Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. This is a slightly altered version of season two.
Part One
Incredible, thought Aster Phoenix as he strolled back to his boat. Just incredible. He was still reeling from his loss to Jaden Yuki. He had originally agreed to a midnight duel to determine the fate of the Slifer Red dorm. He didn’t really care about such a trivial matter, but Satorius insisted that he participate.
So, he showed up to find that his opponent would be Alexis Rhodes. He looked forward to beating another student and one who was likely to be as strong as Jaden…for a student that is. He was not going to lose to a mere student. He was a pro after all and he had assurances that his victory was destiny; an irony as his cards were the Destiny Heroes.
Just as he and Alexis were about to duel, Jaden showed up, having disappeared after losing to Aster. He claimed to have been to space and got some new cards. Aster had been skeptical of Jaden’s claims as they sounded ridiculous but as the duel progressed, his doubts faded away and then vanished completely when the duel ended in his defeat.
That brought Aster heading to his boat two days later after his loss, puzzling over the outcome he had witnessed. I was told I would beat Jaden and I did only to lose now in a rematch. Did Satorius know that Jaden would reappear and that’s why he made me go to that duel? Now that I think about it, Satorius has been acting strange lately. He always supported me, gave me recommendations, been almost like a father to me. Now he’s obsessed with fate and tarot card readings, using the latter to predict my victories which he never did before. He’s also taken an interest in Jaden which I can understand now but if he wants to be Jaden’s future manager, why have me duel and beat him? Aster’s head spun with questions and observations that had no answers or explanations, at least not yet.
He boarded his boat and headed for Satorius’ room. He raised a fist to knock but Satorius said, “Come in, Aster. I knew you were coming.” Aster scowled at the arrogant tone he heard before entering. He stood in the doorway staring at the back of Satorius’ chair.
“You did well, Aster.”
“I lost. How is that doing well? You owe me some answers. You’ve changed lately, always speaking of fate, of seeing the light, predicting people’s futures with tarot cards, and my victories as well. Why?”
There was silence and then Satorius said, “Your fate and Jaden’s fate are tied together. I have foreseen it and both of you will be with me.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Oh, but it is an answer.”
“Not one that answers my questions.” Aster went to Satorius’ right side and saw the tarot cards on the table again. Some were face-down while others were face-up. “Although,” he added slowly. “It does answer why you’re interested in him, if you’ve seen his fate tied to mine.”
“Indeed. Can I count on you to bring him to his destined fate?”
“I guess so. Could you tell me anything about how our fates are tied together?”
“Certainly. Bring out your deck.”
Aster pulled out his deck and Satorius put two fingers on it to take back the magic he had put into it that was meant to make Jaden see the light, only something went wrong. No matter, he thought as Aster put away his deck. I have a backup plan. One that will succeed.
Satorius then put those same two fingers to Aster’s chest and then magic, unseen by Aster as it left his deck, flowed into the young man who noticed it this time. “What was that?” Aster asked.
“Regrettably, I have given you a curse that is necessary to bring Jaden to us.”
“A…curse?” Aster backed away. Curses were never a good thing.
“Yes and it will soon activate. It will be painful for this first time, but you will gain some positive perks from it.”
“Activate? Painful?” he repeated before he gasped as a pulse went through him and a burning was felt, forcing him to his knees, his arms wrapped around his stomach.
A low growl sounded and Aster crossed his eyes to see his nose and jaws pushing out into a snout and he felt his teeth sharpen as well as new teeth appearing. The muzzle had a layer of silver fur that matched his hair. An itching on his fingers made him unwrap his arms and he stared at his hands. His nails had become long sharp claws, his fingers were shrinking away, and his hands were covered in fur. He soon had paws with extended claws instead of hands.
His breathing became fast and hard at what he was seeing. He was transforming into either a monster or an animal. Thus far, he failed to see how this would bring Jaden to them. His body then felt hot and he found his clothes fading away to reveal that he was covered in silver fur and had become quite muscular as well.
He felt his legs pop and crunch as they re-shaped themselves and a yelp escaped his muzzle from the pain. He then whined as he felt pain in his tailbone, feet, and ears. His blue eyes became blue-gold ones and a howl emerged that was cut short by a gasp as it hit Aster what he had become. I’ve been cursed as a werewolf!
He whirled around to face Satorius with anger and confusion. “But how is this supposed to bring Jaden to us?” he asked through his sharp teeth.
“Surely, you can figure that out, Aster. You are a werewolf, after all.”
Aster stared with his muzzle slightly parted as the answer came to him. “You…want me to bite Jaden; to make him a werewolf.”
“Precisely. Your bite, anytime day or night, will influence him to come to me and both of you being werewolves is how your fates are tied together.”
“Wait. You’re going to leave me like this? What about my pro career?”
