Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX or the wolf demon, Kage. My friend on FF.net, Abyssdancer, gave me the inspiration for this story and showed me a picture of Kage. I thank Abyssdancer for the idea and the artist of Kage for the image I borrowed, however the background story for Kage, is mine.
blah, blah, blah- character thoughts
"blah, blah, blah"- telepathy.
Chapter One- Meeting
Syrus had no idea that he was special, unique. He grew up in his brother’s shadow, following him in being a duelist. Yes, he wasn’t as good as Zane when they were kids, but he was determined to get into a dueling school. He knew that if he did, then surely his dueling skills would improve and he would be a pro duelist.
Zane tried to be patient in teaching Syrus the finer points of the basics, but Syrus sometimes failed to grasp them and Zane would put down Syrus’ sills which Syrus eventually realized was done out of frustration. Syrus ended up with stage fright, test anxiety, and low self-esteem as a result, but he loved his brother nonetheless.
When Zane left for his first year at the Academy, Syrus then found out that he was special. He had started having dreams of a figure with gold eyes, wolf ears, and a tail. He exuded a confidence he envied but he also seemed arrogant as he regarded Syrus. That arrogance faded eventually and was replaced with a warmth that calmed him as the figure scared him, despite it being a dream.
“Dear Syrus, I am not a figment of your imagination,” the figure finally said two months after Zane went to the Academy.
“What are you then?” he asked, wary of this figure.
“I’m a part of you. Our souls are merged together.”
“Our souls?”
“Listen. My name is Kage and I am a wolf demon. I have shadow powers and use them to do a variety of things but mostly to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Thirteen years ago, while working on strengthening my powers, I was jumped by three large demons. I was fatally wounded. I used the last of my strength and energy to come to Earth and I merged myself with you when you were a few months away from being born. I spent years to recover and now I am strong enough to talk to you.”
“So, what happens now? I know that we can’t separate since we’re merged.”
Kage smiled. “You’re correct. We are two souls merged and sharing one body. What happens is that I will share my history with you and train you to use our demon energy.”
“Demon energy? Then…I’m not human?”
“You’re half-human and half-demon.”
“Oh, my head’s hurting,” Syrus moaned from all that he had heard.
“Then, we will talk another time and I will try to clear up whatever confusions you have.” Kage faded away and Syrus returned to a peaceful sleep. He didn’t tell anyone about the encounter as no one would believe it and he was having trouble comprehending who and what he was. Was he Syrus or Kage? Was he human, demon, or a combination of the two as Kage had said?
Kage’s eyes softened when he next appeared and Syrus asked these questions. “I understand how distressing this revelation is for you. Syrus, our souls are merged but only one of us can be in control and that is you. You are human and demon. In time, you will be able to access my powers as your own and even take on my demon form and use my voice.”
“Perhaps, use your name when I do?”
“If you wish. I would be happy if my name was spoken again.”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Syrus smiled. “You know, I never really had a friend. I’m a bit shy.”
“I can help you be a little less shy and you could help me with something.”
“I would like to understand dueling more. I have looked into your mind on the subject but I would like to know more.”
“Zane knows more than I do. He’s better at the game and he’s attending a dueling school.”
“I’m aware of that but you know more than you think you do.”
Syrus considered that for a moment. “I do know more even if I don’t fully understand some of what Zane tried to teach me.”
Kage nodded at this. He had watched helplessly as Syrus went through childhood idolizing Zane. He had wished he could have communicated with Syrus whenever Zane spoke of Syrus’ poor skills, but then he wouldn’t have this sweet, shy boy who thought little of himself in terms of dueling. He needs to be more certain of himself and I can make sure of that by putting some of my confidence into him.
“Kage, how old are you? I mean, you look a little older than Zane but your voice is a lot like his.”
“I am older than I look like most demons. I was 200 when I was attacked.”
“So then you’re 213 now?”
“That’s right.”
“Did you have siblings?”
“No, but I wish I did. I feel I would have made a good brother.”
“I think so too. You’re real nice to me.”
Kage chuckled. “I think you’re rubbing off on me as I was a cutthroat demon when I fought back protecting others.”
“You…killed?” Syrus paled at this revelation.
“I did.” Kage did not regret what he had done as his land was and is a violent place. The time he had spent recovering inside Syrus showed him a world that can be peaceful at times despite violence that can erupt elsewhere in the world. Now that he was strong again, he could strengthen while sharing them with Syrus. My powers and wisdom will belong to Syrus as well as belonging to me. I will learn about dueling from Syrus and the dueling school he dreams of attending and that is where I will start.
“Syrus, is attending this dueling school important to you?”
“Yeah. Duel Academy is the best school in the world. That’s where Zane is and I want to go there too.”
“You have a deck. I saw some of it.”
“They’re called ‘roid monsters and belong to the machine class of monsters just like Zane’s cards.”
“There are other…classes of monsters, yes?”
“Oh, yeah. A lot of other ones. Each monster also has one of six attributes. Some people build a deck around one attribute; mine is a mixture, sort of.”
“Attribute. Would that be the circle in the upper right corner?”
“Yes. There’s earth, wind, water, fire, light, and dark.”
“I recall seeing a green-blue card in your hand one time that didn’t look like a monster.”
Syrus’ cheeks burned as he said, “It’s a type of card called a spell card. They can do a variety of things depending on the text written on the card.”
Kage quizzed Syrus to gauge his knowledge of the game before ending their talk for now and promising Syrus that they’ll talk more of his past next time. Syrus smiled as he settled into bed and closed his eyes. He had a friend in the form of a wolf demon whose soul was joined with his own.
Kage was far older than Zane but he was more patient. It kind of makes sense. We’re two souls in one body. He’s watched me for years and I didn’t know it. Well, I’ll still act as I always have. Syrus gave a sigh as he fell asleep.
Kage sat in a meditative pose, closed his eyes, and called up his energy and powers. His energy had been where it was when he was attacked. He began to strengthen them to the level he had planned on before switching to his powers, giving more strength to them and creating a couple of new ones.
I will work on them and bestow them upon Syrus in about a year. I need to share my past first before speaking more of the powers. After all, we have just made the other’s acquaintances.
Chapter Two- Kage’s Past
Syrus went about his life as he waited for Kage to establish contact. He was not able to contact him but he could sense that Kage was working on something and he could guess it was either strengthening his powers or organizing the events of his life’ after all he had lived for 200 years before the attack.
There must be much he wants to tell me and there are some things I’d like to know about. Syrus paused in his homework to pull out a piece of paper and began to write a list of what he wanted to ask.
The black void in which Kage and he talked surrounded him three weeks after their first encounter. Syrus looked Kage up and down and aside from a black-purple aura that faded away, he was unchanged. Black and gray hair laid on his head and framed the sides of his face before ending at the jawline. A pair of long gray wolf ears topped his head. He wore a two-toned black striped suit under a white trench coat that was purple on the inside. His hands were encased in black gloves and he wore boots that ended halfway up the lower legs. His coat’s collar had a fur trim that made Kage look as if he had white fur on the back of his neck and it drew attention to his choker. His eyes moved down to the gray tail that had white at the end.
Kage smiled in amusement at Syrus’ scrutiny. “You approve?”
Syrus laughed slightly. “Yeah, I do but you look the same except for that aura when you first showed up tonight.”
“I was working on my energy and powers.”
“I sensed you were working on something.”
“I have nothing to hide but it is clear that we are connecting now that we can speak to each other.”
“Speaking of nothing to hide, I look forward to hearing about your past.”
“I promised I would and I keep my promises.” Kage sat and Syrus did the same. “Okay, as you know, I was an only child. My parents took care to raise me to be able to defend myself but I alone chose to help others. Mom and Dad didn’t understand my decision and when I was old enough, I struck out on my own.
“My first job was as an assassin. I killed the targets of those who hired me and I employed a variety of techniques so that I did not become predictable in my job. I was paid well for my work. When I wasn’t on a job, I protected the helpless. Naturally, that attracted trouble and I defended myself.”
“Why didn’t your parents understand? They did love you, right?”
“They loved me, yes. They held to the belief that, as wolf demons, we are superior demons and should demand respect by whatever means necessary. I had felt that if we are superior demons, we should use our position to defend weaker demons.
“I was born with shadow powers. I can channel it through my fingers and slash the energy as if they were claws. I can also use it to conceal my presence and can harness it as weapons, like a whip. I am also adept in using guns and knives. I learned to shape my energy to form bullets if I run out of ammo. I also use my powers to bind my opponents.”
