Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Jono is mine, though. This is the fourth installment of the Life Contract mini-series. If you haven’t read the first three, I suggest you do so before reading this one.
Chapter One- Jono and Bakura
Jono watched through Joey’s eyes as the blonde went through the school day. He sensed his counterpart’s boredom with the lessons, but he found them fascinating. Commoners didn’t receive schooling like the pharaoh and the palace residents did and he reveled in being able to learn. When Joey and the others got to lunch, Jono dug through Joey’s mind to truly know his friends. His memories and their adventures fascinated him as much as the lessons did. They are such good friends and that bond has helped them conquer many foes. He came across the memory of Joey dueling Marik in Battle City and was proud of how bravely Joey stood up to him even though he lost.
“Joey, you had some interesting adventures,” Jono said as school ended for the day.
“I thought you were going to pay attention in school,” Joey teased.
“And I did. I love being able to learn.”
“Heh, I’d say you’re welcome to attend in my place but I think our friends wouldn’t like that.”
“I would have to agree. Joey, isn’t Kaiba our age and in our class?”
“Yeah. Why are you asking?”
“Well, how come he’s absent?”
“Kaiba’s real smart and I think running a company is a good enough reason to skip school. He does attend every now and then.”
“Seto’s smart too. I remember him stopping by my stand to tell me about the knowledge he acquired.”
“You envied him.”
Jono blinked. “How could you tell?”
“I…just sensed it.”
“Yeah? That must be part of our bond. Cool.”
Joey smiled which showed in the real world. It was noticed by Yugi, Tea, and Tristan as they hadn’t left the room yet. The trio shared knowing looks; Joey’s eyes had a faraway look, one Yugi got whenever he talked to Atem so they knew that Joey was talking to Jono. Then, Yugi saw that Joey’s odd behavior had attracted another’s attention: Ryou.
That’s right. Ryou doesn’t know that Joey has another half. He came up beside his friend. Hi, Ryou.”
Ryou startled slightly before looking over and smiling. “Hi, Yugi.” He tilted his head at Joey. “Is he okay?”
“Oh, yeah. He’s like you and me. He has another half.”
“Really? What’s his name? Have you met him?”
“I’ve met him. His name’s Jono and he’s Priest Seto’s best friend.”
“That’s interesting as Joey and Kaiba don’t get along.”
“Yes, but Joey and Seto are good friends because Seto doesn’t insult Joey like Kaiba does.”
Ryou turned his gaze to Joey. “So, he’s talking to Jono. I’d like to meet him.”
“Joey may be able to convince him. He said that Bakura’s monster killed him the night Atem chased Bakura.”
Ryou’s eyes widened and he sensed Bakura recoil. Once outside of school, Ryou said, “Bakura, you didn’t know you killed Jono, did you?”
“No, I didn’t. Honestly, I was possessed by Zorc’s will and, to some extent, Zorc himself.”
“You were?”
“Yeah. I won’t deny that I did bad things on my own. I was a thief and sough the Items but simply to possess them not open a door to the Netherworld.”
“Well, I would like to meet him. You don’t have to or do anything if you don’t want to.”
“Gee, thanks. I’m not interested in meeting another goody-goody, anyway.”
“Uh, yeah. Right.” Ryou cut the connection and continued walking home in silence.
Bakura stared up at the ceiling of his Soul Room, thinking. Ever since Atem defeated him in that Shadow Game tabletop RPG and he had returned to Ryou’s body, he had stayed quiet and barely had any interest in the real world. He was ready for his eternal rest but he had to wait for Ryou’s life to end before that happened. He only spoke to Ryou and never took control.
No point in taking control. All of Ryou’s friends hate me and Ryou alone would be friendly to me. Better if I stay in Ryou’s mind and keep to myself, only speaking to Ryou in order to maintain connection and avoid a true death.
Meanwhile, Joey was talking happily to Jono, the two of them sharing family experiences. While Jono recounted a story he had told Joey before, Joey thought of the other people who had other halves: Yugi and Atem, Kaiba and Seto, and Ryou and Bakura. Hmm, Ryou doesn’t know about Jono, but I don’t think Jono would want to meet Ryou. What if Bakura took over or appeared in spirit form?
“What’s that about Bakura?” Jono suddenly asked.
Joey was a little thrown off by Jono picking up on his thought like that but took it in stride as he replied, “I realized that Ryou doesn’t know about you.”
“Ryou. The boy who has Bakura as his other half.”
“Yeah. Him. I know he’d like to meet you. He’s a real nice guy…which you probably already know.”
“I do know and I’d like to know him, it’s just, well, Bakura.”
Joey didn’t say anything. Yes, Jono’s death happened so long ago but, for the spirit, the memory was still fresh. Despite being in the afterlife, the event still haunted him.
“Joey? Go ahead and call Ryou. Arrange a time for us to meet.”
“Really. Bakura’s been scarce since returning to Ryou’s body, right?”
“You’re right. He has. Okay. I’ll call him.”
“Oh, I know about Jono. Yugi told me when I saw the faraway look in your eyes. I’d love to meet him.”
“Okay. Cool. So, after school tomorrow?”
“Okay. Tomorrow.” Ryou hung up and thought-spoke, “Well, I got my wish. I’ll meet Jono tomorrow.”
“Have fun,” was the disinterested reply.
