Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender. Only Kenny is mine.
Chapter One- Werewolf Packs
A howl echoed through the foggy night followed by a low growl that none heard. A large shaggy brown wolf stalked down an empty street, his nose flaring to scent his preferred prey: Humans.
His actions were watched by a young man standing by his apartment window. The sight of this werewolf prowling the streets with impunity sent a chill down his spine. The wolf paused and turned toward the apartment building before his head tilted up and locked eyes with him. The man, Shiro, felt frozen with fear as he stared into the wolf’s intense, evil gold eyes before Shiro stepped back and let the curtain fall back into place.
The door opened and Shiro looked over at it to see his fiancée, Adam, enter the apartment and close the door. He strode over to him and the two men embraced. “I’m glad you’re home,” Shiro said. “I saw a werewolf prowl by.”
“Our apartment window faces the back of the building so my getting in wasn’t a problem.” He frowned a little. “If I could kill some of those monsters, I would.”
“No one knows how to kill them,” Shiro pointed out. “Lead and silver bullets don’t work. Any silver doesn’t work and any bladed attack is risky.”
“It’s true that silver won’t kill them, but it does hurt them. I saw a hunter throw a silver knife at one. He howled in pain and actually resumed human form before pulling the knife out, dropping it, and running off. It’s clear that silver causes pain and turns the wolf back to its human shape.”
Shiro nodded as Adam headed to their bedroom while he went to handle the dishes he had neglected as he had been worried about Adam. Werewolves were a large threat to humanity. It hadn’t always been so. Werewolves were rare in number and considered a myth. But over the centuries, underground packs began growing their numbers and coming up to the surface to exist secretly among humans, terrorize them, and eat their flesh. Some people had even been bitten and they became evil werewolves as well. There were no good werewolves; their taste for human flesh was such an evil deed that they, in turn, were evil creatures.
Most people stayed home at night as most werewolves roamed at night. A few people held jobs that ended after nightfall and had to tread cautiously when heading home; of those people, most made it home. A rare number didn’t arrive home and it was said that they either became food or a werewolf themselves, the latter only if it was the full moon.
And the full moon is tomorrow night, Shiro thought as he scrubbed a pot. It is a general rule that everyone stay in on those nights so no one gets bitten and joins those evil beasts. Even the nighttime workers are told to stay home but they do get paid. Sometimes it’s easy to tell who’s been bitten as that person may have a distinguishing mark that would show in both human and wolf forms, like a scar. Shiro ran a finger along the scar that ran across the bridge of his nose. He had acquired it a year ago in a knife fight and felt lucky that that was all he got. The cut had healed but the white line remained. He didn’t like it, but Adam did, saying it gave his face character.
Shiro smiled as he drained the sink and rinsed the dishes before setting them on the drying rack. He had met Adam four years ago and the two had hit it off right from the start. They shared their personal histories, hopes, dreams, and a variety of other topics over the years and had leased an apartment two years ago. It wasn’t until after the knife fight that Adam proposed to Shiro.
Shiro recalled that day fondly. They had chosen a daylight date as they usually did so Shiro had no idea that a proposal was coming. They had had a cozy lunch for two before taking a jog around the park. It was at the bench in front of the fountain that Adam popped the question.
“Shiro, we’ve known each other for three years and honestly, I have never been happier,” Adam had said.
“I feel the same way. I really can’t imagine things getting better than this,” Shiro had replied.
“Oh?” Adam had flashed a grin before getting on one knee and taking Shiro’s hand. “How about getting engaged? Surely, that makes it better.”
Shiro’s eyes had widened before a grin appeared. “You’re right. That would make it better and I accept.”
Naturally it’ll be a day wedding and reception. Our honeymoon will be right here. Eventually, we’ll move into another apartment so we can adopt some kids. Shiro nodded to himself as he headed to the bathroom. The wedding would take place in four months. He could hardly wait.
Most people lived in apartments out of protection and ability to defend one another. Some lived in suburbs with nice homes and a neighborhood watch. Then there were the manor houses with their sprawling lawns and fancy facades. Very few were occupied and the occupants of the houses usually kept to themselves, though they did communicate every now and then with one another. These manor houses were the homes of different werewolf packs; four to be precise.
They had human servants to run errands and hold jobs to pay the bills and upkeep the place. They also held newly-turned werewolves captive as they were immune to silver’s burning effect. Most new werewolves succumbed to their evil nature rather quickly so the number of captives were rare; it was the humans who were selected to be turned that the servants guarded. There had been good werewolves in the past but humans’ fear of werewolves caused the good ones to turn evil and they would avenge themselves on those who had shunned them.
Each pack took turns in seeking out new members. They would seek and recruit for one month, from the end of one full moon cycle to the end of the next one. Whether they turned some or not, they had to wait for their next turn. The city Shiro and Adam lived in had four packs meaning each one had three months a year in which to turn new members. The pack that was now seeking new members was led by a ruthless werewolf called Iverson. He commanded his pack to be especially vicious when hunting humans and to be aggressive when seeking recruits either by attack or seduction.
It was on this same foggy night that Iverson received news of a recruit. The shaggy brown wolf Shiro had seen slunk up to him, ears folded, and tail tucked to show respect. “Alpha,” he said. “I believe I saw a new member tonight.”
“Tell me more,” Iverson said.
“He was watching me from a window and we locked eyes when I sensed someone watching me. He is an adult with a strong-looking body, black hair with a streak of white, and a scar across his nose.”
Iverson stroked his chin. “The scar and hair would identify him and usually I would say no, however, we are in danger of losing our spot as the largest pack. We must turn more now before we must wait three months.”
“If I may, Alpha, why must we wait every three months?”
“It is to preserve the peace between the packs. We are all werewolves and we all share the same goals so we must cooperate with one another. Nonetheless, there is a competition of whose pack is the largest with the prize being respect from the other packs.”
The brown wolf, Lance, brought out his tail to wag it. “I could ask Veronica to lure the human I saw to us.”
Iverson nodded. “Yes, but don’t ask. Command her. You are higher in the hierarchy than she is even though she’s older.”
“Yes, alpha. You are right.” Lance left and Iverson smirked. He commanded his pack with an iron fist and his punishments kept both members and servants in line.
They’ll do as I say to avoid punishment and it produces good results. I will have more members this month and maintain our place as the largest pack in the city.
Chapter Two- Captured
Shiro tuned before a three-way mirror, admiring the wedding tux he had on. It was a deep black with a white shirt. The breast pocket was empty but he could already see a red rose pinned to it. I already have a new crimson tie to go with the outfit. He focused on his reflections to eye the tux more closely. The ends of the jacket and the trousers were a bit too long and well as the ends of the jacket’s coat. That’s why I’m here: To have it fit perfectly. He left the fitting room to find someone to pin up the problem areas. Finding one wasn’t hard and, as the employee pinned the ends, Shiro said, “I’ll pay the tux in full today and my fiancée will pick it up at a later date.”