Syrus listened with awe and a little fear. His friend was about protecting others but could turn around and kill someone with no hesitation. The things he could do with his powers was impressive and used for offense and defense. “I don’t think I could do what you did,” he said.
“You would be surprised at what you can and can’t do when pressure is brought to bear. I doubted I’d be able to kill my first target, but I was able to do it.”
“How old were you when you left home?”
“About seventeen or eighteen which most demons would consider a child. I was able to afford a modest place when I was paid for my first kill. I resided there until the day I was fatally wounded. I have no doubt that everyone back home believes I am dead and that my place was robbed and that others live there now.”
“But you’re not dead. I mean, yeah you don’t have your own body but your soul and spirit are still alive…aren’t they?”
“You’re right. I am still alive even if only in soul and spirit. I learned much about humans by observing through you. Love and kindness can be more powerful than hate and evil, that it is better to protect than to murder, and how peaceful life can be.”
Syrus nodded. “That is all true.”
“Syrus…Sy; as I strengthen my powers, I will share them with you. The aura you saw around me may flare around you briefly as this happens. I will teach you to control it so it doesn’t flare up unless you want it to.”
“And I’ll be able to use your powers too, right?”
“Yes; when you can control your energy, the ability to use your powers will come as well.”
Syrus felt an inward shiver of excitement at Kage’s words. His energy, his powers. He liked the idea of being able to defend himself if he needed to. He often found himself being bullied because of his height and not fighting back, the latter due to a lack of confidence. “Kage, will I also become confident as well?”
“You have confidence, Sy, so I would say you will become more confident.”
“I’d like to have the confidence to make friends. I don’t really have friends, except you.”
Kage knew this was true. Syrus had classmates he was friendly with, but they weren’t real friends. He needs someone who is confident and friendly, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to talk to him. “I will never leave you, Sy. I will always be your friend.”
Syrus giggled. “Considering that our souls are merged, you can’t leave.”
Kage laughed. “You have a point there, but I will be your friend forever.”
Syrus tried to hug the wolf demon, but he went right through him. He turned around to look with confusion at Kage who had turned around with a small smile. “It will take time before we can touch; at least a year when our connection is stronger.”
“So, it’s not strong right now?”
“Oh, it is as we are able to talk to each other; before that we could only see each other.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s true. Hard to believe I thought you were a dream.”
“I would have thought the same thing if I was in your place.” He gave a brief chuckle. “I mean, seeing a figure with wolf ears and a tail would seem like a figment of one’s imagination.”
“It would and I’m glad it’s not.”
“Have you told anyone about me, about us? Like your parents, for example?”
Syrus shook his head. “I haven’t told anyone. No one would believe me. I mean, two different souls merged together in one body. That sounds insane and could get me committed.”
Kage bared an amused grin and Syrus saw small fangs in his mouth. “Yes. No one would believe you and, for our safety, no one needs to know, even your brother.”
Syrus nodded. He knew he wouldn’t tell Zane; he would likely consider Syrus delusional. But, I’m not. I am human and demon, the latter being the soul of a wolf demon. He’s going to help me become more confident and, in time, I’ll be able to touch him and take on his appearance and voice as well as access his energy and attacks. It sounds crazy, but it’s completely true. “When will I be able to take your demon form?”
Kage was silent for a moment as he appeared to be thinking on it. “Sometime once you are fifteen. A merger like ours is a gradual process and ours will take two years.”
“So, at the time I attempt to enter Duel Academy then.”
“Yeah. Zane had to take a written test. He aced it and then came the practical duel where he easily passed and was placed in the top dorm at school.”
“The school has dorms?”
“Yeah, three. I’d like to be in the same one as Zane but I’ll be lucky to be admitted.”
“Sy, you will be admitted. I will help coach you as you help me understand the game more. We will work together to get into Duel Academy and I will give you the confidence you need to make some friends.”
Chapter Three- Entrance Exams
Syrus experienced the energy flare-ups as Kage had said and helped him control it. Syrus found it a little hard to maintain control but some mental exercises from Kage gave him the ability to gain some control of his energy until said control became second nature.
When the anniversary of meeting one another came, Kage delighted Syrus by taking him in a warm hug. Syrus smiled at finally being able to touch his other half and giggled when he felt Kage’s tail brush a leg. He could also feel a little confidence and some wisdom enter him and it filled him with content. “Kage, this is great,” he said after their third get-together since the anniversary, the meetings occurring several weeks apart.
“Indeed.” Kage ran his ungloved hands through Syrus’ hair and the back of the neck. “I had wanted to know what your hair felt like and it’s softer than I had imagined.”
“Yes.” Kage looked down at Syrus who was only a foot shorter as Kage was only five feet two inches. His height didn’t bother him as he used his smaller size to ambush his targets back when he was an assassin. He found Syrus’ height, hair, and eyes charming and they went well with his sweet personality. I was fortunate to join with him. I’m inclined to think I was guided to him as our personalities are not the same. I’ve kill some and protected others while Sy has done neither and is the one who is bullied. He is like those I’ve protected in the past and now that we can talk and touch, it is only a matter of months before Sy will be able to use my form and powers to defend himself and protect others. I only hope that he doesn’t need to.
“Kage? You okay?”
Kage focused his gold eyes on Syrus. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking that I will not allow you to be in terrible danger.”
“What…kind of danger?”
“One that could threaten your life and, by extension, my life.”
“I’m not facing that kind of trouble at school. I have been bullied like usual, but I let a little of my energy out and it spooks them and they run off.”
Kage nodded. “I had hoped you would do something like that eventually. One can be intimidating without doing a thing.
“So, the time for you to test for Duel Academy admittance is approaching. Nervous?”
“Yeah, but not as bad as it was. I appreciate your coaching.”
“And I appreciate you teaching me the game. I hope you pass as then I can learn more through you as you attend classes.”
Kage continued to support Syrus as he poured more confidence, wisdom, energy, and powers into the boy. Syrus was well-aware of what Kage was doing and embraced the mental and spiritual changes he gained. He took advantage of his confidence when the Academy’s written test day arrived, but it didn’t quite offset his test anxiety and thus he barely passed.
“It’s fine,” Kage told him when the results came in. “Just duel your best at the practical duel.”
“Perhaps you could assist me?” Syrus asked. “I mean we can use telepathy now.”
“We can use telepathy and I will assist you; after all, I’d like to go to Duel Academy too.”
Syrus let out an exhale as he sat in the stands after his duel. “That was nerve-wracking,” he told Kage. “Everyone watching me, judging me.”
“You passed, though. You’re in.”
“We’re in. We’ll both be learning to duel better.”
“Yes. We. Did you notice Zane at the top level?”
“Yeah. I wish I knew how he feels about me going to school with him.”
“I know what you mean. The guy’s like a glacier.”
Syrus mentally laughed while in the real world, he smiled a little. He focused on another applicant as he won his duel. Bastion Misawa, he thought as he recalled the name. I remember him at the exams.
“Wow. That guy really tore it up,” said a cheery voice next to him and Syrus looked to see a boy with brown hair and eyes and a big grin.
“Yeah. Bastion Misawa. They say he scored the highest out of all us applicants on the written exam.” Syrus then added. “I’m Syrus, by the way. What’s your name?”
“Jaden.” He held out a hand and Syrus took it. A tingle went through Syrus before they released hands owing to Jaden’s name being called to come to the arena for his practical duel.
“Did you feel that?” Syrus asked Kage.
“If you refer to the tingle, yes I did.”
“There’s something about him,” Syrus said. “I’m not sure what it is, but I’d like to know him.”
“I sense it too. He could be the friend we’ve been waiting for.”
“Friend? You think so?”
“I do. Maybe you’ll be in the same dorm.”
“That would be nice and then I could sit with him in class and during mealtimes, maybe even just hand out together.”
“Sounds like a plan to me. Uh, Sy? I think he’s in trouble. Isn’t that Ancient Gear Golem?”
Syrus blinked, looked at the field, and softly gasped. “It is. Jaden is in trouble.”
Syrus and Kage watched the duel intently as did everyone else in the stadium. The end of the duel came as a surprise as Jaden brought down Ancient Gear Golem.
“Whoa,” Kage breathed. “Incredible. He faced down that monster with a lack of fear and a sunny disposition. He also took it down with a weaker monster and a field spell to boost it.”
