Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s. This is a prequel to Mating Attraction. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do so now as this may not make sense.
Chapter One- The Dare
Yusei sank his fist into his opponent’s face and heard the sound of the nose breaking. He grinned at the sound as his fist struck the guy in the gut. Ah, nothing like a good street fight, he thought as he dodged, ducked, and weaved about the scene. His best buddies, Crow and Kalin, also dealt out blows but took some themselves. Yusei had a knack for fights and could gracefully avoid the attacks. His lean, muscular frame lent itself to his strength and speed and most street gangs avoided him. The last guy hit the ground, courtesy of Yusei’s right hook. He smirked at the unconscious guy.
Crow thumped him on the back. “Nice delivery there.”
“Thanks. You weren’t so bad yourself.”
“Yeah until that roundhouse punch.” Crow gingerly touched his cheek.
“We should head inside,” Kalin said. “It’s almost dark.”
“What? Afraid the vampires will get you?” Crow teased.
“Some do prefer to attack people instead of going to the blood bank. We’re lucky the werewolves don’t attack us and actually stay in their area at night.”
“That’s because they’re scared of the vampires,” Crow countered. “Everyone knows that.”
Yusei was silent as his friends headed to their homes and he went to seek out a spot on the streets. They don’t see what I see, he thought. Werewolves do roam at night, but always in groups or pairs. That’s likely for protection. They’re probably not afraid of vampires; more wary of them, I would think. The werewolves don’t bother me, but when one looks at me, I can see sympathy in its eyes. Yes, I live on the streets, but it’s not so bad though I would like to have a home, a family like my friends do.
“Well, well. If it isn’t Yusei Fudo,” said a jeering voice.
The fifteen-year-old turned to see a trio of boys a little older than him and a lot bigger. The one who had spoken was the leader and he leered at Yusei. “You’re gonna regret fighting me.”
Yusei raised an eyebrow. “Really? You still seemed a bit banged up from our fight last week.”
The leader growled. “Think you’re funny, do you?”
“I can be on occasion. Your buddies looking to get beat up too?” He eyed the ones who had hung back.
“Nah, actually we came to issue you a dare of manly pride.”
“A dare? What kind of dare?”
The leader grinned as he draped on arm over Yusei’s shoulder. “Let me show you.”
Yusei allowed himself to be steered through the dark streets, but stayed alert for a possible ambush. He soon found himself close to a section of the city he had never see before but heard of it: The entrance to the werewolves’ domain.
“All right, Yusei. Prove you’re a man by crossing the border.”
“What? If I do that, I’ll get bitten and become a werewolf.”
“Only if you’re not fast enough to get back over the line.” His voice turned mocking. “You scared, punk?”
Yusei bristled at this. He was no scaredy-cat! “Of course not. I’ll take your dare.” Yusei took a deep breath. It was well-known that humans should not intrude into the vampire or werewolf domains. Those that did ended up turned into a vampire or a werewolf. Yusei would normally not tempt fate by trespassing but as this was a dare of pride, he would tempt it. Besides, I don’t have to go far. A quick two steps in and back out again.
“Oh, one more stipulation. You have to go further than just a few steps.”
“All right. I’ll do it.” Yusei’s heart pounded as he poised on the edge. He would have to rely on his speed to avoid the werewolves who likely defended the turf, like a type of guard. He took another deep breath before he stepped over the line.
The first two steps yielded no results. The streets appeared to be deserted. Were the stories of people becoming vampires or werewolves just that? Stories? If so, maybe I could explore this area. He took a few more steps, his eyes taking in his surroundings. This is a really nice place. The houses all look well-kept and equal in size. So different from my part of the city.
A loud klaxon suddenly went off and Yusei froze upon hearing the alarm. He stared as a quartet of wolves in gold armor charged toward him. He then went into motion, turning and racing back toward the border. I’ve proven myself worthy of my manly pride. Time to go. He saw the border coming into view when a gold and gray blur passed him and stood in his way of leaving, growling and baring his teeth. Yusei came to a halt and the other wolves boxed him in on the left, right, and behind him. He couldn’t get past without one of them biting him. He glared at them and his hands clenched into fists.
The one in front of him, wearing a red-plumed gold helmet said, “Human, you are guilty of trespassing and your punishment is to be one of us.” He lunged forward far faster than Yusei would have believed and sank his teeth into Yusei’s arm before releasing.
Yusei screamed and then howled as yellow-tipped black fur grew all over his body. His limbs became legs that grew muscular and his hands and feet became paws, his nails lengthening, hardening, and hooking into extended claws. A full tail sprouted as he fell onto all fours as he grew a muzzle and his ears became wolf ones. His body’s muscles enlarged but he still retained a lean look. He growled angrily as his change ended and he saw the ones who dared him flee into the darkness.
He then saw the wolf in front of him fall to his belly and his tail tucked between his legs. He looked around to see the other three had done the same. “Beta,” he heard them murmur over and over. Beta? he wondered. What’s a beta?
