Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only Barry and Darryl Shinestone are mine. This story takes place from Season One “Field of Screams” pt. 2 and runs to “No Pain, No Game” of Season Two.
Chapter One- Different Losing Fate
Zane stared in shock at the scenario before him, not that anyone could discern shock from his face. How could this have happened? Zane thought. He had been controlling this duel with his usual calm and poise. He had taken Camula’s life points down to 800 while he still had all of his points. He had thought he had this won.
Then, Camula activated a Spell card called Illusion Gate. She had played it to do two things. First, his Cyber Laser Dragon and Cyber Barrier Dragon were destroyed and second, Camula was allowed to summon any monster Zane had used during their admittedly brief duel. The catch of this secondary effect was that a soul had be used and, if she lost, the soul would be offered to the gate and the Sacred Beasts. She chose to resurrect his Cyber End Dragon and link Syrus’ soul to it and the gate. If Zane defeated Camula, Syrus’ soul would be lost but if he didn’t use his facedown trap, Camula would win and he would lose his soul instead. Zane analyzed the situation and knew what he had to do.
“Do it,” Syrus said softly but was heard by everyone. “My soul is a small price to pay…to stop Camula.”
“No,” Zane said. “That’s a price no one is paying…except for me.” A little louder, he said, “I stand down.” In short, he would do nothing to protect himself. He would allow himself to lose to save his brother.
Camula smiled hugely at his decision. “Cyber End Dragon, end this duel,” she declared. His monster attacked and he went to one knee as his life points hit zero. He put a hand on his knee and the other on the floor. He heard the gasps of his friends and Syrus crying, “No!”
“Darling, I’ve decided that you won’t be a doll,” Camula said as Zane lifted his head to look at her. He stared blandly at her growing black bat-like wings and flying over to him; though inwardly he was stunned for she had never flown before. She alighted beside him on the right and hauled him to his feet. “I truly do love you and I want us to be together for eternity. I was promised the resurrection of my kind if I help release the Sacred Beasts but I can still turn humans into vampires. I do so with you before your friends before I send them away.”
Zane struggled against Camula’s strong grip. No way was he going to be a vampire! He’d rather be like Crowler than a bloodsucker. Camula gripped his shoulders firmly with an amused smile, her fang tips exposed. “Oh, come now. You will live forever and we can rule the Shadow Realm together.”
Zane attempted to stamp on her feet as he struggled. “I don’t want to be a vampire. I’d rather be a doll,” he retorted.
“I disagree and it’s what I think that matters.” Her fangs grew longer before sinking them into his neck. He gasped in pain and felt himself getting sleepy as well as his heart stopping. “You will sleep, darling and awaken when my next duel is over,” he heard Camula say before he lapsed into his enchanted sleep.
Syrus rushed to the coffin that lay on the floor behind where Camula had stood. He knew that was where Zane was as Camula had said so, but was he still a vampire or had Camula’s defeat cured him? He pushed the lid aside and stared down at his brother. He was still asleep, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked so normal except for the fangs that appeared from under his upper lip. He’s still a vampire, he thought sadly even as he put a hand on a shoulder and shook it. “Zane. Zane, wake up. Come on, the duel’s over. Wake up!”
Zane’s eyes snapped open, still blue and sat up as if waking from a nightmare. He panted as he looked around and then relaxed at seeing his friends. “Camula lost?” he lisped and put his fingers to his lips and then down when they felt the fangs.
“Yeah, but we had hoped that by defeating her, you’d be human again,” Syrus said, almost in tears.
Zane climbed out of the coffin, feeling his fangs against his lips and a look of mild annoyance crossed his face briefly, wishing he could shorten them. No sooner had he desired this, then he felt them withdraw into his mouth, but still long enough to be fangs.
It was then that the castle began to crumble, causing everyone to flee to the island and watch the structure vanish. The group stayed there for a time before they gradually left until only Zane and Syrus were left. “Sy,” Zane finally said. “You are still my brother despite what I am.”
“Of course. You’re still my brother too.” Syrus gave him a hug before walking away. But Zane continued to stand there, unsure of what to do. He was now a vampire but did not know how to proceed with his condition. He knew he would require blood, but how much and how often?
The newly turned vampire turned to see Crowler emerge from the shadows, sympathy in his eyes, an emotion that seemed unusual for him. “Zane, my boy. I am sorry this happened to you.”
“It is not your fault, Doctor. She was in love with me and nothing and no one was going to change her mind in turning me.”
“I still want to help you.”
“Help how?”
Crowler gave a closed lip smile and Zane’s eyes widened as a pair of fangs grew out from under the lips. “You’re a vampire too, Doctor?”
“Oh, yes,” he said as the fangs shrank. “Since I began my studies for my PhD in Dueling. I attended to my mentor’s teaching and was then left to my own devices a year after I was turned.”
“Why were you turned?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know. He merely said it felt right to do so. Perhaps he was born with clairvoyance that was nonetheless vague. I can’t complain as I will be able to see Duel Monsters change and evolve in the times to come.”
“Doctor, please teach me what you know.”
“Of course I will. I can’t leave you to deal with this alone. Well, to start, it is clear that you are a light vampire like me. That is good as it’ll make teaching easier.”
“A light vampire?”
“Vampires can be separated into light and dark categories. Each side have their own abilities and they do share a few but the details are unique. Light vampires retain their original eye color and skin which helps me blend in with humans while dark ones have red eyes and death pale skin.”
“We can blend in except for the need for blood.” Zane then put a hand to his temple and his eyes closed in pain.
“You need blood now. It’s been twenty-four hours since you were turned.” Crowler put an arm around Zane’s back and guided him toward campus.
“How much do I need and…how often?” he managed to ask.
“It depends on the light vampire’s body. It could be a little every day or more than that every few days. A headache is usually the initial sign of needing blood. Unfortunately, only human blood will do.”
“Of course.” Zane forced open his eyes and saw they were heading to the school instead of Obelisk campus. He wondered why that was and looked at Crowler quizzically.
Crowler smiled reassuringly. “I have a hidden stash of blood for emergencies and I would think now qualifies as such.”
Zane nodded as they entered the school and he was led to Crowler’s office. He was gently pushed into a chair and he watched Crowler duck under his desk and he heard the soft whirring of gears indicating a secret hatch. Crowler resurfaced with a small glass of blood in each hand. He passed one to Zane, lifted the other as if in a toast, and drank the contents, Zane following suite.
Chapter Two- Information
Not bad, Zane thought as he drained the glass. His headache vanished and he felt like his normal self. Question is, for how long?
Crowler looked into Zane’s eyes as he collected the glass. He nodded. “Yes, you’re doing better. Your eyes were clouded in pain, but now that’s gone.”
“Glad to hear it. Doctor, what are the other differences between light and dark vampires? Is wings one of them?”
“An excellent question. Both kinds can fly, but dark ones have bat wings while we have white angel-like wings.”
“We do?”
“Yes. Look.” Crowler removed his long blue jacket to reveal a man’s dress shirt. He closed his eyes and a pair of feathery white wings appeared. Zane stared at them in awe at how lovely they looked. “Beautiful,” he breathed as they retracted.
Crowler opened his eyes and, as he put the jacket on, said, “They are, aren’t they? Now, it’s takes conscious control to change our fangs’ length and to furl or unfurl the wings. Dark vampires can’t change their fangs’ length and sunlight is fatal to them. Both kinds can die by being impaled through the heart with silver but touching it doesn’t hurt.”
“Are all vampires stronger and faster or is that a myth?”
“No myth, my boy, it’s true. Now, the powers of light vampires. We can heal bite marks, remove memory of the attack, and heal injuries we sustain or that others sustain. Sunlight won’t hurt us, as you have probably surmised as I’ve walked in sunlight.”
“No claws, I take it?” He held up a hand.
“Correct; only dark ones do as well as pointed ears. I should warn you, dark vampires have been known to try to persuade light ones to turn dark. I had such an encounter. He tried to persuade me with promises of great powers that only dark ones can gain. Fortunately by then, I knew that light ones have better powers naturally and only special vampires on both sides can gain one or two extra abilities.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Zane then yawned, a hand going over his mouth.
Crowler patted his shoulder. “Get some sleep, Zane. You do have classes tomorrow.”
“I’ll have to make up the work I missed today.”
“That is true. See Chancellor Sheppard in the morning.”
Zane stood. I will and thank you for your help, Doctor.” He left the room and Crowler sat in his office chair.
He had been a doll during Zane’s duel, but being in Chazz’s pocket gave him a good view of what had gone on. He knew Camula had been attracted to Zane but he had thought she would turn him into a doll too, not a vampire. It is fortunate that a person’s soul and personality determines whether one will be light or dark, otherwise Zane would have become a dark vampire and may have stayed with Camula and then swear vengeance when she lost. Crowler shuddered at the thought and was again grateful of how vampires developed.
No doubt, Sheppard knows Zane’s a vampire thanks to the others, but my being one is still secret; only Zane and Sheppard know and I’m sure he knows that I want it to stay that way.
Zane trotted toward his dorm, stifling another yawn. He had had a strange twenty-four hours. He had gone from human to vampire and yet it didn’t seem so bad. He knew it would be bad if he didn’t have someone to guide and teach him.
I do wonder if I can still eat and drink. I’m sure I can. I’ve observed Crowler eat and drink. He was relieved as he knew it would look strange if he didn’t eat or drink and yet retained his lean body.
