Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Reynard is mine.
Chapter One- The Happy News
Duos lunged toward Illusion Magician, its sword swinging downward. It met up with the staff of its opponent. The two monsters pushed back and forth trying to gain the advantage and their struggle was reflected in their masters below them.
Seto and Mahad pushed against each other with every ounce of concentration but the former was a bit distracted. His blue eyes were fixed on Mahad’s brown ones and he saw a depth of determination and focus that he admired in the older man. Those two qualities he admired grew until a few weeks ago it had blossomed into love. He had wished to confess it and did so in fact. He had marched up to Mahad in the privacy of Mahad’s chambers and stated his feelings firmly and confidently.
Mahad had blinked before a smile came to his face which had given Seto hope. “Seto, I am flattered that you had the confidence to tell me this. I also love you and had been thinking of how to phrase it.”
“Well, you don’t need to anymore.”
Seto gave a slight shudder as he was brought back to the present and he looked up to see his monster’s sword being forced up and Illusion Magician’s staff tip at Duos’ throat.
“Your concentration flagged,” Mahad commented. “That’s unlike you.”
“I was just remembering when we got together.”
“Ah.” He recalled his monster, allowing Seto to do the same. “That was a wonderful day and I had thought it was going to be a normal day.”
“I knew the day would be important as I had planned to confess. The thing was you were so busy, I had no time to talk to you until nightfall.”
Mahad chuckled. “Yes, I was indeed busy. I ran patrol drills, did a city search for criminals, designed new tomb layouts and traps, and taught my students. A full but satisfying day.”
“I noticed you haven’t had such days since our confessions.”
“True. I want to spend time with you. I want to get to know you more. I also think we should tell the pharaoh about us.”
Seto nodded. “Yes. It’s best if we tell him rather than someone seeing us kiss and telling the pharaoh soon after.”
“I think telling him at tomorrow’s meeting would be best so that everyone will know at once.”
“Perfect.” Seto gave Mahad a quick kiss on the cheek. “We’ll duel another time and I’ll win next time.” He flashed a smirk and Mahad smiled back.
Seto is a strong person, no doubt of that, Mahad thought as he headed for the archives. He inspires me to improve and get stronger. Our dueling styles are different but that is wat makes us a great team. I provide the defense through my magic and traps, giving Seto the opportunity to attack. My monster is a gentle spirit but can attack to protect itself. Seto’s monster is of a more aggressive nature. Their natures are determined by our own natures as well as our hearts. I can’t see either of our natures changing as I like my monster the way it is and I like the way I am as does Seto.
Seto paced through his Spirit temple, his eyes roving over his collection of monsters. He called on them in order to strengthen them through meditation and training via duels with the other court members. He felt that all of his monsters needed to be equally strong so that he would win every battle no matter the situation.
He knew Mahad favored his personal monster and he understood the attachment, but what if he encountered a monster who was resistant to magic, what then? Well, then he would need a monster to counter that. Of course, if it’s a team battle, I would jump in to protect Illusion Magician as it is tied to Mahad’s soul. If one goes, so does the other. I refuse to let anything happen to Mahad if I can prevent it.
Seto turned his thoughts to tomorrow’s meeting. There were going to be a lot of things on the agenda. The usual reports of the kingdom and a diplomat was scheduled to arrive later that day and the preparations to honor his arrival would take some time. But after that would be the perfect time to announce his relationship with Mahad.
“The city is secure and peaceful,” Mahad reported as he knelt before Atem the next morning. The meeting had just been opened and, as was routine, Mahad began the kingdom reports. The magician kept a calm poise though he longed to announce his love for Seto. He restrained himself as he knew such news was minor compared to the other items on the agenda. Our announcement will come last.
“Seto, the stone tablets?” Atem asked as Mahad returned to his place.
Seto came forward and knelt. “The recent tablets have been properly stored and new blank ones have been made and are ready to be used.”
“Excellent. Isis,” Atem said as Seto stepped away and Isis came forward. “Have any visions come to you lately?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. The kingdom’s immediate future is a bright, happy one. However, a murky vision also appeared to me and it concerns one of us.”
The others shared uneasy looks before Atem asked in a reluctant tone, “Who is it?”
“It is Mahad. I have seen an event that will be both terrible and yet not entirely unpleasant. This vision will occur later today.”
“Today?” Aknadin spoke up. “When did this vision occur?”
“Last night before going to sleep. There was no time to report it until now.”
“It is all right,” Mahad said. “At least I have been forewarned. Hopefully it will not disrupt the diplomat’s visit.”
“Which brings us to the next item on the agenda,” Atem said as Isis stepped back. “The diplomat comes to us from a far-flung kingdom and will bring us gifts from his native land. We, of course, will provide him with gifts from our land. There will be a celebration to properly welcome him and when he departs, it will hopefully be as an ally.”
“Indeed,” Siamun said. “We could use allies should we find ourselves in trouble and need help.”
Atem nodded. “Siamun, I leave the feast and its preparations to you.”
“Yes, pharaoh.”
“Now, if there is nothing else…” He trailed off as he looked at his court.
Mahad and Seto exchanged quick looks before both came forward and knelt. “We have news, my pharaoh,” Seto said.
“What news?” Atem asked, intrigued. Seto and Mahad, to his knowledge, got along well enough. They supported each other in practice team duels as well as Millennium Trials, but that was it. When it came to interaction outside of those, the two of them had no interaction.
“A few weeks ago, Seto came to my chambers and boldly stated that he was in love with me,” Mahad said.
Atem blinked at the news. “He did? And how did you respond?” He had a feeling he knew the answer but wanted to hear it.
“I returned his sentiments. We have qualities that the other admires and that admiration grew into love. We are happy and felt we needed to tell lest someone sees us being intimate and informs you before we could.”
“I am pleased that you chose to tell me and I am happy for you. It’s clear that your love for one another has not distracted you from your duties and I expect you to continue to provide that same level of dedication.”
“Of course, my pharaoh,” both men said.
“Good. Meeting adjourned.”
The court began to disperse, looks of understanding given to Mahad and Seto. Isis smiled at both. She had spied them being rather friendly and suspected they were in love. She chose not to say anything as she was sure that they would eventually speak of it. I only hope that my vision concerning Mahad does not come to pass.
