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The Mating Path

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Seiya, Nobara, and Tenka are mine.

Chapter One- Abducted

Hiei leaned back against the tree trunk and closed his eyes with a small smile. He had been given time off by Mukuro and he considered the timing good, for Kurama was coming to visit. He recalled the conversation the two of them had shortly after the Demon World Tournament:

“You’re going back to Human World, right?”

“Yes. I cannot abandon my mother or my stepfamily. I have chosen to abandon my Yoko identity. If I do decide to return to Demon World, only then will I become Yoko again.”

“Hn. I like your demon form, but I like your human form too and the person you’ve become.”

“And I like the person you have become.”

“Well, then how about we unofficially become mates?”

“I like that and I promise to visit now and then.”

Hiei loved each visit from Kurama and he felt his affection for the fox grow each time. He loved seeing Kurama approach in his demon form occasionally but truly enjoyed the red-haired human form he usually chose to appear in. I can’t deny that I really love Kurama and when he comes this time, I will ask him to be mates officially. Only thing is, our way of marking are different. I suppose I could mark my way and he can mark his way. Yes, that makes perfect sense. As he has to return to Human World, putting my fire mark on the side of his neck would lead to awkward questions so I think the back of the neck will work since his hair is long enough to hide it.

He sensed the presence of demons in the bushes below. He looked down to see several pairs of glowing eyes focused on him. He smirked as he jumped down, drew his sword, and slashed the bushes in one smooth motion. He sheathed his sword, turned, and punched the demon who had escaped his sword with the Fist of the Mortal Flame. They collapsed into burning heaps. Fools, he thought. Thinking I wouldn’t notice their pres-. His train of thought came to a halt when he felt something pierce his neck. He hissed as he yanked the item out and saw it was a dart. He whirled around, but saw no one. He grunted as he felt sleepy and surmised that the dart was a sedative. He fell to the ground and before he lost consciousness, saw a demon come into existence. An Invisibility demon. Clever, were his final thoughts.

Hiei fought his way back to wakefulness, trying to shove aside the grogginess he felt. He slowly opened his eyes, blinked, and shook his head. He found himself firmly securely to a table. There were thick bands around his wrists, ankles, and waist. He strained his muscles against the bonds and then attempted to melt them. Neither worked; the bonds refused to break and his energy refused to ignite. There must be some kind of ward nearby.

“Ah, you are finally awake,” came a baritone voice. A fox demon came into Hiei’s field of vision. Clearly, it wasn’t Yoko; he had tanned skin, long deep blue hair, and ice blue fox ears and a tail. His pale, almost colorless eyes bore into Hiei’s with clear desire and lust. He ran one clawed finger along Hiei’s jawline and then under the chin. “Oh, you are a fine demon. I knew you were a fire demon and my invisible servant reported you use of the Fist of the Mortal Flame and I was impressed by what I heard. I was pleased that I had decided to make you mine the moment I heard what you did.”

“Sorry, I’m already taken.”

The blue fox turned Hiei’s head from side to side and checked both shoulders under the cloak. “I see no mating mark, so that means you are available.”

“Think again. It may not be official, but I plan to make it so with my chosen mate, Kurama.”

“Yes, most demons are aware of your interest in Kurama. However I, Seiya, want you for my mate.”

“I told you I’ve chosen Kurama.”

“I have way to make you re-consider.” He held up a talisman and brushed it against Hiei’s cheek. He gasped as a cold feeling was felt; it was as if it had sucked the warmth from where it had touched.

Seiya grinned at Hiei’s reaction. “Yes, I imagine that was unpleasant. This is a water talisman and as you know, it can weaken fire demons. I knew I would be able to hold you captive with these as well as my own powers for I am a water fox.”

That explains the hair, ear, and tail colors. “If you intend to have me as a mate, holding me down will not endear me to you.”

“You are correct. I wanted to determine how you would feel toward me once you saw me. Clearly, I was wrong to hold you down. So, we will start over.” Seiya pulled out a syringe and stuck it in Hiei’s neck. Hiei felt sleepy again as well as dizzy as he slipped off into slumber yet again.

He knew immediately that he had been moved as he felt softness beneath him and he was lying on his side. Well, a bed beats a table, but this doesn’t change my opinion of him. Kurama will be my mate. He’s probably looking for me right now.

He felt claws carding through his hair and Seiya saying in a loving voice, “Wake up, Hiei. Let’s start over.”

He opened his eyes to see the blue fox gazing lovingly at him. He returned the look with a scowl. “Hn. You’re delusional if you believe I’ll think differently of you,” he said in a much higher voice, a soprano to be precise. He put a hand to his throat and glared at Seiya. “What have you done to me?” he demanded.

“When I said start over, I mean start over anew. I made some changes to you to that effect, but you’re still a fire demon.”

Hiei scowled, the hint and his voice told him what Seiya was saying. “You changed me into a girl,” he growled.

“I did and you are absolutely beautiful.”

Hiei rolled over and got out of bed to eye her new body. She pulled off her cloak for a better inspection. She was still muscular, but a little bit less so. She was still slender with a curved waist, sexy hips, and proportional breasts. She tightened her pants, noticing how shapely her legs had become. She felt her hair against her neck and ran a hand down it to find that it was thicker and ended at her waist. Something brushed against her legs and she craned her neck to looks. She gasped at the sight of a bushy fox tail that was clearly attached to her! It was black except for the last third which was white. She brought her hands up to see long sharp claws and felt her head to find two long delicate fox ears.

She spun around to glare at Seiya. “You changed me into a fox, too!?”

“Oh, yes. I had intended to have you as a female fox demon all along.”

“I liked myself the way I was.” She reached for her sword, but came up with air. Oh, great. I’m weaponless- or maybe I’m not, she thought looking at her claws. She stalked toward Seiya and put her claws to his throat. “I demand that you undo these changes and release me or I’ll kill you.”

“Well see, there’s two problems with your conditions. One: The changes are irreversible. You will as you are for the rest of your life and Two,” he grabbed Hiei’s hands and a cool, water-like energy washed over them. She gasped and tried to pull her hands away, but Seiya maintained his grip. She snarled and growled as she tried to yank free. The cold was getting unbearable and her snarls turned to pleading and a tear slid down a cheek. Seiya then released her and she curled up on the mattress, her hands tucked to her stomach in an effort to warm them.

“I’m a water fox, remember? You try to harm or defy me and I will inflict pain on you.” He stood and strode toward the door. “I’ll leave you to tend to your cold hands and don’t try to escape. I have water wards on either side of the door frame.” He closed the door and Hiei moaned softly.

This is terrible, she thought, blowing on her hands. I got kidnapped and changed into a female fox. My kidnapper wants me for his mate and if I don’t give in to him, he’ll use his powers and talismans on me. I’m effectively trapped. I only hope that Kurama can track me down and free me.

Chapter Two- Resistance

Kurama raced across the landscape of Demon World a day later than he had intended. He was heading for the tree where Hiei and he always met when he came to visit. He had debated on which form to take and decided to go with his human form. He preferred his human form and knew that Hiei preferred it that way too, though he never said so. His thoughts turned to the fire demon and a dreamy smile came to his face.