“Yes, sir.” Shiro carefully removed the tux in the fitting room, dressed, and carried it out to the counter. He paid it off and walked out to a sunny afternoon. It had been a cloudless day and it promised to be a cloudless night. Perfect for star gazing by the window…or at least as much as we can see.,p> He started down the sidewalk to head to the flower shop. He intended to price shop for their flowers for their buttonholes and a garland arch where they would be wed. Shiro pictured a garland of lilies and bluebells over them but knew he would have to take what was available. Of course, I’m just browsing and comparing prices. I’ll discuss the garland with Adam tonight.
He wandered about the shop, just him and a pretty young woman. He noticed that she kept looking at him when she thought he wasn’t looking but he saw her looks out of the corner of his eye. Damn, she is pretty. If I wasn’t in love with Adam and engaged to him, I could see myself dating her.
He returned to his business. There were lilies in the shop and, to his surprise, roses in almost every color. The blue roses were such a shade of blue that it surpassed the shade of the bluebells he had imagined. I like the blue, but Adam may want red roses in the garland. He spoke to the man behind the counter and requested prices. Once he had them, he left the shop and headed for a bakery store to price shop for a wedding cake. A tap on his shoulder made him turn around and he blinked. It was the woman from the flower shop.
“Hi,” she said with a bright, charming smile. “My name’s Veronica. What’s yours?”
“Uh, Shiro.” He held out a hand and Veronica took it.
“Shiro,” she repeated. “That’s a cool name. I saw you leave the bridal and tux shop earlier. You getting married?”
“In about four months, yes.”
“I see.”
Shiro then gave a grunt as he felt a prick in his arm. He released Veronica’s hand to grip the spot and felt a needle. He yanked it out and his head throbbed. He felt his knees buckle and lost consciousness as Veronica eased him to the ground.
Veronica smiled down at her prey. She had been a little put out at being ordered by her little brother to capture Shiro. She had been the one in charge of the two of them until they were bitten. Iverson had taken a liking to Lance who wholly embraced the werewolf’s nature and made him one of his lieutenants which gave him a higher status than she had. She highly resented that even though it’s been this way for twenty years.
However, this time I don’t mind the assignment. Shiro’s very handsome. He would make a good mate and I think I’ll ask the alpha for permission to be his mate. She heaved Shiro into her arms and carried him off to the manor house.
Shiro groaned as he regained consciousness. He blinked as he focused on his surroundings. He then sat up when he saw that he was in a cell and that there were others in cells nearby. Some were adults like him while the others were teenagers. One of the latter was trying to break down the cell door and not succeeding. “You can’t break it down,” Shiro told him.
“We’ve got to escape,” the teen said. “Do you know where we are? We’re in a werewolf pack’s home.”
“Keith is right,” said a voice as a big and strong-looking man entered the circle of cells and went up to Keith with a wicked smile. “You are aggressive and antagonistic and that makes you perfect for my pack.”
“No!” Keith gasped in horror. “I don’t want to be a werewolf!”
“You won’t have a choice and once you’ve been bitten and have changed, you will be grateful that you were chosen. Most of you will be bitten but the others will be used to feed your appetite for human flesh.” Iverson eyed a large teen. “You will provide food for those who will be turned.” The large teen trembled as Iverson went past him and approached a brunette girl who glared at him.
“You have spirit Katie…or do you prefer Pidge?”
“I hate you,” she said. “You killed my family.”
“Specifically my pack killed them. They were hungry and wanted human flesh. You escaped and I ordered your capture so that you could join my pack. Your anger will make you a vicious wolf. I will view the security footage of tonight in the morning to determine your place in my pack, but I feel that you would make a wonderful mate for one of my lieutenants.”
Iverson approached Shiro. “You are distinctive with your hair and scar. People would know you to be a werewolf because of those traits but that may grow the anger of the werewolf in you.”
“Don’t bet on that,” Shiro snapped. “I will not be an evil werewolf.”
“Oh, but you will. All werewolves are evil. I know that Veronica’s taken by you and has asked me to let her be your mate. I have granted her request.”
“I’m already engaged and getting married in four months.”
Iverson laughed. “Your fiancée will not want to marry you in four months as you will be bitten tonight. No one will want to be with you save for the pack. I suggest you accept that and that Veronica likes you. Plus, I am the alpha and have already declared you and Veronica to be mates once you are bitten. I look forward to speaking to those who will be bitten in the morning.” He left the room and a silence fell on the circular dungeon.
“I don’t want to be food,” the large teen finally said.
“Believe me,” Pidge said. “I don’t want to eat you or be a werewolf much less one’s mate.”
“I agree with you on all of those points,” Shiro said. “I would rather marry my fiancée than be the mate of the one who knocked me out and brought me here.”
“Who are you?” Keith asked.
“I am Shiro.”
“Cool name.”
“Lance, he is so handsome and the alpha has granted me my request to be his mate.”
“Congratulations. Alpha has promised Katie to me. He says that her spirit is fiery and the anger of her family’s murder will feed her evil werewolf nature once she’s been bitten.”
“Isn’t she a little young for you?”
Lance scowled and backhanded Veronica, sending her flying up to a wall. “Watch your tone!” he growled. “I am your superior and you listen to me. Our roles as older sister and little brother are through. I am one of the alpha’s lieutenants and you are simply a pack member.”
A series of footsteps were heard a couple of hours later after Iverson had left. The prisoners had all shared their histories with each other and Shiro knew that some would only live on in his memory as they would die this night. The other people he got to know as they would be his pack brothers and sisters very soon.
A group of seven descended into the room. Six of them showed deference to the seventh who carried himself with a bit of a swagger and supreme confidence in his eyes. He folded his arms and announced in a loud, clear voice, “I am James Griffin, the alpha’s top lieutenant. I am in charge of turning new members and insuring that they show proper respect to their superiors. I have learned to control the simple wolf mind that all werewolves experience on the full moon and can bite to turn rather than kill. The alpha has given me a list of who I will turn and our servants will now chain those chosen outside of their cells.” He nodded to the humans and they came forward. All six worked together to secure each one to a ring beside their doors. It required all of them to secure Keith who began fighting as soon as they entered the cell. Once drove a fist into Keith’s stomach, winding him and putting an end to his struggles. He was the first to be bound and the way he was treated prompted the others to put up no resistance.
Shiro, however, refused to accept that he would be a werewolf. He shook off the slender figures and managed to avoid the bigger men but he couldn’t get past James. The werewolf zipped up behind him and twisted an arm behind him. Shiro gasped at the twist and the humans chained him up.
“You’re a stubborn one, just like Keith. Honestly, you should be food but Alpha said you’re to be bitten and I can’t counter him.” James then stood in the center as an overhead monitor came on, showing the sky outside. James grinned. He loved turning humans as he could only do it three months a year. After the third night, we cannot turn for three months, but that’s fine as we’ll be busy with a pack of new werewolves. James’ pupils dilated as the moon came into view and he howled as he changed into a large light brown wolf. He growled and snarled in an angry way and his nose twitched at smelling humans. He licked his chops at the thought of eating, but he brought that desire under control as he turned to the first chained human, leaped over to him. He bit the arm and moved on to the next one.