Chapter Two- Reynard
The diplomat knelt before Atem as his entourage entered with bags, statues, and pots. “Great pharaoh, I bring greetings from my king as well as gifts from my homeland.”
“I accept the greetings and the gifts.” Atem clapped his hands twice and a group of guards entered. “I give you gifts of my land to give your king and I hope that an alliance can be forged between us.”
“I will convey your hope to him.”
“May I have your name?”
“It is Reynard, pharaoh.” He lifted his head and Atem saw that the man’s eyes were gold-green and seemed to have an intense look despite his respectful demeanor. He allowed none of the surprise to show as his own eye color was unusual as well.
“Very well, Reynard. Once our respective gifts have been secured, we will have the reception feast brought out and we will discuss trade agreements and diplomatic missions during it.”
“No disrespect, great pharaoh, but perhaps we could discuss that now and forgo the feast?”
“May I ask why you wish to not have the feast?”
“I regret that I have a certain dietary restriction, particularly at night.”
“I am sure we will be able to accommodate you.”
“Well…I do not wish to inconvenience you.”
“Nonsense. Siamun, if you would escort Reynard so that he can request his preferences.”
“Yes, my pharaoh and shall I have the feast and the preparations come in?”
“Yes, please do.” Atem watched the two men leave and once they were gone, addressed his court. “An interesting and unusual person. Not the typical diplomat.”
“Indeed, my pharaoh,” Aknadin said. “Most diplomats eagerly look forward to a royal feast and celebration. It makes one wonder if he is hiding something.”
“If so, it is not malevolent,” Mahad said. “The Ring sensed no evil in him.” The other members nodded in agreement.
The feast was well underway and all was going well. Atem and Reynard were drawing up agreements and missions while they ate. Curiously, Reynard had only meat on his plate while he had water or wine to drink. Mahad found Reynard’s choice of food interesting. On one hand, royalty usually were the only ones that had beef as a meat choice so their guests partook of it, but on the other hand, there were other foods commoners don’t eat and would have taken the opportunity to consume some, however, Reynard was not doing so. Perhaps that is his restriction. A meat only one. He is definitely not a normal diplomat. His eyes are curious too. They have an intense look even when he’s being polite and respectful. Do all the people in his homeland have eyes like him? Or is it just him?
“All right. That settles that trade agreement,” Atem said as he signed the agreement and passed the quill to Reynard who signed it as well.
“Yes. My king will be pleased,” he said as he rolled it up and put it in a wooden tube with a leather strap, the ends tied at opposite ends so it could be worn diagonally across the back.
“Now, about our first diplomatic mission…” Atem began.
“Forgive me, pharaoh, but I should get some rest,” Reynard cut in. “We can talk about the missions tomorrow.”
Atem glanced outside to see a fiery sunset that was almost gone. He looked back at Reynard who had an anxious and agitated expression as he constantly glanced at the sky. Atem saw a slight glow out of the corner of his eye and looked to see the Ring glowing and Mahad looking at it in confusion.
“My pharaoh, please allow me to leave,” Reynard pleaded.
“What are you hiding?” Atem asked. He gestured at the Ring. “That Item can detect evil in a person’s soul and the pointers can tell Mahad where that evil is located. It is pointing at you.”
Reynard sighed. “I have another side that comes out at night and its impulses and desires are impossible for me to fight. I suppose my actions during that time would be viewed as a kind of evil.”
“Another side?” Atem repeated. “What kind of side?”
Reynard sighed again as he removed his hat to reveal black hair and a pair of black wolf ears sitting on top as well as the absence of human ears. There was movement under his robes before a black wolf’s tail burst out of the seat. “I’m a werewolf and my ears, tail, and eyes are always present day or night. I change into a wolf every night, can still talk, and feel like acting like a wolf. I don’t want to and unless I’m alone, I will.” He then gasped as the sun vanished and he howled before shifting into a strong black wolf. He growled at the crowd and all but Atem and his court fled the room.
“Reynard?” Atem asked carefully.
Reynard snapped his attention to Atem and the pharaoh saw that his eyes were just gold now. “Pharaoh?” he said in a gravelly voice that sounded as if he was fighting an internal battle. “Stay…back,” he said as Atem took a step forward and then he promptly stepped back. “I cannot…control my actions. I’ve tried…for years when I was…newly bitten. I always lose. All of you…get out of here…before I do something I may regret later on.”
“I doubt you can’t control it,” Seto said with disdain. “I think you enjoy being an evil monster at night. You could fight it if you wanted to.”
Reynard gave a snarl as he turned to Seto. “I can’t! I sense my impulses surfacing now.” He slowly stalked toward Seto. “You don’t understand how hard it is but you will as I can turn humans anytime I want.” He crouched down and leaped toward the priest, his jaws wide open.
“No!” cried Mahad as he dashed forward and side tackled Reynard to the floor, however, the werewolf’s teeth sank into Mahad’s hand. Mahad cried out before getting off the wolf. Reynard popped to his feet, seized the wooden case, and ran out of the palace.
“Mahad! He bit you!” Seto exclaimed as everyone rushed to his side.
Mahad breathed fast as he put pressure on the wound. Yes. He bit me. The werewolf curse is running through me. By morning, I will bear the signs of my new condition.
“You protected me from being bitten,” Seto said.
“Of course. I love you, after all.” Mahad winced and then sank to his knees. “I’ll have the same signs as Reynard in the morning.” He then started to fall forward but Seto caught him and nearly jerked away. “Gods, your skin feels hot.”
“I am not feeling too good,” Mahad admitted. “I think I will get some rest.” He rose to his feet, swayed a little, and almost fell again but Seto supported him and led him out of the room.
“Mahad, will you be like Reynard?” Seto asked as they walked. “Unable to resist the impulses and feelings of a wolf?” They reached his room and entered it.
“I’ll be like him, physically. As for mental and emotional control?” Mahad laid on his bed and closed his eyes. “I don’t know. Our training for priesthood does require control and that may be what helps in resisting the impulses and feelings.”
“It could also depend on the individual,” Seto said as he pulled a sheet over Mahad. Then, he wet a rag with water from a bowl nearby and put it on Mahad’s forehead.
“Yes. It could be that too.” Mahad sighed softly as Seto left the room. Seto glanced back as he walked. His boyfriend had saved him from being attacked but had gotten bitten in the process. Mahad will be a werewolf himself. It is currently running through him which would account for his warm skin and exhaustion. I just hope he can control his wolf form.
