Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Ebo and the nameless demon are mine.
Chapter One- Mutual Attraction
Oh, he’s so handsome, beautiful really. Keiko sighed softly as she sat at her desk at home. She never thought she would fall for a demon. She had thought of them as grotesque and vulgar. That was not the case with Yoko Kurama. She had only seen the silver fox once and not for very long but what she had seen had left her breathless.
He had fought calmly and his movements were smooth and graceful. He spoke just as calmly and the sound of his voice was attractive. She was well aware that Kurama and Yoko were the same person and yet their personalities seemed different. Keiko, being a smart girl, one would think she would choose Kurama to love, but she found Yoko preferable in a way she couldn’t quite explain.
Maybe it’s an example of the saying opposites attract. Yoko is a demon who can fight to kill while I’m a human who can fight but not to kill. However, Yoko is clever like me, just more so. I don’t know much about Yoko, but I would like to. If we spend time together, I would get to know him and him me. Keiko nodded before picking up the phone and calling Kurama’s house having been told by Yusuke of Kurama’s human name. The phone range twice before being answered by a male voice she recognized. “Hi, Kurama. It’s Keiko. Listen, would you like to get together after school tomorrow?”
There was a brief silence before Kurama said, “All right. There is this café near the fountain in the shopping district I like. Would that be acceptable?”
“Absolutely.” Keiko knew that café and frequented it with her girl pals. Furthermore, she would have suspected it if Kurama hadn’t. “I’ll see you then. Bye.”
“Goodbye.” Kurama hung up and leaned back in his chair with curiosity in his eyes. It was odd for Keiko to call him for a get-together. He had figured she would have had enough of him and Hiei and not want to interact with either of them again. It would seem I was incorrect.
“I am pleased that you are wrong,” Yoko spoke up. “Personally, I find her a charming girl. Fiery, spirited, and pretty. I can see why Yusuke is fond of her.”
“Do you? I hope you are not thinking of courting or seducing her. Yusuke would not like that.”
Yoko scoffed, “Court or seduce? I do not seduce, I am the one others try to seduce. I will only court if she expresses interest.”
That is not likely to happen, Kurama thought. Keiko likes Yusuke and he likes her. I do not see them breaking up.
“Stop bossing me around, Keiko!” Yusuke shouted.
“I’m not bossing you around,” Keiko shot back. “I’m telling you to get down here and back to class.”
“I call that bossing.”
“I am not using a bossy tone,” Keiko pointed out. She closed her eyes, and slowly let out her breath before opening her eyes. “Yusuke, please come down and head back to class,” she requested. To her surprise, Yusuke hopped down.
“All you had to do was say please,” he said as he headed inside.
Really? Being polite gets him to listen? Why does he have to be so difficult? I bet Kurama and Yoko aren’t that hard to figure out. She smiled as she thought of her date this afternoon. She hoped that, while it was Kurama’s human body, she would hear Yoko speak instead. That may not happen, she thought as she sat down in the classroom. I will just have to make it clear that I’ve fallen for Yoko. It may come as a surprise, but he has to know.
Kurama sat outside the café at one of their outdoor tables, waiting for Keiko and, while he did, he started on his homework. He normally would work on it at school, but Keiko’s asking him out intrigued him and he saw no reason to not meet her. Furthermore, Yoko was also wanting to meet with her. He had talked Yoko out of transforming to simply speaking through him so as to not frighten people at the sight of a six foot tall silver humanoid fox. “You have a point,” Yoko said as Kurama wrote. “I will simply observe and if my input is required I will speak through the human form.”
“That would be appreciated.”
“Kurama, hi.”
Kurama looked up to see Keiko before closing his book and smiling. “Hello, Keiko. I must say I am intrigued by you wanting to see me. One would think you had had enough of my presence over the tournament.”
“Not you, Kurama,” Keiko said as she sat. “I find it easy to talk to you and you’re so nice.”
“I am happy to hear that I put you at ease.” He saw a flicker of impatience and anxiousness in her eyes and wondered why that was.
Keiko sighed and leaned forward. “I’ll just come out and say it: I am in love with Yoko. I never thought I would fall for a demon but there is something attractive I can’t explain, though it could be the concept of opposites attract.”
Kurama blinked at the bold statement and sensed Yoko wanting to speak. “Let me speak. It is me she is interested in.”
“All right.” Kurama stepped aside to allow Yoko control of the body.
Keiko saw green eyes turn gold and the angles of the face altered subtly. “Keiko,” came Yoko’s voice. “I find you a charming girl as well as your spirited personality. I would like us to be a couple if you feel that strongly for me.”
“I do feel that way. I would love to know more about you.”
“And I would like to know more about you as well.”
“I’d be happy to tell you.” She saw the intense interest in his eyes and proceeded to tell him about her home life, then her school life, and finally her friends. Yoko listened with interest filing away everything he heard with the ease that had made him the expert thief he had been. Attention to detail was everything to him.
“Keiko,” he said when she finished. “You counted Yusuke among your friends. I was under the impression that he was your boyfriend.”
“I had thought of him like that until the finals. But now, it’s you I love.”
“As long as Yusuke understands why we are together. I do not wish to jeopardize my friendship with him.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll make him understand.”
Yoko couldn’t help smiling. Her response displayed her spirited trait that he admired her. She was a brave, clever girl who did not hesitate to speak her mind but did respect authority, something he himself rebelled against while his human side, Shuichi, respected it. He’d rather make his own rules than follow them. However, for Keiko, I would be willing to abide by the humans’ laws.
Keiko felt her heart beat faster upon seeing Yoko smile in a way that didn’t involve killing someone. It made her happy to have admitted love for Yoko and to have received it in turn. She knew her love life would be unusual, dating a demon. If Yoko wanted to take his full demon form, they would have to meet somewhere secluded. Also, she couldn’t tell many people about her boyfriend and how could she tell her parents? Obviously, Yoko will need to stay in human form. I’m sure he knows that.
She focused on Yoko’s beautiful gold eyes as he cupped her chin, leaned forward, and captured her lips in a loving kiss. She closed her eyes in pleasure and her concerns about her relationship faded away. What did it matter if she and Yoko had to have a secret relationship? Their love for one another was enough. The two of them shared another kiss, unaware of a friend spotting them and staring in surprise: Kuwabara.
Chapter Two- Still Friends
Oh my God. Keiko and Kurama? I thought she was crazy about Urameshi. This is likely to make Urameshi jealous and possibly feel betrayed. I wouldn’t have thought of Kurama as a girlfriend stealer and yet he’s kissing Keiko. I’d hate to tell Urameshi about this, but he needs to know. Kuwabara moved on, deciding to tell Yusuke about this face-to-face the next morning instead of a telephone call. That way, Yusuke could confront Keiko about her and Kurama.
Kurama headed home, hearing the dreamy sighs coming from Yoko. He had clearly had an enjoyable time with Keiko and both of them had learned practically everything about her, which wasn’t hard as she had spoken willingly about every aspect.
Kurama knew that when they next got together, it would be his turn to speak about himself. That will take some time as there are 1,000 years to cover. Maybe Keiko can cut that down by asking certain questions. I mean, every theft contains the same basic elements: I got in, avoided the traps, took what I wanted, and escaped easily. Then again, Keiko was so open and honest I would hate to conceal anything from her. Maybe I should ask Yoko.
“Yoko?" he asked, but all he got was another sigh. “Yoko?”
“She’s perfect," Yoko finally said.
Kurama felt slight amusement from that statement. “You sound like a human teenager.”
“I am in love,”" Yoko said defensively. “I have never loved someone or been loved. It is a wonderful feeling.”
“I certainly understand that and being in love usually means being open and honest with one another.”
“Yes and I plan to do so with Keiko. She deserves nothing less."
Keiko walked to school by herself the next morning, a happy smile on her face as she re-lived yesterday afternoon. She hadn’t really meant to blurt out her feelings; she had just wanted to see Yoko and she had gotten his attention. She had been delighted when he admitted strong feelings for her. She had then told him practically everything about herself.
Hopefully, he’ll do the same when we next get together. Hmm…maybe I should come up with questions to ask. I mean, he’s probably lived a long time. In fact, that’s one question I’ll ask.
Yusuke, with Kuwabara beside him, watched Keiko but kept his distance as he didn’t know what mood she was in. I like her, but she gets on my nerves, at least when we’re at school.
“Hey, Urameshi?”
