Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Kevin is mine.
Chapter One- Ancient Hate
Howls of triumph sounded amidst screams of pain, both of which filled Alpha Atem with satisfaction. No vampire is going to harm any of my pack while I’m leader. He yawned and stretched his forelegs which made his extended claws seem longer than usual. He proceeded to his chamber, lost in thought.
Vampires had always been a problem for untold ages. They had a tendency to drain or turn humans at will as well as launch attacks on his people. He had no idea why they attacked, though human prey was probably the reason as Atem and his city were werewolves.
Atem growled softly. His kind were human during the day but wolves at night. They could talk and reason in addition to their wolf instincts but the full moon was when everyone reverted to actual wolves and attacked humans for food. They even turned humans on occasion though it wasn’t necessary as they could reproduce and have werewolf children who were always born in daylight.
The vampires view our three night a month attacks as a threat to their food supply and decide to attack us. We prove that we are not so easily killed. We know of their weakness to silver and have crafted silver jewelry and weapons that we can wield in wolf form as the vampires’ only other weakness is the sun. One would think their leader would stop launching attacks on us…or do vampires have a leader?
From his underground throne, Bakura growled angrily. Five vampires were sent to attack the werewolf city and it seemed all five died. How was it possible? How could a pack of mangy dogs outwit and kill five highly trained vampire thieves? He rose, strode to his coffin, removed his crown, climbed in, and closed it. He lay there, fuming, at losing more vampires. We will need to turn more humans, particularly criminals and thieves. Perhaps we should attack on the full moon when the pharaoh and his subjects are nothing more than animals, incapable of rational thought. Bakura smirked. If I kill the pharaoh on the full moon, the others will mourn and my kingdom will annihilate them. He closed his eyes and fell asleep as the sun rose. Across the village, his subjects also retreated to coffins to sleep and hide from the sun.
Atem yawned and stretched as he got out of bed. It was another beautiful day and he eager to start the day and tackle any problems that came along. However, when he took his place, there was only one, ongoing problem: The vampires.
“Pharaoh, five vampires were killed in last night’s attack,” reported his best friend and captain of the guard, Mahad.
“Five?” Atem repeated. “I know there had been an attack that was repelled but no idea how many.”
Seto smirked. “They foolishly attack in small numbers and end up dying by our silver weapons. It is clear that we are far cleverer than a bunch of undead corpses.”
“Seto, do not get overconfident,” Aknadin scolded. “Vampires can be clever. It is likely that they have a young king who believes that they are smarter than we are. It is only a matter of time before he comes up with a cunning plan or cease attacks altogether.”
“Then we should attack! Now! While the sun is still up!” Seto exclaimed.
“We don’t know how many there are,” Atem pointed out. “Nor where they had hidden themselves to avoid the sun. Also, the full moon is tomorrow night. We must set up our defenses and precautions to protect us while we are wild.”
“Point taken, my pharaoh,” Siamun said. “We will discuss our vampire problem after the full moon.”
Seto frowned slightly. He felt it would be better to ride out to the vampire village and dispose of some vampires before dark, but also acknowledged that their monthly precautions needed to be examined and, if necessary, revised. Naturally, every werewolf would bear a variety of silver jewelry to protect themselves from any roaming vampires. It is a good thing that only our clothes meld with our skin and fur as the silver protects us from being killed by vampires. It doesn’t protect us from being killed by normal people. We’re capable of being killed the same as normal humans.
“Mahad,” he said suddenly. “Is it possible there’s a spell of some sort to protect us from being killed in general?”
Mahad shook his head. “I’ve scoured the library countless times, but no such spell or talisman exists. Our saving grace is that humans view us as normal wolves during the full moon. We don’t usually leave the city the other nights.”
Seto nodded. He remembered asking that very question a few years back when Mahad became a master magician. Mahad’s powers were extremely strong, but were tied to his human form. He was as vulnerable as the others when he took wolf form.
Several minutes later, Siamun nodded approvingly. “All right. So our precautions from last month will be repeated this month as no fatalities occurred last month.”
Atem was pleased to hear this as he said, “Mahad, run a patrol. Make sure everyone is safe and ready for tomorrow night. Also sniff out any humans you find and escort them out or imprison them.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” He headed out to gather the guards. He took the safety of the city seriously. He split the guard into units and sent them out to check on the people and inform them that last month’s precautions would be repeated. Mahad, however, took to sniffing out humans. He was not just a magician; he also had an unusually sharp sense of smell which made him well-suited to lead the guard. Of course, Atem had the sharpest senses of all as alpha.
He started with the outskirts with a few guards and found two criminals whom the guards took away. Mahad learned that innocence and evil had distinctive scents and he could tell the difference between them. He progressed through the city but could only smell werewolves. He wasn’t disappointed as he considered a search with no humans to be a good search. He drifted toward the palace gates to await the guards when his nostrils flared. There’s a human and so close to the gates! The revelation rankled him. How could a human have gotten so close without him detecting…her. Yes, it was female and an innocent as well. Her scent was so pure, like nothing he had ever smelled before. Curious, he followed that pure scent and found her, crouched by the gate wall.
She was, without a doubt, the most striking and unusual girl he had ever seen. She was fair of skin with long white hair and eyes as blue as Seto’s. She trembled slightly as he approached. He crouched down and said, “Miss, it is not safe for you to be in this city. I would be happy to escort you to the city gate.”
She looked into his face. “I came to find a friend and ask him a favor,” she said softly.
“Oh?” Mahad was intrigued. A little more than half of the city were bitten into werewolves and all the children were werewolves born. She could not have befriended a human before he got bitten. Did she meet…a pureblood?
She nodded. “His name is Seto and the people I asked directed me here.”
I was right: Seto is a pureblood just as Aknadin, the pharaoh, and myself are purebloods among others. “Well…I’m sorry I didn’t ask your name.”
“Kisara. If you know Seto, I suppose I could make an exception and take you to the palace instead of leading you out of here.” He stood and so did she.
“I am grateful, priest.”
“I am Mahad.”
Kisara smiled sweetly and Mahad felt Seto was lucky to have such a lovely friend. Perhaps they could be a couple though it is rare but not unheard of for a human and a werewolf to get together. I certainly wouldn’t mind taking Kisara for a wife if I hadn’t already been mated to Isis whom I love deeply.
Chapter Two- Kisara
Atem looked up as did the rest of the court as Mahad entered with Kisara behind him, her head bowed and her eyes on the floor. Atem tilted his head, his nostrils flaring. The girl was humans with an innocent scent so pure, he couldn’t believe it. Why didn’t Mahad escort her to the city gates? A strong scent like hers is rare, but not reason enough to bring her here. Mahad knelt before him while the girl prostrated herself on the floor. Atem saw a shocked look on Seto’s face before turning his attention back to the pair. “Mahad?” he prompted.
“Pharaoh, this girl says she is a friend of Seto’s and came to see him.”
All eyes went to Seto at Mahad’s statement but the young werewolf was staring at the kneeling girl. Finally he said, “Mahad speaks the truth. Kisara and I are old friends from before I came here. She…knows I’m a werewolf. She followed me one day and saw me change on a non-full moon night. I asked her not tell anyone.”
“And I kept that promise,” spoke up Kisara as she lifted her head and looked over at Seto. He went over and brought her to her feet.
“So, you came to see me. Is that all?”
“No. I came to ask you for a favor.”
“A favor? What is it?”
“I want you to turn me.”
Seto blinked in surprise. “What? You want to be a werewolf? But why?”
“A…couple of reasons. One is being able to defend myself. I met up and ran from an odd man on my way here. Pale skin, claws, and fangs.”
“A vampire,” Seto growled in a wolf-like manner. “He most likely wanted to drink you dry. How did you get away?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Vampires have only two weaknesses: Silver and sunlight.”
“Oh! It was almost dawn while he was chasing me.”
Seto smirked. “He must have been newly-turned as most vampires drink shortly after dark. What’s your second reason for wanting to be turned?”
Kisara’s cheeks flushed. “I…I love you, Seto.”
Seto smiled gently. “Kisara, you don’t need to be turned just because you love me. Humans and werewolves can be together, though it is rare.”
“Yes,” Siamun said. “But you would be required to leave and live in a human village.”
Seto’s head snapped around to look at Siamun. “What?” he asked.
“A lone human in a city of werewolves is likely to be killed during the full moon. A lone werewolf in a village of humans is able to distance him or herself while wild.”
“That would mean giving up my position on the court.”
“Seto, I don’t want you to do that for me,” Kisara said firmly. “This has been your dream for years and I won’t make you give it up for me. It was good to see you again. I’ll go now.” She started for the doors. Seto watched her walk away and felt a pang in his heart. Gods, I love her too. I can’t let her walk out of my life. I’ll do it.
“Kisara, wait,” he said as he hurried after her. She stopped halfway to the doors and Seto came up and put a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll do it. I’ll turn you.”
She turned around. “You will?”
“Yes. I love you too and turning you means we can be together and I can continue to serve the pharaoh.”
Kisara smiled as she was hugged by the priest. She was with the one she loved and would soon be a werewolf. She heard the voice of the elderly man say, “Seto, show the young lady to a chamber.”
“Yes, Master Siamun.” Seto released Kisara before taking a hand and leading her out of the room. “Kisara, I should tell you about werewolves so you will be prepared. First, all werewolves can turn humans, but only those born as one can turn a human outside of the full moon. It’s safer that way as all of us become actual wolves on the full moon. We see humans as prey and only those who survive the attack will change into a werewolf. We can be killed the same as any living being and we also have to deal with vampire attacks.”
“Vampires attack you?” she gasped in horror.
“Not often, but it does occur, all on non-full moon nights. They likely think we think as animals every night. We do not. We still have our human reasoning and ability to talk alongside our wolf instincts. We’re only animals three night a month. You’ll be provided with silver jewelry and I will instruct you in how to wield a silver weapon to fight off vampires.”