Chapter Three- Learning
Mahad stirred and was aware that he was lying on his side instead of his back. At first, he wondered why and then felt something furry move across the back of his legs. He got out of bed, lifted his robes, and craned his neck to see a wolf’s tail the same color as his hair. He focused on moving it and it responded easily. He dropped his robe, concealing the tail nicely and lifted his hands to his head and felt two ears on his head. He then strode to a mirror to take a closer look, looked into the mirror, and recoiled in horror and shock. His eyes were gold-brown and were so intense-looking that it scared him. He turned away from his reflection, smoothed down his hair, put on his hat, and left the room, his head slightly bowed and his eyes focused on the floor. His eyes were so wolf-like, he couldn’t bear to look at anyone.
He sensed the eyes of the court on him as he took his place. He felt his tail twitch slightly and a sense of shame came over him. He had gotten bitten as a result of a noble act, but surely he could have saved Seto another way. He could have used his magic to raise a protective shield. His shame turned to anger and chagrin as he thought of this action. I have magic, but I didn’t use it. That was stupid and foolish of me to not use it.
Atem entered and all six bowed as was normal. He took his seat and regarded Mahad; like Reynard, he looked normal but knew the eyes would show that he wasn’t. However, he kept his head down and eyes averted. Does he think we’re afraid of him or is it something else? He wanted to ask that question but knew it would distract them from other matters that were just as important. I usually start with Mahad, but given the circumstances, I’ll end with him. “Seto, your report.”
Mahad was a bit surprised to hear the court open with Seto but reasoned that his condition would be discussed so it made sense for him to go last. This is a terrible thing to happen to me. Wait. Terrible! Isis’ prediction! She said it would be terrible, but not entirely unpleasant. I fail to see the unpleasant aspect as I could have avoided it.
“Mahad, report,” Atem said at last.
Mahad approached and knelt. “Night shift reported no problems. All was peaceful even as Reynard ran by.”
Atem nodded before saying, “Mahad, why are you not looking at anyone? Do you believe we’re afraid of you? Or is there another reason?”
“I do not wish to frighten anyone with how my eyes look. I saw them myself this morning and they frighten me.”
“You cannot avoid eye contact forever,” Atem pointed out. “You will need to look at your students and the guards.”
“And me,” Seto put in as he came over to Mahad and pulled him to his feet. “No one is afraid of you and we have an idea of how your eyes are now. Word of the attack has no doubt spread through the palace and no one within will be afraid. If anything, I think you are the one who’s afraid.”
That got Mahad to look at Seto with shock. “Afraid? Me?”
Seto gazed into Mahad’s intense gold-brown eyes. “Yes, afraid. You fear how others will react to you and you fear how you will act tonight.”
Mahad sighed. “You’re right. I am afraid. I don’t want to be like Reynard in regards to my actions and I fear how others will treat me.”
Seto pulled Mahad into a hug. “I won’t treat you any differently than before. You are still the man I love.” He felt Mahad move closer to him and he smiled as he reached toward the white hat. “Now, let’s see those ears,” he said as he quickly whipped off the hat.
“Seto!” Mahad gasped as he stepped back.
Seto stared at the ears. They were longer than Reynard’s had been and had an elegant look to them. He reached out to one and ran his fingers over the back, feeling the smooth fur there. “Nice. Those ears suit you.”
“Do they?” Mahad asked softly with a sigh as he savored the feel of his ear being rubbed.
“Yes. You could probably hear things we can’t now.”
Mahad blinked at this comment. “Yes, of course. My senses are sharper now. Smell, sound, and sight will be enhanced.” He turned to Atem. “My pharaoh, may I run a security patrol now?”
“Of course.” Atem watched with a small smile as Seto replaced the hat and Mahad left the room. “Good work, Seto. Your words are what he needed to hear.”
Seto bowed. “Thank you, my pharaoh.” He then smiled in amusement. “Mahad will likely be playing with his senses while on patrol. My comment on his hearing made him realize the advantages he has gained.”
“Advantages he may explore again once night falls,” Isis added.
“Speaking of night, Mahad will desire meat as wolves are meat-eaters for most part,” Atem said.
“I will attend to that,” Seto said before court was adjourned.
Mahad was astounded. Everything seemed clearer to his eyes. His ears heard conversations, loud and soft despite his hat. The myriad of scents, however, was a bit overwhelming and he was working on filtering them out. Some of the scents he focused on were unpleasant such as rotten fruit and unwashed bodies. Other scents were pleasant like the fresh desert air and a person’s individual scent. He mused over how that would come in handy in apprehending criminals who were able to elude capture. This would be the pleasant part of Isis’ vision. Hmm, maybe the terrible part was just the attack itself as the aftereffects are not too bad.
It was clear to him that his senses would make him an efficient captain and tracker of criminals and his guards did not fear him. They did ask how he was coping and expressed their condolences of the attack.
“I appreciate your concerns,” he had said. “I also am pleased that you are not afraid of me.”
“Never, Master Mahad,” one called out. “It is clear that this has not changed you.”
“In terms of personality, that is correct. I do bear the physical signs of my condition and will transform every night.” Mahad did not look away, determined to not be ashamed of his signs. He was still a bit angry that he didn’t use magic last night and dwelled on that as patrol ended. He went up to Atem after patrol and knelt. “All is still peaceful, my pharaoh.”
“Just as Isis predicted yesterday.” As Mahad rose, Atem saw the slightly angry look on his face. “Mahad? You seem upset, my friend.”
“I am, but at myself. If I had used my magic last night, I would not have been bitten.”
Atem knew Mahad had a point, but then so did he. “You tend do not use it often. Besides, Reynard was already lunging forward when you tackled him and it was Seto who was in danger.”
The look of anger faded as Atem talked. The points Atem made were sensible and true. If I hadn’t intervened, Seto would have been bitten and he’s prone to be angry longer than I would be. “You speak the truth, pharaoh.”
“Of course. Now, how did the senses tests go?”
A small smile appeared and his hidden tail swished which made the robe ripple a little. “They are astonishing. My vision is clearer and sharper and I can see further than before. My hearing is sharper. I can hear any volume of speaking. My nose is a little too sensitive. I have to learn to filter out the scents but what I’ve already learned is impressive. It made patrol more interesting to me.”
