Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s. Only the bounty hunter and the nameless werewolves are mine.
Chapter One- Considerations
The rock sailed through the air and hit the jet-black wolf on the forehead, making him yelp in pain. He backed up, avoiding another rock. “That’s it!” a woman yelled. “Get out of here, monster. Go back where you came from!”
The wolf turned and ran, growling softly to himself. I wasn’t going to hurt anyone, he thought. That’s not who I am. I’m not like some werewolves who deliberately cause trouble and chase people just for the thrill of it. He dashed down an abandoned subway entrance and through a tunnel, his forehead throbbing from where the rock struck. He trotted down the tunnel and then slowed to a walk as the throbbing increased. At last, he reached the makeshift house where he and his friends lived. A boy with long reddish hair came out smiling but it vanished and was replaced with alarm.
“Yusei!” he cried, rushing forward as the wolf turned into a teenage boy with spiky black and yellow hair. He sank to his knees and his blue eyes slid shut as he passed out from his injury. The boy attempted to heave Yusei up the ramp, but his size made it difficult. “Hey, Crow! I need some help. Yusei’s hurt.”
A teenager with spiked orange hair emerged with a concerned expression. He hurried over and together they got Yusei onto his bed and the boy, Rally, ran for the first-aid kit to tend to the lump on the forehead. “It’s obvious what happened,” Crow said. “Some human assaulted him.”
“Well, of course,” Rally said. “Only the strongest or dumbest werewolves would try to hurt him.”
“Funny; strong and dumb usually go hand-in-hand.”
Rally chuckled until a groan came from his patient. “Yusei!” he exclaimed in relief as blue eyes cracked open.
“Uh, Rally? Crow?” he tried to sit up, but Crow pushed him back down.
“Stay down. That’s a nasty hit you took. I’m guessing a human did that.”
Yusei laid back. “Yeah. She called me a monster and to go back where I came from.”
Crow growled. “We live here just as they do. It’s not like we came from the city or hell for that matter.”
Yusei silently agreed. For as long as anyone could remember, humans and werewolves lived in Satellite side-by-side in a tense relationship. Some werewolves kept to themselves, others worked jobs next to humans, and others still tormented humans causing them to lash out at any werewolf they met. Yusei, Crow, and Rally formed a pack, just the three of them. Yusei tended to roam the city in human form, but even then he was recognized as a werewolf by the mark on his cheek. All werewolves were born with some kind of mark, though some bore more marks, like Crow did. It was the mark that prompted Yusei to take wolf form which any werewolf could take anytime they wanted. The full moon, however, turned all werewolves into two-legged monsters. All humans hid indoors while the werewolves ran around, some causing damage, others fighting each other. Yusei had fought Rally once and it was only until morning that he recalled the fight. Naturally, Rally forgave him as he thought as a wolf and didn’t know friend from foe. Rally tended to stay home and only took wolf form to run in the tunnels.
Crow, however, tended to help human kids who were homeless and lived in a run-down house. The kids liked Crow and he took wolf form to either give rides or sleep with them huddled close to him to draw warmth from his fur. Crow was fond of them and hoped they could improve relations between humans and werewolves.
The city across the water was vastly different. While the humans feared and hated the werewolves in Satellite, the city’s humans feared and respected the vampires they lived alongside. The vampires were the elite members of society and were identified at birth by the fangs that were longer than normal incisors and the pale skin. Despite their undead state, they could walk in sunlight. Their human form and enhanced abilities granted them their high social status. Blood banks existed in plentiful numbers for the vampires’ use. It was also known that some vampires would pay someone to bring him or her a werewolf to be a pet or a slave as vampires saw werewolves as mangy, stupid dogs. Those who were captured were never seen again. It was a fate that Yusei hoped to never experience. He didn’t like the idea of being forced to be a pet or slave.
Yusei sighed as he slipped into sleep. His injury would heal quicker while he slept in human form and it was late anyway. He would wake in the morning fully healed and maybe try to acquire some food. There were a few humans who didn’t hate his kind. One such man was simply called Blister who had been recommended to Yusei by a werewolf acquaintance called Tanner. He knew Blister would provide food. Most humans who gave his kind food were ridiculed and assaulted until they stopped giving food. But Blister and a few like him, ran a restaurant that catered to both humans and werewolves, the latter not known to the former. Yeah, I’ll see Blister in the morning, he thought before truly falling asleep.
Jack smirked at the submissive wolf that laid by Akiza’s side. The wolf made a wonderful pet; a she according to Akiza. She laid docile and silent, the gold eyes focused on either her snout or the carpet, Jack wasn’t sure which one. He watched the laughing chattering humans mingling with the vampires as he sipped blood from a glass. “Wonderful party, Akiza,” he commented. “I am curious, though. Where do you put your pet when she becomes a monster?”
“I have a secure steel room to hold her. No matter how hard she rams, it won’t break.”
“I see and the collar?”
“It stretches so it’s not damaged between wolf and monster. Why the questions, Jack? Thinking of buying a pet wolf yourself?”
“I’ve been thinking about it for some time and I believe I am ready to purchase a pet of my own.”
“Your timing is impeccable, Jack. It so happens that a bounty hunter will be at the stadium tomorrow night with werewolves he had captured.”
“Excellent. Then, I will go there and buy a werewolf from him.”
“No,” breathed the wolf, the word barely heard by the vampires.
Akiza scowled as her hand flew down and smacked the wolf on the back of her head- hard. “Silence!” she hissed. “You are not to speak unless ordered and only wolf sounds too! Understand?”
The wolf gave a soft bark and then was silent again. Akiza nodded in approval. “I may need to discipline her tomorrow or have one of my servants do it,” she told Jack so that only he heard. "She will be reminded that she is my pet and that I am her master. She is expected to obey my every command.”
Jack nodded. Everyone knew the werewolves could change between human and wolf whenever they wanted. It was only on the full moon did they change involuntarily and became vicious monsters. They could speak like everyone else, aside from the full moon when they spoke as wolves. Some vampires saw the full moon transformations as a threat to humans and sought to diminish it by controlling werewolves as slaves and pets. The thing was most werewolves were experts in hiding and only a few were occasionally caught and bought. But, I will buy one myself tomorrow night. I will ask Mina how the construction of the safe room is coming along.
“They’re working on it,” Mina reported, sounding a bit worried.
“You’re afraid I’ll be angry,” he said, sniffing the air.
“You are right,” she conceded.
