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A Pack of Three

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. The character Redford, aka, Red is mine.

Chapter One- Meeting

Yukina growled and silently cursed as she worked on healing her injury. She had made a foolish error and would pay for it the rest of her life. She had counted on her association with Yusuke and the others to protect her from the demons and monsters that lived in the forest near Genkai’s home but she was wrong.

I shouldn’t have gone in there alone, she chided herself. I had thought my own powers would protect me and for a little while it did. But the threat of ice didn’t deter that wolf from attacking me. No…not a wolf. It was a werewolf.

I had taken him for a demon disguised as a human save for his pointed ears and nails. I summoned my powers to create a cold zone around me; a really cold zone, but he was not afraid. Instead, he changed into a wolf, charged at me, and knocked me to the ground. His forepaws were on my arms and his hind legs were on my legs, but I struggled to get loose anyway. That was when he bit my arm. He leaped off me, changed back to human form, and ran off.

Yukina winced as the bite throbbed a little. The attack had happened last night and she had attended to it, but it hadn’t healed so when she awoke, she set about trying to heal it again, but it wasn’t’ working. And on top of it all, I feel angry and keep growling. A result of being bitten? Movement out of the corner of her eye made her whip her head around and her eyes narrowed as the one who attacked her appeared and approached her. “You,” she growled.

“Yes,” the man said. “My name is Redford though I prefer Red.”

“I don’t care what you prefer! You cursed me!” she snapped.

Red nodded. “Fair point, but I would like to educate you on your curse which I view as a gift. I admit, I wasn’t sure if I could pass it on to a demon. The fact that the bite isn’t healing despite your best efforts is proof that I can.”

Yukina looked at her injury and felt her anger fading a little. She knew she was a werewolf as Red admitted it, albeit, in a subtle way. He was offering to tell her about being one and she saw no reason to refuse it. “All right. Tell me everything I should know. Let’s start with the bite.”

“An excellent place to start.” He took a seat on a step below Yukina who was on the porch. “It will fade away with your first transformation. It also implants the aggressive feelings of a wolf so they don’t overwhelm you when you change.”

“How soon is the change? It will hurt, yes?”

“It will hurt and it’ll happen tonight.”

“What? Tonight?” she asked faintly.

Red chuckled a little. “The full moon only makes one a simple wolf in body and mind. Werewolves can change at any time and bite one at any time. As you are female, you will be a wifewolf which is what one calls a female werewolf. A newly-bitten must change the first night after the bite, no way around that.”

“And how will I act?”

“Depends on the person for most part, but all act like a vicious animal. You will be aware of yourself and your actions. I had felt vicious last night and murdered some demons. When I saw you, I wanted to see if I could turn a demon. You may want to kill some demons yourself. You may also want to turn someone yourself.”

“No. I won’t bite anyone.”

“As you wish. Tomorrow morning is when your ears and nails will be pointed. You will also unlock the ability to change when you want at the same time.”

“What will I look like?”

“You will look like me as far as the fur goes but your wolf eyes will be the same color as your current ones.”

“Will I be able to talk?”

“Yes, but not on the full moon.”

“I’ve heard that werewolves are allergic to silver.”

“Oh, yes. It burns if it touches you, we weaken in its presence, and a silver bullet will kill which is the only way we can die.”

“The only way?”

“Yes. I am older than I look. We won’t age through we will gain wisdom as time passes. I have witnessed mankind grow more sophisticated and seen the wonders they’ve created as a result. I’ve seen time improve the automobile to make it safer and more efficient. Just think of what you could witness with your endless life.”

Yukina looked away from the werewolf’s shining face. He certainly made this curse sound like a gift but she wasn’t sure. Living longer and having only one way to die does sound wonderful, but acting like a vicious animal and forced to change on the full moon is not so good.

Red waited while Yukina digested what he had told her as it was a lot to process. He sensed that she was a kind, sweet person who had probably never killed in her life. That will change tonight. She will become an aggressive wolf and desire to kill. That desire will be easy to indulge if she is attacked. Once she’s killed out of self-defense, she will surrender to her vicious tendencies every time she chooses to transform. However, killing for food will be enough to trigger those tendencies.

She turned back to him. “What other advantages would I have?”

“Oh, sharper senses and faster speed unless that’s something you already have as a demon.”

“No, I don’t. I have ice powers and healing powers and that’s it.”