His mind whirled with all he had learned and, though he was tired, he wanted to unfurl his own wings and feel them. That’s all I want. I can use them another time.
He was approaching the Obelisk Common Area where boy and girl Blues could gather and he saw someone in that area. A blink and Zane saw it was Alexis. Strange. I can see her clearly. Do I have night vision? I failed to ask about enhanced senses. “Alexis? Were you waiting for me?”
“Yeah. I was worried about you.”
“Of course. I just needed time to myself to sort it all out. While in my induced sleep, all sorts of information flowed into my mind which made it hurt. I stood at the edge, closed my eyes, and let it wash over me.” Zane knew this was a lie, but he reasoned that he alone knew Crowler was a vampire and that he would prefer it stay that way.
“What did you find out?” Alexis asked, sounding almost afraid to know.
“Vampires are one of two categories: Light or dark. Camula was an example of a dark vampire in her appearance and wings. I’m the opposite. Light vampires look normal aside from fangs and need for blood.”
“What can you do?”
“Light one possess a good deal of healing powers dealing in healing bite marks and injuries of self or others. I can remove memory of my attacks. I can also fly, but my wings are different.”
“You’ve seen them?”
“No, but I had a mental image.” He smiled at her and then blinked in surprise: He could hear her heart beating! It was strong and steady and he was visited by a desire to attack her. He almost smacked himself to rid himself of the desire.
“Zane?” Alexis asked, noticing the blink. “What’s wrong?”
“My enhanced senses are kicking in,” he admitted. “I just heard your heart beating.”
Alexis smiled in understanding. “Well, of course you did. Vampires drink blood so hearing hearts may help in determining healthy people. So…how did mine sound?”
“Steady and strong.”
“Good because I would be willing to let you drink from me when you next need it unless that’s now.”
Zane shook his head. “Not now. I’m fine. But I will let you know.”
“Sure.” She gave him a friendly hug. “Well, good night.”
“Good night, Lexi.” He headed for the boys’ campus but Alexis stood there, watching him. It amazed her how so normal he looked. Who knew a vampire could pass for a human?
Well, apparently light vampires can pass for a human. Zane said that healing is a major part of a light vampire’s powers. That hints that light vampires are good, peaceful ones and unfortunately are being lumped with dark vampires who harm people and turn whoever they want. I don’t want Zane to be viewed that way and those who saw him turned won’t tell anyone else.
Zane entered his dorm and, as he headed up, heard steady heartbeats coming from the rooms he passed. Is there a way to tune them out or does it take time? He entered his room, closed the door, closed his eyes, and slowly exhaled to relax. Gradually, the heartbeats in the nearby rooms faded away and Zane smiled as he opened his eyes. I simply need to relax to tune them out…I think. I’ll ask Crowler tomorrow.
He removed his uniform and put on his pajamas pants before standing before his mirror and focused on his wings. They pushed out of his back before spreading out behind him. He looked at them with the same awe he had felt when looking at Crowler’s. He pulled one close and ran his fingers over it. It was soft and the feathers were smooth to the touch.
I love how my wings look and feel. I can’t wait to fly with them. Zane retracted the wings reluctantly as he was very fond of them. He put his pajama top on, climbed into bed, stifled another yawn, laid down, and was soon asleep. His first night as a vampire was over and his first day as a vampire would soon begin.
Chapter Three- Adjusting
Zane awoke to his alarm clock and proceeded to go through his routine sans the Spirit Key. Its loss again reminded him of how much his life had changed. It’s just as well. I will be busy adjusting to being a vampire as well as my studies for I will be graduating this year. The thought brought a thrill of excitement. He would be a pro duelist after graduating; just as he had dreamed of for years. It’ll finally happen.
He felt good as he headed for the cafeteria but that feeling ebbed and a faint throb was felt. He put a couple of fingers to that spot. It’s starting again. It would seem I need blood every day. He hurried to the cafeteria, hoping some food and drink would stall his need until he could drink in private. He was almost there when the throbbing increased and he leaned against the wall, rubbing his temples. Must drink. Now.
He opened his eyes to see Alexis, concern on her face. Oh thank God, he thought.
“Alexis,” he said, his voice low and pain-filled.
“Oh, Zane. You need blood, don’t you?” She drew up against him in a hug. “Go ahead.”
“I’ll try to be gentle.” He pulled her closer and grew his fangs out a little before pushing them into her neck. He heard a gasp over his headache before he began to drink. It tasted like last night’s blood and, like last night, his headache faded. He pulled back and it seemed like instinct took over. He put a finger to the holes and ran it over them, a white glow coming from the tip. He shrank his fangs before removing the finger to see unmarked skin. “Alexis, are you all right?”
“I am. I mean, I don’t feel weak or sleepy.”
“I didn’t take much, just enough to ease my headache.”
“Headache? You needed blood that badly?”
“A headache is an initial sign of needing blood. I don’t plan on experiencing any others.”
“Your eyes look better, more alert.”
“Really? That’s something to take note of. Thanks for your help, Lexi.”
“Sure, but I wonder how you’ll cope next year.”
“Well, summer shouldn’t be a problem if Sy volunteers. The rest of the time, I could drink from a stranger. It’s really the most sensible solution.” The two entered the cafeteria and went to their respective friends. Zane reflected on the plan he just voiced and while it was sensible, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was a secret vampire world existing within human society. Naturally, Crowler would be the one to ask. He sought out his teacher and found that Crowler had been looking at him; most likely making sure he was okay. After locking eyes for several seconds, Crowler looked away and Zane returned to breakfast.
Crowler saw Zane enter with Alexis and his enhanced senses told him that Alexis’ heart was beating a little harder than usual and she didn’t look like she had run here. That means Zane is an everyday drinker. That’s a bit of a shame, but at least now I know so I can hook Zane up with a vampire manager so he can get his daily blood. I know quite a few and now’s the time to post the job on the Vampire World Web. I’ll weed through the resumes and interview them so I can pick the best candidate as Zane deserves the best. Hmm, maybe he would like to be involved in the process as it is his manager I’m choosing. His eyes followed Zane as he sat and filled his plate and glass. He figured he could still eat and drink. The thing is, is the food and drink won’t affect his body shape and doesn’t provide him with energy; only blood will give him energy now. He saw Zane look his way and the two locked eyes before Crowler looked away. Yes, I will help Zane adjust to this new lifestyle that was forced on him and I now think this is why I was turned. Perhaps my mentor did have clairvoyance. Pleased with this thought, Crowler left to prepare for the day.
Zane saw Crowler leave, checked his watch, and stood, most of his food untouched. “You okay, Zane?” one classmate asked.
“I’m fine. I need to speak with the Chancellor about my absence yesterday.”
“Oh, yeah. What happened to you yesterday?”
“Twenty-four hour bug, nothing more.” Zane left the cafeteria and started toward the school, pondering about breakfast. He didn’t feel hungry which was why he didn’t eat much. I can attribute breakfast to my ‘illness’ but not my future meals. I can probably force down my food without getting sick. I’m sure that’s what Crowler does. He put those thoughts aside as he reached Sheppard’s office and rang the chime.
“Enter,” came Sheppard’s voice and Zane did so.
“Chancellor,” he said.
“Zane. Crowler told me last night what happened. Terrible thing.”
“Indeed, but I will cope with it.”
“Particularly with Crowler guiding you, yes?”
Zane took a step back at Sheppard’s casual question. “You know? I thought only I knew.”
“I glimpsed Crowler flying one night not long after I hired him. I confronted him and he admitted to being a light vampire and I permitted him to drink from the students which I also give you.”
“That is generous, Chancellor. I actually came to collect work to make up for yesterday’s absence.”
“Yes, of course.” Sheppard shuffled through some papers before handing Zane a few papers. “Here you are.”
“Thank you…for everything.”
“You’re welcome and again, I am sorry.”
Zane nodded before leaving the office, already perusing the papers. Sheppard shook his head slightly at Zane’s dedication but then again, Zane wouldn’t be the top student he was without that dedication.
When Crowler informed him about Zane being a light vampire like himself, Sheppard felt guilty. If he hadn’t given out the keys, this wouldn’t have happened. But it’s done. Once one is a vampire, there’s no undoing it. I only hope Zane does not become a dark one while on the pro circuit. While he’s at school, Crowler and his studies will keep him busy and he will still be a light one.
“He had a headache because he needed blood?” Syrus repeated as Alexis recounted the morning’s event during lunchtime.
“He claimed it’s an initial sign and doesn’t want it to go further than that.”
“How does he know this?” Bastion asked.
“He said that while he was asleep in the coffin, all sorts of vampire information flowed into his mind. He revealed that there are two types of vampires: The peaceful light vampires and dark vampires that people know and fear. Zane is a light one and they look very normal. He possesses different healing powers from healing bite marks to self-injuries and those of others. He also said he can change the length of his fangs, remove memory of his attacks, and fly with wings that are different from Camula’s wings though I haven’t’ seen them.”
“That’s a lot he’s learned,” Jaden commented.
“Yeah, but he still has more to learn, I’m sure of it,” Alexis said.
Syrus was inclined to agree. No one could learn everything about anything in one day, including a new lifestyle. Syrus knew without a doubt that he would let Zane drink from him; after all they were brothers. Zane would do the same thing if I was a vampire.
It’s nice that Zane’s a light vampire and deals with healing powers for most part. Alexis said he can fly. I wonder what his wings look like and if he’s learned anything else about being a vampire. I could ask him.
