Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Part One
Atem picked up the goblet from the plate it sat on and drained it before regarding the boy who knelt before him. His head was bowed, his eyes were closed, and he held the plate above his head. He wore the typical clothes of a slave but wore cuffs and a collar that told all that he was the pharaoh’s slave and that to mistreat him invited imprisonment or death.
The boy was bit of a curiosity to him. His skin was tanned like most humans but it was his hair that intrigued him. It was just like his own but didn’t have the upward yellow streaks that he had. Who would have thought that a human would have hair like mine?
This wasn’t the first time Atem had seen him. The first time had been the night he took the throne two weeks ago. Seto had presented him to Atem, but gave no name. Instead he had said, “I present to you your own personal slave, my pharaoh. It is tradition that the pharaoh have a slave throughout his reign. Naturally, this one will be the first of many.”
“Unless I am killed,” Atem had cut in. “We may be immortal vampires, but we can still die.”
In all that time, Atem did not interact with the boy, never spoke to him beyond dismissing him and the boy saying a soft, “Yes, my pharaoh.” He had never even seen his eyes as the boy always had his head down.
That ends here as he’s my personal slave and what could be more personal than names? “Boy, what is your name?” he asked gently.
In the same soft submissive voice, he answered, “Yugi, my pharaoh.”
Yugi. A sweet name for a sweet boy. “Yugi, you are my personal slave, but I feel we could establish a friendship as well.”
Yugi could hardly believe his ears. His master, the great pharaoh, wanted to be friends? Be more than master and servant? He seems to be very different from all other vampires. It would also seem I lucked out in serving him.
“Yugi, please look at me.”
Yugi lowered the plate, lifted his head, and opened his eyes. Atem nearly gasped. Yugi’s eyes were wider but had the same color of his own eyes. He saw that Yugi was equally astonished by this. “Remarkable,” Atem said. “I did not think I would meet a human with similar looks to my own.”
Yugi dropped his eyes to the floor. “I’m not human, my pharaoh.”
“No,” his voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m a…werewolf.”
Yugi nodded. “I was born this way. My parents are dead and my grandpa’s raised me and was grooming me to be the alpha of the pack when I was caught. No one in the palace but you knows my true nature.”
“Why tell me?”
“Well, if we are to be friends, I want to be honest. I’ll understand if you want to kill me or forget about being friends.”
“What?” Atem asked, confused.
Yugi kept his eyes down. “I was told that my kind are not viewed favorably by humans or vampires and are usually killed. Werewolves are seen as crude and vulgar with no civilized order or language of any kind.”
“That’s not what I see,” Atem said softly. “I see a sweet, kind werewolf who is to be the next alpha of his pack.”
“I was to be alpha but that’s over now. I am to serve you for the rest of my life, which is longer than anyone else knows.”
Atem nodded. Werewolves and vampires were both immortal and both had two weaknesses, one of which they shared. They were both allergic to silver, but sunlight was fatal to vampires while Wolfsbane weakened werewolves. The impalement of silver killed both races. “Yugi, tell me the truth about werewolves. I want to know the truth and dispel the lies I was told.”
“Yes, my pharaoh. Well, obviously we can talk and look human. We can change into wolves whenever we like, but forced to on the full moon but are self-aware. We exist in packs who live in villages. We do eat humans, but not often. I imagine that’s where the crude and vulgar aspect comes in.”
“I would have to agree. What were you told about my kind before you were caught?”
“That you were unfeeling, cruel bloodsuckers who drain humans as they please.”
“Obviously you know we don’t drain humans like that. The humans in this city donate their blood so those in the palace can get one cup every night to live. I’m afraid we can be unfeeling and cruel at times.”
“You don’t seem that way, my pharaoh.”
Atem finally smiled, exposing his fangs. “Thank you, Yugi. I admit that I have interest in learning about anything I’ve heard or read of and werewolves are one of them. I had thought you had powers aside from the enhanced abilities you share with my kind.”
“We do. We have the ability to appear human. I’m using it now to conceal my werewolf signs.”
Atem blinked. “We too can disguise our vampire signs if we chose to venture out of the city. There is a network of caves under the desert to hide us from the sun. Speaking of which, what is the sun like?”
“It’s bright and warm but sometimes hot. It’s quite pleasant, really.”
“Could I see your wolf form?”
“I would be happy to.” Yugi instantly shifted into a large wolf with magenta-tipped black fur, extended claws, long delicate ears and muzzle, and a long full tail. His eyes were still purple. Atem came down and ran a clawed hand over Yugi’s back, feeling the soft fur under his pale fingers. “Very nice,” he said. “What physical signs to you have in your human form?”