“Its special ability helped seal the win”, Syrus added. “He’s good. I’ve never seen such skill, except for Zane.”
“Of course.”
“I really want to know him now, Kage. He’s cool.”
“His personality kind of makes it hard to not like him.”
Zane’s eyes went from the duel to Syrus. His brother had been acting differently during the past year. Yes, he still behaved as he remembered him but he had become a little more confident than before, though it didn’t help his test anxiety.
Sy is different somehow. Mom and Dad haven’t noticed but I have when I come home for the summer. He does seem happier than I’ve known him to be and yet he sometimes has a faraway look in his eyes. I hope Duel Academy does him some good as this odd behavior seems wrong somehow.
Chapter Four- Zane’s Suspicions
Syrus was happier than he had been in his life. He ended up in the same dorm as Jaden and the same room as well. Syrus made friends through Jaden, who was his best friend. Zane acted the way he always had toward Syrus but instead of feeling put down, it angered Syrus.
Syrus met up with Zane after Jaden and his duel with the Paradox Brothers, pleased with how well the duel went and especially with the spell cards he had used, particularly Power Bond. “Hey, Zane,” he called as he hurried up to him in the corridors. “Did you enjoy the duel? Did I impress you with how I used Power Bond?”
“You’ve finally grasped the difference of knowing how to use a card and knowing when to play it, but you still have a lot to learn.” Zane turned to leave and Syrus felt a surge of anger at Zane’s words. I’m not letting him walk away in silence like I used to let him do!
“Now, wait a minute!” Syrus snapped, making Zane turn in surprise as Syrus marched up to him. “I’ve learned a lot before coming here and more after getting in. I have gotten better and it’s about time you acknowledged it! I’ve had enough of your condescending remarks and I’m not going to take anymore! Got it!?” Syrus glared at Zane, vaguely aware of wisps of his energy leaking before pulling it in so Zane noticed nothing unusual save for his anger.
“Syrus…,” Zane said, stunned. Syrus never yelled at him like this before. He was about to say something but Syrus spun on his heel and stormed away.
“You really told him off,” Kage said, equally stunned by what had just happened.
“I’m sick of him putting me down all the time,” Syrus replied, sounding calmer now. “It’s one thing when we were kids, but now we’re both students. I may be a freshman, but I will learn and improve to be as good as he is when I reach my third year.”
“You have really become more confident. You normally wouldn’t stand up to Zane.”
“I’ve been tired of his attitude shortly before the entrance exams but yeah I am more confident and I won’t let anyone bully me around.”
Kage shut off the connection and thought. He had shared and given Syrus his background and powers as well as confidence in himself. He did not display that confidence often but he did not let himself be bullied by his classmates or teachers, particularly Crowler who seemed to delight in insulting the Slifer Red students. He had once called on Syrus in class in define field spells. Kage had sensed Syrus’ panic and calmly supplied the answer while telling Syrus to calm down and just answer. Syrus did so and thanked Kage afterward for his support.
But, his relationship with Zane caused Syrus to become angry. He understood that it mostly stemmed from dueling. Zane was very good at it and Syrus tried hard to prove to Zane that he was good too. He made mistakes as he learned during childhood but Zane did not try to teach in a gentle manner; instead he acted as if Syrus was hopeless at dueling. And that’s not true. Syrus can duel and, with gentle guidance, he does improve. Jaden provides that kind of guidance and Syrus get better, if only a little but it is noticeable. Zane does need to stop belittling Syrus and be supportive like Jaden and I do.
Syrus returned to his room, Jaden and Chumley having not returned yet. He sat at the desk and decided to compile some notes for that paper Sheppard wanted them to write. He put the events of the abandoned dorm on one sheet and the tag duel on a second sheet. He looked both sheets over, feeling lucky that his memory had improved since the day Kage and he could touch. He then wrote what he learned from the duel and that trespassing into the dorm was wrong.
“Syrus, do you intend to describe everything that went on at the dorm?” Kage asked.
“Why not? Sheppard wants ten pages, single-spaced. If I explain exactly why we went there and how we had to save Alexis then maybe we’ll get an apology…or not. Besides, it’ll fill out to ten pages.”
“Yes. It would as will the tag duel. Just think Sy: You and Jaden beat the brothers like the King of Games did. That’s impressive.”
“You’re right,” Syrus said in soft realization. “I think I’ll note that in the report somewhere." Syrus scribbled that into his notes.
“Sy? Earth to Sy. Hello?”
Syrus startled and looked back. “Oh, hi Ja. Chumley.”
“You okay, pal?” Jaden asked.
“Yeah, I’m great. Just making notes for that report.”
Jaden groaned. “Don’t remind me. Ten whole pages! How does Sheppard expect me to remember what happened at the dorm?”
“Maybe tell it with your duel? I mean, I didn’t see the end of it, but you did and it’ll give Sheppard the full picture of what happened.”
Jaden stood by Syrus and looked down at the notes. “Wow, Sy. I didn’t know you remembered all that. You usually choke on tests.”
“Well, it’s not a test and a lot of detail could make writing the report easier and not seem so long.”
“Oh, I’ll know it’s long by the writer’s cramp.” Jaden moaned as he flopped onto his bed.
Syrus shook his head as he returned to work. He knew he had a point about details making the writing go faster and easier and he wasn’t going to let anyone dissuade him from that line of thinking. Now, let’s see…the story of the dorm started when we were telling scary stories based on the level of the monster we drew from a deck. Professor Banner got in on the fun and drew a high-level one and told a really scary story about the dorm…
Zane wandered to the Obelisk commons area, still thinking about Syrus’ tirade. He had never seen his brother be that angry and certainly never at him. It was completely out of character and served to confirm to Zane that something was different about Syrus. Does he feel abandoned whenever I return to school after holiday breaks? Could he be resenting me for our time apart? Zane shook his head. No. He has no reason to feel abandoned or resentful. If one wants to be a pro duelist, one must attend a dueling school. Spending a long time away from home is part of that. Syrus knows that. His anger came from how dismissive I am of his skills. I still can’t believe his reaction to my words. That’s not like him.
He turned and nodded as Alexis came up to him. “Alexis.”
“That was quite the duel, huh? Syrus really pulled it out for them.”
“I think Jaden did most of the work.”
“If it wasn’t for Sy’s spell cards, they wouldn’t have beaten Gate Guardian or Des Guardius.”
“I guess so.”
Alexis cocked her head. “Zane, you okay? You seem distracted.”
“I met up with Syrus right after the duel. He asked if he impressed me with his move and Power Bond, in particular. I said he still had a lot to learn. I was about to leave when he started yelling at me.”
“What? Yelling? Sweet, shy Syrus?”
“He wasn’t being sweet or shy in speaking his mind. He was truly angry about how I put down his dueling skills.”
“Uh, hate to say it, Zane, but you do. You could be more supportive.”
“I could, yes. The point is, Alexis, is that I’m sensing that something is different about Syrus. He’s been acting different for at least a year. Mom and Dad haven’t noticed as it’s a subtle difference, but I noticed.”
“Subtle in what way?”
“He’s more confident and happier than I’ve known him to be. He also gets this faraway look in his eyes sometimes.”
“He could be maturing. Sy could be a late bloomer.”
Zane shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’m convinced that there is something wrong with him and I will do whatever I can to help my brother throw off whatever force is causing his strange behavior.”
Chapter Five- The Shadow Riders
Zane kept an eye on Syrus whenever he could, aided by Alexis though in a reluctant manner as she thought Zane was being an overprotective brother, something she was familiar with until Atticus went missing. Syrus showed no sign of anything strange or unusual. He displayed confidence and an occasional faraway look but nothing more.
Months passed and early spring arrived with a dark threat. A group of seven people calling themselves The Shadow Riders intended to release a trio of powerful and dangerous cards collectively called The Sacred Beasts upon the earth. They were locked beneath Duel Academy Island behind seven gates that could only be opened by seven spirit keys. Sheppard called seven of his strongest duelists to guard the keys: Crowler, Banner, Zane, Alexis, Bastion, Chazz, and Jaden. He explained everything to them and how the Shadow Riders could only get the keys if they won them in a duel.
“So, you’re essentially bait,” Syrus had said when Jaden told him and Chumley.
“Yeah, but no one’s getting this key,” Jaden had stated with his usual cheery grin as he held up the key that hung around his neck.
Syrus couldn’t help feeling cheered by Jaden’s determination to keep the world safe from the danger the Sacred Beasts posed, but he wondered what these Shadow Rider would do to get the keys.