“What’s up, Kuwabara?” Yusuke’s eyes still locked on Keiko.
“I, uh, saw Keiko yesterday after school.”
“Yeah? Was she shopping?”
“No. She was…she was kissing Kurama.”
Yusuke stopped dead and turned to his friend. “What? Kissing Kurama? You sure?”
“Oh, yeah. No mistake.”
He stared after Keiko. he kissed Kurama? Why? Are they a couple now? Knowing there was only one way to get answers, he ran after her. “Hey! Keiko!”
She stopped and turned to him with a smile. “Hi, Yusuke. What’s up?”
“Kuwabara says he saw you kiss Kurama yesterday. Is that true?” Yusuke made sure not to sound accusing, just genuinely interested.
She still smiled. “Technically he kissed me or rather Yoko did.”
“Yoko did?”
“Yusuke, I fell for Yoko when I saw him at the finals. I called Kurama the day before to meet after school yesterday and I admitted how I felt. Yoko then spoke to me through Kurama and said he likes me too.”
“He said…? So, you like Yoko and not Kurama?”
“That’s right. I don’t want you to be jealous or end your friendship with Kurama because of me. Yoko and I are together and that’s that.”
“All right, Keiko. I just want you to be happy. You’re still my closest friend of course.”
“And you’re still my friend, too.” She gave him a quick, friendly hug and both continued to walk, talking, with Keiko asking Yusuke what he knew about Yoko.
“I don’t know much,” he admitted. “I know Yoko was a spirit fox who came to gain the powers of a demon and that he’s lived for 1,000 years.”
“A thousand years!?” she gasped.
“A thousand fifteen I would think adding in his human years. Also, he was a thief.”
“Was a thief, doesn’t mean he still is.”
“Right. I don’t know what Yoko’s future plans are but you can.”
“Yeah, I can. Thanks for telling me about Yoko and taking the news that we’re together so well,” she said as they reached the gates.
“Sure, Keiko.” He watched her start to walk away and pause. “I will still insist on you applying yourself to your schoolwork.” She resumed walking, missing the eye-rolling from Yusuke.
“So, what’d she say?” Kuwabara asked, coming up to him.
“She loves Yoko, not Kurama. He apparently spoke through Kurama’s body and he initiated the kiss.”
“She loves Yoko!? Wow.”
Kurama sensed Yoko was organizing their memories and history so as to make it easier to answer any questions Keiko may ask or simply tell her his life story. He was glad that Yoko was doing something besides fawning over Keiko. That was one thing that drove him crazy at times: His obsession once he was fixated on something or someone. It was a good trait to have as a thief, but there are times when obsession can be a bad thing.
“Kurama, do you think we could call Keiko and ask her out on Saturday?”
“I think we could.”
“Good. Tomorrow is Friday and I still need a little more time to organize our thoughts.”
“Of course.” Kurama picked up his phone and dialed Keiko’s number. The other end rang and an older woman answered. “Hello. May I speak to Keiko? Tell her it’s Shuichi.”
“One moment.” He heard distant voices and then Keiko came on. “Hi, Shuichi.”
“Keiko, Yoko wanted me to ask you out for him. What do you say to a picnic in the park Saturday?”
“A picnic? Sounds perfect. Could you pick me up at home? I let it slip that I have a new boyfriend.”
“Not a problem. I will have Yoko speak but keep my human appearance.”
“Great. See you Saturday.” Keiko hung up and smiled. She had a date with her fox! Yes, he would be in human form and look like Kurama, but it would be Yoko in control. He’ll likely change eye color and facial structure like last time once we’re on our way. Gosh, I should let Mom and Dad know. She headed off to tell them of her date.
Kurama hung and Yoko said, “A picnic in the park. Very nice.”
“I thought it would give you an opportunity to take your demon form.”
“Yes. A secluded spot, just the two of us.”
“Just be sure Keiko’s parents approve of you.”
“Not to worry. Remember? I can charm anyone I want.”
Kurama chuckled. “You are correct. No need to worry. I am sure that her parents will like you almost as much as Keiko does.”
Chapter Three- Picnic Date
Keiko smiled in the mirror as she got dressed. It was Saturday morning and she knew Yoko would be here soon. Her parents had been surprised when she accidentally mentioned having a new boyfriend. They had sat her down and quizzed her about him. They had wanted to know his name, age, school he attended, and how they met. Keiko stuck to the human facts about Kurama and said she had seen him around town and hadn’t introduced herself until last week. She could tell they were impressed when she said he attended Meiou High.
The doorbell rang and she headed down in time to hear the door open and Yoko’s voice say, “Hello. I’m Shuichi Minamino. I hope Keiko said I would be coming.”
She peeked around the corner to see Kurama in a casual but dressy outfit with a basket on one arm and a bouquet of roses in one hand. She saw her mom take the roses as well as the approval in her eyes. She saw Kurama shake her dad’s hand before they moved out of sight and her dad saying, “Shuichi, tell us about yourself.”
Of course. They want to question him some more. Keiko understood why but at the same time, it annoyed her. Didn’t they trust her to pick her boyfriends? Granted, they liked Yusuke and had known him for years, so it made sense that they would question Kurama. Eventually, they’ll ask him to dinner and Kurama may wish to reveal more of himself.
“Well, Keiko should be ready soon,” her dad said as she hovered by the living room entrance. She knew that was her cue to step in and rescue her boyfriend. She came in with a bright smile. “I thought I heard Shuichi’s voice.”
Her parents blinked. “Shuichi?” her dad repeated. “You don’t call him Kurama? He said that you and his closest friends call him Kurama.”
“Oh. Yes, of course. He didn’t ask me to use that name until a few days ago,” she lied while inwardly she thought, What did Yoko tell them?
“What did you tell them?” she asked once they were out and walking toward the park.
“I gave my mother’s name and what I plan to do for a career. I told them Kurama’s plan which is to work for my mother’s boss’ company who as it turns out, is engaged to Mother.”
“She’s engaged!? That’s great! Tell her congratulations from me.”
“I will. I told them my other name as I hope to reveal all should they invite me to dinner.”
Keiko giggled. “I had thought that was the reason.”
“We seem to think alike. Interesting.” Yoko and Keiko entered the park, the former heading to an isolated area where he laid out the blanket and food before taking his demon form. He saw Keiko’s eyes widen in surprise and he smiled in amusement. “This is why Kurama suggested a picnic.”
Keiko felt like she was going to swoon as they sat. He’s better-looking up close, she thought. There was silence as the two ate and basked in each other’s company. Keiko took a long drink of water and decided to start the conversation rolling. “Kuwabara saw us kiss earlier this week and told Yusuke. I told him that we love one another and I asked him about you.”
“I doubt he told you much.”
“He said you were a spirit fox who gained demon powers and that you’re a thousand years old.”
“That is all true. I was, in appearance, a large four-legged silver fox with multiple tails and red eyes. I will admit that I was not a nice fox. I used my powers to break into places and steal the treasures within.”
“Yusuke did mention you were a thief.”
“I was but I can give that up for you. I have never loved anyone before you much less receive that love in return. You are a very special girl, Keiko. I can sense it.”
Keiko blushed at the comment before saying, “Uh, could you tell me about your life? I don’t mean everything, just the major points.”
“That I can do. You are aware that in order to take what I wanted, I had to kill others.”
Keiko bit her lip, but nodded. “I’ve seen demons kill each other in the tournament just to advance to the next round.”
“Yes and others kill just because they can. I try, nowadays, to kill in self-defense.”
“Right. So, those major points?”
“Yes. Well, I had stolen alone until I met a dear friend called Koronue. The two of us were an excellent thieving duo, trusted each other to watch the other’s back. But then, as we left our latest theft, the cord of a pendent Koronue coveted broke and, when he went back to get it, he was killed.”
Keiko gasped. “That’s awful.”
“Yes and I mourned briefly before going back to solo stealing until I meant another bandit named Yomi. Ah Keiko, you could not have found two thieves who were of different temperament that Yomi and me. I had learned the art of patience and stealth while Yomi preferred confrontation and had no patience. Nonetheless, we had led a group of demons in stealing with me as the leader and Yomi was my second-in-command.
“However, Yomi being hot-headed, would led some of our men into heavily guarded places that I would not touch until later and ended up costing our men their lives. It would have costed Yomi his life as well if I did not rescue him. I had lost one friend before. I did not want to lose another.