“Relax, my boy. I will present you with a charm that will keep you in human form at night as long as you wear it. I only ask that you wear it when you need to be human. You will change to a wolf at night the rest of the time. Now,” Satorius stood and faced Aster, looming over the werewolf. He pointed at him. “Aster, go outside and learn how to move and use your new body.”
Aster felt his body stiffen before he turned and walked stiffly from the room and the boat. Once he was on the island, his body felt less stiff and he growled angrily. He gave me an order and my body obeyed. He has control over me as long as he can point and order me.
Aster decided to do what he had been told to do for he was curious about how to consciously move as a wolf. He spent time to coordinate his limbs in walking, trotting, and running. He directed his paws to carry him into the island’s woods. His first few steps were slow and cautious for the shadows were dark and he wished he had a flashlight, although it would have been hard to work a flashlight with paws.
Aster then blinked rapidly as the darkness lightened a bit. He then gave a short laugh. “I’m a wolf and wolves have night vision,” he said. He walked confidently into the forest and then stopped at one point, closed his eyes, and focused on his other senses. He sensed his ears turning in different directions from each other as well as in the same direction. He heard subtle sounds as clearly as if they were close by. And yet, I know they’re not. He kneaded the ground with his claws and found he liked the motion. He knew predators did that so as to creep up on prey silently, but he had no intention of hunting.
He heard the leaves rustle before a light breeze ruffled his fur and tickled his nose. He a small sneeze and then a sniff. He blinked twice as a rush of scents came through his nose. The surprising part was that he was able to identify each one.
These might be the positive perks Satorius mentioned, he thought as took another deep breath. And then again, maybe not. I have the eyesight, hearing, and sharp nose of a wolf because, right now, I am a wolf. Aster then left the woods to return to the boat and get some sleep.
Part Two
Aster awoke to find himself in a ball and in human form again. He sat up and saw a mystical-looking pendent on his bedside table along with a note. He seized the note and saw Satorius’ handwriting stating that this was the pendent he spoke of and reminding Aster that it was only to be used for those nights when being human was essential.
Good. I have a duel tomorrow night. He stowed the pendent in the table’s drawer before grabbing his school supplies and homemade lunch and heading off to school.
The world seemed different to him and a test with his nose confirmed that, to him, it was brighter, sharper, and clearer. I have the senses of a wolf in human form. This has to be the positive perk I was told about. These sharper senses seem to make being a werewolf not the bad thing I thought it was.
Aster spent the morning subtly playing with his senses and thoroughly enjoying it. That enjoyment turned to confusion when he opened his lunch. It had some rice and vegetables, but it largely contained meat of different varieties and states of preparation. It ranged from raw to medium-rare. He suspected why there was a lot of meat, but did not care for raw, barely cooked meat and intended to let Satorius know as he further suspected that his manager was responsible for this. He pushed the raw portions aside and consumed the cooked ones alongside his sides.
It was after school that Aster was reminded of why he had been cursed in the first place; up ahead of him was Jaden and his two roommates. They were talking and, thanks to his sharp hearing, he could hear what they were discussing. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t already heard: The white dorm and the odd yet challenging duels that Jaden had won lately. The duels Aster was familiar with having watched them in the shadows, but this Society of Light that Chazz had joined and convinced most of Obelisk to join. What was it? The only clues were that it solved all of Chazz’s problems and that Satorius was the founder.
Seems to me that everything odd that’s been going on here, leads to Satorius. He still hasn’t answered all of my questions and I’m going to try again. I won’t let him distract me this time; cursing me was a way to distract me, I’m sure of it.
“Hello, Aster. Are you prepared for tomorrow night?” Satorius asked the moment Aster entered.
“I am, but I want answers to a couple of questions from today as well as the ones I didn’t get yesterday.”
“Very well. Ask your questions.”
“My first question is more of a statement. My lunch contained a lot of meat, most of it uncooked.”
“I thought that since you’re a werewolf, you would appreciate more meat to your meals. Furthermore, wolves eat it raw and you will be able to handle it better than you could before.”
“The quantity I can handle, but I would prefer it thoroughly cooked.”
“I will see to that. Your next question?”
“Yes. The Society of Light. What is it? Chazz said that you’re the founder.”
“I did found it but I’m afraid you’re not ready to know what it is or does.”
Not ready. That’s fine. “Now, your talk of fate and reading futures and my duels with those tarot cards.”
“The cards predict the future and only those gifted enough can interpret them. The future is fate, but once in a while, a rare person defies fate.”
“Rare person. You mean Jaden.”
“Precisely. The cards said you would have a re-match with him when you went to that midnight duel and that you would win. Jaden, however, defied that fate. I knew then that he was special just as you are.”
“Special. How are we special?”
