem to get along unless it was in a battle then they would watch each other’s back.
Hiei’s antipathy for humanity was well-known and as Kuwabara was the only full human on the team, naturally Hiei holds him in low regard. Koenma felt sure that Kuwabara only disliked Hiei because of the insults the fire demon tossed his way.
Koenma sighed before reaching for water and an aspirin. The team would soon arrive for a post-mission briefing and he needed his head free of pain. His headache had faded a little when the team entered, Kuwabara and Hiei still glaring at each other but at least they weren’t death ones.
“Good job on taking care of the demon,” Koenma complimented.
“Hn, we would have finished it sooner, if someone hadn’t gotten in the way at the time.” Hiei gave Kuwabara a pointed look.
“Hey, I’m not the one who got in the way!” Kuwabara retorted.
“Oh, really? I was about to end it when you went charging at him.”
“Well, yeah ‘cause you looked like you weren’t gonna attack! You got in my way! You probably wanted to take all the credit for finishing him off!”
“I was a distraction for the detective just as you were or did you forget that?”
“It was a team effort,” Kurama stated calmly.
“Not him!” Kuwabara and Hiei chorused, pointing at each other.
Koenma had been gritting his teeth and feeling his head pounding as Hiei and Kuwabara argued. He finally stood on his chair and slammed his palms on the desk. “Enough!” he thundered. “I am tired of hearing you two argue all the time. I get that you don’t like humans, Hiei and you don’t like Hiei because of his insults, Kuwabara.”
“Actually, I don’t like demon in general. Except Urameshi and Kurama,” Kuwabara muttered.
“Technically, Yusuke and I are human and demon,” Kurama pointed out.
“Yes, of course,” Koenma said softly. “That’s why you work together so well. You’re part of both races.”
“Which is why it puzzles me that Hiei and Kuwabara cannot get along.”
“I would,” Kuwabara cut in. “But he won’t let me.” He gave Hiei a poisonous look.
“Perhaps I would if you weren’t a fool, a moron, and human.”
“Oh, like being a demon’s so great,” Kuwabara snapped.
“I said enough!” Koenma shouted. “It’s clear to me that you don’t respect the other’s race, much less each other, therefore I will make sure you do.” He levitated over his desk and floated above Kuwabara and Hiei, a hand over each one. “I switch your races. Hiei is a human and Kuwabara is a demon.” His hands glowed before crossing them at the wrists.
Both Hiei and Kuwabara gasped as they felt as if their humanity or demon hood had been taken from them. Then, Hiei staggered and sank to his knees while Kuwabara screamed and put his face in his hands.
Hiei panted as the world spun around him. He felt so weak and guessed that he had become a human. A weak, powerless human. Wait…I can sense my spirit energy and it’s strong. He saw a golden-orange glow around him briefly before fading. Oh, yes. Definitely strong. But it’s spirit energy, not demon energy. That confirms that I’m human now. Hiei was disgusted. How was being human going to make him respect humans? If I didn’t remember being a demon, that would…no, it wouldn’t help. I have to respect humans by being human and knowing that I was a demon.
Kuwabara screamed as he felt pain burning through him, specifically his forehead and right arm. He took deep breaths as the pain faded. His arm was still in agony, but he only winced. He sensed incredibly strong energy running through him and knew it was demon energy. This is stronger than my spirit energy. But, why? He opened his eyes to see purple energy outline his body before fading. He went to rub his forehead and his fingers brushed over a slit. He pulled his hand back to see no blood which confused him. He saw the astonished looks on his teammates’ face. “What?”
“Why do you have my Jagan?” Hiei demanded.
“I traded your races,” Koenma explained, now back in his chair. “Everything demon about you Hiei went to Kuwabara and everything human about him went to you, Hiei.”
“Everything?” Kuwabara asked. “You mean I have his energy and he has mine?”
“Yes and you have the Darkness Flame in addition to the Jagan.” Koenma nodded at his arm.
Kuwabara pushed his sleeve up to reveal a black dragon tattoo coiled around his arm, the bandages used to conceal it remained with Hiei. As cool as the tattoo looked, Kuwabara didn’t want to be in control of this dangerous attack, much less the Jagan or demon energy. “I don’t want to be a demon.”
“I’m sorry Kuwabara but in order to respect and understand demons, you have to be one.”
“And if I understand, I’ll be human again?”
“Actually both of you have to understand the other’s race in order to change back. Furthermore you’ll have to live in the other’s world.”
“I have to live in Demon World!?” Kuwabara exclaimed.
“I have to live in Human World!?” Hiei added.
“Yes. I also think Kurama and Yusuke should assist you in your transition.”
“I’ll help Kuwabara,” Yusuke immediately said.
“Actually, Yusuke,” Kurama said. “I should assist Kuwabara as I have more experience with Demon World and a hideout that is quite comfortable to dwell in during his time there.”
“Fine,” Yusuke grumbled slightly. “I’ll help Hiei then.”
“That would be best as you can introduce Hiei to a variety of human experiences.”
“And why would I want to?” Hiei snapped.
“Experiencing things results in understanding, which is the point of why you are human,” Kurama explained.
Kuwabara had pushed down his sleeve, but ran his hand over it. Thanks to Koenma, he was a demon now and expected to live in Demon World until he understood and respected demons. He didn’t see how he would. He had fought countless demons and they showed how evil and vicious they could be. He couldn’t see himself acting like them. Maybe I don’t have to. Kurama and Urameshi don’t act like that. I’ll be grateful for any assistance or advice Kurama can give me to help me survive Demon World and understand the demon race. I will do what I have to in order to be human again.