“Eventually, I grew tired of Yomi’s constant disobedience and decided to have him killed. I hired an assassin for the job. I leaked a false story about a fortress with a fabulous treasure and impossible defenses, knowing Yomi would take the bait. Well, the assassin ended up blinding Yomi, but left him alive.”
“Did you kill the assassin when he told you what he did?”
“No. I had paid him beforehand and then I reverted to my fox form and went into Spirit World to steal alone. Then came the day I was badly injured and used the last of my energy to come here and merge with Mother’s unborn child. I had planned to leave after ten years but then Mother fell ill and I found I couldn’t leave her. She had also taught me to be kind and caring and I also had developed a desire to protect others. I had never experienced those feelings and I liked how they felt.”
Keiko listened in rapt attention and reflected on the latter part of the story as Yoko drank some water. His mother endowed Yoko with a sense of humanity. It was only natural for her to do so and of course, she didn’t know she was raising a demon. Actually I think she still doesn’t know. “Yoko, your mom doesn’t know you’re a demon, right?”
“Correct and I may want to, seeing as I intend to tell your parents in time.”
Keiko nodded as her eyes roved over Yoko’s body. She started at the top with his long delicate ears that were a darker shade of silver than his waist-length hair. She gazed at his gold eyes and pale skin, then down to his strong chest and arms, to the tail that matched his ears, and finally the white tunic, pants, and shoes he wore. He was a beautiful creature and she felt lucky to be dating him.
He smiled when Keiko blushed when she realized that she had been caught staring. “Would you like to see my fox form?”
She nodded and Yoko changed into a silver fox. His red eyes didn’t look as menacing as she thought and it added to his beauty. Yoko trotted over to her and laid beside her, his tails on his other side. Keiko reached down and ran her fingers down his soft fur and she saw him sigh and his eyes closed. She continued to stroke him and then she smiled. Yoko was breathing deeply and evenly: He had fallen asleep!
He’s so cute when asleep, she thought as she watched the fox. She was then visited by an interesting notion. I think I’d like to be a fox demon too. I bet we’d make a cuter couple as demons. I’ll ask him what he thinks when he wakes up. Keiko laid beside Yoko, still stroking him until she too slipped into slumber.
Chapter Four- The Request
Yoko opened his eyes, yawned, and stretched. Wow. I did not expect to fall asleep, but Keiko’s touches had felt so good. He looked over to see that Keiko had also fallen asleep. He resumed his demon form and smiled at the sleeping girl. She was peaceful and prettier when asleep. It is unusual, but not unheard of, for a human and a demon to fall in love; however, the demon is usually left behind as the human ages and dies. That’s an acceptable price to pay for a joyous period of my life. Yoko came out of his thoughts as Keiko stirred and opened her eyes. She smiled as she sat up and stretched. “I didn’t want to wake you and I ended up sleeping too. You were so cute while sleeping.”
“I thought the same thing about you.” Yoko started to collect the dishes and got a bag for the trash out of the basket.
“Uh, Yoko?” Keiko asked as she pitched in. “While you were sleeping, I got this idea. I thought about being a fox demon too. What do you think about this?”
Yoko blinked. “You? A fox demon?” Yoko wasn’t sure what to think. On one hand, Keiko and he could be together for a long time, but on the other hand, what would her parents think?
Keiko took in his silence before saying, “You don’t like that.”
“What? No, Keiko; on the contrary, I like it as we would be together longer than we would now. But, what would your parents think?”
“Oh,” she said softly. “I…didn’t think about that.”
“That’s all right. Every fox demon can use illusions to disguise themselves. It plays into the human folklore of trickster foxes.”
“So, I could be a demon?”
“If that is what you wish. I will need to look for a way to make it happen.”
“I do want to be a demon. I can wait while you look.”
“It will require that I look in Demon World unless I find a demon who would be willing to assist me.”
“I thought other demons feared you.”
“They do and that’s why they either avoid me or help me: They wish to live.”
Keiko smiled as they packed the blanket and Yoko resumed his human form but with gold eyes. The two chatted about school and their friends as they left the park. It didn’t surprise her how well-learned Yoko was. She had been sure that even a thief like Yoko would seek to gain knowledge any way he can. I like learning too and I would definitely be learning how to be a demon.
Yoko was having an enjoyable time talking to Keiko and sharing what they learned in their respective schools. He liked learning as knowledge is power and demons loved power. True, most demons valued physical power but there were demons who knew that knowledge was just as valuable, like himself.
He then saw Keiko’s eyes drift to a girl’s clothing store and when she looked at him, he gave a smile and a nod before she entered the store while he stayed outside mostly because of the picnic basket. He leaned against the store’s brick front and closed his eyes.
“Kurama,” a voice whispered.
Yoko’s eyes snapped open and turned to the alley where a hooded figure about his current height stood in the shadows. “What do you want?” he asked in a low, deadly tone.
“Ah, Yoko. I wish to be of service to you. I know you covet rare treasures and I would be willing to acquire whatever you desire for I can change my size.”
“How much would your services be worth?”
“That would partly depend on what you desire.”
“I would like a treasure that can change a human into a demon, a fox to be precise.”
“A human into a demon? Yes, I know such an item and you are in luck as the owner is demanding your death. He will pay for proof of your death and if you were to provide some of your hair, I will be able to gain entry and get the item.”
“And your price?”
“The seeds of common human herbs like cinnamon and sage to name a few that I need for cooking.”
Yoko reached down, plucked a blade of grass that he turned hard and sharp that he lifted to the underside of his hair and cut several strands from it that turned silver upon parting from his red hair. “When you acquire the item, wait outside the window of my bedroom.” He handed over the hair.
“Yes, I will.”
“And once I have the item, you will receive your reward.”
The hooded demon bowed. “I will not fail and will return as quickly as possible.” The demon vanished.
Yoko frowned. He was taking a risk, accepting a strange demon’s assistance in turning Keiko into a demon. If he double-crosses me, I will kill him and turn to my plant knowledge to brew a potion to change Keiko, if it is possible.
The redheaded fox turned from the alley to see Keiko, shopping bags in hand. She tilted her head. “What were you doing?”
“I was speaking with a demon who sought me out, offering his services in acquiring a rare treasure. I asked if he knew an item to change a human into a demon, a fox specifically. He knows of an item in the possession of someone who wants me dead. I gave him some hair as proof in order to get inside and smuggle the item. In exchange, I will provide seeds to produce cooking herbs such as cinnamon.”
“What if he was lying?” she asked as they walked away.
“If he was trying to deceive me, he will die.”
“Oh. Of course.” Keiko wanted to believe the demons was sincere but accepted that he could be lying. I do hope he was telling the truth, but I won’t keep my hopes up.
The demon peered around the corner of the alley, watching Yoko and Keiko leave. He hadn’t really vanished; he had simply shrunk, but was now back to his normal size. So, that is why he wants a human-to-demon item: For that girl. I will get that item as I keep my word. He looked at the hair he had. This would be enough to get him into the fortress and then he would snatch the item, escape, and present it to Yoko in return for the seeds he wanted.
It is beneficial for all of us. I get herbs I desire, he gets the item he needs, and she will be the demon she wants to be. The demon nodded before truly heading to Demon World to complete his mission.
Chapter Five- The Truth
Kurama knew that it would take time for the demon to fulfill his task and come back. So, he occupied his time with schoolwork and letting Yoko take control in order to spend time with Keiko.
It was those times when he felt like a third wheel though he did not have to feel that way. He was three identities in one body: He was Shuichi, a human teenager; Kurama, defender of the good; and Yoko the fox demon. The third identity had been dormant for almost fifteen years, awakened in the Dark Tournament semifinals, and used in the finals. It was also the form that caught Keiko’s fancy and led to the two of them being a couple.
A comment Keiko had made at the picnic gave him something else to ponder. Keiko wished to be a fox demon and Yoko had asked what her parents would think of having a demon for a daughter. It made him think of his own mother. She didn’t know that her son was a demon. It would seem that now would be an ideal time to tell her. When and if Keiko becomes a demon, Yoko will want to spend more time with her in regards to teaching her about her powers.
“Shuichi,” called Shiori. “Could you come and help me with dinner, dear?”
“Yes, Mother.” He got up from his desk and left the room. Dinner preparation was usually accompanied by conversation. The perfect time to confess.
“How was school today?” Shiori asked as she lined up the ingredients.