“That is not important right now. Trust me, you will discover it when it is time.”
Another round of vague answers but Aster was satisfied this time. He turned and was at the door when he heard Satorius muttering to himself; of course he heard it clearly because of his sharper hearing.
“Aster is a fool. He is but a pawn in the grand plan. Jaden is the one who can ruin everything, but once he is bitten, I can proceed in brainwashing the world to join the Society and worship the Light of Destruction with me as its vessel.”
“Light of Destruction!” Aster exclaimed as he turned around. “You plan to brainwash the world and I’m just a pawn!?”
Satorius rose and came around to face Aster with a demented expression on his face. “Yes. That’s all true. Jaden could ruin my plan. When you bite him, he will be on my side, unable to stop me. I may either dispose of you or trap you as a wolf once my plan succeeds.”
“You…madman!” Aster said, anger bubbling up at learning that he was being used. A wolf growl came out and, to his surprise, he shifted into his wolf form. He stared down at his paws. “What? But, it’s not dark yet.”
“Another aspect of the curse, you fool,” Satorius sneered. “If you become angry, you change into a wolf and cannot change back until the following morning.”
“Great. Just great,” Aster grumbled.
“This is perfect, actually.”
“How’s that?” Aster growled, looking up at him.
“Now that you’ve changed out of anger, you’ll be able to change any time before dark and it fits with my plan.”
“Forget it. I refuse to be used by you.”
“Really?” He pointed at Aster. “I order you to hunt as a vicious wolf would. Go. Now!”
Once again, Aster felt his body stiffen and leave the boat. He had no control over himself as he headed into the woods. Things worsened for him as the mindset of a wolf took over him. He was still aware of himself but his body was controlled by a different mind, planted there by Satorius’ orders. He was forced to watch himself hunt.
He looked through his eyes and heard his voice growl as he stalked for something to eat. Satorius said to hunt. How far does hunting go for wolves? A more intense growl was heard and Aster saw the ground was closer, meaning his body was crouched. Does this mean that prey’s been scented? I can see and hear, but I can’t smell anything or feel anything.
He heard a short snarl and the ground blur for a second before seeing a doe dashing away from him. The doe was fast but he was obviously faster as the doe got closer. Then, the neck was in front of him. He heard the deer cry out in panic and fear before it was abruptly cut off. He saw the ground approach and then his view shifted to see a dead deer. His vision turned black as he closed his eyes and howled in triumph.
Okay. I’ve killed something. I should regain control soon. Aster tried to move, but his body approached the deer, tore it open, and began to feast. Aster was truly horrified. He had stalked, chased, and killed and yet it seemed that, for a wolf, feasting was part of the hunt. Well, of course it is, he chided himself. Predators hunt to eat. He was forced to watch as his body ate its fill before trotting away. It wasn’t until he was at the lake that he could smell and feel again.
His stomach was full, but his throat needed water. Aster, however, was too wrapped up in his recollection of what he had just witnessed to give his thirst a thought. He had lost control of himself and acted like a vicious wolf on the hunt.
I truly am under Satorius’ control when he commands me, he thought as he finally drank. Only…I don’t think that really is my manager talking. I think an evil force has possessed his body. I know how that feels. Aster tilted his heard up and howled sadly to the sky above.
Part Three
Aster avoided Satorius for the next few days, owing to his scheduled duels. The pendent he had been given worked perfectly and he was able to duel at night. He reveled in being human at night, but his forced hunt had unlocked another part of his curse. He now craved meat, raw or cooked. Whenever he desired raw meat, he had it delivered to his room and ate it in wolf form. The taste of blood and raw meat appealed to his wolf half and he found that eating this way kept his reoccurring nightmare of that forced hunt from surfacing.
I may want to hunt when I return to Duel Academy, he thought as he curled up in bed the night before his return. I also think I should warn Jaden about Satorius and his plan; that is if he hasn’t lost a duel while I’ve been away.
Aster arrived on the island in time to see Satorius disembark from the boat as he descended from the helicopter pad. He shot Satorius a look of mistrust but Satorius merely smiled. “Welcome back, Aster. Excellent dueling lately.”
“Thanks,” he said grudgingly as he followed the taller man. “Where are you going?”
“To speak with Jaden.”
“I don’t think he’s there.” Aster sniffed a couple of times, having identified Jaden by scent before he had left for his duels. “His scent around here is a bit old. At least two hours.”
“Is it? Then, perhaps you could sniff out where he went?”
Aster thought fast as he sniffed. He didn’t want Jaden on Satorius’ side! “Sorry,” he lied. “I can’t smell any further than a wolf can.”