Ryou sighed sadly. Bakura had no interest in Ryou’s affairs or the real world. He spoke to Ryou to maintain their connection but otherwise stayed in his Soul Room. He didn’t wonder why as Bakura was making no effort to conceal his thoughts. He thinks my friends hate him. I can see why he would think that, but without Zorc, he’s not causing that kind of trouble. He’d rather move on to the afterlife, but thanks to our bond he can’t. Ryou felt for Bakura and was determined to find a way to cheer his friend up somehow.
Joey had just hung up when the phone rang again. “Hello?” he said when he picked up.
“Hi, Joey,” came Kaiba’s voice only it wasn’t Kaiba.
“Seto! Hi!”
Seto chuckled before saying, “May I speak to Jono, please?”
“Sure.” There was a pause and an accent-less voice said, “Hi, Seto.”
“Hi. You sound happy.”
“I’m always happy to see or hear you. Also Joey set up a meeting with Ryou tomorrow after school.”
“I see. Perhaps I can persuade Kaiba to let me out tomorrow.”
“I hope he does. I’d like to see you too, even though I did yesterday.” Jono hung up, looking forward to meeting Ryou.
Chapter Two- Meeting Jono
Seto hung up and smiled. He loved having his best friend back and in the body of a good friend as well. Joey was willing to let Jono take over whenever he wanted, though he suspected Jono asked first if Joey didn’t offer. If only it was like that with Kaiba and me. But, he has a company to run. He can’t let me out whenever I want. I understand, though. Kaiba Corp is very important to both of us.
“Seto, you can meet up with Jono tomorrow,” Kaiba suddenly said.
“Yes. I’m on the verge of releasing the new Duel Disk and I want to write a speech about it for a press conference. Tomorrow afternoon would be the perfect time to write it in peace.”
“Thanks and Kaiba? Let me mention it before you eavesdrop on my conversations. I give you privacy on the phone, kindly do me the same courtesy.”
Seto could almost hear Kaiba smirk as he replied, “Deal.”
Jono, though he took in the next day’s lessons, fretted about his decision to meet Ryou. Yes, he had been confident in Joey setting up the meeting, but now he was second-guessing his decision. Would Bakura stay inside Ryou and not make an appearance? He knew Diabound was no more, but he could still cause trouble as Joey’s memories would attest to.
“Joey, I don’t know if I made the right choice about this meeting,” he said as classes were ending for the day.
“You did make the right choice,” Joey said firmly
“It’s just your memories show that he can still cause trouble, especially as he still has the Ring.”
“Look, Jono, if Bakura does show, we can just switch places. Okay?”
Joey returned to the real world and smiled at Ryou. “So,” he asked as they headed through the halls. “Where should we go to talk?”
“Maybe Kaibaland? Or the clock square?” Ryou suggested.
“Uh, the square.” Joey didn’t add that Jono was concerned Bakura would want to duel him if they went to Kaibaland. Honestly, Joey thought Jono was being way too paranoid and thus, was worrying too much.
“Is that Kaiba?” Ryou asked as they headed toward the gate.
Joey looked up to see the brunette wearing his trademark Battle City outfit, however, he had a smile that didn’t look unfriendly or condescending. “That’s not Kaiba. That’s Seto. That smile is warm and so unlike Kaiba.”
Seto gave a small wave and came over to them before falling into step beside them. “Kaiba wanted peace to write a speech this afternoon,” he said quietly as they passed the gates. “I’m here to hang out with Jono.” And keep Bakura in line if he shows up, he added silently.
“Where are we going?” Seto added as they walked.
“The clock square,” Joey said.
“We could go to Kaibaland,” Ryou said shyly. “Especially since Seto’s with us.”
“I could get us into the private room that is exclusively used by Kaiba,” Seto said.
Joey nodded. “We could. Let’s do it.”
Seto led the way with Joey beside him and Ryou following them. It amazed him how identical to Kaiba Seto was. They sounded alike, looked alike, but sure didn’t act alike. He wondered if Jono was like that. “Bakura? Is Jono a lot like Joey? You know, look and sound alike.”
“I don’t know. Ask Seto or Joey,” Bakura snapped.
O-kay, Ryou thought. I should have thought that through. Of course Bakura wouldn’t know as he lived by himself. I think I’ll wait until Joey and Jono switch.
Joey walked beside Seto. “I’m glad you could come. Jono’s real nervous about meeting Ryou. Obviously because of Bakura.”
“Bakura is part of why I’m here but it’s largely to hang out with my best friend.”
Joey nodded. He understood that feeling all too well. He enjoyed hanging out with his friends too. He sensed Jono relaxing a little and knew that Seto was the cause.
Seto led the pair into Kaibaland’s secret entrance and up to the private room. He took a comfortable armchair and gestured to the couch. “Have a seat you two and let’s get this meeting started.”
Joey sat, closed his eyes, and traveled to his Soul Corridor. He went to Jono’s door and knocked. “Jono, it’s time.”
The door swung inward and Jono stepped out. “I’m still a bit nervous,” he admitted.
“I know. You’ll be fine. Ryou’s nice, Seto’s here, and if Bakura shows up, just switch with me.”
Jono managed a smile through his nervousness. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll duel Seto.”
Joey laughed. “Maybe a practice duel. I mean, you just learned about the game.”
“A practice duel.” Jono nodded. “Yeah, that’ll work. Thanks, Joey.” He clasped hands with his other half and went to take control.