“Welcome Yusei Fudo,” spoke a new voice. Yusei turned to see a gray wolf with pale blue eyes who exuded such confidence that he felt submissive to him, but fought it.
“Who are you?” he snapped. “How do you know me?”
His lack of respect elicited gasps from the guards, but the gray one seemed amused. “I am Rex Goodwin, the alpha of the pack. I know you as it is my job to know the names of humans as they may end up bitten. I have also been told by my pack that you sleep on the streets. My dear Yusei, I had hoped you would become a vampire or a werewolf as both would provide you with a comfortable lifestyle.”
“I doubt it,” Yusei growled. “I would rather be human again.”
“Yes, I imagine you would but that is not possible. You are now a werewolf and I promise you will end up happy here. Now, come with me. You will stay with me for a day or two before I set you up with a house and some members to be your unit.” He looked at the guards. “Resume your posts.”
“Yes, alpha,” the red-plumed one said before leaving with the other three behind him.
Yusei reluctantly followed Goodwin down the street. He was angry and resentful at being bitten. Why couldn’t they have just let him go? Why did they have to bite him? He hadn’t wanted to be a werewolf, but now he was being forced to be one. He would rather go back to the human side of the city than live here.
Goodwin glanced back at his new member and beta. He had heard much about Yusei from those who roamed at night. They spoke of his fighting skills, his strength, and his speed. They also said he lived on the streets and slept on them too. It broke his heart to hear of a homeless human and knew that he and his brother could provide Yusei with a better life as a vampire or a werewolf. It was only a matter of whether Yusei would cross one of their borders. Well, he crossed mine and he will be an excellent beta once his anger and resentment has abated.
Chapter Two- Pack Order
Yusei kept growling softly as he followed Goodwin to a house that had a gold star on the door. The alpha went through a dog door and Yusei followed several seconds later. He stepped through and blinked. Two aqua-colored pups pranced around Goodwin, yipping and barking.
“All right, you two,” Goodwin said, sounding amused.
“What happened, alpha?” asked one in a boy’s voice. “Why did you leave?”
Obvious, isn’t it?” said the other in a girl’s voice. “The alarm went off. A human trespassed.” She looked past Goodwin to Yusei and she reacted as the guards did. The male pup looked from the girl pup to Yusei before following her example. “Beta,” they chorused.
This show of respect irritated Yusei. “What is a beta?” he demanded angrily. The pups whined in fear. “Oh, stop it!” he snapped.
“Yes, beta,” was the meek response.
“And you will stop taking your anger out on others,” Goodwin snapped. “It is your fault you chose to trespass.”
The iron in Goodwin’s voice made Yusei drop down and tuck his tail. “Yes, alpha,” he said softly.
“Better. Now to The Den everyone.” He led the way to a room of armchairs and a couch. The pups laid on the couch while the others took the chairs. Yusei saw the furniture was designed to be comfortable whether wolf or human.
“You mentioned hoping I would be turned either way.”
“Yes. You see, I was bitten by a werewolf while my older brother became a vampire. Both of us lead our respective races but do stay in touch. I was told by other wolves of you sleeping on the streets and it saddened me to hear of it.”
“I was happy that way.”
“Were you, Yusei?”
The skeptic tone in Goodwin’s voice made Yusei’s conviction wilt. “Well, I did occasionally wish to live in a house and have a family like my friends do. But I was happy being human and having fights.”
“Believe me, I understand the human part.”
Yusei looked at the pups. “Why bite kids, though?”
“We weren’t bitten,” the boy said.
Yusei blinked. “What?”
“Some are bitten,” Goodwin admitted. “Most are born. Leo and Luna here are the latter. Their parents were killed three years ago when they were five.”
“Killed?” Yusei repeated in soft horror. It was horrible to think of kids being orphans.
Goodwin nodded. “They were shot by a werewolf hunter while in human form. He had brushed them with a silver charm hanging from his pants. Their reaction to it told him they were werewolves and killed them with silver bullets.”
“We’re allergic to silver, then.”
“Oh, yes as are the vampires who are our enemies as well. Despite being brother to the vampire king, our races cannot resist attacking one another. It is an apathy that won’t disappear even though we co-exist with humans and share that side with both races.”
“So we’re not really afraid of them?”
“No.” Goodwin smiled. “Is that what humans believe? Interesting.”
“I never believed it. I suspected we were more wary of them and that was why I saw wolves in groups.”
“Very perceptive. Yes, it is better to travel together for protection, especially at night as that is the only time that vampires can roam.” Goodwin saw Yusei’s eyes beginning to droop as well as the twins. “I believe I’ll stop here for tonight. I’ve given you much to take in and we all need rest. Allow me to show you to a guest room.” He leaped down and led the three young wolves upstairs. He showed Yusei a guest room and followed the twins to their room.
“Well, what do you think of him?” he asked as they got into bed.
“I like him,” Leo said.