“They could turn a duel into a Shadow Game like those Gravekeepers did with Jaden,” Kage spoke up. “Their name seems to imply that they have the shadows at their command.”
“True,” Syrus replied. “And I get the impression that Shadow Games don’t get easier no matter how many times you play one.”
Kage couldn’t disagree with that assessment and it turned out that Syrus and he were correct with how the Shadow Riders operated. That night, the first Shadow Rider, Night Shroud, pulled Jaden into a Shadow Game with Alexis as a witness while Syrus and Chumley were hostages and in grave danger, a situation that Kage didn’t like and told Syrus so afterwards.
“I didn’t like it either but there was nothing I could do.”
“Actually, there was if I had spoken of it before.”
“You could have taken my form and used your powers to rescue Chumley and yourself.”
“Oh…yeah. You did say I could do that once I turned fifteen. How would I do that?”
“You will need to tap your energy and will the change. After that, you will be able to invoke the change anytime you like.”
“That will lead to a lot of questions.”
“Yea, but you’ll be able to answer them.”
“Yeah, I will. I know your story and how you and I came to be one.”
“Do you still plan to use my name when in your demon form?”
“Yeah. You did say it would be nice if your name was spoken again.”
“I did. Thanks, Sy.”
“You’re welcome.”
A few days passed after Jaden defeated Night Shroud who was actually a dark force that had possessed Atticus Rhodes, Alexis’ brother. Atticus currently laid in the infirmary unconscious and Jaden was also there, exhausted from the Shadow Game he had to endure. That was when students started talking to each other of seeing a lady vampire around. Most of the students dismissed the rumors, but Syrus didn’t; after all he was half-demon being joined the soul and spirit of a demon. This vampire could be a Shadow Rider. I’m inclined to think these Riders would strike at night, especially if one was a vampire.
Syrus had been walking along the lake where the vampire was frequently spotted when he saw Chazz, Bastion, Zane, Crowler, and Banner ahead. He headed over to find them taking the story of the vampire seriously and thinking she was a Shadow Rider, just like he did. Chazz was trying to convince Banner to challenge the vampire, but Banner seemed terrified at the prospect. Chazz gave up on convincing him and declared that he would take on the vampire.
Well, the vampire ended up coming to them and introduced herself as Camula. She seemed quite impressed with her choice of opponents before pointing at Zane and declaring him to be her first opponent.
Oh no, she’s not, Syrus thought. I won’t allow it.
“You can’t stop Zane if he chooses to face her,” Kage said. “In any event, he will have to duel eventually. That’s the hazard of holding a spirit key.”
Crowler, it turned out, also didn’t want Zane dueling Camula and stepped up, declaring that as a teacher it was his duty to protect the students. Crowler has a point. He may hate Slfiers but we are his students and he would protect us.
“If I win, I get your spirit key and your soul,” Camula said, holding up a small doll with a blank face.
Another Shadow Game, Syrus thought. Poor Crowler has no experience with Shadow Games; no one does except Jaden. “Kage, is there any way I can help Crowler?”
“I am afraid not. The power these Shadow Riders employ is not familiar to me. I did not analyze it when Ja took the Gravekeeper’s test, but I was studying it during his duel with Night Shroud. If I study Camula, I may discover how to neutralize her Shadow powers.”
“And if you do?”
“I’ll develop an ability from our energy and powers to protect us and our friends.”
“Cool.” Syrus turned his attention to the duel as did Kage, the latter watching Camula carefully. There has to be something she’s using to make this a Shadow Game…and I think that charm around her neck is that thing. Kage focused his attention on it, subtly using his powers an abilities to analyze the charm and had a theory that, aside from its soul taking power, it was no different from his own shadow powers. They do seem a little stronger than my own. I could use my ability to gain the strength of her powers and add them to mine to make Sy and me stronger. I just need her to use it, just a little bit.
The duel between Crowler and Camula continued and while Crowler was making solid moves and chipping away at Camula’s life points, Camula was dealing more damage with monsters that seem weak but supported on another to boost their attack points. At one point, Crowler had collapsed, his points at 1700. “Crowler!” exclaimed those gathered there. “He can’t go on,” Zane said.
“Yes, darling, I quite agree,” Camula said. “Come. Step in and save your teacher.”
“No,” called Jaden as he arrived being carried by Chumley. He got to his feet and rested a hand on Syrus to steady himself. “Don’t give up, Doctor Crowler. You can win this so get your game on.”
Jaden’s words gave Crowler the strength to get back up and continue to duel and though he did his best, Camula maintained the upper hand and defeated him, much to the horror of everyone.
Camula stood over Crowler before leaning over and taking his key. “One down, six to go,” she said as the key vanished. “Now for my second prize.” She brought out the doll and the eye on her charm glowed red while Crowler was outlined in black.
Now, Kage thought. He reached out, seized onto the power around Crowler and pulled some of it into himself and Syrus. Syrus staggered slightly, unnoticed by the others. What was that? Syrus thought.
“I have absorbed a good deal of Camula’s shadow powers strength and added it to our own. Her powers are no different from ours but it was a little stronger. Now, we are stronger than her.”
“That’s good ‘cause I think we’re going to need it.” Syrus watched helplessly as Crowler’s soul was taken and Camula retreated to a castle that appeared in the lake.
Chapter Six- Demon Revealed
“Zane, no!” Syrus said.
“Syrus, think about it,” Zane said as they stood outside the infirmary. “She will go after everyone who has a spirit key and in order to stop her, the best duelist should face her. Jaden is in no condition to duel, so it falls to me. Also, it is clear Camula wants to duel me.”
“Yeah, that much is obvious,” Syrus said with grim amusement.
Zane smiled back. “Yes, but I think she wants my key more. So when she returns, I’ll be ready.”
Syrus suddenly jerked his head to the window and spied a bat hanging from the top and appearing to be looking at them. Zane also looked when he saw Syrus reacting to something. “I see it too, Sy.”
“Be careful, big bro. You know she’ll do anything to win.”
Zane nodded, a little taken aback by how Syrus just spoke. He didn’t speak in a scared tone. He sounded…a lot like him. Maybe Alexis was right: Sy is maturing.
Camula reappeared the next night, a horde of bats announcing her return. Zane led the group to her castle, up the stairs, through a corridor, and to a room with two balconies above the floor and no rail on the front of said balconies. Camula stood on one of them, her eyes locked on Zane. “Come, darling. Let us duel. Remember, if you win, you get back Crowler and I’ll be on my way. But if I win, I get your key, your soul, and get to continue my quest to release the Sacred Beasts.” She activated her Duel Disk once Zane was on the other balcony; he turned his on too. “Duel,” they said.
Camula started with a face-down and Vampire Lady in defense mode.
Zane drew a card and his eyes quickly darted to Syrus. I need to finish this quickly. I fear Camula may try to hold Sy hostage to force my surrender. “I play Power Bond to fuse my Cyber Dragons into the Cyber End Dragon.” His fusion monster appeared and Zane felt he had this duel won.
But he was wrong and he had to de-fuse his monster to avoid Power Bond’s price which would have cost him the duel. He turned to using Cyber Barrier Dragon and Cyber Laser Dragon to cut Camula’s life points to 800. Almost done. Next turn, I’ll attack her defense monster and use Cyber Barrier Dragon to win the duel.
Syrus beamed at his brother’s moves. He hadn’t lost any life points while Camula had only 800. That’s why Zane the top duelist. We’ll soon have Crowler back and be closer to keeping the world safe.
“Darling, you will regret those moves,” Camula said, her face gaining its vampire look which was quite ugly. The eye of her charm glowed red as she drew a card and said, “I play Illusion Gate!” An actual gate materialized behind her.
“Illusion Gate?” Zane repeated as the doors to the gate opened.
“Yes. First, it destroys all your monsters on the field. But, that’s not all. It has twin function.” Zane’s monsters vanished and there were now two Camulas instead of one.
“Illusion Gate also allows me to summon any monster you have used during this entire duel. Although you de-fused Cyber End Dragon, you did use it.”
“Oh, please,” Zane scoffed. “No card’s that powerful to let you make a move like that. There must be some kind of catch.”
“Yes, but it’s just a tiny one. Should I happen to lose this duel, I must offer up a soul to the gate.”
A soul? Syrus thought and suddenly he knew what was going to happen. Camula would use him to force Zane to surrender.