Shiro couldn’t believe his eyes. The werewolf was not acting like a normal wolf. He was deliberately biting people and moving on instead of killing them. He wasn’t exaggerating about his control. It’s impressive. He watched in horror and fascination as the first people were bitten and began to change. All of them howled after crying out in pain and then they growled as they became large, angry wolves. Shiro saw no human intelligence in their gold eyes and knew that he would be that way very soon.
The servants were releasing the non-bitten humans, the former wearing silver armor to protect themselves from the new werewolves for, as each one changed, their chains broke and they would leap onto the humans, kill them, and feast. James bit Keith, sped over to Shiro, and bit him too before joining the others in their feasting.
Keith howled and Shiro did so a few seconds later. Shiro felt anger and a desire to be vicious flood his mind. He growled angrily as he shifted into a black wolf that had a scar on his snout and a patch of white fur between his ears. The scent of humans wafted up to him and he turned to it. He saw a large human who seemed to be keeping a fellow werewolf at bay. He charged toward the human and plowed into him from the side. The human fell down and the pure black wolf ripped away the throat. Both wolves locked eyes in recognition that they were pack brothers before feasting on their kill.
Iverson stifled a yawn as he headed to the control room. He was eager to see how his new members did last night. Griffin reported successful turns and all the other humans were killed and eaten. This didn’t tell him about their places in his pack.
Only the most brutal, vicious wolves were named as his lieutenants. He had two levels for that status as some were more efficient than others in their ability to kill, rend, and tear. Lance wasn’t as vicious as Griffin but he was more violent than was normal for a werewolf. The majority of his pack had no special place; they were simply werewolves that were his pack members. He hoped that Keith and Katie became lieutenants and maybe Shiro as well. Well, I will soon know. He reached the control room, sat down, and rewound the footage to see the transformations and the actions of the werewolves.
Griffin’s biting had been swift and perfectly executed as he had been trained for that specific task and was excellent in it. He had to rewind the footage several times to appraise the attacks of the new ones. Katie was indeed a vicious werewolf as she savaged a humans with her claws and used her teeth to kill her prey. She then savagely ripped the body open to eat whatever caught her fancy.
He saw Keith and Shiro transform and together bring down the large teen and share the body. Keith had been more vicious in the take down than Shiro. He knew it wasn’t reluctance on Shiro’s part; aside from Griffin, everyone thought as simple, albeit, vicious wolves. He’ll be vicious tonight and tomorrow and will show gratitude to me that I chose him to be an evil werewolf. He rose from his chair and left the control room to head for the dungeon to greet his new pack members. He wouldn’t assign positions yet; that would come after the full moon was over.
He opened the dungeon door and saw ripped open bodies and the new werewolves milling about in human form. When he stood in the doorway, the six of them knelt before him, their wolf side recognizing him as the leader. He flared his nose to smell wolves and death. He grinned at the smells he picked up. “Very good, my members. You are fine werewolves and will be assets to the pack. You will call me Alpha from this day on.”
“Alpha,” they said in unison.
“You are free to leave the dungeon, but do not leave the house until nightfall. You will head upstairs and be directed to our classroom where I will give you an orientation.” He stepped aside and the three other adults left the room eagerly. He halted Katie, Keith, and Shiro and addressed them separately. “Katie, I watched the video of you last night and the way you killed that human was a pleasure to watch as was your ripping of the body.”
“Thank you, alpha,” Katie said. “I now remember what happened and I’m pleased with what I did. I am grateful I was bitten.”
“As you should. Keith, you were vicious in your killing of your prey.”
Keith bowed his head. “I am also grateful to you that I was bitten.” The two teens left and Iverson halted Shiro.
“I am disappointed in you. You displayed the mindset of a wolf but your savagery was lacking. I expect better from you over the next two nights.”
“Yes, alpha.” Shiro was allowed to leave and he bit his lip. He recalled last night and felt guilt at what he had done. He had assisted in the murder of an innocent person. I’m a murderer and I feel guilty about it, unlike the others. They reveled in it and are grateful they were bitten. They are becoming evil, but I don’t feel evil. Is it possible that I am special? A good werewolf? This thought gave Shiro hope since this entire ordeal began.
He emerged from the dungeon and into the house where he met up with Veronica. She snuggled up to him and pulled him into a kiss. “Hello, my mate,” she said.
“Paws off, Veronica,” a young male ordered. “He needs to attend the orientation with the others. You two can talk later.”
“All right, Lance.” Veronica stepped back and Lance guided Shiro away who felt relieved to get away. He didn’t like how she greeted him. We will not be mates. I love Adam and will return to him.
Chapter Four- Orientation
Shiro was led to a room that represented a classroom and saw the other five already seated. “Have a seat. The alpha will be here soon to teach you. I need to find others to be werewolves or food.” Lance left and Shiro took a seat near Keith who seemed friendly enough despite his new evil nature.
Iverson strode in a few minutes later and stood at the front to face them. He folded his arms. “It is my duty as alpha to educate new werewolves about their new race. I will inform you about weaknesses, advantages, your physical body, and your mental state. I will then answer any questions you may have at the end. Ready?”
“Yes, alpha,” they said.
“Good. I will begin with a bit of history. My pack is the largest of four that live in this city. We tend to keep to ourselves though we do communicate with the other packs. We came to an agreement that since there are four packs, the year is split so that every pack is allowed to turn others three months a year from the end of one cycle to the end of the next cycle. We spend the month looking for members as we can only turn on the full moon.
“I want my member to be aggressive in seeking out recruits and prey during our turn so that we remain the largest and have the respect of the other packs. It is this agreement that has kept the peace between us.
“Now, the weaknesses. Avoid silver at all costs. Touching it will leave a burn and cause your ears to turn pointed. Being stabbed also hurts and will revert you to human form if you’re in wolf form. Silver to the heart or shot with silver bullets will kill. The burns and stabs can be fixed with human flesh or raw meat, the former more preferable.
“Our other weakness is Wolfsbane. It is a rare flower so encounters with it are just as rare. If you are exposed to it, it won’t kill you but it will make you ill and dull your senses until you get away from it.
“That brings us to the advantages. I have already spoken of your senses. Hearing smell, and sight have all become sharper and will allow you to locate one another when in human form as well as other werewolves from the other packs. You will also find that you are stronger and faster and can take wolf form whenever you like except for the full moon. Your emotions of anger will trigger a change to wolf and you can’t change back until that anger is exorcised. You can talk in wolf form outside of the full moon unless you change out of anger; then you will only speak as a wolf until the anger has passed.
“It is important to not have any distinctive marks as that will show on your wolf form.” He pointed at Shiro. “Shiro is a perfect example. His scar and white hair gives him identifiable marks in wolf form. I allowed him to be bitten as I sensed he would make a fine werewolf.
“Finally, the mental state. I can already see it in your eyes. The bite of a werewolf infects one with evil tendencies. You will want to kill, to be brutal and vicious, and angry. The anger must be controlled as it won’t do to change in the middle of a crowd of humans. So, any questions?”
