Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron, Defender of the Universe.
Part One
Prince Lotor of Planet Doom knelt at the foot of the steps of his father’s throne. He had been summoned to the throne room and felt that he was going to be treated to yet another rant about failing to destroy Arus and Voltron as well as Lotor’s many failures. Normally, Lotor would assure Zarkon that this time he had a foolproof plan to destroy Voltron and enslave the planet, but this time he had no plan. He had analyzed all his past attempts and came to the conclusion that no robeast could beat the mighty robot. Clearly bigger isn’t always better and smaller may not be any better. Even if I introduced a small robeast into one of the lions to sabotage it, somehow it too would fail, most likely by being detected. It had been in the midst of his musings and the halfhearted design of a new robeast that he was summoned.
Zarkon looked angrily at his son. He had thought that if anyone could defeat Voltron, it was his son. After all, he had brought many planets to their knees and brought glory to the empire. But when it came to Voltron, Lotor had failed time and time again. He had given Lotor more chances than he gave Yurak and he could only chalk it up to fatherly love. Well, no more.
“Lotor. My son. You have assured me over and over that you had a plan to destroy Voltron and every time has met with failure.”
“Father,” Lotor said, looking up. “I have analyzed my past attempts and I believe-,”
“Silence!” Zarkon ordered and Lotor bowed his head again. “I’m tired of your excuses and your failures! I have decided to banish you to Arus; since you have failed to destroy it, it would be fitting for you to reside there as a remainder of your failures.”
Lotor’s head shot up. “Banished? Father, no!”
“I, King Zarkon, have spoken. Hagger, take my son away and prepare him for his journey.”
“As you wish, Zarkon.” Hagger leapt from her place near the king, landed before Lotor, and seized an arm. “Come along, prince. Don’t make me use force.”
Lotor allowed Hagger to lead him out of the room and down to her lab. He was a bit confused: If he was being banished, why was he being given time to prepare? Banishment was usually quick; just shove him into a coffin ship and send him on his way, so why the preparation?
A coffin was open and the ceiling above was also open, but he wasn’t pushed in. Instead, he was pulled toward the lab table where Hagger poured a clear liquid over a medallion before speaking several words and pushing it into Lotor’s chest. The flesh healed and a white glow outlined his body. He put a hand to the spot. “What was that?” he demanded.
“Part of your punishment. You see, you will live in the wilds of Arus as an animal.” She cackled.
“What!? You…” Lotor’s words trailed off into growls and a hand went to his mouth.
Hagger bared a wicked grin. “You will have your own mind but your body, voice, and instincts will be an animal. Of course, there is a way to restore your voice but I won’t tell you how to do it.” She cackled again as gray fur grew over Lotor’s body, shredding his clothes. His body turned skinny, showing the ribs of a four-legged creature. His arms stiffened into legs and a whine escaped as his spine forced him onto all fours as his hands and feet formed into paws, claws concealed within.
He growled as his nose and jaws pushed out into a muzzle of sharp teeth while a full tail grew out behind him. His ears, now gray furred, moved to the top of his head while his eyes turned golden and the pupils turned round. A flood of emotions and instincts washed over him and made his head hurt. He then yelped as he was thrown into the coffin and the lid slammed shut.
“Hagger!” he cried, a howl emerging from his throat as the ship lifted off and was soon traveling through space. Lotor had no room to move and remained on his side. His eyes focused on his forepaws and, after examining them and the sounds he had made, deduced that he was some kind of canine. Well, I’ll have a better idea once I’ve landed.
Hours later, the coffin fired its reverse thrusters as it landed and once the lid had opened, Lotor stood and leaped out of his confining ship and onto soft grass. It was night on Arus with a half-moon overhead, but his eyes saw everything clearly. I can see in the dark, he thought before slowly turning in a circle to take in his body. It was still skinny but had the muscles he had had before. He closed his eyes to examine the instincts he had gained. They were primal and a bit feral; if he didn’t have his own mind he likely would have surrendered to them. Hmm, based on everything I’ve seen and felt, I would say that I’ve been turned into a wolf. Well, it could have been worse; at least I’m a predator. Lotor stumbled into the forest, not quite used to four legs. He needed to find water, shelter, and food if he was to survive.
Lotor felt warmth on his face and carefully opened his eyes to adjust to the light. Morning, he thought. My first day as a wolf. He got to his paws and stretched them before shaking himself out and moving confidently to the mouth of a hollow tree. He had been lucky to find a big and deep hole in the trunk and chose to make this his home. With shelter figured out, water was his next concern. He lifted his nose into the air, breathed in, and then sneezed. A myriad of scents had flooded his nose and caused him to sneeze. He tapped his instincts before breathing in again. This time, his nose filtered out the different smells and one made his stomach gurgle: His instincts called it prey.
He licked his chops and stalked toward the scent. His body moved automatically to keep his prey oblivious to his approach. The scent of water grew stronger as did his prey and he crouched behind a bush and his claws kneaded the dirt and grass beneath his paws. He bared his teeth before bursting out of the fauna and charged after his prey which had taken off upon seeing him. Lotor increased his stride and speed before leaping forward, his forepaws hitting the back before his teeth latched onto the neck and bit hard. He heard a death rattle and threw back his head to howl at his success.
He laid down and hungrily tore into the rabbit, his tail swishing in joy. That was amazing, he panted. Exhilarating. The thrill of stalking and chasing. I’m strong and fast as I ran the rabbit down. He tore another bite, impressed with how easily his teeth cut the skin, meat, and fur. He found that he liked eating his kill raw and reasoned that animals can’t cook their food and thus their stomachs had developed so it could digest raw food.
And as I am an animal now, I have to eat my food raw too. He licked his chops and found that he was full but still had plenty of rabbit left. I’ll take it home and bury it so I’ll have food if hunting is scarce. He seized the carcass and dragged it back to his home, passing a river on the way. Once he had secured his catch, he returned to the water to slake his thirst. He lapped up the cool water before looking into it to see a gray face with gold eyes stare back.
Anger flared in him and he growled to express it. Yes, he had failed countless times and yes, banishment was a normal punishment but to be exiled in another form? That was going too far! I swear if I can strike back for this treatment, I will take it. True that having the senses, strength, and speed of a wolf is awesome, but being unable to talk is a disadvantage.