Hiei saw Kuwabara run a hand over his covered right arm before he removed his headband and felt the smooth forehead. He had had his Jagan for a long time and now it resided on Kuwabara’s forehead. Well, humans don’t have three eyes and I am human right now. I don’t need any help to understand humans; I think I understand them well enough and I’m not exactly thrilled with what I’ve seen. All I have to do is wait for Kuwabara to admit respect for the demon race and I’ll be a demon again. Hn, I hope he learns fast because I don’t want to be human too long.
Chapter Two- Living Arrangements
“Hiei’s never gonna understand or respect humans,” Kuwabara moaned as he and Kurama traveled to Demon World, the full impact of the spell’s condition finally hitting him.
“Perhaps he will,” Kurama pointed out. “After all he wishes to be a demon again just as you desire to be human once more.”
“I know I have to understand demons and that being one is necessary in order to do that, but I think trying to figure them out will be hard.”
“How so?”
“Well, the ones that we’ve fought were evil and vicious.”
“Banish that preconception from your mind, Kuwabara. You need to keep an open mind or you’ll never be human again.”
Kuwabara gulped at the thought. “All right. I’ll keep an open mind. You think Hiei will do that?”
“He better. Hiei may think he understands humans be he is mistaken. He probably believes that you alone needed this spell to be used on him.”
“You think so? Well, let’s hurry so I can start learning. I bet I’ll learn faster than he will.”
Kurama sighed softly. This is not a competition. This is to understand why demons and humans do what they do. At this moment, it is difficult to determine who has the easier task: Yusuke or myself.
Kuwabara automatically looked up at the sky upon hearing thunder before recalling that thunder and lightning were common in Demon World and did not necessarily mean rain. “Kurama, how do you know if it’s gonna rain?”
“The rain has a distinct scent and that’s how we tell.” Kurama sniffed the air. “No rain detected, not that it matters. Shall we get settled in first?”
“Sure. Is it far?”
“Not at all. If we run at top speed, it should only take a few hours.”
“Hours?” Kuwabara repeated faintly. “I can’t run at top speed for longer than a few minutes.”
Kurama laughed. “Kuwabara, you’re a demon now and have Hiei’s abilities. A few hours’ run will not be a problem.”
Kuwabara gave a sheepish look. “Oh, right.” He fingered the headband Hiei had given him to conceal his Jagan. “Okay, then. Lead the way.” Kurama sped off and Kuwabara followed, easily keeping up with the fox.
“And where am I expected to stay?” Hiei grumbled as they headed down the sidewalk. He was already in a foul mood as he found that his fast speed belonged to Kuwabara now. He was also annoyed with being in a crowd of humans some of who had brushed lightly against him.
“You could stay with my mom and me or with Shizuru once we tell her what’s going on. Actually, we have to tell her since Kuwabara won’t be coming back for a while.” Yusuke headed for Shizuru’s with Hiei in tow as he really didn’t have anywhere to go or anything to do. During the trip to Human World, Hiei had suggested he’d stay at Genkai’s to wait for Kuwabara to break the spell.
“For Kuwabara to break it?” Yusuke had repeated. “Hey, you have to do your part too.”
“Really? I think I understand humans pretty well.”
“You might but you have to respect them too.”
Hiei had moaned at that and Yusuke had come up with a great motivation. “Just think Hiei: If you learn understanding and respect faster than Kuwabara, you could mock him for not being an understanding demon.”
Hiei’s eyes, still red, had lit up at the idea and then a smirk had appeared. “Oh, that’s good, Detective. Very good. That oaf will take days to learn.”
Hiei’s mood lifted as he recalled that conversation. Yes, it would take him days too, but he suspected no more than two maybe three. Kuwabara would probably take a week. Hn, once I’ve learned, I can head to the mountains and wait to become a demon again.
They soon arrived, though to Hiei it felt like it took forever. How do humans deal with being slow? he wondered as Yusuke rang the bell. The door opened and Shizuru stood there, looking for a moment as if she was about to lecture but it passed and now she looked concerned and puzzled.
“Yusuke? Where is Kazuma? He should have been home.”
“He won’t be coming home for a bit. Koenma had switched Kuwabara and Hiei’s races in order to understand the other’s race.”
“Kazuma’s a demon?” Shizuru gasped.
“Yeah and Hiei’s human.” Yusuke tilted his head at his friend. “Kurama’s watching out for Kuwabara and I’m watching Hiei unless you want to have him here. A kind of surrogate brother.”
Shizuru regarded Hiei. “He has to understand and respect humans, right? I could have him sleep here, but you’ll have to show him what humans do, Yusuke. That is your responsibility.”
“Yeah, yeah. Thing is, I have no ideas and someone is not gonna help.” He shot Hiei a pointed look.
Hiei returned the look. “I didn’t ask to be human. I’d rather be in Demon World sleeping in a tree.”
“Yeah, well Koenma decided you needed an attitude adjustment about humans and since Kurama’s more experienced than me when it comes to demons, he got to assist Kuwabara who’s probably giving and receiving suggestion on how demons live.”
Shizuru nodded. “Yes, Kazuma would do that.” She looked at her watch. “Yusuke, would you and Hiei like to stay for dinner? I’m about to start it and Hiei can sleep here.”