“It was good. There’s a science test coming up. I believe I am quite prepared for it.”
“I noticed that you’re speaking to a girl on the phone. Is this Keiko your girlfriend?”
“Uh, yes and no.”
Shiori blinked. “Yes and no? What do you mean?”
“It’s a bit…complicated.”
Shiori frowned as Kurama began to chop the vegetables. Her son had always been polite, kind, and attentive but he also seemed to be keeping secrets from her. This business with Keiko was one example. He claimed that she was and wasn’t his girlfriend and that the explanation was complicated.
“Shuichi,” she said, putting a hand on his to get his attention. “I have always felt you were special in a way that no one else is. I don’t know what it is but if you’ve found out, please tell me.”
“You feel I am special?”
“I do. I’ve had wild speculations but I’ve always dismissed them.”
“What kind of speculations?”
Shiori laughed gently. “Oh, like you have an alien inside you or something like that.”
Kurama also laughed. “Actually, it is something like that.”
Shiori’s laugh died instantly. “What?” she asked faintly.
“I do not have an alien in me. It is actually a merging of my human spirit and soul with the spirit and soul of a fox demon.”
“A demon? You’re half-demon?”
“Yes. My demon name is Yoko Kurama. I used to be a ruthless, cold-hearted thief until I became your son. You showed me love and kindness and that changed me. Until recently, I was Shuichi a normal teenager and Kurama who fights to protect all that is good. However, my third aspect of Yoko has resurfaced and it is this side that interested Keiko. The picnic I mentioned was actually for Keiko and Yoko.”
“So you’re three personalities in one body?”
“I am. I have wanted to tell you for at least a year and circumstances concerning Keiko could bring it all out into the open.”
“What circumstances?”
“Keiko is in love with Yoko and desires to be a fox demon. While she was shopping on the day of the picnic, a hooded demon came to me wanting to acquire a rare treasure for me in exchange for the seeds of herbs. I have an affinity for plants. I inquired about an item that could change a human into a demon. It seems he knows where to find it and is currently in the process of acquiring it and will wait outside my window when he has it.”
“And you trust him?”
Kurama shook his head. “No. It could be a double-cross. There are many demons who would want me dead and wait for my guard to be down which I rarely do.”
Shiori regarded Kurama. “Who am I talking to right now?”
“The part that is Shuichi and Kurama. These two parts are always together as they are merged.”
“How will I know when Yoko is in control?”
“There are two ways. One is my eyes changing color and the face altering slightly as well as the voice changing. Another way would be changing into my demon form.” His green eyes turned gold briefly before going back to green.
“I see,” she said neutrally.
“Mother, are you all right with all of this?”
“Of course, dear.” Shiori embraced him. “Like I said before, I felt you were special. Now, shall we get back to making dinner?”
“Agreed, Mother.” The two broke the hug and continued to make dinner, Shiori unable to resist asking questions about Kurama’s past as they did so and well through dinner itself.
Kurama felt good as he went upstairs later. His mother had taken the news of him being a demon rather well. She had asked what to call him and he said she could just call him Shuichi as she always had. She said she would and added that she’ll call him Kurama from time to time. That really could not have been any better, he thought as he flipped on his bedroom light.
“Kurama,” a voice said softly outside his window; a voice he recognized: The demon he met. He went to the window, opened it, and leaped down to land in front of the hooded figure.
“Do you have it?” he asked.
“I do.” He reached into one of his voluminous sleeves and removed a brown leather strap from which hung a rough-hewn gray stone with two ancient symbols carved into it. He recognized the language as Old Demon and thus knew the top symbol said, “human,” while the one under it said, “demon.” He took it by the strap and eyed it. “What do I have to do?”
“Simple. Aim it at the target, touch the symbol of its current race and then drag your finger to the other symbol, envisioning what you and the target want.”
“And it’s reversible?”
“Indeed. I tested it on myself once in Human World and I was briefly human before reversing it.”
“You tested it on yourself?”
“I wanted to be sure it worked. I did not want you to believe I tricked you. I promised an item that would do what you wanted and I keep my promises. Plus, I wanted to see what it was like to be human. I changed myself for a few hours and it was interesting.”
Kurama smiled slightly. He had come across a benign and honorable demon. The odds of that were small and he respected those who chose to live peacefully. “And I keep my word as well.” He put the item in his pocket as he added, “Which herbs do you seek?”
“Mint, sage, cinnamon, and maybe black pepper if that’s all right.”
“That is not a problem.” Kurama searched his hair and came up with several seeds of each kind which were placed in individual labelled bags the demon had. Once the last bag was closed, the demon nodded his thanks and left.
Kurama pulled out the stone and smiled at it; with this item, he could change Keiko into a fox demon and could reverse it if she so desired.
Chapter Six- The Change
Keiko stared at the stone in her boyfriend’s hand. “It doesn’t look magical.”
“I know,” Yoko replied, speaking with Kurama’s body. “It does not look magical or even pretty but the one who brought it tested it on himself to make sure it worked. He was human for a few hours before reversing the change. So, if you desire to be human again, it can be easily done.”
“That’s nice to know, but I don’t plan on reversing it.” Keiko had been waiting two weeks to be a demon and had spent time thinking it over. She still found the idea of being a demon exciting. She knew the novelty would wear off and that training was involved, but still knew she wanted to be a fox demon.
“All right. Then, we need to envision how you will look while I activate the stone.” Yoko turned the stone to face Keiko who had backed up to put some distance between herself and the item. She closed her eyes and an image of her fox look appeared before her. She had spent time during these two weeks of how she wished to look before deciding on the image on which she was now focusing. Yoko put his fingers on the human symbol, closed his eyes to focus on fox demon as he dragged his fingers down to the demon symbol. He had figured that Keiko had an idea of how to look so he simply focused on the demon type.
The symbols glowed before a wave of energy flowed from it and washed over Keiko, instantly changing her into a fox demon. Yoko opened his eyes and admired her new look. She was a few inches taller with a shapely torso and elegant limbs. Her claws were long as were her fox ears which were a lighter brown than her hair which had grown to just past mid-back. A long, full tail swished behind her and she opened gold eyes to look at herself.
Keiko felt warmth wash over her as well as the feel of something on her head. She opened her eyes and looked down to see a shapely elegant body. Her chest had enlarged slightly as she had gained a few more inches in height. She held up a hand to see her claws and raised it higher to her head to feel an ear before running it down her head to find her hair was longer. She craned her neck to see a full brown tail that swished or twitched slightly. She looked ahead to see Yoko had taken his demon form as they were where they had their picnic date. She smiled at him as he put the stone away. “I love my new look.”
“I would have to agree,” he said as he came closer and lovingly brushed some hair back. “You look good as a fox.” He took her in an embrace and his nose flared to take in her demon scent. She smelled as a fox should and something that brought fresh smell of rain showers to mind. Hmm, perhaps water is her power. Her scent is so fresh and clean like rain showers. Water would be a perfect complement to my plant power.
Keiko’s eyes, which had closed upon being in Yoko’s arms, flew open as a flood of scents filled her nose. It made her feel dizzy and she shut her eyes again to focus on her nose. I need to get control over this. I knew demons have sharper senses, especially the animal-like ones. She flared her nose as she focused and two scents came in clearly: One was a fox and the other was roses. Hmm, I think I picked out Yoko’s scent. I really have no idea how a fox smells and yet I identified it as such. Perhaps, instinct guided me in identifying it.
“I’m picking up your scent,” she said as she opened her eyes to look at him. “Fox and roses.”
“Good,” he answered, sounding pleased. “You have worked out how to use your sharper sense of smell. I picked up your scent as well: Fox and fresh rain showers. This hints that your fox power could be water.”
Water. Sounds interesting. I’d like to learn to use it.”
“I would be pleased to teach you how to use your power. I sense you have strong energy and that will help in learning your powers. I am curious about what you would like to use this power for.”
“A number of things: Put out fires that are out of control, end drought, give water to plants that need it, things like that.”
“It will take time to be able to do all that.”
Keiko gave Yoko a smile. “We have plenty of time to learn.”
“Of course. Your lifespan has lengthened. We can be together for centuries and we will age slowly as all demons do.”
“I suspected as much. You don’t look older than mid-twenties I would think and yet you’re over a thousand years old.”
“Interesting guess and your aging will slow when you reached maturity.”
“That sounds wonderful.”
“Indeed. Now, I believe you need to know how to use illusions to conceal your true form.”
