Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s.
Chapter One- New Lifestyle
Jack took a deep breath as he stepped over the invisible boundary line. It was forbidden to cross the lines that designated vampire or werewolf territory; any that did would be turned into a vampire or a werewolf depending on which territory was entered. All three races could interact in the human territory which was in the middle as blood banks and butcher shops existed there for vampire or werewolf use so they could mingle with humans.
It was one of those days when a red-haired young woman caught his eye. She had a sprit as fiery as her hair and a tough no-nonsense attitude that he found attractive. He discreetly tailed her and heard some people call her Akiza. Jack knew then that he was head over heels in love. He kept an eye on her as he followed her and her companions, but he stopped when she entered werewolf territory. Oh, dear. I’ve fallen for a wifewolf. Jack headed back home, his mind whirling away. He knew, without a doubt, that he loved Akiza and the only way to win her love was to become a werewolf himself. Humans, vampires, and werewolves tended to marry or mate with their own kind. He had spent the next several days moving his stuff into a storage unit near werewolf territory and cancelling his lease. Once he had been bitten and changed, he would be given a new place to live within the territory. No one knew how vampires and werewolves lived as no one ever spoke of it to humans.
I will soon find out about werewolves, he thought as he walked down the street. The area was deserted and the sky was clear with stars and a crescent moon. All was quiet and peaceful until he had gone several yards. A loud klaxon sounded, making him jump. A quartet of wolves came charging up and split up so that he was boxed in on all sides. Each one had different color fur, but all wore gold armor. One had a red plume on its helmet and Jack guessed it was the captain.
“Human,” the red plume said in a commanding male voice. “You have trespassed into our territory and by doing so, you will now be one of us.” He lunged forward and sank his teeth into Jack’s arm.
Jack screamed and then howled as he began to change. Golden yellow fur bloomed all over his body from head to foot as his clothes and shoes melded with his skin. His nails on his fingers and toes grew out and hardened before hooking into exposed claws. His hands and feet conformed into paws and he dropped to them as his spine curved, his knees changing direction, and his heels went up. His arms stiffened into legs as his body enlarged and his muscles grew bigger. A long bushy tail sprouted as his nose and jaws formed a muzzle and his teeth sharpened. His ears turned pointed and moved to the top of his head. He panted as his change ended and, painful as it had been, it was worth it. He was now a werewolf and would be able to tell Akiza that he loved her.
A throat-clearing sound made him look up to see a gray wolf with pale blue eyes before him. He stood with such confidence that Jack felt an urge to heed him despite being bigger. “You were very foolish to come here, Jack Atlas, knowing the consequences if you were caught.”
“You know my name?” he asked.
“I make it a point to know the name of every human as they might end up as part of my pack. I am Rex Goodwin, the alpha of the pack.” He stepped closer to Jack, his nose flaring. “Hmm, you have the scent of an omega. Not a surprise; most wolves are omegas. I will teach you about our kind before assigning you to a unit which will be like a family. Now, come along.” Goodwin turned and started walking away, Jack following behind him.
Goodwin quickly looked back at the wolf following him obediently. He was a big, strong one. He would certainly be an efficient protector of his unit once he had taught him about being a werewolf. Hmm, I don’t think he came here on accident. He wanted to be turned. I will eventually learn why as all betas report anything significant about their unit to me.
Goodwin entered his fancy home and led the way to a sitting room where he and Jack settled into a pair of armchairs. “Now, Jack. I will tell you what it is to be a wolf. You will have human form in daylight, but every night you will take wolf form. On the full moon, you will think purely as a wolf except for this full moon. In two weeks it will be what we call The Mating Moon. All unmated wolves will be compelled to seek out their destined mate. It is necessary that everyone be in our territory by nightfall all three nights. It’s possible you won’t find a mate this year and will have to wait until next year.”
“And if I do find a mate?”
“Then you will couple to produce pups. I should add that pups can be produced between same-sex mates. The more submissive one will carry them.”
As I plan to win Akiza’s heart, that is not a concern to me. “We can wander around the human territory at night, right? I have seen wolves walking around at night.”
“Yes, but we prefer to be at home at night as that is the only time that vampires can roam as sunlight is fatal to them. Speaking of fatal, silver weapons will hurt, but if it hits a vital organ or a silver bullet hits us, we die. We do heal quickly from cuts, bruises, and abrasions. We do not contract disease, and we do live longer than humans, at least twice as long. I may not look it, but I have led the pack for nearly a century.”
Jack’s muzzle parted in surprise for a moment and then asked, “And what of your mate?”
“She died fifty years ago and once one is mated, there won’t be another. I am alone, my children grown and have chosen to stake out territory in other cities.
“Now, to our foes. One is the werewolf hunter. He or she will stalk the human territory to seek us out and will wear silver to find us by brushing up against people. He or she will not wander into our territory as the guards are too trained to be felled by a lone hunter who would end up bitten. Our other serious enemies are the vampires. Yes, they share a space with us as do the humans, but they are our eternal enemies. They do attack us on occasion but they share the same silver weakness that we do. So, most attacks are fought with teeth and claws.”
“Who usually wins?”
“There have been casualties on both sides, but usually we win as we heal quickly while they only heal once they consume some blood.”
Jack then yawned, using the back of a paw to cover it. Goodwin leaped down. “Let me show you to the guest room. Tomorrow, I will tell you more and take you to your unit.”
Jack jumped down and followed the alpha upstairs and to a room where he climbed into bed and was instantly asleep. He had had a long day as he had had a walk-through of his old place with the landlord and storing the remainder of his stuff in the storage until before gradually approaching the border. He looked forward to his first full day as a werewolf. He never heard Goodwin’s howl telling all of a new pack member. His call echoed through the territory and to the ears of his pack.
Akiza’s ears pricked up at the howl as did her unit. “A new member,” she murmured. “So, he wasn’t killed.”