“No matter. I will wait for him to return.” Satorius proceeded to the dorm, up the stairs, and into the room Aster knew was Jaden’s based on smell; how Satorius knew, he wasn’t sure. He leaned against a heating vent, figuring this would be a good place to wait for Jaden and give his warning. He was distracted when the door opened and Satorius exited with Hassleberry, both wearing duel disks! A duel? With Hassleberry? But why? Aster wondered, missing Jaden’s arrival with Syrus and Dorothy, the card shop owner.
“Aster,” Jaden called, catching his attention. “What brings you here, bro?”
“You.” Aster tilted his head at the dorm. “But then again, it could be that duel over there.”
“Hassleberry,” Jaden said. “But who’s the creepy guy in the cape?”
“His name is Satorius and he’s been my dueling manager for years, but now I know that he’s been using me.” Aster sensed his anger rising but pushed it down. He didn’t need to turn into a wolf in front of everyone. “Anyway, it looks like he’s going after your friend as his next brainwashing victim.”
“No,” Jaden said. He passed the bag he was holding to Dorothy before running toward the duel while Aster moved closer at a leisurely pace.
The duel’s end was what Aster expected as far as the victor, but Hassleberry did not join Satorius’ side and when he revealed why, Aster felt a kind of secret connection. I’m not the only one who’s got animal DNA in him.
“Aster,” Satorius said and the pro looked to see a subtly pointing finger. “Come with me.”
Aster felt a slight stiffening and followed behind him. Once they were alone, Satorius turned to face him. “Aster, it is time for you to use your curse as I had intended. Once you are alone with Jaden, you will change and bite him.”
“No,” Aster said firmly and softly.
“I won’t do it. I won’t let you use me anymore.”
“You will do it. I made you a werewolf and that means you obey my commands.”
“Jaden’s…my friend. I won’t hurt him.”
“Your friend? How touching, but you can’t fight fate, Aster. You and Jaden will be werewolves and help me in my ultimate plan.” Satorius walked away and Aster stalked off to the forest where he changed and howled in frustration before exhaling. “I can’t bite Jaden and I won’t. He is my friend and friends don’t hurt each other. Hassleberry just proved that one can fight fate and that’s just what I’ll do.” He slowly exhaled again, changed back, and left the woods feeling better and determined to not let Satorius tell him he couldn’t fight fate.
Aster busied himself with schoolwork, his career, and his nightly changes despite Satorius becoming a fellow student. He suspected there was some kind of sinister purpose to it, but wasn’t sure what it was.
I can’t worry about it right now. Tonight’s the full moon and I’ll learn if I’ll become a monster or not. He headed into the forest and straight to the lake. There he stood, waiting, his heart pounding in anticipation. He watched the sky’s reflection in the water as the sun vanished and then he looked up to see the moon.
He gasped as a pulse went through him and then he howled as he felt himself change. He found himself on all fours and found that he was a bit bigger and muscular with a bushier tail and the fur on his spine on end and when he looked into the water, his eyes were all gold. A wolf’s grin appeared. I’m in complete control and fully aware. I’m just a bit bigger and have gold eyes. Aster tried to laugh, but only rapid barks emerged. He snapped his muzzle shut. I can’t talk! Well, that’s inconvenient. He heard his stomach growl and he barked a laugh. I can’t do anything about speaking like a wolf, but I can do something about my stomach. He turned from the lake and raced into the forest to hunt consciously for the first time.
Aster awoke by the lake and sat up, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms before a satisfied smile appeared. His first conscious hunt was far more intense and thrilling than his forced one, though he did have to admit reluctantly that his forced hunt did give him the skills and experience he needed to chase and kill his food.
It was a good night’s work. I caught and ate a rabbit and later, a squirrel. Both were fast, but I was faster and I’m able to outthink them. Maybe I’ll chase down another deer tonight. He got into a crouch and turned on his balls to get a drink of water, but he froze upon seeing his reflection.
He looked the same as usual except for his ears. They had distinctive points on them. He raised a hand to one, his fingers tracing the shape of it. They have the look of wolf ears. His fingers ran through his hair and he brought some to the side, falling over the tip. He smiled as he covered the other one. Perfect, but I’ll need to clip it in place. It wouldn’t do for the tips to be exposed in a duel. He rushed to the Slifer dorm to have breakfast before heading to school. He was aware of attracting attention by his presence and the amount of fish he had, but he ignored it, save for giving a friendly smile to Jaden, Syrus, and Hassleberry.
Satorius was lost in thought as he sat at the head of the breakfast table at the white dorm while the others ate. Last night was the first full moon of the month. No doubt Aster has found that he is full aware of himself and cannot speak save for canine sounds. He likely finds his full moon nights enjoyable nonetheless. He has probably already discovered his pointed ears, a side effect of the full moon and one he will have for life.