One adult, a woman, said, “How fast can we run?”
“At least forty miles an hour, enough to bring down a human or a slow car.”
“And the strength, alpha?” a man asked.
“Anywhere from 100 to 300 pounds.”
“Alpha,” Katie said. “The evil tendencies. Would we want to be criminals?”
“Excellent question. The only crimes we would indulge in are murder and stealing food. Of course when we do commit those crimes it is in wolf form.”
Smiles were shared by the three adults and two teenagers. It was clear to Shiro that they liked the idea of being evil werewolves. He put a hand up. “Alpha, are all werewolves evil? Could one be a good werewolf?”
Iverson stared at him and then a bellow like laugh erupted. “A good werewolf?” he snickered. “All werewolves are evil. It shows in our deportment during the full moon, our desire for human flesh whenever we want it, and our virtual invincibility as normal blades and bullets cannot harm us and our immortality as well.”
“Immortality?” Keith asked. “We can live forever?”
“Yes, aside from silver from bullets or impalement, we are ageless and disease cannot touch us. All of this makes us evil. The idea of a good werewolf is a myth.”
“Could you tell us the myth, alpha?” Shiro asked. “Please?”
Iverson was about to tell him no, but then he saw the interested looks of the others and sighed. "Fine. Myth says a good werewolf would be one who only takes wolf form on the full moon and indulge in human flesh only during that time. It also ludicrously says the good one can talk on the full moon and have control of themselves.” Iverson gave a snort. “Of course, like I said, it’s all a myth. Now go and mingle with the pack. After tomorrow night, I will assign your places in the pack.”
Our places? Shiro wondered as they left the room. James said he was Iverson’s top lieutenant so that must mean there are other lieutenants in the pack. Is that all? The alpha, the lieutenants, and the rest of the pack? It likely is.
Iverson’s dismissal of a good werewolf was quick and makes me wonder if it’s not a myth. My lack of ‘savagery’, as he puts it, could point to me being good. I can’t fight my change on the full moon or its influence to eat human flesh, but I can control the other aspects of being a werewolf.
Iverson stared after Shiro as the man left. He had found his question of good werewolves worrying. There had been good werewolves in the past but their trusting nature of humans led to their deaths. It was better and safer to be the evil creatures humans believed them to be as humans could take advantage of a good one’s trust and kill them. Shiro’s behavior last night could point to him being a good one. I will watch tonight’s footage tomorrow morning and watch Shiro carefully. If he doesn’t act evil, then I will have to lock him up and entice him to be evil once the full moon is over. I will have to come up with a reason to lock him up rather than let him roam like the others.
Shiro critically studied his eyes in the bathroom mirror. He had hung around with the other members and, in each one, he saw that their eye colors seemed darker than its normal shade and they sported grins he would call evil. His own gray eyes looked the way they always did. They weren’t darker and he definitely didn’t feel evil. Indeed, every time he thought of last night, that guilty feeling rose up within him. At least six people lost their lives to fuel his desire for human flesh as well as the desire of the others. I’ll never feel good about myself every full moon. I’m definitely not an evil werewolf. I am a good one.
He stepped out of the bathroom and almost collided with Veronica; his new speed helped prevent the collision. “Nice reflexes,” Veronica commented.
“Reflexes? I thought it was speed,” he said.
“It’s both, actually.” She smiled up at him. “I feel so lucky to be your mate.”
Shiro stepped back. “You’re not my mate. I don’t care what the alpha says. I’m already engaged and getting married in a few months, you know that.”
“I do, but that’s over now. You’re a werewolf and werewolves tend to stay with their own kind. Your fiancée will not want to marry you.”
“No. Adam loves me.”
“You’re…gay? Well, I’ll have to fix that.”
“I actually like men and women. But, I will go back to Adam after the full moon and I will tell him what happened so that we can make my condition fit into our relationship.” Shiro saw Veronica shake her head slightly but he was certain Adam would accept him.
Chapter Five- Good Realization
A gong sounded and Shiro saw the others get up and leave, one looking back at him. “It is the moon gong,” he said. “It tells us that it is time to head out and feed.”
Feed, Shiro thought as he followed the werewolf out of the room. Is that the word they use for murder? He found the pack crowded by the front door and some on the dungeon stairs opposite the door. Iverson beamed at them as he stood next to the door. “It is time again,” he said. “Hunt and feed to your heart’s content, my pack.” He pulled the door open and the people flowed out the door and headed for the city. Iverson was about to follow, but stopped as he noticed two werewolves left instead of one. “Shiro? Aren’t you coming?”
“If it is all right with you, alpha, I’d like to stay here tonight.”
“You would rather be locked up and wait for the others to be bitten before feeding instead of roaming free?”
“I may be more savage if I’m locked up and kept from feeding.”
Iverson stroked his chin as he considered this. “An interesting notion. Very well. Go downstairs and get to a cell.”
“Thank you, alpha.” Shiro went downstairs and Iverson whispered, “Keep an eye on him, Griffin. He lacked our savagery last night and I know you can control your wolf mind to some degree.”
“Yes, alpha.” James watched Iverson leave before gathering the servants. Three more humans had been marked to be bitten with six to be food. Nine turned in two nights. Not bad. He selected six different servants and let them suite up before leading them down. He saw Shiro already locked up and nodded to him before launching into what he called his Turning Speech.
Shiro half-listened to James’ speech as he shifted on his feet. He felt restless and his wolf mindset was getting ready to take over. His eyes drifted to the active monitor and then James and he howled and then growled as they shifted to wolf form. Shiro rammed his door, attempting to escape while James turned the three humans. Shiro had backed up to ram the door again when it swung open. He hesitated at seeing the door open before his hunger took over and he rushed out to choose a target. He knocked one down and, as he looked at the helpless human, his human mind surfaced and fairly screamed, you can’t do this! Werewolf or not, it’s still murder!
He leaped off the man, found some remains, and ate them before slinking into his cell. He curled up in it and whined softly. “I…don’t want…to kill,” he said, teeth clicking. He lifted his head and a paw went to his muzzle. I talked! And my mind is clear. His tail wagged with this realization. I am a good werewolf! His tail stilled as another thought came to him. Iverson won’t like that, but there’s nothing he can do about it. He closed his eyes and went to sleep amidst the growls and snarls of the evil werewolves.
Iverson scowled as he watched last night’s dungeon footage. Shiro didn’t kill! He had a human pinned down, but he didn’t kill him! Instead he got off him and ate some remains like a common jackal! He will be taught to be evil. I will not have a good werewolf in my pack! He got up and stormed down to the dungeon. He was greeted respectively by the newly-turned ones, but he glared at Shiro who stood in his cell.
“Griffin, take the new ones to the classroom. I’ll be there shortly.” He stalked over to Shiro and waited until they were alone before saying, “You didn’t kill last night. I saw the video just now.”
“Yes, alpha. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”
“This isn’t a matter of doing it. Our very nature on the full moon is to kill and feed. We have no moral issues. We are simply wolves.”
“I’m not denying that, but it would seem that I’m different.”