“Keiko is a demon now?” Shiori asked at dinner.
“She is and a lovely one, too. She had a clear image of how she wished to look. Yoko was teaching her to use the illusion ability all fox demons have. She has a knack for it, in my opinion.”
“How does this ability work?”
“The demon must imagine the appearance they wish to project and will it to happen. Their demon energy then constructs the appearance around its owner. The appearance remains until they choose to drop it.”
“So, it takes force of will and you say Keiko has that.”
“Indeed. It was important that she master this ability as she has school and must hide it from her parents.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to tell them the truth like you did with me?”
“It would,” Kurama said. “I have already given my name Kurama as a nickname to them as I anticipate that a dinner invite is in my future at some point. I do not know if they will be as accepting of Keiko and I being demons as you are, Mother.”
“Any idea of what they might say or do?”
“They may be frightened and also angry that Keiko changed without consulting them about it. But, they will eventually accept.” I hope, he added silently.
Keiko sighed in relief as she entered her room, closed the door, and dropped the illusion. She had found out that, while she looked human, her fox side was still there under the disguise. She had to adapt to having a tail when she sat and had to be discreet when her ears itched. There had been a couple of times when she had wanted to tell her parents the truth and prove it by dropping the illusion. She squashed these impulses by telling herself that her parents may not understand why she did this.
Yoko said his mother was accepting as she had felt he was special in a way that set him apart from everyone else. He told her everything about himself and what I wanted to do. I have no doubt that she would be accepting of me.
I know I still have lot to learn about being a demon and about my powers. Yoko said I smell of fresh rain and that could indicate that I have water powers. I look forward to unlocking that part of myself but I was told to strengthen my illusion ability which I was told was very good for a beginner.
Keiko smiled at her reflection before grabbing her brush and learning to brush her hair differently due to her ears. She put the brush down, seized a comb and ran it through her tail before running her hand over it. It was soft and silky and she loved how it felt. She looked in the mirror as she played with moving her ears. She smiled a little more at seeing them move and she giggled a little when her tail moved when she smiled.
I love seeing my ears and tail move. It makes being a fox demon cooler than before. The only thing is that Yusuke may pick up on my demon energy as he can sense such things as can Kuwabara. I can hide my appearance but not my energy that some can sense. I think that is what Yoko should teach me next. It could be beneficial for me to avoid demon notice as Yoko did say that some demons do venture to our world at times. Keiko then yawned before dressing for bed, setting her alarm clock, and getting into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.
Chapter Seven- Conflicted
Keiko felt her hidden tail swish happily as she walked to school the next morning. Yesterday had been a matter of adjustment and practice and the joy of being a demon didn’t hit until this morning. She knew she made the right choice; she had seen the admiration in Yoko’s eyes and she felt good about it this morning. However, the only outward sign of her joy was the smile as her illusion was in place. She greeted her friends happily which was normal and briefly wondered if Yusuke would be in school.
Guess not, she thought as she took her seat a little later. Yusuke’s seat was empty and she suspected that he was skipping out as he tended to do. Kuwabara was present but he was looking at the empty seat with sympathy which made Keiko think that maybe her friend wasn’t skipping.
“Kuwabara, where’s Yusuke?” she asked casually at lunch.
“Sick,” he answered. “I went to see him this morning to make sure he’d be here and his mom said he’s got a bad fever.”
“Oh, that’s awful.”
“Yeah. Uh, Keiko? Is something different about you? I mean,” he leaned forward and whispered, “I sense demon energy coming from you.”
“There a reason for that,” she whispered back. “Yesterday, I became a fox demon. I’m using my illusion ability to hide it.”
“You’re a demon now? Like Yoko?”
“In a way. I don’t know what my power is, but we have a guess. I may have water powers.”
“Water, huh? That could be useful.”
Keiko nodded and then went back to her seat as lunch ended, unaware that Kuwabara was looking at her. Her thoughts were on Yusuke and she resolved to go to his home and check on him. She doubted his mom was taking care of him. She didn’t when watching over his body, so why would she now?
Kuwabara barely paid attention to his afternoon lessons as he kept staring at Keiko. He found it hard to believe that she was a demon, but her energy told him otherwise. She seems happy about her change. No doubt Yoko is happy with it. I wonder if he convinced her to be a demon. I should ask after school.
“He didn’t convince me,” Keiko replied as they left school. “In fact, I asked him what he thought about me wanting to be a fox demon. He liked the idea, but did ask what my parents would think.”
“What do they think?”
“They don’t know yet. I thought I would get comfortable being a demon before showing them. Also, they should know that demons are real, no myth.”
“They should know, yeah.” He looked around at their surroundings. “Uh, are we heading toward Urameshi’s?”
“I thought I check on him. He’s still my friend, after all.” She fished out the key she had held onto and opened the door. “Hello?” she called. She removed her shoes as did Kuwabara. The pair ventured around to see no sign of Atsuko before looking in Yusuke’s room to find the detective in bed and bearing the signs of a fever. “Oh, Yusuke,” she said, feeling his forehead.
His eyes opened blearily and focused on her. “Keiko?” he said hoarsely.
“Kuwabara told me you were sick and I thought I’d check on you.”
“Thanks. I’m feeling a bit better already. That cool water feels good.”
“What water? That’s my hand. You must be really…hot,” she began but trailed off when she saw her hand glowing with a cool blue light. Her mind reeled at the sight. So, I do have water powers. I can’t wait to tell Yoko. Keiko kept her hand to Yusuke’s forehead to keep the cooling effect going, but the energy she drew on caused her illusion to fade away, giving both boys a look at her demon form.
“Keiko!?” Yusuke exclaimed as his childhood friend started sporting fox ears and her eyes turning gold. He sat up as she removed her hand and he saw the claws, longer hair, and tail. “What the-? When did you become a demon and how?”
“It happened yesterday. I had wanted to be a fox two weeks ago and Yoko met a demon who brought a stone that can change humans into demons and back again as well as change demons to humans. Yoko smelled a fresh rain scent on me and said I might have water powers. It turns out I do.”
Yusuke didn’t know what to think but knew better than to ask her to reverse it. She loved Yoko and she had been wanting this for some time. “Well, as long as you’re happy, that’s what matters. But what about your parents? I mean, you’re not going to hide this from them forever, are you?”
“Of course not. I thought I start with saying that demons are real, not just a myth.”
“I don’t know. I mean, when I possessed Kuwabara and went to your parents to find you, they didn’t believe it was me speaking, which when I think back on it, I can see why.”
“You possessed me? That explains that big blank in my memory that day.”
“Well, I had to make sure my body wasn’t burned and I had to possess someone who knew me and had heightened spirit awareness. I didn’t have much choice.”
“Well, okay.”
“And it worked out,” Keiko said, finally understanding why Yusuke used Kuwabara’s body to talk to her.
Yusuke’s right, Keiko thought as she walked home, her illusion firmly in place. Mom and Dad may not believe me when I say that demons are real, much less that I am one until I prove it. Hmm… Yusuke and Kuwabara are right: What will my parents think? Maybe having Yoko change me before telling them was the wrong way to go.
She looked up to see Kurama, however the voice and eyes told her who was really in control. “Yoko,” she said as the redhead took her in his arms.
“You seemed preoccupied,” he commented.
“I’m starting to think I asked to be changed too soon. I mean, I didn’t think of how my parents would react to this.”
“I can change you back unless you triggered your powers. Then, I will not be able to.”
“How come?”
“Once a changed human has triggered their demon powers, they cannot be changed back. Their energy depends on the powers and will resist any attempt to return to human form.” He took in Keiko’s crestfallen expression and added, “You have used your powers.”
She nodded. “I didn’t mean to. I went to see Yusuke because he was sick with a fever. I put my hand on his forehead to see how bad it was and when he commented on feeling cool water, I saw my hand glowing a cool blue. The thing was using the cooling effect caused my illusion to fade away.”
“Blue. So, your power is water.”
“Yoko? Could you teach me to hide my energy?”
“I can and I should. That way, you can avoid demon notice.”
“Great. Now, how do I deal with my parents?”
“I have two ideas. One is to persuade a benign demon to ‘attack’ your home-,”
“No. That won’t work. They may think I would attack them as well.”
“Or I could just reveal myself over dinner and explain our relationship which will lead into your change.”
Keiko nodded. “Yeah. That sounds perfect.”