“That’s only if they fight back,” said a black wolf with yellow highlights.
“Yes, beta. You’re right.”
“I wonder who the lucky unit will be,” ventured a light brown wolf.
“I hope it’s us,” said a pup with greenish-blue fur. An identical pup nodded.
The beta, Yusei, hoped so too. A unit consisted of up to six members and he only had five. But then again, so did other units. There would be a lot of hopeful betas this night. Goodwin’s howl said it was a male omega and he would look over the records of his units before making a decision. I hope it is us, he thought as he looked at the sky.
Chapter Two- The Unit
Jack sat across from Goodwin as they had breakfast. He had woken up feeling refreshed and full of energy. He mentioned it to Goodwin who smiled. “Your body has fully adjusted to being a werewolf. You will experience wolf instincts at night but you are stronger, faster, and have sharper senses all the time.” He drank some water. “Now, about the units. Each one can only have up to six at a time, though there are exceptions, and is led by a beta. Mates tend to break from their old units and form their own as they could have a litter of one to four pups.”
“So, a unit doesn’t stay together?”
“Some do but most don’t and now is the time to meet yours. I looked through the units’ records to recall who has space and who the members are. I think you’ll fit in with the one I selected.”
“I’m sure I will,” Jack said as they left the house and headed deeper into the territory. Jack suspected that he and Akiza would form their own unit within two weeks. He was so certain of his future, he didn’t consider the possibility that the two of them weren’t destined mates. He looked around as he followed Goodwin, seeing nice houses, a large enclosed wooded area called simply The Park, and stores and businesses specifically tailored for, and run by, werewolves and wifewolves. He was led to a nice townhouse that seemed connected to a bar. Goodwin mounted the steps to the porch and rang the bell with Jack behind him.
The door opened to reveal a teenage boy with black and yellow hair and blue eyes. He had a lean, yet muscular body and an air of command mixed with deference. “Alpha,” he said, stepping aside and bowing.
“Good morning, Yusei. I chose your unit to welcome our new member.” He pulled the tall teen forward. “This is Jack Atlas. Jack, this is Yusei Fudo, your beta and the one whom you will follow.”
He considered Yusei’s action to Goodwin before bowing to Yusei. “Beta,” he said.
Yusei smiled at the omega. He was thrilled that his unit had been chosen to help Jack acclimate to pack and werewolf life. His nose flared and he found a scent coming from Jack that he liked- a lot. He pushed it aside as he said, “Come on, Jack. Let me introduce the rest of the unit to you. Alpha, thank you.” Goodwin nodded as he left the house and Yusei led Jack to where the unit hung out; a room called The Den.
Jack entered and nearly fainted. Akiza, his Akiza was there! We’re in the same unit! What luck! Again, he saw the two of them mated and forming their own unit with pups of their own. He pulled himself out of his thoughts as Yusei said, “Everyone, this is Jack, our new member. Jack, this is Blister, Akiza, and the twins Leo and Luna.” He gestured to each as he said their names. He nodded to them as he looked closer at them. Blister had light brown hair with some facial hair on his chin. Leo and Luna both ha aqua-colored hair and goldenrod eyes but it was easy to tell them apart. His gaze lingered on Akiza with her red hair and brown eyes and planned to get to know her before admitting interest in her.
Yusei took his customary seat and Jack settled next to Akiza on the floor with the others. “Well, Jack. Is there anything you want or need to know about our kind that Goodwin didn’t mention or briefly touched on?”
“No, but I do wonder about what’s called The Park.”
“Ah, yes. The Park is where the pack goes during the full moon. It keeps us safe from attacking humans or by attacking vampires while our minds are simple wolves. There is plentiful prey and water as well as space. Even as wolves, we instinctively know the alpha, our units, and our territory inside The Park.”
“Goodwin did mention wolf instincts but didn’t elaborate.”
“Those instincts are wolf sounds, the actions appropriate to your pack position, and the normal actions of a canine such as marking territory but that only happens while being actual wolves.”
“So, what does a unit do?”
“We’re a family. I’m the beta, the leader. You and the others are omegas who follow my decisions.”
“So, we can roam our territory and the human one day and night, yes?”
“Correct. We don’t intrude into the vampire one and honestly just being near it is disgusting. I went close to it once, about five hundred yards when I smelled decay and spoiled meat. I immediately sprinted all the way home for fresh air, pine smell, and our own wolf smell.”
“Has anyone seen a human turned into a vampire?” Jack asked.
“We have a human friend who saw it,” Leo said. “The way Dexter tells it, it’s rough and awful. The human has his arms pinned behind his back and then the vampire bites the neck, and sucks almost all of the blood. Then, another vampire slits his own wrist and forces it into the human’s mouth and makes them drink some of their blood. The human goes pale and they die only to wake up a few minutes later as a vampire.”
A shudder ran through the entire unit. “God, that is awful,” Jack said. “Becoming a werewolf isn’t that painful.
“So, I noticed a bar connected to the house,” Jack continued.
“That’s my business,” Blister said and then smiled. “Even adult werewolves like to drink. I’ve set it up so I can serve drinks at night despite having paws.”
Jack nodded. “Makes sense. I’m guessing all businesses have some kind of adaptations?”
“For some things,” Blister said. “One thing that can’t is anything that requires hands like cutting food or sewing clothes. Our territory can operate independently of the other two but we can go into the human part of the city to interact with them and go to the butcher shops. Yeah, we can eat raw meat while human,” he said, anticipating Jack’s question.
“I don’t think I could do that.”
“You will,” Akiza said. “We all do as raw meat is all we can eat at night.”
“Speaking of which,” Blister said, standing. “I and some others need to go to the human side for food for the celebration tonight.”
“Celebration?” Jack asked as the man left.
