Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Chapter One- Shiro’s Past
Adam backed away from a pale figure with long fangs that were bared in a sadistic arrogant smile. “I’m warning you,” Adam said. “I’m armed and I won’t hesitate to injure or kill you.”
“Injure or kill?” the vampire sneered. “You humans. You’re all about preserving life. You should be willing to kill to save yourself as I have no qualms of draining you dry. If you only injure me tonight and escape, I will hunt you down and make your death as painful as-,”
The vampire screamed as a sharp silver stick buried itself in his stomach and then sliced up through the heart. He dissolved into a pile of ashes and Adam put the stick back into the sheath at his hip. He looked blandly at the ashes. “And you talk too much,” he informed it.
Yes, most vampires talk too much when seeking a victim. Their arrogance in their supernatural abilities makes them sloppy and easily disposed of. But not all vampires are like that. Some are nice and one special one lives with me. Adam smiled softly as he resumed his walk home. His apartment building was within walking distance of his job which also worked out for his moonlighting work.
He opened his apartment door, hung up his coat and sheathed stick on the coat rack, and turned to find himself face-to-face with a tall vampire. Adam jumped back in surprise and the vampire grinned.
“Shiro! Don’t do that! You’re going to give me a heart attack!”
“Well, we can’t have that,” Shiro moved forward and took Adam in his arms. “So, how is my favorite doctor/vampire hunter?”
“Well, I killed another arrogant member of your kind tonight on the way home.”
Shiro shrugged. “Fine with me. The arrogant ones tend to be careless about keeping our existence secret. But not all arrogant ones are like that.”
“Well, this one talked too much. Honestly, if I was looking to drink or drain someone, I would just do it and not waste time as vampires don’t have much time out of the coffin.”
“You’re a sensible man, Adam. That’s just one reason of the many of why I love you.”
“Well, you do just attack people and don’t waste time talking to them.” Adam hummed as Shiro began kissing his neck. Adam never dreamed he would meet a vampire like Shiro, much less fall for one. Shiro was one of the vampires who quickly got their blood dose, but left the victim alive as their fangs contained a number of effects consciously chosen. The fangs could heal bite marks, administer a sedative to put people to sleep, and remove memory of the attack.
Unlike other vampires, Shiro chose to interact with humans as he could shorten his fangs but there was only so much he could do about his pale skin and the general coolness of it, the latter could be covered by gloves and jackets. His choice to interact did not thrill other vampires but they did not forbid him from doing so. However, loving a human was forbidden and both Shiro and Adam were at risk of being killed if their love was discovered by the vampires. So, they kept their relationship limited to the apartment.
“Have you already fed?” Adam asked when Shiro paused in his kisses.
“I did just as soon as night fell. We can be together until you sleep.”
“And then?”
Shiro shrugged. “I could go dancing at a club…or attend to the summons I got from the queen.”
“Summons? When did you get that?”
“A couple of night ago. I must appear before her within three nights, tonight being the first one.”
“Why is she summoning you and how did she know where you live?”
“I won’t know the nature of the summons until I get there. As for how she learned of my whereabouts, perhaps she had someone tailing me.”
“Can’t you sense another vampire’s presence?”
“Only those who do not know how to conceal their presence. My stalker must be someone old or unusually gifted.”
“Or both.”
“Yes. He or she could be both. In any event, I will see her after you go to sleep.”
“Well, we’ve got about three hours until then. How about we snuggle up on the couch and watch some TV?”
“Sounds like a plan.” The two men settled on the couch and Adam turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until they found something they both enjoyed. Adam leaned against Shiro while Shiro’s arm went around his back, clamped the hand on Adam’s arm, and pulled him close. Adam didn’t mind Shiro’s cool skin and lack of heartbeat. His personality was warm and his love for Adam was clear.
Shiro, however, loved Adam’s warmth and his ears heard his strong heartbeat. Shiro had the strong body of a twenty-five year old, a body he had had for a hundred years when he was turned. He had been teaching a young adult Tae Kwan Do class one night and had been heading home when he had been grabbed by one of his students, a pale woman named Veronica. She had sucked most of his blood before she put her wrist to his mouth and dripped her blood into his mouth. His age froze as his human body died. It had been painful: The feel of his heart slowing and stopping, of some of his systems shutting down, his senses becoming enhanced, and the overall feel of becoming a vampire.