Of course if my revenge could be fulfilled by the Voltron Force that would be enough. I’m convinced that nothing Planet Doom has can defeat Voltron. He exhaled and his reflection rippled from his breath. I’d like to be able to talk, but I don’t know how to get it back. The witch knows but she won’t tell me. I doubt it’s a potion as a potion-coated medallion inside me is what changed me.
Lotor stepped away and headed home, shaking his head. He was trapped in this body and could only make wolf sounds. He had his higher intelligence but, unless he wrote somehow, it was useless. He sat in his tree and howled his frustration.
Part Two
Days turned into weeks for Lotor. He witnessed Doom forces invading Arusian airspace and the lions making short work of them. He laughed in a barking manner at the foolishness of his father. A direct fleet attack won’t work. One would think he knew that.
He turned his thoughts to more important matters. His supply of prey was dwindling and he suspected that they were avoiding his territory which wasn’t hard as his scent was all over the area. Lotor, in his desperation and not wanting to leave his home, turned to hunting the livestock of the people. He knew he was angering the people, but he was hungry. Despite his weeks of hunting, his physique hadn’t changed and he chalked it up to the spell used on him. He stalked toward a farm, skirting the traps a normal wolf would trigger. He saw a small flock of sheep in a pen, went up to it, and started digging to make an opening big enough for him to get in and drag a sheep through. He slipped in and ran at the flock which bleated in fear and ran. He sprinted after them and caught up to the slowest one. He leaped onto it, seized the neck, and bit hard. It gave a squeal of pain before it died. Lotor jumped off it, seized the neck again, dragged it though the hole, and into the forest just as the owner came out of the house, yelling in anger. Lotor ignored it as he avoided the traps again and spirited his kill off to his home.
Allura was concerned. The people were complaining about a wolf who was preying on their animals in recent weeks. They were angry and felt powerless to stop this animal. She understood how they felt, but wasn’t sure how to proceed. Wolf traps had been placed around each property, but none had been sprung and livestock continued to be killed. Clearly, it was a clever wolf. She had had Pidge use Green Lion to locate it or its home, but he had come up empty-handed. Either it was nomadic or had a cleverly concealed home. If we could catch it, we could transport it to where prey is plentiful. The poor thing must be hungry and seeks out the closest prey it can find. Inspiration came to her and she went to tell Coran about it and then formed a group consisting of a few guards and the Voltron Force, the latter in charge of relocating the wolf as the lions could fly it to a new home quickly.
Screams of terror rent the air and Lotor folded his ears from the pitch. He had been sleeping when the screams sounded. He slinked out of his tree and ran for the outskirts to see what the trouble was. A week had gone by since he killed that slow sheep and the farmers were demanding that the princess do something. Her response was to place more traps that he avoided with ease. This response disappointed him for he had thought Allura was as smart as she was beautiful. She sees me as a pest and I don’t blame her. I would view me as a pest, too.,p> He raced to the edge and saw Doom robots raiding a village! He growled at the sight. Some of those homes were farms he stalked for food! He sprinted toward the robots to attack them for threatening his source of food, nothing more. He dodged the laser bolts that were fired at him before leaping into the air, and latching his jaws on the throat of one. He screamed in pain and then died as Lotor ripped away the throat. He turned to the others and attacked them in a blur of claws and teeth. He wielded them in the way he had used his swords.
Lotor then yelped in pain as a bolt struck his left back leg. He turned to see another squad and he hobbled off to safety, dodging other bolts until he heard battle cries. He looked back when he reached the forest’s edge and saw the villagers attacking the squad. He limped away, touched by how they came to his aid despite killing their animals.
But the damage had already been done and he found his right foreleg had gotten tagged by a passing bolt. I need to get home and lie down, he thought as he whined from his injuries. He then yelped as a biting pain hit his other back leg and he crumpled to the ground. He looked back to see his leg caught in a wolf trap. He cursed himself; he had been in such pain that he hadn’t paid attention to where he was walking. He examined the trap and sadly concluded that he would have to chew his leg off in order to escape. A rustle made him pause and he looked over at it to see the Voltron Force come into view. Oh great. Now I’m really in trouble.
“Hey! We caught the wolf!” Lance exclaimed, jubilant.
“I don’t think we did,” Allura said. “He’s so skinny. He can’t be the one.” She crouched by him and gasped. “He’s hurt.” She pointed to his left leg.
“And on his other right leg,” Hunk added as he seized the trap and wrenched it open so Lotor could get his leg free. It was bleeding from where it bit him but he attempted to get up and run as instinct urged. He yelped as his legs buckled and then whined as he lay there.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Allura crooned. “You need help.”
No! Lotor thought. I can’t accept their help and I won’t. No matter what I look like, I am still Prince Lotor and I don’t need anyone’s help! He struggled to his paws but his legs refused to support him and he collapsed again. When Allura tried to assist, he growled at her and then he yelped at a prick and he slipped into unconsciousness.
Keith slipped the spent tranquilizer dart into his pocket as he commented, “Stubborn wolf.”
“Stubborn and proud I would think,” Allura added as Hunk put a muzzle on the sleeping wolf. “He obviously doesn’t trust people which is to be expected and he’s likely having his food stolen by the other wolf. Either way, we’ll nurse him back to health and relocate him.”
The men nodded as Hunk hoisted the wolf into his arms and headed for Yellow Lion. Allura noticed a wide horizontal patch of white fur along the base of its neck. It was a natural patch and Allura thought it suited the wolf. I’ve never seen such a mark, but I like it. It makes him distinctive and easy to identify.
Lotor’s eyes flickered open with a bleary look. He whined at the slight throbbing in his head; he would have moaned but as wolves can’t moan, a whine was the best he could do. Uh, what happened? Wait…the tranquilizer. Someone tranqued me and I bet I know who: Keith. Even with me as a wolf, he tortures me, not that he knew it. No one will ever know that I, Lotor, am the wolf. Lotor rapidly blinked his eyes and realized he was in an infirmary. He looked at his legs to see his right hind leg was bandaged up and a smaller amount of bandage was on part of his right foreleg. He then realized that his muzzle was muzzled. He growled as he pawed at it but paused when he heard voice coming closer.
“Princess, I must protest the idea of healing a wild animal,” came a nagging voice that irritated him. He also bristled at being called ‘wild’, though he shouldn’t have been offended.