“We always celebrate the addition of a new wolf whether bitten or born,” Yusei explained. “It is a very joyous occasion and you’ll get to meet the rest of the pack. In fact,” he got up from his seat. “Why don’t I show you the rest of the territory? I’m guessing you only saw the part that comes before our home.”
“You guessed right.” Jack stood and followed Yusei out of the house. “Yusei, what are the beta’s responsibilities?”
“My job is to insure my unit’s safety and that the alpha’s laws are enforced. One law no one is inclined to break is traveling into human territory alone. A vampire would love to attack a lone wolf.”
“If a law is broken, what then?”
“Depends on which law was broken. The punishment fits the crime. Let me use the one I mentioned as an example. The punishment is having an escort for a week or so. The beta of the offender is usually the escort. A group trip usually requires one beta or a strong omega.” Yusei looked Jack up and down. “You could be our unit’s protector wolf. I get the feeling you are big and strong as a wolf.”
“Perhaps.” Jack wasn’t sure if he would be a good protector. He was usually a loner. I should forget about that. I’m a werewolf now and wolves are social animals.
Yusei kept sneaking looks at Jack as he pointed out anything of interest. Damn, but he is handsome and his scent is very enticing to me. It might just drive me crazy by the Mating Moon. He could be my destined mate. Well, whether he is or not, whether I find a mate or not, I’m staying with the twins. They’re too young to be on their own and should not be shuffled around again. It’s my job to take care of my unit’s safety and well-being and I will.
Chapter Three- Celebration
The party’s location was out in the street. Low tables had been laid out with plates of different types of meat and bowls of water. Streamers were draped stylishly over the lampposts and low music played. People were gathering onto the streets and as the sky went dark, the people turned into wolves. Jack watched this from a front window, peering between the gaps in the curtains. Word had spread that Yusei Fudo’s unit had been blessed with the new wolf and the pack had gathered around the house to meet and welcome him.
His unit stood outside on either side of the door and, as he was about to head out through the dog door, Yusei said, “Stay here until the alpha says your name.”
“Yes, beta.” Jack had observed the others address Yusei in this way and knew that he had to as well. He peeked out the window again to see Yusei on the sidewalk sitting beside Goodwin. His ears were alert as Goodwin began to speak.
“My pack. As you know, these celebrations are a reaffirmation of life and joy. It is always a pleasure to welcome new members whether born or bitten. Tonight, we celebrate and welcome a new omega. Please join me in welcoming Jack Atlas.” Jack came through the door on cue and was greeted with a chorus of howls. Jack sensed the warmth behind them and responded with a howl of his own: A sound he rather liked.
The pack broke up to mingle, eat, dance, and play. Some stayed behind to talk to Jack. They wanted to know his age, what job he used to have, and the place he held in his unit.
“You’ll make a fine protector,” one female said. “It may not feel like it right now, but your instincts of protection will awaken eventually. Mine certainly did.”
“You’re a protector too, huh?”
“Oh, yes. I’m part of an all-female unit, all six of us.”
“And none of you found your mate?”
“No, but maybe this year.” She winked at Jack and brushed her tail under his chin as she left.
Everyone speaks of destined mates, as if they can’t control who they will live with and have a family with. Hmph, that is absurd. I allowed myself to be turned as I fell for Akiza. I should spend time with her to get to know her and then admit that I love her. Jack joined in the fun of the party, talking, laughing, eating, and loving his being a wolf. He never wanted or could be human again, but he didn’t mind. He found it cool to be a wolf.
Akiza lay on the sidewalk, watching pups chase and wrestle each other. She smiled at their antics and imagined watching her own pups. She blinked at the thought and her tail swished. I’m feeling the desire to have a family! Yes! I could find my match this year and just when I thought I never would. Her eyes roved over the milling pack and wondered who it was. It’d be nice if it was a beta, but it doesn’t have to be so.
Leo stumbled toward her and tumbled between her forepaws, panting. She looked at him, amused. “We needed this party. Wears you pups out.”
“Hey!” Leo sat up. “Luna and I aren’t little pups. We’re big pups and can act like that.” Leo then yawned, sank to the ground, and was instantly asleep. Akiza chuckled softly as she gently nuzzled him. “In a couple of years, you and Luna won’t be pups so go ahead and act like one,” she said to herself. About fifteen minutes later, Luna came over and curled up beside her. That motherly feeling rose up inside her again and she gently put her head beside Leo, and drifted off to sleep…or she tried to, but the laughter and talk made it hard and she had taken a nap earlier to stay awake tonight. She opened her eyes to watch Jack move among the pack and had to admit that Yusei had been right to say Jack was the unit protector. His body and size is suited for that position.
Blister then came over and laid beside her. “Great party, huh? We haven’t had one for months since the most recent litters were born.”
“Yeah, great. Blister, I think I will find my mate this year.” She nodded at the sleeping pups. “I feel motherly feelings rising in me with Leo and Luna sleeping near me.”
“Really? I think I’ll find mine this year, too. So, we may end up moving out of our unit’s home and forming our own or rather you might. Yusei said our current home will be mine as the bar is connected to it.”
“I might,” Akiza agreed. “We will know in two weeks.”
Jack talked, ate, and danced while keeping an eye on Akiza. She was so beautiful and graceful in wolf form and he knew that the two of them would make a lovely couple and have equally lovely pups. He sniffed as the merest hint of an enticing smell reached him and he sniffed again to figure out what it was. His breath caught as his instincts kicked in and identified it. It’s the scent of my destined mate. It’s faint now, but it will grow stronger as the Mating Moon draws closer. Well, it would seem I was wrong. It’s not absurd that one cannot control who their mate will be. I hope that scent belongs to Akiza as that who I fell for. He seized a string of sausages, went to lay on the other side of Akiza, and put the string down. “Would you like some?” he asked.