Veronica had been a patient teacher. She told him of how the sun and heart impalement with a silver stake or stick could kill him. She showed him how to attack quickly and consciously use the substances in his fangs. She was patient as Shiro had been angry with her and demanded to know why she turned him.
“You were handsome and strong. I felt it would be a shame for you to age and die,” she had said.
“Everyone ages and dies,” he had said.
“Not everyone. Every human does, but not vampires. We don’t age and only the sun and heart impalement can kill us.”
“Veronica, I am grateful for what you’ve taught me, but I don’t really see what is so great about being a vampire.”
“Shiro, you’re immortal and you can still interact with humans if you want, but only at night.”
“Yeah,” he said slowly. “I could. I’ve always felt that my soulmate is somewhere in the world waiting for me.”
And I was right, he thought as Adam snuggled closer to him. It took a hundred years but I found the one I want to spend part of my eternal life with…or rather the end of my life with him. I don’t think I could live without Adam. When he dies, I will die too. Shiro knew exactly how he would die: The sun. Silver would be impossible to hold unless he wore gloves; furthermore he believed his nerve would fail him when the moment came to plunge it into his heart.
But, I don’t need to worry about that right now. Adam is young and healthy and hopefully will not die young. I would love for us to be together for a long time.
Adam drew a large blanket around them and then settled against Shiro again. His circulation was so good, that it left him a little too warm and welcomed Shiro’s cool skin. He knew that he shouldn’t sleep against the vampire as he had a meeting to attend but he also knew Shiro could extricate himself without disturbing him. He smiled as he fell asleep. I love him and no one is going to separate us.
Chapter Two- Matchmaking
Shiro sped off for the queen’s mansion that was situated among other large houses in the same city he lived in and, with his speed, was only an hour from his home particularly if he used rooftops. He halted at the front door and pushed an intercom chime. “Yes?” a female voice replied.
“Shiro, answering your summons,, your Majesty.”
A buzzer sounded and the door opened. “Enter,” said Queen Allura.
Shiro stepped into a long hallway with a long rug that ran the length of the hall from the front door to the double doors at the end. Doorways and cases lined either side of the hall and he knew the doors led to other rooms or staircases. A wide sweeping staircase sat to one side of the double doors and lead to the second floor to end at another set of double doors.
He ignored all this and went up to the doors in front of him. They opened at his light touch and he went up to the pale white-haired woman who sat on a solid gold throne. He knelt before her. “You summoned me, your Majesty?”
“Yes, Shiro. I understand that you are rooming with a human who knows your true nature.”
“That is correct, though I have not sucked his blood. It was a condition I have to adhere to in order to be allowed to stay and honestly, I do not mind.” That was a lie of course; Shiro simply loved Adam too much to attack him.
A look of distaste crossed Allura’s face. “Surely, you could find a more preferable living condition than that.”
“I suppose I could, but not many humans would be willing to share their home with a vampire.”
“That is true, but I was thinking of you living here.”
“Here? Your Majesty, my understanding was that only your servants and family live here.”
“Correct. My family and their mates.”
“Oh. I see.” Now the reason for the summons was clear: He was being matched with a member of the queen’s extensive family. Allura had been the vampire queen for a thousand years and had mated with other vampires, born or bitten. As a result, she had a large family.
“Shiro, you are a handsome man and I would be proud if you were to eventually wed my young son, Keith.” Allura gestured to the darkness behind her and a pale raven-haired young man appeared. His violet eyes were piercing but he projected an air of annoyance.
“Your son,” Shiro said neutrally.
“Yes. I think you two would make a cute couple and a strong team. You could improve one another. You could help Keith improve his stealth in attacking humans and Keith could help you conceal your presence from any vampire. But, for now, you will go out tomorrow night and get to know each other.”
“Then, I will come two hours after sunset to pick you up, Keith.” The sullen young man merely nodded. Shiro bowed to both before leaving the room and the mansion. Once he was well out of earshot, he let out a howl of fury. He was being set up to be the mate of the queen’s son. I already have a lover. I don’t want to marry Keith. I want to wed Adam one day. Shiro went to a club and spent the remainder of the night at the bar, brooding over his forced date and considered the notion of proposing to Adam. I could vaguely allude to Keith that I am seeing someone I love. I could also befriend Keith by getting to know him. That is partly what Allura wants: For us to know one another. Of course, I’ll tell Adam about it. We have almost no secrets from each other; as for proposing to Adam that can wait until much later on.