“So…you’ll turn me tonight?”
“Yes. Tonight is ideal as tomorrow is the first moon of three for the month.” They stopped outside a room.
“Great.” Kisara smothered a yawn. “I think I’ll get some sleep to prepare for tonight.”
“Of course and by the way, you’ll be able to function on a little sleep once you change which will hurt this first time but that’s it.”
She smiled tiredly. “Sounds like being a werewolf is wonderful.” She entered the room.
Yes, it is wonderful for most part, vampires notwithstanding. I look forward to turning and instructing her. Seto headed to the treasure room to select Kisara’s jewelry. Some pieces were standard for everyone, but other were individual choice. When everyone changed, they would all be gray-furred and gold-eyed. Though they were different sizes, individual pieces helped identify one another while wild. Of course, our scents also help distinguish each of us.
Kisara snuggled down into her bed, smiling. Her life was looking up. She hadn’t told Seto about some of the ridicule she had endured since he left to train to be a priest. Her light skin and blue eyes caused people to assault her and chase her from their village as she travelled. She knew if she mentioned it, Seto may attack them out of anger of their treatment of her.
I don’t want to be the cause of their deaths. I’m used to being feared and hated for my appearance. I had been surprised by how friendly and helpful everyone here had been when I asked if they knew Seto. Now I know why: They’re all werewolves just like him. They’re used to being feared and hated so they don’t display that to someone who looks unusual. And tonight, I will be one of them. Kisara sighed as she fell asleep.
“Seto, how exactly did it happen that she learned the truth?” Atem asked when Seto returned from the treasure room.
“Well, for a while, she never questioned why we couldn’t get together after dark. I used my mother as an excuse until she died. After that, I claimed a fear of the dark. I suppose she saw me slipping out into the desert one day at sunset. She followed me and once I had finished changing, I heard a gasp and turned to see her. I called out to her and she seemed very surprised that I could talk. I admitted to being born a werewolf and how I change every night. I made it clear that aside from the full moon, my body is the only thing different.” Seto smiled at the memory. “I felt better sharing my secret and we could meet in the desert every night except when I was wild. It was a sad day when I left for the city, but she knew I had to follow my dream. I neglected to tell her that it was a city of werewolves though.”
“Well, she knows now,” Siamun said. “Tonight she will join our pack and I trust you will guide her, Seto?”
“I would like to Master Siamun. My pharaoh, I ask that Kisara and I become mates once she has changed.”
“Of course. It is my duty as pharaoh and alpha to do what I can to insure the happiness and safety of everyone in the city.” Atem enjoyed the look of joy on Seto’s normally stoic face while inwardly wondering if he would feel such joy in his life.
Chapter Three- New Views
Kisara awoke to a knock and sat up. “Come in,” she said before stifling a yawn and swinging her legs over the edge. She smiled when Seto entered, pieces of silver in his hands and arms.
“Sleep well?” he asked, putting the silver on the bed, crouching down, and putting cuffs on a leg.
“Oh, yes. Quite well.” She watched as Seto put cuffs on her other leg and forearms before standing and putting a solid silver female collar around her neck. She saw that Seto also sported cuffs but wore a silver necklace with a silver charm. “This will protect me from vampires?”
“It will. The merest brush of silver kills them instantly. It protects us especially when wild. Kisara.” He pulled her to her feet. “The pharaoh is willing to make us mates once you have changed.”
Kisara’s face lit up. “He has? That’s wonderful.”
“It is. Come, it is almost dark.” He led the human through the corridors and into the Throne Room where the court and Atem waited. She noticed that the pharaoh had swapped his gold crown and earrings for silver ones and removed his rings. The cuffs on his legs and arms were already silver.
Seto looked outside and said, “It’s time.” The sun vanished and Kisara suddenly found herself among seven gray-furred, gold-eyed wolves. She knew the one in front of her was Atem as he was still on the throne and that the one beside her was Seto. She looked down to see him look at her. “It will hurt like I said,” he said through clicking teeth. “But it will be worth it.” He then lunged and bit her hand. It was gentle, but still hurt and she cried out.
She then gasped as her body grew gray fur, her dress melding with her skin and her breasts had disappeared. Her nails lengthened and formed sharp claws while her hands formed paws. Her nose and jaws fused together and extended into a muzzle. Her ears turned pointed and moved to the top of her head while her eyes turned gold and her white hair turned gray and furry before joining the rest of her fur. Her feet became paws with extended claws, the heels going up. Her knees changed direction and she went to all fours as her spine curved. A full bushy tail grew out and she howled, feeling power and strength flow through her. Seven other howls sounded, welcoming her to the pack. She lowered her head and opened her eyes before looking at Seto whose tail swished.
“Oh, Kisara. You’re lovely,” he said.
Kisara felt amused. “Seto, I look like everyone else.”
“Yes, but-,”
Kisara giggled as she nuzzled Seto’s cheek. “I know what you mean.”
A throat clearing brought everyone’s attention to Atem. The werewolf pharaoh jumped down and said, “Kisara, I formally welcome you to my pack and as alpha, I name you and Seto as mates.” Atem then howled in a different manner than before.
Seto bowed by bending his front legs and Kisara copied him, feeling it was the right thing to do. “Thank you, alpha,” Seto said. “May we leave so I can guide my mate in weapon use?”
“Granted.” He watched the pair walk away and felt a pang in his heart. He felt his breath catch at the realization of what it meant. It’s beginning, he thought. I have reached the age when a werewolf would desire a mate. It is necessary for the alpha to take a mate to insure leadership of the pace continues. Gender does not matter; my mate would carry the pup. However, the alpha could simply name a successor and as no one has caught my interest, I may indeed name a successor.
A duo of gasps echoed in the underground chamber and Bakura sat back in his throne as two humans transformed into vampires. They were criminals that had avoided capture and had sought refuge in his village kingdom not knowing that vampires slept beneath them. When the first vampires came up and saw them, they seized them and brought them before Bakura.
Bakura, as vampire king, could smell criminal humans from non-criminal ones. It was this ability that allowed him to turn only criminals. The previous king had set the standards of the turning and he saw no reason to change that. His predecessor had gotten killed by the alpha werewolf a year ago and he took the throne as the successor. He heard the alpha died not long after he became king and that the city was led by the alpha’s son.
The death of the previous king is what had prompted Bakura to launch occasional attack on the city for revenge, but every attack resulted in failure and forcing Bakura to turn more criminals to replace them.
His new subjects were led out by those that caught them and he put his elbow on the armrest and propped his head on his hand. I have at least a hundred subjects now with the addition of those two new ones. But one of my spies claims he saw twice that number of werewolves. We are outnumbered two to one. I don’t turn humans often and I should stop pursuing revenge for my predecessor. A king should insure his subjects’ health and happiness. That is what I’ll do. No more revenge attacks. We will simply drink our fill of blood and avoid tangling with werewolves. I will have my subjects capture humans tonight so we don’t have to roam for blood the next three nights. Bakura rose and left the room to announce his decisions and plan.
Kisara seized the leather of the double-bladed knife in her mouth and whipped her head back and forth, the silver blades whistling through the air. She replaced it in its holder and then quickly brought it out once again
“Very nice,” Seto said as Kisara put the knife away.
“Thanks, but I hope I won’t need to use it.”
“We all wish we didn’t have to defend ourselves against vampires, but our reality is that we must. That is why we wear silver, especially during the full moon.”
“So, I’ll end up being a murderer,” she said sadly.
“If vampires penetrate the palace, I’m afraid so. However, most of the pack are efficient in dispatching that attackers and as we are actual wolves on the full moon, we feel no guilt in killing for food.”
“Do we have to eat humans?”
“No. We eat whatever we can find that appeals to us, mostly meat.” He saw her bow her head and he went over and lifted her head with his muzzle. He was alarmed to see tears shining in her gold eyes. “Kisara! What is the matter?”
“It’s just…I’m happy we’re together and that you turned me, but the idea of killing scares me.” Fat tears slid down her cheeks.
Seto tenderly licked up the tears. “I’m sorry. I was born this way so everything I’ve told you is natural to me. I never turned anyone before and never actually spoke to a newly-bitten to see how they were handling it. I suppose all of this can be scary, but there are advantages.”
“Oh?” she sniffed.
Seto gave a wolf’s grin. “Well, I can’t speak from personal experience being a pureblood, but I’ve seen others react to their sharper senses, faster speed, and increased strength. We do heal quickly and retain all of it in human form.”
“Seto, if you’ve never spoken to a newly-bitten, then how do you know they’re reacting to their sharper senses and new abilities?”
“Not all of the alpha’s court are purebloods. Mahad, Master Aknadin, the alpha, and I are the only ones in the palace that are purebloods and a little less than half of city are pureblood.”
“So having sharper senses, faster speed, and increased strength balances out having to kill?”
“I believe it does. I will guide you tomorrow night. I will know you as my mate, thanks to the alpha’s blessing and my bite as my scent will mix with yours.” He nuzzled her before leading her to her room before retiring for the night himself.
Chapter Four- Pack Sister
“The senses become enhanced after just the first full moon night?” Kisara asked the next morning.
Isis smiled at her. “Yes, they do. I was bitten by Mahad a week before the full moon. I had loved him from afar for quite some time before approaching him and confessing. I had also been suspicious of him insisting on daytime only meetings. So, I was angry when I learned why and we argued about him being so secretive since we loved one another. My accusations hurt him emotionally and in his hurt and anger, he bit me. Since he was pureblood, I transformed immediately as you did. I, however, was furious at being bitten. Mahad regretted his action and we did not speak or interact with each other until the full moon was over. I had become fascinated with my senses after the first moon and Kalim and Shada were informative in how to control them.