“I see. Well, your senses will sharpen and you will be faster and stronger. You will be able to easily defend yourself. Furthermore, you will be able to heal far faster than you do now.”

“Far faster?” she repeated with interest.

“Yes. Let me demonstrate.” Red put one of his sharp nails to one of his palms and dragged it across, leaving a deep cut. He hissed at the pain and Yukina watched as the cut healed, leaving only a little blood that had welled up before the cut had closed up. Red licked away the blood to reveal completely smooth skin.

“Amazing,” she said. “That is faster than what I can do.”

“All of what I told you will unlock either tonight or tomorrow morning.”

Yukina frowned. “I don’t like the idea of acting like an animal.”

“But you’ll be aware of yourself and your action; normal animals don’t.” He sniffed before an understanding smile came to his face. “You are afraid and I don’t blame you.”

“You could…smell my fear?”

“I can. It’s a skill that takes time, but not too much time. I can teach you as we’ll have plenty of time for you to learn.”

“I would like to smell emotions. Red, could you keep me company tonight? I feel that I could use help in being a wifewolf.”

“Of course I’ll help. That was my intention if it turned out that I could turn a demon. I also find you a lovely girl.”

Yukina inclined her head at his comment. She was aware of her looks but did not boast of it. I simply want to have friends based on my personality than my looks. Red seems to be someone who goes for looks, like most humans…except for Kazuma, I think.

Red was happy that Yukina asked him to keep her company tonight. She desires my experience and I will provide it. If I play it right, I may be able to persuade her to be my mate as well.

Chapter Two- Transformation

Yukina smothered a yawn as she followed Red into the forest. She had just woken up from a nap so she could stay awake a little longer tonight. She doubted she could stay up all night and would settle with however long she could manage. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“My territory. I claimed a nice area with a home, access to water, and plenty of prey. The perfect place for a werewolf or wifewolf to live.”

Sounds like the perfect place to practice, too, Yukina thought. She was nervous about becoming a wolf, but she also felt the aggressive feelings of the wolf running through her. She felt like running and chasing down something to eat. Is this what it feels like to be a wolf or, more specifically, a wifewolf?

The forest grew darker and Red took Yukina’s hand to lead her as his eyesight easily pierced the darkness. Gradually, their surroundings lightened due to the trees thinning out, leaving a clearing. A large sturdy cave stood on the right side with a fire-pit several feet from it. “This is where you live?”

“Exactly. I have water, food, and shelter all supplied by nature.”

“But what about when it gets cold?”

“I change to a wolf. My fur gives me warmth. I can also build a fire.” He gave her a slight smile. “I guess a demon with ice powers wouldn’t be bothered by the cold.”

“Yes. I lived in a perpetual blizzard back home.”

“Then why live here instead?”

“My people are rather cold, unfeeling people. I am a little different and could not stand to live among them. The humans I’ve met are warm and friendly, like me.”

“You were an outcast in a way.”

Yukina nodded. “In a way.”

She saw the clearing starting to darken and she gave a gasp as a sharp stab of pain hit her stomach. She groaned softly as she folded to her knees and wrapped her arms around her stomach briefly until they stiffened into forelegs. She planted her hands on the ground and watched as they shrank away into paws, her nails becoming claws, and gray fur sprouting on them and the forelegs.

She heard bones popping and crunching which brought her legs and feet onto the ground and then they felt warm which made Yukina suspect that she had fur-covered back legs.

She began to whine and yelp as her torso reformed itself and her tail grew out. She felt her teeth sharpen before a muzzle pushed out from her nose and jaws and new teeth appeared in the gaps. She felt her ears burn and stretch up while her red eyes took on the intensity of a wolf. She sat and panted from the pain and force of her change.

“Oh, that was awful,” she said.

“I know but it won’t hurt anymore.” Red shifted to wolf and nuzzled her cheek. “You are just as lovely now as you were earlier.”

“I’ll take your word for it until I can look at myself.”

“The stream provides a good reflection. We can also get a drink and practice your walking on the way there.”

Yukina got to all fours and Red assisted her by first walking slowly toward and away from her to see how his limbs moved. Next, he walked beside her, giving her a walking rhythm with directions to the stream in between. Yukina mastered a leisurely pace when they arrived at their destination.