I look forward to seeing Hiei more and more with each visit. I sometimes see him in my dreams. We are unofficially mates, but I think now is the time to make it official. I wonder how Hiei will mark me as I know how I will mark him: I will take my demon form and use my fangs to leave a bite mark on his left shoulder.

He saw the tree coming into view, but there was no figure in any of the branches. He looked at the ground and ran faster; there were some unusual things there. He arrived near the tree and looked around. A clump of bushes had an uneven cut that could not occur in nature. They were cut by a sword as its owner came down from a height. He turned to see the burnt remains of demons. The ground beneath his feet was scuffed and he sniffed the air, detecting Hiei’s unique scent of wood smoke and ash.

He was here, but now he’s not. Kurama jumped up into the tree until he found Hiei’s scent. He scented Hiei’s movements from there. He jumped from here in the direction of the bushes. He leaped down to the bushes and sniffed. Yes, he used his sword, put it away, and turned. He sniffed the demons. He used the Fist of the Mortal Flame on them. But the trail ends here. So, where is he?

The sound of wings caused him to look up, poised to attack. He relaxed when he saw a small winged demon that could fit in his palm, approach. These demons usually barter news for something they wanted.

He seems to be heading straight for me. Does he have news about Hiei and if so, do I have the item to trade for it?

The demon landed and said in a squeaky voice, “Kurama, I desire seeds of the Death Plant in exchange for news about Hiei.”

“I see.” Kurama flipped his hair and produced a handful of seeds. “Will this suffice?”

“Oh, yes, more than sufficient. Hiei was knocked out by a dart and carried off by an invisible demon and carried off in that direction.” He pointed northwest.

“He was kidnapped?” he gasped as he handed over the seeds.

“Correct.” The demon flew off and Kurama growled and his green eyes sparked gold.

Someone took him and they will pay! Kurama leaped through the air and caught Hiei’s scent. When he landed, he had changed into Yoko and raced northwest. I’m coming, Hiei. Once you are free, you will be able to take your revenge on your captor, as will I.


Hiei started at her palm in which a round red jewel sat. She recalled feeling a tear slide down and off her cheek, but not until she looked down did she realize that there was no wet spot where her tear had landed.

I’m still part ice apparition even though I’m a fox. She stuck the gem in her pants pocket as she slid off the bed and over to a mirror to see herself better. A short black female fox demon was reflected in the glass. Her eyes were still red but a bit wider, her lips were full, and her chin was rounded. She focused and a glow came from under her headband: Her Jagan was still there. She moved her gaze up to her ears and saw the tips were white to match her tail. She lifted her shirt to reveal a taut muscled stomach and that pleased her. I may not be as muscular as before but I still look formidable like I did before. She looked at her hands and flexed her fingers. She smirked. I kind of like how I look as a fox, but I want to be male again. Perhaps, I can ask Seiya calmly if there really is no way to at least undo the gender switch.

The door opened and Hiei turned to see Seiya enter with a rolling cart bearing food. Her stomach growled softly and she approached the cart. Seiya saw her coming and pulled her toward him before leaning down and kissing her, a claw tracing the edge of an ear. Seiya pulled back but kept his arms around her as he gazed at her. “You are so lovely. Who knew you would turn out like this?”

I think my ice apparition side had a hand in it. “How did you do it? I know you used a syringe, but…?” “Ah. I paid some scientific minds to design the serum. It was a bit of trial and error as I wanted it to switch the gender and fuse fox DNA to the subject’s own.”

“Trial and error?” she repeated slowly, not liking the sound of that.

“Yes. Some either became half male and half female, others had stunted ears and tails, and others still changed gender and became foxes only to die shortly afterwards.”

“Am I the first to survive?”

“No. You’re the second. One of the scientists tested the final version on himself and he became a female fox. I didn’t take her for a mate as I was already intent on having you.” He led Hiei to a table and brought the cart before sitting himself.

“So, the serum was a one-shot design. No chance of reversing the gender switch at the very least?”

“None, Hiei. I wasn’t lying when I said you are a female fox for the rest of your life.”

“I don’t mind the fox part, but my gender is another matter.” She bit into an apple. “I was happy being male.”

“Well, I wasn’t. I want a family with a mate willing to do what I say.”

“No female is that pliable. I certainly will not be.”

“Oh, you will. You see, I wanted someone skilled in fire so that I can improve my water skills and overwhelm him or her.”

Hiei’s eyes narrowed. “You want to torture me to accomplish that, don’t you?”

“It’s necessary to make you a compliant mate. Eventually, we will mate and have little kits to raise. I personally hope they’ll be water foxes.”

“Keep hoping. I will not be your mate.” Hiei left the table and headed for the door. She then hissed loudly as a wave of water energy washed over her. She winced from the residue before attempting to leave again. She gasped as she felt a coldness envelope an arm before she was tossed across the room. She hit the wall and she stood to see Seiya glaring at her, his body outlined in energy as blue as his ears and tail.

“You are a spirited one. I like that, but I’d rather you not be aggressive toward me, unless it’s during sex.”

“Dream on,” Hiei snapped. “You want a spirited fire demon just to control her with your water. You’ll end up crushing that spirited part with your domineering ways. Think about that.”

Seiya growled as he spun and headed for the door. “Have some food and I suggest you re-think about fighting me.” He left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Hiei staggered to the table, feeling weak from Seiya’s attack. She looked over the selection as she sat. It was what one would call breakfast food. I guess I’ve been here for almost a day. I need to get out of here and away from Seiya. I’ll go to Human World and get a message to Kurama once I’m safe. She munched on the apple she had abandoned earlier. I need to think about how to escape…and I believe I know how.

Chapter Three- Phase One

Yoko raced across the land, his nose firmly on Hiei’s scent. He was also angry with himself for being late to his meeting with Hiei. If I had not been so caught up in my report to my stepfather, I would not have ended up late. He spied other demons peering at him as he passed but none came near him. Clearly, his reputation kept the others away from him. Hiei had a similar reputation but someone was brave enough to seize the fire demon.

How would he hold Hiei? He’s quite strong and nearly impossible to hold. Hmm, it is possible that his captor is a water demon. Hiei would find it difficult to deal with such an opponent. I, however, can deal with a water demon with ease. But, Hiei know that some demons can be outsmarted rather than be defeated by brute force. I may end up meeting up with Hiei as he’s escaping.

&&&& Hiei sat on the floor in a meditative state. There wasn’t much to do in the room. She had a leisurely breakfast and then found a hairbrush and comb to smooth out her hair and tail. Her escape plan required her to be in a calm state of mind, thus she was meditating. Her ears heard footsteps a distance away. I knew my ears would be sensitive, but I didn’t realize how sensitive. Hmm, I now have the same enhanced senses as Seiya which makes sense. I can use that to my advantage once I find out my limitations on said senses.

The footsteps came closer and Hiei’s nose picked up a scent that made her think of the smell of the air after a rain shower. It was fresh and pleasant; a shame the owner wasn’t pleasant. The door opened and Hiei opened her eyes to look up at Seiya blandly as he was looking at her with an expression that suggested he was ready to fight Hiei. “If you wanted to be comfortable, there is a bed,” he commented.

Hiei stood, stretching her legs. “If I had sat on the bed, I would have fallen asleep.” She came up to Seiya and put her arms around his waist, her tail brushing the side of his right leg. Her right hand grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down to give him a passionate kiss. She felt his tail wind itself around her own.