“Don’t be. The full moon is three weeks away and the room is actually coming along nicely. I hope to have my pet tomorrow and you will be in charge of training it to obey me faithfully.”
Mina smiled. “Thank you, Jack. I would be honored to train your pet.”
“Good. I know you will do the job as efficiently as you do your other duties.” Jack went to his room to put together what he hoped would be an acceptable sum to buy his werewolf pet.
Chapter Two- Caught and Bought
Yusei kept glancing back as he made his way to the werewolf entrance of Blister’s restaurant. He felt as if he was being stalked, but saw no one and he didn’t smell anyone either. Maybe I’m being paranoid after last night’s attack. He continued on his way and soon slipped into a narrow alley. He approached a paint peeling door, knocked twice, and the pawed at the door having briefly shifted his hand into a paw.
The door opened and Blister smiled at him. “Morning, Yusei.”
“Hi, Blister. I’m in the mood for sausages and I know you have the best.”
“Suffered another assault, huh? You usually only have sausages after being attacked.” He held out a string of raw sausages.
“You know me well.” He took the string.
“I sure do. Take care, Yusei.” Blister closed the door and Yusei shifted into wolf form. He laid down, held the string in his forepaws, and began to eat his breakfast. They were delicious as usual, and Yusei savored every bite. Once it had been consumed, he licked his paws and muzzle clean before taking human form again. He stepped out onto the sidewalk and wandered about, not looking at any humans as he passed. He could sense the heat from the peoples’ looks and wished they didn’t give him those looks. If I had concealed my mark from the start, no one would know I was a werewolf except for other werewolves because of my scent. But, I didn’t so I can only show I’m not a threat by not looking at them and keeping to myself when in public.
“Hey,” called a voice as Yusei crossed over to a stretch of deserted and broken road. The teen turned to see a burly and strong man jogging up toward him. “You’re a werewolf, right?” he asked once he was closer.
“Yes,” he answered slowly and cautiously.
“Excellent,” the man grinned. “I need someone with a great sense of smell to help me.”
“You…do?” Yusei was suspicious but pushed it aside. He would be a terrible person to be suspicious of someone who didn’t mind he was a werewolf; indeed he was thrilled to meet Yusei.
The man nodded and gestured for Yusei to follow him. “I picked up a bad smell but I can’t figure out where it’s coming from.”
“Oh, I see. Well, I’m sure I could track it down for you.”
“That would be greatly appreciated. Would a steak be a satisfactory reward?”
“It would.” Yusei liked the idea of getting a steak; he would present it to Rally who often resorted to scrounging trash cans for food. He could have easily gone to Blister, but his fear of the humans kept him underground. Yusei followed the human to a truck with a horse trailer attached to it. He opened one side and tilted his head to it. “It’s in there.”
Yusei entered, nostrils flaring to find the foul odor. He couldn’t detect anything beyond hay and the musty smell of horses. He was about to say so when the clang of metal sounded behind him. He whirled around to see a barred door blocking his way out. “What are you doing?” he demanded.
The man laughed. “You were a real naïve one, weren’t you? I’m a bounty hunter who catches werewolves and sells them to perspective vampire buyers. You make the fifth catch and I’m due to appear at the city’s stadium tonight.” He closed up the trailer and Yusei heard him get into the truck and start it up.
Yusei seized the bars and tried to bend or break them. The bars showed no interest in succumbing to his strength. He shifted his nose and jaws into a muzzle and attempted to bite through the bars. He gave up after several minutes, undid the shift, and massaged his sore lower jaw. I should have known better. He’s clearly a professional and knows how to hold a werewolf. He sighed before sitting cross-legged in his cell. He was going to be sold to a vampire to be a pet or a slave. He didn’t know which fate would be the better of the two evils. He had no idea what was expected of pets or slaves, but knew he wanted no part of it.
Yusei blinked sleepily as the rumbling engine of the truck ceased. He yawned as he got to his feet and saw the back of the trailer open up. The hunter was pushing tall cages down the ramp, five in all including him. He looked at his fellow werewolves. Three were adults, one man and two women, but the fourth was just a child, a boy!
“You caught a child!?” he said angrily.
“Oh, yes. A vampire contacted me to ask for a young one as they are easier to train as a slave.”
Yusei was horrified. Someone wanted to enslave a child? It was a terrible thing to hear. He contemplated what these vampires were like as darkness fell and the stadium lights came on. He knew they could walk in sunlight but preferred nighttime just as werewolves did. He also knew the vampires held high social status and were feared and respected by the humans they lived alongside. It was a sharp contrast to the werewolves who mostly lived in shabby conditions and lived among humans who feared and hated them. It was clear his kind held a low social status but at least they were free.
Night truly fell and the stadium lights became brighter. The moment the lights finished becoming brighter, the doors to the arena opened and a pale man with large muscles and fangs entered. The hunter executed a bow. “Officer Trudge.”
“You have my slave?” he asked before his eyes roved to the cages. “Ah, yes. Oh, he is perfect. You did well and here is the amount we agreed on.” He handed over a check.
The hunter put it in an inside jacket pocket before removing a key ring and a collar. “Okay, officer. I release this werewolf to your custody. He is to obey your every command and will remain in wolf form so long as he wears this collar.” He reached through the bars, put the collar around the boy’s neck, and the child shifted into the form of a wolf pup. The hunter unlocked the door, Trudge attached a leash to the collar, and gave a small tug. “Come, slave. You’re my property now and I may eventually train you to be my wolf officer.” The pup whimpered as he followed his new master out of the stadium.
The hunter turned to the four remaining werewolves. “A similar fate awaits you four. You will be brought as either a slave or a pet and will live the rest of your lives in your wolf form.” No one spoke as they knew they couldn’t avoid this fate.
Jack rushed to the stadium and joined a group of six vampires that entered the stadium one at a time. He hoped he would be able to buy his pet as word was there were only four available. The vampires entered one by one, but none came by those waiting and Jack guessed they left through another entrance. He further waited for the hunter to come and say they would have to go home and wait for another time. So, he was surprised when he got to enter and saw the hunter beside a cage that held a teenage boy with blue eyes and spiky black and yellow hair. Hmm, he looks suited to be a pet. I wonder why no one else bought him.
“Jack Atlas,” the hunter said. “You honor me with your presence.”
“I am interested in buying a werewolf pet and you still have one available.”
“Only because the others didn’t want a teenage werewolf. I caught him just this morning.”