“He was injured,” came Allura’s voice. “The villagers say he defended them and they returned the favor when he was hurt. He also seems underfed so the team and I will nurse him back to health and relocate him as I think that other wolf has been stealing his food.” The voices had been getting closer and with her last words, the door opened to reveal Allura with a covered dish in her hands. “Good, you’re awake,” she said as the door closed. “I hope you’re hungry and not try to leave,” she added as she removed the muzzle, pulled a lap tray across the bed, set the dish on it, and lifted the lid to reveal meat and a bowl of water.
Well, as I’m here now, there’s no point in trying to leave and besides, Allura would refuse to let me go until I’ve recovered plus I can’t exactly walk with my injuries. Lotor shifted so he could eat and drink comfortably. He felt a bit self-conscious about being watched as he ate but Allura thought he was a simple wolf so he ignored her and focused on his meal.
“You have an interesting mark,” she said as he drank. “Across the base of your neck, your fur is white. It makes you distinctive and easy to identify.”
White fur? I’ll have to take her word for it as I’ll never see it. That fur is where some of my hair used to be. I wonder why I have such a mark. A result of the enchanted medallion, perhaps? He licked his muzzle and began to clean himself without the use of his paws.
Allura smiled as she took the tray, moved the bed tray, and left. Her patient was more cooperative now and that would certainly aid in his recovery.
Part Three
Lotor shifted himself around to see his left back leg was also bandaged and it didn’t throb, leading him to conclude that some healing salve had been applied. Either a doctor did the dressings or Allura did it. His tail swished at the thought of Allura tending to him. He still loved her even though she clearly did not love him. He then whined sadly. She wouldn’t love him now; if she learned the truth, she would likely think he deserved this.
He exhaled and closed his eyes. I haven’t really thought about it these last few weeks as I was occupied with survival, but now that I can think on it, maybe I did deserve this. I’ve caused such trouble for the Voltron Force that I should be reduced to an animal. I’ll let myself be relocated and I’ll keep to myself and not bother anyone. Lotor slipped off to sleep, content with his decision.
“Yeah, I noticed the fur too,” Hunk said. “I didn’t think much of it.”
“I like it as it is unusual,” Allura said. “Just as the wolf is unusual. I gave him food and water and he ate it and did not growl at me or try to hurt me. He doesn’t act like a normal wolf.”
“Well, that will make it easier to care for him,” Keith commented before standing. “I volunteer to bring his next meal and apologize for tranquing him.”
Lance snorted a laugh. “He’s a wolf, Keith. He’s not going to know about tranquilizers much less who used them.”
Keith thought Lance had a point as he went to get the wolf’s tray a few hours later. It was a simple animal who only though in the moment. It wouldn’t matter who brought his food as long as he got to eat. Keith headed to the wolf’s room and entered to see him sleeping, his back to the door, giving Keith a clear view of the white fur before the wolf shifted over to face him, eyes open and showing intense dislike that was surprising to see. He gave a low, angry growl.
“Easy, boy,” Keith said as he slowly approached. “I’m just bringing you your food.” His assurance was met with another growl. He sighed. “Look, I’m sorry I used the tranq on you but we needed to insure our safety in helping you.” Another growl. “Fine, then.” He put the tray down on the bed tray, uncovered it, and pulled the bed tray across the bed before leaving. He shook his head. If I didn’t know better, I would think he hates me.
Lotor growled to himself as he viciously seized a piece of meat and chewed. Of all the people to bring my food, it would be the commander. I couldn’t resist making it clear that I despise him, not that he would think along those lines. I would prefer Allura to bring my food for the rest of my time here. He continued to eat.
“He growled at you?” Allura asked. “He was quiet and calm when I was there.”
“Maybe he likes women over men,” Pidge suggested.
“Or it could be Keith,” Lance said. “Maybe our leader exudes something the wolf finds threatening.”
“Then why don’t you feed him next?” Keith challenged.
Lance shrugged. “Sure.” He was sure that Keith’s leadership trait felt threatening to their patient. So, if I don’t show similar confidence, only friendliness, it should be fine.
Lotor gingerly moved his right foreleg before putting some weight on it. It stayed steady and didn’t hurt. Well, it was only partly tagged so of course it heals faster than my back legs. He craned his neck to look at his injured limbs. He heaved himself to his forelegs before bringing the back ones around and planting the paws on the mattress. He pushed up to all fours before the back ones buckled and he nose-planted into the pillow. He gave a soft bark at a jolt of pain in his right back leg. Darn it! I thought I would be better by now. But I guess not and I shouldn’t have expected them to heal so soon. Heh, must be my instincts wanting out of here and back to the forest. He sighed as his eyes slid shut and he slipped off to sleep, deciding to sleep at night until he had been released.
The door swishing open woke him the next morning. He lifted his head, yawned, and craned his neck to see a man who looked like a doctor and held a first aid kit. He put the kit on the table and opened it, smiling at him.
“Hello, boy. I’m just going to check your legs and apply fresh bandages. Just relax.”
Lotor faced the pillow and rested his chin on it. He didn’t move as the doctor worked on him. He only whimpered when healing creams or ointments were applied. He listened to the doctor’s comments about how well his injuries were doing. He felt no ill will toward the doctor as he had done nothing to him before his change. When the doctor went to check the foreleg, he licked the man’s hand and received a chin scratch in return.
“Well, you’re a friendly one, aren’t you?” he remarked as he un-dressed the leg. Lotor softly barked in reply.
“Hmm, this leg seems a lot better. I’ll just put a little healing cream and that’s it.” He rubbed the cream over the injury and, as he put it away, added, “You are recovering nicely, most likely helped with food and rest.”
“Did someone say food?” a voice quipped. Lotor squirmed around and his ears slicked back when he saw Lance enter with a tray. The sight of the Red Lion pilot irritated him as much as seeing Keith. Lance had given him as much irritation as the commander and he had no hesitation in showing his dislike.
He began to growl and bark as Lance came closer. “Whoa, hey there. I won’t hurt you.” Lance put the tray on the table, uncovered it, and swung it over the bed. Lotor continued to growl and bark and Lance looked at the doctor. “I don’t get it. What did I do?”
The doctor shrugged. “I couldn’t tell you. Before you came in, he was well-behaved and friendly. All I know is that he clearly doesn’t like you.”
“Man,” Lance moaned and once he left, the growls and barks ceased and he proceeded to eat. The doctor also left and went to look for Allura to report on the injuries.
“He growled and barked at me,” Lance said to the team in the lounge. “The doctor said he was friendly before I came in. It’s clear that he dislikes me too and I haven’t done anything to him.”
“Hmm, perhaps only I should feed him. He hasn’t been angry with me.”