Satorius’ thoughts turned to Aster’s behavior over the last several days. He no longer trusted Satorius and was being defiant of his manager’s orders. Getting Aster to do as I command is not really all that hard. I simply have to point at him and order him. I’ve done it three times and he’s responded every time.
He may consider Jaden a friend, but that doesn’t matter. I simply have to point at Aster and order him to turn Jaden. He cannot resist my orders or fight against his fate. Satorius smiled grimly as he imagined having two werewolves to command.
Part Four
“Has Aster seemed different lately?” Syrus asked.
“If you mean, he’s nicer, yeah,” Jaden said. “He’s also said that Satorius has been using him, whatever that means.”
“Either way, sounds like they may part ways,” Hassleberry said.
“Perhaps,” came Aster’s voice and when they turned, Aster was a couple of feet behind them. “Jaden, can we talk? Alone?”
“Uh, sure.” Jaden followed Aster back the way to school and stopped by the trees nearby.
Aster turned to him. “Jaden, be careful of Satorius. I’ve thought about him lately and I believe that some evil force is possessing him. He speaks of brainwashing the whole world to worship something called the Light of Destruction with him as its vessel.”
“Whoa, hold on! That’s why my Neo-Spacians told me. They said some evil force was on earth and that only I can defeat it.”
“Well, they’re right. Satorius is determined to bring you to his side and he wants to use me as one of those ways. But I don’t want to as I consider you a friend.”
Jaden grinned. “You do? Sweet. I consider you a friend too.”
Aster smiled back. He had warned Jaden and admitted to thinking of him as a friend. Now that he knows about Satorius, he won’t let his guard down.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” said a slightly mocking voice behind Aster, making the werewolf stiffen before turning around to see Satorius. The tall man had a wicked smile that was reflected in his eyes. Aster shielded Jaden as Satorius’ eyes flicked to the brunette. “Well, Aster. This is it. Do it.”
“I told you I won’t do it.”
“And I told you that you will. I control your destiny.” He pointed at Aster. “I order you to carry out the plan I told you to do.”
Once again, Aster felt himself stiffen before he transformed and whirled around to face Jaden who seemed stunned at seeing Aster turn into a wolf. His reaction gave Aster the chance to leap at him and knock him to the ground.
Jaden stared into Aster’s gold eyes and heard Satorius’ laugh before saying, “Do it, Aster. Bite him.” Jaden saw Aster’s eyes turn blue-gold and the wolf said softly. “No…I don’t…want to. I…can’t.”
“Fight it, Aster,” Jaden said. “You don’t have to listen to him.”
Aster found he wasn’t as stiff anymore and flared his nose to find Satorius’ scent absent. He looked back to see no one. He looked down at Jaden. “I’m sorry,” he said before leaping off and running for the woods as Syrus and Hassleberry came up as Jaden got to his feet. The brunette stared into the woods before running into them, calling, “Aster, wait! Come back.”
Syrus and Hassleberry exchanged looks before following Jaden, the former saying, “Ja, what are you thinking? He’s a werewolf and dangerous.”
“Only if Satorius orders him, but he can fight it. He was ordered to bite me, but he didn’t.” He returned to calling out to his friend, pleading for him to come back. “Please, Aster. I’m not mad or anything.”
“Really?” came a reply and Jaden looked to the right to see Aster lying in a hollow tree, his fur standing out in the gloom. He went over and went to one knee. “Really,” he said.
“I didn’t tell you about my curse. What kind of friend keeps secrets from his friends?”
“I would have kept it secret,” Syrus said as he joined them. “I would be afraid of how they would view me.”
“Yes,” Aster said, lifting his head. “That’s exactly why I said nothing.”
Syrus and Jaden moved back as Aster crawled out of the tree and stood before looking up. “Look, when the moon rises, I won’t be able to talk except as a wolf, but I’m in complete control of myself. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have in the morning.”
Jaden stared at Aster’s ears and the pro smiled. “I know,” he said as he covered them. “It’s either a side effect of the moon or a permanent one because of the full moon.”
“Aster, how did you get cursed?” Jaden asked.
“Satorius took a dark power he had planted in my deck and put it in me.”
“If I beat the force controlling him, perhaps the curse will break.”
“Maybe. It makes sense.”
“Of course it does. I’ll break your curse and save the world in one duel.”
Jaden’s cheerful determination brought a smile to Aster’s face. He loved his friend’s upbeat attitude; it was one of the reasons of why he found Jaden so likeable.
“Aster, how does this curse work?” Hassleberry asked.
“It started off that I would change every night and every time Satorius ordered me to change. It grew when I changed out of anger and it gave me the ability to change anytime I want. Of course, there’s also the full moon.”
“So, you can change into a wolf and have pointed ears?” Syrus said. “That’s all?”
“No. I also have the senses of a wolf, day and night.”