“Then, that’s what we’ll do.” Yoko leaned forward to kiss Keiko who savored the gesture. “Now, let us start with concealing your energy.”
“All right.” Keiko paid attention to Yoko’s instruction, relieved to have a way to tell her parents.
Chapter Eight- Dinner Invite
“Keiko, are you and Kurama getting serious?” Mr. Yukimura asked one week after she became a demon.
Keiko sautéed the vegetables in the wok. “I would say so,” she answered. “I love him more than I did with Yusuke.”
“You are still friends with Yusuke, right?”
“Of course, Dad. I still care about him. Last week, he was sick and I went to check on him after school. I could tell that he appreciated the visit.”
“Good. Your mom and I were talking and we’d like to Kurama to have dinner with us Friday night. I’d like to know more about the boy my girl’s dating.”
Keiko inwardly bristled. She could take care of herself, particularly now that she was a demon. Yoko had coached her on concealing her energy and strengthening it so she could use her powers while under her illusion without said illusion fading away. Keiko loved her training despite it being hard work. Yoko had also given her some simple exercises to do every day to strengthen her energy and powers and she had resolved to do them every morning. So, she kept her indignation toward her dad buried before saying, “Of course, Dad.”
“Keiko’s training is coming along nicely,” Kurama commented.
“Indeed,” Yoko agreed. “She is well-suited to being a demon. Her energy was strong to start out with and the coaching and exercises have strengthened it.”
“Yes and it has been only a week of training.” Kurama heard the phone ring but ignored it as his mother was home. However, he heard her approach his room. “Shuichi, it’s for you.”
“Thank you, Mother.” He picked up his phone. “Hello?”
“Kurama,” came Mr. Yukimura’s voice. “I wanted to call and invite you to dinner Friday. Keiko said that you two are getting serious.”
Yoko took control as he replied, “We are serious about one another and I would love to have dinner with you. I am sure Mother will have no objections.”
“Good. Then, seven o’ clock Friday.”
“Seven. All right. Good night, sir.” He hung up and Kurama took over as he left the room, and found Shiori in her room, reading. “Mother? Mr. Yukimura has invited me or rather Yoko to dinner Friday.”
“Oh, the old boyfriend for dinner ploy,” Shiori teased. “Yoko is in for a grilling.”
“Grilling? What do you mean?” Yoko jumped in.
Shiori smiled gently at the fox speaking through her son. “Parents have a tendency to question the person their child is dating. They tend to ask about family, school, future plans, and others in order to know if their child will be happy and financially secure.”
“I see. Well, this dinner will be different as I plan to reveal myself and Keiko will show her true form as well.”
“That’s a bit risky, Yoko.”
“I know, but they deserve to know that their daughter is a demon and is dating one.”
“A lot of things could go wrong from such a revelation.”
“True enough. Things could have gone wrong when Kurama revealed the truth to you.”
“Yes, but I had a feeling that my son was different in some way.”
“That is what made it easy to confess. I only hope this dinner goes well.”
“If it doesn’t, you and Keiko can meet here for dates.”
Yoko frowned. “Suppose they kick her out or disown her. Keiko would be devastated.”
“If that occurs, she would be welcome to stay here. She would be like a daughter to me.”
“I am sure she would be grateful for that, but hopefully it will not be necessary.”
“I’m a little nervous,” Keiko admitted days later as she let Yoko inside, the fox wearing a suit and holding another bunch of roses but with springs of baby’s breath added.
“I admit I am too. Telling Mother was easy as she had sensed her son was special, different.”
“I hope it goes okay,” she said as they headed for the living room.
“I hope so too.” Yoko forced a smile as he faced the adults. They seemed just as warm and friendly like last time and they greeted him in the same way. Mrs. Yukimura seemed appreciative of the flowers and asked what florist he used.
“Actually, I did it myself. I have a green thumb as it turns out.”
“So, you might be a florist?” Mr. Yukimura asked, thinking this was a decent career.
“Actually, I hope to work at the same company my mother does. She talks to me about it at dinner and I find it fascinating.”
“What kind of company is it?”
“It works on developing new technology.” Yoko saw the impressed looks on their faces and knew the future career question was done. He reiterated his family and schooling as they sat down to dinner. So far, so good, he thought.
The same thought went through Keiko’s head as they ate. Yoko had stuck to the truth which was to be expected. All the easy questions had been posed and now it was a matter of finding the right time to tell all.
That time came as the dessert dishes were done. Yoko dabbed his napkin to his lips before putting it down. “That was a delicious meal,” he complimented.
“Thank you, dear,” Mrs. Yukimura said. “Keiko, you found a special young man.”
“I am happy to hear that as I have a secret I hope you will accept as Mother has.”
“What secret?” Mr. Yukimura asked, suddenly suspicious. Kurama seemed like a nice boy, but what if he wasn’t?
Yoko slowly exhaled to calm his pounding heart. “I am a very unique person. I am a combination of a human and a fox demon.” There was silence from Keiko’s parents so Yoko continued talking, telling them what he told Shiori about himself.
“This is a joke,” Mrs. Yukimura said softly when he finished. “Demons aren’t real.”
“They do exist,” Yoko said calmly. “I can provide proof.” He stood, backed away from the table, and transformed. The parents gasped and backed away while Keiko went to Yoko.
“Keiko. Did you…know he was a demon?” her mother asked.
“Yes. I’ve known for weeks and that is why I fell in love. It turns out that he fell for me at the same time. While on our picnic, I felt a desire to…to-be-a-fox-demon-too,” Keiko finished in a rush.
Her parents blinked. “What?” her mother said.
“I wanted to be a fox demon too. Yoko wasn’t sure as he wondered what you’d think, but he consented and got a magical stone to change me.” She dropped her illusion and looked at her parents, their mouths hanging open.
“Keiko?” her mother asked and then fainted when Keiko nodded.
“Mom!” she said in alarm as she rushed to her side with her dad on the other. “Mom?”
Mrs. Yukimura’s eyes fluttered open and focused on Keiko’s gold eyes and brown fox ears. “Keiko, why?”
“I thought it would be cool and I would be with Yoko for a long time as demons can live longer.”
“Keiko, this is unacceptable,” her father said harshly. “Both of you get out now.”
“But-,” Keiko began as she stood.
“Out!” Mr. Yukimura knew he could die for angering a demon and was relieved when Yoko simply guided Keiko out of the room and out of the house, the door closing behind them.
Chapter Nine- New Home
Keiko turned to the closed door and stared at it before collapsing to her knees. “They…kicked me out?” she asked, hardly believing it.
“It would seem so,” Yoko said sadly, though he had thought this might happen.
“They’re afraid of me, of us.” Yoko saw her shoulders shake and heard a stifled sob. “I wouldn’t have hurt them,” she choked, anger in her voice despite the tears. “I may be a demon, but I’m still their daughter.”
“You are correct and eventually they will realize that.” Yoko brought Keiko to her feet and she turned and embraced him. He held her tightly. “I am sorry that it has come to this. If I had taken a different approach, things might have turned out differently.”
“No, Yoko. That likely wouldn’t have changed anything.”
“Perhaps. Keiko, Mother had said if you were kicked out, that you would be welcome to stay with us.”
Keiko looked up at him. “Really?”
“Yes.” Yoko rubbed the back of one of her ears and she sighed at the touch.
“That would be nice.” She cast her illusion while Yoko resumed human form before he put an arm across her shoulders and led her down the sidewalk.
Shiori heard the door open and Yoko’s voice calling, “Mother?” Shiori found it amusing that the fox called her mother but then again, he shared Shuichi’s body with his other two identities. She got up and went to the hall to see Yoko in human form and beside him was a depressed Keiko, her eyes down and looking a little red. She didn’t have to ask what happened.
“Oh, Keiko,” she said with sympathy as she hugged the girl. “I’m so sorry it didn’t work out.”
“Thank you, but I’m also mad that they pushed me away.”
“They’ll come around. May I see your demon form?”
“Sure. I likely don’t need my illusion in this house.” She dropped it and she saw Shiori smile.
“You are very pretty, dear. Have you discovered your power?”
Keiko nodded. “It is water and I’ve practiced a little. Watch.” She stepped back and held up her hand, palm up. She focused and some water pooled in her palm before sinking into her skin.
“That is impressive. Well, no one will go thirsty around you.”