Seto crossed his legs and folded his arms as Joey closed his eyes. He knew that it may take Joey a little time to persuade Jono to come out. His friend was brave but facing the one who caused his death required a different kind of bravery. However, this was Ryou, a sweet kind boy who was the opposite of Bakura. Come on, Jono. You’re safe. He saw some of the blond hair turn brown and smiled as his best friend took control.
Ryou kept his eyes on Joey as the blonde closed his eyes. He looked forward to finally meeting and talking to Jono. He knew nothing about the boy beyond what Yugi told him. “Bakura,” he said gently. “Would you like to meet Jono too?”
“No, baka,” Bakura snapped. “I don’t wish to and, if I did, I can just look through your memories.”
Ryou felt annoyed by Bakura’s remarks and attitude. “Hey, I am not stupid,” he snapped back. “I simply care about you. Do you regret killing all those people whom you never knew?”
There was a thoughtful pause. “It would be oversentimental to care about those you don’t know, but I…do regret being forced to kill them.”
“I could tell Jono that you regret causing his death.”
“Thank you, Ryou. I would appreciate that.”
“You’re welcome.” Ryou came back to the real world, satisfied that he gotten Bakura to really talk to him. I will definitely deliver his regret. He blinked as he saw some of Joey’s hair turn brown and the eyes opened to show the same brown eyes that Joey had. Jono smiled and held out a hand. “Hi,” he said in an accent-less voice. “I’m Jono.”
Ryou smiled back and took the hand. “Hi. I’m glad to meet you at last.”
Jono chuckled. “I haven’t been back long. About five days, counting today.”
Bakura looked through Ryou’s eyes as he listened to Jono speak. The slight resemblance to Joey is remarkable. He seems to have the same personality as Joey which makes sense, unlike Ryou and me.
He turned away and returned to his room, lying on his bed. Now that he had seen and heard Jono, he no longer cared what went on in the real world. He would stay in his room, speak only to Ryou, and wait for Ryou’s death so that he could finally go to the afterlife and his eternal rest.
Chapter Three- The Problem
Ryou laughed as Jono related a tale from his and Seto’s childhood. “He actually hit someone? That doesn’t sound like priest material.”
“I was a child,” Seto protested. “And I was defending myself.”
“He was,” Jono agreed. “Himself and me. I can defend myself but as it was two on one, Seto jumped in.”
“But it was over something so silly.”
“It was food,” Jono said. “In our time, that is a precious commodity and it was stolen from my parents’ storage bin.”
Ryou’s smile vanished. “My apologies.”
Jono smiled brightly. “It’s okay.” He looked mischievously at Seto. “Maybe I could tell you about Seto’s first attempt at horseback riding.” Jono started laughing hard. “Oh, it was priceless!”
Ryou giggled at the sour look on Seto’s face. “Jono, that isn’t necessary,” the priest said.
“Embarrassed?” Jono teased.
Rallying, Seto said, “Your first attempt wasn’t any better.”
Ryou giggled harder at Jono’s red face. He was enjoying Jono’s company and his good-natured teasing of Seto who didn’t hesitate to tease back. The blonde-brown boy was like Joey in some ways, but different in other ways; for one thing, he liked to learn unlike Joey. Ryou knew Jono’s passion for learning was because most commoners in Ancient Egypt didn’t receive formal education.
“I understand your village was attacked and burned,” Ryou said, recalling a conversation he and the gang had with Seto the weekend the priest had control of the body months ago.
Jono and Seto both nodded. “My parents and I relocated to another town until I decided to live in the pharaoh’s kingdom as a fruit vendor.”
“I had gone on to train for priesthood and when I heard of a new fruit vendor, I went to welcome him as part of my training and was surprised when I saw it was Jono. I kept visiting him after that.”
“Jono,” Ryou said slowly. “Bakura regrets causing your death. I understand that Zorc influenced him to kill innocents that night.”
“He does? That’s good to hear that he regrets it. I mean, maybe he’s not as bad as I had thought.”
“Bakura doesn’t deny that he did bad things of his own free will but they were minor compared to what he did under Zorc’s influence.”
“I admit that is true,” Seto said. “Is it possible we could talk to him?”
Ryou sadly shook his head. “I’m afraid not. When he returned to my body, he lost all interest in what goes on in the world and my life’s affairs. He talks to me to maintain our connection and avoid a true death, but he stays in his Soul Room practically all the time. His seclusion is because he thinks my friends hate him and I can see why he would think that.”
Jono felt a bit disappointed and no longer afraid of the tomb robber taking control and causing trouble. “That’s too bad. I’d like to tell him face-to-face that I forgive him.”
“Well, if he goes through my memories about today, he’ll come across your forgiveness.”
He nodded. Despite his fear of Bakura causing trouble, he would have liked to have forgiven in person. This is the best I’m going to get if he’s decided to stay in his Soul Room.
Seto frowned thoughtfully. Bakura’s seclusion and loss of interest seemed wrong. His own seclusion and severing connection with Kaiba had also been wrong but it was the kind of desperation that got Kaiba to accept Seto’s existence and that sharing the body was a positive thing. That realization cleared the way to a smooth partnership. Seto explored Kaiba’s memories and helped his other half with company affairs. Kaiba, in exchange, let Seto be in control for occasional fun or when he needed peace and quiet to work on something. Seto loved getting out and enjoying the modern world. Bakura should enjoy it too. He’s technically a teenager and most teens have fun.
“Ryou,” he said. “Bakura doesn’t have to stay in his room. He’s a teenager like us and should have fun like we do.”