Akiza gave a wolf’s grin. “That’s so sweet, Jack. Thank you.” She seized one end and began to eat. Jack chewed on the other end. This is a start. I will be a gentleman and treat her with respect and consideration. Then, I will tell her how I really feel.
Yusei surveyed the celebration from his home’s porch. It had been a long time since the last time they had such fun. The pups especially needed this, he thought as he watched the little ones run, chase, and wrestle with each other, their barks of joy mixing with the talk and music.
Yusei then saw Goodwin climb his way and he bowed his head and tucked his tail. “Alpha,” he said when Goodwin reached him. The elderly wolf nodded at Yusei’s show of respect before sitting beside him, Yusei straightening up and untucking the tail. He swept a gray paw at the crowd. “An excellent celebration. Everyone is enjoying themselves.”
“Yes, alpha. It has been months since the birth of pups when the last party was held.”
“Indeed. We will be holding a massive party within several months as pups will be born when mates form on the Mating Moon or existing ones couple.” His eyes flicked to the golden yellow wolf. “I wonder if Jack will find one this year. It would be good if his traits were perpetuated. Such solid genetic stock.”
“Yes, it would be good.”
“When I met him shortly after he changed, I sensed he didn’t wander into our territory by accident. He came here deliberately, knowing he would be bitten unless he got back to the human side. Since he is part of your unit, Yusei, you need to find out why he decided to be turned and report it to me.”
“Yes, alpha.” Yusei paused for a moment before saying, “I caught a scent off Jack that I really like when I was giving him a tour earlier today.”
“Did you? Well, that could mean that you and Jack are meant to be mates and as you are the beta, Jack would carry the pups.”
“Yes and if we moved to our own place, the twins will come with us. I don’t want them to be shuffled around again.”
“Of course. They are part of your unit and a beta’s job is to insure each member’s safety and health.”
Yusei’s tail swished at Goodwin’s confirmation. He was fond of Leo and Luna as their parents had been killed when they were only five. Goodwin took them into his home until he was able to find them a unit to live with. They were moved from unit to unit until a fifteen-year-old Yusei was bitten and found to be a beta. He had lived with Goodwin for only one day to learn to be a werewolf and a beta and when he moved to his own place, the twins followed as they had grown attached to him in the brief period of time. Now, three years later, they regarded Yusei not just as a beta, but a big brother.
We will stay together until they find their own mates which could be as soon as two years as they will be thirteen by then. He gazed over the party. Could Jack be my mate? I do find him handsome, human and wolf. Well, in two weeks, I will know.
Chapter Four- Letdown
Jack strolled down the human side a week later with Akiza beside him and a few other werewolves behind them. He saw the human looking at him with suspicion. He hadn’t been seen for a week when he was usually seen every day. This made it clear to people that he had been turned, but not to which side. So when he appeared in daylight that was when they knew he was a werewolf.
Jack wasn’t concerned; being a werewolf was a great way of life. Yes, becoming a wolf every night could be seen as inconvenient but he felt closer to nature that way and he knew he would be even closer when he thought as a wolf next month.
His eyes flicked over to Akiza. He had continued to respect her personality and do his job as protector. He had done so discreetly, watching out for her more than the rest of the unit. He was sure no one had noticed and he felt proud at how casual he was being at keeping Akiza company. His nose flared and he picked up the smells of food and humans as well as his fellow pack members, but the enticing smell from a week ago was absent. That concerned him. The Mating Moon was a week away so the mating scent should be stronger, but he wasn’t getting it from Akiza. But, I caught it as we left the house this morning, it was so clear. Why is it absent now? Could it be that she’s not my mate? No, she has to be!
Akiza was lost in thought. All week, she had felt as if Jack was constantly around her. It was a bit smothering to her. At the same time, she noticed Yusei constantly looking at Jack and his nose flaring. These actions caused her to consider the possibility that Jack could be Yusei’s destined mate; they would make a good couple in her opinion. Yet, Jack hangs around me. Surely, he smells Yusei’s scent and should be getting to know our beta instead of getting to know me. Wait…Yusei said that Goodwin suspects that Jack allowed himself to be bitten. He had a reason to be a werewolf and his constant companionship with me…could he be in love with me, found I was a wifewolf, and decided to be bitten? I need to ask him and, if it’s true, I will need to let him down gently; harshly if gentle doesn’t work.
It was mid-afternoon when the pair and the other companions decided to relax in the park. Jack and Akiza sat on a bench, the former’s eyes closed and head tilted to the sun. It was a pleasant day and the warm sun was making him sleepy. He almost dozed off when Akiza said, “Jack?”
“Yes?” he asked, eyes still closed and head still tilted.
“Are you looking forward to next week?”
“Definitely. And you?”
“Yes, of course. You know, I feel like we haven’t really gotten to know each other.”
That got Jack to look at her. “I do believe you’re right. Why don’t you start?”
“All right. I was born a wifewolf. My parents were loving and taught me all I needed to know. They left to establish a territory in another city and for a time, I was part of another unit until three years ago when Yusei was bitten.”
“So, he was bitten three years ago. Any idea why he crossed the line?”
“No. When the twins and I first met him, he seemed resentful and bitter about becoming a werewolf. He actually snarled at us a couple of times, he was so angry. One of those times was when I asked how he had been bitten. Obviously he calmed down and grew comfortable with his role as beta and being one of us. I never asked him about the circumstances that led to getting bitten for fear that he would become resentful and bitter again.”
“Surely he won’t now as it was three years ago.”
“Some memories are painful and a person can react in the same way he or she did back then. Yusei is happy living in the present and future. He doesn’t like looking back.”
Jack nodded. He had just learned how his unit got started and a little about his beta. “What about Blister?”
“Oh, he was bitten two years ago and joined our unit. His story was he got lost and hadn’t realized he had crossed the line. He had been depressed at being bitten and it took Yusei almost two weeks to cheer him up and we helped renovate the building next to us into a bar which is what he used to do before joining us.