“Sure, we’ll stay. Mom’s probably out partying.” Yusuke steered Hiei in and closed the door. Shizuru nodded as she headed for the kitchen, lighting a cigarette as she did so. So, Kazuma’s a demon while Hiei is human. Both need to learn in order to change back. It won’t be easy to help Hiei and Yusuke’s right that Kazuma will ask Kurama to guide him. I wonder what demons eat.
Kuwabara looked around Kurama’s place while the redhead stood by the concealed entrance. “We’re staying here?” he asked in awe. “Amazing.”
“Thank you and yes, this will be our home while we’re here.” Kurama went to a pantry and looked in: Empty as he expected. “We will need to forage for food.”
“Forage? No grocery store?”
Kurama chuckled. “No grocery store. Demons tend to keep to themselves or serve a stronger demon. The desire to help others by providing a service is a human trait and I find that admirable.”
“Yeah. So, what do we eat?”
“Anything edible we find. I will assist you in determining what’s edible.”
“I could use the help.” He took a sack Kurama handed him.
“I might cook up a stew depending on what we find around our home. Tomorrow we can venture further out to find other ingredients and maybe even hunt for meat.”
Kuwabara nodded as he followed Kurama out. He was disappointed that there wasn’t a nearby place to get supplies, but he was eager to learn how to live off the land. This could be useful if I find myself lost in a forest whether here or in Human World.
Kurama and Kuwabara crawled around, searching grasses and around the trunks for food. Kurama noted the absence of demons and surmised that they sensed the strong energy he and Kuwabara emitted. We will end up engaging in fighting strong demons. That is inevitable. I do hope we encounter friendly demons or at least as friendly as demons can be. Kuwabara needs to know that not all demons are bad.
Chapter Three- Settling In
Kuwabara peered at an odd-looking mushroom. It was pale green with light blue spots. Now, Kuwabara knew that pale green wild vegetation usually meant it was poisonous in Human World, but did the same hold true in Demon World? He heard someone approach and glanced back to see it was only Kurama. He silently breathed a sigh of relief; he felt tense and jumpy since they started foraging. He chalked it up to a number of things: He still acted like a human, he kept forgetting he was a demon now, and he had no clue how to use the Jagan or if he could control the dragon.
“Find anything?” Kurama asked.
“I don’t know. Is that poisonous?” He pointed at the mushroom.
Kurama’s eyes widened. “Not at all. That’s a rare mushroom. Demons coveted it for its flavor.”
“No kidding.” Kuwabara plucked it and added it to the sack while Kurama checked to see how much he had and said, “I think we have enough for a couple of days. Let’s head back and get dinner started.”
“Can I help?”
“Of course. I can coach you in using your fire abilities to make a fire.”
“Sounds good.” Kuwabara wondered if Shizuru was fixing dinner along as he and Kurama entered their home and sorted their ingredients.
Yusuke tipped the minced vegetables into the skillet and Shizuru proceeded to sauté them. “I appreciate your help, Yusuke. Kazuma sometimes assists me in making dinner.”
“Yeah, well Keiko insisted I learn to cook if I’m going to help run her parent’s restaurant one day.”
“Ah, I see.” There was silence for a few minutes before she asked, “Gotten any ideas to help Hiei?”
“Well, I will need to do some grocery shopping. He’ll be tagging along, of course.”
“Yusuke, that’s it! Go about your usual human life with Hiei following you. You can explain why you do what you do as most of what you do are human activities.”
Yusuke grinned. “Yeah, I could do that. Thanks, Shizuru.”
Hiei chewed his food, half-listening to Yusuke and Shizuru making conversation. He wondered if humans did this all the time: Talking during mealtimes. If so, it wouldn’t surprise me; humans seem to love to talk white demons let their actions speak for them. “Hey, Hiei. I’ll come by in the morning and we’ll go grocery shopping,” Yusuke said, catching the short human’s attention.
Hiei cocked an eyebrow. “And why would I go with you?”
“Cause Koenma said someone has to help you learn and it was me.”
Hiei grunted. “Fine.”
Man, I think Kurama got the better part of this agreement, Yusuke thought before saying, “Shizuru, need anything since I’m shopping tomorrow?”
“I probably could. Give me time to look through everything and I’ll give you a list and some money when you come by.”
Kuwabara swallowed his spoonful and licked his lips. “This is great, Kurama.”
“Thank you and I appreciated your assistance in the preparation.”
“I sometimes help Shizuru out with dinner.”
“You also did well with conjuring the fire.”
“I think that’s only because I have Hiei’s abilities.”
“That’s probably a small part. You underestimate yourself Kuwabara in terms of being a demon.”
The tall demon nodded before returning to his dinner as did Kurama, but the redhead suspected that his friend wasn’t convinced. He’s doing well as a demon. Yes, he possess the power of an already strong demon, but his own natural gifts are still there. He’s only switched races; he’s still human on the inside.
“So, we’ll go foraging tomorrow?”
Kurama nodded. “Perhaps hunting too. There is a likelihood that we’ll end up fighting other demons.”
“How come? Territory?”
“In a few cases, I believe so. Most will be to test their strength against us while others will want to kill us.”
“Of course,” Kuwabara grunted.
Kurama smiled slightly. He really hoped they encountered mostly those who simply wanted to test their strength. Those were easy to determine as they tended to announce their intention. They’ll prove to Kuwabara that there are friendly demons beside Hiei, Yusuke, myself, and a few from the Dark Tournament.
“What’s so great about human?” Hiei groused. “And why do they hang out in groups?”
Shizuru sighed. “Humans are social creatures. They like to spend time with their friends.”
“Certain insects are social creatures but they’re in groups because it’s in their nature.”
