Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only the nameless criminals are mine.
Chapter One- The Priest’s Secret
Seto’s eyes gleamed with excitement as the sealed monster was taken away. It had been a busy morning as lots of criminals had been judged and Seto was feeling an emotional high from the event. He wanted to judge more, to seal more, but unfortunately there were no more. Adrenaline was still running through him and he wanted to use it up. I know what I could do, but perhaps there’s another way to expend this excess high.
“Mahad, you are about to do a security run, correct?” Seto asked as the court dispersed.
“I am. Would you like to accompany me?”
“Thank you. I think I will.”
“I have to admit, I’m surprised you decided to join me,” Mahad said as they left the palace with the guards.
“I have a lot of energy leftover from the judging.”
“Seems you’re the only one who does. You’re only a little younger than me and yet you always seem to have energy left while I am worn out.”
“Yes, that is something I noticed myself.” Seto ambled down the streets with Mahad, lost in thought. His energy levels were indeed higher than most people, even higher than Atem who was younger than him! My stamina levels are commented on and the envy of the court. I alone know why this is so: I am a werewolf.
Seto had always been a werewolf but hadn’t started to change until he was ten. His mother had told him of his heritage that he had gotten from her family line. Every male was able to become a wolf whenever they wanted, but they had to change on the full moon. She assured him that he would be fully aware on those nights unless he smelled fear or prey. Then, he would think as a true wolf until those trigger feelings had passed.
Seto didn’t mind thinking like a wolf during those brief times and he really didn’t mind being a werewolf; on the contrary, he loved it! He had sharper senses in both forms as well as high energy levels. The energy was a bit of a problem. The most obvious solution was to head to the desert, changed to a wolf, and run himself ragged. The thing was Seto had many duties to perform and couldn’t just run off to handle his extra energy.
And yet, if I don’t change for a long while, I would show signs of my heritage such as pointed ears or a tail. I kept it a secret for years and I don’t intend for it to come out through some sloppy move of my doing.
“Well, no hint of evil from the Ring,” Mahad spoke up. “I’m heading back but the guards will not. What about you, Seto?”
“I’ll head back later. I want to enjoy my walk.”
“As you wish.” Mahad headed back to the palace while Seto continued walking, the open desert beyond the gates seeming to be calling to him. He kept going as if magnetically pulled toward it. I need to change. Only a long run will help. He was soon out the gates and moved faster until he was out of sight thanks to a large dune.
He let out a long exhale, closed his eyes, and invoked his change. He felt his clothes fade away and he opened his eyes to see his body covered in brown fur. His eyes sparkled happily at this as they turned gold and his nose and jaws formed a muzzle. He stood a little taller as his heels moved up so that he was on the balls of his feet before they became paws as did his hands. His spine curved and his knees changed direction, bringing him to all fours. A long full tail grew out while his ears became wolf ones. Seto panted as the strength and speed of a wolf coursed through him and then he stretched his legs before taking off into the desert, taking a course he knew quite well.
He couldn’t help howling as he raced across the ground. The sand was a blur beneath his paws, the wind flowed across and ruffled his fur, and the smells of nature flooded his nose. He then laughed as he ran. I love running like this! I feel so alive and part of nature while in this form. A shame I can’t utilize my strength and speed in human form which is actually a good thing. I already attract enough notice with my stamina and energy levels.
Seto ran until he reached the oasis he knew so well. He lapped up some water from the pool and gazed down at his lupine face. He admired his gold eyes which stood out against his brown fur. He turned his head to the side to see his long muzzle and strong jaws. His muzzle’s edges pulled back in a wolf’s grin to reveal his sharp white teeth and his tail swished proudly at them.
He turned to the side and his eyes trailed over his lean but muscled body and limbs. He was pleased with his body’s shape which he maintained by running regularly usually in human form and eating enough to keep healthy. Of course, shifting forms burns calories and helps me keep my slender figure.
He sent out a howl as a call to other wolves and waited, his ears straining to hear for responses, but none came. He bowed his head. No wolves within hearing distance. Seto didn’t usually stray too far from the city and, as a result, he didn’t encounter other wolves. Instinct and self-preservation kept wolves away from the city. He knew he would find wolf packs if he wandered even deeper into the desert as well as the human criminals that had hidden hideouts.
Those hidden criminals may be able to avoid detection from humans but they can’t hide from my nose. I’d be able to sniff them out and appear to randomly wander in their direction until Mahad’s Item detects their evil. He shook his head in awe, wondering why he hadn’t thought of this idea before. I should suggest a search party to Mahad and the pharaoh and of course, I will lead the party to find these evildoers. Heh, we may be able to catch the thief king, Bakura, at last.
Bakura was a highly elusive and high profile criminal. He was well known for robbing tombs and, on occasion, stealing from innocent people. He allowed himself to be briefly spotted before seeming to vanish into thin air. Seto had never seen Bakura as he did not venture out to the tombs. Perhaps it is time that I do so; go on tomb checks I mean. Seto ran back to the city, resuming human form before he was spotted. He felt a lot better and calmer from his run and resolved to change a lot more and doing so when he went to sleep was an ideal time. Yes, sleeping in wolf form would be a good thing. I used to do that when I first began to change.
He strode back to the palace, the people kneeling to him as he passed. Their deference gave him a heady sensation and a feeling of superiority that he felt nonetheless owing to his being a werewolf.
He continued on his way to the palace, seeing content people and the guards among them. It made him feel good that the citizens felt safe and secure in the presence of the guards. That is as it should be and the guards do their duty well.
An explosion of sound erupted between two buildings ahead of him and a squad of guards appeared, dragging three men among them. Seto approached the group as the men were brought under control. One guard knelt before him. “Master Seto,” he said.
“Found some criminals I see.”
“Yes, Master Seto. They are part of a band that eludes us. It is clear that their hideout is hidden and thus it is difficult to apprehend them all.”
“Yes, it is clear,” Seto said as he and the guard led the other guards and their prisoners to the palace. “And my walk has given me an idea on how to find them and I will bring it to the pharaoh’s attention. Hopefully, he will support it.” I have no reason to think that he won’t, he added to himself.
Chapter Two- Confrontation
Atem leaned forward and looked at his kneeling priest. “A search for hidden criminals?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. I believe if Mahad and I were to lead a group of guards out into the desert, we may be able to locate those who elude us.”
“I can see sending Mahad out, but why you as well?”
Seto’s mind raced to come up with an explanation. He couldn’t tell Atem he was a werewolf! His mother had cautioned him about keeping it a secret. People saw werewolves as tainted, evil beings. The idea of a good werewolf was an absurd one and not entertained.
“My pharaoh,” came Mahad’s voice as he entered and knelt beside Seto. “Seto has great intuition skills which could be of great help. He may feel a criminal is hiding somewhere while the Ring detects nothing.”
Seto kept any emotion off his face as if Mahad’s explanation was nothing new to him. However, he knew Mahad was not being forthcoming with Atem. Why?
Atem nodded. “Very well. Both of you and some guards will search for hidden criminals. You will head out after court tomorrow.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” both said before rising and leaving the room. Once they were alone and out of earshot, Seto said, “What was that about my having intuition skills? I have no such ability.”
“What would you have me say? That you’re a werewolf?”
Seto’s eyes went wide before he could put on his impassive expression. “What? How could you tell?”
Mahad smiled a little. “The transformation power of the werewolf is a form of magic and I can detect magic whether active or not. I’m guessing you want to help search with your sense of smell.”
“Exactly. When I focus my senses, everything is clearer and sharper.”