“He seems a bit scary,” Luna said.
“I image he’s more scared than scary and covers it with his tough guy act which I believe helped him survive on the streets.”
“Oh, that’s awful,” Luna whined.
“It is. I wanted your impressions because I’m thinking of having you as part of his unit.”
“Really?” Leo barked. “For good?”
“Hopefully longer than a year at least. It’s rough for pups to be shuffled around when the adults mate and break off from the unit. I was considering having you stay with me.”
“Could we form a unit with Yusei?” Leo begged. “Please, alpha?”
“Please?” Luna chimed in. “He’s probably real nice once he’s not scared or angry.”
“He probably is. All right. You three will be a unit and I think Akiza will join too. Her personality may complement Yusei’s and I don’t mean as mates.”
Leo yawned. “Great,” he mumbled as he curled up and fell asleep. His sister too slipped off to sleep. He left the room and climbed to the roof. He stood there, admiring the view he had of the territory. He had led for over a hundred years, watching people get bitten, witnessing the birth of pups, and experiencing sorrow when members moved away or died. One day, I will be unable to lead and hopefully my replacement will be born or bitten. Who knows, a beta’s mate may birth a pup with the alpha scent and I may ask to raise him or her for his or her future role. I doubt the parents would refuse. But that’s in the future; for now I have to announce Yusei’s inclusion to our pack. He threw back his head and howled loudly. His howl was, “We have a new beta and his name is Yusei Fudo. Akiza, your presence is requested after breakfast tomorrow.” Satisfied, Goodwin headed inside to sleep.
Yusei laid curled up in bed and softly growled. He was still angry about being bitten and he doubted he would ever get over it. He had been happy being human and hadn’t asked to be a werewolf. I should never have taken that dumb dare. Now I’m a werewolf and must live on this side of the city. Crow. Kalin. Will they still want to be my friends when I tell them what happened? I will need others in order to go to my friends as wolves have to travel in groups, day or night. Surely, they’ll understand that it’s important to me.
Goodwin’s role as alpha is clear and I actually responded to it. I acted like a lower wolf would to a leader; must be instincts. He sighed. I’ll be acting more like a wolf at night…wait. The full moon’s in two days! What will I be like during that time? There is so much left to learn. How will the full moon affect me? Will there be physical signs of it? Will I show physical everyday signs of my new race?
He heard a howl above him and suspected it was Goodwin. Is he telling all that I’m one of them now? Wait. If I’m a werewolf, how come I can’t understand his howl? What has he not told me? Yusei growled a little more loudly. He felt frustrated at having so little information about his new life; a life he didn’t want and now had to accept and adapt to it.
He slowly exhaled and began to take stock of what he learned. He would stay with Goodwin and be taught what he needed to know. He would be placed in a unit with others who had either been bitten or born. He had to avoid silver, werewolf hunters, and vampires. Wolves moved in groups day or night while in the human side of the city.
I will be asking Goodwin a lot of questions in the morning, including the one I asked, but didn’t get an answer: Just what the hell is a beta and why did the guards and the twins show me respect the way they did?
Chapter Three- The Unit
Yusei awoke the next morning and immediately went to a vanity mirror. He critically checked his face and hands. Human. He looked completely human. He shook his head. I shouldn’t have thought I would show signs of my condition as I’ve probably passed werewolves in human form and not realized it. He ran his hands over his hair to smooth it before leaving the room and heading downstairs. He smelled cooked food and followed it to the dining room where a man with gray hair sat at a table along with two aqua-haired kids. The man smiled. “Good morning, Yusei. We have much to talk about. We barely scratched the surface last night.”
The boy’s mouth fell open. “I’ve seen you before,” he said. “Anytime Luna and I went to see Dexter. You were fighting a guy and beat him good. You were quite strong.”
Yusei inclined his head in thanks as he sat and filled his plate. He ate as he listened to Goodwin. “Yes, you were strong before, but now you are even stronger and faster and your senses have sharpened and will be so even when in human form.”
“I heard your howl but didn’t understand it. Why?”
“Because your body was still adjusting to your change. That is over now. You will understand from now on.” He checked a clock. “Hmm, Akiza will be here soon.”
“She will be a member of your unit as will the twins.”
“My unit?”
“Yes. You are the beta. In our pack there is the alpha, some betas, and the others are omegas. Units consist of one beta and up to five omegas. You are responsible for them, insuring they follow the laws I have set down and that they follow your decisions. A unit is also like a family. I’m sure they will help you with your transition. I know I said you would be with me for a day or two but with the full moon so close, I must see that our precautions are still holding strong.”
“What happens on the full moon?”
“First, we stay in our territory as we will all have wolf ears during the day. When night falls and we change, we become ordinary wolves. We think and act as wolves but we would attack or bite humans. However, we have an enclosed area called The Park to contain us and protect us. There is plenty of prey, water, and space. I am still recognized as the alpha and all units instinctively knows its members; another reason why your unit should be formed today.”