Iverson backed out with a grim smile. “Yes, you are and I will rectify that.” He grabbed the cell door, closed it, and locked it.
Shiro gripped the bars and gaped at Iverson. “Alpha…”
“Don’t ‘alpha’ me,” Iverson snapped. “I will not have a good werewolf in my pack! If you want to return to your home tomorrow, you will kill tonight. A human will be brought to you before nightfall. Until then, think about being evil or you’ll be imprisoned until you do.” Iverson left the dungeon to tell James to use the auxiliary dungeon for any turns tonight and then he headed off to orientation.
Shiro sat in his cell and craned his neck for security cameras. With his sharp eyesight, he was able to spy the small cameras high up in the corners, the power lights off. The cameras are off. I’ll need to keep an eye on it and hopefully I can speak to the one I must kill without anyone spying on us. Shiro knew what he had to do, as repulsive as it was: He had to kill his victim and act like an evil werewolf in order to return to Adam. I only hope the human will by sympathetic to my situation, but he or she most likely won’t. I’d rather kill someone who’s agreeable to it, but I’ll likely have to force myself to chase and kill in true wolf fashion instead of acting like it.
It was late afternoon when he heard two sets of footsteps. He looked up to see James with a man who had shabby clothes and unkempt hair. James unlocked Shiro’s door and shoved the man inside. “You know what you have to do tonight, so I suggest you do so.” James left the dungeon and Shiro heard the door lock.
He looked up at the cameras and saw them still off before looking at the man. “What’s your name?” he asked.
“Kenny,” he answered. “And you?”
“I’m Shiro, a werewolf.”
“Werewolf?” Kenny gasped.
“Believe me, I didn’t want to be turned.”
“I would as I’m homeless.” He looked around. “It would be worth it just to have a home.”
“I fear that is not your fate. I am a good werewolf and my alpha does not like that. In order to be free to see my fiancée, I must kill and act like an evil one or I will be imprisoned until I do.”
“You have a loved one waiting for you?”
“I doubt he knows what happened to me, though he may have filed a missing person report by now.”
“So, I’m destined to die. I’m your victim, aren’t I?”
“I’m afraid so. Understand, I’d rather not. I like being in control of myself instead of thinking as a simple, vicious wolf. I also like being able to talk instead of speaking like a wolf.”
“Shiro, you deserve to be free and be with your fiancée. I have no home, no loved ones, and no family. I would gladly give up my life to help someone return to his own home and loved ones.”
Shiro stared at him. “You…would?” he asked.
Kenny nodded. “It’s clear that you’re expected to kill me. I can’t stop that so do what you’re expected to do.”
“I’m expected to kill and eat you. I’m also expected to be evil. I plan to pretend I’m evil in order to be free.”
“Then do that.”
“All right, I will. And we’ll both need to put on a convincing act to fool my alpha.” He pointed at the cameras. “Those will turn on and record our every move.”
Kenny rose and headed out of the cell. “Then, I should place myself away from you so they won’t think we talked.”
“Good thinking and thank you for your help,” Shiro said and Kenny nodded in response.
Chapter Six- Scout
The cameras came on and Kenny and Shiro exchanged knowing looks. The time for talk was over. The overhead monitor came on, showing where the moon would rise. Shiro slowly exhaled and let all his concerns wash away. He felt that he needed to empty his mind of everything in order to descend into his simple wolf mind.
The moon began to rise and Shiro howled as he shifted forms. He felt his mind reverting and he allowed it to do so. The feelings of his first change flooded his mind and he snarled as the anger came out. His stomach growled and he sniffed the air. There was prey very close by. His eyes raked the room and they landed on Kenny. He didn’t recognize him as Kenny; only as prey. His extended claws clicked as he stalked toward the human with a low growl.
Kenny, despite knowing Shiro was a werewolf and that he was going to die, was scared as Shiro changed and became a simple wolf. He growled and snarled as he allowed the wolf’s evil nature to surface. His legs trembled as Shiro turned and stalked toward him, growling low in his throat. Kenny saw no humanity in those gold eyes and inwardly nodded. That’s it, Shiro. Be evil and kill me as you should so you can be free.
Shiro then leaped and hit Kenny, sending him to the ground. He put up some resistance, such as pushing up on the lower jaw to keep it closed and away from his throat, but he couldn’t fight off a wild animal. Shiro slashed, mauled, and savaged Kenny. He howled in success before tearing open the body and feasting on it. As he swallowed some flesh, his human mind surfaced. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I wish I didn’t have to kill you, but I am grateful to your willingness to die.” Then, Shiro descended into his wolf mindset again and proceeded to rend and tear viciously.
Iverson smiled and nodded. Shiro had killed and in a truly savage fashion. It was a thrill to watch; indeed he watched it several times, it was that thrilling and it drove home that Shiro had surrendered to his evil nature. He could be one of my lieutenants, but instead he will be a scout, the very first one. He can live among the humans but must call me when he finds a recruit during our time to turn. He nodded to himself before leaving the room and heading for the dungeon.
He found Shiro at the bottom of the stairs. He caught sight of the wicked smile on his face before the man knelt. “Alpha,” he said.
“Shiro, I am very pleased with what you did last night. That is how a werewolf should be.”
“Yes, alpha. I tore that human up. He tried to fight me off.” Shiro gave a cruel laugh. “That was foolish. As if a human could fight off a werewolf during the full moon.”
Iverson turned to head up and Shiro followed, certain that freedom was his. “I have decided on your place in the pack; indeed you are the first to hold it. You are a scout. You can live among the humans and keep an eye out for recruits or food. When our time to turn comes again, you will call me with your findings.” He handed Shiro a piece of paper with his name and number on it.
“I am honored alpha and grateful I was chosen to be turned.”
Iverson opened the front door. “Good hunting Shiro and I look forward to your report.” Shiro stepped outside and Iverson closed the door. Now, to place the others. He had listened to the new members about their kills over the last two nights and this had given him an idea of who would go where. He decided that everyone except Katie and Keith would be ordinary members. Katie would be in the same lieutenant level as Lance as well as his mate while Keith would be in the top level with James.
“Lieutenant?” Katie repeated when Iverson announced her placement.
“That’s right. I have two levels of that rank and you would be perfect in the second level. Lance is the one in charge of your level and he will also be your mate.”
Katie beamed as she bowed. “Thank you for both honors, alpha.”
Iverson nodded as Lance came up to Katie and led her away to teach her about her duties as a lieutenant. Iverson turned to Keith with James nearby, his eyes narrowed. Keith and James had gotten off on the wrong foot during the second night as both growled at each other over a kill. It almost ended in a fight before Keith had slunk off since James held a higher rank than him. Since then, the two glared at one another but had kept their distance.
“Keith, your savage and vicious take downs of your kills was a pleasure to hear. A true pleasure. I name you a lieutenant of the top level. James is the leader of that level.”
Keith whirled around to glare at James who glared back. “Follow him, alpha?” Keith said in disgust.
“Alpha, he’s a loose cannon. Not fit to be a lieutenant,” James protested.