“Convenient. It must be nice to be able to sense the world that way.”
Seto flashed a teasing smile. “I could make you a werewolf. I can do that.”
“I know you can but it is not necessary. But tell me: What would happen?”
“I never bit anyone but Mother told me when I first began to change. If done in daylight, the senses automatically sharpen and then he must take wolf form that night. He would be able to change back at dawn. She also said that if a criminal was bitten, he would turn good…eventually.”
“Gods that is quite the ability you have. You could turn evildoers good.”
“Obviously I don’t employ it as that could put us out of a job of judging criminals not to mention expose the existence of werewolves to the world. You know it’s believed that all werewolves are evil. Evil ones only result from some sinister ritual, curse, and being bitten by an evil werewolf.”
“Yes, of course. You know that I will not tell anyone your secret and I would appreciate your assistance on our search.”
“Thank you and I look forward to sniffing out those criminals.”
Mahad smiled in amusement at Seto’s slight joke as the werewolf walked away. It had been a shock when his magic detected inactive magic the day Seto became a member of the court. He probed his senses and found he was detecting the power of a werewolf. Whenever he was alone with Seto, his magic senses kept reacting to it until it grew accustomed to it. He never confronted Seto about being a werewolf until now as he knew such a condition was usually kept a secret out of protection.
I will never tell anyone that Seto’s a werewolf, but I do have a few questions for him. I noticed that he used ‘he’ and ‘him’ in his explanations. Are men the only ones who can become werewolves? What if a woman was bitten? And was Seto born this way? Yes, he was. He did mention his mother telling him how the bite works on people. Well, I can ask those questions on our search tomorrow.
Bakura laughed as a guard called, “Stop!” Fools, he inwardly scoffed. Like I would listen to them. I’ve avoided capture this long and I don’t intend to get caught anytime soon. He raced ahead of the guards, darted between dunes, and then doubled back before slipping into a concealed cavern that blended in with its surroundings perfectly. He heard the guards approach his spot and stop. The exclamations of disbelief and disappointment at Bakura vanishing were music to his ears and he smothered his laughs until he was sure they were gone.
“They’ll never catch me,” he chuckled. “I’m too fast and clever to be caught by some mere guards. I know that I will be eventually caught but I’ll likely be an old man by then. However, if I’m cornered before then, I’ll kill myself. I’d rather die than be put through a Millennium Trial and sentenced to hard labor.” Bakura retreated to his hideout and laid on a pile of stolen linen. He had visions of his inevitable capture and he always imagined his captor was one of the members of the Sacred Court of the pharaoh. He had only seen one but one was enough to tell him that they would wear robes and carry a Millennium Item. Those Items will be enough identification but I wouldn’t mind being able to identify one from afar. And that could be very soon. I overheard the guards speak of a unit of guards and two priests who will search for hidden criminals tomorrow. They’re hoping to be among those who will help capture those they find. Ha! If I was in charge of choosing those to accompany me, it certainly wouldn’t be those fools. Hmm, perhaps I will come up to see which priests will be overseeing the search. I imagine the one I see most often will be one of them so it’s the other one that interests me. Once I have seen the other, I will slip back into my hideout and wait out the search party. He nodded to himself. Yes, that’s all he wanted to do: Learn the appearance of the second priest.
Mahad scoured the shelves of the royal archives. His conversation with Seto kept cropping up in his mind and decided to see if he could find any information at all about werewolves. Did the archives tell nothing but the dark side of werewolves or did Seto maybe add information about good ones? He finally located the scroll he had been seeking, plucked it off its shelf, and sat down to look at it.
He was disappointed when he unrolled it to see that it was only a little over three quarters full. He began to read and what he read was nothing but the dark side. It said that only criminals could become werewolves or be cursed as one by a dark sorcerer. Those who were changed by magic would eventually become evil and criminal. It was the full moon that made werewolves something to fear. They turned into two-legged monsters who were all animal intelligence and possessing the most brutal means of killing. A werewolf in this state would either kill and eat humans or bite the human into a werewolf like himself. No woman ever survived a bite from a werewolf.
The scroll went on to say that spotting a werewolf in his human form was easy. The werewolf would have pointed ears that they would conceal, sharp teeth that they wouldn’t show, and a liking for raw bloody meat. The only way to kill a werewolf was burying a sharp piece of silver into his heart.
I doubt most of this is true, but then again it could be true. All of this information could be true and only Seto can confirm it. I will be asking him a lot of questions about werewolves. How evil ones come about, the full moon form and behavior, the physical signs, and the way to kill a werewolf. Mahad’s head spun with questions as he went to teach his students.
Chapter Three- Criminal Search
The last man was taken away as was the tablet that held his monster. Seto felt no energy high from the triple judging and attributed it to the fact that he had had a run the day before and had slept in wolf form last night. He felt good and refreshed from the run and last night’s sleep and was ready to tackle the search for hidden criminals. He watched as Mahad split the guard into two groups, one to patrol the city while the others were to follow him and Seto into the desert to find hidden criminals. This second group shared grim smiles. Seto could tell that they were thrilled to be chosen for this dangerous yet important task. The guards armed themselves and carried large amounts of rope. Mahad and Seto mounted horses that also carried rope as well. As the party headed out, Seto saw Mahad look at him curiously. “Yes?” he asked.
“I would have thought that horses would react negatively to you what with you being a werewolf,” Mahad said softly.
“If I was in wolf form, it would react negatively however, in human form, it behaves normally.” Seto smiled in amusement. “You are very curious about werewolves now; ever since you confronted me, yes?”
“I am. I read the scroll about werewolves yesterday but it only spoke of the dark side and it raised a good deal of questions I hope you can answer.”
“I never read it, but I would be happy to answer your questions.”
“Great.” They rode to the gates. “There are evil werewolves, no doubt about that. How do they come about, though? The scroll spoke of only criminals and people cursed by dark sorcerers.”
“Evil werewolves came about by people cursed by dark sorcerers. Criminal ones were born by the criminal being bitten by a cursed one.”
“Tell me about the full moon.”
“The full moon is no different from any other time aside from the fact that it forces us to take wolf form.”
“So, they don’t become two-legged monsters that think purely as wolves that kill human or turn them. Do men only become werewolves? A woman doesn’t survive a bite?”
“That is true. If a woman is bitten, she dies from it. A woman can conceive with a wolf in human form and the werewolf gene is carried through the generations by both sons and daughters but only the sons can change, usually shortly before adolescence. I began to change when I was ten.”
“Are there any signs that one is a werewolf while human?”
“None. I look no different from anyone else.”
“The scroll ended by saying that only a sharp piece of silver in the heart can kill a werewolf.”
Seto laughed. “Anything can die if impaled through the heart. Werewolves are immune to blades, though. Furthermore, once fully mature, the aging process slows.”
“So, you could live longer. Now I know you could bite someone evil to be good. Could that work the other way?”
“Only if an evil werewolf bites a good person, yes. Once a werewolf become good or evil, they can bite a human to be the same type of werewolf he is. Of course, I don’t intend to bite anyone.”
“Not even if you fall for someone?” Mahad asked quietly. “What if you met a man and fall head over heels in love?”
“If I do fall in love, I will only bite if he learns I’m a werewolf.”
Mahad nodded. “Makes sense.” Inwardly, he smiled. He had been a little concerned that Seto had no interest in romance so his response pleased him. Seto’s not against romance or that he could fall for a man instead of a woman. The only problem is that Seto would keep his heritage a secret. I believe a loving relationship should be open and honest.