“Jack, what drove you to end up in our territory? Most humans accidentally cross over as they know what could happen if they enter werewolf or vampire territory.”
“Oh, I knew what could and would happen. I lived here all my life. I crossed over on purpose because I had fallen in love. I tied up everything to do with my human life so I would be free to be turned.”
“Fell in love?” Suddenly, his constant companionship became clear. Her eyes went wide. “It’s me, isn’t it? You fell for me?”
Jack smiled. “Yes. I saw you one day and fell head over heels. I followed you and was surprised when I saw you enter the wolf side. I knew the only way to be with you was to be bitten. I was thrilled when I was placed in the same unit as you.”
“Shouldn’t you be spending time with Yusei?” she asked gently. “I think he’s picked up your mating scent.”
“Yusei?” he scoffed. “It’s you I love and wish to have a family with.”
“Jack,” she said still gently. “I don’t smell a mating scent from you and I don’t love you. I am more interested in a wifewolf mate. I’m sorry, Jack. You are just a unit member, pack brother, and a friend to me.”
Jack leaped off the bench and faced her with a look of anger and despair. “Don’t love me? I gave up my humanity to be with you and you see me only as a friend!? Fine, then!” He turned and started to stalk off.
Akiza stood and called. “Jack, where are you going?”
“I need to be alone!” he yelled back as he left the park. She raced after him, but he soon vanished into the crowd and she couldn’t pick out his scent. She returned to the park and sat down hard on the bench. How could I have been so blind to Jack’s inordinate time he spent with me? Possibly because I have no interest in males. If I had stated that earlier in the week, Jack wouldn’t be so angry and have walked away. I should give him some time to calm down. I’ll wait for him at the border where I’ll apologize for leading him on. She nodded to herself as went to meet up with the other pack members who were enjoying a different area of the park.
Jack was still seeing red. How dare she not tell me she was a lesbian! She led me on! Wasn’t it obvious that I was interested in her? I fell for her and let myself be bitten, knowing I couldn’t be human again. One would think she would be impressed that I willingly sacrificed my humanity for her. Clearly not. He growled low in his throat but cut it short. I will not make any wolf sounds or eat raw meat anymore. I will act more like a human, my body will be the only wolf thing I will allow. I’m through with being a werewolf!
Akiza whimpered as she paced at the border. It was almost nightfall and Jack still hadn’t shown up. He knew it was dangerous for their kind to roam the human side at night. The sky darkened and Akiza instantly changed. She sniffed the air and whined. No whiff of him. She gave a howl to summon her beta. She waited for three minutes before Yusei came racing up to her. “Akiza? What is it?”
“Yusei, I found out that Jack really did get bitten on purpose and because he fell in love with me. When I told him I wasn’t interested in males, he got angry and walked off alone. I had hoped he would calm down and come home, but obviously he didn’t.”
“He’s out there? Alone? With vampires waking and heading into the city?” He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. “Okay, you and me Akiza will go back to find him. Lead me to where you last saw him.”
“Yes, beta.” She raced off into the city with Yusei behind him. She hoped they found him before a vampire did. Those bloodsuckers wouldn’t hesitate to attack a wolf or worst of all, drink their blood. Please let him be safe, she thought. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he died. Please be safe, Jack.
Chapter Five- Vampire Encounter
Jack’s anger was spent and despair was setting in. His heart was broken by Akiza’s sexual preference and he no longer wanted to be a werewolf. He would forgo any wolf tendencies he had indulged in and return to humanity as much as he could. Of course he couldn’t halt his change to wolf form and he paused in an alley to change before padding out onto the sidewalk. His eyes were focused on the concrete but sensed the eyes of the humans on him as he passed. He used to walk among them unnoticed, but now that he was in wolf form, he drew a lot of stares. He didn’t care. He really just wanted to be human again.
But I can’t, he thought. I’m a werewolf for the rest of my life which could be longer than before. It doesn’t have to be, though. I could kill myself or ask someone else to do it. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. The wifewolf I love doesn’t love me and life now seems pointless. No one would miss me.
Jack, where are you? Yusei wondered, his nose to the ground as he tracked his omega’s scent. He and Akiza had split up to cover more ground, agreeing to meet up at the park once they had searched their halves. Hopefully one of them found Jack. He had found Jack’s scent and, nose to the ground, he literally followed in his foot and then paw prints.
Yusei was especially anxious to find his omega. Over the past week, that interesting smell that came off Jack had gotten stronger and it definitely snagged Yusei’s attention. He recalled Goodwin’s assessment and he believed the alpha that Jack was his destined mate. He did notice that Jack spent a lot of time with Akiza and had wondered why until tonight when told of Jack’s reason to be bitten: He was in love with Akiza and became upset when told Akiza didn’t love him. Oh, Jack. If you had told me about loving Akiza, I would have told you about her preferences and hinted that I find you desirable. A loud pain-filled howl sounded and Yusei nearly jumped. It was Jack!
Jack padded into a dead-end alley, turned, and laid down, watching people walk by. He was considering the ways to die. Impalement by silver was the best way to go. If I can buy a silver knife with a wrapped handle, I’ll be able to hold it and stab it into my heart. I will sleep here and in the morning, buy the fatal weapon. He sighed as he closed his eyes and had almost fallen asleep when the smell of death reached him. He opened his eyes and saw three muscular vampires at the entrance. All three were pale in hue and had slightly longer incisors than humans had. A very burly black man stepped in further, an evil, gleeful smile on his face. “Well, well. What have we here?” he sneered. “A lone werewolf. A foolish one who’s going to die tonight.”
The palest of the trio with pointed teal hair stepped up to Jack, crouched down, and tilted Jack’s head up to see dull purple eyes and depression in their depths. He stood and backed away, spooked by what he had seen. “Let’s leave him, Armstrong. He won’t fight back and I’d rather try to kill someone who would fight and give me a challenge.”