“Syrus, run!” Kage shouted. “If one of us is lost, the other goes too!”
“Syrus, run!” Zane shouted, not knowing he was repeating Kage.
“Oh no you don’t,” Camula said as her twin swooped down on him. Syrus concentrated on his energy as he was held by the twin. My life and Kage’s are in danger. This is the time to tap my energy and transform. His energy flared around his body as Camula called forth Cyber End Dragon and he felt the energy rebuff the gate’s attempt to latch on to his soul. He closed his eyes as he willed himself to take his demon form for the first time, a move that did not go unnoticed by anyone, save for Camula…at least for the moment.
“What is going on?” Camula demanded. “Why can’t I link your soul to Cyber End Dragon?”
“I will not allow you to use such an underhanded tactic,” came a voice that was between Zane and Syrus’ and all saw that Camula’s twin was no longer holding Syrus, but someone else that had black-gray hair and sporting wolf ears and a tail. The figure opened his eyes and they were a glowing gold. He lifted a hand and it was glowing a black-purple. The energy shifted and shaped itself so that the fingers looked like they had claws. He slashed out at the one holding him and she screamed as the energy cut her. She dropped her hostage and he swung his arm, the energy forming a whip and it cracked against Camula’s charm, slicing it in two.
“No!” she screamed.
“You will not use me as a sacrifice and you will not use my friends either,” the figure said. “I will protect them.” He leaped off the balcony, landed in front of the group so his back was to them, spread his arms out, and a shimmering black-purple barrier surrounded all of them. “Zane, end this!”
“I can still use Cyber End Dragon and since I can’t use another, I’ll offer my own soul. Cyber End Dragon, attack!”
“Not so fast,” Zane said. “I use my face-down, Call of the Haunted to resurrect Cyber Barrier Dragon and activate its effect to negate the attack.”
Camula growled, “I end my turn.”
“My turn then. I draw. I activate the spell Monster Reborn to bring back Cyber Laser Dragon. I then activate its effect to destroy Cyber End Dragon.” Said dragon shattered. “I attack you directly with Cyber Barrier Dragon.” The monster attacked and Camula lost the duel and her soul due to Illusion Gate’s effect.
Syrus dropped the barrier as the structure began to shake. “Everyone, out! Now!” he called. The gang rushed for the exit with Syrus bringing up the rear as he was faster in his demon form. They got across the water and back to the island before turning to see the castle vanish.
Syrus looked down at himself and felt elated at having succeeded in taking Kage’s form. He felt his tail swish against his leg and smiled slightly before the smile faded as he exhaled slowly and turned to face the gang. Crowler was there as the doll had resided in Chazz’s pocket during the duel and it had turned into Crowler’s body when Camula lost. All of them were staring at him in shock.
“Sy…rus?” Zane asked, warily.
“Yes and no,” he answered. “I am actually two souls merged together. Three months before I was born, a wolf demon named Kage was fatally wounded and he used the last of his energy and strength to come to Earth and he merged his soul and spirit with me. I was unaware of it until I was thirteen. I began to see Kage in my dreams until he was able to talk to me. From that point on, he shared his story, energy, and powers with me. He also gave me confidence and wisdom. We can speak to each other with telepathy and, as you can see, I can take his form and voice as well as use the energy and powers.”
“You’re human and demon then?” Bastion asked.
Syrus nodded and Crowler put himself between Syrus and the others. “I won’t hurt any of you,” he said. “You’re my friends.” He took a step forward and Crowler forced the others back as he backed up.
Syrus saw the fearful looks on his classmates’ face and looked imploringly at Zane who had a thoroughly mistrustful look. “Zane, please. It’s me, your brother.”
Zane turned and walked away with the others rushing after him. Syrus stared after them before he howled sadly to the night.
Chapter Seven- Speculations
“I’m sorry, Sy,” Kage said into the silence after Syrus’ howl. “That did not go well.”
“It’s not your fault,” Syrus said. “We did not take into account that such a revelation would be frightening to them. You and I consider this perfectly normal and something that was going to happen.”
Kage chuckled. “Quite true. So, how does it feel to be a demon?”
“Incredible. I feel strong and confident. I also noticed that I can run faster.”
“You have also gained the shaper sense of smell of a wolf and will be able to use it in both forms as well as the sharper hearing.”
“Anything else?”
“I cannot say for certain but I have heard stories of merged souls where the human could will some of his demon features to appear on his human form.”
“Interesting.” Syrus fingered one of his ears. He liked the ears as well as the sounds he could hear with them. “It would be neat if I could do that.”
“I imagine it would. But first, you need to assure our friends that you won’t harm them and that you are still you.”
“Yes.” Syrus resumed his human form and headed for his dorm. He would start by convincing Jaden and Chumley that taking his demon form had always been an ability he would have eventually taken and the energy he used had been available shortly before he turned fourteen. He tried to picture himself through his friends’ eyes, but was having a hard time doing that.
He climbed the stair to his room, grasped the knob, and tried to turn it but it wouldn’t. It was locked. He knocked. “Ja? Chum? Oh, come on guys. I meant it when I said I won’t hurt you.” He tried the knob again. Nothing. Syrus knew he could tear down the door with his powers but that would just scare his roommates more. Instead, he said, “I guess I’ll just sleep out here then. So, good night.” Syrus laid to one side of the door and closed his eyes. Using his energy, changing forms, and his speed had worn him out and he was asleep almost immediately.
“Think he’s gone?” Chumley whispered to Jaden after some silence.
“No,” Jaden said tiredly. He hadn’t fully recovered from dueling Night Shroud and was too tired to move. “I bet he’s out there sleeping like he said he would.”
“I can’t believe we’ve been rooming with a demon,” said Chumley. “Why didn’t he tell us?”
“Would we have believed him?” Jaden asked. “I wouldn’t have.”
“Yeah. Me neither.”
“Night, Chum,” Jaden yawned and closed his eyes, but didn’t fall asleep. Instead, he re-lived Syrus’ startling transformation and shocking attacks on Camula. He recalled feeling scared instead of safe when Syrus erected a barrier. His friend had become someone and something else and he wasn’t sure how to handle it.
He definitely sounds like the Syrus we’ve known all year, but the words don’t. He’s changed and I don’t know what to do.
Bastion typed rapidly on his computer keyboard, researching demons and what they were capable of doing. Syrus’ actions had scared him just like the others but those actions intrigued him as well. Naturally, his intrigue prompted him to research the subject.
He clicked through the first site that was suggested to him concerning demons. It spoke of demons being dangerous monsters that should be avoided at all costs. It wasn’t easy to spot demon as some could look quite human. Their powers were as varied as their appearances and he strength of said powers were also varied. Some demons were stronger than others and it made Bastion wonder if Syrus was one of those stronger demons.
He leaned back to think about what he had read. Syrus’ powers seem similar to Camula’s shadow powers and strong enough to counter them. His appearance is human except for the ears and tail. He claims he won’t hurt us but it is hard to believe him as he did not confide to us that he is a demon in addition to being human. The powers he displayed were frightening and the howl he made was equally scary though it carried a sad tone.
I think what frightens all of us is who exactly we were talking to. Was it Syrus or Kage? The idea that the two of them are in the same body is difficult to grasp. And what of the body? Will it remain a demon or can it resume its human form? Questions raced through his mind and knew that the only way to get answers was to talk to Syrus/Kage. Only he could explain it all.
Chazz was also thinking about the night’s events. Syrus never scared him as Syrus never did anything threatening. He was simply a short, confident boy who would eventually become a pro duelist. He never thought that Syrus had another side to him.
But now that he knew, he still wasn’t scared exactly. It was the demon Kage that worried him.
He’s been living inside Syrus all these years and he’s likely gotten to know our world. He’s also spent two years sharing himself with Syrus. He might end up influencing now that Syrus has taken his demon form, only I don’t know what he might make Syrus do. Chazz thought back on the moment Syrus attacked Camula and protected them. His energy looked a lot like Camula’s except for the purple part. Could Kage be a Shadow Rider and wanted Camula to fail so that he could have a shot at getting the keys? He could be similar to Night Shroud. If someone duels Kage and beats him, then will Syrus be free of that demon? Yeah, I think so and I believe The Chazz is just the duelist for the job. Chazz got out his deck and started prepping ti for a likely duel with a demon Shadow Rider.