She went to the edge and looked down at her reflection. A female wolf with red eyes, gray fur on the top of her heard, and white fur on the lower jaw and chest was shown. Her ears were long and pointed with an elegant look that was matched by her muzzle. Her eyes were intense and she felt that look didn’t really suit her. She turned to the side to find that her belly was white while the sides, top, and tail were gray, the latter being long and full. She faced forward again, crouched down, stretched out her neck, and began to lap up some water.

“So, what do you think of yourself?” Red asked as he paused in his drinking.

“I don’t think I’m lovely; more like impressive. But I don’t really like how my eyes are.”

“Really? Personally, I would prefer red eyes to blue ones.”

She glanced up at Red to see deep blue wolf eyes. “What I meant was how intimidating they looked with their intense gaze,” she clarified.

“I see, but I would still rather have red eyes. A wolf with red eyes would look menacing in my opinion.”

Yukina cocked her head in thought and she felt her aggressive tendencies flare up again. “I see your point. Uh, Red? I want to hunt. I feel a desire to be aggressive and possibly brutal in killing some prey.”

“Oh, good. Your wolf feelings have awakened and you desire to act on them. I would be happy to instruct you on hunting.”

Yukina gave a low chuckle. “I don’t think that will be necessary. I can feel my instincts telling me how to hunt.”

Red gave a wolf’s grin and his tail swished. “Wonderful. Then, you take the lead and I will follow and observe.”

“Perfect.” She lifted her nose into the air and breathed deeply to identify whatever appealed to her. The scent of a demon wafted up to her and she licked her chops before racing in the direction of her target with Red right behind her.

Yukina felt her stomach grumble as she tracked down the demon. Well, I did change forms and such a change burns energy and calories. She inhaled and found the scent again. She ran after it, marveling at how she was able to run now. She then slowed and moved in a low stalk as the demon’s scent grew stronger. Her claws unsheathed and kneaded the ground as she moved closer. She gave a low growl before she leaped over a bush, her muzzle parted as she snarled. She sailed through the air and plowed right into the demon she had tracked. She slashed and tore at the demon who couldn’t recover from her tackle to mount a defense. He screamed at her assault and then the screams abruptly ended when his throat was brutally ripped open.

Yukina panted from the thrill of the kill and then howled in triumph. “That was great!” she exclaimed.

“Better than great. That was impressive,” Red said. “You were brutal and efficient.”

Yukina’s tail swished furiously at Red’s praise. She ripped the body open and began to feast on it with Red joining her.

“I love being a wifewolf,” she said after several minutes. “Thank you for biting me.”

“My pleasure. Do you plan to test your abilities tomorrow?”

“Yes and gradually as I have things to do as well.” And hopefully Kazuma will visit me. I would love to tell him what I have become.

“Perhaps, I’ll come see you tomorrow,” Red said.

“Perhaps,” Yukina said. Personally she didn’t want Red to visit. Yes, she was grateful that he bit her, but he seemed a bit too friendly at times.

Could he be…in love with me? Yukina wondered as they retired to Red’s home for the night. It’s likely that he is, but I don’t feel the same way. Yes, he’s a werewolf and I’m a wifewolf but that doesn’t mean that we’re mates.

Chapter Three- Testing and Kuwabara

Yukina awoke to sunlight and found she was still a wolf. She also saw that Red was nowhere in sight. She felt relief at this as she resumed her demon form and confidently found her way out of the forest and back to the compound.

She immediately set about her duties with keeping the grounds and home clean and liveable. She swept and mopped the floors and porch, dusted the house, and tended the gardens in half the time it usually took her. At first, she wondered how before she realized the reason: Her faster speed.

I tested my speed without realizing it, she thought as she prepared lunch for herself while straightening and re-organizing the kitchen. It was amazing how quickly I moved and I’ll need to be careful not to use it or draw attention to it. Although, my physical signs will be enough to attract attention.

Her eyes went to her hands as she continued cooking lunch. She bore the same pointed nails that Red had but not unusual as she was female. She lifted a hand to trace the edge of a pointed ear. I can’t deny what I am and hiding it is wrong as my friends would be hurt if I did hide it and then found out as they inevitably would. I’ve studied humans and find that secrets usually get revealed.

After lunch, Yukina sat on the porch and closed her eyes to focus on her senses. Her ears were picking up sounds loud and soft, far and nearby, and she was impressed with how clear and sharp her hearing was now.