“Cool,” Hassleberry said before grinning at Aster. “Nice havin’ someone else with animal DNA, even though it was forced.”
“I felt the same way when you told us about your dino DNA.”
“Aster, I don’t get how you biting me would help Satorius.”
“If I’m understanding it correctly, the dark power that cursed me would infect you through my bite. He figured that with both of us as werewolves serving him, his plan would succeed.”
“Oh, okay. Yeah, that was a good plan.”
“It was and when I heard his plan of world domination, he said he would either dispose of me or trap me in wolf form once you were bitten.”
“Wait,” Hassleberry said. “If you’re a wolf every night, how are you able to duel as a pro?”
“I was given a pendent to keep me human at night and I was told to only wear it when I need to be human. I’ve analyzed it and it was not made with the same power that cursed me. So, if Satorius is beaten and the curse doesn’t break, I can still be a pro duelist.” Aster was hopeful that he could be cured and was certain that Jaden could beat Satorius in a duel, thereby expelling that evil force and bringing back the man he had known for years.
Satorius smiled in satisfaction. He had left the scene when Aster had pinned Jaden. He didn’t want to risk Aster turning on him and biting him. Granted, he wouldn’t have changed until moonrise like Jaden, but he didn’t like the idea of being cursed forever.
“I still can’t believe you cursed my favorite client,” said the real Satorius via telepathy.
“The cards revealed to me that Aster would play a vital role in my plan by being a werewolf,” he said aloud.
“You had no right!” he growled. “Oh, if I could expel you from my body, I would.”
Satorius gave a chuckle as he said, “Yes, but you can’t. You are not strong enough to defeat me. Only the chosen one can, but he is now a werewolf who will serve me.”
“No,” he said in horror while Satorius laughed in triumph. Aster wouldn’t do that. I too have sensed his resistance to taking this monster’s orders. Something tells me that Jaden is till your downfall.
Part Five
“Aster, I order you to bite Jaden,” Satorius said, pointing at him. Aster felt the familiar stiffening of his body before he transformed, whipped around, and bit Jaden’s hand. Jaden cried out and then growled as he shifted into a brown wolf, his brown-gold eyes showing evil in them.
“Well done, Aster,” Satorius said, the silver wolf turning to him. “With Jaden on my side, I have no need of you anymore.” He put a finger to Aster’s forehead. “I trap you in wolf form forever. Your dueling career is over and you will live as a cursed, but talking wolf.”
“No,” Aster whined as he felt his humanity being taken from him. He then watched Satorius and Jaden walk away and he whimpered. “What have I done?”
“Aster? Aster!” The boy felt someone shaking his shoulder and he awoke to sunlight and his human form. Just a dream, he thought with relief. He sat up and saw Satorius standing over him. He leaped to his feet and stared defiantly at him. “I guess you found out that I didn’t bite Jaden. I told you before, I won’t bite my friend and he’s going to…” He broke off when he saw the gentle smile on Satorius’ face; a smile he hadn’t seen lately. “Satorius?” he whispered hopefully. “Is it really you?”
“It is, Aster. Jaden expelled that evil force last night. Your friend was quite eager and determined to help you. Sadly, the curse can’t be broken and you will remain a werewolf.”
Aster waved a hand back and forth. “I’m not too concerned about that. You have been freed and the world is safe. My curse is trivial compared to all that and I still have the pendent so I can still duel on the pro circuit.”
“Speaking of which, I found these. Apparently, yours was part of a set of four.” Satorius reached into his pocket and pulled out three pendants that matched his. “Never hurts to have a few spares,” he added as he passed them to Aster.
“Jaden, I cannot thank you enough for what you did,” Aster said as he laid on the floor of the dorm room in wolf form as it was night.
“I was happy to do it and I was meant to beat him. I’m glad you two are together again.”
Aster’s tail swished. “He’s promised to try to accommodate my curse as I duel. I let him know that I can’t duel on the full moon and that I’ll have meat cravings at times.”
Jaden looked a bit sadly at him. “I wish your curse had broken when I won. It’s not fair that you’re still cursed.”
“I know, but considering how I treated you when we dueled those two times, I feel I probably deserved it.”
“No way,” Jaden insisted. “No one deserves to be cursed.”
“Maybe, but I am and I am learning to handle it. Satorius found three spare pendents that he gave me so I don’t have to worry if I lose the one I’m using.”
“Three spares?”
“Yeah. Satorius said that mine was part of a set of four.”
“You still obeying Satorius’ orders?” Jaden asked.
“I asked him to give me an order. He did but I didn’t feel my body stiffen like it would before. I simply change every night, whenever I get angry, and on the full moon as well as whenever I like.”
“Oh, good,” Jaden said as he got up and kneeled beside Aster.