“Humans have that in their nature too, but occasionally they want some alone time.”
“I’d rather be alone.”
“Well, that won’t help you be a demon again and I’d rather have my baby brother back.”
“Fine. I’ll tag along with Yusuke.” Hiei got up from the couch and headed upstairs to find the guest room.
Shizuru leaned back and sighed in exasperation. Trying to convince Hiei to socialize was hard. She had no idea how stubborn the former demon was and it left her exhausted when he finally agreed to follow Yusuke again after decided he wouldn’t. How does Yusuke put up with this guy? Does he act like this when he’s a demon? I might ask him tomorrow.
Hiei flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He was still quite angry at being forced to be human until he respected them. How did Koenma expect him to respect such an inferior race? Well, that’s just it, he thought. I can’t think of them as inferior as I’m part of that race right now. I should make an effort to learn; the sooner I learn my lesson the sooner I’ll be a demon again. Hiei closed his eyes and was soon asleep.
Kuwabara laid in bed, listening to the thunder and lightning and wondering if he was going to be able to sleep. He’d rather liked the peace and quiet of Human World and could get a restful night’s sleep. Here, it was noisy and seemed full of danger. He failed to see why Yusuke would want to spend time here. He also wondered how Kurama could sleep so peacefully in these surroundings.
It’s not the world I have a problem with, it’s the race that lives here. I know a few demons aren’t bad but most seem that way to me. Kurama says I need to banish that though from my mind. Heh, easier said than done. He sighed, rolled onto his side, and gradually fell asleep.
Chapter Four- Day One
Hiei was roused by the sound of the doorbell. He stretched as he got up and realized that he actually felt well-rested; more so than sleeping in a tree. Hn, I think I’ll sleep in a bed more often. He headed for the bathroom to wash up and heard Yusuke and Shizuru’s voices. He sighed. He failed to see how grocery shopping was going to help him respect humans but he had to follow Yusuke as per Koenma’s instructions.
He came down to see Yusuke waiting in the hall, two pieces of paper in one hand. “Hey, Hiei. Ready for your first day as a human?”
“Just answer this,” he said as they left. “How will this help me respect humans?”
“Shizuru suggested I go about my usual routine with you following me. Then, I explain them and why humans do them.”
Hiei inclined his head. “That’s not a bad idea. No need to explain grocery shopping as it’s obvious. Humans need to eat.”
“Yeah, but there’s more to it than that. You’ll see when we get there.”
Kuwabara awoke to an enticing smell. It was a subtle scent and yet he picked it up as if it was stronger. Hmm, seems I have sharper senses as a demon. How come I didn’t notice that before? He opened his eyes and sat up, yawning and stretching.
“Kuwabara, I made some breakfast,” Kurama called through the door.
“You heard me yawn, huh?”
“Not at all. I figured the subtle scent of food would wake you as you have sharper senses as a demon.”
“Yeah, I was just thinking that,” he answered as he stood, went to the door, and opened it. Kurama was there with a patient, understanding look. The two demons went to the table to enjoy a light breakfast. Afterwards, they gathered sacks and swords that were sheathed and strapped to their backs. They added sheathed knives to their hips before leaving the hideout. Kuwabara felt security from the weapons they had. He had experience with a sword thanks to his Spirit Sword. But with his energy belonging to Hiei and him not having much experience using Hiei’s demon energy, a sword of energy would be difficult to do. Or would it? Kuwabara wondered. I made fire to cook the stew last night, so if I practice perhaps I can make a sword out of fire. The idea sent his mind racing with excitement. He doubted Hiei was having any fun being human. I wonder what he’s going through right now.
Hiei stood by the cart, watching as Yusuke examined apples. He understood why he was looking at them carefully as he had explained when choosing a banana bunch. Hiei was content to let Yusuke take his time since he didn’t want food poisoning later on and he didn’t have anywhere to go, really.
His eyes watched the people also roaming the produce aisle or the ones wheeling carts past the section and into different aisles. He looked at the lists sitting in the baby seat and to him there seemed to still be a lot to buy. How long does grocery shopping take? he wondered as Yusuke put a bag of apples in the cart and asked him as much.
“Depends on how much one needs. I’ve seen people buy a cartful, other buying two cartsful.”
“Two!?” Hiei gasped.
“Not to worry. We won’t even have a full cart. Let’s see.” Yusuke scanned the lists. “Shizuru wrote ice cream on the list. How about it, Hiei?”
Hiei’s eyes lit up with interest. He loved ice cream; one of the few things he liked about humans. He led the way to the ice cream and gazed at the different flavors in the freezer and especially the different types of chocolate, his favorite flavor. Which one do I want? Regular, extra creamy, maybe vanilla with chocolate chips? A duo of giggles nearby caught his attention and he turned toward it.
Two teenage girls stood a few freezers down and were smiling and giggling at him. He turned away and went to Yusuke. “Are they laughing at me?” he growled.
“Actually, I think they like you,” Yusuke answered, grinning.
Hiei huffed as he went back to the ice cream, eyeing the girls out of the corner of his eye. Both were cute, he admitted it. One was blond with bright green eyes while the other had brilliant red hair and sparkling brown eyes. Both wore a light coat of eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick. He selected an extra creamy chocolate, put it in the cart, and turned to see the girls had come closer.
The redhead blushed while the blonde said, “Hi, I’m Emma and this is my friend, Sandy.”
“Hi, I’m Yusuke and this is Hiei.”
“Hiei,” Sandy repeated softly.