“Mahad and I talked after the moons. He repeatedly apologized for biting me and said he would understand if I no longer loved him. I told him that I wasn’t mad at him anymore and still loved him. The pharaoh blessed us as mates that night. It was discovered that I have the gift of foresight and occasionally have visions. My gift prompted the pharaoh to appoint me to his court.”
“Isis, could you assist me in controlling my senses tomorrow? I don’t feel that Seto would be helpful in that, being a pureblood.”
“I would be happy to help. Just let me say that there is no difference between purebloods and the bitten. We are all werewolves, one large pack. A family, really.”
Kisara perked up at that. “I never really had a family.”
“You do now. What do you say we meet them properly? They’ll be able to identify you by scent these next three nights.”
“Okay.” Kisara followed Isis into the city, feeling a connection to the older woman. Both had been human and both bitten by the one who became her mate. She trusted Isis as well as the pharaoh and the court. She notice that during the day, Atem was called pharaoh but alpha at night. It made sense as the wolf leader is called the alpha.
The citizens were as friendly as before and she saw their noses flaring before expressing surprise and happiness that she had been bitten and was now Seto’s mate. They said that Seto deserved such a lovely mate and some hoped to see her again tonight. She felt warm and happy to be accepted by them and not feared. It was a wonderful feeling.
“Isis,” Kisara said as they headed back to the palace. “If we are actual wolves, how do you know of what goes on?”
“We become aware the following morning. I suspect that we know what we’re doing on an unconscious level as our minds are rather simple as wolves.” She smiled at the pale look on Kisara’s face. “I know the idea of thinking like an animal sounds awful, but it protects us from being hunted by humans. Only vampires would know we’re werewolves.”
Bakura snarled at the whimpering humans huddled in the cell. Their sounds annoyed him. Okay, maybe capturing humans was a bad idea. “Silence!” he hissed and the whimpers faded. “You will all die either tonight or the next two, so accept it and be quiet.” He stalked from the room and passed a guard. “Organize everyone so that all can get at least enough blood to survive.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Bakura strolled outside to a starry sky and the moon rising. He had always loved the night as it made committing crimes easier back when he was human. The previous king had been impressed when he heard of Bakura’s skills and decided to turn him. He eagerly accepted it as it was better than dying and he enjoyed drinking the blood of humans. He didn’t like the weaknesses he had, not to mention having to deal with werewolves while they were wild.
I prefer to find my prey instead of holding them captive. Their whimpers and moans made it hard to sleep as the cell was near my coffin. Bakura sprinted out into the desert to find a human and drain him or her. I think I will try to kill a werewolf while I’m out. Perhaps I can reduce their numbers by myself and do so gradually over every full moon. If I kill one a night, that’s three a month. Yes, that’ll do for now.
Kisara stood at Seto’s side who, in turn, stood behind the pharaoh as did the rest of the court. The sky was black with night, the moon yet to rise. She felt prepared for her change to a wild wolf. She knew she would have sharper senses in the morning and that Isis would coach her on them. All I have to deal with now is thinking like a wolf.
The moon began to rise and Atem gave a howl, his eyes already gold. He heard the howls of his subjects before instantly changing, his mind following suit. His nose flared as he took in the scents of those behind him. One scent was unfamiliar and he whirled around, growling at the source, a female. She tucked her tail, folded her ears, and laid flat on her belly, whining. He sniffed her and caught a whiff of another wolf on her paw.
She is mated to a pack member. He ceased growling and gave a couple of barks to say he accepted her as a pack member. She stood up, tail still tucked. The male beside her nuzzled a cheek and licked it, bringing her tail out from between her legs.
Atem heard his stomach gurgle and turned his attention to food. He would check out the new female later, he was hungry and wanted to hunt. He howled before sprinting out of the city and into the desert, his pack also spreading out to hunt and do what wolves do.
Kisara changed into a wolf again and her mind shifted into a wolf’s mind. The male beside her had a mate and judging from his behavior toward her she had to be that mate. She saw a male in front of her, his back to them. He exuded such confidence and she instinctively knew he was the alpha, her alpha.
The alpha suddenly turned around and growled at her. She immediately took a submissive position. She didn’t know why he was angry with her, but wanted to show she was no threat. She saw his nose flare and his growls faded away into two barks that said he recognized her as part of his pack. She stood but kept her tail tucked to show she was still submissive. The male beside her nuzzled her cheek and licked it. The gestures brought her tail up as the alpha turned, howled, and sprinted off. Kisara felt hungry and she softly barked at her mate to hunt with her. He agreed and the two stalked into the desert to find prey.
Bakura plunged his fangs into the man and sucked contently. He always enjoyed hunting for a human to drain as well as the feel of his fangs buried in the neck. He was about to suck up the last of the man’s blood when a loud howl was heard on the air. He withdrew and cursed. A werewolf was coming: He could smell it. He laid the barely alive man on the ground and sprinted to the other side of a dune before peering around it. Actually, this is good. A werewolf all on its own. The smell of the human’s blood will attract it and while it’s eating, I can sneak up behind it and kill it. He flexed his clawed hands as he waited for the wolf to appear.
A gray wolf, bedecked in all kinds of silver jewelry appeared, showing supreme confidence. Bakura’s eyes noted the placement of the silver and scowled. There was no good place to strike without touching the dangerous metal. This one is well-protected. He focused on the band that sat securely on its head and he inhaled softly. That band. It looks like a crown! That means he’s the pharaoh! That explains the amount of silver on him. Only the most important werewolf would need that much protection. He watched as Atem slowly and cautiously approached the man. He sniffed at him before seizing the throat, tearing it away and began to rip, tear, and eat.
Bakura stood and watched, his eyes once again roving over the body, but this time in an admiring way. Hmm, firm muscles, well-groomed fur, full tail, delicate ears and muzzle, and a good strong heartbeat. He is a fine werewolf. I wonder what he’s really like. He turned and headed home, an image of the feasting wolf in his mind. If I want to get to know him, I’ will need to do something I have never done before: I have to get inside the palace and the next two nights will be perfect practice.
Chapter Five- Bold Plans
Atem uncurled himself from his spot and looked around, pleased. He was in an empty house on the edge of the city with his court and Kisara curled up around him. He had marked this house a year ago when he became pharaoh as did his father when he ascended the throne like all alphas did when leading the pack. This house was marked for use by the current pharaoh and his court and their mates. His father had died from a fatal strike from a vampire; of course the vampire had died from the silver jewelry.
He closed his eyes to call up his memories of last night. Let’s see. I recall smelling my court’s familiar scents and then an unfamiliar one. Oh. I growled at Kisara. I saw her as a possible threat, but Seto’s scent on her paw told me otherwise.
I remember finding prey, but I didn’t chase it down and it was barely alive. A mental picture of the man flashed through his mind and his breath caught. Oh, gods. I had interrupted a vampire’s feeding. Lucky I was well-protected.
The stirring of the others brought him out of his musings. One by one they sat up and closed their eyes to recall the night. He saw Kisara by Seto, but her eyes were open and her nostrils were flaring. He smiled slightly. She’s discovering her senses. “Kisara,” he said very softly and she turned to look at him. “I apologize for my behavior toward you last night,” he said still softly so as to give her practice with her sharper hearing.
“No apology necessary, pharaoh,” she said just as softly. “I sensed you saw me as a threat.”
“You’re correct, but Seto’s scent on your paw where he bit you told me you were mates. I won’t be making that mistake again.”
“And yet you might,” Mahad spoke up teasingly. “We know you have short-term memory problems during the moons.”
There was gentle laughter and even Atem laughed. “Well, I am the ruler with many issues demanding my attention. And that reminds me of something last night I must warn the city about.” He stood and left the house with the others behind him. He emerged to see the people emerge from where they had slept. They turned to him and he called, “My people, last night I came across prey that was barely alive. I believe I had interrupted a vampire that had been feeding. I recall no run-in with a vampire, but I urge caution if you find dead or barley alive prey tonight or tomorrow as it could be a trap. Of course, I know you will not recall this warning, but heed your instincts as they won’t steer you wrong.”
“Isis, my hearing and sense of smell are incredible. The pharaoh spoke so softly, but I heard every word.”
Hearing and smell are the ones that take some time to get used to, but they are our most important senses when we’re wild.”
“Speaking of that, you were right. I now recall what happened last night. After the pharaoh left, I remember Seto and me hunting together. We shared a camel.”
Isis smiled. “Mahad and I hunted together too, I actually led the tracking and chasing. A human for each of us.”
“Is it possible that Seto knew I wouldn’t be comfortable eating a human?”
“Possible. Our emotions are still there, but are simple, less complex. It’s possible that he knew your feelings on some level.”
“Mahad, I noticed our mates spending quite a bit of time in the last two days.”
“Well, Isis was asked a lot of questions by Kisara and they do have a few things in common such as being bitten instead of being born and mated to purebloods.”
“I see. I am trying to be considerate of her transition from human to werewolf. I chose to kill an animal than a human.”
“That’s very considerate, Seto. I let Isis take charge of our meal and she tracked two humans.”
“Hmm, perhaps I should ask her if she would like to lead in hunting tonight. It may make the transition a little more easily.”
“It may.” Mahad watched Seto walk away in the direction Isis and Kisara had gone, obviously following their scents. He remembered the guilt he had felt over biting Isis, a long time ago. He had done it out of hurt and anger at Isis’ anger of him keeping his true nature hidden from her. She had been furious at being made a werewolf and he had distanced himself from her until after the moons were over.
When she asked to talk, he cautiously agreed and once they had sat down, he began to apologize over and over for biting her. She had seemed amused by his regret and assured him that she wasn’t mad anymore and still loved him. He had felt relief at hearing all that and was thrilled when she said she’d like them to be mates. And since then, I have never been happier.