She inhaled deeply and the smells around her filled her nose. The ground, the nearby grass and trees, and the cleaning solution she had used were clean and distinctive. I had used my nose to track down the demon I had killed and eaten. She paused as she reflected on her hunt.

I acted on wolf instincts to kill in order to eat. I was hungry and wolves hunt to eat. I had no issues of eating a demon and I would likely have no issue still if I chose to hunt while thinking like a wolf. I also recall showing complete confidence in my ability to hunt; indeed I feel great confidence in me. I know who I am, what I am, what I want, and how to get it.

She opened her eyes, looked at her hands, and then brought one nail to a palm. She slashed at her palm, gasping at the pain. She licked away her blood and saw the long cut heal and fade away. She smiled grimly. I cannot be seriously hurt as my injuries would heal quickly and I cannot die except for a silver bullet. I also won’t age even as I live on. Her eyes grew faraway as she dwelled on a distant future that no longer terrified her or made her feel uneasy.

She had no idea how long she was lost in her dwellings of her future but she was pulled from it by the smell of a human as well as the sound of the human’s footsteps. I have a visitor. I wonder who, though I know who I would like it to be. She looked to the entrance to see who was arriving and decided to memorize the person’s scent once she knew who it was.

The person drew closer and, as he came into view, a smile lit up her face. Kazuma! she thought. I was hoping he would come. “Yukina!” Kuwabara called happily while Yukina waved. She accepted the brief hug he gave her and she returned it while mindful of her new strength.

“I was hoping you would visit,” she said as he sat beside her.

“I would always make time for you.”

She blushed a little. She was well aware that Kuwabara was in love with her despite the fact that she appeared oblivious to it. She was flattered by his affections and fortunate, considering the current situation with Red. She considered the werewolf a good mentor, but she didn’t love him. Kuwabara, however, was someone she had known for some time and became fond of him.

Kuwabara had been smiling but it faded and he was staring at her in confusion. “Kazuma?” she prompted.

“Did you always have pointed ears or am I seeing things?” he asked.

He noticed. “You’re not seeing things and I got pointed ears just this morning.”

“Just got them? How?”

“Well…the other night I went walking in the forest, using my ice powers to create a cold area around me to protect me. It was working until I saw what I thought was a demon in a human disguise except for pointed ears and nails. But then he turned into a gray wolf, charged me, knocked me down, and bit me before changing back to human form and running off.

“He came to me yesterday and admitted to being a werewolf and that he had wondered if he could turn a demon which is why he bit me. I became a wolf last night.”

“You’re a wifewolf now? Really?”

Yukina heard the interest in his voice and on his face. “You believe me and not afraid of me?”

“Of course I do. I always felt that werewolves were real. I…sometimes had dreams where I was a werewolf.”

“Kazuma. I never knew.”

“Yeah, well, it’s not something I tell people. I don’t want to be seen as weird.”

“I don’t think it’s weird and considering I’m a wifewolf, naturally I would say that.”

Kuwabara smiled at her comment as he gently felt her ear. “I imagine you have the senses of a wolf right now.”

“As well as speed and strength. I did hunt last night and I was efficient and brutal in it.”

“Why brutal?”

“Because that is how our kind is when it’s not the full moon,” said a new voice and both looked to see Red heading their way.

“Uh, Kazuma, this is Redford though he prefers Red. He’s the one who bit me and told me about werewolves and wifewolves.”

“I did and I loved seeing her hunt. She is a natural and an excellent wifewolf.” He knelt on the steps and took one of her hands in his own. “Yukina, I would like you to be my mate.”

“What!?” Kuwabara exclaimed.

“She is a wifewolf and I am a werewolf. It is only natural that we be mates,” Red said.

“And I would accept if I loved you,” Yukina said as she pulled her hand away. “I am grateful that you bit me, but I don’t love you.”

“You don’t love me?”

“Yes. Technically, my people don’t need love as they can reproduce without a man. However, I am not against being in love.”

“Is he your lover?” Red asked, pointing at Kuwabara.

“Yes,” she said simply.

“But…he’s human. He will eventually age and die while you will remain unchanging.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that I love him.”

“What if I wasn’t human?” Kuwabara asked. “Suppose I was bitten into a werewolf? I wouldn’t age and die then.” He looked at Yukina.