Emma nudged her. “Go ahead. Ask.” Sandy blushed harder and stared at the floor. Emma rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll do it. Sandy thinks you’re cute, Hiei. She was wondering if you’d like to go out with her.”
Hiei was impressed that they were brave enough to approach them. He was aware of Yusuke’s reputation and most people steered clear of him. Hiei didn’t think of himself as cute or anyone someone would want to go out with. I see no reason to agree. I’m not really human. I just look like one.
Hiei opened his mouth to turn the girl down when Yusuke said, “He’d love to. The Yukimura noodle ship at noon tomorrow.”
Sandy looked up, a happy smile lighting up her face. “Great! See you then.” The girls walked way, talking excitedly to each other. Hiei spun around and scowled at Yusuke. “Why the hell did you do that? You set me up on a date!”
“Blind date actually since you don’t know anything about her. Besides, she’s cute.”
“Detective,” he said in a low deadly tone. “I’m not looking for a girlfriend or even a mate. I just want to respect humans so I can be a demon again.”
“Dating’s a great way to see why humans do what they do. Besides, Keiko wants me to help her out at the shop tomorrow. A date will keep you occupied while I work.”
“Thanks for the groceries, Yusuke.” Shizuru took the bags from him and carried them into the kitchen with the boys behind her. “So, how did it go?”
“I learned a little and it was fine until someone set me up on a blind date.” Hiei shot Yusuke a death glare. “Mark my words, Yusuke. I will kill you once I’m back to normal.”
“You have a date?” Shizuru smiled. “Sounds like fun.”
“Yeah,” Yusuke said, nodding. “They’re meeting at Keiko’s shop tomorrow since I have to work.”
“Perfect. So, Hiei. What’s her name? What does she look like?”
“Does it matter? There’s not going to be a second date or any romance.”
“Well, I’d like to know. So Yusuke, you tell me.”
“Her name’s Sandy. She got red hair and brown eyes. She thinks Hiei’s cute.”
“Really?” Shizuru smiled at that comment. “Well, he does look kind of cute.”
Hiei scowled and definitely did not look cute at that moment. “So, what else are we doing today? That is, what else are you doing today?”
“Well after putting away the groceries, I’m hitting the arcade.”
“Because it’s fun. Humans often seek something they enjoy when not working or in school. Hmm, maybe we can go swimming while you’re human since it is summer.”
“I know how to swim.”
“No. Come on. The sooner we put the groceries away, the sooner we can go to the arcade.”
Chapter Five- Traveling Demons
Kuwabara carefully cut away a root and added it to his sack. He and Kurama had been foraging for hours now and their respective sacks were only half-full. The fox demon estimated it would be best to fill both sacks full as neither knew how long it would take to break the spell. Kurama had a second sack that would hold any meat they might end up hunting down. Kuwabara wasn’t sure what meat demons ate, but he did know that some demons ate humans. He felt lucky that Hiei wasn’t one of them. Yusuke had described that this human-eating was in-bred and to refuse to eat humans can result in death. Kuwabara didn’t like how casual Yusuke spoke of some demons eating humans. The very idea made him sick.
Kurama glanced over at his friend as he combed some grass. He knew this foraging was boring. He personally wanted to return to Human World, but knew he couldn’t. Kuwabara wouldn’t survive on his own and when he returned to his human self, he would attract the attention of human-eating demons and he would also need assistance in leaving Demon World.
A bellow made Kurama’s head snap around as well as Kuwabara’s. “Sounds like a boar,” Kuwabara commented.
“The Demon World equivalent, yes. They are quite good, but difficult to bring down. However as we are strong demons and well-armed, it should not be too difficult.”
The bellow sounded again, closer this time and the creature appeared. Kuwabara gaped at the size. It was enormous compared to the boars back home. He saw Kurama slowly summon his rose whip and he slowly drew his sword. If this thing is like most animals, the belly will be the weak spot. The animal froze upon seeing them before charging, swinging its head in an attempt to gouge them with its tusks. Both leaped out of the way and Kurama snapped his whip to wrap it around the boar’s hind legs. The animal went down and Kuwabara moved in faster than he would have believed possible and swung the sword underneath it. The blade flashed and the belly split open. The creature yelped at the slice and Kuwabara stabbed his knife into its throat, killing it instantly. It flopped over and Kuwabara pulled out the knife and gathered his sword from where he dropped it when deciding the knife would be better in stabbing the throat.
Kurama unwrapped his whip, changed it back into a rose and tucked it into his hair. “Very nice, Kuwabara,” he said as he opened the spare sack.
“Thanks. Man, I moved so fast, that boar didn’t know what hit it until it was too late.”
“Yes. Hiei’s speed suits you.” Kurama took out his knife and began to cut up the carcass. Kuwabara crouched down with his knife and helped in slicing and cutting. They soon had nearly full sack of meat and bones as they tied it up and returned to their search of edible vegetation. Kuwabara felt good in helping to take down the creature and now they had a meat source to have alongside their roots and other edibles. Hmm, I wonder when we’ll meet up with other demons.
His wondering was answered two hours later when the pair was searching a new area. A series of whoops and yells rent the air, making both jump. Kurama seized his rose and Kuwabara gripped his sword’s handle ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. A group of half a dozen demons were striding in their direction laughing and slapping each other on the backs and arms. He was astonished that they acted human and there were even a couple of girls in the group. They didn’t look like they were seeking them out to kill them. They were just a group of demons who looked as if they were just friends enjoying a day out.