“I know, but I can’t seem to convince him.”
“Don’t convince him. Just force him to take over. I did that when I began my life with Kaiba.”
Jono suddenly put a hand to his mouth and snickered. “Sorry,” he said. “It’s just that Atem and Yugi did that at least once. Joey had asked Atem a question about a card and, to avoid answering it, he forced Yugi to take over.”
Seto and Ryou laughed and the white-haired boy knew Seto was right: He could force Bakura to take over. He wouldn’t expect me to do something like that. I won’t do that today. Another time- maybe a kind of spirits’ day out. “Maybe I could do that and perhaps you two and Yugi too. A day for all four of you to hang out and let Bakura know that he doesn’t need to hide.”
Jono nodded. “I have no problem with that and neither does Joey.”
“I will need to speak to Kaiba about it. He’s close to releasing a new product. Once we’ve agreed, he or I will call you Ryou and you can pass on the message.”
Ryou smiled. “Yeah, that works. I really appreciate your help, both of you.”
“You’re Joey’s friend. That makes you my friend too,” Jono said.
“And any friend of Jono’s is mine as well,” Seto added.
Ryou felt good at hearing that. Between them and Atem, Bakura may stop hiding in his room and take interest in the world.
“Seto, do you think we could do a practice duel?” Jono asked, looking out the window behind the couch, and eyeing the duel arena.
Seto smiled and stood. “We could if that’s okay with Ryou. This meeting was for him and you.”
“I don’t mind. Jono will need the practice if this future get-together involves dueling.”
“You know you could hold a duel with Joey in the Soul Corridor, right? Kaiba and I do that on occasion.”
“But don’t you have the same deck?” Jono asked as they entered the duel arena room.
“Yes, but not in the same order.”
“Who usually wins?” Ryou asked.
Seto flashed a Kaiba-like smile. “Sometimes he does, sometimes I do. It all depends on the cards.”
Ryou tilted his head. He hadn’t thought of dueling Bakura; mostly because he wasn’t a good duelist or much of one for that matter. Perhaps it’s time that I got into it, he thought as Seto and Jono took their places and began to duel.
“Joey, that was a lot of fun,” Jono said as Joey walked home.
“The meeting or the duel?”
“Both. Ryou really is a sweet guy, the opposite of Bakura. I hope we can help him with Bakura.”
“I think you can, especially with Seto and Atem on your side.”
“Trust me. It’ll work out. You did well in your practice duel.”
“Uh-huh. De-fusing Alligator Sword Dragon to summon Red-Eyes? I would never have thought of that.”
“Don’t I know it. No offense, but your dueling style is lacking some strategy. I could help with that.”
“Sure. I could use some pointers.”
Chapter Four- Making the Plan
Bakura blinked at Ryou. “You want to know how to duel?”
Ryou nodded. “I just saw Seto do a practice duel with Jono and I thought it was about time I learned.”
“I see. Well, teaching won’t take long. But the actual practice is another matter.” Bakura put two fingers to Ryou’s forehead, closed his eyes, and focused on sharing his knowledge of dueling with Ryou. The older boy closed his eyes to take in the rules, strategies, and card info he was receiving. When he opened them, his eyes shone with his new understanding of the game. “Wow. Thanks, Bakura.”
The thief actually smiled. “When you’re ready to practice, let me know.”
“I will.” Bakura went back to his room and Ryou returned to the real world which turned out to be his room. He began to sort through the information he had gotten and to compose a list of cards he liked so he could try to create a mental deck to practice with against Bakura. Once I understand the basics, I’ll ask my friends for help in copying the deck the best I can. He smiled as he wrote, re-living this afternoon’s meeting.
“You could have won that duel quickly and easily,” Kaiba said as Seto relaxed in his Soul Room.
“Yes. I could have, but that wasn’t the purpose of the duel. Jono said a practice duel. Today was his first duel and he needed to know how to actually play.”
“Tell me Kaiba: If Mokuba had asked you to teach him and then have a practice duel, would you have dueled him the way you duel Yugi and Atem?”
“No,” Kaiba said after a moment. “I would have taken it easy like you did with Jono.”
“Of course you would. I did still win, though.”
“Naturally. You were teaching a novice. I heard Ryou asking you and Jono for help with Bakura. What would you say to Saturday?”
“Yes. The new Duel Disk will be released Friday and Mokuba can keep an eye on sales for one day. He needs to learn that skill.”
“That would be great, Kaiba.”
“Then, I’ll call Ryou and tell him ten o’ clock at Domino Station on Saturday.” Kaiba cut the link and picked up his phone to call Ryou.
Joey was happily swapping dueling tips with Jono when the phone rang. He put his talk on hold and answered. “Hello?”
“Hi, Joey.”
“Ryou! What’s up?”
“Well, Kaiba just called to say that Seto and the others are going to meet at Domino Station at ten Saturday morning.”
“Really? Awesome. I’ll call Yug’ and tell him the plan.” He hung up and then dialed Yugi’s house. He waited only two rings before his friend picked up. “Hey, Yug’. Listen, Atem needs to meet up with Seto and Jono at Domino Station at ten on Saturday for some help.”
“What kind of help?” Atem asked, throwing Joey off for a moment as Yugi had answered the phone but he quickly recovered.
“Ryou’s been saying that Bakura’s gone into seclusion and only talks to Ryou, most likely to maintain the connection. Jono feels that kind of existence is wrong and Seto thinks so too.”