Chapter Four- Review

“Of course,” Yukina said in realization. “You can become a werewolf.”

“No,” Red countered. “I will not allow it.”

“Allow it?” Yukina repeated. “I don’t recall you asking for my permission to be bitten and I certainly didn’t ask you.”

“I wasn’t certain if a demon could be turned and now that I know, I’m starting to regret it.”

“You’re saying that because you’re jealous that Kazuma loves me and that I love him.” She turned her attention to Kuwabara. “Do you really want to be bitten, Kazuma?”

Kuwabara nodded as he pushed up his sleeve. “I do.” His eyes darted to Red. “I get the feeling Red would kill me as I leave the compound while still human.”

“Well as today’s Friday, you can stay here overnight which would be best as you’ll be a wolf tonight.” Yukina shifted to wolf and sank her teeth into Kuwabara who cried out while Red howled in frustration before he backed up with a disapproving expression. “I’m warning you. If you come into my territory, I will hurt you severely.”

“Don’t threaten us,” Yukina snapped. “We’ll go wherever we want.”

Red said nothing as he turned on his heel and stalked away.

“Yukina,” Kuwabara said in amazement. “You sounded so confident.”

“It’s because of the bite. It implants a wolf’s aggressive feelings and tendencies into the bitten one. When I changed last night, I felt myself become more confident.” She resumed her demon form, pulled a cloth out of her kimono and wrapped it around Kuwabara’s mark. “No amount of healing will help; only your change tonight will make it fade away.”

“So, I’ll be aggressive tonight?”

“Yes, but in control of yourself. You’ll unlock your senses, speed, and strength tonight and in the morning you’ll have the pointed ears and nails like I do.”

“Will I look like you too?”

“The same fur color, yes, but you’ll have a male body and wolf eyes the same color as your human ones.”

Kuwabara grinned. “Well, of course I’ll be a male wolf.”

Yukina giggled. “I regret to say,” she said seriously. “That your change will hurt but only that first time.”

“I had thought so as you changed instantly and it didn’t look painful.”

“Speaking of hurt, all wounds will heal instantly unless it’s a silver bullet which is the only way we can die.”

“Really? So a broken neck isn’t fatal now?”

Yukina blinked. “I don’t know. Maybe. I could ask Red about that. He might be calmer tonight or even tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll stay away so he won’t get upset again if he’s calm.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

“Yukina, did you really mean it when you said you love me?”

“Of course I did.” She smiled gently. “I was aware of how you felt about me and I considered myself lucky to know you and I grew fond of you which eventually became love.”

“So, let’s review about werewolves,” Kuwabara said.

“Okay. The first change happens the first night after the bite which can be done at any time and to anyone. After the first change, you’ll be able to change whenever you want. The full moon changes one into a simple wolf in mind and body while the other times are full awareness of him or herself. As you heard from Red, female wolves are called wifewolves.

“Your hearing, sight, and sense of smell will be enhanced; your speed will increase; and you’ll be stronger too. All of that will also be in your human form. You will feel aggressive and act like a vicious animal outside of the full moon as well as able to talk.”

“I’m guessing you only speak as a wolf on the full moon,” Kuwabara interjected.

“Right. Let me tell you about last night. Red took me to his territory to teach me.” She touched her nose. “I memorized Red’s scent and his home so we can easily avoid him. It was painful to transform and Red had said I was a lovely wolf. I took him at his word until I saw myself in the stream where I learned to walk on all fours. I was of the opinion that I look impressive, not lovely. I then felt my desire to hunt rise within me. Red offered to teach me but I said my instincts were telling me how to do it. I easily tracked, chased, and killed a demon as well as eat it.” She paused at Kuwabara’s look of disgust. “I know, but I was hungry and it wasn’t that bad. I was told I was brutal and efficient in my killing and I admit that I had gotten a thrill from the hunt.”

“I don’t know if I could eat a demon. I’ve killed demons when they attack me, but never ate any of them.”

“We could kill and eat some monsters instead. We will get hungry as changing forms does burn energy and calories. We could hunt as a team.”

“You’re sure I’ll be a good hunter?”

“I am. Instinct will guide you and if not, I would be happy to teach you.”

“I would like your help.”

“Kazuma? I’m feeling a desire to claim you as my mate.”


“I am a demon and a wolf and both have mates. We already love each other and claiming one another would make sense.”