The tallest of them with a pair of horns on the top of his head spotted them and headed over with a big smile, his pals behind them. “Hello,” he called. “My friends and I are a traveling group seeking other demons to fight to test our strength and skills and to witness our opponents’ strength and skills. Would you honor us with some friendly sparring?” He did a double take at the redhead and took a step back, fear flickering across his face.
“K-K-Kurama,” he stuttered before bowing low. “Please forgive me for asking.”
Kurama replaced his flower. “There is no need to fear me. My friend and I would love to engage you and your group.”
“Lovely,” said a female who had white skin that was speckled with cheetah spots. A matching tail twitched behind her and claws topped her fingers. Her green cat eyes looked Kuwabara up and down before flashing her fangs in a friendly way. “You’re a strong one, I can sense it. What’s your name, handsome?”
“Uh, Kuwabara,” he answered a little disconcerted by her actions.
“Kuwabara,” she repeated as she sidled up to him. “I’m Vesta. Tell me: Are you fast?”
“Vesta is the fastest one of all of us,” said the leader. “She loves to race but cannot find one who can keep up with her.”
“Well,” he glanced at Kurama who nodded slightly, intuiting what his friend was thinking. “I am fast. I just don’t know how fast.”
“Let’s say we find out.” She pointed in one direction. “There are some peaks over there. First one there and back wins.”
Kuwabara grinned at the conditions. “I accept.”
“Then ready, set,…go!” Vesta sped off in the blink of an eye. Kuwabara was momentarily startled before he vanished in a blur.
The others called after them before sparring with each other while the leader, Ted, asked Kurama for one.
Kuwabara was amazed at Vesta’s speed but then again as she was a cheetah demon, that made sense. He was also amazed at how quickly he was moving. It was faster than when he killed the boar. He could make out Vesta’s spotted form ahead of him a good distance away and the peaks coming into view. And yet, I’m not moving as fast as Hiei does. I should be able to as I have his speed abilities. He hurried after his opponent. He smiled as he picked up speed, the ground a brown blur beneath him. He was coming up on the peaks when Vesta passed, fangs bared in that friendly smile again.
He reached the peaks, launched himself off the ground toward the base, twisted around so his feet hit the rock, and pushed off from it. His body flew through the air and the instant his feet hit the ground, he was speeding along. He couldn’t help smiling. Running at these speeds was awesome! The ground blurring beneath him, his legs pumping under him, and the wind cutting around his body.
He saw Vesta ahead and increased his speed. The finish point was coming up. He gritted his teeth as he attempted to catch up and past the cheetah. He raced for the finish line and reached it…several seconds after Vesta. He had lost and yet he wasn’t really upset about it as it was really to gauge his speed.
Vesta and Kuwabara panted, both smiling. “You are…quite fast…Kuwabara,” she panted.
“So are you,” Kuwabara gasped. “Really, really fast.”
Another demon called out to Kuwabara to test his strength and as he headed over, Ted came up to Vesta and noticed a faraway look in her eyes. “Vesta,” he ventured.
“Oh, Ted,” she purred. “He’s perfect. No one’s ever managed to catch up to me the way he has. He’s also really sweet.”
“What are you saying?”
“I want him for my mate.”
“I see.” He looked at the sky before calling, “Kurama, what say the eight of us camp here tonight?”
“Sounds good. We have meat we could share.” Kurama watched Kuwabara fight and saw the smile. I think he’s starting to realize that not all demons are bad; some are a lot like humans.
Chapter Six- Humanity
There was much laughter and talking as the group sat around a roaring fire that Kuwabara had made. Vesta snuggled up by Kuwabara. “So, you’re a fire demon,” she said, admiring the flames.
“Kind of,” he mumbled. He hated lying to such a nice demon, but if she knew the truth, she’d probably kill him. That’d be a shame as I’d like t be friends with her. Apparently, not all demons are bad. Some are friendly and nice.
Vesta smiled up at Kuwabara as he stared into the fire. He was so handsome and was able to keep up with her. No other demon had managed that and she knew she had found her match. She tilted her head as she looked at his forehead. “Why do you wear that headband?” she said, fingering it.
“I…have a Jagan,” he said softly, sounding as if this was a bad thing.
Vesta’s eyes, however, widened in delight. “Really? That’s so cool.”
“You think so?”
“I do. Jagan are also symbols of strong demons, particularly if they’re implants. Is yours an implant?”
“It is,” he replied, feeling respect for Hiei. He got the Jagan and became a strong demon. Hiei is a whole lot cooler than I give him credit.
Hiei moaned as he flopped on the couch. He hated the arcade! It was too noisy for his tastes. The only good thing were the games and he did enjoy playing them. It was a relief when they left and had a quiet dinner at Yusuke’s before he headed for Shizuru’s to go to bed…after talking to the woman.
“So how was your first whole day as a human?” Shizuru asked.
“I shouldn’t have to be human.”
“That wasn’t the question.”
“Hn.” A small smile appeared. “I enjoyed the arcade thought it was a bit noisy.”
“Arcades usually are.”
“Dinner was better; it was quiet even with Yusuke chattering on.”
“Talking is how most humans interact and sometimes it lets them vent frustration.”
“Hn. Well as I can’t fight demons like this to let off steam, I might as well talk. You didn’t answer my question last night about what’s so great about humans.”
Shizuru was quiet as she pondered this question, an expression Hiei recognized and so he waited for her to respond. “I think it would have to be our compassion for one another,” she said at last. “We tend to help those who are suffering even if we don’t know them.”
“You help strangers because of compassion?”