“Is that so?” Keith growled, feeling his anger rising.
“You know it is!” James snapped back, also getting angry.
Keith growled again and he shifted into a wolf out of anger. James too shifted forms and the two of them growled at each other, teeth bared, and poised to attack.
“Stand down, both of you!” Iverson barked and both werewolves complied instantly. “Keith, James is your superior just as I am, so you will follow his orders. James, Keith is not a loose cannon and I don’t want to hear of you abusing your power where Keith is concerned.” Both whined in submission. “Good. Now, exorcise that anger by chasing some humans and work together to kill one human.” Both bent his forelegs in a bow and left through a dog door in the front door. Iverson rubbed his nose. He could order them to get along all he wanted, but that desire had to come from within themselves. Well, I’ve got three months to enforce teamwork. Luckily, my scout needs no such teaching.
Shiro looked around, feeling paranoid. No, not paranoid. It’s my senses. I never left the house since being bitten so the world is playing havoc with my senses. Everything was brighter, sharper, and louder. It was enough to drive a werewolf like him crazy. I’ll grow accustomed to it as well as my speed and strength. I will explain to Adam how I’m a good werewolf and he’ll accept me as I am and we’ll get married.
Screams erupted all around him and he turned to see two wolves speeding after humans, one light brown and one black. Shiro flared his nose as they ran by and he recognized them: James and Keith! Are they chasing for the heck of it or were they ordered? Curious, he discreetly followed the pair as they terrorized people and ended up chasing one into a dead end. A scream of terror sounded that was abruptly cut off and Shiro rushed toward it to see a dead man and two werewolves ripping him open. They paused to look at him and then resumed human form.
“Shiro,” Keith said. “Alpha’s named me a lieutenant in James’ level.”
“Thanks. I guess you’re an ordinary member.”
“Actually, I’m a scout. First one to hold that status, I was told. I live among the humans, keeping an eye out for recruits and food. When our time to turn comes, I call Alpha and give my report.”
“Yes, that’s an important role,” James said. “It saves us having to have everyone look for recruits and food.”
“Speaking of recruits, how many of us were turned this time?” Shiro asked curiously.
“Twelve. Six the first night, three the second, and three last night.”
“I hope to find as much.”
“If not, Alpha won’t be mad. There are times where we don’t find any; at least your report will indicate that you tried.”
“Thanks, James. Well, enjoy your meal.” Shiro turned and left, eager to get away from the evil werewolves and to return home to Adam. We need to discuss the exact date of the wedding as well as the honeymoon as they must be scheduled outside of the full moon.
Chapter Seven- The Break Up
Shiro reached his home, got out his key, and put it in the lock. He briefly marveled how his clothes and items melded with his skin when he transformed. He turned the key and opened the door. “Adam?” he called as he closed the door.
“Shiro? Oh, God! Shiro!” Adam came rushing from their bedroom and hugged him fiercely. “I was so worried. I had called the police to report you missing and they filed it, but suggested that you had either been bitten or killed.”
“Well, obviously I’m not dead and I’m not missing.” They separated.
“You were gone for three nights and full moon ones, to boot.” Adam’s eyes then widened and he stepped back even further. “Oh…you were bitten. You’re a werewolf now, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Shiro admitted in a whisper. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said, returning to normal volume. “Please, listen. I am not an evil one. I’m a good werewolf. I won’t bite others or chase them or kidnap them.”
“You were kidnapped. Yes, that makes sense.” Adam exhaled a little. “A good werewolf, huh?”
Shiro nodded, relieved that Adam understood. “Aside from my resistance to be evil, I am just like other werewolves.”
“Just like the others? Then…you do eat humans?”
“It was the full moon,” Shiro said defensively. “I cannot fight the change or desire for flesh, but I am self-aware and can talk, unlike the others.”
“Can’t…fight it?” Adam choked. “Shiro, eating humans is evil. Everyone knows that. You could resist eating flesh.”
“I can’t Adam, but I swear I won’t eat any outside of the full moon.”
Adam then nodded and said, “We should get to work.”
“Right. I’ll grab a quick shower and change my clothes.” Shiro headed into the bedroom and emerged with clean clothes in hand and went into the bathroom.
Adam frowned as he left for work as Shiro worked elsewhere. He had feared that Shiro had been dead for three nights and today he came back alive and well, but carried the werewolf curse in him. Despite Shiro’s claim of being a good one, he had admitted to eating flesh. An act like that was evil. His fiancée had changed and he was afraid of him. I need to protect myself and I know what I need and have to do.
Shiro filed sick leave papers for his two missed days. He then filed sick leave for next month’s full moon. He acknowledged that his sick leave may seem suspicious but there was nothing he could do about it. On the next full moon, he would transform again and feel compelled to eat flesh while being aware of his actions. At least my job is in daylight and ends before nightfall. I can return home and transform outside the building. Once having some flesh, I can stay home for the night. Adam and I can talk during that time and speaking of which, we still need to talk about the wedding and honeymoon.
Shiro came home to find two of his suitcases sitting by the front door. He blinked in confusion before looking at Adam who stood in the kitchen, holding a silver knife. “Adam?” he asked, confusion lacing his voice.
“I know this won’t hurt you but it may keep you away from me.”
“Actually,” Shiro sighed. “Silver does hurt me, but why protection from me? I already said I wouldn’t hurt you. I love you, Adam.”
“That may be, but things have changed. You’re a werewolf and eat humans.”
“Only three times a month. I have control over my actions otherwise.”
“So you’ve said, but who’s to say that you won’t turn evil and attack me? You could kill me or turn me. I’m sorry Shiro, but we’re through.”
Shiro stared in shock at Adam, feeling as if the world was falling away from him. “What?”
“You heard me. We’re through. I won’t live with a werewolf. Take your bags and drive away. Leave the engagement ring and come back later for your other things while I’m not here. I’ll give you two weeks to do that and then I’ll remove you from the lease. So, go. Now.”
Shiro sighed sadly, removed the ring, put it on the key ring by the door, picked up his bags, and left, Adam closing the door behind him. He actually whined as he put his bags in the trunk. His fiancée had turned on him, broken off their engagement, and thrown him out of their apartment. I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to risk living with a werewolf either. He climbed into the driver’s seat, turned it on, and drove off to find a hotel to spend the night. He knew without a doubt that he was not going to live with the pack. If I do that, I really will turn evil and I don’t want that.
Adam exhaled in relief. Shiro had left peacefully. He had been afraid that Shiro would change and attack him out of anger. He looked at the knife in his hand. They had been led to believe that silver didn’t work on werewolves, but that had been a lie. No doubt werewolves started that lie to seem invincible and Shiro just foolishly told me the truth. I could spread this knowledge to the rest of the city and we could fight back.
Doubt crept onto his face as a thought occurred to him. Shiro had told him out of love and trust. Could he really take that trust and throw it in Shiro’s face? He may not be my fiancée anymore, but he doesn’t deserve to have his trust in me turned against him. I won’t tell anyone, but I will use the silver to protect myself.