“Wolf ears, a tail, and clawed hands. I tend to conceal them except at home.” Yugi’s nose flared and his tail wagged a little. The young alpha recognized the hints of the mating desire and was shocked that his desire was toward Atem! Why am I attracted to the vampire pharaoh?
While Yugi questioned this, Atem too felt a desire to have Yugi as a mate. He was also shocked by this revelation. Is it possible for a vampire and a werewolf to be mates? That is a question I could put to the court. “Yugi, you need to leave. It is almost time for the court to gather.”
Yugi returned to his human appearance and gathered the plate and goblet. “Pharaoh-,” he began.
“Atem will do when we’re alone.”
“Atem, I’m feeling a mating desire toward you. I don’t know why but I wanted you to know."
“I’m feeling the same way toward you. I wonder if it’s possible and wish to ask the court about it.”
“And if it isn’t?”
“I will do what is necessary to make it possible.”
“I forgot to mention that my kind can turn humans and vampires at any time.”
“You mean I could become a werewolf?”
“Yeah, you could but then you wouldn’t be pharaoh.”
“If we’re together, that wouldn’t matter to me.”
Yugi then nodded and shuffled past the court as they came in. Each one looked at him as they would with a human servant: As if he was vastly inferior to a normal citizen. Their looks told Yugi that they wouldn’t approve of him being Atem’s mate.
Atem took his seat and waited for the court to take their places. Once they had, he drew himself up. “I have a hypothetical question and I want your honest opinions: Is it at all possible for a vampire and a werewolf to be mates?”
Part Two
“What!?” Aknadin gasped. “A vampire and a werewolf being mates? My pharaoh, that is absurd.”
“Not necessarily,” Seto said. “It could be possible but ultimately the relationship would break down by the natures of the two in question.”
“Suppose I fell for a werewolf and vice versa. What then?” Atem asked quietly.
“Out of the question,” Seto said. “You are the pharaoh and should turn a woman to be your wife.”
“I see and if I wasn’t the pharaoh?”
“Then you would be asked to leave the city and live with your werewolf mate.”
I could do that. I could step down, leave with Yugi, and ask to be turned. Yugi wouldn’t be against the idea then. Atem briskly moved on to other matters. “Seto, how is our blood supply?”
“It is very good, but we had to drain a criminal. Our burial pit is getting full.”
Atem’s fangs bit his lip. Only criminals were bled dry and their bodies were placed a mass burial pit. There is a way to decrease the pit by one only no one but me knows it. He moved on to another matter while planning to take a walk by the burial pit with Yugi. Court matters were soon done and his members filed out…save for Mahad, his best friend and magician. He stood before him and knelt. “My pharaoh.”
“Yes, Mahad?”
“If I may say, your curiosity about werewolf and vampire pairing was odd. Are you in love with a werewolf?”
“No,” he said immediately. “I came across the topic in passing while reading and was seeking clarification.”
“Ah,” Mahad said. “I see. You are someone who seeks knowledge of any sort.”
“Correct. Now, I desire a walk and will be taking my slave with me.”
“As you wish.” Mahad allowed Atem to leave first before following him and then heading off to train his students.
Atem approached the small room that served as Yugi’s room and when he stood in the doorway, Yugi immediately knelt. “Atem.”
The vampire smiled at hearing his name spoken. “Yugi, is your desire for humans activated by urge or the full moon?”
“Neither. It can be done at any time.”
“Excellent. We have a mass grave in a secluded corner in the back of the grounds and it is almost full with the bodies of bled criminals. I want to show you where it is so you could eat them while the rest of us sleep.” At least until possibly tomorrow night, he added silently.
Yugi rose and bowed his head. “That is an excellent idea. I am ready.” Yugi followed Atem through the palace as a slave would so as to not tip off that things had changed between them that night. They entered the back and Yugi’s nose flared as he smelled decomposing flesh. He did not need Atem to lead him but of course, the pharaoh knew that; as a slave Yugi was not allowed to wander on his own. He was led to the corner Atem had described and he licked his lips at the sight of the pit. He could easily dig up bodies and eat them and said as much.
“I thought so.” Atem looked around before saying, “If you wish to eat now, go ahead.”
“Thank you, I would.” Yugi dropped his disguise, crouched down, and began to dig with his clawed hands. Atem stared at Yugi’s wolf signs. His ears and tail were just like his full wolf form but proportionate to his size. When an arm was visible, Yugi shifted to full wolf form, seized it in his mouth, and pulled the corpse out. He neatly ate and cut the body as he was taught and ignored the fact that he was being watched by someone who wasn’t a werewolf.
Atem glanced around to keep a lookout while watching Yugi eat. He was impressed with how neatly he ate and guessed he was taught to do that. He didn’t see this feasting as crude or vulgar. He saw a civilized wolf and guessed it was the eating of flesh that others found repulsive, yet he didn’t. He found that a bit odd. Shouldn’t I find this disturbing instead of fascinating?