“Yes. Take my brother, for example. He refused to fight those mind-controlled people in the tournament because he felt sorry for them and he didn’t really know them.”
Hiei nodded. He hadn’t seen the entire fight, but had seen the injuries he had sustained from it. He stared at the floor and didn’t see Shizuru leave as he was lost in thought. He had seen humans laugh, work, play, and be nice to each other but he had also seen humans murder, rob, and steal from others. Demons are like that, too. There are nice ones and there are bad ones. It’s hard to survive in Demon World as you mostly have to fight for your life whereas here, one can relax. I suppose that’s why Yukina lives here.
The human looked up to see Shizuru holding out a bowl and spoon. He took it and saw it held the ice cream he had picked out. He licked his lips before grabbing the spoon and proceeding to gobble it down.
“Careful, Hiei,” Shizuru warned, eating her own. “If you eat it too fast, you’ll get-,”
Hiei suddenly gasped and put a hand to his temple, wincing. “Brain freeze,” she finished.
“Ow,” he moaned, hand still to his temple. “I didn’t get brain freeze before.”
“Well, you were a fire demon before. Now you’re human.”
Hiei growled as the pain faded. He returned to his dessert, eating it sedately to avoid another brain freeze. Brain freeze aside, I still love ice cream and Shizuru’s explanation of the human compassion does explain some of the things they do. Hn. I’m starting to understand them. I wonder if Kuwabara is learning respect for demons.
“Kuwabara, what did you think of our companions last night?” asked Kurama as they headed home.
“They were really nice. I had no idea how much like humans demons could be. Vesta was really cool.”
“Yes and she seemed a little too friendly in my opinion.”
“She did?”
“Yes. Did you not notice? Be careful, Kuwabara. She might have love on her mind in regards to you.”
Kuwabara frowned thoughtfully. “If I see her again, I’ll make it clear that I’m not interested in love, that I’d rather be friends. Maybe I could tell her the truth.”
“Maybe; if you see her again.” Kurama felt it was likely that they would see Vesta again. She’ll likely track us by scent, but not find our home. At least Hiei doesn’t have to worry about girls being interested in him.
Hiei sighed and stirred his drink with a straw while Sandy would alternate between blushing when she looked at him and looking around the shop. Neither one had said anything despite the discreet head tilts from Yusuke as he served customers. Hiei gave him a glare as the detective returned to the kitchen.
“How’s the date going?” Keiko asked as she cooked.
“Not moving. Neither one is talking. It’s obvious Sandy likes him from what I’ve seen.”
“Yusuke, you had no right to set Hiei up on this date. It won’t help him understand us if he’s doing things he hates.”
“Yeah, all right. I’ll let him choose what he wants to do. I had planned for us to go swimming, but I guess that’s out.”
“Only if he doesn’t want to go swimming,” Keiko said as she put food on a tray.
Yusuke nodded, gathered up an order, and brought it to the customers. He turned and saw Hiei sitting by himself with a slightly stunned look on his face. He went over and sat opposite him. “Where’s Sandy?”
“She left. I told her I didn’t want to be on this date. She went red, said I was an insensitive jerk, and stormed out. Yusuke, I actually feel bad about upsetting her, even though I’m not interested in her.”
“Wow. Hiei, it sounds like you’re getting some actual humanity.”
“Just a little, yes. I talked to Shizuru last night and I believe I’m starting to understand humans. I may not like humans, but I’ll understand them and respect their decisions.”
Yusuke nodded. “If you want to head for Genkai’s, go ahead. I think you’ve learned enough.”
Hiei slid off his seat and ambled out the door while Yusuke returned to the kitchen to tell Keiko what happened.
Hiei headed down the sidewalk, thinking about yesterday and this morning. He hadn’t done much over the last day and a half, and yet it seemed he had learned his lesson. Humans were not as annoying and inferior as he had thought. Yes, they were weaker than demons but they had strengths that demons didn’t. For one thing, they were more compassionate. They tended to talk about issues instead of fighting to resolve it…for most part.
He looked around and saw he was near an ice cream shop. He looked through the window and felt his stomach growl. He hadn’t had lunch and he still had the money Yusuke gave him for the date. I think I’ll buy a sundae and a drink. While I eat, I’ll watch human interaction and apply it to what I learned. I’ll head for Genkai’s afterward and maybe speak with Yukina. It might be my new humanity, but I actually want to tell her the truth.
He went inside and ordered a sundae of chocolate ice cream, chocolate chips, rainbow sprinkles, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream along with a soda. He sat down to enjoy his food and watch humans talk with each other.
Chapter Seven- Lessons Learned
Kuwabara ventured out early afternoon after a short nap. The use of his speed and fire last night made him curious about his Jagan and the fire attacks he had seen Hiei use. He untied the headband and opened the eye for the first time. He focused on calling up a fire attack and felt the eye glow before his fists were engulfed in fire. The Fist of the Mortal Flame, he thought as he punched forward, delighting in the crackling sound of the fire. Hiei’s a lucky guy to have access to these kind of attacks. I’ll be sure to tell him when next I see him. He extinguished the fire and closed his eyes to recall other attacks Hiei had used when the Jagan glowed and Kuwabara received a mental image of the area in front of him and some distance beyond. Whoa. I didn’t know the Jagan could do that. Amazing. He heard a sound behind him and focused the Jagan in that direction. There, crouched in the foliage, was Vesta. He opened his main eyes, the Jagan no longer glowing, and said, “I know you’re there, Vesta.” He turned as the cheetah came out and smiled at him as she came closer.