Chapter Four- Confirmation
Zane’s PDA dinged as he left his last class. He pulled it out to see a message from Syrus, asking to see him at Zane’s favorite spot after dark. While the meeting place wasn’t a surprise, the time was. After dark? Why…? Then a thought occurred to him and he smiled a little. Alexis mentioned that I can fly and Sy wants to see them. Well, I do want to use them and this meeting would be an excellent time to do so. I’ll fly to my favorite spot. He sent Syrus a reply that he would be there. He then sought out Crowler to ask about their wings. He found the doctor in his office, apparently grading papers which he put aside and smiled, fang tips exposed. “Zane.”
“Doctor, Sy wants to see me tonight and I thought about flying over. I wonder how to do that.”
“Ah, a good question. It’s very simple for us. Just jump into the sky and start flapping.”
“That is simple. Doctor, Chancellor Sheppard said he knew you were a vampire. He said he saw you flying and confronted you.”
“He did and I assured him I wasn’t evil or dangerous. Once I explained the differences between light and dark and unfurled my wings as proof, he obviously allowed me to stay and drink from the students.”
“He has given me the same permission. I realized that I forgot to ask about the enhanced senses.”
Crowler’s face softened in sympathy. “You were hearing heartbeats last night. That one has to be controlled by relaxing. Once that is done, you can turn it on or off as you please. We can see night as if it was day and we can smell blood up to a mile away if the owner is bleeding, that is.
“I heard Alexis’ heart beating a little bit harder this morning. It tells me you’re an everyday drinker.”
“It would seem so. Well, I have some homework to do before seeing my brother. Thank you for answering my questions.”
“You’re quite welcome.”
Zane breezed through his homework and make up work, forced down some dinner, and then headed back to his room and taking off his jacket, revealing the shirt underneath. He knew he was going to tear the back but there was no helping it. He slowly unfurled his wings and heard some cloth tear as the wings ripped through it and settled behind his shoulder blades. They felt so light, it was almost as if they weren’t there. He strolled to his window, opened it, jumped into the tree, went to the top, and then jumped skyward, flapping his wings. The motion sent him up into the mostly cloudy sky and he looked down as he angled his wings so he was hovering, the wings’ edges moving to keep him airborne.
Incredible, he thought as he gazed down at Blue campus and then the island itself. Everything seemed so small from his height and the view was so amazing that a big smiled came to his face. He laughed as he began to play with his wings as he swooped, rose, dived, zigged, and zagged. Flying was simply incredible and it made being a vampire worth it. He looked down as he came to the lighthouse pier and saw Syrus there, looking in the direction Zane would came from if he had been walking. Zane angled his wings and swooped toward the pier.
Syrus shifted on his feet and kept glancing back to see if Zane was coming. He was anxious to have Zane confirm everything Alexis had said, reveal what he hadn’t said, and to see his wings. He knew from Alexis that they would be different from Camula’s, but how different?
A sound like feathers came from overhead and then he jumped back in surprise as Zane landed beside him. “Zane!” he exclaimed. “You scared me!”
“Sorry, Sy. I guess I should have called out before landing.”
Syrus’ eyes drifted behind Zane and gasped in awe at the feathery white wings. “Oh, wow. Your wings are beautiful, like angel wings.”
“I imagine one would mistake me for an angel if it weren’t for these.” Zane exposed his fangs.
Syrus thought of everything Alexis said, but instead he asked, “What’s it like being a vampire?”
“It’s…not that bad if you put the need for blood aside. The faster speed, the increased strength, and the enhanced senses.”
“I can hear heartbeats when I choose to, I have night vision, and if someone’s bleeding I can smell their blood at least a mile away.”
“That’s interesting and I’m happy that you don’t hate it.”
“I find it difficult to hate it as these abilities and powers are pretty cool.”
“Uh, Zane? Could I…feel your wings?”
Zane chuckled slightly. “Of course.” He turned and stretched one out to his brother. He felt Syrus’ hand run up and down the edge and then his fingers feeling the inside.
“So soft and smooth, almost like silk,” Syrus murmured. “Are they heavy?”
“Not at all. They’re so light, it’s as if they’re not there. Trust me, though. I know they’re there.”
“Zane, about the blood. How often do you think you need to drink?”
“I’ve only done it once this morning and haven’t felt any need to drink again. I might be a once a day drinker but I worry about having a headache every morning.”
“What if you drank twice a day? One in the morning and one at night?”
Zane stared at him. Why didn’t I consider that? “Sy, that’s a great idea. I only need a little each time and a nighttime drink may offset the headache and let me drink a little later in the morning, preferably after breakfast.”
“It could and…I volunteer to help test that.”
“Sy…” Zane didn’t know what to say. His brother had been so accepting of his change and now he was offering his blood to test an idea he had suggested.
Syrus tilted his head to give a clear shot at his neck. “Come on, bro. I know it’ll hurt but you can heal it. Alexis said most of your powers are healing ones.”
“She’s right and it will hurt even though I’m gentle.” Zane grew out his fangs before leaning down and piercing Syrus’ neck. Again, there was a gasp and then he drank. He pulled away after a few minutes and set about healing the mark. “Now, we wait. Do you feel all right, Sy?”
“Yeah. I thought I’d feel weak or sleepy, but I don’t.”
“Alexis felt the same way and that may be why I can remove memory of my attacks.”
“That would make sense. Well, I should head back to Slifer. I’m glad I got to see your wings.”
“I’m happy you did too. In fact, take a picture or two so you can show the others who saw what Camula did to me.”
Syrus pulled out his PDA, opened the camera, and snapped a couple of shots before he nodded and started for Slifer. He glanced back to see Zane jump up and flap his wings to fly back to his dorm.
Amazing, just amazing, Syrus thought in awe as he walked. His wings are very different and I can’t wait to show Jaden and Chumley the pictures. Of course, I’ll show Bastion, Chazz, and Alexis too. Oh and Professor Banner and Doctor Crowler, too. Syrus drifted a hand to where Zane bit him and felt the smooth skin. I hope drinking twice a day helps him avoid those headaches he worries of getting. They must be real bad if Zane’s trying to avoid them.
Chapter Five- Further Information
Zane awoke feeling even better than he did yesterday morning and attributed it to drinking last night. I may be a once a day drinker, but that doesn’t mean I can’t drink more than once a day. He dressed and headed out to breakfast, thinking of grabbing something quick and visit Atticus before class.
He entered the infirmary to see that Atticus already had a visitor: Alexis. He wasn’t aware of this as he was unconscious. I know he had been awake long enough to give Jaden the means to defeat Camula, thanks to Jaden telling me about it via PDA.
“Zane,” Alexis greeted with a smile. “How do you feel today?”
“Pretty good. I talked with Sy last night and he suggested I drink twice a day: One in the morning and one at night to offset the headaches. He volunteered last night.”
“So, you’ll need your next one soon.” She looked at Atticus and so did Zane.
“How is he?” Zane asked.
“Still out of it. He hasn’t woken up since helping Jaden.” She gazed at her brother and then at Zane. “Tell me, how is his heart?”
Zane turned on his hearing and focused it on Atticus before switching it off. “It is strong and steady which is a sign of a healthy person.”
“So, he’s physically healthy. That’s good.”
“Yes. Wait,” Zane said slowly. “Are you suggesting…?”
“It won’t harm him or you and you need blood.”
“Point taken.” He went to the opposite of Alexis before leaning over Atticus and piercing his neck. The brunette did not wake or react as Zane sucked up some blood. He straightened, healed the marks, and saw Alexis’ look of slight disgust. He shifted a little. “Different when it’s you I’m biting, isn’t it?”
“It is and it’s strange to see you drink blood.”
“Believe me, I find it strange too. I also know I will be drinking from other students. Chancellor Sheppard has permitted me to do so.”
“I’m sure removing memory of that will come in handy for those times.” When Zane nodded, she added, “Syrus shared the pictures of you he took. Your wings are very different and lovely. They suit you.”
Yes, they do, he thought as he went through his day. Light vampires are lucky to have such wings. I enjoy flying; anyone would but would they pay the price for them? I wouldn’t if I was given a choice, but I wasn’t and so I must pay.
Zane ate dinner and then snatched a Obelisk leaving the cafeteria. He put a hand over the mouth before drinking from him. He healed the marks and again, instinct took over. He waved a hand over the boy’s head and murmured, “You don’t remember this attack.” His hand glowed and a stream of light poured from it and into the boy’s head before he released his victim. The boy shook his head, looked at Zane, nodded in greeting, and walked away.
He didn’t acknowledge my fangs, Zane thought, realizing that he hadn’t shortened them. He did so before leaving the scene. He also gave no indication of my attacking him which means my instinctively removal of the memory worked. It seems when I’m using a power for the first time, instinct takes over in guiding me in what I need to do in order to use it. Now I know how to use it and I’ll do it without instinct. Instinct may be why Crowler is not teaching me how to use my powers. Interesting.
Zane’s days soon fell into a comfortable pattern, broken up by a couple of Shadow Riders in the weeks since becoming a vampire. He would drink in the morning, removing memory if it wasn’t one that knew his secret, and drink at night with the same stipulation as morning, if necessary. Zane attended his classes and studied on the weekends in addition to spending time with his friends. He became used to drinking blood, though he did wonder why no one he bit became a vampire. Camula bit him and he turned. How come?