Suddenly, Seto veered off to the right and leaned forward a little. Mahad rode alongside him and saw Seto’s nose flaring. “Seto?” he prompted.
“Three…no four criminals.” Seto urged his horse forward several steps, his nose still flaring. “Yes, four. They’re close and hidden very far down.”
Mahad rode forward next to Seto and then his Ring came to life and pointing down. “Well done, Seto. I would have gone right past it.”
Seto beamed as Mahad directed some guards to dig with their spears and then using his magic to assist in revealing a deep, angled passage. Mahad dismounted, passed the reins to a guard, and said, “All right. Five of you follow me.” He descended into the passage and out of sight, five guards behind him. Seto sat on his horse and expanded his senses. He closed his eyes to focus on his nose and ears. He heard nothing unusual, but as his nose flared, the scent of another human floated up to him. It was a bit faint, but still noticeable to him. I’d be able to pin it down if I take wolf form. I just need to get away.
He dismounted and passed the reins to the one holding the other reins. “Master Seto?” the guard inquired.
“I’ve got a feeling of another criminal. I will investigate it and you all stay here to await Mahad’s return.”
“Master Seto, if there is a criminal, you will need protection,” a guard protested.
“I have all the protection I need here.” He pushed his cape to one side to reveal the Rod before heading off toward the scent he picked up.
Bakura flattened himself against the rocky plateau as a figure in blue and white robes came into view. Hmm, very distinctive. He stands out in those robes and especially that hat. Bakura carefully crept closer to the edge and when the priest turned in his direction, he felt his breath catch.
Oh, gods! He’s very handsome. And those eyes…so piercing and intense. He watched as the priest appeared to be sniffing the air. “Yes, there is another one,” he said in a voice Bakura found equally attractive. “No…two? Oh, this won’t do.” The priest shook his head for a moment before a brown wolf with gold eyes took his place.
Bakura resisted the urge to gasp at the abrupt transformation. He stared as the wolf put his nose to the ground and began to walk away, intent on the trail of whatever he was tracking. Gods, he’s a werewolf? I never heard of a good werewolf. His tracking skills must be valued highly by the pharaoh. He kept watching the werewolf until his tail tip disappeared around a dune. I must know him. His name, how he became a werewolf, and to admit that I’ve fallen for him. I will prowl around the pharaoh’s city and wait for him to come out of the palace so I can introduce myself. He nodded to himself, rose, and headed for home to gather supplies for his new mission.
Seto lifted his head and inhaled deeply. Yes, there were two hidden criminals and he had found the entrance. He used his claws to scratch out a sign that no one would think of much before heading back, resuming human form out of sight of anyone. He came into view to see four bound people and Mahad back on his horse.
He mounted his own and said, “Mahad, I believe I found another hidden hideout. This way.” He led the way, pleased with himself. His sharp nose had tracked down six criminals. And tomorrow, we will judge them. I hope to do this again as it was productive.
Chapter Four- Accidental Change
“Six!?” Atem gasped as Mahad and Seto reported to him. “That is impressive. Clearly, this was productive.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” Mahad said. “Seto was of great help.”
“Seto, this suggestion of yours was excellent and I will grant another search when you wish.”
“Thank you, my pharaoh.” Both men were dismissed and once out of earshot, Mahad said, “We would never have found those criminals without your sharp nose but I am curious. How does that work?”
Seto gave an amused smile. “I learned that with human, they give off a scent that indicates if one is good or evil. For example, you give off a fresh scent like lotus blossoms that indicates goodness. Evil smells of spoiled meat.”
“So good smells like lotuses while evil is like spoiled meat.”
“Exactly. Now, I can’t say how the smell of a bitten person would change or how quickly as I’ve never bitten anyone.”
“I would think the smell would change at the same pace as the person’s change in nature.”
Seto put a hand on Mahad’s shoulder. “That makes sense. Now, I’m going to study and probably sleep as soon as night falls as it has been a long day and we’ll have a full morning tomorrow.”
“Indeed we do. I will see you in the morning, Seto.” Mahad watched Seto walk away, feeling that some kind of new bond had been forged between them. Seto used to criticize Mahad’s methods of patrol and teaching of his students while Mahad ignored those jibes and generally showed Seto respect. Now that Mahad had revealed that he knew that Seto was a werewolf, any grudging respect had transformed into real respect. Perhaps a real true friendship will come from this.
Seto looked over the scrolls in the archives. He had a list of subjects he needed to study and he followed it diligently. However, Mahad’s mention of the werewolf scroll had piqued his interest and he decided that he should see this scroll for himself; it wasn’t that he didn’t trust Mahad, he just tended to see things for himself. He found the scroll and opened it, scanning its contents. It was as Mahad had said. It only spoke of evil werewolves but only a little of the information was true. This is more like a folk tale than actual fact. I could write a true account of werewolves but that may lead to questions I wouldn’t be interested in answering. Yes, it would be better to just leave these lies on the shelf in order to protect myself and others like me. He put the scroll back and grabbed the one that was next on his list.
Mahad smiled proudly as Mana closed her eyes in focus and chanting a spell that would change Mahad’s hair color; he was curious of how he would look with black hair. Mana’s training had progressed to human appearance changes so he thought to take his desire to be black-haired and have it be Mana’s practice for the spell. And if it should go wrong, I can use an all-purpose counter spell as Mana has not learned to seal her spells and she would prefer not to if a spell goes wrong and she does not know how to reverse it.
“Good, good,” he said as her pronunciation was good. “Now, raise your hand, sweep it over me while chanting, and picture me with black hair.”
Mana, eyes still closed, did as instructed but the pronunciation of a couple of words were wrong this time. Mahad heard the mistakes but by then the spell was washing over him and he closed his eyes. He opened them as the effect ended, looked down, and yelped at the sight of two dark brown-furred paws. He quickly turned to see himself before facing his student. “Mana, you just turned me into a wolf.”
Mana opened her eyes, stared at her teacher, and then bowed her head. “I’m sorry, Master,” she said, almost in tears.
Mahad sighed. “It’s all right, Mana. I can undo this spell but I must wait for nightfall before using the counter spell.”
“A human to animal transformation of this nature can only be undone at night.” Unless one was born with the power to transform, like Seto can. “Mana, let’s end today’s lesson here, but practice the incantation.”
“Yes, Master.” Mana left the Hall and Mahad sat down, a back foot unconsciously scratching an ear. “At least I can talk.” He stood up and left the Hall. He passed a few guards who gave him double takes but said nothing. Mahad knew he was recognizable by his Ring and the cuffs on his legs. He walked into the archives with the intention of doing some reading to pass the time until nightfall. He saw the scroll he wanted, reared up, and stretched a paw up to bat it down, but he couldn’t reach. He stretched as high as he could but he still couldn’t reach. He growled low in annoyance.
The magician got down on all fours and turned to see Seto staring at him in surprise. “Yeah, it’s me. I was teaching Mana a spell to change a human’s appearance. She was supposed to turn my hair to black but said a couple of words wrong. As this is a human to animal transformation error, I must wait for nightfall to reverse it.”
“Don’t human to animal spells usually leave the human unable to talk?”
“Usually, yes. But as I am a magician and this was a misspoken spell, I can talk.”
“Ah. The art of magic is a complex thing.”
“It is indeed. It takes years of dedicated study to master and understand it.” His nose then flared and the scent of lotus came to him. It was fresh and clean scent as well as a pleasant one. And it’s coming from Seto, which makes sense. “Hmm, I smell lotus blossoms from you, Seto.”