When Shiro got home, he wrote a short letter, telling Adam about the summons, gazed at his sleeping boyfriend, and then went to his own room and into his coffin. He pulled the lid down and laid there in the dark, thinking of when he and Keith would meet again until his eyes slid shut and he fell asleep in a state that could be mistaken for death.
Adam awoke to find himself laid across the couch and alone. Sunlight filtered through the window, which meant Shiro was asleep in his coffin. Adam felt bad that Shiro had to sleep that way, but Shiro claimed it was comfortable and completely blocked out the sun. Shiro went on to add that he looked dead when asleep and did not breathe when sleeping. Adam found it hard to hear but they rarely kept secrets from each other and besides, he had asked about the coffin.
Adam rose from the couch and went to the coffee maker. As he grabbed the pot to put water in it, he saw a piece of paper with Shiro’s writing on it. He smiled at it. He knows I make coffee first thing when I wake up and leaves notes by it as I can’t possibly miss it. Adam put the pot down and picked up the note. His eyes moved down the paper, frowning slightly.
So, the queen wants to put Shiro together with her son, Keith. They are having a date tonight to get to know each other. Shiro intends to mention seeing someone he loves, but say who specifically. That should put an end to this matchmaking. Adam nodded as he resumed making his coffee. He was soon pouring the hot drink into a mug and addled a little cream and sugar. He smiled as he recalled Shiro preferring his coffee black. Truthfully, Shiro did not have to eat or drink but did so for appearance’s sake. Blood alone gave him the energy and substance to survive.
Shiro insists on drinking from people, but he never explained why. I don’t see why he can’t drink from a blood bag. I work at a hospital and can get access to the bags. We could even move close to a blood bank. I think I’ll bring a bag home before Shiro awakes and surprise him with it. Adam finished his coffee, got dressed, and headed off to work.
Shiro awoke and smelled food cooking. Adam got off early, he thought. He opened his coffin and stretched his arms, yawning. He got out of the coffin and continued stretching. Once his body was properly awake, he opened his bedroom door to see his boyfriend at the stove, stirring a spoon in a pot. He looked over his shoulder at him. Hi. Sleep well?” he teased.
“Of course. You got my note?”
“Couldn’t miss it. So, you’ve got a date with Prince Keith.”
“A forced date, but yes. I will say I have a boyfriend and see what he says.”
“Okay. Oh, I have a surprise for you on the table.” Adam nodded to it and Shiro went over to see a blood bag.
Shiro recoiled from it. “A blood bag? Adam, I can’t.”
“Why not? You’ve told me you attack people, but never told me why. I had thought it was because you had been attacking since you were turned.”
“I have been attacking since I was turned. I did ask the one who turned me about blood bags and she said the added chemicals in the bagged blood makes it unpalatable and it tastes terrible, besides.”
“Sounds like you’ve tried.”
“I did. I didn’t want to believe Veronica so I stole a bag from a blood bank. After one swallow, I tossed it in a trash can and then attacked someone to get my blood. Speaking of which, I need to get some before I pick up Keith.”
“Sure and I’m sorry about the bag.”
“And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Shiro hugged Adam and gave him a quick kiss before leaving.
Chapter Three- The Date and the Move
Shiro arrived at Allura’s home to see Keith already waiting outside. His expression was the same as last night and gave Shiro the impression that this date would be torture. He pushed that thought aside and smiled at Keith. “Ah, you’re early.”
“I didn’t want to hear Mother’s so called good advice,” he replied as they left.
“Probably the same advice mothers haven been giving their children through the ages: Behave, make a good impression, etc., etc.”
A true smile crept onto Keith’s lips. “You’re right. So, where are we going?”
“I had thought about a club or an all-night café.”
“I say a club.”
“You’re old enough to go clubbing?”
“Barely. I look eighteen but I was born two hundred years ago.”
“Two hundred. I was bitten a hundred years ago.”
“Why?” Keith had his suspicions but kept them to himself in case he was wrong.
“The one who bit me found me to be a strong and handsome man and thought it would be a shame to see me age and die.”