She parted and Seiya looked at her with a dreamy look in his eyes. “Well, this is a surprise.”

“You suggested I re-think my decision. I did just that. I admit, I still like Kurama, but I also like power. I sense you are already powerful and I would like to help you be more so. I was thinking of helping in the form of sparring practices.”

“That’s sweet of you to say that. What about my wanting a family? Have you thought on that as well?”

“I have and I might be willing to give you a family. I just don’t want one right away. I’d rather get to know you first.”

“Sound suggestion, my dear. Come, let us talk elsewhere, I have already removed the wards so you can leave.” He put an arm across her shoulders, led her out of the bedroom, and down the hall. He saw her look around as they walked. She should know where everything is, especially since she’s going to live here.

They reached a cross corridor and Hiei glanced left and right before being led right. She spotted what was clearly the front door on her left. Now I know where I’ll need to go when I attempt to escape. She allowed herself to be steered to a cozy small den and onto an equally cozy love seat.

“Now then,” Seiya said sitting down while Hiei curled her legs under her. “Where should I begin?”

“How about your profession? I mean, paying scientists can be expensive.”

“Oh, it did cost quite a bit. But providing rain for farmers and other well-to-do demons for a price is quite the wealthy business and natural with my abilities.”

“Natural, absolutely. Do you have servants?”

“Of course. I have a staff of chefs, housekeepers, guards, and personal assistants. Perhaps one of my assistants can be assigned to work for you.”

“That’s…real generous, Seiya,” Hiei said, sounding flattered.

“I can afford to be as you have changed your mind about being my mate.”

“I have.” She made herself blush and look away to hide the smirk. Fool, I can’t believe you’re buying this. Kurama’s always said that sometimes brains are better than brawn. Such is definitely the case here. I can’t fight him physically, but I can outsmart him as long as I play it right.


Hiei listened patiently to Seiya bragging about his powers, his business, and his plans for the future which included Hiei. She affected a look of genuine interest while finalizing her escape plan. Seiya then took Hiei on a tour of his home, showing her places like training rooms, bathrooms, servants’ quarters, and empty rooms near his room, in addition to the living room and dining room where the tour ended and an early dinner began.

“What do you think of your new home?”

“Impressive. I wonder though. What are the empty rooms for?”

“Oh, those are the bedrooms of our future children.”

“I see.” Hiei did not like the sound of that. There were at least half a dozen rooms. I don’t want to have six kits. Maybe two and they would be Kurama’s children.

“That won’t be for a while of course.” Seiya clapped his hands and a quartet of cooks appeared to place their plates of food, goblets of wine, and utensils before bowing and scurrying back into the kitchen. Hiei noted the terrified looks on their faces as they left. Apparently, Seiya threatens them too. I’ll be sure to tell someone about this and by someone, I mean Kurama who will surely tell someone else. She brushed back some of her hair and realized that Kurama may not recognize her. I still have my unique scent which I’ve been told is wood smoke and ash. So, he may recognize me based on that.

Seiya could hardly keep his eyes off Hiei as he ate. He couldn’t get over how well she turned out. The scientist that used herself as a test subject didn’t turn out quite as attractive. Oh, she was pretty there was no doubt, but Hiei was beautiful and the scientist was more dedicated to her studies and job and wasn’t going to let a change in gender and form stop her. But her mating urge will stop her for a time. Hmm, Hiei was meditating when I came in earlier and it’s clear that it helped realign her thinking. Now, she’s willing to be my mate and I’ll make it official when we couple for the first time. She wants to help me strengthen my powers and give me a family. I plan to have her mother at least six kits. He smiled at the thought. I love the idea of six kits and all of them with my ability. I will personally drown any fire kits and if Hiei gives me any grief about that, I‘ll teach her who’s the master of the house. Hmm, then again, maybe I can brainwash her into believing that water kits are superior and more desirable than fire kits.

“Hiei, about our children. I want six and all of them water foxes.”

“What if some are fire kits?”

“Well, if some were…”

“You would kill them,” she stated flatly and then growled, “I don’t think I would allow that.”

“You could be right. Maybe I’m being too hasty. I’ll wait until you’re pregnant and then think about it again.”

Hiei nodded. “I’ll also re-think the matter at that time too.”

“Good. It seems we agree on a lot of subjects, dear.”

“It seems that way.” She waited until Seiya looked down and used her Jagan to look into his mind. She was shocked by what she had uncovered. She looked down to gather her thoughts. He only wants water foxes and will personally drown any fire ones that are born. He also intends to brainwash me into wanting water kits only. Oh, he is so going to die!

“Seiya, where is my katana?” she asked. “I’m rather attached to it.”

“Oh, it’s under the bed.”

“The bed.” Her eyes roved up and down Seiya’s body with a mischievous gleam in them. She stood, took her captor’s hands, and pulled him out of the dining room, down the hall, and into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Chapter Four- Escape

“Hiei, what are you thinking?” Seiya asked, watching Hiei as she started to undress.

She flashed a flirty smile. “I was thinking maybe we could…explore each other’s bodies. Learn the sweet spots so that when we do couple, we’ll know what spots to touch.” She sat on the bed.

“Clever, my dear. I’m game.” Seiya shed his clothes and sat beside Hiei. He stared into her crimson eyes and thought about having kits with that eye color rather than his own colorless eyes. He reached out and ran the back of his hand across her cheek. She closed her eyes lazily and placed her hand on his. “Oh, that’s good,” she sighed.

Seiya slipped his hand from under hers and reached up to scratch behind an ear before lightly running a claw along the edge. Hiei growled in pleasure.

She opened her eyes and reached over with both hands to rub the backs of his ears before lightly tracing the edges. Seiya sighed happily and Hiei felt like she was going to be ill, but kept that feeling buried. Giving Seiya pleasure was hard as she didn’t love him. But by pretending it was Yoko, she was able to please the water fox. Besides, I might be able to use what I learn on Kurama.

Seiya opened his eyes and pulled Hiei closer to him. He ran a hand through her long hair and then over her tail. She gave another pleased growl as she swished her tail across his stroking hand. He grinned at her move as his free hand moved over her breasts, cupping and stroking them before running a finger between them and down to her bare stomach. The light brush against her stomach and belly button caused her to shiver and her desire to mate awakened inside her. Oh, my. This desire is so strong and my body is reacting to it. Oh, God, I can’t fight it!

She shoved Seiya onto his back, her eyes alight with desire and longing as she laid on top of him. Seiya put a hand on her shoulder and held her back. “Easy, my dear Hiei. We’re not coupling yet, remember?”

“I remember,” she said huskily. “You found my sweet spot and you awakened my mating desire. Now, I’m going to find your sweet spot.” She brought her hand up to run it along the edges of the deep blue hair and down to the tail that lay beside its owner. He growled softly, but nothing more.

She grinned as she rubbed his shoulders, then rubbed circles on his smooth, muscular chest. He hummed in content and his tail wagged. “That feels wonderful,” he sighed.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she assured him, intending to try that on Kurama. She extended a clawed finger and ran it lightly down his torso. She knew how Seiya’s light touch had touched off her mating desire and surmised that it might set off Seiya’s too. If not, I have another place to test. She moved her claw down to his stomach and across his belly button. He shivered and moaned in pleasure, but that was it. She flicked her tail and brushed it over his privates. Seiya’s eyes widened at the brush and he growled in a way that suggested desire. Yes! I found his sweet spot.