“Dark ones turn without consent and, to light ones that is inconsiderate. If someone wishes to be turned, they must drink some of our blood after we have taken some of theirs,” Crowler said when Zane posed the question.
“A blood exchange.”
“Precisely. Once the human has consumed some blood, we can hear their heart stop and their fangs will grow out to the lower lip. They will need blood at least twelve to twenty-four hours after turning. Zane…are you thinking of turning someone?”
“No. It was just a topic that I’ve dwelled on and off for a couple of weeks. I would occasionally wonder after drinking.”
“I’m familiar with that. I had wondered about that shortly after I was turned. I had such a thirst for knowledge and, at one point, I refrained from asking questions. I should have known that my mentor was an understanding person and eager to tutor a newbie. I feel as if I should be more supportive in helping you.”
“You have been supportive and helpful, Doctor. I have learned that when using a power for the first time, instinct guides me.”
“Oh, yes, I was told of that but it was a different thing when doing it.”
“Experience often is.”
“Indeed.” He looked out his window briefly. “It is almost dinnertime,” he said, almost to himself before focusing on Zane. “What would you say to a nighttime flight with me? I’d like to see what you can do and perhaps either race each other or a game of tag.”
“I would like to show you what I learned.”
“Good. Meet me here after dinner.”
“Very well. See you then.” Zane left and Crowler allowed a small smile. Zane had learned the basics of being a vampire well. He, no doubt, had learned to heal bite marks, and remove memory of his attacks through instinct. The healing of injuries had likely not come up yet, but it would at some point.
The flying was another matter. Yes, he was told how to do it, but it was a matter of mustering up the nerve to do it. It had taken Crowler some time to work up the courage to make the jump and actually use his wings as opposed to simply admiring them. However, when he did take to the air, it was a wonderful feeling and he couldn’t believe he hadn’t done it sooner.
I am sure Zane has already flown and he no doubt enjoyed it. Humans dream of flying without the need for planes or helicopters or other means of air travel. Vampires have the wings to achieve that dream. But, we must drink blood as the price of having wings. He shook his head as he rose from behind his desk. Well, no use in dwelling on it. He had been turned years ago and used products to give the appearance of aging, which was something he would have to tell Zane and their flight would be a good time to do so.
Perhaps I should also broach the subject of a duel manager. It may surprise him to learn that there are vampire manager, but then again he may have already figured that out. No matter. I’m sure he would appreciate my help in setting him up with someone who can provide him with blood.
I have some potentials who responded to my posting. I’m looking over their resumes and have some ideas of who to interview. Hmm, perhaps I should ask Zane for his input. After all, these managers are for his benefit.
Crowler nodded slightly to himself as he entered the cafeteria and he allowed his gaze to linger on Zane who looked like a normal teenager but who was quite different from those around him.
Chapter Six- Flight Talk
Zane unfurled his wings as did Crowler and Zane still felt in awe at his teacher’s wings. Did they get more beautiful as the years past and speaking of years, did his age freeze when he turned? If so, then I’ll be young forever. He found the prospect thrilling and sad. On one hand, he wouldn’t have to worry about the problems of aging, but on the other hand, he would see his friends and family age and die, leaving him alone. Of course, I could kill myself later on. Zane silently pondered that as he followed Crowler into the sky.
Crowler watched Zane as they flew. He had picked up the basics, but did he do any tricks? He was about to ask when he saw the preoccupied expression in his eyes as if his mind was on other things than his flying. Hmm, he’s flying on autopilot. Impressive. He slowed so that he was beside his student. “Zane my boy, what’s on your mind?”
Zane blinked, shook his head, and looked at him. “I’m sorry Doctor? What was that?”
“You seemed preoccupied.”
“I was thinking about eternity, living forever. My age froze when I turned, correct?” Crowler nodded. “It daunts me that I’ll be seventeen forever while everyone I know will age and die.”
“Yes, that is a hard thing to think about. It scared me when I first pondered it. My mentor made me see that being immortal can be a journey of discovery. I chose to dedicate it to seeing how far Duel Monster will go as well as continue to teach wherever I can. Of course, I have to work at aging my appearance.”
“I will need to do that too and after retirement, I will wait before committing suicide. I cannot bear the thought of outliving my friends.”
It saddened Crowler that Zane was thinking of killing himself, to limit himself to a mortal’s lifespan. He may choose to live to age one hundred or he may choose to continue to live. I had thought of suicide when I first thought of living forever. My mentor, who had lived for centuries, told me tales of what he had witnessed and I began to envision my own immortal life. Zane may, in time, discover his own.
All this went through Crowler’s mind in a matter of seconds before saying, “I have been looking into finding you a manager.”
Zane nodded. “A vampire manager, I assume.”
“Correct. I posted the position on the Vampire World Web weeks ago and I received several potential candidates. I plan to interview some, but I would like your opinion as this is your manager.”
“I would be happy to assist you in picking my manager. I should mention that I am drinking twice a day: Morning and night.”
“Twice? May I ask why?”
“My headaches strike early in the mornings and are quite painful. Syrus suggested drinking at night too. I have been following this for weeks and it helps me put off the morning blood a little longer so that I can drink when it is convenient for me.”
“I see. So, if we select a vampire who’s drinking needs matches yours as close as possible, that would be best.”
“Yes. That’s perfect.”
“Good. Now, let’s see if you can catch me.” Crowler flashed a grin which Zane returned.
“Try me, Doctor.”
Crowler’s grin turned into a smirk before he flapped his wings to gain speed and distance. Zane followed his lead and soon the two of them were engaged in a game of tag in the air. Their flight was noticed by only one person: Sheppard.
He observed Zane’s movement through the sky and had to admit that he was as graceful as Crowler was. I wonder how often he goes flying. I’d wager no more than Crowler does which is not often and when Crowler does, it’s usually on a cloudy night with tonight being mostly cloudy.
I provide Crowler with an emergency blood stash every now and then as he could get so caught up in his duties that he may forget to drink which is every three days. It is clear that his drinking doesn’t harm the students as none has collapsed and none claimed a vampire attacked them. That points to memory removal and Crowler has admitted to possessing that ability, among others.
Zane, who is a light one like Crowler, no doubt makes use of those abilities. I gave him permission weeks ago and no one has collapsed or said a vampire attacked them. Sheppard gave a nod at his thoughts before heading into the school.
Zane and Crowler alighted on a cliff edge, panting slightly from their game and race. Crowler beamed at him. “Your flying is wonderful. It won’t be easy trying to fly in a city, but I’m sure your future manager will make sure you get opportunities to do so.”
Zane nodded. “I know you’ll only select light ones for consideration, but I am curious: Have you seen a light turn dark?”
“No, but my mentor told me that he’s seen it and as he’s lived for centuries, I have no reason to doubt him.”
“What did he see?”
“Well, once a light one starts muttering dark thoughts to himself over and over that a dark one had been telling him, the change to a dark vampire begins. Their skin turns pale, their eyes turn red, the fangs lengthen, and the feathers fall out to be replaced with leather and turn black. My mentor has said they bare a dark smile and sometimes laugh as well.”
Zane shuddered, his wings also shuddering as a result. “That sounds awful and if I end up with nightmares from hearing that, thanks so much, Doctor,” he said, sarcasm lacing the last part.
“You asked, my boy and to be honest, I did have nightmares after hearing about it.”
“Oh, well, then I retract my sarcastic comment.”
Crowler laughed. He rarely saw Zane joke as he was usually so serious. It was nice to see him be a normal teenager. His serious demeanor will suit him well as the years pass, but for now he needs to be a teenager.
“How is your friend, Atticus?”
“Still unconscious. Alexis talks to him every day. I hope he comes out of it soon.”
“I hope so too. After you, he’s my favorite student and a good duelist.”
“He is good, but I believe Jaden is better. In fact, he may be the top duelist here once I graduate.”
Crowler grimaced slightly. I admit, his skills are impressive, but his academics leave much to be desired.”
“That is true, but Jaden has proven that one does not need good grades to be a good duelist. He has a knack for drawing the right card at those crucial moments. That is just remarkable. If I may, Doctor, you seem to harbor an apathy for Jaden. Is it because he was tardy, he accidentally insulted you, or because he defeated you?”
“All of the above. He did not seem like Academy material. He barely passed the written exam, he didn’t show the proper respect, and he beat my own deck. However, since then, his grades still aren’t good but even I can’t deny his dueling ability. If he keeps pulling off impressive wins, he certainly will be the top duelist when you graduate.”
Zane nodded as he stood. “We should head back. We both need sleep.”
Crowler followed suite and the two flew back to Crowler’s office where they retracted their wings, donned their coats, and headed to their respective rooms, both having learned from one another and provided much to consider, particularly Crowler. Jaden may be a Slacker in terms of grades, but he is an excellent duelist.
Chapter Seven- Reunion
“Zane, you okay man?” a classmate asked the next morning, seeing the dark circles under the vampire’s eyes.
“I’m fine. Bad dreams last night.” Indeed, his dreams had been full of white turning black, flashes of red, white wings turning black and leathery, and dark laughter that rang in his ears. Zane would wake up breathing heavily before falling back into a fitful sleep and waking up from another nightmare. After the third time this happened, he gave up on sleep and did some homework that would be due on Monday as this was Friday morning.
Zane revived a little with his morning blood, but was still sleep-deprived. Crowler noticed this and felt responsible. He shouldn’t have answered Zane’s question but he was curious about light ones turning dark and now he’s had nightmares about it. Crowler, having told Zane, ended up having his old nightmares re-surfacing, though not as bad. Fortunately, I have a remedy to insure he sleeps well tonight. As his class left, Crowler sent a message to Zane’s PDA to come to his office after classes were over.