The others nodded before the doors and the doctor entered. “Princess,” he greeted.
“How are the injuries, doctor?”
“They’re healing nicely and the foreleg no longer need a bandage, just a healing cream.”
“Lance said the wolf was friendly with you.”
“Yes, your Highness. He was relaxed, licked my hand, and softly barked at me. It could be that he associates me with his feeling better. Why he was hostile toward Lance, I cannot say.”
Keith shook his head. “I don’t get it. He likes you, princess, and the doctor but dislikes Lance and me. I don’t know. Maybe he likes Arusian people and no one else.”
“No, that’s not it,” Coran spoke up as he entered. “I just went to check on him and he growled loudly at me.”
“You?” Allura gasped.
He nodded. “Princess, it’s possible this isn’t a normal wolf. It could be someone sent by Zarkon to distract us so that he can attack us with a large fleet or robeast.”
“He’s been attacking us with fleets for weeks so that doesn’t hold up, Coran. Our wolf could be unusually smart and his sense of smell could explain his actions toward us.” Allura was thoughtful the rest of the morning and thought of talking to the wolf during lunch.
Part Four
Allura entered to see the bed tray pushed aside and the wolf licking his healing foreleg. He paused in doing so and when he saw Allura, his tail wagged and he panted happily. She couldn’t help smiling at this greeting. “Well hello to you too.” She put the tray down and scratched his ears. Lotor whined and panted. Oh, that feels good, he inwardly sighed.
“Everyone’s talking about you,” she said as she brought the bed tray over and uncovered the tray. “Mostly your reactions. One person is under the impression that you are an intelligent wolf. I wonder if that’s true.”
Lotor swallowed a bite and looked intensely into Allura’s blue eyes. She felt her breath catch at the depth of emotions she sensed in his eyes. It seemed as if the wolf was pleading with her. “Tell me,” she said slowly. “You’re not a real wolf, are you?”
Lotor shook his head and barked, feeling relieved. Finally, someone knew he wasn’t a real animal. Now, if only I could talk, but it’s probably best if I don’t; if I did talk again, they’ll think this was all a trick.
“I’m guessing you can’t actually talk. Were you changed with a spell?” A shake. “An amulet of some kind?” A nod. “Is there a way to restore your voice?” A nod. “How?” Lotor managed a shrug. Allura stroked his head. “That’s a shame. It would be nice if you could talk. You’d be able to tell us who did this to you and why.”
It would be nice, but it’s better that I never talk again. Allura likes me this way. I haven’t talked for weeks and have become accustomed to it.
Allura’s hand moved to run along the side when Lotor resumed eating. She inwardly marveled at how he retained his skinny frame despite just eating and sleeping. A result of the amulet, perhaps? She also felt firm muscles, ones that no doubt made him the efficient killer that wolves are. Wait…
“Boy, are you the one stalking the livestock?” Lotor looked at her and then bowed his head before nodding. “I wish you could tell me why, but surely you understand that you have to be relocated.” He nodded again. She smiled as she left. She now knew that they had the wolf that was killing the livestock, only he wasn’t a real wolf.
“A changed person?” Coran repeated while the team shared stunned expressions.
Allura nodded. “I spoke to him and he understood every word. He nodded when I asked if he wasn’t a real wolf and if an amulet of some kind was used. He also admitted to killing the livestock and understands that he needs to be relocated.”
“If he’s someone forced to be a wolf, couldn’t he stay here?” Pidge asked. “He seems fond of you, princess, and he may feel more comfortable here.”
Allura looked at Coran. “I think he could stay. What do you think, Coran?”
“If he wants to stay, he may. Did he provide any information of his change?”
“Only the amulet and that his voice can be restored, but he doesn’t know how. I also believe the amulet resulted in his slender body and the shape won’t alter no matter how much he eats.”
Coran stroked his chin. “Perhaps we have an amulet to allow him to talk as long as he wears it.”
Allura smiled. “If we do, then we’ll be able to get answers like who did this to him and why.”
“Allura, could the wolf be someone who hates Lance, Coran, and me? Someone who likes you?”
“He very well could be. It would be a good idea to let him know that no one will hurt him. I’ll tell him when bringing him his next meal.”
There were nods but Keith was thinking. Who would have such dislike for Lance, Coran, and him but likes Allura enough to confide in her? Not many fit that criteria, but one does: Lotor. Could the wolf be Lotor? If so, then this could be a trick. What kind of trick, I don’t know. But I won’t let my guard down.
Lotor felt better having confided to Allura everything he could with his limited way of communication. He trusted the princess to be kind and friendly to him. His love for her most likely prompted him to open up to her. His ears pricked up at hearing footsteps and his nose flared to take in the scent for future references. He looked as the door opened and his tail wagged furiously at seeing Allura. He panted before barking happily as the door closed.
Allura laughed at his greeting. “You really do like me. If only you could greet Keith, Lance, and Coran with less dislike.” A growl sounded and Allura frowned. “They won’t hurt you, but I guess they have scents you don’t like and instinct prompts you to react the way you have?” Lotor cocked his head, seeming thoughtful, before nodding. He knew as long as no one knew who he was, everyone would chalk his actions up to instinct. I was told I would have the instincts of a wolf and, as much as I’d like to use them as an excuse, I shouldn’t. On the other hand, I have been using them for weeks.
“Now that we know you’re not a real wolf, Coran said you’re welcome to stay here. I, personally, think you should. Please?”
Lotor melted at her plea. She wanted him to stay in the castle. It would be more comfortable and I could help defend it. He looked into her eyes, nodded, and barked. She stroked the head. “Good. Once you’re better, we’ll set up a room for you, perhaps one near my room. I’m sure you’d like that.”
Lotor’s instincts wanted him to prance in happiness but his legs wouldn’t support him so he settled for a joyful howl that made Allura giggle. Once she had left with his empty tray, he looked around to see if there was paper and pencil. There was none. Of course not. Most communication are transmissions which involve talking. I will certainly search the castle for a way to write as now I want to tell them, to explain everything even though they may think it’s a trick. That’s certainly what I would think.
“So, he’s decided to stay,” Coran said.
Allura nodded. “And I insist he have a room near mine. I voiced that thought to him and it seemed to make him very happy.”
“Princess, this may be a bad idea,” Keith said, unable to keep his theory to himself any longer.
“A bad idea?” she repeated.
“Letting him stay in the castle could be part of a plot to sabotage the castle’s systems and defenses, leaving us vulnerable to attack.”