“They’re correct. It is wrong. So, what will the three of us be doing?”
“Well, you’ll meet with Ryou who will forcibly switch with Bakura. The plan is to show Bakura that he doesn’t need to hide and should have fun.”
“You suggest giving him a second chance with us or rather a third chance.”
“I guess I am. So, will you help, Atem? Please?”
“Of course. I’ll see Jono Saturday.”
“Great. Thanks so much.”
Atem hung up and frowned. Things had been peaceful since Bakura retreated but he knew that it was wrong. He needs to be a part of this world just like the rest of us.
“How do you plan to convince him?” Yugi asked, picking up Atem’s thoughts.
“Perhaps by letting Bakura speak first. When he’s done, the three of us can convince him to change his views.”
“Yeah. That sounds like a good start.”
Atem nodded before switching with Yugi. He then went to his Soul Room to ponder what Bakura would say and what he might possibly say to the thief.
That’s just it. He was a thief before embarking on the plan to steal the Items to unleash Zorc. It took my powers, bravery, and sacrifice to seal him and the Shadow Games away. When Bakura was released, he again tried to collect the Items which involved dueling Yugi and me as that is the only way to win an Item owned by another. After regaining my memories, Bakura and I returned to our other halves. Then, several months ago, Seto entered Kaiba’s body with Jono doing the same with Joey several days ago. There are four of us who cannot move on until Yugi, Joey, Ryou, and Kaiba die. I’m fine with that as Yugi would miss me terribly and I would miss him. Atem sighed before lying on his bed and going to sleep.
“Jono, are you really okay with facing Bakura Saturday?”
“I am. Now that I know why Bakura hasn’t shown himself, I want to help him. Maybe he’ll be another friend.”
Joey chuckled. “You’re a really optimistic guy when you’re not worried, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. Joey, could I meet Serenity sometime?”
“Of course. I just have to talk to her and arrange a visit.”
“Great. I always wanted a sibling. Seto was and is the closest thing to a brother.”
“Jono, I know we’re two halves of a whole, but I think of you as a friend and a brother.”
Joey closed his eyes to travel to his mind and saw Jono in the corridor, looking speechless. “Sure, I do. I mean, Yugi’s my best friend and sometimes I think of him as a brother, though I never told him as much.”
“Joey, I really don’t know what to say. I’d like for us to be brothers too.”
Joey gave him a hug. “Great. Well, time for bed. We’ve got school tomorrow.”
Jono grinned at another day of learning as he bid Joey good night. Joey rolled his eyes once he was in the real world. Jono may like school right now, but eventually the novelty will wear off.
“I wouldn’t bet on that,” came Jono’s voice followed by the click of a door closing. Joey laughed as he got ready for bed.
Bakura opened his door and saw Ryou’s open door, the light on, and what sounded like muttering. Curious, he crossed over and peered inside. Ryou was at his desk with what looked like Duel Monsters cards spread across it. “No, that won’t work,” he heard Ryou say. “But maybe that one.”
“Ryou? Shouldn’t you be in bed?” he asked, getting Ryou to look at him.
“Bakura?” Ryou looked at a clock. “Oh, wow. I was so caught up in deck building, I didn’t know it was bedtime.”
Bakura smiled as Ryou stood. “Well, work on it later. I look forward to seeing it.”
Ryou nodded. “Sure. Night, Bakura.” He vanished from his room and Bakura returned to his to get some sleep, not knowing Ryou had plans for him.
Chapter Five- Convincing Argument
Ryou got dressed Saturday morning, hopeful and nervous. He had never forced Bakura to take over; the thief usually took over anytime he wanted. He had a couple of ideas on how to do it. One was the direct approach: Simply yank Bakura out of his room and into control while he went to his room and locked it. Another way was to lure him out and then put him in control while locking himself in his room. Either way works, though Bakura won’t be happy being forced to take over. Hopefully, he’ll forgive me and enjoy himself. He put his wallet in his back pocket and left the apartment.
Atem and Jono walked to the station, the former feeling a sense of déjà vu. The last time I was here was for the purpose of cheering me up; instead it led me to the Battle City Tournament which was to help me regain my memories. The thing was Yugi switched with me and it wasn’t even a duel which was the only time I came out.
Jono saw Atem looking thoughtful and said softly, “You seem thoughtful, my pharaoh.”
“Just remembering the last time I was here and Jono? Just call me by name, not title.”
“My apologies. Old habit.”
“Very old.” Both teens laughed as they reached the station and saw Seto there. “Ryou not here yet?” Atem asked.
“No and before he does, have either of you thought of how to start with Bakura?”
“I have,” Atem replied. “I figured we let Bakura talk first and then we tackled each point he mentions.”
Jono nodded. “I like that.” Seto also nodded and then tilted his head at the crowd. “Here he comes.” The trio turned to see Ryou coming up to them.
“Good morning,” he said once he reached them.
“Morning,” Jono said. “You ready for this?”
Ryou nodded, slowly exhaled, and closed his eyes to travel to the corridor with one open door and one closed door. He knocked on the closed door. “Bakura? I think I’m ready for that practice duel.”
“Good. I’ve been waiting all week,” came the reply as the door swung inward. He stepped out and saw Ryou standing back from the door and in the middle of the corridor. “Ready?” he asked.
“Just need my deck.” Ryou came closer and once close enough, shoved Bakura to send him in control of the body while he dashed to his room, closed the door, and locked it.