She slid sideways off him and laid on her side with her back to him. Both sighed in contentment. “That was satisfying,” she admitted.

“More than satisfying,” Seiya said. “We can touch off each other’s desire without waiting for the mating season to occur. However, our season is very close. Another two or three days, I would say.”

“Really? That soon?” Hiei couldn’t believe it. Is that why he chose now to kidnap and change me?

“Yes. That’s why I executed my plan to seize you…when I did.” Seiya sighed and Hiei activated her Jagan to Seiya with his eyes closed and his breathing slowly changing to a deep, even sound. He’s falling asleep. Perfect. Hiei smirked as her eyes slid closed and she fell into a light doze. Her plan was working so far.


Yoko panted as he came to a halt. He had been running for a good long while. That Invisibility demon must have been very tall and able to cover ground easily. He looked up to see darkness falling and decided to make camp. He gathered wood to make a fire and made a bed of soft grass. He laid down and watched the crackling fire that reminded him of Hiei when fighting. Hiei’s face seemed to shimmer in the fire’s fumes and Yoko sensed the beginnings of his mating urge. The season is coming, not much longer. I hope I find him soon. Yoko dropped off to sleep.


Hiei jerked awake and lay there for a time, focusing her ears on the body beside her. His breathing was still deep and even. Good, still asleep. She slipped out of bed, retrieved her sword, and threw her clothes over it. She crept toward the door and was about to open it when she heard a yawn and Seiya saying, “Hiei?”

“I’m just going to the bathroom,” she lied smoothly looking back at him with a sweet smile. “Go back to sleep, dear.” Her Jagan flared briefly and Seiya was instantly out. She opened the door and closed it behind her before getting dressed and attaching her sword. She quickly headed for the exit. He won’t be out long; fifteen or twenty minutes at most. She opened the front door to see no guards and a sun starting to ruse. She sped off across the landscape; she had no idea where she was or what direction she needed to take. All she wanted was to get far away from the house and get to Human World. As she raced, she felt an urge to mate and have kits. The mating season is one day closer and it’s…strong. I’ve never felt mating urges before because fire demons don’t have mating seasons and ice apparitions don’t mate at all.

She ran for two hours when she suddenly stopped, her nose twitching. A scent like blooming roses wafted up to her and she stood there, breathing deeply. That scent. It’s Kurama! I just know it! She sped off toward the scent, eager to see her chosen mate. She then heard a voice yell angrily, “HIEI!” Her heart sank as she glanced back while running. Seiya was dashing toward her, an ugly look on his face. She quickened her pace; if she could reach Kurama, Seiya may hesitate to engage him or he may turn and flee.

A wave of water energy flowed across her skin slowing her down. A stronger wave washed over her, causing her to trip and hit the ground. She rolled on her side to see Seiya standing over her. “You bitch!” he screamed, slamming his foot into her stomach. “You dare trick me!?”

“Why not?” she gasped. “I am a fox. Isn’t that what we do?”

“Not to each other I would think!” He kicked her again. “You are going to be sorry for deceiving me!” He held out his hands and a massive pouring of energy hit her. She screamed tossing her head from side to side. The pouring increased in intensity and she screamed even louder, feeling as if her throat was going to tear apart from the pitch coming out of it. The energy abruptly stopped and she panted from the pain and the weak feeling she felt and she shivered with cold. Her nose took in that blooming roses scent again and noticed that it was much stronger. Kurama’s here.

Chapter Five- Official Mates

Yoko resumed his tracking once the sun came up. Hiei’s scent was still on the air and it seemed to gradually get stronger. I must be getting closer. He continued following it two hours when he stopped. He scented two trails: One continued in the direction he was going, but another was heading in a western direction and coming from the direction he was headed. He sniffed the two trails and found the western trail was stronger. It seems I was correct in meeting up with Hiei during his escape.

A scream ripped through the air making Yoko jump and wince at the pitch. He took off toward the sound, the scent of wood smoke and ash getting stronger all the while. Another scream erupted; a definitive feminine scream. He soon came upon the cause: A demon with deep blue hair with light blue fox ears and tail was pouring massive energy over a black female fox. Yoko growled at what he saw; tracking Hiei could wait as he couldn’t stand the weak being tortured like this. He stalked over to the scene causing the male to cease his attack.

“Yoko!” he hissed in fear.

“Attacking the defenseless?” Yoko said. “A cowardly thing to do. Leave her be.”

“Never,” the male said. “She dared to trick me and she’s going to pay!”

“It seems she already has,” Yoko observed, hearing her pants and seeing her body shiver. He turned his gaze back to the blue fox. “I must insist you leave her alone or you will regret it.”

“I told you before, never.”

Yoko’s eyes narrowed. “I warned you. I don’t tolerate torture.” Suddenly, a plant sprang to life behind Yoko, its feelers flying through the air and struck the male’s chest. He gasped as he felt the plant sucking the blood from his body. He dropped to his knees and then his back as the plan fell on top of his body.

Yoko approached the female. He admired her white-tipped black tail and the white-tipped black ears. She’s quite lovely. Any male would- His train of thought trailed off as his nose picked up Hiei’s scent and it seemed to be coming from the female! No, this cannot be. Hiei cannot be this female fox…can she? “Hiei?” he asked, putting a hand on the shivering body.

She managed to roll over to look at him. “Yoko,” she whispered hoarsely. Despite the voice, the ears, and the tail the structure of her face hadn’t altered too much and Yoko realized that is was Hiei.

“Oh, Hiei.” He picked up the short fox and sped off to find a secluded place to build a fire and warm Hiei up and where they could talk. My opponent was a water demon; a fox, to be precise. My supposition had been right. I do wonder why Hiei’s female and a fox. Hopefully, Hiei can answer those questions.

Hiei sighed in relief as she held her hands in front of a fire. The heat washed over her body and she felt her strength return to her. She sensed Yoko behind her, staring. She looked back at the silver fox who stood beside a cave opening that was covered by a wall of thorns. She gave her trademark smirk. “Yoko, you’re staring,” she said, feeling amused when Yoko’s cheeks reddened and he looked down.

“My apologies,” he said as he came closer and sat nearby against the wall.

“It’s all right. I know why you’re staring.” She looked down at her clawed hands now resting in her lap. “Part of it is the approaching mating season. I feel it too.” She tapped the spot over her heart. “It’s strong. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“What I do not understand is how and why you are like this.”

Hiei grunted a laugh. “It certainly wasn’t my idea. Seiya wanted a fire demon for a mate to improve and strengthen his powers. He also wanted said demon as a female fox.”


“He had scientists design a serum. How did he put it? Oh, yes. He wanted it to switch the gender and fuse fox DNA to the subject’s own.” She saw understanding light up in Yoko’s eyes. “Yes, it’s irreversible. I’m female and a fox in addition to my existing dual heritage.”

“I understand that you are fire and ice, but I thought the ice part was virtually non-existent.”

“Oh, it exists, especially now that my gender has changed.” She reached into her pocket and produced the gem. “I actually shed a tear the first time he used his powers on me.”