Keiko giggled and then smothered a yawn which made Shiori smile. “You need some rest, Keiko. You too,” she added to Yoko who nodded and let Kurama take over. Shiori herded both upstairs and took Keiko to her room where she provided the female fox with an old nightgown she couldn’t wear before showing her the guest room. Keiko gave her a hug before Shiori left, closing the door and then Shiori frowned.
Her heart went out to Keiko. She had fallen for Yoko and had desired to be a fox demon like him. She did understand that, but it would have been better if she had told her parents about demons, then loving Yoko, and finally wanting to be a demon before actually becoming one. Her parents may have been accepting then. Instead, she and Yoko had rushed to change Keiko and her parents had pushed her away.
Perhaps someone should talk to them and naturally, that should be me. Tomorrow’s Saturday. I’m off and, as Keiko’s parents run a restaurant, they’ll be working. Hmm, I could eat there and speak with them between customers. I need a plan or at least an idea of what I’m going to say. Shiori headed for her room to write down some words and then sleep.
Keiko opened her eyes and blinked at the sunlight pouring into the room. She looked around in confusion at the unfamiliar room. She looked down at the unfamiliar gown before last night came back. Her ears drooped. Right. Mom and Dad kicked me out. They were afraid of Yoko and me. Her ears straightened and so did she. I’m going to talk to them and set them straight. I’m still me; my body is really the only thing that is different. She hopped out of bed, gathered up last night’s clothes, and went to the bathroom to dress and primp.
Shiori saw Keiko’s tail disappear into the bathroom and headed for Kurama’s room. She knocked on the door. “Shuichi, may I come in?”
“Of course, Mother.”
She entered to see Kurama dressed for the day. “Dear, I want to talk to Keiko’s parents today and you need to keep Keiko busy. I suspect she will want to speak to them but it should be between adults right now.”
“Yes, Mother. I can do that or rather Yoko can. Keiko needs to strengthen the use of her powers.” Kurama’s eyes had turned gold and his voice changed between the second and third sentences.
Shiori hugged him. “Thanks. Well, I’ll get dressed and head out. Keiko’s in the bathroom right now, but she should be getting out soon.”
“I know. I sense her energy and her scent.” He gave Shiori a smile as the woman left. He knew Shiori was right about an adults-only talk. It is disconcerting for parents to suddenly have a demon for a child. Keiko shouldn’t talk to her parents yet as tempers could flare as well as emotions. Shiori is the better choice. He heard the bathroom door open and strode out of his room to the guest room to see her making the bed and neatly putting the gown in a drawer. She turned and smiled at him, noticing the gold eyes. “Hi, Yoko.”
“Hello. I was thinking we could work on strengthening your powers. The woods behind the house would be the perfect place to practice.”
“I’d like to but maybe later today? I was about to talk to Mom and Dad.”
“Keiko, Mother wishes to speak to them first. I feel it would be best if the adults talk it out first. She may be able to convince them that you being a demon hasn’t changed you. Surely they should have realized that in the almost two weeks since your change.”
“They should have. All right. Your mom can talk to them first. Hopefully, I can come home soon as I need my schoolbag and uniforms.”
“And if not, Mother can ask for them.”
Keiko nodded as they head out back. It would take time for her parents to come to grips with having a demon daughter. It is as Yoko and I know: My personality hasn’t changed. I just look different and have the powers and energy of a demon. Hmm, what else did I gain from my change? “Yoko, what else did I gain from being a demon?” she asked as Yoko took his demon form.
The silver fox smiled. “I am sorry. I forgot to tell you in all the excitement of your change and teaching you about illusions. All demons are stronger and faster than human, but only some have all their senses enhanced while others have only one or two sharpened.”
Keiko nodded again. “So, how about strengthening my powers? I’d like to fill glasses with water and put out small fires.”
“Let us begin then.”
Mrs. Yukimura served another pair of customers while her husband cooked up the next order. Both were going through the motions, but their thoughts were on last night. It had been a big shock when Kurama turned into a demon with fox ears and a tail. It had been a bigger shock when Keiko revealed that she had known Kurama was a demon and that she had become one, too. Mrs. Yukimura had fainted at the transformation Keiko had undergone and it was still unnerving when she came to and saw Keiko with gold eyes and fox ears.
“How could she do that?” she asked her husband softly.
“I don’t know, dear. But just keep working; don’t dwell on it.”
She nodded as she faced the door to greet the last of the lunch rush. A long shadowy figure showed in the door before it slid open to reveal a woman with black hair and brown eyes. She smiled in a business-like way. “Hi, I’m Shiori Minamino, Kurama’s mother. We need to talk.”
Chapter Ten- Conversations
Shiori ate her lunch at the counter while the Yukimuras worked. She had to admit, they had a flair for cooking and she had a feeling that Keiko shared that trait. A lull in customers came up and both turned to her and leaned on the counter. “So, what do you want to talk about?” Mr. Yukimura asked.
“It’s about Keiko. She’s hurt by your reaction.”
“She didn’t tell us about any of this before last night.”
Shiori nodded. “Granted, she should have. She could have told you, first off, that demons are real.” She saw them nod and continued. “Then she could have told you about her relationship with Yoko.”
“Wait,” Mrs. Yukimura cut in. “You introduced yourself as Kurama’s mother and we accepted that. But now you speak of demons and Yoko and we didn’t ask how you know all this.”
“I always had a feeling that Shuichi was special and a few weeks ago, I felt he was hiding something which was unusual as he usually tells me everything. So, I told him about my feelings concerning him and that prompted him to open up to me.”
“He told us about himself too.”
“Actually, you have been speaking to Yoko all this time as he is the one dating Keiko.”
“We were talking to a demon the whole time?” Mrs. Yukimura gasped.
Shiori felt annoyed by the look of horror on both of their faces. “Not all demons are bad. My son isn’t and neither is your daughter. Keiko has been a demon for almost two weeks and she didn’t act any differently, right?”
“She didn’t,” Mr. Yukimura agreed.
“Look,” Shiori sighed. “Keiko is welcome to stay with me until you have adjusted to this surprise. I will need her schoolbag and essentials.”
The collection of schoolbag and overnight bag took some time as customers came in but soon Shiori had left with Keiko’s belongings and felt the talk had gone well. Yes, Keiko still had to stay with her but at least her parents were going to think and adjust to having a demon daughter.
Water gushed into the pot and Keiko’s ears slicked back in annoyance: She had poured too much into the pot. Yoko smiled, however. “That is all right. We can divide it between the other pots.”
“I need to learn control,” she said, still annoyed.
“Keiko. Even I did not learn to control my plants with the skill I have now when I was practicing.”
“Yes. I was a spirit first and a demon second. I was about two centuries old when I gained my demon powers and form. I was attempting to grow a single rose from a seed but I believe I poured too much energy into it as it became a wall of thorns across the cave entrance of my home. I had to dig myself out so I could get wood for a fire to burn the thorns.”
Keiko giggled but it died when her nose twitched as did Yoko’s. “Another demon nearby,” she said.
“Yes,” he said. “Stay here. I will handle it.” He knew Keiko could take care of herself and she knew that he knew it, so she didn’t protest at staying behind.
Yoko raced toward the scent, gauging its power. It was of moderate class, nothing he couldn’t handle. However, his nose also picked up the scent he identified with fire. That could be problematic. Perhaps I should head back and get Keiko. Her powers would be more effective than my own, despite her lack of control. He slid around a bend with the intention of turning back, but stopped at the demon before him.
It was about Keiko’s height with black skin that had fire tattoos coiled around his arms. He was bald but sported two black horns. He put up his hands. “I have not come to fight you. I come with a proposition.”
“A proposition? Very well. I am listening.”
The demon smiled. “I am Ebo, a fire demon as you no doubt figured out. I had heard from another demon that he had given you a special charm that you used to change a human into a fox demon like yourself. I have scented your girlfriend’s powers and I offer myself for her to practice her powers.”
“That is a generous offer, but Keiko lacks control. I would not want you sacrificed just to help her.”
Ebo hung his head. “Yes, I can see how that would be very bad. Well, thank you for listening.” He started to leave.
“Wait. Perhaps you can help in another way.” Yoko’s mind raced with a plan; one he had suggested weeks ago and Keiko had rejected. Well, a feigned attack may get her parents to take her back. “Keiko’s parents are afraid of her, even though she still acts like the girl they’ve always known. If you were to ‘attack’ them with her present, it may persuade them to accept her back into her home.”