Yugi finished eating and was washing his face, claws, and paws while Atem put the remains back in the pit and recovering it. “Was that good?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Yugi said with a sigh as he resumed his human disguise. “You actually watched. Usually only other werewolves would watch.”
“I find your kind fascinating and wish to learn everything. I found your eating also fascinating and how you did it. I’m guessing you were taught to eat that way?”
“Yes. Grandpa said an alpha must set an example for the others as well as be a polite guest when visiting another alpha’s village.”
“Ah, yes. The other villages. Interesting.”
“Are there other vampire cities?” Yugi asked.
“Yes and the journey can be made safely with those underground tunnels I mentioned.”
“Were you born a vampire?”
“Yes. I am still aging and will stop when I become a full grown adult.”
“Same here. Once I’m fully grown, I will stop aging.”
“You said you were being groomed to be alpha. When is that to happen?”
“In a couple of weeks on the full moon. It can happen on the cycle after that and the one after that until my next birthday. Then, the pack will assume I’m dead and Grandpa will officially lead the pack.”
“How much longer until your next birthday?”
“Several months.”
Atem felt guilt go through him. His people had inadvertently caught a werewolf in disguise who had family and a pack who were no doubt worried about him. He needs to be set free. I will bring this to the court’s attention tomorrow night.
“Atem? Did you ask the court about my kind and your kind being mates?”
“I did and one said the ideas was absurd. But another said it is possible, but the relationship ultimately breaks down due to their different natures. I hypothetically asked what if I fell for a werewolf and vice versa. The one who said it was possible said that it was out of the question as I’m the pharaoh and expected to turn a woman to take as my wife.”
“Oh,” Yugi said, sounding disappointed. “And if you weren’t the pharaoh?”
“I would be asked to leave the city and live with my werewolf mate.”
“I see.”
“Would your pack have issues of you loving a vampire?”
“Not really, but eldest one would ask the vampire if he or she would become a werewolf as the relationship would be hard what with the sun being fatal and we don’t have tunnels or underground chambers as we can look human.”
“So, both of our kind don’t really see a love like ours able to survive. You can’t be a vampire but I can be a werewolf. Perhaps that’s what I’ll do tomorrow night.”
“But you’re the pharaoh!”
“True, but I also intend to insist that you be set free.”
“Set free?”
“You have family and a pack who are probably worried about you. How about you turn me the night you’re freed?”
“What about the night after as you’ll have had your blood not long after waking up?”
“Yes. The night after then.”
“As you wish, Atem.”
Part Three
Yugi awoke about mid-afternoon and headed back out to the burial pit. He was hungry and decided to indulge in some flesh. He marveled at how quiet and empty the palace was during the day. He knew that all the vampires were dead asleep in hidden chambers under the floors of their bedchambers. There were human guards, but they protected the citizens and the outside of the palace gates, so he basically had free run to the place.
He entered the back of the palace and was approaching the pit when he heard the howl of a wolf. He froze at the sound, recognizing the owner and hardly believing what he heard. He heard it again, closer, and turned to see a yellow wolf leap onto the wall. His heart swelled at the sight of it. “Joey!” he called.
The wolf leaped down and ran to him before changing into a blonde boy with wolf signs. “Yugi!” he exclaimed giving him a hug. “Yugi, what are you doing here? Don’t you realize this is a vampire’s palace?”
“Uh-huh.” Yugi lifted his head to fully expose the collar.
“Oh, Yugi. You’re a slave,” Joey moaned. “I didn’t think they would enslave a werewolf.”
“Actually, only the pharaoh knows and he didn’t know until last night. He wanted to be friends and I wanted to be honest with him.”
“Is the pharaoh the one you serve?”
“He is and Joey, he looks a lot like me but has extra yellow streaks.” Yugi drew a finger up his hair as he said this.
“So, you’re friends now, huh?”
Yugi shuffled a foot. “Actually…we’re in love.”
“What!?” Joey exclaimed. “You can’t be in love with a vampire.”
“Why not?” Yugi challenged. “He plans to insist that I be set free tonight and then he plans to give up his throne and leave with me as vampire law doesn’t approve of vampires loving werewolves. Oh and he wants me to turn him too.”
Joey’s eyes lit up at this. “Yeah. Then he’ll be a werewolf too. He’ll need a lot of teaching, though.”
“Not too much. He’s asked a lot already. In fact when I said I’m to be the alpha that prompted him to want to set me free.”
“Wow, he really is different from what we’ve been told about vampires.”
“Yeah. Joey, you hungry?”
“I am. I’m thinking of hunting a human.”
“You could or you could eat a body over here.” Yugi dropped his illusion and began to dig.
“Yug’?” Joey asked, confused.