The werewolf smiled. “And it smell it from you, of course, despite you being a wolf right now. I also smell the distinctive scent of a wolf off you.”
“I don’t smell wolf from you, probably because you’re human right now.”
“That’s right. You know, there are still a few more hours until nightfall. Perhaps we could race each other in the desert?”
Mahad looked up to see Seto’s blue eyes shining with excitement at the idea of having company and he was curious to see Seto as a wolf. “A race, huh? Sure.” He managed a grin at Seto’s smile as both left the archives, went through the palace, and the city. They reached the desert where Seto became a wolf and Mahad wasn’t surprised to see Seto as a brown wolf and gold eyes. “Your fur is lighter in color than mine,” he said.
“Of course. Your hair is darker than mine so it translates to the fur.” Seto unsheathed his claws to knead the sand and stretched his legs. Mahad did the same. It was clear that Seto was ready to race and Mahad was ready to test the speed of his current body.
Seto crouched low and so did Mahad. “Ready, set, go!” Seto sped off and Mahad followed behind him. Seto felt the sand under his paws and the wind run across his fur and joy filled his heart. He howled joyfully and heard Mahad respond in like. Heh, he seems to be enjoying himself. Granted, he hadn’t meant to become a wolf but he likes it nonetheless. He saw Mahad run up alongside him and he saw a mischievous glean in the dark brown wolf’s eyes before he lunged at Seto. Their race then turned into playful wrestling until nightfall.
Chapter Five- Encounter
Bakura crept into the sleepy city early the next day, a bag of money tied around the waist of his commoner clothes with a length of rope. He had felt that wearing the clothes he stole from the tombs would be the wrong way to go in meeting then blue and white priest. He would camp out near the marketplace and wait to see if the priest would show. If he didn’t, Bakura would continue to wait until he needed more money for food and water. He could steal what he wanted, but had no desire to get caught so, this time, he would pay for what he needed. He wore a piece of linen over his head and cinched it so his head was protected from the sun. He staked out a place where he could keep an eye on the marketplace and then retreated into a shadowy, cool part of his hiding spot and waited for his target to show.
Seto panted a little with exhaustion. These criminals, due to their ability to evade capture, had monsters that were stronger than normal ones and harder to extract, but still able to be extracted and sealed. His exhaustion was slight compared to the rest of the court as the last trial ended. Atem was sympathetic with them and said, “Please rest and recover before proceeding with your duties.”
“Thank you, pharaoh,” the court murmured in unison before leaving the room. Seto noticed that Mahad seemed alert and said as much.
“My job with the Trials is with finding criminals to judge. If anything, you seem just as alert as I and you have to seal the monsters.”
“Very true but that’s the advantage of being a werewolf.”
“I did enjoy our time yesterday. I understand why you like being a wolf. Everything was clearer and sharper.”
“I’m happy to hear that. I sometimes feel lonely that no one understands how it is to be such a strong animal.”
“Well, I understand now and I may look into a spell to become a wolf.”
“I could still bite you.”
“I know, but I have to decline. I don’t much like the idea of being forced to change three nights a month.”
“I understand. I’m used to it as I’ve been doing it for years. So, you’re running a patrol?”
“Yes and then a nap. Would you like to join me again?”
“Just for a walk and then I too may take a nap.”
Mahad gave a small smile as he gathered the guards while Seto went out the gates. He felt as if he and Seto had started forming a solid friendship. The beginnings of a bond had surely begun to form due to their time searching out criminals and then as wolves yesterday. Mahad had been honest in saying he didn’t like the idea of being forced to change; what he didn’t say was that he felt that Seto’s first turn should be for one he loved if it was a man or perhaps a new friend that knew Seto’s secret and accepted it. Yes, his first bite should be for a special man.
Seto walked toward the market, feeling content. He had also enjoyed his time with Mahad yesterday. The spell that accidentally turned him into a wolf was an unexpected gift to Seto. He was lonely though he covered it up by doing his duty. He had worked hard to obtain this position and he loved it. Still, it would be nice to have a companion who knew my secret and accepts me for who I am.
A cry of shock and pain reached his ears before two men appeared. One was a full grown man who held a bag of money in one hand and was fending off the attempts of a teenage boy with the other.
“That’s my money,” the boy said, still struggling.
“Not anymore,” the man chortled.
“Is that so?” Seto asked coldly.
The laughing man turned and, upon seeing the priest, knelt before him, all mirth gone. “Priest Seto.”
“Stealing from another and in front of me?” He briefly sharpened his nose and smelled spoiled meat. He spied two guards approaching him and he summoned them over. “This man dared to steal from another. Take him away.”
“Yes, Master Seto,” one answered as the priest recovered the bag. Seto then turned to the boy who had also knelt when the man did. “I believe this is yours?” he asked, holding out the bag.
“Thank you, Priest Seto.” He accepted the bag and used the cut remains of a rope to tie it back on. Seto took the opportunity to study the boy. He seemed only a little younger than himself and had unusual features. Hints of gray-silver hair showed under the linen cover; hair that went well with the pale lavender eyes he had glimpsed. But most unusual was the scar. A vertical line with two horizontal lines across it adorned his upper right cheek. He is quite attractive. I would like to know him more. “What is your name, citizen?”
“It is Bakura, Priest Seto.”
Bakura!? As in thief Bakura? Whoa, Seto. He may not be the Bakura who eludes the guards. “Really? You share the same name with a thief who has, thus far, eluded us.”
Bakura looked up and then sighed as he looked down again. “There is no sharing, I’m afraid. I am the one you seek. But allow me to say that I saw you yesterday and I find you very handsome.”
Seto was stunned. He had saved a thief from being robbed and it was none other than the infamous Bakura! “You think I’m handsome?” he asked neutrally.
“I do. I didn’t know your name and resolved to meet you. So I came to wait for you. That’s when that man tried to rob me.”
“I knew your name but not your appearance which I find unusual but attractive nonetheless…wait. You saw me yesterday?”
“Yes. You were alone and you were looking around for something.” He saw Seto pale and an amused smiled crossed his face. “Yes. I saw you turn into a wolf. I must say, I never heard of a good werewolf.”
“And you will not speak of it to anyone,” Seto stated firmly.
“You fear the local belief that all werewolves are evil. If I keep quiet about it, what do I get out of it?”
“I will let you leave but if I catch you here again, it will be the dungeon.”
Bakura rose and bowed his head. “Yes, Priest Seto. I will not return here again and I will not tell anyone about your secret. Perhaps I will see you again, though.” He headed out of the city and Seto said to himself, “Oh, you will when another search is conducted.”
Bakura smiled triumphantly. He had done it! He had met Seto and escaped being arrested. Of course I knew his secret and in exchange for my silence, he let me go. However, we can’t meet in the city again. No matter. Perhaps our time apart will cause Seto to think of me in a romantic way. He did say he found me attractive. And I find him handsomer than before. I hope another search is done soon for I would like to speak with him again and learn how he became a werewolf.
“You caught someone robbing another?” Mahad asked Seto as they headed back to the palace.
“I did. There were a couple of guards nearby and they took him away. I returned the money to the citizen. He was grateful and we got to talking. It was informative.”
“Sounds like you made a friend.”
“I suppose I did.” Seto wasn’t quite sure about that. A priest and a thief being friends? The idea seemed absurd…just at the idea of a good werewolf was absurd. Maybe we can be friends. He knows my secret just as Mahad does and I am becoming good friends with Mahad. Seto dwelled on this possible new friendship as he went to his chambers for that nap.