The doorbell rang and Goodwin left to answer it. Yusei ate some bacon while absorbing what he was just told. So, I’m a leader but I follow Goodwin. That explains the reactions of the guards and the twins: They’re omegas. When the full moon comes, I will have wolf ears during the day and will think and act like a real wolf at night. Makes sense to stay home during that time; I never saw werewolves on the days and nights of the full moon.
“Beta,” Luna said softly. “Were you scared from being bitten?”
It took Yusei several seconds to realize that she had addressed him and felt annoyed at the question. Truthfully, he had been scared as he had no idea what it was like to be a werewolf, but he wasn’t going to admit it. “No, of course not,” he said brusquely. He saw her lower her gaze. “Sorry, beta,” she apologized.
“And please don’t call me that,” he snapped. “It’s Yusei.”
“But we were taught that betas and alphas are to be treated with respect and to use those titles,” Leo protested.
“Leo is right,” Goodwin spoke up from the doorway. “Akiza has arrived. Come meet her and I will show you all to your unit home.”
Yusei stood and followed Goodwin, the twins behind him. He felt a little bad at being upset with Luna, but his anger and resentment buried that feeling. He entered The Den to see a red-haired young woman there. She rose as Goodwin said, “Akiza, this is your new beta, Yusei Fudo. Yusei, Akiza. She too was born a wifewolf, like Luna.”
Akiza bowed. “Welcome, beta. I am honored to be part of your unit and will answer any questions you have as well as follow your decisions.”
“Sure,” he said tightly, wondering if Goodwin had planned to give him purebloods to force him to be happy as a werewolf. I will not be forced. I’ll decide when I’ve adjusted. He soon followed Goodwin out of the house with his unit and down the street. He noticed the lack of cars and reasoned that with their speed, werewolves had no need for cars. He saw businesses like clothing stores, a grocery store, restaurants, an appliance store, and bars. This place could operate independently from the human side. I imagine we use the same money system.
“There’s The Park where we will spend our full moon nights very soon,” Goodwin said, pointing to an enclosure of solid concrete. He thought it seemed sturdy enough to withstand a pack of werewolves.
“And here is your home. It is already furnished like all houses are and with the same rooms,” Goodwin said, stopping at a handsome townhouse. “I will leave you to get settled in and acquainted.”
“Thank you…alpha,” Yusei said, the last word said with reluctance.
“Alpha,” the others chorused as Goodwin left and then followed Yusei into the house.
“Let’s talk in our Den,” Akiza suggested. She let Yusei led the way. She sniffed subtly and picked up anger and resentment coming off the teen werewolf. Clearly, he did not want to be a werewolf. I believe the full moon will fix that. I’ve seen angry ones before and the full moon always calmed them down. She and the twins sat on the floor while Yusei took a chair. He raised an eyebrow at them. “Why are you on the floor? There’s plenty of seats.”
“In a unit, omegas sit lower than the beta unless mated,” Akiza said.
Yusei sighed. “I would rather be a family than a unit. I mean, I think I’m still somewhat human.”
“You are,” Akiza said. “But the rest of us are purebloods.”
“Fine,” he said grudgingly. “Stay on the floor. Akiza, tell me about yourself.”
“Yes, beta. I was born to two loving parents. They didn’t have any other pups. Then when I turned thirteen they left to start a new territory in another city and I was shuffled from unit to unit until hopefully today.”
“Why were you shuffled around?” he asked, hoping she wasn’t a problem wolf.
“The Mating Moon. The time of the year when we don’t become ordinary wolves and instead try to find our destined mates and form a unit of our own as well as produce pups.”
“Oh. Is that coming up?”
“No, beta. This year’s has passed.”
Yusei felt relieved. He wasn’t sure he would want to mate and be a father; he was only fifteen. “Leo, Luna. I know your parents were killed but why were you with the alpha instead of a unit?”
“The Mating Moon,” Leo said. “We had the unfortunate luck of betas mating with another beta and breaking from the unit. I hope that doesn’t happen in this unit.”
“I have no intention of being anyone’s mate,” Yusei growled. He had to admit, he kind of liked the wolf-like growl he could emit. It summed up his anger nicely.
“What about you, beta? Tell us about you,” Leo asked.
“I’m fifteen and I was bitten.”
“And?” Akiza prompted. “How did you end up over the line?”
He scowled. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?” Leo asked.
“I just don’t!” Yusei practically snarled. “I don’t want any of you to ask again!”
All three purebloods cringed away from him. “Yes, beta,” they answered. Yusei exhaled, rose, and said in a tight voice, “I need to be alone.” He climbed the stairs to the top floor and found a room with a large bed, an armchair, a wardrobe, and a desk with a chair with the former supporting a vanity mirror. He shut the door, flopped on the bed, and drifted off to sleep.
Luna whimpered. “He is so scary and alpha believes he’s scared from becoming a werewolf.”