Ebo blinked before he smiled, all sharp teeth exposed. “Oh, very good Yoko. I like it. I will follow the young fox and when she is with her parents, I will move in.”
Yoko nodded. “Do try not to be too close by as she can smell you as well as I can.”
“Sound advice.” Ebo stayed put as Yoko left to return to Keiko. The silver fox shook his head slightly. He had encountered another benign demon who was friend to the hooded one he had met weeks ago. The odds of that happening are small, but it would seem I have beaten those odds.
“Everything all right?” Keiko asked when he appeared.
“Perfect,” he replied. “The demon, upon seeing me, fled. He was not very strong or very brave, obviously.”
Keiko nodded and then said, “Yoko, do demons have girlfriends and boyfriends or mates?”
“Generally, mates but some do marry like humans do. Keiko, are you wanting to be mates instead of girlfriend and boyfriend?”
“Maybe later on but not right now. I’m satisfied with boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“I feel the same way. It is too soon to be mates as our relationship is still new. I should warn you that fox demons do have mating urges at least once a year. This year’s urge has already passed.”
“That’s fine with me. I’m too young to mate, anyway.”
“Yes, I agree. We could be sexual with precautions though, as the urge is rather intense.”
“Well, as long as we take the precautions, yeah we could.” She squared her shoulders. “Let’s get back to training.”
Keiko entered the house, tired but she felt good. She pushed herself to control he amount of water she wanted to produce. She had managed to succeed toward the end and agreed with Yoko to stop for the day and recover her energy. I will work on it tomorrow, though, she thought.
“Keiko?” came Shiori’s voice and the brown fox ducked into the living room to see her schoolbag and an overnight bag at Shiori’s feet.
“How did it go?” she asked as she collected the bags.
“Reasonable well. I believe I gave them much to think about. Hopefully, they won’t take too long.”
“Me too.”
“So, how was training?”
“Good. I had trouble controlling how much water I produce, but I’m starting to get the hang of it.”
“That’s good.”
“Yeah.” Keiko yawned and said, “Is it all right if I take a nap?”
“Of course it is.”
“Thanks. Oh, I also want to help prepare dinner.”
“I would like that,” Shiori said as Keiko left the room.
Chapter Eleven- Repaired Ties
“Hi, Keiko,” Yusuke greeted on Monday morning as she headed to school. “I came by your house and your parents said you weren’t there.”
“I don’t live there, at least for now. Yoko and I revealed our demon forms to them after dinner Friday night. It didn’t go well.”
“Oh, Keiko. I’m sorry.”
“Thanks. I’m thinking of going to see them after school. Kurama’s mom talked to them Saturday and she said she gave them a few things to think about.”
“I’m guessing you’re staying at Kurama’s.”
She nodded. “And I’ve been practicing my water powers.”
“Yeah? What about your senses?’
“That comes naturally.” She sniffed and wrinkled her nose a little. “You may want to buy stronger deodorant.”
“Keiko!” Yusuke exclaimed and the girl giggled.
Kurama bit into a rice ball as he stared out the window. Keiko had practiced hard with her powers over the weekend and had learned a fair amount of control. That control must come from being disciplined at school as well as natural talent. She has become a fine demon and I hope her parents come around soon. I would love to have them as in-laws.
“I would too,” Yoko spoke up. “Our plant abilities combined with Keiko’s water will insure that they’ll never run out of spices.”
“Keiko’s powers will be handy if a water pipe bursts. She could also fill glasses or pots. I am sure Keiko was thinking along those lines when her power was revealed.”
“Of course her parents need to accept her first.”
Ebo crouched in a nearby tree, watching the humans go in and out of a restaurant. Interesting concept. Cooking food for others who pay for it. My race is not so considerate. That’s a shame. Demons with different abilities working together instead of fighting each other. Unfortunately, fighting seems to be in our nature with a few exceptions, like Keiko and me. But to her and her parents together again, I must pretend to attack them so she can save them. She doesn’t know that this is all a plan to help her. Perhaps Yoko or I could tell her if it works. His senses tingled at the presence of another demon and looked to see a normal-looking human girl approach the restaurant door, pause, and then enter. He licked his lips and resolved to wait before making his move.
Keiko opened the door and smiled at some regular customers, a couple of them saying, “Hi, Keiko. Where have you been?”
“Busy at school. Club activities,” she replied. She boldly went behind the counter and upstairs where she started her homework and waited for her parents to call. She knew showing up and acting liked everything was normal was a daring thing to do, but since the Dark Tournament, not much scared her anymore.
“Keiko, come down here, please,” her mother called a few hours later.
“Yes, Mom,” she answered, getting up and heading down to the living room; her ability to detect energy was something else she had practiced over the weekend. She entered and sat in a chair while her parents stood in front of her.
“Uh, dear? Could you drop the illusion?” her mom asked.
“What? Oh, right. I sometimes forget I have it on.” She ended the disguise to resume her real appearance. Her parents stared openly at her and her tail twitched slightly.
“Keiko, we discussed Friday night over the weekend and we really don’t know what to think,” her dad said.
Keiko sighed. “Dad, despite how I look, I’m the same Keiko you’ve always known. I can be more useful than before. I can provide water when you need it, especially if a pipe bursts or if the water is shut off.” She saw her dad’s eyes light up and she felt hope bloom inside her.
An evil laugh sounded making the humans turn and Keiko to stand. There was a demon about her height there. His skin was black with a coiling fire-like tattoo on each arm. He had no hair and two black horns on his head. His orange eyes regarded them with contempt and he bared his sharp teeth in a sneer.
“Humans,” he growled. “How I hate your kind! I can’t stand you, especially since I stumbled into your world. However, it has benefited me by allowing me access to my powers which I will use to destroy humans and I will start with you!”
“No,” Keiko said, stepping in front of her parents. “You won’t hurt them!”
Ebo laughed. “You think I’ll listen to a weak female like you?” He continued to laugh until Keiko delivered a fierce smack to the cheek that sent the demon flying into a wall. Keiko was stunned; she knew she was stronger, but not like this. I’ll need to control that too.
Ebo staggered to his feet, rubbing a fist over his cheek. “So, the fox knows how to fight. I’ll not waste any more time. I’ll set fire to the place and kill all three of you.”
“What?” all three said.
“You know, I don’t know why a demon would protect humans, but no matter.” Ebo held up his hands, a large fireball appearing in each one. “If you protect humans, then you’re a demon traitor and deserve to die with these pathetic humans.”
“No! You won’t.” Keiko flung out a hand and water gushed from her palm and onto the fireballs, extinguishing them. Ebo made his tattoos flare up into fire, but Keiko’s water washed over them and then onto him. He screamed in pain and Keiko made a fist to stem the water and Ebo, soaking wet, winced as he glared at her.
“Curse you, fox,” he hissed. “Now I have to recover.”
“Then leave and do so but don’t you dare hurt anyone else or I’ll be forced to stop you again.” Ebo beat a quick retreat and Keiko turned to her parents before her mother hugged her.
“Keiko, honey. You saved us,” she said. “We’re so sorry we kicked you out. We would be happy to have you home again.”
“And I would be happy to come home. I just need to get my bag.”
“Of course, honey. Hurry back. I have pots that need water,” her dad joked and Keiko laughed as she left the house, her illusion in place.
She had gone only a block when Ebo appeared before her, now completely dry. She tensed and cocked her fist.
“Whoa,” he said, putting up his hands. “Easy, Keiko. I won’t hurt you.”
“How do you know my name?”
“Listen. My name’s Ebo. I was the demon you sensed over the weekend and the one Yoko went after. I was there to offer my assistance in helping you practice but Yoko declined it. Then, he asked me to feign attacking your parents with you present so they would take you back. I’m glad it worked.”
“So, it was all an act?” Keiko laughed. “You’re a good actor.”
“Thank you. I don’t care much for fighting but I will if I have to.”
“Me too. I appreciate your help.”
Ebo nodded before leaving and Keiko continued to Kurama’s. She would give them the good news and privately tell Yoko that not telling her the plan was a good touch as it made the encounter believable.
Mom and Dad see that having a demon around is a good idea, even though demon attacks are rare. I’ll be helpful with my powers and I’ll keep practicing them.
It’s possible that they’ll have questions about demons in general and foxes in particular. They might invite Yoko over to answer their questions and may ask that he come in his demon form. That’s fine as they’ll be accepting of him and one day, we’ll be a family.