“I see. He hasn’t had any training yet. I think that’s excellent. I will buy him.”
“What?” Yusei said faintly.
Jack stepped up to the cage door. “Trust me, the hunter will be brutal in training you; could kill you. You’d be better off as my pet,” he whispered so low that only the two of them heard. He then turned to the hunter and held up a full sack of money. “Is this enough?”
“More than enough.” He handed Jack the key to the cage and a collar as he went to put the money away. Jack opened the cage and put the collar on Yusei who shifted instantly to wolf form. He looked up at the tall vampire.
“Come, my pet,” he said, turning and leaving the stadium, Yusei reluctantly following his new master as staying with the hunter didn’t seem to be a promising prospect given what the vampire had said about him. I probably am better off with the vampire Jack.
Chapter Three- Life’s New Role
Yusei trotted along in Jack’s wake. He now belonged to a vampire and would remain in wolf form for life. He could never return to his pack who would briefly search for him before deducing that he had been caught and sold.
I could try to run and get home. I can still talk and get someone to remove the collar. He had stopped and was about to take off when Jack sped over to stand over him.
“Don’t even try to leave,” he said and leaned down to attach a leash. “Should have done this earlier. Now, you belong to me and I expect you to obey me. I think you’ll eventually like living with me; surely it’ll be better than where you came from.” He straightened and continued on home, tugging the leash. “Come along, wolf.”
Yusei had no choice but to follow. I have no doubt that his place is plush and comfortable, but it won’t be for me. It’s clear that he won’t ask for my name. He’ll call me pet or wolf. What will he be wanting me to do? What kind of training will he put me through?
Jack smiled as he headed home. Yes, he could have ridden home given his social status, but he chose to walk. It would give him and his pet some time to bond as master and pet and the opportunity to show the public that he had a pet. I wonder what his name is. I doubt I would understand it. The way Akiza tells it, werewolves talk in wolf form but they do so with a kind of guttural sound to their words, even in human form. But with training their words could become clear. I think my pet had some education as the one word he spoke was clear. Then again, he doesn’t need to talk beyond wolf sounds. &&&&
“Hello, Mina. I’m home,” Jack called as he opened the door.
Mina came into the living room here Jack now sat and saw a lean muscular jet-black wolf with blue eyes sitting beside the couch. “Welcome back. I see you got your pet. He’s quite a good-looking werewolf. Or is it a she?”
“It’s a he.”
“What’s his name?”
“I didn’t ask and frankly it doesn’t matter. All I want is for him to be loyal, obedient, and faithful to me. As I said last night, that is your job.”
“Of course. Do you want me to start now?”
“No. I think after breakfast tomorrow would be better. I’m sure my pet would like some dinner and be shown where he will sleep. I could use some blood myself.”
“Of course, Jack.” Mina led the way to the kitchen, not aware that Yusei was watching her and taking in her scent. Hmm, she’s human. Seems some humans serve vampires as servants. Jack seems to treat her well and if she’s my trainer, it seems training won’t be so bad.
They entered a dining room and Jack handed the leash to Mina before sitting. “You will eat in the kitchen, wolf,” he said before Mina led him away. Once in the kitchen, the woman crouched down, removed the leash, and fixed Yusei with a stern look. “I know training starts tomorrow, but let me give you some advice: Jack is the master of the house and everyone here serves him in some capacity. I am his number one aide and you are his pet werewolf. Our job is to make him happy and that means doing as we’re told. Those that do are treated well. Think about that while you eat.” Mina then put a raw steak on a plate in front of him before leaving with a tall glass of blood in her hand.
Yusei sniffed the steak before lying down, put his forepaws on the steak, and began to eat. The rawness of the steak appealed to his wolf side and knew that in his current form, his stomach could handle the uncooked meat. He swallowed a bit and licked his muzzle. Hmm, this is really good; high quality no doubt. Maybe I was hasty about being Jack’s pet. I wouldn’t mind remaining here if I get food like this every day. His tail swished as he seized the meat with his teeth again.
Jack took a long drink of blood before lowering the glass. He sighed contently. He always felt content after a good drink. Mina sat on his right and she had a small glass of wine in front of her. He never understood why humans drank wine but then again, his body only accepted blood. He had never eaten or drank anything else, unlike other living beings. Ah, but I am not exactly alive. My heart does not beat and doesn’t circulate my blood which is why my skin is pale and I must drink blood every day. Yet, I do enjoy the parties and other big events I attend regularly. I occasionally host parties myself. I hope to hold one after the full moon so that I can show off my obedient werewolf pet.
“Jack, I spoke to your pet while in the kitchen,” Mina said after sipping her wine. “I told him that you are the master of the house and that we serve to make you happy. I hope he thinks on that as it would make training go smoothly.”
“That would be preferable, but it may not happen. He may be trapped in his wolf form, but he still has his human mind, reasoning, and traits. I know from observation that human nature usually resists being enslaved. They balk at being ordered when they are against it and werewolves are both human and wolf. He may think of obeying tonight but by morning, he may change his mind and fight back against the training. Speaking of which, you may wish to start with training him to not speak save for canine sounds.”
“Only canine sounds,” Mina repeated as Jack drained his glass.
“Now, take the glass back and bring my pet so we can all sleep as you and he have a big day tomorrow.”
“Yes, Jack.” Mina took both glasses to the kitchen sink seeing Yusei sitting there in front of an empty plate and seemed to be in deep thought. She got his attention when she picked up the plate. “Jack says it is time to sleep for you and I have a big day tomorrow. Come. You will sleep in Jack’s room.” She left the room with Yusei behind her.
Jack now stood by the table as they entered and he snapped his fingers. “Here, boy,” he said, pointing beside him. Yusei hesitated for a moment before going to Jack’s side. The vampire nodded approvingly as he left for the stairs with Yusei beside him and Mina bringing up the rear.
Yusei couldn’t help looking around as they walked. The place, despite it being a penthouse, looked more like a palace. There were elaborately woven tapestries, expensive vases, and paintings or holo-pictures on the walls. The carpet beneath his paws was soft and plush and the doors they passed were solid dark wood.
Mina entered one of those rooms and he continued to follow Jack down the end to a set of double doors made of marble and lined with pure gold. Jack threw open both doors with a flourish and entered. Yusei followed beside him, but then stopped, and he stared slack-jawed. The room was enormous! More holo-pictures hung on the walls. One side of the room held a large walk-in closet with a balcony on the opposite wall across the room. A bed large enough for a dozen people dominated most of the room and a glance showed an ornate bathroom across from the foot of the bed.