“I’m glad that you’re feeling better about this.”
“Much better.” Both heard cloth tear and when Mahad turned to leave, Atem saw a dark brown wolf’s tail. Mahad looked back at Atem with another small smile. “Seto did say the entire palace knows and a concealment spell can hide it on patrols.” Atem chuckled a little as Mahad left.
Chapter Four- First Change
Seto stood near the Training Hall entrance with a basket in hand and watching Mahad teaching his students. He saw that his boyfriend had his tail out and, instead of walking among his students like he usually did, he stayed in front of them. He had a good idea why: His tail would distract the students from their spell work.
“All right everyone. That is enough for today. Good work.” Mahad’s nose flared and caught two scents he identified as lotuses and meat. He turned to the entrance to see Seto off to one side as his students walked by, a few looking back to see the tip of Mahad’s tail as it moved ever so slightly.
“Not hiding it anymore, I see,” Seto commented as Mahad approached.
“I will when on patrol. The entire palace knows I’m a werewolf so hiding it is pointless.” Mahad sniffed and caught those scents again. “Seto, your scent reminds me of lotuses,” he said as they headed down the corridor.
“My scent?”
“I found on patrol this morning that everyone has a scent all their own. I’m also smelling meat.”
“That’s because I have some with me. The pharaoh surmised that you would desire meat.”
“I think only close to and after nightfall. I ate some bread and fruit earlier and my body hasn’t rejected them.”
“Good.” Seto passed him the basket. “Will you change in your room?” he asked as they turned into the corridor where the court’s bedchambers resided.
“Yes and I would like for you to be with me to see how I will act.”
“I’ll stay by the door just in case.” Seto doubted Mahad would act like Reynard but knew his boyfriend was concerned that he might.
Mahad swallowed the last bite of meat, grateful that it had been cooked. He didn’t like the idea of eating it raw even if he ate it after he changed. If I was out in the desert, I’d likely hunt for food.
The room darkened as the sun went down and Mahad fell forward onto two furry paws. He shook himself out and realized that his clothes had disappeared. Now that I think of it, Reynard’s clothes had done the same when he changed. He stood there to see if he felt any wolf impulses, like attacking someone. Instead he felt a desire to howl and make canine sounds but not much else. Seto was right again. The personality of the person determines how one will be in wolf form. He tilted his head back and gave a howl that was full of joy.
“Mahad?” Seto asked, sounding concerned.
“I’m okay. I want to make canine sounds but that’s all.” He turned to face Seto, tripped over his paws, and hit the floor. He shook his head, got up, and laughed. “I need to learn to walk with four legs.”
“You’re not hurt?”
“No. It was just a short fall.” He closed his now gold eyes and tapped the wolf’s instincts for walking before opening his eyes. His left forepaw was forward so he lifted his left back leg and right forepaw and moved them forward. He slid the right back one forward and moved the left forepaw forward. He kept moving his legs, getting a feel for his four-legged gait. He then executed a turn successfully and finally turning in a circle which gave him the chance to see himself. He was strong and lean with long legs. His muzzle came to a point and he felt the sharp teeth he now had. “I like how I look,” he said, his voice no different than before he changed.
“It is impressive. It’s nice to see that you’re not afraid or angry over this.”
“Angry? I never said I was.”
“You did to the pharaoh. He related your talk to me when I was delivering a report. I agree with the pharaoh’s assessment. You tend to act as any human would and a magical solution is a second thought to you.”
Mahad thought back to when he took a snake bite for Atem when the pharaoh was a child. He had given no thought to using magic to protect any of them. He had reacted as a normal person would. “You’re correct. I did that once saving the pharaoh from a snake bite when he was a child. I took the bite for him and then he sucked out the poison to save me. I didn’t think of using a spell one bit.”
Seto shook his head out of amazement. “You are a true protector, Mahad. You protect the pharaoh, the citizens, and me. You give no thought to your own safety. That’s another reason why I love you.”
“You protect me when in battle,” Mahad pointed out as he came over. “And I love you for that.” Seto crouched down and scratched Mahad’s lower jaw. Mahad gave a whine of pleasure and his tail wagged a little. “Oh, that feels real good.”
Seto grinned at Mahad’s response. He truly seems happy being a werewolf. His concerns over his actions have vanished; of course I had no doubt that he wouldn’t be like Reynard. He saw Mahad’s nose flare and his head turning to the door. “Mahad?”
“The pharaoh is coming. I’m picking up a scent that brings confidence and authority to mind. I know only one person who would smell like that.”
“Is it a pleasant scent?”
“It is and it’s getting stronger and I hear footsteps.”
At first, Seto heard nothing and then the sound of footsteps reached him and he looked in that direction to see Atem coming up the corridor. He knelt before him and Mahad did the same by stretching his forelegs out and bowing his head.
Atem smiled at the bowing wolf. “So, only your body’s changed. Nothing else is different.”
“Aside from wanting to howl and make other sounds, you are correct,” Mahad said.
“I imagine it would be different if you were in the desert,” Atem said. “Surely, your hunting instincts would come into play.”
“That thought did occur to me. I would likely behave like a wolf on the hunt. Right now, I feel more like a protector.”
“Can you access your magic?” Seto asked.
“I’ll try.” Mahad sat up straight and tapped his magic. I can sense it and access it, but can I use it? He closed his eyes and decided to try a simple spell. He focused on the words and willed it to happen.
“Hey! I can’t move!” Seto exclaimed.
Mahad barked happily a couple of times as he opened his eyes. “I thought I test the simple paralysis spell. Clearly, I can use my magic in wolf form.”
“Great. Now, could you lift the spell?””
“Of course.” Mahad did the counter spell and Seto was free. He then tried to summon his monster, but nothing happened. “It would seem my monster can’t be summoned right now, most likely because of my body.”
Seto nodded and Atem said, “Yes. Animals do not have monsters as they don’t know the difference between good and bad. You do, so maybe it is the curse that keeps your monster restrained until morning.”
“Yes, I sense it is sleeping right now. Seto, I have time tomorrow for a practice duel. Would you be up for it?”
“Always. I won’t let myself be distracted like last time. That is the only reason I lost.”
“You didn’t lose,” Mahad countered. “I called an end because you weren’t focused.”
“You weren’t focused?” Atem asked.