She gently ran her claws along his jawline and he heard a soft purr as she did so. “Uh, Vesta? What are you doing?” Kuwabara had an inkling of what Vesta was thinking, but was hoping against hope that he was wrong.
“I like you, Kuwabara. You are fast, strong, and sweet; my ideal match. I would like for us to be mates.”
Kuwabara stepped back, Kurama’s suspicions confirmed and his hope dashed. “Whoa, whoa. We can’t be mates. It won’t work out.”
“Why ever not? I’m a demon. You’re a demon. I see no reason why we can’t be mates.”
“It’s because I’m not really a demon.”
Vesta tilted her head. “What?”
Kuwabara took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Okay, look. I’m really a human who didn’t understand demons so the Spirit World prince switched my race with a demon who didn’t understand humans. Once we understand we’ll change back and I am understanding our race.”
“You’re a human!?” Vesta spat.
Kuwabara recoiled at her tone. “Yes. I do like you and thought we could be friends.”
“Why would I want to be friends with a human liar?” she hissed before sprinting away.
Kuwabara hung his head as he concealed the Jagan. He sensed a presence and glanced back to see Kurama. “She hates me,” he said in a low voice. “I told her the truth when she spoke about being mates. I think I hurt her for lying to her. I didn’t mean to upset her but I had hoped she’d accept that I’m really human and maybe be friends.”
“Sounds like you have reached an understanding of demons.”
“Yeah, I have. Could we head back and wait for Hiei at Genkai’s?”
“Of course and we’ll give our remaining food to any demons we meet along the way.”
“Yeah. I think they’d appreciate that.”
“Mr. Hiei? You look different today.”
“I look different for a reason. I’m human right now.”
“Human? How?”
Koenma used a spell to switch my race with Kuwabara and only by understanding the other’s race can we change back. I now understand humans and came here to wait for Kuwabara to understand demons and to talk to you.”
“Oh, thank you. I get lonely sometimes.”
Hiei felt his heart break upon hearing that. I really am becoming more compassionate…or maybe it’s because she’s my sister. “Yukina, I feel awful about lying to you all these years.”
“Lying to me? About what?”
“Yukina…I’m your brother. I didn’t tell you because I was forbidden to tell and I thought you wouldn’t like having a criminal for a brother.”
“Hiei, I don’t care what you’ve done. You’re my brother and I love you. I understand that you couldn’t tell me before.”
“I can now as the one I made the promise to, had released me from it.”
“You’ve changed. You seem kinder and more compassionate.”
“I learned a lot in two days.”
“So have I,” came another voice. The siblings looked over to see Kuwabara and Kurama approach.
“Have you?” Hiei asked.
“Yeah. Not all demons are bad. Some act like humans do at times.”
Hiei nodded. “I learned that humans are not inferior, just more compassionate than demons.” Hiei then gasped and grasped his forehead as Kuwabara winced and sank to his knees. Hiei felt his energy grow stronger and a slit under his fingers as well as a burning along his right arm. I’m a demon again. Admitting what we learned to each other broke the spell.
Kuwabara felt his energy weaken but still strong and sensed the Jagan vanish and the dragon leave him. I’m human again. It was a little cool being a demon, but man, I’m glad to be human again.
Hiei looked up as Kuwabara stood, undid the headband, and handed it over. Hiei tied it on as Kuwabara and Kurama sat down. “I stayed with your sister at night and tagged along with Yusuke during the day. The detective had set me up on a blind date yesterday that I went on today, but it didn’t end well or last long. I actually felt bad at upsetting her.”
“You did?”
“Yes. I spent time at night talking with your sister about your race to understand why you do what you do and act the way you do. I was actually feeling human today. It was an interesting sensation. Your race is a very caring one.”
“Thanks. I found that not all demons fight to kill. Some fight to test their skills or see what others can do. I caught the interest of a cheetah demon who wanted me as a mate but when I told her the truth, she got angry, called me a liar, and ran off.”
“Why did she want you for a mate?” Yukina asked and Hiei leaned forward to not miss a thing as he was interested in the answer.
“She was attracted to me because of your powers, Hiei which you are lucky to have them. I kept up with her during a race and she said a Jagan implant is a symbol of a strong demon and you certainly are strong. She was also impressed with my use of fire.”
“Cheetahs usually seek out strong demons and especially fast ones. It’s a desire to have children who are even faster. But, she was probably attracted to you yourself,” Hiei explained.
“She did say I was sweet.”
Hiei nodded. This cheetah had mostly likely been attracted to Kuwabara for his physical appearance. She probably sensed his strength as a demon before initiating a friendly race and when the race was over, she probably felt like Kuwabara could be her ideal mate. She didn’t know she had fallen for a human in the disguise of a demon.
“You are sweet,” Yukina said. “You’re also kind, loyal, and compassionate.”
Kuwabara grinned at Yukina’s words. “I really like you, Yukina and I mean as more than friends.”
“Kazuma?” Yukina tilted her head, confused.
“I’d like to date you, maybe marry you one day.”
“Kazuma, I’m flattered.” She smiled at Hiei hopefully and he nodded.
“I have no problem with that,” he said.
“Why are you asking Hiei?”
Yukina beamed. “He’s my brother. He told me today.”
“Really?” Kuwabara was surprised. Two days ago, the revelation would have been horrifying, but now that he understood demons, he actually liked the fact that Hiei was Yukina’s brothers. We’re friendlier now and I feel we could be wonderful in-laws someday.