Jack cleared his throat and the wolf looked to see an amused look on his pale face. “I had debated on whether you were to sleep on the floor or not and decided to get this.” He pointed at a spot between the bed and the wall that led to the balcony. Yusei padded across the plush carpet to see a smaller, but still large bed. It was shaped like a human bed, but was clearly designed for a dog. He climbed into it while Jack went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change his clothes. Yusei used his tongue to wash his paws which he used to clean his face. He then sat there, unsure of whether he should lie down and sleep or wait up for Jack. It was clear to him that, as his pet, he pretty much couldn’t make his own decisions anymore.
Jack emerged from the bathroom and saw Yusei still awake. This pleased him as he enjoyed ordering the black wolf around. It’s got to be a bit disconcerting for him. This morning, he was a free wolf living in the slums and now he is a pet living in luxury. He climbed into bed and rolled over so he could reach down and stroke the wolf’s head. “Good night, my pet.” He rolled onto his back and was asleep instantly.
Yusei sighed as he curled up and closed his eyes, preferring to be home in the Satellite instead of living in the city in luxury.
Chapter Four- Start of Training
The sound of knocking woke master and pet the following morning. Jack spoke to someone at the door before going into the bathroom. While Jack was in there, Yusei yawned and stretched as he got out of bed. He sat beside his bed and uttered his first words since taking wolf form for good. “This is not the life I would have chosen,” he muttered. “No werewolf should be someone’s pet. I would prefer to live in Satellite or a forest.”
The bathroom door opening prompted Yusei to cease speaking. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t speak when Jack or Mina was around, but felt it was a smart move. Jack combed his hair before opening the door to reveal Mina holding a brush, a comb, and nail clippers. He nodded in approval before turning to Yusei. “Come, boy.” He trotted over and Jack added, “Mina is going to groom you and then bring you down for breakfast. I expect you to listen to her and don’t even think of trying to escape.” The teen vampire left.
Mina gestured for Yusei to sit and once he had, she knelt down, nail clippers in hand. She began to cut, trim, and file his claws explaining, “You don’t need sharp claws to live here and they won’t snag on the carpet.”
“Makes sense,” he agreed and then yelped when Mina hit his head with the clippers.
“No talking,” she snapped. “Only canine sounds are allowed.”
She hit him again. “Canine sounds only.”
Yusei’s ears folded back, closed his eyes, and he bowed his head while Mina set about brushing and combing his fur. He was so lost in thought, he failed to notice that the collar had been removed and thus stayed in wolf form. I was right in not speaking. I’m only allowed to make canine sounds.
“Now you look more presentable,” Mina said. Yusei opened his eyes and stared at himself in the mirror they had been sitting in front of. His fur had been brushed and combed, making it gleam and smoother. I do look better, he thought and nuzzled Mina’s hand in thanks. She smiled before leaving with Yusei following. Her first foray into training had gone well. She only had to discipline him twice before he caught on to no talking. It shouldn’t take long to make him loyal, obedient, and faithful to Jack.
Yusei followed Mina, still lost in thought. He disliked the idea of not talking and didn’t know why he should follow it. After all, I’m a werewolf, not a regular wolf. Werewolves talk and I will not stop talking just because she says so. I may belong to Jack, but that’s all I’ll accept.
Jack watched as Mina and his pet headed into the kitchen. The wolf’s fur had been nicely brushed and he looked more like a pet than someone he picked up off the streets. Mina soon returned and once seated, Jack clapped his hands to have Mina’s food and his blood brought out.
“Jack, I have begun your pet’s training,” Mina said as their orders were put in front of them.
“Already?” Jack asked, surprised.
“He dared to talk while I was shortening his claws, twice. I disciplined him both times.”
“He spoke? Did you understand him?”
“Loud and clear. Why?”
“Rumors say their ability to talk is rough and guttural, impossible to understand.”
“Looks like the rumors were false.”
“It would seem so. Now, I will be busy getting the paperwork for my pet filled out and you will be training him.”
Mina nodded, biting back the question of why Jack couldn’t have someone else fill out the paperwork. She wasn’t allowed to question his decisions. If he wanted to do something himself, he would.
Soon breakfast was over and Mina followed the cooks to retrieve Yusei while Jack called for a limo to meet him up front before heading for the door. The young woman led Yusei to a room that was empty save for the various weapons hanging on the walls as well as ropes, chains, and straps of leather. The door clicked closed and Yusei’s tail twitched nervously. Is this the training room?
“Your training will now officially begin,” Mina said as she slid a one-piece suit over her clothes and attached a few items to the belt loops in the suit. “I have about three weeks to train you to be loyal, obedient, and faithful to Jack.”
Yusei eyed the items around Mina’s waist before saying, “Only three weeks? What if you haven’t trained me before the three-?” Yusei leaped to one side to avoid the whip that came swinging his way.
“Only canine sounds, remember?”
“I remember, but I disagree. I’m a werewolf, not a normal wolf.”
“That may be, but Jack made it clear for you to not talk.”
Yusei growled. “I accept that I belong to him, but that’s all. I refused to be treated like an animal.”
Suddenly two men grabbed him while another chained his legs to the floor. A leather strap was wrapped around his muzzle, preventing him from talking or biting anyone. Mina smiled grimly as she held the whip. “You will learn your place; if I must beat it into you, so be it. You will learn not to talk.” She cracked the whip and brought it down on the black wolf.
Yusei whined with each crack that came down and he inwardly cursed. He had thought Mina was a nice human, but that attitude was only for Jack. Absent the vampire, she was hard and ruthless. He had no idea how long the beating was but when it stopped, he was nearly unconscious from the pain.
“Well, let’s see if you’ve changed your mind,” Mina said, removing the strap. “Speak, boy.” Yusei gave a soft bark and Mina nodded. “Good. I expect nothing but canine sounds from now on. Understand?” Yusei barked again.
Bowls of water and raw meat were presented and Mina said, “Eat and we’ll resume training after lunch.” She left the room with Yusei still chained.
Lunchtime already? he thought as he lapped up the water and ate his food. I’ve been beaten all morning? He wondered what else he would be expected to do and what punishment he would receive if he disobeyed. They may have gotten me to comply to no talking, but I will not give in so easily with the rest of the training.