Chapter Six- Trust and Love
Seto thought of Bakura on and off as he went about his duties over the next two weeks. The full moon came and went the week after meeting Bakura and it was that period where he dwelled on the thief the most. The pale eyes, tanned skin, the confident smile, and that scar. He was, without a doubt, the most unusual and interesting man he had ever met.
The fact that he was a thief and a tomb robber was hard to overlook and yet he knew Seto was a werewolf. It made him feel content that he had two people who knew his heritage and kept quiet about it. The thing was one, Mahad, kept it out of respect while the other, Bakura, kept it under a threat. I don’t like to threaten friends. You have to trust them with your hopes, dreams, fears, and secrets. I’d like to tell him that the threat is lifted, that I trust him.
“Seto!” Mahad called as court adjourned two days after Seto had decided to trust Bakura. “Listen,” Mahad said quietly as they walked. “I plan to check some tombs, maybe catch some tomb robbers. I’d like to have some company.”
“Checking tombs? Sounds like fun to me.”
Mahad headed off to gather lots of rope and a couple of small saddlebags before walking out the gates and through the city toward the open desert. Seto followed, bewildered by his actions. “Uh, Mahad? I think you forgot a few things like guards and horses.”
“We won’t need them.”
“We’ll be tracking tomb robbers as wolves. I discovered and practiced a spell that will allow me to change between an animal and human but only one animal each time I use it. For example, I will choose wolf today and can only be wolf or human today. If I were to use the spell tomorrow, I could become a horse for the day.”
“Brilliant, Mahad. So, those saddlebags. We’ll be carrying them once we change.”
“Exactly.” Mahad put the bags down and opened one bag to reveal water gourds and put some rope in it before doing the same with the second set of bags, showing that the other bag on both sets contained food. He then stood, closed his eyes, and chanted a spell. A white glow outlined his body before it faded. Then, eyes still closed, Mahad then became the wolf he had been before. He opened his eyes and focused on Seto.
Seto lifted one set of saddlebags and put it on Mahad’s back. He adjusted it before adjusting the other set and taking wolf form himself. He slipped the second set on his back. He considered asking Mahad if he could talk, but dismissed it. He’s a magician; of course he can. “Well, let’s head out and track those criminals,” he said.
“Right.” Mahad took off at a run and Seto followed, eager to use his nose to find tomb robbers. And maybe I’ll see Bakura again. I’ve thought long and hard since choosing to trust Bakura and I have found that I am definitely attracted to him. If I see him today, I intend to tell him.
Mahad took long strides as he took the lead to the first groups of tombs he had intended to check. He absolutely loved being a wolf. He was stronger, faster, and had sharper senses. He had practiced using this body and the senses so that he would be proficient with them during these checks.
He slid to a stop as he arrived at the tombs, Seto stopping as well. He padded over to the door of one and peered in, his gold eyes easily piercing the darkness. “Hmm, this one is intact,” he murmured.
“But this one isn’t,” Seto said. “And I’ve got a scent.”
Mahad went to Seto’s side and sniffed the ground. “There’s two scents.” He followed them with Seto behind him. The magician stopped, lifted his head, and inhaled, his nose flaring. “The owners separated. One went straight while the other went right.”
“I’ll take the one on the right,” Seto said. Once Mahad had nodded, Seto headed off, his nose to the ground. The scent was indeed of spoiled meat but not very strong. That would indicate a weak but capable criminal…or a criminal who was repenting, at least a little bit. Intrigued, Seto kept following the scent. The trail led him out to a wide expanse of sand, dunes, and a cliff wall. He sniffed around, sifting through the scents until he found the freshest scent and followed it to a perfectly blended cavern that one wouldn’t find with their eyes alone unless they lived there; only one with a sharp nose would find it. He slid into the hidden cavern and set off down the stone passage until it opened up into a large area and seated among piles of linen was Bakura.
The young man smiled at him. “Well, well. Priest Seto. I was hoping that if I left a scent trail, you would track it to me.”
“You are lucky that I chose your trail. Mahad mastered a spell that lets him change between human and an animal for the day. He is in wolf form too right now.”
“Is he now? Then, he knows you’re a werewolf too?”
“Yes. My transformation is a type of magic and he can sense magic, active or not. He did not confront me about my heritage until the day before the hidden criminal search.
“I’m glad I found you. I have a couple of things to tell you. First, I withdraw my threat to you. I would rather you keep my secret based on trust and friendship.”
“You would trust me to not tell anyone?” Bakura raised an eyebrow.
“I do and over the last two days since I decided to trust you, I found that I am definitely attracted to you.”
Bakura sat up straighter. “You are?” A smiled crossed his face again. “Seto, I’ve thought of you ever since our meeting in the city and I have concluded that I have fallen in love with you.”
Seto backed up a little. “You…you’re in love with me? You hardly know me.”
Bakura stood and started toward him. “That is true and you hardly know me yet you are attracted to me and trust me to keep you secret.”
“Yes. Bakura, the way we met has been bothering me. Was it all an act?”
“Oh no, it was genuine. He surprised me and he was quick to snatch my bag. I felt showing respect was the way to go as well as my clothes.”
“That was a smart move.” Seto eyed the clothes Bakura now wore: A red open coat tied at the waist, a short skirt, and royal slippers. He bore cuffs at his ankles and rings on his fingers. Seto knew the coat, shoes, and jewelry were stolen from various tombs but it was difficult to know if Bakura took them from the tombs himself or if he stole them from another tomb robber.
“Seto, I have a request to make of you.”
“Could you turn me into a werewolf?”
“I could,” he said slowly. “But why would I do that?”
“I would think attraction and love would be good enough reasons.”
“They are, but I don’t know. I’ve never bitten anyone before.”
“Then, just think about it. When you’ve reached a decision, tell me.”
“All right. I’ll think about it and tell you when I reach my decision.” Seto turned, exited the room, and left the hidden cavern.
A smirk crossed Bakura’s face. He had a feeling that Seto would end up biting him. I do love him and with the power of a werewolf, I will be an even better tomb robber than I already am.
Chapter Seven- The Bite
Seto raced back toward the tombs, his nose flaring and his mind racing. Would he bite Bakura? He knew he could, it was just a matter of if he should. I know that my bite will turn him good. That would be the only thing that would be different about him. His nose caught two scents: Lotus and spoiled meat. Mahad must be in human form again as I don’t smell a wolf scent. He arrived at the tombs to see a human Mahad and three bound men!
Mahad smiled at him. “Well, boy. It seems our time here was productive. The other tombs are secure so let’s head back with our prisoners.”
Seto barked at him and then growled threateningly at the men. He smelled their fear as they allowed Mahad to lead them to the palace. Seto followed behind them, pleased to have something to distract him from his musings but wanting to talk to Mahad at the same time. He knew he would have to wait until he could safely change. He got his chance when they entered the city and Mahad had summoned guards to take the prisoners away. The magician saw Seto gone and went to an alley nearby to see his fellow priest human and lost in thought. “Seto?” he prompted.
He looked over at him. “Mahad, I met someone and he saw me change before we actually met. I am attracted to him while he loves me and he’s asked for me to bite him. I don’t know if I should.”
“Seto, I’m happy for you. I had hoped you would find someone.”
“I need to make a decision eventually and then tell him. I just don’t know. You know I’ve never bitten anyone.”
“Yes, I know. I also know that love and attraction are powerful forces and can motivate one to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Even my magic can’t compete with the power of love.”