Shiro drove up to the apartment building the next day in a rented moving van. He had called in sick today so he could collect his things and put them in a storage until he had just rented and where he had acquired the moving van. Indeed, he considered the unit to be a decent place to live. He had rented a large one with outlets so he could plug in some appliances. He headed upstairs and entered the apartment to find boxes stacked in the living room, ready to be used.
Wow. We may not be a couple anymore, but Adam is still the same thoughtful man I’ve known. He quickly started to pack his things, tapping his speed and delighting in it. He was packing nearly three times as much than his normal speed. He went down to the van, got out a luggage trolley, and brought it upstairs. He loaded it up, rode the elevator down, put the boxes in the van, and went back for another load. He was taking down his fourth and final load when Adam came home.
“Adam, I appreciate the boxes. That was thoughtful.”
“I still consider you a friend Shiro and I tend to give my friends some help.”
“Still, thanks.” Shiro gave Adam a quick hug, handed over the apartment key, and departed for the final time. He wheeled the trolley to the van and paused when he saw Veronica standing by the back and she flashed a knowing smile.
“Your fiancée rejected you?” she asked slyly.
“If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t be packing, would I?” he replied.
“It must hurt to be rejected. Make you angry; angry enough to kill, I would think.”
“Actually, I don’t blame him for breaking up with me and throwing me out. I would do the same thing if our roles were reversed.”
“Of course. You know, Shiro, you are my mate. You could live with me in the pack’s home.”
“Sorry, Veronica but my job as a scout is to live among humans. Those are the alpha’s orders.”
“Oh, yes. I’m sorry, I forgot. Well, call me whenever you want to get together.” She kissed his cheek before walking away.
Shiro shook his head. Veronica was a persistent werewolf. She considers us mates, but I don’t, at least not now. I might consider it in the future, might being the key word.
Chapter Eight- One Month Later
Shiro grabbed his shopping bags and left the store. He had neglected to carefully read his storage agreement and one rule was that he could not use it as a living space. He couldn’t afford to live at a hotel so he was forced to live in his car, which he kept clean and organized as it was his home now. He used the showers at a public indoor pool to wash, a laundromat for laundry, and a twenty-four hour supermarket for food and drink. Of course, he would use public restrooms as well. The supermarket was where he would park his car; all the way in the back where no one else would park. That was a good thing as tonight was the first full moon of the month.
He climbed into the back and locked the doors before opening the raw meat he had bought and dumped it in an empty bowl that was next to another bowl into which Shiro poured water from a jug he had bought. The meat was bloody which appealed to Shiro’s wolf side and he looked forward to eating it.
The sky darkened, the moon rose, and Shiro growled softly as he changed. His nose smelled the meat and he ate hungrily. He knew he preferred flesh but he was determined to hunt no one. He had trained himself to not change and eat humans. He knew he couldn’t resist the change on the full moon, but he could keep himself from eating humans by using raw meat for his food.
As usual, Shiro felt sleepy after feasting and he curled up on the back seat. He would be able to unlock and open his door if he needed to pee in the night and hardly anyone was out at night so he felt safe to do his business in the bushes nearby. His eyes slid shut and he was soon fast asleep.
The sense that he was being watched woke him up and he sat up to see a tanned young man peering in at him, his brown eyes wide with wonder and interest. He looked past the man to see the sky starting to lighten. It grew lighter and lighter and, with the sunrise, Shiro shifted back to human.
The young man grinned at Shiro’s change before saying, “Hi, I’m Curtis. Can we talk?” A normal human would barely be able to hear him, but Shiro heard it clearly with his sharp ears. He hesitated before unlocking the door, opening it, and sliding aside.
Curtis slid in and Shiro asked, “Aren’t you afraid of me?”
“No. I’ve watched you for a couple of weeks, saw you speak to ones that I know are werewolves, and suspected that you were one too. I find it curious that you don’t stay with your pack.”
“I don’t as I’m a good werewolf and concerned that if I did stay with the pack, I would turn evil and I don’t want that.”
“A good werewolf? You don’t say.”
Shiro nodded. “I am like the other werewolves on the full moon in terms of changing and wanting human flesh but I’m self-aware and can talk.”
“You shouldn’t have to live in your car.”
“I don’t have much of a choice. Finding an apartment I can afford is a little tough as well as permission to install secure ways to keep me from wanting to attack my neighbors.”
“You could stay with me,” Curtis offered. “I have a two-person apartment on the top floor with access to the roof. The second bedroom is already set with a bed and dresser.”
“Are you sure? My last roommate didn’t want to risk living with a werewolf.”
“I’m sure as you said you’re a good one and I can use silver to protect myself if necessary. Also, I work as a butcher.”
“A butcher?”
Curtis chuckled at Shiro’s interest. “Yeah. I can provide raw meat when you need or want it. I imagine the roof would be a nice place to run around on.”
“It…would. When could I move in?”
“Give me today and tomorrow to speak with the landlord and I hope to have you start moving in the day after the full moon.”
“Great. Hold on.” Shiro dug up some paper and a pen and wrote his name and cell phone number before handing it to Curtis. “Call me when you have an answer. I do hope he says yes.”
“I hope so too…Shiro,” Curtis replied, glancing at the paper to read the name. He exited the car and heard for his own car further away. He had encountered a good werewolf which was rare. He seems like a nice guy and shouldn’t have to live alone and in his car. He deserves to have a place to live. My place and job would work for Shiro. Roof access to run on and getting meat that I can bring home for him. I assume he has a job and we can split the rent and utilities if my landlord allows him to move in. I don’t see why he wouldn’t as I’ve been a really good tenant.
Shiro yawned a little as he settled back on the seats. He had encountered someone who wasn’t afraid of him or thought him being a good werewolf was absurd or a bad thing. Curtis was an interesting person and genuinely wanted to help Shiro. He has a nice place with roof access, he works as a butcher which could provide me with the meat I would desire on the full moon. I do wonder if he has an ulterior motive for meeting me and having me move in with him. I don’t know what that might be, though. All I can do is keep my eyes open. He closed his eyes to drift off to sleep again. He wasn’t working during the full moon and it felt a bit like a vacation. Nothing to do but eat, sleep, and change into a wolf, he thought before truly falling asleep.
Curtis wrapped and tied the cut of beef and handed it to the customer. “Please come again,” he said with his charming smile. The customer returned the smile before walking away. Curtis began to clean and wash the knives and then his hands as he did after every order. As he did this, his thoughts turned to Shiro. The young man hadn’t said much about himself except that his former roommate had thrown him out for being a werewolf. That indicted that Shiro hadn’t been a werewolf very long. It’ll be interesting to live with a good werewolf and getting to know him. I find him quite attractive.
“Curtis, my man,” a voice drawled.
He looked over and approached the counter with a grin. “Hi, Lance. How are you?”
“Great, couldn’t be better.”
Curtis marveled silently at how Lance never seemed to age. He doesn’t age. Werewolves are ageless and immortal…and here’s my chance to get some answers concerning Shiro’s type of werewolf. “Lance, can I ask you something?”
Curtis leaned closer. “Tell me everything you know about…good werewolves.”