“It is.” Aster tilted his head Jaden looked quite intent about something. “Jaden? You okay?”
“Fine. I’m just thinking that since the danger of being infected to serve that evil force isd gone…”
Aster stared at him. “You want me to bite you?”
“Not just him,” Hassleberry said as he came down from his bed. “I do too.”
“Are you sure? This is a permanent curse.”
“We talked about it and we’re sure. Though, I don’t think Sy wants bitten.” Jaden looked at his best friend.
“Definitely not sure,” he replied.
“Well, I could turn you two tonight and bring the pendants tomorrow so if Syrus does decided to be bitten, one of you can do it and you’ll have his pendent already. If he decides not to, I’ll just collect the extra next school year.”
“Next school year?” Hassleberry repeated.
“Yeah. I’m still enrolled there.” Aster stood as Jaden pushed up his jacket sleeve. He wrapped his jaws around the arm and gently bit down before releasing and giving Hassleberry the same treatment. Both boys went through the same painful transformation that didn’t include howls from them. Instead, they examined their claws, paws, and bodies.
Jaden laughed as he jumped up and down on his legs. “Oh, this is great! I look so cool and strong.”
Aster’s tail swished at the joy in Jaden’s voice and then he chuckled as Hassleberry seemed to be chasing his tail which was also embarrassing. “Hassleberry, you’re a wolf, not a dog,” he said.
“I know, but there’s something following me.”
Syrus face-palmed. “That’s your tail,” he scolded.
Hassleberry stopped and craned his neck to look back. “Oh,” he said simply.
“Aster, I think biting Hassleberry was a mistake,” Syrus said. “He’s not too bright sometimes and that’s when he’s human.”
“Hey!” Hassleberry growled. “You think you could do better as a werewolf than me?”
“I wouldn’t be chasing my tail at least.”
“Maybe, but we’ll never know as you’re too cowardly to join us.”
“Whoa, there,” Aster said. “That’s a bit harsh. I don’t blame Syrus for not wanting to be bitten. I wouldn’t jump at the offer if I had a choice.”
Hassleberry aimed a foreleg at Syrus. “He also called you dangerous after you almost bit Jaden earlier.”
“I would see myself that way if I was in his place and under that evil force’s orders, I would be dangerous. Luckily, that’s over.”
“Will Ja and Hassleberry also have pointed ears now?” Syrus asked.
“I’m sure they will and have sharper senses when human just like I do.”
“Sharper senses,” Syrus said with soft reverence.
“Come on, Sy. We could all play in the forest tomorrow night and I’d like it if you joined us in that.”
Syrus stared at them from his bed before climbing down, pushing up his sleeve, holding out his arm. “Okay, do it.” Aster bit down and Syrus painfully changed as well. He turned in a slow circle and flashed a wolf’s grin at his friends. “This is cool,” he admitted.
“I’ve always thought so when I was in control of my actions. I do enjoy being a werewolf, especially now,” Aster admitted. He saw Syrus’ tail wag at this and he knew Syrus would like being a werewolf as would the others.
The four of us could be a pack for the rest of the year and next year too. For now though, I will teach and guide them in being werewolves. Aster laid down and curled up to sleep, the others also deciding to sleep. Aster’s curse had become something of a gift that he had bestowed on three friends whom he would teach.
Part Six
Soft, awed sounds woke Aster the next morning and he opened his eyes as he sat up. He saw Jaden fingering his pointed ears while Syrus stared at his in the mirror. Hassleberry was still fast asleep. Jaden brought some hair over his ears before noticing Aster was awake and flashed a smile. "Morning.”
“Morning. I guess you like your ears?”
“Love them and the sharp hearing is sweet. A little hard to take, but sweet.”
“The sharper senses are a little hard to take at first, but you do get used to it.”
“Good,” Syrus said. Aster saw his nose flare. “I might be wrong, but I think I smell meat.”
Aster breathed deeply. “Yeah, you’re right.” He stood and sniffed as he tracked it to the door. He opened it and looked down to see a cardboard box with four wrapped boxes, three pendants, and a note in Satorius’ handwriting, claiming, he sensed Aster would turn his friends. And he was right, he thought as he brought the box inside. He closed the door and Hassleberry stirred. He sat up, sniffed the air, and said, “Hey, do I smell raw meat?”
Aster sought out a private spot for lunch, but ended up on the school roof with his new pack. He wasn’t annoyed; wolves were social creatures and a pack was like a family; one he had made and needed to teach.
Syrus poked his fork at the meat in his box. “I don’t know about this.”
“It’s fine,” Aster assured him. “Wolves eat their kills raw and their stomachs are equipped to handle it. As werewolves, our stomachs can handle it too.”