Seto tracked the females’ scents to Kisara’s chambers. He stood there for a moment to take in their scents. Isis’ scent was werewolf and incense perfume while Kisara’s was werewolf and fresh linen with the innocence of a human still. He knew that innocent scent would fade and disappear in time; surely by the moons next time that smell will be gone. He knocked and heard Isis say, “Yes, Seto?”
He entered the room and smiled at the women. “Kisara, I was wondering if you would like to take the lead in hunting for dinner tonight.”
“Really?” Kisara gasped. “Me, lead?”
“Do it,” Isis encouraged her. “You might just like it.”
“Well…okay. I’ll do it.”
Seto gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Wonderful. I’ll see you ladies outside the gate as usual.” He left the room and listened to their excited voices as he walked away.
Atem’s body and mind shifted into wolf and the familiar scents of seven wolves behind him gave him comfort. He padded away to hunt for his dinner. He had no concerns of any trap or roaming vampires. He was simply a hungry wolf.
Seto looked at his mate and barked at her to lead the hunt. She barked for him to follow as she led the way out of the city. She sniffed the ground and then the air before heading further into the desert. She sniffed the ground and the scent of prey reached her. She howled in success and ran toward it, Seto racing behind her.
Bakura crept through the deserted city. He searched out crevices and spots where he could hide and not be seen. He was good at not being seen or heard, but knew he could be detected by scent. He wasn’t sure what vampires smelled like as vampires can’t smell one another. He, nonetheless, kept noting hiding places.
He soon reached the palace gates and looked it up and along the walls. How do they get in? His eyes moved down and something prompted him to get down on all fours. There were tiny latches along the bottom. A normal human would think nothing of them or assumed the gate was wearing down, but Bakura was no human. He stuck two claws face-up beside a latch and slid them up against it and heard a click. There was a rumbling sound and the gates swung inward. Bakura grinned. He was in!
Clever, these werewolves, he thought as he entered the palace. They are not the mangy dogs I had been told they were. He moved through the palace carefully, keeping an eye out for silver. He saw the palace decorated in gold and limestone, but no silver. They must use it for jewelry and possibly weapons. He felt his admiration for them grow. They were clever and could associate with human villages and kingdoms, but only in daylight. Bakura also felt jealous. Here were his eternal enemies living it up like gods while his kingdom was forced to sulk in squalor and live in the shadows to survive. It didn’t seem fair!
I wouldn’t mind living in a palace under the ground, safe and secure. If I could speak with the pharaoh, I would show him that I would be willing to end the hostilities between our races. I could invite him to my kingdom, guaranteeing his safety. We could get to know one another and in time, perhaps we could co-exist in the same city. Smiling at the idea of living peacefully with the werewolves, Bakura left the palace, planning to explore the structure extensively the following night. After that, he would plan when to visit the pharaoh and speak with him.
Chapter Six- Palace Layout
Kisara laid up against Seto, not wanting to get up. She felt Seto pull her closer and enjoyed the warmth of his body. The events of last night came to her and a slight twinge of guilt welled up in her. She had killed and eaten a human as had Seto. She had scented and tracked them and as she now reflected on that part of the night, she felt proud at using her nose. Just one more night and then I’ll be a rational, thinking wolf. Really, it’s not bad being an actual wolf. In a way, it’s nice to only think as a simple animal.
She felt breath against her ear before Seto whispered, “You did well hunting last night.”
“I feel a little bad at killing and eating a human,” she whispered back.
“I know. You will become used to it, eventually. I occasionally want to hunt on non-moon nights.”
“For most part, but we can roam outside the city. Even the pharaoh feels the need to run around free. We are just as much wolf as human after all.”
The gates swung open and closed once Bakura had entered. He quickly moved through the palace, trying to determine to whom the bed chambers belonged as they hadn’t been explored the night before. He opened another and saw a balcony that hadn’t been in the previous two he had seen. This must be the pharaoh’s room, he thought, striding across the room to stand on the balcony. He looked out to see the area that existed behind the palace. It was an impressive and lovely space and he again felt jealousy and resolved to befriend the pharaoh. Now that I know which room is his, I can visit him tomorrow. I will not wait. Now let’s see the area before me. He exited the room to make his way to the back.
He found that the area was bigger up close and was especially nice under the light of the full moon as well as lit torches. There were small huts dotting the landscape and upon exploring them, deduced that they were guard houses for when they were stationed to guard the space. They would also be able to alert anyone if the pharaoh’s in danger. That would make it difficult for me to get into the room via the balcony. But, I wasn’t an expert thief for nothing. As long as I stay in the shadows and move quickly, the guards will never know they have an intruder. Bakura moved around again to commit its layout to memory before heading out into the desert, spotting a few werewolves here and there. Having fun as only real wolves can. I can’t imagine myself thinking like an animal three nights a month. I like knowing what I do every night of my life, thank you.
Atem woke to softly spoken words and laid still to savor the fact that another moon was over and everyone was safe. This is an excellent set of precautions. I see no reason to revise it. He opened his eyes to see Isis and Kisara talking. The two of them had developed a type of friendship since Kiara had joined the pack and it pleased him that they got along. He took in her unusual appearance and wondered if she was an outcast because of it. If so, then it’s no wonder she wanted to be bitten. My pack doesn’t show such prejudice as we are outcasts ourselves. She was meant to be one of us. He rose to his feet and everyone followed his action and followed him to the palace. Once seated on the throne, he said, “Our precautions this time were excellent like last cycle and I see no reason to revise them for next time.”
There were nods and Atem felt good that all had gone well. No one had died and they had added a new member. However, a concern rose within him. When they had reached the gate and he crouched down to open it, his nose caught a whiff of blood and decay as well as an individual scent: The smell of a vampire. He caught more whiffs as he headed through the gates and into the palace. Why would a vampire wander the palace while everyone was wild?
“Mahad, have the guards thoroughly search the palace and the grounds. I am getting whiffs of a vampire’s scent and worry that he or she may have set traps or stolen something.”
“Of course, my pharaoh. I’ll see to it immediately.” He exited the room, relieved that he did not have to speak of smelling a vampire. He did not want to alarm Atem and was glad that his pharaoh’s sense of smell was sharper than his own. He gathered the guards and told them about having a vampire intruder since at least last night. He saw looks of concern before spreading them out to search. It took several hours and Mahad entered the Throne Room, kneeling at the throne. “The palace and grounds are secure and nothing’s stolen. It would seem the intruder simply was learning the layout of our home, but why I cannot say.”
“Very well. Please tighten security tonight in case the vampire returns.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad headed for the door, taking wolf form before leaving as night had fallen. His tail flicked as it went through the doorway. He was determined to station guards on the back grounds and near the alpha’s chambers for the reports indicated that the vampire had roamed the grounds near the balcony and he was concerned that the alpha was the vampire’s target. I will not let a filthy corpse harm the alpha.
The night seemed peaceful and quiet. A little too quiet, in Bakura’s opinion. He crept quickly and quietly through the shadows, keeping his eyes peeled for werewolves hiding in the darkness. His ears strained to hear their heartbeats so as to avoid being spotted. It seemed the citizens were unaware that a vampire was nearby. I must be too quick for them to smell me…or do I have a smell? I never thought of it before last night and I continue to wonder.
He crept up to the palace gates and saw two werewolves there, silver weapons in their mouths and silver cuffs and armor on their bodies. He frowned and stood there, contemplating how to get past them. He cursed. If only I could turn into a bat or could fly. He looked down to think and his eyes landed on some stones. Wait! That’s it! He seized two, one in each and, and flung them as hard as he could. They sailed through the air and he heard a distant noise as they landed. The sound caught the guards’ attention and they raced toward it. Bakura sprinted to the gates and clicked it open. He entered and slipped into the shadows as another pair of wolves strode by. Something tells me that this is not normal security measures. I guess I do have a scent. That means, I must move very quickly.
He slowly inched his way to the back and it confirmed his suspicions that he did have a scent for the back was crawling with guards. His eyes flicked up to the pharaoh’s balcony and saw no guards there. If I can get into the palace…but no. The halls are likely being patrolled and they’re so narrow, I wouldn’t be able to avoid the silver. He crouched in the shadows and watched the patrols to discern a pattern. There was one, but it assured that no one could slip around unnoticed. All I need are several unguarded seconds. Then, I would be able to run and jump onto the balcony.
A commanding howl sounded, followed by a voice saying, “Shift change!” The guards headed for the doorway on the far side of the room and Bakura grinned. Now’s my chance! He bolted toward the balcony, leaped with a thrust of his powerful legs, and landed lightly on the railing before easing himself onto the floor.
It was dim in the room, but his eyes adjusted quickly. A figure laid in the enormous bed on its side and was facing the balcony. He stealthy moved a little closer. A small but muscular gray wolf laid there fast asleep. Silver cuffs adorned his four strong legs and a band of solid silver protected his neck. A pair of silver earrings dangled from the tips of his long, delicate ears. His long muzzle was partially open, exposing some of his sharp teeth. A full bushy tail laid beside a back leg, the tip twitching a tiny bit.
He’s even better looking up close. Bakura stood there in silence, admiring the alpha’s sleeping form, feeling he could stand there forever staring at him. I think I may be in love. He heard the wolf growl softly and saw a front paw twitch. How cute. He’s dreaming. The growl became more intense and both front paws thrusted as if he was stalking or running. His nose flared and the growls trailed off. The nose flared again and twitched before the body shifted and stretched. The muzzle parted in a wide yawn before gold eyes blinked open sleepily before turning intense upon seeing Bakura.
Chapter Seven- Agreements
Atem sprang from his bed and leaped to the floor, snarling at the vampire. The fur on his spine stood on end, his ears were flat, and he was crouched as if to lunge.
Bakura held up his hands. “Whoa, easy pharaoh. I just want to talk.”