Zane rang the chime outside Crowler’s office, intrigued by the message he had received. It didn’t say anything beyond a summons to the office but he knew he wasn’t in trouble. He heard, “Enter,” and did so to see Crowler at his desk who smiled at him.
“Zane, my boy. I could tell you had nightmares last night. I did, too.” He paused and Zane saw circles under Crowler’s eyes, but not as dark. “So,” the older man said, “I thought I’d help tire you out so you can sleep peacefully.”
“Sounds great, Doctor. What are we doing?”
“Looking over manager resumes. We look at their qualifications, compare them to one another, and draw up a list of ones we want to interview.”
“That sounds like a lot of work and it might do the trick.”
“Have a seat then and I’ll bring up the files.” Crowler put in the algorithms for the Vampire World Web and then his account where he printed out some resumes, passed a few to Zane, and then looked over the ones in front of him.
Hours later, Zane leaned back, rubbing his eyes. He had looked through countless resumes and it gave him an idea of how many vampires there were in the world. Some of the applicants he liked while others he did not. “Doctor, what did you say in the posting?”
“It was simple. Wanted: Manager for light vampire duelist about to graduate. I made sure the job was only seen by light vampires, though that is no guarantee.”
“When it’s time to interview, how do you plan to conduct them?”
“Well, you will be present for one. Another will be a request for them to unfurl their wings to prove they’re light and not dark ones who disguised themselves to look like light ones. I will quiz them over their knowledge of Duel Monsters as you question them about their resumes. You deserve the best manager we can find.”
“Of course.” Zane stood and arched his back before pulling out his PDA and sending a message before looking at Crowler, who seemed curious. “Alexis is keeping Atticus company tonight and I just asked if I could drink-,” he paused as his device pinged. He looked down and frowned: His message had bounced back, claiming it was unable to deliver it. “The message didn’t reach her.”
“Impossible. She has to be around here somewhere.” Crowler opened his secret trap door and his senses of the location of people; an ability he gained and found useful at times. He was very familiar with the bio-readings of every human and vampire who lived on the island and he scanned it as he gave Zane some blood. He found everyone…except Alexis. He couldn’t sense her!
“Alexis is missing,” he gasped.
“How do you know?” Zane asked, putting down his empty glass.
“You remember I told you some very special vampires can gain an extra ability? I can locate people by their bio-reading and I know the ones of everyone on the island, but I can’t sense Alexis.”
“Let’s start with her last known location,” Zane suggested. The two vampires rushed over to the infirmary, meeting up with Jaden, Syrus, Chazz, and Chumley.
“Why are you here?” Jaden asked.
“Alexis is missing,” Zane stated.
“No one can find her and she was last seen here,” Crowler added, pointing at the infirmary. The group entered and gasped at the sight of Atticus half out of his bed! They rushed over, got him to the floor, and his head rested on Zane’s lap. His eyes opened and he croaked, “She’s…gone. He…took her.”
“Who took her?” Zane asked.
“Ti…tan,” he said.
“Titan?” Jaden repeated. “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“He’s…a Shadow Rider. Showed up in the Shadow Realm, saying he dueled you, Jaden, and lost.”
“Oh!” Jaden exclaimed. “Him! He called himself the Shadow Duelist last time. So his real name’s Titan.”
“Where did he take her, Atticus?” Zane asked.
“The abandoned dorm. I need to…save her.” Atticus struggled to stand and with Chumley and Jaden draping his arms over their shoulders, Atticus pulled on an Obelisk coat, and the gang made their way to the abandoned dorm; as they did so, Zane checked Atticus’ heart: still strong and steady. That’s good and he’s awake which is even better. Hopefully he doesn’t end up unconscious again once Alexis is safe.
The sun was rising as the gang stood outside the dorm, Atticus and Alexis embracing one another. Atticus recalled how he ended up in the Shadow Realm. He said he and others were called to the basement for a test that turned out to be a lie. He admitted he never figured out who lured him there but did know who called him for the test: Professor Banner!
That was quite the bombshell as everyone there knew Banner had a Spirit Key. If he’s in on it, then he shouldn’t have a key, Zane thought. He could open one of the gates with it. Zane’s thoughts whirled with the implications as they headed back, failing to notice Atticus drawing up beside him.
“Zane, it’s great to see you again,” Atticus said, startling Zane slightly.
“Same here, Atticus. I missed having my best friend around.” Zane smiled and Atticus blinked.
“Zane? Are those…fangs?”
Zane’s smile vanished as he sighed. “They are. I dueled Camula the vampire and lost but instead of sealing my soul into a doll like Crowler, she turned me into a vampire.”
“Why’d she do that?”
“She claimed she loved me. When she turned me, I fell into an enchanted sleep and, in that state, I acquired knowledge about vampires and found that I am a light vampire who has healing powers for most part along with other abilities.”
“But you do drink blood, right?”
Zane nodded. “Twice a day and only a little each time. I can remove memory of the attack so only those who saw me turned and you, know I’m a vampire.”
“How are you gonna be a pro duelist with this…condition?”
“I’ll cope. Who knows? Maybe I’ll encounter a vampire manager.” Zane gave a shrug.
“That would be lucky. You said you drink twice a day?”
“That’s right. Morning and night.”
“I guess light vampires can stand sunlight as it is day.” Atticus then seemed struck by a thought and asked urgently, “Zane, are you thirsty?”
“No, but I should drink before I get a headache that says I need blood.”
“Well, go ahead pal.” Atticus tilted his head and gasped a little as Zane bit him, drank a little, and then healed the mark.
Chapter Eight- Outburst
Zane scanned yet another resume and really liked what he saw. Has managed for almost fifteen years, has five light ones dueling in the master leagues, excellent connections to assorted blood banks, and has survived for a hundred and fifty years. “Doctor, I definitely want this one to be interviewed,” he said, sliding the resume over so Crowler could see.
“Darryl Shinestone,” he read before his eyes moved up and down the pages. “Oh, yes. He’s the one of the best ones I’ve seen so far.” He put the resume in the interview pile and added, “What about this one?”
It was Saturday afternoon and both vampires were back at the resumes; though Zane wanted to sleep, concern over nightmares kept him awake and focused on the vampires vying to be his manager. Some had the qualities that Zane would like in a manager while others made him think they could be dark ones in disguise. Mr. Shinestone seems ideal. He’s been a dueling manager for some time and five of the vampires he managed are master league duelists. That’s very impressive. None of the other applicants have claimed that.
“Well, my boy I think we’ve got enough to start interviews. What do you say we start next Saturday at one?”
“That’s acceptable as finals will be coming up and a manager should be selected by then.”
Crowler organized the papers as Zane left the room to either head to dinner or get some blood. Or visit Atticus. He smiled at that. The boy had been unconscious for quite some time and now that he was awake and recalled everything, he could re-adjust to Academy life, but would have to repeat his second year, seeing as he vanished during it. His thoughts turned to Atticus’ words about Banner and he frowned. Is Lyman really in alliance with the Shadow Riders? If so, why? Hard to believe someone I’ve known and worked with for years would want to release the Sacred Beasts; from what Sheppard said, these cards are dangerous. Honestly, I don’t see how simple cards could destroy the world, but then again the Egyptian God Cards are unquestionably dangerous. Well, hopefully, we’ll never find out as there’s enough going on as it is. Crowler put the resumes in front of him and began to contact those chosen to be interviewed to schedule times. He deliberately scheduled Shinestone last, feeling that he may be the one chosen to be Zane’s manager.
Zane healed the marks and modified his victim’s memory before resuming his walk to Atticus’ room. He wanted to tell Atticus about what he had been up to during the brunette’s absence. He reached the door and knocked. “Atticus? It’s Zane.”
The door opened and Atticus’ sleepy but alert face appeared. “Hey, Zane. What time is it?”
“Almost dinnertime, but still plenty of time to catch up.” Zane came in and the two sat in armchairs. They were so comfortable, Zane felt as if he would fall asleep. He rubbed his eyes to stay awake and saw Atticus looking at him in concern.
“You okay, Zane? You seem exhausted.”
“I didn’t sleep well Thursday and haven’t slept since.”
“You haven’t? Zane, even vampires need their rest.”
“Of course. It’s just that I had a meeting with Crowler last night and this morning.”
“He wants to help get me the best manager we can find and you know, I’m his favorite student. We’ve been poring over resumes and he’s probably already setting interview up which will be next Saturday.”
“Zane, did you meet Lexi at the practical entrance exams?”
“More like getting re-acquainted. She had already been put in Obelisk and was wearing the uniform the day Jaden, Sy, and Bastion had their duels.”
“You were there because of Syrus, right?”
“Mostly, but I also wanted to see the new freshman class. I knew those dueling would be in Ra or Slifer and it disappointed me that Sy would not be in our dorm. However, that changed when I learned he had befriended Jaden at the exams. The way Jaden defeated Crowler was impressive as the doctor was using his own deck instead of a test one.”
“I know Jaden’s a good duelist as he beat me while I was Night Shroud. Have you dueled him, Zane?”
“Once at the beginning of the year. It was an impromptu one, no request form was filled out. In truth, it seems silly to have forms to fill out for duels as Slifers can duel when they want. Anyway, the duel wasn’t long and I won. I have since watched Jaden’s duels and I’m impressed. I am certain that when I leave, he will be Duel Academy’s top duelist.”