“That may be the attitude he’s reacting to,” Allura snapped. “You’re so suspicious of him that he takes an instant dislike to you.”
“Allura, his reactions make me think that Lotor’s the wolf.”
“Lotor?” Allura shook her head. “He wouldn’t turn himself into a permanent wolf who can’t talk.”
“Keith may be right,” Coran spoke up. “It could be Lotor in disguise to sabotage us. His claim of being a permanent wolf and unable to talk could be false.”
“If getting in to sabotage us was the plan, why wait so long to do it? What about the killed livestock?” No one answered. “There,” she said firmly. “The wolf isn’t Lotor. It’s a cursed person and until he can talk, I’ll call him White Fur for his white patch.”
“White Fur,” Hunk said. “Seems to suite him. I’d like to bring his dinner, let him know he’s welcome here.”
“All right, but don’t take it personally if he growls at you.”
“I won’t.” Hunk didn’t see that as a problem; as a general rule, people tended to like him.
Part Five
Lotor cocked his head and flared his nose. The scent wasn’t familiar but then again he had only taken in Allura’s scent. The door opened and Hunk entered with a friendly smile. “Hi, White Fur. I’ve got your dinner, boy.”
Lotor blinked and woofed in a questioning manner. White Fur? Why is he calling me that?
“Allura chose to call you White Fur until you can talk and I’m here to let you know that you’re welcome here.” He set up the tray and bed tray before sitting where Allura sat.
Hunk’s words and open face gave him comfort and told him that Hunk was sincere. He believes Allura and thus, trusts me. He felt friendly toward Hunk; he even liked his scent. He ate his food and when Hunk went to take the tray, he licked the cheek.
Hunk smiled at that. “You’re welcome.” He left the room, pleased that White Fur liked him and intended to tell the team. “He likes me,” he announced as he sat at the table.
“I thought as much as you didn’t immediately come back,” Allura said. “I’m glad it went well.”
“I explained the name and that he’s welcome here. When I went to take the tray later, he licked my cheek. That’s when I knew he liked me.”
“Hunk’s easy to like,” Lance said. “It’s hard to hate him.”
“Could I bring White Fur breakfast tomorrow?” Pidge asked. “I want to see if he’ll like me, too.”
“Sure,” Allura said. “If that goes well, then Keith and Lance can try again.”
“What?” Lance groaned. “Once was enough.”
“He could be better now that he has a name,” Allura pointed out.
Pidge thought Allura had a point and kept it in mind as he headed to the infirmary the next morning. He entered to see the doctor tending to the injuries. “We’re looking very good, boy,” the doctor said. “I suggest you try to stand on all fours to strengthen those muscles.” White Fur barked in response. Pidge suspected he was eager to leave the infirmary and he didn’t blame him: He’d want to leave too.
“Maybe some food would help those legs,” Pidge spoke up. The wolf shifted around and Pidge said, “Hi, White Fur.”
“White Fur?” the doctor repeated.
“Allura chose to call him that until he can talk.”
“The name does suit him but able to talk? I don’t know.”
“Coran’s looking into that.” Pidge set the tray down. He saw interest in White Fur’s eyes and added, “Does that interest you, boy?”
Lotor barked and nodded. He’d like to be able to talk; the problem was that the issue rose conflicting emotions in him. On one hand, he wanted to actually talk but on the other hand, once he spoke, his voice would give away his identity and he would likely be driven away from the castle. He whined at his conflicting emotions as it was making his head hurt and he felt Pidge pet him. “What’s wrong, White Fur? You do want to talk, right? Tell us your real name.”
He barked and nodded and then barked and shook his head. Pidge was confused. It looked as if he wanted to talk and yet didn’t want to talk. Is he afraid we’ll drive him out once he talks? Could he really be Lotor? Pidge mentally shook himself. He couldn’t let Keith’s suspicions sway him even though Keith was his commander.
Lotor waited until he was alone before attempting to stand as he didn’t want to embarrass himself. He leaned forward on his forelegs before bringing one back leg up and planting the paw on the mattress. He then brought the other one around and down. He pushed back so that all his weight was evenly distributed. He felt his back legs trembling but they didn’t buckle. He panted happily at this. Just the other day, they wouldn’t support any weight, now they are. He eased himself to sitting on his back legs and felt only twinges of pain. He was definitely doing better and felt better about the Force. Maybe they’re not so bad. They only fight to bring peace, something I can understand. I would like Arus to stay the way it is as I depend on nature to survive and Doom would want to wipe it out. Lotor dwelled on his situation and changing views all morning before thinking of trying to jump. He brought himself to standing, crouched by the bed’s edge, and jumped. His forepaws touched down gracefully, but the impact of landing sent his back legs askew so that his butt was up in the air. Okay, not strong enough to jump down. He heard the door open before he could adjust himself.
“White Fur! Are you okay?” came Keith’s voice before he crouched down with concern in his eyes and face.
Lotor got to all fours, nodded, and barked. “Did you try to jump down?” A nod and a bowed head. “Well, can you jump up?” Lotor faced the bed, crouched, and leaped. His back legs slipped but he was up. Keith smiled in encouragement. “Not bad. Just keep practicing. So, you don’t hate me now?” Lotor responded by licking Keith’s hand once he had slid the bed tray over.
Keith sat down as Lotor ate. “I admit, I was suspicious of you. I thought you were here to sabotage the castle. I even suspected you were Lotor.” Keith shook his head, missing seeing Lotor pause in his eating. “I mean when I think on it, it seems stupid. What would be the point of turning yourself into a permanent wolf who can’t talk? You are stuck like this, right?” Lotor nodded, licking his chops as he finished.
Keith ruffled the head. “Thanks for listening and giving me another chance.” He left with the tray and Lotor began washing his face and dwelling on Keith’s words. He has no idea how right he is about my identity, but he’s wrong about how it happened. It is stupid: No one would deliberately turn himself into a permanent wolf who can’t talk.
It seems I was wrong about Keith. Despite our rivalry to win Allura’s heart, he is a fair man. Of course, he doesn’t know it’s me so I’m seeing a different Keith and I like him. He finished washing, got on all fours, and prepared to practice his jumping again.
“He’s up on all fours?” Allura gasped. “And he’s trying to jump?”
Keith smiled at Allura’s reaction. “He is and he likes me now. I talked to him and apologized of being suspicious of him. It’s nice that he’s giving me another chance.”