“The vampires bleed a criminal dry and dump the bodies in a mass grave. It’s getting full and Atem led me out here last night and said I would eat while everyone’s asleep.” Yugi uncovered the body he had started on, shifted to full wolf, and began to eat. Joey seized a body, also shifted, and started eating.
“Ah, that hit the spot,” Joey commented a little bit later.
“I know. It’s a shame we can’t bring them back to the others.”
“We probably could. We could sneak in and each smuggle a body out.”
Yugi cocked his head a little. “Yeah, every member could smuggle a body out a day at a time. In fact, take one Joey and tell everyone what I told you.”
“Yes, alpha.” Joey took human form, seized a corpse, and smoothly departed while Yugi also took human form, went to his room, washed up, and waited to be summoned to deliver Atem his nightly blood.
Atem yawned widely as he sat up and stretched. It was a new night and, if things went right, an important night. He had pondered how to proceed and knew Yugi should be present as it was his freedom that would be discussed. He left his hidden chamber and strode down the corridors to his Throne Room, aware that he could be doing so for the last time. He took his seat and waited for his blood to be delivered. When Yugi brought it, it was done the way it always had been but once Atem was done draining it, he and Yugi shared a loving look. “Yugi, return the plate and cup and then come back here. You will be present at tonight’s meeting.”
Yugi bowed as he collected the items and quickly left the room, coming back a few minutes ahead of the court. He, at Atem’s instruction, stood beside the throne in a position of submission which didn’t come naturally to him as he was an alpha. The court entered, a couple of them glancing curiously at Yugi before they took their places. Atem opened court and briskly handled the usual business before broaching the subject he most wanted to discuss.
“Now, I know that tradition says that I am to have a personal slave, but in recent nights, I have given this matter a good deal of thought. It is, in my opinion, that I do not need a slave and insist that my current one be set free tonight.”
“Set him free?” Aknadin repeated. “My pharaoh, we do not dispute your decision to end your need for a slave, but this human is already in your service and will remain so for the rest of his life.”
“He will be set free tonight and for a couple of reasons.” He took a breath. “Yugi is not a human. He is…a werewolf.”
There was dead silence and Seto said faintly, “A…werewolf? We caught a werewolf and made him a slave?”
Atem nodded at Yugi. “Show your sign form.” Yugi dropped his illusion and the court openly stared at him. “Yugi told and showed me last night as I had expressed a desire to be friends. He also revealed that he is to become the next alpha of his pack in two weeks. I feel it is imperative that he be allowed to claim his birthright.”
There was a quick exchange of looks before Aknadin said, “Yes, pharaoh, you are right. We have enjoyed a delicate truce with the werewolves and have no desire to disrupt it.”
“Good. Yugi, your service to me is now null and void.” Atem seized the collar and snapped it off before detaching the cuffs on the wrists. “You are free to go.”
Yugi’s tail wagged a little at the statement as he looked at Atem meaningfully. Atem smiled at him and nodded his understanding before facing the court again. “Now, the other reason I wished to free him. I already know your positions on the matter we discussed last night, but it doesn’t change how I feel on the matter.”
A disapproving frown graced Seto’s face. “You’re in love with Yugi.”
“I am. I understand that such a relationship is out of the question due to my title, but that doesn’t alter my love for him.”
“And you, Yugi?” Mahad asked gently.
“I love him, too,” Yugi said, his alpha confidence coming to the fore. “My mating desire rose up last night and it was directed at the pharaoh. I cannot deny my desire once it has zeroed in on someone.”
Mahad saw the affection in the eyes of both vampire and werewolf and knew they couldn’t keep them apart. “My pharaoh, based on everything we’ve heard, it is clear that we can’t keep you apart. As per our laws, you must leave and live with Yugi.”
“Does it have to be that way?” Yugi asked.
“Yugi, it’s fine,” Atem said. He raised his hands and removed the crown. He then rose, put the crown on the throne, and descended the steps with Yugi behind him. “I relinquish my throne to live with my mate.”
“Good luck, Atem,” Isis said.
“Thank you and, as stated years ago, Seto will take the throne now.” Atem bowed to Seto and then took in his former court one final time before he walked out of the room. Yugi gave everyone a heartbreaking apologetic look before following Atem. His former master was now a normal vampire and would live with him.
Part Four
Yugi hurried after Atem as he strode out the palace gates. There were no people on the streets as the pair headed out of the city. “Atem, are you sure about this?” he asked.
“I am. Besides, I think I am less vampire than before. I have experienced feelings of love and pity; more so than is normal for a vampire. I am a vampire, no denying that. I do not regret giving up my place as pharaoh as I can be with you. I rather like the idea of being the mate of the werewolf alpha.”
“When I am made alpha, you will be the beta or you will be once I turn you.”