“Tanner’s right,” said the third. “It’s not honorable to fight someone who has no desire to fight back.”
“I disagree,” Armstrong said. “If a werewolf won’t fight, then we won’t get hurt and it’ll be one less mangy wolf to injure us.”
“Forget it,” Tanner said. “Let’s leave him be.”
“Please kill me,” Jack finally said in a flat whisper. “I have no reason to live.”
“There!” Armstrong said triumphantly, pointing at Jack. “He wishes to die, so we should oblige him.”
The other two exchanged looks and Tanner said, “Greiger and I will not assist in a suicide. That is what this would be: Suicide by vampire.”
“Suit yourself.” Armstrong came up beside Jack with a leer. Then his foot swung forward and nailed Jack in the stomach. He gasped at the kick. He’s going to torture me first. Well, that’s fine as I will die in the end. Then he gave a howl of pain and looked up to see that Armstrong had sharp claws in place of nails. I didn’t see those before. So, vampires have retractable claws unlike werewolves. Interesting. He saw Armstrong lash down again and Jack howled even louder before popping to his feet, growling and his fur standing on end. His self-preservation instincts had kicked in and he took umbrage at this torture being dealt out. “If you’re going to kill me,” he growled. “Then do it.”
“And miss having some fun first?” Armstrong laughed. “Not likely.” He lashed out with a foot and connected with a foreleg. Jack heard a crack and he crumpled to the ground with a pained whine before snarling at the vampire. The snarl earned him a kick to the head that knocked him out.
Yusei heard a louder howl of pain and increased his speed. The stench of vampires reached him before he spied two at the entrance of an alley. He growled a warning and they turned to see an enraged werewolf baring his teeth and the fur on his spine standing on end. They backed away before turning and running. Heh, either they’re cowards or those rare few who have honor. Honorable vampires would prefer fighting lone werewolves who would fight back. Since they didn’t stay to fight me, that means Jack is nearby. He stalked to the entrance to see an unconscious Jack and a vampire standing over him.
The sight of his unconscious omega enraged him further. “Leave him alone!” he snarled.
Armstrong looked at Yusei and smirked. “Why should I do that when he wants to die?” He contemplated the gold wolf. “Perhaps I’ll do it by drinking his blood.”
“No!” Yusei howled as he leaped at Armstrong, his extended claws ripping at the skin. Armstrong screamed as Yusei continued to attack and then he ran out of the alley, injured and needing blood to heal.
Yusei panted before turning and nosing Jack. “Jack? Jack!?”
Jack’s nose twitched and his eyes opened slowly to focus on his beta. “Yusei?” he whispered.
“Oh, thank goodness. I was afraid you had ended up in a coma.”
“No, but I would have preferred for that to happen.”
“Jack? So, what that vampire said was true. You want to die!?”
“I do. I can’t be human again and Akiza doesn’t love me. What’s the point of living?”
“Plenty! For one thing, I…I love you.”
“You…love me?”
“Yeah. Your mating scent is enticing to me. It’s clear that you’re to be my mate.”
“Your…?” Jack’s nose flared and that smell he had been picking up all week wafted to him. “Yusei,” he whispered in awe. “I can smell your mating scent. We are destined mates.”
Yusei nosed his cheek. “Is that reason enough to live?”
Jack’s tail wagged. “It is. There’s just one thing: That vampire broke my leg.” He nodded at the limb.
“Some raw meat will fix that.” Yusei gave a loud howl that seemed to carry a long distance. “I just called for my backup,” he explained.
Jack winced from both the pain of his leg and the realization of what he had done. “I guess I’m in trouble. I roamed alone.”
“I’m afraid so. You won’t go anywhere alone for a week as this is your first offense and as beta, I will be your escort.”
“Fine with me. We can spend the week getting to know each other.”
Akiza came running into the alley. “You found him, beta. I’m relieved he’s all right.”
“Not quite. He’s got a broken leg. If you could get him onto my back, we’ll get him to a nearby butcher shop.”
“Of course, beta.” Yusei crouched down as Akiza heaved Jack onto his back while Jack put his back half up there. Yusei slowly and carefully exited and headed down the sidewalk with Akiza beside him. “Jack, I’m sorry I led you on. I should have told you from the start that I preferred females.”
“It’s all right. It worked out. I found my destined mate.” He nosed the back of Yusei’s right ear.
Akiza gave a wolf’s grin as they entered a butcher shop. I knew Yusei and Jack were meant to be together and they’ll spend time together this week as Jack broke the no roaming alone law.
Chapter Six- Acquaintance Talk
Jack chewed on the rare steak and could feel his bones knitting back together. He sighed in relief and pleasure, the former for his healed bones while the latter was for the steak. He then whined happily when Yusei began to work on licking the blood from his fur.
“Those must have been some scratches,” Akiza commented.
“They were,” Jack admitted. “Now I know what Goodwin meant by fights consisting of teeth and claws.” He cautiously got to his paws and found his leg was completely healed. Ah, the healing effects of raw meat combined with a werewolf’s natural healing power.
“Well, I think we can head home,” Yusei said. “The rest of the unit is probably worried about us.” He nodded at the shop owner as the trio left. “Akiza, I will be escorting Jack everywhere for a week for roaming alone.”
“Which he wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t hurt his feelings. It’s my fault this happened.”
“Regardless, he shouldn’t have wandered away from the group. We will be using the time to truly get to know each other.”
Jacked noticed that Yusei wasn’t mentioning his death desire. Probably doesn’t want her to feel worse and besides I’m over it now that I have my mate and look forward to really knowing him. I may be able to get the story of his turning out of him.
Jack awoke to sunlight on his face and he squinted at it as he sat up. I keep forgetting how sensitive my eyes are to sunlight as they’re more equipped for night vision. He blinked a few times to adjust to the light before getting up and getting dressed and groomed. He had gathered some of his possessions last week with Blister, but left the other items, like his silver jewelry which would have to be sold since he was now allergic to it.