Yoko was stunned. His chosen mate was a female fire and ice fox forever. He saw Hiei bow her head, her ears drooped, and he heard her murmur, “I’m a messed-up demon; a freak.” It was clear that she was talking to herself.

“You are not a freak,” Yoko stated firmly.

Hiei’s head shot up to look at Yoko. “But,” she protested. “I’m a fox demon, a fire demon, and an ice apparition. No other demon is mixed like I am.”

“True, but it makes you special, not a freak.” He moved closer and pulled Hiei onto his lap. “I, for one, love special and unique people,” he whispered in Hiei’s ear as his arms wrapped around her body.

“Special,” Hiei repeated softly. She snuggled against his strong chest, feeling safe in his embrace and secure, at last, about her gender and body as well as the strong urge to mate. “Yoko, I was going to ask two or three days ago for us to officially be mates. Every visit from you caused my affection for you to grow.”

“I am happy to hear that for I was going to ask you the same thing.”

“Hn. Wonderful.” Hiei shifted so that she was facing Yoko. She slid the left strap over slightly and bit down on Yoko’s shoulder, using her energy to insure a permanent mark. She heard Yoko hiss before she felt her left shoulder being exposed. She felt pain and hissed when she removed her fangs. She gazed at the mark she had made and felt proud and happy to officially have a mate.

Yoko hissed as he felt Hiei’s fangs pierce his skin and warm energy wrap around it. he pushed aside the cloak and shirt to expose Hiei’s left shoulder before biting down and using his energy on it. Hiei hissed at the bite as she pulled out. Yoko did the same and admired Hiei who now bore a mark to announce to the world that she was claimed. That mark actually adds to her beauty. It also insures that no one will be able to claim her. If someone tries to court her, she can expose the mark and they will back off.


Hiei hunted for more wood two days later while Yoko was foraging for plants and herbs. The two foxes decided to stay in the cave until their mating urge had passed. The season had just began but her passion hadn’t reached the fever pitch. Yoko assured her that it’ll come, she just had to be patient. She had plenty of patience, but she was curious about how she would act when the urge came upon her. The idea of her being aggressive and out of control of her mating desires sounded scary and just a little exciting.

She jumped into a tree to test for loose sticks and twigs. She started at the top and by the time she returned to the ground, she had collected a decent amount. This will last a couple of days, she thought. Her ears and nose detected someone approaching and she knew it wasn’t Yoko. She dumped the wood and gripped the hilt of her sword, prepared for an attack.

A quickly-approaching figure appeared in her field of view. It was a brown fox. He was handsome with rich coffee-brown hair that ended at his broad muscled shoulders, his ears were wide yet elegant, his body was broad and muscled like his shoulders, and his arms and legs followed suite. A full furry tail swished behind his legs. As he came closer, Hiei saw a friendly smile and deep blue eyes. She subtly took her hand off her sword.

The male looked Hiei up and down in an appraising manner. He then circled her and she felt his claws run through her hair and his tail slid over her own. She stayed still, having a good idea what he was doing and why as she could smell it on him: He was unclaimed and was seeking a female fox to mate.

“You are pretty and I would love to have you for my mate,” the male finally said in a mild, tenor voice.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m already taken.” She moved her shirt strap to reveal the mark, her cloak back in the cave.

“Oh.” He sounded crushed and Hiei felt bad that she caused it for he seemed like a nice demon. “Well, I’ll keep looking. Your mate is lucky to have a pretty fox like you.” He trotted away and Hiei gathered the wood before heading for the cave, glowing from the brown fox’s comment. A slight tingle through her body told her that her urge was starting to awaken again.

Chapter Six- The Urge

Hiei was stacking the wood when Yoko entered and put up the thorn wall. “I see you found quite a bit of wood,” he commented.

“Yes. How was your foraging?” Hiei asked as she conjured a flame to ignite the wood in their campfire pit.

“Quite satisfying. I found plants and herbs I will be able to cultivate when I return to Human World.”

“Of course, I’ll go back with you.”

“Yes. We’re mates and we shouldn’t be too far apart. I am sure Yukina would love the company.”

“I take it that Genkai has died, has she?”


“I may tell Yukina the truth. She would like to know that she will be an aunt.”

“I have always believed that you should tell her.”

Hiei turned from the fire to face Yoko and gazed at him, his silver hair glinting in the firelight. She felt her awakened urge stirring before it blazed to life in her. She wanted her mate, wanted to feel him inside her. So, this is what it feels like. Incredible. She sat down and removed her boots before standing and moving toward Yoko who had tilted his head curiously. “Hiei? What are you-?”

Hiei seized Yoko’s tunic, pulled him down, and gave him a deep, passionate kiss, her hands wrapping around his neck. She felt Yoko’s arms around her waist and when she pulled back, she saw gold eyes filling with desire: Yoko’s urge had been triggered by her kiss.

“I want you, Fox,” she growled, employing the nickname she had ceased using when she became a fox.

“I want you, too,” Yoko answered as he swiftly pulled Hiei’s pants down before gently laying her onto her back and fully removing the garment. He slipped off his shoes and stripped completely before he positioned himself over his trembling mate. He lifted off her shirt and drank in her naked body, noticing that she was taking in his own.

Hiei felt no embarrassment about her nakedness as she had stripped in front of Seiya and she was firmly in the grip of her desire. She reached up and scratched behind one of Yoko’s ears. His tail flicked through the air and he hummed contently. She moved her hands across his firm arms and started rubbing circles on his chest.

Yoko was hardly still. He ran his hands along the sides of her body before moving one to run it through her hair and lightly ran a claw over an ear and along the edge. He then moaned as Hiei rubbed his chest faster. He locked eyes with Hiei as he reached down to cup her breasts and stroke them. He smiled as he fondled them lovingly. She hummed contently as he stroked. Her hum became a gasp and a giggle as his claws lightly ran between her breasts, down her stomach, and over her belly button. Oh! He touched my sweet spot!

Yoko was a little surprised to hear Hiei giggle as he lightly brushed down her body. Her reaction excited him and he felt an erection starting to form. I’m almost ready, I just need a little more arousal. He felt something furry brush over his privates as well as a claw brushing over his belly button. He moaned from both actions and his erection fully formed. Oh! That was it! He inserted into Hiei, seeing her region wet and ready. He pumped slowly and steadily, his mate moaning with delight. He began to pump faster, enjoying the cries of the fox beneath him. He started panting from his thrusts, sensing he was about to climax. He kept going a few more times until he couldn’t hold out anymore.

“Hiei!” he cried as he fired.

“Yoko!” she screamed back in response.

Yoko pulled out and stared at Hiei with exhausted and satisfied eyes. “You were…wonderful.”

“So were you,” Hiei panted. “Can we do it again?”


“Hn, no. Later. My urge is far from satisfied.” Hiei closed her eyes and was fast asleep. Yoko smirked as he moved to one side and pulled her close before falling asleep himself. His own urge hadn’t been satisfied either.

Hiei jerked awake hours later, the light faint as the fire had gone out and the sky outside was dark. But, she saw the cave clearly due to her new night vision; her mind’s eye however showed her a nightmare she had just woken from. She dreamed that she had become Seiya’s mate and was giving birth to a litter of kits. Seiya stood nearby to receive them and each kit she delivered show a proclivity for fire. Seiya would plunge each one into a basin of water and drown them. When she had delivered the last kit and Seiya had drowned it, he turned his powers on her and weakened her to the point where she was about to die. It was at that point that she woke up.