“Ryou!” he exclaimed, the word spoken aloud in the real world. He switched to telepathy. “Ryou!” The response was unconvincing snoring. He went to the corridor and yanked on Ryou’s door, the knob only having a lock on the inside. “Ryou!” he yelled, banging on the door.
“I don’t hear you, I’m asleep,” Ryou said in a singsong tone.
Bakura growled before taking control again. He opened his eyes to see two of his least favorite people along with Jono. He had no idea why Ryou switched with him or why he was with Atem and Seto…except for a possible ambush!
He glared at them. “Don’t move,” he said, reaching for the Ring and coming up with air. He looked down and patted his chest where the Ring usually hung. Damn, Ryou must have taken it off. But, why?
Atem held up his hands. “Easy, Bakura. We’re not here to hurt you. Ryou was concerned about you and asked us to talk to you.”
“I don’t need to talk to you. Just leave me alone for the rest of Ryou’s life.”
“That’s no way to live,” Jono said gently.
Bakura glared again. “That’s the point,” he said angrily. “I’m dead! I only exist as a spirit sharing a body with a living person. I would rather be in the afterlife but I can’t.”
“We understand about the afterlife but you can still get out and stretch your legs,” Seto said. “You don’t need to hide.”
“Why do you care, priest?” Bakura spat. “Why do any of you care? You all hate me, even your other halves hate me.”
“Joey doesn’t hate you and neither do I,” Jono said softly. “I’ve forgiven you for killing me. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”
“That may be, but it doesn’t excuse what I did to them, Yugi, and Kaiba.” He pointed at the other two spirits.
“As long as you don’t threaten Mokuba or Kaiba Corp, Kaiba could care less about what you do,” Seto said. “I can’t deny your past-,”
“Neither am I,” Bakura interrupted. “I won’t deny that I was a criminal and still am. I never wanted the Items to open the door to the Netherworld. I just wanted them.”
“Is it because it was your people that were used to make them?” Atem asked with sympathy.
“Yeah and because if I had all seven, I would gain that unimaginable power I told you about a while ago.”
“That’s not going to happen. The Puzzle chose Yugi and, by extension, me.”
“And the Rod chose me,” Seto said.
“The Ring chose Ryou and he released me. I…don’t deserve to have it.” Bakura felt a pang at this realization and wanted to return to his room. He felt unworthy to be standing there with living people and his fellow spirits. He sighed as he turned and began to walk away.
A hand landed on his shoulder. “Wait,” came Atem’s voice.
“Hands off, pharaoh,” he said coldly. “I don’t deserve to be here. I’m heading home and convincing Ryou to take over for good.”
“’Don’t deserve to be here’? What does that mean?”
“I’m a dead man among the living and I wasn’t chosen by the Items like you and Seto. I’m better off in my Soul Room. No one would miss me.”
Atem didn’t know what to say. He knew he wouldn’t miss Bakura if he secluded himself, but knew he shouldn’t say that. I don’t know how to convince him to not go into seclusion.
Seto came up on Bakura’s other side. “Bakura, all four of us are dead men among the living, but we are trying to find a purpose for our existence. I am helping Kaiba with his company and caring for Mokuba.”
“And you, pharaoh? What purpose are you looking for or have you found it?”
“Yugi has expressed a desire to run the game shop and develop a game that will be world famous one day. I find that I would like to assist him in that plan.”
Bakura appeared thoughtful. “Ryou plans to develop and sell tabletop games,” he said slowly. “I could help him if he wishes it.”
“I’m sure he would accept,” Atem said. “Perhaps, those games could be sold in the game shop.”
Bakura nodded, a true smile appearing. Suddenly, he felt a lot better about being unable to move on. He could assist his other half in his future plans. In order to do that, it would be necessary to take control every now and then, with permission of course. My days of just seizing control are over.
“Pharaoh, you have shown me what I have to gain by not hiding. I will not exist in seclusion and I’ll help Ryou with his dream.”
“That can wait,” Jono said as he approached. “Ryou’s still in school and won’t be able to work until he graduates. So, how about the four of us have some fun together?”
“Sure,” Bakura said. “What do you have in mind?”
Chapter Six- Arcade
Bakura couldn’t believe it. He was in the company of three spirits, two that were his enemies. Yet, they seemed willing to put the past behind them and start over. Jono had already forgiven him for killing him and he found himself like the boy. His sincerity was charming and his joy of life was infectious.
Jono led the way to the arcade, certain that everyone would enjoy themselves. It had been agreed by their other halves a couple of days ago that they would stay out of their time with Bakura. Control would be given back once everyone was home. Jono found it hard to believe that last Saturday he had been at the arcade and now he was doing it again. But, it’s different as we’re showing Bakura that he should have fun. Hmm, perhaps we could engage him in some competition like air hockey or basketball toss. I’d like to see how he plays.
The noise of the arcade hit Bakura like a wall but he adjusted to it and followed the others to the change machine, pulling Ryou’s wallet out. He opened it and saw a folded up piece of paper with the bills. Curious, he plucked it out and opened it to see a list of Duel Monster cards. Ryou’s deck recipe, he realized. Perhaps I can buy some of these as a thank you.
“What’s that?” Jono asked.
“Ryou’s deck recipe that he would use in a practice duel with me at some point. I think he’s hoping to put it together in the real world.”