Akiza tapped her lips. “Perhaps he is and covers it with anger.”
“Alpha said he probably puts on a tough guy act to cover his scared feelings in order to survive on the streets.”
“He was homeless?” Akiza gasped. “That’s awful.”
“Yeah, but he claims he was happy,” Luna said.
“He must have some loose ends,” Akiza mused. “We’ll wait until he comes down and suggest taking a trip to the human side so he can take care of those ends.’ Leo and Luna nodded and the trio set about making themselves at home.
Chapter Four- Lost Friendship
Yusei’s nose twitched and he opened his eyes, lifting his head and sniffing. Something smelled good and his stomach growled. He slid out of bed and headed down the stairs, following the smell to the kitchen. He entered to see Akiza at the stove and the twins at the counter with bread and lunch meat. The redhead turned and smiled at him. “Hello, Yusei. We thought we fix something simple for lunch.” She gestured at the pot and the twins.
“Hmm.” He sniffed the air. “Chicken noodle soup,” he said. “Sounds good.”
“Luna and I are in charge of sandwiches,” Leo said. “We got ham, turkey, and chicken. What’s your choice?”
“Ham and chicken sound good.” Yusei watched as his unit put lunch together and he went to see what they had for drinks. He found only juice and milk in the fridge. All right. Juice, milk, or water to drink.
Minutes later, all four were eating lunch which seemed normal to Yusei. But, it’s not, he thought. They’re not human, they just look human. How am I supposed to live with purebloods who probably don’t really know how it is to be human? I’ve got loose ends to tie up, but I can’t go alone and I don’t know if they would even understand why it’s important to tie up loose ends.
“Yusei, we would be happy to go with you if you need to go to the human side,” Akiza spoke up.
He blinked in surprise. “I do need to go there. Thanks. Uh, why are you using my name?”
“We decided on a compromise. We use your name during the day and call you beta at night.”
“That’s a good compromise. I like it.”
“Do you have any stuff you need to get?” Leo asked.
“I do. It’s in a storage unit not far from the border and I have two friends I need to see.”
“We could spend the rest of the day there and some of the night,” Akiza said. “We can get dinner at one of the butcher shops.”
“Uh, don’t they give you raw meat?” Yusei asked.
Akiza nodded happily. “We can eat raw meat as wolves and in human form, born or bitten.”
“I see.” Yusei didn’t like the idea of raw meat; he preferred his meat cooked.
“I wanna meet your friends,” Leo said. “Maybe introduce you to Dexter.”
“Sure.” He thought it would be interesting to meet a human who was friends with wolves.
Yusei felt as if he had come home. Everything was familiar, comfortable, and normal…except for the purebloods behind him. He saw the few stares directed at his unit and a couple of stares darting to him with widening eyes. They suspect that I’ve been bitten. And they’re right.
“Hey! Dexter!” Leo called as the group reached the front of an apartment building. A boy with brown hair and glasses waved happily.
“Hi, Leo. Hi, Luna. How’s it going?”
“Great. We’re in a new unit and we have a new beta!” He swept a hand at Yusei. The teen gave a smile.
Dexter’s eyes went wide. “Aren’t you Yusei? You got bitten?”
“Yes to both and it happened last night. “Believe me, I didn’t do it on purpose.”
“Well, of course you didn’t. None of the bitten cross the line on purpose to become a werewolf.”
Yusei was tempted to say that he had done it on purpose, but squashed the impulse. I will never tell anyone that I crossed intentionally and why. He kept his silence as he hung out with Dexter and his unit. He found Dexter to be a friendly kid and made him forget he was a werewolf…until Akiza suggested finding Yusei’s friends and then getting dinner before gathering Yusei’s possessions.
“I don’t have much,” he said. “Mostly clothes.”
“Well, you still need them and think of how much money you’ll save without a monthly storage fee.”
Yusei knew Akiza was right. He would save more money with a storage unit. I will be able to buy groceries and appliances for our home. He was starting to feel a bit better about being a werewolf. He had a home and a unit that was like a family. They were being considerate of his remaining humanity while helping him adapt to being a werewolf. Maybe this isn’t so bad.
The sounds of a fight caught his attention and his ears picked up where it was as did his nose. He barely realized he was using his sharp senses; he loved a fight and couldn’t resist charging toward it. He heard Akiza call him but ignored it as he raced off. She’ll be able to track me, so I’m not exactly going alone.
Yusei rounded a corner and froze. There were Crow and Kalin and they were fighting the ones who had dared him. The sight of them sent a fury through Yusei. They were the ones who caused Yusei to lose some, if not all, of his humanity. He charged toward the leader with a low growl. His fist cocked back before slamming it into the guy’s gut. He heard ribs crack and his opponent was laid out on the ground, bringing the other two fights to a halt. Yusei panted as he stood over the leader who groaned from his ribs. He allowed the guy’s pals to gather him up and take him to get his ribs healed.
“Yusei!” Kalin said. “There you are! Where have you been all day?”