“That’s what I thought,” Keith said as they got to a club, showed their ID’s, and went in. “You are a handsome man, Shiro.” The pair drifted to a table and sat. The next several minutes passed in silence and Shiro knew he should engage the boy in conversation and angle it to where he could mention Adam, but had no idea what to say. I should say something to get the conversation started. “Keith,” he began as Keith said, “Shiro.” Both stopped and laughed before Shiro said, “You first.”
“I’m sorry Mom forced you into this and I should have told Mom earlier but I’m in love with my baby brother, Lance.”
“Baby brother?”
“Well, he’s not a baby anymore, but he was born only almost eighteen years ago. He’ll be eighteen soon and then his age will freeze like most born vampires do. I had planned to tell her then.”
“Well, tell her tonight or tomorrow. I too am seeing someone I love but I didn’t wish to offend you or the queen.”
“Offend me?” Keith laughed. “I’m relieved. But you know the queen will want to meet your mate.”
“Of course.” Shiro felt as if a hand was squeezing his heart. He couldn’t introduce Adam to the queen. She would kill them both! I can’t ask Keith to not tell Allura, he’ll wonder why and he could probably probe my mind for the reason, so I won’t ask.
“Shiro, this human you live with; how did that come about?”
Shiro smiled in amusement. “Well, believe it or not, but he moonlights as a vampire hunter. He saw me trying to keep another vampire from unnecessarily draining his victim. Adam took advantage of that and staked him. I was ready for him to kill me, but something about me stopped him. I suppose it was because he heard our argument and believed I still have my humanity. He was right: I still do.”
“He hunts vampires and yet lets you live with him? How long has that been going on?”
“A couple of years. It’s a comfortable place and I don’t mind the restriction of not attacking him. I admit I was tense for the first few weeks. I was so sure he would kill me while I slept and I was surprised when I woke up every night. He swore to me that he would never kill me as long as I didn’t attack him.”
“He’s different from other hunters I’ve encountered. Most of them talk too much.”
Shiro laughed. “I think that trait is one both races share. Adam says the same thing about some vampires he’s met.”
“What does he do for a living?”
“Oh, he’s a doctor. He once offered to supply me with blood bags until I explained how that wasn’t an option.”
“You are lucky to have such a friendly, thoughtful human let you live with him.”
“Yeah.” A catchy song came on and he smiled at Keith and tilted his head at the dance floor. “Would you like to dance?”
Adam taped another box closed and assembled another. He had spent a few months looking for an apartment that had no windows and one became available two weeks ago. He immediately snatched it up and paid the security deposit. It was a little further from the hospital but with his work schedule changing, that was all right.
He heard a key in the lock turn and he looked up to see Shiro enter looking happy, but also concerned. Adam felt his heart sink. Did the date go well? Was Shiro in love with Keith now? “How was your date?” he asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.
“Good. It turns out Keith loves someone else but hasn’t told the queen yet. I assured him that was fine and that I love someone else too. I did let your name slip when mention how we met and Keith did say the queen would want to meet my…mate.”
“I see.”
Shiro then looked around at the boxes and he grinned. “You found our dream apartment.”
“Yeah. I’ve got two weeks to move out.”
“You mean, we’ve got two weeks to move out.”
“Yeah, we. Oh, my schedule’s changing. I’m going to be on night shift in two weeks too.”
“Night shift?”
“Ten p.m. to four a.m.”
“Same days?”
“Uh-huh and if it’s slow, I’ll get off early.”
“Speaking of early, why don’t you head to bed and I’ll take over the packing?”
“You are such a thoughtful person.” Adam kissed him and headed off to prepare for bed.
Shiro began packing, using his speed and feeling happier than he did earlier in the evening. The fact that someone knew where he lived and told the queen didn’t sit well with him. Moving to a new place would guarantee his whereabouts would be secret…at least for awhile.
This is good. Keith loves someone else, Adam found our dream home, and he’s going to be working night shift. The only problem is when the queen will insist on meeting Adam whom she believes is a vampire. He moaned softly. I can’t ask another vampire to pose as my mate for he or she will tell Allura I love a human. The only option would be to turn Adam, but that would violate my personal vow to never attack Adam, plus I love him too much to do that.