Crowler looked around fearfully as he shepherded Zane and Alexis to Obelisk having seen Bastion back to Ra while Banner escorted Jaden, Chumley, and Chazz to Slifer. It had been quite a night for Crowler. He had spent twenty-four hours as a doll and it was thanks to Zane that he was free. He knew Zane would have lost if Syrus hadn’t changed to his demon form to block Camula’s power and protected everyone else from being used but who knew what else Syrus was capable of now.
Alexis glanced sideways at Zane. The older boy’s fists were clenched at his sides and he had a deep frown on his face. He seemed angry, so once Crowler had left, she said, “Zane, talk to me.”
“I thought Sy seemed different,” he said, his voice low and angry. “I should have confronted him the moment I noticed it.”
“You mean when he was yelling?”
Zane shook his head. “I noticed when Sy turned fourteen. He seemed happier than I had known him to be and seemed to be more confident as I’ve said earlier. The confidence had to come from Kage but the reason why he was happier eludes me.
“I also noticed at the entrance exams that Sy had a faraway look in his eyes. I had no idea of why but now I do. Syrus admitted that he can speak to Kage through telepathy.”
“You know, Zane, in a way you have two brothers now. That’s kind of cool.”
“No. It’s not. Syrus has changed and it’s wrong. A demon invaded his body and bided his time before making his move and influencing Sy. I feel like I don’t know him anymore.”
“I don’t believe that. Syrus said Kage merged with him before he was born and that he didn’t become aware of Kage until he was thirteen.”
“Thirteen. Yes. I now see that he was getting a little confident back then but I chalked it up to puberty.”
“Zane, Sy has always been human and demon, the latter now coming out.”
“It should never have come out.”
“It would have come out eventually and I think it’s lucky that it did come out when it did. I think we need to be understanding. I know you heard him howl earlier and it sounded sad.”
Zane just shook his head and headed for his dorm. Alexis frowned at Zane’s stubbornness. I was scared of Syrus, but that howl sounded heart-breaking. I’m going to talk to him tomorrow and learn more about him.
Chapter Eight- Understanding
Syrus heard the door open but kept his eyes closed to feign sleep. He heard his friends trying to walk past him quietly but he heard it nonetheless. I think I have all the sensitive senses of a wolf demon now.
“Yes, you do,” Kage said. “It takes overnight for all your senses to sharpen. You still have to wear glasses when human.”
“Of course.” Syrus opened his eyes, sat up, stretched, got up, and headed into his room to change clothes and grab his bag before heading down to breakfast.
Syrus found himself sitting with other Slifers as Jaden, Chumley, and Chazz found seats at other tables. No one else knew Syrus was human and demon so they treated him as they usually did. Syrus also found that he was hungrier than usual. He suspected that it was because of the displays of his energy and changing forms.
Syrus found himself sitting with Jaden in class but the brunette had edged slightly away from him and did not look or speak to him. He felt sad that his friends were afraid of him and yet he was also angry over their reactions. He hadn’t asked to join with Kage but he did and he was happy to be human and demon. Kage had been his first friend and had guided him and supported him as they got to know each other and learned more about dueling. I would like to explain, but how can I when no one will look or talk to me? Well, I can talk to them and that’ll get the conversation going, at least I hope so.
Alexis looked down at her friends from her seat. Jaden was not sitting as close to Syrus like he usually did. There was a noticeable gap and she felt a flash of annoyance. Why are boys so stubborn? Zane is angry at Sy and Jaden seems to not want anything to do with him. Their actions have to be tearing Syrus up and probably Kage, too. Well, after school, I will approach him and we’ll talk.
“Ja, are you not going to talk to me?” Syrus asked as he followed his friend out of the room. Jaden didn’t respond.
“Fine. Then, I’ll talk and you’ll listen. I meant it when I said I won’t hurt you or our friends. I have no reason to do that. My change last night was something I’ve been able to do since I turned fifteen. I just had no reason until last night.”
There was silence and then Jaded said in a tight voice, “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Well…no one would believe me, would they?”
“No, but now I don’t know you, either. You’ve become someone or something else and I don’t know how to handle it.” With that, Jaden sped off for Slifer, leaving Syrus stunned by his words.
Doesn’t know me? I…guess I can see his point. I could have told him, but he wouldn’t have believed me until last night. If I had told him, then we wouldn’t be estranged from each other like this. Syrus headed for Zane’s favorite spot. He wanted to be alone to reflect on the situation and how to fix it. He stood there for a moment, changed to his demon form, and stared at the water, not noticing night as it fell.
Alexis slipped out of Obelisk with a wrapped bundle of food and a bottle of water. She had seen Syrus and Jaden talking earlier, but chose not to butt in. Jaden then rushed off and Syrus headed to Zane’s spot. Alexis guessed that Syrus needed to be alone to think so she went to Obelisk and waited for Syrus to return and head to Slifer. She grew concerned as night fell and Syrus still hadn’t come back. I better check on him. If he’s not at Zane’s spot, I’ll go to Slifer and ask to see him alone. Either way, it’ll give me the chance to talk to him. She headed down to the spot and paused when she saw Syrus in his demon form again. “Sy?”
Syrus startled and looked at her. “Alexis,” he said neutrally. “Actually, I prefer Kage when in this form.”
“Fair enough.” She came up beside him and unwrapped the bundle. “I thought you might be hungry.” She held out the bundle to reveal some chicken drumsticks.
Syrus took the bundle with a gentle smile. “Thanks. I am a little hungry.” He picked one up and bit into it, giving Alexis a glimpse of small fangs.
“I…saw you and Jaden talking earlier.”
“Yeah, it…didn’t go well. I wanted to explain myself but he said he doesn’t know me now. He said I should have told them even though they wouldn’t have believed me until last night. I can see his point.” He ate more of the chicken.
“Zane believes he doesn’t know you anymore. I believe he’s wrong.”
Syrus shook his head. “I told no one. I knew no one would believe me and now I’ve lost my brother and my friends.” He howled again.
“I’m still your friend, Kage. I’ll admit that what I saw scared me but your howl last night was so sad and heart-breaking that I decided that I had to talk to you.”
Syrus discarded the now wrapped bones as he turned to Alexis with gratitude in his gold eyes. He took her hands in his own. “Lexi, thank you.”
“Of course. So…the two of you merged before you were born.”
“Right.” Syrus released Alexis’ hands and stepped back.
“How did this all come together? The energy, powers, and demon form.”
“It was a gradual process over two years. It started when I started having visions of Kage while I slept. Then, he said he was no dream. We began to talk and he told me his past. He had been strengthening his energy and powers during this time and began to share them with me. I had a little trouble controlling the little flare-ups of my energy at first, but I soon got it under control with some mental exercises Kage taught me.
“When I turned fourteen, Kage and I could finally touch each other. I also became more confident and could feel my energy and powers growing. A telepathic link developed shortly before I turned fifteen.” He accepted the water Alexis offered him and drank a little.
“I’ve had the ability to change forms when I turned fifteen but first I had to tap my energy and then will the change to occur. Now that I have, I can change whenever I want.”
“Do your souls change places when changing forms?”
Syrus shook his head. “I am in control. Kage lends me his energy, powers, and form to me, but I’m still Syrus.” He saw Alexis looking up a little and intuited what she was thinking. “You can touch the ears if you want.”
Alexis reached over and ran her fingers over the sides and the back, feeling the fur on the backs. Her fingers then went to the hair, brushing some away from the face. “You’re not much taller than before. At least six inches or so.”
“I’m actually five foot two and believe me, those few inches make a big difference to me.”
“I can understand that.”
“So…are you okay with me, with what I am?”
“Yes. Now I understand. This is part of you, what was meant to happen. Honestly, this is actually cool.”
“I might be able to add some of my demon features to my human form. Maybe.”
“You would look cute with wolf ears.”
“I would like to have wolf ears. I would also like it if everyone else was okay with this like you are.”
“I know you would and I will see to that. Let’s start with Jaden and Chumley.” Alexis headed to Slifer with Syrus still in his demon form and hoping to sleep in his own bed tonight.
Chapter Nine- Friends Again
“Perhaps I should resume my human form,” Syrus said as they approached the stairs.
“No, Kage. They need to see you as you are. It’s the only way they’ll…what?” Alexis trailed off at the soft smile on Syrus’ face.
“Nothing. I just like hearing you call me Kage. It has been years since it was last spoken and it’s nice to hear it again.”