I will have to do it with Yusei since I can’t go anywhere alone for a week, even in our territory. Small price to pay as it’s not really safe to go to the human side alone anyway. He left the room and entered The Den to see only Yusei. He smiled at him. “Good morning, Yusei.”
“Good morning. I was thinking of showing you the inside of The Park and learn more about you.”
“Sounds good. I’d like to know more about you as well.” He followed Yusei out the door and glanced to the right to see Blister’s bar open and heard music playing from inside. “Where are Akiza and the twins?”
“She’s watching them as they play with the other kids. I also think she hopes to catch the scent of her mate.” Yusei approached The Park’s gate and flipped a latch that no one could accidentally trigger in his or her wild state.
“Will I remember nothing on full moon nights?” he asked as they entered the lush area and Yusei closed the gate. It was clearly meant for animal use and the pair settled on the ground.
“Not until morning. It’s necessary to remember so if something went wrong, we can fix it. Goodwin said that before The Park’s wall was built, pack members would attack humans or vampires. Some humans died and some were turned. Goodwin had the pack work hard to have the wall up and have latches put in. Only wolves know where they’re at so no vampire or human can get in to attack us.”
“Akiza mentioned you’ve been beta for three years.”
“Three wonderful years. It was rough at first. It didn’t help that I was bitten mere days before the full moon. I was rather angry and quite aggressive during those nights. I adjusted and the following month was much better.”
“You didn’t like being a werewolf?”
“No. Jack, I never told anyone but, I went over the line on purpose like you did, but unlike you, it was on a dare.”
“A dare? Someone dared you to cross the line at night?”
“Yeah. Obviously I did and I was surrounded within minutes. The ones who dared me saw me get bit and changed. They bolted as my change ended so they didn’t’ see the guards take submissive postures with me as they were omegas.”
Jack listened in fascination and knew he would never tell anyone about what he learned. “I can see why you would be angry and I swear not to tell anyone.”
“I know you won’t. As mates, we keep the other’s secrets. This is why our kind has destined mates as the pair would be suited to one another and no one else even if one dies.”
“Goodwin did say he didn’t take another after his mate died.”
“That’s right. We mate for life.”
“Yusei, what were the terms of that dare?”
“Well, it was more of a test of manly pride. I got that pride and a bite for taking the dare and doing it. If I hadn’t frozen upon hearing the alarm, I might have remained human. I don’t know what my life would have been like; it wasn’t that great three years ago.”
Yusei flashed a rueful smile. “I was a bit of a street punk and lived on the streets.”
“No!” Jack exclaimed with mock horror. “A delinquent?”
“Yeah; odd considering I’m enforcing the laws now.”
“I’ll say.”
“What about you, Jack? What was your life like?”
“Unremarkable. I had a decent job, a nice place to live, hardly noticed by anyone.”
“And you gave it up because of Akiza.”
“I did and I’m glad as it brought us together.”
“Yes and the first night of the Mating Moon will be wonderful.”
“What exactly goes on during that time?”
“All the pups stay with Goodwin while the unmated look for their mate. The mated ones couple and move into their own place. We will do that but the twins come with us. They’re my responsibility after all.”
“I don’t mind. They’re adorable.”
Yusei chuckled. “They are, no doubt.”
“What if Akiza and Blister find their mates? What becomes of our home?”
“Blister inherits it as his business is connected to it. It won’t be hard to find a new home and move in as all of the houses are nice and able to accommodate more than six if the couple has more than two pups.”
“How many pups can one produce at a time?”
“Anywhere from one to four and they’ll be born in six to eight weeks. Also they are born at night and never on the full moon.”
“One to four in six to eight weeks? We could have our own unit if we have four pups?”
“We could. Personally, I would like two or three.”
“And I would carry them as I am the omega and you’re the beta.”
“That’s right. You okay with that?”
“Of course. I love you and want to make you happy.”
“I love you too.” Yusei put a hand on Jack’s cheek and learned forward to capture Jack’s lips in their first kiss.
Jack savored the kiss and felt the urge to mate rise up inside him. It was an intense feeling and quite strong. They parted and Jack emitted a needy whine. He wanted to mate now, didn’t want to wait for the Mating Moon.
Yusei smiled at him, sensing his feelings. “No, Jack. We must wait for next week. Understand?”
“Yes, beta. I will wait.”
Chapter Seven- Mating Time
Jack and Yusei continued to share every aspect of their human lives during the week and Yusei shared more werewolf aspects. They did take trips to the human side, one was pawning the silver jewelry. They always returned home at least by sunset. Jack sighed as he curled up on the eve before the Mating Moon, feeling he knew Yusei better than anyone in the pack and a connection to the beta that he had never felt before. Must be the Mating Moon. Yusei was right in waiting and tomorrow night will be glorious.
Jack slept in the next day as did the pack. Some would be spending all night looking during the moons while others would couple and house hunt. Jack and Yusei were one of the latter and he looked forward to their first coupling as he had been wanting to do since last week.
Jack roused himself out of bed around noon and, as he went to his vanity, he gaped at his reflection. He had his wolf ears already! Does this happen every Mating Moon or ever full moon? He brushed his hair as best he could before dressing and heading down to join the unit. He arrived to see that the others also had wolf ears. He sat down and looked at his beta. “Is this normal?” he asked, fingering an ear.
“Normal during the full moon,” Yusei replied. “The pack usually stays in our territory during this time of the month.”
Jack nodded, thinking back. He never saw wolves during the full moon or the days in-between. This is why: We sport wolf ears. Well, this isn’t bad. Yusei actually looks cute this way.