Kuwabara wasn’t too sure about taking Yukina as a mate, much less claiming her as one. Technically, I’m still human. I may feel different about it when I change tonight. He felt an inward thrill at the idea of being a wolf tonight. I can hardly wait.

Yukina sensed the uncertainty in her lover as far as claiming one another. Humans don’t call each other mates and Kazuma is human right now. Once he changes, he may feel differently about the matter. I will let him make the first move in the claiming process. I will not force it on him.

Red stalked about his home in wolf form, growling softly. His proposal of mating to Yukina had failed and she had bitten the human she had declared she loved. Her action angered him and he reacted by threatening violence if they intruded into his territory. Yukina responded by telling him not to threaten them and that they will go where they wanted.

Red paused in his stalking and growling. He sat and took a deep calming breath. I should not have expected Yukina to accept my proposal. We have not known one another long enough to love one another as mates would.

She loves the human she bit. Kazuma she called him. I cannot really object as he is a werewolf now even though he has not transformed yet.

Yukina’s right in that they can go where they want. I will not attack if they enter my territory. I will, however, defend it with questioning why they’re there. I am a wolf and will protect my home.

Chapter Five- Mated

Yukina had a feeling of déjà vu as she headed to the forest; only this time she was the one leading the way and she would be teaching in some small way. She sniffed the air before choosing a route that was far from Red’s domain. She had no desire to encounter the older wolf and give him a reason to attack.

Kuwabara followed her, trusting her nose to alert them to Red’s presence as well as her wolf form to deter others from attacking them. He was eager to become a wolf. He had had dreams where he was a simple wolf. He recalled speaking like a wolf, hunting, and howling at the moon. Soon, I’ll be doing all that for real.

Yukina came across an open clearing that smelled faintly of Red and deduced that he merely crossed it as she could hear the roar of a distant waterfall. “This would be a good place for us to claim as our territory,” she said.

“Yeah?” Kuwabara said.

She nodded. “You can’t hear it yet, but there’s a waterfall somewhere over there.” She pointed in one direction.

Kuwabara was about to comment on her sense of hearing when a throbbing pulse went through him. He doubled over and his arms went around his stomach. He groaned and then whined as his nose and jaws had formed a muzzle while his teeth sharpened and new ones appeared. He felt his ears burning and stretching and saw the clearing become brighter, leading him to believe that he now had wolf eyes.

His arms unwrapped from his stomach as they stiffened into forelegs, his fingers shrinking away, and his nails becoming claws. Another whine escaped as his spine curved and brought him to his knees and paws. His torso altered and the bones in his legs popped and crunched into hind legs and his feet became paws. A tail sprouted behind him and a wave of strength washed over him before he gave a howl to signal the end of his change.

He then exhaled slowly. “That did hurt,” he said softly, eyes closed.

“As two sides join in one body, pain is expected,” Yukina said as she changed and then nuzzled Kuwabara’s cheek. A soft growl came out of his mouth. “Like that?” she asked sweetly.

“Yes, very much.” His eyes opened to gaze softly at Yukina despite the intensity of his eyes.

“You’re a handsome wolf,” Yukina commented. “Very well-built.” Her eyes admired his muscled body.

“Thanks.” His nose flared as he breathed deeply. “So many smells,” he said. “I can identify them easily.”

Yukina copied him and then nodded. “Yes, there are a lot of scents…including a monster.”

“Good. I’m feeling hungry.”

“Me too. Changing forms burns a lot of energy and calories like I’ve said.” She bared a wolf’s grin at him. “Do you need me to teach you to hunt?”

“No,” he said gently. “I can feel my instincts telling me how to hunt.”

“That monster is quite big,” she said, sniffing the air. “I suggest we work together to bring it down.’

Kuwabara nodded, a strategy coming to him. “You take it from the front and I’ll come up from behind.”

“Agreed.” Yukina took the lead, her claws out and kneading the ground as she moved. Kuwabara followed suite with his body low to the ground as he was a little bigger than his companion. The monster’s scent filled his nose and he crept toward it as he followed Yukina. Feelings of tension and excitement filled him. This is part of the hunt, he thought. We’re stalking our target, our approach is practically silent.