Alexis smiled back before climbing the stairs. Sy and Kage really are one and the same. Kage’s past is Sy’s past and vice versa, but it is still Syrus who’s in control as it is technically his body and his life. He is talking about Kage’s past as if it was his own based on what he just said.
She knocked on the door. “Ja? It’s Alexis. Can I come in?”
There was a creak of bedsprings before Jaden said, “Sure. Hold on a sec.” Syrus heard the door unlock before it opened. “Come on in, Lex.”
“Thanks.” She stood to one side of the door and Syrus entered the room.
Jaden back up against the far wall and Chumley cowered in his bed and under the covers. Alexis stepped in and closed the door. “Jaden, Chumley. Enough of this. Kage’s not going to hurt you.”
“Who?” Jaden asked.
“That is the name Sy prefers when in his demon form. He hasn’t heard his name spoken for years and now he will as I was using it when we talked earlier.”
“Was it Kage talking or Syrus?”
“Syrus. Their souls may be merged, but Syrus is always in control.”
“Then…it was Sy who attacked and protected us?”
“It was,” Syrus spoke up. “What I did was no different than what Kage did in the past. He would defend himself and those who need protection.”
“Yeah. He shared everything about himself with me. I know what he knows and vice versa.” He sighed. “Look, I’m sorry I scared you with my change and powers. I’m also sorry I didn’t tell you.”
There was a brief silence before Jaden said, “Uh, Kage? What would you say to a swimming race at the wading pool tomorrow?”
“Are you kidding?” Syrus asked, his voice rising in fear and to the squeaking sound he made in his human form. “Ja, you know I can’t swim!”
Jaden gave a small laugh as Chumley came out of hiding. “That’s the Sy I know.”
Syrus moaned. “Maybe I should know how to swim.”
“So, Kage can’t swim either?” asked Chumley.
“No, surprisingly enough. One would think he can.” He tilted his head and his eyes took on a brief faraway look. “His jobs never involved water so swimming wasn’t a skill he needed to know.”
“His jobs?” Alexis repeated. “What did he do for a living?”
Syrus shifted on his feet. “He…worked as an assassin. He did protect others when he didn’t have an assignment,” he said, quickly adding the last statement due to the worried looks on his friends’ faces.
“How old is he?” Chumley asked. “I mean, demons can live longer than people.”
“He was 200 when he was attacked.”
“Two hundred. So he’s 215 now, right?”
Syrus nodded. “Yeah.”
“Tell us about his past,” Jaden requested.
“What do you want to know?”
“His family. Did he live with both parents? Did you have brothers or sisters?”
“He grew up with both parents, but he was an only child. His parents did love him and taught him how to defend himself. There was one disagreement between them. His parents believed they were a superior kind of demon that demanded respect while Kage believed that if wolf demons are superior, then they should help others rather than simply being…arrogant about it. He struck out on his own when he was seventeen or eighteen.”
“Did he develop his powers while being an assassin?” Jaden asked.
“No. He was born with shadow powers but he did shape and strengthen them over his life. The attacks and barrier I used were among those.”
“He must have been really strong,” Chumley commented. “That barrier was impressive when I think back on it.”
“He’s strong, but not like he was last night. When Camula was taking Crowler’s soul, Kage was able to absorb some of the shadow power she was using and added to our own. We then became stronger than her and it made our attacks stronger.”
“Why did he do that?”
“He hoped to find a way to counter her abilities. What he really found was that the power of the Shadow Riders is no different from our own and chose to absorb some for ourselves. I’m not complaining.”
“We’re not, either,” Alexis said. “It probably saved our souls.”
Syrus got that faraway look again. “It did. If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to protect all of us.”
“Kage, what is with that faraway look you get?” Chumley asked.
“Faraway look?” he repeated.
Alexis nodded. “I’ve noticed that too and so has Zane. Are you using telepathy?”
“I am.” A small amused smile appeared. “I was unaware of how I look when I use it.”
“So, the soul of a wolf demon merged with yours. The demon was an assassin but protected others,” Jaden said. “He shares his past, energy, and powers with you, you can talk to him in your head, and you can take his demon form. Is that about it?”
“Pretty much. There is something I plan to test soon.”
“What’s that?”
“Well, Kage said that he’s heard stories of merged souls like us where the human could add demon features to the human body. I plan to see if I can add wolf ears.”
Jaden’s eyes went to the ears which were at eye level. He blinked and finally noticed something. “You’re taller.”
“Yeah. I’m five foot two right now. I’m still shorter than everyone else, but not by much with you, Ja.”
Jaden grinned. “Anyway, I think wolf ears will make you cuter.” “Alexis said that too. Ja? Chum? Are we okay now? I would hate to think our friendship is over.”
“Hey, now that you’ve explained yourself and apologized, it’s all good now.”
“Great, but there’s still Chazz, Bastion, Banner, Crowler, and Zane.”
“I’ll handle Crowler,” Alexis said.
“I’ll tell Banner,” Jaden said.
“Thanks. So it’s just Chazz, Bastion, and Zane.”
“I’d offer to tell Zane but I feel you want to tell him yourself.”
“Yeah, Lexi. I want to tell him.” Syrus stifled a yawn and then resumed his human form. Alexis left and Syrus changed clothes and got into bed, happy to have three friends back.
Chapter Ten- Setup
Jaden awoke the next day to see Syrus in front of their dorm’s small mirror. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be thinking hard. Jaden simply watched, having an idea of what his friend was doing and sure enough, Syrus’ human ears vanished and his wolf ears appeared on his head.
Syrus opened his eyes and grinned at his success. He turned to Jaden with that grin still in place. “Well, Ja, what do you think?”
“I think I was right. You are cuter with wolf ears.”
“Yeah, but I’m not going out like this. It’s nice to know that next time, I won’t have to focus so hard.” Syrus will his ears back to human and waited while Jaden got ready for school. He sent Alexis a message on how he was going to talk to Zane. She replied by saying she would ask him to his favorite spot to talk and she’d message him before they leave Obelisk.
Syrus and Jaden entered the cafeteria to see Chumley and Chazz alone. They got their trays and joined them. “Hi, Chazz,” Syrus greeted as he sat down.
Chazz looked levelly at him. “Are you a Shadow Rider?” he asked.
“Wha-? No, of course not.”
Chazz glanced at Jaden who nodded. “Sy’s no Shadow Rider. He’s human and demon and he won’t hurt anyone.”
Chazz frowned. “And I just updated my deck to duel a Shadow Rider.”
“We’ll make sure you get a chance to duel one,” Syrus assured him.
“I better. So, you’re Syrus and…”
“Kage. But right now, it’s Syrus. When I take my demon form, I prefer Kage.”
Chazz looked Syrus up and down and then smirked. “You don’t look scary or dangerous.”
“That’s because I’m not, no matter what form I take.” He smiled and Chazz nodded before returning to breakfast. I think I’ve got another friend back, Syrus thought as he ate breakfast.
Syrus and the others met up with Bastion as they passed Ra campus. “Syrus,” Bastion said as he drew alongside him. “I researched demons and…”
“You’re curious about me,” Syrus interrupted.
“Well, yes. Your powers, for example.”
“I have shadow powers. Kage was born with them and they strengthened as he used them and before he eventually shared them with me.”
“I see. And are you a strong demon?”
“Yes. Wolf demon are quite strong. Most would be arrogant about that but Kage used his strength to help others.”
“Kage. That’s your alter ego?”
“No. He’s a soul joined with my own. When I become my demon self, I take Kage’s name.”
Bastion nodded at this. “I want you to know that I was frightened at first, but as I did my research, I became less so. You are my friend and I do not fear you.”
“Thanks Bastion. That means a lot to me.” Another friend back. This is great!
The small smile on Syrus’ face told Alexis that things were looking up for him. When Bastion approached Syrus at the end of one class, it confirmed that he had gotten another friend on his side again. I managed to convince Crowler that Sy is harmless. Jaden will probably talk to Banner later or until Syrus reminds him. So, that means that only Zane remains to be convinced and once Atti wakes up, I can fill him in. Let’s see…Zane likes to think after dinner so I’ll make the offer during dinner and message Sy as I’m almost done eating. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. Alexis nodded to herself.
Zane stared across campus at the small red building in the distance. He had glimpsed Syrus throughout the day and felt as if he was looking at someone he didn’t know. It was crazy to feel this way but he kept re-living the last moments of that duel. Did he ever really know Syrus? All this time, he had been living with a demon. He shook his head as he headed to dinner.