Seto looked over Bakura’s shoulder at tit. “Bakura, don’t spend any of Ryou’s money. Save it for those cards. We’ll treat you to the arcade and lunch later on.”
Bakura looked back at him. “Really? That’s real nice. No one’s been nice to me except Ryou.”
Seto exchanged surprised looks with the other two. “No one except Ryou?” he repeated. “Not even your parents?”
“Oh, right. My parents, too,” Bakura added sheepishly. “It’s been a long time since I thought of them.” The others nodded in understanding.
“Bakura, what would you say to a tag team air hockey game?” Seto asked.
“Sounds like fun, but who will partner me?”
“I will,” Atem said. “Seto and I are evenly matched in games.”
Jono grinned at Seto. “Then you and I are a team.”
Seto nodded and flashed a grin at the others. “Get ready to lose.”
“We’ll see about that,” Bakura retorted before all four laughed.
“Thank you for offering to be my partner, pharaoh,” he said as they went to the air hockey table and stood on one end. “You did not have to.”
“I wanted to. We agreed to forget the past and start over. I think Seto is underestimating your game skills. Surely rolling dice will let you hit the puck hard.”
Bakura grinned. “I think you’re right. They better watch out.”
Atem nodded as Seto brought out the puck and set it on the table. Atem and Bakura gripped their paddles and prepared to play.
Bakura whacked the puck, sending it flying across the table while Atem guarded their goal. The game had turned fast and furious with Seto hitting the puck while Jono played goalie. Bakura and Atem, however, switched positions in a random fashion as well as hitting the puck either hard or gentle to confuse their opponents. He watched as Seto slapped the puck, causing it to move in a zigzag pattern. He followed its movements before moving his paddle so that the puck bumped it and ceased moving. He glanced at Atem out of the corner of his eye and the pharaoh gave a tiny nod.
Bakura tapped the puck gently against the side of the table and it slid backwards toward their goal which Atem still guarded. He swiped his paddle and hit the puck with such speed that it sailed past Seto’s guard and Jono’s guard and into the goal. The puck didn’t return indicating the game was over as did the overhead score keeper: Atem and Bakura had won!
“Nice shot, Atem,” Jono commented as they set their paddles aside.
Yes, but Bakura came up with the idea of a switch-off.”
“Well, we hadn’t switched spots for a while. I thought that would catch you off-guard.”
“Pretty sneaky,” Seto said.
Bakura gave a smirk. “Well, I was a thief.”
“Well, let’s see if you can beat me at the car-racing game,” Seto said and then smirked. “Kaiba’s name holds the high score on most of these games. I had topped him at car-racing on my first weekend in control.”
“Yeah, months ago,” Jono teased. “You can’t even top yourself nowadays.”
“I accept your challenge which is to beat you not break your top score,” Bakura jumped in. He followed Seto to the game and slid into one of them, looking forward to actually just enjoying himself, not beating Seto. Seto put in the money, both chose their cars, and the race began. Bakura felt he was doing good, seeing as he had never driven a car before. Heck, even Ryou hadn’t driven a car and he was more than of age to get a permit and later a license. Actually, so am I. I just need to-
Suddenly, Seto’s car zoomed past him! He gasped and looked at the track map.
He had already passed me once. This makes twice.
“Get the lead out Bakura or I’ll lap you a third time,” Seto teased.
“Oh, I’ll get the lead out and catch up to you.” Bakura pressed down on the accelerator and his car burned rubber as it took off. He did catch up, but Seto was still a lap ahead. Needless to say, Seto won but that didn’t bother Bakura. There were other games to play and enjoy.
“How about basketball toss?” Jono asked. “You and me.”
“You’re on.” The two boys headed over there and soon the scoring areas were thick with flying balls. Jono threw the balls with impressive speed but not much accuracy. Bakura wasn’t as quick but was more accurate; as a result, Bakura won but not by much. The thief was pleased: Clearly his skills in the past were coming in handy. He had to learn to be accurate to avoid traps, particularly those with blades or spears. Speed wasn’t as important in stealing as it was in making sure no one caught you.
“How about Skee-ball Bakura?” Atem asked. “Two games out of three.”
“You sure you want to do that? You’ve seen how good my arm is.”
“I’m sure. Besides, after throwing basketballs, your arm might be a little sore and skee-ball requires a different kind of throw.”
“I still accept. Two out of three.”
Bakura found Atem was correct. Throwing the ball required a different type and his arm did feel a bit sore and tired halfway through the second game. Atem handily won games two and three, giving him the win.
“You tricked me,” Bakura accused with no heat.
Atem smirked. “Of course I did. I knew after air hockey and basketball, your arm would be tiring out.”
“Yeah.” Bakura rubbed his right biceps. “So, how about we leave?”
“I agree. I’m hungry,” Jono put in.
“You’re always hungry,” Seto said.
“No, I’m not. Joey is,” he replied and they laughed as it certainly was true.
Bakura felt good as they left the arcade and discussed where they were going to have lunch. He had had an enjoyable time at the arcade and looked forward to the rest of the day. Ryou and the others must have had this planned for days and Ryou kept it hidden from me which wasn’t hard as I rarely looked through his memories much anymore. Well, that’s going to change starting tomorrow. For now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of today like a teenager is supposed to.
Chapter Seven- Resolution
Bakura stared at Jono, stunned. “Gods, Jono. Can’t you eat like a civilized person? That food’s not going to disappear if you don’t eat in a certain amount of time.”