Lance stared at him and snorted a laugh. “Good werewolves? It’s more of a myth, Curtis.”
“Tell me, though. I like hearing about myths; it’s a kind of hobby of mine.”
Lance grinned again at that. “Well, they act like all werewolves do on the full moon, changing and wanting flesh. They supposedly don’t think as a wolf and can talk. They don’t revel in being evil and would rather live with humans than attack or kill or bite them.”
“If a good one did bite, what would happen?”
“I imagine the same thing that happens when an evil one bites. The human would become a good werewolf too.”
“I see. That’s quite a story.”
“Yes, but good ones can turn evil if encouraged to surrender to the evil within and surrounded by their pack.”
“Of course. Can I get you anything?”
“Nope. I’ll be eating flesh tonight.” Lance walked away, leaving Curtis to think.
Shiro shows all the characteristics of a good werewolf, sans the flesh eating part and he likes being good. I would be willing to aid him in remaining good in any way that I can.
Chapter Nine- Acceptance
Shiro smiled warmly as Curtis came to him on his last day of the full moon. He opened the door to let him in. “Has your landlord approved?” he asked.
“Oh, yes. He is willing to allow you to move in. We just have to meet with him in the morning to discuss and sign a new lease.”
“Not a problem.” Shiro sniffed the air. “Do I smell raw steak?”
“You do.” Curtis held out a bag and Shiro took it and looked inside.
“I don’t think I would be able to eat this much in one night. If there was another wolf then it would be all gone.”
“That is the idea.”
Shiro stared at Curtis at hearing the tone of his voice. “What? Are you saying…you want me to bite you? But that would make you an evil werewolf.”
“Actually, it wouldn’t. I spoke to a werewolf the day we met and he told me the myth of good werewolves when I asked him. He said that if a good one bit someone, that person would be a good one too.”
“That’s interesting and it could explain why the alpha wanted me to be evil: Good ones could disrupt the humans’ fear of them just by being themselves and telling humans of their weaknesses.”
“The problem with the weaknesses is that they’re the weaknesses of all werewolves.”
“Yes. Curtis…how did you know of my silver weakness?”
“Oh. I was wearing a silver ring one day and I ended up brushing the arm of a werewolf. His ears turned pointed and a small red mark was on the arm. Lucky for him, we were along at my station and there was some meat that was going to be thrown out. I gave it to him, he ate it, and the mark vanished and his ears returned to normal. I promised not to tell any humans he was a werewolf and I guess, in return, I wasn’t killed or bitten.”
“I suppose I could turn you if that’s what you want. It’s just my first night I did act like an evil one.”
“I do want to be bitten and as it’s been weeks since your first night, surely nothing but goodness lives in you now.”
“Another good point. Well, let’s set the meat up in the bowls and I’ll set out more water bowls.” Shiro exited the front and opened the back passenger doors and the two men got to work. Shiro kept looking at Curtis and couldn’t help noticing that he was a handsome man; despite Iverson declaring Veronica as his mate, Shiro far preferred men and knew he was in the minority as far as sexual preferences were concerned thought same-sex couples were on the rise. But, I hardly know Curtis so I shouldn’t think of him like that…or could I?
Unknown to Shiro, Curtis was looking at him a lot as well. He was different from the other werewolves and was distinctive in human and wolf form. His scar and white hair were attractive to him. The only thing was he knew very little about Shiro. I could ask him to talk about himself as well as being a werewolf. After all, we’re going to be roommates.
Soon, both were in the back seat, the back folded down for more room. The sky darkened and Shiro gave a howl as he shifted to wolf form. His gold eyes, devoid of evil, turned on Curtis. “Now, are you sure? Once I bite, there’s no going back.”
“I’m sure but if I do end up evil, either kill me or knock me out.”
“I’ll knock you out,” Shiro promised before seizing Curtis’ arm and biting down.
Curtis cried out and then howled. He felt strength flow through him and his senses sharpening as he shifted into a wolf. He blinked his gold eyes at Shiro and his tail wagged. He craned his neck to see a large, strong body covered in brown fur. His tail wagged harder. “Wow, I look good.”
“Not good. You look great.” Shiro nuzzled the side of Curtis’ muzzle who growled softly at the touch. Two stomach growls made Shiro pull back and both shuffled a paw. “Right. A lot of energy and calories are burned when changing.”
Curtis turned to a bowl of meat and ate the contents while Shiro did the same. The taste of raw meat was pleasing to Curtis and he licked his chops as he licked his muzzle clean of blood. “So, I am a good one. I mean, I’m talking and aware of everything around me.”
“Yes, you are good. If you weren’t, you would think only as a wolf and be trying to get out of the car.”
“Trying? Like I wouldn’t?”
Shiro chuckled. “You probably would get out and I would have to have my car towed to have the door replaced.”
“I felt my senses sharpen as I changed.”
“You’re also faster and stronger now. You’re allergic to silver as well.”
“Yes, of course. Any other weaknesses?”
“Wolfsbane. It makes us ill and dulls our senses until we get away from it.”
“Silver and Wolfsbane.” Curtis nodded. “Got it.” He paused a moment. “Shiro, tell me about yourself.”
“There’s not much to say aside from preferring men to women though I do like women.”
“What about that scar?” Curtis tapped his own snout.
“I got it a year ago in a knife fight. All things considered, I’m lucky that’s all I got.”
“Why were you in a fight?”
“I was defending my boyfriend as he was being mocked for loving me.” Curtis nodded as Shiro lapped up some water. “What about you, Curtis?”
“I’m a pretty ordinary guy though I also prefer men to women.”
“Yeah. I…liked it when you nuzzled me. It felt good.”
Shiro panted at this response. “I’m glad you liked it. I was declared to be the mate of a female werewolf but we never got together, if you get my drift.”
“I do. So…Shiro, could we be mates? I mean, I prefer men, you prefer men, and I find you attractive.”
“Could we? Of course we can. I think you’re a handsome man, er, werewolf. I’d like for us to be mates.”
Curtis panted at this. “We’ll be together for a long, long time.”
“Oh, yes we will as we’re ageless and immortal. Only heart impalement by silver and silver bullets can kill us.”
“I understand.” Curtis then yawned and curled up on the seats. “It’s been a long day and I need some sleep.”
“Go ahead. I usually feel sleepy after eating myself.” Shiro licked Curtis’ muzzle. “Good night, my mate.”
“Good night.” Curtis watched Shiro curl up before closing his eyes. His life had changed and he knew he would have to make some adjustments with one being to take time off from work every full moon and needing more raw meat than usual.
I can work with that. My thing is when Lance next drops by. He’ll likely smell that I’m a werewolf too. If he asks, I won’t tell him that Shiro bit me much less that I’m a good werewolf. Luckily, Lance mentioned the agreement between the packs so he’ll assume that I belong to another pack.
Meanwhile, Shiro and I will get to know each other more and be comfortable as mates. Maybe, in the far future, we’ll get married. Curtis managed a wolf’s grin as he fell asleep, dreaming of a life with his mate and fellow werewolf.