“Zane!” Alexis called as he entered the cafeteria. “I was wondering if we could talk after dinner."
“Of course. My favorite spot.”
“Great. I look forward to it.” She walked away, eager to finish dinner and tell Syrus that they would be on the way.
Syrus studied his notes, absently scratching behind one of his wolf ears. He enjoyed his ears and how much better he could hear with them. He was waiting for Alexis’ message and chose to read over his notes from the day while he waited. When his device went off, he startled slightly even though he had been expecting it. “I’m going to talk to Zane,” he said, having showed his roommates the message he had received earlier that day.
“Good luck, Sy,” Jaden said as Syrus changed his ears and headed for the door.
“You know, Ja. This would be a good time to convince Banner that I’m harmless,” Syrus said before closing the door and heading for the meeting spot.
“Alexis, what did you want to talk about?” Zane asked after the two stood there in silence for a few minutes.
“I want to talk to you about Syrus.”
Zane exhaled. “I don’t want to discuss him.”
“Well, I do.”
“Then, you can do so to thin air.” Zane knew he was being harsh in his response but Syrus as a discussion topic was wearing to him. He turned and saw Syrus standing nearby.
“Zane, we need to talk. Now,” Syrus stated firmly.
Zane glanced back at Alexis, then at Syrus, and back at Alexis. “A setup,” he said.
“Yes,” Alexis admitted. “It seemed the only way to bring you two together.”
“I am not interested in discussing anything,” he said icily. “I am leaving.” He went past Syrus but stopped short at the appearance of a black-purple barrier. He turned around to see Syrus’ back, his body outlined in black-purple.
“You will stay,” Syrus stated. “You need to let out your anger so that you can move forward.”
Zane stared at Syrus, hardly believing the wise words he had just heard. Syrus usually loathed confrontations; indeed he avoided it whenever he could. It was a bit unnerving to Zane to see Syrus like this. The Syrus I’m seeing now does not match with the Syrus I grew up with. I don’t know which one is the real Syrus or if he existed at all.
Alexis watched the interaction in silence. She had gotten to know Syrus through the last several months and knew him to be a shy, kind boy who had low self-esteem, the latter due to Zane’s criticisms about his dueling skills. It had been a surprise when Zane spoke of Syrus yelling at him after the tag match. It was completely out of character and Zane was convinced that something was different and wrong about Syrus.
I just thought he was growing up, becoming mature. I think I was right, but not in the way I thought. Syrus had been drawing confidence and wisdom from Kage but didn’t let it show until Camula threatened his soul and life. That was when he drew on his energy and demon form to protect himself and us. Now he can take his demon form when he wants and use his energy as he wishes, as that barrier currently up proves. It is a different Sy; one that had been dormant until the time was right to let it come out.
I can kind of understand where Zane is coming from. All his life, Syrus was his little brother who was shy and idolized him. Now, Sy has revealed that he is a demon as well as being human and Zane is probably afraid of him which he covers up by being cold and indifferent to his brother.
Chapter Eleven- Brothers
“Zane, please talk to me,” Syrus pleaded. “Let’s work through this.”
“You kept the fact that you’re also a demon from me for two years,” Zane said in a tight voice. “You could have, should have told me. Even if I didn’t believe you, it wouldn’t have been the shock it turned out to be. I now question our childhood, wondering if I was growing up with a demon all that time.”
Syrus was a bit stung by Zane’s last words. “Kage did not appear until I was thirteen. Our childhood is exactly what it was. I suppose I could have told you. No, I should have told you. It was not my intention to shock or scare anyone.”
“Well, you did! That’s why everyone’s avoiding you. You revealed a secret when we were already in the midst of a duel with a vampire.”
“And if I hadn’t revealed it, you would have lost the duel, the key, and your soul. I have no doubt that we would have gotten your soul back, but then two gates would have been opened instead of the one we have right now. I also had to act fast to prevent my soul from being linked to Cyber End Dragon. Kage had said that if one of us was lost, the other goes too and considering we’re merged, that makes sense.”
Zane was silent. If Sy hadn’t used his energy and demon form, I would have lost, I can’t deny that. I’m still not sure who was talking after we escaped the castle. Was it Kage or Syrus?
Zane blinked and took a step back as Syrus had changed again. “Syrus?” he asked slowly.
“Yes, though I prefer the name Kage when I take this form.” He smiled. “I’m still your brother no matter what I look like or what I am.”
Zane looked Syrus up and down, taking a good look as he hadn’t looked properly before. He looked from the ears to the eyes, the face, the clothes, and the tail. He also noticed that Syrus was taller. He’s right. He’s been human and demon all his life. He did say Kage was fatally wounded so no doubt he had to recover from that after joining with Sy and could not communicate until later. He looked in Syrus’ gold eyes and saw that it was Syrus looking back at him.
“Kage,” he said. “You’re right. You’re still my brother. You’ve been like this all your life and didn’t know until later. I know you won’t hurt anyone.” He smiled as Syrus seized him in a hug. He inwardly chuckled. Typical Sy.
Alexis smiled in amusement at a five foot two wolf demon hugging Zane. She found it funny as she knew Kage had been an assassin and yet Syrus was being his sweet self. The point is that Zane is not angry or afraid of Syrus anymore.
“Tell me about your demon side,” Zane said as Syrus broke the hug.
“He was born with shadow powers. He lived with his parents who loved him and taught him how to defend himself. He did have one serious disagreement with his parents as they held to the belief that as wolf demons are superior, all others should fear and respect them. Kage believed that if his kind were superior, they should help those who need help or protection.
“He struck out on his own when he was seventeen or eighteen. He ended up being a hired assassin but did defend weaker demons when he was between jobs.’
“I imagine defending others attracted enemies as much as being an assassin would,” Zane commented.
“Right and that’s why those three demon attacked him and left him for dead.”
“Were those three bullying someone?” Alexis asked as that point of the story was never mentioned.
“Worse. They were tormenting and abusing six small demon children. He was furious at this since he never had siblings or children of his own.”
“He did the right thing defending those children,” Zane said.
Syrus nodded. “He also helped reunite them with their parents.”
“They wanted revenge and left him for dead, not realizing that he could escape and live…wait. Is he alive?”
“He is; even though he is soul and spirit, he is alive. He wasn’t sure himself until I voiced the same question, adding that his soul survived.”
“What will you do later in life, Sy? None of us will be pro duelists forever.”
“I’m not sure. Perhaps, I will resume Kage’s life.”
“All of it? Defending others and being an assassin?”
“Eventually, I think so. I may not be an assassin at first, but I will be able to do it. Kage doubted he could kill his first target, but he did it.”
“With his past known to you, I’m sure you could do it too.”
“Thanks, but I don’t plan to do it for a long time.”
“Of course.” A small smile came to Zane’s lips. “Alexis, you were right in saying that, in a way, I have two brothers.”
Syrus looked at her. “You said that? That’s real nice.”
“Well, it’s kind of true,” she said. She then smiled as she recalled her conversation with him last night. “Kage, have you tried adding wolf ears to your human form?”
“I have. Watch.” Syrus took his human form but kept the ears. He opened his eyes and saw Alexis and Zane staring at him, the former with wide, amazed eyes.
“Whoa,” Alexis said softly and then grinned. “You are cuter this way.”
“Yeah. Ja said the same thing this morning.”
“Well, he was right.”
“I noticed that you and Jaden are talking again,” Zane said.
“It’s thanks to Alexis that we are. She went right up to our room, told Ja and Chumley off, and both of us explained everything.”
“And the others?”
“They’re okay with it now too. Bastion was asking me about my powers and overall demon strength. Chazz actually thought I was a Shadow Rider.”
“I can see why he would think that. Is Banner okay with this?”
“Uh, I don’t really know. I told Ja to talk to him when I left to come here. If he hasn’t, I’ll keep telling him to do it.”
“He’s the only one left to convince. I told Crowler that you’re harmless and that way we saw was done to protect you and us.”
“Speaking of which, if any Shadow Rider tried to duel using their shadow powers when I’m around, I’ll neutralize whatever effects it’ll have on you or anyone else,” Syrus stated.
“I’d like that,” Alexis said.
“So would I,” Zane added and then grinned. “Those Shadow Riders had better watch out as we have a powerful wolf demon who has shadow powers of his own.”
Syrus couldn’t help blushing at Zane’s praise. He had fully come into his demon side and would use his powers to protect his friends and himself from the Shadow Riders that were still out there.