Adam laid in bed, happy that Shiro and he were still together. He had fallen hard for the vampire and wanted to have a real relationship. He often fantasized about sleeping next to Shiro on the couch during daylight hours and thus began looking for the perfect place. Of course, he told Shiro who was flattered at his dedication and liked the idea of not having to sleep in his coffin every day.
The only problem was the vampire queen. She wanted to meet him, but she can’t as she would kill him and Shiro simply because he was human. The only way to solve that problem would be if I was a vampire…and I can be. I’ll be starting a new schedule soon…a permanent one. Our new home has no windows and Shiro could turn me. I’m sure he would have no problem doing that. Of course, that won’t be for two weeks, maybe three. Adam slipped off to sleep, smiling.
Chapter Four- Three Weeks Later
Shiro laid curled up on the couch fast asleep and dead to the world. Adam smiled as he stood in his bedroom doorway, already in his nightclothes. He had just come off another shift. He headed to the couch and laid against his boyfriend. Shiro was cool as usual and stiff as well. That had surprised him; as a doctor he was familiar with how the human body acts upon death. The body does stiffen at one point but only for several hours. But this is a vampire and maybe their muscles stiffen upon reaching their sleep state. I think I’ll ask Shiro about that when he wakes. Adam smothered a yawn as he fell asleep.
Shiro was aware of a warmth in the area of his hips and his legs. Adam, he thought as he lifted his head and turned it to see his boyfriend snuggled up on him. They had been doing this ever since their first day in their new apartment. Shiro loved sleeping with Adam though it prompted the latter to ask about vampire sleeping states or vampires in general. Why the questions about vampires? He has rarely asked questions in the two years since we met and got together. He saw Adam stir and Adam sat up, yawning and stretching his arms before opening his eyes and focusing on Shiro. “Good evening,” he said.
“Good evening,” Shiro replied. He swung his legs over and shifted to face Adam.
“Shiro, why does your body stiffen when you’re sleeping?”
Shiro blinked. “It does? I obviously didn’t realize that happens. I can’t say why my body does that. Perhaps it is a way to throw hunters off the trail or just the way vampires are.”
“I usually hunt at night, but this is informative.”
“For both of us. Adam…why these questions about vampires?”
“It’s about what you said three weeks ago about the queen wanting to meet me.”
“They don’t know where we are.”
“But they will. Yes, it took them two years to find you at our old place but this time may be sooner than that. I’ve thought about it for three weeks and have concluded that the only option is for me to be a vampire.”
“I…had thought the same thing three weeks ago when we were moving out. But…Adam, I made a personal vow to never attack you. I love you too much to do that.”
“My schedule at work won’t change at all, we have a place with no windows, and I love you a lot. Thanks to you, I know what to expect as a vampire. I respect your vow and I could find another vampire willing to turn me.”
“Not many would. The number of vampires turning humans has dropped significantly in the last hundred years. I may be the only one in this city aside from the queen and she only turns those she loves or her children loves which is rare.”
“Please, Shiro? I have tomorrow and the night after off. Please turn me.” He gave Shiro pleading eyes, a look Shiro couldn’t resist.
The vampire sighed. “All right. Tomorrow night, I’ll turn you. I promise.”
Adam hugged him. “Thank you. Just think: We’ll be together forever.” The doctor headed off to shower and prepare for work.
“Together forever,” Shiro said softly. “Yes. We’ll be immortal vampires together.”
“They moved?” Allura asked Coran.
“Yes, your Majesty. I traced them to an apartment with no windows: The perfect place for a vampire.”
“Very well. Deliver the summons to Shiro, stating that he is to introduce his mate to me.”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
Adam sighed and rubbed his temples as he headed for his apartment. He had had a rough night and hoped the next time wouldn’t be so rough. Of course, the next time I go to work, I’ll be a vampire. He shivered with excitement; in less than twenty-four hours he would be immortal and with Shiro forever. We’ll likely need to move every now and then, at least until we get a house of our own. He fished out his key to open the door. His apartment was on the bottom floor that was underground which accounted for the lack of windows. His apartment wasn’t the only one on this floor, but they were currently vacant. He entered and flipped on the light as Shiro had decided to go out for some fun after feeding. Adam put his coat and hunting stick up and turned to see a scroll on the table, bearing Shiro’s name. The scroll appeared untouched meaning it arrived after Shiro left.