“I prefer ‘alpha’ at night, vampire,” Atem growled. His nose flared and he snorted. “So, it’s your smell I picked up this morning. I demand to know who you are and why you felt the need to invade my home.”
“First, alpha, I am King Bakura. Second, I have more than one reason to enter your home.”
Atem’s ears stood up and his pose slackened. “The vampire king. You seem as young as I.”
“Correct and I’ve been ruling as long as you have.”
“So, you are responsible for the attacks on my people for the past year.”
“I am, but I’ve come to the realization that I need to insure my subjects’ health and happiness and sending them on suicide attacks isn’t helping that.”
Aknadin was right; the new king is young and was foolish. He now sees that it’s wiser to stop attacking. “What brings you here?” he asked out loud.
“Yes, my reasons. One reason is to talk to you about ending the hostilities between our races. I personally would like to exist peacefully with you and your pack.”
“We would like to not have to fear attack from your kingdom.”
Bakura smiled, fang tips exposed. “Then, you will not. I will decree to my subjects that we are to leave you and your pack alone.”
“I will make it clear to my pack that seeing a vampire does not mean attack. They will be told to leave them alone.”
“I would appreciate that.” Bakura’s eyes moved over the wolf’s form. “Alpha, I have given my name. May I have yours?”
“Atem. My name is Atem.”
“Atem. That’s a nice name. It suits you.”
“Uh, thanks?” Atem found the comment strange as did the look on the young vampire’s face. “Are you all right, Bakura?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I want you to know the other reason I’m here. You see, I saw you on the first full moon and found you to be a fine werewolf.”
“You…saw me? Wait. Were you the one whose feeding I interrupted?”
“I am, but I don’t mind that. I enjoyed watching you eat that human. I knew then that I had to meet you. Tonight, as I watched you sleeping, I found that I may be in love with you.”
Atem stepped back. “What? In love with me? You don’t know me and I don’t know you.”
“I’m aware of that, but that doesn’t change the fact that I find you attractive. I bet you’re just as handsome in human form.”
Atem felt his cheeks grow hot from the vampire’s comment. He was finding it difficult to believe that he was having a conversation with a vampire. He shook off his embarrassment. “Bakura, I would like to get to know you, especially if we are to end the hate between our people.”
“I would like to know you, too. What would you say to a meeting in the desert tomorrow night? I will feed on a human and leave enough blood for you to track it.”
Atem tilted his head as he considered this notion. Should I accept? It could be a trap; a way to throw my pack into chaos by murdering the alpha. He would be a fool as I will wear my full suit of silver. “Very well. Tomorrow in the desert.”
Bakura smiled. “Until then, Atem.” He went to the balcony, leaped over the railing, and departed the palace quickly and without detection.
The village gaped at Bakura and one, Kevin, said, “We will not attack the werewolves anymore, Your Majesty?”
“That is correct. Let us be honest, my people: Attacking them ends in failure each time. That is a sure way to lose favor and support with one’s subjects. I believe if we leave them be and not interact with them, we will be able to exist and thrive for centuries not to mention grow our population.” The people clapped and chanted his name. He beamed at their support, but inwardly he was thinking to tomorrow night. He looked forward to meeting with Atem and learning more about the alpha as well as his race, what being a werewolf was like, and make it clear that Bakura would like to be friends first before seeing if romance between them was possible.
I may have been hasty in declaring love for him as I really don’t know him. I should get to know him before courting him. Promising safety from vampires is a step to earning his trust. Peace between us can be real.
Atem smiled at his court. Mahad seemed a bit tired and surmised it was because of the increased security. “Mahad, all was well last night?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. No vampire was sighted, though his or her scent seems to still linger.”
“It may take time for it to fade. Speaking of vampires, I had spent some time thinking of times when we roam when we’re not wild. As pharaoh, I decree that should any see a vampire, do not engage on the assumption of an attack. Leave the vampire alone and go about your business.”
The court exchanged loos and Aknadin said, “We won’t attack?”
“That’s right. We only attack to defend ourselves. Let us focus on living peacefully with our human neighbors and live healthy, happy lives.”
“Well said, pharaoh,” Seto said. The others nodded in agreement and Atem felt gratitude for Seto’s support. I think Seto will be my successor. His view on my policies match my own. He would rule same as I am and with Kisara, they could have a family to pass the throne to. Yes, he will succeed me and I will tell him.
“Seto, please stay a moment,” he said as court was adjourned and the members were leaving.
Seto approached and knelt. “My pharaoh?”
“I have been dwelling on and off about who would lead the city after me ever since I took the throne a year ago.”
“You will find someone, my pharaoh. I have faith you will.”
“I appreciate your confidence, but my death could occur at any time and in any number of ways before I take a mate and have an heir. I have decided that I need to name a successor should such an event come to pass. Therefore, I have decided that you will be my successor.”
Seto looked up in surprise. “Me, pharaoh? Succeed you?”
“I can think of no one better. You agree with the policies, laws, and precautions I have made. You honor tradition as I do and you have a mate which will insure future heirs. Of course, you will only take over if I am dead or unable to lead.”
“Pharaoh, I really do not know what to say except I accept and am honored to be chosen.”
“That is all I need to hear.” Seto rose and left the room, leaving Atem to contemplate his meeting with Bakura. He considered the vampire’s love declaration to be a bit rushed as they didn’t know each other. Well, we will tonight. I’ll ask how he became a vampire, what it’s like being one, and how his kingdom runs. Perhaps we can map out a suitable partnership so that we can end this ancient feud for good.
Chapter Eight- Learning and Sharing
Atem cinched the last of his armor on before leaving his room and heading for the gates. Two guards were there along with Mahad and all were in deep conversation. Mahad looked up upon smelling Atem and smiled. “Feel the need to go out, my pharaoh?”
“I do. I’m thinking of going for a run, maybe eat some prey, and just celebrate life.”
“Sounds like fun and I see you’re well-protected.” He nodded at the silver.
“Of course. No vampire is going to kill me without killing themselves.” The gates opened and Atem headed out, greeting his subjects that called out to him or bowed as he passed. He paused outside the gate and watched the sun go down. He blinked as night fell and he changed instantly. He howled to the night before sprinting off, his nose alert for the smell of blood and his ears alert for the possibility of ambushing vampires. He still thought it could be a trap, but his duty to provide safety for his pack as well as human curiosity prompted him to agree to this meeting.
The distant scream of a human reached his ears and the scent of blood followed soon after. He sniffed the blood scent and his stomach growled. He licked his chops before dashing off after the scent which grew stronger as he ran as did the smell of a vampire. He leaped over a dune and slid down the sand to stop next to an unconscious human and a good few feet away, was Bakura. The vampire king smiled. “Hello.” He gestured at the figure. “As I promised, I left some blood. I imagine, you drink blood too.”
“A bit,” Atem admitted. “It helps wash down the flesh and whatever else I feel like eating.” His stomach growled again and Atem immediately sat and began to eat. He felt a bit self-conscious at someone watching him eat. He pushed that feeling aside as he ate and drank his fill.
“Good?” Bakura asked when Atem began licking his paws and muzzle.
“Always,” he answered.
“So, flesh-eating isn’t restricted to the full moon?”
“Not at all. Most of the pack only does it on the full moon as they are not purebloods.”
“Interesting. To my knowledge, all vampires are turned. No purebloods.”
“Ah, that is interesting. So, you were bitten. How does that work and what’s it like being a vampire?”
“I’m glad you asked. How it works is drinking some of the human’s blood and then feeding them some of your own. They instantly turn and are schooled in our ways. Now, I like being a vampire. I enjoy the enhanced senses, speed, and strength. The previous king named me his successor as I had been the best thief he ever turned.”
“You were a thief? A criminal?” Atem growled, not liking what he was hearing.
“I was. All of my subjects are criminals. It’s what the previous king did. Supposedly it’s because criminals have no problem with the idea of killing someone.”
“But, it’s not necessary to drain them, right?”
“Not as far as drinking is concerned, but if I want to keep my race secret from humans, then we must. The only thing I don’t like about being a vampire are our weaknesses.” His eyes took in Atem’s silver.
“I was being cautious and my court wouldn’t let me leave unless I was well-protected.”
“Understandable. So, how does one become a werewolf and what is it like?”
“There are two ways and both involve a bite. A human can be turned any night if bitten by a pureblood, but must be bitten on the full moon by what we call the bitten. All children are werewolf born and only birthed in daylight. I haven’t really thought of what it’s like being a werewolf as I was born one. I guess having sharp senses, quick healing, speed, and strength are great. We can die just like humans do.”
“I don’t think I could be a werewolf. The idea of not being in control of myself isn’t appealing nor is not remembering those nights.”
“I don’t think of it like that. On those nights, I’m just a wolf. However, the next morning, I recall everything I did.”
“Oh. So there are no memory gaps?”
“None, unless you get knocked out, I suppose.”
Bakura chuckled and Atem managed a grin. “Bakura, tell me about your kingdom. How does it run?”
“Well, it’s ruled by a king, of course. As king, I can tell criminals from non-criminals and the former are turned. The others are drained. We tend to roam the desert for our prey. I spend the rest of the night reading up on vampire history. The others either talk with one another, make love, or spar.”
“Make love?” Atem repeated.
“Yes. We may be undead but we still feel like anyone else. We just can’t produce children even though we do function sexually.”
“That’s fascinating.”
“How does your city run, Atem?”
“I am advised by a court of six plus a top advisor. We discuss all manner of business, ranging from trade with humans to insuring the safety of all. I too spend time reading on werewolf history. My court also reads and practices in using weapons. My city looks like any human city in the daytime. The throne is passed through heirs or successors. I just name one of my court as my successor as I have no mate or heir.”
“Well, you are a bit young to have a mate or children.”
“Actually, I have reached the age where a werewolf desires to find a mate. I am feeling its initial stage, but as of yet, no one catches my interest.”