The excitement grew as the afternoon wore on and Jack could smell Yusei’s scent getting stronger. He wondered how it would affect him once night fell. Goodwin came by to collect the twins and led them down the street with other kids to pick up the other little ones. The quartet stood on their porch as the sun went down and they instantly changed. Akiza and Blister left the porch and set off down the street to hopefully sniff out his or her mate.
Jack turned to Yusei to see him sniffing in his direction and panting. “Yusei?” he asked, having not seen the beta act like this.
“Jack,” Yusei panted with desperation. “Your scent is driving me crazy. I want to mate. Surely you feel it too.”
Jack inhaled deeply and Yusei’s scent flooded his nose. It was incredibly strong and his desire to mate blazed to life. He began to pant as he locked eyes with Yusei. “I do feel it,” he said softly and desperation started to lace his voice. “Oh, Yusei. Let us mate.” He laid down and spread his legs. He felt a burning through his body and he wanted his mate inside him to ease the burning. Yusei wasted no time in getting onto Jack and thrusting into his mate. Their howls of joy joined with the other joyful howls of mating couples.
Akiza sniffed the ground and then the air. She smelled only the wolf scents everyone had. She heard the joyful howls of couples mating and whined sadly. She wanted to be one of those happy couples and didn’t want to wait until next year. But, I may have to.
The loud howl of a female sounded and her nose twitched as a different smell reached her. Her tail swished and she panted at the smell. Her mate was near! This was her year! She ran toward it, giving a howl of her own. She weaved through the crowd of searching wolves, the scent growing stronger and exciting her. She followed the scent to the left and it led her to a black female with pale blue eyes. Akiza recognized her as Misty who had been bitten when Akiza was just a pup on the verge of becoming a teenager. Misty’s tail swished as Akiza came closer.
“So, you are my mate, Akiza,” Misty said. “Lovely. You and I will have beautiful pups. Naturally, you will carry them as I am a beta.”
Akiza swished her tail furiously. “I had hoped I would as I’ve been feeling motherly instincts stirring within me for a couple of weeks now.”
“Then, let us get to it.” Misty and Akiza nuzzled one another before the latter laid down, eager to conceive and have pups of her own. Their joyful howls joined the others.
Blister heard the howls taper off as couples fell asleep. He saw mated wolves lying asleep in the streets, house porches, and even alleyways. He hadn’t found his mate this night, but he wasn’t too concerned. There were still two more nights and the days in between. The unmated will be out searching tomorrow and the night after that. He reached home and saw Yusei and Jack fast asleep, facing each other. He shook his head in amusement as he headed inside. His beta would want to mate the next two nights and of course, Jack would want to as well. He hadn’t experienced it, but he had seen and heard described that the mating desire was quite strong and impossible to resist. I do hope I experience it; if not this year then next year because it sounds exciting.
Jack blinked his eyes open and they focused on Yusei’s sleeping human face. He smiled and felt warm at having a mate as well as having made love. He slowly reached over and scratched behind one of Yusei’s ears. The beta unconsciously whined in pleasure before he awoke and smiled at Jack. “Good morning, my love,” he said softly.
“My love,” Jack repeated. “I like that.”
“You’ll hear it a lot over the years,” Yusei said. “We are officially mates and we have two more nights of mating before we begin looking for our new home.”
“I wonder if the others are mated,” Jack said as they stood and headed in.
“Akiza must have as she’s not here,” Blister spoke up as he came out of the kitchen with a spatula. “I don’t know if she’ll come back until after the moons and begin to pack up.”
“No luck last night, Blister?” Jack asked.
“That’s right. I’m not too concerned. The number of unmated wolves will be smaller and increases my chances. I sense my mate’s out there. I just haven’t sniffed her or him out yet.”
Yusei nodded. “That’s the spirit, Blister. You’ll find your match.”
“Of course, beta. Now, who wants some smoked sausages?”
Akiza smiled as she held Misty’s hand while they looked for a home. Their initial mating had been glorious and she looked forward to the next two nights of passion. And within a few days to a week, I will be pregnant with pups. I wonder how I will act next month as I will be a simple pregnant wolf.
Misty then stopped before a house that gave her good vibes. “Here is our home, my dear. Like all the houses, it is already furnished save for personal items.”
“Perfect.” Akiza let herself be led inside and they laid on the queen-sized bed to rest up for that night’s mating.
Blister howled to the night as he left the house. Yusei and Jack decided to make love in The Den as no one else would be home. Blister felt the house could be full of wolves and the pair wouldn’t care as they were once again in the grip of the Mating Moon. He padded down the street, sniffing out for the wolves not yet mated. He locked onto the group and was about to head for it when a scent reached him and his head snapped around. He turned to it and tracked it to a brown wolf whose normal scent was instantly recognized and Blister laughed.
“Arrow! I never dreamed we would be mates,” he said.
“Likewise, my friend, but I’m not complaining.” Arrow nuzzled Blister and grinned a wolf’s grin. “Looks like I will be carrying our pups.”
“Good, ‘cause I’ve got a business to run as you know.”
“Well, let’s get down to the business of having a family.” Arrow laid down and Blister climbed onto him.
The three pairs made love for the duration of the moon. Yusei and Jack picked up Leo and Luna before the four packed up and moved to a new home not far from their old one. Arrow moved in with his mate and Akiza and Misty moved into the house they had claimed.
Arrow, Jack, and Akiza learned they were pregnant a week after the moon as were others and Goodwin howled happily at the next generation of werewolves and wifewolves.
Several weeks later, Akiza gave birth to four pups, three girls and one boy. Jack had three, two boys and a girl. Arrow had only one, a girl. News of the births all over the territory filtered to Goodwin who was proud of what he heard. A whole new generation of purebloods had been born and he looked forward to the next Mating Moon and see who would find their destined match, but over the next few weeks, he would visit the new pups and determine what their statuses would be. Perhaps, he would find an alpha that would succeed him one day in the future.