Yukina came to a halt and he came up beside her to see their target. He was big as Yukina had said and he marveled at how she was able to determine size by smell. She changed last night and has learned a lot so quickly. Must be instinct; something I will be able to do myself eventually. He looked at her and she jerked a paw to their right and then their left. Her gestures were clear to him. He was to go right to get behind the monster while she went left to face it. He nodded before stalking off to take his position.

Yukina eyed the monster as she headed left. She could see no higher intelligence like she saw in humans and high class demons. A monster that acts on instinct alone; most likely has sharp senses of its own. The monster turned in her direction and its nose sniffed the air. Just as I thought. Sharp senses and it smells me. She crept out of hiding and growled at it, her teeth bared. The monster backed up, looking a bit afraid at her act of intimidation.

It then let out a roar and toppled forward, a strong gray wolf on its back. His claws raked over the back but left no marks. Kuwabara was surprised for a moment before he latched his jaws onto the back of the neck.

The monster roared again and got to its feet, arms raised with the intention of prying the wolf off its neck. Yukina then leaped up and slashed her claws at its throat and then ran them down its chest before burying them in the stomach and ripping it open as she went down from her leap. The monster fell forward again and died, its breath rattling in its throat.

Kuwabara had leaped clear when the monster started falling forward and he now assisted Yukina in turning it over. “That was exciting,” he said as their claws tore open the chest and widened the cuts in the stomach.

“My first kill was a bit more intense,” Yukian said. “Still, killing your own food is a thrill.”

“No doubt about it.” Kuwabara chewed some skin and meat and felt it settle in his stomach. He also felt more of his wolf instincts awaken and fill his head. One such instinct was more of a desire: He wanted to be Yukina’s mate and claim her as his mate as well.

Yukina mentioned feeling a desire to claim me and for me to claim her earlier today. I was uneasy and not really sure about doing all that. Now, I have no issues about it. I’m a wolf now and feel ready to take a mate and be claimed as well.

Yukina hungrily ate and felt energized from it. She further felt she would need all the energy she could get as she planned to stay awake most of the night. She was interested in racing and playing with Kuwabara.

I also hope he’s changed his mind about mating. I still want us to claim each other; this desire grew stronger when I took wolf form. Perhaps Kazuma’s change to wolf will fuel a desire to claim me.


“Hmm?” She turned her head to look at Kuwabara.

He shuffled a paw before saying, “I…changed my mind about us being mates. I mean, I’m a wolf now and it just makes sense like you said.”

“I had hoped that you would change your mind but I didn’t want to pressure you.”

“I appreciate that.” He faced Yukina, put his right paw on her left shoulder blade, barked, and yipped as instinct prompted, and then drew his claws back, leaving three scratches that wouldn’t heal. It was a permanent mark that told all that she had been claimed.

Yukina had yelped at the pain before performing the same procedure on Kuwabara. He also yelped but then howled in joy as Yukina had howled after leaving her mark. Their howls echoed and carried through the forest announcing to all that they were now mates.

Chapter Six- Peace

Yukina’s red eyes cracked open and focused on Kuwabara’s gray ones. Both flashed wolf grins and their tails wagged. They had raced ad played to celebrate their mating as well as rubbed cheeks and other loving gestures they could do as wolves, but no lovemaking yet. Their relationship had just reached a new level and both looked forward to living together for a long, long time.

“So, what are we going to be doing today?” Kuwabara asked as he got up and stretched.

“I was thinking of having fish for breakfast and then you practicing your senses and abilities in human form,” Yukina replied as she rose and stretched.

“Uh, Yukina. We may be fast but I don’t think we’re fast enough to catch fish at the bottom of a waterfall or the river near it.”

“You’re likely right and the only other source I know is in Red’s territory.” She drew herself up and added, “I will go to him and ask if we could fish in his stream. This would also be a chance to ask if a broken neck is fatal.”

“It would. I’ll wait here.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m sure everything in this forest heard our mating howls last night. He won’t attack you now that you’re a werewolf and a mated one too.”

“You’re right. He won’t. Let’s go.” Kuwabara followed Yukina, still impressed with her confidence while acknowledging that he had become more confident with his mate’s words. Yet, despite that confidence, he’d prefer to stay in their territory. He recalled that both had marked the area as wolves would and he felt safe there. But, I can’t show fear in front of Red. I must be confident and sure of myself.

Red’s scent grew stronger as the pair approached Red’s home and when they entered the clearing, they found him sitting in front of his fire pit in human form and stoking a fire. He looked up and actually smiled. “Good morning and congratulations, by the way.”