“Yes. So, if you would take the lead since I have no idea where you live?”
“Okay.” Yugi moved ahead of Atem and moved quickly across the sand with Atem easily keeping up. “We should get there tomorrow night. How far are those tunnels you mentioned?”
Atem smiled, fang tips exposed. “They’re quite extensive and you know I’ll be asleep once the sun rises. I have no doubt we’ll find a tunnel entrance before then.”
The pair continued to move without talking, determined to cover as much ground as possible before sunrise. Atem was in deep thought as they traveled. The blood he had consumed earlier would sustain him for the night but when he awoke the following night, he would need blood again…unless Yugi bit him. Yes, that would be ideal. He felt a thrill well up in him at the thought. He would be a living being who could walk in the sun and not burn or fall asleep. His heart would beat instead of being a dead organ. His skin would turn tan and he’d have a fur coat when he took full wolf form. He suspected he’d have the wolf signs soon after the bite. I wonder what color fur I’ll have.
Yugi took a brief glance at Atem and saw the vampire seemed lost in thought. He faced forward and marveled over how things had changed so quickly in just twenty-four hours. He had gone from meek slave to being friends and mates with Atem to him being free and Atem giving up his throne because of love for him. He felt a stab of guilt at Atem having to step down but the vampire had assured him that he was fine with that. This must be how Atem felt when I admitted to being the future alpha. It is fortunate that Atem had someone to rule in his place and they will make it known to the city.
Yugi then thought to tomorrow night. He was eager to bite Atem, but felt that it was best to wait for tomorrow night as tonight’s blood was keeping Atem’s existence going. I do lap up some blood when I eat, but I’m a living person so that’s not a big deal. Atem will need blood tomorrow night, but if I bite him, he’ll need food. I think I’ll go hunt while Atem sleeps.
Yugi stared down at Atem’s sleeping form. He had never seen a vampire sleep because of the hidden chambers. Atem laid on his back with his arms crossed over his chest. His face was calm and he wasn’t breathing. If I didn’t know better, I would think he was just another corpse. He turned away and headed back to an entrance they had passed not that long ago. He climbed up, squinting at the light as he stood there.
His nose flared as turned in a circle to scent prey. He locked onto one and shifted to wolf before running toward it. He knew he could find his way back to Atem with no problem so he was content to wander far from his mate. He inhaled to focus on the scent and identified it as a human caravan. He also smelled the scent of werewolves with one that made his heart pound: His grandpa! He’s leading a hunting party, Yugi thought as he sped up when he heard screams and the whinny of horses. He leaped over a dune and slid down the other side to see the dead caravan and wolves, some of them shifting to sign form to take control of the horses. He howled to the pack and he heard yips and his name shouted in joy. A gray wolf with purple eyes ran up to him and they rubbed cheeks.
“Yugi, my boy,” Solomon said, his voice choked with emotion.
“Grandpa,” Yugi replied, tears sliding down his cheeks. “I missed you so much.”
“And I missed you. Joey told us everything you told him. So, where is your mate?”
“Asleep. I haven’t turned him yet.”
“Of course. It would be cruel to turn him after he had had his nightly blood. A newly turned is usually very hungry after changing and his blood dose would likely mess with his changing systems.”
“And that’s why I’m doing it tonight.” Yugi went to the caravan, seized a body, and started dragging it, promising he would be home and have his mate with him tonight.
Atem’s eyes opened and he sat up, stretching his arms and his nose smelled blood. He shifted around and saw Yugi sitting nearby with a neatly cut body behind him. He gave Atem a wolf’s grin as he was in full wolf form. “Good evening,” Yugi said.
“Good evening. I see you found food and blood for us.”
“Actually, I found a hunting party who had killed a caravan and the party was from my village with Grandpa leading them.
“I want to bite you before you get any blood. If you drink now, it would mess with your changing systems. Plus, you’ll be real hungry after you change.”
“How will I look?” he asked as he presented an arm.
“Human with wolf signs. You will be able to shift soon after that.” Yugi bit down firmly to inject his race’s heritage into Atem.
Atem gasped loudly at the bite and saw his skin turn tan and feeling his heart beating for the first time ever. He heard cloth tear and felt his ears burn and stretch. He gave a howl after the sensations ended and he panted slightly. He reached up to feel a soft furry ear before noting that his clawed hands hadn’t changed. He looked back to see a yellow-tipped black tail. He smiled at it and it wagged a little. I’m really a werewolf now and I’m happy about it. He then heard a sound in the area of his stomach. “What was that?” he asked.
Yugi giggled. “That’s your stomach growling, saying it’s hungry.” He deposited a large amount of flesh and organs in front of Atem before feasting on another portion.