Seto raised an eyebrow. “Mahad. It seems to me that you are a bit of a romantic. That’s rather surprising to hear.”
Mahad shifted a little. “Well, studying magic has shown me that certain things cannot be manipulated or appear out of nothing. I am also in love and I ask you not to speak of it.”
“You have my word that I will not tell another soul. But, who is it?”
Seto smiled. “I should have known, but I was not sure if it was Isis or the pharaoh.”
“Seto!” Mahad sputtered. “I am not in love with the pharaoh! We are simply very close friends. I have watched over him since he was a child.”
Seto laughed at Mahad’s flustered reaction and indignant response. “All right. I had just noticed how personal you and the pharaoh were and now I know why.”
“I had thought it was common knowledge. In any case, I feel that you should bite…Seto, you didn’t tell me his name.”
Seto lowered his gaze. “Understand, I am attracted, not in love.”
“It’s a criminal, isn’t it? You wouldn’t repeat that statement if he wasn’t.”
Seto looked up and nodded. “Yes, he is a criminal. It’s Bakura.”
“Bakura!? You’ve seen him and actually talked to him?”
“I have. It was his scent I was tracking earlier though I didn’t know it until I saw him. We spoke of our previous encounter and I withdrew a threat I was using to keep him quiet about my secret. I wanted his silence based on trust and friendship as I have with you. I admitted my attraction to him and he told me he loved me. I pointed out that we hardly know each other.”
“Be that as it may, Seto, two people can get to know one another while in love or being attracted to the other. Furthermore, if you bit him, he will become a good person. You know how elusive he is.”
“Yes and yet his love for me allows him to let me find him.” He smiled at Mahad. “All right. I will bite him. I will be sure to tell him what will happen as a result. I think I will bite him at night.”
“Really? Wouldn’t he change and sharpen his senses all at once? Would that be best?”
Seto frowned thoughtfully. “I could see him during the day and ask his preference.”
“I think that would be best. I know I would like a preference.”
Seto thought about his decision as he went about his duties the next day. He was certain that biting Bakura was the correct choice. My feelings for him may become clearer once I turn him and, of course, he will turn good with my bite. I honestly forgot about that until Mahad mentioned it.
Seto headed out midday two days after Bakura’s request and once out of sight, changed forms, and raced for Bakura’s hideout. He slid into the entrance and panted a little from his run before heading down the passage. “Bakura!” he called, knowing he was home as his scent was freshest here. He saw other passages in the room and was about to sniff out Bakura’s scent when said thief came up from one looking as if he had woken up. He shook it off and flashed that smile that Seto found attractive.
“Hi, Seto.” He went over to him, crouched down, and scratched the chin. Seto closed his eyes and his tail wagged happily.
“Bakura,” he said once the scratching had stopped. “I thought about your request as you suggested and I sought Mahad’s advice.”
“What? He knows then?”
“He knows of your love for me and your request but nothing more. I will not reveal your hideout. You have my word.
“Now, as I said, I gave your request a good deal of consideration and have decided to grant it. I will turn you.”
Bakura perked up at this. “You will?”
“Yes. Now, I was told by my mother of two ways to turn. I could bite you while it is daylight and let you adjust to the sharper senses before taking wolf form all night or I bite after dark and let you adjust to both at the same time.”
“Wait. I would be a wolf all night?”
“Yes. It happens to all werewolves when they change for the first time. After that you can choose when to change, but you must change on the full moon.”
“I see. Well, given the options, I choose to adjust to the senses before changing.” He held out an arm.
“Okay, then.” Seto latched his teeth onto Bakura’s arm and bit down. He heard Bakura gasp and knew he couldn’t take it back. He’s like me now. He watched as Bakura reacted to his sharper senses.
Bakura gasped and put his face in his hands. His home suddenly seemed brighter and smelled different as well. Maybe I should have chosen the other option. He slowly raised his head and opened his eyes to slits to become used to his new eyesight. He saw Seto’s concern in his gold eyes.
“Bakura?” he asked quietly but Bakura heard it as if Seto had spoken normally.
“I’m thinking I should have gone with the other option,” he said, also in a soft voice.
“It’ll pass when night falls and tomorrow morning, you’ll be able to turn them on and off in human form.”
“So, the senses will dull a little once I change?” Bakura grinned.
“A little,” Seto agreed. “Mostly due to having a wolf’s body. You will love being a wolf. I’ve changed since I was ten and I’ve enjoyed every change.” Seto managed a wolf’s grin which Bakura returned with a smile.
Chapter Eight- Teaching
Bakura slowly headed toward his home’s exit, Seto ahead of him. His sharper senses were still driving him crazy but he took comfort in that he would be able to handle them once he had changed. Not much longer, he thought. That’s why we’re heading out: It’s almost night.
Seto gained the outside and looked back as Bakura emerged, shading his eyes from the setting sun. His heart went out to the tomb robber. He could only imagine how hard this was for him. He had been born with his senses already sharp but didn’t realize them as such until he turned ten and changed into a wolf pup. He had been scared when he changed and had whimpered until his mother scooped him up and explained everything to him before keeping him company all night for his first change.
After that, I loved being a werewolf and I still do. I look forward to sharing my experiences with him and re-living the pure joy of being a wolf. Bakura stumbled over to him and buried his face in his hands again.
“Gods, so bright and loud,” he moaned.
“It’ll be over soon. The sun’s almost gone.” Seto closed his eyes and saw the red behind his eyelids turn black. The scent of a wolf reached his nose before a howl sounded. He opened his eyes and looked over to see a gray-silver wolf examining his paws and then his muzzle. Seto felt his heart pound as he watched Bakura examine his body. My feelings have changed. I love him and I want us to be together.
Bakura felt his body shift as night feel and he was soon standing on four legs. He looked at his forepaws with interest, flexing them to expose the claws, and then crossing his eyes to look at his muzzle. His tail wagged. Oh, this is cool, just as I thought. He took his time looking over his body before sensing Seto’s eyes on him. He locked eyes with him. “Seto?”
“Bakura, you are good-looking as a wolf and I find my feelings for you have changed. I love you too and I want us to be together.”
“Well, we can but not in the city.”
Not yet anyway, Seto thought. Bakura doesn’t know what my bite has done to him and…I probably should tell him. I should probably tell the court and the pharaoh too as when Bakura becomes good he will likely want to live with me as mates do.
“Bakura, I have a lot to tell you about werewolves now that you are one.”
“You already said I must change on the full moon and my sharper sensed can be turned off when in human form.”
“Yes. You will also have high energy levels human or wolf but the strength and speed is only as a wolf.” He was about to mention the bite’s side effect when Bakura tackled him and his admittance was pushed aside as he tussled with his new mate, their barks, howls, and laughter carried on the night air.
Bakura awoke to find himself still a wolf and beside a sleeping Seto who was also a wolf. He got to his paws, gazed at Seto for a moment, and then raced off for a tomb that had not been robbed yet. He was eager to see how being a werewolf made his tomb robbing. Would it be better, worse, or the same as before? I have high energy levels and can use my sharper senses as well as control them. Heh, a shame I can’t be faster while human. He came to a stop outside a tomb and resumed human form, his senses still sharp. He looked into the dimness of the tomb and he gasped softly as the inside became easier to see. I knew I had clearer eyesight as a wolf but I’m human right now and it’s still clear. Amazing…or not as I didn’t turn my senses off. He shrugged before smiling and heading confidently inside and easily avoided the traps.