“Well, he didn’t growl at you when you came in, that’s what’s important. Lance, you’re next for dinnertime.”
“Okay,” Lance said with his trademark grin. “I’m sure White Fur will like me too.”
I don’t know about that, Keith thought. Lance has more cockiness than anyone I know and it may put White Fur on his guard. At that moment, Coran walked in, looking pleased.
“Coran?” Allura prompted.
“I found it,” he said. “The medallion so White Fur can talk. It took some time to look through the royal treasury, but it was worth it.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a leather strap from which hung a round, gold pendent that had the royal crest encircled by the images of trees. “This pendent works on any animal, even those like White Fur. As long as he wears it, he’ll be able to talk to us.”
“Coran, that’s wonderful,” Allura said. “Let’s surprise him with it tomorrow after breakfast." She could hardly wait to hear White Fur’s true voice and how he became a wolf.
Part Six
Lotor sniffed the air, picking up the scent of his dinner and the person bringing it. He didn’t recognize the scent and wondered who it was. Whoever it is, I will lock in their scent as well as surprise them. He was up on all fours and on the floor. He had been practicing getting in and out of bed as well as walking around. His jump down wasn’t smooth yet, but at least his legs didn’t give out on him. Hopefully all my walking will strengthen them more.
The door swished open and Lance walked in. He blinked at Lotor on his paws and grinned. “I see you’re feeling a lot better. That’s great. Maybe after breakfast, we can-,” he broke off when Lotor began to growl loudly.
“Oh, come on! You’re kidding! You still don’t like me?” Lance exclaimed. Lotor growled again, teeth bared. Lance put the dish on the ground, uncovered it, and left.
Lotor ate his dinner and reflected on his actions. He had growled at Lance for a couple of reasons. One was his scent. It was so unpleasant and off-putting that he didn’t care to be around it for long. The second was Lance’s attitude. He exuded a cockiness that he didn’t like. Keith is easier to take. But Lance did provide a hint. Something about tomorrow morning. Could it be…that I’ll move to my new room after breakfast? His tail swished furiously. He would soon be sleeping near Allura!
“He still doesn’t like me. I don’t get it,” Lance said. “I thought I was a likable guy.”
“You usually are,” Hunk said. “But it’s likely that White Fur doesn’t respond to it.”
“It could be your scent,” Keith said. “Wolves have a keen sense of smell. Even though White Fur is a changed person, he clearly has the instincts of a wolf.”
“So, he doesn’t like my scent and because of it, he doesn’t like me.” Lance huffed. “That doesn’t seem fair.”
“Well, tomorrow the two of you can talk it out,” Allura said and Lance perked up. He looked forward to clearing the air with White Fur.
Lotor leaped down and landed smoothly on all fours. His tail wagged. Perfect. I guess that means I’m all healed up. I can finally leave this room and explore my home. He heard lots of footsteps and smelled several scents, all familiar. The door opened to reveal the Force, Coran, and the doctor with Allura carrying the tray. She came forward, smiling brightly at him. “Morning, White Fur. Once you’ve eaten, we’ll show you to your room. The doctor’s going to look you over while you eat.” She put the tray down while the doctor came over to check his legs and an overall check.
I was right, he thought. Lance was trying to tell me about moving to my own room. He felt the bandages come off and the doctor’s expert hands gently probing him. He stood still as his eyes, ears, and mouth were checked.
“Well, despite his body’s shape, he’s in excellent health,” the doctor said. Lotor preened at the diagnosis as the doctor took his empty tray. His tail stood up as he followed Allura out with the others behind them. He was happy to be out of the infirmary and seeing the castle. The only room he had ever seen was Allura’s room and he was happy to see the rest of it.
“And this is your room,” Allura said, gesturing to a room that was right across from hers. Lotor licked her hand in thanks and then turned and backed up as Coran removed a pendent from his coat.
“White Fur,” he said. “I found this pendent in the treasury that will allow any animal to talk, even changed people, as long as the animal wears it.”
Lotor kept backing up. He had thought long and hard about his inability to talk and firmly decided he would be better off not talking. His canine communication was sufficient and besides, once he could talk, he would be driven out. He barked and shook his head, hoping they would accede to his wishes.
Coran, thinking Lotor didn’t want him to put it on, passed it to Allura. Lotor backed away from Allura, barked, and shook his head. “Why?” she asked, failing to see Lance slip the pendent out of her hand. “You liked the idea of being able to talk earlier. What changed?”
Lotor was about to gesture that he’d rather bark and make wolf sounds when he felt something go around his neck and a warmth at his throat: The pendent! “No!” he exclaimed, speaking his first word in weeks.
There was a collective gasp and Lotor put a paw to his muzzle. “Lotor!?” Allura gasped.
Keith’s eyes narrowed at the ex-prince. “So, I was right to be suspicious. This was a trick.” Lotor barked and shook his head while marveling inwardly that he could still speak wolf. “Don’t deny it!” Keith snapped.
“Keith, please,” Allura said. “It can’t be a trick. He’s been on Arus for weeks and spent several days with us.”
“He was probably waiting until our guard was completely down before launching his plan.”
“But that doesn’t explain who did this and why.” She looked at Lotor. “Who did this to you and why?”
Lotor sighed and turned his back on them. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Doesn’t matter?” she repeated.
“You won’t believe me, so why bother answering?” He lifted a foreleg under the pendent. “Take this back. I won’t need it.”
“But without it, you can’t talk.”
“I don’t care. I’d rather not talk and, in the wild, I won’t need to talk.”
“What are you talking about? You live here now.”
“Not anymore.” He turned and aimed a paw at the team. “The rest of the Voltron Force will not want me around. Better that I leave and live as a wolf as I’ve been doing.” He lifted the pendent off his neck and tossed it to Allura before turning around and started for the front door, its location detected by his nose by the hints of fresh air.
“Lotor! Please stay,” Allura pleaded.
Lotor flinched at her words but kept going. He heard footsteps behind him, gave a low growl to himself, and ran for the exit. He heard the footsteps increase their pace, and he sprinted, ignoring Allura calling his name. He saw the exit come into view and then he was out. He let out a howl that conveyed his sadness at losing a comfortable home and his joy of being free. He raced across the bridge and toward the nearby forest. I am through interacting with people. I am a wolf and I will live as a wolf; a lone wolf.
“Lotor!” Allura called, her voice carrying on the air as the gray wolf disappeared into the forest. She stifled a sob as she choked, “He’s gone.”