That has to be the summons for Shiro and me to meet the queen. I told him it wouldn’t be long before they found us. Adam yawned and headed off to sleep.
Shiro returned an hour and a half later, saw the scroll, opened it, and read it. This is what I’ve been waiting for and Adam was right: It didn’t take long to find us. He went to Adam’s door, put his ear to it, and heard deep breathing and a steady pulse. He’s asleep. Good. We’ve got a big night tonight. Shiro went to his room and into his coffin.
Adam stirred and squinted at his alarm clock to see it was almost three p.m. He moaned softly and closed his eyes. He wasn’t ready to wake up, but his bladder wouldn’t be denied. So, he rose, went to the bathroom, and then got dressed before brewing some coffee and fixing a snack. He sat back on the couch and turned on the TV. He flipped to a movie and settled back to watch, but he soon fell asleep, sitting up.
“Adam.” The doctor felt his shoulder being shaken and someone calling him. He opened his eyes and blinked to see Shiro smiling at him. “Good morning.”
“Morning? Shiro, it’s night.”
“Yes, but for vampires this is morning. So, I figured I turn you and then I show you the ropes before meeting the queen.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Adam said as Shiro sat beside him.
“I should warn you, it will be painful.”
“I figured as much.” Adam then gasped as he felt Shiro’s fangs gently push into his neck. He could almost feel his blood being drained out of him. He felt weak as well as Shiro’s strong arm supporting him. He felt his mouth being pried open and a liquid being dripped down his throat. Vampire blood, he thought. Makes sense to put some of that into me in order to…
His eyes then went wide and he heaved in gasps as he painfully felt his heart slowing down and then stopping. He sensed some of his systems shutting down while his senses sharpened. He knew the senses were sensitive as he could clearly hear Shiro breathing. He gave a big gasp as the pain ended and he panted hard.
“Easy, Adam. It’s over.” Shiro pulled him into a hug, struck by the coolness of the skin which had paled only a little as Adam had had fair skin. He heard no heartbeat but did hear deep breathing that were slowing in number.
“Okay. I’m-I’m all right now.” Adam pulled back and smiled at Shiro, his fangs evident. Shiro smiled back. He looks good as a vampire. He was right to insist I turn him.
“Are you really all right?” Shiro asked.
“Well, I’m undead but I feel better than I ever have.”
Shiro nodded. “Disease cannot live in a dead body as what it needs is no longer living.”
“Yes, of course. I knew that.”
“I know you did.” Shiro stood and Adam followed, albeit a bit slowly as he had just been turned. “But now you need blood as do I and after that I will teach you as we head for the queen’s home.”
“What would happen if I don’t feed?” Adam asked curiously as they left the apartment.
“You would drain someone before the night was over.”
Adam winced. “Uh, let’s not wait. I’ll feed now.”
Chapter Five- The Second Summon
Adam focused on the substances in his fangs as he fed off his victim. He let his newly awakened instincts guide him in when to stop drinking. He lowered the unconscious woman to the ground, seeing his bite mark vanishing. He stood and shook his head slightly.
“I had no idea how many factors I have to control when feeding. You make it look easy.”
“I’ve been a vampire for a hundred years so I’ve had practice. Eventually, you’ll use the substances unconsciously.”
“Eventually. Do I want to know how long that is?”
“Not long really. Regular practice and the vampire in question figures that out. Since I don’t drain someone, I gained unconscious control in a matter of weeks.”
“Weeks. Well, I don’t plan on draining anyone so weeks works for me. I was afraid it would take decades for unconscious control.”
“It probably would if one chose to drain their victim more often than leaving them alive.”
“So what should I know so that I don’t come off sounding like a newbie to the queen?” Adam asked as they headed to the mansion.
“I didn’t say much about my mate to Keith or Allura so let’s say you were turned fifty years ago but I can’t come up with much more than that.”
“We can stick to some of the truth,” Adam suggested. “We’ll say we got together two years ago.” Adam saw Shiro nod and then he turned to his supernatural abilities. He already knew his hearing was sharper and he was finding his eyesight was better. His sense of smell was a bit overwhelming and reasoned that it required focus to filter the scents out. He was aware that he was running at full speed and not the least bit winded or tired. I have a lot to learn about being a vampire, but what I have to learn is cool. I’m immortal now, I’ll never age, and Shiro and I can be together forever.