She laid there in Yoko’s arms and told herself that it was only a dream. Seiya was dead and she had been marked. If I do have a fire kit, I know Yoko won’t kill it. He’ll love it just as I will. Her ears flicked as she heard Yoko’s breathing change and then she felt his breath tickle her ear as he said, “You ready to go again?”

“I would, but could we talk first?”

Yoko heard the serious tone in her voice and sat up as she did the same and faced him. “Hiei? What is it?”

“Just a nightmare that will never happen.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I was Seiya’s mate and delivering a litter of kits and every one of them were fire ones which Seiya didn’t want. He wanted only water foxes and he drowned each kit I delivered. After he did that, he turned his powers on me. I woke up then.”

“You are right. It will not happen. Seiya is dead and you are my mate. Plus, you will not have a litter. It is usually only one being born at a time.”

“I could have twins. I am part ice apparition.”

“You could. I would like a pair of fire kits.”

“They could be ice kits or ones that specialize in plants.”

“Or it could just be one kit. But first we need to conceive and I am definitely in the mood.”

“Me too.” Hiei tackled Yoko to the floor and began running her fingers through his hair while he rubbed her hips. The two of them rolled and growled as they made love until they were exhausted. Hiei laid cuddled on Yoko’s chest, his strong arms embracing her.

Yoko woke to find Hiei off his chest and stoking a fire. The scent of cooking meat reached his nose and surmised that Hiei had gone out for food. He looked at the cave entrance to see the thorn wall had been burned away. He smiled at the opening until he heard Hiei say, “Good morning. Hungry?”

“Good morning. I could do with some food. We had a lot of fun yesterday.” Yoko started dressing.

“Yeah. It was great fun.” Hiei, also dressed, turned with two spits on in each hand. She handed one to her mate and sat to enjoy her own. Yoko noticed that Hiei’s meat was bigger and smiled gently.

“So, I’m guessing that you are pregnant already?”

Hiei nodded happily. I sensed it when I woke up as well as my urge passing. I don’t know if it is one or two, I just knowing I’m expecting.”

Yoko slid over and put an arm around her back. “You are going to be a great mother. I know it.”

“Thanks and you are going to be a wonderful father.”

“I think I will tell Mother the truth. She is going to be a grandmother after all.”

“I’ve decided that I will tell Yukina the truth.”

“Then, let us finish breakfast so that we can return to Human World.”

“Agreed.” Hiei tore into her meal to keep her mind off her nervousness of confessing to her twin.

Chapter Seven- Confession

The mountain compound looked just as Hiei remembered and yet it looked…empty. She knew that wasn’t so; that her sister lived there and that the rest of the gang came up here to visit. This will be my new home. I’ve already left Mukuro a message telling her that I’ll be staying in Human World for a long while.

She was nervous about telling Yukina the truth. She remembered trying to get Kurama to tell Yukina her brother was dead, but he had declined, saying Hiei needed to tell her that himself. Well, technically her brother is dead and she has a twin sister now. She slowly exhaled and marched down to the compound with her mate behind her, back to human form.

She smelled two scents as she drew closer. One reminded her of snow and ice and deduced that was Yukina. The other was recognizable as human, but she couldn’t identify the owner. It doesn’t matter who it is; everyone will find out about me. She slid back a door to enter an empty room, but her nose told her that Yukina and her visitor were in the next room. Kurama led the way to the door and slid it open just enough for him to stand in the doorway and block Hiei from view.

“Oh, Kurama,” Yukina said. “I was starting to worry. You were gone a while.”

“Yes, my visit took longer than I intended. I got caught up in the fox mating season. I took a mate, received a mating mark, and I will soon be a father,” he announced, sounding proud and rightly so.

“Wow, that was fast,” came Kuwabara’s voice which sounded a little different from what Hiei remembered. “But, wait. I thought you were with Hiei. I mean, didn’t you say the two of you were mates though unofficially?”

“Yes, but now it is official and well…” Kurama entered the room and stepped aside to allow Hiei to enter.

Kuwabara’s mouth dropped as he stared at the black fox. “Hiei!?” he gasped. “You’re a girl and a fox?”

“Yes and it wasn’t by choice. I got kidnapped and brought to a water fox who wanted a strong fire demon to strengthen his powers and also for a mate.”

“So, he’s the one who changed you? And Kurama found you?”

“No, I escaped on my own. I pretended to reconsider being his mate and while he was asleep, I fled. Only he caught up to me and was flooding me with his power when Kurama arrived in his demon form.”

“So that is what he meant,” Kurama spoke up. “He did not elaborate on you tricking him. Well, he will not trouble anyone again. I killed him using the plant I used on Karasu.”

“And now you’re pregnant?” Kuwabara asked. “I’m guessing you can’t reverse the change.”

“Correct on both counts. I don’t really mind much. I have a mate and a child on the way.” She turned her attention to Yukina. “I have news for you regarding your brother.”

Yukina gasped. “You found him?” she asked hopefully.

Hiei levelled her gaze. “He’s dead, but you have a twin sister now.”

“A sister?” she repeated, confused. “But I was told I had a brother.”

“You did. I was your brother, but now I’m your sister.”

Yukina’s eyes sparkled happily while Kuwabara gasped. “You’re her…sister!? All this time and you never told her!? Why the hell didn’t you tell her!?”

“A couple of reasons. The biggest one was when I got the Jagan, the surgeon decided his price would be that I couldn’t tell Yukina about us being related. The other reason is I thought she would be ashamed having a criminal for a twin.”

“But Koenma cleared you years ago for that by helping with the Saint Beasts,” Kuwabara protested.

“That hardly changes the fact that I’ve killed and stolen.”

“I don’t care,” Yukina piped in. “I don’t care what you’ve done in the past. I do understand why you couldn’t tell, but why tell now if you’re not supposed to?”

“The surgeon released me from my promise two years ago. So, it doesn’t matter that I’m a murderer and a thief?”

Yukina stood, approached Hiei, and hugged her. “Not at all. We’re family and I have a feeling that you’ve given up being a murderer and a thief.”

“I have as I’m happy with what I have now.” She put her arms around Yukina to return the hug.

“So am I. I understand you’re having a baby. That means I’ll be an aunt.”

“I might have twins, but of course, it’s too soon to tell.” She released Yukina and saw Kuwabara gaping in shock and staring into mid-air. She leaned forward and waved a hand in front of the human’s face. “What’s your problem?” she said once she had his attention.

“Well, I guess it’s the idea that I’ll have a sister-in-law and a niece or nephew.”

Hiei recoiled, immediately understanding what Kuwabara was saying. “What? You’re engaged?” She looked at Yukina who giggled and held up her hand to show the pretty ring she wore.

“Kazuma proposed a few days ago. The wedding won’t be until at least a year after Kazuma graduates high school, which will be soon.”

“That means the child will be at least three months old.”

“Actually, a bit older than that,” Kurama said. “You will end up giving birth in six to eight weeks.”

“Weeks?” Hiei repeated faintly.

“Weeks?” Kuwabara gasped.

“Yes and I need to leave to tell Mother everything.” He hugged Hiei and kissed her cheek. “I will call to let you know how it went.”