“Good,” Keith said.
Allura whirled on him. “He’s done nothing to deserve being driven out.”
“Princess, have you forgotten everything he’s done before and after he changed?”
“No, I haven’t but that’s the point. He only did what a wolf does when hungry and during his recovery, he could have injured us but didn’t. It’s possible that his being a wolf had changed him on the inside.”
“That may be but I say if he is stuck as a wolf, then he deserved it.” Keith walked off, pleased that Lotor was gone, the possible threat to the castle prevented.
Allura remained where she was, staring at where Lotor had vanished. She didn’t love him, but he was certainly a friend. She wanted him back and learn why he had been turned into a wolf.
Part Seven
Lotor bit down on the neck of a mouse before seizing onto the others he had trapped and killed them too. They weren’t the mice that lived in the castle, these were wild mice who had been caught in a trap Lotor had managed to construct with his paws, claws, and teeth as well as materials from nature. He felt pleased with himself in catching prey without having to race after them though he was more than capable of running prey down and catching them.
He was taking a different tactic of living in the new territory. He refrained from marking it, he didn’t howl after a successful catch, and he had dug a small underground den so as to avoid people interaction, especially Allura. The princess had taken to seeking him out, feeling he had claimed the woods close to the castle as his new home. In point of fact, he had. He could only chalk it up to his love for Allura. He wanted to watch over her while living his lone wolf life which had been going on for a week now. He couldn’t help feeling that something bad was coming for her and he wanted to be there to stop it. He would kill whoever would dare harm her. He knew he could do it without hesitation as he killed for food without a second thought.
He gnawed on the mice, licking the bones clean and chewing on the bones. Food was still plentiful but he felt that eventually his prey would move on and he would have to follow them. He refused to stalk livestock like before and he chalked it up to his time at the castle. He had been treated well and felt the people deserved to live as well as he had.
He padded to the forest’s edge and looked around before running for the castle lake once the coast was clear. It was a beautiful night and the sky was strewn with stars. He approached the water and lapped some up. He looked up at the darkened castle as he licked his chops of any water on his muzzle. He had felt on and off all week a desire to return to the castle. Any time he felt like returning, he reminded himself that only Allura would welcome him back while the others would be cold to him. Such an atmosphere wouldn’t sit well with him. I can’t live with you, princess, but I will watch over you and protect you. He turned and headed back into the woods to set some traps before getting some sleep.
Unknown to him, Allura had been in the Control Room, looking at the cameras aimed at the lake. She had been watching the cameras, hoping Lotor would come back but so far, he would only come out to drink when no one was around and only at night. It saddened her that he had left of his own accord and had not bothered to explain why he was changed. She still wanted to know and insist he come back to the castle. I’ll go into the forest tomorrow with the pendent and look for him. I’ll tell him I want to know how his change happened and that I want him to come back with me. Surely, once I know the how and why, he will come with me as I will vouch for him. Nodding, she shut the screens off and went to bed.
Lotor’s ears pricked up at hearing the sounds of distressed prey. He opened his eyes, yawned, and stretched before climbing out of his den and heading toward the sounds. It turned out it was a rabbit and he wasted no time in killing it. He squinted up at the trees’ canopy and deduced that it was mid or late afternoon. He removed the trap from the rabbit, settled down, and began to eat. When he was full, he loped off to check his other traps. None had been sprung and were still sturdy. Perfect.
He heard rustling and flared his nose to smell the scent. He froze upon recognizing it: Allura! His ears picked up her voice calling him. That sent him into motion and he slipped into the shadows before slinking toward her position. It wasn’t hard to find her as she kept calling and he was locked in on her scent. He crouched in the tall grass as she walked by in her jumpsuit. He gazed at her; she was so lovely and though he would love to live at the castle, he knew he was better off here. I’m a wolf and wolves live in the wild. He kept watching Allura look for him and then his nose flared and his head snapped around at the smell of cat. He slinked toward it, curious about it and aware that he was heading after Allura as well.
The scent grew stronger and so did another smell he didn’t know so he pushed that aside and focused on the cat. The tall grass ended up ringing a clearing and Allura stood there, looking around as if to decide which way to go. She turned in his direction but didn’t him as he was crouched, but he saw the source of the cat smell: Hagger’s cat!
So that other smell has to be the witch, he thought. He focused on the cat and saw a small dagger in his mouth and his gaze locked on the princess. It’s like the dagger that put Allura in that death-like sleep, but I doubt that what this blade does. I won’t let him harm her!
The cat crept closer, the grass moving and catching Allura’s attention. She turned to it just as the cat leaped toward her. Lotor, on Allura’s left side, also leaped forward and his longer legs carried him into the path of dagger which left a deep cut in his side while his mouth latched onto the cat’s neck and bit down hard, killing him. He landed in front of Allura before he crumpled to the ground. He released the cat and whined in pain. He panted hard and his head swam. The dagger! The blade must have been coated with poison! I’m dying! Well, better me than Allura.
“Lotor!” Allura cried as she kneeled beside him. Her cry was spoken at the same time that a scream of fury sounded as Hagger appeared and saw the dead cat. “My precious pet!” she screamed. She glared at Lotor. “You dumb beast! You killed my cat and took the one-time poison meant for the princess.” Lotor growled at the insult before whining. Hagger gathered the dead animal and vanished.
Allura cradled Lotor’s body in her lap, tears welling up in her eyes. “You saved my life. Oh Lotor, please don’t die.” She pulled out the pendent and slipped it on him.
Lotor gasped at the brief warmth before saying, “I wouldn’t let you get hurt. I would do it again. I don’t mind dying to save you.”
Allura’s tears fell and landed on Lotor’s wound. Lotor winced and said, “Please take the pendent, princess, and leave me.”
She took it off but stayed. “I’m not leaving you. I’ve got to get you to the castle infirmary.” More tears fell on the wound.
Lotor’s vision blurred and he knew the poison was now shutting his systems down. Blackness crept in around the edges of his vision and then faded and his vision came back into focus. He saw tears flowing down Allura’s cheeks and falling onto his wound…which was closing up! He woofed softly in confusion and Allura looked where he was looking and gasped at what she saw. “Your wound’s healed! That’s great! It’s a miracle!” She kissed his nose.
His throat felt warm but the pendent wasn’t on. My voice has been restored! Allura’s friendship toward me and her kiss has cured me of the poison and loss of my voice. “Princess,” he said, making her gasp again.
“You’re talking!”