“I don’t think anyone will argue with you on that.”
Zane silently agreed as they headed down to dinner. He had a good deal of influence due to his dueling skills. One example had been the School Duel. He had suggested Jaden as North Academy had selected a first-year as their representative. Crowler had tried to block that overwhelming majority by suggesting Bastion, which resulted in a duel to decide who would represent them. Zane had suggested Jaden as he had seen Jaden’s dueling improve since their first and only duel and Professor Banner had agreed immediately.
Professor Banner. The man who was possibly connected to the Shadow Riders, one of them leaving permanent damage on him. He alone had been changed. A wave of anger washed over him as well as a sense of unfairness. It wasn’t fair that he was a vampire. Why couldn’t he have lost his soul like Crowler had? He slipped off to a small grove of trees once outside and leaned forward on a tree, trembling with rage. He sensed Atticus nearby. “Zane?” he asked, sounding confused.
With a roar of fury, Zane punched the tree, leaving a fist-sized hole in the trunk and his knuckles scraped. He automatically healed the injury, but anger still pounded through him.
“Zane?” Atticus asked, now sounding scared. “You okay?”
“No. I’m not. I’m angry that this condition was forced on me. I reflected on how Professor Banner could be mixed up with the Shadow Riders, one who changed me, altered my life forever. I had held up with it well enough, but I should have been angry from the start instead of bottling it up.”
“Hey,” Atticus said, putting a hand on a shoulder. “You had a lot to learn about being a vampire, not to mention dueling classes. You did not really have time to spare to deal with anger, but now you do.”
Zane took a deep breath and slowly let it out, recapturing his composure. “Okay, I’m better now and it’s not that bad considering what I can do and I can easily manage it.”
“Good. You know…Lexi showed me pictures of your wings this morning and they look cool.”
“Would you like a closer look?” Zane removed his jacket and unfurled his wings without waiting for a response.
“Whoa,” Atticus breathed and he gently put a hand on one. “They’re even better in person and so soft.”
“I maintain them regularly. I’m quite fond of them.” He retracted them and put his jacket back on.
“I can see why. I enjoy hang gliding but it presents dangers if the equipment becomes damaged.”
“It could,” he agreed as they left the trees. “If it did, hopefully you’re over water.”
“Not much of a problem with an island.”
Zane chuckled. “I really missed you, Atticus.” The two continued to chat as they entered the cafeteria and got dinner. Zane felt his uncharacteristic anger melt away as he talked and he easily spoke to Atticus of some of the resumes, but not the vampire part, though it was a big part.
Chapter Nine- Chosen Manager
“Thank you. We’ll contact you in a few days,” Crowler said.
The interviewee nodded, furled his wings, and left the office. The third interview had concluded and Zane still felt amused at how surprised the managers were at learning that Zane was the duelist looking for a vampire manager. It was clear he was a vampire as his wings were unfurled as were Crowler’s.
“Well, Zane?” Crowler asked as he did after each one.
“He was polite, respectful, and eager to have me as a client, but his knowledge of the cards and the finer understanding of the game leaves much to be desired.”
“That was my impression as well. So, that brings us to our last one: Mr. Darryl Shinestone.” He pushed a button to open the doors. “Enter, Mr. Shinestone.”
An average-sized, normal-looking man entered. His skin was tanned and his eyes were a deep green. His hair was black and meticulously combed and he had a modest mustache and goatee. He shrugged off his jacket as the doors closed and unfurled white wings, proof that he was light. He flashed a business-like smile as he held out a hand to Crowler. “Thank you for inviting me here,” he said in a friendly voice that Zane liked as much as Shinestone’s appearance.
“A pleasure to have you here,” Crowler replied, taking the hand. He swept his free hand to his student. “This is our top duelist, Zane Truesdale.”
“Yes,” Shinestone said, releasing Crowler’s hand and taking Zane’s. “I make it part of my career to keep track of excellent duelists who are ready to graduate and go pro. I just didn’t know you were one of us.”
“I wasn’t until a few months ago. A dark one bit me because she found me attractive.”
“And she let you leave? Dark ones usually keep those they bite and turn them dark if they’re light.”
“She died twenty-four hours after I turned. I would not have stayed with her in any event.”
“I see, I see.” They released hands.
“So, Mr. Shinestone, your resume says that five light vampires are in the master dueling league. Not many managers can claim that,” Zane said.
“That is true. Actually, those five represent five straight years of master league duelists.”
“Five straight years!?” Zane gasped and even Crowler was stunned.
“Oh, yes. Granted, my streak has ended a few years ago, but I do still manage duelists to master league.”
Zane lapsed into a brief silence as Crowler threw in some Duel Monsters questions which Shinestone answered easily. “Mr. Shinestone, you wrote that you have excellent blood bank connections. I consider this important as I am a twice a day drinker.”
“Twice a day, eh? You are in luck, Mr. Truesdale. I happen to be an everyday drinker myself. I’ll be honest, I’ve managed light ones who drink less often and find my need off-putting, but stick with me as my organizational skills are top-notch.”
“Well, that is ridiculous,” Crowler huffed. “We’re all light vampires, it shouldn’t matter what one’s blood need is. I drink every three days and I don’t find Zane’s needs off-putting at all.”
“Precisely, Doctor,” Shinestone said.
Zane and Crowler exchanged looks and Crowler gave Zane a nod. Zane stood and held out a hand. “Congratulations, Mr. Shinestone. You will be my manager when I graduate.”
Shinestone beamed as he took Zane’s hand, his fangs prominent. “I’m pleased to hear that. I look forward to a long partnership.”
“I do as well.” Once Shinestone had left, Zane said, “I admit, Doctor, his resume made me a bit biased toward the other applicants.”
“I don’t blame you for that. He turned out to be better in person. I think he’s a perfect match for you.”
“I just hope I’m worthy of it.”
“Of course you are! Don’t doubt yourself.”
“You’re right and if I intend to be part of the Graduation Match, I better get studying.” Zane retracted his wings, put on his coat, and left the office.
“How’d the interviews go? Did you get a manager?” Atticus said softly at dinner.
“They went well and I did get one, the best of the four interviewed. His name’s Darryl Shinestone and…he’s a light vampire.” He whispered the last four words.
“He is? How could you tell?”
“I couldn’t. Mr. Shinestone has a rare ability to sense other nearby vampires. He stopped me in an empty corridor on the way back to my room and revealed himself. He admitted to being an everyday drinker and has excellent connections to blood banks. I told him I’m a twice a day one. I think I’m lucky I chose him.”
“I’ll say! So, how’s studying going?”
“Going well. If my grades are good, I’ll be part of the Graduation Match.”
“And as a third-year, you get to choose your opponent and I bet I know who it is: Jaden.”
“Correct. I would like a challenge and Jaden’s duel style is the opposite of mine. I also want to see how much he’s improved.”
“Well, if all goes to plan, it’ll be a duel to remember.”
“I hope so.” Zane got up, left Blue campus, and went to his favorite spot, knowing he had a few days left to enjoy the view and reflect.
Professor Banner turned out to be the seventh Shadow Rider and had claimed Chazz and Alexis’ keys, leaving Jaden the only holder left. He had heard from Syrus the incredible duel that went on with Jaden as the winner. It was that duel that convinced him that Jaden would be the perfect opponent as the boy loved a challenge and improved as he would win each challenging duel. I would be his most challenging one and I won’t go easy on him. I’m sure he wouldn’t want me to, anyway.
He looked to his left to see Alexis and gave a closed-lip smile. “Lexi,” he said.
“Atti told me about your manager. That’s cool that the one you chose is a vampire.”
“Yes. He’ll be able to supply me with the blood I need and he also drinks every day.” Zane felt a pang inside at having to lie but knew it was to keep Crowler’s vampire life secret. No one but Sheppard and he knew about it. I know those who know about me would keep Crowler’s secret but it’s not my place to tell.
Alexis’ PDA dinged and she pulled it out. Her eyes moved down the screen, widening as they did so. “Alexis?” he asked, wondering what surprised her.
She looked at him. “Crowler’s a light vampire too?” she asked, showing him the message.
Relief flooded through him. “Yes, he is. He was turned years ago and he’s the one who told me what I needed to know, not the enchanted sleep. I felt bad lying and it would seem Crowler sensed that now.”
“So, were all those managers light vampires?”
“Yes, but the one I chose was the best.” Zane proceeded to tell Alexis about the interviews in greater detail. He spoke of the wings, the questions, and why Shinestone was the best one. Alexis took it all in and assured him that she wasn’t mad at him for lying and that she and the others would keep Crowler’s secret to themselves which, of course, Zane knew they would.
Chapter Ten- Destined Meeting
Weeks passed and Zane was now a pro duelist. He had indeed received the grades to be in the Graduation Match and chose Jaden to duel him. It had been the challenge Zane had wanted and found it a surprise when it ended in a tie. Zane knew without a doubt that he would have a rematch with Jaden in the future.
He had spoken with Shinestone at length about blood and family and he agreed that Syrus would have a VIP box for the summer matches and that Zane would have a blood bag for his morning drink and Shinestone would provide a small glass before evening duels at which point he himself would drink. This arrangement worked out as Zane had duels almost as soon as he woke up some days, but most duels were at night as duels were big evening entertainments.