“It was the day before telling you about us. My thoughts were on how we got together.” Seto looked at Mahad. “Be ready for a good practice for I won’t let myself be distracted.”
“You’ll get a good practice as I won’t be distracted either.”
Chapter Five- The Practice Duel
Mahad used a concealment spell on his tail before leading the guards out the palace gates. It was his second day as a werewolf and he was eager to use his senses to seek out any wrongdoing. He strode among the people keeping an eye on the Ring while he worked on identifying scents so that he would be able to detect a new smell which would alert him and any nearby guards.
“Master Mahad,” one guard called from up ahead and the priest looked as two guards hauled a man forward. The Ring emitted a soft glow and Mahad took in a rancid smell as he studied the man for his face was familiar.
“Ah, yes. I remember you. You were exiled to the desert and you have an incredible knack for finding your way back here. Men,” Mahad said to the guards. “Blindfold him and escort him back to the desert. Let us hope he does not return. At least for a long while,” he said, saying the last sentence to himself. And when and if he does come back, I’ll be able to smell him for his odor was a foul one. Mahad proceeded with his scent identification and found a few criminals as well as realizing that pleasant and unpleasant smells weren’t clear cut where good smelled nice and evil didn’t. Some of the innocent citizens didn’t smell pleasant to him while some of the criminals had pleasant or all right scents. He relied on his Ring to detect evil. All in all, it was a productive patrol and Mahad reported as much to Atem, the concealment spell no longer in effect.
“That’s good to hear and I find it intriguing that evil can smell good or bad.”
“Indeed. I determined that being familiar with the scents of those who live here would be a better approach. I would be able to track down newcomers that way.”
Atem nodded. “Yes. An excellent idea. Keep doing that.”
“I will, my pharaoh. Now, I have a duel to prepare for.”
Atem watched Mahad go with contentment. Mahad moved with his usual poise and confidence. It was disconcerting for Mahad to have intense eyes, wolf ears, and a tail but he was learning to accept them as a part of him. Aside from these signs, his desire for meat, and becoming a wolf every night, this curse hasn’t changed him one bit. He is still the court magician and my friend.
Mahad stood in the private training hall used only by the pharaoh and the court. He looked forward to having a proper duel with Seto. No distractions and full concentrations. He sensed his monsters was ready to practice and get stronger as a result. He took a deep calming breath and the scent of lotuses wafted up to him. He turned to the entrance and listened to Seto’s footsteps as his lover came closer. The footfall was light and before the bite, Mahad wouldn’t have heard it until he saw Seto come in. Seto soon came into view and a momentary look of surprise flickered across his face. Then, he smiled as he entered the hall. “Can’t sneak up on you anymore, huh?” he quipped as he gave Mahad a kiss.
“Yes. That’s pretty much over,” he agreed. “My monster’s ready to go.”
“Mine too. This time I’ll win like I said last night.”
“We’ll see.” The two priests summoned their monsters and, as Mahad was about to announce the start of the duel, he saw Seto staring above him with an open-mouth expression. “Seto? What is it?” Seto simply pointed and Mahad turned around.
It was his monster, but it was a bit different. It had its usual appearance, but a wolf’s tail had come out of the armor’s back and the eyes were intense and gold like a wolf’s! Mahad had no doubt that his monster also had wolf ears. He sank to the floor as he stared at his monster. It’s a werewolf like me too.
“Mahad?” Seto asked. “We can reschedule our duel another time, give you time to adjust to your monster’s new look.”
He slowly exhaled as he stood. “No, we will practice. I just…can’t summon it to battle a criminal’s monster, should we need to.”
“Are we feeling ashamed again?” Seto asked, eyebrow raised.
“Seto, it’s enough that I’m a werewolf and have the signs of one but for my monster to bear the signs as well…” He shook his head, unable to frame words to express what he was feeling.
Seto looked at Mahad and then at Illusion Magician, studying the latter carefully. “Honestly, the eyes aren’t that bad and no one can see the ears. The tail…couldn’t you give some of your magic to it so it can conceal it?”
Mahad blinked and felt like kicking himself. “I really act too much like a normal person,” he said. “The solution was so obvious and I didn’t even think of it.”
Seto smiled and patted the shoulder. “Now that we’ve worked that out, let’s duel.”
“Yes.” Mahad transferred some magic to his magician and its tail vanished, perfectly concealed. “Let’s duel.”
Seto chose to make the first move. He sent Duos charging toward the magician who simply stood there. Duos swung its sword in a downward arc toward the Magician’s face, but stopped short and backed up. Seto was confused for a moment before he looked up and saw how intimidating those gold eyes looked. Duos was spooked by the lack of dodging and the gold wolf-like eyes.
That hesitation gave Mahad an opening. He had his monster charge forward, its staff swinging back and forth, and limiting Duos’ choice of direction…or so it seemed. The warrior went down, circled around behind the magician, and grasped at thin air.
Mahad gave a surprised yelp at a pressure on his tail. “Seto! Duos grabbed my monster’s tail!”
“I know. I figured it would be a good way to immobilize it.”
Mahad smirked. “You think so?” There was a flash of light and Duos backed away, releasing the hidden tail and putting an arm across its face.
“What?” Seto was momentarily confused.
“Not as immobile as you thought, hmm Seto?”
Seto grinned at that. “Oh, now we have a real challenge. You’re using your magic by channeling it through your monster.”
“I see. That’s what you want. You know, I think the reason I don’t use my magic is because most people cannot.”
“You are too considerate sometimes. Your magic is a part of you just as being a werewolf is part of you now. You should use it instead of not using it out of consideration for others.”
“I’ll think about it but for now, I’ll use it in our duel.”
Night had fallen and Mahad sat on his balcony, his eyes seeing through the night with facility. However, he wasn’t really seeing what was in front of him for he was lost in thought. He was re-living his duel with Seto and the conversations they had had in-between attacks. His nose twitched as he picked up Atem’s scent, thus he didn’t react when Atem’s hand landed gently on a shoulder blade. “Did Seto win your practice duel?” he asked softly.
“No, but it was a near thing.” Mahad chuckled. “If he hadn’t suggested that I utilize my magic more often, the duel would have turned out differently.”
“Is that so?”
“I believe so. I tend to not use it as many others cannot do magic. Seto suggested that I should use it.”
“I suggest doing what you feel is right.”