“I see.” Bakura thought this was perfect. If we continue to meet and talk, perhaps Atem will fall for me, partly due to his mating desire.
Atem continued to speak of his city, but his mating desire rose up within him. He found himself admiring Bakura’s pale skin, claws, fangs, hair, and eyes. What am I thinking? he inwardly gasped. I shouldn’t be thinking of having Bakura as a mate. He’s a vampire and I’m a werewolf. Plus, I only know a little about him.
“Atem,” Bakura said as the alpha stopped speaking. “I admit I was a bit hasty in saying I love you. I would rather we be friends and maybe together we can lead the way to a tolerable relationship between our races.”
“Yes,” Atem said. “I would like to be your friend and create a peace between your people and mine.”
“Then we are now friends.” Bakura did so and so did Atem. “I know a deep cave not far from here. I have occasionally used it to hide from the sun.”
Atem nodded. “I know that place. Father sometimes took me there when I was a pup. We used to spend a couple of days and nights living off the land and as wolves.”
“Oh, good. Let us meet there after two night have passed.”
“Sounds good. Until then, Bakura.”
“Until then.” Bakura headed into the desert, smiling slightly. The first real meeting had gone perfectly. He had learned a lot about werewolves, how one becomes one, how Atem’s kingdom runs, and a little of Atem’s past. He had seemed comfortable mentioning his father even though he’s dead. Either it’s because he has killed as a werewolf or he’s covering up his sorrow. It could also be because it’s been a year since that unfortunate night. I think the next meeting will be spent learning Atem’s past. Hmm, Atem chose a successor. I think I should too and I believe I know who I want.
Atem sprinted home, pausing once to howl. He had learned what he had wanted about vampires and a bit about Bakura. I want to know more about him and vampires. I have two days to think up questions to ask him. I will also try to stem my desire for a mate. I cannot have him as a mate. However, I can prove how much I want to be his friend by ditching most of my silver. I’ll just wear my cuffs.
Chapter Nine- History Books
Bakura slept the following day away, Atem weaving in and out of his dreams. When he awoke, he sighed in resignation: He was in love with Atem, no denying it. The thing is that we agreed to just be friends. I will have to keep my feelings to myself and not show them. I do wonder, though. Can a vampire and a werewolf be in love with each other or is it forbidden? I’ll need to look it up, but first I have business to attend to. He climbed out of his coffin and headed to his throne where two guards stood, one on either side. He took his seat and said, “Have Kevin come to me, then go out and feed.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” one replied as both left. Ten minutes later, Kevin entered. He was biologically older than Bakura, but turned at the same time as Kevin had been one of his men back when he led a band of thieves. Kevin knelt and said, “You summoned me, Your Majesty?”
“I did, my friend. I came to the realization last night that I should have chosen someone to succeed me shortly after becoming king. Even with us no longer attacking werewolves, we are still in danger from silver. I need a successor should something happen to me. Therefore, I choose you to be the next king.”
Kevin’s head shot up. “Me, the next king?”
“Yes. I’ve known you before we were turned and I trust you.”
Kevin bowed his head. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I accept.”
“Done. You are now my successor.” Kevin rose and headed out. Bakura followed shortly after to get his blood.
He licked his lips as headed for the library a while later. He had had a satisfying feeding, but finding one had been a bit hard. He found himself envious of Atem. He was a living being who didn’t depend on human blood every night to live. Perhaps we should feed a little instead of draining, maybe hold some captive, but far away from me. He entered the library, found the vampire history book, settled in a chair, and flipped to the section concerning their history with werewolves.
It expounded on the superiority of vampires and the view on werewolves that Bakura had believed until he explored the palace and talked with Atem. Werewolves aren’t mangy or stupid. They are just as smart as vampires and can pass as humans until nightfall. He continued to read and found a big surprise: While the feud between them over prey was no surprise, the other reason for the hate was that vampires could become werewolves by being bitten by a pureblood. Wow! That must be why we hate werewolves so much; because a pureblood could turn us. He read on a bit more and learned that romance between the two races could happen but the hate kept them from doing so. Well, Atem and I are calling an end to the hat so romance could happen in the future or even start with us if Atem falls for me. I have already fallen for him.
While Bakura slept, Atem was perusing the library, looking for the werewolf history book. He wanted to read up on the feud between them and vampires. Despite resisting his desire, Bakura had shown up in his dreams last night. He firmly told himself that it was only because he had just befriended him. Yes. We are just friends, nothing more.
Ah, said a voice inside him. But Bakura was interested in more than friendship. He feels love for you and you may find him desirable even without the mating desire.
Atem came out of his thoughts and looked over to see Kisara. He smiled at her. “Yes?”
“Seto just told me that you named him your successor yesterday.”
“I did. I believe he would be a good pharaoh and alpha and with you, he would have heirs to carry on his rule.”
“You could still find someone,” she said gently.
“Yes, but I should insure that the city has someone to lead them should something happen to me or even if I go on a trip outside of the kingdom.” He located the book he sought and grabbed it as Kisara left. He sat down and flipped to the section on their relationship with vampires. It spoke of how werewolves were superior to vampires who were creatures that thought of nothing but blood. Well, that’s not true, Atem thought. Bakura had other things on his mind than blood. He returned to the book, his thoughts contradicting the words in the book as he did so. Vampires are not stupid…Actually they do feel, Bakura told me so…Hmm, what’s this? He focused properly on the page. Well, well. So vampires and werewolves could get together. It is our fight over prey and stereotypes of each other that prevents that. Bakura and I are working on ending the feud. My people will not attack any vampires they see and Bakura has promised that his people will not attack any werewolves. It’s only been one day since we first met and I haven’t heard of any attacks last night. That’s a good sign. He made good on his promise and it’s possible that his love for me helped.
Atem sighed as his desire rose up again. It was getting stronger and seemed to rise whenever he thought of Bakura. He closed his eyes and rubbed his nose. I just might be in love with Bakura after all. I will give this matter some serious thought tomorrow and reach a decision by the time I set out for our meeting the night after tomorrow.
Atem pushed his desire aside as he continued with his duties as pharaoh. When night fell, he decided to join the night shift and speak to his pack. They were happy to talk to him and confirmed that all had been peaceful.
“That is excellent,” he said after speaking to a female who had four pups around her. “Peace is always preferable particularly when raising pups.”
“Of course alpha,” the female said. She herded her young ones back into the house and Atem continued to speak to his pack and even stepped in to break up a dispute. He felt lucky he jumped in when he did. While no criminals were bitten into werewolves, sudden anger was part of being a werewolf especially if a dispute involved territory. A detailed sniff of the area from Atem and the disputing parties settled the issue and the two arguers headed into their homes.
Atem returned to the palace to retire for the night and Seto approached him in the hall. “Alpha, I mean to ask how your night out went.”
“It was great, Seto, just what I needed. I ran as fast as I could, I ate prey, I howled to the night, and saw a vampire,” Atem answered, throwing the last part out casually.
“You saw one? Did it see you?”
“He saw me, yes. We locked eyes but I simply changed direction and he did not pursue me.”
“Hmm, odd that he would not chase after you and try to kill you.”
“I was well-protected and he knows that the tiniest brush of silver would turn him to dust.”
“Correct. Perhaps their king has seen the folly of sending his subjects out to attack us.”
“Perhaps he has. It certainly brings me some peace of mind knowing we can roam without fear of attack. However, that does not mean we can drop our guard.”
“Of course not, alpha.”
“My people, I have chosen a successor, admittedly later than I should have. After a little consideration, I have decided that Kevin will be your next king, if or when I am unable.”
The vampires clapped for his choice, but murmurs about his choice of words. Bakura knew he had phrased it oddly but felt it gave Kevin creditability regardless of how he acquired the throne.
His subjects dispersed and he took Kevin to the throne room to school his heir in what would be expected of him should he become king and also teaching him to read. Bakura, however, also was thinking of his second meeting with Atem. He looked forward to learning more about the alpha himself. He will likely ask questions about my past and if I want to know him, I will need to be forthcoming.
Chapter Ten- Second Meeting
Atem sprinted out of the city, his cuffs the only silver he had on. The tight security had been lifted that day, so he was able to slip out without his armor. He headed for the cave he had been to when he was a child, pausing before sunset to remove his cuffs and put them in a bag. Night would fall before he got to the cave and he couldn’t take the cuffs off with paws, claws, and teeth.
His extended claws clicked on stones as he entered the cave. He put the sack in the back and laid down in front of it. He felt a little hungry, but it was tolerable. He had eaten a lot of food before leaving as he knew transforming burned a lot of energy and calories. He didn’t want hunger to interrupt his talk with Bakura as well as his confession.
I had done as I had planned. I thought about Bakura and my desire. The latter had been getting stronger over the last two days and it, combined with the revelation that romance between our races can happen, has led me to conclude that I do love Bakura and he needs to know so we can begin this new and unusual relationship. Atem’s nose twitched as the scent of blood and decay reached him. The pale figure of Bakura appeared, a concerned and preoccupied expression on his face. He got to his paws. “Bakura?”
The vampire king focused on him and a small smile appeared. “Hello, Atem.”
“Something is wrong, I can tell. What is it?”
Bakura sighed as he sat cross-legged in the center of the cave. “Finding prey to drink is getting a bit hard. I may have to either hold humans captive or re-locate my kingdom which is risky as a journey could kill most or all of us.”
Atem swallowed hard. “I would like to help however I can. I don’t want you to re-locate.” He whined sadly.
Bakura blinked at the sound. “Atem?” he asked, confused.
“Bakura, I did a lot of thinking and reading since our last meeting. I read that love between our races is possible and that, combined with my desire and thoughts of you, made me realize that I do love you.”