Mina chewed her salad as she reflected on the morning. She hadn’t expected him to talk again and had to spend the morning re-enforcing it. The two barks he gave convinced her that he wouldn’t talk again. Now that I’ve insured that, it’s on to the next step. Jack had left a list of things he wants his pet to learn. I wonder how compliant he’ll be with them. My guess is he won’t which is fine with me. I actually look forward to being brutal with him. I’ve seen Jack be cruel to some people and I’ve emulated that when it comes to those who work under me. The wolf will be the pet Jack’s dreamed of, I will make sure of that.
Yusei had been dozing lightly when he heard the door open. He woke up to see his bowls taken away and as he sat up, Mina crouched down in front of him with a cold stare.
“I did not appreciate having to remind you not to talk. It’s clear that you have a good deal of pride and I will have to punish you most severely to get you to obey. I had expected some resistance, but I now see it will take longer than I anticipated.
“Now, Jack made a list of what he expects from you. He wants, first and foremost, total obedience to every command he gives you. We will train you on commands Jack is likely to give every day and then ones he will give almost as often. We will also train you to protect Jack. There are humans who would try to kill Jack ad it will be up to you to insure that they fail. If you have to kill them, that will be fine. No one will hold it against you.”
Yusei listened with horror. They expected him to kill? I’ve never killed in my life. I could never and I won’t.
Chapter Five- Resistance
“Let’s begin with the basics,” Mina said as she moved a few feet away. She turned and said, “Speak, boy.”
Yusei immediately barked as it was an easy one and reiterated his previous training.
“Good. Come.” She pointed at her side and Yusei, realizing that he wasn’t chained anymore and that he had already complied with that command, complied and stood at Mina’s side. “Stay, boy.” She moved away and Yusei remained where he stood. Mina turned and said, “Sit.” Yusei complied, feeling these commands were simple one that he felt wasn’t worth debating or refusing.
Lay down.” Yusei laid down on the floor. “Play dead.” Yusei raised his head and growled softly. No. I won’t obey that one, no matter what they do to me.
Mina went over and hit him on the head. “I said, play dead.” Yusei growled a little louder and Mina smirked. “Good boy. Jack wouldn’t issue that command at all.” Yusei blinked at her and tilted his head. She was testing me? Mina crouched down to look in his eyes. “You are making decent progress. Jack will be home soon and you will need to greet him at the front door. Got it?” Yusei nodded and barked.
Jack smiled as he approached his penthouse door, a stack of papers in a folder. His pet was officially his property now and the file was complete save for the name. Jack couldn’t come up with a perfect name for his pet and debated on whether to break the no talking rule just once to ask for the wolf’s real name. That can wait as I don’t have to name him right away. He unlocked the door, opened it, and called, “Hello?” His call was answered by a black-furred, blue-eyed wolf that bounded up to him and seemed happy to see him. He grinned at the greeting, exposing his fangs. “Well, this is nice and just what expect from you, my pet.” He stroked the head and scratched behind an ear, making the wolf whine and swish his tail.
Mina came to the door. “Welcome home, Jack.”
“Thank you, Mina. I see that my pet’s training is coming along nicely.”
“Oh, yes. You’re welcome to see what we’ve done. Mostly basic commands.”
“Basic, you say?” He thought for a moment. “Sit, boy.” Yusei automatically sat. He smiled and then said, “Come,” as he headed for the living room with Yusei right behind him. He took his place in an armchair, pointed beside the chair, and said, “Lay down.” Yusei did so and Jack’s smile grew.
“Well done, Mina. I am very pleased with his progress. I want you to teach him other commands I’ll give now and then.”
“Of course, Jack. As you wish.”
Yusei found himself back in the training room the next day, re-iterating the commands from yesterday before starting the new ones. Some of the orders were reasonable to him, but others weren’t. Once was bowing to Jack. He yelped when a stun gun touched him and leaped away from it.
“Bow, boy!” Mina snapped.
Yusei growled and shook his head. He saw it as ridiculous for him to bow to his owner. I’m his pet, not his slave. What do they think Jack is? A king? He yelped at another stun gun application and snarled as he seized the gun in his jaws and yanked it out of the man’s hand. He bit down on it and the gun broke in two. He growled at everyone, making it clear that he had had enough with his punishment.
Mina scowled at him. “Fine,” she said. “Then we’ll leave you here and you will get no food until you are more cooperative.” She and the others walked out, one staying long enough to put out some water.
“He’s being uncooperative?” Jack asked, surprised.
“I’m afraid so. He will need to stay in the training room to think on his behavior.”
Jack shook his head. “I don’t understand. Everything went so well yesterday.”
“It did. He might have suddenly had a change of heart today. You did say that could happen.”
“So I did. Well, he can stay in there tonight and tomorrow but I expect him to be fed and he will be in his bed tomorrow night regardless of progress or lack thereof.”
“Yes, Jack.” Personally, Mina felt the wolf needed to stay in the training room until his spirit was broken and he obeyed any order given instantly. A lack of food would certainly help convince him to cooperate. However, she said none of this to Jack. He wanted his pet sleeping in his rom the following night- period. I’m sure I can convince him that the wolf needs to stay longer. I will make him docile and easily controlled.
Yusei winced as his stomach rumbled with hunger. He shoved that feeling aside; he had gone hungry in the past and he would handle it now as he had done before. Let them withhold food from him. He could handle it. They think no food will break me, but it won’t. This training bit is getting ridiculous. Why can’t they just let me talk so we can work out acceptable orders for me to follow? Don’t they realize that I am an intelligent werewolf and quite civilized as well? Possibly not. I don’t know how they view werewolves, but they might see us as inferior. Well, I’ll prove I’m not. They won’t break me.
Jack brushed his teeth and smiled. Perfect; nice and white and his fangs sharp as ever. While he drank his blood from a glass, he could sink his fangs into another’s neck. His high status as a vampire and a duelist meant he didn’t have to not to mention access to the numerous blood banks across the city. That was where his daily blood came from: Blood bags acquired from the banks.
Unfortunately, there were humans who feared his kind so much they would try to attack him. He found these attempts laughable as vampires were protected by security guards and tight security systems. Occasionally, a human succeeds in injuring or killing a vampire who are just as vulnerable like any living being. Injuries do heal quickly, especially with an immediate drink of blood. However, a stab to the dead heart is an instant kill.