Mahad seemed thoughtful for a moment. “I will use it to protect myself and others as well as when teaching and dueling Seto.” He felt Atem pat his shoulder before walking away. Mahad then went to bed, pleased with his new policy concerning his magic.
Chapter Six- Natural Desires
The man tried to move, to get away from the guards, but he couldn’t move a muscle. He heard rapid footsteps approach from behind before a figure in white stood in front of him.
Mahad stood before the man, his Item glowing steadily. He spoked the counter to the freeze spell and once the man’s limbs weren’t frozen, the guards took him into custody. Mahad beamed as the man was taken away. He had been using his magic over the past few days. He would immobilize criminals with freeze or paralysis spells, discreetly used shield spells to protect the innocent citizens and used his sense to detect new people in the city. His men were very supportive of his spells and senses and Mahad graciously accepted all comments.
The citizens were still unaware that he was a werewolf but that was fine with him. He knew that if he explained it to the whole city, they would be accepting as it hadn’t changed him, save for the physical aspect. After all, if the entire palace has accepted it, so would the city.
He did feel wolf impulses during the day sometimes but mostly at night which made sense. He was feeling one now as he went to deliver his report to Atem. He felt a desire to hunt like a wolf, run through the desert, and howl to the sky. He felt his now unconcealed tail trembling with these thoughts and then the tip flipping about as he gave his report.
This movement caught Atem’s attention as the tail tended to lay still and only moved when Mahad walked. “Mahad,” he said once the report was given. “Is there something wrong? I mean, your tail is moving slightly.”
“I believe I have been resisting the natural desires of a wolf a little too long. I want to hunt, run, and howl.”
The faint longing in Mahad’s voice pulled at Atem’s heart. “Mahad, if you feel these desires, please tell me and I’ll let you go to attend to them. So, when would you like to do so?”
“I’d like to right now but I won’t change until night.”
“Are we sure? We don’t know much about werewolves so it’s possible that you can change anytime in daylight but must change when night falls. After all, Reynard bit you when it wasn’t a full moon night and you still became a werewolf.”
Mahad tilted his head for a moment. “That is an interesting idea, my pharaoh and you make a good point as well. Let’s see…” He closed his eyes and willed himself to change. He felt the rug under his hands and opened his eyes to see that his hands were now paws. He couldn’t help panting at his success and shared beaming looks with Atem. “Clearly I can change.” Mahad resumed human form.
“Yes. Mahad, I would be willing to let you leave for one full day and night to indulge in your desires.”
“Thank you, my pharaoh. I will leave at sunset today and take some provisions with me.”
Atem didn’t question Mahad taking provisions. He had no doubt that Mahad would take human form during his trip to handle anything requiring hands. He will also likely pack food his human stomach can handle.
Mahad made a list of supplies before going about gathering them together as he went about his duties. He informed his students at the start of class that tomorrow’s class was cancelled as he would be gone for the day.
“Where are you going, Master Mahad?” one boy asked.
“Nowhere in particular. I am getting wolf impulses that are demanding to be attended to and the pharaoh has granted me a day and night to take care of them. I will return at sundown tomorrow.”
“Wolf impulses?” Seto repeated in Mahad’s room as the magician packed a pair of small saddlebags. “Like what?”
“I want to hunt, run, and howl. I’ve been feeling this way for a couple of days.”
“That long?” Seto shook his head. “You’re as stubborn as me when it comes to resisting instincts and such. If you want to run, we’ve got a large courtyard as well as the space where our temples are.”
“That is true but my impulses are desiring the desert in which to run. This trip will give me the opportunity to experience how to be a real wolf.”
“Heh. Have fun and I want to hear all about it when you come back.”
“Thanks and I promise to tell all.” He gave Seto a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.
Mahad, tail concealed again, strode through the crowd, the people deferring to him as usual. He gave them quick nods or smiled but didn’t stay to talk. He passed the city gates and gained the peace of the desert. The air was cool and he knew that it would turn cold as night fell. As I will have a fur coat, that won’t be too much of a problem. He lifted the concealment spell, watched the sun vanish, and was soon in wolf form again. Mahad threw back his head and released a long, loud howl that echoed in the air. He panted at the sound and did it again. I love howling! It is such a wonderful sound. He slid the saddlebags on and then began to move across the sand, feeling his paws sink a little into the sand before pushing against it, sending up small sprays of sand as he did so.
Hmm, perhaps wolves trot and run to avoid their paws sinking into the sand. He began to trot quickly and found that his paws didn’t sink as much. He laughed at his discovery as he headed for his destination: An isolated oasis known only to him. It would be the perfect place to spend his time away from the palace. He planned to spend most of his time in wolf form and indulge in his impulses.
At that moment, his stomach growled and Mahad chuckled a little. Time to hunt, he thought. He put his nose to the ground, then the air, and back to the ground. He detected no prey as his instincts would know them. He padded across the sand toward the oasis, his nose to the ground in hopes of picking up a trail.
It was when he was close to the oasis that he finally smelled something. He sniffed at it and tried to identify it. Strange. My instincts tell me it is prey, but nothing else. I guess, to wolves, it doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s food.
He put his nose to the trail again and followed it, determined to find it, chase it, kill it, and eat it. He tapped his instincts to aid him in locating his prey. The scent trail grew stronger and he felt his mouth water at the thought of eating. He kept on the trail and when it got even stronger, he began to pant with excitement as the true part of the hunt was at hand.
He came to a halt beside a dune and he crouched down. His claws came out and kneaded the sand as he slowly approached his prey. His muscles coiled together in his back legs for a split second before he jumped to the other side of the dune.
He saw the animal was a fat rabbit who momentarily froze at the sight of the werewolf. It then broke into a sprint. Mahad didn’t hesitate in running after it. His legs pumped furiously as he dashed after the rabbit. His claws were still out and provided extra traction. His long strides carried him forward and then with a thrust of his powerful legs, he sailed through the air, and his forepaws planted themselves on the rabbit’s back and brought it down. His head lunged down, his jaws latching down on the neck, and with a firm bite, the rabbit stiffened and went limp, dead.
Mahad released his grip and gave a howl of success before panting from the thrill of the chase and the kill.