Crow gaped at his friend. “When did you get so fast and strong? I mean, you broke the guy’s ribs with one punch.”
“I got cornered by those jerks after we split up last night. They dared me to cross the werewolf border and I…” Yusei trailed off as the sun vanished and he changed instantly. Both boys gaped and took a step back as the unit came around the corner.
“Yusei?” Crow whispered. “You’re a…werewolf now?”
“Yes,” he said resentfully. “Believe me, I wasn’t planning on it. Kalin. Crow.” He walked toward them. “We are still friends. We can still hang out like we used to. This doesn’t a thing between us.”
“Doesn’t change a thing between us?” Kalin repeated in a choking tone. “Yusei…you were bitten! You live on an entirely different side of the city and in an entirely different world.”
Yusei rocked back slightly on his paws. “Kalin…”
“Sorry, Yusei but we’re not friends anymore.” Kalin walked away, Crow following with a sympathetic look over his shoulder.
Yusei stared open-mouthed at where his friends disappeared. He closed his mouth. Not friends anymore? Just because I’m a werewolf? I told them I didn’t do it on purpose. He lowered his head to stare at the claws that extended from his paws. The sight of them shot his anger and resentment up high. He threw back his head and howled loudly and angrily. He lowered his head and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall.
“Beta?” came Akiza’s voice.
“Leave me be, Akiza,” he said tightly.
“No!” he snarled as he faced her. “I’m going home! Just leave me alone!” He sprinted off for home, furious at himself and the world.
Luna and Leo whimpered behind Akiza who was equally scared of Yusei’s temper. It had seemed like he was calming down and starting to accept his new life, even like it. The rejection by his friends had caused the anger and resentment to return and worse than before. I think I will let the alpha speak with him. “Let’s get dinner, twins,” she said at last, leading the way to the nearest shop.
Yusei ignored the plop of meat that had been pushed through his room’s dog door. He was still too angry and resentful to care about anything else. His friends had left him and he was trapped as a werewolf for the rest of his life. Or maybe not. I could die. Buy something silver and impale myself on it. Yeah. Akiza and the twins would be better off in someone else’s unit. I will not live this way anymore. He curled up, closed his eyes, and sighed softly as he fell asleep. Tomorrow would be the last day of his life and the pain in his heart would also end.
Chapter Five- Shared Past
“His friends rejected him?”
“Yes, alpha. He is quite angry about it. I fear he may do something drastic. Please talk with him, alpha.”
“I certainly will. He is part of my pack and their well-being is my concern.” He stood and left the house with Akiza behind him. Yusei’s negative attitude needed to be resolved, lest he’d be an aggressive wolf tomorrow night and the two nights succeeding it. I know it hurts when your friends fear and hate you and ultimately cut themselves off from you. I know that from experience and perhaps that is what Yusei needs to hear.
Yusei laid on his front, his arms folded on his pillow, and his head laying on his arms. His eyes were unfocused as he contemplated how to get his hands on the fatal metal needed to end his life. I’ll lie about taking a walk in the territory. I’ll sneak over to the human side, acquire some silver, slip into an alley, and die. He sniffed as a different scent from his unit reached him before a knock sounded. He shifted around so he was cross-legged. “Enter, alpha.”
Goodwin entered, closed the door, and stood there, arms folded. “I was told about last night. Believe me, I can sympathize with your situation. I experienced the same thing when I was newly bitten.”
“Yes. Granted when I learned I was to be the future alpha, I was happy I got bitten. Pack rules were a little looser than they are now, so I was allowed to roam alone. I rushed to meet my friends. I was no older than the twins at the time. I told them I had been bitten and would eventually be the alpha of the pack.”
“I take it that it didn’t go well.”
“Correct. They became afraid of me and ran from me. I ran after them, asking why they were scared. I didn’t see why my being a werewolf would be a bad thing. I caught up with them quickly and after I asked, they hurled hurtful things at me as children often do. Freak, weirdo, and monster are the ones I recall. I became confused, sad, and angry. It was then that night came and I changed. I, in a fit of rage, attacked. I didn’t bite any of them, but I did end up sending them to the hospital. I felt ashamed and asked the alpha to kill me. Obviously, he did not, but he trained me strictly to control my emotions and of course, time taught me control as well. I tried to apologize to my friends a little time after the incident, but they ran from me, truly scared of me and of course, considering what I had done, I didn’t blame them.”
Yusei bowed his head. “Alpha, I no longer wish to live. The pack would be better off without me. I’m a temperamental one; not suited to be a werewolf, much less a leader.”
“Not from what I was told before you were bitten. You were the leader among you and your friends. I was told of how protective of them you were. Tell me: Would you still protect them despite their reactions?”
“Yes,” he answered immediately.
Goodwin smiled. “You answered without hesitation. That proves the depth of your loyalty. The desire to protect and be loyal are traits that are part of being a werewolf, even more so for a beta.”