“I said I was hungry,” he said defensively before shoving more fries into his mouth, cheeks almost bulging.
Bakura shook his head in disgust before lowering his head to avoid looking at Jono. He bit into a fry and then looked at Seto. He tilted his head at Jono and rolled his eyes.
Seto smiled in amusement. “I don’t think Jono’s actually eaten while in control.”
“Nope,” Jono chimed in.
“And if I recall from Ryou’s memories of Duelist Kingdom, Joey eats in the same manner.”
Jono’s mouth, full of burger, shot Bakura a fiery look and Bakura grinned. “What? It’s true.”
Jono swallowed. “Yeah, it’s true,” he admitted. “I just don’t want anyone talking bad about my other half.”
“I think we all feel that way,” Bakura said. “I don’t want anyone to talk bad about Ryou or try to hurt him.”
“I do feel that way about Yugi,” Atem said. “But he can stand up for himself.”
“Does that make you feel like a burden sometimes?” Bakura asked, finding the pharaoh’s statements curious.
“A little. I mean, Yugi has his life and plans and I sometimes feel guilty about taking control.”
“Perhaps you should talk to Yugi about that.”
Seto wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Bakura, what say we work on Ryou’s deck list?”
“Sure. Although,” he said as they headed to the Kame Game Shop. “Some of his cards will be expensive or rare and not my style.”
“Well, it is Ryou’s deck not yours, for one. Plus, if you like, I could buy one or two cards for you.”
“I’m sure Ryou would appreciate that.” The quartet entered the shop.
“Oh,” Solomon said. “I didn’t expect to see you.”
“We didn’t plan to come here,” Atem said. “But, Bakura found a deck list Ryou wrote.” He nodded at Bakura who produced the list.
“I know Ryou has these cards,” he said as he put the list on the counter and pointed out certain names that Solomon would check off.
“Well, I think I might have most of the cards on this list. Let me take a look.” Solomon took the list and began to compare it to an inventory list. Bakura watched him work and thought of Ryou’s plan for the future. Creating games would require a list of available materials; an inventory list of materials and the games available for distribution. I will need to talk to Ryou about the details of his tabletop career.
“Well, I found the ones I have plus some boosters that may have the ones I don’t have.” Solomon put the cards, booster, and deck list on the counter. Bakura looked at the cards and asked about the prices. He had to leave the more expensive ones, knowing Ryou would understand when he surprised the boy later. Seto, true to his word, purchased a couple of cards that were a little above Bakura’s budget.
“Thanks, Seto,” Bakura said.
“A businessman keeps his word,” he replied.
“You’re not a businessman, you’re a priest.”
“Yes, but both keep their word or at least some businessmen do. Kaiba does know some shady ones though he doesn’t associate with them.”
“Bakura, you have your deck with you?” Jono asked as they left.
“I do. I guess Ryou had planned ahead. Are you asking me for a duel?”
“Yeah. I’ve had practice duels with Joey for a few days. We can sit at a table and have an old-fashioned duel.”
“Sure. That sounds like fun.”
“That’s the point of today,” Jono said. “Despite what we did in the past, we are teenagers and teenagers have fun.”
“Only because we can’t work while in school,” Bakura pointed out. “Otherwise, I’d probably push Ryou for an after-school job.”
“Having a job would get in the way of education,” Atem said. “That’s what Yugi said when I asked about a job myself.”
“And education is the key to a good job,” Seto added as they sat at a table and Jono and Bakura prepared to duel.
“Ryou, I had a good time,” Bakura said in their Soul Corridor.
“So, you’re not mad?”
“Not at all. I see I shouldn’t hide and the pharaoh and Seto have also forgiven me. It’s a clean slate and we could end up friends.”
“That’s great.”
“Oh, there’s a surprise on your desk. A thank you of sorts.”
Ryou blinked as Bakura entered his room before he took over. He opened his eyes to see he was at his desk and, sitting on it, was a small stack of cards. He lifted the top one and saw it was from his deck list…which he had put in his wallet! He smiled. “Thanks, Bakura.”
“No problem. I couldn’t get every card, though.”
“That’s okay. They’ll wait.”
“I could steal them if I find them.”
“Kidding. I’m done with that. I decided to help you with your future career. You do want to create and sell tabletop games, yes?”
“I do. Thanks again, Bakura. Your day out did you some good.”
“It did and I hope to have another one with my new friends.”
“Yugi…am I a burden to you?”
“What!? Where would you get an idea like that?”
“Well, we got to talking about Ryou’s future plans and I thought of yours plans and life. I feel guilty of taking control of your body.”
“Atem, you are not a burden. You’re my friend and I’m happy to share my body. Plus, if business is slow, I’ll have someone to talk to.”
“Thank you, Yugi. I promise not to think that way again.”
“I know you’ll keep that promise.”
“How did it go?” Kaiba asked.
“Quite well. Bakura won’t be hiding anymore and I think we helped him find a purpose for his existence: Helping Ryou with his career.”
“Tabletop games. Yes, I’m sure he’ll be a big help just as you’re a help to me.”
“Speaking of help, are you looking at today’s sales for the new Duel Disk?”
“I am. I’m quite pleased with the numbers. Mokuba kept a close eye on sales. I may let him do it again at some future date.”
“Yes. Perhaps I’ll call Ryou at some point and schedule another Spirits’ Day Out.”
I’m sure the others would like that, Seto thought as he relaxed in his room and wrote about the day. It was certainly a day to write about and remember forever.