Seto awoke to find himself alone and he sniffed the ground around himself. He left as a wolf. He may have gone to rob a tomb. He got to his paws and began to track Bakura’s scent which was now a combination of wolf and spoiled meat. He raced after the scent and found it was coming from a tomb that had not been touched. He arrived at it as Bakura emerged in human form with a smile and a sack.
“Seto, I love being a werewolf. My senses made robbing smoother and easier.”
Seto sighed and shook his head. “Enjoy it while you can. I was going to tell you last night that since I am a good werewolf, anyone I bite will also become a good one.”
“Anyone?” he repeated. “Even a criminal like me?”
“Yes. You will become a good person due to my bite…and I should tell the pharaoh and the court about myself.”
“Tell them? Why?”
“When you turn good, it is likely you will want to live with me as mates tend to do. Therefore, I need to tell them.” He nuzzled Bakura’s hand before taking off toward the city.
Bakura stared after him, his mind reeling from what he had been told. I’ll turn good? That can’t be. I just robbed this tomb and I got a thrill in doing so; more than usual. I don’t believe I will be good. I will continue to rob tombs as I always have. Bakura began his trek home, testing his senses as he did so.
Seto resumed human form as he approached the city. He knew court was over and his absence likely caused some concern. He strode through the street, the people kneeling as he passed. “Master Seto,” one guard said as he kneeled. “You are unharmed?”
“I am. Is Mahad around?”
“Yes. Master Mahad is speaking with the vendors.”
Seto nodded his thanks and headed to his fellow priest who was finishing his talk with a pottery vendor. He nodded to Seto. “The pharaoh was concerned about your absence. I assured him that you were doing another tomb check.”
“In a way I was and I am sorry to say that one was just robbed. My mate is responsible for that.”
“Mate? Then…you bit him.”
“Yesterday. The process to turn him good is just beginning but it won’t take long. I feel I should tell the pharaoh and the court about myself and Bakura. Once Bakura is good, he will want to live with me as most mates do.”
“Okay. Let’s head back and ask the pharaoh for a court meeting. Understand that I am here to support you.”
“I appreciate that.” The two priests headed inside and marched into the Throne Room where Atem had been talking to Siamun but put that on hold as Mahad and Seto approached and knelt. “Seto,” he said. “I was told you were doing tomb checks. How did it go?”
“One was recently plundered and the culprit got away.”
“I see.”
“My pharaoh, I ask that the court be gathered for I have some important news.”
“What news?”
Seto sighed softly. “I am a werewolf, my pharaoh. A good one.”
“A good werewolf? That’s not possible.”
“It is true,” Mahad said. “I have sensed the transformation power of the werewolf in Seto and he admits being born one and changing since age ten.”
“It is important that you and the court know of this. Please, my pharaoh.”
Atem appraised his youngest priest before saying, “Mahad, gather the court.”
Chapter Nine- Revelations
Soon, the court had gathered, four of them curious as to why a meeting had been called. Atem sat up straighter and addressed them. “Seto has important news that is seems he has finally decided to share.” He fixed a stern look at Seto before nodding that he should speak.
Seto understood Atem’s look. He’s disappointed that I hid this. He took in the rest of the court before he began to speak. “I had good reason to hide this but circumstances have arisen that makes keeping it a secret nearly impossible. I am a werewolf. I have been since I was born but did not know until I changed when I was ten. Mother told me that it comes from her family line and while both sons and daughters carry the trait, only the sons can change.
“Born werewolves can be good or bad. Evil ones can be created by a curse and they can bite criminals into evil werewolves too. Good ones can bite human criminals into good werewolves. I can change between human and wolf when I like but I am forced to do so on the full moon. I am still fully aware. I am not dangerous unless I smell intense fear or prey. Then I become a simple wolf until the cause for the change passes.
“Then, the day we did those six trials. I still had energy left, a perk of being a werewolf. I chose to take a walk before a nap. It was during this walk that I came across a man robbing a teenage boy. I put a stop to it and returned the money. I was struck by his unusual features and asked for his name. He told me it was Bakura.”
An explosion of exclamations interrupted Seto’s narrative until Atem ordered for silence. Seto continued, “He admitted to seeing me human before I became a wolf to sniff out hidden criminals. He said he fell head over heels in love with me.
“I should add that Mahad knew my secret but never confronted me about it until recently.”
“You knew? How?” Isis asked Mahad.
“Seto’s change to wolf is a form of magic and I can sense magic whether active or not. I kept silent given the belief that all werewolves are evil.”
Seto cleared his throat. “I had a second encounter with him two weeks ago where he confessed love to me. I admitted to being attracted but felt his love was rushed as he really don’t know each other. I left the encounter after Bakura asked me to bite him. I did so yesterday and this morning I told him of my bite’s side effect after he had robbed a tomb. I don’t think he believed me. I tell all of you this as once Bakura is good, he will likely want to live with me as mates tend to do.”
There was silence after Seto finished speaking. Finally, Atem said, “I now understand why you did not tell me. The idea of good werewolves is a hard one to accept. But, if you’ve had the power to turn criminals good, why have you not done it before?”
“The Items were created to expel the evil from humans. I could single-handedly put us out of a job while exposing the existence of werewolves to the world. Also, before Bakura, I never bit anyone.”
“You spoke of high energy as a perk,” Shada said. “What other ones are there?”
“Just sharper senses. I can see better, my hearing is sharper, and I can smell better as well. I can turn them on and off as I want but not when in wolf form which is where the strength and speed are limited to.”
“I would like to see you as a wolf,” Atem requested.
Seto smiled before assuming wolf form. He saw a couple of admiring looks and he closed his eyes in pleasure as Isis ran a hand over his head and back. His tail wagged and he sighed. “The last one to stroke me like this was Mother,” he said.
“Only your mother?” she asked. “What about your father?”
“He died when I was young.”
“No, he didn’t,” Aknadin spoke up. “He left as the country was at war and his role in it would have put his family at risk.”
“Master Aknadin, did you know my father?” Seto asked hopefully.
“Seto…I am your father.”
Seto stared at him for a moment before bounding over and happily licking Aknadin’s hand. The elderly priest chuckled at this and stroked his son’s head. “When you were born, your mother revealed her family secret as she knew you would change later on.”
“So, this war was why you didn’t tell me when I joined the court?”
“Not really. I had kept quiet about it for so long, it didn’t occur to me to speak of it.”
Seto nuzzled the stroking hand. “I understand. Father, you don’t object to Bakura being my mate, do you?”
“Not at all. You said your bite is turning him good. He wills top being a criminal, right?”
“Yes. I’m hoping in a day or two. He will find it harder to actually commit a crime, may even want to atone for those he did in the past in some way.” He stepped away from Aknadin and resumed human form. He felt a lot better at getting his secret out in the open and that Atem and the court had accepted it. They had also accepted him being mated to Bakura and that a high profile criminal would soon be a good person and werewolf. It shouldn’t be long and while I wait, I will share my childhood with my father.
Bakura left the tomb, changed to a wolf, seized the bag in his mouth, and raced for home. He had had another successful tomb robbing, avoiding the traps with a grace that came from his new werewolf side, and taking what he wanted. He slipped into his home, ran to where he stored his loot, and howled in triumph once he released the sack. He had to admit that he loved howling. It was a thrilling sound and it expressed his feelings far better than anything else.