It was this fact that got Jack thinking about buying a werewolf. He wanted to be sure he was safe from attacks and he also wanted someone to talk to and who would listen to him. Humans would listen, but wouldn’t offer words of console or advice or even ask questions. A werewolf would listen and could comfort him by licking his hand or letting him pet him or her as a method of comfort. A vampire had been killed a year ago and it was the catalyst to make Jack think of increased protection. He had tossed ideas back and forth in his mind for several months, the werewolf solution being the idea he had considered the most. He then began looking for those who owned werewolves and ask them what they did with their property. Some bought one for protection, others wanted one for a slave or servant, and others still desired to have one as a pet and a symbol of their high social status. He disliked the idea of a werewolf slave as he had plenty of servants. He was enchanted with the idea of having one as a protector and pet. Once he had decided that he asked how they got their werewolf and the most common response was from a bounty hunter. These hunters caught werewolves to sell to vampires or humans, more often the former. But few werewolves were caught, so the price for them was high and most wanted young ones or adults as both were easy to train, especially if the hunter had trained them a little beforehand. Jack preferred to have one close to his age but knew he would have to take what he could get. He had felt lucky to have bought his teen werewolf. But now he was a bit concerned about the sudden disobedience.
He looked at his pet’s empty bed. He was going to stay in the training room overnight and would be given a refresher course on his place as Jack’s obedient pet tomorrow. He hoped this instance of disobedience was a short-lived one and that he would be greeted by his wolf like he had been yesterday. He turned away from the bed and got into his own. He had a big dueling match tomorrow and he needed to be well-rested. He sighed and fell asleep.
Chapter Six- Torture
Yusei awoke to see Mina and four men enter, one carrying a bowl of water. He got to his paws, ignoring his growling stomach. He watched nervously as Mina put on her suite and attach knives and the whip to it. She then stood before him, hands on her hips.
“We will begin your training anew. From the beginning.”
“Beginning?” he asked before a leg flew to his mouth. Shit. I talked.
“Yes. The beginning and it’s clear that it’s necessary. Be warned. If you refuse, you will be severely punished.”
“And Jack’s all right with that? He would let you hurt me?” Yusei then howled as electricity was pumped into him.
“You will not talk,” Mina said. “And what Jack doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
Jack wouldn’t approve of this, Yusei thought. His idea of discipline is probably gentle punishment and maybe verbal reprimand too. These humans plan to torture me to get me to obey. He felt his empty stomach sink. Yes, he could heal quickly, but that required being able to shift forms and sleeping peacefully. His collar kept him in wolf form, so quick healing was denied to him.
“So, will you talk again?” Mina asked.
Yusei shook his head and yelped as the Taser was activated again.
“You need to act like a wolf, boy. Wolves don’t nod or shake their heads. Understand?”
Yusei barked softly and Mina nodded. “Good. Now, let’s start again with the basic commands. Sit. Stay. Heel. Lay down.” Mina gave each command and Yusei instantly obeyed. He now laid beside Mina, thinking if he complied he would be fed and allowed to return to Jack’s side who now, ironically, seemed more human than his servants.
“Play dead, boy.”
Yusei stayed still, refusing to obey as Jack wouldn’t give that command. He yelped when he felt a blade swipe his side. “Play dead,” Mina repeated. Yusei looked up at her, ears flat, and growl sounded. The growl became a yelp as Mina backhanded him and slashed with the knife again.
“You will comply with every order whether you like it or not. Now, play dead.”
Jack opened his penthouse door, tired but exhilarated. He won his duel, but it hadn’t been easy. The duel and keeping up his speed during it had taken a lot out of him. He noticed no pet to greet him and that disappointed him. Is he still being difficult? I had no idea teenage werewolves could be so stubborn. He hauled himself to his favorite armchair. The moment he sat, Mina came over with a glass of blood. He took it and drained it. “Where is my pet, Mina?”
“Still in the training room. He has been quite difficult today. He may need another night in there.”
“I suppose so.” Jack sniffed subtly and he caught the scent of werewolf blood that came from Mina’s direction; furthermore, the blood carried his pet’s scent. Why is his blood’s scent wafting off Mina? Plus, I smell deceit on the air. Is Mina lying to me?
Jack pondered this all through dinner, but didn’t let it show. Instead, he asked about the safe room and Mina assured him that it would be ready before the full moon. He subtly sniffed and detected no deceit. She was being truthful. Mina didn’t know that he could tell when someone was lying though she knew he could smell fear. He dwelled on the smells he had picked up before dinner and felt as if something was being kept from him and it concerned his wolf. I think I’ll go check on him once everyone else is asleep.
Jack crept quietly to the training room late that night. He found it a little hard to believe that a werewolf would be so difficult to train, especially if moderate discipline was the result of that disobedience. His wolf didn’t strike him as a masochist, but maybe he was mistaken. He arrived at the training room’s door and the scent of blood really hit him. That’s a really strong smell, but why is it strong? He quickly unlocked the door, entered, and froze at what he saw, his mouth dropping. His pet laid on his side unconscious with cuts all over his body. Blood welled up from some stab wounds and there were blood spots on the floor. He knew the wolf was alive; he could hear the heart beating and see his side rise and fall, albeit shallowly. He crossed the room and knelt beside the body. The blood’s smell filled his nose and he licked his lips. He never had werewolf blood before and wondered what it tasted like. I could lick some up and my saliva would close up the deeper wounds. He leaned over and his tongue flicked across the blood. Hmm, not bad. He continued to lick and seal the deep wounds; his tongue moving across those wounds woke the wolf, his blue eyes clouded in pain. He whined pathetically.
“Who did this?” he asked. “Was it Mina?”
The wolf whined and whimpered. Jack sighed. This type of communication wouldn’t do. Screw the no talking rule. “Boy, I need you to really talk. Tell me what happened.”
In a hoarse whisper, he began to talk. “Mina said…if I refused…to obey, I would be…severely punished.” He winced and added, “Some of my ribs are broken.”
Jack felt his dead heart break and then anger flared within him. Mina dare to hurt him like this? I will not allow this to continue. He gently and carefully lifted his pet and he whined in pain. “I’m sorry,” he said softly as he carried him out of the room and to their bedroom. “Don’t werewolves heal quickly?” he asked as he laid the wolf on his own bed.
“Yes, by shifting forms and sleeping peacefully,” came the whisper. “Can’t heal because of collar.”
Jack looked at it. “Well, I guess you won’t run away.”