That was incredible, he thought as he tore open the rabbit before laying down to eat. The tracking, the chasing, and the killing. It was better than I thought and more exciting than I expected. His teeth easily tore through the skin, muscles, and organs and sliced them effortlessly. He ate as much as he could before carrying the remains to the oasis, intending to eat the rest at some point during his time away from people.
Chapter Seven- Sharing
Mahad crawled out of the hidden cave, stood, and stretched his arms and legs. It was a new day and he looked forward to spending the day as a wolf, but first he needed to eat and drink and stock up on water, thanks to the pond nearby. He thought about what he would do for the day as he ate his bread and fruit.
I’ll run some more and hunt down some meat. Last night was amazing. I felt alive and free. I heeded my impulses and instincts and I learned about how wolves live and think. They don’t see prey in the way we do, only as food. I wonder, though I’m sure I can, will I be able to balance the wolf’s hunting skills with the logic of a human? I’ll find out when I do hunt. I’m still feeling the desires I’ve felt for two days. I already knew they wouldn’t go away or be satisfied in one night. Heh, maybe I should run in the courtyard or around the temples when I have the time and once I’ve shown the guards my wolf form so my presence won’t alarm them.
Mahad refilled the water gourds he had brought, put them away, took wolf form, put the saddlebags on, and began to race across the sand, the pads on his paws giving them protection from the hot sand. A shame the same couldn’t be said for the rest of him. His fur felt hot and he was soon panting from the heat and wanting to rest in some shade. He was able to find shade in the form of outcroppings along a cliff face.
He slid the bags off his back, took human form, opened one of the bags, and took out a gourd. He drank some of the water and then sat there to cool off. Now, I think I understand why wolves are nocturnal. It is cooler at night and their eyes are better suited for night as they can see in the dark.
The howl of a wolf reached his ears and the scent of one reached his nose. He wasn’t sure what the wolf’s intentions were but if it was hostile, he would need to be prepared to fight it off. Again, he didn’t think of using magic. Instead, he resumed wolf form and stood ready to defend himself. The wolf’s scent grew stronger until he was able to see a strong black wolf appear. It was upon a second look that made him realize this wasn’t a normal wolf: It also had a pair of saddlebags! Reynard! It has to be!
“Reynard?” he called out. The wolf turned in his direction before racing toward him and stopping.
“Mahad,” the wolf said in Reynard’s gravelly wolf voice. “I see you found you can change in daylight but what brings you out here?”
“I had been feeling the urge to hunt, run, and howl for the last few days. The pharaoh granted me a day and night to attend to them. I left at sunset yesterday.”
“I see.” Reynard bowed his head. “I regret my actions that night. I often regret what I do at night and try to be alone. I apologize for cursing you as a werewolf.”
“It was Seto who was the target if I hadn’t stepped in.”
“Yes. Why did you do that?”
“I…I love him. That’s why I tackled you. Reynard, I appreciate your apology but it’s not necessary.”
“I admit, I felt ashamed at being cursed and a bit scared of how my eyes looked. However, conversations with Seto and the pharaoh helped to realign my thinking. You see, I was angry at myself that I didn’t use my magic to protect Seto.”
“You know magic? No one told me about that.”
“That doesn’t surprise me. Anyway, I have a tendency to not use magic as many don’t have magic. I often act like a normal person.
“After talking with Seto and the pharaoh, I came to find that it is not so bad being a werewolf. I am still aware and completely myself at night. I don’t feel as if I can’t control myself.”
“That is nice to hear and I am a bit jealous.”
“I can see why you feel that way. I have to say that the senses are incredible; to hear, smell, and see far better than before is impressive.”
“Yes, it is,” Reynard agreed softly. “You lead the guards, yes? The pharaoh told me so.”
“I am and I make use of my senses, particularly my nose when I do patrol. I have learned the scents of everyone who lives in the city and will be able to tell if someone new enters the city.”
“Interesting. It would seem that you are well-suited to be a werewolf. You can track criminals using those senses.”
“Indeed and only those who reside in the palace knows of my condition. They are all accepting of it as it hasn’t changed my personality. The pharaoh and Seto are the only ones who have seen my wolf form, though.”
“I agree with your personality not changing and the palace accepting your condition, but why hide it from those you protect? Do you fear that they will hate and fear you?”
“I suppose I do,” Mahad said after a moment’s thought. “I could ask the pharaoh to have the city gather so that they can be told I’m a werewolf, how it happened, and that it hasn’t changed me. I can even change to prove it.”
“Yes. That could work. You could also expose your signs instead of a full change. I imagine you’ve kept your tail and ears concealed when among the people.”
“I have, but not in the palace. I am not ashamed to show them to the court, the guards, and my students.”
“Students? You teach others in magic?”
Mahad nodded and his tail swished happily. “I do and I am quite pleased with their knowledge of spells and ability to perform them. They will be great sorcerers when their training is complete.”
“I have no doubt of that based on what you’ve told me about yourself with magic.”
“Reynard, are you aware that a monster can grow in a person’s heart and soul?”
“I am not. Why are you mentioning this?”
“I bring it up as a person, good or bad, can harbor a monster inside them. The entire court each has one. Mine is a magician in armor. Seto and I were preparing for a practice match to strengthen our monsters. We can summon them to appear above me and when we did, my monster bore the signs of the werewolf.”
“It did? Hmm, well as the curse affects a person, it seems if one has a monster, then it would be affected by the curse as well.”
“I can give some of my magic to it so it can conceal the tail as the armor’s helmet conceals the ears.”
“Do you think I could see it?”
“I could try. I’m unable to summon it at night.” He closed his eyes and felt his monster emerge. He looked back to see the magician look exactly like it did during the practice duel.
“Wow. It looks strong and I see what you mean about the ears and tail. The eyes are a bit intimidating, though.”
Mahad called it back and nodded. “Yes, I felt the same way when I saw it for the first time.”
“You said you were out here to heed your wolf impulses. How has it been so far?”
“Incredible. When I run, I feel alive and free. I hunted down a rabbit last night and the entire tracking, chasing, and killing was better than I thought and more exciting. I love howling and how it sounds.”
“That’s exactly how it feels to me as well. Mahad, I am happy that you’re not angry with me.”
“This is a gift to me and I will make use of it.” He slid the bags onto his back and stood. “I think I will go hunting now.”
“Go to it then. Perhaps we’ll meet again.”
“Perhaps,” Mahad said as he left to hunt.