“Would the unit still want to follow me after how I acted?”
“I believe so. The twins view you as a brother in addition to a leader. Akiza was concerned you would do something drastic and it turns out her concerns had merit. They care about you, like a family. You did say you occasionally wished to have a home and a family. You now have both with the price having to be a werewolf.”
“Yes. I see your point, alpha. But I’m afraid I still resent being bitten.”
“That may go away once the full moon is over. Oh, I forgot to mention that you will recall the night on the morning after. It helps us fix any problems that occurred. The Park’s wall had needed upgrades during my time as alpha, but it seems the current one works as it has for the last fifteen years.”
“I have to agree. It looks very sturdy to me.”
“And it still is. Now, I believe last night’s dinner is still good over there.” He nodded at the meat.
“Yes, alpha. I will eat and apologize to my unit. I still need my clothes from the storage unit.”
“Get them today as tomorrow morning, we’ll all have wolf ears.”
“Yes, alpha and thank you for talking to me.” Goodwin left and Yusei crouched by the meat and began to eat. He found that, despite it being raw, he liked it. Akiza was right: I can handle it as well as the purebloods. He licked his lips and hands before exiting and heading for the bathroom to wash up and look presentable. He headed downstairs, sniffing for his unit’s location. He picked up their scents and it led him to The Den. He entered to find them seated on the couch; upon seeing him enter, they slid to the floor while he took the chair he took last time. Perhaps this will be my seat. He took in his unit, his family.
“I’m sorry for my words and actions last night. I should not have lost my temper. I apologize especially to you, Akiza. I feel a little better about being a beta, but I still resent being bitten.”
“Apology accepted,” Akiza said. “We care about you and want to help you be comfortable with being one of us. One way will be a celebration after the full moon.”
“A celebration?”
“It’s something we have whenever pups are born or someone is bitten. It welcomes the new ones to the pack and gives everyone a chance to see and, if possible, talk to the new ones.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“Oh, it is. You’ll see.”
“Of course. Now, I still have stuff to get from storage.” He stood and his unit followed suite and they were willing to accompany Yusei into town. The young beta felt a bit better about being a werewolf. Yes, he still resented the bite, but what he gained as a result of it was not so bad. His senses, speed, and strength had gotten better, he healed quickly, his lifespan could be longer, and if he had to guess his immune system was stronger and kept him healthy. All of these perks certainly outweigh the negative parts: Silver, hunters, and vampires. He ignored the stares of the humans as he chatted with Akiza about the advantages, confirming that disease had no hold over him and that truthfully there was no difference between purebloods and bitten wolves. They were all one pack, a big family. This knowledge gave him a warm feeling. He had a home and a race that was friendly and didn’t care that he had been human.
I will try to be a good beta, he vowed as they entered the storage place. I will ask about the alpha’s laws and uphold them to the best of my ability.
It would have taken Yusei a few trips to retrieve his stuff even with his enhanced strength, but with help from the others, it only took one trip. As he put his clothes and items away, he said, “Akiza, do you know all of the alpha’s laws?”
“I do.”
“Please, tell me about them.”
“I’d be glad to, Yusei.”
“So, you got Yusei,” a pale man with gray-blond hair said on the screen.
“Indeed, brother. I regret to say that he is having a rough time with the transition. I had to talk him out of suicide.”
“That is to be expected. I’ve had times where I had to imprison vampires who were suicidal. I usually succeed in talking them out of it.”
“It’s not as easy when the suicidal one is a beta. They are usually headstrong and prideful, which is what I want in a beta.”
“I can’t say I’m not jealous. I think he’ll make a fine werewolf. I take it the celebration will be after the full moon.”
“It will. Good evening to you, Roman.” Goodwin pushed a paw on a button and the screen went blank.
Chapter Six- Full Moon
Yusei fingered the black ears that sat atop his head. It looked odd to see his human form with wolf ears, but accepted that this would happen every full moon. I’ll get used to it; in time, I won’t think anything about it at all. He headed downstairs and helped his unit with breakfast. He noticed Leo and Luna shifting restlessly in their seats as they ate. “Are you two okay?”
“Yes,” Luna said. “We’re always restless during the moon.”
“You and I will feel the same way later in the day,” Akiza said. “Only the adults don’t feel it.”
Akiza’s words came true when mid-afternoon rolled around. Yusei found he couldn’t stay still and paced around the house. He saw Akiza doing the same while the twins chased each other to expend their energy. He nearly jumped when he heard Goodwin’s amplified voice call at dusk, “It is time, my pack. Let us retire to The Park.” Yusei led his unit outside and let Akiza show him how to get inside.
“Oh, so a latch opens it,” he said as they entered a large, lush forest-like environment.
“Yes; only our pack knows where they are so we don’t have to worry about hunters or vampires attacking us while we’re wild. They’re also too high and hidden for a wild wolf, not that anyone’s tried. There’s enough food, water, and smells to keep us occupied.”