He did keep in touch with the school, particularly Crowler. He would tell him about his accommodations and assured him he was getting his blood when he needed it. “Mr. Shinestone and I have developed a superstition before an evening duel. We toast each other and he gives me a good luck statement.”
“Superstitions are part of a pro’s life whether it’s sports or games,” Crowler had said.
“Yes, I’m aware of that.” Zane had thought himself above such things, but the first time they did this, he had had a spectacular duel and so they continued to toast as a good luck superstition. Now, he didn’t mind such things; as Crowler had said, it was part of a pro’s life.
Summer flew by and Syrus returned to Duel Academy. Zane had a duel scheduled the evening after school started and, as usual, Shinestone was in the concourse, a glass of blood in each hand. Zane accepted his, clinked it with Shinestone’s, and drank it down. Then Shinestone clapped him on the back and said, “Go get’em Champ.” Zane handed back the glass, headed out, and received a surprise: His opponent was a dark vampire! His skin was pale, his eyes a deep ruby red, and his ears were pointed though they were concealed by his hair. No one else seemed to notice his odd appearance. The dark vampire’s eyes narrowed at Zane and he wondered if he could tell Zane was a light one. He put that thought aside as the duel began.
Zane left the arena to thunderous applause and he had no doubt that there were cheers at Duel Academy. He exited through the main doors and encountered the media as usual. The first time he met the media, he had felt overwhelmed by such attention. Luckily, Shinestone had showed up and fielded the questions before leading his star away. After that, he gave Zane some pointers and soon he was handling the media with aplomb. He answered their questions and was soon outside and in a limo with his manager. “Excellent dueling as always, Zane.”
“Of course. I noticed that my opponent was a dark vampire.”
“I noticed that too and I must say I thought you would have dueled one before tonight.”
“Are there a lot of vampire duelists?”
“Not as many as one would think, but a fair amount. The dark ones tend to duel only other dark vampires and usually in underground arenas with their own set of rules.”
“Have you seen this?”
“No, but I’m actually on good terms with a dark one who regularly watches such duels though he doesn’t speak of the rules, only that they vary a little from pro duels.”
Shinestone’s statement of having a dark one as an acquaintance surprised Zane as he had thought that light and dark ones hated each other. So, I could befriend a dark one as long as he or she doesn’t try to turn me dark. I far prefer to stay as I am.
Shinestone looked through his digital planner and said, “No duels for a couple of days. Good thing as your next one could be challenging.”
“Well, you know I love a challenge. Who’s my opponent?”
“Does Aster Phoenix ring a bell?”
“It does, but I don’t know much about him.”
“Well, word is he recently re-did his deck and you’ll be the first to experience it.”
Zane’s eyes glittered at that. “I’m honored and it’ll be a true challenge as his deck’s theme is a mystery.” The limo pulled up to an apartment building, Shinestone’s home being the penthouse at the top and Zane was rooming with him until he could afford his own place. “Since I won’t be dueling for a couple of days,” Zane said as they rode the elevator. “I would like to go flying.”
“Go ahead, Champ. You earned it.”
Zane bared a smile, fangs exposed as they entered the penthouse. He liked Shinestone’s nickname for him and it was all because of his winning streak. Zane neatly folded his jacket and put on a shirt that had wing slits in the back. He went to the balcony, unfurled his wings, and took to the air.
The city spread out below him like a map of glittering lights. It was a breathtaking sight, one Zane never got tired of; every flight continued to fill him with wonder and awe. He looked up from the sight below to see a winged figure all in white. His breath caught at seeing another light vampire and flew toward the figure to introduce himself and as the vampire about his or her views on life. His approach was noticed as the other also flew toward him. The two braked as they came closer and Zane resisted the urge to react strongly as he saw the vampire was Aster Phoenix!
Aster arched a silver eyebrow and a smug smirk came to his lips. “Well, this is a surprise. I didn’t know you were a vampire, Zane.”
“I would say the same about you. How long have you been one?”
“Only a year and my manager was the one who turned me. What about you?”
“Several months and a dark one bit me out of love and she died the following night.”
“So both of us are relatively new to being vampires but I say I’m far better than you.”
“Do you?” Zane asked neutrally.
“I do. My manager said I was destined to be a vampire; one who can walk the line between light and dark, something no one else can do.”
Zane felt inclined to agree as most light vampires he met did not exude the smugness or arrogance that Aster did. He also found the attitude very distasteful. But all he said was, “You’re very special then, Aster.”
“Oh, no doubt. I’m destined for greatness and everyone I duel helps fuel that greatness. That includes you.”
“It’s true. It’s your destiny to lose to me.”
“You seem to be obsessed with the notion of destiny. I, however, determine my fate. Me and no one else.”
“You can’t fight destiny, Zane. You’ll see that in two days.” Aster wheeled around and flew off into the night. Zane frowned. I don’t like that guy.
Shinestone frowned slightly as Zane recounted his encounter with Aster. “I think Aster was lied to. No vampire can be light and dark. It simply doesn’t work that way. One is either light or dark, not both.”
“Then, he’s light as his wings were white,” Zane stated.
“You said his manager turned him. It’s possible he’s a dark one who is trying to turn Aster dark.”
“Then his attitude and notions of destiny are just his pro self and not a vampire attitude.”
“Just so. Don’t think on it, Zane. He’s just trying to psych you out before the duel.”
Zane nodded. “You’re right. I won’t let Aster get into my head. I don’t believe in destiny and I control my path. We’ll see who was right in two days.”
Chapter Eleven- Downward Spiral
Zane went to one knee as his life points hit zero and silence reigned in the stunned arena. Zane heard Aster approach before his mocking voice said, “I told you. It was your destiny to lose to me.” Zane barely acknowledged Aster’s words; he was thinking of the monsters he had just seen.
His monsters. They were Elemental Heroes like Jaden plays, only Jaden doesn’t have Phoenix Enforcer or Shining Phoenix Enforcer and yet they use the monsters Jaden uses for Flame Wingman and Shining Flare Wingman. He had a counter for every move I made and he took me out so fast. Unbelievable. He rose and left the way he came in, his head bowed and his eyes averted so he sensed Shinestone’s presence by the hand on his shoulder and his voice. “It’s okay, Zane. Just one loss. Probably had the right cards from the start.”
“Perhaps, but he countered all my moves and he defeated me so quickly and brutally as well.”
“Some pros can be ruthless but don’t let it get you down. We’ll win the next one.”
“Yeah, we will,” Zane said, though he didn’t feel that confident.
Zane watched as his 300 life points hit zero. I lost again! My eleventh loss since dueling Aster. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I win? He left the arena to boos and catcalls. He had been bumped to the amateur league and still he lost. Could it be that my loss to Aster affected me more than I had realized? When he got to the concourse, Shinestone wasn’t there. Confused and concerned, he headed outside to see Shinestone getting into the limo and shutting the door. “Mr. Shinestone, wait!” he called as he hurried to the vehicle.
The window rolled down and Shinestone looked coolly at him. “I’m sorry, Mr. Truesdale,” he said, using Zane’s last name for the first time since the interview. “But our partnership is over. You’ve hit rock bottom and I cannot support someone who can’t win.” The window went up and the limo drove away. Stunned and depressed, he headed off to the stadium showers to wash and change.
I have hit rock bottom. I can’t win and I will have to get my own blood now. Zane dried off and put on a business suit; his deck, Duel Disk, and dueling clothes in a case. He trudged out onto the streets, not sure what to do.
“Mr. Truesdale?” a voice spoke up. “I hear you’re down on your luck.”
Zane’s eyes darted around before seeing a pale man dressed in black. His red eyes pierced Zane with intense scrutiny. A dark one! he thought in realization. “Who are you?”
“Oh, yes. Pardon my rudeness. I’m Mr. Shroud.” He produced a card bearing his name. “I specialize in managing vampires who have no sponsor or manager. I usually have dark vampire duelists as my clients, but I have sponsored light ones on occasion. I would love to help you regain your former glory.”
“By starting at the beginning. Have you heard of Underground Dueling?”
“I’ve heard dark ones duel one another in an underground arena with their own rules.”
“That’s precisely right. You’ll start there and before you know it, you’ll be back on top and better than ever.”
“You what!?” Crowler yelled on the phone. He had decided to call Shinestone and asked him to let him to talk to Zane and the vampire manager told him that wasn’t possible and why. “How could you drop him? He’s just going through a rough period.”
“Look, Doctor. He’s lost eleven matches in a row. I can’t have a duelist who keeps losing.”
“I suggest you do have a duelist who’s losing. Zane is out there, alone and depressed. A perfect target for a dark one to entice him to turn dark. A dark Zane is not an idea I want to entertain.”
There was silence before Shinestone said softly, “God, you’re right and, in his state of mind, he may listen to a dark one. I’ll look for him and I’ll start with the underground arenas as dark ones can move in quickly on light ones who are depressed.” He hung up and so did Crowler, the latter putting his face in his hands and moaning.
“Doctor Crowler?”
Crowler looked up to see Jaden peeking in from the hall. “Jaden, my boy. Come in.”
The Slifer entered and stood before the desk. “Are you okay? Are you thirsty, maybe?”
“I’m worried about Zane and I could use a drink.” Crowler ducked down.
“Yeah. Sy’s worried about Zane too. A lot of us are. Doctor?” Jaden saw Crowler rise and massage his temples.
“I’m out of my emergency stash,” he said softly, almost as if to himself. “The next shipment won’t be here until tomorrow night.”