Bakura perked up. “You love me? That’s wonderful. I too read that love can happen between a vampire and a werewolf.” He smiled as Atem laid beside him and put his forelegs across Bakura’s lap, the latter noticing the absence of the cuffs. He reached out and stroked Atem’s head and body. The fur was soft and smooth beneath his fingers. Atem whined in pleasure and his tail swished. Bakura smiled at the reactions as he gently scratched behind the ears. “You are a lovely wolf. I am lucky to have met you.”
“I feel the same way,” Atem sighed.
“I won’t re-locate my kingdom. We will find a way to survive.”
“Bakura, I’m curious. When were you turned? Did you have a family? Where did you live?”
Bakura chuckled. “You want to know about my past. I don’t blame you as I want to know yours. All right. I lived in the village of Kul Elna, a village of thieves, with my mother and father. I lived happily there until two years ago when the king came. He and those he had turned attacked, draining people and turning others. My parents were drained and, due to the reports of my thieving skills and leading a band of thieves, the king turned me and declared me his heir. He also turned the number two man in my band and I have recently name him my heir. The king then named my village as his new domain, saying the previous one had been burned to the ground. I was sixteen the night I became a vampire.
“The king schooled me during my first year as a vampire. He told me what my duties would be, our strengths, weaknesses, and enemies. He taught me how to read and told me all the lies about your races that I believed until I read otherwise. Several of his subjects had saved several books from the fire and the history book was one of them.”
“I see. So, your age freezes when you are turned as I am sixteen right now.”
“You’re right. I will remain sixteen forever though my mind will gain in wisdom as time passes. Well, I’ve told you my background so it’s your turn.”
Atem yawned before saying, “Okay. Well, as you know, I’m a pureblood werewolf. My mother died when I was very young and my father raised me, teaching me how to be a werewolf and grooming me to be pharaoh after him. I befriended another pureblood named Mahad who also grew up in the palace and we became close friends. He became captain of the guard shortly before Father died. He’s also a magician.”
“Is he? Interesting.”
“Yes, but he can only access it in human form. My personal court retains only two members that were part of Father’s court. I appointed the other four.”
“What does this court do?”
“They assist me in making decisions. I cannot make one without considering how it will affect the pack. I could voice a suggestion and with the court’s input, it will either be dismissed or evolve into a beneficial decision. Occasionally, a suggestion will be accepted as it is.”
“Would that include who you choose to love?”
“No. Mates are viewed by the pack as two that were meant to be together. One’s desire for a mate is what guides him or her to choose someone. I might just be the first werewolf to choose a vampire. There may be noises and protests about you being a vampire and the court may object, but our love for each other will proceed.”
“That’s good. Who I choose to love is not discussed as I have no court. I make decisions myself and they are final. If I told them I fell for the alpha of the werewolves, they may be shocked, but will accept my decision.”
“They trust you.”
“Yes. They trust me to keep them safe and to insure their safety. Honestly, sending them to attack your kingdom was not in keeping with that.”
Atem nodded. “Agreed. How many subjects do you have?”
“One hundred. They were all criminals when turned, a precedent the previous king set down when he took the throne a hundred and seven years ago.”
“And you see no reason to alter it?”
“Correct. What of your subjects? How many?”
“Two hundred, though the number grows with the birth of pups. Those who are bitten were good people. Tempers do flare on occasion but Mahad or I settle the disputes.”
“Sounds peaceful. I would love to live such a life. It’s hard to have peace when you must attack and feed every night.”
“I can imagine.” Honestly, Atem could only imagine. He knew from the history book that werewolves couldn’t become vampires. So, he would have to accept Bakura’s word.
“Atem, I will need to return to my kingdom soon.”
Atem got up and, as Bakura stood, said, “I should go too and get some rest. I hope to see you again.”
“You will. Actually, what if you visit my kingdom? We can claim it’s a diplomatic trip which is what I will be telling my subjects. You can bring your silver for protection.”
“A diplomatic trip. Yes, that sounds perfect and something that we indeed can do while I’m there. I will set out the morning after tomorrow night.”
“Good. Well, I’ll see you then.” Bakura kissed Atem’s muzzle who licked his hand in return. The king smiled as he set off into the night.
“Good night, Bakura. I look forward to my trip,” Atem said softly as he left the cave and started off for home, his bag with his cuffs in his mouth.
Chapter Eleven- The Trip
“Diplomatic trip?” Mahad repeated.
“That’s right. I will be leaving tomorrow morning. Alone.”
“Alone!?” Seto exclaimed. “My pharaoh, I insist you go with a few guards.”
“Alone,” Atem repeated firmly and with finality. “I can take care of myself.”
“Yes, pharaoh,” Seto said.
“All right. Court adjourned.” Atem rose and left the room. He had provisions to acquire. Food and water mostly. He wasn’t sure how long he would be away but he was determined not to hunt down a human as that would be a very bad move in a kingdom of vampires, especially as they are having trouble finding human to drink from.
The court hadn’t left after Atem did; instead they stayed put to discuss Atem’s decision. “I think he’s hiding something,” Seto said. “A diplomatic trip that we were unaware of?”
“I agree,” Shada said. “He would usually take an escort with him when on a diplomatic trip. No escort this time is odd.”
“So, why no guards?” Isis mused. “Where is he going?”
“I don’t know, he did not say,” Seto replied. “But I know how to find out.”
“What are you suggesting?” Mahad asked before adding, “Wait. You plan to follow him.”
“Not just me. The entire court will follow him. Siamun will watch over the city.” He looked over at the elder who nodded in agreement. “We will need food and water for the trip.”
“I will handle that,” Isis said.
“I will tell the guard and assign one to lead in my absence.” Mahad left the room and bit his lip. He disliked the idea of following Atem, but the choice of having no guards worried him enough to agree to tail Atem. I do hope he’s not heading for trouble.
“My subjects, I have news that will help us achieve a measure of peace. On one of my searches for blood, I met up with the alpha of the werewolves. I made no move to attack, but instead greeted him. He responded in turn and we actually talked. He is just as interested in peace with us as we are. To that effect, I invited him here and he’s accepted. He will begin his journey shortly after dawn. While he is here, none of you will attack him.”
“He wants peace? You are sure?” Kevin asked.
“I am. I look forward to reaching an agreement of peaceful co-existence.” He saw looks of apprehension on their faces and didn’t blame them. He would feel the same way if told an enemy was coming to talk peace. But I know Atem and we love each other. Even though I told my subjects not to harm him, I will insure that he is not in danger during his time here.
Atem hoisted his saddlebags over his shoulders as he was escorted to the palace gates by his court. He turned to them as the gates opened. “I will return in a few days. Take care of the people while I’m gone, Seto.”
Seto knelt. “Of course, pharaoh. The city is in good hands.”
Atem nodded as Seto rose before heading out the gate and toward the city’s boundaries. Once the city was out of sight, He removed his silver, stowed them, and then started sniffing the air. He had Bakura’s scent firmly locked in his mind and a vague idea of where the village of Kul Elna was located. He sniffed the open air with no success before deciding to go to the cave and see if he could pick up a trail. Nodding, he sprinted off for where he admitted love for Bakura.
The court watched Atem leave as the gates closed. Seto slowly exhaled. “All right. Let’s gather our supplies and take our time leaving the city.” He led the way to where their own saddlebags lay. He wasn’t concerned about Atem getting away from them as Mahad had a sharper sense of smell than the others. One werewolf can’t shake six that are tracking him. We will find out where he is going and why he insisted on being alone.
Atem sniffed the spot where the king had sat and the scent was still strong. He continued to sniff as he walked out and headed into the desert. He felt lucky that his senses were still sharp in his human form. He followed the scent of his mate while thinking of presenting a peace offering to the vampires. It would show he was sincere about peace. Naturally, a human would be perfect. He breathed deeply and the scent of Bakura came from the west as did a human village. He ran in that direction, wondering what he would find when he got there.
It was a little later when he got to the village to find it deserted. They were either killed or abandoned the village or both. This village would make a good meeting place for Bakura and me. A place to be alone. He sat there to eat and drink a little as well as rest a little. I don’t need to rush as I’m covering a lot of distance with my increased speed. I can’t really enter Bakura’s kingdom until after dark. I am interested in peace with the vampires and Bakura and I will draw up an agreement while having intimate time. He smiled as he imagined being in Bakura’s arms. If he lives underground and I’m sure he does, perhaps he can stay awake long enough to see my human form. He got to his feet, hefted his bags, found Bakura’s scent again, and set out a run no human could do, unaware that his court was following his scent.
Bakura opened his eyes and excitement flooded through him. Atem would soon be here! He emerged from his coffin and a quick look out confirmed that it was night. He headed outside to see his subjects milling around and looking nervous and scared. He moved among them, assuring them that there was nothing to fear, that the alpha was nice, and that no harm would come to them.
A howl sounded followed by a familiar scent and the kingdom huddled behind Bakura and Kevin. The form of a gray wolf approached, a set of saddlebags on its back. There was no hint of silver on it and Bakura heard murmurs about that. Good move, Atem, he thought. It shows you trust them to not attack you.
The wolf came closer and Bakura said in a formal tone, “Welcome Alpha Atem. I hope your stay here will be pleasant.”
Atem adopted the same formal tone. “Thank you, King Bakura. I hope we can end our ancient hate and work toward an era of peace and cooperation. To prove I am sincere, I brought a peace offering.” He turned to the side to reveal an unconscious human tied to his bags. He heard the vampires murmur appreciatively at the sight of prey.
Bakura went over and cut the human loose before dragging him over to Kevin. “Make sure everyone drinks some,” he said before returning to Atem who seemed pleased that his present was received so well. “I imagine he wasn’t hard to catch.”
“No, particularly since it was still daylight when it happened.”
“I see. Well, you will be welcome to feast on the body once he’s been drained and I insist you room with me.”
“I accept both offers. I assume your room is underground.”