Atem focused on shifting to full wolf and saw black-yellow paws instead of hands. He laid down and began to eat, his sharp teeth cutting the flesh easily and the taste was pleasing to him. He ate hungrily, realizing that Yugi had been right about his hunger.
“Good?” Yugi asked as Atem lapped up some blood.
“Very good,” he admitted. “And I’m getting a little full.”
“That’s fine. We can carry what’s left as we’ll be burning energy as we travel.”
“Are we much further?” he asked as Yugi put a horse’s saddlebag on his back.
“We’re about halfway there,” he answered, sliding a saddlebag onto his own back. “Particularly if we run on all fours. An all fours run won’t take too long.” Yugi led the way to the entrance and up to the starry sky above.
Atem followed and stood there to take in his surroundings. He felt the sand under his paws and he unconsciously kneaded it with his extended claws. His eyes pierced the night around him and the smells of the desert filled his nose. My nose is more sensitive now. I wouldn’t have smelled all of this as a vampire.
“Atem? You okay?”
“Yes. Just taking in my sharper senses. A vampire really only smells blood and what humans can smell. This is far more intense.”
Yugi nodded. “I understand. You know, we don’t really know much about vampires, despite our truce. We usually keep to ourselves.”
“I’d be happy to provide information,” he said and then took off after Yugi who had started running for their home.
Part Five
Atem leaped and bounded, getting a feel for his four legs, paws, and extended claws. He felt so alive which made sense. The world seemed brighter, sharper, and clearer than before. He practiced using the canine language, finding the various sounds fascinating. His adjustment took most of the trip which made it seem shorter than it really was.
Yugi couldn’t keep the grin off his muzzle as his mate played with his new body. Atem came across like a pup and he found it charming and it reminded him of Grandpa relating stories of Yugi’s pup days to him as well as his parents’. He heard Atem yip and bark and he laughed.
Yugi’s ears heard music and laughter some time later while his eyes saw the glow of torches and his nose smelled cooked food. Atem also took all this in as they stood there and remarked, “Sounds like a celebration.”
“It is. They’re celebrating my return and taking a mate. Come on.” Yugi raced toward the sights and sounds while Atem followed quickly, hoping his reception would be warm and well-received.
The celebration was cheerful with werewolves dancing in sign form or full wolf or talking and laughing. Yugi’s heart swelled with happiness and his tail swished as he stood at the entrance and howled his presence. His call was answered with howls, yips, and his name before his pack came racing up to him. Yugi laughed as he said, “Thank you. It’s great to be back. Yes, of course I’ll be resuming my duties.”
Joey, in sign form, looked behind Yugi to see a black-yellow wolf who was just a little bigger than Yugi. He was shifting on his paws with his head down and his claws kneading the sand. That has to be Atem. He walked up to him and crouched down. “Hi, I’m Joey. You’re Atem, right?”
The wolf looked up and Joey saw purple eyes that held firm authority but also a good deal of fear and nervousness. “Yes. I am,” he answered in a deep voice that was a bit soft. “How did you know my name?”
“I caught Yug’s scent yesterday and followed it to the back of the palace. We talked and Yugi mentioned your name. It was nice of you to free him.”
“It was…easier than I thought and I wish I had spoken to Yugi sooner. I would have known he was a werewolf and freed him then.” Atem’s voice held a bit of self-disgust and regret as he bowed his head again.
“Now, now,” said a jovial voice and Atem looked up to see a gray wolf with purple eyes. “It all worked out and doubt ill suits a beta. Come join the celebration, Atem. Meet your pack, talk with them. There are a couple who are curious about vampires and would like to hear about them.”
Atem perked up at this. “I’d be happy to tell them.” Atem followed Solomon and Joey into the village and was greeted warmly by his fellow werewolves who wanted to know if what Joey had told them was true. He confirmed their questions or dispelled them. He met up with the vampire enthusiasts and spent most of the remaining night speaking with them.
It was nearly dawn when the village decided to end the party and get some sleep. There were calls of wishing one another sweet dreams or sleep tight as singles, pairs, or families headed into houses. Atem followed Solomon and Yugi to their house but stopped as both stood in the doorway and resumed their sign forms. Yugi smiled at him. “Change to your sign form,” he said.
Atem did so and glanced worriedly at the eastern horizon. The sun’s about to come up! Why won’t they let me inside so I can hide from it?
Solomon interpreted his expression and patted a shoulder. “The sun can’t hurt you anymore, remember? This is your first sunrise. You should witness it, just don’t look at the sun for too long. Not a good idea.”
“You could go blind.”
Atem’s ears slicked back for a moment. “Yes, not a good idea.” He looked to the east.