“I hope it goes well.”

“As do I.”

Hiei was curled up on her cot in her new room, fast asleep one day later. It had been an exciting, shocking, and trying few days. She had gone from being a male fire demon to a female fox demon to a mated pregnant fox. Consequently, it took Yukina several minutes to wake her.

“Hmm?” She blinked and focused on her sister.

“Sorry to interrupt your nap, but Kurama’s on the phone.”

At the mention of her mate, Hiei was out of the room in a literal flash. The ice apparition blinked at the suddenly empty room and giggled. Hiei was as fast as ever. It was only her gender and fox side that was different. Her twin was the same as she remembered.

“Your mother accepted everything?” Hiei asked, tail swishing happily.

“And my stepfather and stepbrother. They were skeptical of course, but when I took my demon form that banished them. Mother had the most questions, naturally. She’s also excited about being a grandmother and she wants to meet you.”

“Of course. When and where?”

“It’ll take some time. All three are busy with their jobs and school. Oh! Maybe you could come to dinner. I will suggest it to Mother and let you know what she thinks and when it will be.”

“Dinner sounds perfect.”

“Great. I’ll call again. I love you, Hiei.”

“I love you too, Fox.” Hiei hung up, looking forward to dinner with the family.

Chapter Eight- Family

Hiei sped over the rooftops, racing for Kurama’s house. It had taken two and a half weeks to set up the dinner with the family. She was excited and nervous about meeting the family. It’ll be fine, she thought. Kurama explained everything and they accepted it all.

Hiei landed outside the front door, panting slightly. It had gotten a little hard to move with her usual speed due to her kit. Her stomach had bulged out slightly and yet she looked as if she was farther along than she was. Perhaps I’m eating too much, she thought as she rang the bell.

The door opened and there was Kurama’s mother. She smiled warmly. “Hiei, please come in. It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

“Uh, thank you, Mrs.….” Hiei came in, pausing at which last name she should use.

“Please, just Shiori or even Mom, as you are Shuichi’s mate and carrying my grandchild.”

Hiei smiled. “Shiori, then. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you and the others.” She followed Shiori to the dining room where the rest of the family was waiting. Kurama was the only one standing. He came forward and embraced Hiei. “I’m glad you are here.”

“I was a bit slow in getting here.” She put a hand to her stomach. “I think I’ve been eating too much. It’s only been two and a half weeks.”

“Nonsense,” Shiori said, guiding both demons to the table. “You’re eating for two. It’s only natural.”


“Everything was wonderful,” Hiei reported happily to Yukina the next day. “They were comfortable around me and asked a lot of questions. I suspect they probably forgot some of what Kurama told them.”

Yukina smiled at Hiei’s enthusiasm; it had been disconcerting to see her display her emotions so openly but she chalked it up to her pregnancy and speaking of which…

“Hiei, you’re almost three weeks along, correct?”

“I am. Hn, looks like it’ll be a big kit when it is born.”

“I don’t think so; kits aren’t very big when born; probably the size of an average human baby.”

Hiei paused in sipping some tea. She glanced at her belly and then at her sister. “So…there might be two?”

“I could check if you like.”

“Please.” Hiei stayed still as Yukina came over, knelt, and put her hands over the abdomen. She felt a warm feeling wash over that part of her body and then it was gone. She looked at Yukina and her expression confirmed it. “I am carrying two.”

Yukina smiled. “I’ll have two nieces, nephews, or one of each.”

Hiei smirked. “Kurama will be surprised.”

“Twins?” Kurama sputtered over the phone.

Hiei giggled. “I said I might have twins and Yukina confirmed it.”

“Then, you’re eating for three.”

“Correct and now I’m real excited.”

“As you should be. I’ll tell my family the wonderful news.”

Hiei sighed contently as she hung up. She then rubbed her belly, imagining what her twins would be like. Naturally, they’ll be foxes. I’ll raise them to be cunning fighters while being compassionate like their father. Yes; that sounds like the perfect combination.


Kurama came to visit almost every other day, sometimes in human form, other times as Yoko. He spent time cuddling the black fox who sometimes fell asleep, using her mate as a pillow. Kurama was amused by how compassionate and free she was being with her emotions. He guessed part of it was the pregnancy while the other part could be that they were mated and had had passionate sex.

“Mother wants you to move in with us. I convinced her that you want to give birth here.”

“Actually, I want to do it in a cave,” Hiei corrected. “But you and Yukina say no.”

“You are now almost five weeks pregnant. It is time to refrain from using your energy. There are demons in those woods who wouldn’t hesitate to attack a pregnant demon.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want to endanger the twins. I’ve been feeling them moving around lately.” She smirked. “Sometimes I think they’ll intertwining tails or fingers.”

Kurama smiled. “That is certainly a cute picture.”

A week later, Hiei staggered into the living area, having sensed Kurama’s presence there. She pushed open the door to find not only her mate and sister, but Kuwabara, Yusuke, Keiko, Shizuru, and Shiori. There were balloons, presents, and a banner saying, “Congratulations!” It didn’t take her long to figure out what she was seeing. “A baby shower,” she said.

Yusuke and Kuwabara seemed disappointed and Kurama explained it when Hiei looked confused over their expressions. “They were hoping to surprise you and I said with your enhanced senses that did not seem likely.”

“I’m a little surprised,” she conceded. “But I was thinking a shower would be thrown soon.” She let Kurama guide her to a chair and she lowered herself into it, a hand under her stomach.

“How are ya feeling?” Yusuke asked.

“Heavy and fat, but good. The twins have been moving a lot lately.”

“Can I feel?” Kuwabara asked. He saw Shizuru’s stern look and said, “Hey, they’ll be my nieces or nephews eventually.”

“He has a point,” Hiei agreed. Kuwabara was close enough for her to grab a hand and put it on her stomach. She watched him blink at the movement before a grin came to his face.

“I think they’ll be spirited like you,” he said to her.

“That would be nice.” She blinked as Kurama handed her a lumpy, soft package. She gripped the paper and ripped it open to see a package of four birthing towels. She looked up to see Yukina with an anxious expression and guessed that she bought the towels. “Thank you. They’ll come in handy quite soon.”

The ice apparition smiled as Yusuke and Keiko came forward with their gifts which turned out to be blankets and pillows. Kuwabara and Shizuru presented her with bottles, pacifiers, and rubber-tipped spoons for future use. Shiori said that she had cribs set up in her house along with other furniture, however she did have a pair of bassinets there, already assembled.

“These are wonderful gifts,” Hiei said. “I mean it.”

“Let’s move on to the games,” Keiko said, sounding excited.

“Games?” Hiei repeated, raising an eyebrow. “What kind of games?”

“Well, let’s start with this.” She produced a large jar full of safety pins. “How many pins do you think are in the jar?”

“What’s the prize?” Yusuke asked.

Keiko glared at him. “The one who guesses the closest wins the satisfaction of being a good guesser. Hiei, however, will get the prize of a set of newborn clothes.”

“I like this game already,” Hiei quipped, causing her guests to laugh.

It transpired that Kuwabara had the best guess and he beamed at that while Hiei received clothes that comprised of sleepers and one-piece rompers.