“Your kiss brought my voice back and I think your tears destroyed the poison. Because of you, I will live. Thank you.” He got to his paws and started to leave.
“Lotor, please don’t go. You saving me will prove that you’ve changed.”
Lotor paused. “I have changed, outside and inside. There is no ulterior motive for my presence here. I would like to return to the castle.”
“Then come back. I will vouch for you.”
Lotor turned to see sincerity in her eyes as well as a friendly smile. His tail wagged as he walked over to her. “All right. I’ll come back and then I’ll explain everything.” Allura stroked his head and he panted at her touch as the pair headed through the forest and toward the castle.
Part Eight
Lotor happily trotted beside Allura. He could talk again and Allura would tell everyone that he saved her life. Then, I will answer the questions everyone’s been wondering about. As they walked across the bridge, the door opened and Coran ran out with the team and Nanny behind him.
“Princess, what were you doing out alone! And why is he here?” Coran pointed at Lotor when he said, ‘he.’
“I went to look for Lotor and while I was looking, he saved my life.”
“Saved your life?” Keith asked.
“Hagger was here and had planned to kill me with a poisoned blade carried by her cat. Lotor got in the way, taking the one-time poison, and killing the cat. I think my tears were the cure; as they fell on the wound, it closed up.”
“Your tears cured him?” Keith sounded dubious.
“Such poisons on Doom are quite common,” Lotor replied. “My people are not prone to crying.”
The group gasped at Lotor’s words, seeing no pendent on him. “You’re…talking!” Coran exclaimed.
Allura giggled at his reaction. “I was so happy he was cured, I kissed his nose. It seems my kiss restored his voice.”
Coran’s face softened at this. “Princess, it was still foolish to be out alone, but the end result was good. Lotor is welcome to come back.”
“I accept. If we could go to the lounge, I will finally explain how and why I was changed.”
“Certainly.” Coran took the lead of guiding everyone inside, Lotor right behind him as he still didn’t know his way around. They entered the lounge and Lotor waited until everyone was seated.
“All right. I was just concluding that Voltron can’t be beat when Fath- I mean, Zarkon summoned me. He expressed disappointment and anger at my constant failures, which was nothing new. He had decided to banish me to Arus, believing it fitting I reside on the planet I failed to conquer. He had further worked with Hagger who told me I would live as an animal. She poured a clear potion on a medallion, spoke some words, and pushed it into my chest. I took on the body you see now and gained the instincts and voice. Hagger had said she knew how to restore my voice but she wouldn’t tell me. Then, she threw me into a coffin ship and I came here.”
There was silence and Lotor said neutrally, “You think I deserved this, don’t you?”
“I did,” Keith admitted slowly. “But now, I think you didn’t deserve to be banished as a wolf.”
“Believe me, I had thought that I did deserve it; to a certain degree I couldn’t cause trouble as a wolf who couldn’t talk.”
“Lotor, I apologize for thinking this was a trick.”
Lotor shook his head. “I understand why you thought that. We are a lot alike, you and I, Commander.”
“It’s just Keith, Lotor. We would be happy to have you here.”
“And I would be happy to live here and provide any information you want about Doom weapons and robeasts.” Lotor knew Zarkon wouldn’t like it if he learned that Lotor was telling about the weaknesses of the weapons and robeasts but he didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, Zarkon was not his father anymore and therefore he felt no guilt in spilling whatever secrets he had concerning the fleet’s offensive and defensive systems.
Lotor stood beside Coran as the control center rose up so that the Force could go to their lions. Doom had unleased a robeast on the planet and naturally the lions needed to be sent out. The control center lowered and while Coran focused on the view screen, Lotor had the castle’s sensors scan the robeast so he could study its semantics. He studied all the aspects of the monster and he laughed in a way that caught Coran’s attention. “Why are you laughing?”
“I’m laughing because this was the last robeast I had designed just before my banishment. The thing seems unbeatable, but look here.” He tapped a paw to one part and the screen zoomed in. “There’s a sensor under its right foot. If it can be pierced, its so-called invulnerability will be gone and be easy to beat. If the team can knock it over, one of them can use the tip of a jaw blade to pierce it.”
Coran switched on the comm link. “Keith, the robeast has a sensor under the right foot. Lotor say that if you knock it over, one of you can pierce the sensor and disable its invulnerability.”
“Got it,” was the reply.
Lotor and Coran watched as the team charged the robeast and once it was down, Red Lion used its blade to destroy the sensor. After that the team formed Voltron, traded attacks with the robeast, and finally destroyed it with the Blazing Sword. When the robeast blew up, Lotor howled in triumph. Lotor had worked with Coran for weeks to operate the controls and had helped repel the fighter ships that invaded the planet before today when the robeast arrived. Lotor knew that it took time for this one to be built and he couldn’t believe Zarkon didn’t improve the blueprint. Maybe he thought the design was good, giving me credit despite banishing me.
Coran smiled at Lotor’s howl. The prince-turned-wolf still spoke like a wolf at times and heeded his instincts while providing information on Doom’s offensive and defensive systems. He, in turn, relayed this to ally planets but not naming the source on the assumption that Zarkon would try to kill Lotor for telling all. Lotor has no reason to be loyal to Zarkon considering what he and Hagger did to him.
The Force returned to the Control Room and, once the console had lowered, Lotor pranced around them, barking happily. His antics amused them and Allura crouched down to scratch his ears and then his chin. “You were a big help in telling us about the weak spot.”
“I can’t believe Zarkon didn’t improve on it considering it was my design.”
“Yeah, he’s not being smart,” Lance said. “It’s clear that you were the brains of the attacks.”
“And now all I know is yours to use.”
“It’s the tactical knowledge you have,” Keith said. “You also have strategic knowledge. Such knowledge is valuable and we’re lucky you’re on our side now.”
“I feel the same way, Keith,” Lotor said proudly.
The five pilots exchanged looks and nodded. “Well,” Keith said. “We’ve talked it over and we want to make you a reserve member of the Voltron Force.”
“Reserve member?” Lotor was shocked.
Keith nodded. “If one of us is unable to pilot our lion, you would step in for us. Of course, first you need to learn the controls and practice flying with paws.”
“I’m honored and I accept. What should I do first?”
“Study the lion’s semantics for now and in a couple of days, Allura will take you up in the Blue Lion with her.”
“Okay…Commander.” Keith didn’t correct Lotor as the wolf was now a member of the Force. He looked forward to learning about the lions and how to fly them.