“Out?” Jaden repeated. He came around to Crowler, knowing what he had to do. “Take my blood then, Doctor.”
Crowler planted his hands on Jaden’s shoulders. “Thank you,” he said gratefully before biting and taking a little. As his headache faded, his worry for Zane grew and he hoped Shinestone found him before a dark one corrupted him.
“A cage match?” Zane repeated as he dressed in private.
“Oh, yes and no one leaves until the duel is over. Also, everyone duels with their wings out, a strong indicator that one’s a vampire.”
Zane unfurled his wings before attaching his coat like a cape. This whole business felt wrong, but he felt he had nothing to lose. Mr. Shroud promised to put him back on top and, to get there, he had to start at the bottom. He emerged from the shabby dressing room and followed his new manager toward the cage. He saw other vampires sitting at tables around the cage and he saw they all had bat wings. He felt very much out of place with his white angel wings, but he didn’t let that show on his face; he was determined to keep his calm game face on. He entered the cage to face his opponent, a muscular pale man with bat wings, and long fangs. He had gotten a shock when Mad Dog, as he was called, spoke: He sounded like a kid! Zane pushed this odd twist aside as the duel started.
Mad Dog started it with playing Acid Slime in defense mode, explaining that Zane would take 800 points of damage when it went to the graveyard if attacked and destroyed.. He set two cards and end his turn.
“I draw,” Zane said. “I’ll set a card face-down and then play Different Dimension Capsule. It lets me choose one card in my deck and put it out of play for three turns before adding it to my hand. Next, since you have a monster and I don’t, I can special summon Cyber Dragon.”
“I activate trap, Last Machine Acid Virus. I tribute my monster to destroy all machines monsters on your field, your hand, and any you draw for the next three turns and for each one destroyed, you take 500 points of damage.”
No! Zane silently exclaimed as his dragon was destroyed and his life points went to 3500. That card. It practically shuts down my deck and it’ll damage my life points with each machine monster I draw and Mad Dog won’t even have to attack. It’s almost as if this duel was rigged so I’d lose! “I end my turn.”
Mad Dog began his turn and played Contingency Fee. Zane had to draw until he had six cards and Mad Dog would gain 1,000 life points for each one. Zane drew three cards and his opponent’s life points rose to 7,000.
Where are you, Zane? I know now that I was wrong to dump you. Please forgive me if I find you in time. Shinestone tapped his speed to search for Zane on foot. So far, he had searched two arenas and came up empty.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he answered it. “Hello?”
“Darryl, my friend,” drawled a man’s voice.
“Barry. Listen, this isn’t a good time to talk.”
“Perhaps it is. I’m at Arena 136 and guess who is dueling: Mad Dog and former pro Zane Truesdale, your client I believe he was.”
“Was and will be again. I’ll be right there.” He hung up and sprinted off for Arena 136, an underground facility Barry frequented. How fortunate it is that Zane was taken there. Hang in there, Zane. I’ll be there soon and I’ll apologize and take you back. We’ll work together to make you the duelist you should be.
Chapter Twelve- Cage Match Win
Zane wanted to scream. Mad Dog seemed to have a trap card for every move he made. He had been about to summon Cyber Twin Dragon with Future Fusion, but it got negated by Jammer Slime and then he played his other trap Despised Reality. Zane could either summon a level four or below monster and let Mad Dog draw two cards or have Mad Dog take 1,000 points of damage at the end of the turn. Zane briefly considered his options before choosing the first one and summoned Proto Cyber Dragon. He then had it attack the Clone Slime Mad Dog had in defense mode but the dark vampire activated its effect. He sent it to the graveyard and resurrected Acid Slime. It was destroyed and its effect dealt Zane 800 points of damage, bringing him to 700 life points.
Mad Dog began turn five of the duel by playing Pot of Greed. He then activated Slime Base to summon Multiple Slime which destroyed Proto Cyber Dragon, bringing Zane to 300 life points, and then set two cards to end his turn.
Zane looked back at Mr. Shroud. “I’ve had enough. I want out of this cage and this duel.”
“Uh-uh, Zane. Remember? No one leaves until it is all over. Besides, this is your rebirth. You need to let go of your past. Everyone you’ve ever known has abandoned you. I’m all you’ve got left.”
Let go of my past? I’m in this arena because of my past. I’m a vampire, nothing can change that. And not everyone has abandoned me. Syrus is still with me as well as Crowler, but that may be it. Just Syrus and Crowler, though that may be all I need.
“Zane, don’t listen to him!” a voice called out and his head whipped over to it. His eyes widened. “Mr. Shinestone?” he asked.
“I’m sorry I dropped you. I now know that I shouldn’t have. Win this, Champ. I know you can.”
Zane smiled grimly. “I’ll do my best.” He faced his opponent. “My turn. I draw. My Different Dimension Capsule opens and I add the card to my hand. Next I activate Power Bond and Cybernetic Fusion Support, paying half of my life points to use the latter. I remove the three Cyber Dragons in my graveyard to use Cybernetic Fusion Support as a substitute for fusion material monster. I fusion summon Cyber End Dragon and its attack is doubled by Power Bond.”
“I play Slime Ball to destroy Cyber End Dragon and add its attack points to my life points.” Zane’s fusion monster was gone and Mad Dog’s life points rose to 15,000.
“I activate Call of the Haunted to bring back Proto Cyber Dragon. Next, I play Overload Fusion. I remove Proto Cyber Dragon, Cyber Laser Dragon, Cyber Barrier Dragon, Cyber Kirin, Cyber Phoenix, and Cyber End Dragon to fusion summon Chirmeratech Overdragon.
“My monster’s attack points are 800 times the number of monsters I used to summon it. I used six monsters, so its attack and defense are 4800. Go, my dragon. Destroy Multiple Slime.” His monster blasted it and Mad Dog’s life points went to 11,700.
“I activate my monster’s effect to summon three slime tokens. Then, I play face-down Trap Trip. I take back Last Machine Acid Virus from graveyard.” Mad Dog grinned, his long fangs exposed. “You in trouble now. Next turn, I’ll set this card and activate on your turn to destroy Overdragon.”
“There won’t be a next turn. My monster has another effect. It can attack for every monster I used to summon it. That means I can attack five more times and your tokens are in attack mode.”
“Attack Chirmeratech Overdragon and end this duel.” Zane watched in satisfaction as Mad Dog’s life points dropped from 11,700 to 7400 to 3100 to zero. Mad Dog went to one knee and Zane exhaled. It was over. He had won!
“You did it, Zane! I knew you could,” Shinestone said as Zane left the cage. He patted a shoulder several times in joy.
Mr. Shroud also came forward. “Well, Zane. What do you say to another duel here tomorrow night?”
Zane glared at him. “No. I’m done here. That duel was rigged, I’m sure of it. You lured me here to turn me dark, didn’t you?”
“That was a part of the plan, I’ll admit it, but I do want you to win again and be a top duelist.”
“And I will, but not with you. Mr. Shinestone, if you really want me back, I will come back.”
“I really mean it. Now, let’s leave and head home.” Shinestone guided Zane out of the arena and back up to the surface.
“How did you find me?” Zane asked as they headed down the sidewalk, his wings gone.
“You were in the arena my dark friend frequents and he called me. I reconsidered my decision after telling Crowler what I did and he made me realize that by dropping you like that, you would be at risk of a dark one turning you dark, an idea that I didn’t like.”
“If I had lost the duel, I’d probably be kept there and repeatedly told lies I’d probably end up believing and become a dark vampire.”
“Well that won’t happen. I am going to stick with you and you will rise again.”
“I believe you and I think that duel’s given me some ideas concerning my deck. It is strong if I just have faith in it. Perhaps if I emulate my old school friend’s approach to dueling, it might just work.”
“What approach is that?”
“That dueling should be fun.”
“He duels that way?”
“Yes and with me gone, he is now the school’s top duelist.”
Shinestone whistled. “Interesting. Maybe I could manage him too.”
“You’ll have to wait as he’s in his second year right now.”
“Is he a vampire as well?”
“No, but he knows I’m a vampire so I doubt he would turn you down if you offer to be his manager.”
“I would love to offer if his dueling record is anything like yours.”
“His skills are impressive but his grades leave much to be desired.”
“Ah. Well, grades don’t matter to me. It’s skill that’s important to me.”
“Your manager would want to support me?” Jaden asked on the phone.
“He certainly sounded interested.”
“How’d that happen?”
“Well, I spoke of approaching duels in the way you do: As something to have fun in.”
“Really? You’re gonna be more relaxed while dueling now?”
“That and having more faith in my deck. Pro dueling is not easy, Jaden.”
“I figured that. So…any chance your manager will turn me if he manages my pro career?”
“Wait until you’re about to graduate and then call and ask him.”
“Good point.” Zane heard another voice and then Jaden said, “Sy wants to talk to you.” Another pause and then Syrus said, “Hey, Zane.”
Zane smiled. “Hi, Sy. I miss you.”
“Me too. So, you’re doing okay now?”
“Just fine. I’ll be dueling my way back up.”
“I’ll be cheering.”
“I know you will.” Zane hung up and settled into bed. He would duel his way back to the top and Shinestone would be there to support him as he promised. Our partnership will indeed be long; perhaps an eternity. I may decide to keep living for the same reason Crowler is: To see Duel Monsters evolve and change in the times to come. I have a feeling it will be awe-inspiring. Zane fell asleep and dreamed of a Duel Monsters future that has yet to be.