A chink of gold light peeked over the horizon and gradually grew as a golden orb appeared, washing its light over the land around it and the black sky fading to different colors of which Atem was oblivious as he was fascinated by the sun rising. Atem stared at the orb for a few moments longer before running a hand over an arm when he had felt a deep warmth on it. “So, that’s the sun,” he whispered in awe. “Yugi, you were right. It’s very pleasant.” He looked up again and noticed the sky. “Blue,” he said in wonder. “The sky’s changed color.”
Solomon and Yugi exchanged amused smiles. No vampire had ever wished to be a werewolf so Atem’s reactions were to be expected. “I take it that you like the sights of daylight?” Solomon asked.
“It’s brighter but I like it. This makes giving up my throne worth it.”
“You don’t regret it?”
Atem shook his head. “No. I’ll just miss the palace.”
“Maybe not,” Yugi said. “I had the idea of smuggling the bodies in the pit out of the palace during the day.”
“Or…we could offer to take them,” Atem said. “The bodies are just lying there, wasting away. Surely, they’d be glad to be rid of them.”
“Yes,” Solomon said. “A large group of us could go to the city, but only you, Atem, and Yugi will approach the palace.”
Atem nodded. “A good plan and I think setting out the day after tomorrow would be good.” He then stifled a yawn.
Solomon chuckled. “Let’s get some sleep and then we can tell the pack your idea and the plan.”
Atem followed them in and was told that he and Yugi would share a bed since they were mates. The size of the bed surprised him as it was big enough for three people. He found it uncomfortable on his back because of his tail and settled on his side. He gave a soft sigh at the soft surface beneath him and the warmth as Yugi snuggled up behind him.
“Did you really like your first sunrise?” Yugi said softly.
“Yes and I look forward to my first sunset. Will that be just as nice?”
“Actually, it’s breath-taking. The sky changes into bands of color like it did this morning before the sky turns black.”
“Sounds lovely,” Atem breathed before lapsing into sleep.
The smell of food roused Yugi from sleep and he propped himself onto his hands and knees, stretching each limb and tail like a dog would. He swiped the back of each ear and then looked at Atem. He saw his side rise and fall in a deep, even rhythm indicating sleep. It was a vast difference from yesterday. Of course it was, he thought. Yesterday he was a vampire and today he’s a werewolf as well as my mate.
Atem stirred and he sat up, stretching his limbs and tail in a human fashion. He then tilted his head for a moment. “It’s still daylight, but I feel refreshed.”
Yugi smiled. “We’ve been asleep for hours and don’t have to sleep the whole day away.”
Atem rolled out of bed and turned to Yugi with a rueful smile. “Yes, of course. It’ll take some time to get used to this level of freedom.”
Yugi knew he was referring to being alive as, as a vampire, he was forced to sleep the entire day away. He was not accustomed to having so many hours available to him. He nodded. “Yeah, I know. It’s normal to me and I can’t expect you to automatically adjust.”
“I appreciate that.” Atem embraced Yugi and got a surprise when Yugi pulled him down and kissed him. “Wow,” he said when they parted. “It didn’t know a kiss would feel so good.”
“You’ve seen humans kiss.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I have, but such a gesture is not done among vampires due to our mostly unfeeling disposition.”
“Understood. So, let’s get some food and then we can tell the pack your idea and pick who will join us on the journey and who will watch over the village and those left here.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Atem followed Yugi out of the room. His first day as a werewolf had so far been wonderful and he looked forward to learning more as well as his first sunset. And when I see my ex-court, they’ll likely want me to share my thoughts on these experiences.
Part Six
The city was aglow with a fiery sunset as Atem, Yugi, and their group stood on a dune overlooking it. It was a beautiful sight and one that Atem appreciated. He still found the sunrises and sunsets amazing as they were never the same twice in a row. While the others would sleep through the sunrise, Atem would be awake to watch. He sensed that, in time, he would sleep through them as well. Thus far, he had seen three sunrises and was adding his third sunset this day.
The sun flared as it vanished and night fell. Everyone took full wolf form and followed their future alpha and beta into the city, Atem leading more than Yugi as he had occasionally wandered the streets during his time as prince and then briefly as pharaoh. They avoided the notice of the guards as they kept to the shadows. When they reached the gates’ wall, Atem and Yugi took their sign form and approached the front alone.
The guards recognized Atem despite his tanned skin and wolf signs. They bowed to him and Atem and Yugi returned the gesture. “Please inform Pharaoh Seto that Yugi and I wish to see him.” One guard entered the gate and Atem made small talk with the other guard who seemed a little awkward to be speaking to the former pharaoh. The other guard returned and allowed the werewolves to enter. They headed to the Throne Room with confidence, entered, went up to the throne steps, and knelt. “Pharaoh,” Atem said, feeling a little strange addressing another with his old title.
Seto stared at Atem. It was clear that he was a werewolf now due to the ears, tail, claws, and skin. His sharp hearing even heard heartbeats from him. “Is it really you, Atem?” he asked.