“I promise not to leave.” Once the collar was removed, Yusei shifted to human and rolled onto his back carefully. Jack climbed into bed and as he laid there, he asked, “What’s your name?”
“Yusei,” his pet breathed as he fell asleep. Jack smiled at the sleeping boy. Yusei. That’s an interesting name and it suits him. Jack closed his eyes and slipped into slumber.
Yusei’s eyes blinked open and focused on the canopy above him. Huh? Where…oh, yes. Jack brought me here. I thought it was a dream, but clearly it wasn’t. Then, that means… He slowly lifted an arm to see it was human and he felt his bare neck. He took a careful breath and felt no pain. His ribs were healed.
“Feel better?” came Jack’s voice.
“Yes, Master,” he said softly.
“Just Jack, Yusei. I may own you, but I dislike the word master, at least I do now. I’m glad you are better.”
“My ribs are healed. That was the worst injury.”
“I closed up some of the stab wounds by licking up the blood. My saliva heals such wounds. Obviously, your own healing ability closed up the others.”
Yusei sighed. “Some of my fur is probably matted by now.”
“Care for a bath to fix that?”
“I’d like that.” Yusei sat up and then doubled over, clutching his stomach.
“Yusei?” Jack asked, concerned.
“I’m okay, just hungry. I haven’t eaten at all yesterday.”
“What!?” Jack hissed. “No food? I told them to feed you.”
“Jack, could I have that bath first and then food?” he asked, almost begging.
“Of course.” Yusei picked up the collar, changed forms, and trotted into the bathroom with Jack behind him. He climbed into the tub while Jack brought out shampoo for canines, soap, a towel, comb, and brush. He turned on the water, filled the tub halfway, and began to wet the fur before lathering it, working the mats loose and the congealed blood. The sighs from Yusei pleased Jack as he rinsed the fur and moved on to the soap. Soon, Yusei’s fur was clean and wet and Jack laughed as Yusei shook himself. “You could have waited until I used the towel as a shield,” he teased.
“Sorry,” he replied as he climbed out and Jack began rubbing him down with the towel and then used a blow dryer to dry him thoroughly before brushing and combing him. As he snapped the collar back on, Jack said, “You look a lot better now, Yusei. So, let’s get you some food.” Jack left the room with Yusei behind him. The werewolf gave a wolf’s grin. His relationship with the vampire had changed, but by how much, he wasn’t sure. I’ll soon find out, though.
Chapter Seven- Friendship
Jack entered the kitchen with Yusei, the latter smelling cooking sausages and his mouth watered as his stomach rumbled; a sound only heard by him and Jack. The head cook turned from the stove and bowed. “Mr. Atlas, you honor us with your presence.”
“Yes. My pet needs breakfast.” He noticed Yusei’s eyes focused on the stove and smiled. “A full bowl of those sausages would do nicely.”
“Uh, yes sir, but they’re for Mina.”
“I don’t care. They’ll go to Yusei.” He pointed at the wolf upon saying the name.
“Y-yes, sir.” He turned back to the stove to sizzle up more sausages. Within minutes, with Jack watching, a bowl of smoked sausages was put in front of Yusei who began to eat, clearly taking his time to savor his food. Perhaps sausages are his favorite food. I’ll be certain to remember that, Jack thought as he accepted a glass of blood and headed for the dining room.
Mina entered the room and greeted Jack as normal. Jack nodded, trying to resist killing Mina and sucking her blood. Killing her would insure she doesn’t abuse Yusei again, but death is a bit harsh. However, I could fire her and change the security codes so she can’t get back in. “Mina, meet me in the living room after your breakfast.”
“Yes, Jack.”
Jack went into the kitchen, put his glass in the sink, and saw Yusei was done eating and licking his muzzle. “Come on, Yusei.” He led him into the living room and, as he sat, said, “I’m thinking of firing Mina for what she did.” Yusei barked and Jack laughed. “You can talk now. You’re not just my pet now, you’re also a friend.”
“Firing her would make a suitable punishment,” Yusei said.
“I’m glad you agree.”
“Are you a king?”
Jack was silent for a moment. “Not royally speaking, but I am a dueling king.”
Yusei’s head shot up. “You’re a duelist?”
“I am. Are you?”
“Yes. My deck is in my jacket right now.”
Ah, so things like dueling decks also merges with their skin and fur. Interesting. “I’m more of a turbo duelist, really,” he said.
“Oh, that’s really good. I’d like to see you turbo duel.”
“I’m sure I can arrange that. I have a staff at the stadium to cater to anyone using my private box which can only be used at my instruction.”
Silence reigned until Mina came in. Her eyes landed on Yusei and her face paled while Yusei growled until Jack put a hand on his head. He gestured with his free hand at the space before the chair. “Mina, stand there.” She complied and Jack fixed her with a cold stare. “I am very disappointed in you. You chose to abuse Yusei when you knew I would disapprove.”
“You named him Yusei?”
“No. That’s his real name. I lifted the no talking rule. You also lied about Yusei being uncooperative and I decided to check on him. I had no idea how cruel you could be.”
“I simply followed your example.”
Jack scowled. “I may talk cruelly and coldly, but I would never be physically abusive. I’m sorry Mina, but you’re fired.”
“Fired?” she repeated.
“I cannot have someone who will do things I disapprove of behind my back. Please gather your things, leave the keys, and go.”
Mina’s eyes teared up as she left the room and Jack put a hand over his eyes. He felt bad about dismissing her but the reason he gave made sense. He felt something on his knee and heard Yusei whine. He lowered his hand to see a black paw on his knee before looking into Yusei’s concerned blue eyes. He barked and then said, “Jack, will you be all right?”
“Yes, I will. I think we need to undo the training that was imposed on you. You’re still speaking like a wolf.”
Yusei laughed. “I’m a werewolf. I do occasionally talk like a wolf, but never in human form.”
Jack laughed too. “Yes, well that does make sense. All right, then. How about this? Act like a wolf in public, not so much at home, and sleep beside me as a human?”
Yusei’s tail swished. “And maybe human while dueling?”
“Oh, yes. Of course. I’d like to see what it’s like dueling a werewolf. I plan to throw a party in three weeks to introduce you publicly.”
“Is that why I was being trained?”
“Yes, it was. Now, I see that it’s better to ask for your cooperation.”
Yusei nodded and then gasped. “Jack, the full moon’s in three weeks!”
“I know. A safe room is being built for your safety and mine.”