Chapter Eight- Revelations
Mahad gave a soft growl of pleasure as he trotted for home. It had been a pleasant twenty-four hours and his impulses and instincts were satisfied. He looked forward to recounting his experiences to Seto and maybe even the court. I’ll also write it down so I can re-live those moments. I may even keep a journal and write down each experience.
The city was coming into view and Mahad chose to not change to human as it would be night before too long. I’ll stick to the alleys. I’m not ready for the citizens to know I’m a werewolf.
The city was aglow with the fading sunlight and the torches but Mahad found the darkness in the alleys and avoided the noticed of anyone. It looked like it was going to be another peaceful night and that pleased him. The peace and quiet meant a good night’s rest for all in the city’s boundaries.
He paused as he got close to the marketplace. It occurred to him that hardly anyone saw his wolf form and, despite his Ring, the guards at the gates wouldn’t recognize him until he spoke. It’s like I told Reynard and they deserve to know. I think, in the morning, I can show them so that if I venture out to the back of the palace for a run, they won’t charge me. But, for now, a teleportation spell will do to get me to my room.
He was about to cast the spell when he heard Seto’s voice call, “Stop, criminal!” He cocked his head for a moment before reminding himself that Seto had volunteered to lead the guard for the day, but he had said nothing about leading them at night. He then reasoned that Seto must have become concerned when Mahad did not return precisely at sunset and decided to look for him. Seto’s love for him was truly touching but the fact that a criminal had been spotted and was fleeing was a more pressing concern. He trotted to where the alley opened to the street and saw a man running in his direction and he felt his Ring react strongly to him.
The second the man ran past him, Mahad went into action. He cut in front of the guards who were chasing the criminal and ran after him. He heard alarmed sounds but focused only on his target. He leaped to cover the distance between them and then lunged as the man turned and the two of them went down.
Mahad had his forepaws on the man’s arms, pinning them to the ground and he growled in the man’s face. He smelled fear as well as the man’s individual scent. His ears heard the guards rushing up to them and he leaped over the man and found a quartet of guards facing him and they had spears aimed at him.
He felt no fear at seeing spears aimed at him. He stood as tall as he could as he ordered, “Stand down, men!”
All four blinked and then lowered their weapons before kneeling. “Master Mahad,” one said. “Forgive us. We did not know. Welcome home.”
“I don’t blame you for not recognizing me. Indeed, I commend you for your dedication to protect the city. And thank you for your warm welcome. Resume patrol.”
They rose and spread out to go back to patrol while three others carried the man to the dungeon. They passed Seto who had come running up to the scene. His look of mild apprehension faded to relief upon seeing Mahad.
“Oh. Welcome back, Mahad.”
“Hi, Seto. Why did you seem apprehensive just now?”
“Citizens were telling me about a wolf chasing a man. They were afraid that it would attack them next.”
“Ah. It would seem that it is time to let them know that I’m a werewolf.”
“Yes and I believe tomorrow morning would be best.”
“I had thought of having the pharaoh announce it to all and that I would prove it by showing my signs and changing to a wolf.”
“Excellent idea. So,” Seto and Mahad started for the palace. “How was your time off?”
“Wonderful. My desires are satisfied now and I plan to use the back of the palace next time I want to run. Seto, I felt alive and free when I was running and hunting. Oh and I met Reynard earlier today. He regretted his actions that night and apologized for turning me. I assured him that I see this as a gift and that I wasn’t angry with him.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself and that you’re home.”
“So am I, Seto.”
The murmuring of the crowd stopped as Atem appeared on the balcony and they all kneeled to him. “Rise, my people,” he said and they did so. “I was made aware that last night, a wolf was seen in our streets and chasing a man. Priest Seto reported that several of you approached him with concern that this wolf would target you next.
“I assure you that you were in no danger. The man chased as an evildoer and was apprehended with the wolf’s help for he was not a real wolf. It was Priest Mahad.” Atem paused to let the news sink in and to allow the people to murmur to each other. A raised hand brought an end to the murmurs.
“Several days ago, a diplomat had paid us a visit and he was an unusual man for he had intense gold-green eyes and a strange dietary restriction. He was most anxious to leave the feast before nightfall as he claimed he had another side that he considered dangerous. I asked for him to tell me and he said he was a werewolf who could not control his actions at night. It was clear to me after he changed that he tries to resist. A remark from Seto caused the diplomat to turn on him with the intention of biting him into a werewolf but Mahad intervened and he was bitten instead.” Atem gestured and Mahad stepped onto the balcony to stand beside him.
“I awoke the following morning after the bite, bearing the signs of the werewolf which are present day and night.” Mahad lifted his hat to show his ears and turned to show his tail before facing them and replacing the hat. “Unlike the diplomat, Reynard, I am in complete control of my actions and will not hurt anyone. I am still the same man that you have known, despite being a werewolf. I also feel that you should know that I can change during the day, but I must be a wolf at night.” Mahad then shifted forms and reared up to put his paws on the railing. He waited for a response. The citizens kneeled again and murmured his title and name. His tail swished at this as it meant that they accepted him and did not fear or hate him.
He dropped to all fours and Atem said, “Don’t change back. Let the people see you up close when you run today’s patrol.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” Mahad followed Atem inside once the latter had told the crowd to go about their business. He took his customary place among the court with all his confidence and no shame or fear. He listened as Seto recounted last night’s events in that the night was peaceful after Mahad and he had returned to the palace. He then reported on the tablets before stepping back and the meeting proceeded normally.
“All right,” Atem said. “We will judge the man caught tomorrow morning. Mahad, please do your patrol and then report back to me.”
“Yes, pharaoh.” The court dispersed and Mahad gathered his men. He had one deliver food and drink to the prisoner before leading the others out into the city, splitting them into units as he usually did. He then led a unit through the marketplace, the people deferring to him and a few asking to feel his fur. He granted the requests and enjoyed the feel of hands running over his head and back. Others asked questions about his wolf side with one being about Reynard’s dietary restriction Atem mentioned but didn’t elaborate on.
“That restriction is eating only meat when in wolf form. I too fall under that requirement.”
“It is fortunate that you have access to beef,” one man commented.
Mahad agreed of course and knew that if he hadn’t been a priest, he wouldn’t have been bitten. I don’t resent it, though. I kind of like being a werewolf and will use it to protect the palace and the city.