“That’s good to know,” he said as Akiza flipped the latch down to close the wall they had entered.
“Well, Yusei, as our unit’s new, it’s your job to choose our territory and mark it.”
“Mark it how?”
Akiza rolled her eyes. “You’re a wolf, Yusei. Think about it.”
A look of disgust crossed his face as he realized what she meant. “Ugh. No way.”
“You won’t be able to resist it, Yusei. Remember, you’ll be a simple wolf; we all will.”
Yusei nodded reluctantly before swiftly looking for a spot to claim. He found a wonderful spot near a waterfall and it included a cave with a flat top. He was amazed that no one else had already claimed it as it was just perfect. The group stood outside by the riverbank as the sky darkened and the moon rose. He howled at it as did everyone else and as he shifted to wolf form, his mind shifted into the mind of an aggressive, angry wolf. His resentment had turned aggressive and he acted on it.
He growled angrily at Akiza and the twins before barking a warning. He viewed this area as only his and they needed to leave and find their own area. The pups cowered behind the female who felt submissive to the male. She slunk off with the pups into the safety of the trees. The male growled in a satisfied manner before going to the cave entrance, lifting a leg, and marking the territory. Once he had finished, he stalked off to find some dinner.
Yusei opened his eyes and squinted at the sunlight as he sat up. He moaned softly as he looked around. He was at the mouth of his unit’s cave and the smell of a beta’s marking scent was around him: His scent. He also saw he was alone. Where’s my unit? he wondered. What happened last night? He closed his eyes to recall the events. His eyes flew open, shock and shame in their depths. Oh, God. I was angry, aggressive, and territorial. I…chased them away.
He stood and inhaled to find their scents. His ears turned in every direction to hear for anyone’s approach. “Akiza!” he called. “Leo! Luna!” The crash of underbrush and a stronger scent of the trio reached him and they emerged from the trees.
“Yusei, good morning,” Akiza said once they were closer.
Yusei’s ears drooped. “I am so sorry about last night. I had no idea my resentment would manifest like that.”
“Well, wolves don’t feel resentment so it had to surface as something else,” Akiza said. “We understand, Yusei.”
“Beta,” he corrected gently. “You can call me beta during the day as well as my name. I should conform to pack practices.”
Akiza hugged him. “I know that wasn’t easy for you to admit.”
“You’re right. So, could you and the twins stay close to our territory tonight and tomorrow?” he asked as they left The Park.
“We will. You may act like you did last night, but we will stay close enough that it doesn’t make you aggressive toward us.”
“I feel bad about that. I mean, you’re my family.”
“And like a family, we forgive.”
Yusei growled as his mind turned wolf. He marked a couple more spots, drank some water, and killed a prey for food. It was as he licked his chops and paws that he desired other wolves. He went to the top of the cave and howled for his unit. He heard a howl reply and a red wolf appeared with two aqua-colored pups in tow. His tail swished upon seeing them and he howled happily which prompted the others to join in. He was the beta and the ones below him were his members and omegas. He led his unit in a few rounds of wolf songs that existed in their DNA. He was joyful and was content when he and his unit curled up in their cave later on and fell asleep.
“You may have seen him around for a few days but tonight I will do it properly. Please welcome our new beta, Yusei Fudo.” The black wolf emerged from the house and was greeted with a chorus of howls. He gave them a howl of his own. His blue eyes gazed at the pack calmly. The full moon had driven his anger and resentment out of him and left him as a content, confident, and calm werewolf.
He went down the steps and mingled with those who wanted to know more about him. He was open and honest with his answers save for the circumstances that led to the bite. He had sworn to never tell anyone the truth and he would hold to that. He claimed he hadn’t realized that he trespassed and had tried to make it back across the border. He admitted that he was glad he didn’t make it.
“It sounds as if you are at peace with your new life,” Goodwin commented as the wolves dispersed and sat beside Yusei.
“I am, alpha. It has been a hard and trying transition but the moon has driven away the anger and resentment within me. I happily embrace all that being a werewolf holds for me.”
“That’s good as there will be a special event coming up within several months.”
“The Mating Moon?”
“That’s right. I trust your unit told you about it.”
“The basics, I believe. They said it is the only full moon where we aren’t actual wolves and find our destined mate. Units end up breaking up and pups are produced.”
“Those are the basics, yes. Allow me to fill in the gaps. Most units do break up but some do stay together but not as a full unit. Those that stay together in part do so because of pup members.”
“I’ll do that with Leo and Luna. They will not be shuffled around anymore.”
“They’ll be happy to hear that. When they turn thirteen, they will feel the effects of the Mating Moon as well. Their destined mate will exude a scent only detectable to them. They too will give off a scent only they will smell.”
“And I will too.”
Yusei’s eyes swept the pack. His destined mate could be among them right now and if he or she wasn’t, he would be willing to wait and while he did so, he would lead his unit and uphold the alpha’s laws. Yes. I will wait for my mate to come.