Yusei sighed in relief. “Oh, good. Werewolves tend to be destructive and fight one another on the full moon. We recall all of it the following morning.”
“Sounds irritating.”
“It can be at times, but as I was born a werewolf, it’s natural to me.”
“That’s how I feel about being a vampire. The need to drink blood every day can be inconvenient at times, but it’s natural for me.”
“How does the city view werewolves?”
“Not favorably, I’m afraid. It’s widely believed that your kind are inferior, stupid animals. I had believed that you spoke with a guttural sound that renders you incomprehensible. Clearly, that’s not true.”
“It’s partially true. There are some who turned their backs on their humanity. They prefer to stay in wolf form and speak as wolves. When they do talk, it’s difficult to understand them. They give the rest of us a bad reputation.”
Jack nodded. “It’s the same way with my kind. Some are arrogant to the point of snobby and believing they are superior to every living thing. They would prefer to attack humans instead of living among them peacefully and getting their blood from the blood bank like most of us do.” Jack checked a watch. “I have a duel in a few hours. Would you like to come?”
“Yes. I’d love to.” Yusei barked happily and Jack laughed. He enjoyed Yusei’s company and friendship. Despite them being different races, they had a lot in common and Jack looked forward to knowing Yusei more in the coming days and weeks.
Jack opened the box door and Yusei bounded into it, running up to the window, and planting his paws on the sill, tail swishing. Jack smiled in amusement before turning to the man outside it. “Now remember, sausages and water when he wants it. He’ll bark to get your attention. In fact, you may want to get some now.”
“Yes, sir.” The man jogged away as Jack closed the door and went up next to Yusei. “Impressive view, isn’t it?”
“It’s amazing,” Yusei agreed. “I can see everything from up here.”
“Yeah; as specks. Fortunately, a TV screen will activate just before the match starts. I hope my choice of food for you is okay.”
“It’s fine. I love sausages, raw or cooked.”
“I thought so. I saw how you ate them this morning.”
“Yusei dropped to all fours and nuzzled Jack’s hand. “I can’t thank you enough for this.”
“Really? I happen to know you have two friends back home and I sent someone to give them communicators so you can talk to them.”
“I can!?” Yusei couldn’t resist vigorously licking Jack’s hand in thanks.
Jack laughed as he lifted up his hand. “All right, all right. I’ve got a duel to play and I think you duel food just arrived.” Jack left as bowls of food and water were brought in. Yusei settled down to eat and watch.
Chapter Eight- Epilogue
“You’re a vampire’s pet?” Rally’s voice gasped.
“I am, but really it’s not that bad. Jack is really nice. We’re just as much friends as we are owner and pet.”
“Sounds like you got lucky he bought you,” came Crow’s voice. “Honestly when we couldn’t find you weeks ago, we figured you were caught and sold.”
“Yeah. It was rough the first couple of days but as I said, things are great now.”
“We should hang up,” Rally said. “The moon will rise soon.”
“You’re right. I’ll call after the full moons are over.” Yusei pushed a paw on the power button and the device turned off. He leaped off his bed, padded out of the bedroom, and into a secret passage in the hall. He came to a sealed door and Jack standing beside it. The vampire smiled before entering a code into a number pad. A beep sounded and the door opened to reveal a large room of steel walls and plenty of food and water.
“I know it’s not much, but it’ll serve its purpose,” Jack said.
“As long as I’m unable to escape, I don’t care what it looks like.” Yusei entered the room and turned. “Good night, Jack.”
“Good night, Yusei.” Jack sealed the wolf in and then raced to his room and activated his computer before linking it to the hidden cameras in the safe room. He was curious about Yusei’s full moon form and had the cameras installed. He sat down and watched Yusei pad around the room. He quickly glanced up at the sky outside the window before looking down again and his mouth dropped.
Yusei had reared up onto his back legs which had gotten bigger and more muscular. His tail had gotten bushier and his back claws had extended past his paws. His body grew bigger and more muscular and his forepaws transformed into clawed hands with pads on the palms. His blue eyes turned red and glowing. He threw back his head and howled, though Jack couldn’t hear it.
He really does look like a monster. No wonder humans in the Satellite fear werewolves. But, it’s only three nights a month. Jack watched as Yusei tried unsuccessfully to get out and eventually give up. He devoured the food and drank some water before curling up, but not sleeping. Jack logged off before sleeping himself.
Yusei’s last full moon night occurred the night before Jack’s next duel. The duel gave Jack a challenge and he managed to win by a narrow margin. This exciting win prompted Jack to host a victory party for that night. It suited Jack as he was dying to show off Yusei who was also eager to see what a social party was like.
A catering service was hired and Jack made a menu for humans and vampires as well as a short list of guests. While the caterers were setting up, Jack selected an outfit before washing, combing, and brushing Yusei. He even added a fancy bow to the collar to give it a festive look.
At long last, the party started at eight. Jack stood at the front door to greet the guests with Yusei at his side. Each guest that came in thanked Jack for the invite, congratulated him on his win, and complimented him on his werewolf pet. Yusei preened at being called handsome and enjoyed the strokes and pets he received. He made sure to act like a wolf as per the agreement he and Jack had made weeks ago.
“Akiza, welcome,” said Jack. He looked down and smiled. “And you brought your pet. Wonderful.”
“I could hardly miss a party,” the lady vampires said. She then looked down and she grinned. “So you did buy a pet and handsome one, too.”
“Thank you. I recently gave him a bath.”
Akiza’s wolf approached Yusei and sniffed him and Yusei did the same. The female barked and Yusei did the same, too. Yusei sensed this wolf had been taught to act like a wolf at all times, unlike him. If Mina hadn’t abused me, Jack and I would never have become friends.
“That was a wonderful party,” Yusei said as he and Jack laid in bed, the former in human form. “Are all parties like that?”
“Certain parts of them are. There is always a supply of blood of course. Some gatherings are large and others are small.. The reasons also vary. Some are held to flaunt their riches and finery. I occasionally have one to celebrate dueling victories. I find that the best parties are those that are announced mere hours before they start.”
“Like tonight’s party.”
“Precisely.” Jack smothered a yawn. “I’ll be finishing the paperwork on you living with me.”
“I thought it was done.”
“All, except your name. It won’t take long. Afterwards, we can take a walk and I’ll show you anything you want.”
“Sounds great.” Yusei yawned and dropped off to sleep, actually happy to be the property of a vampire.