Atem rose and smiled. “It is. I was turned the night after I left. Yugi and I are here to make an offer. A deal, if you will.”
“I’m listening.”
“You know of our kind’s taste for human flesh every once in a while. Our pack would be willing to take the bodies in the pit back to our home.”
“That sounds like a good idea, my pharaoh,” Isis said to Seto. “We have no need of the bodies. They are just taking up space.”
Seto nodded. “That is true. It would be foolish to dismiss such a beneficial offer.”
“We have pack members waiting near the palace gate to take the bodies away,” Yugi spoke up.
“We have carts available so you can carry more of the bodies out,” Mahad offered.
“Thanks. Then, may I go get our members?”
“Granted. Atem, please stay.”
Atem stayed put while Yugi ran off to gather their group and lead them to the burial pit with Mahad following so he could gather the carts. Atem felt amusement at how his court was staring or admiring him. “So, what do you think?”
“It’s…different,” Kalim said. “But it suits you.”
“I especially like the tail,” Isis said. She walked over to Atem. “May I feel it?”
“Go ahead. I enjoy it when it is stroked.” He felt Isis’ clawed hand run over his tail and the end wagged slightly making Isis laugh gently.
“What is it like? Being a werewolf?” Shada asked.
“Well, I have the same speed and strength as before as well as still being immortal. My senses are sharper, though. I can see, hear, and smell better than before. Night is clearer to me, I can hear over long distances, and my nose can pick up scents no human or vampire can smell.”
There were amused smiles at the tone of excitement and awe in Atem’s voice. Isis stepped back as she asked, “Could you take your full wolf form? None of us have truly seen one in full form.”
“Of course.” Atem instantly changed and he saw the court startle slightly as well as smell Mahad re-enter the room. “I guess I look intimidating.”
“Well, you are larger than a normal wolf,” Seto said.
Atem laughed. “That may be, but I’m a bit smaller compared to others my age except for Yugi.”
“Speaking of the others, were you welcomed warmly?” Seto asked, making it clear that only one answer was acceptable.
“Oh, yes. Yugi met up with his grandpa while I was asleep and told him everything. So, when we arrived, I was approached and answered any questions they had and I asked some in turn. There was a celebration to welcome Yugi home and that he had a mate. It was held the night we arrived, was a good time, and it lasted until dawn.”
“Did you see the sun rise?” Aknadin asked, sounding eager.
Atem returned to his sign form to allow for a soft smile. “Yes. The colors the sky takes as it goes from black to a bright blue is amazing and it is breath-taking when it sets. The sun itself is exactly as Yugi described it when I asked him before I was turned. It’s warm, bright, and helps one to see things better.”
“We’ll take your word for it,” Seto said. “So, you are happy being a werewolf?”
Atem nodded. “Very happy. I made the right choice.”
Yugi then came in. “Atem, it’s time to go.”
“All right.” He looked back at the court. “Perhaps I will see you again.”
“No, you will be seeing us again,” Seto declared. “I propose that you come once a month to collect whatever bodies we have and perhaps share some news as well.”
“That would be acceptable,” Yugi said. “Then, we will see you in a month.” He bowed, turned, and left with Atem behind him.
“What did you talk about?” Yugi asked.
“They wanted to hear about how I am doing as a werewolf. I spoke of the senses, of the sun, and my welcome by the pack. They thought my current form suits me and wanted to see my full wolf form. I did tell them that I’m very happy.”
“I did hear that. I have to say that I’m pleased with the agreement the pharaoh proposed. It’s beneficial just like that woman said. Uh, what’s her name?”
“Isis. The elderly-looking man is Aknadin, the one suggested the carts is called Mahad. Kalim is the one with short black hair, and last one is Shada. Of course, you already know the pharaoh is called Seto.”
“Were you close with them?”
“Pretty much. I was actually best friends with Mahad.”
“Atem, as we’ll be alpha and beta when we return here, I want you to handle the body collection each month.”
“That would be appropriate. I think they would like to keep seeing me.”
“And you’d like to keep seeing them. Also, if any other agreements are proposed, you need to tell me before entering into them.”
Atem nodded; as beta he could not accept agreements and proposals himself. He would present them to Yugi who would discuss it with the pack before deciding to accept or reject the proposals.
They stepped outside and saw the group with carts and, in them, were the bodies. Some looked appreciative of the number of bodies and beamed at Yugi and Atem. They went to the first cart and Yugi turned to them. “The pharaoh has proposed we return once a month to collect any bodies they have and to exchange news. I have agreed and Atem will be in charge of the collection. Now, let’s head home.”
The group seized the ropes attached to the carts and wheeled them out of the city with their future alpha and beta leading the way.