“It is.”
“Good. Do you fall asleep right as the sun comes up?”
“Not really, but as the sun is fatal it is preferred to sleep at dawn. Why do you ask?”
“Well, I was hoping you could stay awake long enough to see my human form.”
Bakura’s eyes lit up. “I would love to. I’ll stay awake to see it. I promise you that.”
“Excellent.” Atem’s tail swished. The visit was off to a wonderful start. The vampires accepted his sincerity, Bakura wanted him to share his room, and he would see Atem human. If all still goes well, maybe we can announce our love to the kingdom. I imagine it’ll be a shock, but I think they will be supportive and our races really could live in peace.
Atem’s nose suddenly flared and he whirled around to face the desert, growling angrily. His action concerned Bakura. “What is it?”
“I was followed,” Atem growled. “I told them I was going alone.”
Bakura intuited that the ‘them’ was his court and sure enough, six silver-wearing gray wolves appeared. They stalked slowly toward the village, the vampires backing up, Bakura included while Atem moved toward his court a little before standing his ground, determined to protect Bakura and his subjects.
Chapter Twelve- Love Confessed
“Alpha, what are you doing here?” Seto asked as they drew closer.
“Brokering a peace,” Atem snarled, clearly angry. “I told you I was going alone. You disobeyed me!”
Everyone bowed their heads in shame except Seto. “I felt you were hiding something and suggested following you.”
“Seto, if I told you where I was going, you likely would have turned this peace initiative into an attack. I know you too well.”
Seto finally looked down. “Yes, alpha. You’re right.”
“And…you were also right. I am hiding something.”
“Atem-,” Bakura began, dropping the formal tone.
“Bakura, we were going to announce it anyway, so why not now?” He held his head and tail high as he said loudly and clearly, “Bakura and I are in love.”
There were gasps from both races and then claps sounded and various vampires called, “Congratulations, Your Majesty!” Seto and the court, however, were slack-jawed.
“You’re what?” Seto said in a strangled whisper.
“I love Bakura. I have for a few days.”
“Alpha, this is unheard of,” Aknadin protested.
“But it is possible. There is no reason we can’t be together.”
“Yes, there is!” Aknadin aimed a foreleg at Bakura. “He’s a vampire! He could kill you and the pack!”
There were outraged hisses from the vampires, but Bakura quieted them with a gesture before moving to stand beside Atem. “So, you do not accept us being mates?”
“Correct. We understand that this kind of romance is possible, but it is absurd,” Seto said.
Atem growled and Bakura put a hand on his shoulder blades. “Regardless, our love will proceed, but tell me something: If I was a werewolf, would you then accept it?”
“Of course,” Aknadin said.
Bakura’s mind raced. He had his subjects’ support of his choice of mate, but he wanted the approval of the court too and knew there was only one way to get it. His back to his subjects, Bakura said, “Kevin, as my successor, I step aside and name you the new king. Atem…bite me.” He extended his arm to his confused mate.
“What?” Atem said.
“I read in the vampire history book that a vampire can become a werewolf by being bitten by a pureblood and didn’t you say a pureblood can turn someone on any night?”
I said a human could be turned and as vampires were human, I suppose that is possible. But, Bakura, are you sure you want to be turned?”
“Yes.” His gaze shifted to the court and kept it level. “If they will not accept us as mates with me as a vampire, then I will become a werewolf for us to be together. I have already stepped aside as king, so please bite me.”
Atem was surprised by Bakura’s revelation of vampires able to become werewolves and his willingness to change races for them to be together. He licked the sides of his muzzle before saying, “All right.” He wrapped his jaws around Bakura’s arm and bit down firmly but gently. The gasp told Atem that he had just turned Bakura and could not take it back. Bakura will soon be one of us.
Bakura gasped as Atem’s teeth sank into his arm and then released. His eyes widened as he felt his heart beating again. His skin darkened to a tan color and his fangs and claw shrank away, leaving him as the human he had been two years ago. Bakura then gave a wolf’s howl as he sprouted fur, claws, paws, a muzzle, and a tail. Bakura blinked gold eyes as his change ended and he found himself on four paws. He turned to see the astonished looks of his former subjects. “I’ll understand if you hate me now for what I’ve just done.”
Kevin came forward. “You gave up your throne and being a vampire to be with the one you love. We fully understand your sacrifice.” The others nodded behind him.
Bakura gave a wolf’s grin. “I’m happy to hear that…Your Majesty.”
Kevin nodded before adding, “Alpha Atem, I would be happy to cease our ancient feud and live in peace. As king and before all here, I declare that no vampire will attack or kill a werewolf from this night onward.”
Atem nodded. “And I as alpha and pharaoh, decree that no werewolf will attack or kill a vampire ever again. Our hate for one another ends here and now.”
Bakura folded back his ears as he sensed the court staring at him as they followed Atem and him back home at a quick clip. He knew he was different from the other werewolves as he had been a thief before becoming a vampire. He felt his tail tuck between his legs, and he softly whined, surprising himself with the sound even though he had heard Atem whine before.
“Bakura?” Atem whispered, concerned.
“Your court doesn’t like me. I know I’m different as I was a criminal and no other werewolf was a criminal. I know I did the right thing in asking to be turned, but it doesn’t seemed to have changed their perspective.”
Atem nuzzled Bakura’s cheek. “You did do the right thing and don’t worry. I will speak with them.” Bakura nodded, his ears erect and tail untucked. He had no reason to act the way he did. He had been reborn when Atem bit him. He was a living being again and it would take time to adjust to that after being a vampire for two years.
It was almost dawn when the group returned to the palace. Atem stopped at the Throne Room entrance. “You six wait in there while I take my mate to our chamber. I will speak to you then.” The court filed in and Atem led Bakura up to his room, the latter’s eyes heavy with sleep. They entered and Bakura jumped up and laid on his side, forcing his eyes open. Atem licked a cheek. “Get some rest. I’ll join you after speaking with the court.”
“I promised to stay awake to see your human form,” he mumbled.
Atem chuckled. “Bakura, you’re a werewolf, remember? The sun won’t hurt you and you can see it later.”
“You’re right.” Bakura yawned as his eyes slid closed and he was fast asleep. The sun rose and both resumed human form. Atem admired Bakura’s darker skin before leaving for the Throne Room.
He entered, took his eat, and fixed the court with a stern gaze. “I am very disappointed in all of you. I told you to stay and you chose to ignore it. Bakura asked to be bitten and you still won’t accept that we’re mates.”
“Pharaoh,” Seto said. “We cannot overlook the fact that he was a criminal and a vampire.”
“I am not overlooking it, either. Bakura ceased being a criminal when he became a vampire and was reborn when I bit him. Also, remember that all werewolves are killers on the full moon. We are no better than criminals or vampires despite being simple wolves.”
“Yes,” Isis said softly. “You are correct, pharaoh. We are killers, full moon or not. We are no better.”
“Agreed,” Mahad spoke up. “Bakura has killed as we have. I now see that he will fit in with the rest of us.”
“So, the rest of you agree?” Atem saw nods and he smiled tiredly. “Good. Then let us rest and open court later.”
Bakura felt something against his back as well as his waist. He smiled when realized that it had to be Atem, his leader and mate. His eyes slowly blinked open, squinting at the sunlight he had not seen in two years. Once they had adjusted, they fell on his tanned skin and a tanned arm over his waist that he knew wasn’t his. He heard a deep breathing change subtly before a voice said, “Good afternoon.” “Afternoon,” he repeated softly and in awe. “It’s been so long since last seeing sunlight.” He rolled over and his eyes widened. Lying beside him was a handsome teen with deep purple eyes set in his tanned face, and spiky tri-colored hair topped his head. “I was right: You are just as handsome in human form.” His comment elicited a blush from Atem.
“I will be opening court soon and announcing the peace between us and vampires and us being mates. I also believe that any human-eating should only be during the full moon so the vampires will have an easier time feeding.”
Bakura nodded. “I agree, but I don’t know if I could eat a human.”
Atem laughed. “Believe me, you will as you’ll think as an animal. Now, I have a court to open and you will be by my side.” He pulled Bakura to his feet and led his mate into the hall, telling the court was accepting of him now, realizing that he was no different from other werewolves on the full moon.
“I’m a little nervous,” Bakura admitted weeks later.
Kisara giggled. “I was horrified at the thought of killing or thinking like an animal. But, I later realized that sometimes it’s nice to think as a simple wolf.”
“I will remember it in the morning, right?”
“Right.” Kisara found it hard to believe that Bakura had been the vampire king for he seemed more like how she had been on her first full moon the previous cycle. Well, he used to rule a village of vampires and was familiar with them. Becoming a werewolf is probably a bit disconcerting.
Bakura shifted on his feet as the stood with Kisara, Atem, and the court outside the gates. The city had been surprised and shocked that Atem had fallen for the vampire king who was now his mate and a werewolf like them. He took to walking among the people day or night to get to know them and savor the facts of being alive. He no longer had to roam for blood. He enjoyed actually eating food again. He loved seeing and feeling the sun on his skin and not dying from it not to mention being able to touch silver without turning to dust. The only thing not different was ruling, but he did so with a mate and being called Beta at night. Still, I love being alive and being with Atem. He gazed sideways at him. No one wore silver as part of their show of faith that vampires won’t attack them.
The moon rose and Atem howled with Bakura following suit. He shifted into wolf form, feeling his mind reverting to wolf as well. He heard howls behind him and smelled their scents. He looked at the wolf beside him and knew him to be the alpha and his mate. The alpha looked at him and growled affectionately, smelling his scent on the wolf’s foreleg. Bakura growled lovingly in return and nuzzled a cheek before barking to say he was hungry. The alpha barked before running toward the desert to hunt, Bakura following him. They would eat together before playing as only wolves can and celebrate living together for life.