The pair landed at the front door and Shiro rang the intercom. When Allura answered it, Shiro said, “Shiro and his mate to see you as summoned.” Adam jumped a little at the buzzer and the door opened. They stepped inside and Adam could hardly believe his eyes. The hall was long with doorways and cases of antiques lining the walls. He followed Shiro down the hall to the double doors at the end. He lightly touched them and they swung open. They walked side-by-side to the gold throne and the woman on it before kneeling before her.
“Your Majesty, I present my mate, Adam,” Shiro said, lifting his eyes to Keith and Lance nearby.
“Shiro, if you had a mate before last month, why did you not say so?”
“I did not wish to offend you or Keith and I am glad we went out. Keith is a charming guy and friend and I wouldn’t mind hanging out every now and again.”
Allura looked at Keith who had not gone into detail about his date. Keith nodded. “I like Shiro, but only as a friend. I’d like to get together with him again, maybe even double date.”
Allura nodded and looked at the man beside Shiro. “Adam, isn’t it? How long have you been a vampire?”
“Fifty years your Majesty. I…was bitten by a vampire who then enslaved and abused me until two years ago. I ran away one night and sought places to hide and sleep. I ran from town to town until I came to this city. I attempted to get a night job and got one. It was two nights later that I met Shiro. I spoke with him once we realized we were both vampires. Whenever I got off work, we hung out at the park and talked for hours. I felt happy and safe until my sire showed up.”
“I confronted him and told him that such servitude was abolished a long time ago,” Shiro jumped in.
“True,” Allura said. “I got rid of it almost seven hundred years ago.”
“He did not want to listen to me. I, regrettably, had to kill him. Adam was so grateful and I invited him to live with me.”
“What of the human you’re staying with?” Keith asked. “The one who is also named Adam?”
“When he found our new home, I told him about my mate and asked if he could live with us. He was more than happy to allow Adam to move in.”
Allura then smiled. “That’s quite the story you two. A very good and convincing lie.”
Adam was sure if he wasn’t already pale, he would be now. “What?” he asked faintly.
“Oh, yes. I know the number of vampires living in my city and it was brought to my attention that a new one turned up tonight. I have reason to believe that you, Shiro, were in love with Adam, who was human until tonight.”
Shiro and Adam, still kneeling, lowered their heads, the former certain that he would hear the order for their deaths. “I apologize for deceiving you and I will accept my death.”
“Your death?” Allura repeated, confused.
“Yes.” Shiro lifted his head. “It is forbidden for a human and a vampire to love each other and, if exposed, both are put to death.”
Allura then laughed. “Shiro, that law was thrown out centuries ago. I have taken human lovers before turning them.”
“I was told that you alone had that privilege.”
“You were misinformed. When vampires and humans co-exist, it is inevitable that feelings could develop into love. I do not object to your love or turning Adam. Now, perhaps you could start over? How did you really meet?”
“I was a doctor by day and a vampire hunter at night. One night, two years ago, I came across Shiro trying to keep another from unnecessarily draining a human. I killed that vampire but did not with Shiro as, to me, he seemed to still have his humanity. I, at first, invited him to spend a couple of days with me and during our nights, we got to know each other and I found that I didn’t want to be alone anymore.”
“I didn’t want to be alone either,” Shiro said. “I also felt that Adam was the soulmate I had been looking for all this time. When he asked me to stay, I did so and we’ve been together ever since.”
“How will you pay the rent now?” Keith spoke up.
“I’m working a permanent night shift at the hospital and it pays well.”
“Yes, but at some point, your frozen age will attract attention,” Allura pointed out.
“That is a concern,” Shiro said.
“And I have a solution. My advisor, Coran, is buying some abandoned property and having the buildings renovated for vampire use. When you cannot work at the hospital or pay rent, you would be welcome to take up residence on one of those properties, be it house or apartment, and at no cost.”
“Thank you, your Majesty. May we leave? I wish to mentor Adam more on our kind.”
“Of course.”
“We got lucky,” Adam said once outside. “Our love wasn’t really forbidden after all and we have a future home if we need it.”
“Yes and we now have an eternity together.” Shiro pulled Adam close and kissed him before leading him into the night to teach him about being a vampire.