The games progressed and Hiei received more gifts at each one’s conclusion. She ate cake and drink juice while letting people feel her stomach. She enjoyed all their attention and the fun she was having. I can’t think of anything that would make this day better, she thought as she watched her friends and family talk and laugh.

Suddenly her eyes widened and she felt a bolt of pain that she suppressed, but barely. She knew what it was and what to say. “Yukina,” she said, voice trembling slightly. “I just had a contraction.”

Chapter Nine- Birth

Yukina looked at her as she stood. “Oh, dear,” she said.

Shiori also stood. “They’re coming?”

“Oh, yes,” Hiei answered, breathing deeply to contain her screams.

Shiori drew herself up. “All right,” she said. “All guys out. Yukina, help Hiei to the floor. Keiko, get some towels, a bowl of water, and a sharp knife. Shizuru get the birthing towels and some of the blankets.” Shiori grabbed some cushions to prop up Hiei’s upper body while the others hurried to obey her instructions.

Once Hiei was on the floor, Yukina removed the pants and underwear. The black fox moaned at another contraction. “It will be all right,” Yukina said soothingly.

Hiei gritted her fangs and nodded. She knew childbirth was going to be painful, but it would be worth it as she would have two kits to raise. She cried out as another contraction hit that was worse than the others.

Hours later, Hiei was pushing and gasping. Shiori was coaching her, Shizuru was standing by to receive the first kit, and Yukina was using her healing powers to dull the labor pains. Keiko stood by the door to make sure the boys didn’t come in, particularly Kurama; he was most likely already pacing.

Hiei yelled and then growled; a sound she hadn’t made since she went into labor. The girls exchanged looks before Shiori said, “Hiei?”

“Yoko,” she said, growling. “I need him.”

Keiko slid the door back enough to stick her head in. “Yoko, Hiei wants you.”


Kurama paced back and forth while Yusuke and Kuwabara watched. Hiei’s cries were difficult to hear and Kurama kept shooting distressed looks at the door with each one. He knew childbirth was painful, even though he never experienced it. He glanced sidelong at his friends as he paced. Yusuke looked concerned at the door while Kuwabara bit his lip. Yusuke caught Kurama’s eye. “She’ll be all right, Kurama.”

A yell sounded and Kurama heard a growl thought the other two didn’t. He paused away from the door as it slid open and Keiko’s head appeared. “Yoko, Hiei wants you,” she said.

That means the first kit will soon arrive, he thought. She wants her mate nearby. He shifted to his demon form and slid through the door, closing it behind him. He strode over to Hiei’s side and knelt beside her. “Hiei, I’m here.”

She turned her head to him and managed a smile. She held out a hand and Yoko took it. She squeezed it as she groaned and pushed. Yoko suddenly inhaled deeply as Hiei squeezed his hand tighter, her claws almost biting into his flesh. If it helps her, I will endure it in silence.

Hiei pushed hard, feeling her first kit making its way through the birth canal. She grunted, hardly aware of anything except the small life emerging from between her legs. One question did go through her head. Will I shed two tears like my mother did? She got her answer when she felt the baby slide out: A tear fell from her eye and formed a red jewel that was brighter than the one she had shed weeks ago and it glittered with a silver sheen.

“It’s a girl!” Shizuru announced as the kit cried and whined as she moved to clean her.

Hiei gasped and pushed as her second kit was making its way out and Yukina went to receive it. One minute later, another tear was shed as a second kit cried and whined. Yukina held it and stared lovingly as she said, “It’s a boy! Oh, Hiei, they’re both so beautiful.” She headed off to clean her nephew.

Hiei panted as Shiori dabbed her face. “You did great, Hiei.” She picked up the two jewels with her other hand and looked at them in confusion. “But, how…?”

“Ice apparitions don’t cry like humans or other demons. Their tears become what are called Hiruseki stones,” Hiei replied. “I thought Kurama told you everything.”

“Not everything about you,” Yoko admitted.

“I’m part fire demon and part ice apparition in addition to being a fox,” Hiei explained. “Those jewels were shed for the twins and both will wear them around their necks.”

“I’ll take care of that.”

Hiei nodded and as Shiori went to look for a way to attach the gems to chains or cords, Yukina and Shizuru came forward, each with a bundle in her arms. They passed one to Hiei and the other to Yoko. Hiei looked at a black fox with sliver-streaked black hair and crimson eyes. A quick glance under the blanket told her she was holding her daughter. “Nobara,” she said. “I’ll call her Nobara.”

“I like that,” Yoko said. “Here, take your son and I’ll take Nobara.”

Hiei and Yoko swapped and she gazed at a silver fox with black-streaked silver hair and deep gold eyes. She nuzzled his small ears and her nose picked up a scent that brought images of her glacial village to mind. He’s an ice kit, she thought.

“Tenka,” she murmured. “His name’s Tenka.”

“Is it?” Yoko said. “Why?”

Hiei looked over. “He’s an ice kit. I smelled him and my homeland came to mind.”

“Hmm.” Yoko brought his nose to Nobara and inhaled the scent of ash. “I smell ash. She’s a fire kit.”

“Fire and ice,” Hiei said.

“No complaints here,” Yoko said. “I do not care what they are. I love them both.”

“Me too.” Hiei smiled as Shiori and Yukina both came over, each bearing a gem on fine silver chains. Shiori gave Hiei one while Yukina passed the other to Yoko. Both parents put them on their children as Yusuke and Kuwabara entered the room to join the others in admiring the twins and congratulating the new parents.


Night had fallen and Hiei was in a deep sleep with her kits in their bassinets, also asleep. Kurama took human form after everyone had left and was lightly dozing when he sensed the he and his family weren’t alone. He summoned his rose whip as he leaped to his feet and turned to face the intruders.

There, in the moonlight filtering through the window, were Mukuro and Yomi. Neither one moved nor made any threatening gestures. “I’m warning you,” he said in a low, deadly tone. “If you try to hurt Hiei or the twins, I will defend them.”

“Hurt them?” Yomi sounded amused. “Old friend, we came to congratulate both of you.”

“Indeed,” Mukuro agreed. She looked at Hiei, taking in her ears and feminine face. “Though I am surprised to see Hiei so different. This explains his, I mean her absence.”

“And I’m not coming back,” Hiei suddenly spoke up, awake and focused on the newcomers. “How did you find out about the twins?”

“We have our ways.” Mukuro approached the bassinets and gazed gently at the occupants. “They are beautiful. I especially like the black one.”

“Her name’s Nobara,” Hiei said. “The other is her younger brother, Tenka.”

“Lovely,” Mukuro murmured. “Well, you’re free to raise your children, Hiei. Perhaps, you’ll bring them by one day to meet me.”

“I may- in several years.”

“Perhaps you could do the same for me, Kurama,” Yomi said.

“If Hiei agrees to it.”

Both of them nodded and an eye blink later, they were gone.

“You do not intend to introduce them to Mukuro, do you?” Kurama asked.

“Correct. I’m guessing you don’t want them to meet Yomi.”

“Right. I sensed an undercurrent of rivalry between them. I believe they are hoping to influence the twins to serve them one day.”

“I sensed it too.”

“This is why we’re a good match: We agree on so much.”

“Hmm,” Hiei said as she pulled Kurama into bed with her and fell asleep, snuggled against Kurama’s back.

Kurama smiled. “I love you too, Hiei,” he said as he fell asleep.

The End