“Thank you,” Yukina said, a little surprised by the greeting but chose to accept it.

“So, what brings you here?”

“I have a couple of questions. Well, one is more of a request.”

Red tilted his head at this. “A request?”

“Yes. I ask your permission for us to catch some fish for breakfast from your stream.”

“Of course you can. You’re welcome to fish any time you like.”

“Thank you again.”

“I have extra fish, though. Why not stay and have cooked fish for breakfast?”

Kuwabara and Yukina shared the wolf equivalent of surprise before the latter said, “All right.” Yukina changed forms as did Kuwabara before sitting around the fire.

Red stoked the fire some more before getting up and returning with fish on skewers made from thin but sturdy tree branches. He set up a spit, put the skewers into it and began to turn it.

“You said you had two questions,” Red prompted after a few minutes of silence.

“Actually it was my question,” Kuwabara said. “Yukina told me that a silver bullet is the only way we can die. My question is if a broken neck is still fatal.”

“An excellent question...Kazuma did she call you?”

“I prefer Kuwabara from everyone except Yukina and my sister.”

“As you wish. Now, a broken neck…I haven’t had one myself so this is just a guess. I believe that a broken neck would be fatal for maybe a minute or two before it heals. That’s how long a broken bone takes to heal. I know this as I’ve broken bones in human and wolf form.

“By the way, Kuwabara, pointed ears suit you.”

Kuwabara’s hands went to his ears and he traced them up to caress the points. He then lowered his hands to examine his longer, pointed nails. “How sharp are they?” he wondered out loud.

“I know they can cut skin,” Yukina said.

“I used them to strip the skewers smooth,” Red said. “Of course, if any break, they grow back to normal the next day. That’s rare as they are super strong.”

“I believe it if you’re using them to strip wood off branches,” Kuwabara said.

“Would you like to test your healing ability?” Red asked as he turned the spit a little. “A simple way is to cut your palm with a nail. I demonstrated that to Yukin after I bit her.”

Kuwabara held up a hand and slashed a nail across the palm. He grimaced a little at the pain and watched the cut heal almost immediately. He licked off the blood that had welled up and felt his smooth palm. “Incredible,” he said.

“That’s exactly what it’s like to be a werewolf. Incredible.” He lifted one skewer off the spit and passed it to Yukina.

“I used to dream of being one,” Kuwabara said. “Now I am one and it’s better than I dreamed.”

“Of course.” Red passed a skewer to Kuwabara. “You are stronger, faster, have sharper senses, heal quickly, and are virtually immortal as well as ageless.”

Red took the last skewer and then set three more to cook. He then began to eat and the other two did the same so that there was silence save for chewing, the crackling fire, and the sound of the spit being turned.

“Red,” Yukina said. “I noticed that you’re being nice and friendly now. Not like yesterday.”

Red was silent for a moment. “I really liked you and had hoped we could be mates. I was jealous when you admitted love for Kuwabara and then bit him. I had toyed with the idea of challenging Kuwabara to a fight for the right to be your mate last night. When I heard your howls, I knew I was too late. This realization made my jealousy and anger fade. I recognize that I cannot come between you two. I apologize for how I acted and for threatening you.”

Yukina listened as Red explained his behavior and then apologized for it. He regrets his actions now. He is not a bad werewolf. He’s just lonely.

“Apology accepted,” she said. “I admit, I had thought you were a pushy, violent werewolf, but after listening to how and why you felt the way you do, I now know that you’re not a bad werewolf. You’re just lonely.”

“Yes,” he said softly. “I have been alone for a long time. I had spent my early years as a werewolf with the one who turned me before he told me to go away. He had grown tired of my constant presence.”

“I wouldn’t mind spending time with you every now and again,” Kuwabara said. “I’d also like to be your friend.”

“Yes. Me too,” Yukina said.

Red’s face lit up at these words. “I’d like to have friends. I haven’t had any since I was turned.”

“Well, you have two now,” Yukina said. “And we’ll stay friends forever. Furthermore, you are welcome to stay at the house whenever you like.”

Red inclined his head in thanks as her passed out the cooked fish. He had friends and fellow wolves who did not hate him and would stick by him forever. And this wouldn’t be so if I hadn’t bitten Yukina into a wifewolf.

The End