Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. This takes place after the series’ finale.
It was the perfect time for a party. It was New Year’s Eve and the gang decided to have a nice party to celebrate. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei were there as were Yukina, Keiko, Shizuru, Genkai, Yomi, and Mukuro. The party was at Genkai’s place and there was much laughter, music, and dancing. A few games had been played and good times were being had by all.
Kurama stood in a corner watching everyone, a cup of punch in one hand. Yes, it was a happy occasion and he had unspoiled hopes of the new year in his heart. He had plans to finish his high school education and then work for his stepfather just as his mother did. He found the business fascinating and felt ready to enter the workforce.
I want to truly put my past behind me and not associate with demons. Well, maybe not all demons. His green eyes drifted through the group and landed on a certain fire demon.
Hiei and he had quite the history together, just as they did with Yusuke and Kuwabara. The two of them had some things in common. Both were demons, though Kurama was also half-human. This fact actually worked well with Hiei as he was half-fire demon and half-ice apparition. Most demons didn’t know that but those that did would ascribe Hiei’s cold and emotionless demeanor to his ice apparition heritage; a heritage he detested and prefer not to acknowledge, an exception to that was Yukina.
Kurama had known of Hiei’s connection to Yukina when the ice apparition had gone missing and Hiei had ventured into Human World to find her. It had been a year before stealing the Artifacts of Darkness and he and Hiei had come to blows as Hiei had heard of a troublesome demon and believed it may have taken his sister. Unfortunately for Hiei, injuries and exhaustion had worn him out during the fight and Kurama tended to him. That was when he learned of Yukina, though only by name as Hiei had said it in his sleep.
When Yusuke was assigned to rescue her that was when he learned that Yukina was Hiei’s sister. It explained his determination to find her; if Kurama had a sister, he would do anything to find her as well.
Hiei’s concern and love for Yukina revealed some chinks in Hiei’s emotional armor and gave Kurama hope for the silver fox was in love with Hiei. Now, male/male relationships were not unheard of among demons; in fact they were almost as common as male/female couples. Hiei is coveted for his strength, but I covet him for his looks, heritage, and ability to love. I should tell him; before the year ends which is in…ten minutes time! Kurama stared at his watch in surprise and knew he couldn’t delay. It was now or wait until the new year started. No, I will not wait. I will tell him now.
Hiei watched the fun with his usual cold dispassion. He failed to see why one would want to celebrate the end of a year. One year was pretty much like another to him. He had only two reasons for coming. One was his sister and the other was his close friend and secret love, Kurama.
His eyes darted to the redhead who seemed lost in thought. He wondered what he was thinking. His future? His past, perhaps? The latter would certainly be a long one for he had lived for over a thousand years. I know he was a cut-throat thief, but I don’t know anything about his life before that. How can I love someone and know practically nothing about him?
I know the half-human he became, though. I know him to be kind, caring, warm, and loyal. He’s ruthless in battle and someone I’d rather fight with than against. It was fortunate we did not fight in the Demon World Tournament. I would hate to fight someone I love.
He looked up to see Kurama standing nearby before taking a seat beside him. There was silence for a moment before Kurama said, “Ten minutes to midnight.”
“Hn, it’ll be another year like all the others. I don’t see the need to celebrate a year’s end.”
“A new year is a fresh start to one’s life. To do those things we only dreamed of or to rectify the mistakes of the previous years.” He heard Hiei make a dismissive sound. “Do you not have mistakes for which you wish to make up?”
“Of course I do, but the world does not forgive easily or forget.”
“You believe so? I would forgive if one truly regrets what he has done and wishes to change the direction of his life.”
“Hn, you’re a more forgiving and kind person than before. You would not have forgiven in the past; you would have killed that person, believing he was weak.”
“Indeed, but not anymore. My time as a human has taught me much…and I have little time to tell you something. The reason I came over here. Hiei…I love you.”
Hiei blinked at the bold statement before smirking. “I love you too, Fox. I don’t know much about your past, but what I know about you now is more than enough.”
“I too do not know about your past but the demon you are now is enough.” He checked his watch. “Our admissions were well-timed for it is now ten seconds to midnight. A new year with a new love and to share a New Year’s tradition with you.”
“What-?” Hiei began when Kurama’s watch beeped and the redhead seized Hiei’s lips in a kiss.
“It is tradition to kiss someone at midnight, especially someone you love,” Kurama explained once he pulled back.
“That’s a human tradition I could get used to.”
“Hey, you two!” called Kuwabara. “Everyone’s gathering to make resolutions! Come on!”
“Resolutions?” Hiei questioned as they stood and headed for indoors.
“Another New Year’s tradition. It is a promise to yourself or others to make yourself or someone else better. Most humans make a resolution to lose weight or exercise more.”
“And they hold to it all year?”
“No. Most break within a few months.”
Hiei laughed disdainfully. “What if I make a resolution to not make a resolution?”
“I believe that is not possible for to make that claim, you would be making a resolution.”
“It was a joke, Fox.”
Kurama smiled. “I thought as much but I decided to see if you were serious.”
Hiei shook his head. “You’re going to have to spend time determining my tone.”
“Agreed. I should point out that as our relationship is new, it will take time for us to be able to ‘read’ each other.”
Hiei nodded as they joined the other guests who were seated on the floor in a circle. They sat with them and Kuwabara stood. “I’ll start. I resolve to fight less.”
Hiei concealed a snort. That oaf will never keep that one. But it does bring up a question.
“What happens if you break your resolution?”
“Nothing, except a sense of failure,” Genkai replied. “Some people see it as something to try again next year and think of why they broke it this time around.”
Hiei lapsed into thoughtful silence as resolutions continued. He wondered if private resolutions could be made and reasoned that they probably were all the time. I know the perfect one. I resolve that this year I will tell Yukina I’m her brother.
He had just made this decision when Yukina stood. “I resolve to continue my search for my brother and I hope to see him at last.” Her eyes locked on his with hope; a hope that made him think that she suspected he was her brother. My resolution may actually happen. She seems to suspect me.
Kurama stood when his turn came. “I resolve to tell my family the truth about myself.”
There were gasps and looks of shock and surprise for that was a brave thing to do but made sense as some benign demons were venturing into Human World to explore it and the humans who lived there.
Hiei stood. “I resolve to spend more time in Human World,” he said, sharing a quick meaningful look with Kurama. If Kurama planned to tell the truth to his family, Hiei would insist he’d be there. After all, we’re in love and should support one another and I will.