I’m glad Seto bit me. I am a better tomb robber than before and I don’t plan on stopping. Me, turn good? Ha! I love Seto but for him to claim that I’ll change in more ways than one was a silly lie which is surprising considering he’s a priest. Then again, he’s kept his being a werewolf hidden from the pharaoh and the court. He has likely told them now and probably me as well. That brings me back to his claim of me being good. That’s not going to happen. He returned to human form, emptied the bag, and gazed at his stolen loot.
As he admired it, he felt a pang in his heart and a sense of guilt. He recoiled at this. He actually felt bad at stealing all of this stuff! No! Bakura inwardly cried. I’m a tomb robber. I have no guilt in taking what I desire. I will not turn good! He ran from the room and into the exit passage where he became a wolf and burst out into the desert and tore across the sand. He kept running until he was tired. He paused, panting hard and feeling hunger pains.
I need to eat. I’ve changed a few times since yesterday and that burns energy. Hmm, I think I’ll hunt as a wolf. I haven’t done that before. It should be interesting.
He sniffed the air and then the ground, tapping his instincts to aid him in hunting. His nose then locked in on prey and he slinked toward it. He also smelled the scent of water and deduced that an oasis was nearby. He continued toward the prey and then crouched as the oasis came into view as did the sight of a camel. He licked his chops as his mind reverted to a simple wolf. He raced toward the camel which saw him and cried out in fear before bolting. But it couldn’t escape the werewolf and Bakura brought it down. He howled in success before eating his fill. His mind returned to normal during his feasting and then decided to take a nap, firmly telling himself that he would not turn good.
Chapter Ten- Changed Nature
Bakura’s eyes blinked open and he uncurled himself before yawning and stretching. He trotted back home, feeling happy and content. My hunger was keeping me from thinking straight. Now that I’ve eaten and slept, everything should be clearer now.
He entered his home and returned to his treasure room. He stood there, looking at it before padding around it. It was an impressive amount of wealth. And I stole it, he thought, the wave of guilt returning, stronger than it was before and it brought a realization to Bakura. Seto was right: I am turning good. I feel awful about what I’ve done. I should return everything and then protect the tombs. I have ways of knowing which ones will be targeted and I will defend them as a wolf. Bakura nodded before resuming human form and bagging up the treasure, the evil glint in his eyes now gone.
It took him most of the day to pack everything up and then he hefted the sacks in twos or threes out to the tombs, depositing one bag inside and to the side of the entrances. When he delivered the last one, he went to the targeted tomb, took wolf form, and hunted a nearby prey which reverted his mind briefly, and then laid down near the entrance and fell asleep.
Seto looked up from his kneeling position. “Tomb duty, my pharaoh?”
“Yes. You will accompany Mahad on his checks and, if any were robbed, I want you to track them down and bring them back for trial.”
“And I plan to do a check this morning,” Mahad spoke up. “So, let us get started, Seto.” He led the younger man out to the stables and soon both were riding out into the desert. “We’ll store our horses in a secure location and then we’ll proceed as wolves.”
They reached the location and once they had gotten out of sight, they changed. Seto blinked at Mahad whose fur was black! “So, Mana mastered the appearance spell.”
“She did. What do you think?”
“It makes your eyes really stand out in your current form.”
Mahad chuckled. “I plan to reverse it tonight.” He started walking and Seto followed. “You know why the pharaoh put you on tomb duty, yes?”
“It wasn’t hard to figure out. I don’t mind being chosen for my heritage. Plus, I’ll be able to find my mate.”
“There’s that too.” They stopped at a ring of tombs and Mahad peered in one, his head in the doorway. He looked around and saw a sack of treasure just inside and to the right of the doorway. Curious. “Seto, there is a sack in this tomb,” Mahad called.
“There’s one in this one too,” Seto reported. Both wolves looked at each other and Mahad said, “Bakura?”
“It could be. He should be good by now.”
“Well, let’s finish our duty and then you can go to him.”
Seto nodded and thought of the sacks they found. Thieves don’t usually return their thefts unless they regretted it. It was likely the bags were from Bakura. They found more bags in the next several tombs they checked and it further convinced Seto that Bakura was good now.
“That was a lot of sacks found,” Mahad commented as they headed toward some recently set tombs.
“Bakura. It has to be,” Seto said before screams sounded and both jumped before racing toward the sounds, resuming human form as they did so.
Bakura paced in front of the tomb. He would not let the tomb be robbed. He heard voices approach his position and he ceased pacing and stood before the entrance, poised as if to attack. A pair of men appeared, looking confident but both froze at seeing Bakura who bared his teeth and growled.
One of the men carried a spear and he brought it to bear. He jabbed it at Bakura who jerked to one side, seized the handle in his teeth, yanked it out of the man’s hands, tossed it aside, and growled again. “You will not rob this tomb,” he snarled.
“Monster wolf!” the unarmed one screamed and both ran off while Bakura laughed. The two men met up with Seto and Mahad in their humans forms. They prostrated themselves before the priests, begging them to save them from the monster wolf.
“Monster?” Seto scoffed.
“Yes! It talked!” one exclaimed as Mahad tied them up.
Mahad and Seto shared significant looks and the latter said, “I will check it out. I’ll see you at our horses.” Seto hurried in the direction the men had come and flared his nose: Lotus and wolf. He is definitely good. His scent proves it. He reached the tomb and saw a gray-silver wolf who, upon seeing him, turned into Bakura who seemed pleased with himself. “Hi, Seto,” he called.
Seto smiled in amusement as he came closer. “You gave those men quite a fright. They were begging Mahad and me to arrest them in order to be safe from a monster wolf.”
Bakura laughed. “I know. It was funny to hear them scream and run off.”
Seto took Bakura in his arms. “I’m guessing you left those sacks in the tombs.”
“Yes, I did. I’m good now, Seto. I didn’t want to believe you but my guilty feelings convinced me.”
Seto started leading Bakura away. “I told the pharaoh and the court about both of us and they have accepted that you would and have turned good.”
“Good because I want to live with you.”
Atem looked at the kneeling boy. He showed proper respect and the checks from the Scales, Key, and Eye proved that his evil and darkness was gone; only goodness and light was left. “Bakura, it is clear that you have changed based on Seto and Mahad’s reports.”
“I wish to atone for my deeds, great pharaoh,” he replied.
“You have already begun to do so. Tell me: Would you like to be part of Mahad’s tomb party? You seem suited to guarding tombs.”
“I only stopped them because I knew the tomb was targeted. I had ways of knowing which ones were going to be struck.”
“Nonetheless,” Mahad said. “I would like to have your assistance in tomb guarding.”
Bakura looked up at Mahad, then Atem, and bowed his head. “I would be honored, my pharaoh. I accept.” He rose, turned, and was pulled into an embrace by Seto. The feel of his mate filled him with content and he knew he could never go back to how he was. He was a good werewolf and he had a new purpose in life as well as a new home.
“My pharaoh,” Mahad said. “I would like your opinion as well as everyone else’s.” He removed his headdress. “What do you think?”
Bakura blinked as did the others, except Seto. The magician’s hair was black and, to him, it looked strange. I prefer the dark brown.
Atem regarded Mahad’s new look. “Why did you change your hair?”
“Mana was practicing human appearance spells and I was curious how I would look with black hair. Her first attempt accidentally turned me into a wolf. As you can see, it worked this time. I will reverse it tonight but I want your opinions.”
“Well,” Atem said. “It’s…different.”
“It’s nice with your eyes,” Isis piped up.
“Why wait?” Seto quipped. “Reverse it now.”
Mahad looked at Bakura. “And your opinion?”
“I agree with my mate. Change it back now.” There was gentle laughter all around as Mahad changed his hair back to normal.