“Works for me,” Jaden said before putting some in his mouth and chewing happily. Hassleberry and Syrus both took tentative bites, swallowed, and then dug in happily with Aster eating as well.
Syrus took another bite of meat, finding it tastier than before. He had been in awe when he saw his ears this morning and secretly thought they made him look cuter. He found that he could hear Aster’s soft breathing while he was asleep and other subtle sounds he hadn’t heard before. He had to lower the volume of his voice because of his ears, but that was fine with him.
His nose was just as sensitive as he had smelled meat that was just outside their room. The walk to school was a whole new experience as the world was sharper, brighter, and louder. It was a bit much for him, but he knew that Jaden and Hassleberry likely felt the same way. Naturally, Aster wasn’t bothered by it.
Eventually, it won’t bother me, either, he thought as he started on his rice. I’ll get used to my senses as well as becoming a wolf every night, anytime I get angry, on the full moon, and whenever I went. And tonight, I’ll really get to use my body as Jaden had suggested that we could play in the woods. I can’t wait.
Hassleberry inwardly trembled with excitement as the group headed for the woods. He was looking forward to really moving as a wolf. He wanted to see how far he could jump and how fast he could run. He knew all of them would be bigger than normal wolves but he was the biggest one of the group. That doesn’t mean I’ll be the one in charge. Aster bit us so he should be the leader. Surely Jaden will take over when Aster’s not here.
As if reading his thoughts, Jaden said, “Aster, you’re the leader, right?”
“The term is alpha and I suppose I am as I bit you. There may be another alpha among you three and he would lead the pack while I’m having my duels. Of course, that will be at night.”
“Of course,” Jaden agreed. He wondered if he was an alpha and then decided that he didn’t really care. Alpha or not, he was still a werewolf. And we’re gonna have fun tonight.
Aster stopped in one of his favorite clearings and looked up at the fiery sky above. He loved sunsets with their brilliant colors and how they faded to the black night sky, but the night held its own beauty, one he truly appreciated when he became a werewolf. The sky faded to black and Aster felt grass under his paws. He kneaded the dirt and he felt joy well up within him. He released a long happy howl and heard three howls echoing it.
“Aster, comin’ at ya!” Jaden called before he landed on Aster’s back. Aster gave a strong buck, dislodging Jaden and causing the brown wolf to land on his back. Aster leaped at Jaden and the two of them tussled across the ground with yips, barks, and laughter.
Hassleberry watched them play and was amused at seeing serious-minded Aster Phoenix playing like, well, a wolf pup. He heard grass crunch slightly and ducked as Syrus came flying overhead and landed on his stomach. He rolled onto his back to see Hassleberry standing over him. His silver-gold eyes focused on Hassleberry’s olive green-gold ones and then the larger wolf backed away and fell to his belly with a whine.
“Hassleberry?” Syrus asked as he got up and the other two paused in their good-natured wrestling. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not sure,” he answered. “I locked eyes with you and I felt…I don’t know.”
Aster got up and approached Syrus first. He put his nose to the fur and sniffed it. He then did the same to Hassleberry and Jaden before he had the answer. “Syrus is an alpha.”
“I am?” Syrus asked, a bit stunned. He was the smallest one and yet he held a high status. “Is there a special scent for that?”
“Turns out there is. Instinct told me what to do and your smell is different from Hassleberry and Jaden. Plus, there was the reaction. It is a posture of submission, acknowledging an alpha’s authority.
Syrus grinned as his tail swished. He found the situation ironic. He was the smallest wolf and had been reluctant to be bitten at first. Now, he was an alpha and would be in charge on nights while Aster was away. He took a deep breath and scented an animal his instincts told him was prey. “I smell prey,” he said at the same time Aster did.
“Wait. You’re suggestin’ we go huntin’, aren’t ya?” Hassleberry asked.
“I’ve done it before,” Aster said. “I’m also hungry as we burned a lot of energy and calories changing and playing.” Aster sniffed again and said, “Sy, take Jaden and hunt down your prey. I’ll take Hassleberry to the one I smelled.”
Syrus nodded and took the lead with Jaden behind him. Syrus put his nose to the ground his hunting instincts coming into play. He was reasonably sure he could chase, kill, and eat his prey. He took a good, deep sniff and his nose told him it was actually two rabbits. Oh, good, he thought licking his chops.
Aster tracked his prey with ease, his nose identifying a deer; a buck as opposed to the doe he had hunted before. “I’ll need your help in taking the deer down.”
“A deer? That’s what we’re trackin’?”
“Yeah. A buck and it’ll take both of us to take it down.”
“All right.”
The two wolves were able to kill the deer and feasted after Aster coaxed Hassleberry to eat. When they were full, they met up with Jaden and Syrus and all four played together, learning about their bodies more. They eventually fell asleep in the woods, the first of many they would do as a pack.